(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 22, 2018) — Who knows what difference endorsements make? THE PLANET says it depends on the particular circumstances. Who is endorsing whom? Why? When? Under what conditions? They therefore can help or hurt, marginally most likely either way. All things being equal, endorsements are like chicken soup when you have a cold of flu: It can’t hurt, and there’s reason to believe it helps. At worst, they cause a rebound the other way of the intent. Usually, they are a wash, a way to stroke the ego of the endorser with a cheap press release and the means to provide false security to the endorsee.
Over the past few days, district attorney Paul Caccaviello won two endorsements, the first from attorney and two-time D.A. candidate Judith Knight, the second from Pittsfield’s Ward 4 councilor, Chris Connell. Knight’s endorsement is major. In the September Democratic primary, she finished third in a three-person race to Cacc (2nd) and winner Andrea Harrington. She did so, though, with more than 5,000 votes in a race with a close finish. Meanwhile, just ahead of her Wednesday fundraiser, Harrington sent out a press release announcing the endorsement of senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey.
What do, what will, these endorsements mean on Election Day?
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The September vote totals read Harrington 8,511; Caccaviello 7,867; Knight 5,182; blank 75 for a total of 13,645 out of 88,500 eligible county voters (a 16% turnout). Cacc won Pittsfield, the county seat and the election’s crown jewel, beating Harrington by double digits, 3,163 to 2,534. Overall countywide, he lost by 644 votes, or 4.7% among those who voted and 7/10s of 1 percent — 50.3 to 49.7 — of the total electorate. Given that turnout for the general election will be greater, and perhaps by a lot, and that with her endorsement of Caccaviello Knight in effect releases 5,182 voters his way, a difference of less than one percent hardly seems safe for Harrington, notwithstanding that Cacc’s campaign is of the write-in variety. And we mean write-in as opposed to a sticker campaign.
THE PLANET has learned that Camp Cacc has won’t print or distribute stickers. They have been advised by election officials that stickers tend to clog the vote scanning machines. We have no doubt that is true, but we wonder why Pittsfield as county seat can’t provide candidates with reliable machines. That seems little to ask … ah, but this is Pittsfield.
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It’s no secret that Knight bears little love for Harrington. The rift became unreconcilable after Pittsfield state rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier attempted to strong-arm Knight into quitting the September primary to send more votes Harrington’s way. Knight said the “final straw” came with Harrington’s alleged threatening phone call to councilor-at-large Melissa Mazzeo, a call reported exclusively by THE PLANET.
Knight endorsed Caccaviello in front of the courthouse steps along Bank Row in Pittsfield, making sure to land some haymakers on Harrington: “She is a great politician. She ran a great campaign. But she told us that she was going to run the district attorney’s office like she ran her campaign. I found that very alarming because the district attorney is a public servant, not a politician. … Andrea can be divisive. She is not always forthcoming with the truth when asked directly. And her inexperience really renders her so inadequate for this job that she will have to rely only on her political skills. I think we will all be in trouble.”
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Connell’s endorsement came in the form of a letter-to-the-editor, sent to local media including THE PLANET. As part of “The Loyal Opposition” on the Pittsfield city council that includes Mazzeo, Ward 2′ Kevin Morandi, and sometimes Ward 7’s Tony Simonelli, Connell’s backing takes on an added gravitas. Connell, a man with vast experience in the Dreaded Private Sector, is a sensible, flexible, voice of reason on a board that often descends into bickering and partisanship. His judgment is well respected, and, while no one can measure what effect his endorsement will make, nonetheless stands as a mark mover in the “applause meter” hovering over Cacc’s head.
Here’s the text of Connell’s letter:
During the last 3 months I had decided to remain neutral during the DA race facing Pittsfield and Berkshire county. I had met Andrea Harrington during my campaign for state representative two years ago. I thought then that she had heart for not only the Berkshires but for the residents as well. I did not ever meet Paul Caccaviello until August of this year when he called me and asked to meet.
During this campaign I have observed and studied the two candidates very carefully. This position in my opinion should not even be a political option but should be appointed based on experience. The campaign has been in my opinion very nasty. The public has seen our current state representative get involved trying to influence a candidate to drop out of the race to give her candidate an edge. I find this deplorable.
Mr. Caccaviello has worked in the district attorney’s office for over 20 years. He has been involved with many cases that certainly give him the experience to help keep our county safe. I personally don’t feel that Andrea has the experience the county needs to help maintain law and order.
I was initially reluctant to express my support for any candidate for the election due to my fear of possible political fallout for myself. That is my shortcoming because I have always believed that you have to do what is right for the people and not for yourself. Now I want to do the right thing regardless of how it may affect me politically.
Therefore, I would encourage all of the 6,000 residents that voted for me two years ago for state representative as well as everyone else, to vote for experience and not make this race a popularity contest. Pittsfield and Berkshire county need Paul Caccaviello to continue as District Attorney. Please write in Paul Caccaviello. — CHRIS CONNELL, WARD 4, PITTSFIELD CITY COUNCIL
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Harrington’s senatorial backers may help and may hurt. It strains credulity that Warren and Markey have any intimate knowledge of the party nominee and are acting out of anything other than party hegemony. Here’s Harrington’s press release:
Exciting news! I am honored to earn endorsements from Massachusetts Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey for Berkshire County District Attorney.
Senator Elizabeth Warren said, “Andrea Harrington has the experience, the vision, and the passion to lead Berkshire County forward – keeping residents safe, expanding treatment to fight the opioid epidemic, and supporting our communities.”
She continued, “I am standing with Andrea Harrington for Berkshire County District Attorney on November 6th and hope you will do the same.”
Senator Ed Markey remarked, “I am proud to support Andrea Harrington for Berkshire County District Attorney. As the Democratic nominee for District Attorney, Andrea has the right priorities for Massachusetts, and I look forward to working to get her elected in November.”
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This race does not hinge on endorsements but on turnout. More than 13,645 will vote, including county Republicans and more independents than turned out in September. These people will decide the election.
“The public interest depends on private virtue” — James Q. Wilson.
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Online in the local paper, Harrington states that she will continue to take the high road? REALLY!?!? When? Her Facebook posts are straight from the Trump playbook for the inexperienced. Her surrogates have been out there like a pack of roaming thugs. People I know have disowned friends over their support of and threats made on behalf of Harrington. This woman is a lawyer in name only and doesn’t belong in the role of DA. In fact, on one occasion, several of her supporters yelled obscenities at me over my Caccaviello lawn sign as they were canvassing my neighborhood. Two days later, I get a solicitation asking for money for her campaign. When he’ll freezes over.
Saw 2 AH signs on Flintsone & 3 Cac’s signs on Bellmore and a vote no on Question 1 sign on Ann Dr.. Now I’m curious and going to take inventory of the area to see just how many signs are out for the election.
There sure are a lot of un-enrolled voters here that could set this right and I hope they do.To support a candidate like Harrington who is so clearly unqualified just because she is a dem is unconscionable. As for me, I will dis-enroll from the Democratic party after 40 years. I simply no longer believe in their values because of this behavior.
I hear Donnie Trump has a nice party all fixed up nice for ya. He loves woman so climb on board his love train and become a republican.
Jimmy Ruberto’s Good Old Boys political machine supports Andrea Harrington, while the legal establishment supports Paul Caccaviello.
Andrea Harrington runs for political office every 2 years and will be beholden to the G.O.B.’s.
Paul Caccaviello was anointed by David Capeless and Charlie Baker.
I don’t know which candidate is worse! My prediction is it will be a “coin toss” close election on November the Sixth.
For Cacc to get the job, he had to be vetted. Harrington’s propaganda machine would like everyone to believe that the appointment was arranged, which is utter BS.
Now, how are all the Harrington supporters going to react this week, when it comes out that one of her biggest supporters and strongest Cacc critics has been covering up and paying off individuals guilty of criminal acts? And that the cover-up has been used to improperly influence voters? The question will come up as to how involved AH herself was in this manipulation to promote her campaign.
It will be a week wherein people who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones truly becomes a saying proven to the nth degree!
Gonna be a hell of a week for the Democrats Chosen One, and not in a good way.
How do you cover up a criminal act, unless you are the D.A.?
Are you suggesting that this supporter is paying off criminals not to turn themselves in?
Your’s is one of the most F’d up statements I’ve ever read.
Perhaps you should pose that question to Pittsfield’s own reincarnated Roman warrior police chief.
I’m certain he’s covered up more than one misdeed in his tenure as chief; how else would he have risen through the ranks with such grace.
A Williams College graduate (double degree) in English and English Literature doesn’t usu. prepare one for a career in criminal justice or criminology.
That is funny. Mostly because Wynn is with Cacc, just like all cops.
Easy! Your employer puts you in charge of complaints. The initial complaints are reported to the police but withdrawn. Why? Because your employer authorizes you to handle the issues internally.
I’d suggest that you might consider changing your name from “He can’t win” to “She’s gonna lose”
Watch and learn child.
AH has what, 7 bombed criminal cases? I won 47 out of 63 appeals of criminal convictions. I’d make a better DA than her, but I know damn well that I don’t have the experience to run the office.
What that makes me is smart. It makes Harrington nothing more than a political opportunist, and like all politicians, a bag of empty promises. I believe the professional term for a person of AH’s ilk is BS artist.
Truth sayer,
I hope you are right about bad news for AH coming out, but I’m not sure I follow what you say above. In your first post you refer to a big AH supporter paying off criminals and covering up their behavior. I assume that refers to lawn sign stealing and crap like that? in your second message you referred to complaints being withdrawn. Aren’t the victims the people whose signs were stolen? How can AH’s people get them to withdraw their complaints?
Sorry, just trying to understand all this. Go Cacc.
If HCW has knowledge of such wrongdoing, I would invite him/her to contact THE PLANET privately with the information.
This post seems hard to believe. If only for the reason that DV would have the story!!
Thanks, CV!
Andrea Harrington is nothing more than a spoiled brat. Ask anyone who went to high school with her. Her campaign team is a bunch of misbehaving children.
So is Tricia going to be reprimanded for her unethical contribution to the election process? Did she admit it, apologize or make any attempt to ameliorate the problem? Is there anyone who even cares about stuff like that anymore?
How did the hard working Connell not beat the do nothing Eversourse,supporting Bouvier.Chris has it right as this office should not be elected.I support Cacciviello because he deserves the position and she has done nothing to be given by popularity a 175,000 k job.
District Attorney Paul Cacciviello a gentleman and professional should not have to relinquish a position he has trained 32 years for.Tyer,Bouvier, Kroll,White,and Caccamo can’t balance a budget and should not be in charge of Justice in Berksdhire county.Justice is a Paul Cacciviello win to keep him in charge .
Art…yes I do watch the Gman on tv every week…I do get what he is trying to do…the man is very smart at what he does…I like the guy
I believe Pittsfield is in the most turmoil ever. The Citizens have zero leadership across all offices. The killer instinct for power is a cancer and all consuming.Meanwhile, the drugs and crime are out of control. The article surrounding the Robbins Avenue neighborhood could not be more chilling or more disparaging for people stuck in their situation. Driving within the City limits encounters out of control thug behavior, cutting people off, ignoring stop lights, stop signs, you name it. The so called leaders continue to divide, and the City continues to sink.
If the city is unable or unwilling to try to control even traffic violations do we have any hope when it comes to the bigger more violent behavior? Have they backed off because everyone in the hood is filming their every move with their cell phone? Are they afraid to make an arrest because if it is not done perfectly they may be sued?
Connell is nothing more than a stupid bully.
Last week while in rite aid he was giving a tongue lashing to a store clerk. A private citizen tried to get him to stop. Connell tried to fight the guy in the parking lot.
Is that how city councilors are supposed to act?
He bullies people from his council chair as well. Lets vote him out.
Another unbelievable comment.
fakes news – never happened – next lie please…..
I’m guessing you never met John Krol, Barry Clairmont, and Jim Ruberto?
And i’m guessing you never met Andrea Harrington and hubby, Timmy? Two of to-day’s worst persons in the whole goddamn world!
I’ve never met Timmy Walsh, but I can assure you his true colors shines brightly as he trolls anyone on public FB posts that have dissenting opinions about Andrea.
It’s funny how people refer to Andrea as a spoiled brat… see John Krol next.
If you are going to make an accusation like that, be accountable, and use your real name.
That way Councilor Connell will know who to sue for libel.
I agree with others…lying, fake post.
Pittsfield needs school consolidation and needed it 5 years ago.Where will Pittsfield be in 3 years.Will Tyer be mayor,will yon head the School Committee, will McCandless still not consider consolidation of servicing more staff under 1 roof.Many classrooms at PHS have 7 or 8 students,why.PHS has empty classrooms.On paper if every high school student showed we only have 1500 kids.No need to heat to buildings to teach 15 in a class rather than 7 in 2 different buildings.Those crime neighborhoods have no representation.
In today’s Eagle, Lisa Tully suggests that campaigns are responsible for the things their supporters say. If that is the case then Caccaviello is responsible for Brian Marquis. Ouch.
Just so we’re crystal clear, He can’t win, I am solely responsible for my behaviours, and published content.
If you have a problem with me – address me – not the Caccaviello campaign!
Cacc doesn’t speak on my behalf, and I don’t speak on his behalf.
Just so we’re crystal clear!!!
So what is your stance on Lisa Tully’s LTE?
Why so defensive?
My response to Lisa Tully’s LTE (https://www.berkshireeagle.com/stories/letter-harringtons-behavior-sinceprimary-is-disqualifying,553761J) is spot-on.
Which part of it do you not understand? From I am seated, it’s crystal clear to me what a hack Harrington and crew of misfits really are.
Go, Lisa!!
Hey, He can’t win! If Harrington sits down really fast, will you suffer a head or neck injury?
Fact1: Lisa’s letter states in the first paragraph: “Harrington actually posted this revolting letter to her Facebook page.”
Fact2: Andrea Harrington posted and endorsed it on her Facebook page by stating: “Wow. What a powerful letter to the editor by Peggy Kern.”
Fact 3: all Paul, and his supporters are doing is running an attack campaign. When was the last time Paul, or his supporters talked about the issues? They haven’t. The real hate in this campaign is coming from the Cacc camp, including you and your wife.
More campaign gibberish from another Harrington pseudonym.
And no one’s “running an attack campaign.” It appears to me Cacc’s campaign is comparing & contrasting differences between Harrington and himself :Not a different task when one’s overqualified and other is an outlier.
Cacc takes it by 2,133.
How has Harringtons campaign not been a constant attack at Caccaviello?
Seriously everything I’ve heard out of her camp has been downright attacks From accusing Paul of backdoor politics (which Harrington clearly does), accusing him of circumventing the democratic process because he is a sore loser (he didn’t circumvent anything), attacking his courtroom experience (in which Harrington essentially has none), accusing him of being one of the “good ‘ol boys” (despite the clear GOB candidate is harrington)
Andrea an her hipster clan may live in a bubble, but that doesn’t mean the rest of us can’t see through the walls inside.
Harrington’s entire campaign has been attack dog from the get go. Caccaviello’s was quiet. Now, you whine because he’s attacking?
Think he can’t win? Two words for you:
I agree. Must be hundreds of attacks on this site in the last couple of weeks against AH. I don’t like dirty nasty politics and definitely will steer away from voting Cacc for that reason alone. I judge by the compnay you keep.
I am working for Paul Caccaviello and I am not attacking anyone. It is obvious that PC IS QUALIFIED for the job and the other candidate is NOT. Is that hate?
Steve Como aka “He can’t win” ran Caccaviello’s campaign into the ground and caused an excellent candidate to lose an election to a fraudulent opponent. When the discontent with Como’s fiasco surfaced what did he do? He didn’t just run, he ran to other side. Let’s hope the Harrington campaign is taking advice from him.
THE PLANET n-e-v-e-r reveals the true identities of those who post under pseudonyms. We can say, however, that HE CAN’T WIN is N-O-T Steve Como, whoever Steve Como is.
Steve Como is the guy who ran Cacc’s failed primary campaign. Some believe he sabotaged it to facilitate Andrea Harrington’s road to victory.
But . . .
Days after Cacc lost, Como reached out to Andrea Harrington, directly, offering to lead her transition into the DA’s office; unbeknownst to Cacc supporters.
Benedict Como!
Whatis Marquis dog in this fight?
Like many citizens, I’m sure it is that he is incensed over a complete charlatan winning the primary election for DA. Harrington doesn’t know a thing about the job and has barely even practiced law. She is running on a platform of reform with no valid reforms. It’s pretty outrageous, but then, we have Trump.
Not shocking that Liz Warren endorses Harrington. Any woman will do in this political environment even one who is clearly not qualified for the job. Women never lie either. Didn’t you know?
I wonder if, like Maura Healy, she doesn’t even know, nor has she talked to Paul Caccaviello.
Probably not, but that’s OK she’ll make an endorsement based on genitalia and whatever the spirits told her to endorse last time she did a rain dance.
Pat, I just got a call from Hannity. He says Elizabeth Warren is trying to get a bill passed where all schools getting government funding must serve corn grown on Indian reservations for school lunches. That’s collusion if you ask me!
Was she still in Burn?
Good one, Fugi!
Either Burn or the West Coast of MA.
Krol figures if Tyer can be Mayor and Bouvier Rep, why the hell not Harrington, who does have a Law Degree.
While it’s not known definitively, the quote is often attributed to Thomas Jefferson- that “ the government closest to the people was best. “ Sens. Warren, Markey and AG’s Healy’s endorsements and Beacon Hill fundraisers mean little to influence to my decision. Chris Connell said it best in his local letter to the editor, questioning the fact of whether this should even be a partisan elected position. I’m writing in Paul Caccaviello, he’s locally known and respected. He’s got the experience, integrity and is a wealth of knowledge to perform the duties of the office, there’s no leaning curve for him to climb.
Saudi Arabia is backed by Trump and then Trump will turn his back on them.
Stop pulling your palosi
The Saudis have been lining Trump’s pockets for years. He will do exactly as they say just like he does exactly as Putin says. He is moldeable putty in their hands.
Trump is looking to get the big prize for his portfolio, it hasn’t come in yet, it will, eventually everyone bites…China. Trump will nix cutti g ssdi ssi and any other i……his Casino’s take in a ton of money from that.
Dan, I believe Cosbiesladies should get the coveted Orbit Award.
Yes, agree.Cos L has been a proponent of great discussion. And is clearly the one of the best posters on here.
Elizabeth Warren will open up an Indian casino that will pay off Obama care.
Bucky was last seen sitting behind the controls of a 747 with a scarf and dark glasses on. Word is he is waiting for Andrea Harrington to join him at the controls as his co pilot. Once she gets to Albany airport he plans to take off. I asked him where he is going. He said he is not sure as he has to get in the air before he figures out where he is going. Got to love that Bucky.
Warren is the enemy of American banking on behalf of consumers.Banks use to invest and now they take your money then charge you to touch it.Republican voters support this.
Agree with ORBIT AWARD, prestigious honor given out by the Planet. I believe thanksgiving is his deadline..no pun intended
Happened to be looking at the crime scene photos and couldn’t believe the blight. Where was the health department and especially the Mayor on this one?
I think the mayor thought she had all the crime cleaned up. She got a statistician ya know. Maybe she is being told it is all cleaned up.
The coveted ORBIT AWARD is given after Thanksgiving, as MI says. We will take nominations until Thanksgiving Day.
What is the Orbit Award and what is the criteria
The coveted ORBIT AWARD is presented on an ad hoc basis by THE PLANET according to a criteria more secret than the formula for classic Coke and more guarded than the recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken!
Thanks a bunch Planet readers, it would be an honor. On the blight if you might? When you live near squalor you expect this type of evil to lurk. Robbins and Linden has been on the RADAR? Really? then tell the H D to start tagging the properties as said earlier here,disgusting boarded up,trash housing. Anyone ever see th garbage put out at a few of thos teen,enthuses on Limden?
Scump: Middle class tax cut before mid term elections. Out right lie. What number lie is that? Doesn’t any one care about the truth anymore? 15 14 13_______Bye Bye scump. Lies should total about 5300to 5400. Lying scump.
Stop pulling your Pelosi.
The health department was at one time under Mayor Hathaway able to help fight crime in neglected neighborhoods…….and they still can.
Truly, if there ever was a poster truly deserving,it would be Cosbies- Ladies.
That must be an attempt at humor. Cosbies, Bill, h, Art, etc – all the same poster of fake news & insults. I vote for Pat – she posts factual info in a respectful manner.
I also vote for Pat!
I also agree…Pat
Dow down yet again. I see a trend,ya think?
Read Bill Schmick’s column in the Eagle. He explains why this happens. Good info.
It happened because trump has everyone fooled.Middle class Americans bailed out the recent tax incentives for the rich and bailed them out ten years ago. Scam scam scam.
Great story on Nick Carnevale getting a RobGronkowski phone message. Pretty Cool.Keep strong Nick,
Did anyone else almost choke on their donut this morning over Andrea Harrington’s “I’ll take the high road” comment in the BB? The irony is, Caccaviello and Knight have taken the high road since March and what did it get them? Harrington made up her resume and had her attack dogs Kroll, Clairmont and TFB out slandering and meddling. Now the direct hit on City Concilor Mazzeo who she called a liar. The DA’s job is to get the truth, not win an argument, or put away the bad guy. The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Heimlich me, please!
Caccaviello was robbed by a complete fraud. Let’s not compound the embarrassment, just write him in before the real media finds out.
A lot of folks around here feel like they were robbed by the Capeless succession scheme. Cacc might have won if he hadn’t started out in such an arrogant way.
I hear that EGS. Even if you felt Caccaviello had an advantage it was only to have the best possible DA. Here we have a guy with 30 years and a flawless record. Even if folks are miffed they should not vote against their own best interests, don’t you agree? Voters fell for Harrington’s trumped up resume and now they know better. They should write in Caccaviello and give him a chance to show his worth which shouldn’t be hard since he’s been doing the job well for many years.
We are the real media.
Bolton in Moscow says Russian meddling had no effect in 2016 elections. Doj charged russian woman for meddling in election. Is Scump a US president or a Russian boot licker? Either way he is a total disgrace. 15 14 13____ Bye Bye Scump. Stone next on the Mueller chopping bloc. He is one of the strangest human on the planet second to scump. All the cards are starting to fall in place and the subpoena’s will start flying on Nov 7th.
Bye Bye
Unfortunately your fake propaganda does match recent testimony.
The fake Russian document has been acknowledged to have been financed by the DNC/Clinton campaign. Art is using the classic DNC tactic of projecting what they are doing onto the opposition. That works when DNC controlled the power. Now it is being revealed as lies. People are beginning to make deals and disclose info to save their own butt.
This was used for FISA court warrant. Yes there will be indictments, but not of President Trump. Many prominent politicians will be charged.
This is why Kavanaugh was questioned about military justice and tribunals. After the elections, and after newly elected congress, it will begin.
The controversary around the DA was brought on wholly and completely by David Capeless, his wife, and the wife of the current DA. I am sick and tired of all of it. I don’t care for either candidate at this point. It’s a dirty mess. Furthermore, many people have no experience starting out. Does not mean they are not capable. This is not an endorsement, it is just fact.
The Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is not a training ground for wannabe district attorneys.
Cacc began his career in the DA’s office as an intern, moving up after passing the bar to assistant DA, then to first assistant, then to DA.
Seems like a normal progression to any career-minded professional to aspire too.
There’s too much riding on the outcome to be patronizing an arrogant, snot-nosed, recycled politician’s lack of judgment, character, and credentials to be playing politics with this contest.
Cacc, all the way!!
Cacc takes it by 2,133.
You ought to look into who started attacking. Caccaviello was attacked by Luke Marion because Luke is a registered sex offender who was prosecuted and convicted for 23 counts of child pornography distribution. Capless’es wife took issue with Krol using his platform as city councilor to attack her husband.
The reason this contest is so horrendous is because of the nefarious characters associated with the Andrea Harrington campaign.There is Alf Barbalunga who got away after an investigation into poor job performance as a probation officer in North Adams. There is the clan surrounding Pittsfield police officer Mike McHugh, on trial for assault and flanked by Harrington supporters Auge, parents of his wife, and former city councilor Christine Auge Yon. Then there’s Shirley Edgerton, charged with failing to report sexual assault on a disabled woman – got off because the judge doesn’t know the law. Eoin Higgins, Krol’s reporter friend who is somehow involved in our election but was convicted of assault and DUI. Another Krol friend, Allan Harris, found guilty of stealing clients and fined $2m by Judge Ford, also had assault and drug charges. Then there’s the Clairmont clan, rape and indecent assault on two children. Apparently Andrea Harrington’s brand of “reform” will be all about righting “wrongs” done to her nasty friends.
All of your other smears are equally pointless and irrelevant. But one of them is funny. Eoin Higgins is a journalist who lives in the area. Apparently you believe that the fact that he got a DUI and a misdemeanor assault charge (i.e. he got in a fight) more than a dozen years ago means he does not have the right to voice his opinion on this election.
If that’s the case, how would you feel if the lead investigator of a small-town police force also had a DUI under his belt? The question is hypothetical, but only due to police corruption in general. I see the Williamstown PD has been mentioned many times around here. I wonder how many people know that the lead investigator of the Williamstown PD was pulled over for a suspected DUI in 2009. He said he had had just one beer. Lucky for him, his fellow boys in blue in the neighboring town waited two hours to give him a breathalyzer. .08 would have been DUI and he blew a .065
So much craziness around here. The bottom line is that law enforcement in the Berkshires is sorry and corrupt. Not all or even most of individual officers, but enough. And in a small town even one corrupt officer can have a huge impact.
It is the DA’s job to root out that corruption and make sure law enforcement does its job correctly. Thats the DA’s responsibility, period, and in that regard Capeless and Caccaviello have failed us miserably.
I’m also tired of hearing the argument that the sorry crime rates in NA and Pittsfield are the responsibility of the politicians, as if the DA just calls criminal balls and strikes. Total crap. And in point of fact, the only constant in the criminal descent of NA and Pittsifled has been Capeless (and Caccaviello). Dozens of politicians have come and gone, been changed out with regularity. But Capeless has been there continuously, guiding us onto more “worst Crime rate” lists than we should be willing to accept.
No one, except the elite few were even aware of who Eion Higgins was until Krol gave him props on his article. It was nothing more than political grab ass. One hand washes the other.
It’s funny how progressives love slandering and stigmatizing those who oppose them, yet live in glass houses themselves.
It’s almost as ironic as Clinton supporters joining the #metoo movement and not seeing the hypocrisy.
I can’t wait til the dirt on Krol comes out. Those who are squeaky clean and smile non-stop are the ones that truly hide their colors. Mark my words
Since Caccaviello is constantly lumped together with Capeless, can we lump Harrington together with her co-workers and supporters?
She’s endorsed by an attorney general that laughs at the constitution, uses her platform for political gain and endorses people based on their genitalia as opposed to actual credentials.
Then we have Tricia Forly Buffet. That list can go on for miles. From now on I will refer to Andrea as Andrea Forly Buffet
Luke Marion did not “attack” Paul Caccaviello. He made a few comments on Facebook that were apparently seen by almost no one. To this day I have not been able to learn what they were. Regardless, he is a private citizen and Caccaviello is a political candidate. He has every right to speak his mind and your attempt to silence him by shaming him for something that happened almost 15 years ago is silly. OTOH, the behavior of the wives Capeless and Caccaviello, men actually in power, is indefensible and not remotely parallel. What a foolish comparison.
He was convicted of child pornography. I’ll shame that SOB until the day he dies. As I would ANYONE convicted of the sort
You’re right:
A couple wives defending their respective husbands against a loud mouth former child pornography possessor and distributor, Mr. Ottos, aka Luke Marion.
A loud mouth pushed onto the front stage by none other than John Krol, a Harrington wannabe DA spokesman.
We are judged by the company we keep!
All of your other smears are equally pointless and irrelevant. But one of them is funny. Eoin Higgins is a journalist who lives in the area. Apparently you believe that the fact that he got a DUI and a misdemeanor assault charge (i.e. he got in a fight) more than a dozen years ago means he does not have the right to voice his opinion on this election.
If that’s the case, how would you feel if the lead investigator of a small-town police force also had a DUI under his belt? The question is hypothetical, but only due to police corruption in general. I see the Williamstown PD has been mentioned many times around here. I wonder how many people know that the lead investigator of the Williamstown PD was pulled over for a suspected DUI in 2009. He said he had had just one beer. Lucky for him, his fellow boys in blue in the neighboring town waited two hours to give him a breathalyzer. .08 would have been DUI and he blew a .065
So much craziness around here. The bottom line is that law enforcement in the Berkshires is sorry and corrupt. Not all or even most of individual officers, but enough. And in a small town even one corrupt officer can have a huge impact.
It is the DA’s job to root out that corruption and make sure law enforcement does its job correctly. Thats the DA’s responsibility, period, and in that regard Capeless and Caccaviello have failed us miserably.
I’m also tired of hearing the argument that the sorry crime rates in NA and Pittsfield are the responsibility of the politicians, as if the DA just calls criminal balls and strikes. Total crap. And in point of fact, the only constant in the criminal descent of NA and Pittsifled has been Capeless (and Caccaviello). Dozens of politicians have come and gone, been changed out with regularity. But Capeless has been there continuously, guiding us onto more “worst Crime rate” lists than we should be willing to accept.
Or maybe it’s ignorance. If Harrington was ever in court she would know some of these things.
Liza,Who was the rape on the clan, didn’t see that one?
Barry Clairmont’s brother and Mayor Tyer’s brother-in-law, Bruce Clairmont.
Bruce was convicted of raping and sexually assaulting two of their five children; in addition to abusing his wife during the couple’s marriage.
In fact, upon Bruce’s release from prison his former wife sought and received a permanent retraining order against him.
Bruce served 8-years of a 9-12 prison sentence (out of Berkshire Superior Court).
Too many disgruntled former defendants seeking cover under Harirngton’s progressive umbrella.
Liza, that happened in 2005,don’t know what that has to do with D A race, the perp did prison time.
If the DA was an appointed position and overseen by the Bar review and the two candidates were Cacaviello and Harrington. Harrington wouldn’t have a snowballs chance in hell of being seated as the DA. This isn’t rocket science. Common sense says Harrington has no business runing for this position. Does experience count? You bet your life it does!!!!
Artie, the thing is, she is qualified to run because she is a member of the bar and lives in county. That’s all it takes and the truth is that although she isn’t qualified to run the office she is technically qualified to run for the office and is doing so, and kicked Cacc’s but in the primary. So the question now is, is Cacc going to come out of his corner and fight because she is hiding in hers. Is it smart for her to lay low because he is just a paper candidate? Or will this prove to be her undoing. If Cacc doesn’t get quackin he’s done.
Many people who have run afoul of the law blame the law and the lawyers who represent the people. It’s easy to get them when you’re trying to attack the status quo. The problem with that flawed strategy here is there is nothing wrong with the DA’s office and especially not with Caccaviello. There’s been a full-on hunt for months, all dead ends because there is nothing there. Harrington learned enough to be dangerous at campaign boot camp. It’s backfiring now as the people figure out what happened.
Beto O’ Rourke and sniveling Ted Cruz in a real thriller in Texas. After the disparaging remarks scump made about Cruz during the 2016 election Cruz had to grovel at scumps boots because he is in real trouble and fighting for his political life. He deserves to loose because he is a coward. Gillum looking strong in Florida. Trumps endorsements are turning into the kiss of death for GOP candidates. With Dinosaur McConnells announcement that he will gut SS and Medicare and Medicaid if the pubs take congress in the mid terms to pay for the 2 trillion he gave to the corps. And rich. I am beginning to think that the dems might very well take both houses of congress. I believe all parties of affiliation have decided we have seen enough of this president and the bulk of the pub party and will say Enough. We will know in 15 days. Vote vote vote Democrat. It is the way back to decency and sanity and truth. Down with insanity lies, truth isn’t truth, alternative facts and all that BS
I almost forgot to tell you about the crime forum at conte school, The crowd was definitely anti cop. Many wanted information from the chief but weren’t able to get much from him. Then the Gman took the mic and asked the chief where the body cams and boots on the ground were? Wynn gave several reasons why the police don’t have body cams and the Gman shook his head at him. Next the Gman gave his ideas about placing officers 24/7 in the west side and morning side areas without having to hire a single new police position. Wynn seemed to like the idea but quickly nixed it saying that to put boots on the ground would require doubling the police force. The Gman laughed at that as did the audience. The G man always uses common sense and the crowd seemed to understand that his ideas are common sense. Next up for the wiz CC tomorrow night and his show Wednesday. What a mistake people made in voting tyer over G. There isn’t a drop of comparison between the two. One an accomplished corporate executive and one an idiot. Never the less the Gman is always out there keeping the elected buffoons in their places.
I didn’t hear anybody laughing at the doubling the police force comment. I did hear a lot of frustrated people.
Was the mayor there G was this a televised event.Why weren’t citizens advised of this event. Go Sox…burp…
IBerkshires has a story on this crime meeting. Scary stuff because what I got out of it is that we are so screwed. Basically said yes the city has bad drugs and crime but not much we can do about it. No solutions offered. No hope offered. Stay in Pittsfield at your own risk.
I do not think the average Joe has any idea just how bad it is out there. Sure not going to read about it in the paper because we need to protect the artsy fartsy tourist reputation. If they only knew.
Suggestion….if you have a house like the one on Robbins avenue that you know is a drug den, set up a camera across the street and record everyone going in and out for a month. Along with car license plates and people pics there should be some helpful data there. Maybe beam it live on a billboard in Park Square so everyone could watch.
What did they do with the million secretary TYerd gave them.
Instead of a parking control officer just have that person run plates all day in the hood.Do this all day everyday and I guarantee you find criminals all day with warrents.Bar room parking lots,run every plate.Health department must get involved with the property.
Trump is giving us a 10% tax cut next week.Trump said Lying Ted Cruz dad killed Kennedy and the Sanctuary cities are rioting right now.Trump must think you republican voters are not well informed…..Peter Arlos,its better to be uninformed than misinformed….not any more Pete,the majority of American voters were uninformed
Anyone else notice that Republican candidates are not identifyi g themselves as such in their campaign ads? I find it fascinating that they won’t even own up to their party affiliation. Proud times for the GOP eh? Can’t run away and hide from who you are people.
I wonder if anyone has ever noticed that the media rarely identifies Dems, liberals, left-wingers as such, especially when the latter are screwing up.
But the media always is sure to say “Republican,” “right-wing,” and “conservative” when running negative stories on the GOP, which is 99% of the time.
Notice how the “journalists” jumped all over the Proud Boys as “right-wing” etc.
I guess the “journalists” missed the Stalinist thuggery perpetrated by their leftist buddies, such as Antifa and other Sorosabteilungen.
Oh, yeah, and that’s why the liberals have tried to call themselves “progressives” for a few years now–they know that “liberal” is dead letter.
Must be ashamed of who they are, don’t want anyone to know their real intentions.
Claire McCaskill, call your office.
But don’t worry, the “journalists” got your back.
I’m still confused with Barry’s brother,how does Harringtn ply into this? Barry didn’t do anything.
Apparently no one did anything. I think that was the point
Kids and a woman were beaten and raped for years
Does coddling sex offenders makes sense to you!
Steve Como is the guy who ran Cacc’s failed primary campaign. Some believe he sabotaged it to facilitate Andrea Harrington’s road to victory.
But . . .
Days after Cacc lost, Como reached out to Andrea Harrington, directly, offering to lead her transition into the DA’s office; unbeknownst to Cacc supporters.
Benedict Como!
If you think citizens are buying your crap you are crazy. In Pittsfield you have your camp, and the other camp. In between you have a slice of the pie who are Citizens that are looking for leadership whose interest is solely on getting to the heartbeat of problems, with action to turn it around. Enough of the B. S. because the citizens out there that I talk to are up to here with all of you!!
Pat has only the information Trump and Fox news provide. Pat are we getting a 10% tax cut this week.Pat can you find rioting in sanctuary cities where citizens of those cities are rioting to try and leave…..single dumbest Trump lie ever except for the 10% tax cut this week for the middle class….I know it relaxes Trump voters for him to lie.
If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr. ” Look I will say it again despite what Fox reports If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr.”
Quick someone tell the DOJ to start an investigation into James Rosen,
From the Director of the IRS into a private citizens lives Please tell us the contents of your members prayers.
Look I think we all get it you Hate Trump. Hate is ok in your world as long as you agree with the political party. You don’t see everyone as an individual you see the collective party as higher greater goal. each of the injustices done to an individual are ok if it advances the parties goals and agenda we get it.
we go to work every day to provide for the children we have for the dreams of their fulfillment not to have our hard earned revenue extracted at force before we see it because your party needs to advance some agenda.
Tell us how did George Soros the funding father of the “progressive” party get to where he is today? but you loath a media source that presents news in a manner that you don’t agree with.
George Soros is a republican talking point,socialist,Hillary Clinton,Warren….over and over until you repeat them
Fox News is nothing more than a “Democrat” talking point.
If you like your Dr. you can keep your Dr. a talking point or a statement made a number of times by a sitting President? Somehow that one doesn’t make your repeated regurgitation of the DNC talking points. Or how about this one. We exited the aircraft under heavy gun fire Lets talk news we have Brian Williams from NBC busted on air for out right lying. What about the CBS guy busted for lying oh yea Dan Rather tell a lie than see W as president. Rachel from MSNBC who spouted the right rhetoric to become a black women trapped in white skin. So do tell which news is it you authorize us to view?
Perry his father? Or Henry?
This liberal can not in good conscience give a 175k job to a very immature professional attorney.I know criminals who have more expierence for DA than Harrington
For everyone who believes Harrington isn’t qualified – by either job experience as well as life experience. For everyone who wants to end the corruption in Pittsfield and County politics, there is only one solution.
Stop complaining and whining on Planet Valenti. Get yourselves and your friends out and write in Paul Caccaviello for DA.
They say Cacc can’t win. Well think of this. A woman running as a Socialist Democrat in New York won against a long-time Democrat Rep. She then went on to win as a write-in candidate in another district where she wasn’t even running.
So, let’s make a little history shall we? Let’s kick Harrington and her supporters to the curb. GO VOTE!
G Man has three petitions in tonight at City Council. Three petitions more than the whole Council.
Unfortunately most citizen petitions are filed or oftentimes do not even make the agenda. Mr. Gaetani’s petitions will most likely be filed. Depends on who the councilor is that gets to make the motions.
One would give the G-man an A for persistence.
You Planites have to check out silver Lake Boulevard. Beautiful benches surrounding the Lake, or Pit, but check out the weeds,how the hell can you enjoy the view with weeds five feet high obstructing the view from the bench. Planites have to see this one,and it’s surrounds the entire Lake-Pit. Where is the Board of Health, Mayor?
Can you see Kentucky Fried Sicken without the obstruction mi? Wasn’t the Planet himself weed wacking down there a few years ago?