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ADD 1, NOV. 29, 2018 — Couldn’t let the 8-2 council vote approve the Bea-Con deal, which lets the developer walk away from millions in debt while keeping intact a brilliant Ponzi scheme in which untold, unnamed principles got their huge kiss in the mail, although if truth be told, the kiss probably came in laundered cash in unmarked envelopes — kinda like they do it in The Sopranos and Better Call Saul. Allow then a few random thoughts, which we shall post during the day. To start:

  • A Bea-Con insider, familiar with the numbers, said ODC head Deanna Ruffer “lied when she gave the attendance figures” for last year. Ruffer cited 121,000. Our source says she “inflated the number by more than five times.” This would align with another source, who earlier told THE PLANET that paid, “legit attendance” was under 20,000.
  • Our source outlined the scheme: He (or she) claims that the principles set up a slush fund of money from the $23 million that went into the project, one that left “more than $10 million to play around with.” The Beacon would then use some of that to “buy” tickets and use the number of seats “bought” in the attendance figures to count as fannies in the seats, even though no actual people showed up. That would explain the many performance in which there were as little as two, three, or four people — or even no one — for shows. If effect, if true, this would mean Richard Stanley was using taxpayer money to buy tickets from himself. No actual money would change hands, only photons on a computer screen. None of this was vetter, of course, by the mayor, by councilors, by OCD, by Downtown Pittsfield Inc., by 1Berkshire, or by anybody.
  • Councilor “Big Earl” Persip defended his vote by saying a “no” vote would “risk the making of a dead, dark area” on North Street. Uh, PLANET to Big Earl. Apparently you don’t get out much at night. You ever take a look at North Street this time of year, long after the Lah-De-Dahs from South County have left until next July? Yeah. You see a “dead, dark area.” That nag done left the barn, honey.
  • Mayor Linda Tyer had a great euphemism for the highway robbery she allowed to occur. She called the forgiveness of debt and the sale of a $23 million investment for a little more than half a million “leveraging the benefits.” Right. And bombing civilians accidentally is called “collateral damage.
  • Some of the street prophets and Wise Guys who piped in with THE PLANET read mayoral tea leaves from the vote. They feel that:
    • The manner in which Tyer pushed this shows she’s serious about another four-year term.
    • Krol’s “yes” vote backing the mayor is a signal that to her people that he won’t run in opposition.
    • Mazzeo’s “no” vote should be considered the first action of her mayoral challenge in 2019.
  • Let it be known and not forgotten that only two councilors — Mazzeo and Morandi — had the courage to vote in the true interests of the Kapanskis as opposed to sweetening the sugar for the Ponzi Perpetrators.
  • Is and was Deanna Ruffer’s relationship with Richard Stanley strictly professional, or was there more involved?
  • Why didn’t Chris Connell recuse himself from the vote, the same as he did when Stanley’s TIF came to the council’s plate?
  • The Bea-Con will go down in local history as perhaps the most blatant act of highway robbery ever. Even broad daylight on the seedier aspects did not stop the skunks in power from their spraying.
  • Enough of the unpumped septic tank known as the Bea-Con Sinema, which rhymes with enema. Now back to our regularly scheduled column.

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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDESDAY NOV. 28, 2018) — We temporarily leave the uncharted wastes of The Beacon Bomb to present another bit of incendiary, this one occurring south and west. More Beacon to come later, of course, as we unravel the Scam of the Century … or should we call it … Retread Ruffer’s Revenge. What? You think her return to Pittsfield and the timing of Richard Stanley’s latest move was a coincidence? Every romance novel we check said no.

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich said Monday there is a “war” at the southern border being funded by the far left, explaining it was “a psychological war, very often guided by American leftists who are activists and American left-wing organizations who are helping finance it.” He said the left’s goal in mobilizing the Central American caravan was to embarrass the U.S. by making it seem as though the government cannot control its border. “You are either going to have a country and have a border or you are not going to have a country,” Gingrich said, adding, “we have to be prepared to stand up to that, and to do whatever is necessary.”

Gingrich makes a great point. The United States of America has ALWAYS been open to immigrants. THE PLANET shouldn’t have to remind anyone of that, but, sadly, we have to do that given the hysteria caused by the thousands of migrants, Hondurans, mostly, who have marched to the border demanding illegal entry to the country ad the freebies that go with it. America has a process that welcomes newcomers. The process, one of the few aspects of historical, bureaucratic law that actually performs as billed provided it is followed, doesn’t the seemingly impossible. On the one hand, it gladly welcomes qualified newcomers wishing to take part in what’s left of The American Dream. On the other, it helps weed out the undesirables that every first-world country has to deal with as the cost of success.

———- 000 ———-

THE PLANET‘s progeny left Austria and Italy early in the 19th century to find their way to America. They came having friends and sponsors here to welcome them. They came legally, willing to assimilate and, while retaining the important aspects of their cultural heritage, become “Americans.” They learned the language. They found employment. They didn’t expect a penny from the government. They were willing to begin at the bottom and work their way up. Our grandparents from both sides of the family tree did just that.

We had an opportunity this year to witness the process in action. One of our students, Demid Karpov, became a U.S. citizen. Demid, a native of Russia, came here, applied himself, got a degree, became a bank manager while putting himself through school, perfected his English, studied, and this summer, became a U.S. citizen. THE PLANET had the high honor of assisting him on his long journey and being honored guest at a celebration dinner with Demid, his doctor mother, and his fiancée. Demid is now pursuing more higher education. He will go on to became a great success and, in doing so, help in a small-but-large way to assist his new country, more than he will ever realize.

What’s wrong with that model?

Compare that to the mob of thousands that pressured entry points near Tijuana, Mexico. This horde, led by a group called “People Without Borders,” showed up at the U.S. border, threw rocks and projectiles at uniformed U.S. border agents, chanted that America’s laws do not apply to them, and began cutting through fences, putting personnel in danger. Organizers got what they wanted: Great footage of women with children being gassed. So what if these pawns suffered a little discomfort. The melodrama scored political points.

With TV cameras present and social media burning the wires, they forced agents to use tear gas to repel the attack, a perfectly executed plan of Guerilla Street Theater. All this confirmed what the White House has been saying for weeks now — this is a group of gullible people driven by poverty into the hands of a lawless elite to be used entirely for political purposes.

Of course, they found comfort in the predictable response of some Democrats, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The socialist, 29-year-old congresswoman likened the action to “Jews fleeing Hitler’s Germany.” Nothing like fanning the flames in a tinder box. That kind of response, the clueless congresswoman doesn’t realize, will make Donald Trump’s re-election in 2020 a virtual certainty.

People need to study the constitution, learn history, and realize that — as unfortunate as they may be — poverty, ignorance, and bad government can never be used as ground for political asylum. Otherwise, as CBS News pointed out, America’s population would be 1 billion people.

America welcomes immigrants. We have a process. We suggest that would-be immigrants follow it. The rest can go back home and work to improve their lives there.


“Nothing discloses real character like the use of power” — Robert Green Ingersoll.



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6 years ago

You have to watch the Bea Con rebuttle for,by Half Moon. What an imbecile.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

This beacon project has many chapters. Now we see that Stanley bought 500 thousand dollars of Seats from guess who? Yup himself. This situation has more twists and turns than an old country road. I feel council should not approve this project. Too many unanswered questions at this point. Ruffer is a liar and can not be trusted in anything she says. She stated this project requires no taxpayer money and this is a bold face lie. Still watching now. Mazzeo making many good points to delay project and I agree with her

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Reply to Art Seller–Sorry, I was late tonight.
They said Rich Stanley did not buy the seats!
He leased the seats, so if he goes belly up, seats go back to the owner–Michigan company!
The main point is the whole
Beacon Cinema deal was a scheme in the very beginning.
Rich Stanley spent $21 Mills of public money and grants for Beacon Cinema, but about 90% went to renovation of the building done not by City’s bidding, but by his own or his friend’s construction company who paid him kick backs % as agreed. Therefore, Stanley got Millions $$ already and did not care about any movie profit.
He kept running Beacon just to avoid any direct blame for renovation money gone. He needed nothing else.
Good scheme and worked well in village of Pittsfield!
Bravo–Rich Stanley! Well done and gone with the wind.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Connell just ruined his future political career,bad move Chris. And your vote was wrong.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

At least he didn’t recuse himself like he did with the Beacon TIF vote two years ago. It nearly killed him but he made a decision last night and I think he made the right one.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Mike Ward
6 years ago

I smell rat and it’s coming from the Mayors office. Maybe Terry K can talk about this one ?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Not recurring himself was good? How corrupt are people around here – between the influential dude basically misleading everyone that the city doesn’t have any choice. I’m totally gobsmacked. Vote them all out and investigate the matter.

Chris Connell
Chris Connell
Reply to  Mike Ward
6 years ago

Both options were losers. I chose the one whereby the city still has some leverage. I tried to get the mayor to install a clause whereby the new buyers would give 10% of the net income back to the city to help replenish the GE fund but she refused.

Reply to  Chris Connell
6 years ago

I think Connell made the right choice for the city.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Chris Connell
6 years ago

Thank you for commenting. I think it was an awful option and they shouldn’t have forced a vote.
22 odd million dollars have gone missing, as government money that is not accounted for. Do you intend to research the embezzlement?
Putting that sum of money in perspective – that is 40 – 500k houses – like he could have bought the entire town of Richmond.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

He cited past business dealings with Richard Stanley. I’ll let him elaborate on the difference between the two votes.

6 years ago

Dan,STOP the Presses. The seats at the Beacon are from Stanley’s own Businees.????????? Change your vote Chris.

6 years ago

Ruffer and Stanley should be in prison. Stanley bought the seats from his own company? WTF?

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

I will not be voting for any of these assclowns. Stanley better get a lawyer.

6 years ago

This vote will determine what the future and the reputations of these current City Councilors now knowing what was said tonight concerning the BeaCon. Pete Arlos coined our City very well. We are Palookaville.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Trump won’t release his tax returns because he is hiding his foreign business dealings and that he doesn’t pay federal taxes. Trump is tear gassing immigrant families. Trump ripped immigrant babies out of their mother’s arms and put them in inhumane cages. Trump called neo nazi’s “fine people”. Trump praises foreign dictators. Trump wants to repeal the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to make himself King instead of President.
Down with Trump!

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Reply to Jonathan Melle:

Brian Center is located on East Street,
where MotorVehicle Dep is. On 3rd floor.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan, “families” rotflmao. If you look at the actual footage of the caravan instead of bias cherry picked segments designed to promote an agenda, you would know that the overwhelming majority of the caravan consist of males between the ages of 18 and 30.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Paul is correct. Here is a video report from the Tijuana border from yesterdays Andrea Mitchell show on MSNBC that supports Paul’s statement. Shows the people from the caravan split into 2 lines, mothers and children in one line and single men in the other.

6 years ago

Any illegals should be immediately deported – no catch and release -change the law. Build that wall and electrify the fencing. Anyone throwing rocks at cops should be shot.

6 years ago

In the interest of everyone’s health and well being I think our southern border should be closed to immigration until the next presidential election. Nothing good can come of what is going on there. Just close it till further notice.

As far as the Beacon theater and its associated players the subject needs to be hashed and rehashed and I still think it is a legitimate case for the attorney general. And in the interim any city councilor who aides and abets the assault on taxpayers needs to be tagged and remembered at the next election.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The policy of union busting and artificial low wages starts and ends with illegal immigrant labor,mandatory 1 year in jail if business hires more than the 12 million they already have hired.Paid mob violence at the border so Trump can avoid talking about the women and the children.Trump teaching his sheep fear.As we have a 850 billion dollar budget and 5000 can rush a border which we have had 3 month to get ready and Trump is in fear of them.They will be running this country in 15 years Don and I for one believe they can save us from ourselves

6 years ago

People REALLY need to listen. This was a setup years in the making and facilitated by Tyer.
When I said you really really need to look into the financing, I wasn’t kidding.
The seats are just the tip of the iceberg. Look at the books of the triplex. Money from the Beacon project went elsewhere. All the supplies (popcorn, candy, beer and wine) oh yes and look at the amount of beer and wine bought versus sold. Also look at the gifts (wine) Stanley has given out.
The Beacon was a personal slush fund for Stanley with diversions of money to cover construction and costs elsewhere.
Why would you have a commercial construction contractor work on a residential property?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent. The only person speaking against the beacon last night was Mr gaetani. He told the council they didn’t have enough knowledge to vote on anything last night and suggested that city Atty. Produce a comprehensive report as to all public money spent on the beacon. Lacking pertinent information regarding this project. None the less 8 coun ilors voted for this pink elephant. Only Mazzeo and Morandi voted for the taxpayer. This vote alone should be a referendum as to who needs to be voted out of office next year along with the secretary mayor. This idiot even tried to push new water and sewer rates last night and I think the main reason the council decided not to establish new rates was because gaetani told the council that he approached the mayor and tutocy twice in the past two weeks to get into the water and sewer plants to do some research for his upcoming presentation to the council on dec10. These two didn’t even have the decency to reply to the Gman. Never the less he got all the info he needs for his presentation and he claims the presentation will be eye opening but he cautioned that with the bulk of the council being in thr mayors back pocket there is no telling how the vote will go. Regardless he says the public will see a top notch presentation with the potential to save 10s upon 10 s of millions of dollars for the taxpayer. He said this should be a no brained but because the ones voting will be the same ones who voted last night. He said if this were a private sector job there would be no doubt of the outcome. He is dealing with politicians and politicians dont often vote the facts. They vote ass kissing and this is the only way his presentation can fail. We all need to remember which councilors dont side with the taxpayer and those that dont should be swept away with the fest of the garbage in the next city election.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Downtown Pittsfield packed the meeting with goons to pressure the vote – what is there role?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Kermit
6 years ago

For all intent and purposes, Downtown, Inc was the shell corp that the city used to laundry money in the Beacon “Public-Private partnership” scam. It’s like a criminal calling all of his friends to the courtroom to tell the jury how great of a guy he is and then picks their pockets on the way out.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

Two cents. I think you may have something there.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

It smells of embezzlement — 22 million for something worth 675. These dumb reporters make it purposely vague and the counci is corrupt – plain and simple. This is vile. Have you seen the books? Can anything be done?

6 years ago

I agree Dan. You can read the comments from people like School Committee who represent what the dangerous far left is thinking about allowing anyone who wants to come here to do so even large violent mobs like the current one and she hopes they are running the country in 15 years because they are better than we are.

If they are this dangerous entering the country, can you imagine what they will be like when they live here? They show their willingness to be violent right from the beginning. Are these really the kind of people we want in the country?

I thought the far left was all about anti-violence?!? The thinking on the far left is all about power. They have no concern for the country. They truly want a country without borders.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Reply to Pat:
You are absolutely right!
“The thinking on the far left is all about power. They have no concern for the country. They truly want a country without borders.”

Left Liberal/Dems main goal is a Global “community”–
One Communist country with no private property rights, no gun rights and No free speech rights.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,your comments that non Trumps want immigrants to walk into our country is silly and a lie meant for only Trump sheep.People are attracted here for union busting and to keep corporate farms at low wages.Its an old story. Don’t hire illegals and much of this problem goes away without lifting a finger.Put business owners in jail who hire illegals,done.A Trump supporter told me he would shoot them and he would support this being a Trump policy.Trump and his voters live in a fake world that will send them back in time….try to go back in time Pat ,it’s just a lie Trump has you repeating.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

The far left wants NO BORDERS.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Your lying Pat,nobody wants open boarders.I don’t want anyone accross illegally not 1 person.Corporations want cheap labor and by the millions they got it.You don’t believe it .I want the most safe and secure boarder but not a 25 billion dollar fn wall.

6 years ago

Even the Obama administration was using teargas on a monthly basis at the border. At least his administration was attempting to protect the border as compared to the complete extremists we have on the far left now who just want them to be allowed to enter the country as a giant violent mob. No complaints from the media during the Obama years when teargas was being used monthly.

6 years ago

Dems are obstructing border wall funding. They are for open borders and a lawless society. Build the wall!

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Mexico is paying for the wall, remember?

6 years ago

This is posted for Art and his support of corrupt Clinton politician Mike Espy, who thankfully lost his Senate race.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Giwit I would never look at a breitbart report. You are sorely missing a very major factor. The idiot you support has lied to the american people over 6500 times. Doesn’t that even cause you a little bit of concern? It is a certainty that you and others on this board are thoroughly brainwashed but I and others on this board aren’t What ever you or others like you have to say about things are not a important to me. I like the truth and those that k ow the difference between a lie and the truth and that doesn’t include you. Be sure to watch scump today by days end he will have another 6 7 lies but that won’t mean nothing to you and because of that I dont want to have anything to do with you and those that think like you. Access scumps lies and study them. You will be more informed if you do.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


The reason you will not look at a Breitbart news story is that you probably cannot comprehend reality and facts.

A mind is a terrible thing to waste, but in your case it doesn’t matter. Nothing there to waste.

Re the magnificent presentation on water and sewer… who is the professional engineer who designs it and stamps it.
What firm will build it?

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

We have our own little problem here at last nights City Council meeting. The vote should have not been taken in light of the knowledge about the seats that were leased at the Beacon from the recipient of the TIF Stanley. Morandi was correct to ask Ruffless if an audit could be performed only to be answered with a hostile response. If anyone should perform an Audit, it should be the banks. AS FAR AS Ruffer and clan,maybe Mr. Caccaviello would be slightly interested in these goings on. It was peculiar that she left, came back,no? I’m sure the A G will be. Where was the Compliance on this venture, Mr. president…l.just sayin.

And where is dum dum hubby, chimn in today? At least a Lawyer gummed up the works.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

This beacon project needs investigating by the state attorney general and a federal prosecutor since seats came across state lines.

Locals have too many conflicts of interest at various levels.
Present district attorney is on way out and incoming DA would have conflicting agendas with Mayor Tyer as a political ally.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Tyer needs to resign,she hasn’t done anything as Mayor, and in light of the nonsense vote at the last night,it is clear the whole project stunk from the get go. Agent Smith, who is responsible for purchases with the TIF as far as the accounting and compliance goes? Was there any? I would say anything to do on the Movie end of it Stanley was clearly in violation of the law, purchasing his own equipment with monies from the TIF from his own company? That is crazy. Who should look into this as far as criminal conduct,and who was supposed to be the Compliance person concerning any TIF money purchase? I assume that would be tid directly to the Mayor and Mrs. Ruffer?

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

I’m not sure how many financial regulations were over looked but I guess several. I hope this is investigated.

6 years ago

What is the Planet e mail address?

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Scroll to the top of this page. There is a link labeled “contact”.
You can send an email that way.

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

I think your initial premise is pure bunk. Relying on Newt Gingrich to provide facts is like relying on Richard Stanley to provide truth. The violence is purely a result of this administration’s campaign promises to meet immigrants with hostility because they are the root of all evil. Instead of sending thousands of troops and saber rattling, send a couple of hundred immigration/asylum application processors and work out a deal with Mexico tohouse them on their side while waiting. Immigratio. Is FAR from the biggest problem facing the US today, and this “crisis” is easily avoided with a little forethought, planning and negotiation. Go make a friggi. Deal Donnje and stop running your mouth.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G,
Let me pull you back into reality. Have you not been paying attention to the migrant mess in Europe?! A German migrant commented that “ there are more migrants in Germany than Germans.” Migrant knifings in London, migrant violence in France…etc etc. As a globalist yourself, you believe that nations should not have borders in order to usher in one world government. One world government cannot allow strong independent nations. So…in order to destroy/weaken the U.S., nationalism must be gotten rid of by flooding the country with non- citizens.
Build the wall! MAGA! Go Trump!

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mr. Fritz, Conservatives, relative to guns and gun control, are fond of saying, “we already have tough gun laws. Enforce the laws we have. No new measures are necessary, just arm everyone.” Why such an opposite stance on immigration? I do not want borderless nations. I want strong nations with sane, coherent immigration laws we enforce…including how peop,e get IN. Asylum seekers are precisely that. We already have a process. They should be civil and we should be accommodating and follow the laws we have. Walls, tear gas, electrocution and other violence are unnecessary and unacceptable.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Storming our border is not the legal way to enter a country. That is an invasion. Also, corrupt, bad government in your home country has never been a valid reason for claiming asylum.

Democratic Party is even admitting it is losing it’s working class base. It has become factions of extreme fringe groups. They want to create a new underclass of government dependent voters. That’s why they talk about immigration reform but support amnesty for those that violated our immigration laws.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, where is the revelation about the seats and their purchase by Stanley from Stanley? I just can’t find it and that is fascinating.

6 years ago

Dan,what is your e mail address.

6 years ago

The problem is many forget and more don’t care.

The recent outrage directed at the Beacon is more evidence of a systemic problem in Pittsfield.

Some of the highlights:

Interprint: they got a free sewer connection and Pittsfield got state (and I think federal) monies to extend the sewer line with the promise of creating jobs, was it 120 new jobs? Did they? No was there ever an attempt to keep track? Not really.

How many grants, how many TIFs, how many low interest loans based on job creation? Anyone keep track? No.

Hotel on North: just read Spice.

The Beacon:
The deal was rushed, no one was going to forclose, the process is long and involved, and the Coty had a two year heads up. Tyer/Kerwood were informed 22 months ago this was going to be a problem, they kept it under wraps, they even pushed more TIFs.
If people knew 22 months ago that this was going on, they would have had time to investigate, push for debt restructuring, instead Tyer and Kerwood helped Stanley funnel off money via TIFs and by turning a blind eye to the structured deal that Stanley was working. I said it many times here LOOK AT THE SIDE DEALS.
Remember when the project promised that if the theater became insolvent the city wouldn’t lose money? Well that was clearly wrong.
Remember when Stanley said the theater would draw 250k a year to downtown? It was and is a mathematical impossibility, yet no one balked.

Face it Pittsfield. If any project comes up whatever money is offered is gone, you’ll never see it again. Any promises that are made are as real as Tyer and Kerwood’s integrity (they don’t have any).

So next time a project comes up, just know the money is gone. Next time you hear we must do this now, know it’s a done deal and that it’s too late.

The ONLY saving grace in this one, federal monies were used and the structuring of the debt and the structuring of the lease are potential evidence of stacking and interstate commerce violations.
I’ve sent a letter to the US AO for MA as they are federal funds and Healey and Harrington are clueless.
Here’s hoping the US AO for MA wants in on this.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent,all of these players have one name in common..Jimmy the Gent. Hell,it was the Gent who gave Tyer a Brick from the Beacon…..just sayin…..

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Thank you Agent Smith. The MA US attorney investigated the clay or from Fall River. Maybe someone outside of this region cares that 22 odd million dollars of public money disappeared. I love how the vote split along the DA race lines – Harrington supporters in City Hall like embezzlement apparently. Or will tolerate it so long as the fascade of North St vibrancy is preserved, like a cardboard sham.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent This beacon fiasco is just another typical example of incompetents runing pittsfield. The mayor and the bulk of the city councilors are simply buffoons who go pander to the four special interest groups and like clock work are elected time after time. With the exception of Mazzeo Morandi and Connell none of the other 8 had a clue what was going on but they were the deaf lead by the blind tyer and the result that occurred was anticipated. Another blow to the taxpayer. The only way we can insure that these type of buffoons never get elected again is to have a city referendum asking the public whether they would like the city to go to a city manager type of government.We need to strive to make this change which would allow the city manager to choose his or her own team. Our present system is a total failure. The mayor and the bulk of the council lack the abilities to even balance a checking account sans controlling a 165 million dollar budget. The old saying crap in crap out fits these buffoons to the tee. We all need to move forward as a unified force to rid our city of this crap. Not tomorrow but today.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

I have no connection to interprint…

however, I believe infrastructure improvements are the only valid money that should be spent on a business. Even if no additional jobs were created. The new facility stayed in Pittsfield and stayed on the tax rolls.

That was a great investment.

6 years ago

Orbit goes to Agent Smith. We now have a real advocate. Someone please put up the Iberkshire link to :Beacon Cushy new seats, you will see a photo of Secretary Tyer reclining along with Karol. You cant make it up.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The only leader in Pittsfield right now is Mellisa Mazzeo as she has guts to ask questions.She is powerless to stop anything that is always an emergency vote.I do not know her but respect her for asking questions.Pittsfield does not like questions.Please run for Mayor as there are thousands out here on the verge of losing homes to taxes.Mellisa,Kevin,Chris you should all quit and walk away and handover the keys as this group of councilors will never let you breath again.They won and they are for higher taxes……Pittsfield has been kept afloat by Senior Citizens on SS….not 1 job under Tyer except who she made one for.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Barry notably absent today.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Planet is our greatest advocate,then Art and new Agent Smith. Smith has great incite and is not wishy washy like, say,Chris Connell.

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

I vote for Agent Smith to receive the Orbit award. Thank you for your comments to Dan’s blog. Very helpful information!

6 years ago

These Detiot bankruptcy types say they wont raise admission,what about concession, someone told me popcorn was expensive.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

This is their pricing

General Admission
Seniors, 60 and over
Child, 11 and under
Matinees before 6 PM
Real-D 3D Experience – Add $2.00

The Beacon
$6 matinee
$8.75 regular
$6 kids and Seniors
$2 up charge for 3D

Considering the break they got on the price, the movies should be free.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

I think they were to certain clientele. Half Moon is dumber than A B Of Rocks.

6 years ago

I just heard City Councilor Mazzeo say that water rates are going to rise 50 percent. What gives Melissa?

6 years ago

To Tiny,there are bad deals and en there are crooked deals. Bonehead.cWhere he hell is e Memsa man today? Surely you use your name and surely you must have an opinion?

6 years ago

I will guarantee you Tiny will not be re-elected.

6 years ago

A very telling line last night was when the Phoenix CFO talked about walking thru the building and how much $ it will take to bring it up to their standards. He was very puzzled by the $23 million project not really seeing anything close to that put into the building. Just another sad day for the taxpayers of this state. The Libs in this state are smart enough to pull these scams off(they were exposed on this one) but they are not smart enough to keep our taxes and fees down. So many good citizens head south. Wonder why? Just the weather. Don’t think so.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sonny
6 years ago

To all posting today and all others who post regularly, you are all cowards. Did you not expect what you saw last night? Secretary tired and 8 of those councilors care nothing about you because they know you have no affect regarding how they vote. One person the only person speaking against the beacon was low and behold Mr. Gaetani. Where were you brave posters who complain every day about this or that. The Gman went to court using his own money to try to stop the unneeded THSProject. He. Couldn’t find one other brave soul to co sponsor his law suit. How might we have had a different out one last night?? If you not off your asses and stood by the Wiz last night we may have seen a different result. You must realize,e that tired and the. Ulk of the council have no fear of your posts because they know you do not act. They laugh at you. Gaetani can only do so much on his own and he is a very well established voice of the taxpayer but he is only one person. Like I said before if we had 30 people like the Gman we could change all the wrongs in this city .I know I am wasting my time with this post but at least turn into the Gman’s show tonight at 6. He will be working his balls off to try to save you from having to move out of pittsfield and some of you that he is trying to help will throw stones at him. I guess by now you realize that I am pissed but I know positively that it is because of the cowardice of you people and a whole city of cowards is why we have such incompetent people running this city. When you expect nothing you get nothing. Let’s all get off our asses and get behind Gaetani. He loves this city and you all! Know that everything he tries to do is for the taxpayers. That is you

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Well, maybe 20 recurring names are on this blog – but if you compare that to the influence of the BB or iBerkshires and how they whitewash all shady deals – then maybe it explains apathy. The general public doesn’t know because they read the wrong publications. I can’t vote in Pittsfield but still care what is going on.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Looks like the US Senate in the 116th Congress will be 53 R to 47 D (actually 2 Ind.)

Numbers till aren’t definite for the House.

For the record, we don’t have to let anyone into this country–ever. Congress has always set quotas.

People who get their panties in a twist over these things know zero history, apparently, and less about the Constitution.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Hey, as long as Ed’s ancestors arrived, everything is good.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

This has what to do with me and my ancestors? Or your ancestors? or anyone’s ancestors?

Show me where it says the US must let anyone in at all?

Most infamous quota was probably that for Jews in the 1930s and 40s, which FDR refused to budge on. Back to the camps for you, I guess.

6 years ago

Agent Smit,what are these Historic tax credits,please explain. Agree,half Moon is very scary.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Is there 1 person in town ready to consolidate schools yet.Where do the councilors get the their money.Not 1 thing done to save money in the school department…..PHS is 1/2 empty…..Williams can do a 2nd floor.Shut Dow stearns send Crosby to highland……schools are lead by Educated people and they have no answers

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Can a Trump supporter make a attempt to explain.Trump and Manafort lawyers are now teaming up for a defense.

Honduras for Trump
Honduras for Trump
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Any reductions InSchools will k o jobs and salary increases…. the GobSigs are Control. Don’t be suprised when the waiver to vote on water – sewer Dec 4th is proposed. Gaetani will never get to have a presentation if that happens. Beware of Crane and te progressive Counilors,they’re out to get you Mr. Gaetani. The one Councilr is on the fence, you will need to find out who and persuade him.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

And just was Marchettis opinion of the whole Beacon operation? Does he think it was all legal and would he do the same thing again?

Would he rather move on and never hear the word Beacon again in his life? Is he looking over his shoulder like so many others who helped put this together?

6 years ago

While Gaetani continuesto be in the trenches for us, the Planet is collecting info as we speak, and the next parable of this MESS, last night will be dictated in all it’s transparency,soon. I applaud the G Man last night against all odds for adding to the folklore of Palookaville politics, at its worst. Have either he or the Planet ever been wrong when it comes to examining the bowels of Pttsfield politics,again thank you, gentleman. I am curious to see what presentation Mr. Gaetani gives on December 10th, maybe Councilor White can redeem himself, all he will have to do is apply common sense.

And what is going on with the Eagle reporter, not a mention of the latest Stanley adventure,purchasing his own seats????

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

I also applaud Mr Gaetani. If more in our government had his morals life would be so much better for everyone. Unfortunately most are there for the goodies and their oath is as hollow as an October pumpkin.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

So confusing and such a hurry forgiving 2.5 million

6 years ago

Certainly thank you to G Man, who probably was the only one with the grit to represent us at the City Council Last Night, turns out, the old Professor was 100 percent correct. Bunch of thieves.

6 years ago

We certainly appreciate the G Man at last night Clowncil Meeting. He is a man with Grit, you can’t debate that.

6 years ago

Cos,absolutely. Mr.Gaetani was actually within himself last night and could have crucified the Council after that vote. Here’s hoping he just stays focused on Saving us from the proposed 70 million plus project for water-sewer, and the City along with the City Council realize this is the only way to proceed. From all reports, his scale down project would benefit the City for more than thirty more years. Thank you Planet, Mr. Gaetani and old friend Terry Kinnas for all you try to do,for all the people. it isn’t us against them,and it shouldn’t be personal, common sense should prevail.We all love this City.

6 years ago

I want people to understand the scale of this fraud, and I thing I have a great example.

The Beacon was $23 million in 2008 well in Saratoga they redid the Adelphi hotel in 2017 for $28 million….
interestingly if you adjust for inflation, $28 million works out to $23,565,684 in 2008 dollars. So in theory these two projects had a very similar cost.

Here’s a news website, take some time, look at the pictures.

Understand that both are similar costed project but consider the stark difference in the level of work, renovation, craftsmanship.

The Beacon is a collection of boxes with seats

The Adelphi is a 32 room luxury hotel, with two dining areas, a large bar, and amenities the Beacon can’t even touch.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

I’m glad for all your posts Agent Smith.

The Adelphi is a high quality Reno. They gave a marble foyer and expensive looking function rooms. The Beacon looks like a warehouse.

I still don’t understand how the money was administered – who paid the construction bills? Did the bank have to sign off after seeing progress before releasing more funds? I don’t understand what Downtown Pittsfield has to do with the money part – did they project manage it? In a project finance situation you would have an engineer signing off on milestones. Or even in a residential home build you would need to demonstrate something as well.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Here is what we got for $23 million. It doesn’t detail where all the money went but it outlines some of the work (lots of pictures here too) that was done by Allegrone. Just the façade cost $2 million

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Agent Smith we got took.Where did all the money go.I trust no one in Pittsfield.Lets face it ,the colonial is a little used 20 million dollar facility but you can see the money in the rehab.Beacon has HVAC problems?Why are former councilors on the board quiet about their own expierence

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Dan actually melissa was wrong. Just this sewer project alone will raise the rates by 300% Even in the beagle recently they also stated the rates will triple. If the proposed water project gets approved look for another 300% raise for a total increase of 600 to 700% just as Mr Gaetani has predicted. If the uninformed resident buffoons were aware of this they would be wild. Here in lies the problem. How are we going to get the these ignorant souls to become aware of what is going on. In a sense they are responsible for all that is wrong with in pittsfield. The elected officials love these type people and it behoves them to keep them ignorant. What a sorry state of affairs we have in our beloved pittsfield

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Sean Hannity is anti American but hescpaid 22 million to be vs an ex patriot.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

One last post tonight. If we look at what is happening with trump corsi and manafort what we are looking at is trump obstructing justice in plain sight. Manaforts and cosis lawyers have been briefing trump as to what they have said to Mueller. Trump has been communicating with both of them thru tweets and interviews on fox that he has there backs and will pardon them. If Mueller had nothing on trump up until these corrupt communications with manafort and corsi now he has all he needs to charge and convict trump on obstruction of justice. Further let me remind all the planet scumpsters about some certainties. If all else fails in collaring trump there is that state charge that Cohen plead guilty with trump as his unindicted co conspirator. There is no way trump will not be found guilty on that charge and that will initiate impeachment procedures. Manafort will probably get a pardon by trump but that will only be for federal charges and Mueller has state charges pending and ready to go for trump manafort and corsi. If Mueller needs to do things state wise he will move on trump quickly and when he has him in the vise he will charge the rest of the trumps.By so doing none of the kids can be pardoned and scump and the kids will be heading to the big house together. When this happens it will bring about singing in the streets across America and the dictator will be no more. This is how I see the end of scump.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Get a life. Get treatment for your TDS!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

Lenny. I dont respond to you often but every now and then I make it a point to point out idiots on this thread. You have had your moment of shame.Now go back to your cave.

6 years ago

The real weapon of mass destruction flowing through our southern border is fentanyl.
Boston area has a severe problem with Central American gangs supplying the deadly drug which is killing our kids.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Proposed carbon tax bill – it sucks!

6 years ago

The Clintons aren’t exactly filling stadiums on their talking tour!
Just go away Hillary!

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

The Obamas are raking in lots of money on their speaking tours. They will soon be billionaires. So much for living simply like they are encouraging the rest of us to do.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Nobody cares what the Clintons are doing except Trump and Sean Hannity…..They already got Trump on the obstruction of the investigation probably20 different charges.This investigation will involve lying to the point that All the kids will be going to jail and Don has no respect for American law…….hes above justice so we shall see

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Would any councilors on the blog agree that the Beacon needs an audit.Pittsfield has been vulnerable to people trying to take our GE fund cash so let’s check this Ruberto era out .Does that building look like 22million dollars.And why is a 22 million building valued at 600k?Audit is needed.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

It will be a travesty if this mess is not investigated. And the mayor and everyone on the council will be part of the cover up if it is not gone over with a fine tooth comb. And I am sure there are some pretty powerful people who are going to bend over backward to make sure it is NOT investigated in any serious manner.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I am struck by the ignorance of the Eagle editorial that clearly is communicating the importance of giving the Beacon 2.5 million twice what the banks had invested so that the Eagle can go forward with a daily stream of income,of course that did not influence their opinion,almost every giveaway has had failure.