(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, OCT. 26-8, 2018) — Given her refusal to debate incumbent district attorney Paul Caccaviello in the final stretch of the general election for District Attorney as well as ignoring this writer’s previous two requests for comment, it’s clear that Andrea Harrington and her brain trust have decided on the lay-low approach to bring them home to port.
We can almost hear Eric Clapton’s hooky guitar riff and gravelly voice:
Lay-y-y-y Lo,
My campaign’s on its knees
Lay-y-y Lo
I’m beggin’ voters please
Lay-y-y-y Lo
Won’t you ease my worried mind?
The tune’s catchy, but if that’s the strategy, THE PLANET and two cents will advise Camp Harrington that it runs a what should be for them an unacceptable risk of back-firing. We are in the stretch run of the campaign, a precious time when the electorate — at least those that will — begin to pay attention. If Harrington continues on his Greta Garbo impression, they will see Caccaviello in a one-man show, essentially, as active as he’s been this entire cycle.
The Preeevent D, the four corners O, icing the puck, the intentional walk — whatever you call it, playing not to lose as opposed to going for broke and the win often ends up backfiring. That might be something for the Harrington team to consider between now and yesterday. In fact, one of THE PLANET‘s spies in attendance at Harrington’s Thursday night fundraiser reported an animated debate among several backers over the wisdom of “laying low.” Our favorite exchange, as reported by our Z-Agent:
AH BACKER 1: When you got the lead you play it safe. … AH BACKER 2: What makes you think she’s got the lead?
Wise guys we talked to have a consensus that keeping the muzzle on Harrington will reduce the chances of her making another major gaffe. Apparently, even her backers don’t trust her to make good judgments. The however with that strategy is that it leaves her opponent an golden, silver, and bronze opportunity to march downfield and score.
And let us just say again that THE PLANET “backs” no one in this race. We began as we always do, with a blank slate, allowing the various campaigns and the individual candidates to write upon it. This may go against the fictions concocted in the whirled philosophies of those entrenched souls who desperately want a specific outcome on Nov. 6, no matter HOW it’s achieved, but so be it. The candidates act or don’t. THE PLANET reports and interprets. Simple as that, Fred.
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Again, let us cite MGL election law from the Secretary of State’s office. In a write-in campaign, correct spelling, proper addresses, and dotting every lower case “j” and crossing every “t” play second violin to the “voter’s intent.” If a ballot clearly and reasonably identifies the voter’s intent, the vote count — or should count. Spelling “Caccaviello” isn’t necessary, although we admit it helps. If what the voter writes can be reasonably interpreted as a vote for Cacc, it goes in his win total. Provided. Provided that the person counting the ballots makes that judgment. This makes it vital for both candidates to have only TRUSTED deputies monitoring the all-important count. With write-ins, we can expect some challenges and the dangling temptation for illegality and manipulation. Consequently, both Harrington and Caccaviello HAVE to have sharp deputies with debating skills at each polling station. That cannot be stated enough.
The other point to keep in mind is that narrow margin of victory for Harrington in the September primary. She prevailed over Caccaviello by a fraction of 1 percent. Every vote will count, especially given that in the general election:
- Republicans will be voting.
- Independents will have another opportunity.
- Turnout will be greater.
- Third place finisher Judy Knight has released her 5,100+ votes to Caccaviello with the recommendation of a strong an unequivocal endorsement.
- There will be greater interest in this race compared to September.
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Paul Caccaviello took on the alleged Williams College sexual assault issue Wednesday, trying to put out a flashfire he says was started by Harrington and her backers as a ruse to distract voters from the “real issues.”
Here is the full text of Caccaviello’s press release:
Berkshire District Attorney Paul J. Caccaviello is refuting facts contained in a letter to the editor of the Berkshire Eagle in August of this year. The letter claimed that the Berkshire District Attorney failed to investigate or prosecute over 40 cases of sexual assault reported by Williams College between 2014 and 2016.
“The allegations in this letter were extremely disturbing as they are completely contrary to the mission of the office and goal of protecting victims” Caccaviello said. “I contacted both Williams College and the Williamstown Police Department to begin an inquiry into the matter and found that Mr. Pucci’s claims were not only without merit, but misleading, ill-informed, and insensitive to victims.”
Caccaviello said his inquiry showed that the majority of the information provided by Williams College to the Williamstown Police Department did not contain sufficient data to permit a thorough investigation by law enforcement. It found that although Mr. Pucci claimed that “all the data about this sexual violence was reported [by the college] to the Williamstown Police Department,” in fact, two-thirds of the incidents reported to the police failed to identify either the victim or the alleged perpetrator of the crime. Caccaviello added “Williamstown Police Chief Kyle Johnson discovered an additional 18 cases of sexual assault were never even reported to his department and, therefore, could not be referred to the District Attorney’s Office for further investigation or prosecution. Mr. Pucci’s claim that “all the data” about these crimes was shared with the local police and the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office is simply not true.”
Chief Johnson indicated that when his department timely requested the names of the parties involved in these cases to further their own investigation, Williams College did not provide the names and protected the confidentiality of the victims and alleged perpetrators. The College was well-within its discretion not to reveal the names of the parties to these incidents. Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 does not require colleges and universities to report allegations of sexual violence to law enforcement, it only requires schools to investigate and address sexual violence on campus. Title IX also permits, and even encourages, schools to maintain students’ confidentiality. The College is not required to provide to the public or to the District Attorney any additional information about these incidents. In fact, the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report informs students that “all reported crimes will be investigated by the College and may become a matter of public record only if subpoenaed by law enforcement.”
“We fully respect the rights of victims who chose to remain anonymous and not move forward with an investigation and we understand that the College also has an obligation to provide a safe atmosphere for its students to speak freely. What is disappointing, and irresponsible, is that Mr. Pucci, an experienced criminal law attorney, chose to blame the Berkshire District At torney’s Office for the nature of Williams College’s public disclosures of sexual violence.
Caccaviello vowed to continue to work with Williams College and Williamstown Police Department to assist in investigations and support all victims of sexual assault. “This is an issue that colleges across the country are facing and we are committed to providing all of the necessary resources to not just Williams College but all college campuses in Berkshire County to address the problem.”
- * * * * * * * * *
THE PLANET notes with curiosity that the newspaper once known as The Berkshire Eagle refused to run Cacc’s press release either as an article or news story, relegating it to “herd status” on the Letters to the Editor page. That could be cited as another piece of evidence of the claim now being made more strongly and openly that The Boring Broadsheet is secretly backing Harrington.
In our previous column (Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2018), THE PLANET published an e-mail sent by BB publisher Fred Rutberg to a reader in which Rutberg called Cacciavello’s campaign “non-existent” and said his paper wouldn’t cover it. Cacc backers are calling that a “smoking gun” and insist that the newspaper and the Harrington campaign have reached some sort of “secret deal.” No one will go on the record, of course. THE PLANET will work our sources on the street, in the respective campaigns, and at the newspaper. It’s a fishing expedition, yes, but sometimes that’s how you land the prized marlins. Even now, we are getting strong bites.
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As always, feel free to comment on any issue, but KEEP IT ON-MESSAGE and REASONABLE. We ask this futilely, perhaps, but we must make the plea. Your words say everything about your mind. Don’t be ignorant. Be smart.
We would especially encourage your thoughts on the D.A. campaign.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Only the doctor who has the disease really understands it” — William Osler, M.D.
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There’s a term in the sport of hockey that depicts the low high – road written here. Harrington is icing the puck.
Harrington would struggle in a debate with a hockey puck.
This subject has had unprecedented coverage to the point of nausea. Will be glad when it is in the rear view mirror.
I have a real headache from the same people on this subject. Over and over …. this is just a really good example of how Pittsfield continues to spiral downward. And we wonder why the schools are overwhelmed with bad behaviors. The adults can’t control themselves or see beyond their nose.
So true. Everyone has made their mind up.
It might seem that way, H, but it’s not the case. In every election, there are thousands among the electorate who will vote but won’t start thinking about it until the 11th hour. This information is new to a lot of people. In an ideal world, with a fully informed electorate, this would not be the case. Utopia, however, is never an option.
Great Clapton reference DV…he is no question the single most prolific musician ever…ever
Maybe the Planet could moderate a debate at The Colonial Thearter. A refusal by Harrington would be a admission that Paul is the person for the job.She would almost have to take it.She needs to keep 350 people from switching their vote.Its not a High School election anymore .This one is going to pick the best person for the job.
The fact is that among voters in this county that actually think for themselves, and don’t sit around with a cup of the Progressive Democrat Kool-Aid, it is totally clear that Harrington is unfit for the office. She has promised to go easy on one of her supporters favorite line items – the recreational use of illegal drugs. I happen to have spoken with a young woman who lost her child to DSS because of her illegal drug use and even her mother was deemed unfit for her illegal drug use, and both are ardent Harrington supporters. Both believe that with Harrington in place, they can get the child back despite the fact that their drug use continues.
It does amaze me that only after a week or more on these pages does the Harrington call to Mazzeo casually get referenced in an article on the DA race, and only as if it were a rumor.
Just remember that Harrington and Trump share a couple of key traits – inexperience and a big mouth used for bullying anyone who disagrees with them.
BTW, Dan. Congrats on your reporting on how BB chose to handle Cacc’s report on Williams by demanding only a letter for their Op-Ed pages. It confirms what I said herein yesterday.
Thank you, TRUTHSAYER. It was an odd choice by The BB. We would have made a different editorial call.
Unless I misread you, you implied that a more thorough report was going to come out, but the Beagle made Caccaviello condense it all into a letter to the Editor.
That is false. I received a copy of the “media release” that was first scheduled and it was exactly the same as the letter to the Editor.
If your main complaint was that his letter should have instead been front page news, we are finally in agreement! I will contact the Beagle myself and recommend the same!
I stand with you! This has been exhausted!!
something tells me the waterfall of rhetoric will flow unabated…even though to me it looks quite desperate at this point. Kinda reminds me of verbal diarrhea at his juncture…. going to be a long weekend
A vote for Harrington and her Progressive agenda is a vote for open borders and sanctuary cities. We are about to be invaded by thousands of illegals – which will overwhelm our cities and social services. This is the Socialist/Progressive movement! It will destroy our country. A country without a border is not a country.
I am going to vote for Caccaviello this time around. I’m pretty sure he can win. I dont like the people surrounding the current primary winner, and her lack of experience scares the hell out of me. This is no time currently in our society to bring in a feel good candidate with no experience. Mr. Caccaviello has paid his dues.
Andrea Harrington is the epidemy of conceit, if she thinks Paul Caccaviello’s ideas are wrong, and he is willing to argue, debate and defend them and she refuses to debate. Winning the primary isn’t winning the election, no more than being ahead in baseball in the 7th inning is winning the game. There are always two sides to any question and now this is a binary choice that the voter have to choose from. What a cowardly way of pulling yourself over the finish line. Win, lose, draw, recount or outward defeat my vote is strongly to write in Paul Caccaviello .
And I believe you have to color in something? Can someone show a ballot on here? I know what to do when I get there, but Grandmother might not.
Here’s a sample ballot from another Mass. town.*
The format is similar to what grandma will encounter when entering her polling station – but obviously candidates’ names for office differ from what appears on a Berkshire County ballot.
You’ll find the DISTRICT ATTORNEY’s category in the second column (5th block from top).
Write-in Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O above the double solid lines; once (a) written in (b) blacken oval to right.
One caveat: try to write-in Caccaviello as close as possible.
Voters must also write-in Paul C A C A — V I — E L LO in the required space, designated exclusively to write-ins! Anywhere else on the ballot will ultimately disqualify your write-in (and vote).
One suggestion from the candidate Caccaviello is to capture a picture of one of his lawn signs and rely on it when you vote; or write Caccaviello on a piece of paper and bring it with you to the polls.
Whichever method aids you in accomplishing a corrective spelling of Paul Caccaviello, just makes participating in the process that much more enjoyable.
Just remember, voter intent belongs to the voter, not to a town or city clerk. To avoid challenges or confusion, accomplishing both by-the-numbers is highly recommended. Every VOTE COUNTS!
Good luck, grandma et al.
Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O
When it’s on, it’s on!!!
* http://www.dunstable-ma.gov/pages/DunstableMA_News/02631112-000F8513.0/Sample%20Ballot%20November%202018.pdf
The spelling doesn’t have to be correct, although it helps. Same with placement of the name … we think. If someone writes in “Paul Caccaviello” but not on the correct line, the counters will have discretion to count the ballot or not. If “voter intent” is the determination, then it should count for PC. Can a case be made to throw out such a ballot on a technicality? That’s why each camp needs to have TRUSTED observers on hand when the votes are counted.
Thanks, Dan . ..
Just a quick followup:
“It is important for you to give clear instructions to voters about the office which you are seeking and where to write in your name . . . .
Please note that write-in . . . votes are counted for the office where the name is written or sticker placed.
For example, if you are running as a [write-in] candidate for [DISTRICT ATTORNEY], but the voter places your [write-in] under school committee, you will receive a vote for school committee.’ *
This is crucial when writing in a candidate for a particular office.
Be sure you write-in:
Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O under DISTRICT ATTORNEY above the double solid lines (blacken oval to right).
When it’s on, it’s on!
Low and behold,Dow is D O W N ytd.
There’s no ebb when it comes to Cacc’s write-in campaign. His campaign’s been on steroids since September 5, 2018.
We believed then as we do to-day, that Paul Caccaviello is the only choice to be everyone’s Berkshire County District Attorney – regardless of political persuasion, ethnicity, social economic status (SES),or sexual orientation.
Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O.
Paul Caccaviello.
Paul C A C C A — V I — E L L O
When it’s on, it’s on!!
So why would all these big Democrats want Harrington? I think Truthsayer might be correct. Maybe they could not get Caccaviello (practicing the spelling) to step in line. The varying allegiances and blowups are fascinating.
I can’t believe H had the confidence to run for an office like this with so little experience. I guess I can see Maura Healey liking that fact as she is all about optics and not about fairness. The State AGs office is filled with rude, partisan political appointees not civil servants. The calls from Caccaviello’s wife really turned me off him as a candidate but other things have changed my mind.
I think Kermit raises one of the biggest questions of this campaign. Why are these politicians backing AH? This is a group that likes to win and will do anything to achieve that goal. Berkshire County is filled with veteran attorneys. Why didn’t they go after someone who had the appropriate experience for the job? Why would they support someone with no experience at all? This is the major question of this campaign and there are many more.
This also gets back to Dan’s questions about the Berkshire Eagle’s coverage. There are many stories about this campaign that the Eagle has chosen not to cover, including the big WHY is this group squandering any credibility they had by backing this candidate? Newspapers are supposed to be covering things that people are talking about and this race is the constant conversation everywhere. It’s how you sell newspapers. It’s also how you help educate your readers so that they can make informed choices.
The Berkshire Eagle chooses to not rock the boat in its coverage of anything. When readers know more about a subject than what they read in their local daily, they lose confidence in the paper’s ability to inform (which is its basic mission) and ultimately, they lose interest in even reading it.
We have to take spouses out of the equation on all sides. I expect any loving spouse to defend their candidate from either camp.
The issue comes down to who is most qualified. A letter writer to BB says Harrington is more “collegiate” and work as a team. Clearly, people are clueless out there.
In a debate, Harrington had no clue how Superior Court functions or what cases go where. You can’t learn the DA job as you go along. As I said before, Harrington should start low. Starbucks as a barista is a great start.
I should add I am not for removing children from their parents and generally think DSS are the stupidiest people on the block. I am with Ayn Rand on the social workers. The US has had DARE for years and all it does is fill the courts with senseless cases and give work to the police. And if you look at Pittsfield – people in the police dept probably statistically are responsible for more crime than the average person.
And people are cannon fodder to this opioid problem. I think Caccaviello seems like a good man but I am for a different attitude towards drug, a useful position that can be enforced.
Kermit is getting at the main question of the DA race. Why would this group of politicians who want to win, and who will do anything to win, back a candidate with no qualifications at all? There are literally dozens of experienced attorneys in Berkshire County who may have been interested in a run, but didn’t have a campaign organization. Why didn’t this group seek out a better candidate?
I agree. It is perhaps the most interesting, unexplored question in this race. There are lots of clues but no definitive answer. We do know that this race has split county Democrats into two camps. Who’s on which side is a tad fuzzy, although many of the players are known. The fissure is a kind of subset of what can roughly (and not entirely satisfactorily) be called the DelGallo-Now-Ruberto Camp vs. the Wotjkowski-Bianchi camp The first has folks like Krol, Marchetti, Clairmont, Tyer, Farley-Bouvier et. al. The second includes such people as Mazzeo, Connell, Bianchi, Simonelli, Bowler. There’s all sorts of speculation about a Deal (or Deals) being cut as part of the both runs, with scenarios, but nothing definitive has emerged. For instance: Harrington has made promises to some Very Important Local People with respect to the areas of prosecution her office will undertake. For instance, she will “go after” some but has agreed to “get out of jail free” cards for Others. For instance: Cacc got the office as part of the Capeless resignation, with deals brokered with and in Boston. Under this scenario, again, certain “Sectors” will be safe from prosecution. Others won’t. THE PLANET doesn’t buy any of these (and other, wilder, stories),although, as always, we have an open mind (and notebook). One of the most intriguing mysteries, one that interests us from a media perspective, is the peculiar behavior of The Paper Once Known As The Berkshire Eagle. Namely, is The Boring Broadsheet secretly pushing a Harrington bid, and if so, why? We are getting bits and pieces, the most telling of which are coming from The BB itself. Well, at least for once the D.A.’s race has been put front and center. In years past, when Gerry Downing or David Capeless ran, it was back-page filler. This time around, it’s front and center — where it should be. This is the top law enforcement position in Berkshire County. The D.A.’s office has a decided trickle-down effect on how criminal justice is pursued and prosecuted. You can be sure there will be a day-night / night-day difference depending on whether AH or PC wins on Nov. 6. THE PLANET can only wish that in 2019, the race for Pittsfield School Committee undergoes the same transformation — from the shadows into the spotlight.
Joe they didn’t choose a better candidate because a good candidate wouldn’t be caught dead with the clowns associated with her campaign. The local buffoons holding positions they are not qualified for are her ilk. This should be a wake up call by the city’s residents to inform these so called job hogs that from here on we will only elect competent individuals for public office. The following take note: tyer moon Krol Marchetti cacamo and Tiny PersiP. Time for you to go back to being the no bodies you always were. For good measure throw out the entire school committee And super Buffon twitsa barely botlickvier. Competence is what we need. In every elected position. Look what incompetence has brought us. Nothing
The dems that backed Harrington were sheep so they did what sheep do. The worst among them is Tricia Farley-Bouvier. I used to think she was just useless but now I’ve decided she’s worse than that. She’s responsible for dragging the pack down with her as well of course as her dirty attempt to push Knight off a cliff. It’s too late for any of them to do anything other than stand up and support Caccaviello. Yeah, right, I’ll go back to counting sheep.
Last post on this subject till after the election. Noticed what might be a shift in AH tactics and strategy. Their point is you do not need a competent lawyer to be a D.A. The D.A. is an administrator who interacts with politicians and other D.A.’s. The legal stuff will be left to the assistant DA’s. So that means that AH can stay out of the courtroom and make more trips to Boston to gather support for a run at Senator Warren’s seat when she wins the presidency. The last part is a joke.
I noticed it last night in some comments made by her supporters on Facebook and again in a letter to the editor today. I guess everyone, including AH, admits that she’s not much of a lawyer. But that’s ok I’ll smile and be an administrator and, of course,collect that big fat check.
We are on opposite sides of this debate, but I understand you have personal reasons for supporting the Capeless/Caccaviello regime, which I respect. And the question of Harrington’s experience is certainly fair game, I get that.
But it is beneath you to pretend “Their point is you do not need a competent lawyer to be a D.A.”
You know that is not true. “Their” point concerns the type of experience – not competence – that is essential for the job, and they argue a non-prosecutor would be capable of running the office. Caccaviello’s people point to his experience (all in the same office and from the same narrow perspective) and claim it is the be-all, end-all quality to look for in a DA.
In doing so, they blithely ignore evidence that is building by the day that something nefarious was going on at Williams College on Capeless/Caccaviello’s watch.
I found some new info that sheds more light on the subject and will post it later today.
Prediction: This is not going end well for Caccaviello.
Your threats are as empty as your argument.
The Williams College issue is a done deal; take my advice and leave it alone. It’s over!!
From where we’re seated, the Berkshire County District Attorney adequately put the issue away. It’s over and so are you, Cicero!
All you should be processing right now is how to fend off Marc Anthony’s soldiers.
Cacc wins, you lose!!
When it’s on, it’s on!!!
Bomber Cesar Sayoc is caught,way to go trump.
The most depressing and probably most believable reason is that it’s just a ‘turf war.’ AH will do anything to be elected and he backers want to punch the other side. It’s sort of grim whatever way you look at it.
The Oompa-loompa bomber has been apprehended.
Obviously a Russian agent.
As far as I can tell the only elected position AH has won was for school board. If you examine her record she’s missed more meetings than she’s attended.
When there was an employee problem and a number of people showed up to complain about a person she said to fire, she was MIA.
When the going gets tough, AH runs and hides.
I full well expect her to do nothing as a DA if she actually gets elected, her office will be as empty as her head. She’ll be off schmoozing with politicians and will leave the real work to actual experienced lawyers.
To those in the DAs office now, if she wins, quit. You’ll make easy money defending Berkshire counties worst against her and her minions
Dan, so you are saying there are two camps of dems that don’t like each other and that vindictiveness is driving who they support and it’s about control over who gets prosecuted? If that is true we are totally screwed and someone should call the AG. Oh, wait…
Caccaviello for DA!
Overturn the bathroom bill – protect your wife & children – vote NO on question 3!
I will absolutely vote No on question 3. What a stupid and dangerous bill especially for women and children.
They got the mail bomber. Great job by the FBI.
They did get him Pat. And the guys van had Trump and Pence stickers all over it. Also CNN SUCKs. Obviously one of the believers indoctrinated and had his brain taken over by the Limbaugh, Hannity, Fox crowd. See, this is what can happen when you let them take over your brain Pat. That is why it is scary when you see people on here repeating the Hannity hate speech because you never know if they live right in your own city.
Patfritz (one) will never get it.
Looks like there weren’t real rapes forwarded to the DA’s office after all, that they failed to prosecute. Like I said, the college stats don’t mean diddly. These students can report whatever they want, doesn’t mean it’s a crime.
So true. Vote for Paul Caccaviello to save Berkshire County from a political and unqualified District Attorney!!!!
Most people on this board realize that there is only one candidate running for DA with the proper set of credentials and experience and that person is Paul Cacaviello. That is all that anyone needs to know. Some of the nonsense mentioned by posters on this thread is. Well nonsense. Some facts are: The Gman invited both Cacc and Harrington to a debate on his TV show on three separate occasions. Cacc was willing but Harrington never even responded. The Gman put his money where his mouth is by purchasing a large add in the Gazette today trying to educate the Ill informed citizens how to vote for a write in candidate. The add is simple but he said one needs to know the type of individual you are trying to reach and no one knows better than the Gman how to reach people whether they be highly educated or poorly educated. For all the people who are posting positive about Paul the Gman wanted me to tell you that everyone should call five of your friends and ask them to call five of their friends all reminding them to vote for Paul and on and on. This is the biggest mismatch DA race as was the 2015 Mayoral race where Tyer beat the Gman. We must never allow these kinds of results ever again. In 2015 we elected an idiot over a genius. And in this coming DA race we can’t allow a pre neanderthal to beat a modern homo sapian. It is that simple. Get out and vote Paul in.
Pat,the FBI really is on your side.
Caesar Sayoc. The would be bomber is a republican deranged scump disciple. His thinking is right from the scump playbook. I predicted this individual would be a hard core scump follower. Scump indirectly is responsible as he fosters violence. The targets of this mad man were all scump detractors who scump called out. Only 12 more days of this nonsense. Scumps incindindiary rhetoric created this monster who was bent on violence. Tese are scumps followers and we are going to be plagued by these types for a long time but in the end we will prevail. Down with scump the terrorist inciter.
Like Gaetani, Caesar Sayoc was a professional stripper in his younger years.
They caught the bomber.
This is going to get really interesting. WAMC covered the Cacaviello letter. Apparently the attorney Caccaviello attacked, John Pucci, is or was directly involved in a Williams rape case. I’m sure his letter to the Editor just scratches the surface of what he knows.
I also looked up Pucci’s pedigree. Suffice it to say, he is in a different league than Caccaveillo or anyone in the DA’s office. It is highly unlikely that he would risk his reputation by pursuing this haphazardly and making false allegations regarding such a serious matter simply to score political points. And since Caccaviello’s letter was essentially a personal attack directed at Pucci that questioned his honesty and motives, I will be shocked if he doesn’t respond in short order.
Get your popcorn, the real show could begin at any time. I recommend Orville Redenbacher’s microwave kettle corn. Really tasty, just watch that you don’t overcook and burn any kernels.
Trump taking credit for the capture, crucify him he says. What did happen to innocent until proven guilty?? Mr. president?
Later next week or two trump will lose his power base. Look at the dOW…DOWn again, middle class paying for tax cuts while l’orange has unprotected romps with porn Star.
A deranged scump disciple. That’s all we need to know. Not fake news not alternative facts no truth isn’t truth just honest Factual real news ” A deranged scump disciple ” The truth is starting to set us free. 12. 11. 10______Bye Bye scump and good ridance.
Bye, bye.
Another Republican living out of is van,bites the dust.
be nice pea brain
bye bye
a hyper simplified explanation of the Cacc v. Harrington division is Tyer v. Bianchi – The Tyer camp (not really secretary Tyer camp but Ruberto, Lee, Doyle, Reilly etc) have been in control the Mayor’s office for decades (except the short stint) and they are still stinging in the loss to Bianchi by Marchetti – couple that with the disgusting campaign tactics used by Socie, Durwin, Ward, Guyer, Tyer, Krol, Clairmont etc and you have this propped up phony lawyer for DA – this Tyer group does nothing and I mean nothing for the community except take a pay check – ever see John Krol ever at a community event for the sake of that event ? never – Clairmont ? never – it’s truly grotesque – wake up suckers, you’re being used –
Doyle has a Cacc sign on his lawn….probably a hangover.
Democrats are about to drain the swamp of the elite power hungry wealthy. Why should they get massive tax cuts? Because they paid Trump to make it happen for them.Democrats will bring fiscal sanity ty o the people drunk on money.
Typical ScumP disciple. So, the Wall isn’t getting any support from Mexico,Dow biggest loss this month since 2008, Civil War looming, most deaths by terrorist from u s in history chicgo-Nevada, Trump is done. Trump, to litte to late.
Skin head probably.
Wall street could not be worse considering Trump gave them the better part of 2 trillion.The wealthy will now go count their money and average Joe is stuck in their 401 as it dies.Food higher,interest higher,heat higher.
Cicero, you should keep your day job and stay away from investigation.The DA’s office got no reports from Williams or PD because the victims didn’t want them to. Hope you sleep well knowing you have tried to make it a campaign issues alongside the repellent and unscrupulous Pucci.
Completely false. See my post below. The reporting policy is also described in the RELEVANT section of Williams College’s Clery Reports.
If what you say is true, then 1) David Capeless lied openly in that interview, about both himself and Chief Johnson of the WPD, and 2) Williams openly violates the policies to which it commits in its federal Title IX filings, which could have devastating consequences if true.
Either way, this is going to get interesting. And for you to dismiss the issue out of hand is just plain gross. If you expand the time period under consideration, there were 90 rapes and 109 sexual assaults reported at Williams from 2010-2017. Still just that one prosecution.
What is repellent is that people like comment reflexively on an issue that is so important, without any attempt to objectively acquaint yourselves with the facts.
How do YOU sleep at night?
Citizens of Berkshire County:
Those of you place any value on honesty and integrity should listen VERY carefully to what former DA David Capeless had to say about the WilliamsCollege rape issue in an interview on WAMC today. The relevant part is from about 12:00-16:00.
Listen to it twice. Then consider an interview Capeless gave just a few years ago where he tried to give assurances that all was right at Williams College:
QUESTION: Do colleges report cases of sexual assault to local law enforcement?
DAVID CAPELESS: “Right from the beginning, if a girl complains, college security notifies the police, the police notifies my office. And the school will pursue it. My understanding from talking to Williamstown Police Chief Kyle Johnson is that when Williams gets incidents, they report it to the police. Even when the victim doesn’t want to talk to the police, they tell the police just so they know. Unfortunately, there’s been a misunderstanding of what colleges are doing. It’s too easy to think that they have every reason to suppress the idea that there are assaults on their campus. But they’re not suppressing the information. Frankly, in the past, there were students who were discouraged from reporting [to civil authorities], but not now…Also, there was a time when there was a reluctance on the part of the college to have police on their campus. I recently talked with Chief Johnson about it, and he said that’s not the case.”
Capeless and Caccaviello are both liars. Who knows what other skeletons will emerge once they are both gone for good and all of their past deeds come to light.
Caccaviello is done and Berkshire County will be the better for it.
Cissy, Who was D A when Baron was sentenced?
The better question is this: Who was the DA who threatened to retry Baran for four years after it became clear that his original conviction was a travesty of justice? Which DA held that over his head during the final years of his life, after he had suffered so immensely in prison as the result of a highly unethical prosecution by the Berkshire DA’s Office?
Sara’s right. Most cases are not sent to the DA’s office. Williams sends an annual report to Williamstown police with no names and a crime with no description.That is what Capeless is saying on wamc. Interesting, he says the Williams woman perpetrated a fraud on the public and did so in a political context and should be fired. http://www.wamc.org/post/former-berkshire-da-capeless-breaks-silence-harrington-caccaviello-and-more
If you need me to keep re-posting Capeless’s quote from a few years back, or the plain language in Williams’ Clery reports, I will. But it really shouldn’t be necessary.
David Capeless is the one perpetrating a fraud in that interview. Done in service to his henchman Caccaviello.
So long, Cacc. Regardless of your aspiration to be DA, you could have behaved with dignity and honesty. You could have shown yourself to be a man of character who has a moral compass, win or lose. Instead, you decided to double down on the lies and disgraceful behavior of your mentor, and now your reputation and legacy are going to end up right in the toilet alongside his.
The only erroneous information in the letter to the editor from that “Williams woman” was the claim that Williams reports all rape allegations to the police. Whether her error was intentional or not, Capeless is guilty of perpetrating the exact same fraud on the public. Except it’s a little moire significant coming from a DA.
Cicero you are delusional from lack of sleep and hearing and seeing things. “My understanding is that Williams reports them to police.” How does that make him a liar? How is the DA to investigate or prosecute a case sent to the police when they have no names or crime? These are not cases that went to the DA’s office and it was a fraud on the public to say so. Then we learn that Pucci’s client was an alum who got drunk and then demanded an investigation that turned up no crime. This sleazebag is a top Harrington campaign contributor. End of story.
Stop embarrassing yourself. This will be my last response to you.
It takes a special kind of genius to reconcile the following two statements:
1. “Right from the beginning, if a girl complains, college security notifies the police, the police notifies my office.”
2. “These are not cases that went to the DA’s office and it was a fraud on the public to say so.”
You are a lost soul. Good luck to you.
Cicero, just listened to the entire WAMC interview. Capeless sounded intelligent and reasoned. Your candidate did not fare so well. Why are you pointing people in the direction of this clip? Doesn’t help.
Of course he sounds intelligent and reasoned. Capeless has been lying for years and switches between fact and fiction without missing a beat. That’s one of the hallmarks of a sociopath, by the way.
Pointing out the fact that Capeless blatantly contradicted what he himself said in an interview a few years ago will not help with people like you, I agree with that. But the morally indifferent crowd is not my target audience.
Angry Andrea is a little woman but a big liar.
Hey! I’m not morally indifferent. You, by the way, just escalated Capeless to a sociopath. People tend to throw these labels around like they are meaningless. Look, you’re in the weeds on this Williams College thing. PC did a thorough investigation, talked to Williamstown PD, etc. I’m going to accept that a person of his caliber does his very best to put forward the truth.
Is that really the first time I’ve called Capeless a sociopath? My bad, I should have made that clear from the start.
And I’m guessing you’re thinking psychopath instead of sociopath. They’re different. There are a lot of sociopaths out there, so Capeless has plenty of company. Here are the common traits of a sociopath. I can’t speak to the last three, but the first five are Capeless to a tee:
– Glibness and Superficial Charm.
– Manipulative and Conning. They never recognize the rights of others and see their self-serving behaviors as permissible. …
– Grandiose Sense of Self. …
– Pathological Lying. …
– Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt. …
– Shallow Emotions. …
– Incapacity for Love.
– Need for Stimulation.
Dow is down and I’ve lost all of my investmentent,f….in trump,ass clown.
Your idea of an investment takes place at OTB.
None of the bombs worked. Must have been made by GE union labor in Pittsfield.
Trump said if he were impeached stock market would crash? Ahaaaaha.
Cicerdude, the DA’s office had every reason to believe they were getting cases that happened at Williams. Capeless just said on the radio he even asked them why there were so few.
Scump is a good example of all that is wrong in the human element. Many think he is a human but there are many who think he isn’t. One thing that he definitely is. Is a child in a mans body. He has so divided the American people that it is going to take the democrats who will win the house on Nov6 a long time to correct all the wrongs scump has fomented on the american people. We have seen trumps equals, the dictators of the world and scump will end up just like all those dictators have ended up defeated and exiled. We are in the final stages of riding the united state’s of its first dictator and his take down will be swift and complete. Let’s hope that we don’t see any more scump’s disciples like caesar. Thing will be much better soon when scump is rendered useless by the good democrats who love law and order.
Democrats love mobs & migrant caravans. Here comes the red tsunami on Nov. 6th, Art – brace yourself!
Bernie Baran was a bigger story, and what about the Adam Hall deal, no protection? Three dead. Cesar Van had a trump photo on it, it’s on Mr. Presdent, Civil War is near, 21st Century, keep twitting bozo. And where is all that big corporate investment money Anyone can create jobs if you borrow a trillion plus, give it to failing overseas corps and bring them back here. They’re laughing at us (corps) another.middle-class bailout for the rich.
To clarify some of the conjecture and falsehoods perpetrated here.
Capeless clearly said it was his understanding that William’s college reported all the cases to the police. “His understanding”… if he was told that by the college or the William town PD, that was his understanding. Clearly he was wrong or, more probably, lied to.
Now who would have the biggest reason to lie? The Wlliamstown PD or the college? The college of course. Rapes, theft, domestic violence make them look bad. It all goes against their narrative.
Adam Hall REFUSED protective custody. Nothing you can do when a guy refuses protective custody except put him in jail.
Hall brought that on himself by being stupid. His two friends died because Hall was an idiot. His false bravado put him directly in the crosshairs of a killer.
Adam Hall?
If Capeless was lied to about the reporting mechanism, he would have discovered it at the end of that year. He would have received a report saying 19 rape allegations were reported that year, and presumably would have noticed if the number that had been reported to his office did not match. Especially if it was significantly lower.
If Capeless was lied to, he was lied to by the WPD. Your logic that reduces the question to “who would have the biggest reason to lie? The Wlliamstown PD or the college?” is ridiculous. Capeless said right in the interview exactly who told him that every case was reported to the WPD – Chief Johnson.
And even if Capeless was lied to, please try to explain away this statement: “Right from the beginning, if a girl complains, college security notifies the police, the police notifies my office.”
Did you listen to the radio interview? Did you read the full iBerkshires interview? Care to reconcile them for me?
“…and never the twain shall meet”
I believe you mean that David Glasser refused protective custody – and I’m not sure that he actually did or that it was even offered to him. Adam Hall was one of 4 men indicted for the murder of Glasser and two of his friends.
Let me correct myself, I meant to say Hall et al were CONVICTED!
Every presidential assassin or would be presidential assassin has been a democrat or some type of left winger.
The alleged pipe guy couldn’t spell, typical of a Trump supporter. Many uneducated. Not fake news.
How soon you forget the nut on your own side who nearly killed a Republican at a baseball game and was intending to kill many others. Uneducated progressives didn’t care.
Art can’t spell. He has trouble stringing a sentence together. Does that make him a Trump supporter?
ScumP will probably pardon him.
Now I can’t be glad that the FBI has arrested a Trump supporter who was doing bad things. Shelly Liver and Johnny Absurd are so in the tank for the progressives that they can’t understand how anyone who supports Trump isn’t directly responsible for this mail bomber. Yet they claimed no such responsibility for themselves in the rhetoric coming from the left when a crazy left supporter was shooting up Republicans at a baseball game.
I don’t ever remember Hillary or Obama or any other democrat sy-phoning up the RHEToric like ScumP. Granted, Maxine Waters was a little out of line, but she doesn’t also have 5000 plus lies and a Stock Market on verge of collapse. Pat, have you ever heard of Bellvue?
Maxine Waters is guilty 24,594 confirmed lies.
Why don’t you explain why the stock market will collapse?
The stock market is on the verge of collapse Shelly? Really? You weren’t excited when it was doing really well, but now you are hoping it crashes. Please. Not everyone is wealthy and can survive a stock market crash. You really shouldn’t wish for that just to make President Trump look bad.