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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY AUG. 5, 2018) — If you ever had any doubts about the rampant corruption that has become the once-great city of Pittsfield (pop. 38,000 and dropping), the inherent pressures of recent events have forced the slime to the surface and into the sun. Keep in mind that the following are only what’s surfaced without much digging. For each one that surfaces, there are ten in the queue. The bought-off people in-and-of power number in legions so many that the line resembles the cattle herding in front of Space Mountain at Disney World in March.

Donna Todd Rivers kicked off the recent opening of the vomitorium. She sold her vote on the $75 million sewer upgrade for a $100,000 a year (including bennies) fake job created by The Suits. Follow the money. Next up, one captain of integrity who pocketed a lifetime of glory.

C’mon down, Van Shields. A creeper Van like that keeps the windows tinted, with good reason. THE PLANET speaks of the retiring, and tiring, soon-to-be-gone director of the Berkshire Museum. Shields, with great help from the museum board, ran the once-venerable institution into a tarpits of debt, then masterminded the sale of institution’s best works to pocket for the museum $47 million. He calls it “monetization.” We call it malfeasance. The art- and museum-worlds universally and internationally condemned the sale at auction of the works, including two of Norman Rockwell’s most famous paintings, and citizens created an uproar so loud even what passes for the Commonwealth’s attorney general stepped in. Maura Healey first took The People’s side but then, after a series of mysterious and secret meetings, abruptly changed diapers and gave the museum her blessings.

When contacted, Shields ($138,571 a year plus bennies) refused to speak to the press about his sudden exit. He told Larry Parnass of the The Boring Broadsheet, “The news release speaks for itself, and that’s all I want to say.” We don’t know if Parnass pressed, as we would have, but the translation of Shields cowardly statement is roughly: “I got mine, and f— y’all.”

Carol Bosco Baumann, who has the embarrassing and loathsome job of museum spokeswoman, refused to disclose Shields’ “retirement package.” THE PLANET‘s educated guess will be a bunch of money that will run into six figures. One museum source, who spoke to THE PLANET on condition of anonymity, said it was “well north of half a million.” Naturally, we couldn’t officially confirm that total.

Next up, Pittsfield developer Jeff Pierce and ex-Greylock Federal Credit Union VP Mike DiCenzo. “Pittsfield developer … Greylock Credit Union…” — stop us if you’ve heard this one before. Pierce admitted in federal court to conspiracy. The U.S. attorney’s office won conviction of Pierce’s “work” with DiCenzo when the latter was safely ensconced at Greylock. Yes, that’s the same Greylock of “Tell ’em” Angelo sent you” Stracuzzi and Cliffy Nilan. Yes, the same Greylock where John Bissell is prez.

Here was the scheme. DiCenzo approved $4 million in loans, far in excess of Pierce’s ability to repay. In return, Pierce set up DiCenzo with a fake company, sent him $134,733 for “work” that was not done, built him a house, and provided him with a free car, all with money from the loan. We thank the stars that the U.S. Attorney handled this case. What do you think would have happened if the courts left the jurisdiction local?

‘Nuff Ced.

What Rivers and Shields did was “legal.” That’s its own punchline. What Pierce and DiCenzo did was legally fraudulent. But these types of Perry Mason distinctions are meaningless. In Pittsfield, legally corrupt and morally corrupt stand as two different things without distinctions.


“It is human nature to stand in the middle of a thing” — Marianne Moore



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6 years ago

Good thing these are not issues a district attorney would speak to.

Is the museum a non profit and if so should all their finances be public info? Also is their a list of people who were backing Sheilds selling the art? Think I heard Ruberto was one of them. And if the museum keeps this type of thing secret why would anyone want to donate to their cause?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Private…just what does that mean? Does a person own it? Does a company own it? And if so why does the city give it so much taxpayer help?

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Stop lazy commentary.

They have computer classes at the senior center so you folks can learn how to use the internet.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes His Head
6 years ago

For your sake I hope they have grammar classes and AA meetings.

Shakes His Head
Shakes His Head
Reply to  Shakes His Head
6 years ago

? The sentences, while not perfect, are grammatically correct.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Sorry Shakes, I had you confused with TSC.

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Sorry tsc had u confused with 12 Gauge, who incidentally proves the American Education Sytem is Fallon.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Isn’t Fallon a HMO?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

River to gave 400 k to the museum for climate control,I want the money back.Then a bunch of 1% type showed up at council meetings for Hancock Shaker Village and we sent 400 k for administration building remodel and once approved they repurpose the money,Pittsi is a crooked town……400 student on toxic swamp

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I have no knowledge of any kickbacks on either of these dole outs.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

And you never will

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Minimum wage workers are scrambling to pay their higher and higher rents.Thanks to Tyer,McCandless and Yon

6 years ago

Let the Rusty Anchor thrive. It was a dump before it was taken over.

6 years ago

So, the Do throws the kid under the Bus, imagine what he’ll do to the buffoons who voted for him?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Donald Trump won’t say anything bad about Puttin,he does blush when he says his name.I know people here blush when Trump sends them their thinking orders.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Funny, yet sad

6 years ago

Why does the BB not report on Candidate Andrea Harrington’s many, many Office of Campaign Finance violations, her lowly 2k/annual earnings as an independent contractor to a Springfield firm — not “of counsel” or a real working lawyer — her back owed taxes in Richmond and the lien on her house? When I tried to post this information and offer documentation in a facebook forum supposedly looking out for the interests of people in Pittsfield I was accused of “hate speech” and blocked. Then, to top it off, the block was liked by none other than John Krol. Who can we count on to let the people know the truth?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle prints all the fake news that’s fit to print.

AmanDUH Brane
AmanDUH Brane
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

True that Dick.

Reply to  John
6 years ago

My vote is going to Andrea Harrington, just because of the unscrupulous behaviors of the situational handoff/setup in the DA office. I abhor this behavior. The waters can’t get any dirtier.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Crime will increase under Andrea Harrington because she will be “easy” on criminals especially on the 25 and under set since their brain development isn’t complete yet. Sounds like nonsense to me since they can still tell the difference between right and wrong. Typical liberal attitude of “Let’s feel sorry for the criminals”.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Not true Pat. I do not feel at all sorry for the Trump cabal and you can’t get much more criminal than they are.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Trump is not criminal. You can’t get more criminal than the Clintons you mean.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

To-day we learnt the 3rd Berkshire district state representative, TFB, tried, unsuccessfully, to bribe Berkshire district attorney candidate Judith Knight wth a job as First Asst. DA if she were to withdraw from the contest and toss her support over to Berkshire district attorney candidate Andrea “crazy lady” Harrington.

Luckily Atty. Knight rejected the attempted bribe.

Reply to  John
6 years ago

I can’t post links to the documents here apparently, but you can follow the public posts of Brain Marquis on facebook to see them.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
6 years ago


How do you know how much she makes?

And, all three candidates have audit letters from OCPF, so is it fair to only talk about Andrea Harrington’s letters?

According to MA land records, there isn’t any back tax lien on her house. The only lien is her mortgage. That isn’t a crime. Can you tell me you got the idea she has back taxes due?

Let’s play fair, shall we.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Did you ever figure out are the pay increases actually work I’m the School department? #Mr. Only 1%.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  William Munny
6 years ago


Is there a coherent question somewhere in there?


William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I’m is a typo. Should be in. You’re supposed to be bright so I think you might be able to figure it out.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Can’t fix stupid.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Well, William, please reread your first post, and the reply, as there are at least two “I’m is a typo”s in the first post. And, at least one (who knows how many really) in the second.

I agree with Shelly, you can’t fix stupid.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Can’t fix stupid but this guy has duct tape all over himself. So someone has at least tried.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

You are correct. You can’t fix stupid. That’s why I’m your mind the raise that was actually 18% was 1 %.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

You’ll want to follow “Brain Marquis” public posts on facebook to see the entire list of documents. The 2017 State Ethics filing for income is here: and the land records at You can research all candidates audits at Of note, DA Caccaviello does not have audit reprimands. It’s also worth looking into each candidate’s campaign contributions and the % that come from outside the county. I appreciate this space for allowing true free discussion.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  John
6 years ago

Um, John, yes, Paul has several audit letters.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago
Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I see nothing unusual under correspondence for Cacc. It appears Mr. Clairmont is attempting to mislead the voting public.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago


Follow the link provided by Dick, then click on the correspondence tab, then the audit tab. He has two audit letters. He has two letters. The second one has three issues.

Nothing unusual for work of volunteers. Same for Andrea and Judy, pathing unusual.

My point was someone was making an issue of Andrea having letters. They all have them.


Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

No, he doesn’t, Mr. Clairmont!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Wow, this is seriously bizarre. Mr. Marquis, on your own Facebook account you post a screenshot of the TWO audit letters addressed to the Caccaviello campaign to which Mr. Clairmont refers, which letters address FOUR issues in total. They are right there for viewing, and come directly from the OCPF. All you have to do is click the link.

For Caccaviello, the issues cited were: “Contributions from prohibited entities”; “Cash contributions in excess of $50”; “Multiple contributors reported for a single receipts”; and a question regarding “Credit card fees reported”.

Andrea Harrington has received three such letters pertaining to her current campaign, which cite three problems: “Cash contributions in excess of $50”; “Missing/Incomplete deposit reports”; and “Clarify expenditure information”.

For both Caccaviello and Harrington, the issues raised in these letters are trivial. They are the result of a byzantine campaign finance process, in which mistakes are invariably made. Both campaigns have resolved the issues at hand as they have arisen, because they are the result of bookkeeping errors and the like, not serious malfeasance. They are more a reflection of an out of control bureaucracy than bad actions on the part of either candidate.

Most of your Facebook feed consists of ad hominem’s and insults, including talk of partner swapping between Harrington, her husband and her closest supporters. Pretty vile stuff. You also took Ms. Harrington to task for not taking her husband’s name, unlike Mrs. Caccaviello and Mrs. Capeless, which is pretty entertaining stuff given that DA Capeless’s wife most certainly did not take his name.

All told, you say too many bizarre and offensive things to go through them all here. But here are a few of the funnier corrections I have for you. First, a number of my attorney friends who are “of counsel” to various law firms are going be surprised to learn that they are no longer legitimate, practicing, paid attorneys. Sir, you are very confused.

Second, I am particularly amused by your confusion over what a Municipal Lien Certificate is (and no, it is not a Mechanical Lien Certificate, lol), and your assertion that the existence of one points to something nefarious going on. An MLC is almost always requested by a homeowner who is refinancing, selling, or something along those lines. They are meant to demonstrate to the parties involved that there are no liens on the property, as Harrington’s did.

I’m sure the handful of people who “like” your Facebook screeds will be disappointed, but it would be wise of you to better inform yourself before making such posts.

Good luck to you.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Actually, Paul does not have any audit letters. Stick to the facts. Or is that something foreign to you and crazy lady?

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

If there are any sane people out there who would like definitive proof, please paste the following link into your browser. Then click on the “Correspondence” link, and then the “Audit” sub-link.


Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

You’re wrong on the facts, Mr. Clairmont. Ms. Harrington owes $20,000.00 to the I.R.S. and over a grand to the Town of Richmond (which holds a Mechanics Lein on her property).

Your candidate has no business in the district attorney’s contest. She lacks all credible experience or knowledge about the job. She knows less than you do!

Stop disseminating such untruths. When she loses on September 4th, you’re finished in politics!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Ha, I didn’t see that you made your brilliant “Mechanics Lien” reference on this site too!

Well done, sir!

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Thank-you. Typos I did not catch.

The fact remains that a Lein does exist; we can both agree on that. And the Lein, whichever, was levied for non-payment of local taxes. Period. Am I guessing you’re the only one here to dispute documents extracted from original Web sites?

“Of counsel” is defined as a lawyer who is not associated with, employed by, nor a partner to a law firm. Period. You can consult how many lawyers you chose but the fact remains – as is. To your point about other lawyers: yes many good, prominent lawyer seek out ‘of counsel’ status following many years in real practice. Exceptions to this rule are usu. small local municipal lawyers who are probably part-time but of counsel to a local law firm. One comes immediately to mind: Pittsfield’s city attorney Rich Dohoney. Rich is of counsel to DOC attys along with his primary job of city attorney. Has he ever been associated, employed, by law firm: Yes, he has!!

Now, is Rich Dohoney qualified to run as a candidate for district attorney? Yes, he is. Over his years Rich has earned himself an impressive record of legal accomplishments. More so than what’s in the contest now pretending to be a lawyer, Andrea Harrington. Ms. Harrington is a substandard lawyer who clings to ‘of counsel’ status because she can’t make it as a sole practitioner. That’s of course to her State Ethics filings. Who leaves a $20,001 to 40,000 private practice in GB to take an of counsel position in Springfield for $20,001 to 40,000? Would you? Probably not.

In the end, Mechanic or Municipal Lein, it’s a document attached to real property because its owners failed to pay their taxes. Spin it any way you choose, but that’s a fact. And this doesn’t include Ms. Harrington’s 20,000 indebtedness to the I . R. S.

In fact, when Ms. Harrington entered this contest her campaign was $8,000 in debt. Imagine that: of counsel, campaign in debt, Municipal Lein levied in lieu of nonpayment of property taxes, and an IRS tax obligation.

Again, spin this away you choose but those are the facts.

Oh, here’s another one to further spin, Ms. Harrington has earned two such “Letters” from the OCPF, DA Caccaveillo has earned none! Those also are the facts.

Any way you slice it, sir, your candidate is substandard; she doesn’t belong in this contest. In case you haven’t heard, Ms. Harrington sent out Tricia Farley-Bouvier to offer Judy Knight a First Dist. Atty. a job is she withdrew from the contest and tossed her support to Ms. Harringon.

Another good one, say hello to Lucas Jackson for me; I am sorry, I meant John “wannabe DA spokesman” Krol.

Good day to you, sir!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

For heaven’s sake, please go to Google and type in “of counsel aba”. You will find a clear explanation of what it means to be “of counsel”, provided by the American Bar Association. Not the jumbled mess you present above. Don’t believe me, believe them. Of counsel lawyers most certainly are “employed” AND “associated” with the firms for whom they work. They just aren’t partners (i.e. owners) of the firms. Can’t dumb it down any more than that, sorry.

Also, please, please look up what a Municipal Lien Certificate is, why one is produced, and at whose request. Or try another approach. Have you ever heard of a lien search, which is a standard part of ANY real property transaction, be it a sale, refinancing, property transfer, etc.?

Anyway, I m not here to educate you, so you can take it or leave it. But in regards to the Harrington MLC that you consider to be such smoking gun, here’s what the doc actually shows.

1. In January 2012, Harrington or her bank requested the MLC to confirm there were no liens on the property, as a STANDARD STEP in a refinancing, or transfer, etc. (not really our business, now, is it?).

2. The MLC produced showed that there were ZERO outstanding Liens on the property at issue. Your conclusion otherwise is based on ignorance.

3. Regarding the tax issue, you are hopelessly lost. The fiscal year for the Town of Richmond ends June 30. So FY 2012 covered from July 1, 2011 to July 30, 2012.

The date of the MLC was January 27, 2012, or a little more than half-way through FY 2012. Looking at the taxes paid info, Harrington had paid a little more than half her tax bill for the year by that point, which makes perfect sense given that most towns allow residents to pay their taxes quarterly.

Another way of saying that is that a mid-fiscal-year MLC for ANYONE would show a similar tax liability, unless that person chose to pay their full tax bill in advance, at the beginning of the year. Which would definitely not be recommended by many financial advisors.

Hope this helps.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Google all you choose, sir. My definition of “of counsel” is extracted from A CALR site with up-to-date, reliable legal data; including legal definitions of concern.

I’m the end, your candidate AH is incomplete, inexperienced, and a substandard lawyer. I did my research on your candidate; my opinion is based on that research.

Good luck on September 4th.

Oh, by the way, I’m told the Mass. State Ethics Commission has received a complaint against Rep. Tricia Farey-Boucior. Bribing a political candidate to drop out and support another (AH) is considered a no-no in Massachusetts politics. Oh, I’m also told the Boston Gloce is in possession of said complaint.

Not only is your DA candidate incompetence, but she’s a underhanded, inadequate campaign tacticianer.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

You did not address a single one of my substantive corrections. I assume the matter is settled, then.

As for the ethics complaint, I would be willing to wager that it was filed by a man with the initials BCM, since literally anybody can file such a complaint on the website. I also assume that the identity of the complainant would be discoverable if the complaint was ever taken seriously. BCM may have his day in the sun after all!

William Munny
William Munny
6 years ago

I love how Crash Harrington just invited herself to a picnic and then she proceeded to start trouble with the invited guests.

Reply to  William Munny
6 years ago

I agree it sounds crazy but it’s still Planet hearsay.

Reply to  Turk
6 years ago

also could be part of a disinformation campaign not unlike the one Trump used …seems desperate

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

It happened. I’m sure the sheriff would confirm it but then you could also call Harrington’s campaign and ask for a denial. That would add to the fun.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Turk
6 years ago

It’s been confirmed by a few attendees!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Pete White was just told by the G Man to shut up. And of course, he did.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago


6 years ago

Ahh, the dirty desperate machine hit politics. Win at any cost…keep the power…keep the control…control the dollars….own the people…dominate

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Tricia Bouvier has never written a bill and only sponsors bills that will be defeated.Mccandless and Yon support PCBS IN THE school air filter system

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

But we know you love her Bettie Page bangs.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Gobsig
6 years ago

Compliment to Trish. Bettie Page was beautiful.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

I was thinking Orville Bogges.

Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Or Moe from the three Stooges

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Harrington seems nice and I would not vote for this rookie in a million years.Her first move to get votes in my ward is to show herself with Marchetti and Kroll who have a long record of not respect people who are struggling to pay taxes…..No Thanks….next she will wander around with Mayor Tyer and the head of School budgets Yon.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Ironically, she has an unpaid tax obligation in Richmond, but maybe the rules are different there?

Reply to  John
6 years ago

I am guessing you are working for the DA s office?

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

I do not and never have.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Is it too much to ask a mayor and councilor to acknowledge the city is below 40,000 in population and projected by all statistics to be at 33,000 soon.There are 1600 high school students at the high end and closer to 1400 on the low side and we just spent 125 million to house 800.This is why we are the worst run City in the country.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

and the city budget was 1/10th when the population was almost 60,000

go figger

6 years ago

Harrington’s financial situation may be questionable. However, her stand on 1) the DA’s office needs “diversity” and 2) the DA must go easy on criminals under 23 because of their immature brains is troubling, to say the least!

And those two statements came directly from her!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

I’m a liberal but most of the high crimes in Pittsfield are committed you read tha a 23 year old is on his 4th serious offence and even those are plead down to lesser crimes.Harrington is nice but extremely nieve.Most people want serious crime 3rd and 4th offense dealt with seriously.The public also knows that the juvenal crimes were hidden .When you live in Richmond its not as important as it is to someone who lives on 2nd street.
Also could the mayor turn up streetlights in the morningside streets and trim tree limbs ,we are begging you

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Couldn’t agree more, Spider.
And hearing that Krol would be the DA spokesperson, if she is elected, is reason enough not to vote for her!

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Caccamo should hire Amanda from the eagle.She’s good at not reporting what the public NEEDS to know.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Shortly we will be asked by Educators who cant add to Remodel PHS for 80 million.Usind the logic of the Taconic project it is cheaper to build a new high school and of course that cant happen so they built Taconic to small purposely…..Crosby will play a role in special ed because its the worst building in Pittsfield if you deny The chemical swamp under Allendale. The least Yon McCandless Tyer along with enviromental councilors Kroll,Moon Caccamo, White is be honest about testing air quality and ground testing on the School website every week.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

They say the new Taconic is too small but I don’t believe them. It dwarfs the old one, makes it look like an HO scale model.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Yeah, whenever I think about the new Taconic the word sneaky comes to mind repeatedly.

6 years ago

Check out the disinterested clown directing traffic on Onota St. He looks about 70? What is retirement age?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Why cant Mayor Tyer stop raising taxes.Shs needs a 2 do list.Write 10 things down you want the schools to do to consolidate ,save money,and put students in safe environments and get it all out the in 30 days.Shes the fn boss and poor people need her to get this done.On the other hand she may not care.
Whit that savings she needs to go to the police and tell them we want to have a all out war on gangsters which in turn will make for great schools.She will be the greatest mayor in the history of this city or she will stay vanilla and r years after she leaves nobody will remember her name.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I t may take her all 4 years to pay back all the donors. Stanley got his again and let’s hope she is done greasing his palm. But I am sure there are still a few with there halloween bags held open so I do not expect to see taxes go down at all.

Some people get upset at those receiving food stamps or section 8. I get upset when politicians grease each others palms with taxpayers hard earned money. Especially when they do not need it anywhere near as much as the person on food stamps.

And so one more reason I do not vote for machine candidates who work together to suck the public dry

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Unlike everyone on this board I am not afraid to go downtown .North Street is a very busy pedestrian heavy high energy street.The morningside neighborhood is to be avoided after dark by the general public.School budgets are contributing to crime.Yon,McCandless and Marchetti

6 years ago

Why doesn’t the PPD use the oldtaconic? And the Bianchii hotel on north, what’sgoing on? Taconic could house several entities? close Hibbard, Mercer, Crosby and Allendales dump in the back.. Cut all departments 7 percent. Anyone catch the numbers guy at o and r,is he worth it’? Gaetani for Mayor.

Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Awwww, they can’t use it. It is falling down and an imminent danger even to the mice who live in the walls. Just like the old library and the old jail….not safe for habitation so must build a new one.

Look for one of the local contractors to buy it cheap and turn it into condos….and not by accidient

6 years ago

Last time I looked it was standing? Awwwww, anyway cut the 7 percent.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Tricia Bouvier will be at the Taconic opening ,I’m guessing she will shake hands with students on the way in and tell Seniors that she has not brought 1 job to the Berkshires but supported the Muesuem selling a Norman Rockwell original.

6 years ago

Hoping and praying Dems win in Ohio by an inch, that’ll really piss Trump off.

6 years ago

Putin was told to stay away,it comes down to Lebron , and Trump U.

6 years ago

To Brian Marquis…Posting all that personal crap and being Paul’s number one fan will make him loose. He will always be a C student …Always

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Angelo
6 years ago

Actually I thought even an A-student like yourself would want to know how inexperienced and incompetent Andrea Harrington is. I would have thought the Machine to find a more suitable, experienced candidate. But what does a C-student like myself know.

And I didn’t make Ms. Harrington; Ms. Harrington made herself.

Listen, if you think she’s best suited to be DA than our incumbent DA, than by all means cast your ballot accordingly.

I didn’t encourage Ms. Harrington to crash a sheriff’s picnic to malign State Police investigators (the very same cops who come from the DA’s office) and lob insults at a former DA. And I didn’t dispatch TFB to offer a bribe to Judy Knight in exchange for a future job if she withdraws from the DA contest and tosses her support over to Ms. Harrington.

And DA Caccaviello’s supporters don’t hide behind or assume cartoon-like identities. We are accountable, and up front & personal. Unlike the Harrington shipwreck. You know my name; but a few posters here have chosen to assume cartoon-like character names designed to conceal their true identities. Right or wrong, I am who I am.

I put the results of my research out there. Accept it. Reject it. Counter it. Discount it. Dismiss it. Either way, that’s Ms. Harrongton’s convoluted history.

But your right – what would a five-degree, C-student college graduate know anyway? Who happens to off to law school in a couple weeks. Go figure!!

Just be sure to vote on September 4th.