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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, SEPT. 21-23, 2018 THE WEEKEND EDITION) — Two simple, declarative sentences neatly sum up the state of the race for Berkshire County district attorney: (1) “This is going to be a wild one.” (2) Did she or didn’t she?

(1) This is going to be a wild one.”

Thus spake a comment on THE PLANET regarding the dramatic announcement of Paul Caccaviello to seek the office of Berkshire County district attorney by virtue of a write-in or sticker campaign. The irony is that he’s already the D.A. He’s the incumbent, appointed not elected but nonetheless the incumbent. That and several other factors remove his action from that of a typical “protest” bid, the kind, say, Dan Valenti “ran” when he finished third in the previous mayoral race, beating Peter Marchetti and trailing Dan Bianchi and Linda Tyer. This bid is real and not even close to the “sore loser” or “token protest” effort that mars most campaigns of this sort.  This bid has much going for it and, despite the loud assertions from Team Harrington that it can’t succeed, it assuredly can.

Caccaviello’s announcement seems to have thrown Harrington, who thought after her primary win she could put the machine on cruise control and bask in the trappings of an uncontested run, leading up to the coronation.

It won’t be that way at all. She’s got the Ticket, but Cacc’s jumpin on for the ride.

Harrington’s going to have to slog as she has never done before, more so than in the preliminary election, because Caccaviello comes into this with key advantages. Sure, he lost the party nomination with his name on the ballot, but his decision to run speaks of a man who BELIEVES what he is doing, and both he and the electorate should be excited at this second chance. This addresses one of the key faults that plagued his September primary bid: His failure to communicate to voters how much he wants to retain the office. This is a man who is rolling the wad on one roll of the dice, ignoring the odds and risking either career-ending defeat or pulling off a great political triumph that would go down with the immortals in local political annals.

Cacc says he’s not a politician, and he campaigned as such the first time around. This time, he will have to become one, at least as much as he can stomach. This time, he’s spoken the willingness of his message with action not words. THE PLANET calls it a flying start.

———- 000 ———-

The Harrington campaign is scurrying now, trying to figure out what’s next. Cacc’s unprecedented move has knocked them for a loop.  Caccaviello is on to something, and what’s wrong with letting the Democratic process play out fully, this time giving the 9,000 Republicans in Berkshire County a say in the outcome? Cacc’s comparative “tough on crime” stance compared to Harrington’s perceived “soft, coddling” approach should play well with GOPers.

(2) Did she or didn’t she?

THE PLANET also learned that on Tuesday night, Harringon placed a call to Melissa Mazzeo. That much everyone agrees upon. What was the topic of that call? That’s the crucial question. Mazzeo is unequivocal. She says Harrington threatened her.

Mazzeo said Harrington called asking the latter if she (Mazzeo) was running Caccaviello’s write-in effort, with help from Dan Bianchi. Rumors have circulated that Mazzeo is directing the sticker bid (including fundraising) with help from either (or both) Bianchi or Mark Tully.

Mazzeo told THE PLANET that “the [threatening] tone of her accusation caught me off guard. I [told her] I am NOT running Paul’s write-in bid nor am I in charge of fundraising.”

Mazzeo spoke further of the call: “I told her that I was confused as to why she would link me to all of this, considering I have never been to any of Paul’s campaign meetings nor have I been to any of the meetings that were taking place to encourage him to continue with this race. I said that I would support him 100% if he chose to move forward, since I was not aware of his decision at this time. This is when things got a little unsettling.”

Mazzeo continued, “Andrea told me by supporting his write-in efforts that I was messing with the Democratic process. She went on to say that the voters spoke and that I should accept that. She continued on to say that she is aware that I may have future ambitions and would need the help of the Democratic party and if I were to meddle in this that it could potentially hurt me politically. I have to say, after hearing the DA-elect allude to the fact that I should mind my own business or suffer the consequences, was concerning. So I gathered my thoughts and said that Paul was adhering to the Democratic process by allowing every voter, not just the Democrats/Unenrolled, to vote for the candidate most qualified for this job, and in my opinion that is Paul.”

Mazzeo said that Harrington “was also highly irritated that this would force her to continue to campaign while trying to get ready to transition into this new role. I reminded her that Paul had to campaign and run this office, too. So the long story is, I am not running Paul’s write-in campaign but I will do whatever is needed to help and continue to support him as I had before.”

THE PLANET contacted Harrington, who admitted she called Mazzeo, not to make threats but simply to ask for her support in the general election. Adam Webster of Castle Point Partners, a political consutancy based in Boston hired by the Harrington campaign, said that Harrington emphatically denies making any threats about Mazzeo’s future political aspirations. Webster said Harrington calls Mazzeo’s assertions “wholly untrue and completely absurd.”

Cacc’s announcement forced Harrington into her first major blunder. He acted. She overreacted. It was her first huge blunder.

Yes, friends, this is going to be a wild one.

Have a great weekend.


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that” — Martin Luther King.



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He can’t win
He can’t win
6 years ago

He can’t win.

She Can't Keep Her Mouth Shut
She Can't Keep Her Mouth Shut
Reply to  He can’t win
6 years ago

She can’t keep her mouth shut

Reply to  He can’t win
6 years ago

Oh Yes He Can. “The lady doth protest too much.” Seems to me you are running scared and ready to pee your pants. You keep posting the same sentence over and over, trying to convince us that his campaign is a waste. Why do you care so much? You’re a GOB running scared that’s why.

Reply to  He can’t win
6 years ago

It does feel like it is the bottom of the ninth with two outs for cac.,but it feels like a Bernie Carbo moment about to happen. Never say, never.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Instead of focusing on the two feuding political factions, the two candidates for Berkshire County District Attorney should address the following facts!
“According to recently released FBI statistics, North Adams has the highest rate of violent crime in Massachusetts, at 1.38 percent. Pittsfield has the ninth-highest, at 0.79 percent.”
“Pittsfield’s rate of 0.79 percent is based on 340 violent crimes reported in 2016 among a population of 43,031. Those crimes include three murders, 37 rapes, 39 robberies and 261 aggravated assaults.”
“In North Adams, there were 181 violent crimes reported in 2016: 152 aggravated assaults, 20 rapes and nine robberies in a city of about 13,162.”
Source: “Violent crime in the Berkshires: North Adams highest rate in Mass.; Pittsfield ninth-highest”, By Bob Dunn and Adam Shanks, The Berkshire Eagle, October 8, 2017

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jon, Jon, Jon….I HAD you pegged as a much smarter individual, given your political lineage but I guess I was mistaken.
FBI stats are misleading. They are self-reported and do not take other factors into account.
A “call card” may say RAPE yet may be unfounded or unsubstantiated after investigation. Whereas, a disorderly job may turn into an armed robbery after an invest. It’s the CFS (calls for service) that are reported, not the outcome that happens years on down the road.
You can put a copper on every street corner and there will still be murders, rapes, domestic violence, theft, vandalism et ux.
In addition, the DA’s office isn’t a Crime Prevention Bureau! It is a prosecutorial arm of the gov’t that represents the Commonwealth in prosecuting crimes that are brought forth by the investigations of the state and local police agencies. They purport to be, but cannot be! In a nut shell, it does what it can with what it is given.
The DA sets the tone of how “tough” (or not) his or her office will be on crime; however, the ultimate decision of fate is made by the judge. E.g. “The DA is taking a hardline against marijuana” kind of filters down to how “Judge Cannabis” feels at the sentencing stage, so the DA’s stance is a non-issue.
And, as you know, many a case is decided at Patrick’s Pub, Otto’s or the Legion with little involvement from the DA.
Granted, the DA should be able to prosecute any/every crime, as much as private Attorneys are certified to represent capital offenses but I don’t think this politically backed pundit has that experience.

Reply to  Ghost Rider
6 years ago

Ghost Rider – Your explanation for the inaccuracy of the FBI stats is absurd. Stop embarrassing yourself.

As to your claim that it is the judge that “takes a hard line” not a DA, that is completely false and idiotic. Yes, judges can go outside of sentencing guidelines in particular cases if they choose, but it is the DA who decides what charges to bring, and what penalties to seek.

For instance, it was David Capeless who decided to invoke the “school zone” law and subject Mitchell Lawrence to a 2-year minimum. The judge himself expressed regret that his hands were tied and he had no choice but to impose the mandatory 2-year sentence. Even said it was a “mis-use” of the law and not how the law was intended to work.

Capeless of course was undeterred. Because he is scum without a conscience or integrity.

Back to your claim that a DA’s stance is a non-issue – You have ZERO idea what you are talking about. That kind of ignorance is actually dangerous. Please try to do better.

Van Lingle Mungo
Van Lingle Mungo
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Say what you will about Capeless but at least he’s not Krol. Thank god for that.

Reply to  Ghost Rider
6 years ago

Is it correct her main experience is employment law?

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
6 years ago

Harrington won a primary. That does not make her DA-elect. The winner of the November 6th general election will be the DA-elect.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

It didn’t take long for Harrington sleazy side to show. Nice move Sleazy Andrea.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

The Democratic Process it has nothing to do with the democratic process. In the Pittsfield primary on the Republican side Mr. Caccaviello received 147 votes Ms. Harrington 23 Ms Knight 14 Paul Caccaviello is attempting a write in campaign. The more voices in the process the better, in my opinion.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Andrea Harrington undisputed queen of denial.

Honest Earl's Downtown Dumpster
Honest Earl's Downtown Dumpster
6 years ago

Andrea, that’s what you get for listening to Pittsfield’s two biggest boobs, Krol and Clairmont.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Both sides seem sleazy to me. I think in this Donald Trump era we should just abandon the democratic process and appoint Judy Knight the DA position. Let’s focus on cutting down the bickering and infighting which is why government does not work in the first place.

And that whole constitution thing? It needs a do over. It was written for a population that is, by now, prehistoric. In a short 20 years our politicians will be robots and our guiding principles need to reflect what we want from AI. Obviously, governing by humans does not work efficiently in such a quickly advancing society.

It is time to climb out of the cartoon people.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

It is the same disparaging reality with Congress. There is no representation for the people. They have killed the Democratic process by themselves. Every damn one of them.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

She just made a huge Rookie mistake.I have never found Mazzeo to embellish or as Harrington stated ,lie.I believe there is a huge ego problem with this WHEN candidate a Bouvier ,Tyer product .Rookie politicians should not be District Attorney.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Why do republicans hate the FBI? Why do they not respect the military.Why are republicans against balanced budgets,why are they against Social Security,Why are they against Healthcare for all,Why are they so worried about the rich ,Why are Corporations Trumps DADDY, Why are they against public education,,Why would anyone be against minimum wage going higher,Why are they not willing to help low wage blue collar Americans

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

SC is off his meds again.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Or he got some new ones on the street corner.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Excellent questions and observations SC. They seem to have a compulsive urge to destroy America. And the only plausible reason I can come up with is that they are all working for the Russians who would be ecstatic if they could destroy America from withing and not have to lose one soldier in the process.

You can see why Trump admires Putins genius mind.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Having low unemployment , economic growth and Supreme Court Justices that actually follow the Constitution is so destructive.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Wow Dan – bombshell column – Harrington’s “greenness” is showing – what a huge blunder on her part! If she is voted in, the DA’s office will be highly politicized. This report should rally the troops in Cacc’s favor. Will Mazzeo file an ethics complaint with the state? Were any ethics complaints filed against TFB?
I agree with all of your comments Ghost Rider. Excellent points on the misleading FBI facts and the impact judges have on the crime rate. Many of these activist judges are releasing illegal immigrant felons back into the community rather than turn them over to ICE – but I digress.
Melle – go back to your Antifa meeting.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

FYI, the points on misleading FBI stats and judges were ridiculous. Ignorant and foolish.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

I disagree, Cicero. I thought Ghost Rider made some excellent points. We are on opposite sides of the fence, so be it.

6 years ago

News Flash…It was NOT Kavanuts who attacked Dr. Ford.It was Trump. Why would Harrington say these things to Mazzeo? Talk about inexperience.

6 years ago

We don’t need an apprentice running the DA’s office.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Sister – You used to work in the DA’s office, didn’t you?

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Cicero -when is Marc “I assault women and call it art” Wreskinski going back on your show?

6 years ago

Ms. Mazzeo is not a personal friend of mine, but I do know her well enough to confirm that she is NOT a liar.

It appears that the nasty politics that we see in DC happens here as well.

Harrington’s threats to Mazzeo regarding future elections is troubling, to say the least, and will definitely hurt her credibility.

Nobody likes a BULLY!

P.S. I sure hope Mazzeo runs for mayor!!!

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

I think there is plenty of political bullying in Pittsfield politics to go around twice. How else can one control how a huge budget gets spent and directed?

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

She’ll have a lot of backing.

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

We must enlighten the Planet as his memory seems to be slipping. It’s a curse we all must face with time, an inescapable fact of life. Peter Marchetti never ran against Linda Tyre. The race where Dan Valenti tossed his hat in was between Marchetti and Bianchi. Valenti did finish a distant third, beating the incumbent mayor, J. Ruberto by three votes. Hope this helps.
As for the poster ‘He Can’t Win’ it should be added, “if he doesn’t run”.

6 years ago

Less than a year ago, a Mazzeo family member was given outrageously preferential treatment by the tyrant David Capeless. A year of probation for crimes that should have sent him away for 5 years. This demands an explanation.

It’s pathetic that so few people in this town know or care about such blatant corruption.

Colin O'Scopy
Colin O'Scopy
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Fake information. But we expect that from your ilk.

Reply to  Colin O'Scopy
6 years ago

Colin – I think the doc missed his mark and the scope went into your brain instead of your ass. An understandable mistake.

Here is the arrest.

Reply to  Colin O'Scopy
6 years ago

And here is the slap on the wrist after the case was buried for nearly 3 years.

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Wow. I missed the court finding. Amazing huh?

Reply to  Still wondering
6 years ago

What’s that saying about justice being blind? Not in Pittsfield. We have earned our reputation as a corrupt Gooberville.

This case was even referenced in a debate, as an example of inconsistent treatment of offenders. But it was referenced anonymously and the family connections that point to intentional favoritism if not outright corruption were never mentioned. The debate question focused on the disparate outcomes, without ever asking “why”, what was behind the disparate outcomes.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Still wondering
6 years ago

Correct, with clowns like Krol on the city council Pittsfield is a laughing stock.

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Wow, it’s a good thing Capless isn’t running. Now if Krol would stop running maybe we could get somewhere.

Reply to  Voytek Gobsigski
6 years ago

You’re right, Capeless is not running. His hand-picked successor, who was First Assistant DA and also culpable during all of Capeless’s misdeeds, and who will be sure to keep all secrets buried, is running.

What is Krol running for? Did I miss something?

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

He put an application in with Sesame Street. Guy Smiley is retiring and since Sesame Street is make believe Krol figures he can go from a mane believe business to a make believe show.

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

What we don’t need is a tiny bully with a bad temper in that job. She is the choice of Krol, Clairmont and Bouvier. Do we want those three clowns mucking up the DA’s office? I think not. It’s the right thing to do when a voter writes in Cacc.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

You know this because?

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Poor, Cicero/ Krol is about to lose his chief of staff job at DA’s office.

Reply to  Bye-Bye
6 years ago

He already lost is self worth, dignity and any respect the populace may have had for him.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Perhaps the councilor would like to address this to clear up any confusion? I am sure everything is on the up and up and she might want to assure us that the DA office was fair and balanced.

tick tock…..

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Reminds me of Mayor Bianchi yelling at/threatening Clairmont and JLo.

Then there’s Mr. Mazzeo threatening those who he perceived as attacking Melissa. Can’t blame the man there, though.

All this is fun.

“Democratic progress” here is correct with the capital “D.” Don’t want to mess with the only party in town . . .

As for the small “d” democratic process–we can’t have that, you silly people.

Someone please tell me what the Harrington girl has ever done in her life to deserve/qualify any elected position.

My guess is that she and/or daddy have given a lot of money the the “Democratic process.”

Caccaviello can do this, but he needs to be at it 10+ hours a day, starting yesterday.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

“for any”

“to the”

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Hope your not writing in. Caccaviello.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Half the politicians in town privately vote Trump.

6 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle editorial today is saying that the district attorney position IS political. Of course they would say that because to the Eagle everything is political. Paul Cacc has said that he will NOT be a political person as district attorney. I like that about him and I think he is being sincere.

We need the stickers. The Cacc campaign needs to get on that right away.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Paul Cacc said he will not be a political person? And you read that in the Eagle? Well I guess we can all rest easily now that that concern is put to bed.

that sounds like a Fox news story with frosting on it served up to the gullible masses

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

No, I didn’t read it in the Eagle editorial. I read it in iberkshires from another article.

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

I also listened to Andrea Harrington on a local radio talk show today. I listened to the entire show and was not impressed. She doesn’t sound serious enough to be district attorney.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Reply to Pat: I agree 100%!
We must support Paul Caccaviello–write-in!
Stickers and signs!
More over–we should organize people with Cacc signs infront of every Voting Pricinct–Write in Caccaviello!

6 years ago

Caccavillo not political? He gets Capeless to appoint him.The changes party affiliation.If the roles had been reversed he and his supporters,Bianchi.Bowler,,Mazzeo,Morandi.Now that he ran and lost. Caccavillo again tries to go artound the results.That apply to everyone but him.If this how he respects the rules,no wonder the courthouse during his tenure has had such a backwards trajectory.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  billy
6 years ago

The governor interviewed candidates and made the appointments.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  billy
6 years ago

“Billy” – let’s be clear here. Caccaviello is not breaking any rules by running a write- in campaign. Perfectly legal.

Playing pols
Playing pols
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mr. Fritz,

No intelligent person is arguing legality. The argument is the very, very political dealings of Capeless stepping down and moving to get Cacc in as the incumbent before the race. Behavioral science explains status quo bias and the huge advantage incumbents have (this is not the place to delve into Nobel Prize winning theories).

Best of luck to Cacc. As a Republican, I didn’t vote for anybody, but I bet he’d be fine at the job.

Admittedly, it’s not fair of me to call out Cacc for saying he’s not being political but sill acting very political given that everyone on either side of the aisle does it. It’s just that he’s not an exception.

This should not count against him – it was smart tactics (not “shady”) but when you disregard facts and act like a fan-boy, it discredits all of your comments and makes you look foolish. You’re better than that. Aren’t you? No. Ok. Nevermind then. Fan-boy away.

6 years ago

Caccavillo Is political He gets Capeless to appoint him.He changes party affiliation.Losees and then wants go around it again.He wonders why people want change..He been in there with Knight and the place hasn’t addressed issues that made Harrington beat the statue quo candidates.

Reply to  billy
6 years ago

Please try to keep up. He did NOT change affiliation. He is running as a democrat. I am curious where Andrea got all her financial backing and who she owes. She put signs everywhere (many without permission). Who are her financial backers?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Cp123
6 years ago

go to OCPF and you’ll find some very interesting donors – a couple from Bethesda, MD who gave $1000.00

6 years ago

From what I can tell, Judy Knight’s “reformer” ideas are not off the mark with what Caccaviello has said. Once these two meet and showcase their common ground it will be game over for the lawyer/imposter Harrington and sleazy campaign team.

6 years ago

Harrington and the Democratic Moonbats are afraid. They know the GOP, despite being repressed politically in this state, will have an actual vote

Her whole “Progressive butt hugging” approach isn’t going to win her a single voter. And Ironically, with liberals proclaiming in the eagle they simply want someone without a Y chromosome, I can most likely assure the GOP would prefer someone with.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

Reply to LoneGunMan–Bravo! Agree! Y-chromosome!
Caccaviello for District Attorney!

6 years ago

He would have expected her to accept the results if the roles had been reversed.He talks about honor and serving the community.Those people made their choice and his words are empty.Ge thought he was a shoe in.He gets beat by a progressive women .The first ever women DA in our region.He changes the the rules when they don’t serve him.He didn’t lose by 10 votes he lost by 500 + . Rules and results apply to all of us except him I guess..What a embarrassment .

Joe Pesci
Joe Pesci
6 years ago

Glad to see Caccaviello is going to go for it. He needs to step up his game exponentially, and immediately. He is running short on time. He should re-finance his house, or whatever, and come up with $50,000 minimum to loan his campaign and get rolling. He needs to hire a professional campaign team and get the truth out there. He also needs to have a professional operation print and distribute, his name and address, and educate the voters on the proper placement of these stickers on the ballot. It is time to get the show on the road. He needs to take it to Harrington, and fight for this, if not for him, then for us bedraggled citizens. He needs to educate voters not simply on his competence, but her incompetence. She had 12 criminal trials and he has had 5,000. And did she win any of them? And since when is letting drug dealers off, if it is their first time getting caught, a good thing? If for no other reason than they are making money tax free, they should be jailed. And forget about the fancy, large postcards with the spouses and kids on them. I am voting for the candidate, not their spouse and kids with holes in their pants. And Bowler and Bianchi need to step it up too, and get much more vociferous in their support of Caccaviello. And Caccaviello needs to explain the Williams college rape lies, or this great big liberal lie will hurt him come Novemeber.

Reply to  Joe Pesci
6 years ago

What exactly are “the Williams college rape lies”?

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

If anything like that is going on at Williams the college has been covering it up for decades. They are famous for paying women less than men at Williams and that’s covered p too. They have a anti sexual assault woman working there who is a total joke.

Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

I have no doubt that Williams acted to protect itself at the expense of victims, too. None of the criticism of “lack of prosecutions” is meant to give them a pass.

But institutional behavior is foul, as a rule. Not a secret. The Berkshire DA had the responsibility to act and it did nothing.

In the end I hope sunlight wins the day and Williams pays a heavy price too.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Williams is a ruthless vindictive Institution .

They have brought up Williamstown, so they can control it.

Town cowers as the $$$ flows from Williams.

Williamstown USED TO BE NICE. Spring St. had local shops that supported the community; Williams either bought or forced them out.

Look at what they did to American Legion Post 153; pressured them to sell prime property and pledged a new Legion. The latter was shoddily built and defective. A member of post 153 , Dick Babcock, built the Veterans Memorial in Williamstown; Williams going to bulldoze that too?

All the Vets thank Williams!!!! No place to go!

Stacey Rossi, Esq.
Stacey Rossi, Esq.
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Trying to post something here but post rejected, not sure why. What’s going on?

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

The ones you are spreading about Capeless’ refusal to prosecute 100 rapes. And no, I didn’t used to work in the DA’s office, and I don’t care for Capeless either by the way, but I care about the truth.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Sister – That is a very informative response. In an earlier thread you immediately called me a liar when I mentioned the number of reported rapes at Williams. You demanded “stats”. When the stats were delivered, you had no response and pulled a disappearing act.

And now you resurface, twist the wording of what I said to create a straw man, and again call me a liar.

Here is what I did say: There have been over 100 rapes reported at Williams during the tenure of David Capeless. He has prosecuted NONE that I have been able to find.

Here is what I did NOT say: That Capeless “refused to prosecute 100 rapes”, as though they should have all been prosecuted criminally.

Noting that the prosecution of 0/100 is a red flag is very different from saying 100/100 should have been prosecuted.

And you conclude your post by saying you “care about the truth”? Disgusting.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago


Thanks for posting the links to your stats, in Dan’s previous column. They show 71 reported sexual offenses in 6 years. The first 3 years does not break the offenses down into reported rapes. Even granting your extrapolation that there were over 100 in Capeless 14 year tenure, how many actual properly investigated cases, wherein the cops made an arrest and brought charges, did the DA’s office dump? Because the DA doesn’t actually investigate ya know, the cops do. To suggest that Capeless let rapists off the hook left and right, is left wing gibberish. And by the way, when you have an actual prosecutable rape, who do you want prosecuting it, a lawyer who has handled thousands of cases, hundreds or rapes, and actually prosecuted them, or an apprentice who has never prosectuted a case?

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

The numbers show 76 sexual offenses in the last 6 years, 71 of which were rapes.

Bickering over the precise number is unimportant, the point is the number is very large.

The questions you raise asking how many were properly investigated, their disposition, etc. are all valid. That is the information that the Director of Sex assault at Williams demanded after Caccaviello accused Williams of being an “obstacle” to prosecution. There has been no response from Caccaviello.

It’s evident you don’t know the first thing about law enforcement. Rape investigations are directed and controlled by the DA’s office, not the local cops. And the hurdle for bringing cases before a grand jury is not huge. The fact that ZERO cases made it that far is a huge red flag to anyone with a brain.

Stop putting words in my mouth, such as “to suggest Capeless let rapists off the hook left and right…” Stick to addressing what I actually say and stop with the straw men.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

It makes you wonder if this sort of thing went on when Wynn went to Williams and if he knew about it and why he didn’t report it?

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Here’s another thing I learned, though I doubt you will care. Williams rape cases are investigated EXCLUSIVELY by the local cops. No participation from the MA State Police.

Who do you think has the authority to make that call, Williams College or the Berkshire DA’s Office? Does that sound to you like it’s in the best interests of victims?

Oh, and Williams just kicked in $400k for a new police station for the local cops.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

How much did they pay to the victims to keep them quite? Any Williams graduates oyt who can shed light on this issue?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Wow. ‘Sinking the ship’ happened much faster than I ever would have imagined.
This is sad actually and darkly funny but also is grim reminder that the progressive name is just a label.
Maybe we should all do a write in for Knight?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Ha, yes indeed. The ship is sinking fast.

A relative of a criminal who evaded justice through connections and a corrupt DA has made an accusation. Huge news!!!

She should be happy Roberto isn’t in jail where he belongs and leave it at that.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

When the ‘good guys’ act like the ‘bad guys’ the only difference is who has power. I don’t see any righteous goodness anywhere in this mess, sorry if you hoped I might.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Absolutely right. I am with you on this one.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Huh, who said anything about “righteous goodness”? This situation is a mess, as is our town and much of our county. Pushing for the status quo makes no sense to me.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Her campaign worked hard, and broke the status quo by winning and not taking Pittsfield. They started with a higher than thou moral tone about how the other guy got his job, that is what I meant. I think she is smart and tough and seems to be comfortable throwing punches. It would be great if one of these jokers dealt with the crummy police dept.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Got it, misunderstood you and agree to some degree.

I doubt threats were made, but the phone call itself was a terrible idea. She is in the drivers seat if she shows that she has high moral character – that is really the most important quality in a position as powerful as DA.

6 years ago

Caccaviello needs to drop the “I’m not a politician” spiel. Maybe he would have done better if he owned it.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Anyone taking bets on the next angry Andrea meltdown? From what I hear they are quite common.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Comparing Harrington to Cacaviello is like comparing Tutocy to Gaetanis. Cacaviello and Gaetanis are tops in their fields with vast experience and accomplishment and Tutocy and Harrington are at best support staffers with little to no managerial experience. Gaetanis and Cacaviello have plied their trades for their entire working careers and can point to vast accomplishment. Let’s hope that the voter understands that experience and accomplishment is paramount but when we look at Tyered and 8 of the council and all of the school committee we know that ignorance is alive and well among the electorate. Hopefully the fed up will come forward and change all this but am I confidant? Take a guess

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Nice photos Dan! Thanks for sharing.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

These supposed rape cases at Williams. Ipreferential treatment and the Christine Ford charges are very serious situations and should not be looked at jokingly. I would hope the full letter of the law would be brought to bare if my daughters were victims like the victims at Williams and Christine Ford. Today Several republican senators were telling jokes aimed at Mrs. Ford that were as flagrant as flagrant can be. Just my rightful mention of these disgraceful remarks uttered by these miscreant Republican senators will bring out some on this board to chastise me not with intelligent rejoinder but gutteral incoherent drivel. Some on this board have brought up their beliefs that wrong doing is occurring and we must get to the bottom of it. If we don’t what does that say about us as a society. I lay the blame for so many being so lost squarely on the nut case in the white house. Truth isn’t truth alternate facts etc etc is nothing more than a pile of BS. Soon we will be calling dogs cats and horses chickens. Where in the hell are we heading?

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Who were the Senators and what were the jokes? I smell fake news cooking.

Reply to  Trump Derangement Syndrome
6 years ago

Turn on your stove,bunsen,Art tells the truth…just sayin.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Notice that he has no answer

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

Yes Dan, nice new pics. Like the one of you in your baseball uniform.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Thats Dan? I thoughtit was Carmen Franzone?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  u
6 years ago

TDs I know what I saw. Two republicans making disgusting remarks pertaining to saying something to the the effect of Lincoln attempting to rape justice Ginsburg. I bet you find that hilarious. You know me by now. I love the truth and live by the truth and tell the truth. I can tell you positively that I didn’t see this on fox a channel you are riveted to. I believe that you may be someone who if scump attempted to group or fondle someone right in front of your eyes and some one asked you about it you would respond with your over used rejoinder fake news or TDs. You my friend are in for a rude awakening and your support for scump borders on devil worship.Do you believe in empathy or are you as cold hearted as your idol scump? You may need reentry training to become a civilized human being once scump is impeached and I hope you seek this help now.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Still can’t identify the senators or the joke. Busted again.

6 years ago

Dan, so you believe the word used by Mazzeo was meddling? That doesn’t sound right? Urban slang for that word would be, mind your own business, Mussy?

Harrington needs to come out yesterday refuting that comment. It sounds like a threat, not advice.

6 years ago

Absolutely right. I am with you on this one.

chris canning
chris canning
6 years ago


I know what she did to me when I ran for Senate. Two of things were sleazy and beneath her. She has two OCPF guilty violations for misusing her campaign funds. I think you must still have the screenshot from my FB post when she told me it was just politics. I also asked her in an email to all of her accounts, to be honest with me — and she didn’t respond. Rumor has it in one of her few trial cases, she asked for a mistrial citing her own incompetence. The man did go to jail. Lastly, I read her death sentence case, she was like last on the author’s list — which is contributory, but not substantial. Moreover, I looked at the people on her team — many of the individuals have had ethics violations filed with the state. In good conscience, I cannot endorse her candidacy

Reply to  chris canning
6 years ago

Capeless was totally ethical. And then appointed Caccaviello to take over for him and carry on the business as usual. How awesome is that?

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago


Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Sleazy all the way.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

In the unfortunate event that Angry Andrea wins the general election will her first assistant become responsible for every one of Angry Andrea’s actions? According to Krol the answer is yes.

Reply to  chris canning
6 years ago

I was at that trial as a law student observer. She did ask the judge to set aside the guilty verdict because her client has ineffective counsel (her). And that is your new D.A.

Reply to  chris canning
6 years ago

Why would she needs to do anything sleazy to you when you had zero chance of winning?

6 years ago

“The only difference is who’s in power”. Well said Kermit.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

The problem with municipal or state or federal elections is more about factions driving the narrative and we learn so little about the candidates that it is no wonder we end up with the candidates we end up with. This DA election is such a mismatch it can not even be called a race. In the real world Cacaviello would be at the finish line before Harrington got in the starting gate and yet we saw how a non qualified backed by gobsigs won the primary. This fact alone should put up a red flag in the district but we all know that the people who could make this election about issues and experience have long ago given up on politics because they have seen these sham elections in the past where Linda there and Jim ruberto and Gerry Doyle and many many many more incompetents are elected one after the other. We can do nothing to change things at the state level or federal level but we can at the local level and we must start at the municipal level by changing our charter to a city manager position. This type of govt. Isn’t perfect but it would preclude people like tyer from ever being elected to a position other than secretary which she is and yet she is the mayor even though she has no pedigree what so ever, This is what we have come to.How sad.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Reply to art Seller:
Bravo! You read my mind! Bravo!
We do need a City manager instead of Mayor and much more—I would reconsider the power of City Councilors to make engineering decisions–like water & sewer, street lights, easements and so on–those should be belong to professional engineers–not politicians/Nurses/showmen/teachers.
I believe –we can eleminate many City’s departments completely as they duplicate each other.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
6 years ago

So the word is that Williams has been covering up rapes for years. Our own police chief was a Williams student. As we know students know more about what’s going on than any administrator could ever hope to know. The question then is did the chief know about any rapes when he was a student? Did any of his friends talk or brag about it? If he knew anything did he keep silent? Why? If he knew and kept quiet should he be a police chief? Should the FBI investigate?

Already Tyerd
Already Tyerd
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Hmm, isn’t he a big Harrington supporter?

Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Chief Wynn graduated in 1993, dipstick.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

But this sort of rape culture was going on back then tail pipe. The question is what did he know and why didnt he do anything about it? Or do you believe that rape was invented in 2015?

Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

This sort of rape culture was going on back then? 25 years ago? And from where did you learn about this supposed rape culture 25 years ago?

Don’t be a fool. Last time I respond to one of your dimwitted attempts at being clever.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

So rape on campi hasn’t been a problem until recently? You are an obtuse simpleton.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Harrington is a big mistake,very irresponsible vote.If Knight is for the rookie I will be surprised.This is only a chance to rectify that voting mistake.She is the equivolent of a Tyer run City or a Bouvier representation in Boston=both are mistakes that need correction………Rookies never get it right.Hes a worker and she’s a politition

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

But if he is a worker like Capeless is that what we really want?

The sad part of these elections is that most often the only choices are between candidates put up and supported by local power factions. And most often it is to the detriment of the population they are suppose to serve.

Both of these candidates represent political factions and to deny it is bullstool.

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
6 years ago

Yass! Can we put Dumpstergate behind us now?

Reply to  Earl Grey Squirrel
6 years ago

Paul started life on third-base and is dumb enough to think he hit a triple.faker and capeless trying to keep they’re illegal activities under wraps
Not going to happen.

Andrea Going to gain prosecutorial experience but prosecuting present staff of Caccaveallo/capeless corrupt office.

Reply to  Mogoo
6 years ago

Mogoo – I have been doing some digging of my own and I believe you are right. Big trouble ahead for these disgraces. Going keep a good supply of popcorn on hand for when the show starts.

Reply to  Mogoo
6 years ago

You are what you eat, and from reading your nonsensical posts, baloney is your favorite food.

Honest Earl's Downtown Dumpster
Honest Earl's Downtown Dumpster
Reply to  Earl Grey Squirrel
6 years ago

The dumpster holds the secrets of Pittsfield and it ain’t goin’ anywhere.

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Nothing to see Dan! There are many ways signs can get damaged.

6 years ago

Harrington violated campaign fund laws, has zero accomplishments, and even called a Pittsfield copy to find out “what does the DA really do” because she hasn’t got a clue. She’s as dirty as they come just like her mentor JB3.

Roberto Del Halitoso
Roberto Del Halitoso
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Angry Andrea should look for a good anger management program. The little twit has a bad temper.

Reply to  Roberto Del Halitoso
6 years ago

Well, she won’t be hopelessly corrupt at the start, unlike Caccaviello and some number of pathetic souls in that office.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

But this sort of rape culture was going on back then tail pipe. The question is what did he know and why didnt he do anything about it? Or do you believe that rape was invented in 2015?

Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

So, you’re saying that because Williams has horrible rape numbers these days, the same culture must have existed 25 years ago, and therefore Chief Wynn must be hiding something?

Your is a special kind of genius. Rock on Einstein.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Students know much more than any investigators or the college administration. So it’s a reasonable question to ask what he knew. It’s a reasonable question for any male student, especially one that went on to a law enforcement career.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

You have to be kidding. Angry Andrea has sold her soul to the devil.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Harrington was corrupt before she started her campaign. An incompetent. First time a crook won the primary for DA.

6 years ago

Paul the protector of pedophiles
Allowed a classmate of his daughters he’s known since three years old to be abused
To protect one of his crony colleagues

Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

You will like this. David Capeless’s wife, Betsy Kosheff (who apparently only uses the Capeless surname when she wants to threaten people) put up a Twitter post after she was taken to task for that voicemail. She looked for cover behind the #metoo movement. That takes serious nerve. From what I’ve been reading, some girls from Williams College are probably not going to be pleased by that.

Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

SUREeeee he did. That’s why he and his family receive death threats constantly. Harrington would just crawl into her rat hole and hide.

6 years ago

Dan Valenti sat on this story because Paul’s ex Assistant district Attorney Mark Vincellette
Is his pal chucks son.
Andrea wants to get some prosecuting experience she can start with Paul and much of his staff.
Latest shooting connected to courthouse also
Hush hush

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

Refresh my brain, so many.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

Just to set the record straight: I never asked Dan to sit on any story. It’s not my style and I respect his journalistic integrity. There are so many stories swirling around this blog I’m not certain to what story you are referring. However Marc is my son and I am very proud of my sons. He has been a bar advocate (public defender) for more than a decade. Never seen him in action but I hear he’s quite effective, Prior to that he was an assistant DA hired by the late DA Downing for about 2 years. As far as the election goes I support Caccaviello and have made no secret of it. Many people that support Harrington are people that I respect and like and the results of the election won’t change that.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Again, just like mayoral races,not much to choose from.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

Dan are you sure your not Sean convey?

6 years ago


You said to “Stop putting words in my mouth, such as “to suggest Capeless let rapists off the hook left and right…” Stick to addressing what I actually say and stop with the straw men.” I don’t know what a straw man is, but I know what a dumb man is, or at least one trying to weasel out of what he said. Let us review what you posted yesterday – “100+ women raped at Williams College, who had no chance at justice because of scumbag David Capeless. … Who knows how many victims he abused in the general population, given there’s no way to know how many cases Capeless “investigated” and then made disappear.”

I then posted “That is a lie. Back it up with some real stats. You think there were actually 100 rapes at Williams???? You are misinformed my friend, sadly misinformed.”

You then accused me of pulling a disappearing act when you posted stats, because I didn’t reply the same day. I replied today, and thanked you. Then you say I twisted your words. You did not say “over 100 rapes reported”, which is what you said today, after my post. So I twisted nothing, but rather you twisted your own words from yesterday, today, to make it appear you said “reported”.

Note I did not say that you said he “refused to prosecute 100 rapes. What I said was “ To suggest that Capeless let rapists off the hook left and right, is left wing gibberish.” If your saying “100+ women raped at Williams College, who had no chance at justice because of scumbag David Capeless. … Who knows how many victims he abused in the general population, given there’s no way to know how many cases Capeless “investigated” and then made disappear”, is not suggesting Capeless let rapists off the hook left and right, then you are not a smart man.

And in sticking with what you said, today you posted that “It’s evident you don’t know the first thing about law enforcement. Rape investigations are directed and controlled by the DA’s office, not the local cops”. This is another lie. And here is the answer to your question about who has the authority to determine who investigates Williams College rapes. The answer is not Williams College, or the DA’s office, as you suggested in your post today. The answer is, since it is a private college that doesn’t have its own police powers, the local department has the authority to investigate.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Every Williamstown board is infested with Williams employees and a Williams alum is town manager. Williams owns the town. Campus security and the local cops snuff every assault complaint to keep the ivory towers white and the endowment funding high.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Hence the name….Williamstown.

If Williams college go away, so does the town.
What else is there that does not rely on the college or its students for its financial lifeblood?

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Part 1

Good grief. So much stupidity to unpack but I’ll try to be brief.

100 reported rapes and 100 rapes are the same thing. None were determined to be unfounded per the Title IX report. Sometimes I include the word “reported”, sometimes not. It is inadvertent and changes nothing about the facts cited. It’s not a case of me twisting anything, but of you having really, really poor comprehension skills.

When I cited the huge number of rapes yesterday, your first response was the kind of thing expected from 5 year-old – Liar! Liar! accusations from a place of complete ignorance. So you demanded stats, which were provided.

Yes, you thanked me providing them, AFTER you had again called me a liar, the lies being “The ones you are spreading about Capeless’ refusal to prosecute 100 rapes.”

This time you twisted the words – or at least it sure seems that way – to imply that I’m saying Capeless refused to prosecute 100 prosecutable cases, which is obviously absurd. Out of the 100 rapes (or reported rapes, whichever makes you happier), common sense tells us that many likely would not have been prosecutable for one reason or another, for reasons ranging from a lack of objective evidence to an unwillingness of the victim to move forward with a criminal prosecution. Some large number of the cases, at least a majority, could have remained outside of the criminal justice system for valid reasons. I get that.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Part 2

But common sense tells us that the number of cases kept outside of the criminal justice system should not have been ZERO. That is what’s called a red flag. One that you keep trying to minimize or dismiss. Pathetic.

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Part 3

As to the “left and right” language, you are completely out to lunch. The statement “Who knows how many victims he abused in the general population, given there’s no way to know how many cases Capeless “investigated” and then made disappear” in no way suggests Capeless made rape cases disappear “left and right”. It’s a statement of fact – that we don’t know and have no way of knowing how many rape cases were deep sixed by Capeless the pig, in light of his Williams track record. Maybe the number is zero and Capeless saved all his worst behavior for the campus setting, but maybe the number is positive. Here’s a question for you – exactly how many such cases would you find acceptable? Do you need to see evidence that there was a pattern, that it happened “left and right”, or is even one case too many?

Reply to  SisterGoldenHair
6 years ago

Last point. If you think that the local PD ever has decision making authority over the DA’s office, especially on violent crime cases, well, no further response is necessary. You have no idea what you are talking about.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

Mellisa Mazzeo , should get a restraining order against crazy angry Andrea.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

If I were Christine Ford I would hire the Gman to teach her how to stand in front of a pack of ass holes and put them in their place. In fact she should hire him to speak for her. The Republican cowards want to hire a woman lawyer to speak for them so she would be justified in hiring Gaetanis. The Republicans and two in particular Grassley and McConnell two dinosaurs are the types the Gman would like to sink his teeth into. The one he would relish frying would be scump and would have him polished off in a matter of moments. Many ask if G is interested in tuning for office in Pittsfield. He laughs at that and says he may run but it won’t be for being elected it will be for being heard and for having fun.I have known the wizard for a very long time and when he sets his mind on something he goes at it and very seldom loses.I asked him what his goal is. Again he laughed he said one of his goals is to identify assholes for the public and let them decide.He has done this magnificently already and with one more year of identifying these incompetents the city may have a fighting chance with a new mayor and council and school committee. The Gman is a one man wrecking ball who travels alone and doesn’t lick anyone’s boots or need an entourage. What you see with the Gman is what you get. He is sharpening his teeth and God help those will be bitten by the wiz.Gerry Doyle and Metcalf and eddy can attest as to how sharp the wiz’s teeth are. When the wiz heads to India it will be a sad day for Pittsfield taxpayers and city council and subcom.meetings will revert to being nothing but bore sessions. The Gman has had a lot of fun and I guess we should hope he doesn’t go to India but whatever he does he has left his stamp on Pittsfield and is a bigger benefactor to Pittsfield than all other benefactors combined. After his passes one or both of the two water plants he built should be named after him Dr. Krofta and Dr.Wang. If we had a decent mayor and council they would be named after them yesterday.Pittsfield is lucky to have had Mr. Gaetanis representing the taxpayers for so many thing everyone should understand. If the Gman is home he will be representing the taxpayer.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Wow, those are some potent mushrooms you’ve gotten ahold of – where can I get some?? Maybe after a few whiffs and a phone call I can get India to rename the Taj Mahal after me….. the Fritz Mahal. Has a nice ring to it!

Art Smeller
Art Smeller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz Latrine and Septic dump station would be a better award for you.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Smeller
6 years ago

Maybe we should name the new waste water treatment plant after the water wizard.

We could call it the Gaetaini Gastrointestinal Gaffe, or just G (cubed).

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Maybe Roberto Mazzeo is back in town and dealing the shrooms again.

John Duns Scotus
John Duns Scotus
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

He already has streets named after him…..One Way.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Mitch McConell “we’ve heard the fight and we are going to plow right thru and judge kavanaugh will be a supreme court justice’ only problem here is that we haven’t had the hearing yet and haven’t heard a word from Christine Ford yet. Now I would like!e everyone who posts on this board to tell us whether you think that any justice can come of this hearing. This is a done deal. Actually this is the issue which is going to sink scump and the republicans Kavanaugh has the lowest public support of any supreme court justice nominee in US history and scumps numbers are dropping like a rock. We all know what this is all about.Trump gets him on the court and then he feels he will not be impeached. That’s what he thinks and he hasn’t given. Enough thought as to what the american people think of this. Well we’ll all see come November and my bet is that we will see blue which will be the beginning of the end for this fool

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Mitch McConnell’s ‘ wife, Elaine Chao, works directly for Trump as his Transportation secretary. This appointment was an effort to get the head republican on his side. Trump owns McConnell. Trump butters McConnells bread and McConnell is therefore devoted to protecting and kissing Trumps hiney.

And most of the rest of the republican congress live in fear of McConnells retribution and so jump in line when he speaks. The man is pure poison to American democracy. Much more will come out about this traitor in the coming months.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

We haven’t heard from Christine Ford because she is playing a game. She is using stalling tactics for the Democrats. She is a grown woman who needs to come forward. Women are not fragile victims despite what they are taught to believe in the school system. Women are strong. We don’t have “victim” written across our foreheads.

Diane Feinstein needs to show the public the original letter from Christine Ford. She refuses. What is she hiding?

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Very well said Pat.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Hopefully you are never asked to comfort a 15 year old girl who was a victim of a sexual assault. I am picturing you as someone who probably bartends in a red neck honkey tonk and has has grown up with some real slutty friends. First one to join in on the mud wrestling.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Absurd – and may I say you are aptly named – we are talking about women. Ms. Ford is a grown woman with an agenda. To insult Pat because she is voicing a rational opinion is ABSURD.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Good one, Pat!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Pat why so sensitive lately?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I wonder ifthe Planet ever played Canasta?

6 years ago


Harrington called Berkshire County Sheriff Tom Bowler and also told him to step in line. Same threats as those made to Mazzeo.

I know she’s a small person, but where the heck did she get such a Napoleonic Complex?

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

wow! I wonder what his response was. Did he step in line as told? Surely you heard both sides of the story.

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

She called me too and told me to knock it off.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Time for unhinged Harrington to be put on meds. She thinks she’s supreme ruler of the democrats.

6 years ago

Meanwhile, the rest of the county could care less about inbred Pittsfield squabbles.

6 years ago

My father, a proud Democrat, must be turning in his grave. From the very beginning, the Dems made it clear that they would oppose any nomination, so no surprise.

But the ruthless tactics that they are using should be embarrassing to all Democrats.

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Exactly! Ruthlessly standing up for a sexual assault victim. Deplorable.

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

Oh, really? Has it been determined and proven that she is actually an assault victim? It thought this scenario was still being played out!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

How do we know for sure that Ms. Ford was actually assaulted by Kav? She is refusing to talk to the judiciary committee, has offered no facts and no witnesses. Where is your common sense?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Right on Spider! They have become a party of left wing socialist radicals.

6 years ago

Just thinking! The long time rape accusations at Williams College might be a really good story for The Boston Globe to investigate, as they did with the awarding winning movie about abusive priests in Boston.

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

and what if that can of worms led back to Pittsfield? Better leave that one alone.

Reply to  Doomiedoger
6 years ago

The truth is what is important. Let the chips fall where they may.

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

uh sure spider. but not in the Kavanaugh case though right? Different situation I guess..does not fit the agenda

6 years ago

Dump trump, that’s the end game! The Biggest American Jiggalo,since Richard Gere.Stop itching Milania.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

So what are the D-Rats going to offer in 2020?

Another Clintoon Crook?

DNC rig another election/ (poor Bernie!)

Whinnig why the founding fathers made an electoral college, FOR PEOPLE LIKE CLINTONS?

P.S. We have a REPUBLIC

Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Trump and the republican party are doing everything they can to lose the female vote. They do know that woman can vote now don’t they?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Women can not only vote Dusty, but they can also think logically and not be ruled by their emotions. Just because very far left Kamala Harris, Hollywood liberals, and Mika say they believe Christine Ford’s story, apparently without even hearing all of it, doesn’t mean that all women are willing to band together and condemn somebody without knowing all of the facts.

If Ford does show up in court next week, intelligent women know to expect a three ring circus and we may not even get to the facts, but instead just see the far left use this as an opportunity to prevent Kavanaugh from being nominated to the Supreme Court. Miss Ford should have filed charges in Maryland if she was serious about her situation. If would have also been a lot less emotionally stressful on her than appearing in front of the entire country one would think.

Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

We all know that the biggest American gigolo since Richard Gere is Bill Clinton without a doubt.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trump is sleazier than Clinton without a doubt

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

No, because that would be impossible.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

I consider you an idiot but because others on this thread do also you probably haven’t received any praise for a very very long time but when I see the truth I agree with it. Your post is 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000 % accurate.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

My response was for shakers but the first five words describes you also tds

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Its close.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

To all trumpeters. We find out about innocent or guilt after research investigation and hearings. But that is not the way you half wits look at it. Scump McConnell and Grassley are your cup of tea Dan I am shocked at your statements. You sound like these other halfwits who are barely capable of stringing two sentences together. Remember one thing
Dan Rape murder and other heinous crimes have no time limitations. It’s beyond belief that any one like you and the others who haven’t heard a word from Ford are ready to hang her but then again all of you dismiss the over 5000 confirmed lies Scump has told. I do not know who is telling the truth in this ford Kavanaugh situation but I like all other sane individuals will listen to the evidence and then decide. Does this sound reasonable to you Dan? I won’t ask the others as I have determined long ago that they are lost souls. I could show them a chicken and they will swear it is a donkey. Sad very sad.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Take you laxative.

Man From Nantucket
Man From Nantucket
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Most people can recognize a jackass when one is around.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, Melania has a scrapbook of her husbands conquests including the ones when she was pregnant with their son. And his first two wives know all too well he could not be trusted as far as they could throw him. He has even made sexual references about his own daughter. And there is a well known video of him bragging about how he can “grab them by their pussies” because he is a star. Surely you have seen that one a hundred times.

So please do not leave Donald Trump out of any discussion when you talk about the biggest gigolos because it might hurt his feeling to be left out. He flaunts it and is proud of it.

Thank you for allowing me to point this out because some people think it is ok for someone they like to do things they find despicable in others. How weird is that?

Grigori Rasputin
Grigori Rasputin
6 years ago

The Eagle reports:

Authorities are investigating a series of house fires in Pittsfield tonight. Four separate fires were reported on Ridge Avenue, Appleton Avenue, Fort Hill Avenue and Brown Street. The Pittsfield Fire Department says incendiary devices were used to ignite the fires. There have been no reported injuries.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Grigori Rasputin
6 years ago

Like I said. Not capable of stringing two sentences together..Some one mentions the truth about Scump and you followers come out of the woodwork. I baited you with a chicken and you call it a jackass. Intelligence is not you strong suit.

Make Pittsfield Great Again
Make Pittsfield Great Again
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Like I said we know a jack ass when one comes around.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Make Pittsfield Great Again
6 years ago

OK now we know positively that you post under two pen names. Everyone take note It took me less than 5 Minutes to trap you. Again only one sentence reply. You are way out of your league dumb bellllllllllll.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Small but significant mistake in my post. We now know that you post under at least three pen names and probably many more. In fact you may be this site’s resident nitwit because I couldn’t believe there could be so many vile individuals on this site. You have been outed donkey.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

TDS and Nantucket Critique my above post and tell me what you feel is true and what you feel is false. Your one line or less posts lend nothing to the conversation and can only lead us to believe you are low intelligence or lazy or both. Give us your best. You do know what critique means don’t you?

Man From Nantucket
Man From Nantucket
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

5000 lies? What’s your source for that delusion?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Man From Nantucket
6 years ago

Now we are getting some intelligent questions from you. Well over 5000 confirmed lies by Washington Post fact checker. Other independent sources have the figure well over 5000 lies. Why don’t you check fox news count and report back to us.

Man From Nantucket
Man From Nantucket
Reply to  Man From Nantucket
6 years ago

Washington Compost is Trump hating fake news. They are far left statists who will do anything to protect the deep state status quo.

Moon River
Moon River
6 years ago

Why did a guy try set his own house on fire tonight? He also lit three other houses on fire.

Les Bean
Les Bean
Reply to  Moon River
6 years ago

The guy the cops are looking for is Phillip Jordan. I just looked at his facebook page and he’s a real Trump hater.You have to watch out for people like that.

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Les Bean
6 years ago

I just checked it out too. The guy is a real anti Trump nut.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Moon River
6 years ago

Scump McConnell Grassley Graham This is the leadership of the Republican Party McConel is calling forms vote now. He Is a coward’s coward and would not be calling for a vote on Kavanaugh now if he weren’t positive he had the votes. Translation we don’t care what Ford says we are ready now to confirm him and he has not even tried to hide this fact. Now I would say let’s do what these miscreant republicans want to do. Hang ford without a trial. If you agree do not call yourself an american. I don’t agree and I know I speak for all sane Americans. November can not come soon enough. I like Gaetanti served in a war and I am appaled at what Scump has done to this country but I also have faith that it won’t be long before all decent people come forward and say enough. One good thing has come of Scumps presidency and that is we now know who are the crazies in congress and it won’t be too long that they won’t be there. Thank God. I can’t believe what I am about to say. I long for the days of George W Bush. He was nuts but not dangerous

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I wonder, have you referred to this situation as the “supposed sexual assault” of Ford? Like you referred to the “supposed Williams rapes”?

Your bias and hypocrisy regarding this issue is obvious. I thought you always told the truth? On the one hand – Ford’s case – you demand that she be heard and believed. On the other hand – Williams victims – a huge number of documented, much more recent rape claims are referred to as “supposed rapes.”

Your credibility score is dropping again.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Moon River
6 years ago

Nantucket. You and your ilk cry fake news without any substantiation because you can’t string two coherent sentences together. Scump can’t either and depends on you types to play cover for him but the day of reckoning for him and you types is close at hand. We will return to normalcy but I am hoping you will be living in Russia by then. You can tell all the lies you want and Vlad will even thank you but if you try to tell the truth he will shot or poison you. I will even buy you a one way ticket there if you promise never to return. Good riddance to foul fools

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You need to go to anger management.