(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 15, 2018) — When THE PLANET broke the story about Andrea Harrington’s September, post-victory phone call to Melissa Mazzeo, in which Mazzeo says the would-be district attorney threatened her, people wondered why the local mainstream media didn’t pick up on it. They also asked why Mazzeo herself didn’t go to the other mainstream outlets. Many expressed surprise that other media didn’t pick up the story about the controversial call.
Mazzeo tells THE PLANET that she’s also baffled that the story died on the vine.
“Quite frankly, Dan, I too am surprised that another media outlet didn’t pick up the story,” Mazzeo told THE PLANET. “After you wrote it, I received dozens of calls from people who couldn’t believe she called me and some said they wanted to have more coverage on this. I stated that I wasn’t going to call them but would tell it to anyone who wanted to hear it.”
Mazzeo then talked about the Friday press conference, where Sen. Ed Markey appeared. She had another run-in with Harrington. Mazzeo says she’s “not sure why a D.A. candidate needed to attend a press conference on a cable issue, but she was there. I left the chambers and went back down to the City Council office to finish some work. Andrea walked by and I called out to her.”
Mazzeo picks it up from there: “She came back to the doorway, and I said to her ‘What’s the deal?’ She replied, ‘I don’t feel comfortable talking to you.’ I said, ‘You didn’t have a problem talking to me last week.’ She said, ‘I don’t feel comfortable talking to you without a 3rd party present. I laughed out loud and said back ‘I am the one who needs a 3rd party present. You called me a liar.’ She said, ‘I am not having this conversation with you’ and walked away. So that’s where this story stands.”
Team Harrington disputes Mazzeo’s claims. From AH insiders: “As for Melissa’s claims about a run in, I’m unaware of such an incident. But let’s be real. Melissa has a horse in this race and has a lot of reasons to stir the pot. I don’t put it past her to make [stuff] up. This is their group MO. Does Melissa have a corroborating witness? Andrea is innocent of this and the prior claim of a threat.”
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Mazzeo told THE PLANET she had no problem “defending myself and letting everyone know about both conversations. I have been reading the comments on your blog about the story, and I have seen people ask why I didn’t go to the Eagle. I guess I wanted to see if they would pick it [up]. Maybe they will now.” She said Harrington’s “threatening” phone call “only fired me up more.” She also said that as a consequence of the phone call, she has now begun attending Paul Caccaviello’s campaign meetings, adding that she will do “everything I can to see that he gets elected to continue as the D.A.”
Finally, she asked THE PLANET to make clear to everyone on this board, especially “to the blogger who keeps saying that a nephew of mine got special treatment from the D.A.,” that the claim is “ridiculous. I do not have a nephew only nieces, and the case they are referring to has nothing to do with me.”
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THE PLANET senses an almost tectonic amount of back-room politics centered on the D.A.’s race, the temblors shaking the 2019 municipal election, reaching to Boston, and likely rattling Berkshire County for years. We have pieces of intelligence from both sides, but not enough to form a coherent picture. It’s like being in a Sherlock Holmes mystery.
It’s difficult to think of the D.A.’s election as a necessary condition for other significant, secret, and possibly nefarious events yet to be revealed (but only well after the November election). If that’s the case, a voter armed with a ballot in November might unintentionally reek more havoc than the gorilla that starts wildly firing a machine gun in that Three Stooges episode. That’s the risk when a ballot becomes the means to hidden ends.
Where’s Basil Rathbone when you need him? Or even Moe Howard?
“We explore because we are human and we want to know” — Steven Hawking.
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Does a District Attorney have to recuse him or herself if one of their buddies gets in trouble? Or can they just pretend they are unaware of a particular misdeed?
Just curious.
There is only one factor for this social liberal to consider and that’s who truly deserves the job of DA because he speaks always as a gentleman with wisdom to speak as a 32 year lawyer and prosecutor of the most heinous crimes of the Berkshires.
I have no dog in this fight and dont believe it should be a political position but I want whats best for my crime ridden Berkshires.There is no time to learn on the job here and I will confidently write Paul Cacciviello as the next District Attorney.Also Melissa Mazzeo has never given me any indication shes a liar .As a councilor she always has pursued the truth about how money is spent in Pittsfield and she is truly the only councilor who seems to care on a business.I just find Mazzeo a very truthful person.Harrington just does not have enough history to even know how I feel.Its just not a job for inexperienced people of politics.Harrington should lose her connection to Tyer ,Bouvier,and Caccamo.as Caccamo will teach you to not have energy for politics…….Rivers,Moon,Caccamo,White,Kroll only pretend they have interest in the environment at Allendale school Air filters monitoring.Harrington should speak on opening the consent decree to enforse Air monitors and filter testing.
The real problem/issue Pittsfield has is the back room dirty politics that touches every facet of every single Citizen’s lives. There is a no trust factor period. There are no sides. Just a dirty little town.
True dat. And it will probably still be a dirty little town no matter which one gets elected. I feel like this is more a power grab than a desire to clean up the crime wave.
As far as the backers/donors go, it is always nice to have helped out the guy who may someday decide how much legal grief you or a family member may be in.
Many of the mayor donors are smiling today.
So why don’t we just cut the bullshit and call this what it is. Donald would want it that way.
Another great article Dan, Tectonics should be the word of the day it is the process that controls the structure and properties of the Earth’s crust and its evolution through time. Myself, I don’t see where Melissa was threatened by AH, as far as her political career being over because she is supporting Caccaviello, seriously. Control, power and influence is what this and every election is about. Come to your own conclusions. Hopefully the Eagle endorses AH to seal the election to Caccaviello.
Did Mazzeo initially contact the Planet or vice versa? If it was the former, then why didn’t she contacted the other news outlets as well? It’s all entertaining, but I’m not buying it, and as a long time Mazzeo supporter, I am losing respect.
I guess no response. Shocker.
THE PLANET initially contacted Mazzeo. We periodically touch base with all the principles. That’s how you find out about stuff. True, often, we get contacted, but not in the case of Melissa. We contacted her based on things we were picking up “in the buzz.” She responded in a prompt and forthright manner.
Wait… am I reading this wrong? Did Melissa call out to Andrea and then tell her she doesn’t want to have a conversation? Why call out to her in the first place? Maybe I’m confused but that happens sometimes…
There are some pretty big egos making this race very ugly and they aren’t the egos of the candidates.
Question: You’re diagnosed with cancer. Do you go to an oncologist with 30 years of experience for treatment, or do you go to a politician with a degree in biology, who can learn how to treat cancer using you as a guinea pig.
There is no difference here. Ms. Harrington does not have the knowledge, experience, or temperament. For most of her supporters, she is the best candidate for the job based solely upon her chromosomal structure.
The real victims of the Democrat Primary thus far have been the residents of Berkshire County.
Whether it’s a doctor, lawyer, veterinarian, mechanic, teacher, or any other profession, we seek out the most experienced.
Ms. Harrington’s supporters simply feel that her lack of a chromosome outweighs a total lack of experience and her proven lack of ability.
Her supporters have said “She is the hardest working…” Really? To borrow a line from “Christmas Vacation”, “So does a washing machine.”
T. ” A politician with a degree in biology, who can learn how to treat ( or diagnose ) cancer”. Confusing, at first I thought you were describing Pat Muraca and Nuclea….not Ms. Harrington. But if you think about it, maybe the parallel is apropos.
Imagine you have cancer and want to try new treatment but insurance company says you have to use old doctor with 30 years of treating patients the same way.
Harrington is a political malignant tumor growing on the Berkshires.
Good one Earl!
. . . but with updated technology!
Imagine the skills acquired over a 30-year career – coupled with a highly trained & experienced staff, modern, sophisticated technology – and quarterly upskilling? Remarkable!
Perhaps you might choose that surgeon with fewer than 15-years experience? I know I wouldn’t!
Write-in Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O (blacken oval to right of name).
Read it . Learn it. Write it.
The last thing we need is to have lying Andrea as DA. Pittsfield knows Mellisa Mazzeo. You might not agree with her 100% but you know she tells it like it is. Caccaviello all the way. Don’t let lying Andrea get away with it.
This DA position is going to be fractured. No matter how you look at it. There is nothing clean on either side. This IS the problem. Politics are dirty folks. Sickening. It doesn’t end there either.
Politics are disgusting and dirty which is why we need less government in our lives and not more.
I know Melissa Mazzeo. I like Melissa Mazzeo. Andrea Harrington is surly no Melissa Mazzeo.
The list of who’s who in Harrington’s campaign is enough to sicken anyone. They’re mostly shady characters, disgruntled former defendants, or masking as Roman avatars.
You really can’t this stuff up!!
Write-in Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L 0 (above double solid lines) (blacken in oval to right of name)
Read it. Learn it. Write it.
I really get the feeling that the reason “other media outlets didn’t pick up the story” is because there really is no story. Recent history has shown that no one can be convicted of anything without a corroborating witness; innocent until proven guilty as we’ve been repeatedly told. I know neither of these women and have no pony in the race, but even if I did, 2 cranky conversations between two local politicos basically being bitchy toward each other (and I’d say it the same way if it were two men behaving likewise) is not news.
You make the case, therefore, for THE PLANET as an vital alternative to the dreary state of mainstream local news, which wouldn’t bother. We won’t bore with our definition of “news,” for which we accept your assumed thanks! We will, though, say that the point of reporting “the 2 cranky conversations” is found not on the surface but below. The conversations reveal (by offering a look into) the nature of the hostile dynamics involved among the principles nd the surrogates in this race. That, we would argue, is information we’d rather the electorate have than not have.
Oh Dan, I readily grant you the whole thing is fascinating. I just don’t think it rises to the level of news in a double-source verifiable, documentable way. It certainly hints at the depth of machinations involved in this race though. That’s the stuff “they” don’t want people to know, and the reason I come back to the Planet daily.
That’s our common ground here. THE PLANET doesn’t confine itself to “double-source, verifiable, documentable” items, because that’s not how the world unfolds, although Harrington’s phone call to Mazzeo was double-sourced, verified, and documented by us. The behind-the-scenes jousting: that’s where this race is being fought, and that’s where we slog, hip boots and waders securely in place. Thanks for your readership and comments, my good friend.
Both candidates will be tools of a larger machine. Your vote should be determined not by the candidate but by which machine you favor.
I filled out the application myself and question 4 asked if I minded being a tool? It then said “if you answered yes to question 4 you can stop here and leave the building”.
Ten Questions for Andrea Harrington
What is the actual need for change that she is running on?
What practical experience does she bring?
What work has she done with the public?
In what aspect of her life has she been called upon to exhibit fairness, compassion, and empathy?
Can she provide references from the defense bar or anyone in the courts for being smart or capable in any way?
What interest has she shown in the justice system prior to running for DA?
Can she recount an instance in which she has managed a large caseload or any other type of work?
Does she have any relationships with anyone in law enforcement personnel who can recommend her?
Can she describe any instances in which she has been under high pressure and responsible for making an important call? What in life has she dedicated herself to in order to achieve personal excellence?
I don’t understand why a journalist wouldn’t want to interview the two women, not just to transcribe what happened but to give further understanding about what this DA’s race is all about. Given the news peg of the argument, what is the actual argument? Why won’t Mazzeo give her support to Harrington, why did Harrington seek it and how do they see the DA’s office impacting the lives of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, to use a Dan-ism?
I do not know either the sitting DA or the Candidate for DA.
I do know the root of this evil was started by the former DA’s politics, and then his wife and the current DA’s wife…..toward Harrington. That being said…. the rest is a pile of B.S. This city is a mess, and needs people to come together. I don’t see experience as an excuse. The leadership in this County are looking out for themselves, and their stepping on and over too many people.
What? The DA’s wives responded to people attacking their husbands and calling them names and DA Capeless was well known for staying out of politics. Try to keep up, Spagirl.
I am very capable of understanding what went on. It is shameful that this City is so caught up on backstabbing with such an important position at the polls being decided. The people deserve better. This city is in desperate need of leadership by the very positions that should be above board and focused on the downward spiral it has taken.
Then we are in total agreement. The conversation we should be having is who should be representing us if we or our family members are the victims of a crime? The good people of Berkshire County need a professional attorney, not a part-time lawyer with no experience who is attacking a city councilor for not supporting her. There has never been impropriety in the DA’s office under Capeless or Caccaviello, rather, it has been a rare example of relative immunity from the type of backstabbing you reference.
And the crown prince of Saudi Arabia denied knowing anything about a journalist being killed. So there. Cased closed
For me, it wasn’t that she came to his defense, but the big Italian family reference. But that’s just me. I’m not part of any big Italian family.
Wow, it’s offensive to assume she was making some sort of mafia threat when it’s obvious she was saying they are big family that eats a lot. I guess with Trump calling Sen. Warren Pocahontas we can expect this kind of response.
Oh okay right that’s what she meant.
Don’t be intimidated. This is exactly what is wrong in this world. Be true to yourself. Vote as you see it.
Harrington called Melissa to get her to back off or back out or back away from supporting Gentleman Paul.Its kinda weird she placed the call in the first place.Mazzeo has a long history of believability.Harringtons rookie status stays intact,just not Qualified.
Wow,off topic but very important, thanks Art for the info on the Trump interview. One striking comment by Trump, was that Putin is probably a murderer, but not in this Country. Why isn’t anyone running with that statement,it’s very clear what kind of a but crack-pot he is. Stay tuned this week, if those statements don’t wake people up,this weeks testimony will.
On the Journalist murder,terrible, terrible.His comment was we don’t want to lose the Saudi Military contracts. that should be his last concern. Mr. President, the incident is reported recorded.
The king of pctv is on now and tomorrow at 5:30 pm CH:1301.
Great, I’ll put it on. I always enjoy Bill Sturgeon.
Really not understanding AT ALL why you weren’t this obsessed with Putin and Russia when Obama was president for 8 years and Putin was out of control then. Why were liberals not going crazy during the Obama years about the behavior of Russia?!? Why didn’t you care then?!?
Exactly, Pat. And why not mention Hillary’s close relationship with Putin? This is baloney!
Puttin hated Hillary for sanctions against him and wanted the Gump .
Trump said it was ridiculous that he would ask Russia for help against Hillary yet he did it in public as Sean Hannity told him to.Republicans hate America
I guess all was forgiven when Hillary pushed through the uranium deal with the Russians and Bill got his enormous speaking fees. And who knows how much the Clinton foundation received in “donations”.
Putin was okay with Hillary since he could control her. What he probably likes about Trump is they are both independent of the new world order globalist crowd, and see the evil of these deep state people.
That is why they went after Kavanaugh so hard. His testimony that treason should be tried by a military court, since we are still technically at war…war on terror is still in effect. These people know their time is short under Trump.
The buzz is there are thousands of sealed indictments waiting until after the elections and January when the red wave is installed. It should be chaos, but fun to watch.
No uranium was exchanged,Fox news was reporting it as 7 agencies have to review and sign off,again no uranium was exchanged.
And Willie didn’t have sex with that woman either.
Whoops! I’m wrong!
Hildebeast just said she was O.K. with Willie using his Interns as Humadors.
That’s great!
Trump….Rogue Killers. doesn’t want to get into the mind of the King, but that is the latest??????
That would be like dropping your kid off at the Boy’s Club being escorted in by Jim Mooney, then letting other kids beat the crap out of your kid…Ain’t happening.
The mere fact that the king of pctv heavily supports Cacaviello is all we need to know about Paul Cacaviello. Gaetanis has identified all of the city e!ected Buffons and three who are not. mellisa is one of the later and that also is all you need to know about her. The Gman’s TV show is being watched by more and more people every week as his show is the only accurate source of real news in this city His take on everything Pittsfield is right on the mark and oh yes. He fears no one, His time in Viet Nam Steeled him and made him stellar for the city in the 80’s and with a little luck on top of his magnificent brain he might be able to save us one more time. Mellisa this last sentence is your homework assignment as the Gman needs to have the Buffoons plowed aside which is not difficult but will require you to be front and center which you have not been. Once you accomplish this the Gman will take over and save the city 40__50 mi!lion dollars. This should be your main goal and if you are successful the Gman will make you as successful as he made Charlie Smith. With you having a good brain and youth he might make you president of the US. With you out front and him out back the combination would be second to none. Start getting buffoons outf the way so the Gman can plow forward.
Wow what an ego! How do you fit thru your front door?!
Coward always
Art you sound like the Grand Wizard on Big Time Wrestling.
I just don’t sound like him I am him. Good post my friend
mc Maaaaaaahon.
In my view there is no logical reason to vote for Ms. Harrington. We are voting for Gentleman Paul and working at the polls for him. Getting out my woolies. Brrrrrrrrrrr.
I believe Art is quite spectacularly up for the Planets Orbit Award, as go between writer between G and the Planet. This conceivably could happen. I believe the criteria is Volume, Quality and subject matter, Truth and Honesty,donation of one’s time,charitable giving and a thorn into the side of the Good Ol Boy networks, with an emphasis on representing the sane taxpayers of the City.
Thank you Halo. Don’t need any special recognition. Keeping up with the Wiz is a job in itself. I like him are for doing what ever helps the tax and rate payers. For me its a task with all these posts but for the Gman it is a quest. His hands are tied by city incompetence and he never gives up the good fight. He may even run for mayor to save the taxpayers 40_50 million dollars while at the same time taking a vacation. I always push him to run because I know his capabilities and if he does he himself will set up debates among his opponents and demolish anyone he is tuning against. If he wins you will see what a real corporate executive can accomplish. It certainly will not be about vibrant and colloborration and catch phrases it will be about real accomplishment because that’s what the wiz is all about accomplishment accomplishment accomplishment. That’s what his whole life is about. I have seen him in action and just when an opponent thinks they have the drop on the Gman he Strikes and its over. Talk to Doyle Jr. He can tell you how sharp the Gman’s claws are. I pray that he runs for something as watching him in action is priceless
Elizabeth Waren DNA test results:She is an Indian. Scump stated he would give her a million dollars if she proved she was an Indian. Scump says he didn’t say that and all the media are reporting with tape that he did. She wants the million to go to the indigenous peoples fund. Another lie by scump . His response to Amal K killing is just insane. This buffoon has to go. 21 20. 19______Bye Bye scump
Didn’t you hear Art? Truth isn’t truth.
Yes Harrison. I forgot about that. There is so many lies by scump that it is hard to keep up with them. Thanks for reminding me Harrison
Who did the DNA test? The same guy who gave Blasey Ford a polygraph?
Arty, You Left Winged Parrot!
Warren has made such a fool of herself she went on a tweeting meltdown yesterday afternoon. Incoherent babbling left wing lunacy!!!
Odds are if Trump took a DNA test he’d have more Native American DNA than Lieawatha .
It’ll be nice to have a republican Senator again. ; )
Art gets an award, alright…..for the most fake news posted on one blog in a single day.
Every one in the world knows who killed Amal K except scump. When are you scumpsters going to say enough. Can you even comprehend what he would do if be faces a real crisis. Imagine him deciding life and death circumstances. Everyone in this country must come to the polls in November and create some handcuffs for this buffoon. I can’t wait for the replies to some of my posts today. Not fake news just the truth and the truth will set you free
1/1024 the truth
Yes Consumer banking advocate Warren is genetically of Indian heritage.Trump owes 1 million to charity and said he won’t pay now…coward
Have another glass of Liberal Kool Aid ROFL!!!!
Most tribes require percentage of Native blood at least 1/16th to claim Native American heritage. Warren specifically claimed to be Cherokee; the DNA test did not prove this to be true.
It gets better…
According to the New York Times, the average white person in America has nearly double the amount of American Indian DNA (0.18%) as Elizabeth Warren (0.098%), who claims to be Cherokee.
Remember this whopper Lieawatha spewed out?
Warren claimed her parents had to elope because her father’s parents were racist and didn’t approve of their son’s Cherokee girlfriend.
Madtrapper,I saw that on Fox yesterday.I watch Fox news 24/7 and I’m vaccinated from this propaganda. It works on angry white men who have no discernment.
You also believe that Larry Kudrow and Don Trump who are experts in finance dont know why the FED raised interest rates.They of course were lowered during Obamas Presidencey to help America recover from the last republican Goverment………Trump does not know why the FED raised interest rates ,WOW
Typical liberal response to the TRUTH!
Lieawatha is 1/10th of ONE percent Native American genetic makeup. For the math challenged lefties that is 0.10%
That’s Dizzy Lizzy’s claim to fame and she was STUPID enough to admit it!!!
The AVERAGE WHITE CAUCASIAN of western European heritage has 0.18% Native American.
MSM news has totally omitted, these HARD for liberals to swallow, FACTS, this morning.
Want some cheese with your WHINE?
Let that sink into your thick cranium a while.
They Couldn’t reply and be believeable Mr. Seller. Lizzy should hold her breath on that million, that’s for sure. Mr. president don’t create a situation and there won’t be a situation. I to,like Art, am afraid he’s going to do something really stupid, promising corporate big wigs megabucks wasn’t the right thing at all to do.
Now he’s going after Scientist, (some of the best and brightest) says they have a political agenda? Good gawd?
Saudi’s admit wrongdoing at Consulate, not Rogue killers….wonder who said that??
Mohammad bin salaman is Saudi Donald scump. Scump now saying he will only believe that Warren is an Indian if he tests her. Scump will find out how much of an Indian she is soon when she starts dismantling his heavy book of lies. She may even have to hire a crane go lift that book but everything that is in that book will be all she needs to finish him. That book is the path to the white house for the Dems in2020
America can reverse course and become the America we always were before trump and it is as simple as demanding accountability. Only when all of us can determine that a lie is a lie and the truth is the truth can we even hope to be successful. This is as simple as simple can be and when we all become lovers of the truth we will be on our way again. The truth is the only way. The only way.
Lizzie Warren has proven that we are all Native Americans now. She has MAYBE shown that in the 1500’s there was some vague connection to a Native American ancestor and even that’s not 100% sure. Problem is that many Europeans have more Native American in them since Lizzie has such a tiny percentage of Native American in her. By this logic, we can all go around wearing t-shirts stating that “We are all Native American Now” and we didn’t use this information to get special entrance into prestigious colleges and get called out by Harvard Law School for being for the first minority woman to receive tenure. Unbelievable.
and so why do we give a shit one way or the other what her heritage is other than to distract voters from the fact that she is one of the very few people with the moxy to go after wall street and the banks?
Fox news and Hannity are so transparent in their desperation that they have to distract their low attention span viewers with inconsequential drivel. So instead of people like Pat talking about real issues of today she is repeating the nonsense she heard on Fox news. Sad…so sad that Pat has lost her ability to think independently..
Why did she claim to be American Indian?
Why did she claim her father’s parents were racist and didn’t want him dating an Indian girl?
Why is she such a liar?
Spin it how ever you’ve been told Pat. Maybe in kind Trump can release his tax returns as he promised to do.
Pat If there is anyone who needs to read my above post it is you. The sane live and cherish the truth and those that don’t become the problems we all have to contend with. Does the FACT that scump has told over 5000 confirmed lies even bother you a little bit? If you reply no then you belong to the later of the groups I described. If so what a waste of a nice lady that I know you are. If you just look for accountability in everyone and seek the truth we won’t be seeing the types of post we are so accustomed of seeing from you. Listen to all media sources you have never listened to and you will see that there is truth out there but you have to seek it out. Stay away from fox for a week and then post. Good luck you need it. I am not being with I’m being respectful. Really I am.
5,000 pieces of evidence that you’re a gullible nitwit.
I’m still waiting for dumboma to release his college transcripts.
Lol,but true Art. Maybe Pat should rent some Twighlight Zone discs. I’ll supply the popcorn.
Regarding the discussion of Ms. Warren, the fake indian;
“A DNA test is useless to determine tribal citizenship. Current DNA tests do not even distinguish whether a person’s ancestors were indigenous to North or South America. Sovereign tribal nations set their own legal requirements for citizenship, and while DNA tests can be used to determine lineage, such as paternity to an individual, it is not evidence for tribal affiliation. Using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation, even vaguely, is inappropriate and wrong. It makes a mockery out of DNA tests and its legitimate uses while also dishonoring legitimate tribal governments and their citizens, whose ancestors are well documented and whose heritage is proven. Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage.
– Cherokee Nation Secretary of State Chuck Hoskin, Jr.
“The DNA test shows that she has, at the most, 1/64 Native American ancestry and at the least – 1/1024, which means she may have no more Native American DNA than the average white American, and less than many other Americans.”
– Joel B. Pollak
In other words, her claims of Native American heritage, which she used to secure admissions to schools and prestigious jobs – are false!
Vote Geoff Diehl for Senate!
Gigi you are definitely a scump indoctrinated disciple. Truth is a word you never learned. What are you? A bimolecular geneticist. I bet you think the world is flat and climate Change is a hoax. You are loud but not taken seriously. Thank God.
GiGi warren and Obama were transparent in proving scump to be liar. Where are scumps transparency of his income tax returns? That’s the truth that’s going to set us free of this buffoon. Do you think this is fake news? Did you know that he fleeced working people out of 1.6 billion dollars over 6 bankruptcies and screwed all the students at his fake college. These are the things you need to do your research on verses whether warren is an Indian or not. Oh yes she is of Indian decent. Accept it and move on. You are fake news.
Democrats tell the truth 1/1024 of the time. i.e. krol, tyer clairmont et al.
Yes that bunch. Let’s look at this Saudi situation.Mohammad bin salamander. And Jared Kushner were very tight. MBS bailed him out on 666 property in NY. What did Kushner have to give to MBS? Speculation: classified US information? MBS has JK butchered and grump refusing to accept it Translation: MBS has all he needs to sink scump and Kushner. MBS killed JK because he knew that JKCould expose him and scump and Kushner. Now MBS is daring trump to put sanctions on the Saudis and be will spill the beans. MBS doesn’t need Kushner or scump and ironically that scum ball is going to bring down our scum ball. The plot thickens. If looks like scump will be charged with crimes the american people don’t know about yet but the skill. You can bet on it.
99.99% of democrats give the rest a bad name.
Art is an honorary member of the Fagawi Tribe.
Who the Fagawi?
F Troop. Great golden oldie sitcom. Probably too politically incorrect to even play in syndicated reruns today.
We can no longer laugh without offending someone.
I think we should all apply for status as a tribe since we on average have more Indian blood than Dizzy Lizzy.
Dan can be our chief, and then we can open a casino on Hill 78.
They have no news to report,period. You could have a scarecrow behind the Mayors door, and would not know the difference, just put a Red Sox cap on it.
So basically, Elizabeth Warren has the same percentage of Indian blood as Custer
Trump should take a DNA test, odds are he has TWICE as much Native American ancestry as Lieawhatha Warren
BREAKING: Cleveland Indians announce Elizabeth Warren not even eligible to be a bobblehead.
Fugi please try to add to the conversation. We haven’t seen much for a long time. Do you ever read an article with more than one sentence. It doesn’t appear that you do
Are you the planet police?
He’s suffering from TDS for almost two years now.
He is the self- appointed deputy of da blog, kinda like a Barney Fife to Dan.
Art is a plant from the Harrington campaign who clogs this blog daily with his silly nonsense.
you clog it with your obtuse opinions,
Write-in Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O (blacken oval to right of name).
Read it . Learn it. Write it.
12 now your talking . Try to keep it up
check you focus
Who gives a flying flick about Trump when we have a critical DA race in this county?
Correct 12. We have two moon bat senators and a congressman who hate Trump. So let them take care of it. We need to focus in the DA race. Art is hurting the cause with his rants.
All you moonbats out there that believe the fake indians’ dna press release – dummy up. Fakeahontis had a dna test done like milliions of us have had done. That report showed zero native american ancestry,and she is hiding that report. Seeking a smigen, she sent it out for enhanced analysis, until a smigen was suggested – one of her 1,024 great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great grandparents was likely an indian. Prove me wrong Artie, and I’ll sent you a copy of her recipe from the Pow Wow Chow cookbook. She has less native american than the average white person.
We are all [PICK ONE] ( )Native American ( ) Indian ( ) injun ( ) Chief Wild Eagle. In fact, all of us are part everything by virtue of the fact that any one person can be no further related to any other person on earth than 50th cousins. We are in parts main and minor white, we are black, we are red, we are yellow, and whatever else is out there.
I’m from the Tyerburto tribe.
Wow!!! Or is it Pow wow!!!! That’s the best quip this blog has ever seen,
The Slap A Ho Tribe is from the Berkshires.
Sister no need to prove you wrong you proved yourself wrong when you stated a smidgen was found and you stated that her 9th removed grandparents were probably Indian. That’s all the proof that is needed. Now that is not fake news it is perfectly factual news. Did you take biology in high school? If you did you would know that we all have some common genetic material because we are all humans. Well most of us are anyhow. I’ll send you a bill for this most basic of biological information. Have a good night.
Let me translate Art – one of her 1,024 9th removed grandparents were probably Indian, making her less Indian than the average American by about 50 percent. Kinda like 900 dollars out of a million. And yea, I took biology, twice in fact. Twas a slow learner but I know a fraud and a phony when I see one and I suspect you are one of them.
You liberal Socialists are good for a laugh a minute.
All she proved, was that she is LILY WHITE Caucasian. That’s ALL the proof there is.
But if you’re dumber than a box of rocks, put your liberal spin on it. Liberals will listen, but not the sane and rational.
Maybe she’s confused, delusional, moronic, or all three?
She won’t get my vote, ever!
Take back Massachusetts, voters!!!!
Right wing Christian capitalist are fantastic until they demand socialism bail them out in their pretend capitalism.
Tell us where this happened in your liberal fantasy world?
Socialism has failed EVERYPLACE it has been instituted.
If you think it’s so great and want to share YOUR wealth with slackers, how about taking in a dozen criminal aliens at your apartment?
Hey Art – you’ve been wrong on the last 3 national issues – Kavanaugh, Warren, and now Stormy. You’re zero for three!
Trump will pay Liz with Wooden Nickels and outdated worthless Casino Chips. from his bankruptcy.
Here is a link to the report she did release. Do the math and read the fine print.
Note that it says “The individual’s DNA was previously sent to a DNA testing laboratory for genotyping, with a DNA microarray.”
Where are the results from this original, initial DNA ? You know, like the results you get at Ancestry.com or 23 and Me. That would be a standard dna test,and it didn’t show she was Native American, which is why she is not releasing it. Instead, she hires one or more experts, and releases only one report, that says what she wants it to say.
I’d even vote for Hillary, or even Harrington, before I would vote for Granny Warren.
“Art” – you need to join a TDS support group – you’re losing it.
Kind of like Lizzy, < 1.0% native american, 100% full of crap.
Should have g mans proposal boots on the ground.
Go over to Cumby’s and you’ll see boobs on the ground.
G man cameras,free…oversight committee,free, no water rate hike necessary,free, seven percent decrease all departments, color coded bags for trash, fire Turocy and hire competent dept. head,paint lines on time before school,enforce jay walking,have a true plant for deplorable condition set I ,..there are twenty-twenty five other ideas, some that would affect the school budget.
Art, can you help Stormy Daniels out? She has to pay Trumps legal expenses for her frivolous law suit.
Trump keeps on winning!
12 ga, stop BEING RACIST!
Stormy has native american heritage, the Slapaho tribe!
3 weeks from today is d day for da DA’s race. Is Cacc gonna come out of his corner before the show is over, and fight, or is this all he’s got? Dan, as the oracle that you are, and with your network of spies, gum shoes, and secret squadrons, what say you? Everyone says this race is so important. There has not been a single debate between the two candidates since the primary. What the heck is going on?????
Keep an eye on the Coltsville intersection. They swarm there like locusts. The intersection is dangerous enough as it is without 25 people yelling and waving at all the cars many of whom are blowing through a red light oblivious to how not fun it is to get broadsided.
Why, so we can listen to Harrington propose diversion and treatment programs for addicts that we already have and Caccaviello can talk about his experience prosecuting murders with dismemberment and rapes of altar boys? Comparing these two candidates is utterly ridiculous.
Trump has gone full stupid. This is absolutely ridiculous.
Yes he has. And he is happy to tell anyone who points out one of his screwball moves or statements, “I don’t care!” He is like a wounded cape buffalo at the stock exchange. He is beyond caring about anyone or anything. Be vigilant. Thoughts and prayers!
Warren is not claiming tribal identity. Just family history.
Oh the irony….
Racist wench!!!!
What about her considerable Neanderthal DNA????!!!!
Interesting how so many of Trumps supporters have the same lack of class as he does.
Yea the liberal socialists have a monopoly on class:
“Elizabeth Warren Melts Down in Wake of DNA Disaster
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) launched a bizarre Twitter rant late Monday afternoon following the disastrous rollout of DNA results that further debunked her decades-long claim to American Indian ancestry.
Warren’s thread of 20-plus (and counting) tweets began at about 5:30 p.m. ET, where she attempted to both insult President Trump and defend herself.”
Sen. Warren made a strategic blunder by bringing up that issue once again. She should have let it alone, where it was withering on the vine. But no. She had to take a dubious test, release even more dubious results (dubious to her claim, that is), watch it backfire, and the compound the error with tweets. This may be enough to seal her presidential ambitions in that mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnell’s porch, since noon this morning and for good.