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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 3, 2018) — In keeping with the season, THE PLANET shares this press release straight from the offices of Downtown Pittsfield Inc.

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Downtown Pittsfield Inc. presents the 1st Annual Festive Frolic in downtown Pittsfield on December 7th from 4 to 8 pm. The community is invited to come downtown and enjoy “free,” cheap, and lame family-friendly activities in honor of the holiday season. We would like to say “Christmas,” but that would offend three people. The mayor, therefore, would rather piss off the other 39,431 Pittsfield citizens.

Enjoy 16 fart shows, dog poop decorating, pop-up drug vendors, the annual Park Square book burning, reduced admission to the Festival of Thievery at the Berkshire Museum, a free Salsa lesson from Carlos Sanchez’s Glock 9mm, and more. Downtown shops will be open until 8 pm with overpriced deals perfect for early holiday shopping and restaurants will be serving up specials for those attending the event. Otto’s Cafe will be offering half-price Heimlich Maneuvers, and Dotties will have free lessons in sketching the outline of sprawled, gunshot bodies on the sidewalk. Be on the lookout for the M-13 Flash Mob and surprises throughout the evening, including a public urination contest to be held at the Columbus Avenue garage.

The Frolic is partnering with First Fridays Fartswalk to bring you sixteen fart shows featuring over three dozen accomplished regional flatulence artists. There will be opening receptions and gas masks present throughout the “walk” from 5 to 8 pm, and a free guided walking tour will kick-off at 5 pm at the Intermodal Center at BRTA, 1 Columbus Ave. — for those who survive the muggings and harassment from street people. Fartswalk highlights include a Special Fartswalk admission price of $5 for the Festival of Thievery at the Berkshire Museum from 5 to 8 pm (Museum members: $47 million or two original Norman Rockwells).

NUts and BAlls Gallery & Studios will host a Holiday Show and Sale at 311 North Street. Small rocks of crystal meth will be for sale and there will be a hands-on holiday hanging and  syringe decorating contest. The Fucky Phoenix, 441 North Street, will host a $10 Drop-Out Creative Pocket Pool Workshop for all the PPS disciplinary cases from 4 to 8 pm; and Dottie’s, 444 North Street, will host an Unmarked Envelopes Stuffed with Cash decorating party from 4 to 8 pm. $5 for Envelope. Favored Politicians, Contractors, and Suits only. Everyone else will be taken out back and shot. The Big Earl Persip look-alike contest will then be held in the dumpster behind Paul Rich Furniture.

The Frankenstein Center for the Arts, 28 Renne Avenue, will host their 4th Annual Wreck Art Auction. The wrecks will be on display during a $10 ticketed event with a preview from 5 to 6:30 pm followed by a live auction, where crack babies will be up for bid. Included will be cuff links and bow ties from Matt Kerwood, a bottle of perfume — Graft #5 — from Deanna Ruffer, a middle finger from Richard Stanley, and other treasures. Handmade kissing balls (no explanation needed) and juvenile delinquents created by local artists will be available at auction and as grab and go items. All proceeds will benefit the Corner Office Slush Fund for Bribery and Corruption. No checks. Cash only.

Get in the holiday spirit at the Park Square book burning ceremony at 6 pm. Enjoy carols performed by the Taconic High School Chorus, including “Up Against the Wall, Mo’ Fo’,” “How Do You Spell ‘Cat?’,” and “Blow Jobs Ain’t Sex”, and hot chocolate provided by Patrick’s Pub and Brothel. Santa and Mrs. Claus will arrive after the books are lit. They will pass out free condoms, needles, and crack to all children. There will be no lap sitting, since Mr. and Mrs. Claus will be leaving immediately after their contracted duties are performed. A spokesperson for the Clauses said the couple were hesitant to remain in downtown Pittsfield and longer than absolutely necessary, citing safety concerns.

Framework, Pittsfield Coworking, 437 North Street, will be hosting a pop-up drug market in their co-working space from 4 to 8 pm. There will be vendors for your personal indulgences, free tourniquets for the young and young-at-heart, hot fake Rolexes, on-site massage with benefits, and music to get you into the spirit of the season, including “Two Cent Cut in Taxes, Hundreds of Millions in Public Debt.” Taxpayers will then be invited to the Beacon Theater for a free vacuum cleaning of all wallets and purses. They will be invited to see a film version of “Honey, I Shit the City.”

Berkshire Salsa Dance Studio and Correctional Facility, 307 North Street, will host a free Salsa lesson from 7 to 8 pm. for M-13 gang bangers. The Marketplace Café, 53 North Street, will be giving out free hot poker irons from 4 to 8 pm. Lucia’s Latin Kitchen will serve its illiterate bilingual specialties in a pop-up location at Persip Park on North Street from 6:30 to 8 pm.

Stick around downtown Pittsfield after 8 pm for your chance to get shot or mugged with no cover at Hotel on North, the Rainbow Restaurant, and the Whitney Center for the Arts. For a list of all participating venues, visit or

Thank you!


“Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor” — Truman Capote.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I loved it with lots of laughter! Now I want to go to downtown Pittsfield’s 1st annual festive frolic on Friday evening. But I won’t make it there. Will Nuciforo be presenting his pot products as Christmas presents? Will Jimmy Ruberto be presenting his famed rolodex that “brought hundreds of jobs to Pittsfield’s workers”? Will the lovely Linda Tyer be presenting 2 pennies to Pittsfield’s taxpayers?
Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Let’s skip the specifics and go straight to declaring the City of Pittsfield a violent hellhole. Period.

And that’s that!!

Minister of Intoxication
Minister of Intoxication
6 years ago

I’ll be at Hess Forest under cardboard with a bottle.

6 years ago

Is the current Mayor Fitness challenge on in the winter?..just sayin

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Will the mayor be handing out Christmas contracts to special interest contractors to modernize Tyler street?

Is it true that this Tyler street project is just the latest gobsig effort to move taxpayer money into the hands of politically connected friendlies?

Is it true that the mayor will be handing out gift wrapped pouches of anthracite coal to senior citizens while at the same time swallowing up their meager 2019 cost of living increases?

6 years ago

And this just added – discount tickets to The Beacon for Pittsfield residents to see a new flick called The Titantic – Rearranging Deck Chairs on Norh Street. And the Tyler Trash cans will be on loan for the event, for target practice if nothing else. And a nice ornament will be for sale, cash only, proceeds to benefit the Two Cents Tyer Re-election Campaign – hand painted by progressives – 2 pennies pictured on one side, 2.55 mil one the other, a bow tie and a Beacon Reclinder round it out.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Will the $600 Tyler St. trash cans be taken off the street for the Winter as they were last year?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Dan ,I thought you stated last week that you and mayor Tyer are friends.You need to acknowledge the drugs sold in Pittsfield are used in Stockbridge and Lemox.I hear things about Great Barrington, Stockbridge Lenox that would shock you.
It’s great to know our national opioid nightmare does not touch Lenox youth,Stockbridge Youth,Lee or Great Barrington youth.The Berkshire are the heroin hills of Western Ma.Its the economic war of wages paid by the Red Lion Inn and main street shop owners in Stockbridge and Canyon Ranch.The elite and powerful corporations are the designers of drug problems that face the Berkshires as Pittsfield for some reason is spending too much to provide employment for the towns of Lee Lenox and Stockbridge as this should be a county effort.Travel the Pittsfield Lenox Road in the mornings from Great Barrington North and it unbelievable how many south of the border rely on Pittsfields economy to survive here in the heroin hills.If we don’t survive you southerners wont…….Pittsfield needs to stop being the employment problem solver of the Berkshires…….The Beacon needs an audit as nobody knows what went on there and nobody can see 22million in that building.It may have gone elsewhere.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

One more time,the Beacon needs an audit as not one councilor would comment on that period project.St Mary’s want Pittsfield to pay for his lack of knowledge in building projects.He was caught off guard that he needed sewar upgrades and Pittsfield has to pay for it.Go f yourself if I have to pay more money to lousy cheap unprofessional business owners.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I think the mayor and Stanley did do an audit. And then decided to do a duet dump on the Pittsfield taxpayers. (gross visual)
The Trump/Tyer motto dictates that you take care of your friends first and if there is a couple of pennies left over you can toss them to the people that elected you. MAGA

6 years ago

C cslept on this one.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayor Tyer is taxing people out of their homes,she has never made a statement after she was elected about the taxpayer.My guess as with others is you just head to Florida to live there and to hell with the 70 year old taxpayers who lease seats at movie theaters, or install air conditioning at the museum or paint administrative offices at the Hankcock Village or replace sewar systems for a Surprised St Mary’s church developer,hes was surprised….why are our councilors so ignorant to what these people are doing to us in Pittsfield.Stop giving away our cash ….we can’t afford it Rivers,Moon,White ,Kroll,Marchetti….you guys can afford it so count your blessing and put yourself in other people’s shoes

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

those councilors you mention seem to follow the mayor around like a gaggle of baby geeses. If she zigs they zig…if she zags they zag.

One of the main reason this city is upside down is because the city council, instead of being an independent governmental body, is connected to the mayoral umbilical cord. They are selected and sponsored by members of the mayoral cabal and seem to take an oath before they are elected to honor and obey the leader of the team that pays their campaign bills.

So the city government is set up to fail the very people it exists for. And is by design. And no election In Pittsfield is ever going to change that.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Tens of millions spent by Eberwien ,Curtus,Massimiano, Tyer,Yon ,Amuso have give n way to lock step thinking of Marchetti,White,Kroll,Caccamo,Moon,Rivers continue only to ask questions in support of spending money.To use a sports saying the best trade is the one you did not make.The best spent money is the money you did not spend.This new set of yes councilors shows they believe that 450 k to Hancock Shaker Village was well spent.It disgusts me they are so manipulated by the elitist in town.You go to the coctail party and Mayor Ruberto tell somebody to apply for some GEmoney and I will back you….Stanely took us for a ride another out of towner….it turns out the GE money was the worst thing ever for Pittsfield.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

What no mention of the Pittsfield Inaugural-Citizens-Academy ? You are such a hater..

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Is that a real Academy? What do you learn at P I C A?

6 years ago

The biggest sleaze ball, and there are a few at the Eagle is Fanto, if he glorify’s any company gettig a tax break, you know it’s bad. Sleazy Stan called Queen Dianna a Unsung Hero? Are you stupid enough to think the taxpayers don’t know what’s going on. These banks should pay for an audit,it’s their fucking money.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

The city of pittsfield is a 165 million dollar business which requires some one with a background in finance business and management. This thing in the mayors office is a total failure with none of the perquisites mentioned. It is clearly evident that she is not the person to be mayor of our city. She is just a total waste and is only suited to do repetitive office work like she did when she was a secretary in the lenox school system. How did she become mayor??? She was a good ass kisser and had that tongue deep Into the school employees police fire and city workers. That’s all it took. Can we who are disgusted with this clown do anything about it?? Yes we can. If everyone who posts on this board would come to CC meetings and speak to the goon and the council and express our displeasure !ike we do on this board we may be able to facilitate some change by default. If the council sees we are serious about change and knowing we will make the accountable it may start to work. Consider The Gman for a moment. Look shat he can accomplish all by himself. Just picture 30 Gmen showing up at the same time. I have studied politics for a long time and change comes about many times when one person comes forward and tells if like it is. We all know that Mr. Gaetani tells it like it is and he wasfears no one especially ass hole politicians. He will be the first to tel! You that he himself can do just so much but with support he could do plenty. I told you that 77% of pittsfield voters were not with tyer or the council on the beacon fiasco. We must build on this and move forward united. What’s at stake?? Well what about you having to move out of our beloved pittsfield because of incompetence in city govt. Send the secretary the 2 cents she saved you. If the whole city does this she can get a kids meal at McDonalds.Sad Sad Sad. We must all start thinking about the 2019 city election now

6 years ago

Donn@ Rivers and Earl Persip are two of the biggest bullshitters on the city council, now add Chris Connel and Peter White. I have never heard other than Connell ( wish washy Chris) talk about anything they are voting for tell us the neagative,only the positive of the project. There is a problem with that,these assholes are using Our Money, plain and simple? Twenty Two million to refurbish a building? Vote this assholes out.

6 years ago

Mazzeo should run against his spending machine. At least she won’t hide behind a curtain.

6 years ago

Moon should not run again. Way to pro Krol. We’ll dump them all next term. Morandi would be the exception. Hope Mazzeo runs for Mayor.

6 years ago

Moon totally as did Rivers and others,went against their constituents on the BeaCon vote. Aside, Moon is dumber than mud.

6 years ago

I don’t know how Peter G. Would have reacted to this dumb Council. And they are dumb.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Seems This Beacon Qwner didn’t have any performance clauses,.Agent Smith this is a bad deal.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

he did not need any. He had friends in all the right places.

Right mayor Tyer?

6 years ago

So Connell is on the FENCE and asks that 10 percent go back to G E Fund. Mayor says go ….yourself sic…,but she appreciates it? Connell votes for the tif….dump Chris…

6 years ago

Stanley doesn’t get the popcorn machines, but he made damn sure the seats he leased to himself will end up in his pockets. And what the hell was BCC President Kennedy doing at the meeting?She doesn’t live in Pittsfield,bobble heading the whole meeting.

Ruffer is dumbfounded on leased seats. Agent Smith, please ask Dan for a whole day sort this out. I smell a filthy rat, and it’s coming out of the mayors Office.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

This is my City . This Mayor-designated the most hideous looking spectacle with those ridiculous trash cans on Tyler Street and are asking residents for their input on here he project. Here’s my input,shut Tyler Street down and level it and start new.

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Jonathan Mele for the Orbit. Always truthful and on Target Take away fake Orbit winner award, and give two out this year. I ‘veI heard the Award itself is worth well over twelve Dollars and should be given to a non-gobsig individual and full timer, not a hide and seek poster, who thinks he’s clever and only serves the Mayor.

6 years ago

I have filed a petition to install the Beacon seats in all the pocket parks so that the bums and homeless can sit in them and pretend they are young and rich again. Merry Christmas to the bums and homeless…. and to all the senior citizens who will soon be homeless and bums after the mayors next tax roll out.

Trump and Tyer two peas in a pod

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

I posted above friends. The only way we change things is with action. The powers to be are laughing at us. Does any one think I am wrong??? Who will be showing up at the next CC meeting??? Let me tell you who. The Gman and he will be all alone. Is there anyone out there who plans to go to a city council meeting and express your dis satisfication? No reply means you won’t be there but be rest assured the wiz will. May the wizard live a long life. He deserves it. He has paid his dues in this city and he ain’t done yet.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago
6 years ago

Unsung hero, Dianna Ruffer. That’s what Stanley called Ruffless, with Angeblow and Jimmy the Gent in the background.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Back to my worldly view. Scump doesn’t have to worry about things he said or did behind the scenes. He has dug his grave by what he says and does right out in the open. This miscreant who thinks he can pull the wool over types other than his base better think again. This idiots goose is cooked and the only one who doesn’t know it is scump. And Oh Yes his brainwashed base. They will all be tamed starting in January. The bigger the buffoon the harder they fall. I can’t wait to see scump crash. He will come down like a ton of bricks and america will celebrate in the streets.I can’t wait

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The only people celebrating will be wealthy Hillary supporters and other latte sipping Manhattan types. The people who voted for President Trump….you know the ones who keep the country running, will NOT celebrate anything being done against President Trump.

Working class Americans voted for President Trump and while the stuffy wealthy elites turn up their noses at the working class and call them all a bunch of racists for voting for President Trump, we working class know the truth of why President Trump won the election. The trouble is that the far left has ZERO interest in the truth.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,its a broken dream.Follow the Scientology show with lea Remy as it might help you.All elitest are in charge.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC pat is too far gone to help. I thought when scump’s lie count topped 6500 that she may have seen the light The old saying there is some people you can not help. Pat is the poster child for this saying. Pat say 6500 lies over and over again. When your done look in the mirror if you can. Sad so very sad

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Blah blah blah Art. Same old anti-Trump crap every day. Trump will go down in history as a true patriot. He is fighting against the Globalists who would like to see our country destroyed in favor of one- world government. But you are too thick in the head to see that. Shut off CNN – and support your duly elected president!

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

So true Mr. Fritz. The far left also wants everyone dependent on big government which is why they have little interest in job creation even though they KNOW that the loss of jobs in this country has contributed to the drug epidemic, out of control crime (just look at Pittsfield with its off the charts crime and few jobs) and even a high suicide rate and depression.

Even knowing these facts, the far left has no interest in anything but getting people dependent on government. President Trump has helped improve the economy so many have been able to improve their job situation (myself included), but if the far left is back in charge, it will be back to the same lack of concern about jobs.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Note: This is Pittsfield, where Jimmy Ruberto and Gerry Doyle backed the Berkshire Museum’s shakedown!


Letter: “Current museum board can’t restore faith”
The Berkshire Eagle, December 3, 2018

Letter to the editor:

While many of us breathe a sigh of relief that the Berkshire Museum’s thoughtless liquidation of its art has been halted and 18 works will be returned to Pittsfield, the most important and relevant paintings and sculptures to the institution’s history and intended interdisciplinary mission are now gone. The museum has drawn national attention to a debacle of their own making, set a terrible precedent for unethical de-accessions, and left the state of Massachusetts with a nasty black eye.

This board of trustees has neither understood nor respected the art they are entrusted to protect, and as long as they remain it is difficult to imagine how a professional, qualified director, curator, and staff will be attracted to the museum. More difficult still, and critical to the future, is how community outreach will be extended with any sincerity to affect the healing this once beloved institution sorely needs. It is most unlikely with the current board in place; they simply just don’t get it.

With the 22 most valuable works of art gone, the heart of the museum is lost, and Zenas Crane’s founding mission violated. Pittsfield and surrounding Berkshires communities now live with the sad consequences.

Hope Davis, Great Barrington

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I wasn’t happy about the art sales, but I still love the Berkshire Museum and hope it will always be around for the public enjoyment. Bad decisions were made, but I still love the Festival of Trees (although I wish the admission price would stop going up each year) and I remember the special Frog display they had one summer (lots of fun). So many different species of frogs. I love the aquarium and the mummy. The tortoise in the Aquarium is really ancient, but still alive last I checked. The heart of the museum goes on for me because it’s not about bad decision makers in the museum, it’s about the true purpose of the museum.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat you can walk through Home Depot or even Walmart and see their Festival of trees for free. But you would think the museum, with all its new found riches, would not still be trying to rip off the public. So sad that money is the bottom line for so many. These people should have dollar signs tattooed on their foreheads.

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

The cost of visiting the Festival of Trees was $3.00 when it first opened. It has risen to $13.00. There is one free day, but only one so it’s very difficult to attend. I think $3.00 would be reasonable for a very poor area like Pittsfield.

Sorry, but walking through Home Depot and Walmart is NOT the same as the Festival of Trees in the museum. No comparison.

6 years ago

laugh out loud column, sadly though, it’s not fiction nor comedy just truth.

6 years ago

Bruce Springsteen predicts President Trump will win in 2020 because NOBODY running on the far left speaks for working class America. I’m not a big fan of Springsteen since I consider him to be a hypocrite for making millions singing about the working class people and pretending to identify with the working class people and then ignoring them during their time of greatest need and cozying up with the far left. He is right though that President Trump will win in 2020. Working class America has its voice back and will not be silenced.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat A relative of the bhagwan is starting a new cult in tyringham. I think you will fit in perfectly with these nuts. The only requirement is not to be able to tell the truth from a lie. Your type of people pat. You can tell each other lies all day and when someone asks you to verify a lie you can pipe right up and say indeed. Good group for you pat. The word truth is never mentioned there. You will feel right at home.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, you wouldn’t know truth even if it bit you in the butt!

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

If you are in fact Gaetani, I would NEVER vote for you. You can’t get over President Trump winning the election. Very sad for you.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, get yourself a sheet of lined paper and make two columns. In the left hand column I want you to list all of the people who still support Trump. In the right hand column you need to list all of the people (and countries) who think Trump is an egotistical, self serving basket case of a human being. Allow yourself extra time for the right hand column, maybe two days and two nights.
Then I want you to take that sheet of paper and show it to someone you trust, like your pastor or doctor. And ask them to interpret what it all means. Do not attempt to decipher it yourself as it will go way over your head.

This will be your first step for recovery and I wish you well. Godspeed my child.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Typical liberal response of questioning the sanity of anyone who would support President Trump while they themselves support a party that insists there are 50 genders that we can choose from on any given day. That open borders are good for our country. That big government is the right direction for our country. That college campuses are right to shut down voices they do not agree with whenever they feel like doing so. That anyone who supports President Trump is a racist. That the liberal media is just fine as it is and never lies. Sorry, but we know where the true insanity is and it’s NOT coming from Trump supporters.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat I am not Mr. Gaetani. If I were and you responded like you just did would confirm you are an idiot. He is trying to help you. Look in the mirror and say his name ten times and realize that if idiots like you dont get behind the wiz you will all be moving out of town soon. The Gman is the real thing and no he is not Luke scump in any way shape or form. Please try to get with the program. You appear to be delusional and thoroughly lost.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

More lies by Art.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art the retard, why doesn’t Gaetani post here?

Luke Scump
Luke Scump
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Bidden,Warren,Beto,Cuomo, are 100% blue collar reps….Take away goverment money and we will have no private sector….you People seem to believe the private sector survives without state pensionsiers buying everything like cars,homes,rents,state employees buy houses,cars food,state highways are 100% funded to have private business build them,Medicare buys at private hospital private doctors,private drug stores,there is 750 billion tax dollars spent to have private companies build weapons,state taxpayer funded jobs like public school employment,public collegeemployment,state heathcare…..where is all this private employment you knowing capitalist speak about…….when it come to single payer healthcare these publicly funded private corporations dont want to compete for those goverment dollars with any other programs…..private economy my ass….read and understand info besides that stupid Fox channel.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

BABOON, where does the government get money?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Please,just one ex councilor tell the board how anyone may have really thought 450 k to Hancock Shaker Village was good use of development money.Remember the guitar lessons on line company on South street that got money….can a ex councilor remember the name and the amount Ruberto gave them

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Workshop Live $750k of which they got $450k before they went bust.,89329

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

After procuring a tall glass of chocolate milk to expedite the process, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. reportedly swallowed two sets of luggage keys Wednesday in case they went to jail in the near future and needed to escape. “After the keys, we need to gulp down these maps I drew so we can find our way out,” said Eric Trump, who chewed the crudely rendered map while Donald Jr. packed a suitcase with a plastic shovel, a grappling hook made from aluminum foil, yarn, and two bowls filled with Frosted Flakes and milk. “We better pack some games so that we have fun stuff to do in prison. We could also maybe use my shovel to dig under the wall in a pinch. Let’s remember to hide some Pokémon cards in our pockets so we can trade them for supplies and juice.” At press time, White House sources confirmed Eric and Donald Jr. were attempting to vomit up the keys in order to unlock their suitcase after forgetting to pack spoons for their cereal.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

I’ve been following the two advocates for the big dig projects and the behemoth amount for these two costs Therof,the BeaCon, and St. Mary’s. One is a colossal give away and the St.Mary is running into a glitch? Which will probably cost millions more in sewer connections. Awful Administrative strategy for the bedraggled taxpayer.

Gaetani has a presentation that could save millions, we’ll have to wait until December 10th. I heard if I’m correct, that over nine million dollars were spent on drawings, and retreads at that,what were they drawn on,platinum? Who the hell was im charge of that affirmation? And What Commissioner. Nine million dollars. Hope I heard that wrong?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Mueller ready to deliver conspiracy charges on trump and family. Heard this from several reputable news sources. Word from Mueller coming soon. Possibly by weeks end. Understand that there is a plethora of information to support these charges. No one should be surprised. The only ones to be caught off guard will be scumps base including pat and fritz. The days of scump are coming to an end. That you can bet on. I am.

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Conspiracy to do what retard?

6 years ago

Three days, good,mess up Trumps weekend. This guy deserves everything he gets and more. A dispicable human being and an autocratic,collosal failure. Didn’t see G M investing back into the Company,nope,bought back stock and made billions, then laid off thousands.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

President Trump if what you are doing is failure, please keep keeping on since your failure is a gain for so many working people in this country. The forgotten working men and women treated so horribly by the far left now have someone who cares about helping them and not just getting them addicted to government assistance.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat quit while you can. Scump working for the working class!!! You are more insane than I thought you were. Like I said there appears to be no hope for you. The bhagwans nephew is waiting for you at the compound in tyringham. With the lies he tells to the faithful you will feel right at home.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, what has he done so far to benefit working people? Or to benefit anyone other than himself and his greedy family?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

To Mr. G globalist troll and Art (and all of his multiple personalities),
For a complete list of Trump’s accomplishments check out

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trumps demise is not news anymore we are just waiting as each contraction is getting closer together.The baby is on the way and Dr Mueller will deliver.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Truly sick people on the far left.

6 years ago

Said it many times on the Planet, Don the Son is going down.

Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

President Trump isn’t going anywhere. Sorry, but Lizzie Warren and Bernie are despised by half of the country and these are the best two hopes for the far left in 2020. Kamala Harris and Oprah and Cory Booker also not popular with people who are NOT far left.

Instead of focusing on revenge, the moderates on the left should worry about helping the working class and toning way down the far left craziness.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

So right Pat. Trump is not going anywhere and neither is the country. Always brightens my day when you and I can agree on something.. MAGA

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Thank you Dusty for agreeing with me that President Trump will not be pushed out of his presidency by far left revenge seekers. The country is doing very well last I checked. Please stop judging how well the country is doing by using Pittsfield as an example. There is just NO comparison. Pittsfield has been destroyed by the far left for too long and may never recover its former glory days.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Mueller to wrap it up, huh?

Well, let’s see what’s left. He had already indicted Boris and Natasha.

Cohen is his Rocky.

Only the big moose remains–Bullwinkle.

Nietzsche explains why those afflicted with TDS don’t want Trump to go away:

“Whoever lives for the sake of combat has an interest in the enemy staying alive.”

–Freddy Nietzky, “Human, All Too Human”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Great post Ed.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

President Trump has, this morning, revealed in a tweet that he is to break into the music industry “with a purpose” by releasing a Christmas album that is available from Thursday.

The album features various Trump speeches recorded over traditional festive favorites, in a ‘talkover style’ that is sure to go down a storm with his supporters. There are also several ‘Trumpversions’, demonstrating Trump’s special ability to stamp his own personal interpretation on something.

Security is tight, but tracks on the album are known to include:

– ‘Unto Us A Boy Is Born’, (in Trump’s version, ‘Unto Us A King Is Born’), with Trump, rap-like, booming repeatedly that he’s going to “make America great again”

– ‘Silent Night’, with tender Trump soothing last line “Sleep in heavenly peace”, for all the enemies of the US

– ‘Let’s Hear It For The Boy!’, a song to celebrate Brett Kavanaugh’s victory

– ‘Would I Lie To You?’, a cover version of the Eurythmics hit, in a duet with Brett Kavanaugh

– ‘Caravan of Love’, another cover, this time of the Housemartins accapella chart-topping blockbuster. Dedicated to Hondurans

– ‘Please, Mr Postman’, the old Carpenters classic, included here as a tribute to Cesar Sayoc

– ‘What’s The Difference?’, the Dr Dre classic in a duet with Kanye West

– ‘Rogue Operator’, Trumpversion of the Sade hit, dedicated to MbS

– ‘Don’t Wait For Me Argentina’, (G20 mix)

– the album’s coup de grace, a stirring rendition of the Pink Floyd classic ‘Another Brick In The Wall’, with Trump substituting the word ‘brick’ with another word that sounds like ‘brick’, which is a coarse term for ‘a Spaniard’

The album will retail at $19.99, and all proceeds will go towards making Trump even richer and megalomaniacal than he is at the moment.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

DOW futures down 94 points at 8:55 am–that’s it, Trump’s done.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

cooked like a Christmas goose

nothing left but the carcass and even the hyenas don’t want anything to do with that

but he has left a swath of destruction and let’s hope there will be some bipartisan collusion to attempt to repair the damage

hopefully former allies will have watched the whole debacle and will not hold all Americans in disdain and will give us a chance to reclaim our reputation as an intelligent caring population

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

All the rich Democrats on this board are fine though so they really need to stop hoping for this president to fail since we all know they WILL NOT suffer from a bad economy which is why they can play this like a game.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

U said it not me.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump had the world by the balls and this misfit couldn’t get it done like so many other projects he started.And now his family’s futures are ruined.He was an ahole in the 80s and guess what Pat you did not know his New York history,Corsi messed him up because stupid Don was the public face of the birther society.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC You can see the work the intelligent have in front of us with these scump supporters in the country and on this board. One FACT they can not get their head around is that scump is a confirmed pathological liar having spun over 6500 big ones. This should be all that need be known about this miscreant but it is lost to these hapless scumpsters. One needs to understand that this scump is a total failure who has wiped out many blue collar workers whom he screwed via 4 mega bankruptcies. He is imbedded with the Russians and is hated by over 60% of the american population. We the sane from here on must address every falsehood mentioned on this board. We can no longer allow even one more lie coming from the miscreants on this board. The truth is the truth and we all must agree that it is and we must stand up bravely and collar a liar when they are spinning their falsehoods. If we do this we will all be the better for it. Hail the truth and down with lies. Our republic will survive and we will end this era of turmoil soon. We the sane pray for this.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Yes, you are right Art, the truth is the truth. It is not pliable.

You continue to lie about Trump. According to today’s Rasmussen poll, Trump has a 48% approval rating.

Another lie – he is NOT “imbedded with the Russians.” After 2 years of Mueller’s investigation – there has been NO COLLUSION with the Russians. In fact, if you are paying attention to today’s news, the Trump admin. has called out the Russians for violating the arms treaty by their actions with Crimea.

“Wiped out blue collar workers.” Explain your statement,

Your continued lying on this blog is disgusting.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Macron in France, a mega liberal, has an approval rating of 22%. Oh, and the people are also burning down the country in protest.

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz if you had half a brain you would know I said in my post that he wiped out many blue collar workers thru his bankruptcies. I can’t make it any plainer than that.You appear to not to have any comprehension skills but study my posts they will educate you.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

During a press conference this morning, a general feeling of apathy overcame the press corp.

One correspondent remarked, “We’re in shock. We just can’t take any more drama.”

The president was noticeably irritated by the sight of several reporters yawning, and shouted at the top of his lungs, “I WILL NOT BE IGNORED.”

The commander of the formerly free world then pulled a week old immigrant baby from beneath his podium, and on live TV, took the crying infant’s head clean off in a single bite.

As the mad man was covered in spurting blood, he added, “I’ll show you fake news!”

A Republican spokesman said the president’s actions would have far reaching benefits for the economy, and then gave the camera a wink.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

In re: Bush 41

The Left loves them some Republicans who lose–Bush 41, Dole, McCain, especially after they’re dead.

Do y’all remember the incredibly huge problem we had in this country with homelessness long about 1991/92? Terrible. 10 million homeless, all over the place, things are bad, bad, bad.

But all that suddenly went away on election night in November 1992.


Bush 43 didn’t fight back against the media attacks either.

And you wonder why Trump won and is still has support . . .

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

130 million people voted and his approval rating is 38% or about 45million of the 130 and 20 million of them are right on the edge waiting for the report.The other 30 million will let their Messiah off the hook….Pat is your health insurance cheaper?Do you have more buying power,Are your property taxes going down. How has your life improved in 2 years and as alway you have more fear today than 2 years ago

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Amazing how the progressives don’t blame decades of leftist, globalist policies for the dilemma we are in.

President Trump renegotiating the awful deals of his predecessors is a tremendous start. As for the countries that don’t like him/us…

A wise former mentor of mine told me not to give a rats tail if someone “likes “ you. President Trump has earned the respect as someone who finally has his country’ interest at heart. And has not sold it out, like the Clinton and Obama crime families.

Yes the indictments are coming, but it is not for President Trump. Otherwise he would not have expanded Gitmo for this.

President Trump May not be a godly man, but he is God’s man for this time. He will be the one to expose the globalist evil in our government. Mueller and Comey might even be cell mates.

Maybe the G-man can even improve the waste water plant when he is down there.

Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

I agree Ed Check. President Trump is right where he should be.

6 years ago

Dump trumps.

6 years ago

Can anyone please list for us all the Pittsfield business enterprises that received tax incentive money (on the backs of the taxpayers), that actually abided by the rules and went on to be successful?

List them alphabetically please and if you run out of room feel free to start another page.

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

LTI Smartglass comes to mind.

Van Lingle Mungo
Van Lingle Mungo
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

To Gerry Doyle it’s only a smart glass if it contains scotch.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Errors in North Adams violent crime statistics suggest they may not be the most violent city in the state. Uh oh….let’s see…who was right behind them?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Changing a few assaults from felony to non-felony does not change the overall finding that North Adams and Pittsfield are crime ridden. It’s like saying that a stabbing that did not hit a major artery is not really a stabbing.

Bull Durham
Bull Durham
6 years ago

Is the Frankenstein Center for the Arts named for the Karloff version or the Christopher Lee version… I’ll only go if it’s Boris.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Would the Mayor please put together the request to make public all the money Pittsfield has given who succeeded so everyone knows what’s happened till now and moving forward we need a handle on finances.The state needs to come in and takeover

6 years ago

Dow Only DOWn 799.36..just sayin

Sanity Clause
Sanity Clause
6 years ago

I love these giveaways.

Ed Check
Ed Check
6 years ago

So when the water wizard makes his dog and pony show presentation next week…

And it is recognized as brilliant, innovative, budget shattering, etc. So who designs it, what PE (professional engineer) puts his stamp on those drawings, and what firm builds and guarantees its operations? I would think the G-man has alienated all the water treatment civil engineering firms by now with all his Dale Carnegie sales skills (yes that is sarcasm).

Krofta Engineering is long gone, and none of any companies I search online regarding Krofta come up with any reference to the G-man. Searching for more than concepts.

Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Is is Carnegie comparable to Trump U? Just sayin..

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  u
6 years ago

Dale Carnegie salesmanship courses were standard courses that many corporations used in the 70s through the 90s. Then the Xerox listening and sales courses came into vogue. Most professional sales people and sales engineers were sent to training classes or it was brought in house.

Both programs were excellent.

Moon River
Moon River
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

The Gman took the Dale Carnegie course. That’s how he wins friends and influences people.

6 years ago

You were up for contention for the Orbit,until your last few posts, Ed. And I enjoy the posts, when they make sense? Do you really think the G Man will not be ready for anything? Do you really think he is not going to pusuade these City Councilors,on behalf of all rate and taxpayers. G Man is in a can’t lose position, City Councilors and rate payers better hope he delivers,he will. If it weren’t for Olive Oil Rivers, we would probably be on line for the next 100 years.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Again, misdirected comments. Just answer the questions Mr. G

6 years ago

Remember The Godfather saying to his son Sonny……what is he matter with you, never let the thieves know what you’re thinking. December Ten,you’ll get the answer Ed.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

These are just some questions that I hope our councilors will ask.

6 years ago

Ed, you better start asking Trump some questions? Dow Down 799.36. Those tax breaks and corps making billions and not reinvesting..G M…Just the beginning. And the deficit.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Learned a couple of things about the stock market years ago.
1) Don’t worry about it day to day
2) Buy wisely as it goes down
3) That great stock tip from your broker is too late. The big investment bankers have already taken the profits, now just looking for someone to take the fall.
4) Diversify and invest for the long term.
5) Close to retirement… get out at a high point if you can and get in stable fund or cash.
6) Presidents only have minimal effect on day to day prices

So reporting only when it dropped and blaming President Trump is very unethical. If you want to play game, then also report when it goes up, and look where it was before he came into office, and where it is now.

Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Quid pro quo ok Ed. I’ll start first DOWn down today 799.36. G M corp benefitted by trump tax cuts layoff thousands and bought stock billions,ain’t working or going to work,Trump must go.

On the finance Committee Meeting,first thing rate consultant says, first thing, you’ve had comparably low rates. No shit, and we want to keep it that way Mr. Russell.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Ps. Buying back your stock is a form of investing. It reduces your debt to outstanding shareholders, and may increase your stock prices, supply and demand, (if your company is desirable).

6 years ago

In France it’s big government liberalism vs. the working class. Macron is busy writing essays about climate change for the Washington Post while his country burns and his popularity is at 22%. The elites are so removed from the needs and concerns of the real people in the country. This is what happens when government caters to a political philosophy and ignores the suffering of the people it is supposed to serve. Our country needs to view what is happening in France as a cautionary tale.

Homelessness is out of control in France. France and Macron are tax happy and the people are fed up and the French citizens also want an end to the mass immigration as they see it as destroying their national identity.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

I see Gaetani in the audience at the meeting of the whole. Let’s hope he demolishes this consultant. We need him to talk turkey. We don’t want any of the buffoonery that he posts here.