(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 3-5, 2018) — On this weekend prior to Tuesday’s election, THE PLANET shares a summary of our recent discussions with both camps in the heated race for Berkshire County District Attorney. Incumbent Paul Caccaviello’s write-in campaign is challenging newcomer Andrea Harrington, who won the September Democratic primary. We present Cacc’s own words. THE PLANET cannot, however, offer anything from Harrington because she has stopped answering our requests for comment and ignored our questions.
We have comments, though, from insiders and those close to the committee. They spoke strictly off-the-record, for publication but not for attribution. We don’t know why the freeze, but we can guess her supporters, knowing this website has provided the tops in coverage of the race and is drawing huge numbers of readers, don’t want her making any mistakes, fatal or otherwise, this close to voting. That, of course, may be the biggest mistake of all, to muzzle the boss. That sort of thing has a tendency to backfire on voters. Only time and balloting will tell.
PLANET: Did you read the text of Fred Rutberg’s email, posted on THE PLANET (Wed. 10/24), where he says the Eagle hasn’t been covering your campaign because he has seen “no evidence” that you are running one? Many of your supporters think the Eagle‘s stonewalling you as much as possible. They cite your Williamstown release, which the paper made you run not as a column as a part of a legitimate news piece but downgraded as a “letter to the editor.” What’s your reaction to all this?
CACCAVIELLO: First, Dan, thank you for your coverage of this race. Not only has your reporting been fair, timely but also consistent. The voters have an important choice and the more informed they are about each candidate, the better. Frankly, I am confused by Fred Rutberg’s claim that he has seen “no evidence” that I am running a write-in campaign. The truth is, immediately after the primary, my supporters came forward almost immediately to urge me to consider a write-in. My family and I weighed my options in the days that followed, and I decided that this race was not over. From that day, and every day since, I have had two important goals, which I believe the public can see evidence of daily.
PLANET: Can you provide examples of your activities and campaigning?
First, I continue to work a full-time, 24/7 job as the lead prosecutor in the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office and continue to oversee 50+ employees on a daily basis and deal with the everyday business of the District Attorney’s office. I have a caseload to work on and we have seven murders to be prosecuted. I would like to remind your readers that my opponent has never set foot in Superior Court where we have close to 200 felony matters pending.
Second, however, and equally important has been my promise to continue fighting to do the work of the District Attorney. That commitment has meant the following: hours of phone calls and door-to-door canvassing all over Berkshire County; visits to local businesses, coffee hours, and pasta dinners. We have done all of the traditional field activities including opening a second campaign office, increased our visibility with lawn signs, lit drops, radio and mailers. I have billboards up throughout the county, and my field organization has grown exponentially in the last 6 weeks. The mission of my campaign is to educate voters about my 30 years experience, and also about the Write In Process – my team of 200+ volunteers is doing that with dedication and passion.
PLANET: What do you say to Andrea Harrington’s apparent decision to lay as low as she can during the stretch run?
CACCAVIELLO: I disagree that my opponent has been laying low. My opponent’s campaign has been busy hosting fundraisers in Berkshire County and in Boston. They have also been making voter contact, discussing their views of the Write In process, which I will be addressing in the coming days.
It is regrettable that my opponent didn’t respond to my request to meet for debates or forums and conclude that she and her committee are avoiding having to talk specifically about her platform based on her lack of experience as a prosecutor.
It seems that she has adopted the platform of a “reformer”, which has been part of a national movement to convince voters that they need change. But the truth is, my opponent’s resume and experience does not suggest that she has any experience “reforming” anything. People I meet on the trail have asked me what specifically has she reformed because she has never said.
Many of the particulars she has cited in her campaign material, including preventive education and community outreach programs, are things that the District Attorney’s office has been doing and people are realizing that she is parroting what we do and have been doing. And, truthfully, under Crime Reform, it was the legislature that carved the way for reform-not my opponent- and we are mandated to be doing these reforms and I am committed to them in any event. . I have been talking about those important initiatives because they are initiatives that the District Attorney’s office have been executing throughout the campaign, and well before.
What I am hearing, however, which is most concerning to voters is the fact that she has made this race so political. She has managed to polarize our community by being divisive and branding herself as the “Democrat for DA.” This is sending the wrong message to the public about what the intent of this office is -the DA is for everyone regardless of what letter you put after your name for voting purposes. I believe that there is no place for partisan politics in this important race. To lead the District Attorney’s Office you need qualifications that include a deep understanding of criminal law and first hand prosecutor experience. Period!
PLANET: Finally, you may not be aware of this, but the other side is whispering loudly that you applied multiple times for judgeships and each time didn’t get it because of your actions in the Benoit case? Do you have a comment on that?
CACCAVIELLO: Unfortunately, this is exactly the kind of divisive rhetoric that I referred to above. I cant comment upon decisions made out of my control by another branch of government . I will say I testified before the Governor’s Council on behalf of both of the most recent appointments to Berkshire and they are certainly well qualified to serve on the bench.
Suffice to say that ,the whisperers would be wise to actually read the 4 to 3 decision and understand what it actually addressed.. If they did that, they would also learn that even the majority opinion went out their way to note that the efforts of all parties were made in good faith to ensure a fair trial for the defendant who happened to be a young man of color. Incidentally, to correct another false narrative put out by my opponent’s supporters that the defendant in that case was set free because of the ruling-he actually pled guilty to manslaughter and received an 18 to 20 year state prison sentence.
I think in spite of the sound and fury being fired off by Team Caccaviello with his oh-so-hip green screen-powered Facebook videos, poorly designed mugshot billboards and write-in literature (which one of his supporters sneakily left on the counter at the register of voters office in Pittsfield in a shady effort to sway early voters), he’s still being outworked by Team Harrington by a factor of at least 4-1.
While Team Cacc is busy attacking, pimping the sell-out Judy Knight, resurrecting the toxic Capeless to spew his special brand of bullshit, and remarkably attempting to position Cacc as a hero to Republicans and liberals at the same time – Team Harrington has been making thousands of phone calls to voters, canvassing neighborhoods and meeting voters where she is converting former Knight supporters.
Cacc is scrambling to throw shit up the wall and praying something sticks, Harrington is simply securing more votes. The bottom line is that Cacc is not likeable, is not trustworthy and is generally an arrogant prick. That’s not a recipe for a winning write-in campaign, no matter how many times they trot Missy Mazzeo out to play the victim.
The reason why the Mazzeo allegation had no legs is because people know that Missy is the personification of Pittsfield’s political swamp. If anyone could write the book on political bullying it’s Mazzeo. After all, it was her petty whining about not getting the votes for council VP that led to the now infamous interaction between Tony Simonelli and Peter Marchetti, where Simonelli did his best Mitch McConnell impression saying Team Mazzeo’s council minions’ job for the next two years was to make life “a living hell” for Linda Tyer. In short, it’s a bunch of sore losers who will lose sorely again.
———- ooo ———-
The Harrington Campaign is not talking about any write-in campaign in either phone calls or while canvassing. Why would we draw attention to a misguided campaign. Our volunteers have been provided scripts and no where on the script do we talk about a write-in campaign. We have informed voters that Andrea Harrington’s name is the only name on the ballot for District Attorney, which is factual. We are asking that voters to fill in the oval for Andrea Harrington.
This appears to be a desperate attempt by the write-in candidate to draw attention to his campaign. His supporters are stopping at nothing to spread misinformation about our campaign and try to make my supporters look bad, when we have done nothing but run a positive campaign focused on the issues in this race
———- 000 ———-
That’s it for now, folks. We’re heading for Boston, a.k.a., Title Town. We’ve been called in to help with repairs on the Duckboats (and also to wrap up a book deal with the Red Sox). The boats have put on so many miles in victory parades — 11 World Championships since 2002 — that they have to be overhauled. Dynasties do bring their problems!
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Intelligent people need a fool to lead them” — Jack Ma, Alibaba founder.
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“ Harrington is an attorney at Connor & Morneau LLP and has been practicing law for more than 15 years.”
15 years or 14, first trial in what year? How many trials?
Truth or lie?
“Harrington also is a member of the Berkshire Bar Association and Hampden County Bar Association, and has extensive experience in criminal law and civil litigation.” How many cases in how many years? How many wins? How many murder trials, sexual assault cases, how many superior court cases? How many civil cases?
Extensive experience, truth or lie?
The MA Board of Bar Overseers database shows that Harrington was admitted to the bar in Massachusetts in July 2007. Unless she was practicing law in another state before then, she has been a lawyer for eleven years. I understand that she hasn’t been practicing law for the past eight months, so that would put her at around ten years of experience.
Andrea Harrington was admitted to the Florida Bar in 2004.
Source: Westlaw.
Contact Information
Andrea C. Harrington
American University, Washington College of Law, Washington, District of Columbia, United States of America
Honors: cum laude; Dean’s List
Law Review: American University International, 2001 – 2002
Florida, 2004
Representative Clients:
Intellectual Property
Past Positions:
Media Access Project, Legal Intern, May 01, 2002 – August 31, 2002
Akamai Technologies, Legal Assistant, December 01, 1999 – August 31, 2000
Smithsonian Institute Office of the General Counsel, Legal Intern, January 01, 2003 – May 31, 2003
Marshall Brennan Program, Fellow
American Civil Liberties Union-UW Chapter, Vice President, September 01, 1998 – May 30, 1999
American University, Washington College of Law, Intellectual Property Law Clinic Student Attorney, August 01, 2002 – May 28, 2003
West Practice Categories:
Cable (Broadband)
Digital Communications
Immigration & Naturalization Law
Intellectual Property Law
Trade Dress
State Trial Practice
Securities Fraud & Insider Trading
This constitutes the most current information Thomson Reuters Westlaw has on record for this listing.
This constitutes the most current information Thomson Reuters Westlaw has on record for this listing. If you wish to update this information, please use the “Update Your Profile” link under Related Tools.
Does that have a list of all the cases she’s tried or is it more like a legal linked in where it’s updated at the named request?
The practice categories for example, and the information provided is really generated by the person and not verified or indicative of actual experience.
Is this 2019? That would make it 15 years of legal practice.
Unless she wants to say 18 by going back to her legal assist days.
AgentSmith, Andrea and Tim did try a case of Sam Adams.
You’re viewing a copy & paste from Westlaw.
Biodata is compiled from an attorney – him or herself.
Westlaw, from my understanding, does not seek out biodata.
To put it bluntly: Andrea Harrington is a “crazy lady”.
(I wonder if Cacc could toss me under a bus – a second time?)
All of that and she can’t hold a job anywhere. What a joke.
Hi Brian
You’ve ticked off everyone. You must be doing something right.
Do you know how many times Andrea took the bar exam? Many good attorneys have to take it several times. Florida has reciproscity with Massachusetts. So to enter the bar in Massachusetts, after passing the bar in Florida, it’s a simple matter of applying.
Hey, Chuck Vincelette.
I don’t know how many times Harrington has sat for a bar exam; Westlaw doesn’t divulge those particulars.
And I doubt those angered by my outlandish comments and posts are feelin’ anywhere near to what it’s like to be tossed under Cacc’s bus.
Stacey Elin Rossi, that’s unfortunate. She needs all the practice she can get.
Berkshire Eagle’s second endorsement of Paul Caccaviello for DA position. Only this one, more strongly worded. Calls out AH’s claims regarding sexual assault cases for the political stunt that it is. Dear Neighbors, this is a serious situation. Please do not vote for someone simply because they claim to be progressive or because they are female. Paul Caccaviello is an honest, hard-working, competent prosecutor who knows the ropes and will make this office responsive to community input and needs. Please do not vote for someone who is only interested in racking up political endorsements and climbing the party ladder.
Our Opinion: Caccaviello for DA
Posted Saturday, November 3, 2018 11:30 am
The race for Berkshire district attorney has been anything but a sleeper. What began as a three-way primary for the Democratic nomination, and, the Berkshires assumed, the de facto election, resulted in a win by challenger Andrea Harrington over incumbent Paul Caccaviello and challenger Judith Knight. Weeks later, Mr. Caccaviello announced that he would initiate a write-in candidacy against Ms. Harrington in the Nov. 6 general election.
Before the primary, The Eagle gave its support to Mr. Caccaviello as the experienced prosecutor, capable of managing the complexities of the office of district attorney.
The editorial board sees no reason to rescind or alter that endorsement in advance of Tuesday’s election, and continues to hold the opinion that Ms. Harrington, while a popular and engaging figure as well as an unquestionably effective campaigner, does not possess the necessary and nuanced skill set to be an effective district attorney, which Mr. Caccaviello does.
Mr. Caccaviello’s candidacy was harmed early on by a misguided attempt on the part of his predecessor and former boss, David Capeless, to give his deputy’s candidacy a boost by retiring early and arranging with Gov. Charlie Baker to have Mr. Caccaviello appointed as his successor. This cloud has hovered over Mr. Caccaviello throughout the race. But considering his qualifications, it would be a mistake to think of these actions on the part of another as disqualifying.
Ms. Harrington has portrayed herself as the candidate of change, espousing drug diversion programs and working with mental health professionals to help addicts as well as seeking a broad solution to the opioid epidemic in the Berkshires. In fact, much of this has already been implemented by the DA’s office. Her proposal to review unindicted sexual assault cases over the past 15 years is a political stunt, implying without evidence that the DA’s office has been thoroughly derelict in its duties, and failing to consider whether the alleged victims in these cases want to be put through this experience.
Amid the negative campaign rhetoric about the character of the DA’s office coming from his opponent, voters should remember that Mr. Caccaviello, while having served for decades as a prosecutor — 14 years of which were in the critical position of first assistant — is not Mr. Capeless, and his personality and temperament are his own.
Ms. Harrington has attempted to gloss over her abject lack of experience for such a specialized position of public trust. Moreover, were she to win, she would have to learn the ropes from scratch as well as gain the trust, confidence and respect of the assistant DAs who work in the legal trenches. This would take place with several homicide cases outstanding. Mr. Caccaviello already has that experience, as well as that trust among his subordinates, and if victorious would seamlessly continue in office armed with a fresh mandate to embrace change in his own way.
With the Berkshires ravaged by violent and property crimes exacerbated by the opioid crisis, this is no time for on-the-job training. The Eagle maintains and reiterates its original endorsement of Paul Caccaviello for Berkshire District Attorney, and encourages voters to write in his name on Tuesday’s ballot.
Yes the DA position just fell into Paul’s lap without his involvement. How stupid does the Eagle editorial board think we are?
They don’t think you’re stupid, Earl Grey. They have an opinion, just like you.
I received two as well. Words of advice for Harrington:
1) Sherwood Guernsey is an idiot. Having his endorsement is like having Jeffrey Dahmer’s, only Dahmer would be the better choice.
2) No more glossy mailers. They aren’t absorbent enough for puppy training.
If you’re a Harrington supporter, well, pretty stupid.
I agree. What a disaster for this area if Harrington wins. It’s bad enough now. We don’t have time for on-the-job training nor can we afford for Harrington to hire prosecutors to do something she doesn’t know how to do. The decision here is very simple and the only decision that makes sense is to vote for Paul Caccaviello.
Pittsfield and North Adams have some of the highest crime numbers in the state. This isn’t the time to try out somebody who doesn’t know what they are doing. Williamstown and Great Barrington may have the luxury of not caring about having an inexperienced District Attorney due to their low crime rate, but Pittsfield and North Adams are on the front line of all of this crime and we need to vote for the experience and honesty of Paul Caccaviello.
On Tuesday two groups of Americans will come to the polls. One group are individuals who do not demand truth and do not know right from wrong. The other group demands the truth at all times and truly knows right from wrong. What group do each of us belong to? There is no need to dig down to try to justify every single little detail that separates us as choosing the group we relate to will decide the direction the country will go. It is as simple as this: Do we choose to join the liars and those that don’t know right from wrong or do you side with truth and the ability to tell right from wrong. I’ll side with truth and righteousness. It always wins out.
Sounds like you’ve come to your senses and will be voting republican.
Maybe he stopped smoking weed.
“One group are individuals who do not demand truth and do not know right from wrong. The other group demands the truth at all times and truly knows right from wrong.”
Art – If these are the precepts you live by, how do you explain your failure to acknowledge a blatant, unequivocal lie by Caccaviello? Especially when it was a lie told with purpose, to try to cover up illegal behavior by his office?
If you are going to talk the talk, try walking the walk.
Silent Cal – The Beagle has (further) discredited itself by claiming the sexual assault issue has been raised as a “political stunt.”
What they and you blithely ignore is that just last week, Caccaviello went on the record – twice – and lied about his office’s behavior in regards to one particular case. No wiggle room. It was a flat-out lie, directly contradicted by documents that also came out last week.
If any honest folks are new to this issue and don’t know what I’m talking about, take a look at the documents attached in the middle of this article. Be warned that they load very slowly:
If you read through carefully, you will find four instances where attorneys representing the victim implored the Berkshire DA’s Office and WPD to maintain custody of the evidence in the case. One of the letters was written DIRECTLY to Caccaviello.
The last page shows the ultimate response of the Berkshire DA and WPD:
“The Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office previously made the decision to not present this matter to a Grand Jury, thus, concluding th e criminal investigation. As a result, the Williamstown Police Department will no longer be responsible for the storage, care or making available this property to third parties as it is no longer considered evidence of a criminal investigation.”
Now go back review that statements made by Caccaviello on the topic, including the one just yesterday.
Only one conclusion is possible: Paul Caccaviello is a liar, and the purpose of this particular lie is to cover up ILLEGAL behavior by his office and the WPD.
What’s his tagline, again? Honest, integrity and experience? Please.
Harrington doesn’t have what it takes. To you this is some kind of popularity contest so you pull these fake news political stunts. Write in Paul Caccaviello and let the adults handle things and Andrea can run for the next office.
A popularity contest? Are you insane? Otis LIED. Openly. On the record. About his office breaking the law.
None of that is remotely “fake news.” If it is, correct it. Get into the details.
And just to be clear, Susan, your hypocrisy is foul and it is beyond repugnant that you posted photos of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford and voiced such strong support for her, while resolutely turning a blind eye to what’s going on in your own back yard.
You are a virtue-signaling fraud.
Go away child. Let the adults handle this.
Ouch! Susan Lyman isn’t just a raging hypocrite, she has a rapist…er, rapier wit! Well done, counselor! Doing yourself proud!
Who the hell is that? Go back to your stale moldy bread good ole boys at Dotties.
Dina, be nice for a change.
Who is Susan Lyman? She is you, the person who posted on Facebook exactly what was posted to start this sub-thread.
She is also an attorney who’s credibility will be in the toilet once Otis gets thrashed on Tuesday, and the deep, dark secrets of the Lex Luthor era are brought into the light.
Cicero, I have no Idea who Susan Lyman is. I am a male I can assure you. If this Lyman person posted something similar to me she too must be brilliant. Silent Cal has been posting here for three or four years. Planet Valenti didn’t start when you began posting. So my advice to you is stop making a fool of yourself. You’re being used by moldy bread good ole boys who’ll toss you on the roadside when you’re no longer of any use.
I did post something that was shared on facebook. I don’t know who originated it.
Silent Cal/Susan – You are a liar and not very good at your craft. You posted your message on Facebook and pasted it onto this thread at almost exactly the same time, before anyone even had time to share it. Please have some dignity and stop.
All you have are ad hominems and really incompetent attempts at misdirection. To quote Trump…Sad.
Familiar with the phrase “being on the wrong side of history?” That would apply to you right about now.
P.S. And just so you know, when you use language like “this Lyman person…” it is a dead giveaway. Won’t bother explaining why, should be obvious. You are the exact opposite of clever.
Interesting. You may not be Susan Lyman after all. Time will tell for sure I suppose
But all the criticisms directed at her – and you – apply just the same. Probably more so to her, since she has an obligation to actually care about this kind of stuff given her politics. You are probably just a lost soul with no regard for any facts you don’t like.
Have your doctor adjust your meds… Please.
Just received not one, but TWO 8 1/2 x 11 Harrington fliers in the mail. She must be worried! Caccaviello for DA.
Check out and vote no on question #3.
is she smearing republicans?
And one has Ruberto’s photo and endorsement. Former DA and former judge Ruberto would be ashamed of his brother for this endorsement, not that it really helps her.
I will be voting “no” on question 3.
If you’re a Liz Warren supporter , she was out in Ohio & Wisconsin, Thursday & Friday, campaigning for president. She said, “We have a criminal justice system that destroys lives, that tears communities apart.” She obviously doesn’t support law & order.
You really think she gives a hoot about MA?
Andrea in a nutshell
In a text she thought was only going to supporters, she wrote
“I need Richard Dohoney’s support, but he needs to be promised something. He will help with the conservative vote and fundraising in Boston. Women need strong white men to stand behind them.”
Three or so days after this was sent, Richard endorsed her. I guess the promise worked.
White men huh? I wonder how black men feel about that. Especially if they happen to commit a crime
Dononey is a hack second rate lawyer. Have you ever seen him in action at a council meeting? There is a reason his firm sends this buffoon.
Who is crazy enough to want Harrington, Dohoney and Krol running the DA’s office. Lord help us.
Harrington pretty much cut her husband’s nutz off with that statement.
In pictures he’s well off to the side. Barely in the band let alone second fiddle.
My predictions: house: dems pick up 36 seats. Senate: pubs win by 1 or loose by 2. Two pubs who will loose are Steve king , ted Cruz . For DA Cacaviello wins by comfortable magin. On nov7 th look for Mueller report to congress if dems win the house. If dems win look for impeachment proceedings to start for KavaScumps and scum any time soon. Overall scumps days are over. This is how I see what’s coming.
Spoken like the buffoon that you are.
Let’s go easy on the G man dude.
What if it was you or a loved one who was framed by the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office instead of the late-Bernard Baran? That would mean you would be innocent, but exculpatory evidence would be hidden for many years by the D.A.’s Office, plus homophobia would be used against you, but you would be wrongly found guilty and sent to prison to be raped and abused for many years.
What if it was you or a loved one who was an alleged victim of alleged child molestation by the alleged sexual deviant Carmen Massimiano? Per Carmen Massimiano’s alleged child molestations, including but now limited to when he was a camp counselor at Camp Russell and a volunteer at the Boys’ Club, you would have to suffer in silence while watching Carmen Massimiano serve as Berkshire County Sheriff for 3 decades and then collect a 6-figure state pension.
Despite the many allegations, rumors, and news reports against Carmen Massimiano, the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office never prosecuted him. Because Carmen Massimiano is so powerful for so many years in Pittsfield, his alleged victims could not safely seek help or legal recourse against him. I read a blog post that one of Carmen Massimiano’s alleged victims took his own life over what Carmen Massimiano allegedly did to him.
Again, I ask: “What if was you or one of your loved ones who had to experience the injustices of the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office?”
It is time for new leadership! Please vote for Andrea Harrington for Berkshire County District Attorney!
– Jonathan Melle
You had to watch out for Butchie at the camp.
Independents will tip the balance to the democrats. Scumps base who have no value in the truth and really can’t tell right from wrong will be out in force but it won’t make any difference in the midterms. Scump is runing on a platform of fear and that is a losing strategy. Even those who voted for him who took a chance with him now know him and he is what he states he is a white nationalist. Just that statement alone would be enough to sink any politician but scump has tons of baggage the least of what is this statement. Once the dems take the house the subpoenas will fall like snow from the heavens. Trump is dirty and Mueller has all the goods he needs to sink scump. For those who think scump will escape from paying the penalty for his crimes are delusional. The US will have a fresh and welcome change come Nov 7th. Soon after that date look for scump and kavascump to be on the recieving ends of justice subpoeanas which will ultimately lead to their impeachments. The good economy we enjoy today was actually a culmination of Obama’s policies. Trump has no accomplishment and has fostered pay inequality in the labor force. His nonsense about fake news and truth isn’t truth and alternate facts and fake news has run its course. He is the worst American president in the history of the US. Actually or first dictator. A new day starts for all of us on Nov 7th. I for one can’t wait.
Ok, now go smoke your weed and go to bed.
Just saw an interview with capt. Sully sullenberg a life long republican. He is asking everyone to vote democrats. He says scump is ruining the US and must be voted out. He says scump can not change and very incurrious. He is Americas biggest threat.
Maybe you should just smoke half a joint before bed.
Art’s favorite president – Communist Barack Hussein Obama;
GI GI. You are way out of your league. I gave you some good media sources but you didn’t follow my advise. I would never seek info from breitbart. What are you planning on doing after scump is collared on Nov6th. You do realize or I hope you do that the house is a certainty for the dems and once the members are seated they will totally control congress. The senate even if it stays republican will be limited in what they can do. In any event its lights out for scump. I hope you are ready for this because this is what’s going to happen. once again sources for you : the BBC, Blomberg, Asia Squalk Huffington NYT WP These sources will get you up to par. Give up Breitbart that’s for morons.
You truly are a nitwit.
A dog gets more info from sniffing a pile of poop than anyone gets from those news sources.
… just saying. …any questions?
Arty, clearly, Fifi and Pat are imbecilicly attached to trump propaganda and clueless rhetoric. Art,they are cleary not in your league,try to focus on not what they try say,but how they say it,as try are totally absurd. Tuesday will prove how absurd.
Re: Nuciforo’s pot business to expand to Boston
Former state Senator Andrea F. Nuciforo Jr., a top investor and co-founder of the Berkshire Roots medical marijuana dispensary in Pittsfield, is expanding his pot business to 253 Meridian Street in Boston, which is in a residential neighborhood sandwiched in between two schools. Berkshire Roots’s attorney Andrea Nuciforo said his client is intending to use and redevelop the retail space into a retail marijuana dispensary. Berkshire Roots is the largest grower of cannabis in Western Massachusetts.
If the dems win the house the economy will start to tank and they’ll say its trumps fault. If the gop keeps the house and senate the economy will take off even better than now but dems will say Obama did it.
This is getting beyond stupid lately.
Might want to consider changing the name of this blog from The Planet to The Sandbox. This has been one huge adolescent bickerfest about which unqualified adult should be in charge of meeting out punishment to the bad people. Makes me wonder if there are any adults working at the DAs office.
Absolutely astonishing how bad this is.
Another shooting, and Shirley Edgerton, Cultural Proficiency Officer for the schools, and Harrington, and Bouvier are quoted in the eagle story suggesting more needs to be done. Damn right – lock em up and throw away the key, or better yet give the shooter the electric chair – and stop blaming the DA for not preventing crime. I thought all these extra millions to the coppers were going to reduce crime along with a new high school????? What a waste of money, kinda like buying all those kiddies those laptops that got ruined, lost and stolen. And Harrington says she will employ a community engagement model so the cops will be aware of the threats before they happen. Seriously?????? These three stooges are clueless. And Ruberto should be ashamed of himself for endorsing Harrington, and so should Tyer. What the hell is she gonna do at a crime scene?????,555378
None of Harrington’s suggestions would do anything to prevent crime. Just like all of those community meetings after shootings have done nothing to prevent more crimes.
Harsher punishments would stop crime. Drive-by murders and most murders qualify for the death penalty in the few states that still have it. Murderers do not want a death penalty. Most want life in prison. A harsh penalty for crime is a powerful deterrent.
Sister there is only one person in pittsfield who has the best ideas to curb crime in the city and that person is Mr Gaetani. In his mayoral bid be made clear that Wynn would be the first person he would fire. He further stated there soul be body cams on every officer and there would be boots on the ground in the two crime wards 24/7 with no need for additional officers. Mr. Gaetani calls Shirley Edgerton the city’s biggest joke behind tyer and Wynn. The city’s most important person is Gaetani and everyone will see why soon. I asked the Gman if be thought he could build the sewer plat updates and then later the water plat updates and be mayor at the same time. He smiled and said why not. This is the person the city should get behind. The Gman is a doer. All others in comparison to the Gman are just talkers. You all will be seeing the Gman doing soon. He is as I have always stated the taxpayers greatest friend of all time. No one and I mean no one can compare to the Gman. You will see him in action soon trying to save you 30 million at the sewer plant and latter 50 million at the water plants. His record so far: 116 million saved in the 80’s and over 60 million dollars in reduced ed W/S rates the past 36 years. This is who the Gman is And if you are a taxpayer or rate payer in pittsfield you owe him a great debt of gratitude. Go Gman the city is on your side. Well the sane ones any how
A dog gets more info from sniffing a pile of poop than anyone gets from reading Art’s posts.
… just sayin…any questions?
I would love to be owning the business that is printing up all this AH campaign material. They have to be rolling in dough these days. Anybody know who they are? Are they doing the Cacc stuff as well?
Move out of Pittsfield if you want that printing gig JA. The Tyre/Ruberto group want nothing to do with City companies when it comes to that kind of thing.
Not so long ago, mayoral candidate Linda Tyer blamed then-mayor Dan Bianchi’s failed policies for the increase in crime. She said that if elected, she would get it under control. She didn’t. Now, Andrea Harrington is blaming Paul Caccaviello and the DA’s office for an increase in crime. If elected, she’ll fix it. Does anyone see a pattern here? To get elected, people say whatever it takes and their supporters run with it, repeating it so often that the citizens of Pittsfield believe it is the truth. And when it proves to be false, did we hear anything from the current mayor? Did she apologize for putting the blame for heinous crimes on an innocent person? Did she acknowledge that crime is a complex combination of factors? Nope. It’s like it never happened.
Missing from all of this is one person ….. Police Chief Michael Wynn … who is somehow never responsible for the increase in crime or the inability to get it under control, despite the fact that this is his job. I find this fascinating.
Even the Eagle sidesteps the police chief and goes directly to Harrington, Edgerton and Bouvier for comments about crime. Harrington is going to fix it with some sort of community engagement model. What? Is it too late to educate this candidate that the DA’s main job is to provide justice to victims of crime and that it’s the police department’s job to stop it?
This has got to be a sick joke, the eagle interviews shirley Edgerton and she turns a crime into a political discussion?
This is her family member, who’s been involved in gang and drug crimes before and SHE doesn’t feel safe in the community? It’s her family, no wonder she doesn’t feel safe at home.
It makes you wonder about how effective her public engagement is if she can’t even engage family members not to commit crimes or spend time with gang bangers.
“The victim was undergoing surgery Saturday afternoon at Berkshire Medical Center for shots to the neck, according to community activist Shirley Edgerton, a family member.
“He’s not well,” Edgerton said at a campaign event for Berkshire District Attorney candidate Andrea Harrington at BIGG Daddy’s Philly Steak House on North Street. “They shot him in his neck. He’s already swelling in the brain, not responsive.”
For the victim’s safety, police asked Edgerton not to publicly name him, or her familial relationship to him.
Also, police declined to comment on details surrounding the shooting. No arrests had been made by 5:30 p.m., Police Lt. Jeffrey Bradford said.
The man, a cook, moved to Pittsfield about three years ago, according to Edgerton, who visited him in the hospital Saturday morning, after getting a call about the shooting.
“From what I’m hearing in terms of [the victim], there was another attempt on his life previously,” she said.
At Willow and Spring streets Saturday morning, a police barrier blocked off a blue Nissan pickup truck with Connecticut license plates. Investigators battled wind and rain to mark evidence in and around the vehicle, which had at least three broken windows.
“[The shooting] is under an active, ongoing investigation,” said District Attorney Paul Caccaviello, who was on the scene. “I would ask that if anyone has any information to please call the Pittsfield Police Department.”
Edgerton, who sits on the boards of the NAACP-Berkshire County Branch, 4 Freedoms Coalition, and Berkshire Children & Families, said that this shooting is another indicator of the violent crime in Pittsfield and why the city needs to take a new direction in prosecuting criminals.
“I can’t express enough that things have to change here. We cannot continue to deal with issues the way we have in the past. Too many innocent people are being killed, too many children are being traumatized, and too many families are being destroyed,” she said.
“We need to be serious about developing community engagement with law enforcement the way other cities and communities are doing.”
Edgerton said she hopes that Berkshire County will start to build a criminal justice system where there is trust in the community and residents will feel safe talking to law enforcement.
“I don’t feel safe here now,” she said. “This is not the quaint little community I moved to almost 29 years ago.
Shirley baby, your girl Andrea doesn’t want to do harm to the lives of these under 25 gang bangers because their brains aren’t developed. Don’t you think maybe it’s time for you to wake up?
More gunfire last night at Robbins and Daniels. Shots hit a home on Daniels.
Forty hours to the beginning of the end of Scump. He has been a collusous failure, he has divided Americans like no other president has ever done. The country will rejoice and there will be singing and carrying on in the streets for days. I believe scump will be under indictment of impeachment by Thanksgiving. Look for Mueller report to the democratic house almost immediately after the election. There is going to be many white uneducated men and women who are going to perhaps resort to violence when Scump losses control but the intelligent individuals will contain them and re introduce them to sanity and they will be OK. Two days left scumpettes to revel with your buffoon
You shouldn’t be smoking weed at this time of day.
PEA BRAIN, if the demtards win the House they won’t be in charge until January. You must have been smoking weed during civics class imbecile.
Art, weren’t you in a romantic relationship with Shirley?
A while back somebody noticed that Linda Fairstein and some folks from NYC had donated to Harrington’s campaign. I think the speculation was that they represented Soros.
Apparently not. Fairstein is involved in the Pucci case.
But hey, what does she know? It’s not like she founded the SVU sex crimes unit in Manhattan…oh wait, she did. Cancel that.
Cicero, how would the Harrington campaign know about this? Does Michelle Bemjamin report to Harrington? Maybe we need an ethics investigation.
“””””write-in literature (which one of his supporters sneakily left on the counter at the register of voters office in Pittsfield in a shady effort to sway early voters)”””””
Andrea, Dina, Christina, Linda and Roberta your silence is loud at the moment.
5 women without an ounce of nervous tissue between them. These 5 are a penny a dozen. Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid Stupid. Only they will tell you how smart they are but no one else.
I do not understand your question. How would the Harrington campaign know about what? When you ask a non-sensical question, silence is the answer you deserve.
How would you know that someone left on the counter at the register of voters office in Pittsfield ? Can you figure the question out Andrea, Dina, Christina, Linda, Roberta, Helen or Allison?
Huh? Something left on a counter? Good God man, what in heck are you talking about. I am completely lost.
Apparently you didn’t read the article. Whoever gave a statement to Valenti said someone left Caccaviello information on a counter at the registers office. How does the Harrington campaign know this?
I saw a picture of lincoln on the wall so I voted for him.
The Linda Fairstein connection is complete.
She’s a paid consultant for a Pucci.
Pucci wants to sue Williams and the Williams PD and Berkshire DA, a big payday for him.
Linda donated to Harrington.
Harrington wants to review all sex crimes not prosecuted in the last 15 years.
Pucci wants to have the DA use the power of the office to force victims to testify, either via supeona or grand jury.
So if Harrington wins, Pucci gets his opening to sue, and consulting fees go up for Fairstein.
I guess you can buy the DA in Berkshire county if her name is Andrea Harrington.
Wait, somebody has got to look into this. How about you, Mr. Planet? This is getting nuttier by the minute. Linda Fairstein is a big-time novelist of crime books and is a former NYC prosecutor. Please don’t try to make me believe she endorsed AH. Come on! You gotta be kidding me. Out of all the people running for DA across the country, Linda Fairstein of national fame found out about AH – possibly the least qualified candidate to ever run for this position anywhere – and endorsed her??? Do endorsements mean anything anymore?
Fairstein said she was hired to review a Williams case. Her name appears in the documents presented by Eoin Higgins so it is clearly the same case as Pucci’s. She said the case was a travesty.
This is not a “progressive,” ultra liberal woman. Her endorsement of Harrington tells me that whatever happened in that Pucci case, it was bad.
It is a safe assumption that Pucci and Fairstein would not be writing letters to the Editor, etc. without the approval of the victim in the case. The notion that their efforts are designed to “ambulance chase” and generate future fees is just plain stupid. I doubt they are openly using their client as a pawn to generate future $.
The reason Pucci is looking for a reopening of past cases and thinks the DA should use subpoena powers to compel other victims to come forward is because he hopes there are other victims and that Williams College is part of a cover up. It’s a fishing expedition to help bolster a future civil case. This is not about justice or putting an alleged rapist behind bars (although that would help a civil case) this is about money.
This is a fishing expedition to try and build a civil case against Williams College.
There’s no other reason for this desire to force victims to have to tell the police anything. It only serves him in a civil case. Clearly the victims that have reported to the college could, on their own, come forward if they felt aggrieved or felt that justice wasn’t served.
Also Pucci’s client could come forward, tell his or her story, name names. There’s nothing stopping him or her, today from doing that. In fact, it’s a fairly common tactic, either come forward in public and hope that other victims follow suit OR file a civil suit outright and hope that brings other victims out.
A perfect contemporary example would be the Cosby cases, justice served.
Now why isn’t Pucci advising his client of this? Because the college, PD, and DA all seem to think whatever happened didn’t rise to the level of a prosecutable crime.
This would, even in a civil case where the burden of proof is much lower, make it hard to win at a civil case. Remember this isn’t a case that was adjudicated and found not guilty, this is a case that wasn’t even a case.
As a lawyer, what would be the best way to overcome that?
Hire “experts” to impune the handeling of evidence, impune the work done by the college, the PD, the DA.
So yes, under the guise of “helping victims” Harrington via Pucci are saying go back and force victims to give their names to police, to the DA, use the power of the state to compel people, not for justice, but for financial gain of a lawyer and his client, to relive their assaults.
As to Fairstein. The ONLY reason she’s even involved is because she’s being paid. Paid by a lawyer, who supports an extremely under qualified candidate, but a candidate that will “do anything to win” and is about repaying favors.
In looking at Fairstein’s work in recent years, it’s be an expert for whoever pays her. The fact that a woman who is an “expert” in her field would endorse a candidate with so little experience speaks volumes for how far money will go to buy her opinion.
If that’s not enough let’s remember Linda Fairstein worked for/on Harvey Weinstein’s behalf.
She didn’t get a fee but she was interested in making a movie with Harvey, converting her books into a series of movies.
So for a woman with supposed excellent credentials and rich enough not to stoop so low…she was Team Weinstein for god sakes. Do you think she cares about victims rights or money.
“Fairstein helped set up a series of meetings between Weinstein’s lead defense lawyer and Martha Bashford, the head of the Sex Crimes Unit in the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and a “close friend” of Fairstein’s, the New York Times reported.
Manhattan DA Cyrus Vance Jr. later declined to prosecute Weinstein over the March 27, 2015, incident, and last week said his decision was “guided by the sex-crime team.””
Also let’s look at her K2 consulting gig, odd that she consults to universities about “sexual misconduct” and has taken such an interest in Williamstown and now is endorsing Andrea Harrington.
This is a an Al Sharpton play. Call out an organization then offer to consult for them to “help them get things right”…if the fee is right.
All you have to do with Pucci, Fairstein, and Harrington is follow the money and follow the quid pro quo.
It’s surprising that Harvey didn’t send any money to phony Andrea.
On very limited information, you pretend to know the motivations of a great many people. And lo and behold, those motivations dovetail perfectly with the narrative that you so desperately want to believe.
No matter. I’m sure we will eventually learn more about this situation, maybe even fact-based truth instead of speculation.
The only truth we know as of now is that Caccaviello’s office broke the law – twice – and Cacaveillo lied about it, openly. And one of the letters requesting that the evidence be retained was addressed directly to him, which makes his lying all the worse.
Honesty? Nope.
Integrity? Nope.
Experience? Indeed. 15 years as the henchman for a tyrant.
No. Thank. You.
I have a Linda Fairstein story. When I was a sophomore at Columbia in 1992, she was the Sex Crimes DA in Manhattan. A friend of mine (“F”) from Oklahoma was visiting for a while, staying with me in my dorm on 122nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue, when one night he was followed home from a University LBGT wine & cheese gathering on 125th Street. When F got to the security desk, security called up to me and said, “It’s F, should I let him up?” to which I answered “yes.” I was waiting and waiting and started to get worried. I went down the stairwell to the basement and discovered F in the laundry room with a look of terror on his face. There was feces all over the place and F was most certainly traumatized. Rape crisis came and so did law enforcement. He was taken to the hospital but a rape kit wasn’t taken nor was F taken seriously. I found out that his assailant was a graduate student at the business school and he and his attorney met with the Dean or President the day after the incident. At that time, Columbia’s policies did not treat males as potential rape victims. The policy defined rape as vaginal intercourse with force, something along those lines. I was very politically active at the time and my friends and I created quite a ruckus on campus and in the media about what happened. My friends worked on changing the policy while I tried to advocate for F. Linda Fairstein met with F and told him to leave NYC for at least five years. She threatened to have him arrested for falsely reporting a crime if he didn’t. I was pre-law at the time and very idealistic. The way the system worked shook me to my foundation, I was so disgusted. True story.
After I read anything to do with Harrington or her gang I feel like I need to take a shower and wash with bleach.
If you see Pucci ask him what brand of running shoes are best for ambulance chasing. Asking for a friend.
The Berkshire DA’s race is irrelevant to the ability of Pucci etal. to sue any of the parties you name. You have no idea what you are talking about.
Linda Fairstein is a very wealthy 71 year old woman. It is highly unlikely she wrote her letter and donated $ to Harrington because she’s looking to generate “consulting fees.”
If your idiotic theory held water and this was all about the election, all this info would have come out long ago, not in the final weekend before voters head to the booth.
Given Caccaviello has already broken the law about retaining evidence and been caught lying about it, and the fact that Eoin Higgins said the victim’s name was provided to him “unprompted” – a CRIMINAL violation of the law – I am guessing we have not head the end of this by a long shot.
She’s probably just developing dementia
Melissa Mazzeo has more integrity in her little finger than Andrea Harrington will have in ten life times. Harrington pretends to stand up for women. But let’s be real here unless Angry Andrea can bully you into submission she’ll lie and cheat and cast you in a roadside ditch. Harrington is the ultimate swamp dwelling hack that causes voters to stay home in disgust. Don’t let her go that. Please join me Tuesday as I write in Caccaviello.
Why don’t you ask “miss integrity” to explain exactly how she and her husband are related to Roberto Mazzeo, who received a one year of probation slap on the wrist for major drug and weapons charges while teenagers were sent away for 2 years for selling a few dime bags.
Beyond that, while you spew your innuendo, your scumbag candidate just lied openly last week about breaking the evidence retention law in a rape case. While that may not bother you, I trust that it bothers a great many people.
You sound more and more like Harrington herself. So angry and unhinged. Not DA material. Is Barry Clairmont who supports you guilty of something because his brother committed unspeakable crimes? Crawl back into the Good Ole Boy sewer with the rest of the mold hacks.
You miss the point entirely, which is not surprising.
Neither party is responsible for the crimes committed by their relatives.
But Mazzeo is likely guilty of using her influence to make sure that the consequence for that crime was nil. “Justice” as applied to her family member was definitely not blind, and quite different from the justice that would have resulted if the defendant had a different last name. 60+ lbs. of weed, shrooms, weapons out the wazoo (several of which were stolen) and a penalty of 1 year of probation? Please.
Nothing like that happened in the Clairmont case, so your comparison is stupid.
And incidentally, it was apparently the wife of former DA Capeless would brought up the Clairmont history, irrelevant though it is, through a third-party surrogate.
What was that you were saying about sewers and mold hacks?
Likely guilty? This must be Harrington herself. No one else would say something that stupid.
Please folks. Don’t vote for Harrington. Let’s keep the local moldy hackorama out of the DA’s office.
My favorite Andrea quote.
“I need Richard Dohoney’s support, but he needs to be promised something. He will help with the conservative vote and fundraising in Boston. Women need strong white men to stand behind them.”
I did something I rarely do not do. I watched fox news for several hours. There was more lies told than carter has pills. This is truly the network for morons. I now know why so many on this board are so lost as your minds have been programmed with drivel. It is just continuous lie after lie. What I didn’t hear was the scump lie count which as of today is 6435. The nuts on the network talk of scump as though he is Christ . In reality he is the devil. Once the dems take the house I actually believe that the followers of this kind of garbage will become physically violent. It is a known fact that scumps base are white men and women with very little education. That being said it will take a lot of effort to educate them with basic knowledge and there in lies the problem. These ignorant types care little for the truth and do not know right from wrong. Never the less, the intelligent will succeed. The intelligent always lead the uneducated . They always have and always will. A vote for dems is a vote for intelligence. A vote for pubs is a step backward. Its as simple as this.
Everybody knows that Gaetani is the second coming of Christ and Christ never built no sand float.
Art to English dictionary;
Lie = a true statement that Art doesn’t want to believe.
I hope the ignorant types don’t shoot anybody or burn their house down. Art, you don’t own any weapons do you?
Crazy right?
Message for Art Seller….Art, you said there will be dancing in the streets after the election. Can you call the G man and ask him to have some dancers on his show this week? Maybe he could dance too? I’ll bet he could do the Curly shuffle.
Everyone on this board knows I have no use for scump and I have given many reasons why I feel this way. Actually I consider myself more an independent than a democrat. I think I might change party affiliation in the next election cycle. I rarely hold to the party line because both major parties have in my opinion many very bad representatives. At the local level the bulk of the people in politics are democrats and I have very little use for any of them. I always scratch my head and wonder how in the world did tyer moon Krol Marchetti cacamo persip Bouvier and the entire school committee get elected. You couldn’t put together a bunch of people who are wore than them. They are the bottom of the Harrell. I agree with Mr Gaetani who stated you would have to go far and wide to find individuals who are as useless as this bunch of incompetents. According to the Gman he states that the only way to get better candidates for the top positions the city would have to go to a city manager type govt where by the city manager would put his or her team members in place. Short of making this change you will always have the incompetent there Bouvier’s and the 5 councilors I named. At present this is the system we are stuck with. Only the Gman speaker for the tax and rate payers. There isn’t a soul on this board who is active in city govt. Trying to make things better. How do I know this??? Well I attend all the meetings and I only see the Gman there all by himself. You do not do your parts. Don’t try to convince yourselves that you do because you don’t. Don’t throw stones at someone who is trying to help you. I shouldn’t have to tell you this but I have to!!!!!
Those who dislike stones should be careful around the stone quarry.
Just remember you heard it here first. Landslide for Harrington.
Tyer,Yon,Bouvier,Behnke,Moon,Marchetti,Mccandless ,White,Kroll and now Harrington?….city ,Schools all in freefall not 1 new job…