(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 10, 2018) — Cleaning out the notebook, THE PLANET came across three items worthy of comment.
“Sit down and shut up.”
That’s our message to Mass. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who politicked in Washington last Thursday, encouraging law breaking by whipping up a Brett Kavanaugh lynch mob masquerading as protesters. Her feathered efforts fell short. Rule of law won out over mob rule, and Kav had a new job.
Warren is not Native American but Naïve American, thinking this action would defeat Kavanaugh and boost her presidential ambitions. Warren told the mostly female mob: “I am speaking on behalf of every American women who has been told to sit down and shut up once too often.”
Pretending to speak “on behalf of every” person in any demographic subset is a claim that tells you all you need to know about EW. THE PLANET credits Warren for her qualifiers, however. Not one woman we surveyed ever reported being told to “sit down and shut up,” making that group a tiny subset. Also, the “once too often” comes in handy; it’s obvious no one has told her to be seated and be quiet often enough. We’re glad to oblige.
Senator, sit down and shut up.
Pittsfield’s Community Preservation Act, famously dubbed by Terry Kinnas as the Community Pickpocket Act (CPA), was nothing more than an added tax foisted upon an apathetic public by a collection of “Players” who have run out of answers for the problems vexing a city without a functioning economy. These folks include Mayor Linda Tyer, small-fry suck-ups, and a complicit city council. After the CPA hit Mark Jane and Joe Kapanski up for $320,000 in Year One, the gimme groups are back again.
The mayor’s office announced that a public hearing on this year’s CPA spending will be conducted at 6 p.m., Monday Oct. 15, in Room 203 at city hall. If you have trouble finding Room 203, look for the vultures circling the dying body politick, ready to pick morsels off the bone.
Who sits on the CPA commission?
- P.J. Hoss, city planner
- Jim Conant
- John Dickson
- Shirley Edgerton
- Alexandra Groff
- Sheila Irvin
- George Moran
- Simon Muir
- Danielle Steinman.
Do you recognize the “usual suspects,” those retreads of whom, one commission “associate” tells THE PLANET, “run everything.”
Our friend goes on: “If you raise an objection, question the plans, or propose something different, they put you in your place.” Who are “they?” The CPA-er, speaking on condition of anonymity, fingered Conant, Irvin, and Edgerton. Conan, you might remember, made his mark in the Civic Authority debacle and later as a park commissioner sunk the Jim Bouton plan for renovating Wahconah Park.
“Edgerton,” our source said, “plays the race and gender cards [to achieve] ‘can’t touch me’ status, making her immune from criticism or questioning.”
Irvin chairs the Berkshire Brigades. Nuff ced.
The hundreds of thousands of wasted tax dollars in Year One of the CPA went to such projects as the Springside House restoration, work on the baseball field at Clapp Park (which has had more do-overs than Kenny Rogers’ face), renovations to the Thaddeus Clapp house, “improvements” at Taconic High School grounds, and building pickleball courts at Lakewood Park.
Yes, pickleball. What’s next, a monument honoring the invention of “Pocket Pool” in 1791 at Park Square?
In November, Question 1 will ask voters if Massachusetts should be able to order mandated, minimum staffing levels at hospitals. The nurses’ union recommends a “yes” vote. Hospital administrators and other staffers want “no.” THE PLANET recommends a “no” vote. because “yes” will require an additional 125 hires for BMC and Fairview costing $23 million. Can you guess where the hospital will get that money? Gotta mirror?
This is a separate question than asking if the local hospitals need more nurses.
If passed, the state would require hospitals to maintain predefined staffing levels at all times, regardless of actual conditions. This would remove flexibility from work planning, take away local control of personnel issues, and impose central planning. The result will be inefficiency, an inability for hospitals to customize staffing based on actual needs, higher costs for patients, and reduction in the quality of care.
The appeal of Question 1 lies in its counter-intuitiveness. It might appear that “more nurses = better care,” but actually, since hospitals won’t be able to plan staff use, the opposite will be true. Vote NO.
“I would rather fail at something I love than succeed at something I hate” — George Burns.
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Granny Warren, also known as Pocohontis is a fake indian afraid to take a dna test. I think I will vote for Dan for US Senate.
The pick pocket act is another good reason to move out of Pittsfield and speaking of trifectas – we have a new school surcharge about to kick in that Tyler ain’t mentioning and a huge water bill increase coming, like 80% and then the pickpocket act takes more of my money, on top of the annual property tax porkin’. Next thing ya know some do gooder will want to build public housing with my money.
No on 1 is a no brainer for me.
Speaking of hospitals and staffing. Does anyone know the real reason why we sit so long in the emergency room? If it is not a shortage of staffing then what is it? And if it is a shortage of nurses and or doctors HIRE THEM!!!
or take the EMERGENCY ROOM sign off the building
Perhaps it is the drug infested cancer overwhelming the staff, while the sick wait their never ending turn.
Quite possible. So can they hire more staff to deal with the rest of us? It is not like people who sit there for 6 hours get a discount. They still pay emergency room prices which seems kinda odd if they are not treated like emergency patients. And I do know some people go there for hangnails but most of them are in pain.
Often you can go to an airport, get cleared through security, go through a boarding process and get into the sky quicker than get waited on in an emergency room. I just want to understand why. Maybe there is a good reason…tell me what it is.
How many of the BCC nurses are former (or current) addicts. More than you’ve ever admit.
According to Union representatives nurses are too choosy and don’t want to work the crap jobs and work their way up the ladder.
That’s a summary of the long winded justifications they have. For $35/ hour starting you should be changing everything from IVs to bedpans
If you don’t die while waiting then it wasn’t an emergency.
Which I guess begs the question, “How many do die?”
Dan you have gone full Fox news and I’m surprised you did use the mob rule talking point of the make America all out corporate again movement.I would also point out Fox news has demonized Senator Warren because she like Senator Clinton was the next woman of power that needs to be put back in the kitchen.She is the single greatest advocate of the American consumer of Banking services where they charge you 40 bucks to use checks to get your money……its hard to understand how seemingly smart people are in support of all things corporate.
Oh, we want a woman president that’s for sure School Committee. We just want one with some common sense and the ability to use logic. Lizzie Warren and Hillary are only interested in making women believe they are victims. No thank you. Strong women do NOT see themselves as victims of anyone.
Pat,where is the new ,cheaper,better health insurance that you believed Trump would have by the summer of 2018…the foliage is beattiful.
Unemployment among women has reached the lowest level in 65 years under President Trump.
In previous posts, you have been telling me how lucky the country is to have Obamacare. Now you are admitting how bad it is, but the Democrats will not allow President Trump to change it.
Pat knows republicans will never give any real power to woman. Elizabeth Warren is feared for her deep knowledge of bank and security fraud. We are all being ripped off by banks and credit card companies and should admire her for her pursuit of better regulations. But if Jesus was a democrat Hannity and Fox news would be calling for him to be put back up on the cross.
I let my wife have the power to choose a dinner location.
I’m still waiting.
Pat and the Planet find fault with any female, but they back the moral compass in the oval office.
“The Democrats will not allow president trump to change it.” Pat, according toMitch McConnell the Republican majority can do anything they want. Obamacare, as you affectionately call it, hasn’t been replaced because Republicans have nothing with which to replace it. They are bereft of ideas. Beyond the MAGA platitudes they have nothing.
Your sweeping generalizations do not become you, my good friend. THE PLANET does not “find fault” based on any preset division such as race, gender, creed, political affiliation, and the like. We take matters and people on a case by case basis. In fact, we do not “find fault” ever. We find facts. We find “truth” based on extrapolation.
I understand the Planet pushes the limits of satire with often vulgar misogynistic language. Other actors on this page are not writing for satire, they present their hatred from the heart.
I love my current credit card company and I know I’m NOT being ripped off. Lizzie Warren cares more about illegal immigrants and bashing President Trump than worrying about her constituents. I’m not a Republican by the way. Right now though Democrats are acting much crazier and irresponsibly than the Republicans.
The shocking thing about America is how so many people support and will do and say anything to help corporations keep all their proffit and pay people as little as possible.All the other issues the right uses are just a diversion to get the money.Mob rule is what now maybe 75 moms ,sisters,daughters,wives speaking out.Kavanaugh screamed out of control and wept about a conspiracy by Clinton.You believed it,yet your support of Trump flying around the country saying Obama was not a citizen made sense to you,no conspiracy to see there…….Mob rule,socialism,communism…..they are coming,reminds me of the John Birch society and now the right wing is mainstream John Birchers…I could have never guessed this is where our country would be .Republican party is now Don Trumpets lying to his sheep all day long.
Lock her up, lock her up, lock her.. uh er, sorry, wrong mob.
Antifa going wild in Portland under their liberal mayor and saying “Hey Whitey” while chasing the elderly down the street. This group committing violence is out of control and is being tolerated by the far left.
We should only tolerate violence committed by white men against women and brown people, correct racist Pat?
Calling people racist is all the far left has as a response when faced with obvious evidence of violence from their supporters. They will not condemn chasing and threatening the elderly. They will not say that chasing and threatening the elderly is wrong no matter what race they happen to be. Or for that matter, that chasing and threatening anyone is wrong. Calling me a racist isn’t a response at all.
Nobody was chased and threatened.
ANTIFA is a payed right wing KKK type terror group…..A right wing payed mob of dirty tricks
TSC, you must be dyslexic – you’ve got it backwards. They are a radical leftist organization using violent tactics to intimidate the right / Trump supporters. The KKK was embraced by the Democratic Party. Remember Robert Byrd, Democratic Senator from West Virginia? He was an “Exalted Cyclops” in the KKK. Do your research.
After this asinine post, I’d love to meet you in person for a cup of coffee. Don’t be surprised if I accidentally spit it in your face in utter sadness/hilarity when you open your mouth
Are you for real TSC? Every protest conducted by ANTIFA mobs have been soooo left wing! They make the KKK look nice!
The KKK is an organization created by hemocratd. A sumpeme court justice, Hugo Black was in the Klan, a potus , Harry Truman was in the Klan and a Senator , Robert Byrd was in the Klan. They’re all democrats.
Haley resigned before her firing because of ethics crimes.
TSC, what ethics crimes? Be specific.
She has taken private jets as a gift at least 7 times and this wont mean anything to Trump lemmings but it’s illegal .What does it cost to hire a private jets….Fox news wont tell you.She tried to pass it off as a legit use.Im always doing that.
I just figured she wanted out before the crazy town stench started to stick.
Too late.
Do you mean she has made use of the US government state department “private” aircraft, which as an ambassador to the UN, I believe she has access.
On a local level…I remember when former Gov Deval Patrick used the state helicopter to ferry himself to his Richmond residence, everyone thought it was wonderful that he spent so much time here. When former Gov Jane Swift did this, it was abusing her position, she was ripping off the taxpayers, etc.
Or, do you mean she has used private aircraft that is non-governmental, which if that is the case, she has probably filed the required disclosure. How else would anyone know?
Please cite / link your source on this comment.
COWARD always
Dave sorry. COWARD always meant for fitwit
I will be voting “No” on question 1. Question 1 is intrusive government interference in healthcare.
Of course your against less corporate gains.The lone gunman now threatens violence of the most discusting act of spitting in ones face…..we all know the old southern democrats found a new home in the Republican Party
The largest, most monopolistic “corporations” are Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google. They are companies destroying individuality, privacy, and the necessary down-time that allows thought, contemplation, and sanity. By employing a duplicitous appeal to “individualism,” they are creating the algorithms that are increasingly guiding mass behavior. Monopolistic, corporative dread has nothing to do with Democrats, Republicans, or any of the old models in politics of the old industrial model. Suggested reading for all: WORLD WITHOUT MIND: THE EXISTENTIAL THREAT OF BIG TECH by Franklin Foer.
I stand by my statement and you proved my point why.
When every response/reaction is nothing more than constant partisan attacks. You show your true colors, and it isn’t “blue”
Anyone who disagrees, or responds to you is a Trump lover, racist, xenophobe, blah blah blah
You’ve clearly been playing on Hill 47, which is why you complain about it so much . Granted I give credit where it’s due… you DID call that issue
I cannot understand for the life of me literally why a nursing staffing ratio would be up for a ballot initiative. What does the average voter know about the care needed unless they are tied to a Healthcare organization? Every healthcare organization must maintain standards not ratios.
The Joint Commission on the Accreditation of health Care organizations develops defines and ensures that these standards are adopted and met. I won’t get into every nuance of the organization but instead will allow you to follow the link and read for you please keep in mind they may have developed numbers in certain cases but they are in a far better position to than the average voter who will decide this from an emotional point of view only. Keep in mind without meeting these Standards not ratios a healthcare facility cannot receive reimbursement from Medicaid or Medicare and most of the insurance organizations.
Is it possible that the Union is only looking out for itself? Is it possible let’s say that as technology is developed, accepted and implemented the nursing profession becomes more efficient? Is it possible nurses could do more with less? If we legislate a ratio and technology becomes more developed what happens to the ratio? Or is a Healthcare facility kept from obtaining that technology to keep the imposed ratios? Is it possible that the day has come that technology is allowing nursing staff to be freed up? There is a whole new emerging field called nursing informatics. With the emergence of Artificial Intelligence does the healthcare industry need more nurse per patient ratios? Or more nurses with specialized training and understanding of technology?
I will be voting NO simply because HELL NO isn’t available
Just Sayin
Thanks for the info, JP.
1) Vote Geoff Diehl instead of the fake Indian. Warren is planning on running for President in 2020 – so a vote for Warren is a vote for two years of no representation – as she will be out campaigning instead of fighting for MA taxpayers. Don’t waste your vote!
2) I believe the CPA also paid for part of the new turf field at BCC.
Correct me if I’m wrong.
3) Vote no on #1
Mr Fritz along with others cant identify that a consumer advocate is your friend…..dam that Fox news
Pat Scump has told over 5200 confirmed lies and sadly you have told as many. This isn’t conjecture this is fact. By the way where were all you brave posters at last nights city council meeting? The only person there fighting to stop a 800% water and sewer rate increase yes 800% was the king of PCTV the omnipotent Gman. Sister you left off a zero in your post regarding the coming cost of the proposed W/S updates. Fritzwit the Gman was looking for you at the CC meeting last night and I predicted you wouldn’t be there and I said if you didn’t show up I will call you a coward.You are a coward. Dan will be the first to say that civic responsibility requires guts and the determination to make what is wrong right and I do not see much guts on this site. If you think that by simply posting is going to change anything you are sadly mistaken. Watch the wiz at 6 on CH 1301 He is an exercise in what it means to be front and center and identifying himself and trying to male things better for everyone in Pittsfield. He is the real deal and not a coward like many on this thread who talk a good game but hide behind pen names and throw stones at people like the wiz. That will get you no where. You need to be at the Gman’s side showing courage and throwing stones at the criminals tuning this city and you all know who they are. Let’s see some courage.
And I’ll bet he’s humble too.
…as the dust resting on a sand float.
Mrs. Fritz thinks Gasbag Gaetani needs an emotional support squirrel.
As I stated yesterday I will call anyone a coward who throws stones at those who have the courage and bravery to take on the establishment. All 3 of you above are tenth wit cowards.
I’m not quite sure why I am being singled out here for not attending a cc meeting involving the placement of poles & approving of mayoral appointments – but I’ll play along, knowing the lunatic leveling the charges.
Gaetani – I’m sure you delivered your bi-weekly anger-filled rant at the council, so let me ask you this – are you still banned from the water plant? Have you received a mayoral appointment to be on a water study commission? Gee, I wonder why?
I don’t own real estate in the Pitt, so the coming tax tsunami doesn’t affect me. People like you who own rental properties will have to raise rents & will probably lose tenants, so I understand your concern.
Insanity is “doing the same thing over & over again and expecting different results.” Your rude and disrespectful attacks at cc meetings aren’t winnng friends and influencing people. The leftists’ mob mentality isn’t working.
Get some help man, and change your approach.
COWARD always
Art, please pass along to the G-man, the words of wisdom from Mr. Fritz. The personal attacks at the beginning of your comments at cc meetings do not benefit your cause.
I can see the councilors tune you out. Your words are falling on deaf ears. Anything of value is wasted after the personal attacks. While it may be personally satisfying to you, it does nothing for your cause.
Nurses will bend over to the union because if they publicly disagree they will get harassed by union thugs like Mark Brodeur. I’ve seen him and other trolling nurses online.
It’s funny because anyone literate enough to see through Krol and the Moonbat propaganda (aka we read the mailed brochure with the actual law in it) as far as I can tell is voting NO.
BMC can’t even fill dozens of positions right now, how the hell are they going to fill 100+ in 37 days and not get fined?
If they pass this, I think the nurses should take a pay cut. Who else whines about starting at $35/hr with an associates degree? And people complain teachers are over paid.
Do teachers get mandated student ratios? Try working a class of 30+ kids.
Why in the name of God would you argue to lay the people who will at some point literally hold your life in their hands less?!?
That’s not the point I’m trying to make. People with great pay and awesome benefits complaining about their work environments.
If the nurses demand government oversight (which NEVER WORKS) and it’s going to cost the hospitals loads of money (it stated that in the brochure)
Then the nurses, should take a pay cut to cover the costs of more staffing. Cut the administrations a bit too, I don’t care. But $35/hr plus whatever overtime is noting to sniff at.
Unions whine because they can, not because it’s necessary.
I agree with you completely LoneGunMan.
Ivanka turned down the Ambassador to the U.N. job because she was told she could not wear 6 inch heels to work. Also, she might have to go to 3rd world countries where the toilets lacked the gold handle.
It will be good for the consumer of healthcare…..Corporations are winning
Sadly mistaken, School Committee. Who do you think will pay for the 125 new nurses, even if the hospital can find them, which they can’t in this market. Your insurer, which means your employer, which means… you in the end. The insurance industry has already said they will need to raise rates drastically. This isn’t about ‘corporations,’ it’s about commons sense. More RNs are retiring than coming out of school. Right now the hospital uses LPNs and nursing assistants and others to enhance the RN coverage, which will not be allowed under this idiotic proposal.
Well said, Bull.
Someone finally gets the point across directly. This law is going to tie the hospitals hands behind it’s back.
Why doesn’t anyone address what happens to patients in the ER when the staffing limits are hit… you go elsewhere (and there is no place)
True. The hospital can’t find doctors or nurses. Common sense isn’t that common. Doctors don’t want to come here because they don’t make enough money. With so many leaving the Berkshires, there is already a shortage of nurses.
did anyone speak to the visiting nurses during that last lock/out strike?
I did… several. They all agreed that the strike was ridiculous and the nurses here have it better than almost 90% of other states/places.
If I’m correct some of them even moved up here to take full time jobs.
It’s easy to complain when you have the union to avoid accountability and you’ve been entitled with great pay and benefits since you graduated with that AAS degree.
Some professions require higher degrees and pay less money. Suck it up buttercups
So that being said,BMC is better than9 out of 10 hospitals and this is the reason you should not improve the other 90% and is this a statement to win the argument.The union busting nurses get played by the…hello….the hospital……Dam that Fox News
I’m sure this wonderfully crafted joke of a law will save those other hospitals.
Actually, according to the brochure, the law might close some.
Literacy for the win. Read the actual law. You won’t get actual facts on the Boring Broadsheet, CNN or the John Krol Show
Pat is right about staffing. Not sure about a lot of people leaving the Berkshires, but it’s really hard to find qualified people for any job. So in order to meet a quota, do less qualified people get hired?
Oh yea, whether you vote yes or no, consumers will pay.
The Planet is right on today concerning Senator Lizzy and the wacko leftist Stalinist mob.
These people have lost their freakin’ minds–yeah, we want them back in power, uh-huh.
Vote to keep Chuckie behind the fire grill with his arse on fire.
Democrat Chuckie being a doll possessed by an evil spirit out to destroy all that is good in the world.
The evil spirit being George Soros, with his nihilistic rent-a-mobs.
Kudos to the “journalists'” at the Eagle for running the same exact comics page two days in a row. Thanks for paying attention over there, y’all.
Must be KDS = Kavanaugh Derangement Syndrome. These DS’s are forming quite a complex, with the same symptoms.
It’s crazy I know. Not only that but Ted Cruz’s father helped assassinate JFK, and there’s this child sex ring that the Dems are all behind, and don’t get me going on that time Obama wore a tan suit.
I believe that you believe minimum staffing is good.Overworked nurses is about corporate cost cutting.Its a bottom line for hositals.Trump is bringing cheaper and better healthcare by the summer of 2018 .Autumn is really beautiful in Pittsfield.
Are you overworked? Do you not like your job? Do you feel underappreciated?
Do what the rest of the world would do. Get a different job. I’ll say it, I personally hope the law passes and the hospital turns into chaos.
I’m sure it still won’t be the unions fault. Sure thing sheeple
The lemming vote is not good for minimum wage increase,healthcare,earth warming,buying power,women’s choice in her Doctors office……I will ask the lone gun man how much he pays for health insurance
Not only did my insurance premiums jump almost 200% when the ACA was enacted, I lost coverage on medical equipment that is necessary to function on a daily basis.
That’s OK though… methadone addicts get free mileage to spectrum health for their daily dose and everyone who does’t work gets $1 prescriptions.
It’s a civil war over at BMC, Nurses want it, other help don’t, claim they’re Lazy. The bottom line is the cost. The downside of a no is these nurses might revolt and you’re quality of care might drop drastically,few and loathing approach…..Unions…..Art Sellers is way to smart to way in on this. But I have heard that the Nurses are Lazy from many. Vote NO.
I will vote NO because it’s just not the government’s place to decide how to staff a business, BUT, I have been in that hospital much more than I ever wanted to be and never saw a nurse just hanging out. The staff should increase on its on accord. Skim some off the top for a change.
Dow is waaaaaay downAGAIN Way Down. Only 500 plus though.
A good buying opportunity
Agree with 12 Gauge (shocker). Anyone needing to watch the stock market on an hourly basis should be no where near the stock market. I like when these corrections happen.
Just stating that it is waaaay down Again. The only ones who will know when to buy abdcsell are the Corps. Middle class is paying,win or lose. Trump and friends have zero money at risk,and have made a ton already.The working middle class is the biggest loser.
Yeah, it’s called leverage. Like a tif,Cou have a successful business and he taxpayer subsidizes it, like Covanta, it’s like having two parachutes, payed for………by U.
12. Maybe yes maybe no. The Gman talked Me into buying puts which I knew nothing about and called me a little while ago to tell me he covered the puts whatever that means. I asked him what that means he said it means your rich. I am celebrating tonight. Thank you thank you Gman
Mob: a large crowd of people, especially one that is disorderly and intent on causing trouble or violence.
Hoyt the word identifies Scump and his mobs including some on this thread to the letter.The date to keep in mind is Nov7. This is the date where sanity and honesty will rule the day. The Scump era will be coming to an end soon. Thank God All Mighty.
May I suggest a book for your reading pleasure and education. It is “The Trump Prophecies” written by Mark Taylor and Mary Colbert before you begin invoking God in your posts.
Standing on the wrong side of God’s plans is not a place you want to be.
All the best. Peace to you.
Nurses are not lazy .lemmings are people who fall asleep listening to Fox news.A typical day of a lemming gets up and turns on the morning Fox and friends followed by Glenn Beck who cries on the radio,Rush Limbaugh 12 to 3pm and then its Hannity till 6pm the 5 then Fox news,then Tucker on and on everyday …dont tell me your not brainwashed.
TSC Their not brainwashed there is no brain to wash. These are miscreants. In the end decent and honest people will win out. They always do.
How ironic is it that YOU know the times to catch all those shows
Dow was. Down well over 800 woah”
Gaetani News Hour channel 1301 Six p m. Hopefully the G Man will keep up the good fight on his non gobsig hour long show.
The Democratic Party is the party of the mob, irrespective of what the mob represents. Democrats activate mobs, depend on mobs, coddle mobs, publicize and celebrate mobs — they are the mob. Indeed, the very idea of a “community organizer” is to stir up a mob for some political purpose. “As so frequently happens when a crowd goes wild,” historian Eric Durschmied says, “there is always one who shouts louder and thereby appoints himself as their leader.”1 Those are the people we call “elected Democrats.”
The Democrats’ playbook doesn’t involve heads on pikes — as yet — but uses a more insidious means to incite the mob. The twisting of truth, stirring of passions, demonizing of opponents, and relying on propagandistic images in lieu of ideas — these are the earmarks of a mob leader. Over and over again, one finds the Democrats manipulating the mob to gain power. It is official Democratic policy to appeal to the least informed, most weak-minded and perpetually alarmed members of the public.
Their base consists of soccer moms, actresses, felons, MSNBC viewers (both of them), non-English speakers, welfare recipients, heads-up-their-butts billionaires, and government workers — who can never be laid off. The entire party gave up on attracting the votes of white men decades ago. It’s easier to round up votes by frightening women about “assault weapons” and promising excellent free health care to non-English speakers. Yes, a free health care system that is so superior that they exempt themselves and their friends from having to be in it. Liberals frighten people about their health care in order to stampede through ObamaCare. They claim the Earth is overheating in order to seize taxpayer money for solar panels and compact fluorescent lightbulbs.
They call out union thugs to force politicians to accede to insane benefits packages. They stage campaigns of calumny to get their way on gay marriage. Faddish ideas that would never have occurred to anyone fifty years ago — or even twenty years ago — are suddenly foisted on the rest of us by the liberal mobs.
Great post, Fuji – and let’s not forget “smear campaigns” as explained by the Dummycrat herself, Nancy Pelosi;
haaaa the desperation of republicans is showing…pulling out all the propaganda stops…..throw all the lies against the wall and hope enough of them sticky…and yes there is a segment of the population who will believe anything so it may work
Gay marriage is misunderstood.Number 1 it is not a religious ceremony, it is taking out a marriage liscense to legally go into the business of marriage. That means buy a house and be a partner in healthcare and so on.The ma. Supreme court said it is unconstitutional to prevent gay marriage under the ma.constitution.To prevent gay marriage you would have to put it in the constitution by law excluding gay people from going into business together.
I support the marriage choice you’ve made and I wish happiness to you and your man.
I’m guessing you watch Fox and friends.
What do you know about fox and friends and how do you know it?
Fugi. I thought you were nuts now I am positive you are. Sad so very very sad.
The biggest Mob Boss in the history of the United States is Donald Tweed Trump.
The Democrat mobs resemble the crazy islamofascist mobs of the mideast. The individuals don’t posses a brain they are in a hypnotic trance as they chant inane slogans.
Another brainwashed fool. Sad sad sad.
Liberal Groupthink: “The same mob mentality that leads otherwise law-abiding people to hurl rocks at cops also leads otherwise intelligent people to refuse to believe anything they haven’t heard on NPR.”
Liberal Schemes: “No matter how mad the plan is—Fraternité, the ‘New Soviet Man,’ the Master Race, the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, Building a New Society, ObamaCare—a mob will believe it.”
Liberal Enemies: “Instead of ‘counterrevolutionaries,’ liberals’ opponents are called ‘haters,’ ‘those who seek to divide us,’ ‘tea baggers,’ and ‘right-wing hate groups.’ Meanwhile, conservatives call liberals ‘liberals’—and that makes them testy.”
Liberal Justice: “In the world of the liberal, as in the world of Robespierre, there are no crimes, only criminals.”
If people wanted to read AC’s lame book, they would. No need to reproduce it here.
USA Today the news paper with the largest readership in America says Scumps op on medicare contained a lie in every single sentence. They say he has now lied over 5200 times confirmed. But hey that means nothing to Scumps Mobs including the blind followers on this board. What will it take to bring these halfwits into the real world? Remember where Scump said he likes to grab women. Well he has grabbed men also there. Please Nov 7th deliver us to sanity. We have seen enough insanity.
The people who read usa today are the same ones who watch jerry springer.
Liberal mobs, from student radicals to white-trash racists to anti-war and pro-ObamaCare fliberal mobs, from student radicals to white-trash racists to anti-war and pro-ObamaCare fanatics today, have consistently used violence to implement their idea of the “general will.”
This is not the American tradition; it is the tradition of Stalin, of Hitler, of the guillotine—and the tradition of the American Left.
As the heirs of the French Revolution, Democrats have a history that consists of pandering to mobs, time and again, while Republicans, heirs to the American Revolution, have regularly stood for peaceable order.
Hoping to muddy this horrifying truth, liberals slanderously accuse conservatives of their own crimes—assassination plots, conspiracy theorizing, political violence, embrace of the Ku Klux Klan to anti
Trump lunatics today, have consistently used violence to implement their idea of the “general will.”
This is not the American tradition; it is the tradition of Stalin, of Hitler, of the guillotine—and the tradition of the American Left.
As the heirs of the French Revolution, Democrats have a history that consists of pandering to mobs, time and again, while Republicans, heirs to the American Revolution, have regularly stood for peaceable order.
Hoping to muddy this horrifying truth, liberals slanderously accuse conservatives of their own crimes—assassination plots, conspiracy theorizing, political violence, embrace of the Ku Klux Klan.
Have you ever heard of attribution? Those are Anne Coulter’s words.
You are a fraud.
By now, mob action has become so integral to the Left that it permeates every aspect of their political behavior. Don’t like Trump? Burn him in effigy. Upset the Kyoto treaty ? Throw rocks at cops. Don’t like the international monetary system? Smash a Starbucks window. A lunatic caims she’s was assaBy now, mob action has become so integral to the Left that it permeates every aspect of their political behavior. Don’t like Bush? Burn him in effigy. Upset that Trump pulled United States out of a stupid treaty? Throw rocks at cops. Don’t like the international monetary system? Smash a Starbucks window. A lunatic claims she’s been assaulted 40 years ago? Bang pots and pans outside of someone’s home.
A fully indoctrinated Scumpball. What you are describing is Scump and his mob including you. Scump has divided people like me and you who should be united as Americans but this is what this dictator has created. I love truth and facts and honesty and I believe you do also but this is what dictators like Scump do. It is hard for me to dislike anyone on this board with the exception of a few because where I come from a dictator took over my country and I and my family just barely escaped with our lives to this country. I can recognize a dictator better than most Americans because this country never had a dictator and I lived and feared one nearly my entire life. Scump is your country’s first dictator and look what he has done? In less than two years loom what he has done to your country. Now you know why I hate this SOB and I ask that you wake up before it is too late. Vote Democrat Democrat Democrat across the board. It is the only way to save e your beautiful loving country
And what country would that be?
He’s a fugitive from justice from Moronica.
Just the kind of reply one would expect from the follower of a dictator. Please try to add to the conversation. You tell us all about yourself every time you post. You are making a fool of yourself.
Art, Fugimoto asked you what country you escaped from. Well?
Maybe the question is “what planet did he escape from?” I’m guessing Planet of the Apes.
Think PapaDoc and Babydoc. Just like Scumpadoc. Butchers.
The CPA was a big “snow job” perpetrated on the voters. We were intentionally mislead by the city’s leaders and the Berkshire Eagle. They sold it by telling us there were exemptions for small businesses, veterans, senior citizens and low-income residents that were not included when it was defeated by the voters in 2006. An article in the Beagle by Dick Lindsay on Oct. 7, 2016 stated “Low income residents, senior citizens and veterans who own homes would be immune from the surcharge under the Pittsfield CPA ordinance.” I’m a senior citizen, a veteran and a home owner…and knows the definition of immune. When I received my tax bill and found I was being assessed a tax for the CPA, I contacted the assessor’s office. I was told that I could file for an abatement and would need to include a copy of the sheet from my Federal Tax Return.that showed my total income. I don’t recall the exact number that couldn’t be exceeded in order to be immune or should I say exempt from the tax, other than it was somewhere in the mid $50,000’s.
The assessors office knows who are senior citizens and veterans and low income. Because this was a fluff tax all three of the above categories should qualify for the exemption with no income limitation. Asking these individuals to fill out abatement forms is a joke. I would suggest when you pay your taxes you write low income, veteran or senior citizen and let the city match your status with your census information or pay your bill in person and show them your SS card or veteran id. Some low income individuals do not even know what an abatement means. Another shafting from city hall.
Thanks for sharing your experience. Unfortunately, your case typifies the implementation of the CPA. The city said one thing, which The BB dutifully “reported,” then it did another. The city never intended to allow for exemptions. The plan all along was to tax just about everyone and then offer abatements, knowing that few people want the distressing experience of having to interact with city hall and the nightmare of bureaucracy. When the few like you DO apply for an abatement, the plan was and is to give them a hard time. That’s how the city works and what it thinks of its residents.
Kamala Harris questioned FBI director wray about the limited investigation and she had him over the Barrel and would not answer honestly because he was between a rock and a hard place Translation He let it out not directly but squeemishly that the FBI hands were tied by Scump. This sham of the FBI investigation is what is going to take Scump and the crooked republicans down. Scump is planing on firing Sessions and Rosenstein and I hope he does because this will be outright proof of obstruction of justice. Scump is terrified of Mueller and will probably try to fire him and it makes no difference whether he does or not because Mueller has placed all of his findings and conclusions In different states attorneys general offices and Scump can’t interfere with them. Scump is a wounded wild animal and will try to fight a little longer but rest assured he is going down. Its no longer a matters of if he is going down its just a matter of when. America will celebrate in the streets soon. It is going to be a very big party
USA Today + Kamala Harris = Dummycrat
Scumpsters I post information that you are not getting from your sole source Fox and friends. It should be called Fox and idiots. I watched Fox all day today and they didn’t mention the things I mentioned in my posts today. Why do you think this was so? I watched several of the news sources I normally do for just a short time and I was brought up to date about what is really happening in our country. I like all you posters with the exception of the ones I call cowards. When someone puts down Mr Gaetanis who is an individual who asks me to post on the planet using his name who is only trying to help the taxpayers and then a few miscreants on this thread who I call cowards try to chastise them I call them cowards .because they are cowards. Look at their posts. They lend nothing to the conversation. Every body else who tries to reason with intelligent posts I like. I have learned more from people I don’t agree with than I sometimes do from people I agree with This is why I like this blog and what’s more how can I dislike anyone as I don’t know anyone no more than you know me. Sometimes I get mad when others throw stones at me and I become childish and throw stones back but I apologize to anyone I have hurt. I do not plan to throw stoned anymore and I hope I set an example for everyone else. I just like to share with you what I learn and learn from you about what you learn
Let us know when you get your own network idiot.
AA you don’t seem to appreciate well thought out posts. I hope you will do better than this in your next post. Thanks for calling me an idiot. In your next post please try to tell us how you look at things. That would be more productive than calling me an idiot. Much more productive.
So it’s ok for you to say fox and idiots but we can’t call you an idiot and you are a proven idiot.
Your usual news sources just parrot talking points from the DNC. Art Seller wanna’ cracker?
There are none so blind as they who will not see.
You can call me anything you want .That’s your right.
Don’t believe your lying eyes when you see a mob. Believe Art he’s smart.
….Good Morning…..Fox and Friends is on and they are analyzing the economy calling the Fed crazy for raising rates lowered to save us from the last corporate financial failure that took everything and everyone down.Republican Party is the corporate party.
I’m watching the 17 hours of brainwashin and it works…6am to 11pm.The mod and the socialist are coming…..this is weird shit…..This democrat needs some ESPN
How did you get through the day without Jerry Springer and the View?
Thanks for your informative post
The democratic mob wants to bring back prohibition just to stop Kavanaugh from drinking. This seems unfair as there is no supporting evidence that Kavanaugh even likes beer. While he did say that he likes beer, that is still hearsay and would not hold up in a court of law.
His drinking led to boofing and the devil’s triangle.
Calling Ted Kennedy
Thanks for your informative post
Talk about a branding situation Nurses say yes Nurses say no with the same color signs. Signs don’t vote yeah sure..
Tired of leftist political activist Maura Healy as state AG? Vote Jay McMahon on Nov. 6th!
Agree She has to go as well as bouvier
Wall Street banks, the big corporations — they give more to Democrats, many times more, than they do to Republicans because the big government, and the more it grows, the more it advantages them.”
Yah…and American banks will not lend money to Donald Trump or his family because he is now republican.. aww shucks
This is one of your most preposterous statements you have made. Prove what you have said.
Today’s word: Harebrained. Having or showing little sense; foolish. “Andrea Harrington has no superior court experience and only 7 district court trials, 5 of them, OUIs, making her candidacy for district attorney of Berkshire County a harebrained scheme.”
Further articulated right here.
To the editor:
Few are those who come to public service with selfless motivation. These are the rare breed for whom the power that comes with responsibility is not intoxicating, but sobering. Career public servants put the community’s well-being before their personal ambitions and spend their time protecting others; they become experts in their field, tireless in commitment and devoted for decades.
Andrea Harrington has no experience as a prosecutor, and only a few years as a part-time public defender who tried her first case as a lawyer in 2011. The Democratic nominee for district attorney is the least qualified person to ever run, yet she is the beneficiary of help and support from those I believe ignored that critical fact. And I keep having to ask the question, why?
State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier attempted to persuade progressive Judith Knight to drop out of the race to advantage Harrington. Attorney General Maura Healey endorsed Harrington, stating she didn’t know Berkshire DA Paul Caccaviello and had never worked with him. Healey diminished the stature of office of AG by making an endorsement without meeting the candidate with 30 years of prosecutorial experience in a DA’s race.
What does her gesture say to the dedicated men and women who work as prosecutors across the commonwealth? How could Healey support an attorney qualified only for an entry-level prosecutor’s position for the highest law enforcement position in Berkshire County? Does Healey think so little of the folks of Berkshire County that she blindly recommends they vote for a politician who has already run for and lost a state Senate seat?
Healey failed to exercise due diligence before bestowing the benefit of her endorsement, making her endorsement hollow, meaningless, and cynically political. In so doing, she ignored the selfless dedication to public service demonstrated by the 30-year career of DA Paul Caccaviello.
On November 6, stand with me, noting that experience matters for our safety in Berkshire County, and please write in Paul Caccaviello for Berkshire district attorney.
Regina A. Hill,
In support of your statement I would use Mayor Tyer as an example of an inexperienced person taking a failing city and flushing it right down the commode.
All of this political unrest does not bode well for a good economy either and the radical far left knows it which is why they are spreading political turmoil across the country. Hillary and many of her supporters on the far left are very wealthy and can easily ride out a bad economy unlike the rest of us. Hill and Bill will soon be going on speaking tours to earn even more big bucks for themselves. If the Democrats win in November they will dismantle President Trump’s good economy to create the conditions they need to promote socialism.
The radical far left needs a bad economy so they can ride in on their white horse of socialism and save the day by making everyone dependent on big government. They know that socialism will not be accepted in this country if we have a great economy.
Mob,Socialism, Dem Violence,Hillary Clinton,Bill Clinton,Obama hates white people,Trump is not responsible,……Fox News is very informative….wait breaking now,global warming is not I repeat is not real its fake
Kayne West and Scump Press conference in oval office. A complete disgrace. Everyone must see this. West thinks all black people think like he does. He is sorely mistaken.
Definite persecution complex (Trump I mean).
Regarding “global warming “ now called climate change. Yes, it is real and a great book on it is call “The Dark Winter” I forget the names of the authors, but one is a MIT professor.
The main point is that the earth’s weather lags solar sun spot activity, not carbon dioxide concentration. Even data shows CO2 FOLLOWS warming, opposite the way it is being sold.
I have several great DVD’s on this that I used to use in my chemistry classes at PHS. Let’s not let real scientific data get in the way of the global warming agenda… taxing CO2 producers, like you and I. After all we exhale it.
The data strongly suggest that climate change (caused by humans) is happening and is real. The theory for it fits the known facts better than anything anyone else has proposed.
That is because it is a phony economy. Tax breaks for the rich equals mega buck for corps with no risk and the jobs added are because of the tax breaks which the middle class will pay for. If the Market or loss of jobs arrive big timt,the big corps will take there money and scoot. Trump is P T Barnum 121 Century.
Pat, do you see what Obama and the democratic mob are doing to the stock market? And Hillary too. OMG!!!!
Yes, I see how Democrats and their followers are trying to destabilize the country because they do not want President Trump’s economy to succeed. The wealthy Dems want it to fail because Hillary lost the election.
Remember Woman and Men of America…grab the Pussy…Do anything you want to them,,,,Bleeding somewhere……who would want to look at that for four years……would I want to have that? These are just a few against Woman…I didn’t pay her (Stormy) ask my Lawyer. Fat pig (Rosie ODonnel)
Well yah but he was very nice to Kim JUng Un and Conye West. In fact he and Conye may be getting married by the looks of things.
One week ago Trump said he did everything to create this great economy…..This is Trumps economy
The Fed has been warning of a hike for a couple of years
So the deep state trump haters in the fed try to screw people s401k’s in an effort to screw trump
No,gasoline up,food up,as Trump stated its a fake economy with interest rates so low
Trumpis getting his advice for big corps from Goldman Sachs and the ilk. What we don’t realize, trump and Swamp are making a killing. I do.
Another lunatic democrat;;
Police and FBI agents rushed to a upstate New York home on Wednesday to respond to reports that a man was allegedly building a bomb to blow himself up in Washington D.C. Paul Rosenfeld, 56, was believed to have begun building a bomb at his Orangetown home, according to NBC New York. It is believed that the man was in the process of acquiring the bomb parts. At the scene, police found 200lbs of what appeared to be a ‘functional explosive device,’ according to a police report obtained by the Rosenfeld was said to have sent letters a Pennsylvania reporter in August and September that he planned to blow himself up on the Washington Mall near Election Day. He shared that he was angry with the direction that the country was headed in.
He was a one man mob.
A deep state angry sharing mob member.
Prolly learned bomb making from Hillary or Comey. I am waiting for Pats/ Hannity official breakdown on the matter but she is getting kinda predictable.
Yup,you nailed it.Hillary
12 Gauge,
All the leftists are losing their minds! They are going absolutely batcrazy!
Audit the FED
They are 4 trillion in debt from the last republican president and stock market bailout
There are a few Chinese heads of state snickering. Trump sure fixed them guys.
Dow headed into oblivion. King Trump needs to say something. Dow down almost 2000 last ten days.
Watching Kanye West spit shining Scumps boots reminded me of my country men being draged before our butcher Babydoc to praise him and tell him how wonderful he was. West did this voluntarily but to me it was the same thing different dictators same tactics. Fortunately we will be able to send Scump packing by getting rid of him at the ballot box as soon as Nov.7 Before we got rid of Babydoc he was able to slaughter tens of hundreds of thousands and this American Scump has been able to poison the minds of over 100 million Americans. As I stated many times that decency and honesty always wins out. We better pray that it does because if a dictator such as Scump is given any more power they become more and more violent and we have seen how he tried to initiate violence at his rallies by asking his deciples to punch people in the mouth at his rallies. Look what he has done in less than two years in office. The entire country is split in two. This insanity must be checked as the way of life of the American people is at stake.I am praying for our country
Wow, get a grip, you’re becoming unglued…..over a Kanye West White House visit?? Are you a racist?
Trump is not a dictator – he was elected by the people. Calm down, give your emotional support squirrel a squeeze and take your meds.
Arty, when you’re with your support squirrel be sure to hide your nuts.
“We have to release the love,” a quote from Kanye West, while meeting with President Trump.
Kanye West should ask Trump to release the caged kids. Not cool. Even Putin does not put little children in cages.
Obama caged the children.
0’bama just aborted them
Art, where did you get your psychology degree? My guess is Wal-Mart.
Trump u, your old school.
I didn’t know Duvalier was dictator of Moronica.
Kanye West is as disrespectful as his mentor.. Scump Fritz you a rude as hell…period. Dow is waaayyy Down….Again