(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 3-5, 2018) — On this weekend prior to Tuesday’s election, THE PLANET shares a summary of our recent discussions with both camps in the heated race for Berkshire County District Attorney. Incumbent Paul Caccaviello’s write-in campaign is challenging newcomer Andrea Harrington, who won the September Democratic primary. We present Cacc’s own words. THE PLANET cannot, however, offer anything from Harrington because she has stopped answering our requests for comment and ignored our questions.
We have comments, though, from insiders and those close to the committee. They spoke strictly off-the-record, for publication but not for attribution. We don’t know why the freeze, but we can guess her supporters, knowing this website has provided the tops in coverage of the race and is drawing huge numbers of readers, don’t want her making any mistakes, fatal or otherwise, this close to voting. That, of course, may be the biggest mistake of all, to muzzle the boss. That sort of thing has a tendency to backfire on voters. Only time and balloting will tell.
PLANET: Did you read the text of Fred Rutberg’s email, posted on THE PLANET (Wed. 10/24), where he says the Eagle hasn’t been covering your campaign because he has seen “no evidence” that you are running one? Many of your supporters think the Eagle‘s stonewalling you as much as possible. They cite your Williamstown release, which the paper made you run not as a column as a part of a legitimate news piece but downgraded as a “letter to the editor.” What’s your reaction to all this?
CACCAVIELLO: First, Dan, thank you for your coverage of this race. Not only has your reporting been fair, timely but also consistent. The voters have an important choice and the more informed they are about each candidate, the better. Frankly, I am confused by Fred Rutberg’s claim that he has seen “no evidence” that I am running a write-in campaign. The truth is, immediately after the primary, my supporters came forward almost immediately to urge me to consider a write-in. My family and I weighed my options in the days that followed, and I decided that this race was not over. From that day, and every day since, I have had two important goals, which I believe the public can see evidence of daily.
PLANET: Can you provide examples of your activities and campaigning?
First, I continue to work a full-time, 24/7 job as the lead prosecutor in the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office and continue to oversee 50+ employees on a daily basis and deal with the everyday business of the District Attorney’s office. I have a caseload to work on and we have seven murders to be prosecuted. I would like to remind your readers that my opponent has never set foot in Superior Court where we have close to 200 felony matters pending.
Second, however, and equally important has been my promise to continue fighting to do the work of the District Attorney. That commitment has meant the following: hours of phone calls and door-to-door canvassing all over Berkshire County; visits to local businesses, coffee hours, and pasta dinners. We have done all of the traditional field activities including opening a second campaign office, increased our visibility with lawn signs, lit drops, radio and mailers. I have billboards up throughout the county, and my field organization has grown exponentially in the last 6 weeks. The mission of my campaign is to educate voters about my 30 years experience, and also about the Write In Process – my team of 200+ volunteers is doing that with dedication and passion.
PLANET: What do you say to Andrea Harrington’s apparent decision to lay as low as she can during the stretch run?
CACCAVIELLO: I disagree that my opponent has been laying low. My opponent’s campaign has been busy hosting fundraisers in Berkshire County and in Boston. They have also been making voter contact, discussing their views of the Write In process, which I will be addressing in the coming days.
It is regrettable that my opponent didn’t respond to my request to meet for debates or forums and conclude that she and her committee are avoiding having to talk specifically about her platform based on her lack of experience as a prosecutor.
It seems that she has adopted the platform of a “reformer”, which has been part of a national movement to convince voters that they need change. But the truth is, my opponent’s resume and experience does not suggest that she has any experience “reforming” anything. People I meet on the trail have asked me what specifically has she reformed because she has never said.
Many of the particulars she has cited in her campaign material, including preventive education and community outreach programs, are things that the District Attorney’s office has been doing and people are realizing that she is parroting what we do and have been doing. And, truthfully, under Crime Reform, it was the legislature that carved the way for reform-not my opponent- and we are mandated to be doing these reforms and I am committed to them in any event. . I have been talking about those important initiatives because they are initiatives that the District Attorney’s office have been executing throughout the campaign, and well before.
What I am hearing, however, which is most concerning to voters is the fact that she has made this race so political. She has managed to polarize our community by being divisive and branding herself as the “Democrat for DA.” This is sending the wrong message to the public about what the intent of this office is -the DA is for everyone regardless of what letter you put after your name for voting purposes. I believe that there is no place for partisan politics in this important race. To lead the District Attorney’s Office you need qualifications that include a deep understanding of criminal law and first hand prosecutor experience. Period!
PLANET: Finally, you may not be aware of this, but the other side is whispering loudly that you applied multiple times for judgeships and each time didn’t get it because of your actions in the Benoit case? Do you have a comment on that?
CACCAVIELLO: Unfortunately, this is exactly the kind of divisive rhetoric that I referred to above. I cant comment upon decisions made out of my control by another branch of government . I will say I testified before the Governor’s Council on behalf of both of the most recent appointments to Berkshire and they are certainly well qualified to serve on the bench.
Suffice to say that ,the whisperers would be wise to actually read the 4 to 3 decision and understand what it actually addressed.. If they did that, they would also learn that even the majority opinion went out their way to note that the efforts of all parties were made in good faith to ensure a fair trial for the defendant who happened to be a young man of color. Incidentally, to correct another false narrative put out by my opponent’s supporters that the defendant in that case was set free because of the ruling-he actually pled guilty to manslaughter and received an 18 to 20 year state prison sentence.
I think in spite of the sound and fury being fired off by Team Caccaviello with his oh-so-hip green screen-powered Facebook videos, poorly designed mugshot billboards and write-in literature (which one of his supporters sneakily left on the counter at the register of voters office in Pittsfield in a shady effort to sway early voters), he’s still being outworked by Team Harrington by a factor of at least 4-1.
While Team Cacc is busy attacking, pimping the sell-out Judy Knight, resurrecting the toxic Capeless to spew his special brand of bullshit, and remarkably attempting to position Cacc as a hero to Republicans and liberals at the same time – Team Harrington has been making thousands of phone calls to voters, canvassing neighborhoods and meeting voters where she is converting former Knight supporters.
Cacc is scrambling to throw shit up the wall and praying something sticks, Harrington is simply securing more votes. The bottom line is that Cacc is not likeable, is not trustworthy and is generally an arrogant prick. That’s not a recipe for a winning write-in campaign, no matter how many times they trot Missy Mazzeo out to play the victim.
The reason why the Mazzeo allegation had no legs is because people know that Missy is the personification of Pittsfield’s political swamp. If anyone could write the book on political bullying it’s Mazzeo. After all, it was her petty whining about not getting the votes for council VP that led to the now infamous interaction between Tony Simonelli and Peter Marchetti, where Simonelli did his best Mitch McConnell impression saying Team Mazzeo’s council minions’ job for the next two years was to make life “a living hell” for Linda Tyer. In short, it’s a bunch of sore losers who will lose sorely again.
———- ooo ———-
The Harrington Campaign is not talking about any write-in campaign in either phone calls or while canvassing. Why would we draw attention to a misguided campaign. Our volunteers have been provided scripts and no where on the script do we talk about a write-in campaign. We have informed voters that Andrea Harrington’s name is the only name on the ballot for District Attorney, which is factual. We are asking that voters to fill in the oval for Andrea Harrington.
This appears to be a desperate attempt by the write-in candidate to draw attention to his campaign. His supporters are stopping at nothing to spread misinformation about our campaign and try to make my supporters look bad, when we have done nothing but run a positive campaign focused on the issues in this race
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That’s it for now, folks. We’re heading for Boston, a.k.a., Title Town. We’ve been called in to help with repairs on the Duckboats (and also to wrap up a book deal with the Red Sox). The boats have put on so many miles in victory parades — 11 World Championships since 2002 — that they have to be overhauled. Dynasties do bring their problems!
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“Intelligent people need a fool to lead them” — Jack Ma, Alibaba founder.
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Saw this on facebook.
Lee Flournoy’s excellent response to Harrington’s claim she will reopen Williams cases. From WAMC article
Lee Flournoy Windsor MA • 19 hours ago
I was a Berkshire County prosecutor for ten years, heading sexual assault investigations for half that time. I am trained as a campus sexual assault investigator. I am appalled by Attorney Pucci’s suggestion that Berkshire DA Paul Caccaviello use the grand jury to force colleges to disclose names of student sexual assault victims against their will and then send investigators after them.
It’s doomed to fail. The federal laws governing campus investigations and reporting require that victims be guaranteed anonymous reports and that records shall not even identify victims who do not want to be identified. There are Massachusetts laws which protect victim confidentiality as well.
It would be harmful. This scheme would frighten the students whose reports were anonymous, and the ripple effect would set back already-reluctant reporting on campuses of what are often very complicated events. Victims, men and women, understand that there are painful costs associated with prosecution, particularly when one is a student with a packed schedule, who lives far from Berkshire County for nearly half the year. It is insensitive to victims, as is Andrea Harrington’s announced determination to review and if appropriate, re-open all non-prosecuted sexual assault cases fifteen years back. Each course would traumatize people who have made their peace with a decision that they cannot or will not testify.
I understand that Ms. Harrington’s election and re-opening of cases might give Mr. Pucci’s client an opportunity to pursue a prosecution, and that he wishes to zealously advocate for her. I encourage others to think of the many victims who will be harmed by this victim-hunt. There is more than enough work for the DA’s office with the crimes that are openly reported without harassing people who have said no thank you. i hope that Berkshire voters will write in Paul Caccaviello’s name for District Attorney.
Whether all Williams SA allegations were reported piece-meal as they occurred, or as a lump sum at the end of the year, the DA’s office must have known about he escalating numbers coming out of Williams since 2010. And yet they chose to do NOTHING and act as if the allegations were never made. 109 SA’s since 2010. 90 rapes.
Explaining this as the consequence of their deep “concern for victims” is grotesque.
The false choice presented by Flournoy – that the alternative to the DA doing nothing is to subpoena unwilling victims willy nilly – is offensively stupid. There are many, many things the DA’s office could do to address this situation The first thing would be to acknowledge the problem exists, which Lex Luthor and Otis, er Capeless and Caccaviello, failed to do until the subject came up during the election. Then Otis had to spend two months “looking into it” before issuing his facile, dishonest explanation for his office’s complete inaction, which explanation John Pucci just ripped to shreds in a new letter to the Editor in the Beagle.
Cicero, no matter how you attempt to spin anything, all you state is your OPINION. There are zero facts to back up anything you state.
In your OPINION, Harrington will be a great DA. There are no facts to back that up, just her promises.
Factually, Andrea has had 7 possible 8 criminal defense cases, none in Superior Court. In 1 of those, she tried to get out of it stating herself she was ineffective. On a percentage basis if it’s 7 cases, she screwed up 14.28% of the time, and on an 8 case basis, 12.5% of the time. That’s the math.
On actual cases tried by Caccaviello, you and your mindless minions have attempted to spin 2 to 3 cases, which still had conviction and/or pleas and jail time. Caccaviello has tried over 5,300 cases. So, to help your side of the equation, let’s round that down to 5,000 cases. That’s a 00.06% error rate. Yes, that’s really less than 6 one-hundredths of a percentage point.
In other words, on average, Andrea Harrington has made mistakes 219 times for every 1 time Paul Caccaviello has made a mistake.
That’s the simple math of taking your candidate’s figures and comparing them with my candidate’s figures in criminal cases.
That’s the math. Not an opinion.
So, based on your OPINION and Andrea Harrington’s promises, and the OPINIONS of her supporters, the voters are expected to choose an absolutely inexperienced rookie who makes mistakes 219 times more than the guy who is the acting District Attorney.
To choose Andrea over Paul just isn’t supported by the math.
So, if you haven’t voted already Cicero, you can write in Paul Caccaviello. Go ahead. It’s the mathematically logical thing to do.
If Mr. Pucci is so sure and you are so sure a crime has been committed why aren’t you pursuing this? I’ve read everything I can on the subject and think it’s not being pursued, and will never be pursued, because it’s malarkey designed to confuse voters.
u r 100% correct
How can I pursue it? All I can do is bring to light info that is publicly available. I’m not a party to anything.
As for Pucci, how would you know if he is pursuing this? Why do assume he is not?
I believe your “malarkey” conclusion is dead wrong. It is evident from the Eoin Higgins articles that the Berkshire DA’s office violated two laws concerning Pucci’s client: They refused to retain the evidence in her case and they apparently revealed her identity “unprompted” to a reporter.
That last one is a criminal violation. I have a difficult time believing it will not be pursued.
Then again, nothing surprises me these days.
It’s very obvious that the person speaking for Harrington is the same person who goes by Cicero on this blog. If anyone is wondering who it is, it’s most likely Christina Wynn. If you read her words here and a Cicero it’s obvious she’s little more than an obnoxious snot.
You should worry less about who I am, and more about the fact that your candidate just told a bald-faced lie in a desperate attempt to cover up the fact that his office broke the law.
A truly incompetent attempt at subterfuge. Anyone who behaves this way and lies so transparently is unfit to have any role in law enforcement, let alone a position as powerful as DA. Have some dignity and withdraw from the race, Otis. Let’s get real for a change and do a little dissection.
1) Williams. On the Harrington side, we have Pucci. A private attorney, who, if he can crack open and do an end run around both federal and state laws, exposing the names of women who don’t want their names made public, can sue Williams. Pucci can then possibly force a multi million dollar settlement. Pucci can then get 33% of more of that settlement in his pocket as the attorney. Motivation? PROFIT.
2) Andrea Harrington. Hasn’t been able to get a truly solid job as a lawyer with any firm. Vaguely linked to a firm and she pretty much does real estate law, i.e., she handles closings, title searches, etc. She has spent the largess of her spare time as a campaign camp woman, working in the background for Democrats like Healy and Barrett, who now owe her and are doing what politcal hacks do – endorse as payback. She ran a dirty campaign against Hines and lost, meaning NO PAYCHECK. After Judy Knight let it slip that she was going to run for DA, Harrington immediately jumped in the race. Part of Harrington’s claim to fame is that in her 14 years as a licensed attorney she has 15 years of legal experience (Her credentials as a time traveler perhaps?) In her years, she worked on 7 cases as a criminal defense lawyer. In one of these legal cases, she petitioned the court for a mistrial stating to the judge that the reason for the request was due to her personal ineffectiveness as a lawyer defending her client. The judge declined her request because SHE HAD NO PROBLEM TAKING THE MONEY. Her campaign for DA has been dirty and snarky. She threatened Mazzeo and Bowler. Her personal comments on Facebook have been snide. Since winning the primary, she actually approached a Pittsfield police officer and asked, “What DOES the DA actually do in this job?” Her surrogates have been spreading false statements. To myself, one of her go-getters said, “She’s running for office because the current DA (Caccaviello) isn’t.” When I confronted this gentleman, he at least told the truth: “That’s what she said to say when we had our meeting.”
What really is Andrea Harrington’s motivation? Well, there are three: 1) Her first solid job of any value. 2) When she decides to leave in the next couple of years to run for higher office, it puts something on her resume’ that’s finally noteworthy. 3) And here is the real reason: $175,000 a year in salary and a state pension.
The entire Harrington campaign is about politics and money. Nothing more.
Would you put your 14-year-old child, who is a LIttle League pitcher in as the relief pitcher for the Boston Red Sox in the bottom of the ninth to try and hold onto the lead?
No. So why put an inexperienced, politically and money motivated rookie in as DA?
It makes about as much sense as having given Donald Trump the presidency. We simply can’t risk the Berkshire DA Office going down the toilet in the hands of rookie Harrington.
Write in Paul Caccaviello on Tuesday and fill in the oval next to the Write-In box.
It’s your safety that you’re protecting. For once, throw politics out the window.
Did you not get the memo? It’s Rinaldo. He has a column in the Eagle (can you even believe that?!) and a facebook page spewing the same nonsense using the same points and words. Harrington’s spokesperson is Rinaldo del Gallo. You know, the guy who has more court experience than she does, unfortunately as a defendant.
I am not going to dispute any of your speculation to who I am because it’s just too darn funny. Every night as I go to bed I get to wonder who I will be when I wake up the next morning. Kind of a fun game.
Thank you for bringing up Rinaldo del Gallo, though. He was involved in a case that has particular relevance at the moment. Thanks for the timely reminder.
In 2006, Lex Luthor and Kelly Mulcahy Kemp (who posts here, I believe) prosecuted del Gallo for “assaulting” his father. The thing is, Mr. del Gallo’s father (the “victim”) and mother (who was a witness) both denied any assault ever took place and wrote a letter to the DA saying they wanted no part of a criminal prosecution.
Luthor and Kemp proceeded anyway, and the outcome was predictable: The judge tossed 2 of 3 charges himself, and the jury took 25 minutes to acquit on the third charge. The whole episode was a colossal misuse of resources and waste of taxpayer money.
The most interesting part is the rationale put forth by Luthor and Kemp to justify their vendetta, er, prosecution in the del Gallo case. Consider these del Gallo-related quotes in the context of the Williams College SA situation and the arguments now being put forth to justify ZERO proactivity on the part of the DA’s office as the rape and sexual assault claims at Willliams piled up.
Lex Luthor: “That’s a serious case. It’s not only a crime against that man, but a crime against the citizens of Berkshire County. That’s what I’m sworn to uphold.”
Kelley Kemp: “With all due respect to Mr. Del Gallo’s position, whether or not to prosecute is at the discretion of the commonwealth, not the victim.”
These people (and Otis) are a disgrace. The deceitfulness of the “explanation” behind their complete lack of interest in Williams cases is self-evident.
Otis needs to be kicked to the curb before he does any more damage. In a reasonable world, the transparent lie he told in the article linked above, a lie he told to cover up ILLEGAL behavior by his office, would be enough to disqualify him from working in law enforcement ever again.
Otis needs to be kicked to the curb. Pronto.
Kelly Kemp is a pathetic bug from where I seated. During the primary she was one of many sources comin’ at me under a pseudonym, Fitz Sis. Cowardly way to carry on a political agenda; especially using a patsy like yours truly to further it along.
All the while collaborating with Caccaviello to feed material they were too cowardly to post themselves. Then when the shit hit the fan yesterday, Cacc & Co. toss me under a bus.
If you read yesterday’s BBE, most likely you came upon the section , , , In the Homestretch . . . where “a man” referred to Andrea Harrington as “crazy lady” and “partner swap”.
Both were extracted from my FB post after Harrington made a complete idiot of herself at a Sheriff’s Picnic in August. Both “crazy lady” and “partner swap” were material concepts sent to me from Fitz Sis (aka Kelly Kemp).
To those unaware of Ms. Kemp’s connection to Cacc’s office: she’s a former ADA, serving most of her brief tenure a chief district court prosecutor.
Needless to say, it’s one thing to be pushed out of something, but tossed under a bus, too?
And the wheels on the bus go round and round . . . round and round . . ..
Well, it’s good to see you have had an awakening, but “they told me to do it” is not the best excuse.
One thing I will clarify for you – all evidence points to John Citi being none other than David Capeless’s wife. She used that handle and was outed on several other media message boards way back in May or June.
Miss Teschmacher rising to the defense of LL. Surprise, surprise.
Thanks, Cicero.
So, now we know for sure DA Caccaviello spearheaded the effort to send material to me under pseudonyms, John Citi and Fitz Sis. For the record: there were three others who proved invaluable material during the primary season.
Betsy Capeless aka John Citi makes sense to me; I knew from the outset it must have been someone close to Caccaviello or his office. Material was too pinpointed & accurate to be anyone else; only a lawyer or knowledgeable source within our legal system couldn’t have pulled it off.
A few times John Ciiti made reference to “taking down Krol’ and “making sure he never works around here again”. The connection between the two is clearer now than ever before – given their past history.
At times I though it to be Richard Locke, Cacc’s chief narcotics prosecutor. I met Richard at a poling station in Lanesborough on primary day. After pressing him about a few blocks of texts sent me from John Citi’s stream, he seemed credible.
Perhaps Cicero can shed some light on why Cacc’s state cops never pursued Lucas Jackson, after a compliant was filed with them? Is Lucas Jackson, a pseudonym, an ADA, Caccaviello himself or an outsider with strong ties to him?
Let me know, Cicero!!
As far as Kell never working around here again. The man had one job that he got fired from. He doesn’t work he runs a fake company and lives off of relatives.
You know who you are when you wake up. You’re just another snake in the Pittsfield swamp.
I don’t have n candidate. I do however have a unique ability finding phonies and guess what I just did.
On Dans last question about judgeships did Caccaviello TOTALLY dodge the question?
Yep. Seems that way.
How many people are in a position to even apply for a judgeship? That in itself speaks very well of our friend Cacc.
This race has exposed in no uncertain terms why Pittsfield is so effed up. The city is enveloped by a huge rotating storm cloud of people fighting over power. Which most likely translates into who controls spending/distributing the grabbag of taxpayer money. And at the bottom of the shitpile is the unsuspecting citizenry who want so badly to believe these people actually care about them.
Can you spell p a t h e t i c???
My words exactly. I stated the same a week ago. Pittsfield has absolutely nothing to gloat about at the highest level. The Citizens are paying a very dear price. This has exposed the ultimate disgusting class of crap.
Spagirl I asked you if you knew who the citizen was that is always at all city meetings with the sole goal of helping the beleaguered tax payer. There is only one person this is a clue for you. You and many on this board complain daily about what is wrong with this city and that is a first good step but the second and most important step is called active participation. You and just about everyone else who post on this board are not actively participating. I know this because I watch the Gman standing all by himself at all meetings and I see no one else. So you see the Gman is very successful operating all by himself but do you realize that he could be wildly successful if he dad some support. I anticipate no response from you or any one else on this board but make certain that if the Gman is not successful in anything he attempts it will be you all who lose big time. I hope everyone realizes what I am saying. Here is another thought for you. If the Wiz decides to pull the plug on all of you Then What? Better think about this very carefully. Like I stated before. Very little support for the Gman on this board except for Dan and a few others. All the Gman needs is one or two solid supporters and he has them. The Gman’s second coming is very soon.
praise the lord
I think the battle to be the DA is more legitimate if the contender was experienced. She is a critic of a non politician who earned what he has attained.Andrea Harrington should help Bouvier,Tyer run for office and gain some much needed temperment.Your simply not qualified,…..If you were the voter and there’s 2 candidates and its the Taconic High student council you would be qualified.
What we have is the DA s job and even you know hes the qualified person.Miss Harrington you would also hire Paul if your honest.Call Taconic and see if you can get that on you resume.
What you believe he has “earned” is irrelevant at this point. You never earn the right to LIE in order to cover up illegal behavior in your own office.
Otis should step down immediately. He has disgraced himself and the office. Time to let the sunlight in so we can see how many other lies he and LL have told over the years.
Sissyro…time to go away…AH is a 3rd string bench warmer just dying to be a starter…you can’t win with that
Make no mistake, Harrington is running because she wants the money and thinks she’s “due” a job for all her political work. She toed the party line with Hinds after he beat her so she’s expecting payback.
Healey when asked to endorse her actually said, and I quote, “Who is she, remind me who she is.” The response, “she’s an attorney in Berkshire county running for DA, she’d be the first woman DA.” Long silence “The short lady with the bad hair and shrill voice.” “Oh her”, Healey says.
Speaker phones are helpful tools but you’ve got to be careful who’s standing around when the calls go down.
None of these party hacks care about the Berkshires, not even the locals like Hinds and TFB.
If Harrington were running for any other job, any job that doesn’t require competence (TFB’s or Hind’s job) it wouldn’t matter. We get stuck with who the party endorsed, the fix is in even before the dead can vote.
This job requires competence, something she lacks. It doesn’t matter how many party political hacks endorse you, it doesn’t matter how many pictures you have with warren, smitty and the other party players, it doesn’t mean a thing.
Good piece Dan,elections at this point are about making sure the base shows up and voter enthusiasm. Throwing a beer can at Duck boat with the World Series players doesn’t show enthusiasm any more than ripping up campaign signs does. Dodging chances to debate and not answering requests from the Planet and ignoring questions ? We’ll find out next week, vote your conscience and Write in Paul Caccaviello for D. A.
This DA’s contest is a no-brainer. Vote Caccaviello!
Before casting Cacc out to sea, with or w/o a life preserver, you should read the Benoit (2008) case.
Here’s a link . . . read away and then decide if you believe our next Berkshire District Attorney is a closet racist or not . . .
As an aside:
To this day I’m amazed at how hard Capeless fought then-Governor Mitt Romney to appoint him DA, following Gerry Downing’s sudden death.
If you recall, Rich Dohoney became the apple of Romney’s eye when he applied for the top job. But because of pressure applied by local pols like Massimiano et al, Romney, for political purposes, appointed Capeless over Dohoney. Huge mistake on Romney’s part!!
Just imagine if Rich Dohoney tossed his hat into this contest instead of legal-less Harrington? He would’ve earned my vote just by announcing his intentions.
Make no mistake about this: If the walls could speak in the DA’s office most ADAs would be in jail right now. Selective prosecutions and political favoritism logically drives the their office. Quantify or qualify how many were not prosecuted by virtue of their political affiliations against those with benefit of political cover. I’m guessing more than .06%.
Commonwealth on bail for a black defendant: High bail, your high; Commonwealth on bail for a white defendant: OR, your honor.
Delete: with benefit . . .
Insert: without benefit . . .
Looks like Mike Daly may have been kicked to the curb as well.
I’m not surprised!!
RINO Rich is a fine person who likes wading in the swamp.
Oh, by the way, Cacc . . .
You’re welcome. I said from the outset your number were there; and they are!
It’s amazing what a brilliant moron can put together!
And if you decide ever again to toss a supporter (or write-in organizer) under a bus, make sure s/he doesn’t come out bigger and stronger than when you pushed him or her under.
Good luck next Tuesday!!
Holy November Surprises Batman
After all your support, if Cacc wins next Tuesday, regardless of the margins, I will personally track him down. I will make certain that he publicly acknowledges you, whoever you really are.
FYI, I just don’t ever recall you saying anything about Harrington and “partner swapping.” That’s the person he shot down from what I read. However, if you did say that, good for you. You’re simply exercising your 1st Amendment rights. If you didn’t, then when were you thrown under the bus?
Nice one Truthsayer. I must confess you were the topic of many conversations within Cacc’s inner circle. They couldn’t help but wonder where all your info was coming from, and if I knew your true identity. Nope, I’m clueless.
I did check with a few sources, but they all returned empty-handed. You managed to stay under the radar, undetected. Props to you, no doubt.
And for the record, I do not expect any accolades from Cacc or his team if he wins.
If I were never to see those people again it would be too goddam soon. Had someone come to me with a plan to take one for the Team, we probably would’ve avoided all this unnecessary contentiousness.
What you read in the paper reflects what was posted during the early stages of the primary. I had a source who wanted it up, so it went up; case closed. The “crazy lady” label originated following Harrington’s questionable behavior at the Sheriff’s Picnic in August. A source sent it to me, so it went up.
Keep spreading your positive psychology. I for one enjoy it!!
Those responses knocked me off the fence. I was up there like a Cheshire Cat for some time too.
“Harrington’s spokesperson is Rinaldo del Gallo. You know, the guy who has more court experience than she does, unfortunately as a defendant.”
hahahahaha that’s the best line ever typed on this page, true and funny
I’m voting Harrington for Taconics school council.Caccaviello for DA
As Harrington told Judy Knight, she will do anything to win: lying about her legal experience, calling her her opponent a racist and sexist and accusing his supporters of the same, leading the charge taken up by her supporters on the “mishandling” sexual assault cases at Williams, baseless accusations of criminalizing mental health and substance abuse cases, threatening local elected officials with political retribution for not supporting her, lying about the nature and extent of community outreach and education programming at the DA’s office, creating false narratives of over-incarceration and high recidivism in Berkshire County, propagating lies about what a DA’s office is responsible for, and, perhaps the most egregious of all, that she is a reformer dedicated to criminal justice reform. Harrington has run anything but a positive campaign. She has no desire to so the work of the DA–she intends to be a “figurehead” politician, not a working top prosecutor. Just look at where we are today and contrast that to just six months ago. Harrington and her campaign have divided this community across racial, gender, and political lines. Berkshire County, please do not let this person become DA–no skills, no experience, no ethical boundaries. She will abuse the position of the DA as she has abused the political process. Harrington has proven to be a one-person wrecking ball.
Rather than tarring Harrington with innuendo, maybe you should stick to the facts counselor. For starters, maybe you could explain your change of heart between 2006 – when it was apparently the mandate of the DA to pursue criminal prosecutions even against the express wishes of victims – and the current day, where you argue that the DA’s office was justified in doing literally NOTHING, taking no action whatsoever, despite receiving reports on average of approximately a dozen rapes per year at Williams College since 2010. Of course, the numbers are skewed toward the present, as the years and years of non-prosecutions have resulted in – duh -more lawless behavior.
After that, maybe you could share your thoughts on a DA who tells a bald-faced lie in order to cover up highly unethical, ILLEGAL behavior by his office, concerning the same type of crime that he ignored so completely at Williams for all those years.
Please, tell us again about Otis’s honesty, his unrelenting concern for victims and all that.
There are no facts to support Harrington. No prosecutorial experience, can’t land a decent job, primarily does real estate closings.
Opinions about what she can do and promises aren’t facts. They’re BS. She doesn’t deserve the job.
Maybe you should explain why you’re an unemployed dem hack Dina.
If Cacciviello wins it will be his experience. If Harrington wins it was a High School popularity contest.If I’m Cacciviello Im good with that and if I’m Harrington and I did not win for my experience Im embarrassed.I remember Robert Redford in the movie the Candidate …after he won he said….Now What Do I Do?
The Brian Marquis burn book is the guilty pleasure best seller of the year. Give us more!
Caccaviello recipe is I’ve earned it. Harrington recipe is zero inexperience.
I agree with joe pin head,Caccaviello is the choice
Say it ain’t so Joe? Thought he was for Harrington?
The Gman has invited Harrington to debate Cacaviello on three separate occasions. She never responded. Some one who was aware of t?he Gman’s invitation to Harrington told the Gman that Harrington said she was scared to death of Gaetani. She was very aware that the Gman wouldn’t allow any bull shit on his most popular show on pctv. For this reason she declined. The Gman is a staunch supporter of Paul and was the first person to tell Paul to run as a write in candidate. He has supported him on his TV shows and purchased self paid advertisement. He asks that everyone use the remaining time before the election to call everyone you know and then have those people call everyone they know to insure a light weight like Harrington doesn’t steal the election like tyer did in Paul.
Art – What are your thoughts on the article linked at the top of this thread? I would like to believe that your interest in the truth trumps all else. Do you have a defense for Otis’s behavior? Seems to me like an open and shut case of being caught in a lie. Given the context and the fact that the lie was to cover up illegal behavior by his office, you still think this man deserves to be DA???
The Gman offered Harrington three successive weeks in a row to come onto his show. She felt she was so important and did not need the exposure that she never even responded. The Gman is someone who is up on everything and he would have given Harrington all the time she needed to lay out her platform. That was her turn to reach the public as the GPNH is the most successful TV program on pctv in the history of the station. The Wiz knew that something was wrong when she decided to give up three free hours of free airtime for no valid reason. Was there some problems in the DA’s office under past DA’s? Possibly but Cacaviello wasn’t the DA at those times. Has Cacaviello himself made some mistakes? Possibly he is only human like all of us. Does he have a stellar 30 year career representing we the people of Berk county. Yes he does. In the end we have a candidate with no experience and one with vast experience. Give me the experience every time vote Cacaviello.
My guess is she didn’t want to be in competition with Bucky. He has better hair and is smarter.
How do we know that GPNH is the most successful TV program on pctv in the history of the station. Who told you that?
He made it up. He makes everything up. Looney tune.
What can we say about a moron seeking advice from an imbecile?
I can’t answer that question, but I can quote Moe Howard: “You know, you musclebound porcupine, for an imbecile, you’re a genius.”
Melissa Mazzeo was seen in city hall today behind closed doors in the city council office chatting with Cacc. Even I know you can’t use city buildings for campaign meetings. Cacc is a resident of Dalton so I’m sure it had nothing to do with constituent services.
Melissa is as sleazy as Cacc.
I have never met Harrington or Caccaviello, but after studying their histories, the logical one to vote for is Caccaviello.
He has a long list of achievements, she has virtually none.
I want the best qualified person for the job. Common sense points to Paul.
My God I do believe we have a Netflix special writing itself right here on Dans blog. And like many of the more successful plots we have adults behaving like children stumbling and bumbling through adolescence.
King Obama pulling out all the stops for dems. So refreshing seeing an intelligent former president trying to pull the nation together with factual information. No lies no fake news no alternative facts no truth isn’t truth and garbage like that. In just a few days he has galvanized the country. New fact checker count 6420 an average of 30 lies a day. WP fact checker. How can any sane individual choose to support a buffoon with these numbers of confirmed lies? Answer none. His supporters are Insane. It is as simple as this.
Mueller studying Watergate indictment for impeachment Several news organizations reporting that scump may already have been subpoenaed by Mueller.
Since Oct 12th scumps daily lies have gone from 12 a day to 30 per day. Every scumpetts check in and let us know how you can justify these lies. Remember the truth will set you free. Those who condone this are insane those that don’t are righteous. It is as simple as this.
Delusional pea brained moron.
Trump reminds Obama of his healthcare lies;
Gigi Breitbart is the Bible for morons. After that its fox. Your thoroughly brainwashed to the point that you have lost touch with reality. I tried to put you onto some good media sources in the past but it is evident you didn’t take good advise. I can’t do anything else for you. Your a lost soul and I have to cut you loose. I don’t know where you will end up but I fear it will be someplace that is not nice. Sad so very sad. A mind is a Terrible thing to lose. I tried!!!!!
Gaetaini you like to portray yourself as some kind of genius. FACT is you are a moron whose mind is easily manipulated.
Lounge lizzard The intelligent know the Gman is a genius. Not so much you as you are not intelligent. You are what I call the fool hardy. You can’t see what’s in front of you. Your so stupid that others speak for you. Where are you getting drunk now that your watering hole has been closed down?? Your in my prayers. I pray for all the lost souls.
What’s his IQ?
The Berkshire County District Attorney’s man framed a man named the late Bernard Baran on child molestation charges by withholding of or hiding exculpatory evidence in the form of audio tape recordings of children saying Bernard Baran did not molest them. It wasn’t until well after Gerard Downing’s death in 2003, that David Capeless released the hidden tape recordings, and Bernard Baran was released from prison.
THINK ABOUT THAT for a minute!
Daniel Ford and Gerry Downing FRAMED an innocent man by withholding or hiding exculpatory evidence! Ford and Downing also used homophobia against a then teenage gay man to ruin his life.
Who served under Downing and Capeless? The answer is Paul Caccaviello!
If Paul Caccaviello had any integrity, then he would denounce this travesty of injustice by the Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office he has served in for nearly 3 decades.
I am for Andrea Harrington because Paul Caccaviello’s silence is beyond disturbing and he shows that if you politically connected, you’ll be taken care of (see alleged child molester and sexual deviant Carmen Massimiano), but if you have powerful enemies (like I do with Luciforo), you might as well as bend over and take it up your tailpipe.
Paul Caccaviello does NOT stand of “Equal Justice Under Law!”
I hope Paul Caccaviello loses again this year!
– Jonathan Melle
Too bad you can’t vote!
Scump blaming the media for all that is wrong in his presidency reminds me of someone else in history. Care to name him???
Any questions? Just sayin.
Blah, blah, blah Melle. More propaganda from Hot Air Harrington.
She isn’t qualified. Her 15 years of legal experience on her 14 year license shows she can’t even do math and is a BS artist.
She doesn’t deserve the job.
Mr. Melle,
Cacc didn’t even work there when Baran was railroaded and it was Capless who found the missing tapes and decided not to retry the case. And only one person ever came forward alleging Massimiano did anything and as the Eagle reported years ago, the statue of limitations prevented prosecution, henceforth, there was no investigation, according to Victim. Connor Barry beat the bushes on that one, and Eagle covered it quite nicely. You can look it up as Yogi the bear says.
Stop it. Capeless “found” the tapes once he became DA because he realized it would be his hide on the line if they came to light any other way at that point.
More importantly, Capeless was emphatic that Baran was still guilty, the tapes did not warrant a new trial and he appealed the state’s decision to toss the original conviction. After losing that appeal, Capeless the sociopath held the threat of a new prosecution and trial over Baran’s head for 4 more years before “deciding” not to retry the case.
Your rendition of what happened here is no different than a lie. Please stop.
Le Capitan Trump…Fire at Will..
Cant republicans admit that Trump is a little off,just a little? Or is that asking to much? How about a smidgen? Off. Dow DOWN again. Not fake news.
Bloomberg. com reporting that Mueller is racing to complete report whether scump conspired with Russians and obstructed justice will issue his findings right after nov6th. Looks like scump could be a very short timer.
Any questions? Just sayin. You’re all buffoons.
You sound desperate lounge lizard. We have never seen a post from you that indicates you have any serious nervous tissue. Your types are a dime a dozen. Try adding to the conversation using your A game so that we can assess your intelligence quotient. I’m predicting a grade level of no higher than 3rd grade however it could be lower.
Any questions? Just sayin. You’re all buffoons.
Let’s see. No one in president Obama’s administration were ever indicted let alone being found guilty. Now will some scumpster please tell us how many of scumps administration were indicted and found guilty? I have forgotten how many. I know it is quite a few.
Will the wealthy far left Democrats take up some other hobby besides politics. How about knitting? Leave politics to the people who really need the money like many of us on this board who are thankful for the opportunities that we now have thanks to President Trump. We don’t want government handouts. We want jobs and President Trump is providing lots of job opportunities.
Wealthy far left Democrats need to find another cause to get behind and leave politics to the working class of this country.
The US budget deficit is up by 110 billion to 779 billion. Tres. Sec.mnuchin said the scump tax cuts would not just pay for itself but would pay down debt uh ha now dinosaur McConnell says we have to reduce the budget and he says we must cut medicare medicaid and SS. What do you scumpsters especially pat think of this?? Oh yes those scump tax cuts next year will cause the deficit to balloon to over a trillion dollars. Are any of you low level earners and scump disciples starting to have second thoughts about scump or are you going to go down in flames with him when he is impeached? Well at least the Gman will save us around 70 to 80 mill on those W/S projects. You see the Gman is the real thing and scump is an imposter. Any questions????
ss and medicare come from their own dedicated tax nothing to do with cuts.
Because his corrupt AG wouldn’t do anything.
Essex Hogan: Your not up to par. Scump McConnell are proposing cuts in medicare medicaid and SS. Make sure you post accurate info on this board. There are many who will take you at word and you might poison some minds who do not know any better.
Trump is attracting thousands, and Obama can’t even fill a gym!
President Trump is doing fantastic work for this country!!!
Logic and common sense = Cacciviello
Wow scump 1100 lies in October. Oh shucks so what. His base expects them. How sad!!! 4 days to sanity. One lie is too many for me. What are we going to do with scumps base after we are rid of scump? You have to realize over 100 million of these miscreants don’t have any use for the truth. They are going to pose a huge problem to the sane but we will pull them back into the foal. We must otherwise they will destroy the country. Can you picture 100 million pats to re educate!!!!! We have a lot of work to do. We will succeed.
More winning! Trump’s on a roll!
I have one of the new higher wage jobs!!! Thank you President Trump!!!!
Do you use your given name or your imaginary name in this high paying job, Pat?
You sound like Mao or Stalin you idiot.
AA With a brain the size of a peanut you certainly shouldn’t be throwing slurs at anyone. You have never even once put together an intelligent post. I thought you had a third grade education but I am revising that down to a pre school education. Stop embarrassing your self. Many on this thread can see right thru you.
There is no deficit, that’s fake news right Pat?
Sanders and Obama on the stump for the dems. Two decent individuals who care for the people all the people. It is criminal to even mention their names in comparing them with scump. These two__Champion the working man and working woman. Scump champions corporations and the filthy rich. A new day will arrive on the night of Nov6th.
Just plain nutz!
President Trump is keeping the country rolling with jobs and with people spending again and this will mean that soon we can work on the deficit. Please remember that the deficit was also skyrocketing under Obama. The difference now is that our GDP is in a much better place. The GDP is in a place that Obama said it would never go again. A low GDP was the new normal for the United States according to Obama in 2014. President Trump has proven that Obama was so wrong.
The economy’s on fire – keep it rolling…vote Republican!
U.S. now the world’s top oil producer. More winning!
Here is the next huge story coming soon. Scump will fire sessions. No big deal. Rosenstein will be fired or resign. Next in line to take over the Mueller probe will be solicitor general noel Francisco. He works for the law firm that represents scump and normally would be barred from overseeing the Mueller probe. We just found out tonight that departing council don’ McGhan on April 6th signed a waiver which will allow noel to take over the Mueller probe. Translation: scump has his ace in the hole with Francisco to kill Mueller probe. Not so fast scumps___ Look for Mueller to give his report to congress on nov 7th and to prosecute scump for obstru tion of justice for this rotten scheme also. If the dems take the house look for scump to be under impeachment indictment before thanksgiving. Scumps turkey is cooked. The sane will be rejoicing on nov7th and look for the celebration to last for a while because it is not often we will ever get the chance to run a dictator out of office. It may be the only time america gets to oust a dictator. The scump experiment has been a collusous failure and it will be over soon. Thank God.
Top oil producer and yet we still import millions of barrels. Why?
Woman who claimed Justice Kavanaugh raped her now admits they’ve never even met. She’s been referred to DOJ/FBI for investigation and could soon be in serious legal trouble. In an email from Judy Munro-Leighton (a left-wing activist) to Senate Judiciary Committee, investigators received a confession from the woman stating she “just wanted to get attention”; “it was a tactic”; and “that was just a ploy.”
“I was angry, and I sent it out.” she told investigators.
When asked by Committee investigators whether she had ever met Judge Kavanaugh, she said: “Oh Lord, no.”
Here’s a copy of the letter Senator Grassley sent to the FBI and DOJ:
Dear Attorney General Sessions and Director Wray:
I am once again writing regarding fabricated allegations the United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary recently received. As you know, the Senate Judiciary Committee processed the nomination of Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh to serve as an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States, leading to his eventual confirmation on October 6, 2018. As part of that process, the Committee has investigated various allegations made against Judge Kavanaugh. The Committee’s investigation has involved communicating with numerous individuals claiming to have relevant information. While many of those individuals have provided the Committee information in good faith, it unfortunately appears some have not. As explained below, I am writing to refer Ms. Judy Munro-Leighton for investigation of potential violations of 18 U.S.C. §§ 1001 (materially false statements) and 1505 (obstruction), for materially false statements she made to the Committee during the course of the Committee’s investigation.
On September 25, 2018, staffers for Senator Harris, a Committee member, referred an undated handwritten letter to Committee investigators that her California office had received signed under the alias “Jane Doe” from Oceanside, California.1
The letter contained highly graphic sexual-assault accusations against Judge Kavanaugh. The anonymous accuser alleged that Justice Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her “several times each” in the backseat of a car. In addition to being from an anonymous accuser, the letter listed no return address, failed to provide any timeframe, and failed to provide any location — beyond an automobile — in which these alleged incidents took place.
Regardless, Committee staff quickly began investigating the claims as part of the broader investigation, hindered by the limited information provided. On September 26, 2018, Committee staff questioned Judge Kavanaugh about these allegations in a transcribed interview conducted under penalty of felony.2 They read him the letter in full as part of the questioning.3
In response to the anonymous allegations, Judge Kavanaugh unequivocally stated: “[T]he whole thing is ridiculous. Nothing ever — anything like that, nothing . . . . [T]he whole thing is just a crock, farce, wrong, didn’t happen, not anything close.”4 Later that day, September 26th, the Committee publicly released the transcript of that interview with Judge Kavanaugh, which included the full text of the Jane Doe letter.5
Then, on October 3, 2018, Committee staff received an email from a Ms. Judy MunroLeighton with a subject line claiming: “I am Jane Doe from Oceanside CA — Kavanaugh raped me.”6
Ms. Munro-Leighton wrote that she was “sharing with you the story of the night that Brett Kavanaugh and his friend sexually assaulted and raped me in his car” and referred to “the letter that I sent to Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19 with details of this vicious assault.” She continued: “I know that [‘]Jane Doe[’] will get no media attention, but I am deathly afraid of revealing any information about myself or my family.” She then included a typed version of the Jane Doe letter.
Committee investigators began investigating Ms. Munro-Leighton’s allegations. Given her relatively unique name, Committee investigators were able to use open-source research to locate Ms. Munro-Leighton and determine that she: (1) is a left-wing activist; (2) is decades older than Judge Kavanaugh; and (3) lives in neither the Washington DC area nor California, but in Kentucky. In order to investigate her sexual-assault claims, Committee investigators first attempted to reach her by phone on October 3, 2018, but were unsuccessful. On October 29, Committee investigators again attempted contact, leaving a voicemail. In response, Ms. Munro-Leighton left Committee investigators a voicemail on November 1, 2018.
Eventually, on November 1, 2018, Committee investigators connected with Ms. Munro Leighton by phone and spoke with her about the sexual-assault allegations against Judge
Kavanaugh she had made to the Committee. Under questioning by Committee investigators, Ms. Munro-Leighton admitted, contrary to her prior claims, that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original “Jane Doe” letter. When directly asked by Committee investigators if she was, as she had claimed, the “Jane Doe” from Oceanside California who had sent the letter to Senator Harris, she admitted: “No, no, no. I did that as a way to grab attention. I am not Jane Doe . . . but I did read Jane Doe’s letter. I read the transcript of the call to your Committee. . . . I saw it online. It was news.”
She further confessed to Committee investigators that (1) she “just wanted to get attention”; (2) “it was a tactic”; and (3) “that was just a ploy.” She told Committee investigators that she had called Congress multiple times during the Kavanaugh hearing process – including prior to the time Dr. Ford’s allegations surfaced – to oppose his nomination. Regarding the false sexual-assault allegation she made via her email to the Committee, she said: “I was angry, and I sent it out.” When asked by Committee investigators whether she had ever met Judge Kavanaugh, she said:
“Oh Lord, no.”
In short, during the Committee’s time-sensitive investigation of allegations against Judge Kavanaugh, Ms. Munro-Leighton submitted a fabricated allegation, which diverted Committee resources. When questioned by Committee investigators she admitted it was false, a “ploy,” and a “tactic.” She was opposed to Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation.
As I have repeatedly stated, Committee investigations in support of the judicial nomination process are an essential part of the Committee’s constitutional role. The Committee is grateful to citizens who come forward with relevant information in good faith, even if they are not one hundred percent sure about what they know. But when individuals intentionally mislead the Committee, they divert Committee resources during time-sensitive investigations and materially impede our work. Such acts are not only unfair; they are potentially illegal. It is illegal to make materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements to Congressional investigators. It is illegal to obstruct Committee investigations.
Gobsig please post the source of this information
It’s all over the news. CNN and MSNBC will be late reporting it but it’s out there.
The dem world is melting like a sugar cube in a rainstorm.
Your analogy is absurd. I scoured the internet and found neither pictures nor historical references to any ice cube ever having been found in the rain. There are absolutely zero analytics as to what would happen to in ice cube if left out in any given rain event irregardless of the air temperature at the time.
Please revise your post or cite references.
thank you
Gobsig This woman had no bearing on the KavaScumps nomination. I get my info from five highly reliable news sources and haven’t seen this but it appears this woman is some kind of a wacko. I call them as I see them and I wish everyone would also. Look at the number of wackos on this site who can’t string two sentences together. They have no accomplishments of their own to talk about but consistently try to down play the real accomplishments of very successful individuals one in particular. We all know who the losers on this site are. They are a fact of life and we are forced to put up with them. One thing we can be certain of is that they will always be out their spewing hate and accomplishing nothing because theyare nothing
You need to learn how to do research on the web. The failing New York Times and USA Today are filling your mind with fake crap. This story about Ms. Munro- Leighton is all over the internet.
Thanks Gobsig for posting this story – Art is getting a lesson in how fake the Dem accusations against Kavanaugh were. Maybe he’ll see the light someday.
Nutty Art loves his tantrums. He won’t change.
The truth will set you free, Art.
Art wouldn’t know the truth if it but him on the ass.
Who are you talking about
Trump is averaging 30 lies a day.
The largest political force in america is the 120 million Americans that don’t vote. I don’t know how it is in this day in age that this sector can be so large. What does it say about us as a republic that we can’t get these individuals to take part in their governance? Does anyone have any ideas how we can address this??
Dems are in a panic over the upcoming midterms – they know they’re gonna get their butts whipped!
Keep Massachusetts safe, vote no on question #3.
Oh no! Otis has jumped the shark!
He just doubled down on a claim that was directly refuted by three documents produced by Eoin Higgins. It’s official: Otis has lost it.
Though I’m glad it gave me a reason to read the docs again. I see that co-counsel on the Pucci case is a guy named Tom Frongillo.
I wonder if he is still involved. If the answer is yes, then Chuck also has his answer as to whether this is all malarkey.
Dow WAS down today….. trump is averaging thirty lies a day. fact…..just sayin.
The Dow is going to go up and down that’s what it does. The Dow is not our economy.
What were yesterday’s 30 lies? How about today’s? He must have lied at least 10 times by now.
While Dan is out of town stop being a blog hog please. Try and take Sunday off will ya?
Hoggin da blog is rude, obnoxious, and is tuning people out. Kind of like what happens when you present in person.
Just sayin’
Barney Fife
Sister I post to produce intelligent content. Study my posts and start getting yourself up to par. Who are you to tell anyone not to post? Is this your site???? Are you more important than any one else? Some morons post on this thread. Why do you not chastise them?? You are way out of line with this post. If you were to tell the miscreants on this thread not to post I would support them also. Something fishy going on with you on this site. I hope I am wrong with what I am thinking. Say hello to Dan for me. Have a nice weekend. I will be bringing lots of good factual info over the weekend as I normally do. I’m surprised you are not happy to get the benefit of my research which is always factual .please don’t tell me you have no use for the truth because I always thought you were someone who valued the truth. We have too many already who don’t value the truth but hopefully not you.
Melissa Mazzeo was seen behind closed doors yesterday in the Council office with Paul Caccaviello. He lives in Dalton so I’m sure it wasn’t city business. It’s illegal to use city buildings for campaign purposes. But hey, why not, it’s just breaking the law.
Ha! Harrington has actual pictures of herself with politicians in the state building as part of her “endorsement tour” campaign.
You do realize that Paul is the DA for BERKSHIRE county which includes Pittsfield. That Mazzeo as a councilor at large represents all of Pittsfield and has advocated for victims rights well before she was even a councilor.
That both are surely smart enough to know that all they have to do is step outside or go to the highland if they need to discuss politics of a campaign.
Andrea Harrington was seen going into Mayor Tyer’s office yesterday. AH lives in Richmond so I’m sure it wasn’t city business. It’s illegal to use city buildings for campaign purposes. But hey, why not it’s just breaking the law.
Stop making up baloney.
Integrity + Competence + Experience = CACCAVIELLO
Our GDP is in a very healthy place thanks to President Trump. Barack Obama said that a low GDP was the new normal for our country.
Lots of Geoff Diehl supporters in Allendale yesterday carrying signs. Liz Warren needs to find another job since she only helps the wealthy Democrats and illegal immigrants. That’s when she isn’t spending her time on President Trump bashing and selling her books. We need a NEW Senator for Massachusetts. Vote for Geoff Diehl on Tuesday!!!
Roger Ston is a nut.
Geoff has no shot Pat. Not fake news. Wal Mart not building at PEDA site,not fake news. Dow DOWN friday,not fake news. Trump 30 lies a day,not fake news. Trump approval rating very low,not fake news. Pittsburgh community and religious leaders said Trump is not welcome, he went anyway,not fake news. The stock Market will eventually crash…just sayin.
Elizabeth Warren is a lying, conniving fraud, a national disgrace! “Pocahontas” claimed to be an American Indian in order to check the minority box to get into schools and secure jobs. Recent DNA evidence has shown she has no more Indian blood than President Trump. She is anti- everything but pro-socialism and mob violence. She has called police “racist.” Warren intends to spend the next two years campaigning for president – not attending to the affairs of MA citizens. Why should we pay her senator’s salary for two years so that she can run for another office? Vote for Diehl – he will earn his pay!
I agree. Liz Warren could ONLY be elected in Massachusetts mostly by her rich far left buddies in the Boston area and gullible voters. Everyone else sees her true self. Running for president will be a waste for her and take away from what little she does now for her constituents since Liz doesn’t have a prayer of winning with the rest of the country.
What the Pittsburgh community did was shameful since President Trump did not cause that shooting. Just gullible people listening to a liberal media that tells well over 100’s of lies per day.
Job creation. Higher than ever. I just got a better paying job which I was convinced would never happen and didn’t during the Obama years.
Unemployment. Unbelievably low.
Spoken like a rich person who will survive just fine if the stock market did crash and so hopes it does to make Trump look bad.
Hey Art – I hope your house sits on high ground – would hate to see the RED TSUNAMI sweep you out to sea, while clutching your New York Times proclaiming a blue wave!
The economy was going great when trump claimed credit for it, and ranted about a false dnp number. Trumps done Nov. 6. Ssi gets increase and the welfare and insurance for foreigners will return, with medical. Trump has to have an incident, like War.
If Russian troops landed at Chesapeake Bay Trump would send out his own troops to escort them to the White house where he would welcome them in for a massive buffett after which he would hand out medals to them for their bravery. that is the Donald Trump I have come to know.
No true since President Trump is not coddling Russia like Obama did. He recently ended a nuke treaty with Russia saying that country was violating the agreement. More FAKE news from the left that President Trump is coddling Russia.
Oh no! Otis has jumped the shark!
He went on WAMCagain yesterday and doubled down on a claim that was directly contradicted by multiple emails produced by Eoin Higgins. It’s official: Otis has lost it.
Though I’m glad it gave me a reason to read the docs again. I see that co-counsel on the Pucci case is a guy named Tom Frongillo.
I wonder if he is still involved. If the answer is yes, then Chuck also has his answer as to whether this is all malarkey.
Cicero, who is Otis and why do you call Paul Caccaviello by that name?
Superman reference. Tandem of Lex Luthor/Otis = Capeless/Caccaviello. And now that Capeless’s wife’s behavior has come to light thanks to Brian Marquis, she has definitely earned the monicker Miss Teschmacher.
Harrington shows classic signs of bi-polar disorder with delusions of grandeur – she can do anything, reality to the contrary. Now imagine her payback includes a job for Rinaldo. Doesn’t he still have a pending assault case? Now, run don’t walk to the polls my friends.
I love when Andrea Harrington says things like
“The blacks know I’m their only choice.”
“I don’t have to worry about the blacks.”
“Blacks love me!”
It’s like she’s taken pages out of the Hillary Clinton playbook and doesn’t even know it’s racist.
True. Like when Hillary says “African Americans all look alike” while smiling since she knows she can get away with saying such an outrageous statement. The left politicians take the African American vote for granted and then do nothing for them once they are in office.
Did Hillary say that Pat. If so you’d think she’d be smarter and more sensitive.
Wow! That’s shocking! And totally believable, just like your retelling of the Healey endorsement call.
That wasn’t Pat, was it? That’s one of the posts my comment below references. If true, that’s informative. If not it’s just mean! I cannot judge its veracity without attribution or 3rd party vetting.
Mr. G,
You really should do more reading and paying attention. Pat is 100% correct;
In a strategy meeting about canvassing and where to focus at a home in Pittsfield and then again in an impromptu “quick meeting”.
Talking about canvassing on the west side and trying to win neighborhoods in Pittsfield. This was right after her win and right before Caccaviello’s announcement to run a write-in.
Young guy constantly on his phone texting, stratigwst from Boston. Thin lawyer from Springfield, a few other people Megan was supposed to be there, she wasn’t.
The talk was of the African American vote, which then was called the “black vote”.
Andrea was pissed she didn’t win more votes and thought that Knight stole her momentum in a number of the districts.
Blacks “they love me.” Black voters “know I’m their only choice”. She doesn’t understand that by grouping an racial group with a diverse history and demographic that it’s racist to say that.
It was then decided that Shirley with all her connections would be more important than Hellen Moon because although “Hellen is an influencer” they are much lower in actual votes with minorities then they expected.
Some of the thought was that with Knight out of the race the people that voted for her would vote for Andrea if there was a write-in and Paul ran.
Relayed to me by someone who worked on both her campaigns.
Another example of Andrea Harrington looking at race and gender as qualifiers.
Andrea in a nutshell
In a text she thought was only going to supporters, she wrote
“I need Richard Dohoney’s support, but he needs to be promised something. He will help with the conservative vote and fundraising in Boston. Women need strong white men to stand behind them.”
Three or so days after this was sent, Richard endorsed her. I guess the promise worked.
Dan, you should have a rule that if you say something about someone locally, real name is required or no post. You, as the journalist in this mess, certainly have a right to post stories attributed to unnamed sources. We are trusting you (or not!) To make responsible decisions and value judgements on “truth.” But to anonymously post something “I heard, from the next door neighbor’s cousin’s sister” without the reader being able to assess credibility at all is irresponsible. If you know something and want to alert people, put your name to it…or bring it to a trusted reporter to vet! Otherwise I discount everything. That goes for both sides in this or any other discussion. Thank you Brian Marquis.
Thanks for this. I agree with your premise about attaching your name to comments. There are, as you point out, two aspects. The first is my responsibility as a “trusted (or not!)” journalist. Whenever I can use someone’s name, I do. If I am provided information on the basis of anonymity, I honor that. I have never outed or burned a source in a news career that goes back to 1975. I have also refused to use unattributed comments where I do not trust the source or the veracity of the information. In a town like Pittsfield, where politics is a zero-sum game, the default setting for people “In the Know” is no attribution. It’s a tricky game to judge information provided on that basis. I think I do a good job with it, though I am not Don Larson on Oct. 8, 1956. The second aspect would be comments made here under aliases. I’ve had to wrestle with that since the founding of THE PLANET in 2010 — (a) to allow comments or not and (b) if allowed, under what rules. I decided to err on the side of freedom of speech and expression. It’s vastly imperfect, but to vet the information that comes here would be impossible for a one-man shop. I rely, perhaps foolishly, on people’s good intentions and integrity, knowing that allows canyons of wiggle room. I have also refused to print comments, taken down comments, redacted comments, and, for several individuals, enacted outright bans. I leave it to my readers to do what you have done, as a thoughtful individual: to make your own independent judgments. You may “discount everything” or not. The large point is that once you allow free speech on an interactive, 24/7 board such as this one, you must accept the chaff along with the golden kernels. I wish that all readers brought your good sense to the table, but Utopia is not an option. Meantime, I shall opt for the messy process of letting people have their say. That’s what I have stood for my entire career and do so now.
Hey Dan, I know you are an intrepid reporter and an as assiduous-as-possible verifier! I, for one, do trust you and left as understood your “responsibility” in delivering news and stories. I also get and agree with your stance on commenters and free speech, etc. I guess my stated stance here is more for the benefit of the various posters trying to get their candidate elected; no name, no attribution, no credibility. You’re not doing your candidate any favor by spreading lies and innuendo, on either side. If it’s a fact, say it and own it. Dan, as always, I remain grateful for the forum.
May I suggest reading the following article, before you go to the polls;
Excellent article Gigi. President Trump’s accomplishments are many and have turned this country into a place where people have hope again that they can improve their lives and not be dependent on government to take care of them. We can reach for the stars again and not depend on government handouts.