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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 7-9, 2018) — Pittsfield, it’s time to play the latest round of “Take The Money and Run.” No, we don’t refer to the Pittsfield City Council’s meeting of the whole dealing with the $80 million … no, $76 million … no $74 million the city is about to waste on its sewer plant, hike that will increase sewer fees by 50% as of Jan. 1. Already, you may be pleased to know, the consultants have bagged $9 million. Neither is THE PLANET referring to the upcoming hikes for Pittsfield gas and electricity customers.

[DON PARDO VOICE-OVER] “C’mon down, David Carver, Linda Tyer, Amequisika Sedzro, Diana Marcella, The Boring Broadsheet, Deanna Ruffer, C.J. Hoss, St. Mary’s, and Tyler Street. You’re all familiar with how we play the game. Pittsfield makes millions of dollars of public money available to developers in a “public-private partnership.” Once the seed money gets used, the developer says he has run into unanticipated problems. He needs more of Mary Jan and Joe Kapanski’s hard-earned and vanishing shekels. That’s when the mayor, developer, and consultants huddle in secret. At the 11th hour, they spring a “hurry up” on the city council, which OKs the money. The project then fails to deliver as advertised, the public loses, and everyone else makes out pretty well … or good, if you are not so grammatically choosy.”

It’s a fun game, one that’s been a huge ratings hit in Pittsfield.

This week, yet another high-paid consultant presented a series of pretty renderings. The drawings showed Tyler Street as envisioned by the BSC Group. The renderings featured pretty white cars, gray silhouette people, aqua bike paths, and not one $600 trash can (oh well, you can’t have everything).

———- ooo ———-

Tyler Street, don’t you know, isn’t Tyler Street. It’s a Transformative Development Initiative (TDI). Which leads us to the Bierce-inspired definition of “development” as used in Pittsfield: “n., a temporary condition kleptomania employed to relieve taxpayers of their money.” Get the acronyms out. BSC says the Tyler TDI needs some TLC, untold millions worth.

They and city planner C.J. Hoss tossed around dedicated bus stops, safer pedestrian crossing, slower vehicles, wider sidewalks, new bike lanes, and storefront improvements, all without widening the street itself. Question: How you widen sidewalks and add east-west bike lanes without widening the street? Answer: That’s why you hire consultants. Pay them enough, and they tell you what you want to hear.

No one from the city mentioned how much has been thrown into this latest sinkhole. They only told THE PLANET that “capital funds were set aside years ago.” Yeah, when the electorate was asleep, a slumber from which they have yet to awaken. On Thursday, the city held a CYA public input session at Morningside School. They were careful to have the meeting at 6 p.m., a time when most working stiffs had to get home from work and start dinner.

Amequisika “Sike” Sedzep from The Dick and Jane Reader by way of Ghana has been tagged as the “Economic Development Professional.” Sedzep is a “TDI fellow” at MassDevelopment, itself a Frankenstein creation brought to life in the lab of state bureaucrats at Mass Inc. Don’t ask.

Does THE PLANET have to translate what all this gibberish will mean for the Kapanskis in the end?

Diana Marcella, head of the Tyler Street Business Group, bragged of Sedzep, “I helped pick her out.”


———- 000 ———-

Into all this, comes North County developer David Carver.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

Sedzep helped Carver secure a “bridge loan” of $385,000 so he could buy the former St. Mary’s Church property. Why Carver wouldn’t be required to put up his own money THE PLANET need not explain. This is Pittsfield.

Immediately after mayor Linda “Two Cents” Tyer and eight members of the city council (not Melissa Mazzeo or Kevin Morandi) let developer Richard Stanley commit the perfect murder, Carver went to The Boring Broadsheet crying about running into unanticipated problems with St. Mary’s. He wants taxpayers to fund millions in infrastructure improvements. Carver claims he’s surprised to find the infrastructure at the century-old property to be “dated.”

Carver’s also asking for TIFs and exemptions from all taxes for five years.

Stop the presses.

After that, we’ll hear that if he doesn’t get what he wants, the entire project will be jeopardized and Tyler Street will implode along with Jules Verne to the center of the earth.

As Yogi Berra might say, “It’s deja vu all over again.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Acquisition without effort leads to a devaluation of knowledge” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Tax giveaways to the rich.

6 years ago

The idea behind a water .commission isn’t to take the authority away from the City Council or Mayor, it’s to provide hopefully,experienced solutions through an appointed body that actually understands water workings and can guide and give info that probably most Councilors have no idea of. Theses commissioners are appointed also, so what’s the problem…..

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Just heard kufflinks use a term requested requests? Is that a kosher statement….just sayin,I don’t know?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Now that’s funny!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

In the Nov 30 Eagle their is an Our Opinion piece discussing the sudden departure of a Mr. Daly from Berkshire Bank. It suggests that Berkshire Bank would be doing itself a favor by explaining the circumstances in an effort to end “uncertainty and rumor”.

It is not like this paper to pry into such affairs so Whatever could they be talking about?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Let us hope Dan, or one of his spies, Z agents, or secret squadron members breaks the real story, otherwise we will never know. Agent Smith, where are you? Anyone? It has to be something big and I have no clue but let us hope he wasn’t railroaded because of this me too movement bs, and the progressive war on middle aged white men. Supposedly, there was a missive sent detailing his misdeeds. Who will share a copy with us Planeteers?

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago


Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, thank you. Didn’t know him, and wish him the best as well. Considering he was the man behind the curtain at Berkshire Bank, and considering its success, his departure surpasses Angelo’s in the banking world, and the story was even picked up by Bloomberg. Of course, all the details will never come out, but it would be nice to know the reason he moved on. Secrecy results in rumors, fake news, etc.

6 years ago

France has inflicted decades of policies putting government ahead of the people…extremely high taxation, climate change fixes on the backs of the middle class, and the elites completely out of touch with the people they are representing. Macron is nowhere to be found and the people are fed up with the right and the left since both are not caring about the working class in the country. They would love to have a President Trump.

Our country needs to see this as a warning of what happens when you allow big government to take over and citizens are taxed into oblivion. France has some of the highest tax rates in the world.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Interestingly Pat, much of the rest of the world thinks America is going to hell in a hand basket. And that is why, including France, England and Argentina at G20 thingy, they had the BIG BABY TRUMP balloons flying high in the sky.

And China is in the process of making one the size of the moon and they are going to print on it how just much money America owes them as part of our national debt.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

It’s the middle class working people across the world who love Trump. Only the Democrat Soros paid protesters are putting down Trump in the countries you mention.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago
Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Maybe Manafort, or Sessions, or Mike Cohen,or John Kelly, or Tillerson,or Flynn,or Papodopolous,or Gates, Shulkin,McMaster,McEntee,Cohn,Hicks,Porter, Powell,Omarosa,Gorka,Price,Scarmucci,Brannon, Priebus,Dyke,Spice,Comey,Yates. Maybe these people can help,France.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Interesting point. And why if Trump hired all “the best people” has he fired so many of “the best people”? Did all these people go bad on Trumps watch and if so why did they go bad?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Two points, Dusty.

1) Soros-paid protesters in Europe are mocking Trump and flying balloons while the middle class loves him.

2) Even the “best people” have a hard time keeping up with Trump – he’s a workhorse. John Kelly expressed being “tired” – Trump functions on 4 hours sleep a night and his work schedule is nonstop.

6 years ago

Trump functions alright. I think the word you are looking for, is lies. Just sayin…..

6 years ago

I know why Mike Daly was Retired.Holding onto that info because a reliable source asked me not to say anything,and that the reason would be presented pretty soon, and their was a reason,so, I’m obligated to tell the Planet there is a reason.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Gee, what a revelation. Why take up space on the blog for that piece of nothing?!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz, the nothing was something,there is…a reason….

6 years ago

Soneone also told me a certain controversial PPD officer is off the force? Also,another bit of info through a credible source,is that the Planet is hung like a ….. I assume she was telling the truth.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

TFB never lies.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Hilarious, I’m sure the Planet confirms the compliment.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Was the Planet wearing a cup in the little squirt baseball photo?

6 years ago

Ok, to appease fritz. Daly wanted to sell the Bank. That should seal the Orbit, for moi.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

I vote for Agent Smith. You add little to the discussion.

6 years ago

I heard that also.

6 years ago

Another tidbit of advice for fritz and co. If Big Corp.continue to purchase their stock and refuse to reinvest in their Companies, continue to layoff the American worker, then those tax breaks for the rich will not hold water and Trumps economy is a farce.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Another nothingburger.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Excellent Cos L that should seal the Orbit. Agent S,Chiat doesn’t have enough hours logged in,CosbiesLadies has been here since the seventies. Ruffer says she doesn’t have the internal capacity for an audit of the BeaCon,but 22 million,no problem.

6 years ago

Agent Smith it is. Only because she pissed Ward off,and that takes some doing. Thanx for zip, fritz,all year long.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

You are most welcome. Sarcasm, just another service I offer.

And by the way, I do wish you success in your presentation tomorrow.

6 years ago

Reason being,professional courtesy,I’m sure. I’ll relate it to the Wiz,don’t know where Seller is today?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Sure, you don’t know where he is. Isn’t that game getting old??

Will your presentation be broadcast live on TV?

6 years ago

Last time I seen the G Man was at Big Y,helping an elderly women across the roadway.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Who’s helping the gman across the roadway?

6 years ago

Gaetani is on P C T V on Wednesdays at 6 p m Channel 1301….just sayin…..I thought his presentation was at Public Works, which is Tommorrow, so it should be on Tommorrow night.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago

Oklahoma QB Kyler Murray is the Heisman Trophy winner. How did we get a turkey like that for an honored American award?

This is not Oklahoma of Bud Wilkinson years, It’s an Okie team that was lucky to beat Army this year. An Army team that was given all they could handle before falling to Colgate 28 – 14, a game I saw a few weeks ago at West Point with my son, Kurt.

Here’s what I don’t like about Kyler Murray.

It’s bad enough he has anti-homophobic tweets on his record. Now that he has just won the Heisman he is saying he didn’t mean his tweets. Don’t they all say that when they are caught? But that’s not all this fast runner said. His statement that collage players, like him, of course, should get paid for playing football in collage. His reasoning is he, and players like him, make a lot of money for the collage they represent. He makes no comment of how fortunate he is to be in collage (where he does not belong) where he can make a name for himself to win a Heisman that will make millions of dollars for him and the dumb heads that will go on to pro football to make their millions.

For over one hundred years college football filled stadiums. and sent their stars to pro leagues, and educated these kids. Murray wants something. more. He wants to be paid playing college football making his collage a minor league pro football team. This means the pros have a freebie. They develop players in college at no cost to them and draft them to play pro when they mature. What a great deal – for the pros!

How did this guy win the Heisman? The Heisman has to be, and should be, something more than someone who can run fast and throw a football pass while idolizing the almighty dollar.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
6 years ago

anti-homophobic tweets would mean he’s gay positive.

Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Or latent homosexual

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Thanks, Dan. Looking forward to breakfast. My turn this time.
Have a good day.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

When you started out with turkey, I thought you were talking about trump,how ya been, Chuck. I thought the Alabama Q B should have gotten it.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

He should have, May. He was injured last game and it eliminated him from, contention. Alabama QB, as you say, was the best.

6 years ago

Because Trumps been a dirt bag, longer. I vote CosbiesLadies. Honorable mention to spagirl and the real dusty.