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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE MONDAY MAY 7, 2018) — Today, THE PLANET attenuates, annotates, and otherwise attends to brevity’s infinitesimal side, a stock that’s best sold short. Hence:

——— 000 ———

All dichotomies are false.

——— ooo ———

Think on it.

That’s it.


“You don’t know what you’ve got til its gone” — Joni Mitchell



The Usual Disclaimer.

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The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Wellesley Ma. Has built one new High School for it 1600 students at a cost of 112 million Wellesley is a very wealthy community.Pittsfield is living in poverty and we built a High school for 121 million for 900 students and will soon need a PHS rehab at 125million for 750 students.Pittsfield will spend 250 million to service 1600 students and Wellesley did it for 112 million.
Pittsfields City Councilors are responsible for All money spent.Ward councilors who may be running on a barking dog issue must also be cable to do a budget .Enviromental candidates must acknowledge Allendale school on it chemical dump and the unsafe conditions of the Crosby school.Pittsfield is in Great denial of school budgets and school problems.Moon Kroll Caccamo White know but dont ever speak on Allendales toxic swamp.You can take our recycling problem and spend 2 million to buy blue bins but deny the Allendale white elephant in Pittsfield.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

There may be a “cost of doing business” fee/charge/add on in Pittsfield. Kind of related to tax breaks for connected millionares

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Whatever happened to the Berkshire Sampler?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

BERKSHIRE BANK charges 35 dollars to stop a check.It charges 40 bucks to give you check to use your checking account.
Spectrum charges 150 for cable service and 8 bucks per tv to watch it.
Why does Pittsfield pretend that the water and sewar tax is not part of our real estate tax.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Because it’s not a tax. It’s a charge for a utility. No different than electric or gas. That’s why.

The law doesn’t allow money raised from water and sewer fees to be used in the general fund, or the other way around. They are required to be kept separate.


Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Because you don’t have to buy it. Dig your own well and put in a septic system.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

It is in essence a tax.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

No, it is not a tax. Not in essence, not at all.



Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Yes it is a tax matt

Authentic Shakes His Head Not-Praxis 33
Authentic Shakes His Head Not-Praxis 33
Reply to  Shakes His Head
6 years ago

If you aren’t connected to the system then you don’t pay it.

Go back to trolling Topix with Praxis33. Fight your battle there.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Shakes His Head
6 years ago

It is a tax and you are mad because you got busted matt

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Looked up several definitions of what a tax is. Here’s one: “A tax…is a mandatory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or other legal entity) by a governmental organization in order to fund various public expenditures.”
Another: “A means by which governments finance their expenditure by imposing charges on citizens and corporate entities.”
So yes, fees are a type of tax. Like excise tax and gas tax. You don’t have to buy a car or gas but it’s still called a tax! Water and sewer are public expenditures and if you are charged by the gov’t for it it’s a tax.
So Barry, Dan, TM, SSH – you are all incorrect.

Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

And I looked up levy for you seeing how you all didn’t do proper research on this,
impose (a tax, fee, or fine).

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Excellent work NIB

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Excellent comment NIB.

Yes it IS a tax.

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

The DemoRats tried to use the same smoke and mirrors with ObamaCare and when it went to the Supreme Court, it was ruled a tax.

Authentic Shakes His Head
Authentic Shakes His Head
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

except water and sewer are not mandatory

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago


Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

If the government gives you a permit, and the government can condemn your home if you don’t pay the utility bill, which is not much different than a tax seizure.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Ok,now that you’re back on here Barry,why is it a twist to try and see if the water-sewer Plant cannot be scaled down, as opposed to Consultant’s Proposal for all New, because and only because, they get a greater fee for New.

Hopefully, you aren’t the new gotcha guy, with the above answer to sc.

6 years ago

Barry, Doyle think I can get my street swept before August? Put in a good word…t y. U.

Harry Merkin
Harry Merkin
6 years ago

I knew a lesbian who had a dichotomy.

6 years ago

If water rates are incresed and property tax assessments are go up,more revenue goes Into the general fund. it is an Indirect tax. Fix the roads!

6 years ago

According to Mr. Connell, our sewer fees could be quadrupled to pay all these millions.

Question: (maybe Barry could answer)

I understand only 25% of homes have a water meter. And we all know how much cheaper. But what would happen if the vast majority of the city did the same? Where will the city get all the funds (remember “quadrupled”) to pay for the sewer repairs?

RAISE OUR TAXES? And can our taxes be raised for that purpose?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

With a meter, you pay for what you use.

6 years ago

Spider, you do know that 24 dollars is being increased separate from any new project, back breaking rate increases. But don’t despair Gaetani is aware. Can you Spell Injunction?

Remember what Councilor Mazzeo said of the last increase. It isn’t that bad, well, what does she think of the 24 dollar increase? Last one was less than ten dollars.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  h
6 years ago

can you spell thieving lawyer?

6 years ago

That is why you send projects out to bid, you don’t know how much something costs u til you get into it. How does anyone know what something costs until you start digging, look at the problem found at the Taxonic site Million more. Kiosks need more others.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
6 years ago

Dow up again

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Thanks Steven. The libs here only care when it goes down.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

yes which is exactly why i will always point out when it goes up. And then they scream, we dont need to know this boo hoo

Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Praxis33 Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

They hate that Trump is so successful. The hatred they display is mental illness. Severe mental illness. They are manipulated/mind controlled stooges.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

“Liberalism is a mental disorder.” – Michael Savage

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Trump gave corporations tax cuts and we tread water as our economy needs to grow at 5.25 GDP

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Praxis33 Shakes His Head
6 years ago

Everyone got tax cuts and corporations don’t pay taxes

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Exactly why three (3) consultants? What did these consultants do beside drawings. Ten Million? Who signed off on that?

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

It’s a sham. Apparently you can’t even get a stop sign unless a $30k study and consultant fee is used

Wonder why shit doesn’t happen ? There’s your sign

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pittsfield politics taxes and fees can be broken down in 3 ways.

#1 – The underclass doesn’t care how high taxes/fees go up because they get public assistance benefits and they don’t have to pay to fill City Hall’s fiscal coffers.

#2 – The shrinking working/middle class and fixed-income senior citizens are financially constrained by the rising taxes/fees.

#3 – The wealthy can afford to pay for the tax/fee hikes. If they want to, they can afford to move out of Pittsfield.

6 years ago

You need to realiize that the recent change in vote by Ms. rivers has created more chaos than the Russian I te reference in the last election, Ms. rivers could have easily not flipped and would have forced a showdown with the EPA. Gaetani has stated all along that a new plant is not needed, hems the damn builder of the Plan, or should we say one of the inventors.

There has been absolutely no due diligence with this recent quagmire. why, because you have a pied piper of Comsultants who are tryimg to make a profit off of inexperienced, low level administrators and City Council.

It has come to fruition that Director of E P A Scott Pruitt is easing standards for the next twio years,leaving an opening to maintain the water-sewer plant with Improvements that need to be done…..Period..thus…saving the City Taxpayers tens of millions of dollars.

Councilor Rivers, you can even flip again saying you didn’t realize Pruitt gave this edict until after the vote change the other night. I and thousands of homeowners would forgive you also. You were wrong.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Planet wrote about a piece last year that exposed her Rivers to the point for former Councilor Joe Nichols stated to Donna,she changes her mind which ever way the wind is blowing.

If she was really heart-felt with her change in vote,then she needs to reexamine what she might have accomplished changing her vote. (1) She threw the process of transparency and voice of the taxpayer under the bus, that’s for her constituents. (2) was Not’ fiduciary and was negligent in that the process wasn’t a foregone conclusion or if there were other avenues to take, especially a project that makes zero sense at this time. Only minimal improvement will be needed at this time.

Get smart, listen to Gaetani going forward, or not. He is NOT finished, and it is not to late to give him your consideration,don’t be fools.

6 years ago

Kevin Morandi for Mayor. I’m in.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

The other’ hooker just gave a speech at the White House. teleprompter fed of course. Be Best Proclamtion was the theme? Isn’t that an Std?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

I agree. Now, Moochele is claiming that she is a “forever First Lady.” What a head case!

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Barry couldn’t understand the raises the school department got when Barry was on the City Council. Terry Kinnas had to explain it to him.

Are the people who work at the waste water and water filtration plants city employees? Does their pay come from water sewer money? How about their health insurance? Does the city contribute to their retirment? What about their vehicles?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

As a property owner we send our water and sewar tax to the city of pittsfield,call it what you will.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Well said 12,well said, What is your opinion on Chip Seal? Schools bring people here but when they hit our crummy streets and see students opting out?they probably turn around anyway.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Trumped Up
6 years ago

I think chip sealing is a waste of money. If a street is bumpy and has dips chip sealing does nothing except put messy crap on bad pavement.

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

chip sealing seals cracks and smaller holes in the road helping to prevent pot holes from forming. It’s a good preventative measure and has been used for decades. Under used in Pittsfield of course.

Authentic Shakes His Head
Authentic Shakes His Head
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Exactly correct 12 Gauge. Chip seal is appropriate to preserve a somewhat new road surface. Chip seal on poor pavement is a waste of money.

6 years ago

53 percent diss approval Trump rating N N

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Untrue. Fake news

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Anyone see the lava running thought he streets in Hi. Dan, remember the Movie with Steve McQueen, the Blob? That’s what it reminded me of, seen that on sciFi a few months ago.

Lou Stewels
Lou Stewels
Reply to  Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Just like in Pittsfield where GOB lie lava runs through the streets.

6 years ago

So, hypothetically, who might benefit by driving fixed income people from their homes into lower income housing projects? Well, maybe people who keep building these places all over town and their investors. And would really high taxes help push this population along? Why yes it would mayor. But you knew that didn’t you?

Charles Trzcinka
Charles Trzcinka
6 years ago

Wait selling short a short response is demanding something long. It’s sort of like multiplying a negative number by another negative number, you get a positive… get back to the long response..

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
Reply to  Charles Trzcinka
6 years ago

Is that like spinning your tires in place while in park?

Charles Trzcinka
Charles Trzcinka
Reply to  Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Sort of. Short selling is borrowing something (e.g. a stock) selling it and then buying it back to pay off the debt. You hope that the price falls so you sell for a higher price than you buy. So if we short a few words we are saying that it will fall in value, presumably relative to many words. This is especially true for long words from the Planet ( :)) which is so much better when rambling poetically through topics.

6 years ago

I think this dichotomies stuff applies to Trumps brain. Both halves of his brain have a negative electrical charge and it just shorts out everything in between.

Yes that’s it.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Your post has no relevance and you are fake news

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

I think he’s back on the 40 ouncers.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

I was referring to dusty

Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Thank you Steve for another well thought out contribution. Can’t believe you don’t have your own news show on Fox. You and Watters would get along great.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

You are jealous I am always right

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Warer and Sewar tax is the equivolent of Eversourse telling you there are 46 different charges on your bill.Delivery charge is a silly explanation as im responsible for the total bill,semantics.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

When cash is counted in the schools I hope at least 2 people sign off .You cant run your own variety store for profit in a public school.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I wish the mayor would at least address the possibility or at least have Joe Data Curtis look into consolidation.

6 years ago

Planet, I’ve figured out a way to get rid of trash without toters or containers or anything else, hire one of those “uber”dudes, and pay them to get rid of it. Clean and simple.

6 years ago

John Mc Cain doen’t want ScumP at his funeral.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Surprisingly, he wants Obama a and G W to speak.

Thees That
Thees That
6 years ago

Did everyone hear me talk today about best proclamation,my husband doesn’t get my best Thees days.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Thees That
6 years ago

Better than the last disgusting ape

Authentic Shakes His Head
Authentic Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

Way to be racist.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Authentic Shakes His Head
6 years ago

If they can do it so can I. Fair is fair

Authentic Shakes His Head
Authentic Shakes His Head
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

A proud racist. Awesome. Typical white+male+loser.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

No that would be you

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

He should have retired 10 years ago.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

McCain, that is.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

What did NYAG Schneiderman do?…thought he was the real deal?

6 years ago

12… you’ve entered outer space, where creepy things happen as you type in red into space. Rod Serling has a space reserved for your little clip,and it’s called…. The Planet Zone.

6 years ago

Cuban woman coming forward with ScumP sex harrasment claims.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Sure so are Romulan. Fake news

6 years ago

Senator McCain is everything that lying ScumP is not.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

McCain is a globalist and therefore anti-American.

Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

McCain is part of the soft coup against our duly elected President. He is a traitor!

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Rudy is awesome,said Cohens job was to pay off women for Trump and he has not been on TV since ,Trump wont answer Muellers questions so the investigation can wrap up.Cohen offers Muellar 500 million to go away.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Again more lies. Fake news

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Pittsfield city council will pay kristian Behnke 1,000,000 dollars in 8 years without another raise.City council will pay Data Curtis 1,000,000 dollars in 8 years without a raise.The city council will pay Mccandless 1,300,000 million in 8 years.In 8 years these 3 will spend750,000,000 million dollars…so tell me will they still be trying to deal with some behavior problems …yes ,and Joe Curtis will be showing Data that says we need to buy behavior program.
Dont tell me getting 3 million less per year or 24 million over 8 years will change 1 thing.I blame the Mayor and city councilors

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

there is no collusion or corruption in Pittsfield and I resent anyone even suggesting such a thing could happen in our fine city. These people go to church for Gods sake so right there you know they can do no evil. Probably wouldn’t even help somebody else do any.

6 years ago

Cohen tried to slip a 100 million not 500 million.Big difference. Another Autor-Mueller who will make mega bucks (book deal) when he’s done. It’s the American Way.

Good job by PFD last night, rest up fellas!

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Mor fake news from you. Stop

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Great letter-to-the-editor in the Beagle today re: city council meetings, by Drew Herzig. I couldn’t agree more!

6 years ago

Drew was a city councilor in Astoria Washington, the Mayor didn’t like him, called him an obstructionist,look it up.

I’m just happy my favorite C C Mel Mazzeo killed that Wal- Mart phony deal.

Reply to  h
6 years ago

Irrelevant. Mr. Herzig is absolutely correct in everything he said in that letter.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  NIB
6 years ago

Herzig finally put into the public record what so many of us were thinking and was probably the most accurate reporting seen in the Eagle in quite some time. Is it just me, or is Peter Marchetti the most useless council president ever? Could meetings be less efficient with no President?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

Herzig is the biggest nitwit in Pittsfield.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Maybe…but its one the broken clock’s twice a day time to be right. Anyone who doesn’t think what he said is true, should reevaluate their own sanity!

6 years ago

Sorry ….redact. Astoria Oregon

Reply to  h
6 years ago

What difference does it make where he is from? I agree. One councilor isn’t going to change the minds of the disagreeing councilors by talking it to death, no matter how right or wrong they may be.

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Hey Dan, regarding your statement on dichotomies, I think it is always dicey to utilize an absolute, ie. “all…” But certainly most are false. I think dichotomies are often presented to justify a position to which one is wed, and unwilling to seek or consider alternatives. I also believe that we as a nation are becoming more and more diametrically opposed, and therefore more locked in than ever to our own dichotomies. That used to be the function of statesmen, but there hasn’t been one of those since the passings of Everett Dirksen and Barry Goldwater.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

What about Rodney Dangerfield?

6 years ago

Rep and Dems have been diameTrically opposed since cave man days. It’s all about wealth, power and currently,the little head telling the big head what to do

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Trumps little head keeps getting his big head into trouble with Melania. And the big head keeps getting him into trouble with Mueller. He keeps hiring all the “best people” but so far has fired over 100 of them. Why does he keep firing all the “best people”?

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

More fake news from dusty

6 years ago

Ill be back later with some news.

6 years ago

My buddy Shaq will tell me in a few.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Does it have to do with a color or direction H?

6 years ago

Trump ilikes to placate and provoked. I don’t know what disorder that is?but that is his malady.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  u
6 years ago

No Trump gets stuff done. Its an art.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Steven Dean
6 years ago

He got the weakthy and corporation a trillion 5,got rid of regulations……He took real good care of himself.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Reduced taxes for all. Unemployment lowest in about 40 years. Yea terrible.

You are woefully uninformed

6 years ago

Fuel will go up as soon as trump speaks. Here is what he’s doing stupid people. By announcing Iran Dea,lSaudi’s raise prices and Trump tells Saudi’s our Military helps Saudi’s, if Iran gets stupid.

The bottom line is,Saudi’s get big cash flow and oil companies will also get Huge profits. Normally,I would say buy stock in this kind of situation, because Trump does placate to investors. But the DOW has to go way down today after announcement.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  H
6 years ago

untrue and fake news. It will go down.

Alaskan Bush Clowns
Alaskan Bush Clowns
6 years ago

This isn’t the first time ScumP has pulled out….of a deal lately. Just sayin…..

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Alaskan Bush Clowns
6 years ago

you just wish you had melania

6 years ago

the Market goes down on his announcement it shows isinglass really losing popularity……l. corporations can only buy so much of their stock.

Steven Dean
Steven Dean
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

yea except it wont