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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, OCT. 26-8, 2018) — Given her refusal to debate incumbent district attorney Paul Caccaviello in the final stretch of the general election for District Attorney as well as ignoring this writer’s previous two requests for comment, it’s clear that Andrea Harrington and her brain trust have decided on the lay-low approach to bring them home to port.

We can almost hear Eric Clapton’s hooky guitar riff and gravelly voice:

Lay-y-y-y Lo,

My campaign’s on its knees 

Lay-y-y Lo 

I’m beggin’ voters please

Lay-y-y-y Lo 

Won’t you ease my worried mind?

The tune’s catchy, but if that’s the strategy, THE PLANET and two cents will advise Camp Harrington that it runs a what should be for them an unacceptable risk of back-firing. We are in the stretch run of the campaign, a precious time when the electorate — at least those that will — begin to pay attention. If Harrington continues on his Greta Garbo impression, they will see Caccaviello in a one-man show, essentially, as active as he’s been this entire cycle.

The Preeevent D, the four corners O, icing the puck, the intentional walk — whatever you call it, playing not to lose as opposed to going for broke and the win often ends up backfiring. That might be something for the Harrington team to consider between now and yesterday. In fact, one of THE PLANET‘s spies in attendance at Harrington’s Thursday night fundraiser reported an animated debate among several backers over the wisdom of “laying low.” Our favorite exchange, as reported by our Z-Agent:

AH BACKER 1: When you got the lead you play it safe. … AH BACKER 2: What makes you think she’s got the lead? 

Wise guys we talked to have a consensus that keeping the muzzle on Harrington will reduce the chances of her making another major gaffe. Apparently, even her backers don’t trust her to make good judgments. The however with that strategy is that it leaves her opponent an golden, silver, and bronze opportunity to march downfield and score.

And let us just say again that THE PLANET “backs” no one in this race. We began as we always do, with a blank slate, allowing the various campaigns and the individual candidates to write upon it. This may go against the fictions concocted in the whirled philosophies of those entrenched souls who desperately want a specific outcome on Nov. 6, no matter HOW it’s achieved, but so be it. The candidates act or don’t. THE PLANET reports and interprets. Simple as that, Fred.

———- 000 ———-


Again, let us cite MGL election law from the Secretary of State’s office. In a write-in campaign, correct spelling, proper addresses, and dotting every lower case “j” and crossing every “t” play second violin to the “voter’s intent.” If a ballot clearly and reasonably identifies the voter’s intent, the vote count — or should count.   Spelling “Caccaviello” isn’t necessary, although we admit it helps. If what the voter writes can be reasonably interpreted as a vote for Cacc, it goes in his win total. Provided. Provided that the person counting the ballots makes that judgment. This makes it vital for both candidates to have only TRUSTED deputies monitoring the all-important count. With write-ins, we can expect some challenges and the dangling temptation for illegality and manipulation. Consequently, both Harrington and Caccaviello HAVE to have sharp deputies with debating skills at each polling station. That cannot be stated enough.

The other point to keep in mind is that narrow margin of victory for Harrington in the September primary. She prevailed over Caccaviello by a fraction of 1 percent. Every vote will count, especially given that in the general election:

  • Republicans will be voting.
  • Independents will have another opportunity.
  • Turnout will be greater.
  • Third place finisher Judy Knight has released her 5,100+ votes to Caccaviello with the recommendation of a strong an unequivocal endorsement.
  • There will be greater interest in this race compared to September.

———- 000 ———-


Paul Caccaviello took on the alleged Williams College sexual assault issue Wednesday, trying to put out a flashfire he says was started by Harrington and her backers as a ruse to distract voters from the “real issues.”

Here is the full text of Caccaviello’s press release:

Berkshire District Attorney Paul J. Caccaviello is refuting facts contained in a letter to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle in August of this year. The letter claimed that the Berkshire District Attorney failed to investigate or prosecute over 40 cases of sexual assault reported by Williams College between 2014 and 2016.

“The allegations in this letter were extremely disturbing as they are completely contrary to the mission of the office and goal of protecting victims” Caccaviello said. “I contacted both Williams College and the Williamstown Police Department to begin an inquiry into the matter and found that Mr. Pucci’s claims were not only without merit, but misleading, ill-informed, and insensitive to victims.”

Caccaviello said his inquiry showed that the majority of the information provided by Williams College to the Williamstown Police Department did not contain sufficient data to permit a thorough investigation by law enforcement. It found that although Mr. Pucci claimed that “all the data about this sexual violence was reported [by the college] to the Williamstown Police Department,” in fact, two-thirds of the incidents reported to the police failed to identify either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of the crime. Caccaviello added “Williamstown Police Chief Kyle Johnson discovered an additional 18 cases of sexual assault were never even reported to his department and, therefore, could not be referred to the District Attorney’s Office for further investigation or prosecution. Mr. Pucci’s claim that “all the data” about these crimes was shared with the local police and the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is simply not true.”

Chief Johnson indicated that when his department timely requested the names of the parties involved in these cases to further their own investigation, Williams College did not provide the names and protected the confidentiality of the victims and alleged perpetrators. The College was well-within its discretion not to reveal the names of the parties to these incidents. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 does not require colleges and universities to report allegations of sexual violence to law enforcement, it only requires schools to investigate and address sexual violence on campus. Title IX also permits, and even encourages, schools to maintain students’ confidentiality. The College is not required to provide to the public or to the District Attorney any additional information about these incidents. In fact, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs students that “all reported crimes will be investigated by the College and may become a matter of public record only if subpoenaed by law enforcement.”

“We fully respect the rights of victims who chose to remain anonymous and not move forward with an investigation and we understand that the College also has an obligation to provide a safe atmosphere for its students to speak freely. What is disappointing, and irresponsible, is that Mr. Pucci, an experienced criminal law attorney, chose to blame the Berkshire District At torney’s Office for the nature of Williams College’s public disclosures of sexual violence.

Caccaviello vowed to continue to work with Williams College and Williamstown Police Department to assist in investigations and support all victims of sexual assault. “This is an issue that colleges across the country are facing and we are committed to providing all of the necessary resources to not just Williams College but all college campuses in Berkshire County to address the problem.”

  • * * * * * * * * *

THE PLANET notes with curiosity that the newspaper once known as The Berkshire Eagle refused to run Cacc’s press release either as an article or news story, relegating it to “herd status” on the Letters to the Editor page. That could be cited as another piece of evidence of the claim now being made more strongly and openly that The Boring Broadsheet is secretly backing Harrington.

In our previous column (Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018), THE PLANET published an e-mail sent by BB publisher Fred Rutberg to a reader in which Rutberg called Cacciavello’s campaign “non-existent” and said his paper wouldn’t cover it. Cacc backers are calling that a “smoking gun” and insist that the newspaper and the Harrington campaign have reached some sort of “secret deal.” No one will go on the record, of course. THE PLANET will work our sources on the street, in the respective campaigns, and at the newspaper. It’s a fishing expedition, yes, but sometimes that’s how you land the prized marlins. Even now, we are getting strong bites.

———- 000 ———-

As always, feel free to comment on any issue, but KEEP IT ON-MESSAGE and REASONABLE. We ask this futilely, perhaps, but we must make the plea. Your words say everything about your mind. Don’t be ignorant. Be smart.

We would especially encourage your thoughts on the D.A. campaign.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“Only the doctor who has the disease really understands it” — William Osler, M.D.



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6 years ago

Is it me or whenever The President gets into a pickle, some story or controversy upstages his acute problem……..just sayin. I’m getting a bad feeling on how this crap is going to end, something has to give.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Oh it’s gonna give all right… comes the RED TSUNAMI on Nov. 6th!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Go RED TSUNAMI. Everyone I know is voting Republican and many are Democrats who are fed up with the far left nonsense.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Unlike a wave a tsunami is a very destructive thing. And the Trump tsunami has been destroying the country for two years now. It is not a new thing.

Fake Bomb
Fake Bomb
6 years ago

I don’t think we have anywhere near the entire story on the fake bomber.

6 years ago

Dear Cicero, read it and sleep well knowing you were such a great help in working against those solving the problems in your community.

Letter: Williams College process for addressing sexual assault complaints
Posted Friday, October 26, 2018 4:57 pm
To the editor:

District Attorney Paul Caccaviello published a letter in The Eagle describing his approach to the prosecution of sexual assaults in Berkshire County (Eagle, Oct. 25). On behalf of the many people at Williams College who work on related issues, we appreciate DA Cacciaviello’s explanation of how his office handles these cases.

Since Caccaviello’s letter refers to data about Williams, we would like to follow by clarifying for Eagle readers how the college reports incidents on campus. His letter mentions campus cases that weren’t reported to law enforcement. He also explains that the college wasn’t required by law to do so: This can happen, for example, if a victim seeks support from the college but chooses not to file a criminal complaint at that time. In such instances, the survivor may decide to pursue a complaint through the college’s disciplinary system, and we still report the incident data to the U.S. Department of Education and disclose it to the public on an annual basis as required by law.

Going forward, to help local authorities, after a crime is entered in our crime log it will be reported to the police department within 48 hours of the initial report. We hope this will aid our community partners in tracking incidents and related data, while at the same time protecting students’ right to privacy and survivors’ right to decide whether and when to report their cases to the police.

Williams faculty and staff, like our peers around the country, are charged with the responsibility and privilege of educating and caring for students during a pivotal stage of their lives. We remain committed to doing everything possible to prevent sexual assaults and other misconduct, to mitigate their effect when they occur and to support survivors as they decide how to pursue the remedies available to them. We will be glad if our process in some small way helps public officials better serve our students and the people of Berkshire County.

Marlene Sandstrom;

Leticia Smith-Evans Haynes;

Steve Klass,


Marlene Sandstrom is dean of the College and Hales Professor of Psychology. Leticia Smith-Evans Haynes is vice president for Institutional Diversity and Equity. Steve Klass is vice president for Campus Life.

Reply to  Sara
6 years ago

Let me get this straight. Apparently you think that my comments contributed to Williams College issuing that statement…and you think that’s a bad thing? That that statement is antithetical to the cause of justice for victims???

You are completely out to lunch. You are on ignore from now on.

Regarding the statement, it contradicts language that Williams inserts annually in its Clery Report (is there a lawyer in the house?) and contradicts what Capeless himself and (by implication) WPD Chief Johnson said in 2014.

It’s possible Capeless had been mislead when he gave that interview. But if all cases weren’t actually being forwarded to him as they arose, he would have received a report at the end of the 2014/2015 school year that showed 19 reported rapes. If his office had only been made aware of some portion of those, why didn’t he notice? Why didn’t he make an inquiry? Why didn’t he do his job? You may not be aware of this, but a crime against an individual is a crime against the Commonwealth. Turning a completely blind eye to so many reports and claiming it was all done out of consideration for victims is not only repugnant, it runs counter to the most fundamental responsibility of a DA.

I’m looking forward to the next volley. Now that Williams College is engaged, this is going to get really interesting.

Here is my prediction of the ultimate findings: Guilt all around.
Williams College? Guilty.
The WPD? Guilty.
The Capeless/Caccaviello regime? Guilty.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Give it a test Christina. You’re getting as bad as Gaetani.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

AA Try to adhere to what Mr. Valenti said about snippering comments. You bring nothing to the table. I’ll bet you are white male or female, uneducated as is all scump followers and get all your news from breitbart and fox news. Stop telling us how poorly educated you are We are all veryvwell aware of it. Switch to topic. You will be right at home on that site. When you post here say something and stop skippering. You sound like a real goof ball.

Harlon RinkleNutts
Harlon RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Yeah. The Fake Bomber – Trump Supporter has a screw loose, which shouldn’t surprise anyone.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Good call on here KKK me,ber.

6 years ago

Cicero has done everything possible to make the Williams story reflect badly on the DA’s office. The Williams letter confirms that the story was used as political fodder to attack Cacc in this race. And Harrington swore in public to right this non existent wrong. Everyone clear? Goodnight CicerKrol!

Reply to  Charlie
6 years ago

Sorry, Charlie. The Williams letter just poured more gasoline on the fire. In the past they have explicitly stated that all reports get forwarded to the police, even if no names are provided. They say that each year in their Clery Report as well.

Capeless said the same thing, forcefully, just a few years ago.

The fact that Williams was caught in a lie does not mean Capeless and Cacaviello are not liars as well. Even if reports were only provided in summary form at the end of the year, a non-corrupt DA would have noticed how high the numbers were, and also that they did not match up with the number of reports they had received over the course of the year. Presumably this was the case every year.

But hey, it’s tough to focus on minor crimes like campus rapes with so many teenage weed smokers to corral.

Reply to  Charlie
6 years ago

Whoa! I totally missed this from one of your earlier comments: “Then we learn that Pucci’s client was an alum who got drunk and then demanded an investigation that turned up no crime. This sleazebag is a top Harrington campaign contributor.”

I saw that Harrington referred to Pucci being involved in a past Williams case in her WAMC interview. It didn’t really sink in before, but in his interview Capeless provided info about the case and mentioned that it was an “alumna” who was involved in a drunken incident, that the case was thoroughly investigated by the WPD and his office, and there was no basis to move forward.

That strikes me as highly unethical, to discuss particulars of a sexual assault case, whether it went forward or not.

And now you add to those particulars and say it was an alum who “got drunk and then demanded an investigation.” First off, your belief that a woman who gets drunk deserves what she gets comes through loud and clear. That’s obviously why all those Williams cases disappeared, since surely the vast majority of victims were drunk and didn’t deserve protection in the view of people like you and Capeless. Second, and far worse, this seems to highly unethical stuff for a member of the DA’s office to be putting out on the internet, Ms. Blair.

I doubt an accomplished attorney in his mid 60’sspends much time on these message boards, but you can be sure I will be anonymously emailing Pucci your comment.

!Madame Du Barry
!Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Is Cissy practicing his future employment as The D A barker?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

In retrospect does Capeless have any regrets about the way he handled the Baran case? Does he feel justice was done and does Caccievello agree with him?

Mr. X
Mr. X
6 years ago

Sissyro…you are getting beaten like a rented mule…the AH camp must pay you well

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

As a Dem choosing between two Democrats
The choice is only about the job.Berkshires will never miss a beat knowing Paul just gets back to work without these clowns taking over the building in Jan,2019.We have enough of that stuff watching Trump spend 2 years figuring out how to be a president.She is just another 1%er taking over the democratic party.Yon,White,Moon,Marchetti,Tyer,Kroll and mostly Bouvier should never run anything……Retired people beg this group of politicians to get control of a city budget and they dont care…..everyone of these Harrington supporters cant figure out budgets let alone Run a DAs office….Paul earned his 175k job by working hard.In no way can I vote to give 175k a year to a rookie politician with Bouvier heading her campaign.Bouvier and Harrington are cut from the same cloth as they just want a good job .Paul earned this.

6 years ago

To truly get rid of crime here in Berkshire County especially in Pittsfield and North Adams, we need totally new leadership and I don’t mean exchanging one Progressive for another Progressive.

Just in yesterday’s Berkshire Eagle I keep reading story after story about how this area needs help with drug abuse, lack of jobs, and not even being able to walk through the Common here in Pittsfield without being knocked to the ground by homeless people and drug addicts looking for money. Homelessness is out of control in this city. What is being done? Oh, yes a homelessness committee was formed which means some overpaid people will sit around talking about homelessness, but NOTHING will actually be done to solve the problem.

Until people figure out that it’s the Progressive ideology that is destroying this city, there is truly no hope and things will only get worse.

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

try to write a sentence without Progressive

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Show examples of progressive policies otherwise makes no sense.

6 years ago

Prostitution is also becoming big business here in Pittsfield. It’s not hard to figure out why. Lack of jobs, drug abuse, and homelessness. The homeless are camping out at Springside Park and the Common. A different homeless person is in front of the Walmart entrance in Pittsfield almost daily asking for money and holding a sign saying “Wiling to Work”. This is a Progressive social experiment gone horribly wrong.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Until the laws become much harsher there will be no let up. We need to put people in stocks in park square like we did in the past. I am completely serious. Everything else is lip service and passing the buck. And NO ONE has the courage or incentive to do this so you can sit around and wait for the system to flush your ass down the toilet or do it yourself and get it over with.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

The majority punishes the minority, so in Pittsfield it would law-abiding taxpayers who would be in stocks. A drug house can freely operate though police have been called 59 times, but if you try to shop on North Street your parking will be strictly regulated

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Put people in stocks because they can’t find a job and are homeless?!? I’m not sympathetic to drug usage, but being homeless due to not finding a job is another matter.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Well then put a roof over the stocks and call it a home. Just figure something out because our current course goes from bad to worse. Picture that drug house 5 years down the road. It will have neon lights and a delivery system and maybe get a TIF from the govt.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

That’s stupid.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Save our country – vote Democrats out of office!

The Socialist/Democratic platform;

– higher taxes
– larger government
– taxpayer funded abortion
– gun control
– open borders
– unlimited immigration
– abolishing death penalty
– Promise program
– increased welfare
– socialized healthcare
– mob rule
– media control
and the list goes on…

Support your President and his America First Agenda – vote red Nov. 6th!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

This is more stupid.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Trump has exclusively brought domestic terroism to new heights with his hateful rhetoric. Way to much violence in this Country, and it is because of his tone and childish antics and moral values, along with disrespect at every turn.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

yes he has. He is an example of an early AI experiment gone horribly wrong.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

I think you are forgetting about all the police killings that happened during the Obama years.

Do you also blame President Trump for all of the violence in Pittsfield?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Sayoc is a Russian patsy. Must be a second “bomber.”

Pretty weak really–much better to harass people in their daily lives while they try to go to work or have dinner in a restaurant with their family. Throw rocks through their windows. Barge into congressional offices. Shoot up a baseball practice. Hire the homeless and mentally ill to incite violence at political rallies. Disrupt proceedings in the Senate chamber and in the office building. Gouge at the SCOTUS front door.

Oh, wait, those are leftist tactics.

Never mind.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Socialist Liz Warren wants to increase your personal income tax 50-90% and supports the roll- back of the corporate tax rate ( 7-25-18). The fake Indian has also made disparaging remarks against law enforcement, calling them racist. She also, if elected as US Senator, will spend the first 2 years of her term campaigning for president – leaving the citizens of MA unrepresented.

Throw her out of office! Vote Geoff Diehl! He’s been endorsed by the MA police union. He will work hard to represent you for a FULL 6 years!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

This statement doubled down on stupid.Trump loves you.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Another nice pivot from the topic at hand. Trump loves you. You are truly a proud Trump disciple, as scary as that is becoming these days.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Many votes in my household for Geoff Diehl. Lizzie Warren wants everybody fighting about race and gender. She is truly not a person who is spreading peace in this country.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Unlike your messiah who is spreading peace throughout his kingdom. Jesus Pat. Are you spiking your koolaid?

6 years ago

Here comes the leftist-sponsored invasion of our country….bringing layabouts and disease;

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

This is a triple play on stupid.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Why in the world would anyone click on a link with the word breibart in it unless they were looking for propaganda?

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

So true Gigi. Even Barack Obama agrees with you from an earlier speech in which he says we can’t just let people pour into our country undocumented and unchecked like the far left wants us to do.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I do not know of anyone who wants open boarders.This caravan is a get out the Trump base caravan that not 1 democrat would support coming to the border for election day…….Trump supported caravan 100%

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I see that your contention is that the president is behind the caravan. Doesn’t seem to make sense. It’s either spontaneous or backed by individual or individuals that are hoping for bad things happening, like the children being separated from their parents or someone being shot.
You say that Democrats (part of anyone) are not for open borders. Then they should support closed borders. Which means they should support building a wall to secure the border. Did they not turn down a deal that would have funded the wall AND provided a pathway to citizenship for the “dreamers’. Again seems like a disconnect.
You seem liked an educated and civilized person. You must know that calling people stupid, because they disagree with you, is totally wrong. How does the old saying go: “a person convinced against his will remains unconvinced still”? If you are trying to convince someone then use reason and facts. If that fails just agree to disagree. I find the people that post here are intelligent, informed, witty and oftentimes very funny.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Watching the news on Fox and things are not great in Trump America.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

I can see trump with a bull horn telling the crowd to turn back and threaten to body slam anyone who defies his order.

6 years ago

Trump is whacked out. As a child and young adult his old man coddled him to the point where now he gets off on letting others lay down their lives for him and his agenda. He has as self protecting personality,which is very rare The lies are part of his disorder, he actually doesn’t believe all of his lies,but gets off on it. One of his biggest personality disorders,is he loves to control, if that is taken away from him, he will divert to something that only he,can have the ultimate decision to control. That is why he hates the media, he can’t control what they say about him, he just hates that.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Dr. u, presidential psychiatrist. Do you get off on all your lies & multiple personalities?

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Trump American sucks for the Majority, not fake news.

Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Doesn’t suck for me. Thanks to President Trump I just got a better paying job and I’m definitely not a high income person.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Congrats Pat, glad to hear you found a good job.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Share ,did Trump give you health care or do you have a state job with socialist benes

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

More really good paying jobs are being created thanks to President Trump.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Thanks Lenny. I am really happy with my new job.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Dishwasher,come on?

Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Doesn’t suck for me, either. The co. I work for increased the company match on my 401k – in a major way. I might be able to retire some day, thanks to Trump!

Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

Great news Lenny. So many people have been unable to retire even if they wanted to because of financial considerations.

6 years ago

Hey Art,
Your hero during the Kavanaugh hearings is in a heap of trouble, not to mention he owes big back taxes! What a corrupt lawyer! You backed the wrong horse!

6 years ago

Does anyone have more info on the lockdown at Taconic on Thursday? I don’t get the B.B. & haven’t heard anything more about it.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

There were 3 fights at Herberg School on Fr today and Mccandless and Yon put entire school safety at risk.Mainstreaming behavior kids is the problem.They pose a dangerous school problem for staff and students.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

This why we have school choice for parents who love their children enough to get them out of Pittsfield and into a more hopeful learning environment. Ask any school employee where their kid goes to school.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Seriously? Fights at a middle school? What has this world become?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

While some of the planets lunatics disparage the Gman he is assembling his team of scientists and engineers with the hopes of saving rate payers many millions of dollars on the sewage treatment project like he saved over 100 million dollars when he built the water treatment plants. One must also realize that
the Gman saved every rate payer in pittsfield 10’s and 10’s of thousands of dollars in reduced W/S rates in the past 34 years which would have been 800% higher for all those years. The Gman plans to give it his all to protect every tax payer and rate payer in this city from having to face W/S rates which will rise by 800% if the present W/S proposals advance. Everyone better pray that the Gman is successful as if he isn’t you reading this post is in for a very rough ride perhaps one way out of pittsfield. The Gman only cares to save you rate payers and asks nothing for himself. Wining for you is thanks enough for him. Now do some lunatics want to throw stones at him? Fire away it is akin to stoning your selves. Pray that the Gman is successful. His success is your success.

Moon River
Moon River
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Who is on his team? Maybe the professor from Gilligan’s Island?

Richard Baculum
Richard Baculum
Reply to  Moon River
6 years ago

Art and his Buddy Guytoni are frauds. I’ll watch the presentation with Guytoni and Dr. Fong. Maybe they’ll change my mind but I think he’s blowin smoke.

6 years ago
Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

The most dangerous man in the world is unfortunately my president. The US has never before seen as vile an individual as scump. He has so divided this country and world that it will take we truth loving fact demanding individuals who know right from wrong many years to right our ship that he has laid on its side. Scump is a short timer and will have his wings severely clipped when we democrats take over the house in 11 days. There is not a bit of doubt that scump incites the crazzies including some on this very site who will only become more and more violent each and every additional day scump is in power. Because it is a certainty that the dems will win the house all peace loving decent truthful individuals only need to ride out the next few days as the posse will arrive on Nov 6 and start to refloat our sinking ship which scump put the hole in. Better days are coming. I’m certain of this because things can’t get any worse than what we have with scump today. My biggest worry is what are we going to do with the deranged scumpetts that will remain after we finish scump? This is going to be a huge problem but decent people will try to re program and bring them back to their senses. This is what we real Americans always try to do. Help everyone.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I feel sorry for you being such a hateful individual.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

12 Are you aware of what is going in our country and throughout the world? You are part of Scumps base. Every single one of your posts are indicative of how radicalized scumps base has become. We really don’t know much of your opinions as most of your posts are to chastise those that don’t think like you. In my posts I give background as to why I feel as I do but you don’t You must come to realize that you are a part of a minority base that doesn’t value the ability to tell right from wrong or truths from lies. With you its just scump. The man is a lunatic he is a aberrant human being who would send you down river without giving you a second thought. We all are entitled to our opinions but not our own facts. There is only one set of facts.Right is right and wrong is wrong. I try to stay current with everything that is going on. I can tell right from wrong and know the difference between a lie and the truth. Do me a favor___Try to justify scumps over 5200 confirmed lies. You tried to justify scumps lies by stating a big lie of your own that Maxine Waters has told over 24000 lies. You are definitely a scump disciple and I pray you do not become violent as some of scumps disciples have become.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Scump at every campaign rally has a background behind him that swallows every thing he says and they respond on command like trained dogs whether scump makes sense or not. Who are these people? These are scumps base. The 30% of Americans who can not tell right from wrong. This 30% are the most dangerous individuals amongst us. Scump incites the lunatic right and we are seeing what they are capable of. Scump has given license to these lunatics and I’m afraid we will see more of it if we do not get rid of scump. The time is right now to start to collar this buffoon and the only way we can do it is at the ballot box. Decent people must come to the polls and end this reign of terror which has befallen us in the past two years. Vote Democrat Democrat Democrat it is the only way back to normalcy.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Scump at every campaign rally has a background behind him that swallows every thing he says and they respond on command like trained dogs whether scump makes sense or not. Who are these people? These are scumps base. The 30% of Americans who can not tell right from wrong. This 30% are the most dangerous individuals amongst us. Scump incites the lunatic right and we are seeing what they are capable of. Scump has given license to these lunatics and I’m afraid we will see more of it if we do not get rid of scump. The time is right now to start to collar this buffoon and the only way we can do it is at the ballot box. Decent people must come to the polls and end this reign of terror which has befallen us in the past two years. Vote Democrat Democrat Democrat it is the only way back to normalcy.We must end this reign of terror. Our way of life is at stake.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

Scump at every campaign rally has a background behind him that swallows every thing he says and they respond on command like trained dogs whether scump makes sense or not. Who are these people? These are scumps base. The 30% of Americans who can not tell right from wrong. This 30% are the most dangerous individuals amongst us. Scump incites the lunatic right and we are seeing what they are capable of. Scump has given license to these lunatics and I’m afraid we will see more of it if we do not get rid of scump. The time is right now to start to collar this buffoon and the only way we can do it is at the ballot box. Decent people must come to the polls and end this reign of terror which has befallen us in the past two years. Vote Democrat Democrat Democrat it is the only way back to normalcy.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, post it one more time in case someone missed the first three versions.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz idiot I post three times just to make sure You get it. You know I give good advice. Start taking it and soon you will post like a third grader. We are tired of your 1st grade nonsense.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Art, no question about it. You are consumed with hate beyond reason.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
6 years ago

Art is the best misinformed poster on the Planet. Almost every word he posts is a delusion or a fantasy. The poor guy needs help.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Fritz 12 AA moon and Richard. 5 morons who in Mr Valenti’s words have nothing but sniperrings. It is worse than that they may all be the same person as it would be hard to find five people on this board who are so lacking of nervous tissue in the cranium. I
can honestly say I have never seen an Inteligent postfrom this idiot. Where did this half wit come from?,No contribution to the dialog ever A fools fool for certain. You should go back to topics your types are plentiful there. I am giving you good advise. And you know I give very good advise. You know who one of my friends is _ the Gmam and that is all you need to know about me. I now about a millionth of what the Gman knows and that makes me capable of holding my own with anyone and certainly this one miscreant or maybe even five but regardless you or the five of you are way way way out of your league. I replied to try to elevate you as no one intelligent responds to you but only for this time.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You can’t even spell ADVICE let alone give it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Your team if given enough time 12 is sort of good at catching those mistakes.I guess it your way of participating.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Clearly, the topix goofy has spell check. Even a barber can’t cut hair with just a comb.

Death Breath
Death Breath
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Those who pretend to be intelligent should at least know how to spell.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

McCandless will more day retire on a minimum of 80% of 160,000 or 11,000 thou a month.He is not in the business of helping elderly SS seniors stretch 1400 a month.He must consolidate but has never considered how.Tyer could not sell recycling. Kroll,White ,Moon,Caccamo, Rivers ,Bouvier ,Marchetti cant handle our budget as they under budget police ,fire, snow removal to the public so schools steal their realty money.Mrs Behnke panic spends 120k at the end of the year and not 1 committee person tell her to stop it……consolidation will save millions,consolidation will save millions,consolidation will save millions,consolidation will save millions

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I’m the boss of my vote and I’m sure why Mrs Harrington was given a interview for the Dad job so here it is…..Paul Cacciviello is hired with great experience Thank Paul for giving us a 2nd chance to change our vote.I don’t know why I voted for her base simply on her being a rookie politician.Bouvier will be her spokesperson.Bouvier wants the 80k do nothing position.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Bouvier has never put together 1 piece of legislation for us.She always wants to be somewhere else.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

She’s a fine Ruberto democrat.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Looks like many Dems are jumping ship. Here comes the red tsunami!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Dumbell Gijy.I would never ever, click onto you’re orange highlighted copy and paste. That should be called, not so brightbart.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Republicans are now the party of the working person in America. Far left Democrats are the party of the wealthy and snobbish Hillary supporters. I still like the moderate Dems though, but there are fewer and fewer of them as the Democratic party is made up of more and more of these far left wealthy people who live in their own little Manhattan type world that shields them from all of the craziness they want to expose us to like open borders and allowing dangerous people to enter the country unchecked.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Well Trump and his family have put a bunch of lawyers to you got that part right.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat….republicans are the party of powerful people,the wealthy and corporations but they do need your vote to stay in power.Pat is wealthy.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Gigi is a trump and brietbart disciple. Translation: A lost soul. Multiply her by 100 million and you have the problem we face in america today. Gigi and her ilk don’t know right from wrong or truth from lies and IT is a danger to all Americans who demand the truth and chastise lies and liars and who know the difference between right and wrong. I have stated many times we will be done with scump soon but what are we going to do with Gigi and the five morons I mentioned earlier? They undoubtably are the real problems we must address as soon as possible after we get rid of scump. These people who support scump are white men and women with very little education and these types have been a tremendous drag on our economy for eons. We all know who they are. There are quite a few who post on this board and they are everywhere. They produce nothing and they consume everything that the intelligent invent. They are not smart enough to see that scump is an aberrant idiot but they relate with him very well. This is what I mean when I say what are we going to do with them once our country is on its feet again and scump is sent packing? This is going to be our next major problem in america. Ignorance to this group is bliss and that is the worst kind of problem to address

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Your level of hateful rhetoric indicates that you have issues with father figures and you most likely had trouble with your toilet training.

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

I have to agree on an earlier thread. CosbiesLadies is one of the best informative player’s in this site Go Sox!

6 years ago

If trump doesn’t try to do anything about what just happed the last week, it will get worse.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wondrous
6 years ago

Caesar Sayoc is a trump deranged sociopath who referred to SCUMP as the Messiah. There isn’t a scintilla of doubt that Sayoc is the product of the the scump creed. The most dangerous person on the planet is Scump and next are all his followers. We need to remember that Hitler had hordes who idolized him and in the end he left Germany in tatters. All decent individuals who cherish truth who truly know right from wrong are going to be the ones who bring sanity back to America. The scump experiment has been a collusous total failure and his reign will soon be over but make no mistake his stain on our country and the world will linger for a long time but we as a country are strong and we always find a way to correct wrong and we will correct SCUMS wrongs. That you can bet on.

G. Berish
G. Berish
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

That’s crazy. We all know that Gaetani is the Messiah.

6 years ago

On the recent shootings,Trump was mocking everyone before him,same adjectives, he doesn’t give a crap.Like Harrington is going to prevent crime here,also.HOW. Start giving out traffic citations, million plus in that…. instead if three directing traffic.

Minister of Intoxication
Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

I agree,Trump is poison,and might also be in a early dementia state.

Reply to  Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

I think we passed early over a year ago. Unfortunately his type seems contagious and his disciples are showing signs of losing all cognitive ability as well. Who knew this would be Gods plan to punish us for our sins?

6 years ago

Once in a while I peek at Pittsfield Topic. There is a blogger over there that is starting to convince people that some of these clowns, like the latest Officer are incredulous in there behavior. How many of these officers are under suspension as we speak, certainly there should be some kind of problem when so many are under scrutiny, there are at least five starting from the last few years.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
6 years ago

Democrats hate Trump for putting America first. The America first doctrine has caused outrage on the left. The liberals around the world are pulling out their hair over “Make America Great Again.” Trump wishes to promote American exceptionalism and uplift the American economy, without the permission of the world. The liberals dismiss “the America first doctrine” as a bigoted and hateful belief. The liberals believe in cultural relativism, where all cultures are equal, not one tribe over the other, this is why President Donald Trump and liberals cannot agree over policy. President Trump was immediately hated from the beginning based on his doctrinal view point that the American potential has yet to been realized. The media establishment falsely describes nationalism as a thing of the past, but is it? Donald Trump has revived the American national spirit and the left is trying to kill it. Liberals are unable to believe in America first, because according to the philosophy of “Cultural Relativism” America should an equal in the pack not the leader of the pack. Therefore Liberals are against any form of Americanism and efforts to make America number one in the world.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
6 years ago

Liberals hate it that Trump brings leadership. The fact that Donald Trump means business is a dangerous thought for left wing circles. For years the liberals have been working around the clock to enact their agenda of so-called “progress” enacting radical policies that have undermined America as a whole. Weather it has been shipping jobs overseas, Obamacare, the Supreme Court controversial rulings, the rise of ISIS. Liberals have proven that leadership is not a very important factor in the White House. However Donald Trump so far has proven to be a leader through his actions, allowing the Keystone Pipeline, resigning from the TPP, reforming the EPA, about to finish Tax reform, protecting liberty and trying to replace and repeal Obamacare. All of these and more are evidences that Trump is much more than a Twitter account, or just a billionaire. It proves that he is working for the American people’s interests and not for Washington or Wall Street. It’s been a while since the public witness ture leadership that it’s beginning harder to recgonize it. It has also proven that the liberals are a rebellious group refusing to submit to their authorities and refusing to keep American interests first.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump Derangement Syndrome
6 years ago

TDS Trying to replace and repeal Obama care?? Yes he is at the same time he and the republicans are trying to save it. What is it halfwit? You and your ilk are insane and only hear what you want to hear from fox and breitbart. I have hate for only one person in this world and that is Scump. I am not alone in my feeling there are 200 million american citizens who feel as I do and we will be heard from on Nov 6th. Your two posts are posts from a scump deranged disciple who neither knows right from wrong or truth from lies. You and your idle will be relegated to the waste bin sooner than you think

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You don’t have a clue of what’s in zerObama care.

6 years ago

The World laughs at trump. But the world loves Ameirica still. He haw.

6 years ago

Morton Downey lives on.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Thanks President Trump;

Almost 4 million jobs created since election.
More Americans are now employed than ever recorded before in our history.
Created more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since my election.
Manufacturing jobs growing at the fastest rate in more than THREE DECADES.
Economic growth last quarter hit 4.2 percent.
New unemployment claims recently hit a 49-year low.
Median household income has hit highest level ever recorded.
African-American unemployment has recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Hispanic-American unemployment is at the lowest rate ever recorded.
Asian-American unemployment recently achieved the lowest rate ever recorded.
Women’s unemployment recently reached the lowest rate in 65 years.
Youth unemployment has recently hit the lowest rate in nearly half a century.
Lowest unemployment rate ever recorded for Americans without a high school diploma.
Veterans’ unemployment recently reached its lowest rate in nearly 20 years.
Almost 3.9 million Americans have been lifted off food stamps since the election.
The Pledge to America’s Workers has resulted in employers committing to train more than 4 million Americans.
95 percent of U.S. manufacturers are optimistic about the future—the highest ever.
Retail sales surged last month, up another 6 percent over last year.
Signed the biggest package of tax cuts and reforms in history. After tax cuts, over $300 billion poured back in to the U.S. in the first quarter alone.
As a result of our tax bill, small businesses will have the lowest top marginal tax rate in more than 80 years.
Helped win U.S. bid for the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles.
Helped win U.S.-Mexico-Canada’s united bid for 2026 World Cup.
Opened ANWR and approved Keystone XL and Dakota Access Pipelines.
Record number of regulations eliminated.
Enacted regulatory relief for community banks and credit unions.
Obamacare individual mandate penalty GONE.
Administration is providing more affordable healthcare options for Americans through association health plans and short-term duration plans.
Last month, the FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history.
many drug companies are freezing or reversing planned price increases.
Reformed the Medicare program to stop hospitals from overcharging low-income seniors on their drugs—saving seniors hundreds of millions of dollars this year alone.
Signed Right-To-Try legislation.
Secured $6 billion in NEW funding to fight the opioid epidemic.
We have reduced high-dose opioid prescriptions by 16 percent during my first year in office.
Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same-day urgent primary and mental health care.
Increased our coal exports by 60 percent; U.S. oil production recently reached all-time high.
United States is a net natural gas exporter for the first time since 1957.
Withdrew the United States from the job-killing Paris Climate Accord.
Cancelled the illegal, anti-coal, so-called Clean Power Plan.
Secured record $700 billion in military funding; $716 billion next year.
NATO allies are spending $69 billion more on defense since 2016.
Process has begun to make the Space Force the 6th branch of the Armed Forces.
Confirmed more circuit court judges than any other new administration.
Confirmed Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch and nominated Judge Brett Kavanaugh.
Withdrew from the horrible, one-sided Iran Deal.
Moved U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Protecting Americans from terrorists with the Travel Ban, upheld by Supreme Court.
Issued Executive Order to keep open Guantanamo Bay.
Concluded a historic U.S.-Mexico Trade Deal to replace NAFTA. And negotiations with Canada are underway as we speak.
Reached a breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports.
Imposed tariffs on foreign steel and aluminum to protect our national security.
Imposed tariffs on China in response to China’s forced technology transfer, intellectual property theft, and their chronically abusive trade practices.
Net exports are on track to increase by $59 billion this year.
Improved vetting and screening for refugees, and switched focus to overseas resettlement.
We have begun BUILDING THE WALL. Republicans want STRONG BORDERS and NO CRIME. Democrats want OPEN BORDERS which equals MASSIVE CRIME.

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Ctrl Alt C. Ctrl Alt V.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Here is rush limbidiot latest rant. It appears the stickers on Caesar sayoc’s van are newly put on. Probably put there to embarrass our president. You can’t make this stuff up. The lost souls on this board are fed this crap every minute of every day and is there any doubt as to why they are so lost as to even know right from wrong. This is what we decent people on this country have to put up with day in and day out but not for much longer. Democrat across the board. It is the only way to collar trump derangement syndrome. We will succeed.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You have more anti Trump anger than Bowers who killed people in that temple. I hope you don’t have an guns.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Good counter argument Harrison. Keep up the good work.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Awesome post, 12! President Trump has already accomplished so much in just two short years.

The approaching migrant caravan is a huge issue. Thanks to the Democrats and some RINOs – we have an incomplete wall. The sovereignty of the US is at stake, as we are about to be invaded by these layabouts & the diseases that they are bringing. Vote red so President Trump’s goal of completing the wall can be accomplished.

6 years ago

As I said. his level of hateful rhetoric indicates that he has issues with father figures and most likely had trouble with toilet training.

6 years ago

Good. Keep the jobs and payroll tax Coming.I retire next month.Trump can pass the good economy on to a democrat to help our aliens returning.

6 years ago

That’s what usually happens,let the little head tell the big head what to do, and all the good goes down the drain. I doubt it very seriously that this is the end of mayhem and hate in this country, only because we are currently split in half. And there are way to many nuts out there. We have loons everywhere, in politics, police, right down the line. The latest is the cop in todays Eagle,here, when the hell did they know about this one?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Since Trump has been President gun deaths are up 12% and an even greater uptick in Schoolyard bullying and hate crimes.There is not a single psychiatrist that would say Trump is not dangerous. Trump is a very real threat to public health. If American Generals are required to take a psychiatric evalution, then why not Presidents,especially this one.

Fake Bomb
Fake Bomb
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Fake moonbat news.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fake Bomb
6 years ago

In these days of scump we have to hope candidates of both parties come thru the election in one piece. In these days of scump God knows what can happen. The scump experiment is near finished and civility will return when we boot him out on Nov 6th. Good riddance to bad garbage. Vote dems at all positions at the federal level. It is the only way back to normalcy. Just Saying.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Getting back to home. Everyone who despises a useless candidate such as Harrington must do your part to elect Paul Cacaviello as DA. This is a match up between a light weight and a heavy weight. We saw a match up like this in the 2015 mayoral race where by an idiot beat a genius. We all know how this has paned out and we must never ever let these kind of things ever happen again. We all need to call everyone we know and ask them to call everyone they know and push push for Paul. I voted already and my tip to everyone is to write in Paul’s name on the double line on the ballot. The Gman bought a large add in the gazette showing people where to write in Paul’s name. Cut the add out of the gazette and take it to the polls and follow the directions on the add in the voting booth. Remember. PAUL CACCAVIELLO and be sure to fill out in the circle after you write in his name. Its as simple as that.

Krol's Kronies
Krol's Kronies
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Why didn’t he take a full page ad in the Eagle? It has a greater circulation.

Fake Bomb
Fake Bomb
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Can you tell me why he didn’t take an ad in the Eagle which has a much greater circulation?

Goodbye Krol World
Goodbye Krol World
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Good question. The Gazette is only available in Pittsfield.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fake Bomb
6 years ago

FB. Stop snippering. Didn’t you read what d Valenti said about snippering? You are as fake as fake can be. Try saying something intelligent if you can like most of the people on this board. No more Snippering from you please.

Fake Bomb
Fake Bomb
6 years ago

Fake news is as fake new does.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fake Bomb
6 years ago

FB your as stale as last weeks bread. Where do you people come from?

6 years ago

Awesome turnout at Cacc’s North Adams pasta fundraiser! Full house with overflow into the lounge. Spoke with the Mazzeos and yes, the Harrington phone call happened with threats.


Super positive news – pushing 40,000 voter requests for information cards on how to do the write-in vote.

One of the best comments of the night: “If you look at all the Harrington big name endorsers, you’ll see a “D” after their names. It shows these people are NOT representing us. They don’t care about public safety. They only care about party politics.”

The Harrington endorsers are going to lose a lot of ground if the mood of the voters continues.