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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 7-9, 2018) — Pittsfield, it’s time to play the latest round of “Take The Money and Run.” No, we don’t refer to the Pittsfield City Council’s meeting of the whole dealing with the $80 million … no, $76 million … no $74 million the city is about to waste on its sewer plant, hike that will increase sewer fees by 50% as of Jan. 1. Already, you may be pleased to know, the consultants have bagged $9 million. Neither is THE PLANET referring to the upcoming hikes for Pittsfield gas and electricity customers.

[DON PARDO VOICE-OVER] “C’mon down, David Carver, Linda Tyer, Amequisika Sedzro, Diana Marcella, The Boring Broadsheet, Deanna Ruffer, C.J. Hoss, St. Mary’s, and Tyler Street. You’re all familiar with how we play the game. Pittsfield makes millions of dollars of public money available to developers in a “public-private partnership.” Once the seed money gets used, the developer says he has run into unanticipated problems. He needs more of Mary Jan and Joe Kapanski’s hard-earned and vanishing shekels. That’s when the mayor, developer, and consultants huddle in secret. At the 11th hour, they spring a “hurry up” on the city council, which OKs the money. The project then fails to deliver as advertised, the public loses, and everyone else makes out pretty well … or good, if you are not so grammatically choosy.”

It’s a fun game, one that’s been a huge ratings hit in Pittsfield.

This week, yet another high-paid consultant presented a series of pretty renderings. The drawings showed Tyler Street as envisioned by the BSC Group. The renderings featured pretty white cars, gray silhouette people, aqua bike paths, and not one $600 trash can (oh well, you can’t have everything).

———- ooo ———-

Tyler Street, don’t you know, isn’t Tyler Street. It’s a Transformative Development Initiative (TDI). Which leads us to the Bierce-inspired definition of “development” as used in Pittsfield: “n., a temporary condition kleptomania employed to relieve taxpayers of their money.” Get the acronyms out. BSC says the Tyler TDI needs some TLC, untold millions worth.

They and city planner C.J. Hoss tossed around dedicated bus stops, safer pedestrian crossing, slower vehicles, wider sidewalks, new bike lanes, and storefront improvements, all without widening the street itself. Question: How you widen sidewalks and add east-west bike lanes without widening the street? Answer: That’s why you hire consultants. Pay them enough, and they tell you what you want to hear.

No one from the city mentioned how much has been thrown into this latest sinkhole. They only told THE PLANET that “capital funds were set aside years ago.” Yeah, when the electorate was asleep, a slumber from which they have yet to awaken. On Thursday, the city held a CYA public input session at Morningside School. They were careful to have the meeting at 6 p.m., a time when most working stiffs had to get home from work and start dinner.

Amequisika “Sike” Sedzep from The Dick and Jane Reader by way of Ghana has been tagged as the “Economic Development Professional.” Sedzep is a “TDI fellow” at MassDevelopment, itself a Frankenstein creation brought to life in the lab of state bureaucrats at Mass Inc. Don’t ask.

Does THE PLANET have to translate what all this gibberish will mean for the Kapanskis in the end?

Diana Marcella, head of the Tyler Street Business Group, bragged of Sedzep, “I helped pick her out.”


———- 000 ———-

Into all this, comes North County developer David Carver.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

Sedzep helped Carver secure a “bridge loan” of $385,000 so he could buy the former St. Mary’s Church property. Why Carver wouldn’t be required to put up his own money THE PLANET need not explain. This is Pittsfield.

Immediately after mayor Linda “Two Cents” Tyer and eight members of the city council (not Melissa Mazzeo or Kevin Morandi) let developer Richard Stanley commit the perfect murder, Carver went to The Boring Broadsheet crying about running into unanticipated problems with St. Mary’s. He wants taxpayers to fund millions in infrastructure improvements. Carver claims he’s surprised to find the infrastructure at the century-old property to be “dated.”

Carver’s also asking for TIFs and exemptions from all taxes for five years.

Stop the presses.

After that, we’ll hear that if he doesn’t get what he wants, the entire project will be jeopardized and Tyler Street will implode along with Jules Verne to the center of the earth.

As Yogi Berra might say, “It’s deja vu all over again.”

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Acquisition without effort leads to a devaluation of knowledge” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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6 years ago

and nobody is accusing anybody of giving or receiving kickbacks or other remuneration. Just because Pittsfield has a history of suspicious projects involving suspicious people does not mean we are at that cliff again.

Just because in Pittsfield’s not to distant past there was what amounted to an attempted take over of the governing body by a shell govt. called a “civic authority”, or a more recent and highly questionable rewriting of the city charter, does not definitively mean there are individuals trying to hijack the city.

But the Beacon mess and the way it is being handled surely reinforces the doubts many citizens have about the people that supposedly represent them. So forgive them if they seem less than enthusiastic when the next dubious taxpayer funded project comes at them.

6 years ago

St Mary’s is just another Pittsfield boondoggle. The taxpayers would have better off with a Dunkin Donuts.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Dunkin would have a modern building there right now. The area would be landscaped and they would be paying their full load on taxes and their sewer/water bill and they would not have asked the citizens for one dime. What are the odds that Carver will or won’t pay for the demolition of the old school? That’s another hundred or so grand. The only upside to the whole project is that the twins from hell and the other old biddies on the ‘Save St. Mary’s’ group will never live long enough to see it finished.

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Is this the same developer who escorted Bianchi and the city into new, off site offices a coupla years ago in a super secret sweetheart deal? Why do real estate developers around here feel so entitled to ask the public for money? It’s like a 30 year old asking dad for money to go to the movies. They should feel embarrassed…but they have no shame.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

if you donate to a campaign you expect to be taken care of…so it is said and so it shall be in Pittsfield

it may even be in the city charter

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Dan Valenti, if you smoke some of Nuciforo’s pot, it will be easier for you to believe in the legacies of Jimmy Ruberto’s “renaissance” and the lovely Linda’s “2 cents”! Plus, you will put a few extra dollars in Luciforo’s coffers!

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

We need to walk the streets off Tyler so that landlords we already have can stop running these rental apartments into the ground.Our local slumlord should have their names attached to the most disgustingly cared for rental homes in Massachusetts.We need current homes inspected.Lets use the 350 k to cut tree limbs and add street lighting and sidewalks to the slums of Pittsfield.Mayor Tyer,White,Marchetti,Kroll Moon Rivers need to stop funding horsebleep and cut limbs and add lighting for safety off Tyler.These street get high rental income from 3rd world conditions……Lets get landlords to be responsible for the business they have entered…..Lets get the Health department to inspect limbs and lighting and admits it is unhealthy to live off Tyler in landlord slums

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Caviler Management. They destroyed Lowell and Laurence. They destroyed Ellmwood Court on Bartlett Avenue with fire in 2011, most recently the Corner Stone building at Dalton Avenue and Tyler Street and another house on Springside Avenue and yet they continue to rape the everyday citizens of Pittsfield with no accountability. Slum Lords. Who’s pocket are they in? No accountability. Trash can Tyer?

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

This outfit has a horrid reputation. Had a relative in one of their apartments and the place was not well taken care of at all. Snow removal was abysmal. Lawn mowing was abysmal. Broken steps, bad outlets, leaking faucets. Hard to get a hold of anyone who cared.

apparently no oversight from city management. connected? you betcha

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Slum lords need Tyer cash to compete with holy family and st. mary’s apartments.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Clusterfucked, again!

And questions?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The Health Department is the key player in the Tyler street neighborhood.They are the police of health and safety as the Mayor can direct them to make sure the Health of these neighborhood are job 1,the safety is job 1

6 years ago

Another great exppose, DV. We thank you and the planet for giving us one source of news and info that’s not afraid to tell it like it is. Another version of it is what it is.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

We can’t get the ex councilors or Barry to speak on the problem of landlords in Pittsfield who’s lack of responsibility effects the Health and Safety of our off Tyler street citizens.Our Mayor and yes team of councilors are hurting Pittsfield and Pittsfield needs a tax reduction of 8 million bottom line with consolidation of schools leading the way.1.2 million square feet of school buildings

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

How can landlords compete with the apartments that Tyer and friends give city money to?

Earl Grey Squirrel
Earl Grey Squirrel
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

It’s called Section 8 and they seem to like it just fine.

6 years ago

This just in, DA Elect Harrington plans on having a news conference/issuing a press release in regards to the crimes her office plans NOT to prosecute.

This is all part of a progressive movement loosely called “Charges to be Declined”. Where the criminals rights not to be “burdened” with a criminal record are more important than those of the victim.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Can a district attorney be recalled? Fritz must be out to lunch, if u see Fritz tell em DOW is DOWN,BIG….again,…….just sayin. And Mueller is coming out with the latest news….soon

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Recalling a politician – any politician – requires obtaining a certain number of signatures of registered voters. In the case of a countywide elected official, I believe it would have to be from multiple towns as well.

Harrington will do a terrific job. WHOA! I think I just saw a jet-powered flying pig cruise by my window!

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

That’s because she lives in the Tony Town of Richmond on the Lenox Richmond Road. No worries. The success of those who RAPE the City of Pittsfield with the G.E. Development Grant Fund Monies will suffer no consequences. They live in the surrounding Tony Towns and not in the City. Therefore, walk away with our monies. E.V. Worldwide, Spice, Workshop Live, and The Beacon. No accountability. And now the Liberal Progressives are ruling our courts. Were any druggies arrested in the Town of Mt. Washington. the town that supported Harrington? They can’t find the town. Let the druggies and crime flourish in the CITY. and now with no accountability. Thank you Ms. Harrington.

Ben Weldon
Ben Weldon
6 years ago

Can anyone say, “ghost town?” Those who are trapped will stay, those who can bail out will.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Read an op-ed the other day saying that parents of Pittsfield school students need to be assured that “everything possible” is being done to curb in school violence.

well if everything possible is being done and the violence is still out of control ya gots only a couple of options. Get your kid that sexy Kevlar vest he has always wanted or send him elsewhere.

Cuz they are doing everything they can…..and it ain’t working

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Absurd,hell yes. Clothing to wear,green and yellow,purple and white, Kevlar dress wear,it’s a win win. The new dress code.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Look through the realestate deals and a couple of influencing power people are selling home to stop paying real estate taxes in town or in another town.Some now have no skin in the game of taxes.If I sell my house I save 6200

6 years ago

Sell it then. Go rent and see where that will get you. They and you will ultimately still be paying real estate taxes.

6 years ago

When the tryst was consummated,and the last tax hike before the two cent give back was I announced I was already gone, to new marlborough, love the country atomosphere,without the politics.

6 years ago

Ugly mess at the Dow, should be close to ^ 500 DOWn heading into the weekend. Let’s hope Mueller comes up with some great news…… and Wal Mart here are never building or coming,thank u Missy.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Ms. Mazzeo will NEVER get my vote for voting against a Super Walmart. Ms. Mazzeo and her rich best buddies don’t need to shop at Walmart. The rest of us do and would very much have appreciated a Super Walmart since for some things we now need to waste gas money and travel to North Adams. Local Dems with the big bucks could care less about the inconvenience to local working people. It’s all about the “liberal cause” of hating Walmarts and malls. These are the same people who shop online and pollute the air with all of the extra trucks on the road because they are too lazy to walk in a store.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Mueller as usual has nothing. His witch hunt and fishing expedition to get something….anything on Trump is reaching desperation point while Hillary lovers are drooling for revenge.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I’d say after this evening’s filings, Trump is a warlock running a coven if this is a witch hunt. He’s a liar and going down.

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

The lies told by the Clinton’s are in the thousands and include, “I did not have sex with that woman”. and “The Benghazi attacks were due to a video.” The far left can’t get enough of these two liars. So much hypocrisy on the far left.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

and Eve ate the apple….
.but that is history Pat. Trump is now president and although I agree with you that it is scary and we want to kind of forget about it but still “individual no. 1`” looks to be in trouble for something,

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

A bad economy work like this,home values go down and realestate taxes go up,sewar taxes go up 45%,Publics education is a violent mess,to many building to serve 5300 kids,PHS1/2 empty and 250k square feet.Crosby school administrators sit in their office not managing the building as veteran teachers have fled the building .No leadership evertwhere,…..New job title is call teacher of department or the old in-house school suspension babysitter.Morningside principle removed so she can take a job nobody wants as SPED boss.Joe and Jake are not working in their buildings as the need to set up shop and not leave till the verbally violent are out.Joe and Jake put this together with Yon,Amuso,and Eberwien…..the taxpayers need to know that the schools just change the name on behavior programs so that you think something new is being done…..they are sticking with the violence and the well behaved are paying the price…….The Beacon needs an Audit

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Isn’t wonderful to live in a city that’s been under the control of democrats for 50 years?

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

I would be willing to bet that a good part of the shadow govt. that really runs the city is republican. The democrats are the window dressing.

Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

Well the “window dressing” has had ample opportunity to do something for the working people in the city, but at every turn they fail. So your theory of these so-called Progressive “window dressing” politicians being controlled by a bunch of shadowy Republicans is nothing more than nonsense since Linda Tyer answers to James Ruberto and he is a huge Progressive.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  doomiedoger
6 years ago

Can you identify these shadow republicans?

Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Many of the business owners getting TIFs fit the bill…politicians do not care which party a kickback comes from

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Stanley is a big democrat who refuses to show movies that might appeal to conservatives.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
6 years ago

Any thoughts on the BRTA strike and lack of transportation for those who most need it?

Was not a lot of notice/warning on this.

I stopped buying the Left Winged Parrot years ago, did they/are they covering it?

I saw nothing on broadcast TV news. Someone said local radio has mentioned the strike.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

My thought is public bus transportation should be eliminated nationwide.

Robert Muellar to Pittsfield ASAP
Robert Muellar to Pittsfield ASAP
6 years ago

Beacon Audit,Hankcock audit,Music Live. Audit,Museum Audit,St Marys…..Where is all our money Mayor Tyer…..The Sheriff got 9 million to spend on a bunch of jobs for retired teachers and gaurds…..Alot of money went up on billboards to advertise that the jail was getting involved in Pittsfgields education…….a total bust….Eberwien hired Eberwien to run it….Audit please

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
6 years ago

It’s so dangerous downtown that Earl Persip is handing out Kevlar jock straps.

Reply to  Earl Parsnip
6 years ago

I hope they are new and not the ones the city councilors wear on Tuesday nights

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Watching the council finance meeting and I can only conclude that Persip is an idiot.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

No one is above the law, No one. Scump will be learning this very soon. Sentencing memorandum shows scump directing two criminal acts. He is done. It is just a matter of determining how the congress will get rid of him. This dysfunctional leader of the free world is total disgrace to the sane individuals of our society.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Only Hillary is above the law.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Trey Gowdy did a 3 YEAR investigation just for the Benghazi attack. Were you on vacation during that time? That is all your people talked about…how did you miss it Pat?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Watch the movie and read the book On Benghazi. They are very powerful Dusty and true. No video caused the attacks.

6 years ago

Word is Harrington has now given all Superior Court prosecutors their walking papers.

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Clearing out the prior corrupt hand me down Regime, makes sense. Maybe it’s a first step in the right direction.
If not ms Harrington will get voted out.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

As is her right. Why would you want past regimes holdovers on your staff?

6 years ago

Are prosecutors being let go by Harrington because only violent crimes will now be prosecuted while shoplifting, drug dealing and other so-called minor crimes will not be prosecuted just like the new Progressive District Attorney that just got elected in Suffolk County is doing?

6 years ago

This is what happens when criminals start going to the polls to vote. Our country will soon look like Gotham City thanks to these far left appointees.

Pot voters have made pot use like taking candy. Some so-called minor crimes will soon be tolerated?!?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Meanwhile you want treason and colluding with our Russian enemies to be overlooked? What the heck man?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

The only Russian collusion Dusty is between our liberal media and Russia who want to destroy President Trump.. The liberal media in this country is helping Russia. Also Hill and Bill selling uranium to Russia and enriching their bank accounts by millions of dollars. Let’s not forget the dossier that Hillary had on President Trump. LOTS of lies that she paid for to try to win against President Trump and collude with Russia. Hillary paid for this dirt from Russia….all lies from Russia and Christopher Steele, but it does show Russian collusion by Hillary.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Even Tucker Carlson is turning on Trump Pat. You watch Fox news in the next 2 weeks and you will see them come full circle. By New years Day they will be acting like they never heard of Trump.

You will probably go down with his ship but they will not.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Sorry Dusty, but Carlson is only disappointed that President Trump hasn’t built the wall yet and fulfilled some of his other conservative promises. Carlson is very conservative and he is getting impatient with Trump. I am too. Build that wall President Trump!!!

6 years ago

This Suffolk County District Attorney is truly frightening. Read the comment section under the article. People are terrified of what might happen in their cities and town. Rollins is bringing in people who want to redefine what it means to be a gangster. Huh?!?

Is our own DA Harrington following a similar Progressive approach to crime? Pittsfield and North Adams will be the test sites for this new approach. Williamstown and Great Barrington who voted heavily for Harrington have very little crime so the success or failure of this new approach doesn’t bother them at all.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Cohen says trump received hundreds of millions of dollars from Russian sources while runing for president. ouch!!!!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

H-Beast headed for the crowbar hotel?

“In a combative exchange at a hearing Friday in Washington, D.C., a federal judge unabashedly accused career State Department officials of lying and signing “clearly false” affidavits to derail a series of lawsuits seeking information about former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s private email server and her handling of the 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.”

“Thanks to Judicial Watch, the American public was made aware of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

Hillary Clinton conducted official business on a non government server so she could hide her Clinton Foundation pay-to-play while she was head of the Department of State.”

Clinton lost her security clearance last month.”

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You are telling lies Art Seller.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

If scump were not president he would be in the same mess Cohen is in today because he was Cohen’s unindicted co conspirator. That being the case scump will be impeached. I dont see any way that he can escape I parchment. Look for impeachment proceedings to begin as soon as the democratic house is seated in January. The insanity of the governance of scump is coming to an end. Thank God.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

You are spot on, Pat. Progressives = more crime. Not good. Soros invested heavily in DA races. We will soon look like Europe unless immigration is brought under control (Dems & RINOS refuse to support a wall) and conservatives return to the Judiciary branch.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

heard the democrats are working on Lyme disease. Not to find a cure but to make a super bug Lyme tick that will imbed itself into a persons neck and then eat the spinal cord from top to bottom

and then eat your cat

damn democrats

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

It will take the people rising up like in France to tell these Progressive what to do with their policies. These wealthy Progressives live in their gated communities and have their security guards to protect them from everything they want to subject us to so people need to realize how they are being ignored by the wealthy elites on the far left who only care about power and feathering their own nests.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, the people rising up in France are protesting the Conservative agenda. And are you NUTS on Trump being squeaky clean? Everyone on his campaign seems to have had direct ties to KGB or Kremlin. Donnie’s financial deals there he lied about to keep under wraps. So, if it is as you claim, is he a total stooge who doesn’t know whats going on in his organization? Or is the more likely scenario that he was just as deeply involved as Manafort and Donnie Jr.?

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

No, they are not Mr. G. The French citizens are fed up with politicians in France in general. They said they have voted for both parties and both have ignored them. Macron is a Progressive who ran as being neutral, but is anything but with his climate change agenda and other Progressive agenda items. This is what happens when you give big government big power and they use it to ignore their citizens. Be warned America!!!

6 years ago

From what? Hookers?

Reply to  h
6 years ago

No. The hookers were for Bill Clinton.

6 years ago
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

I agree Gigi. The Clintons have been above the law for far too long.

6 years ago

The fake indian gets sand kicked in her eyes by the Boston Globe!

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Lizzie has told too many lies, but the far left here in the Berkshires and the Eastern part of the state will not acknowledge the real lies coming from Miss Warren, but instead double down on accusing President Trump of lies. Hypocrisy!! The far left will not admit that Lizzie is finished.

6 years ago

Clinton Foundation was and is a scam. However we are dealing with the current President, who In my opinion might be the biggest snake of all time. Aside,Dow Was way DOWn today, and congrats to Missy, for single handily stopping the Wal Mart project at the toxic waste sight.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Trump is an example of what can go wrong with an AI experiment. Horribly wrong, which is why many scientist are against it.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Will NEVER vote for you Ms. Mazzeo. Just another example of the rich elites in this area choosing what is best for their Progressive agenda and NOT what is best for the working people of this city. They are rioting in France for just this reason. The elites at the top are OUT OF TOUCH with the people they are supposed to be representing. Ms. Mazzeo could have asked for a Super Walmart at another site in Pittsfield, but she killed the project altogether.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Agree with you Pat. We need more solons like Persip and White. Remember when every other word you typed was about critical thinking. These two are the real critical thinkers on the council.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

The DOW is down. California wildfires are a big reason. Tree huggers in Progressive California refuse to cut down tress which would create less of a hazard in these densely populated forests. They refuse and we have disasters that are not only polluting the country and killing lots of elderly (will California ever admit how many elderly have died and are not simply missing), but are also bad for the economy of this country.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

If more Californians would just rake the leaves under their trees the stock market would soar to new heights. I blame them for my 401k tanking. damn fools

Can I get some volunteers to form a coalition of leaf rakers to ship out to California to rake leaves so we can save the Dow before it crashes entirely?

6 years ago

CA has totally ignored common forestry management techniques for years and do nothing when it comes to forest fire prevention. They are now paying the price.

Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

It is a good thing everybody got up to the Pitt6sfield State forest this summer and raked it clean. Prolly saved the whole mountain and a couple of ski areas. Thank God for our rakers

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

be careful what you wish for. Once the mayor does decide to fix up Hess forest it will probably cost the taxpayers 23 million dollars….minus the two bucks less on their property taxes of course

6 years ago

“I came from a shithole where everything is tinged with just a little bit of fraud” – Bruce Springstein. … Jee wiz, I didn’t know he was from Pittsfield.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Good one, Johnny.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

but white collar crime is like a white lie. doesn’t really count as crime it is all more or less legal so why fuss about it?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Thanks ya all. Bruce gets the credit though. His line.

6 years ago

Dan,have you checked out th Post Eatery and Bar in Lee.. Definetly have to check it out,very good food. All organic and made from scratch,highly tout it.

6 years ago

If anyone is looking for Fritz, he’s probably gone looking for his 401k gains for 2018, they kinda of disappeared this year.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Your ignorance is showing, g-man. Just like driving a mile ahead, so it is with the market.
Trump’s policies have been good for me. Not only has my employer increased his contribution (free money) to my 401, but my investments are ahead of expectations. Carry on President Trump!
Sorry to hear you made some unwise choices in the market.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Trump’s policies also have been great for me and many other working class people. Keep up the great work President Trump!!!!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz. Now I am mi??? Your delusional. I also am very thankful for scump because I made a fortune shorting GE. Shorted at 21 and covered at 7.38. Next move for scump. Out the door. The stage is set for January. To all scumpsters try to justify scumps lies for us. Latest WP fact checker. 6515. Two more today. 6516 No collusion and 6517 No obstruction. By the time you read this it may be somewhere between 6525 or more. Fact,,: Scump the biggest liar on the planet.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Investments? Maybe at Market 32. I’ll bet you don’t have a pot to put flowers in.

William Munny
William Munny
6 years ago

In an effort to cope with the stressful task of fetching coffee for demanding staffers, Fox News intern Hattie Butler reportedly told herself Friday that this would all pay off when she was named President Trump’s secretary of state one day. “It’s really tough to keep everyone’s drink orders straight, but the quick thinking and multi-tasking abilities that I’ve demonstrated during this internship will be invaluable to president Trump when I’m serving as his secretary of state,” said the 23-year-old college graduate who reassured herself that if she paid her dues by delivering the correct beverages, she would eventually earn the right to determine U.S. policies toward foreign powers and navigate complex diplomatic issues that might place the world at the brink of war. “I’m a real go-getter, and my can-do attitude would make me a great asset to the president. Not just anyone can keep a cool head while trying to remember who takes their coffee half-caff and who gets three pumps of vanilla syrup with just a splash of soy milk, but if I keep at it, I can really see this unpaid internship helping me get my foot in the door at the U.S. State Department. Maybe one day I’ll help foster peace between the United States and Puerto Rico. It’s just a matter of time before I have an intern bringing me coffee!” At press time, Butler was drafting up a resume on her iPhone to send to the White House.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
6 years ago

Couple of bimbo eruptions?

Oh, yeah, OK, these women colluded with the Russians to help Trump steal Florida, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, etc. to put him over the top in the electoral college.

Is that it?


You know that Trump was looking at Bubba and the bimbos and saying, “He got away with this stuff, so it’ll be a walk for me.”

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Aha, Mueller is coming, gear up, it’s going to be a shit storm. Van Shields, for all his bad judgements running the museum got 92 g for his efforts,meanwhile the lawyers were compensated very well,with Museum litigation,said 1.8 mil.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Progressives never showed this much interest and enthusiasm for Hillary’s real crimes as opposed to President Trump’s fake crimes.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, WAKE UP!!!!! Donald Trump is president. Hillary is a civilian now. Does not work in government..

..HELLOOOOOOO…..anybody home?????

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny. These scumpsters are delusional or truly have no nervous tissue in their craniums. I have asked them one simple question time and time again. Justify scump’s 6500 lies. This question has never been answered by one of them. Anyone who is not bothered by a pathological liar being our president tells us we are in serious trouble. Scump will be gone soon but what are we going to do with these pathetic sheep. This idiot being elected president shows us that we have a serious problem in our population that we didn’t know about. The country is populated by about 85 million idiots. The biggest problem the country faces is how do we bring these idiots back into the foal without doing any more serious damage to the country. This is the dialog we need to start discussing now as this is a huge problem. I think a good start would be to be able to tell the difference between a lie and the truth. To show how perverse this problem is just watch the replies to my post.As they come in let’s see if we can identify the truths from the lies.

Tequila Mockingbird
Tequila Mockingbird
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The answer is simple you boob. Your 6,500 number is fake and you are a delusional retard.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Yes. Donald Trump is President. Progressives need to act like grownups and accept that basic fact. Your candidate lost.

6 years ago

Anyone know if anyone locally was on th Board of Directors there,usually is. Shhhh

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Tequila. I barely got my post off but you flew in and made an ass of yourself. 6515 and counting.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

The Progressives have destroyed France just like they are trying to destroy this country.

6 years ago

Planet,Hess is designated as a Jungle, not a Forest,big difference. Pat is sounding way to much like Fritz lately, or is Fritz sounding like Pat. Or are they the same person? As God as my witness I am not the G Man??? r u nutz?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Maybe I’m one of your tenants…..maybe a neighbor….maybe a Big Y cafe customer….maybe you’ve treated me badly in a govt. office….or maybe I’m an INTERNATIONAL MAN OF MYSTERY!!!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Or an international half wit. Add that title to your known status as a not wit here in pittsfield and you have the bases pretty much covered. You should win the award of being the stupidest person on the planet. I would vote for you. You are way out of your league bub. I bet you are hoping that the Gman isn’t successfull monday. Your that stupid. You seem to be very jealous of the Gman. Tell us your background?? Didn’t you say you taught English? Are we supposed to be impressed ?. I’ll bet your degree is in basket weaving as your yarns are heavily weaved. Just saying loser.

6 years ago

I know who Murrow is, I pray that he is ot Fritz or Pat, otherwise we are all in Trouble. can u say Topix?

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Just dont tell me they are, cops are degenerates,or Gary. Planet we’ll be doomed.

William Munny
William Munny
6 years ago

Just spoke with the G man and he wanted to let you all know; Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Blah blah blah scump 6500. Just sayin.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  William Munny
6 years ago

Trump says he tells the truth…”when he can”. that is a direct quote from Trump….”when he can”. He knows he lies most of the time but he will throw out a truth once in a while just to mix things up.

His own father nicknamed him “pathological” and that was not his porn name. It was because the little shit could not tell the truth even when he was offered candy. True story

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny Scumps lie count in excess of 6500 big ones. The only people not aware of it have their noses glued to fox and breitbart. They are the lost among us. If you dont look for the truth you won’t find it and that pretty much sums up the scumps. I demand the truth and when I see or hear lies I confront them. If we all did this we would be a better country. The present occupant of the white house has made a laughing stock of our country but be assured his days are numbered but what are we going to do with the scumpsters. They are our country,’s biggest problem. Just look at the handful of nuts on this board. Thank god we outnumber them or they would take over this site.New Years resolution. Thou shalt not lie ever.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

William Munny,not funny……just sayin. Make fun of Gerry and his bottle of the shot glass thinking, or Queen Di looking at the sky when answering a question, or Tony Roads with his head bowed with hand on cheek, or Peter White looking at Marchetti after he talks, or Krol with the upper eyebrow frown when he seems to be serious, or the Mayor, with her quick thank you retort after answering a Councilors question, or kufflinks with his comedic puns where nobody is laughing,but him, or D T R with her continuos struggle with her stuggle.

William Munny
William Munny
6 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  William Munny
6 years ago

WM That’s 6500 confirmed lies. The WP fact checker says there could be another 5 or 6:thousand big ones not yet confirmed. Now what kind of person could support an SOB who has spun those number of lies. I will let others answer this. You know how I feel. I hope we can get on with the serious problems we have right here in pittsfield. The biggest among them is a totally clueless mayor and half the deck on the council with no nervous tissue. If we dont address this we soon may have no city. This is where we should be putting our emphasis. We need a call to action and that means more than just posting.

William Munny
William Munny
6 years ago

Washington Compost = socialist propaganda.

6 years ago

Roger Stone then Donnie Jr and Kushy are next.

6 years ago

Wasn’t a long time ago a theatre on a Tyler St. near the old Leo’s bar. Stanley does have seats….just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  h
6 years ago

With all the crazzieness generated by scump we are losing the big picture that is looming with the deficit and debt. The deficit was predicted to hit 1T by 2020 but will hit that in 2019. The debt currently atv19T will hit 21.7T by 2020. This was brought about by scump giving the richest 1% a .5T tac cut. These increases will bring about reductions in medicare SS veterans benefits and medicaid.Should the economy stall and interest rates rise there will be less money for needed infrastructure updates.Even though the economy is booming a very real return to a recession looms large. The stock market acts out six months ahead of real time and all signs point to an abrupt end to the good times. We need to clean up the scump mess as soon as possible and work to head off a financial disaster that appears to be coming. The old saying one needs to prepare for a rainy day. Scump will bring us months and months of rainy days. He must go to save all of us.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Watching the C C. Meeting on now, the Mayor is setting the water rate, how can they set a rate when bids for the amount aren’t registered yet,I’m confused.