(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY SEPT. 24, 2018) — In our previous column, THE PLANET broke an important story that the local mainstream media missed about a phone call made by Democratic nominee for district attorney Andrea Harrington to city councilor Melissa Mazzeo. They missed it because they didn’t know about it.
They didn’t know about it because the editors and reporters covering the campaign do not have our deep Rolodex. They don’t work the back alleys and shaded doorways, where the real action takes place. They don’t dig, probe, or push. For some reason, they don’t want to go there. It’s a pity, because this is a vital story, one that gets to the heart of this campaign, an election between two stark choices for the most important criminal justice position in Berkshire County, an area — Pittsfield especially — sorely in the midst of an unprecedented crime wave bordering on a societal breakdown several clicks south of anarchy.
The councilwoman and probable mayoral candidate said Harrington threatened her political future because of Mazzeo’s support for acting D.A. Paul Caccaviello, who decided in dramatic fashion to seek the office with a write-in bid following his loss to Harrington in the September primary. Through her consultant, Harrington called Mazzeo’s account of the call “wholly untrue and completely absurd.”
Harrington’s denial left Mazzeo staggered. She provided THE PLANET with a screen shot of Harrington’s call, made at 8:13 p.m. Sept. 18 and lasting 15 minutes.
“I just read your column [THE PLANET, Weekend Edition, Sept. 21-3],” Mazzeo said. “I’ve never been so sick in my life. She outright lied. She never asked for my support. She called me in March and asked to meet for coffee when she first thought of running. We meet at Guido’s, and I told her then that I was supporting Paul. So why would she call me for support against a possible write in. ? That makes no sense. She sarcastically reminded me that I said I was going to take a low key position during the primary… and I quote her ‘You obviously didn’t stay in the back ground,’ to which I replied, ‘Since many of your supporters were taking such an active role, I did them same.’ I am actually speechless that she denied this conversation. ‘The public should be very concerned.'”
Further investigation into the controversial phone call turned up three related morsels. First, it’s clear that Harrington made her call unilaterally, without her campaign knowing about it. That’s not to say her staff would disagree, and, in fact, one member close to the campaign that she made a good move — assuming her version of the call is true. That’s the second morsel. What if it’s not true? What if Harrington did indeed call Mazzeo and issued the threat? What would that say about her suitability for an office that should be as non-political as possible. Many who know Mazzeo, even those who don’t agree with her politics, vouch for her integrity when it comes to truthing or lying.
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Mazzeo’s swift and insistent reaction to Harrington’s phoner stands out as unusual given the nature of political types, who typically wash their words with Lava, soak them in bleach, and rinse them in warm milk. Mazzeo minced no words. She says Harrington threatened her political future, giving her the clear message that if she came out loud and visibly for Paul Caccaviello on the campaign trail, the Big Boys would see to the end of her career as one of Pittsfield’s kingmakers. Play ball … or else.
Third, we learned that sheriff Tom Bowler supports Caccaviello’s write-in bid “100 percent.” A source close to Bowler confirmed that, refuting rumors that the sheriff bailed out on Cacc after the latter lost to Harrington in the primary. The rumors, which in some circles still are being issued, have it that Bowler built his current “empire” by pleasing the Bosses. Since many of them Bosses are backing Hrrington, Bowler would not want to risk it by sticking by his man. This doesn’t appear to be so, and folks must remember that Bowler, after a few years ensconced as sheriff, has taken Carmen’s Holiday Ranch and made it his own. In other words, he, too, is a force with which to be reckoned.
THE PLANET contacted both Harrington and her campaign adviser, Adam Webster of Castlepoint Partners in Boston, but they did not respond as of press time.
This issue assumes its importance given the nature of the office being discussed. District Attorney looms large over every law enforcement and criminal justice action that goes on in the county. The person holding that office will determine the future path of justice in Berkshire County.
Will it be Justice, “justice,” or “just us?”
“The book is like the spoon, scissors, the hammer, the wheel. Once invented, it cannot be improved” —Umberto Eco.
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Burning down the house…….
Why did PPD and mental health take so long to admit my friend Phil was nutz and needed help?
They BOTH knew the problem.
Phil terrified friends and family for months.
So now Phil who needed help went nutZ!
Thanks mental health professionals in the Pitt. You dropped the ball big time like PPD
It’s hard these days. The public now expect the police to put on so many hats in addition to their law enforcement hat. Mental health, social worker, mind readers and on and on
We do the same thing in our schools. Now days schools are restaurants, social engineers, babysitters, fundraisers and on and on long before they begin to teach.
Agreed. It’s an unfortunate situation. Police and public school teachers have a next-to-impossible job. Policing has always been to some extent an after-the-fact business, responding to law breaking after it has occurred. Teaching, though, has until fairly recently (the past score of years) been about just that. Now, it’s everything else first, and then, if there’s any time or room left, maybe a little teaching takes place. Many culprits, not the least of which is the breakdown of the family and the insidious effect that smarat phones and social media have had on children.
Agreed Dan. What a shame. Hi
One thing is for certain. The Mazzeos owe the Capeless/Caccaviello machine and then some. But the rest of us should be insulted by such an unequal application of justice. Shame on these people. And you could have taken your loss like a man, Caccaviello, and moved on with your life. Instead, you and your former boss are going to be raked over the coals for the next 45 days before you go down in disgrace. Bad choice on your part.
If there has been stuff happening in the shadows it needs to come out. Maybe Dans gumshoes will shed light on both sides of that story and Melissa can clear it up since she seems to want things out in the open because as Dan said, many will vouch for her integrity when it comes to truth or lying
I have not heard bad things about MM personally, either. That is not the point here.
But Roberto Mazzeo got a gift that would not have been available to Joe Blow off the street, and it shouldn’t have happened. Period. Joe Blow would have gone away for 5 years. Roberto Mazzeo got a year of probation.
So if MM wants to be the one alleging shadiness, she’d better be prepared to answer a few questions and air her own dirty laundry.
Really? As opposed to the truth coming out that Harrington simply and totally hasn’t got a clue what the job of DA entails? A woman who asked for a mistrial for her client in a criminal case because the client’s lawyer – herself – was legally incompetent on criminal matters. The people of this county are fed up with elites dictating what’s right and wrong. It’s long overdue that the Democrat political machine be shut down. The truth about Harrington is going to be aired. She plays dirty and she’s a liar. That’s about to come out.
so you are in favor of any Melissa baggage being kept under wraps and only talking about the other team? is that fair to the voting public? Is that what we are doing here?
Really? Harrington has her dirty little minions out spreading nonsense. Would you like to see an actual court document from one of Harrington’s 7 criminal cases wherein she asks for a mistrial for her client due to her own “ineffective counsel” admitting she didn’t know what she was doing? The judge told her to take a hike because she took the case and the client’s money. The client? He went to jail. She has no business in the DA seat. She’s an idiot. A tiny little angry woman with a massive Napoleonic complex.
Be careful, Cicero/ Krol, your twisted plan doesn’t backfire!!!
My plan is to point out facts, ask questions, and maybe bring the truth to light. Completely twisted!
And a quick question for you, Dan: Do you allow people to post under multiple handles from the same email account, or do you at least make them go through the exercise of creating a new email account each time? Just curious.
One only hopes Cicero/ Krol is not (mis)using an algorithm that’s tracing/ tracking legal activity – illegally.
Your character is more questionable now than ever before, John Krol.
Marquis – You are not clever, you are obvious. Give it a rest. How about you try something new today, like getting a job?
You’re a funny guy, John Krol, or is Tim Walsh!
I understand your father-in-law is still paying all those hefty living bills?
John and Tim are both supported by their daddys-in-law. How Amerian is that?
By the way, guys, I like retirement.
Cicerkrol, don’t you have a fake business to run or something?
I’m impressed a screenshot of the phone call by Melissa to prove her point, and you’re still using a rolodex. You got step up your game Dan ! Another good article.
It gets even better. I’m thinking of upgrading with typewriters here at the Fortress of Solitude.
How does a screen shot showing that a call took place – a call that both parties acknowledge – prove anything about what was said on that call?
Answer: It doesn’t.
I heard our current DA on the radio and was so impressed with his low key professional attitude with 32 years of heavy duty courtroom experience that this vote must fix a mistake in the booth by voters.
She is a Rookie making so many mistakes.Who thinks our courthouse wont be political under Harrington ? Sounds like the future will be a disaster in that building.
Thanks Paul for keeping the election professional and being a gentlemen politician.
Caccaviello graduated from Law School in 1989. Why do you keep mentioning his “32 years of heavy duty courtroom experience”?
A gentlemen politician? That’s why he had his wife and capeless’s wife call and threaten Harrington supporters. How quickly we forget.
Versus Harrington who thinks she is “The Chosen One” playing phone call hardball exercising her Napoleonic Complex brought on by both her diminutive physical stature and her even more diminutive professional resume.
Interesting that when a small person acts tough, they are accused of having a Napoleonic Complex, where as a larger person can just act tough without having any complex.
Tell me about it! Been dealing with that every since I made my mark. 5’3″ just makes you quicker, smarter, hungrier, more determined.
Thanks Dan. Harrington’s toughness isn’t a result of he size. It’s who she is.
5’3″ like Harrington’s what 4’10” makes you both small in size and small in mind.
To truthsayer, the only thing “small” here is your comment. You should honestly look at what you just posted and ask yourself ‘is this who I really am?’ Maybe you can learn something from such an exercise…
In other words she’s an obtuse twit.
The battle of the restaurants. Ottos vs Mazzeo’s.
Mazzeo isn’t the truth teller she is being made out to be. In Dan’s previous article she stated she has never been to any of Paul’s campaign meetings. That is a LIE.
I know for a fact she was in the room when the decision to continue on was made. Think about it. I announced the write in on this blog before any one else knew about it. How would I have known about it?
Make no mistake, she was in the room.
What better way for her to help Paul than to make up a lie about Harrington to make her look bad.
All of Paul’s “smart supporters” have bailed. They all realize this is foolish and cannot succeed.
Mazzeo said to Paul “don’t worry about money we’ll raise it for you”.
I dont know where you get your information but i have attended all the meetings and Melissa Mazzeo was not at any of them. You are either misinformed or a liar.
I go with the liar option, especially if it’s Krol.
all the money in the world won’t change Cacc from losing again. It is embarrassing.
Berkshire Eagle seems to be ramping up their support for the Cavv guy.
they have always had a political agenda and it rarely works for the taxpayer and citizenry
“He Can’t Win” is lying. Melissa has never attended our meetings.
I believe the Planet vs he can’t win.
Now now Mark. I expected better from you.
Harrington voter would be smart to say nothing since it is legal and right to do the write in campaign.Her supporters are now whining,just not cool.Pauls professionalism is looking like he was the man for the job.She is a fill fledged POLITICIAN and Paul is a 32 year veteran of the courtrooms.
The second kavanaugh accuser’s incident occurred when he was an adult. UH O. I believe that the FBI should do a background investigation to fully vet what they find for the American people. What we may find is that we have three liars or just one liar. All bets are off. This rush to confirm kavanaugh must pause until we know the answer to these easily provable questions. By the way this is what the accusers want and what Kavanaugh doesn’t want. I wonder why not? Who do you think will be left standing after this investigation is completed?
Art – Hmm, how about the Williams situation vis-a-vis the Berkshire DA’s race? There is no option to postpone the election until after Nov. 6, so why aren’t you demanding an immediate response/investigation concerning the number of rapes at Williams that have gone un-prosecuted during the Capeless/Caccaviello era? Which is all of them, apparently.
I’m sure you have noticed that there has been no comment or explanation from Caccaviello about this, even after the woman from Williams College called him out and asked him to make public how many cases were investigated and their ultimate outcomes.
Why no sense of urgency on this one, Art?
Cicero look at my posts from yesterday and earlier days. I take your accusations seriously and I have and still contend that the incidents at Williams should be investigated. It is possible that one maybe two incidents fell through the cracks but the numbers you mention is front and center and screams for justice. I would suggest that you contact the college and ask for a meeting to discuss this situation and bring members of the press with you. Anyone who would condone and not look for the truth regarding this situation is identical to the happenings in Washington. They don’t want any investigations either and many on this board condone that. So you see what you are up against. Look at what the Gman is up against in this city trying to save the taxpayers 150 000 000 dollars. You would think that would be a no brainer and yet he is constantly swimming against the current. He doesn’t give up and be will rescue the taxpayer like he did in the 80s. So you see you are in good company and I would suggest you keep swimming.
The College isn’t running for an election that will be decided in just over a month. More importantly, the College doesn’t decide which rape cases are prosecuted and which ones aren’t. If any women during the period in question filed criminal complaints, the College didn’t conduct the criminal investigation(s) and decide not go forward.
We don’t know if or how many times that happened, but based on the comments from the Williams woman, it’s safe to assume there is a history.
Questions need to be asked, and they need to be directed at the DA’s office. Why will you not admit this, and start asking questions yourself?
Art Seller and Cicero are both Gaetani
He pretends to play against himself.
Williams College decides which sexual assault complaints are forwarded to the district attorney’s office.
The DA’s office can’t prosecute sexual assaults if they don’t have a complaint, evidence, and a cooperating victim.
Create all the noise you want, but Williams College covers up 99.999 percent of their sexual assault complaints.
Just think if every complaint was publicized via court records. Would you send your daughter there? I think not!
When you own a town like Williams does, you report what you want and it reports nothing. There has to be a corpse that can’t be ignored before Williams reports anything. No DA, not even Harrington IF she wins can do a thing because you can’t prosecute something that you never know about. That’s the Williams way.
The person posting this is named Brian Marquis. He posts under multiple handles on this board. His favorite hobbies are lying, accusing people of being John Krol, and comporting himself like a 5 year-old.
Mr. Marquis is lying when he says that Williams College “decides” which complaints are forwarded to the DA’s office. Even if the victim wants to remain anonymous, all complaints received by the college are reported to the local cops and then forwarded to the DA’s office. Capeless confirmed that himself in an interview a few years back.
The DA’s office was aware of every single case cited in the Clery Reports. Caccaviello and his supporters have claimed that the DA’s office didn’t receive complaints, etc., and that victims were steered away from criminal prosecutions by the college.
The college refuted this and called on Caccaviello to share information about how many cases were criminally investigated and how they were resolved. Common sense dictates that the college would not have issued that challenge if there weren’t some number of cases that were investigated and kicked aside.
Well, it’s about time to hear about how many cases we’re talking about here and what the outcomes were.
Truthsayer – Your facts are wrong. Every complaint that is received is automatically forwarded to the cops and then the DA’s office.
You are clearly ignorant about how things work there, so why bother opining as if you have even the slightest clue?
Pelosi sat on the first allegation for months so that it could be released near the election, who is the one delaying?
Your comments are not accurate. These affidavits might shed some light on the Williams College issue.
More to come in this case in October. For now, additional information available at:,491489
Which comments are not accurate? And I should tell you, one of your affiants is somewhat deranged. I would not place much stock in him.
All that said, I also think you have only heard half of what I believe. You have not heard my thoughts on Williams College.
Stop saying 32 years. That is false.
Nobody is questioning the “legality” of the write-in. They are questioning the lack of respect it shows for the primary system we have in place and the vote that has already taken place. He’s abrogating results he didn’t like and demanding a do-over. It’s dishonorable.
If the tables were turned and it was Harrington launching the write-in, for the same reasons, you people would be screaming bloody murder.
There are legitimate questions of how many voters were unable to vote for Cacc because they voted on the Republican ballot. Some independents too had to do the same thing by voting on the Republican ballot and being denied a vote for Cacc. This is why there is this grassroots efforts to have another legal chance to have all the voters who wanted to vote for Cacc to get their chance.
Berkshire County is the second most heavily Democrat county in Massachusetts, but go ahead with your logic….
You really don’t think there are Republican and Independent voters in Berkshire County?
Total: 88,562
Democrat: 31,383
Republican: 7,614
Libertarian: 332
Unrolled: 48,497
Thank you. Unrolled are independents meaning they will vote Democrat or Republican. That is a high number and the Republicans too could change the outcome of an election.
No actually, it is not evidence that Cacc has a chance. He this is not the case of merely checking a box one way or another, this is writing in a candidate’s name AND checking the box. Those unrolled voters participated in the primary. They didn’t elect Cacc. He does not have the volunteer infrastructure. Money could have won the primary, it won’t win a write-in I know elections, I’ve helped and run campaigns. The write-in campaign will be shot on the track like a racehorse with a broken leg.
The 48,000+ unenrolled voters in the county did indeed have the chance to participate in the primary. However, to do so, they had to declare for that day a party affiliation. They would have had to temporarily declare themselves to be a “Democrat.” Then they could vote, but they would also have to change back again to unenrolled. It’s a hassle, and not many bother. For the general election, they can vote as they are, officially unenrolled, without declaring. They can vote for anyone. This will mean many more independent voters in November.
Pat – Un-enrolled voters were eligible to vote in the primary. They also surely knew that it was effectively the election and not just a primary.
The only people who couldn’t vote in the primary were registered republicans/libertarians. They comprise less than 10% of the county.
Your argument is absurd, which tends to happen when one has no idea what they are talking about and just guessing.
Whatever you say Cicertani
Man, are you gonna cry like a baby if Knight backs Cacc.
Everyone in the county knows that Knight is backing Caccaviello. She showed up at his concession speech to pledge support if he went forward with this very thing. Still waiting for you to add anything of value to this convo.
Mr. Tully seems to think that his meetings are the important meetings. Those meetings are not the important meetings.
The irony is that they are all Democrats and essentially splitting the party.
True gunner. It almost seems like progressive and democRats aren’t the same. But theeeey are……
.read the tea leaves on the trump headlines of late,Art, don’t sell me short Seller, is spot to on. To tell the truth trump is deflecting,big time, for good reason.
Berkshire County is a one party county. Obviously there are going to be factions. The real culprit is the governor who had a perfect opportunity to appoint a republican. What kind of a deal did he make with our democrat D.A.?
Mr. McConnell,these women are coming forward because this perverted twisted creep, is a lifetime appointment, you dumb ass. Trump has been using he same tacitics for two years,you piece of garbage, tax break for millionaires old, flakey has been. You are an overrated has been senator just like Harry Reed, only a republican,the only difference.
The second kavanaugh accuser’s incident occurred when he was an adult. UH O. I believe that the FBI should do a background investigation to fully vet what they find for the American people. What we may find is that we have three liars or just one liar. All bets are off. This rush to confirm kavanaugh must pause until we know the answer to these easily provable questions. By the way this is what the accusers want and what Kavanaugh doesn’t want. I wonder why not? Who do you think will be left standing after this investigation is completed?
Art, I think you’re a gobsig who just wants to take the focus of local issues. So you can bathe in your TDS and I’m going to focus on important local issues while you do the distracting for your local gobsig buddies. Too much going on locally. The hell with your nonsense .
TDS I evidently hit a nerve with you. Take the focus off local issues? You must be kidding!!! The Gman is my friend and he is everything local issues. Have you ever seen his show?? He hates Gobsigs and if you know him then you know that I hate Gobsigs also. Where did you come up with this fake news. Alternate fact. Truth isn’t truth and TDS. Indeed do concentrate on local news and bet behind the Gman. He and I Are trying to help you and everyone else in this confused city. Remember the truth will set you free and you should strive for it.
TDS has blown your mind. You are beyond help Art. I won’t change your foolish mind. There is no one so blind as he who will not see. Keep distract people away from the gobsig highjinx .
TDs. Are you sure you don’t have me mixed up with someone else? I have no use for gobsigs. The city is loaded with them and as I assume you are aware the Gman is about to take their bag of candy away from them. You can watch his TV show at 6pm on Thursday on CH 1301. He is tireless defender of the taxpayer and has no qualms identifying a gobsig and crucifying them any chance he gets right to their face. If you like him you will love me because I hate gobsigs even more than the Gman does. Do you like me now? I hope so.
His show is good in parts when he keeps to local issues. And he talks too much. Three fourths of the show is gone by the time he takes phone calls.
Orin hatch has lost his marbles
No question Art, this guy is creepy, and wears a robe, just likE, skunk , ie scump.
McConnell smear campaign against kavanaugh accusers is appalling . This dinosaur should be put out to pasture. All the more reason why we need the FBI investigation. Neither Kavanaugh nor the republicans on the senate committee want this investigation and that should raise a red flag with all sane minded individuals. There is no reason not to have this investigation and for anyone to say otherwise should go to live in Russia as that is the way they operate there. Sanity will prevail in this country once Scump is impeached. At least he will have a hearing before he is booted even though he doesn’t deserve it considering that no less than 20 woman have come forward charging him of sexual misconduct and yet we are allowing BIM to appoint supreme court justices. What a joke.
Absolutely GMan is my go to guy. Who else do you want to oversee the nonsense this City spews each and everydayCHECK out those ridiculous unsightly garbage recepticals on Tyler St. Just one of many many, guffaws.
Don’t you people know just how reverent, majestic and omnipotent the G-Man really is? Well, for those of you who may not watch his TV show or City Council meetings where he constantly educates you on just how wonderful he is and how he is going to save taxpayers over 200 billion dollars, let me fill you in on some of the bullet points: When Jesus walked on water, he was really standing on a sand float designed by the G-Man while he was king of universal marketing under the almighty himself. When Neil Armstrong 1st stepped on the moon, it was all because of the astrophysics discovered and proven by the G-Man, while living in a cave with Siddhartha Gautama. Throughout history, when greatness occurred, it was only because the G-man was nearby. Until we all bow down and kiss the G-man’s ring, we are doomed to live with our own dignity and self-respect.
TDs. Are you sure you don’t have me mixed up with someone else? I have no use for gobsigs. The city is loaded with them and as I assume you are aware the Gman is about to take their bag of candy away from them. You can watch his TV show at 6pm on Thursday on CH 1301. He is tireless defender of the taxpayer and has no qualms identifying a gobsig and crucifying them any chance he gets right to their face. If you like him you will love me because I hate gobsigs even more than the Gman does. Do you like me now? I hope so.
jealousy, envy, not govern good traits. His show is funny as hell.
Two cents almost100% correct on every point except one. The Gman would love to save over ,,200 billion dollars but because the project is only worth 150 million he is certain he can save 40 to 50 million dollars. When it comes to big dollars you are lost asshole. The Gman already saved us over 100 mi
lion in the 80s and he is poised to save many more millions for the taxpayers once he gets your type of idiot out of the way. Tell us about yourself.
You have no dignity or self respect. You are a pathetic wanna be and get your glory by putting yourself in the Gman’s shoes while you are posting but when you come down from your high you are the same pathetic stone thrower that you are every day. Glad to hear you watch the Gman’s show. Because you do you have some I!portant factual info that you may be able to use some day
Yeah, but Neil and even Almighty Jesus, didn’t save us 100 mil plus. Judas chapter 69.
The Harrington threat sounds an awful lot like the letter Guernsey wrote to Nuciforo a few years back. At the time they wanted Nuciforo to wait his turn and not disrupt the democratic party. If a man or woman wants to run for office, the only people who should have a say in that are those who show up for election day (an absentee, etc). It shouldn’t be determined by a smaller group of people. Its an election, not an appointing. Why does that old fool think he is king of the WMass democratic party? He isn’t on any ballot.
Also, why does everyone keep saying this is political career suicide for Caccaviello? He’s not a politician. He wants to be DA because he cares about the county and he cares about his coworkers and he feels that she isn’t the answer. If he loses this time, he will probably just happily retire and spend time with his family. Or he will work in a law practice somewhere and do a good job and collect a nice paycheck. He wont be running again in 4 years. Or however many years it is. He won’t be running for state rep or whatever else either. So political career is not a deterrent for him to run.
As far as sour grapes goes, whatever. Primary losers almost always consider a write-in campaign for the general election. The difference is most of them can’t win so they choose not to run. In this case, he can still win, and like previously stated, he’s doing it because he cares. All the political attacks, or the statements about his family, etc. take a serious toll, yet he is doing it anyways. I know he would gladly not have run again to spare himself, and others, the hassles. This is America, are we supposed to give up on our goals and dreams? No. If you want a job but get turned down, do you not try again? If you don’t, you likely have a reason or a plan B, well he wants the job. Probably more than she actually does. Its likely that she just wants a political stepping stone.
Guernsey and Nuciforo, the two leading candidates for the nitwit hall of fame.
Luciforo is a hypocrite when it comes to so-called “elections”! He complained when the elitist Berkshire Brigades’ Sherwood Guernsey, et al, sent him a letter to defer to Congressman John Olver’s re-election campaign in 2012, where Olver later dropped out and endorsed Congressman Richie Neal. But 6 years earlier in 2006, Luciforo strong-armed 2 women candidates – Sara Hathaway and Sharon Henault – out of the Pittsfield Registry of Deeds so-called “election” to anoint himself to his 6 year sinecure. Guernsey, et al, tried to strong-arm Luciforo out of a so-called “election” in 2012 and Luciforo played the victim of insider politics. But, Luciforo did the same thing in 2006 for his own benefit. Yet, another case of two set of rules that benefits the powerful insiders and cost the powerless outsiders.
What Andy wants andy gets, accept Congress.
The conversations and scattered topics on this blog are so hard to follow sometimes. I feel like I need an Adderall to stay focused.
Whatever it takes.
Two cents.Your worth far less than your handle.The Gman is not looking for anyone to kiss his ring.He is looking for gobsigs to tell them to kiss his ass.There is no one smarter braver and more accomplished than the Gman in this city.He is a city treasure and the gobsigs greatest nightmare. We all owe the wiz a heartfelt thanks for what he has done for us. All he cares to do is to save the taxpayers millions like he did in the 80s He has never asked for anything for himself. Tomorrow is Tuesday and you can bet every dollar you have that he will be at the cc representing you and then again on wed. The Gman makes politics interesting a fete very few can make happen but the Gman is an expert at that also. I have known him a long time and know he is very capable at many things and is also one of the best drummers the city had ever produced. He played in many bands and drum corps.He was playing at the Stock bridge inn eons ago when Dave Brubeck and his son stopped in after a tanglewood concert They asked to sit in and asked the Gman if he thought he could play drums to their signature song Take Five. The Gman said Of Course. When the song paused for the drum solo the elder Brubeck was astonished and asked him to continue for a little longer. Later that night Brubeck asked him if he ever did any studio work.He responded no. Brubeck took his phone number and said he would get back to him. 5 or 6 years latter he called and asked the Gman if he could fill in for his group.He couldn’t make that date and never heard from Brubeck again. This is what I mean when I say the zGman is involved in everything but what he likes best is saving the taxpayers money How can anyone argue with that?
Give it a rest Cicero.
G Man and thePlanet have o e thi g I. Common they both use their name. And another, they are willing to go to court fighting for all of our rights. Art Seller, did the G Man know Tino Barzie? Former manager for Frankie Sinatra? I think?
Wondrous.Yes he did. More tomorrow
Gentleman Paul =32 Years of professionalism .
Art Seller = Cicero
We are watching a federal circus in Washington. Look at the playing rules for Garland confirmation. Same dinosaur players with totally different gamebook.Here is what I think should happen. A FBI investigation of all players. No FBI investigation Kavanaugh guilty shouldn’t be confirmed. This is as simple as can be. The reverse is what the dinosaurs are doing and expecting us to swallow Of course the dinosaurs don’t want an investigation. Why. They know more about Kavanaugh than they’re letting on. Anyone with another plausible explanation? Just heard avenetti has third accusser whom he says will sink Kavanaugh We all know that avenatti is top shelf. I would say all dinosaurs are in huge trouble.
You go for it Cicero.
Kavanaugh is a serial pervert. Mitch Mconnell is a dinosaur who’s time has come to an end, please go away Mitch.
Mitch McConnell is a piece of human garbage. He is his own parties worst nightmare.
Has anyone else noticed that John Krol is a dead ringer for Stan Laurel from Laurel and Hardy? And he just as much of a buffoon?
Moon I have been accused of being a person who is worse than Cicero. We have seen four posts from you which = 0 in contributing to the conversation. Try playing intelligent in your future posts as at present you come across as being lacking in nervous tissue. Do you know what nervous tissue is? And no I am not Cicero but he does sound intelligent but I can’t say the same about you.
You sound like Krol and I’ll assume you are him until it’s proved otherwise.
Art – Are you me? Am I you? We are confusing Moon River. Maybe best to speak in small words for a while.
Yes Cicero when we respond to Moon we should use small words. More than one syllable words seem to throw he/she for a loop. I do not know where these people come from. Have you noticed that the individuals who post regularly with the monosyllabic vocabularies are some of the meanest people on the planet? I wish that when someone throws a stone at me they would at least say why. I’d like to tell you what I would like to do with some of these short shrifters but this is a nice friendly blog but think you get the idea. Do not give up your quest to get to the bottom of the going’s on at Williams. You would think any decent individual would want to get to the bottom of this situation but the key word here is decent. Look at the Gman. He is trying to save the taxpayer a fortune and they are kicking sand in his face. If I were you and the Gman I would tell the sheep to take a leap but if you are like G you will forge ahead and we all need to Thank you because you are risk takers who make things happen. You two walk while the rest of us talk and I for one are very appreciative of your actions and everyone else should also
The incoherent excuses and false information being offered up on this board are disturbing. You can bet I will keep looking into this. The smoke is building and I suspect the fire is not too far away now.
Half Moon. I am everyone who posts on this board. Which one of me do you like best? On another topic if Scump tries to fire or seek loyalty from Rosenstein this would trigger an obstruction of justice charge against Scump. This is the only reason why Scump will not fire Rosenstein. Michael Avenatti says he will bring 3rd accuser forward in 48 hours who will finish Kavanaugh. If Scump ordered the FBI invest. Kavanaugh might have had a chance but now there is no chance he will be confirmed and as I stated before this situation is Scump’s swan song. The American public has seen enough of this circus with these dinosaur republicans and they will clean house in November and turn Scump into a lame duck. I doubt he would remain for the rest of his term as he may be impeached before then. In any event things are coming to a head. The only question we do not know now is how deep a shade of blue the mid terms will be but I say it will be a very deep shade of blue,
Cicerseller, are you gonna be at Dottie’s today?
Nope, can’t make it tonight. But I do plan on going to that comical “Stand-Out” on October 8.
I’ll be the one with the wheelbarrow of diapers for when you crybabies wet yourselves. I’ll bring all sizes, but I can’t decide between the Teddy bear and balloon patterns. I have to choose one since I’m getting them at Costco and they only come in boxes of 500. If a majority of the people prefer Teddy bears, I don’t want to get the balloons, know what I mean? Any chance you could take a straw poll among your crowd so that everyone’s voice is heard? We live in a democracy after all.
Meanwhile the PEDA administration building is going to be used as a Greylock Federal Credit Union outlet. How awesome is that? (Sept 18 Berk Eagle business section)
Just when you thought PEDA was a failing, go nowhere political grab bag entity.
Wondous Tino managed Pia Zadora, she took Frank Sinatra’s advice. He always encouraged her to sing “the Standards” and perform the American Song Book. She has now recorded an album of just that, with the Joe Lano Trio and some wonderful guest musicians. Frank used to give her this this pep talk right before she performed, “Don’t screw up”.
I knew a Billy Barzie as a kid. Thought he was a drummer, that’s why I asked the G Man.
Does Trump know Pia Zadora? Did he meet with her in Russia?
I heard a rumor G E might go to Pension Buyouts. Stock shares dropped 32% this past year alone. So, grandma and grandpa your pro rated pension buyout would be about fifty grand before taxes,take it. All others currently retired or retiring, 200g and up,after the Ninties collapse. Stock price was cut in half for twenty years at least, and have been stagnant or dropping.
Pittsfield was sold down the River with the consent decree.
A few years ago a friend told me to buy GE stock. Glad I didn’t listen to him.
Gentlemen Paul our current DA is staying out of Harrington invoking her democratic privilege that BOUVIER told her she had.I was told that Tricia Farley Bouvier has never put together 1 piece of her own legislation to help Pittsfield. Her face is everywhere a camera would be.Please do something about electric rates TFBouvier. She is a republican running as a democrat.
With all of the violent, drug-related crime in the Berkshires, why would anybody want to elect a novice who wants to coddle drug dealers?
The only piece of paper TFB (AKA-TCB-The Country Buffet) that TFB has ever put her hands on, is the napkins at the TCB, so she could wipe the grease off her fingers and mouth.
Art Seller = Cicero = GMan = Means somebody’s off their meds again…..
Bouvier a Republican? Your off your meds.
Your right, we have Dems calling themselves progressive,repubs as Dems, independents as repubs, repubs (trump) communists, communists, Dems. Liberals are nie conservatives vice versa..Kavanaugh is a perverted little man. See if he has any hair on his chest, if he does, he’s guilty.
He is a virgin and damn proud of it.
Shouldn’t the voucher from Downtown inc. resign from his post on the Board as current President. That Attorney Dubin, vouched for the Methuselah Bar during a proceeding at the Licensing Board awhile ago. The punishment then was not sufficient. Now, they have another violation, with a three day suspension. This clown should resign, GOBSIGS gotta go in this City
Also, the City Ouncilor should be embarrassed with the lack of transparency with the deal that the Garbage Hauler redeifed. I smell a rat.. I also heard the paper work, let alone the dismissal for Council to participate was illegal.
The word you’re looking for is “you’re” = you are.
You’re correct. I don’t always check before posting.
You’re wrong. In West Virginia it’s preferred.
If you say so.
Shut down Methusalah period. Jesse Cook Dubin…..RESIGN?
What a joke,Methusalah third violation,shut it down. The owner practically laughed at the seriousness of the violation, and the board was very non chalant. Where does this board chairman live anyway?
Appointees lack experience and fortitude. The problem with the experienced appoiqntees like Massimiano and many others,is that they are dnosaur gobsigs. The problem with the new ones are gobsigs and inexperience, it’s wrong. Tyer you must go next election.
No kickbacks or payoffs occurred so please keep all mind wandering at bay.
Methusalah served a minor who was short shortly after leaving, they got a slap on the wrist.
It’s about who you know, as she’s buddy buddy with Krol and we all know he’s pulling strings.
The bar was to busy on North Street,isn’t that what everyone wants.50 people is not many people.Thats a bad turnout.
Its a smallish bar with no sprinkler system. 50 is plenty.
Unfortunately for Mr. Cosby, the little head was telling the big head what to do. Adios,Hey Hey Hey.
Unfortunate for the taxpayers who have to pay to lock up a guy for nothing, they are the only victims in this story
Bill, can I have your farm in Buckland? Please?
How many jurors were black. Trump is crucifying the little people and its spreading now to our courts. These women should have been honored to even be with a celebrity like Cosby. Our own President says he can grab privates of women? I. The sixties everything was allowed.
Tifs need to go. It cream on the top for the new Porkers and Lenox types.
Theo is going away, it ain’t right? I suppose a trump gets a pass?
,,.. thought Mazzeo wanted to reopen the consent decree neons ago?
other news….Bourdain was a full blown alcoholic, thus his demise. To bad, he was a cool dude.
Phil Jordan is also a local folk hero, substance abuse for decades, doesn’t surprise me. He never got help, don’t make it right, but he isn’t an evil person. Some people you can’t reach, be easy on him Judge.
Trying to decide whether to have that last banana on my cheerios tomorrow morning. If I do I will be out of bananas and if I don’t it might go bad. Is there some kind of formula for working out problems like this?
Johnny, the formula is – if you are a republican, you only eat half, or none at all, because you are conservative. If you are a democrat you either let it go bad because the government will give you money to buy more, or eat it all because you don’t care about tomorrow anyway. If you are unenrolled, or independent, you decide on your own, with no help from the gocernment, or this board, because you are reaponsible for your own decisions. Hope this helps.
J a buy em at Aldi*s they*re Cheap. And either eat half a banana,or if they rot, you can make banana bread….just sayin,U want the recipe?
the old split the baby in two solution! I like that…thanks
now I gotta hope I don’t run outta milk