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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 30-DEC. 3, 2018) — Guess what? The freefall corruption that has gripped the City of Pittsfield shows no sight of stopping. The word is out to every fore flusher, carpet bagger, Ponzi schemer, and “developer” that there’s free public money and no accountability!

After Nuclea and the Beacon, officials have the next two muggings of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski lined up. The first is the seed pod beginning to sprout on Tyler Street, as developer David Carver goes public about how, unless he gets help from the public treasury, the St. Mary’s Church project will be sold to the gypsies. Cue state rep Tricia Country-Buffet, mayor Linda “Lounge Seat” Tyer, and OCD crime boss Deanna “Retread” Ruffer.

We shall leave St. Mary’s for another day. Today, we take up the upcoming hike in water and sewer fees.

You know that 2-cent “reduction” in taxes so proudly trumpeted by City Hall? It’s about to be washed out along with the phosphorous and aluminum to Long Island Sound by huge increases in water and sewer rates. The 50% hike takes effect on Jan. 1 and will force more than a few businesses and homeowners to take the pipe.  Thus the rape of Pittsfield at the hands of bad politics continues to curl up and settle in. By the time it’s over, rates will rise from 100% to 600%, depending.

Of course, The Boring Broadsheet, as Cheerleader for the Apologetics Department on City Hall, reported the hike as 32%. Call it creative numerology. Actually, in the next four years, the bill rises from the present $247.69 to a minimum of $466.69 in a series of staggered (and staggering) increases of 50%, 15%, and 12%. That adds up to 77%, but when you consider compounding,  the final tally will be AT LEAST 100%. The pain could end up being much worse. Water Wizard Craig Gaetani estimates that the increases could be as much as 600%.

Gaetani has a Dec. 10 presentation before the city council’s public works committee. He will outline an alternative to the city’s plan, one that he says would save taxpayers millions of dollars. Gaetani won the hearing only after wearing down the council with his persistence in a 6-5 vote. Narrow, but like in hand grenades, close is enough. Chris Connell chairs the PW subcommittee. Members are Kevin Morandi, Tony Simonelli, Donna Todd Rivers, and Helen Moon. He deserves a fair and serious hearing.

———- 000 ———-

How the discrepancy in the estimates? Digits from City Hall are not symbols representing factual numerical quantities but hieroglyphics meant to be manipulated for political purposes. They use numbers to lie. Ask finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood for the tutorial if Tyer isn’t around.

Another inconvenient truth The BB left out of its reporting is the corresponding rise in meter rates. The city will jump metering from the present $1.91/cubic foot to $3.69. That’s a rise of 93%, using the city’s own numbers. The daily rag didn’t think you should know.

In announcing the increase, Tyer used the pathetic “it’s not my fault” trick, claiming she “inherited” the mess. A CEO crying about “inheriting” a mess from a predecessor is executive immaturity, not leadership. Fact is, inheriting a problem is irrelevant; it’s what you plan to do about it.

THE PLANET respectfully reminds Tyer that more than 10 years ago, the EPA’s new standards made Pittsfield in violation for aluminum and phosphorous discharge into the Housatonic River. This was a bureaucratic move whose true purpose was to justify the jobs of paper pushers. The city wisely fought the order. Of course, this is Pittsfield. It bungled the case, presenting documents so sloppy the courts threw it out unseen. In bold face, the case was never tried in court. There’s every reason to believe that ten years after, a court challenge would win, removing a $74 million bill.

Tyer wants to borrow $50 million from the state’s Clean Water Trust Fund. What of the other $24 million she will need? Gotta mirror?

———- ooo ———-

“We’re hard at work all the time looking for ways to save money,” Tyer said.

Idle thought: How much has the city already spent on consultants for this project? Kleinfelder (design) and Russell (rate study) have been parked with the meter running for some time.

Madame Mayor, do the Kapanskis a favor, will you? Stop looking to “save” them money, because every time you do, they get skinned alive.

The mayor also blasted the “inaccuracies and fear tactics” spread by the Water Wizard.  Perhaps he speaks too much of the hard truth for her tastes?

It comes down to three choices:

  • The mayor’s plan — Wastefully expensive.
  • A court challenge — Every chance for success.
  • Gaetani’s plan — Saves millions.

THE PLANET recommends the courts, based on the deficiencies and cost of the mayor’s scheme and the fact that we haven’t seen what the G-Man has in mind.


“If you can go through life without experiencing pain, you probably haven’t been born yet” — Neil Simon.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pittsfield is an economically unequal community. When the lovely Linda Tyer raises taxes/fees, the underclass doesn’t care because they don’t pay them. The wealthy doesn’t care either because it doesn’t affect them. The working and middle class, and fixed income seniors, all feel the financial pain, but they are becoming scarce with the tanked local economy.
The Berkshire Eagle is for every tax break, every costly project, and every tax/fee increase in Pittsfield. The Eagle pushed the new Taconic High School project, the Beacon Cinema bailout, and the wastewater upgrade. The Eagle doesn’t care about the dire financial constraints and crisis Pittsfield is facing.
I think the lovely Linda Tyer is being fair when she states that she inherited a mess from the prior mayoral administrations. I also think it is fair to say the Mayor has not changed things for the better in Pittsfield. I believe she is part of Jimmy Ruberto’s Good Old Boys club that ran Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch of population and job loss, high taxes and debts, and unethical and unaccountable governance. To be clear, Jimmy Ruberto still runs the show in Pittsfield! That needs to stop!
– Jonathan Melle

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Loving the new realistic you Jonathan!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Donald Trump has gotten away with scamming the public for years and as sad as that is some people seem to worship him and emulate him. Our mayor seems to like his principles and is socking it to her city every chance she gets. You really need to read her latest book “Drain the Bastards Dry”.

Very sad when money is your God.

6 years ago

Tyer worked for a previous mayor, she ran for the job fully aware of what was at stake and the issues the city faced. She’s a complete failure. She didn’t inherit these issues, that would suggest passive, almost predetermined participation. You “inherit” something often not by choice, spouse dies, you inherit their debt.
She actively sought this job out, on a platform of “change”. Well pittsfieldians you’ve got change alright, a couple cents a day of a tax “break” type of change. Tyer is a failure.

The Beacon deal was a fix a couple months after Tyer got into office. The bank hired Pheonix, how do you think “the bank” found an obscure single location theater group, hundreds of miles away, that not only acted as a consultant but magically wanted to buy the theater? Strange right? As to the claim that Pheonix was one of first theaters to put in reclining seats, that’s an oughtright lie. It’s said to just make it seem that that’s why they were the “go to” for consulting. No my dear friends, a friend of a bank admin put this deal together, and the bank had just been working the numbers to try and make it fly. The threat of foreclosure was hollow, it was just leverage to get the Pheonix the deal they wanted.
Think hard, two years ago a bank picked a consultant, as it was planning to foreclose or saw a business defaulting on payments, that vendor suggests installing seats, those seats and TIF are done just after a new mayor takes office who would later rush this process through at the 11th hour. That the magical bailout company who’s willing to buy is also an extremely obscure independent theater operator who was also oddly the consultant?
That the seats were installed, a TIF was applied for and secured, yet magically no one knew the owner and financing of the seats?
I keep repeating this so you see how preposterous this who deal is. It’s absolutely absurd.
One more note on the seats: it’s not just the seats that’s of issue, it’s also the software that is used to book the seats and run the POS system.
Every councilor knew the seat story, the disclosures were part of the filing to get the TIF. That vote wasn’t that long ago, and although I congratulate the two hold outs on the vote, they knew (or should have known) about the seats, they had the paperwork from the TIF. The owner, the cost, the market value, the financing, all in the paperwork.
The deferred maintenance, that’s accounting speak for upfits that push the changes from “new growth” and taxable to “maintenance” that is just keeping the building functional. What it means when someone says deferred maintenance is that they plan on making changes, don’t expect to get taxed on them and in fact, expect the changes to count towards tax credits.
As to Stanley losing money, it’s another lie, depending on who you talk to, he’s made between $2-3 million over the last 10 years on this project. That he’s got a side deal still, beyond the seats.
No Stanley hasn’t lost a thin dime in this deal, in fact he’s made quite a bit.

What’s next?
As I look into my crystal ball I see the future of the Beacon
The floors will be redone, there will be fresh paint everywhere, bathrooms fixed, carpets redone. There will be immediately new staff and new staffing positions.
Tickets and concessions will be two different lines. As you walk in it will be the box office, to your left will be concessions.
Ticket prices will drop as low as $4. The theater will introduce a rewards program as well as a branded “theater pass”.
The upstairs concession area will be revitalized and refreshed. Pre-show walk though sales of popcorn and candy (think ball park hotdog seller) will be attempted. Concessions prices will eek up a bit with the theoretical rewards program playing offset.
Hours will be extended but then will shrink back.
All of this is in an effort to put more people in seats in a hope to sell more concessions.
There will be beer and wine specials as well as tasting events, beers and wines will shift from national brands to local craft brews.
The word synergy will be used.
There will be a new website with online ordering of tickets. There maybe an effort to deliver real food, meals to seats, although that’s a bit hazy.
You will also hear new terms, confused by TIF, wait until you hear about QLI or QRP/QRI or QIP.
These are all programs that allow property owners or lease holders to get “bonus depreciation” in advance of improvements.
A good example:
Imagine you have a holding company that is leasing seats to a theater. It would allow you to claim depreciation on those assets at a faster rate, it would allow the leasee to write off the cost, and with the accelerated QIP and depreciation, just at the time you’d be paying full taxes on those improvements, they are magically depreciated to zero worth. it’s a win for everyone except tax payers who have to make up the difference.

One last thing:
What many tax payers don’t understand, it’s not just the loss of the money, it’s the loss of the tax revenue. Everyday the Beacon, Hotel On North, Spice, Interprint, isn’t paying tax on 100% full and fair market value, everyone else is picking up the difference.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

to your point…one last thing. Absolutely. The taxpayers, which include many seniors on fixed incomes, are subsidizing these projects. And it looks like everyone of them is owned by a millionaire. A connected millionaire who was probably going to do their business with or without as TIF.

So a senior citizen, on a fixed income of social security and a few other dollars, hanging on to ownership of the family home, is actually paying debt for the guy with money coming out of his or her ears.

And our local politicians, for whatever reasons we can only speculate, are helping them do it to us. So Merry Christmas to them and I hope they can look their kids in the eye as they carve the beef tenderloin on the 25th.

6 years ago

Great article, Dan. I agree that a court challenge, as brought up and proposed by Mazzeo some time ago, makes the most sense. The Gman has been out of circulation for many moons and his arrogance makes him a difficult person to work with.

Agent Smith, great analysis as usual. What a scam. How deeply is Berkshire Bank involved in the Beacon baloney, and is that why the CEO just resigned?

The Carver situation is equally disturbing. Wake up city councilors!

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

Follow the MONEY.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

WHAT !!! “Follow the Money”… OH, Lions, Tigers, and Bears ! Please don’t, Signed’ Evan Dobelle, Maximilian Group, Jimmy Ruberto,.Gerry Doyle, et al.
Who can name more Pittsfield Governmental Beneficiaries ?
Btw: Who knows State Senator Hinds family ties to Maxi ?

6 years ago

Pittsfield really is a laughing stock. Corruption is everywhere. Doesn’t matter where you look. Everything from the GE settlement and the foolish waste of the pitiful amount of money the clowns settled for. Follow the money at the Museum, another public jerk off. The Beacon is just beyond anything a reasonable person would think is an honest endeavor. The water debacle.
Just think, that’s just a few highlights. Happiness truly is Pittsfield in the rear view mirror.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Is this the Art of Sheeptacular or Fleecing the Flock?

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

My understand is that Matthew Shepard was killed by his former lover and current drug-dealing partner.

I didn’t read it, but I doubt that’s mentioned in the BB piece today–or in the agitprop theater production.

Just sayin’–because they won’t.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

OK, not “current” but also former and now meth-dealing rival?

Walter and Jessie call your office.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago


“Scarlet Letters: How Liberalism Became a Vengeful Religion” by Jack Cashill

In 2013, a brave gay journalist named Stephen Jimenez untold the accepted story of Shepard’s death in a stunningly honest book titled “The Book of Matt.” As Jimenez revealed, Shepard and the bisexual McKinney, both meth dealers, had sex together on numerous occasions.

“Matthew was part of an interstate meth-trafficking circle,” wrote Jimenez. McKinney was “first his friend and occasional sex partner, then his competitor and adversary, and finally his killer.” On the night in question, McKinney went on a meth-fueled rampage. He pistol-whipped the vulnerable Shepard for drug money; pistol-whipped his own partner, Russell Henderson; drove into town to rob Shepard’s apartment, and then pistol-whipped a stranger who got in his way, fracturing his skull in the process.

From day one, the media told the story they wanted America to hear. Those few journalists who cared about the truth were hindered, wrote Jimenez, “by sealed court records and witnesses who had been ordered into silence.” As a result, the public did not learn that Shepard was HIV-positive or that he had once been arrested for molesting two eight-year-old boys. Authorities “quietly concealed” his arrest record.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Continued . . .

A gay activist of long standing, Jimenez spent fifteen years researching the story, fifteen thankless years. “This is absolutely disgusting,” wrote one reviewer on Amazon eager to plant a scarlet H on Jimenez. “The right’s sick attempt to declare the Matthew Shepard murder was not a hate crime is not just pushing a bigoted political agenda, it is a slap in the face to his memory and his family.” Jimenez plowed on despite the threats, the rejection, and the criticism. He argued correctly that it did a “disservice to Matthew’s memory to freeze him in time as a symbol, having stripped away his complexities and frailties as a human being.” The media rewarded Jimenez by ignoring his book. The Laramie Project website has yet to recognize his existence.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

So, the media and “journalists” report the truth, the whole truth, or do they simply preach an agenda?

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

2 questions: one for Dan and the community, the other for Edward R. Murrow. First, Edward, what the Hell are you talking about? Is this whole narrative above a local thing I missed or something else? Sorry for my ignorance but you just came out of left field with it. Is the story you relate connected to either thewater or the Beacon in Pittsfield?

Second, Interprint, have they come before the council on bended knee, bat in hand, in the past? Are they benefitting from public measures to add ti their success? I always think of them as a quiet, shining beacon of “doing it right.”

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G I will answer both questions
Matthew Shepard was a gay college student who became a rallying cry for the abuse and murder of gay men.
What ERM is referring to is that Shepard was not the innocent college student and victim he was portrayed as in the media.
He was a gay hustler, a drug dealer, a violent person as well
His death was portrayed as a hate crime when all indications are that it was as much, if not more, about drug dealing and hustling gone wrong.

What does this have to do with any local issues? I have no idea.
Maybe it’s an indictment on media spin

The sewer connection to Interprint and some of their monies to make the move were city as well as state funded. The parcel of land was sold to Interprint by the city, which didn’t go out to bid, was sold directly under the auspices of economic development
The city secured a low interest loan and Interprint wasn’t required to pay a connection fee (or it may have been a very small connection fee) in return for a promised jobs creation number somewhere near 120 new jobs. A number that was double the number of employess they had at the time.
The project stalled for a few years, which put the loan reporting outside the window of performance (or so it was alleged) so the job creation never happened.
That was a $23 million expansion

This is the same story seen at GD. Remember the 100 jobs in 100 days? Mike Ward can tell you about that, right Mike?
It was 100 jobs in 100 days with 500 new jobs in 5 years?.
This too was a $23 million expansion.
General dynamics received all kinds of education and retraining dollars, money from the city and state.
Local city councilors like Mike Ward showed up for pressers and advocated for GD as the new mfg savior of Pittsfield.
On paper they created 108 new jobs. Mike Ward got one of those jobs, a majority of jobs were just transfers on paper, a number were low skilled, entry level jobs, a number of those jobs were created and then as the LCS project and procurement stalled some of those positions were laid off, some long term GD employees were offered early retirement, net impact 28 jobs were created that lasted past 5 years. I mean General Dynamics still lists a number of job openings in Pittsfield so I guess that counts as job creation, just not employment.

Then GD, citing a lack of skilled employees in Pittsfield, and finding a sweet deal someplace else moved some of the operations outside of the US to Edmonton Canada.

I keep mentioning the number because it seems to reoccur, it’s alway $20-$23 million projects.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

All these projects are $20-30 million. And look at the difference!

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Yeah, those “500 good paying” GD jobs were a smoke screen from the start as they KNEW damn well they were not gonna find 500 qualified engineers hanging around Pittsfield looking for work. Maybe 30 years ago but not 5. The project they had though was valid and actual; the design and build out of the Littoral Battleship. I know some of the folks who worked on it from the start. It was an idea that was, essentially hatched here so they were trying to keep it here. They could not. Thanks for the discussion on Interprint.

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

AgentSmith is the worst kind of poster. He types away prolifically and with an air of confidence. He throws in a few links to actual news accounts so it lends the appearance of credibility. Look, man. I don’t know why you’ve got a hard-on for me – maybe I didn’t get your street paved – but I’m not working at GD because I “showed up for a presser”. I’m working there because I have degrees in mechanical engineering and computer science and that’s what they do. So bite me, you cowardly fuck.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

I’ve replied to you but I think it’s pending approval due to links
Hopefully it will be cleared and posted soon.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Wow Agent Smith – great info. Thanks for sharing.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Ed ,are you saying Fox news tells the truth and President Trump tells the truth?

AGENT Smith, that was fantastic.You just laid out the logical truth.I wish our councilors on the board would comment on weather agent Smith seems perfectly logical to the point of truth…..this makes 99.9% Complete sense. And if true it is disgusting how we are lied to in Pittsfied ,also it validates the need for an audit of that project…..silence on Agent Smith would lead me to suggest he nailed it and you agree with his story of the Beacon.Audit this before the St Mary’s rip off and lets stop the stealing of cash.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

We KNOW our media doesn’t tell the truth. It’s like living in Russia where they spin the news to favor Putin. The liberal media spins the news in this country to make the left seem so wonderful, innocent, and never thinking about getting power.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Just offering a service of perspective on a prominent story in today’s BB. And making a wider point about how the media manipulates things for ideological/political ends–both nationally and locally, as we have seen.

Not saying anyone in particular tells the truth, but that the leftist media “journalists” decidedly do not.

Just nice to wade out of own local cesspool and swim in the big one on occasion.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

The Eagle lives in la la land. Today they advanced false narratives on Sheppard and WEB DuBois.

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

If the city subsidizes all these apartments such as the one at St. Mary’s aren’t they putting those who already have places for rent at a disadvantage? Aren’t the mom & pop duplexes paying their competitors? Under these circumstances mom & pop often end up getting shady tenants.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

Hold it hold it – I thought the St. Mary’s apts. were going to be market rate. I don’t get the BB, so what did I miss?
Why is Carver asking for more help with financing? Someone please clue me in.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Who made the decision that they would be subsidized? Weren’t they billed as market rate originally? And this is supposed to improve the area?

The Dynamic Vibrator
The Dynamic Vibrator
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

My kind of town.

Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

What’s ridiculous is spending $250k for one bedroom apartments when you could build houses that amount. Some of these tax-funded renovation scams are closer to $500k per apartment

Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

The logical thing that should have been approved would have been allowing Dunkin Donuts to build there. They didn’t ask or want Mr. and Mrs. Kapinski’s money nor were they asking for tax breaks. There would now be a sustaining, tax paying business there. Same with the vacant First and Fenn lot where Plunkett School was. Again a sustaining, tax paying business would be there now. ( my guess the real reason it was not approved is it was too close to the recently renovated Howard Building which has it’s own coffee shop). Then maybe the happy DD owners would make a good faith deal for the old First st. DD and make it parking for the Girls Club.

6 years ago

Pay for it suckers….Jimy the Gent.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I’m laughing at McCandless pretending this violence is new.Word violence is everywhere in the schools.Mccandless needs to pull weeds .He also needs to work from these buildings,hell its 2018 he and Curtis should be there everyday till he publicly states he has control on some level.Manage by walking around.Get the Crosby community coordinator working.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I read McCandless’s remarks in the iberkshires article – it didn’t seem that the discipline policies have changed at all. They try to work with the trouble-making kids in order to “ stop the school to prison pipeline” – code phrase for the Obama-era policy which financially rewards school districts for not reporting minority student incidents to the cops. This is also a policy of the new DA Harrington.
Having a “no tolerance” policy, in my mind, means getting these kids OUT of the schools and into an off-campus facility immediately. Go visit any Pittsfield middle or high school and you’ll find kids roaming the halls, during classes, looking for trouble. School committee members – go check it out!

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Segregating and homogenous grouping is against state law Mr. Fritz. Berkshire Hills had an “alternative program” for the super frequent disciplinary flyers which was actually doing some good; well thought out and well run. The state made them stop the program and reintegrate the students. That helped no one.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

So Mr. G,
McCandless stated that problem kids would be removed from the school. So where would they be sent?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

I believe a court conviction would result in the juvenile delinquent being sent to the reform school in Westfield.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mr. Fritz, you are asking me to explain JIIV’s logic. That is out of my depth and beyond my pay scale. Frankly, I think it’s a BS line so he can appear to be talking tough. They can do suspensions, in and out of school, or they can have them arrested and sent to the juvenile justice system. They can try to skirt the boundaries or come up with something innovative and different but neither of those sound likely.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Thanks Agent Smith. Your posts are a light on the subject that is appreciated.

My questions are always the same: who signs off on the money? Are there materially relevant clauses that are not met and yet no parties push for default? Well, I guess that is apparent and I answered my own question.

The US attorney could investigate serious fraud? Maybe RICO charges?

For the sad sacks that don’t want North St to ‘go dark’imagine what 20 — 1 million dollar grants would look like on North St. that would be a vibrant North St, and help actual
Small businesses — rather than a shell building and some folks drinking champagne in the Caymans.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

RICO is a real possibility if the USAO for MA actually investigated. Personally I don’t think they will because it involves imbedded political parties and players and there’s SO much more to investigate in other cities and towns. The Berkshires suffers and benefits from being fairly far away from Boston, at least when it comes to political cronyism and self-dealing.
Even the AG turns a blind eye, they had to be coerced into the Berkshire Museum fight, she mounted s half-baked effort and eventually let them do what they wanted. Only after they got close to their deal did she tell them to knock it off.
In almost every TIF, grant, low interest loan payment, there are performance clauses. Recently we’ve heard that the City will forgive a million dollars over ten years, provided that the theater stays open. So that has to be written down. That said it’s clearly not enforceable as we have seen nor would it be enforceable if the company skipped town and was forclosed on or declared bankruptcy.

Most of the grants Pittsfield has received, like rural development grants, which they funnel through the city require reporting.
The city is the gatekeeper of that reporting and assists in the obfuscation of said reports. Then again the City doesn’t want anyone to look too hard at the numbers.
They got money for environmental studies, a low interest loan and grants predicated on a false narrative of job creation.
Here’s a question to ask, how much money does Interprint pay in taxes? What’s their water and sewer rates? What’s their flow rate into the system and how much contamination (in PPM or percentage) are they responsible for?
Also remember Interprint was a huge cheerleader for the airport upgrades. It’s that you scratch my back, I scratch yours and we both pickpocket the little guy.
Another one to consider, Ice River Springs.
There was a PERC grant of $20k for technical asssistance, $183,468 From the city, $275,000 from PEDA fund with the requirement being creation of 60 full time jobs by September 2019, the are at 42 right now and were as low as 34 recently.
This does not include monies for equipment that they installed wrong and had to buy again and reinstall.
They received workforce training fund monies, as did GD, some 3% ITC credits, EDIP and loans.

Not one person in the city is holding any of these companies to their promise, certainly not the mayor or kufflinks Kerwood. If they did the massive fraud would be exposed for what it is.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Thank you again. It makes me feel better to see your in depth understanding of what is going on – it must make other people feel better too – even if we can’t fix it.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Wouldn’t the mayor, or the CFO be responsible for enforcing conditions? You are right, agreements are made, money flows out but no o e checks the fulfillment of conditions.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

In most cases these are looked as “investments” so the treasurer or director of finance is charged with overseeing these deals, that or counsel and an accountant.
Some deals maybe overseen by an economic development board.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

I wonder which local politician will be getting the nicest Christmas presents under her tree this year.

Come on now…stop that…I did not say one thing even suggesting kickbacks or other such back scratching payoffs. Not one word…you guys are such jokers sometimes

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

The sign in front of St. Mary’s Church reads Berkshire Bank Life is good Let us help Maybe the Berkshire Bank CEO who “resigns given 7.5 million in separation pay ” could give back to his community. The “Beacon” St.. Mary’s Berkshire Bank.CEO resigns, coincidence, I don’t think so.

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

Not a coincidence by a long shot but there’s so much more to that story.

6 years ago

Students with disciplinary problems should absolutely be placed in a separate off campus facility, not intermingled with others who are behaved and want to learn.

Doing away with the Alternate School was a big mistake and now parents and their children are paying for it.

Aren’t there empty buildings in the city that can be used? And they should make haste in doing so.

May Hemm
May Hemm
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I have through a really good source heard,that in some instances upper class punks are kicking under classmen out of their seats during lunch. .also. Athletes are miffed that the gym is small, also,how can you build a gym that is to small?

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago
6 years ago

Dan did you get the pics?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Eberwien,Masimiano,Amuso,Yon,Did away with Pittsfields alternate school when Our sheriff got 10 million to open a site at the jail…I dare anybody to audit that scam.Nothing works because its all about making money.Is the Colonial in mothballs since it opened.Sell PHS as that might be a great condo site.Nothing ever changes.Has Trump not proven to everyone that it’s all about the money when you have power.Mccandless,Curtis, Need to get principles out of their office,here is a fact….They do not want to see what hallways and disrespect is about as they won’t back teachers and the administration wont charge students…..they are lazy and go the other way…….Mccandless and Curtis are full of it as they hide on the 2nd floor of the mercer.He can not justify not securing his buildings.

Art Seller
Art Seller
6 years ago

When you have poor administration in any city dept. It leads to chaos. City govt. Is filled with incompetents because the ones appointing them are incompetent. Elected officials are no longer elected for their competence they are elected by special interest groups to be able to meet their every desire. We the taxpayer feed the Four special interest groups and they will control every election to perpetuity, The only way to break up this monopoly is to go to a city manager type govt. No city manager??? Same as today Things couldn’t be any worse than they are today. The city is run by halfwits. I couldn’t be plainer than that. God help us poor taxpayers.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

If your the police chief your down at the crime scene till your done and the fire chief is at the fire.Highway chief is fixing the road wont leave till its done…..Mayor Barrett told the council that All department heads go to the problem till its done so why does the entire administration not empty the dam building and go to the scene of violence.No excuse all the principles are in the office….Make them walk as they sit on their asses waiting to blame teachers

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

When Cohen plead guilty the justice dept noticed that others who testified before the committee had stories that were near identical to Cohen’s . The dem house plans to research these individuals testimony and bring them In for further hearings. If all of these individuals were coached to say the same things and the coach can be determined that person will be in a world of hurt. Anyone care to guess who that coach was???? This news just breaking.

6 years ago

The bloodletting has begun. DA elect Harrington fired all the lead prosecutors in her office via letter. Decades of experience gone in the blink of an eye.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent. Of course. First thing an incompetent does is to fire the competent. That way there is no threat. Liked your posts the last few days. You are competent. Be careful. Capiech????

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Someday, maybe sooner than later, the people of Berkshire County will realize what a mistake they have made.
What an honorable man of service and sacrifice Paul is and what a dispicable and underhanded person Andrea Harrington is.
Then again, maybe that’s why she fits in so well in Pittsfield and Berkshire politics.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Wow, serious? Not a well thought out decision.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

In a way they are fortunate to be far away from Angry Andrea.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Yes I think so. The truth of the matter is that idiots vote for idiots. Its not that there is more idiots than sane individuals its that the sane have given up long ago. We need to start soliciting the sane that they are the key to change the deplorable political scene we have here today. It can be done but it takes commitment and unfortunately many aren’t committed. No will No way. It is as simple as that.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Pathetic stuff. You have been presented with a great many disturbing facts, and yet you refuse to open your eyes. Your frequent claims to be a champion of truth and transparency are completely hollow.

In the coming months you will learn how completely and disgustingly corrupt the Berkshire DA’s office was under the helm of David Capeless. And that the reason that Caccaviello was his right-hand-man for so long is that he is too stupid to realize that he worked for a sociopath. I have met Caccaviello and he is one of the least intelligent human beings I have come across who still somehow stumbled his way into power, however briefly.

People have been fired, but disbarments and much worse will soon follow. The full disgrace of the previous Berkshire DA office is going to come out and Art,it will be interesting to see how people like you respond.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Cicero. I am for fairness and truth. I always side with the truth but sometimes it is hard to find the truth. I truly believe the best candidate didn’t win. That said I wish the winner well and will observe very carefully her handling of the DAs office. I have to be nice to her as her grand parents on pecks road are good friends of mine. They will be happy to know I will be pulling for her to be successful. I also wish you well

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Wow, that’s really disturbing news. Thanks for the breaking news Agent Smith!

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

To be clear, it was actually an email, via the new ADA Bell at the direction of Andrea Harrington.

A move some are calling gutless, as it wasn’t done face to face and done late on a Friday, with a month left before she takes office.

Some people may be kept on but most of the staff left will have to apply for their jobs.
Expect jobs for Edgerton, Moon, and Krol. There’s discussion that Krol might not go because he wants to be mayor one day and this would hamper that. Also Andrea wants to send a message and have a large contingent of women in the office.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Good grief – Moon is a nurse not a lawyer right? Firing civil servants is just crass and vulgar.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Moon is a nurse of sorts, she was also the local “face” for the campaign. I say this because a male consultant and a male lawyer did all the strategy and deep thinking work but it was important to narrative to have a female face as the campaign manager.
As the work progressed Krol dissapeared and this was a very specific and calculated move to push Moon and Edgerton to the front. You will see more of this “women up front” while the reality is it’s guys doing the real work behind the scenes.

There’s more to come from this office. Harrington has be doing “criminal justice reform” photo ops all month in November. She plans on trying to create a criminal justice reform group of legislators and law enforcement with her as the head. She’s actually been looking at office space in Boston because she feels she “can be more effective in Boston leading the charge for criminal justice reform” or do it’s been said.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I know that campaign back story. Harrington is pulling a Healy which is to get her face out there and do nothing except get her face out there with the ‘message’. Healy and her wife are a grand order of magnitude of intelligence over Harrington – which is why it’s extra depressing that Healy is wasting her potential for helping the public. I think Harrington will crap out early in a Coakley type screw up.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

The Berkshire DA’s office for the last 15 years has been a complete and abject disgrace. Whomever were among the first to be let go, you can be sure they deserved that particular honor.

From what I hear, David Capeless may be headed for the front page of the NY Times. And his pathetic wife will be right there along side him thanks to that call to Alan Harris.

I love this city, yet I hate it. You buffoons who defend these cretins so vociferously, from a position of compete ignorance, is something that I will never understand.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Hi Cicero – I see you’ve crawled out from under your rock again. AH Golem. You think the public are buffoons for disliking the Beacon deal? No. You think the public are buffoons for disliking the Museum bs, nope. You think the public are buffoons for disliking the shitty Eagle reporting – nope. Go back u set your rock – you ain’t smart, you ain’t clever, and you ain’t persuasive.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

My thoughts about the Beacon or the museum situation are irrelevant. Are you high, or just generally confused?

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Ad hominem attacks show a great intelligent, Cicero. We discussed the firings and you jumped in guns blazing. Agent Smith is the most informed and courteous poster on here. It would be a good example to follow.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Do you think all the ‘investigate the bad Beacon deal’ got her fired up? Maybe she fired Mueller so to speak?

Those people will get good jobs. I hope they start a new form together. It’s like a Khmer Rouge purge – Re-education.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Yes indeed, they should start up a new firm together! The corrupt and completely untalented dregs of a corrupt DA’s office would make quite team!

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Pot kettle black

No one thinks current DA and cronies are anything different.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

The “current” DA is still Caccaviello, AKA Otis. Your criticism of Harrington’s behavior as DA, before she has even taken office, is comical.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Sure, the person firing people in a temper tantrum aka DA elect. Maybe it was a good plan, but it doesn’t sound like it. Time will tell.

I would have preferred a public comment re the Beacon thievery. But speaking out about that would involve courage, not the political nonsense that passes as ethics around here.

6 years ago

For,er President Bush dies. Godspeed Mr. President. The Father.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Do city councilors pay proportionally equal taxes to other homes in their area? How about other city officials or friends of city hall?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

The mayor and councilors are assessed the same as other residents. When the state comes in every 3-5 years to do an audit, the representative normally has the assessors office pull all record cards for elected officials, often time all the people that work in the assessors office (if they live in town), many department heads etc.
a good State auditor will spot check the properties.

I’m not saying that they can’t sneak something though but it would take some effort. It happens mostly in cities and towns where the assessor is a family member of someone in higher office or where graft and corruption is high.
It also happens when elected officials own property in other names or trusts, or if they do renovations without permits.
Where the real graft is in this is in commercial properties and personal property.
In Springfield commercial property fraud by city officials was a real problem.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Assessors would be really dumb to favor friends, family, and politicians since it’s all public information. The 2019 assessments are out on the city website. See how much you saved with the new tax rate. Even Zillow has all past tax assessments, and at what percent they go up or down.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Where the fraud come in, in abatements and exemptions.
What one group did was they would assess at the full amount and then would abate upon application. This went on for quite some time in Lawrence, I beleive. Since abatements are not tracked except after the fact this went on for quite some time.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

there seems to be an odd relationship between Lawrence and Pittsfield. They seem to be running many of the same scams. Noticed it first during the Civic Authority ripoff/power grab attempt.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

They get checks from the city for than any bill, so they pay NO tax.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Bush 41 dead–let the clap-trap begin in the leftist media.

Let me guess at the theme–Trump sucks.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Hey big Ed, you saying Trump sucks…compared to 41? Cuz he actually sucks compared to ANYBODY, but that shouldn’t be the driving narrative while eulogizing old man 1 term Bush. Also, I have a question for you and your ilk. Your hero Ronnie Regan counted the tearing down of the wall as his primary presidential accomplishment. Why would building a similar wall be a crowning accomplishment for any freedom-loving American president?

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I’m sure you’re right about the pope’s influence at that time Dan, but Ronnie took and still gets the credit mostly.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

A “similar” wall? Are you an idiot?

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Trump does suck. and 41 thought so too.

6 years ago

Murrow old news,the Orbit above already told us last night,above.

6 years ago

Totally off subject;
Women, beware of traveling to Jamaica. Resorts are dealing with rapes, on resort property. Just reported on mass live – murder of a MA woman who had been residing on the island. May want to check out other tropical places to vacation.
My sister cancelled her plans to visit a well-known Jamaican resort due to this issue. The resorts are offering unbelievable deals, so beware.
You have been warned!

Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

Women go there for sex tourism, when you have a bunch of teenage gigalos around of course there will some incidents, I predict the news will cause booking to increase

6 years ago

I have known the Wizard for over forty years,one of the smartest people I have ever met. In grade school, junior high and high school he was light years ahead of everyone, even though he only went to school when he felt like it. He was a handful for his Mother Mrs. Gaetani.

He had a stellar Military career, working with ACSI ( assistant chief of staff of intelligence). He reported only reported to the President and Joint Chiefs of Staff, and helped start Chapter 65 Viet Vets of America in Berkshire County and Pittsfield.

He graduate Berkshire Community College with Honors, even though he attended classin frequently. He also graduated form N A State and a Masters Degree at Lenox Institute, in enviormental,chemical,biological and mechanical engineering.

He was a high school teacher having taught every science class offered and was also an adjunct professor, chemical, biological,mechanical, and enviormental at the Lenox Institute of Research.

We all know what he did for Pittsdfield in the eighties when he worked with Dr. Milos and Dr. Lawrence K. Wang, to bring a proposed 150 million Water Project down to thirty two million dollars.

That move has kept Pittsfield Water and Sewer rates lower by 800 percent as opposed to what they would have been if he didn’t kill that 150 million dollar project.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosibesLadies
6 years ago

He would never have passed my high school English Composition & spelling class.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You were in o e how would you know? Is this Chico?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You were in o e how would you know? Is this Chico?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Too bad he can’t spell & proofread his bio.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

so is the mayor going to release details of all business s in Pittsfield who are getting tax breaks and any bonus breaks which may be included? Did she not campaign on open and honest government? I would think she would now with her credibility taking such a huge hit.

thank you ahead of time mayor for putting our fears to rest that everything is on the up and up.

the whole room is in hysterics…even Stanley and Kerwood

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Look you people meet to pay for Steinhers tax credits. He’s a friend of Jimmy th Gent and a millionaire who doesnt like losing money, but only risk free. So.,Shut up and pay all of your hard earned cash so that the Steiners of the world can live in

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I believe Dan could answer a question that right wing conservatives like to point out as the downfall of America.Does Syracuse University teach left wing Math,or left wing Spanish or left wing pre Med?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

When will Rudy Giuliani be charged with obstruction of justice?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

When will Hillary be charged with treason?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Feb. 31

6 years ago

Does Belichick know spell check?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

If Trump is found to be obstructing justice after 1 year investigation and his Clinton Derangement Syndrome calling for her to go to jail this will be comical and sad but you guys voted for this ahole from the 80s and for some reason thought this dork was on you side for who knows why.Alec Baldwin plays Trump in the movie

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

WASHINGTON—Forcefully closing his eyes, grasping his head with both hands, and repeatedly screaming to be left alone, a visibly anguished President Donald Trump was observed Thursday banning the ghost of his late father, Fred Trump, from the press room for silently pointing at him. “You will not stare and raise your finger at me like that, Father! I am the president of the United States no matter what you think! I make the rules now, and you mustn’t defy me!” said Trump, raking his fingers down his face and straining his voice until it cracked as he pointed to an empty corner of the room and commanded a group of baffled aides to remove his long-dead father. “This is a disgrace—there is no place in the White House for your judgment—get him out of here! And someone silence the voices, the thousands of voices. I can barely talk with their whispers filling my head, their laughter and whispers. Father, this is my house! Stop pointing at me!” White House maintenance staff said it would take at least a week to clean the walls of the West Wing hallway where Trump had scrawled the words “GO AWAY” hundreds of times in what seemed to be red paint.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

WASHINGTON—In an effort to appeal to his base and build enthusiasm for his reelection bid, President Donald Trump announced Wednesday that his 2020 campaign included plans to drive a specially decorated tour bus into crowds across the country. “I’ll have these amazing crowds, the biggest, most beautiful crowds you’ve ever seen, and we’ll just plow right through them in our bus,” said Trump, explaining his strategy for retaining control of the White House by energizing his base with campaign rallies and appearances and then crushing them under the weight of a chartered bus. “No one has campaigned like this before––bringing a gorgeous bus to huge crowds of everyday Americans and running them down. It’s the, you know, the people, and I’m the people’s president. It will probably say that on the bus. Important. Connect with voters. We’re going to the South, through the—what they call it since Obama—the rustbelt, meeting supporters, driving into them, driving over them. Driving over thousands of people. Men, women, children, everyday Americans, they’ll love it. They love buses. We get huge crowds of folks at my rallies, you know? These people, they’ll chant my name while I drive over them in our bus. Big bus, just beautiful. I’ll drive the bus myself—I can drive. The bus can go, like, 90 miles per hour, so we’ll—you know, I’m gonna do that. Run them over. Crush them, drum up so many votes.” A special TrumpBus companion website reportedly features a special section for donors pledging over $1,000 to Trump’s reelection campaign in exchange for president slowly backing his bus over the donor’s entire extended family has already sold out.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

WASHINGTON—Admitting that it was probably the worst mistake he has made since starting the investigation, Special Counsel Robert Mueller told reporters Wednesday that he immediately regretted coercing Michael Cohen to flip on the president after having to spend time with him. “At first, I thought that getting Cohen to cooperate would be great for the case, but Jesus, I can’t handle dealing with this fucking idiot,” said a visibly irritated Mueller, explaining that gaining valuable evidence on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election straight from a source deep within Trump’s inner circle just wasn’t worth hearing the “smug, insufferable moron blathering on and on.” “We’re only a quarter of the way through, and this obnoxious dumbass is already on my last nerve. I should have just let him go to trial—this is excruciating.” Mueller later conceded that he was happy that Manafort hadn’t flipped yet because he doesn’t think he could handle “30 seconds in a room with that annoying shithead.”

Kermi Frog
Kermi Frog
6 years ago

Agent Smirh, without invading people’s privacy can you let us know how the DA layoffs are doing? It made me glum to think of them being laid off before the holidays.

6 years ago

the methadone clinic is on Summer Street Fuji.Andrea is holding the door open for you.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Makes as much sense as the average TSC or Art Seller post.

downtown dweller
downtown dweller
Reply to  u
6 years ago

If you’re going to refer someone, send ’em to the right place.
Spectrum moved to Merrill Rd some time ago.

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

1:45 / 5:39
The Beacon Cinema: A Thank You From Richard Stanley, Part One

If you want to feel good about your city open ‘You Tube” and watch this along with a few others about our own theater.

Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

so I went to you tube and typed in Beacon and Stanley and sure enough there he was spinning a tale Mark Twain would have envied. (kinda looks like Mark Twain too)
But the horseshit that was spread that sad day 8 years ago still stinks in the city of Pittsfield, though only worse since it is now being wiped right onto the taxpayers faces in an in your face manner by our very own mayor. I swear she has a few strands of Trump DNA in her as she seems not to even care what people think. Just trampling through the strawberry patch with galoshes on singing row row row your boat…

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Meth clinics treat addictions.The treatment makes the patient feel normal and allows him to work and make money to pay rent.The ignorant responses on this blog will overshadow the informed .Trump Stupid clinics will be opening within the year.Watch the Scientology show by lea Remy and you’ll understand why you follow Trump blindly….it your addiction

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

one of the most frightening aspects of the short Trump dynasty is how easily he coopted so many minds. Because if such a low intelligence guy like Trump can do it imagine what someone with brains could do? Scary stuff..kind of like bhagwan shree Rajneesh on Netflix where thousands of otherwise sensible people just lost control of their senses and followed this nutcase like robots

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC, Trump is following us. That’s why we voted for him.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

IBerkshires is still calling the St. Mary’s redevelopment project “market rate” housing, though earlier on this blog it was referred to as “subsidized” housing. Since the project has accepted the state grant, were there provisions in it that stated a certain % of the apts. had to be for subsidized housing?

The School committee
The School committee
6 years ago

McCandless needs to walk the halls inthe school buildings along with Curtis who needs to get off the internet and help with the violence.Something bad has been stewing in the Pittsfield schools for 20 years and this wont go away in 1 month…..Principles dont walk their halls and they hide on violence against the teachers.The schools are torn apart a middle school because the policies around MCAS score mean absenteeism lowers test scores.They keep violent verbal or physical kids in the building.They have no rights today in my opinion to walk the halls swearing at everyone.If something bad happens taxpayers need to know it’s been brewing for 2 decades…..these kids have trauma and no kid can learn under trauma.To heck with the MCAS scores and help these kids get coinciding not Algebra

Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

Your points are valid. There should be heavy presence by administration, and the troubled kids need to be removed. The kids that go to school to learn have rights as well.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Trump. I have no dealings with Saudi Arabia. Trump I have millions of dollar dealings with Saudi Arabia. Take your choice!!!!!! Both can’t be true. One thing is true. This buffoon is a pathological liar and his days as president are numbered. Dems take over Jan3rd. Things can’t get any worse. We are going to see a president impeached. The only problem is that pence will become president. We might see for the first time in history both a president and vice president being impeached. Wouldn’t bother me in the least. New rules Jan 3rd. Down with scump.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

TALAMANCAN MONTANE FORESTS, COSTA RICA—Venturing deep into rainforest no outsider has dared explore, President Trump slashed through the thick vines of a Central American jungle Monday in search of a previously unknown ethnic group to vilify. “Legend has it that this land is home to a lost race of people living in complete isolation, and if I can manage to find them, I will be able to stereotype them in any way I choose,” said the machete-wielding commander in chief who was wearing a tan field jacket as he led a group of loyal Republican allies through the oppressively hot and humid thicket in search of the mythic tribe. “This discovery could change everything. These people remain entirely untouched by any media coverage whatsoever, so I can easily stick them with the blame for our nation’s drug problems, violent crime, stagnant wage growth, you name it.” Upon sighting the uncontacted tribe, Trump’s reelection team reportedly took grainy black-and-white videos of them for immediate use in menacing campaign ads.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

Sounds like we need cops roaming the halls. Not those two fat asses.

6 years ago

This just in: Tyer via Kerwood sent marching orders to assessors and building inspectors “to find new revenue” also known as new growth. They are expected to find $2-5 million in new growth for next year.

Building inspectors are to inspect properties that have had building permits issued in the last 5 years and clear out old permits that have not been issued certificates of occupancy.
Any building not in compliance will be issued fines and/or warnings to apply for new permits and come into compliance.
Fines and fees will be levied, again as a revenue generation method under the guise of public safety.

6 years ago

Can someone bring up the linkx\ Beacon Theatre cushy new seats/ There’s a photo of the Mayor and Krol sitting in them.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

WASHINGTON—Laying on his horn while stuck in bumper-to-bumper gridlock, an annoyed special counsel Robert Mueller reportedly screamed at “dipshit protestors” from his car Thursday as a MoveOn rally held up traffic during his nightly commute. “Get a move on, assholes! Some of us have actual paying jobs and want to get home to our families after a long day at the office,” shouted the frustrated former FBI director, rolling down his window and berating the thousands of protestors to “shut the fuck up already” so he could “get out of this goddamn city.” “Seriously, don’t any of you people have jobs? It’s 5 p.m. on a Thursday. And hello? What happened to using sidewalks or speaking in a reasonable tone? Jesus, this shit should be illegal.” At press time, Mueller had reportedly been arrested for beating a protestor unconscious after the demonstrator kicked a dent into the side of his car.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

Eagle poll were the Pittsfield city council and mayor Linda tyer off base in forgiving 2.55 million in loans awarded to the beacon cinema redevelopment project?? Yes 77%. No 23%. 431 respondents. Do you think the sheep of pittsfield will remember this??

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Agree, Art! I think the results of that poll says it all!

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Why doesn’t the City open the Gateway (Beacon) and turn it into a Methadone – Marijuana facility .

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayor Tyer should be in the schools walking the hall all day until we get a handle on school verbal violence and physical violence…..why can’t she meet people at the schools shes patrolling.Thats what high tech is for.Mayor Barrett told all departments to get away from their desk…..Principles dont bring safety to their buildings they bring cover-up the incident.MCAS is killing cities.See you at Herberg Mayor and wear sneakers.