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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, NOV. 16-18, 2018) — A tax cut for Pittsfield?

Of course, it all depends on how you define it. By the strictest definition, Mayor Linda Tyer can truthfully lay claim to being the first mayor in 25 years to offer a reduction in rates for homeowners and businesses. For that, THE PLANET offers arias and trochees. It addresses a long-standing hope among Pittsfield’s hammered taxpayers on both sides of the tax split. Politically, the move is understandable.

THE PLANET defines it with a question: Will the overall cost to homeowners and businesses living in the city — including taxes, which are a key component in the equation — go up or down? A look at the complete picture reveals the bad though hardly surprising news. It will cost Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski and Little Guy Business Inc. more to survive another year in a dying town that poison politics, long predating Linda Tyer, sent to intensive care.

Was the token cut the result of anticipatory 2019 municipal politics, when the corner office is up for grabs again after a four-year wait? THE PLANET has the answer, obtained through the microphone hidden in a Ming vase (pronounced: “vahse”) in the mayor’s office. We obtained a copy of a secret conversation between the mayor and her director of finance, Matthew “Kufflinks” Kerwood. Here’s the key exchange:

MAYOR: So, Matt, what kind of shape are we in?

KUFFLINKS: The truth? (MAYOR NODS). In a word, lousy. Debt service is killing us, the tax base is shrinking, union raises are out of control, the city is aging, the deadbeats are sucking services dry, drug trafficking has robbed us of a generation of young people — those that haven’t moved out because there are no jobs or affordable night life. 

MAYOR: Yeah, but I’m up for re-election next year. I can’t tell people that. Let’s think real hard. What can we do?


MAYOR: What? A terrific headache?

KUFFLINKS: No. A tax decrease!

MAOYR: Brilliant! But how can we lower taxes when we keep raising the cost of government, to say nothing of taking care of the special interests and mismanaging debt service?

KUFFLINKS: Easy. (FIRES UP AN EXCEL SPREADSHEET ON HIS LAPTOP AND TAPS A FEW KEYS). We give ’em a tiny cut here, and we nail them there later, after you win in 2019.

MAYOR: What a man!

———- 000 ———-

A careful look shows you how Tyer and Kufflinks simply played with numbers. Under the plan, the residential rate will drop from the current $20.01 to $19.42 (0.97%), a $9.48 cent decrease to the “average” homeowners’ property taxes. But let’s look at what T&K didn’t say.

They didn’t tell you many things.

  • They didn’t tell your that the tax for businesses on personal property will rise 12.4%.
  • They didn’t tell you that the “average” valuation on homes will rise from the present $181,500 to $186,000. Thousands of homes will see an increase in taxes.
  • They didn’t tell you that the miniscule tax reduction should be far greater than it is because of the unanticipated $2.5 million more the state sent to Pittsfield. That’s taxpayers money, to0, and such a windfall could have easily enabled a dip at least three times as much.
  • They didn’t tell you the real reason why they failed to use free cash, which, as Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell said at the Tuesday council meeting, isn’t free at all. Connell spoke out for taxpayers, noting that the millions of free cash consists “of the excess dollar amount that residents paid last year that we didn’t spend.” Well spoken, CC.
  • They didn’t tell you the numbers do not include upcoming hits for sewer upgrades and the Taconic High School buildout. Connell asked Kerwood about the THS hit. Kerwood said there wouldn’t be a hit … until 2021. In other words, the tax “decrease” is being artificially being propped up by delaying the pain sure to come from the unnecessary school construction.

This “tax cut” is a “rate reduction” that will fail to reduce costs, especially for what’s left of the middle class. It’s all about election year politics.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“If they don’t give you a seat at the table, bring a folding chair”  Shirley Chisholm.



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The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

We can’t address crime and poverty around North Street until we cut significantly the schools and that only through consolidation of schools. Highland has 250 kids,Stearns has 200,Williams at 325.Crosty was built for 1100.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

For the first time….I agree with you!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Chris Connell for mayor!

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
6 years ago


On your bullet points, they mentioned all those things, except the first one.

The reason Personal Property taxes are going up is because of the “new growth” from Sabic. Isn’t it a good thing that businesses are investing in the City and paying taxes?

About 2,800 homeowners, mostly in the South East will see a small tax increase because values rose more than the rate decrease. The other 8,000+ homeowners will see a decrease. The average decrease throughout the city is a $10 decrease. Small yes! But would you rather have had taxes go up?

This was made possible by two things. The surprising increase in new growth. At least it surprised me. And, the 2.5 million in extra state aid. If those things didn’t happen, taxes would have gone up.

This was not some political stunt to get elected next year. It was two good things happening that allowed the break, along with keeping expenses under control, at least the ones they can control.

They settled 6 or 7 union contracts with very minor yearly increases, all three year contracts. First time that has happened in decades. 11 departments were level or received reductions in this budget. The killer is health insurance, which no one can control the annual increase on. But they did get the Public Employee Committee to renegotiate the health plan, which did save $2,000,000 this year.

So you know what, cudos to the Mayor and Matt for doing a good job. They both deserve a pat on the back.

For years everyone on this blog has bitched for a cut, even a small one. You,finally get one and people bitch. I don’t get it.

I know I have a horse in this race, so I’m not going to answer the critics. This will be my only post on the subject.

Have a good day and try and enjoy the snow. Stay safe.


Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

What you call a cut is actually the largest increase in the city’s history due to the sewer tax. Call it a “fee” all you like, but it’s a more basic government service than entire departments in the general budget like airport or community development that provide zero value to taxpayers.


Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago

Sir Wison,

Your last sentence is uncalled for and hitting below the belt. Mr. Clairmont was man enough to post under his own name and agree or not with his opinon, it is my opinion that you should not get personal.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago


You are right, and this is very disrespectful.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Do you call Linda Trash Can and the Lounger when your talking with them.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Nicely stated, Mr. Mayor!!

Gotta love your Fuzzy Math, though.

Hopefully you can keep the DA’s budget practices from mirroring Andrea’s campaign finance behaviours.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Mr. Clairmont,

I applaud the mayor for the tax break, because even though it is an insignificant reduction, it is a huge savings, in that the average homeowner won’t have to pony up about $200 more for the usual annual increase. Ruberto campaigned on tax relief, (and crime and jobs), and failed to deliver. Tyer has delivered and I for one appreciate it.

I also agree with you that it is not a political stunt. In fact, I believe that she is not worried about re-election at all, because of some or all of these factors; she expects to easily win by riding the pink wave sweeping America, or because of a lack of competition, or because she thinks she is doing a great job and the voters will realize that, or she is actually doing a good job, or simply because if Harrington could get elected, then she can get re-elected, or because she has come to realize that the job sucks and is thankless, and therefore she won’t run.

Here is why Joe Taxpayer is negative about this – He has been getting screwed so long, and so hard, and now suddenly the screwer is nice to him (tax break) – it makes him think this is the calm before the storm, and a worse screwing is just around the corner. This feeling is fostered by the years of back room deals and hidden agendas in this city, from the civil authority to the new high school, to the alleged huge water and sewer increases coming, to the outlandish tax break and cash giveaways, The Beacon becoming just one in a long line of such foolish give aways.

Why can’t someone just explain to us when exactly the new school tax kicks in, and how much it will be, per year. Kerwood claims 40 mill of the 46 mill is already budgeted. So what is the payback plan? What about the other 6 mil? Now he claims in 2021 the old school bond is paid off, and the new school bond kicks in, so it’s a wash. Is this really true. Are we actually not going to see an increase to pay for the new school?

Have a good day and try and enjoy the snow. It will give the more crotchety Planeteers something else to bitch about.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

I agree. Too many incompetent women are riding the pink wave. Just because they are women they must be perfect for the job (any job really) is the frightening so-called wisdom coming from the far left. Women never lie either. Didn’t you know?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Johnny 99. She will run for mayor again and will win. Why? Becauses she is the ultimate panderer. She took good care of the special interests groups and that is all that is needed to win office here in pittsfield. Competence? Not even considered. In 2015 the best and most competent person to ever run for mayor in the city’s history ended up garnering 170 votes. That tells you all anyone needs to know about city politics. Dont ever think that things will change. Only one thing will change this deplorable situation and the vehicle for change lies with the 21000 registered voters who do not vote . They could change everything.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Reply to B. Clairmont:
We are not with Linda any more!
No more Linda Tyer!
No more secretary Liberal “progressive” experience!
We want engineer/landlord/scientist for our Mayor!
No more corruption!
No more family/friends appointments!
No more Linda Tyer!

Lorna Doone
Lorna Doone
Reply to  Village Knight
6 years ago

STEML – Science, Technology, Engineering, Math, and Landlording

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Any thoughts of taking comedic acting?

6 years ago

Clearly Barry is outmatched when it comes to municiple finance.
You are underfunded in free cash, so why give it away?
You have debt service that could be bought down, that would save millions over the next few years.
You need more money in stabilization.
You have OPEB liabilities you don’t even understand.
You have are understaffed in the police department by 30 officers
You have infrastructure projects that haven’t even been considered but are 5-10 years behind
The “SABIC investment” wasn’t an investment at all it was a change in business structure as part of the sale. That change made previously untaxed items taxable. When they restructure again, you’ll hear a big sucking noise.
The supposed contract negotiations are really can kicking just pushing off higher future payments.
They laid off 74 teachers, para, and staff.
But with all of that said Barry, you miss the real issue.
For purely political reasons the mayor and kerwood came up with this plan, when at least Kufflinks knows, that money should have gone to stabilization or debt service.

But what’s really worse is that you, Barry, try and frame these political manuvers as a positive.
The money from the state, SABIC sale and restructure and “new growth” had zero to do with Tyer and Kerwood but they will squander it for political points.
The laying off of teachers, the understaffed police force, the capital projects not started, debt service, contract “renegotiations” that pushed negotiations out, the OPEB, the $50-100 million in water plant project all bills coming due, but you think Tyer/Kerwood are doing a “good job”.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Hey Agent Smith, when Barry pointed out the settling of 6 or 7 union contracts, I was and am impressed. Settling 1 is a challenge. 6 or 7 with no significant i creases is nearly miraculous! Kicking the can down the road? Name a union contract that goes out more than 3 years…anywhere. there are none. It gives the city 3 years, well, 2 anyway, to worry about all that other stuff coming down the pike. Denigrate the size of the “tax decrease” all you want, but everyone truly deserves kudos for getting that many contracts negotiated without significant increases.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

What you don’t get is that the contracts are negotiated at a lower rate today with promises of much higher increases down the road.
It’s like asking the teachers to forgo a STEP increase this year for a double dip next year. Time value of money would make it seem like a good thing because you are paying less this year but the double jump next year, after elections, will be staggering.
All they did with the negotiations was “average by percent” Which in the long run will cost you more.
If there are 5 employees each making a digit percent; 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. So they just said, instead of people getting different increases, they all get 3% (15/5). Problem is as that expands out over the years it’s going to cost you way more as the people getting the 1% were at the top of the pay scale and those getting 5% were at the bottom.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent, your first premise is incorrect. If a contract is for 3 years, the union gets whatever is specified in those 3 years. If there is a caudicil promising higher increases in the next contract that is one thing, although even that would be difficult to enforce as the political people negotiating for the management/city can change and a board wouldn’t tie the hands of future boards. Failing that caudicil, no promises are made for future negotiations.

Now if, in the case of the teachers, you want to bemoan the raise of going up a step EVERY year, with a built in 3-7% increase, combined with the “raise” that gives each step an additional 2-5%, I’m right there with you!

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Dow futures down 160 points at 8:35 am.

I guess that means Trump is done–or it apparently does to some in here.

6 years ago

I would like to thank Barry for information,specifically the 2021 taconic debt due. I was told the water-sewer has a chance of being upscaled… down, either/or, my timetable of finding a more secure place to live financially makes it a lot easier to leave. Right now I’m looking at at least two cities that are palpable of affording, believe or not, so thank you for that info.

Agent Smith is spot on.Many factors of not wanting to live in the Berkshires are never, ever mentioned,when it’s a burden to live here, one is the overall taxes for living in the state, others are heating my home,car rust from harsh winters, and a myriad of other intangibles that you don’t talk about,dobt laugh. And don’t forget the crime here, we are seven the in the state.

The City is living day to day, just like a lot of current homeowners. We re truly driven by debt.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

I don’t believe property values have increased . It’s just a hocus pocus lie.

And exactly how minor were those salary increases? Mr. Claremont , as Mr. Humans pointed out doesn’t under how labor contracts can be used to auto to deceive the public.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

The values are based off of actual sales.

Then the values have to get certified by the state before the tax rate is allowed to be set.

If one is to believe that hocus-pocus is going on, the state would have to be in on it as well. This plays well into the minds of the conspiracy folks.

Ask anyone buying right now how quickly houses sell in the $150,000 – 300,000 range. The increases are real.


X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

darn auto correct changed Kinnas to humans

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounge Lizard I always said you couldn’t string two sentences together. Your post is ample confirmation of my statement. I hope everyone reads your post. It is an example of what happens to your mind when you are stoned on something. You will from now on be called the halfwit you always were but many didn’t know it. Now we all know it halfwit.

6 years ago

Kerwood states that the taxpayers won’t see a tax increase for the Taconic bldg. until 2021?

Won’t the mayor be up for reelection in 2020?

If she is elected again, for another 4 yrs., we will be hit with a really big increase at the start of her next (4 yr.) term.

The timing is perfect. Interesting!

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Wonder if she will have the crime wave cleared up by then.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago


An intelligent question, so I’ll answer.

Mr. Kerwood stated at the Council meeting that the City is only paying interest on the THS project until 2021. He structured it that way because the debt from the old school projects get paid off then, so the taxpayers don’t take a big hit.

The old debt comes off the books, then the new debt comes on. It was an ingenious move on Matt’s part.

BTW, in my last post, I should have also given credit to the hard working department heads and employees of the City for recognizing the financial situation the City is in and for doing their part to make things work. This was a true team effort on their part.


Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Nicely stated, again, Mr. Mayor

Gotta love your Fuzzy Math, reshaped to fit into a nicely packaged re-election effort.

Your latest post reads like a Ponzi Scheme!!

Good for you, Mr. Mayor!!

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

What happens when I defer two months of my car loan payments? I don’t make payments for two months, that’s it.

The payments don’t disappear, they’re merely tacked onto the rear, extending the life of my loan. Instead of a 72-month obligation now it’s 74-months.

Of course, I still pay interest on the deferment, right!

It looks good on my bottom line, but doing so extends the number of months I’m carrying that debt.

Barryburger can structure, restructure his argument from chicken crap into chicken salad all he wishes but at the end of our day, it’s an obligation that will eventually comes due. Mostly likely after Mayor Linda”s been re-elected next year!!

Gotta love a good Ponzi scheme!!

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Reply to Brian C. Marquis:
Bravo! Nicely said!

Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Honest to god are you this obtuse? He’s only paying interest so that the impact seems insignificant and seems level HOWEVER by deferring paying any of the principle by YEARS
He’s costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in future payments.
Please learning the bare minimum about finance before you claim how smart this all is.
It’s smart politically but rediculous financially.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

LOL…Geez, it all seemed so sensible when Barry said it. I think I’ll go with that. Postponing the start of the new school bonds by a single fiscal year, or even two, does not add significantly and saves HUGE out of pocket costs to every tax payer in the city. It really was the only option.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Wait, didn’t you claim to be an expert in municipal finance a few posts back? Hysterical.

Before commenting any further, please take a primer on municipal bonds and how they are structured. Waiting a few years before beginning to pay down the principal will not cost anything close to “hundreds of thousands” in future payments. You have NO freaking idea what you are talking about.

Please learn the bare minimum about finance before you post on this topic again. You are woefully ignorant.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

You have no clue as to how postponed bonding. Right now, all those interest payments are monies lost. Delay the bonding until 2020 or 2021 you’ve made 2-3 years of interest payments to float a loan until they actual get the bond. As interest rates are also climbing bond payments will end up being higher, not lower. They could also go down but I really don’t see interest rates dropping to what they were when the did the initial build or acceptance of the building.
So yes it’s going to cost Pittsfield a lot more by delaying the bond,

What’s even more frightening, the fact the city is only 37k or so below it’s level limit, that they’ve bought down the tax rate with $4.5 million over the last two years, and each year they keep dipping deeper into free cash to do it, that the $2.25 million coupled with the new growth made such s small impact on the tax rate, they are banking only $100k a year on OPEB, that they are up against the levy limit and are underfunding departments and future liabilities to make up this rediculous “tax break”. This is a house of cards that’s going to crash in 2020/2021

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

Not paying down debt on time allows those to spend money now without a recognition of debt.Trump just gave 1.5 trillion to the 1%ers and we will worry about that at a later date to.I don’t see any of this as genius.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, in response to your previous post, the Columbus Ave. parking deck was also built to accommodate a second story.
I was at Unistress when it was fabricated. The city did not properly care for it. They now want to tear it down. What a waste.

6 years ago

It ain’t a wave, it’s a way of life, for the criminals here, and for us bedraggled citiizens who have been putting up with the shootings, stabbings, and robberies for at least 2 dozen years. Hathaway said the crime “wave” was an abberation, and that was how many years ago? Then Ruberto campaigned on crime and beat her. He pretended to be tough on crime. Bianchi campaigned on crime. He failed to make a dent in the problem. Tyler campaigned on crime (and blight). Both worse than ever. Throwing more money at the problem, is not, in and of itself the answer, nor is a got dan substation for cryin’ out loud. How about if you get caught with a handgun illegally, you get 5 years state prision. Oh, I forget, the new DA isn’t going to even prosecute for gun possession.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

So is there enough free cash left over for a forensic audit and would Mr Kerwood have any objections and if so what are they. Details please Matty.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

With labor contracts the devil is always in the details. Until I can see the details I remain skeptical. One hocus pocus that’s commonly used is to drop the bottom steps off of a pay scale and add steps. So everyone can say it was only X percent but the new steps raise it far above X.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounge Lizard I thought you were a total lost cause but if you keep posting like you just did I might have to change my opinion of you. Good job.

6 years ago

Capitanio and Lothrop also campaigned on crime,krist,they all have. Harrington said she is going to make our streets safer.HOW??

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

The Gman wanted me to post this information for you: Water and sewer rates will not rise significantly until late 2021 or early 2022. If he doesn’t do the work at both the water and sewer plants the city resident will see a rise in their W/S rates of around 700 to 800% people should keep this in mind because tyer has orchestrated this 150 million dollar updates and all she knows about W/S is that she drinks and bathes in it and flushes. Her DPW commissioner turocy knows even less than tyer if you can believe that. These two types of facilities should be left to experts who have built many of them including myself. These two types of facilities entails scientific and engineering principled that I am very experienced in inventing designing and building with my scientific and engineering team. My group always uses innovative techno?ogy which brigs costs down by 50 to 60 % of old style technology. We will see how the city will react to my presentation on Dec.10 th. I know many people on this board and many city residents are pulling for me but in reality I am pulling for them. If I do not post again soon I wish Dan and all the people on the planet and all that read it a happy thanksgiving and Xmas. I hope I can give you a gigantic Xmas present. We’ll see

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

And if home values went down tax rates would go up.Schools need a consolidation plan because higher property values lead to higher taxes for fixed homeowners who are never addressed by Mayor Tyer because you folks don’t relate to the inability to chase these bills with less income.Ok ,not your problem but unroll taxes stop going up to pay for a bloated school system we have a tax problem.The board continues to acknowledge that the poverty of Pittsggield exist around North Street with crime that the Planet wont go downtown as other wont.Address elderly worried about year after year tax bill increases.Kudos,you must be kidding….Everyone knows about Pittsfields give a ways, please address millions for corporations and 1%ers.Also ,you can’t use a name in this town because you will be penalized.You can use one if you can’t be hurt by your opinion

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC. You are correct about people not using their names. Pittsfield is a tight gobsig community with many half wits holding public office even though they haven’t an ounce of nervous tissue in their craniums but they pandered to the sigs and their rewards are to be elected to office and the sigs control the strings to these puppets. Mr. Gaetani is a rare type individual in this city who fears no one and uses his name at all meetings he attends. Actually representing the taxpayers is a hobby for the Gman. Because so few people are brave enough to take on anyone we must get behind people like the Gman. He saved this city over 100 million dollars in the 80s and will save a fortune on the upcoming projects. Even with a reputation so significant you have half wits on this site such as fritz 12 acute angina lachs lizard! and others who admonish the Gman. These miscreants evidently dont know that if the Gman is not allowed to rescue these upcoming projects like he did in the 80 s they and many others will have to move out of pittsfield. The Gman is a very private person. He spends most of his time inventing designing and building facilities in this country and abroad. He is busy preparing his presentation for pittsfield on Dec 10 at the public works meeting at 7 pm in council chambers. My transmission in my car died and I asked the Gman if he knew someone who could put in another one. He said yes I will put it in. He got a transmission in a junk yard for a song and put it in himself He charged me nothing. People dont know Gaetani. He can do just about anything. And I mean anything. We need to get behind him and insure he gets these upcoming projects. He will propose a different technology as opposed to what the city has chosen with a price tag that will shock the city when he proposes it on DEC 10. You can watch him in action on dec10 at 7pm on CH 1303. It will be the best show on TV and it is for all taxpayers to see. Get your popcorn early so you miss nothing

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The G man wanted me to tell you about the time he went to Alaska and taught the Eskimos to can blubber.

6 years ago

Expensive Tyler street trash cans look like they are going to winter over out in the elements on Tyler street. Couple have already been pushed back by plowed snow. Do they like road salt?

Guess we can always buy more.

6 years ago

Dan, does this hi-lo tax break have anything to do with prop 2-12 or the Ceiling?, anyone, Agent Smith? The administration has a two year wait on payment dues from the tax payer while paying interest,bad practice in my opinion. Is it be because those that stay won’t mind paying the 2021 due. Wonder if there are census takers out there that these pols like Tyer and Kerwood relay on when crafting this bulshit and use it to get their info from as,far as upcoming elections go.

6 years ago

In the best scenario your free cash would be used to make money or offset having to borrow money to pay for things.

Think of the city like a household, money coming in, money going out. Surplus monies can be invested, held, used to pay off debt, or you can “splurge” and waste it.

Right now Pittsfield is right at the levy limit, for a city it’s size. Dangerously close and in 2016 it hit that limit I believe. So to offset going to the razors edge of the levy limit they are using free cash to “buy down” the tax rate.
Pittsfield has also put off financing its debt, is underfunding OPEB, and it has put off the water treatment project. So by delaying that project they are inviting inflated costs for construction, interest rates have gone up, they are 3-4 years behind in completing the project, and when it’s all done this will come home to roost about the same time the bonds will be issued for the school.
So you’ll see your taxes go up and a sewer bill that nearly doubles in that same year.
A smarter thing to do would have been use free cash to prop up the tax rate so it broke even or just went up a smidge, then held that extra money for future projects or to pay down debt now.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Voodoo Financing,so it has been said and, shall be written.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

AS agree but you are wrong about sewer costs. They will double if gaetani builds the facility. The proposed facility will quadruple the rates and if the water plants aren’t rescued by Mr. Gaetani the water project will rise them by a factor of4 again. If gaetani isn’t involved in these projects look for the combined rates to be around700 to 800% Tyer is touting a reduction in an amount that wouldn’t cover the cost of a meal at a Chinese restaurant. All the heavy hits for the taxpayer are down the road for now and no one should forget this. She hasn’t a single accomplishment as mayor for being in office for 3 years. She is the worst mayor in the city’s history and there has been some pretty bad ones but this one takes the cake. We must all be vigalant and start preparing to end her reign of terrôr as we know she will have the gobsig network backing her. They and their families number 7200 votes but if we entice some of the 21000 registered voters who dont vote to come out and vote a good candidate like Gaetani we could look forward to a well run city by someone who has the experience running a multi multi million dollar budget. This city has no chance in being successful with lightweights of there caliber. And yes open. The Gman ran for mayor warning about open which is presently over 420 million dollars. It was open that sunk Detroit and Sacramento and it could happen here. The mismanagement of years of incompetent individuals runmig this city including the present incompetent mayor have all created the mess we have here today. We must break the backs of the gobsig network which controls every election. If we keep electing these failures things will only get worse.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Sorry. Not open should be OPEB

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I was just quoting the official position of the Finance Director, depending on the costs of the project, it could well be 500% or more.

6 years ago

I’m kind of bemiffed, could be wrong with this question, but don’t give a crap. Wasn’t the school contract supplemented with Free Cash a few years ago? Wouldn’t it been more prudent not to have budgeted so much to the schools to begin with, instead of paying the contracts with Free Cash?

B. clairmont
B. clairmont
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Yeah, that was a Dan Bianchi special. Left the Council no choice but to approve it.


6 years ago

That wasn’t Voodo Financing C L that particular funding,teacher contracts, That was…….U do Financing.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

As I have stated for 2 years the school require all hands on deck.Mccandless and Curtis need to walk the floors of their schools.Safety is not 3rd on the list as it is number 1.Violent words should not be tolerated.Get your sneaked boys and girls and walk walk walk.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Getting back to scump. The ceiling is fallen in on scump from all sides. He is involved with all kinds of illegality in his presidency. If everything else failed in getting rid of him there is one thing that will not fail. Cohen his partner in crime has plead guilty already and scump is at present his unindicted co conspirator. Scump will be indicted for this crime soon and will be charged and will be found guilty. We already know t?hat the Atty generals office in the state of NY were ready to charge scump but when Cohen unexpectedly plead guilty the Atty general didn’t charge scump. We also know that they have an 81 page indictment for scump that could lead to a subpoena any time now. When scump is found guilty of this crime which he will he will become a convicted felon. A convicted fellony charge will force his resignation or he will be impeached. I believe this is the case that will rid us of this pathological liar and dispicable human being. After I witnessed this AH’s antics the last week I am stronger than ever that this moron must go.

Already Tyred
Already Tyred
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Doesn’t a ceiling fall from above not from all sides?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Already Tyred
6 years ago

Art doesn’t seem to understand the gravity of the situation.

Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Good one AA.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Hatred has blinded Art!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

“Let the hate flow through you,” Darth Vader.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Take the posts of the above three and you dont even have one intelligent sentence. All three of you are one and your pathetic. Try to add to the conversation. When you post your telling all of us you are an idiot.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Innocent until proven guilty.

6 years ago

California is in bad shape and may have to file bankruptcy. Utility fees are soon going to skyrocket from the wildfires. Thousands are homeless and many homes were destroyed by the fires so housing is in short supply. At least 600 people are still missing. It will take another 2 weeks to fully contain one of the largest fires. These figures are unbelievable.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The Trump elite class run Pittsfield.Poor people encircle North Street and we need these people safe..Light up the hood.

Reply to  Gobsig
6 years ago

A special message from McCandless

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Gobsig
6 years ago

The PPS are finally ditching the Promise Program? Most of these disruptive kids need to be in offsite alternative programs or face charges and go to jail. I hope this message has been communicated to the middle & high school principals! There has been very little discipline in the schools!
Thanks for posting this Gobsig.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

If I was to write a book on how not to run a municipality, it would be called “Pittsfield politics”!
Chapter 1 would be a case study on how high taxes, large debts, and questionable accounting and budgeting are financially unsustainable.
Chapter 2 would be about the Good Old Boys who have taken care of themselves at the expense of the powerless local taxpayers.
Chapter 3 would be about PEDA being over 2 decades old with 0 private tenants and industrial toxic waste pollution.
Chapter 4 would be about economic inequality with a growing underclass, violent crime, and diminishing population.
Chapter 5 would be about job loss with the working poor working multiple low wage part time jobs.
Chapter 6 would be about Nuciforo’s pot company being the largest grower of cannabis in Western Massachusetts and Pittsfield’s first medical marijuana dispensary.
Chapter 7 would be about an overpriced, under-performing public school system with about 700 students choicing out to neighboring communities.
Chapter 8 would be about the Berkshire Museum secretive shakedown selling of its historical pieces of art.
Chapter 9 would be about GE’s economic development fund going to cultural institutions instead of creating actual living wage jobs.
Chapter 10 would be about predetermined “elections” where the Big 3 labor unions vote in their G.O.B. delegates to City Council, School Committee, and State Legislature.
– Jonathan Melle

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
6 years ago

Trump declares June 14th a National Holiday by executive order.

6 years ago

All this chatter about city financing is very interesting though I have to admit I do not fully understand it. But I am curious about which financial institutions are involved in all this stuff and do they benefit from the way the debt is structured. Would they have advised or influenced it one way or the other? And who might they be?

6 years ago


Yes they benefit and yes they influence and they are all in bed together- Berkshire Bank (al la the civic authority) led the consortium of local banks to finance The Beacon debacle. Now the owner says if city wont forgive 2.5 mil in loans there will be no choice but to default – you can bet your butt city will capitulate so Stanley can sell out so banks can get paid in full.

6 years ago

The End of The Renaissance is at at Hand.

Twas all a mirage, spawned by Skinny Legs Jimmy Ruberto, after he failed to take suitcase In hand and go get jobs like he bragged he would – A new movie theater (even though all the others went belly up), paid for by The Kapanskis mostly, GE Cash to the museum, and more cash to Spice (remeber Spice anyone?). Throw in a few milliontax dollars for street scape improvement, an old theater brought back to life with more Kapanski cash, thousands pissed away on cops downtown ghost town patrol, pushing Ernie the hot dog guy to Lenox, bringing in the revolving door of mom and pop coffee shops, some more government supported “condos”, and you have a good old fashion renaissance- except it was really a mirage. A smoke and mirrors show put on by your politicians who bought it hook, line and sinker, the only thing missing was some Tyler Trash Cans on North St. Now we have a museum on life support except for ruberto backed shameful sell off, a dark colonial most nights, Spice out of business, replacesd by a hotel on life support despite more government support, and a movie theater threatening foreclosure if we don’t “forgive” 2.5 mill, even though we gave many times already, including money for new stadium style seating, and the Boring Broadsheet even featured the mayor sitting in one of the reclining chairs on the front page – a symbol if there ever was one of a city in decline. Is there at least one city elected official with the guts to put an end to this?????????????

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

To your last question…..I doubt if there is any elected official with the guts to put an end to it but let me know if you can find one that even wants to talk about it.

Collaboration, collusion, mutual benefitting, back scratching, call it what you like. None of these people want the shit that will come their way should they rock the boat. It is a myth that just because they were elected by the people that they work for the people. That is the part of the oath that is pure unadulterated bullshit and they know that when they take that oath.

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan firstly: the Gman spoke to terry kinnas this morning and said terry looked very tired. He has a sick wife at home and a sick mom in Arizona. He is back and forth all the time. We should keep terry and his loved ones in our minds as he is one of us. Secondly the type of person you are talking about Dan is the Gman. Letsvsee where we would be if he were elected mayor. There would be no new high school. All budgets for the city’s sigs would be down by 21% already and another 8% in 2019 The sewer and water updates wouldn’t exceed65 to 70 million dollars as opposed to the 150 million proposal by the secretary and the dpw dimwit. There would be boots on the ground in the crime areas. There would be bodyvcams on all cops. The city would be betting a grip on open and he would see to it that all hoodlums in the school dept be dealt with swiftly and teachers would be given full control of their classrooms and any position in the admin positions in the schools that are not essential will be booted. This is what the Gman proposed when he ran for mayor and he got 170 votes. This is what good candidates for mayor like Gataninare up against. Mr Gaetani is the type of person you are talking about Dan. The key to defeating the lightweights like tyer and her ilk lies with the 21000 registered voters who dont vote. We all need to do all we can to wake up these21000 it is the only way to sweep the crud that hold all the city positions

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

Sorry again: open should be OPEB. Some problem on my computer

Mike Ward
Mike Ward
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

…and like any account it’s a partial truth and a selective truth. Is downtown Pittsfield better today than it was in 2003? I think it is but that’s my opinion. And this is exactly the type of debate that should happen during a municipal election. Not the same old anemic conversations we get in room K-111 of the Koussevitzky Arts Center.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mike Ward
6 years ago

Those events in the the KAC are a total joke put on by people who are a total joke and moderated by a total joke. Those events should be held on the Gaetani Pittsfield News Hour. There would be no softball questions. Liars would be put in their places and there would be oxygen available to those weaklings who might faint under questioning from the king of Pctv. Just knowing that they may have to appear on the Gmans show would shake out a lot of weak candidates such as secretary tyer and other useless twitts on the council. The present debates or what ever you want to call them are a complete joke geared toward gobsigb candidates. This new way would level the playing field for everyone.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Re the Beacon – why don’t the investors/debt holders let the owner foreclose and then sell it to the Michigan cinema people?
Would they loose less money by taking title?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Yeah this Beacon handout really frosts me. Why are taxpayers supposed to fund Stanley’s business? Why doesn’t the city sue this guy for nonpayment of a loan and take his property?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

As usual the reporting of this seems to be wrongly focused:
The Beacon threatening to go into Foreclosure would hurt the Beacon Owner, but the city would take full taxes owned as the mortgageholder would have to pay them, no?
How much is the owner walking away with? Someone should publish the financials to the public.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

It sounds like this is a favor to the bank lender as well as they would be holding tax liability on a foreclosure.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

I agree with your points, Kermit. I’m certainly no financial whiz, but it all sounds outrageously questionable.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Perhaps the mayor and Kerwood would like to address the city council with all pertinent details as this is kind of her job. did she not campaign on open government?

If this whole thing slides by under the rug there should be a effing rebellion. I first read about this on iberkshires and the article had disappeared from the front page that same day. Someone suggested that a call from a very important person got the article hidden safely away.

Something looks like it stinks badly here and I would love the mayor to clear it all up for the public because she looks like she is right in the middle of it.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

This article discusses how much money has been sunk in so far:
1.something million to restore the fascade. Who benefits from that?
Sometimes I get the impression the Berkshire decision makers have champagne taste and beer bottle pockets. Maybe we can’t adford all this ‘cultire’.
I can’t imagibe filling my house with electric lazy boys and then telling my bank I’m too broke to pay the mortgage. We all like nice things but maybe we can’t afford them?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

If you taxes go up by 150 every year and the taxes when cut do not go down by 150 then nothing has fundamentally changed in how Budgets are run.Revenue increased as economy has but 20 months into the Trump 1.5 trillion tax cut we are seeing inflation and a stalled economy.Housing starts are way down as supply and demand works it way to Pittsfield.The big driver of local realestate has been seniors getting out of their high added tax home.Almost no one is in the Pittsfield market for homes over 250k.The market around North Street is 90k or less.Crime is driving our market…..Mccandless says he won’t tolerate violence in schools and we will see.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Every city is challenged by the blackmail of wealthy businessmen and corporations demanding money from the poverty stricken taxpayers of Pittsfield….This just happened to New York and DC….Its immoral to give them any amount ….there each councilor will wordsmith the reason for giving this money away.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Scump approval ratings sinking. 59% of Americans want some one else, anyone in the white house. A scientific study has shown that people who lie repeatedly, their noses shrink. No wonder scumps nose looks like a patch where his nose should be. This is real info. I myself was shocked when I heard it. It fits scump to the tee.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Did you pull that number out of your backside?
According to the Rasmussen poll from Friday Nov. 16th, President Trump has a 49% approval rating.
The truth will set you free.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Are you still able to breathe out of your nose?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Yes I am still able to breathe out of my nose. Unfortunately it is getting bigger because I dont lie. Got to admit fritz that you set yourself up for my reply. Good post.

6 years ago

Spin-noccio. Just sayin.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

The Whitaker appt. Is causing back lash from both dems and pubs. Scump is like the thanksgiving turkey. He is alive now but his days are numbered. Even faux news is distancing themselves from him. The scump experiment is almost over. Xmas presents will be a little late but not too late. January 3rd. All good dems take note. Your dreams will be answered.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I know a lot of you scumpies dont dig deep to find the facts. That’s OK I will tell you what you need to know. Scump is in huge trouble. Those who have been charged and either plead or were found guilty are the bassis of Mueller’s questions for scump. Mueller knows the answers to these questions already. If Scump deviates even a teeny tiny bit its Bye Bye scump. Knowing scump can’t tell the truth. Well you know what I mean. Sorry scumpies your carnival barker will be silenced soon

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Art is the original Spin-noccio. Just sayin.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz and all the other handles you post under stop disgracing yourself or yourselves. You make a fool and give away your educational level with each post. Scumps base is white and uneducated and you certainly fit the mold. Compare your drivel posts to other individuals who post on this board who clearly by their posts identify themselves as educated thinking and fully functioning human beings. Your type lives by the breitbart and faux Bibles .You are clearly out of your league here. And yes 59% of all respondents to a poll indicated that they would Rather see someone other than scump in the WH. Keep reading my posts. You will get an education. You think I am the Gman and I am not but you think I am and you are disrespectful to the Gman and he has done more for you than you can possibly realize because you are stupid. You better pray that the Gman comes to your rescue as you may be one of the first to have to leave town. Throw all the stones at me that you want but dont throw stones at him. He has done nothing wrong to you or anyone in this city. All he tries to do is help people. I hope you learn this lesson.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

WHAT POLL are you quoting?
You post more fake news than anyone else on this blog!

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

The Gman called and wanted me to tell you that Art is never wrong.

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

Let’s just say a little bird is chirping that THE PLANET will be in a box at the Stadium to watch SYR upset 9-pt. favorite ND. Don’t tell anyone, though! When was the last time SU football played a game with national title implications?
Otherwise, how did the weekend go?

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

Fake News

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

TM you are another uneducated white scumper. Fake news is the cry of the morons. Real fake news is spewed from your news sources breitbart and faux. Try reading or listening to other sources .most of your posts are as pitiful as fritz. Nuts gravitate toward other nuts. Get a life.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The Gman just got back from Florida where he was helping out with the counting of fake votes.

Shakey Shakey
Shakey Shakey
6 years ago

I can’t help but to interrupt today’s sexism and racism on this ‘blog’ to gloat over The Orangemen getting exposed for the frauds they are. Kind of reminds me of Harrington whipping Cacc’s ass TWICE. Don’t be salty, Dan, basketball is almost here.

6 years ago

Over all a Syracuse did well,so shakes go straight to……..bed.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Pittsfield high school would have probably only scored 3 less points that ND. The Irish are back as a force. Meanwhile Oregon outclassed an over-rated Orange team on the hardwood. What an embarrassment to the ACC. Of course with UNCheat Jimmy B the fraud fits right in.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Shakes shake shibboleth. Since you are on here I have a qusestion and would like your opinion. How is Harringtn going to make the streets safer. In your opinion.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

Not with boots on the ground or body cams.

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

Wow, a civil question to the shakes and he won’t even give a small answer. Come on shakeyshaker,shake it up and give the poor dude,. your opinion.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

If I were scump I would plead the fifth to every Mueller written question. No matter how he answers these questions Mueller already Knows the answers and is prepared to crucify scump. Will this let scump off the hook? No but it will give him a chance to fight another day Trump has to hope that his children are charged and convicted before he himself is mortally wounded by Mueller so that he can pardon them. This is the only smart thing that scump could do. He is boxed into a corner now and he must do this. Failure to deviate even a little bit puts the whole trump family in prison. I pray he doesn’t take my advise. That would put him in prison sooner than I would like and that is OK with me.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You pray?

Reply to  Thomas More
6 years ago

The question is, to who?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

According to the NYT, DeSantis is a “fiery conservative” while Gillum is a “Mayor”. Why isn’t Gillum labeled an “angry liberal” or a “left-wing advocate”? Why aren’t the labels a more parallel Congressman and Mayor? Nope. The R gets an ideological warning label. The D doesn’t.

Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

They got it wrong. Should have been, fiery racist, not conservative.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Fox News is a great source of information avoidance.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Fox News is a great source of information avoidance.i do judge people who say they watch Fox News

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Do your best to do a good job of it big brain.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

He will little brain. All people who get their high on Fox News have markedly smaller brains and little hands with shrinking noses. Fox News is their bible. The shining example of this type of individual is scump. He is stupid, lies repeatedly doesn’t read has no empathy for less fortunate.has no sense of reality was a bone spur military skater and has committed more crimes than the James gang. This is what watching fox news creates. When I mention polls from reliable news sources on the planet,scump disciples deny them. Of course they dont get real info because they get it from hannity Carlson Limbaugh et all ilk. These disciples have a bond with scump as many are outcasts of decent political norms. Expect that many of them to resort to violence as we have so clearly seen in the past several months. Many say that scump is a cult leader who will do and say anything to get his way but his days are numbered. The question is what are the scumpers going to do when their main scump is either impeached or resigns in disgrace. Because we have seen the proclivity to become violent by some of his base we can expect some violence from these lawless half wits. Regardless truth and decency will prevail. It always has and always will prevail. A word to the wise Watching Fox news leads to the poisoning of your brain. Dont lose it you can’t get another one.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Matt Kerwood’s “tax cut” will save the median residential taxpayer in Pittsfield 18 cents per week, according to City Councilor Chris Connell. That is nearly 2.5 cents per day,

What a deal!

6 years ago

Mr. Melle,

I ain’t gettin a free ride, from the government or anybody else.

For once, the city is not charging me hundreds more per year in taxes, so I am not complaining – It’s not the “savings” per se, it’s the fact that I don’t have to spend more on taxes for the first year a homeowner e v e r. My taxes will go down only quarter per day but at least they are not going up hundreds more this year.

So try not to be so curmudgeonly all you bellyachers – I know a big screwin’ Is coming but I am going to enjoy this break in the abuse of Joe Taxpayer.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

We live in a country with Fox propaganda,A poverty strickened city will give 1.5 million dollars to a Wealthy out of town business man while gangsters shoot in darkens streets around City hall.Our President Donald Trump told California Fire Victims that raking the forest would prevent this from happening.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

President Trump is absolutely right School Committee. Millions of dollars are spent on firefighting, but very little is spent on fire PREVENTION in California. Not having forests so densely populated which means cutting down trees, getting rid of eucalyptus trees which are highly flammable, not building communities so close to forests in the first place, more access to water for these fire prone areas, and using more fireproof materials when building. These are just a few suggestions given by scientists and others who want to prevent these horrific tragedies in California. Forests may continue to burn in California due to extremely dry conditions, but the state should at least try as many fire prevention techniques as possible. Many others, not just President Trump, are weighing in on this issue of wildfire prevention in California.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, water causes flooding. Where can we put all the rain so it does not cause flooding? Oh, I now, ask Donald.

6 years ago

A whole town, Paradise, wiped out in California. The death toll may be well over 600 people, mainly elderly, when all is said and done. Intelligent people should question what is being done to prevent these devastating fires. Forest management is a major issue for preventing wildfires.

6 years ago

Art,I think the word you are looking for is the 21,000 voters in Pittsfield have been and are disinfranchised.As stated by Stacy Abrams,Senatorial candidate from Georgia, who also stated a form of systematically disenfranchised in Georgia. A different form of,but nonetheless a systematically form of it.

6 years ago

Wow! What a letter in today’s BB from the owner of Pittsfield Health Food Centre regarding our parking meters on North St.

Everyone should read this letter. It says it all!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

So after Stanley and the banks take their profits (snickering all the way) will the mayor then give the new owners more tax breaks and let the seniors on fixed incomes make up the losses?

Sure she will. That is why she was installed as mayor. And that is just what is was…not an election but an INSTALLATION.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

There was only one individual who tried to stop the unneccessary building of THS by going to court at his own expense. Guess who that was? I was in court that day and he did a good job and was commended by the judge and the city Atty for presenting a good argument. Any guesses who that was? Yup Gaetani. He is out there always trying to help the taxpayers. This is why I admonish those on this board who try to marginalize him He is the most important person in this city. No one should try to put down an individual who has done so much for pittsfield and he is poised to save us again soon.

6 years ago

Pittsfield voters are numb and disenfranchised.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Tish James the newly elected attorney general in NY states that she will be charging scump for a litany of criminal activity. This is the largest AG office in the US with 700 employees. Remember I stated that scump will be found guilty for his crimes with Cohen. This is the person who will prosecute him. You scumpers won’t see this on your bible study fox news. All who follow fox news are in the dark to what is really going on in the US. I post as a favor to you lost souls so that you can be brought up to par.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Scump lashes out at navy seal for not catching Osama bin laden sooner. I hope you scump deranged half wits realize who this ignorant SOB is. only a mad man would make a statement like that. What is it going to take to bring you back to your senses?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

When did McCraven complete his Seal Training?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Pat you do know Trump makes fun of Hannity sucking up to him.He thinks you guys dont have any thoughts on anything except his thoughts.Trump laughs everytime you defend his moronic statements

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

And your high school teachers laugh every time you post.

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
6 years ago

In an interview with Hugh Hewitt on Friday, Bob Woodward said that in his two years of investigating for his new book, ‘Fear,’ he found no evidence of collusion or espionage between Trump and Russia. Woodward said he looked for it “hard” and yet turned up nothing.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hell Toupee
6 years ago

That is good that Trump did not work with Russia.The investigation is looking into how Russia is influencing our elections.Im sure Trump worshippers wa nt to know how the do it.Right

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Massachusetts will have legal selling of recreational marijuana beginning on Tuesday, 11/20. Thousands of people from New York, New Hampshire, and other areas will be traveling to Massachusetts to buy pot.
When will Nuciforo get his license to sell recreational marijuana?
Luciforo wants you to smoke his pot!
It seems to me that pot is more about $ than medicine!
– Jonathan Melle