(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 24, 2018) — Many people have contacted THE PLANET, publicly and privately, puzzled at The Boring Broadsheet‘s odd coverage of the Berkshire County District Attorney’s race, a contest that culminates Tuesday Nov. 6. The BB has published the usual campaign drivel taken straight from press releases, sound bites, and stump speeches, but it has failed its readers by shunning the insides of this campaign, where vitriol has been made a virtue.
One of the biggest examples is how the paper has pretended one of the campaign’s biggest stories didn’t happen. We speak of Andrea Harrington’s now-infamous phone call to Melissa Mazzeo shortly after Harrington edged incumbent D.A. Paul Caccaviello by 644 votes to win the Democratic primary. That Harrington made the call is not in dispute. Both women confirmed it to THE PLANET. At issue is the content of the call. Mazzeo says Harrington threatened the councilwoman’s political future. Harrington says she called to ask for Mazzeo’s support.
Actually, the content of the call doesn’t matter. What matters are the following facts:
- The call did occur
- It involves an important election, one that will set the tone for local law enforcement for the next six years.
- The allegation of a threat was made by a sitting councilor, former council president, and mayoral aspirant with a reputation among supporters for straight shooting.
This was and still is a newsworthy topic.
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Consider, too, that when attorney and ex-D.A. hopeful Judith Knight publicly endorsed Caccaviello, she explained her decision with reference to Harrington’s phone call. Knight, who won 5,182 votes in September, said her decision to back Cacc came after “the final straw” supplied by Harrington’s phoner. Knight obviously believed Mazzeo’s version. Incredibly, when The BB gave its account of Knight’s endorsement, it left out that key fact.
Why? Could it be that The BB secretly backs Harrington?
An e-mail exchange between a reader and BB publisher Fred Rutberg sheds some light. On Oct. 6, the reader wrote to Rutberg asking why his newspaper hadn’t picked up on the phone controversy. Rutberg wrote back the next day:
On Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 6:11 PM Fredric Rutberg <frutberg@berkshireeagle.com> wrote:
Very interesting, thanks for sharing. Frankly, I have been bewildered by Paul Caccaviello’s write-in campaign; he announced he was running and then there has been no evidence of a genuine campaign. I question Valenti’s objectivity in attempting to report the race; it appears that he firmly committed to Caccaviello so I tend to take his comments with a grain of salt.
I will pass this on to our newsroom, but we are not interested boosting a non-existent campaign …
Ancient Chinese wisdom: “A grain of salt is worth more than two tons of horse shit.”
More damning, Rutberg calls Caccaviello’s campaign “non-existent,” saying there’s “no evidence” for it. He wrote that a full 17 days after Cacc announced his write-in effort on Sept. 19.
Let that sink in. Here we have the publisher of the lone local daily telling a reader that the incumbent’s campaign for re-election DOESN’T EXIST! and that the paper won’t cover it because that would be “boosting.”
Here are the guts of Cacc’s “campaign that doesn’t exist” —
- Billboards
- Door-to-door
- Mailers
- Interviews
- Fundraisers
- More than $15,000 raised in 2 weeks
- Facebook traffic off the charts
- 3,5000 campaign cards produced and distributed
- 350 new signs ordered
- Secretary of State notified of the write-in campaign
- All town clerks in Berkshire County notified of the campaign
- Hundreds of people at standouts
That’s a “campaign that doesn’t exist”? — there aren’t enough exclamation points in the type case for that assertion.
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On Oct. 7, the reader responded to Rutberg:
Date: Sun, Oct 7, 2018 at 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: I can’t believe that this story wasn’t covered by the Eagle.
To: Fredric Rutberg <frutberg@berkshireeagle.com>
Fred, I can assure you that Paul’s write in effort is very real and I believe he’s much more qualified than Ms. Harrington. I think the thrust of this story is how Ms. Harrington threatened to scuttle Mellisa Mazzeo’s political career. I understand she made a similar call to sheriff Bowler. I hope we both agree that the DA’s office should be as non political as possible. And I know Ms. Mazzeo and she is not a liar. Thanks for responding. And I hope you join me in writing in Paul Caccaviello.
P.S. Mr. Valenti in a subsequent column outlined what was necessary for a Harrington victory.
The e-mails support a line of speculation that’s popped up on the streets recently, that The BB is secretly and actively backing Andrea Harrington for D.A. It’s a most interesting story, one that THE PLANET shall probe among those who may be in the know.
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THE PLANET wishes our good friend Fred Rutberg well in his attempts to wring a dime out of The Boring Broadsheet. He’d have better luck with The Berkshire Eagle, but the evidence shows that such a newspaper no longer exists.
“Perfection is like chasing the horizon. Keep moving” — Neil Gaiman
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The Berkshire Eagle is rag! They are part of Jimmy Ruberto’s Good Old Boys club of political hacks!
Well, did she call Bowler? What was said? Is the non politician Bowler too embedded with the democrats to go public if so? I guess Cacc wasn’t spending any money on Eagle adds so they gave him no coverage or is it business as usual, wherein da eagle is in bed with the GOBSIGs aka the civic authority debacle.????? Speaking of which, anybody know what became of the three amigos? Bianchi still around but is he going to run against Tyer? Guzzo walking like crazy lost couple hundred pounds, Scapin sold house is he still in ward 2? Who is Harrington planning to make first assistant? In fairness to Rutbergs email, why isn’t Caccaviello challenging Harrington to debates? Are the Sox going to win the World Series?
Apparently Cacc has challenged Harrington to a debate, but she’s not interested.
Looks like she is ducking any and all debates.
Scapin moved to the Carolina’s. Not sure whether North or South.
Thank you. He must have retired and got out of Dodge. I thought he was a great councillor and good council pres and I will always be thankful for the three amigos standing up to the GOBSIGs, Rick, if you or Bianchi or Joe Guzzo are reading this – thanks once again, from the bottom of my heart.
The Berkshire Eagle is a much better paper than it was because the local news coverage improved .This really is a bizzar view of a huge DA race that brought out the vote in September…..Just report the dam phone call that the Eagle knows happened but is blocking the story.The Eagle is filtering negative stories on Harrington and is not informing its readers what is out there leaving its customers to get info from blogs and Facebook…..You just have to cover an election if you run a paper.
Actually, there was reference to the phone call in a column written in one of the Eagle editions since Sunday. It’s brief, but it is there.
If you want a real fantasy experience, read Darcie Sosa’s letter in today’s paper backing Harrington. Having read it, I expected my dog’s business to have magically turned into piles of Berkshire gold overnight, but nope!
This Progressive line demanding that we all accept their decision in the primary has turned a lot of people off. The rest of us are essentially being told we’re stupid and they know better.
I hope Cacc kicks the Harrington campaign right into the gutter where it belongs.
Seems obvious Rutberg is trying to manipulate the campaign in his Harrington’s favor. Biased rag.
So the discussion at the bar I spend half my life at is that the DA race is not about who is going to get prosecuted as much as it is who is NOT going to get prosecuted. What an awful thing to say huh?
Harrington’s closest supporters are quite the scurvy crew. Consider the following:
Atty Jennifer Breen wrote a letter to the Eagle attacking Cacc. A couple of years ago, Breen was getting a lot of public defender business. She then went on a rampage criticizing those she’s supposed to defend suggesting sterilization and even execution of drug defendants. A complaint was filed against her and she harassed the woman who filed the complaint so much that a “do not contact” restraining order was issued. Breen is banned from public defender work as a result. What has Harrington promised her?
Sosa – today’s letter writer. She married an illegal immigrant for the sole purpose of getting him U.S. citizenship and divorced him after her mission was accomplished. An ardent Democrat Progressive fan girl of Harrington’s.
Just dig and you will find more. This is all about Harrington getting a leg up on the next election for the statehouse or maybe even Bowler’s job. What’s pathetic is the Progressive Tribe will say and do anything to win with lying as their most used tool.
In my opinion – Jenny Breen is a total nutcase.
But that’s just my opinion!!
Cacc takes it by 2,133.
Darcie “I couldn’t wipe my own backend unless the progressive in power told me how to” Sosa
God help us all
Frankly I was wondering the same thing that Mr. Ruberg was thinking about the Harrington campaign. Other than replacing 7 signs, nailing down the Eagle endorsement, Liz Warren, and Maura Healy, refusing to debate. Seriously what has she done to campaign other than go to Boston with her hand out to outside money and refuse to Debate Paul. Even her push back on FB is non existent. Hopefully this energizes the base for Paul Caccaviello, in two weeks the caravan will be voting so vote early.
It appears that Andrea’s strategy going forward is the pree-vent defense, or, if you prefer a basketball analogy, the four-corners offense. Do as little as possible to prevent and mistakes. Ironically, that could be the mistake itself.
or da ole rope -a dope…..
The City Council, well some, woke up and are giving the G. Man a chance to give a presentation for the water plants, that will conceivably keep many taxpayers from leaving the city due to water rates that would escalate from a new , instead of minimal upgrading. The City Councilors who didn’t approve the presentation vote should gather their thoughts and reconsider the reason for not allowing the presentation. It has a look of personal,rather than for the good of the taxpayer.
and hopefully Krol will not be wearing his headset and playing Barry Manilow music during the presentation
He plays Barry Clairmont music.
What a shame, there are several good journalists at the Eagle and many, many provocative questions they must be wanting to ask in this race. Rutberg needs someone to explain to him that they do not just work for him, they work for the people just as the DA does. If he hopes to keep anyone there of worth he will increase his paper’s communications on the DA election immediately. Sponsor a debate. Assign someone to write a story every day.I’m not talking about fluff. The more hard-hitting, truthful information you get out about this important position the more light you shed and the better your own position will be with the public.
Yes, the paper does have a nucleus of young talent that, with proper coaching and direction, could make a huge impact in Berkshire County. That doesn’t happen on its own, however. It needs nurturing and backing.
Frame and McKeever are coached at Dottie’s by Johnny the brain Krol.
How many debates do we need they had 8
What more do you need to know about either candidate
Whoever you support just be sure to vote and color in the circle so yourvote counts
“…color in the circle…?” Clearly, a Harrington supporter. And you call those things debates? Harrington walks out of any event if someone asks her a question any harder than what color her shoes are.
I’ve seen this in some other comments. What event did AH walk out of when the questions got hard ?
What event did Ah walk out of when the questions got hard?
My reason for voting for PC is very simple. In 2001 the financial institution that I was in charge of was victimized by 2 armed robbers. Four employees, including myself, were in the building. Fortunately no members were present. That evening I met Paul Caccaviello for the first time. Paul was the ADA assigned to the case I immediately noticed how respectful he was of the feelings of the four people that were still reeling from a traumatic experience. I also noticed how professional he was in soliciting the facts from us. He successfully prosecuted the case and the robbers were sent to prison. Most impressive to me was after the trial,he called several times to inquire how we were recovering from our experience. Many prosecutors would not have bothered.
I have followed his career since then but never talked to him since 2001. So when he was appointed D.A. I was very pleased. When he lost in the primary I was shocked. So for the last month I have renewed my acquaintance with PC, donated to his campaign, attended stand outs and will be holding a sign for Paul.
I am voting FOR PC not AGAINST AH. Please join me.
How about one???. One real debate, between the two. The others had 3 candidates and were not real debates. It is common for candidates to debate after a primary you know.
Dan could moderate a real Lincoln/douglas style debate, mano/mano, as he would say.
Obviously, she is too scared to debate Cacc, and is being told to hide in her corner, lest he crush her like a mouse caught out in the open. It is actually probably a wise move on her part, since Caccaviello isn’t campainging hard enough, and will probably let it slide. He should instead be hammering her about this, while demanding to know who she would hire as the first assistant, seeing as she incompetent to even present a district court case, let a lone a superior court one.
Gosh how about “Describe in detail your claim that you have ‘extensive experience in criminal law and civil litigation?’ ” I need an answer to that question from Harrington. We didn’t get it. Are we supposed to wait until a judge throws her out on her keister and the perp walks to learn there is nothing there? You think people know this? Anyone in there right mind would not vote for Harrington if they had the truth. She has no legal experience. None. When they unpack this down the line anyone who didn’t do their job and shine a light on this is culpable.
the “progressives” have learned over the years that there Is a sucker born every minute. Sell hope, deliver nothing – the middle age white man is repulsive and must be opposed, even though those same men are instrumental in building and defending this nation – but the people are getting wise to the snake oil sales nonsense – deliver the results or step aside
That’s right, UAlbany. Harrington swept in on this “charming new face” BS and now it is becoming increasing clear we’ve been duped.
Ah, yes, the “journalists.”
At least we have one here at The Planet.
Hey Dan, Follow Caccaviello around for just one day, report back!
Great idea. Now if we only had the time …
Thanks, ERM.
The regressive Republican are now in charge of America,If Trump isnt lying then by Friday I get a 10% tax cut.I think this republican is selling hope and delivering nothing.
You would actually have to pay tax to get a tax cut. That leaves you out.
After inquiring further – it seems Rutberg has a longstanding hard-on for the DA’s Office.
Under Capeless and Cacc – most of Judge Rutberg’s decisions were appealed and eventually overturned by a higher court.
Once a crybaby, always a crybaby!
Cacc takes by 2,133.
I’m confused. Didn’t the Eagle endorse Caccaviello during the primary?
You called that an endorsement?
They beat him down then endorsed him.
Illogical: its endorsement did not follow its statements.
Cacc takes it by 2,133.
Harrington has hired an expert on recounts.
Guess she thinks she’s going to lose.
No need, Cacc takes it by 2,133.
When Harrington loses, there will be all the typical challenges to name spelling and what-not that have already been shot down in both state and federal courts.
Why would you expect Harrington and her supporters to understand whAt goes on in court?
I was dismayed by the Eagle’s coverage of the endorsement. Like with most things, they missed the crucial elements that moved Judy even though they were there live and in person to hear them. Judy is convinced that Paul is fundamentally open toward an agenda for reform, and that is the biggest reason she decided to endorse him, far apart from experience and AHs dismal behavior (which are also critical, but less so).
Hear the Red Sox got a good ball club this year
Dusty, with Big Plapi gone they are really improved and will win the championship of the world, maybe 4 to love.
And that’s why it’s important to spell out Paul Caccaviello correctly.
Although voter intent belongs to the voter; mangling Caccaviello’s name on your ballot could set in motion a series of unintended consequences.
Try to stay clear of cursive penmanship if possible.
Print out clearly: PAUL CACCAVIELLO (blacken oval to right).
Spelling it incorrectly or partially gives town and city clerks cause to challenge voter intent. And if Harrington did hire an elections attorney to oversee and monitor voting behaviours and ballot correctness, mastering your CACCAVIELLO spelling skill long before entering a voting booth is now more crucial than ever – to your vote going unchallenged (or on an absentee or early voting ballot).
Paul C A C C A – – – V I – – – E L L O.
Cacc takes by 2,133.
It’s my understanding that Tyer’s husband and some of her other cronies are involved in counting the votes. I would have to say that counting should be done by relatively neutral parties. I have yet to find an honest Harrington supporter.
That would be rich. It’s 1-5 years for some of those election law violations and multiple counts possible.
Looks like the Cacc team does not have a lot of confidence in his supporters ability to spell his name. Not sure what that says.
But perhaps someone should stand outside and hand out little cards to each potential Cacc voter so they do not become too confused. Harrington is not much easier is it?
A few more votes for Judy Knight and we would not have had to know the extent of the nasty underbelly of Pittsfield politics….politics just brings out the wosrt of human nature
This just puts the behaviors right out there for you to see. It’s quite a story that this is supposedly the best Pittsfield has across the board in the very roles one would expect our youth to look up to. Power grabbers showing their true colors. The string runs long and wide.
The City needs some real help.
Judy is a good person, and it’s obvious that despite the political part of the equation, her coming out in support of Cacc says it all. Judy knows good when she sees it, and knows enough to encourage her supporters to correct a mistake by taking out the rubbish.
Bombs sent to Clinton,Holder,CNN and of course Obama….Trump and his supporters can now see the rhetoric of ignorant violence Fox News repeats…..these are the Targets of Trump and Fox News all day everyday
There is no doubt that Scumps rhetoric has fueled these deplorable acts against high profile Democrats. He has chastised everyone one of them. His cheering for body slaming journalists set the tone for those nuts who follow him. This is just the start of many bad things to come. We must win the house to start the subpoena process to contain this moron. This is a rouge president who is a threat to every single American citizen. We are a strong people and we will right all our wrongs and the first wrong we have to address is getting rid of scump and we will.
Republicans are a sick,sick party that allows this .This is the work of Trump
Was very upset with the comments after the vote to confirm a presentation by a Pittsfield Citizen concerning ways to save money with our water systems. One City Councilor said bring a whistle, another said, constituents complained to him about it,ya think? Mr. White. And of course The Eagle reporter calling the G. Man a critic. All three of these people have no clue. This is the builder of the Plant. Who will these Councilors listen to,Turocy?
I have complete trust in the G Man.He WILL take them to school accordingly. Pay attention Councilors.
You only have yourself to blame, after your obnoxious tantrums at city council meetings. If you give respect – you might get respect in return.
George Soros,Cnn,Maxine Waters….Hannity repeats attacks….Trump has OKd the violence ,he’s the Tough guy president….hes a nationalist.
I had heard a rumor that Cacc was going to be issuing a press release yesterday addressing the Williams College issue and putting the issue to bed once and for all. What the heck. I can’t find it anywhere. Can someone please provide a link? I’m dying to read it.
The Eagle refused to put it out as an article. Instead, it appears as a letter to the editor, which is the ONLY way The Eagle agreed to print it.
The Eagle is a manipulative piece of crap best suited for training puppies and lining bird cages. Pathetic.
Blare, did you hear once again, the DOW is down…..Again.
Quite simply, the d a race is nothing but Cacc-Ah.
Trump doing a great job,terrorist attacks on his critics,market fell 600 again,this punk president not good for anything.We are in trouble.Pat loves the violence Trump embraces.
Investors are fearing a democrat takeover. If it happens the dems will tank the economy. Jobs will disappear and people can go back on welfare and TSC will feel very good about other people s money being spent on beer, cigs and scratch tickets.
Typical hypocrisy from the lefties–never a word, never a condemnation, never a disowning about Dems/libs inciting/paying for violence.
In fact, in their so-called moral superiority they usually chuckle . . .
Not to worry. Trump is doing another ego injection in Wisconsin tonight. No way this numbskull can contain himself. He will still be trying to incite a riot. It is what he does.
We can start with this handy list of leftist violence:
Let’s see? Who has been trumps biggest protagonists…CNN..Clinton…Waters……Soros…….Obama…who has called all these people out? On tweets and media rallies..Nuff said…
George Soros has been funding all the violent protests.. CNN has stood by while violence against Republicans has gotten out of control and they have not put it down. Very few in the liberal leaning news media have come out strongly enough about violence against Republicans.
Bottom line is that this country needs a lot less politics in all of our lives. Less government since people are feeling overwhelmed by too much government in our lives.
At this point we don’t know where these package bombs are coming from.
Hilary, Obama, Biden, Booker, Maxene and otters have been violent with their words. cNN and MSNBC report era have encouraged violence. Hollywood lunatics have encouraged violence. A lunatic Bernie supporter shot up a congressional baseball practice targeting republicans and retards here ignore it. My guess is this package bomber is another left wing lunatic. You regards should go join antifa.
You forgot kathy griffin and the fat pig Rosie O’Donnell. And that did stick Madonna.
This is denial.
It’s fact, you have the. Denial problem
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Left-Wing Political Violence During the Trump Era
Created by Tom (staff)
Donald Trump, liberalism, political violence
Contributors: 5Items: 68
Summary Date Source
Man arrested for threatening Kavanaugh-supporting senators 10/19/2018 NY Post
Two GOP Candidates Assaulted in Minnesota 10/17/2018 The Washington Free Beacon
Dem Operative Arrested in Nevada After Assaulting Female GOP Staffer 10/17/2018 The Washington Free Beacon
Antifa vandalizes New York GOP headquarters 10/14/2018 ABC7 NY
Antifa Arsonists Vandalize Pro-Trump Truck — Then Torch It 10/09/2018 KPTV
A man sent letters with ricin to Pentagon, and suspicious letters to Pentagon, Ted Cruz 10/02/2018 NBC News
Georgetown Professor Says White Republicans Should Be Castrated, Fed To Swine 10/01/2018 The Daily Caller
Las Vegas professor shot himself in arm to protest Trump 09/11/2018 Las Vegas Review Journal
Random Stranger Takes Kid’s MAGA Hat, Tosses Drink on Him 07/04/2018 Daily Caller
Secret Service looking into ‘Where is John Wilkes Booth’ comment by Broadway actress 09/12/2018 MSN.com
‘Threats of Rape and Strangling’ Force D.C. McAllister Into Hiding After Anti-Abortion Tweet 09/11/2018 pjmedia.com
Castro Valley Man Accused Of Switchblade Assault On GOP Congressional Candidate 09/11/2018 CBS San Francisco
Student Who Took Classmate’s MAGA Hat Says She Was Making Political Statement 08/27/2018 CBS 13 Sacramento
Trump Backer Claims Social Distortion Singer Punched Him Over Politics 08/15/2018 CBS13 Sacramento
Cambridge man facing charges for cash offer to kill ICE agent 08/09/2018 boston Herald
Trump supporter says she was attacked by two women at a DC restaurant over her political views 04/03/2018 DailyMail.com
Trump supporter attacked by 2 women at DC restaurant, police say 04/02/2018 FOXNew.com
Hit & Run Victim Says He Was Targeted Because Of Trump Bumper Sticker 08/01/2018 CBS 4 Boston
Anarchy Breaks Out in Portland, With the Mayor’s Blessing 08/03/2018 Wall Street Journal
Several shots fired at truck flying ‘Make America Great Again’ flag on I-465 06/15/2017 FOX 59 Indianapolis
‘One down, 216 to go’: New York representative receives threatening message after congressman shooting 06/14/2017 New York Daily News
Former professor suspected in Berkeley bike-lock attack enters plea in Oakland court 05/29/2017 East Bay Times
Two tossed from rowdy town hall in Mandan 05/11/2017 The Bismarck Tribune
Police: Woman followed then threatened Congressman David Kustoff 05/11/2017 WREG CBS 3
Twitter Erupts with Calls for Donald Trump To Be Assassinated 11/09/2016 The Daily Caller
FBI arrests Tucson man over threats to U.S. Rep. Martha McSally 05/15/2017 Arizona Daily Star
Message to GOP Rep.: ‘This is how we’re going to kill your wife’ 05/10/2017 Politico
Someone untied Betsy DeVos’s yacht in Ohio. Damage ensued. 07/26/2018 The Washington Post
Ann Coulter speech at UC Berkeley canceled, again, amid fears for safety 04/26/2017 The Washington Post
Rohrabacher Staffer, 71, Knocked Unconscious By Protesters Delivering Cards 02/15/2017 CBS Los Angeles
Vandals throw bricks through windows at Delaware County Republican Party office 10/18/2016 Fox 59 Indianapolis
Protesters block streets, attack Trump supporter’s car in Eugene after peaceful rally 01/29/2017 The Oregonian
Shocking moment Trump fan is attacked after putting out fire sparked by inauguration protesters 01/24/2017 The Sun
2 Men Attack Trump Supporter in Meriden, Conn.: Police 11/13/2016 NBC Connecticut
11-Year-Old Boy Badly Beat up for Voting Trump in Mock Election 11/11/2016 The Daily Caller
Female anti-bullying ambassador, 23, arrested at Trump Tower protest for pushing man, 74, to the ground in fight over Trump 11/11/2016 Daily Mail
‘You voted Trump’ yelled at man while he’s beaten in Chicago streets 11/12/2016 CBS News
Police: Florida student punches classmate carrying Trump sign 11/11/2016 Palm Beach Post
Student attacked for wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ hat at anti-Trump protest 11/16/2016 WUSA 9
Cornell College Republicans president assaulted, called ‘racist bitch’ 12/15/2016 The College Fix
Student Trump supporter attacked at Woodside High School 11/10/2016 KTVU Fox2
Trump Supporter in NJ Attacked with Crowbar on Street, Police Say 08/09/2016 New Jersey 101.5
Tennessee Man Attacked at Garage Sale for Being Trump Supporter 08/18/2016 The Daily Caller
Some protesters got aggressive at the end of the night as Trump supporters left Minneapolis fundraiser 08/19/2016 Minneapolis Star-Tribune
Police: Clinton Supporter Lights Flag on Fire, Attacks Trump Supporter 07/31/2016 CBS2 Pittsburgh
Four anti-Trump activists in custody after mentally disabled man tied up, tortured on Facebook Live 01/05/2017 Fox32 Chicago
Here are some of the death threats made against EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt 04/11/2018 CBS News
Trump Supporter Knocked Unconscious After Being Hit by Airport Protesters 01/31/2017 The Washington Free Beacon
Anti-Trump Protesters Block Ambulance Rushing to Hospital 02/06/2017 Lifezette
Stuart man charged with threatening Rep. Brian Mast’s children over Trump policy 06/19/2018 TCPalm (USA Today)
‘Irate’ man arrested for threats against Trump supporters, Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-N.Y.) 07/07/2018 New York Post
Ugly, bloody scenes in San Jose as protesters attack Trump 06/03/2016 The Washington Post
‘Bell Curve’ author attacked by protesters at Middlebury College 03/05/2017 The Boson Globe
Missouri Senator: ‘I Hope Trump Is Assassinated’ 08/17/2017 The Daily Caller
Portland Rose Parade canceled after ‘antifascists’ threaten GOP marchers 04/27/2017 The Washington Post
Riot Forces Cancellation Of Yiannopoulos Talk At UC Berkeley 02/01/2017 KPIX 5, CBS San Francisco
Threats Against EPA Employees Up 50% Under Trump Admin. 10/06/2017 NBC Washington
Prosecutors file new charges against inauguration protesters who rioted, torched immigrant’s limo 04/28/2017 The Washington Post
Increasing threats to Homeland Security include burned animal carcass left on staffer’s porch 06/25/2018 WTOP.com
Leftist MOB Beats, Kicks, Pummels TRUMP Supporter for Wearing #MAGA Hat 09/28/2016 The Gateway Pundit
Republican headquarters in N. Carolina firebombed: ‘Nazi Republicans leave town or else’ 10/17/2016 New York Daily News
California man arrested for threatening to kill FCC Chairman Ajit Pai’s family over net neutrality 06/29/2018 The Verge
Congressman Steve Scalise Gravely Wounded in Alexandria Baseball Field Ambush 06/04/2017 New York Times
Anti-Donald Trump campaigner ‘shoots Republican neighbour twice in the head’ 08/16/2017 The Independent
Man allegedly threatens to chop up Rand Paul and his family with an ax 07/02/2018 Courier Journal
‘ABOLISH ICE’: Nebraska vandals cause $1,200 in property damage at state GOP headquarters 07/03/2018 Conservative Review
Dem Party Volunteer Charged With Threatening to Kill GOP Rep’s Kids 06/27/2018 Townhall
Climate skeptic Marc Morano details his career of death threats 04/25/2018 ClimateDepotSubmit item to this l
Wow. Nancy and Chuck are so wrong in telling people that President Trump is promoting violence. The question is who on the left is promoting all of the above mentioned violence?
OK, all you Libs, please point out to us which of the above that Corrective listed are WRONG, and prove why!
Bernie Sanders did not promote violence.Redirecting does not change Trump telling supporters to beat up critics and he would pay their legal bill….cant change the facts
When did he pay a legal bill for for someone who beat up a left wing lunatic?
Sanders may not have advocated attempted murder but he does attract lunatics.
This bomb stuff doesn’t add up. Who would be stupid enough to believe that these packages would get through. Only a left wing lunatic would be so stupid.
Back to the subject at hand. Rutberg is a nitwit.
Yes,America is extremely violent but this list has nothing to do with President of the United States of America advocating violence on American citizens.
Oh this should be good…Harrington tried to exploit this story now watch her weasel.
Caccaviello refutes facts contained in letter
PITTSFIELD — Berkshire District Attorney Paul J. Caccaviello is refuting facts contained in a letter to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle in August of this year. The letter claimed that the Berkshire District Attorney failed to investigate or prosecute over 40 cases of sexual assault reported by Williams College between 2014 and 2016.
“The allegations in this letter were extremely disturbing as they are completely contrary to the mission of the office and goal of protecting victims” Caccaviello said. “I contacted both Williams College and the Williamstown Police Department to begin an inquiry into the matter and found that Mr. Pucci’s claims were not only without merit, but misleading, ill-informed, and insensitive to victims.”
Caccaviello said his inquiry showed that the majority of the information provided by Williams College to the Williamstown Police Department did not contain sufficient data to permit a thorough investigation by law enforcement. It found that although Mr. Pucci claimed that “all the data about this sexual violence was reported [by the college] to the Williamstown Police Department,” in fact, two-thirds of the incidents reported to the police failed to identify either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of the crime. Caccaviello added “Williamstown Police Chief Kyle Johnson discovered an additional 18 cases of sexual assault were never even reported to his department and, therefore, could not be referred to the District Attorney’s Office for further investigation or prosecution. Mr. Pucci’s claim that “all the data” about these crimes was shared with the local police and the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is simply not true.”
Chief Johnson indicated that when his department timely requested the names of the parties involved in these cases to further their own investigation, Williams College did not provide the names and protected the confidentiality of the victims and alleged perpetrators. The College was well-within its discretion not to reveal the names of the parties to these incidents. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 does not require colleges and universities to report allegations of sexual violence to law enforcement, it only requires schools to investigate and address sexual violence on campus. Title IX also permits, and even encourages, schools to maintain students’ confidentiality. The College is not required to provide to the public or to the District Attorney any additional information about these incidents. In fact, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs students that “all reported crimes will be investigated by the College and may become a matter of public record only if subpoenaed by law enforcement.”
“We fully respect the rights of victims who chose to remain anonymous and not move forward with an investigation and we understand that the College also has an obligation to provide a safe atmosphere for its students to speak freely. What is disappointing, and irresponsible, is that Mr. Pucci, an experienced criminal law attorney, chose to blame the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office for the nature of Williams College’s public disclosures of sexual violence.
Caccaviello vowed to continue to work with Williams College and Williamstown Police Department to assist in investigations and support all victims of sexual assault. “This is an issue that colleges across the country are facing and we are committed to providing all of the necessary resources to not just Williams College but all college campuses in Berkshire County to address the problem.”
please post source -is this a press release from cacc campaign?
THANK YOU for posting this in full. Keep spreading the word. Get this out there as widely as you can!
A terror attack targeting every outspoken democrat in the United States of America,what is there for you guys to defend.
Nobody is defending pipe bombs being sent to anyone. It was wrong and horrible. Just like the crazy on the left who attempted to wipe out half of the Republicans at a baseball game.
Just who was defending those deplorable acts on this blog? No one while you do not have to agree with people on here there is no reason to make stuff up. Look at the hate filled posts you have put on here in the past. Usually they contain no worth while information purely rhetoric and vitriol that does not add to the conversation but is your feeble attempt to stoke the hate.
I have posted before we get it you hate Trump and anyone who speaks his name in less than hateful terms. you, your comments and one sided view of things has contributed to this. you are equally culpable in these and the other attacks. Have you posted or written to Eric Holder regarding his comments about violence? Have you taken a moment to write to Hillary and ask that she not call legal citizens of this country deplorable? Have you requested in any public forum that civility be restored to all by all? no you are the part of the problem you hold the progressive movement above the people it claims to want to help.
I encourage you to add to the discussion in a meaningful way. You do not have to agree with anything I or anyone else posts and challenge it to make others think is great, its what we do in science all the time. But I believe it is the progressives that have that bumper sticker that says ” COEXSIST”
just sayin
Are you really that dumb? Who defending anything? We don’t even know who’s behind anything yet. Grow a brain.
We have a wacko following Trump rhetoric that seeded 13 attemps to assassinate democratic leaders today.How does 12 gauge see it?
No different than the wacko on the left who attempted to wipe out half of congress, but ended up nearly killing one congressman. How soon you want others to forget.
Pat,you can’t see the difference.Your under his spell.
No, you are under the spell of the Progressives. Both acts of attempted violence were WRONG from the left and from the right. We have no idea yet who sent the pipe bombs, but we do know who attacked the Congressmen at the baseball game.
Obviously a nut of some type. Let’s wait for more information.
Voters of Berkshire County–Please read this letter very carefully. See what DA Caccaviello did when this accusation was made in August. He met with folks at Williams College. He met with Chief Johnson at Williamstown PD. He reviewed records and came to a conclusion based upon the evidence. That’s what a real experienced prosecutor does. Caccaviello could have called Pucci (and Harrington) out before the primary, but the inquiry was not yet complete. For him as DA, an allegation was made that victims were being ignored so he investigated not for political reasons, but for reasons of supporting survivors of sexual assault. We who know and have worked with Caccaviello for years would not expect any different from him. This is what a truly dedicated public servant and victim advocate would do–that’s Paul Caccaviello.
Of course, I would be remiss if I failed to point out the callous and flagrantly reckless way Harrington and her supporters have used the misinformation they fomented while Caccaviello completed his inquiry. Calling him a sexist and twisting the truth regarding his dedication to victims of sexual assault while never once having worked with sexual assault victims herself, Harrington spewed this vile story all over Berkshire County. Why? Because she has the black heart of a self-promoting, self-serving narcissist. It is laughable that someone with no prosecutorial, administrative, managerial, or public service experience would think so little of the community she is supposed to protect that she would ignore her obvious failings and run for a position for which she is utterly and dangerously unprepared.
What letter? Please post source.
Today’s Eagle. Letters to the Editor. Eagle refused article. Demanded letter only. Cacc obliged.
Thanks Truthsayer.
That explains it because you would think this would have been a press release.
You should either stop lying or else change your handle.
The original “media release” was almost precisely the same as the letter to the editor. There is no longer, exhaustive report, likely because brevity is essential when you are looking to dupe people. The less detail the better.
Ha, thank you very much for posting this! This definitely warrants a return to these here message boards!
I did read the letter closely. I have also read the Williams Fire and Safety report closely. To put it bluntly, Caccaviello is a liar, and a terribly incompetent liar art that.
In the section covering sexual assaults the Williams report explicitly states the following (emphasis mine throughout):
“all members of the Williams community are encouraged to report – and all responsible employees are required to report – any instances or claims of sexual misconduct, whether or not the person who experienced the misconduct wishes to pursue the case through the College’s disciplinary system. THE COLLEGE WILL INFORM THE WILLIAMSTOWN POLICE OF THE BASIC FACTS OF REPORTS MADE TO THE COLLEGE; however, the College will not disclose the name of the survivor unless that person consents to the disclosure of their name.”
This aligns precisely with what former DA David Capeless said in a 2014 interview about Williams sexual assaults: ““Right from the beginning, if a girl complains, college security notifies the police, the police notifies my office… Even when the victim doesn’t want to talk to the police, they tell the police just so they know.”
Caccaviello brushes these unequivocal quotes aside and supports his claim of ignorance/non-involvement regarding Williams sexual assaults by focusing on an un related quote that was taken completely out of context. Caccaviello sates “In fact, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs students that “all reported crimes will be investigated by the college and may become a matter of public record only if subpoenaed by law enforcement.”
This is an outrageous attempt at deception. If taken literally, this quote means would mean that Williams keeps all crime reports and criminal investigations in-house as a matter of policy, unless they receive a subpoena.
Fortunately, the context is clear when you actually read the quote as part of the larger report. The point of that particular quote is that the College protects the anonymity of those who report any crimes and does not share the initial incident reports generated with anyone else unless required by subpoena. It’s the equivalent of saying they protect whistleblowers.
Caccaviello’s deceitfulness is sickening. This clown is a DA? Seriously?
This is really transparent stuff. I have a feeling this letter is going to be completely eviscerated.
Also, some on here claim that there was a longer press release, but it had to be cut down in length since it was presented as a letter to the editor.
Another lie. This was originally going to come out as a media release that was unconstrained by length. Someone sent me a copy and it was almost exactly the same as the letter that was posted yesterday.
Voters of Berkshire County-I agree with KMK, you should read this letter carefully. Before you even get into the details of his misstatements, the takeaway is obvious: Until that letter to the editor from John Pucci was submitted, Caccaviello had no interest or awareness of the goings on at Williams College. And contrary to his claims, we know that all sexual assaults reports to campus security are forwarded to the WPD and then the DA’s office, regardless of a victims initial choice regarding anonymity.
In the last year, 26 new sexual assault cases were reported, 13 of which were rapes. Caccaviello must have known. Yet he did nothing and plays dumb as to the problem in general.
This guy needs to go.
Dan, it’s very clear to me who should get the Orbit Award….Pat..why? Pat is In Orbit..The Space Shot of the Twilight Zone
She has my vote. But if not she should get the second prize PERPENDICULAR AWARD as most of her comments run perpendicular to the argument being made. And she is consistent about it.
Pat is a guy.Never once mentioning women as not being legal to vote.
If it were up to Trump they would not be voting or even speaking out of turn.
Cacc gets county republicans endorsement
Anyone know why Harrington has a red line through the “A” in all her signs and it crosses into her “H”? What’s up with that?
I dunno man but it sounds super suspicious…I know red is the Russians favorite color …could it have something to do with them?
There were 14 assination attempts yesterday on the political targets of Donald Trump.These names were marked as enemies of the Trump republican party as repeatedly stated by Fox News.Donald Trump has stirred up the call for violence against fellow American citizens always planting the seeds of wickedness in his rallies that show his wannabe fake tough guy image.He only needs one guy to buy in.
Maxine Waters: “Let’s chase people into restaurants and supermarkets”. Antifa violence, the near fatal shooting at a baseball game, Eric Holder statements, Hollywood statements about “burning down the White House”. Sorry, School Committee, but ever since President Trump won the election, many on the left have gone over the edge. Democrat George Soros paying people to participate in violent protests. The list goes on and on…..
on and on…just like you repetitive Hannity drivel
You may call it “Hannity drivel”, Johnny A., but what Pat just listed are true facts. Are you going to deny them?
Johnny is obviously a low- information voter like Art. Pat’s info is historical fact. Dems are the party of mobs and hatred. The large majority of Dems are Socialists committed to destroying our country. That’s why it is so important for all you rational nationalists to get out and vote on Nov. 6th!
Source: https://www.berkshireeagle.com/stories/letter-politics-behind-attack-on-das-williams-college-probe,554130?fbclid=IwAR29GIjl_SNachZGUSH6AVG_ao17q8kSIaslhTktm1qxZRWpRqHNTedeBQ0
Thank you for link to source.
Sorry for misspelling your name a moment ago.
You should not be so thrilled with this effort. Caccaviello’s letter is a pack of lies and distortions presented as excuses to explain his office’s complete indifference to the sexual assault numbers coming out of Williams. The lies are transparent, the letter will surely be dismantled in a public way, and Caccaviello’s lack of credibility will become a front-and-center issue, just days before the election.
Well done Team Caccaviello!
Back off, Cicero. You’re rash of trash has been debunked.
Williams College is a cesspool of lies, deception, and sexual assault cover-ups. And you’re its biggest, most disgusting facilitator.
Hey, Christina, say hi to Mikey for us!
Line one.
Delete: You’re
Insert: Your
Sorry Spanky, whether I back off or not is irrelevant. Caccaviello’s letter is out there publicly, so it is going to get the public exposure it richly deserves.
I am still stunned by Caccaviello’s deceitfulness. I always knew Cacc wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, but I didn’t realize the depth of his dishonesty.
Capeless and this dope were in complete power for 15 years. Little wonder NA and Pittsfield have become cesspools of crime.
Pickel puss, your husband is such a wonderful crime fighter.
The Presidents critics were targeted for assination and Trump blamed the reporters.All targets of assination were named many times for their criticism of Trumps attacks on Americans.Your a cult.
He is doing a good job of turning Americans against one another and destroying the country. That is Hannitys job not the presidents.
Who’s the culprit?
None of these packages blew up–perhaps they were never meant to?
(Of course, Scalise was actually shot by a Dem nut job, and Trump supporters have actually been assaulted by Sorosabteilungen.)
Why send so many that don’t go off as opposed to just one that does?
Inside two weeks to the midterms, more more thing to attack Trump on . . .
Hum, I smell a DemoRat.
Trump cult has used every name targeted for assassination to justify Trump hatred of his opponents.Trumps job is to keep America safe and we are not safe and terrorism continues.Trump hates most of America but lives his cult. First Jerry Springer took advantage of his audience, them it was Maury Povich and now it’s TV personality Don Trump.
One major network states that most scump supporters are white men and women with very little education. With very little education there is no critical thinking and comprehension capabilities. Some who post on this board seem to fall into this category as their posts are reflective of very little thinking or a capability to grasp issues which require some degree of intelligence. We all know who our site light weights are.
I guess that means your good buddies Warren Dews and Earl Persip are big brains just like you.
Look in the mirror, Art! Never any facts! All news from “one major network.” No research to back up your claims!
DNC, CNN and MSNBC talking point Rachel Madow said it so its got to be parroted by the dedicated followers