(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, COLUMBUS DAY, 2018) — Happy Columbus Day. As for Indigenous People’s Day, it can sail away on either the Nina, the Pinta, or the Santa Maria. With luck, it will hit an iceberg and join Leo DeCaprio on the bottom of the North Atlantic … or at least a Hollywood soundstage “ocean.”
After a century of struggle, hardship, and endured discrimination, Italian Americans chose a Monday in early October as a day to celebrate their heritage. God forbid they do what others else to follow have done: Happy Kwanza, y’all. The ITAMs named the day after fellow countryman Christopher Columbus, a man of heroic courage and vision who these politically correct times have turned into a murder, rapist, and enslaver. Good thing the ITAMs didn’t select the great tenor Enrico Caruso. He had the audacity to sing. What a monster, insulting deaf people in such a callous — or is it Callas? — manner.
Sad to say, but in the poor city of Pittsfield, ruled as it is by a bitter coal-core of leftist loons, Columbus Day has officially (though not de facto) sailed away thanks to the most trivial-yet-lamentable vote ever taken by the Pittsfield School Committee. Naturally, they did it in secret, without asking citizens their views.
The embarrassing PSC chairwoman Kathy Yon can shrivel her skin all she wants and try to uncover her wrinkled gams with laughable miniskirts, but she’ll never take away “COLUMBUS DAY” from the hearts of all reasonable people.
Happy Columbus Day, one and all.
We open the Comment Line, meaning no topics are “off topic.” Have a great one.
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I think those ships have been dry docked.
I would like for everyone who posts on the planet to answer this question. Can a woman be raped and have no one to corroborate her story? This is a simple question that will tell us who we are and who we aren’t
Yeah, that’s the issue here you idiot.
The issue at hand is lost to you. Get with the program and stop telling us how lost you are. We know it.
Can a woman be raped and have no one to corroborate that it occurred?
Show me the evidence.
Confabulation is not evidence.
12 It is evident that you do not understand the question or do you not want to understand the question. What is it?
Art Seller stole $20,000 from me 40 years ago and I demand justice.
12 40 years ago you didn’t have ten cents. If you did I would have stole it. After all you are one who believes that a woman who was sexually assaulted 33 years ago lied about it and all is OK with that. Now you think you have a case after 40 years. By your standards you are out of luck. Sorry.
The Senator from Maine believes truth and wrongdoing are not interconnected.
Yes Art. That’s why we have to change the way the victims (men and women) are treated so they come forward right away so they can be protected from their abuser and evidence is able to be collected. Otherwise the victim goes on trial and it becomes a he/said she/said or the victim has to prove the accused has a pattern of abuse/rape usually meaning first hand accounts from past victims that would have to come forward to testify.
To answer your question Art, Yes.
Columbus was actually Polish. His name was actually Columbuski. He was very, very poor and he had to sell the K and the I so he could help finance his journey of discovery.
That would be a question for Susan Collins,the paranormal psychic Senator from Maine. Last seen she was still explaining her psycho babble from yesterday. Truth and wrong doing are not interconnected in her world. She would be the Boots of Maine. Start Walking Suzy.
I recall watching a school committee meeting where Dennis Powell tried to say most of the old West cowboys were black. This was during a discussion on changing Columbus Day to Ingrown Toenail day or something like that.
If Yon and Jakey Jowls wanted to make a statement they would make the day an ordinary day and the entire school dept. would show up for work. But legally and contractually they can’t change the holiday. Yon and her stinky cheap perfume have no integrity.
Maybe you’ve never seen Blazing Saddles.
Don’t piss Mongo off.
Collins believes truth and wrongdoing are not interconnected.
It’s time to vote Yon and the other fools off the school committee. The question is , is there anyone out there who will run who isn’t a total moonbat?
History tells us that school committee members are recruited by the GOB cadre for their loyalty to the cause of maximizing benefits to spin off benefactors. Those who come independently with the goal of actually improving a child’s educational experience without taking care of the parasitic host are ostracized and pushed out.
And this assumes that they can overcome the hurdles that will be put before them in a campaign to be elected. And these will be purposely challenging.
Perhaps yourself.
What will the lunatics do when Ginsburger retires?
Waiting for answers to my question.
Show me the evidence.
12 the question you haven’t answered is. Can a woman be raped and there be no one to corroborate that it occurred. You are being fecetious in your response. When you answer this question we can go further but until you do it is an exercise in futility. At least you tried to answer the others who posted are stymied and when people are stymied they generally say nothing. Without give and take one can accomplish nothing. Sad very sad.
Art, the answer is yes. Now I have a question for you. Let us suppose that gman runs for mayor and I declare he raped me 36 years ago, and not only is there no corroboration but the 4 people who I suggest can corroborate events of 36 years ago fail to do so. With me so far? The simple question is, am I to be believed because I am a female “survivor”? And if the answer is yes then claims such as this will become an easy way to rid ourselves of electoral competitors.
Apparently you should not be believed if there is a phony FBI investigation that does not support your claim.
Curiously taxpayers have funded payouts/settlements to sexual abuse victims of congressional service members and Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell have been fighting like hell to keep this list top secret. I wonder why. Well, not really.
Phony investigation? As far as the list of Congresspeople who have had cases of sexual assaults settled with tax payers money: I am pretty certain that this is something that BOTH the democrats and republicans are in agreement with. Maybe the only point that they will ever agree on. Neither party wants that list published.
Sorry for the run on sentence and ending a sentence with a preposition TWICE.
Sister I get your point. The point I am getting at is the procedure to collect evidence that was flawed in the Ford case. Don’t you think a full fledged real investigation was warranted?Have you ever heard of a rape or murder case that is unsolved being closed In one week and witnesses clamoring to talk to the police not even being contacted. I hope you can conclude that this investigation was an outright sham and if you were a loved one or friend of Ford you would not be satisfied. Am I right?
A full fledged investigation is not warranted, because the statue of limitations is long expired period. Furthermore, Ford never filed a police report, which would have triggered an investigation, had she done so withing the statue of limitations. 36 years is about 35 years too late. She wasn’t calmoring to talk to the cops and in fact wanted to remain anonymous. The sham was the demorats leaking this on the even of the confirmation, hoping an investigation would be commenced and dragged out beyond the mids. If i was a loved one or friend of Ford I would have told her to keep her mouth shut at this point, because she doesn’t have a case. The background investigation was not only not a sham, but the feds chased down all viable leads. A criminal investigation never happened.
Me too.
Attaboy Dan! I was hoping you’d nail the school committee for changing the name of Columbus Day! Thank you!
Everyone – please take a few minutes to blast out emails to the committee members expressing your outrage! Keep up the pressure!
Roberto, I remember watching the committee meeting with Powell’s rambling black cowboy story – and thinking how ridiculous that they were wasting time on non-issue items.
How about closing a few elementary schools, people! Save the poor taxpayers some dough!
Fits how about expressing your hubris at a school committee meeting or at a city council meeting like the Gman does. That’s bravery. You talk a good game but your talking the talk and the Gman is walking the walk and you have the nerve to criticise this giant among men. He is out there helping you and your throwing stones. Some would call that cowardly. What do you call it?
I have spoken at both, you fool. You don’t know me yet you make untrue assumptions based on your ignorance. While I treat people respectfully at meetings, you do not – and I want nothing to do with you. And when you make untrue statements on this blog, I will continue to call you out for it!
Fits you are the biggest phony on the planet. If you have appeared at the meetings identify yourself so we can talk about what you said. You are a coward who hides behind a cloak and the Gman is the antithesis as to what you are an outright coward throwing stones from an unidentifiable traceable sling shot. You are a trump follower and the Gman is a stand alone leader. A very accomplished leader. Tell us about your accomplishments? I asked you one question VO and you couldn’t answer even though it was only a one word answer. Fool? Indeed you are.
I believe your former boss, Dan Guss, pointed out in a letter to the B.B. editor that you were overstating your position at Krofta. Who’s the phony?
Yes, I am a proud Trump supporter. You have an ax to grind because Kavanaugh was voted in as a SC Justice – get over it! Your team, advocating mob justice – lost.
No, you are not a leader – you are a bully. Leaders have integrity, a vision, they are team players, inspiring, good communicators, trusted. They lead by example. I hope you aspire to be that person.
Fritz Fried You are getting a fantastic education reading my posts. Your used to listening to fox news where every other word they speak is a lie and you have become so brain washed that you can’t now tell the difference between the truth and a lie. Your indoctrination is complete and is evidenced by your posts. Sad very sad.
Misfitz. The wiz will be at the CC tonight trying to save you. Before you speak you must sign in in order to speak. You said you appear and speak at these meetings. The Gman will take down The names of those brave but few who speak with him. Be there and we will praise you tomorrow but more than likely you won’t be speaking and tomorrow we will be calling you what I always call you. A LIAR
How come we do not have a holiday in honor of the Chinese for their building most of our railroad which gave a huge boost to the development of our country? Is it because we are embarrassed for the way they were treated, much like the blacks and indians of the time?
Perhaps we should have a Holiday of Repentance to think about our ancestors lack of humanity.
And speaking of humanity, has Trump let those kids out of their cages yet?
it’s because Chinese are too successful, liberals only tolerate losers like themselves
Wilson I have seen your posts and many like this one lends nothing to the conversation. Are you Misfirz’s relative? You seem to be cut from the same cloth. Just saying.
Obama didn’t let them out of their cages and you didn’t care then Johnny Absurd. Only the idealistic young are being fooled by this game you are playing on the far left. You have convinced them that big government is good as long as the far left is in control because only the far left will give them all the freebies they deserve. You have failed to teach them history so they don’t realize the price we will all pay for giving so much power to government. The far left is using the idealism of youth to get power for themselves.
Just because Obama did it doesn’t make it right Pat.
Maybe the far left should create a holiday called a “Day of Hate against White People” and make it one more holiday that the schools can take off. Let’s say they make it in March since that’s a slow vacation month for them. We can have mobs in the street carrying signs against white people in which they are blamed for every sin since the beginning of this country. Oh wait, this has already been done in Germany and as I recall, it didn’t end well for a whole group of people who were similarly demonized by a power mad political party.
Hey clueless Pat. What would you say if I revealed to you that most “liberals” are white people. And if that is true why would liberals create a “day of hate” against themselves? Duhhhh?????
Pat when Hannity starts spewing his alternative facts he is reading from a script for the most part and so there is a modicum of fluency to his speal. But when you try to emulate him off the cuff you tend to run amuck and become incoherent. And I say this to be constructive so do not take offense and go off like a mad woman on me.
That just makes it all the more hypocritical. White people stoking up hate against white people. Do you hate yourself?
Sorry, but I have seen the result of the young hearing in liberal schools and in the media that white people are treated special. I was in a store just the other day and a young Hispanic man insisted that the store would not return his item because he was not white. Problem was the man refusing to take back his item because he didn’t have a receipt was African American. He got mad at the young man and said “Since I’m as dark skinned as you are, I can tell you that isn’t the reason your item isn’t being returned”. That is just one example of many right here in Berkshire County.
Idiot JA. Most people in USA are white.
Everything you mentioned that a leader needs to have identifies the Gman to the letter. Because he has those traits that’s what made him successful beyond imagination and saved the city’ rate payers over 100 million dollars in the 80s and will if allowed save them another 40 or 50 million dollars. What are you poised to save them and why haven’t you answered my question regarding your accomplishments? The Gman lives in your brain and you wish you were he but it is not ever going to happen because you are definitely not in the Gman’s league. The Gman was and always will be Krofta Engineering corp. He had only one colleague of the same intellect at Krofta Eng Corp and that was Dr. Milos Krofta. At Lenox Institute for Research it was Dr. Lawrence K Wang. These three were leaders of a global conglomerate and the were successful beyond belief. Just think how much more they could have accomplished if they had a common language between them. With all the hats the Gman wore at KEC and LIR he also had to do all the interpreting so that Krofta and Wang were aware of what was being said. And you think you are in the Wiz’s league fits. Please!!!!
In Fourteen Hundred and Ninety Two,
Columbus sailed the ocean blue – with genocide on his mind devoid of hate, He exclaimed we’d be easy to dominate.
Build casinos in every state and continue to vote democrat and be sure no to vomit –So you get what you get and you don’t throw a fit
God dammit
Not exactly Edgar Allen Poe but still quite an assortment of words.
Yon,McCandless, Taylor,Moon,Caccamo, Rivers never regret educating students at Allendales chemical swamp.If you deny it is real it does not take the responsibility off her and Jake’s shoulders…..follow Marchettis lead.The Berkshire Eagle buried the story on a back page……..tell Caccamo he is a ward councilmen who should chec sidewalks for repair
The school committee likes to take votes late at night so nobody is around to question them. They did that when they voted to change the name of Highland School. That vote was taken at almost midnight.
I don’t care what we call today, but do hope that historical accuracy is taught in the PPSs.
This just confuses the kids some more. The kids have Indigenous People’s Day off from school but mom and dad have Columbus Day off from work.
When too much power goes to your head, and you have a City full of dead heads who don’t pay attention and don’t care.
Get used to the confusion and insanity. If the radical left gets control in November, nobody has the excuse of saying they didn’t know what was coming. We have seen their track record. We know there is nothing they will not do to get power. We know the radical left wants big government in control and the people dependent on big government and we know it’s all about power for them not some utopia they want to create.
Pat, the radical left wants to elect people who find sexual assault repulsive. So look for a whole bunch of radical woman to be voting against those who were too cowardly to stand up for them. Donald Trump believes with all his heart that woman are inferior to men and he would like all his disciples to join him in this mindset. But as far as I know he has not taken away their right to vote yet, though I am sure he has wondered what it would take to do so.
We all find sexual assault repulsive so don’t play that game. We do need facts, however, to back up our statements. Forensic evidence, witnesses, something to prove it otherwise anybody who doesn’t like somebody can try to destroy them if we don’t have proof. Innocent until proven guilty. Other countries that everybody is fleeing from to get here have the reverse idea that you are guilty until proven innocent. I don’t know about you, but I’m glad I don’t live in those countries.
The answer to Art’s original question is yes.
Time is of the essence with rape cases with regard to gathering evidence. Without evidence anyone can say that this or that happened . You can’t go by unsubstantiated allegations.
I typed the same thing 30 posts back Chuck.
I read your response. However Mr./Mrs. Art Seller requested a response from all posters. I am interested in where he/she is going with this.
The answer is “yes,” in the same way it’s possible for a woman (or anyone) to claim they were assaulted without it being true and there being no witnesses. That’s why we judicial processes: to hear EVIDENCE of claims so as to render judgments based on a PERPONDERANCE OF EVIDENCE only after proceeding on the PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE. We humans are indelibly flawed with what Poe called The Imp of the Perverse. The Imp is that “something” deep inside us that prevents us from perfection (I was going to say “prevents us from being Don Larsen, who on this day 62 years ago through the only perfect game in World Series history). It leaves us with an imperfect process for determining “TRUTH.” It’s the best we have. When we stray from that, and start from a presumption of guilt and allow single-source allegations with no evidence to be enough to destroy someone, we are on a MOST DANGEROUS PATH. That is the path that far too many from both extremes, left and right, have chosen. In the Kavanaugh case, we just happened to see the Loon Left present a Harvard Case Study on how to head down the path of anarchy.
LOL…Don’t get your hopes up Chuck. I imagine it’s another dead end that will not be related back to anything germane unless sand floats are involved. Also, ending a sentence with a preposition is, according to I believe AP rules, no longer something people get bothered by. See what I did there?
And Dan, I may be slipping on my anatomy, but does a female body really have a Nina, a Pinta AND a Santa Maria?!?
That’s a funny question, one that I will let “sail away” without further comment!
As Churchill said: “This is the sort of thing up with which I will not put.”
Chuck, Art just hates Trump beyond all reason.
12 wrong I hate him for many reasons. Mostly because he is a confirmed pathological liar and a down right vile despicable buffoon.
Don’t confuse not liking Trump with wanting the Democrats in control. Today’s democrat party is equally full of right wing warmongering nutjobs as the GOP.
And Pat, white people are responsible for most of the bad things that happen in the world, at least indirectly. if you’d admit that and try to change things going forward rather than sitting in your sh*tty white privilege, then you’d be a better person.
Wow there’s a lot of anger in your response. This is not representative of your usual reasoned comments.
One must also then say that “white people are responsible for most of the good things that happen in the world, at least indirectly.”
The unabashed and proud racism of Berkshire County directly correlates with the population decline. It is not a good place to live, or to raise a family. The Berkshires are sort of nice to visit, at least for a short period of time to splurge on $13 cocktails and world-class cultural institutions like Jacob’s pillow, the Clark, MassMOCA, Tanglewood, etc.
A bunch of whiny white people in New England’s Appalachia have the poorly performing schools, escalating crime, crumbling infrastructure, and social decay they so richly deserve. I hope you get your Columbus Day, because that is so much more important than basic human decency.
Hey Dan, maybe you stay away from that statement. Not a great look. First, the “trump card” if you will is, it was white people who invented, and USED nuclear weapons. Second, I think colonization has had a LOT to do with the white people holding hegemony over humanity-helping inventions over the centuries. White people, and isn’t it appropriate to recognize this on Columbus Day as, unfortunately, he has become the symbol for this, white people have been, since before Columbus sailed, the MOST aggressive by far in seeking dominion over other races and civilizations, treating them as subhuman and subjugating them. Imagine if the Dutch, English, French or Spanish had not asserted dominion over developing nations for centuries. Egypt was developing pretty nicely before the Romans arrived! I think it’s safe to say that if other races hadn’t been treated in this way, the distribution of cultural advances would have been much more even.
Mr. G. should white people of today pay for everything that you think was done wrong by their ancestors? Should we all be jealous when anything good happens to a white person today?!? Should white people feel guilty when good things happen to them today?
We see what guilt has done in Europe. People were made to feel so guilty for their very existence that they are throwing their culture out the window and inviting in people who are creating a different culture that will make Europe unrecognizable very quickly. The same is being done here in America with the open borders policy that the Democrats are promoting. Bring in anyone you want to this country as long as the Dems are in control, it’s all good.
Holy crap Pat. You are advocating for “keeping our culture pure?!?!” See, whether you intend it or not, those are code words! I never suggested apologies, reparations or white people feeling bad. All I said was that it was sorta unfair to say that white folk have done most of the good stuff for civilization when the fact is, the vast majority of non white folk have been oppressed for centuries and artificially suppressed. Colonialism was/is real Pat. Much like Climate Change. You can deny both but the impacts of both stare you in the face every day.
Please read “The Strange Death of Europe” by Douglas Murray and you will understand what I’m talking about. Thank you.
Pat doubles down on the racism by throwing the white nationalist Douglas Murray card out there. Conducts a book discussion at the KKK’s Berkshire County Chapter monthly meeting. Racism achievement unlocked, +150 bonus points.
The KKK was and is an organization created by democrats.
There are plenty of racist Democrats too, including Hillary Clinton. If you are shooting for the racist crown on this page looks like you are up against Pat, but I don’t think she’s a democrat.
Growing up in Pittsfield I had no idea that Columbus Day was honoring Italian Americans. It was just a day that honored Columbus discovering America (allegedly). So not being of Italian heritage, I have a serious question. How do Italian Americans celebrate?
There are probably a majority of Italians who are also unaware that Columbus was Italian. I did not know until it was revealed on this very blog. I did not care before I knew and I don’t really care now to be perfectly honest.
Does anyone know who invented the television? To me that was a mind boggling accomplishment but nobody ever told me who was the inventor…but I would advocate for a holiday in his or her honor.
Spoken like a product of public education.
Columbus was Italian the same way I am Ukrainian.
I immigrated from Ukraine, country of 70+nationalities.
The first voyage in 1492 was permitted by Queen of Spain Izabella and King Ferdinand, but was 100% financed by Jewish wealthy merchants. Columbus had Christian Bible and Hebrew Bible on his ship.–Make search on google who Columbus really was.
in the eyes of all the snowflakes and weaklings Brett K = Chris Columbus – sad – bring back Columbus Day paison !!!!
the snowflakes will get a seat at the table when they’ve earned it like CC and BK –
The point of my question is the fact that in nearly all rape cases there is no corroborating evidence and in fact many times the victim is murdered. If one of our loved ones were the victim we would want every stone unturned every lead investigated and if the investigation goes on for years or decades so be it. Now let’s look at what was investigated in Dr. Ford’s allegations. Case closed in one week. Let’s everyone check in whether we are affiliated with any party whether this was a fair investigation or a sham. Before you answer consider that Dr Ford is your loved one or friend
It wasn’t supposed to be a criminal investigation Art Seller because no prosecutor would take up a case with so little evidence.
Rapists everywhere are thrilled to know that going forward if they rape in a dark alley with no witnesses they can probably count on living to do it all over again. I am sure they appreciate the encouragement Pat.
Do you understand how the law works? Watch Forensic Files. It would be very enlightening for you to understand how criminals are caught.
It is “paisan,” as in someone from il mio paese. Va bene?
Art – I am wondering if you saw the numbers that just came out for Williams College. Last year there were 13 more rapes and 13 sexual assaults. Add those to the tally since the last Williams rape case was prosecuted back in 2004.
I get that you and just about every other person on this board don’t care at all about this issue. But in your case, that seems quite odd to the point of hypocrisy given your passion for the Kavanaugh “non-investigation”.
I’m not going to try to convince you or any of the other yahoos on this board anymore, because I’ve heard that it’s completely unnecessary at this point. The wind has been sown for so very long, and it will soon be time to reap the whirlwind.
A few months from now, just remember your complete lack of interest in this case, all because you support the DA candidate who was part of the corrupt team that allowed it to happen.
Cicero I can sense the frustration in your voice and I share it. I Have spoken to the Gman on many occasions about this situation and you know he is inteterested in facts and only facts. He has the most watched program on pctv and he asked me to relay to you or Mrs.Harrington that you are welcome to come on his show on Wednesday at 6pm which will be a call in show, to further inform the city’s residents regarding this issue. The Gman as contacted the Harrington people twice with no response. He also has many friends who are lawyers whom he has discussed this issue with and they know of no specifics regarding this situation. Does this mean that I don’t believe what you are saying? A resonding NO. Please contact the Gman. He is the most honest and decent person in this city and looks for the truth in all incidents. If you are right he will help you but you must respond. If he doesn’t hear from you he can’t help you. With him right is right and wrong is wrong and he plays no games. All he is interested in are the facts and the truth. If you have these traits the Gman is waiting to hear from you.
Art – Contrary to the claims of many of the nitwits on this board, I have no connection to the Harrington campaign whatsoever. I can’t speak to her thoughts o this issue, only that her pledge to review 15 years with of rape cases caught my attention. She made that pledge not long after the Williamstown debate, which led to all these stats being brought to light.
The more I look into this, the uglier it appears. Lots of smoke, fire sure to come.
You have less credibility than Harrington.
Cicero, and Stormy Daniels is a virgin.
The Stormy Daniels reference removes any doubt that you are Brian Marquis. As does the proximity to your post as X-Lachs.
Go away. Your stupidity is boring.
Planet alert. Cicero has nothing to do with Harrington’s campaign and Art Seller is not Gaetani. This was a public service announcement.
Unlike you, Cicero, I post using my true identity- Brian C. Marquis.
When I post, you’ll know it.
When you post a comment on Facebook that includes a Scooby Doo quote – “Ruh roh!” and then a few minutes later post on this board under “ruh roh”, it’s just slightly obvious.
Go away.
Is Cicero a WPD officer or a Williams College campus security officer?
Sources are gaining on Cicero’s true identity. It’s believed he’s (gender unknown) a WPD officer.
And yes I do post using my true identity, unlike Cicero.
Your Williams College – WPD – DA’s office is far-fetched and designed only to mislead readers. You’re a master of deception, Cicero.
Be careful though, there’s lawyer seeking your true identity to compel testimony in a federal civil cause of action.
And ff you have such evidence of a DA cover-up – prove it!!
Rut Roh!
P.S. I hope you like my FB posts. Enjoy!!!
Marquis – Let’s review. I don’t think this list is exhaustive, but to the best of my recollection you have so far accused me of being John Krol, Barry Claremont, Lucas Jackson, Tim Walsh, Art Seller, Lucas Marion and Christina Wynn. And now some un-named Williamstown cop.
You are a disturbed person. I hope Ms. Rossi understands that she has likely imperiled her case by aligning herself with you.
P.S. I suggest you update your Linked-in page and remove your claim about being on judicial panels at Williams. You are exposing yourself to some serious liability.
I read the 2018 report on Williams College posted by Cicero. Very disturbing.
Perhaps you can post it again.
This should be looked into very carefully. There are 13 cases so it’s not like we are looking at 1,000,000. It would seem the Williamstown police should immediately notify the college and the DA’s office immediately. If the charge is made to the college, the PD should be notified and then the DA’s office.
Sister I get your point. The point I am getting at is the procedure to collect evidence that was flawed in the Ford case. Don’t you think a full fledged real investigation was warranted?Have you ever heard of a rape or murder case that is unsolved being closed In one week and witnesses clamoring to talk to the police not even being contacted. I hope you can conclude that this investigation was an outright sham and if you were a loved one or friend of Ford you would not be satisfied. Am I right?
A full fledged investigation is not warranted, because the statue of limitations is long expired period. Furthermore, Ford never filed a police report, which would have triggered an investigation, had she done so within the statue of limitations. 36 years is about 35 years too late. She wasn’t calmoring to talk to the cops and in fact wanted to remain anonymous. The sham was the demorats leaking this on the even of the confirmation, hoping an investigation would be commenced and dragged out beyond the mids. If i was a loved one or friend of Ford I would have told her to keep her mouth shut at this point, because she doesn’t have a case. The background investigation was not only not a sham, but the feds chased down all viable leads. A criminal investigation never happened. And by the way, it wasn’t a rape, it was a misdemeandor, if it even happeneded.
Dr. Ford made one gigantic mistake. She should have filed criminal charges against KavaScump rather than going to the congress especially the republican senate judiciary committee members who’s sole goal was to approve KavaScump to the bench, to look for justice. She was railroaded because she didn’t file Criminal charges. if she had KavaScump would have been investigated with the full force of the FBI and KavaScump would be sitting in a jail cell and not sitting on the SC today. We witnessed justice not served today and in 29 days we will see what the full force of the American people think of this so called phony FBI investigation that put a criminal on the SC and sent a victim back home without even allowing her or her corroborators a chance to talk to the FBI. This is what I call justice Not served.
Gaetani, get over it. You were wrong. This story is over. Kavanaugh confirmed. Trump reigns. Take your mob justice and go home.
At the time this supposedly happened to Ford she had a 1 year period to file charges in MD. That was the statue of limitations at the time. They changed the statute after that. More time for a fuller FBI investigation was wasted by sitting on those allegations instead of bringing them out as soon as they were brought to Feinstein’s attention.
Thank you SisterGoldenHair. Many on this board have no idea how the law works. They should watch Forensic Files on Channel 47 to find out how evidence is gathered to convict criminals. It is fascinating and you will learn so much about how our legal system works.
You’re welcome. Having been married to damn good attorneys for years I know a thing or two, not to mention my own legal background. The know nothings will perhaps find out that there is no rape epidemic at Williams either.
Chuck. I feel about this situation as you do. What does it say about us who laugh at this situation and don’t care to get to the bottom of this. TheGman hopes someone from Harrington’s campaign or her will meet him at pctv to divulge everything they know about this situation on his TV show on Wednesday at 6 pm. He doesn’t think that this situation is a joke and invited the Harrington group to his show twice and no one showed up. He invites them again now and hopes we can get to the bottom of this mess once and for all.
Harrington and her cabal are liars.
I am not part of Harrington’s cabal, nor am I a liar.
Say, weren’t you the one who said the Williams Police Chief had been roped in and a truth bomb was headed our way? Any updates on that, friend?
Chuck – Each Clery Report covers three years. The two Clery Reports linked below cover the last six school years.
The crime stats are in tables about 2/3 of the way down the reports. The sex crime numbers are appalling. 79 rapes and 21 forced fondling sexual assaults have been reported in the last 6 years. None have been deemed to be “unfounded”. None have been prosecuted, at least none I have found.
As a matter of policy, Williams forwards every complaint to the WPD, who then forward it to the Berkshire DA’s office.
A few on this board presume to know that in each and every of these 100 cases, the victim chose to “remain anonymous” and declined to pursue criminal charges.
Of course, the logic alone is pure bunk. The authorities are bound by law not to disclose a victim’s identity, ever, regardless of whether they elect to move forward with a criminal complaint.
Still, it is possible that all 100 victims just wanted to complain to the college and weren’t interested in pursuing charges. It’s also possible the Yankees will come back and win tonight.
2015 Clery Report
Williams and PD have probably always had an understanding.College gets 1st shot to resolve the accusations.
You are probably right. But cops don’t have the “right” to defer to institutions on criminal maters. Such an arrangement would be as illegal as it is disgusting. And if and when it is exposed, it will become a huge scandal. That is my best guess at this point.
And to be clear, I suspect Williams College is in deep shite as well. This is not an either/or proposition regarding who has apparently behave horribly.
Most likely the alleged rapists are the spawn of rich folks. Maybe sons of Saudi royalty. So the family of the girl gets a big fat keep quiet check and so doesn’t Williams.
Flippant commentary about rape is really awesome. Well done.
Actually, the question is, Who was raped? (I mean besides Billy Bob Clinton’s victims)
You want the names revealed?
One thing is for sure, there will be many less rapes and sexual assault reported going forward. Trump and his senators have put the fear of God into any victim who would even think of reporting her assault. And that is just what men like that want…take it and shut the hell up about it.
The key would be to report it as close as possible to when it happened. If you wait 40 years it’s bullshit.
Also, if it’s 40 years ago (or 20, or 10), you have to move on. Life has a way of throwing curves when we’re sitting on the fastball. Horses will throw you. What do you do? Become a “victim” for the rest of your life or profit from the experience?
Right on Dan, as we used to say in the 60’s! Seemed to me the doctors education and career somehow played right into the victim trap for her. Nothing more than a couple kids playing grab ass 36 years ago and she has now let it define her life. Her experience doesn’t compare to the thousands of women and children who are real victims of sexual assault who do have the courage to report in a timely fashion. Even if it happened and even if Kav did it, he should have been confirmed.
“Right on,” SISTER. “She let it define her life.” That’s it in a pistachio shell. Whatever the “it” was she thinks happened 36 years ago, she let it take over. That was a choice. My advice to Ford and anyone who has experienced a setback: “Move on. Go forward.” It is YOUR CHOICE: Be a victim, or be the master of your own life. Be defined by the outside, or be who you are with the unsurpassed confidence and integrity that comes from being WHO YOU ARE and WHO YOU SAY (to yourself) THAT YOU ARE.
As usual ERM your posts reflect your twisted take on everything. You bring very little to the table and lend nothing to the conversation. Nothing Nothing nothing.
Art, yes is my answer.
KavaNUTTS oughta run for President, he has the lying part down.
Who the heck are you Art to tell people their contributions on this blog are “nothing?” Ed has a lot more common sense than you do. Keep posting Ed, I enjoy your insights!
That’s you opinion. What are your accomplishments? My opinion is that ERM’ contributions add nothing to the conversation. Do you want to try to stiffle my opinions? You must be a Scump supporter.
Don’t argue with Art he is well misinformed.
“On Columbus Day, we commemorate the achievements of this skilled Italian explorer and recognize his courage, willpower and ambition – all values we cherish as Americans.” President Donald J. Trump
New background info on limo owner;
Wow. He was earning 96K per year from the FBI for going undercover to mosques? Then he gets a $500K windfall from Pakistan? At the same time he is renting out dangerous vehicles?
Trump just turned a swearing in into a political event.Trumps mob of republican political tricksters ruined Kavanaugh s 1st day on the job.His poor wife looks like she’s still uncomfortable continuing the politics for more cheap shots by the bully Trump
Scump said that KavaScump was found innocent. Really? The dinosaur republican members of the senate judiciary committee molded KavaScump to Be innocent and boxed Ford into being a liar. That’s what happened to bring KavaScumps to the court. Trump and his base do not value decency and truth. The real decision on all of this will be delivered in 29 days. That will be the start to return to nórmalacy
Why the childish name calling in everyone of your posts?
Major networks reporting out right fraud by Scump and family and continuing fraud to this day. He already owes us 550 million in unpaid taxes and owes laborers 1.6 billion that he bilked them out of in 4 phony bankruptcies and you sheep on the planet still support him. A crook is a crook a liar is a liar a cheat is a cheat and a fraud is a fraud in everyone’s world except Scumps. What a world we are living in today but in 29 days things may be very different. I certainly hope so as do most recent and honest people.
I have to admit that I’m not a recent person.
I don’t blame president Trump for taking money from his dad and then redoing dads will to put him in charge until his Judge sister was asked by her Dad to save him from his son Don.
I don’t blame Don for stealing hundreds of millions from America and its laborers as this is what it takes to divide Americans to make it a Corporation.He lies so that the 90% will help him do it.
Glenn Beck just said the democrats are murdering republicans and I know this board believes it
The conservatives on this board will know who wrote this in 1972.
But others won’t know who wrote it. Take guesses. ART?
“””A man goes home and masturbates his typical fantasy. A woman on her knees, a woman tied up, a woman abused.
A woman enjoys intercourse with her man — as she fantasizes being raped by 3 men simultaneously.”””
I know who said it but I’ll play along.
I’m a law clerk for the Planet.
I am a lineman for the County
Amd u drive the main roads?
Great song.
Searching in the sun for another overload
Chuck V, and anyone else who cares about the truth – check this out –
While I don’t know the story behind the Williams numbers, no DA is going to ignore a prosecutable rape case.
I wonder if the campus rape culture crap is behind these numbers.
This is the most enlightening article on the subject we have come across. Must reading for all. Thanks, SISTER, for sharing.
Sister posts an opinion piece and Dan calls it an article. While technically correct, I believe you meant editorial Dan, because that piece is a joke and absolutely #fakenews.
No, SHH. It is an “article.” Actually, the piece is well written and researched.
She cites the same two cases that have been cited by her ilk for years, then uses them to malign the credibility of victims in general.
The “studies” she cites are a complete joke. Did you read my other post? Were you able to follow along?
Lastly, if the name Brett Sokolow means nothing to you, then you clearly have no real awareness of the campus sexual assault issue and the various forces at play. Sokolow is a scumbag extraordinaire who has become very wealthy playing both sides of the issue. Though nowadays his work is limited to the side of protecting schools, because he was outed as a fraudulent pig who misrepresented his own interests and misled real-life victims.
Question for you though, and apologies if I’m wrong, but haven’t you been one of the “nothing to see here” crew regarding the info out of Williams? Honestly curious, tough to keep everyone straight on this board.
Are you unfamiliar with Heather MacDonald? She is a right-wing polemicist. She is very smart, she is very clever, but when you peel back the layers, her sophistry becomes apparent to anyone, save those who are desperate to agree with her conclusions, faulty or not.
The “facts” in this OPINION PIECE that you consider to be so enlightening, include the following:
1. Several anecdotes regarding dubious rape claims, including that cuckoo from Columbia University. Not surprising there are a few cases like that, given that the accepted standard for “false reporting” of rapes is 2%-10%. Egregious false claims are out there. But implying those are the norm, and that a case like Emma Sulkewicz discredits any victim other than herself is absurd. Offensive, actually.
2. Here’s a great example of MacDonald’s sophistry at work. Consider this quote:
“In 2015, the Association of American Universities (AAU) conducted a sexual-assault survey at 27 selective colleges. The vast majority of survey respondents whom the AAU researchers classified as sexual-assault victims never reported their alleged assaults to their colleges’ rape hotlines, sexual-assault resource centers, or Title IX offices, much less to campus or city police. And the overwhelming reason that the alleged victims did not report is that they did not think that what happened to them was that serious.”
See what she did there? She took the results from an anonymous survey about victimhood, in which the “vast majority” of respondents had never even reported their assaults to ANYONE, and used it to impugn the credibility of rape victims, as a class, including those who DO report.
Young women who claim victimhood in anonymous surveys are irrelevant to the discussion. If the survey included only women who HAVE reported a sexual assault to an authority (which admittedly couldn’t be done due to anonymity laws), and those results showed that some high percentage admitted their claims were false, THAT would be news. But claiming that anonymous, and false, officially unreported claims of “victimhood”, which false claims carry no potential consequences, tell us a damn thing about the veracity of those those who DO lodge official complaints is ridiculous. And again, offensive.
People who latch onto this crap and view it uncritically because they agree with the conclusions tend to betray their bias openly. Such as Sister’s claim that “no DA is going to ignore a prosecutable rape case.” Spend some time on Google, Sister. Plenty of horrendous cases out there. You may think you can see into the hearts of all DA’s, but a sane person isn’t going to place much evidentiary value in that proposition.
Well Dan, you said if Cacc doesn’t quack this week, he’s done. So far not a peep and the election is 4 weeks from today. Harrington is wisely lying in wait, so as not to give Cacc free press. The ball is in his court. Is he going to pull “a Marchetti”, or does he really want the job??? The silence is deafening. If he doesn’t get rolling I might not even bother to vote. It’s a 170,000 per year job and a huge pension boost for him and he is like silent Sam.
He’s a perfectionist, it’s part of the job. But wait for it, SGH, you’re going to love it. Krollero, not so much.
Wait for it…it’s just around the corner…don your wetsuit ’cause the truth bomb is about to hit the fan (whatever that means).
Can you be any more definitive as to when all this is going to happen, Chuckles?
Perfectionist?? We’re losing faith. Someone has to light a fire under our Droopy Dog.

It’s Harrington who needs the job and it Paul who is doing the job and its possible he is busy.She is smart to stay quiet after the phone call threatening Mazzeos political future.I do think that she should bring the Williams college scandle out as she is now attached at the hip to the Colleges safety going forward. I might vote for her if she makes me understand what Cacciviello responsibility was.If she does not make this more clear after 2 months SHAME on her for bringing up something that nobody is understanding
What exactly does that mean, that she is “attached at the hip” to Williams’ safety? What on God’s green earth are you spewing about? To my knowledge, she has never even mentioned Williams by name. She said she would review un-indicted past cases, and that’s about it.
One prosecuted case would likely clean things up and bring those Clery Report numbers down in a hurry. That’s what you don’t seem to get. When a particular crime is no longer prosecuted – and this applies to any crime – incidents of that crime rise.
14 years between rape prosecutions at Williams has had consequences.
THE PLANET will be posting on this and other pertinent matters pertaining to the D.A.’s race soon. We have been in contact with Cacc, and he assures us he’s working hard, laying out a lot of “behind the scenes” groundwork before a more visible push toward November. Don’t give up on him yet. It appears he’s employing a “Bunker Hill” campaign. That’s one where “you don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.” You hold back, give your opponent a false sense of security, then you unload a barrage. Cassius Clay, a.k.a. Muhammed Ali, called it “Rope a Dope.” You cover up against the ropes, let your opponent punch himself out, then you unload. In our next postings on the D.A.’s race, we will have a lot of news to break and share. Stay tuned.
I think after getting his ass kicked with a “bunker hill” approach in the primary Cacc may have wanted to try something a little more assertive. The dope I see getting roped is the Planet.
It’s inexcusable that the Eagle, iBerkshires, Pittsfield Gazette or any radio stations have not covered Harrington threats to Melissa Mazzeo and others.
The ‘threats’ are an absolute sham. There are no witnesses, no crime, no evidence. If you think it is inexcusable for that #fakenews to not get newspaper coverage yet you accuse Dr. Ford of lying, then you win the award for not just being the biggest racist in the Planet, but also the biggest hypocrite.
If Mazzeo had contacted those media outlets and they refused to tell her story, you would have a point. But that’s not what she did. She just went an ally to spread innuendo and start a rumor. So you have no point. As per usual.
Harrington attacked her politically and professionally, who cares where it appeared. Fact: Harrington and Farley Bouvier claim to support other women while pulling this kind of back stabbing. They are as toxic as a the dumpsite you preside over.
THE PLANET shall have Mazzeo’s comments on this in The Weekend Edition. We have reached out to the major players in this race, including Paul Caccaviello and Andrea Harrington and we heard back from everyone except Harrington. Cacc has some eye-opening news to share. You won’t want to miss The Weekend Edition.
local media is only interested in all the fake news that’s fit to print. We have Planet Valenti Benigno Numine .
Watch the council meeting tonight, nothing going on. The first seven items, useless appointments, an 80 dollar reimbursement from the Health Department, and a few pole placements in the city. And there are zero petitions. Everything is ducky. Wait unil the water rates kick in, maybe City Councilors will wake up before that. Except Flip Flop,of course.
Speaking of pole placements…have ya ever noticed how many of the poles on tyler street are slanted one way or the other? Coming from First street several are slanted to the right and coming from the other directions you will find several slanted to the left. In between several are straight up. Geological studies done by my cat Herman suggest that this all happened several years ago during a mild subterranean tremor which was felt by many citizens in Berkshire county.
You might want to remember this as it will be on the end of semester quiz.
Who’s idea were he trash bins,one is dented another dislodged,terrible color grey? With dull colors,weeds around them.
To the best of our knowledge, they were the brainchild of Mayor Tyer. That “child” should never have been put into daycare! That’s why the trashcans took on the symbolic presence that they did. They symbolize the political impotence of a town going down the drain, as well as the wasted money spent on “looking like we’re doing something” about the ongoing decline.
Tyler garbage canst …..just sayin…color dull,dented,weeds….
There is garbage all over the city. In the roads on the sides of the roads. I am embarrassed to tell people I am from Pittsfield. Does the mayor ever put down the tinted windows of her car and see the mess her city is? She needs to annex some of the free labor from the jail or detention centers and create a crew that will be on daily patrol.
It is not her fault that the city is full of slobs but it is her fault to leave all the trash on the ground. I try not to care but jesus it is so bad and sends a message to everyone else that the city does not care.
It’s really disgusting. Just one more reason not to move here.
Litter was awlful in the 60s when America was great and the 13 smoke stacks at GE would blow more pollution out those stacks between 3am and daybreak before the city wokeup…..it was a terrible pollution.We have citizens who wont clear debris from the storm drain in front of their home
What type of pollutants did they blow out those stacks?
The Pittsfield Schools are down another 70 students more thaexpscted with it costing us another 1 millon more than projected. School choice is killing Pittsfield as its not just about education its also varsity sports positions at others school the parents are looking at weaker schools so that Pittsfield kids can play there.School choice is another bad conservative idea.
We agree with the first part of your message but not the second. School choice, which incidentally is neither a “conservative” or “liberal” idea, is merely the mechanism by which Pittsfield public schools are losing students. The cause is the fact that they can’t compete, either academically or with extra-curricular activity. In plain English, they are not good enough. Competition is a good thing for intelligent organizations, because it makes them work harder to improve their product or service. For organizations that are as poorly run as the Pittsfield public schools, it’s considered a “bad” thing because it shows them up for what they are, namely, incompetents unable to complete in a playing arena.
I believe a large percentage opt out for their own personal safety. The teachers and administration personnel are fully aware of the potential danger as well as a just crappy learning environment and are first to ship their beloved children elsewhere. So many are leaving in fact that there are not many schools left with enough room for them.
Good point: The “danger” angle, a too-real fact of life inside of PPS classrooms. Way to go, Kathy Yon!
School choice started in the late 80s of the Reagan area into the bush 1 eara when it was determined that unions,lawyers and public education was the enemy of the power of the rich and corporations it also required the pitting of poor people against poor people…….public education is to be demeaned……Lenox schools do not demand from their student what Pittsfield does….im guessing the planet got a great education in Pittsfield and did not once need to hit a state landed bench mark
Dan, just curious, how is the field upkeep payed for for school sports. For instance football – soccer lining, refs umps, stuff like that. I was at a game out of town and a school employee was lining the field on a Saturday?
It is going to get really bad. Trump and the republicans are now seeing the handwriting on the wall and are going to have to lie, cheat and steal to avoid losing the house. And they are very good at it so please check your sources cuz the crazy shit is about to start flowing from the Hannity, Beck, Limbaugh, O’reilly, Breitbart etc crowd. Nothing we can do to save the Trump disciples but maybe can stop them from dragging more decent people into the cesspool.
Republican’s new plan of attack? The mob word. Use it as much as you can. Scare every half wit that the scary women’s mob is coming to get them along all those colored people.
It sure is a sad day in hell that your words ring so true.
The left wasn’t scaring every half wit (to use your term) that they were going to lose their abortion rights if Kavanaugh is elected to the Supreme Court?
The left wasn’t scaring every half wit that Republicans don’t care about women being sexually assaulted?
Your hypocrisy is showing.
Pat is one who would be influenced by using the word mob over and over,its so stupid the stupids dont get this clown
The best word for a mob is oddly enough mob.
S @ P down for fourth day in a row, and Dow down… AGAIN !
The shy is falling.
City Council meeting tonight, watch and see your government spin their wheels,applause early then out the door.
Here is a good idea. Why doesn’t everyone go to the city council tonight and express the dissatisfaction with them that you so bravely post about hers Talk is cheap action is King. Fitzxit says he speaks at these meetings and if he does the Gman will meet him at the podium. Tomorrow we will praise the brave who show up but more importantly we will chastise the buffoons who throw stones at the brave because we all know those types are cowards. See you tonight fitwit. Remember to prepare a good speech as the wizard always delivers a fantastic speech and we will measure yours against his. My bet is you won’t show up and thus I’ll call you a coward now and if you show up I will apologize but I firmly believe there will be no reason to appologize
There is an unrelated commercial that states…Nobody beats the Wiz.
Dan, as I read through your article and some of the posts…
I think it is time to only allow posts from people who post their real names and are verified. Perhaps that would drop off the vicious nature of some of the comments.
Also, whether you agree with what the school committee did or not, by what authority does a local school committee have to change a federal holiday.
I seem to recall some proverb as to “everyone doing what is right in his own eyes”, that’s a recipe for disaster.
I also agree with someone’s comment…changing the holiday should invalidate a day off for the schools in the Pittsfield public schools. That is no longer the holiday in the contract.
With all the issues facing Pittsfield schools, why is the school committee wasting time on this. It should have been tabled and filed a long time back.
School consolidation and streamlined resources should be the priority.
Note: In the interest of full disclosure. I taught in the Pittsfield school system for 11 years until I left last year. Prior to that I spent 30 years in the dreaded private sector.
You can be tarred and feathered in Pittsfield for using your name.Those that do are not trying to work in Pittsfield.
Hold the phones – I actually agree with TSC on something.
This town is small, DA’s are powerful and can hold grudges, and there appear to be a number of unhinged people on both sides of the aisle even on these boards.
No one is safe. And I’m only partly kidding.
That’s BS and I’m calling it. Capeless and Caccaviello have never played politics. You Pittsfield power mongers are using that office for your clan wars. It’s appalling and people should not stand for it.
The coward fritzwit didn’t show up at the council meeting. The Gman was there as usual pulling for the taxpayer. He thinks fritz is drew Herzig. Whoever it is it is a coward.
Herzig and Gaetani look like twins.
Dan, I agree with Dave W. about using real verified names on this blog. There is one person in particular using your blog as a bully pulpit.
Lenny. Your Fritz’s brother and just as ridiculous. Ironically I agree that people post under their own name. If they did the half wits would go silent. Many of my posts are information that the Gman wants the planet to know about. So you see he uses his own name and I have seen you disparage him under your pen name.This makes you a coward. Now who are you? If your brave like the Gman you will divulge. We know you won’t. That makes you a coward.
Art – Please. The considerations are more nuanced than that. When people come on here and spew ad hominems, that’s one thing. Almost all do it under pseudonyms and several do it under multiple pseudonyms. Agreed, they are cowards.
But when people here share honest opinions and cite real facts, knowing their identity is irrelevant, And claiming that knowing their identity is important is effectively an attempt to stifle debate. Ideas are ideas, facts are facts; their source is irrelevant.
I assume your comments were directed at the ad hominem spewers, but wanted to point hat out.
That could be like trump telling the kkk he dosen’t want their vote.
I think wichteki was talking about Fright and shakes,where is wichteki been in the closet years.
Shakes should be sent to the gulag.
Trump approval rting 41%. New pol.