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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY DEC. 10, 2018) — Tonight before the Pittsfield city council’s public works subcommittee, water wizard Craig Gaetani of Krofta lineage presents his alternative solutions to address updates at the city’s water treatment facility off of Holmes Road. Tomorrow night, the council will take up and perhaps vote on the mayor’s proposal for the plant.

The circles of the two events intersect, and the common space defines the forum that will determine the water and sewer bills — and perhaps the financial solvency — of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski plus numerous small businesses. Gaetani promises technical solutions that will cost a fraction of the nearly $80 million tag on the mayor’s plan. It’s clear that given the financial straights of too many citizens and small businesses, a good number won’t survive. Tyer may see that as an unfortunate cost of “progress.” She may lament the cost but say she has no choice but to follow the EPA’s directive.

Not true.

Actually, she has a much better choice. She can mount a challenge in court. The EPA’s unfunded mandate, now 10 years old and politically outdated, has never been legally tested. There’s strong reason to believe that with the proper case, such a challenge would be successful. Savings to taxpayers? Somewhere between $74 and $80 million, minus legal fees.

Short of a legal challenge, the next big question concerns the public works subcommittee. Will it listen to Gaetani and show him the respect due to his expertise in the field, or will they pretend to listen in the belief that humoring him will shut him up? If the latter, they don’t know Craig Gaetani.  The Water Wizard claims he can address the needed upgrade while shaving tens of millions off the cost of the mayor’s proposal, a plan that has already spent $9 million on studies and consultants, an amount that Pittsfield’s current brand of politicians consider piddling, as long as it goes to the right pockets.

———- 000 ———-

Before we go further, allow THE PLANET to clarify a misconception that’s making the rounds. The council has not finalized its position on the mayor’s plan. Her proposal passed a hurdle at last week’s meeting of the whole (MOTH), in which the full council (not subcommittee) narrowly gave the administration its blessing, once that may turn out to be a curse. The MOTH gave a recommendation only. To finalize the plan, the council will have to approve in a simple majority when the matter comes for a vote, something that could happen as soon as tomorrow night. The MOTH 6-5 tally to give Tyer what she wants shook out this way: In favor Moon, Caccamo, Krol, Marchetti, Persip, White. Against Morandi, Connell, Rivers, Simonelli, and Mazzeo. The five cited a lack of information, realizing that the administration’s proposal was still too sketchy.

At the MOTH, Tyer let the consultant, the Russell Group, do the talking. Russell received $10,000 to study Pittsfield’s water-and-sewer rate structure. Question: Why couldn’t this study be done internally? Answer: That’s why organizations — be they cities, towns, or political campaigns — hire consultants. To produce the results they want to hear.

For his $10 grand, Russell produced a sixty page report ($166/page), but took the MOTH through a dumbed down Power Point presentation, the kind they teach in fourth grade. No wonder the recalcitrant five decided they didn’t have enough information.

City finance director Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood assured taxpayers, saying in a delightful turn of phrase that Russell’s report “sounds like sound planning.” Ouch. Councilor-at-large Peter White called the rate study “prudent,” a word that Kufflinks has trademarked. He let White use it for the occasion. After hearing the imprecise numbers being casually thrown around, Ward 3 councilor Nick Caccamo said, “I have to do some forecasting myself.” Spoken like Bob Gordon or Howard Tupper. Write THE PLANET is you get the references.

When it came to question time, Russell was ill-prepared, which is why the five councilors voted against.

It’s water on the brain from here on out. Gaetani’s presentation is tonight. The council meets tomorrow. Come Wednesday morning, it will be water under the bridge.


The reason grandparents and grandchildren get along so well is that they have a common enemy” — Sam Levinson.



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6 years ago

Bleh, I’m more interested in knowing who from the Berkshire DA’s office has been shitcanned. Anyone got names? The only one I have heard for sure is Joseph Pieropan. He was the guy who responded to the records request that was in the Eoin Higgins documents in the below article.

In his article, Higgins said “Her (the victim’s) name is being withheld by the Glass despite the fact that the DA’s office revealed it to this reporter, unprompted, in a public records response.” Presumably it was Pieropan who responded to that records request and leaked her name. No surprise he’s gone, but disclosing a rape victim’s name is a criminal offense punishable by up to a year in jail. Wouldn’t want to be Pieropan right about now.

Re-reading those Higgins docs is sickening. But every time you read them, you see something new and the picture becomes clearer. While looking into the Williamstown Police Department a few months ago, I found a story about a WPD cop who was pulled over for a suspected DUI back in 2009. His fellow cops waited 2 hours to breathalyze him so he squeaked in under the DUI limit. The Chief of the WPD suspended him for one day and that was his only punishment. I posted about this a while back.

Turns out that the DUI cop is the one who investigated the Pucci case, Sgt. Scott McGowan. Chief Kyle Johnson, who looked the other way after McGowan drove drunk, is mentioned several times as well. Quite a dynamic duo. And THEY would have been responsible for any criminal investigations arising from the 90 reported sexual assaults at Williams College since 2010.

In addition to Caccaviello and Capeless, other Berkshire DA office names mentioned in the docs include the following in case anyone knows their status:

Greg Barry
Donna Bernardo
Rachael Eramo
Gloria Pizzuto
Mary Shogry-Hayer

There is also an email exchange with Attorney James Sultan. Not sure how he fits in but he’s the guy who represented Aaron Hernandez the first time around.

Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

This is complete and utter corruption, and should be wide open to accountability going forward.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

I really agree. Before now I had not read the letters and emails in the middle of that article. They prove that Caccaviello lied during the election!

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Here’s a few names sent to me a while ago – by a reliable source:

Liz Keagan

Dana Parsons

Richard Locke (resigned)

Greg Barry

Joe Pieropan.

The same source tells me that AH interviewed Pieropan twice but decided against keeping him on.

And that’s that!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Thanks for the info. Pieropan and Barry were both mentioned in the Pucci case docs, not sure if the others on your list are connected.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Thank you for posting. I think if a couple things when I read the article: I wish we had a paper other than the Eagle. Maybe even one that fact checked.

As this information is presented it is persuasive to me that attys should be replaced. I hope it’s not just more dirty politics. This writer seems to have manifested himself for AH pr but that doesn’t mean it’s incorrect.

Dear Santa, Pittsfield needs a reliable daily news paper.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

No matter our differences, your wish to Santa is hysterical and spot-on.

Not many people are intentionally dishonest or knowingly indulge the dishonesty of others, but misinformation and ignorance abound. That’s why an objective, competent Fourth Estate is so important. And we in Pittsfield get…the Beagle.

Agree that Higgins appears to be a partisan, but the docs he linked speak for themselves.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

It looks like good reporting – and hey with facts!
Merry Christmas Cicero. Maybe next year someone will start a new paper, here’s to hoping.

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Bleh????? You must not live in Pittsfield as the water / sewer boondoggle because the rates will drive many out of town. Maybe you’re just rich or your father in law pays your bills.

Reply to  Silent Cal
6 years ago

“Bleh” because I don’t know enough about water/sewer legal issues, engineering, economics, etc. to have an informed opinion on the situation. Though I will say that any credible proposal to save significant $ deserves a serious, detailed response, irrespective of the final conclusion. The problem is, I and most others are in no position to know what qualifies as “credible.”

Back to bleh.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Never lose sight of the fact that the DA’s office has been and always will be political.

Any political subdivision of the Commonwealth, a creature of the legislature, is political by its true nature.

Ruberto down to Cacc, their office has always played politics with prosecutions; prosecutorial discretion is a wonderful tool to curry favor with powerful outsiders (and win re-elections).

A DA Harrington will be no different. The tradition lives on!!

6 years ago

If Gaetani can pull this off it will be the upset of the century. Pittsfield’s ruling cabal has not lost a battle since the Civic Authority caper went up in flames. And since then they have plugged the holes in their operation so that they are pretty much bullet proof when it comes to getting what they want.

Weak minded and treasoness city councilors are being counted on to kill any chance at saving the taxpayers money. The mayor made up her mind long ago and the consultants are not paid to listen to opposing views on anything that differs from their own sales pitch.

Good luck Pittsfield, you are going to need it with this governing body. (did I say governing?) strike that

6 years ago

And there is no Citizen pushback to stop them. That’s why they do what they want. Pittsfield Taxpayers are uninvolved.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Will Gaetani’s presentation be broadcast live on PCTV, and what time? Still unclear as to whether or not PCTV covers Public Works subcommittees.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

fritz, since you asked nice, I believe it will be on channel 1303 at 7p m. Right after NM announces Trump will be impeached..

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Impeached for what, you fool?

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

For winning the election.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Turn the channel and you will learn why the moron can be impeached.Beck,Hannity,Limbaugh wont tell you as its fake stuff Trump does

6 years ago

Very interested in hearing Mr. Gaetani’s presentation and how long they let him go. And now I am showing my age, Bob Gordon and Howard Tupper were weatherman on WRGB, Tupper also hosted TV Tournament Time,small fry.

Reply to  acheshirecat
6 years ago

Close attention will be paid to see if and who try’s to shut this down. Also, which councilors or mayors who may roll their eyes or gaze at their watches.

Either way expect city hall to award contracts very soon.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I liked the cookies…Freddy we’re ready, we’re waiting for you, Freddy we’re reddy we love all the things that you do, we love your cookies your cakes and your pies, we love everything that our money can buy.

May Hemm
May Hemm
Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

That Should seal the deal for the Orbit’ Cosbie L !

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

…..your cakes and your pies
We love all the things Freddie Freihofer fries.

Reply to  CosbiesLadies
6 years ago

Uncle Jim Fisk and the squiggles.

G. Berish
G. Berish
Reply to  acheshirecat
6 years ago

What about the Old Skipper and Earl Pudney?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mayor Tyer need to make presentations with all the facts and ibformation.You can’t help but think things are not on the up and up if councilors have to search for imformation……Audit on the Beacon should be able to tell us what Stanley took out of the Beacon……Stanley let the Beacon go into disrepair .Who does that unless your looking to get out from the beginning…..Lets take a good look at what happened with that project.Audit,Audit ,Audit the Beacon

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

The audience was cringing on every word Moon sputtered the other night. Man, is she lost.

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

As G man always say. Better to look at Moon than Uranus. Sank you.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

So, if G man is successful, the real question is will his idea be implemented? Or does the Clowncil just say no anyway? What is actually presented tonight beside the cost Gaetani plans on saving the rate payer going forward, or has the rate payer been from ram shack led from beginning?

6 years ago

I’m confused about one thing,maybe Agent Smith can clear this question for me? We’re the seats that Stanley purchased or leased from himself, paid for with the T I F. Why would you do that when you knew the business was sinking, or why would you be given a T I F again, without any criteria other than what the TIF is intended for,staffing,hours,cleaning. I smell a rat, and it’s coming out oftheMayors Office.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  U
6 years ago

The mayor does not get it,shes in never never land with the other 6…..

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

The F word is abundant with the water sewer and t I f Shows….Fear. Fines,and Foreclosure.

6 years ago

Does Stanley own the seats, what happens to them, are they being purchased by Phonyix?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Nice Dan, thanks,I think? Still smell the rat.

6 years ago

The G man will not be successful tonight. The votes by our CC will be the same as mentioned above.

The requirements made by the EPA have changed since Trump took office. Many have been greatly modified and others have been done away with.

The city absolutely has a very good chance of winning in court. But it won’t happen, folks! The taxpayers will be screwed again!

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

With all due respect to the Gman and his efforts, there is nothing that he can do now. The administration is already moving forward with the upgrade project with initial bids due to be opened last week. Even Marchetti told the GMan that it was too late for the decision has been made. The new rates are part of the financing, but the council is not a voting on the actual project so, the Gman’s words will fall on deaf ears.

6 years ago

The timing of the bids,the DEP timetable requirement, is there one? the actual bidding time table…?…..? They did give Gaetani a chance tonight,can Marchetti disrupt the after presentation going forward? Is this a mute deal? the rate payer will be screwed,Gaetani won’t. Make one thing Crystall clear, he’s doing it for the taxpayer,Period. What ever happens remember these clowns in November.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

The gman will be screwed, as will anyone like him owning rental property – as the increased taxes will result in higher rents and potential loss of customers.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

As usual fritz you are wrong, the GMan as you call him, will not be screwed, he’s a millionaire working for the rate payers,that will be screwed,dummy.

I was talking to a neighbor down the street and he didn’t know anything about the possible rate increases. I was surprised because his wife works in a bank and he is an electrician? And what do they have in common? A Berkshire Eagle is delivered to their door every morning.

Reply to  h
6 years ago

Classic h response, definitely a contender for the Orbit. The threshold is low,Mikey was the first winner. Actually the award might be a downgrade……just sayin. Dan, give it to Barry Clairmont, I’ll deliver it for you and smash it over his huge shell.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Turn the channel and you will learn why the moron can be impeached.Beck,Hannity,Limbaugh wont tell you as its fake stuff Trump does

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Fake News

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago


Derms are claiming his non disclosure agreements are grounds for “impeachment”. BS, these are entirely legal arrangements.

Also, are you aware that the US Congress has a “payment fund” to settle sexual harassment and such cases. This fund is funded by US tax dollars. If the Congress can pay hush money for their indescretions, they too must be impeached and charged with election fraud. At least President Trump used his own money, not taxpayers dollars.

Take your meds for Trump Derangement Syndrome, he is in your head.

Great news, President Trump’s policies have made the USA energy independent. We have imported less oil than we export. We still import due to logistics of supply. However, we are basically energy independent. Notice how gasoline prices have hit some awesome low prices compared to President Obama’s policies.

OPEC is trying to cut production to raise prices, but based on our production, it is not likely to have much of an impact.
Thank you, President Trump

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Joe Curtis does not recognize people are his greatest resourse,he believes the computer is your greatest gift.He is not smart enough yet to developer any people skills but should be asked to go to a comedians work shop.He only smiles when people thank him.He loves being thanked.
The 3rd in command is business person Behnke who does not smile except on payday and only for a few minutes……almost every person in administration need a comedy workshop.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

bidding process??? For a Pittsfield project?// ha ha ha

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

So, I saw a student get off of a Public School bus and went Into a City vehicle.Is that allowed?got license plate also. This happened directly in front of my home. I was wondering what the City Pick up truck was doing there?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Definitely not monitoring the big wigs in trucks. Seen one Christmas shopping with a city truck the other day.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago


The Berkshire Eagle

PITTSFIELD — Several law enforcement agencies banded together over the weekend to crack down on a variety of crime in the city.

Mayor Linda Tyer confirmed on Sunday evening that a “successful collaborative” effort took place on Saturday involving the Pittsfield Police department, state police, the Berkshire County Sheriff’s office and probation officers.

While Tyer has been briefed on some details of the police sweep, she didn’t give specifics of the operation saying only that city police commanders will meet today to put together more details of the sweep. She expects more discussion about the operation on Monday.

Tyer also briefed city councilors in an email, with Councilor At Large Peter White backing the crime strategy.

“Getting drugs off the street is a step toward all of us being safer,” he said.

Reportedly, arrests were made and several businesses targeted which may have affected the Saturday nightlife, according to Councilor John Krol.

“I understand it may have really put a damper on business … once word got out and many people may have decided to stay home,” Krol told The Eagle.

Tyer was asked about the potential impact on business by such a large scale crackdown on criminal activity.

“I take very seriously criminal acts and people want a safe city,” she said. “If people are out enjoying themselves and being responsible, they have nothing to worry about.”

Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

It was a good thing. It was a great thing. So long overdue. Seemed to me since Tyer got elected all kinds of crime and traffic problems increased a lot. Whatever.

If we had the 2 1/2million bucks we just lost to the Stanley donation just think how many more police raids we could do.

Obviously the priorities of the administration and friends have been different to what the communities need. Change that!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
6 years ago

Largest aquifer in the Pitt is right under the former GE site.

Free water for all!!!

Just don’t mind the PCBs, dioxins, heavy metals………..

Bury them next door!!!

Jerry Doyle said that was a good thing! Then Robberto sold what meager $$$ the city got to things like: the Beacon, the old paint store on south street, etc….

6 years ago

They should have stopped by City Hall and picked up Roofer,The Lovely Linda and Scamley and Rob er to, although he mifght be in Flori duh.

6 years ago

Why can’t the city sell off some of its unused buildings or land to pay for or help pay for the unneeded water plant? Do we have any lumber trees that could be harvested? Maybe a potential mayoral candidate might look into this and get herself some brownie points. Surely there are unused assets lying about. Good time to combine high schools and sell PHS.

Did that guy that owns the large building in West Pittsfield ever pony up? He has slid for 40 freeking years due to his connections.

6 years ago

Where? The old Brighams?

6 years ago

Can’t even hear the Wiz, Wtf. The Mic is rigged.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

RUBERTO left Allendale School on a toxic dump.Allendale sits on top of the swamp and when Grilled it with all the cancer causing toxins they donated it to Pittsfield Massachusetts so we could hide that stuff under the building and not one word.Councilor Barry at one time was a very strong advocate about making kids school in that swamp 35 hours a week.The teachers union say nothing and 99% of Pittsfield does not care about the biggest cover-up in Pittsfield history….Pittsfield has no leaders,no sheriff…..How can you be A Superintendant, Mayor,or Head of the school committee and not speak about this….Pittsfield is a very ignorant city as I see White,Marchetti,Caccamo, Rivers on and on accomplishing nothing,getting nowhere,going bankrupt on the back of Vietnam Vets,WW2 vets not thinking they deserve a break.We are a very poor city and those in town with money are stupid

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Every councilor should be ashamed of where we are 28 years after General Electric left.Ge has only gone 1 and 1/2 miles in 20 years.Councilors white,kroll,Caccamo, Rivers moon,Marchetti……wont ask real questions.Thank you councilor Simonelli, Connell, Morandi,And most of all Mazzeo for asking real questions as the other just play dumb

KerMit Frog
KerMit Frog
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Is the “Innovation Center” on top of the worst of the pollution, right next to Silver Lake? Who the beejesus wants to be there ‘innovating’? They will be begging for more money too soon, dollars for donuts. The BB is already saying they saved in steel costs because next week they are bound to come begging. Its It’s another boondoggle, watch for it.

The pollution at Allendale makes me very, very upset. The reason the levels are rising at Allendale are that the drums don’t hold up in winter weather like we have, they erode and the junk is back in the ground and the ground water.

Did any council members go to the Housatonic clean up meetings? Hope it went well tonight. I believe the poster who said it was already decided was correct.

Lorna Doone
Lorna Doone
6 years ago

What happened to Dr. Wong?

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Lorna Doone
6 years ago

I think he went to the “wong” gate at the airport.

Hydroxyl Radical
Hydroxyl Radical
6 years ago

Give the new kid on the block at Three Months, see what they can come up with, Could save tens of millions. This is Water-Sewer,not drinking water.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

December 10, 2018

Re: Berkshire Eagle Editors are wrong about Pittsfield and North Adams leaders!

Dear Berkshire Eagle Editors,

I totally disagree with your editorial that the Mayors of Pittsfield and North Adams vision of a “bright future” shows them to be true leaders! Pittsfield and North Adams are extremely economically unequal communities because there are scarce full time living wage jobs there. Over the past couple of generations, Pittsfield and North Adams have lost thousands in population and many hundreds of living wage jobs. Over this time of the past 30 years, the so-called leaders have done nothing to about it, and matters got worse and worse.

The Eagle touts Berkshire County’s cultural institutions, but it is only an economic benefit for tourism, which is mostly from Spring through Fall. Moreover, tourism mostly provides low-income, part-time work. I understand tourism is better than nothing, but the arts and culture is not an equitable economy for the average working class family.

The Eagle touts all of the not-for-profit institutions in Pittsfield and North Adams, but they all mostly rely on public or taxpayer dollars, and they don’t pay property taxes. The not-for-profits provide caring services to people in need, but they don’t employ enough local workers.

When I lived in Pittsfield and North Adams decades ago, I knew and believed that you had to be politically connected to get a good job there. If you had powerful people who didn’t like you, then you were blacklisted from employment. I also felt that the tight local economy in the Berkshires made the powerbrokers even more powerful. If you spoke out or opposed the corrupt way public business operated, you would lose your job in a New York minute! It was all conspiratorial in favor of the entrenched political establishment. To be clear, it was always the same group of insiders who pulled the same crap against outsiders year after year in Pittsfield and North Adams.

The question Mayor Linda Tyer and Mayor Tom Bernard should be answering is: “Would the average middle class family or small business want to invest in our community?” When the FBI states year after year that North Adams is #1 in violent crime, while Pittsfield is in the top 10 in violent crime, no rational person would say yes! People want to live in safe communities where they will be treated fairly by their politicians and public institutions. Families want their children to have better economic opportunities than their parents by having good public schools and living wage jobs.

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Very insightful commentary Johnathan. But,

is anybody listening? Maybe…

Unfortunately dollars speak louder than common sense solutions.

Outlook? same old shit…same old parasites

6 years ago

Gaetani’s presentation was excellent last night,and there is a great possibility’s of tremendous savings from the cost of his and Mr. Lis’s Proposal.For some unknown reason there seems to be strong opposition from Greenpeqd coffee addict Half Moon (not all there). Moon asked couple of pertinent questions but the negative balance of my nquiries like where did and when did Mr. Lis hook up wth Gaetani suggested to me and people I know this was underhanded. One of the strong points in Lis proposal is that NO Chemicals are used in his processs, you would think the Ralph Nader of enviormentalist’s (Half Moon) would have commented on that as being she would be in favor of? No? I implore the City Council to grant the three months to a home grown and educated B B B student the chance as well as the builder of the plant.

6 years ago

I watched the meeting last night and my gut feeling tells me that this whole G man presentation is “questionable”.

Mr. Simonelli asked some very pertinent and legitimate questions that were not answered. He finally gave up.

I want to save money as much as the next guy, but I hope the CC proceeds with caution.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

I couldn’t agree more, Spider.

Also, many duplicate questions from the councilors – like they weren’t totally paying attention. Morandi asked a good question – “where is the nearest installation of this kind?” – Mr. Lis answered “Pennsylvania.” End of discussion. ??? My next question would have been, “WHERE in PA?” Get some references and check it out.

Most important takeaway was Mr. Lis stating that the EPA water requirements were going to be rescinded today. Hopefully this issue will be thoroughly researched by the CC. Good reason to put this whole project temporarily on hold.

What exactly is the business relationship between Mr. Lis and the gman?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

By the way, did the other 2 consultants who were supposed to be at the meeting, ever show up? I didn’t watch the end of the meeting. Rough way to start, when you state that two of your people weren’t there yet!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Evidentially you were watching but weren’t listening you Buffon. Justin Said they’d be here today.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

I was listening and never heard that. Only heard the
G-man say they were stuck in an airport.

Presentation about ozone treatments makes technical sense. Unfortunately he seems to be linked to the G-man. G-man just proved his poor sales skills. Old technique…once presentation is finished, SHUT UP and LISTEN. G-man has to keep talking, couldn’t stop talking. Sales rule…first party to talk after the presentation..loses.

This combined with G-mans derision of councilors, I will be very surprised if is anything but a no go. Justin should dump G-man, Justin was articulate and credible. I can see why he focuses on oil and gas industry, they don’t have to deal with petty buearocrats who cannot understand technology concepts. G-man just a boat anchor on some potentially good technology.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Cosbies
6 years ago

Gman clearly said last night that the two consultants were stuck at the airport. They did not show up tonight either.
??? Simonelli is correct in questioning their interest in the project.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

A3 month delay is well worth it as it is possible we save 10s of millions.
A city that ignores a elementary school built on top of a toxic swamp will not want anything to do with a no toxic waste water treatment plant….Moon,Kroll ,White,Caccamo,Rivers ,Yon,And McCandless support teaching children on a toxic swamp….where are their morals

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Will anyone vote to have a new Allendale built for our kids… the Housatonic and to hell with our children of Allendale

6 years ago

Simonelli voted for Appropriation for funding and clearly stated he didn’t have all of the information in front of him, heard him say that.

6 years ago

Isn’t trump forgetting something with today’s conversation about the Wall Funding. Mexico will pay for it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Actually that was lie number 12 of the now 6057 and counting. It was a good one and there are still many of his base who think the Mexicans are going to pay. Go figger

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

Real simple. Hack the Mexican governments bank accounts and take it.

North Korea has some good hackers. US could contract them to do it, and plead plausible deniability.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

ChiComs blink; agree to reduce tariffs on autos from 40 to 15%.
Another win for Trump!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Yah, he wins almost as much as Charlie Sheen

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago


President Trump is steadily working on decades of globalist bad deals that have hurt the USA economy. He has everyone hating him, why?

Because the globalist agenda is so engrained in the psyche of America, implanted right in our educational system. All of President Trump’s enemies are enemies of a free USA. You should ask yourself why it is that you do not support an America first agenda.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

Trumps America first agenda means America the bully. He goes around threatening people and countries and business s. No one likes a bully and THAT is why they hate him. (plus he is dumber than a clothes drier.)

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

President Trump is highly intelligent.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Boo boo. He is such a bully, nobody is going to like us. It’s not about liking, it’s about RESPECT, he’s getting that back after the USA lost it with Obama and his world apology tours.

Just go to the “safe space” at your closest college. Maybe BCC has one. Maybe Dan V can direct you.

Grow a pair, you whiner.

Reply to  Ed Check
6 years ago

I agree with you Ed Check. The globalist agenda has been very bad for our country. Trump supporters are against the globalist agenda.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

The Gman and Mr lie are two top flight scientists and engineers. This was their first presentation to the council. Many good questioned were asked of them some they could answer and some they couldn’t at this time. I spoke to the Gman today and he stated that they anticipated many questions and welcomed them. He made clear that neither tyer or tutocy responded to his and Mr lie requests to get into the plants. He stares all of the councilors questions will be answered ASAP. The Gman stands by his statements that he will build the technology into the sewer plant at a cost of 46_50 million dollars a saving to the taxpayers of24_28 million dollars. The Gman stated last night that the present consultants and tutocy have stiffed the taxpayers to the tune of 9.7 million dollars for drawings the shouldn’t have cost no more than 200 thousand dollars. The Gman says there are many questions that tutocy and the consultants have not been answered by them and this should trouble the taxpayer greatly. What this whole situation boils down to is do you want to take care phosphorous at a cost of 74 million dollars or take care of it for 46 million. Its a no brained to me. What about you? The Gman also stated that any fines the city may incur to halt the project for 90 days while he addresses all the city’s concerns he will share 50_50 with the city. He must be very certain of what he is proposing and one thing no one should forget is that this is not his first rodeo in pittsfield. He co invented designed and built the city’s water plants saving the city over 100 million dollars in the 80s. With that record he has my vote. He and Mr Li’s will be back to the council tonight representing the tax payer. We are so lucky to have the Gman and Mr Li’s representing us. Both of them are !I’ve long pittsfield residents. Any one who saw last nights meeting knows that these two gentlemen know what they are talking about and that they love pittsfield. That’s enough for me to root for their success to save us 28 million dollars. Like I said. Its a no brained. Who wants to pay 74 million dollars for something we can get for 46 million???

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Impressive presentation. Why was Doyle there?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Good Question….He’s in the septic and sewer business now. He must be one of the chosen getting a piece of the action.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Fritz, and fritz wants a wall also.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

No co ore do,fake news Freetz.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Doyle came to say hello to the G Man, guess G Man fired him to.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump is doing a nation wide search to find a guy who will be willing to go to jail with him,no takers so far.

6 years ago

Fritz is available, but to dumb.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Actually dumb is a prerequisite. Have you seen Trumps kids? Or Giuliani? Or Steven Miller? Or his main man Manafort or Cohen? The list goes on. Flynn?

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  H
6 years ago


Speaking of dumb… “to” should be “too”

Maybe you should apply for the position, then you could assume the position, you fool.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

All Trump supporters still believe Mexico is paying 25 billion for a wall.Pelosi told him straight up you are not going to get Democrats to spend 25 billion on a wall Mexico is building .Mexico told Republicans to go ff themselves

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

President Trump knows his supporters want the wall. President Trump will deliver on his promise.

6 years ago

I hope the City Councilunderstands, tens of million can be saved, do they? This dumping sewage isn’t rocket science,look at the two Workers at the Plant. Carl and that other dope, a monkey could do their job. The only thing different is new technology,that’s it.

6 years ago

And NO chemicals. That’s BIG.

6 years ago

Dow DOWn Again, time after time.

6 years ago


Tomorrow night Wednesday at 7 pm at the Berkshire Athenaeum there is going to be a discussion about the railroading of Bernard Baran. it is free and open to the public. Story in the Eagle Monday, Dec 10 (front page). Hosted by the Pittsfield Human Rights Commission.

If you were ever wondering why weird things seemed to be happening in Pittsfield this may shed some light.

Thanks to the Berkshire Eagle for posting this article.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

The now late District Attorney Gerry Downing hid exculpatory evidence of tape recordings against the now late Bernard Baran that were not released well after his death by then D.A. David Capeless. Once the exculpatory evidence (tape recordings) was released, Bernie Baran was let out of prison. Prosecutors Gerry Downing and Daniel Ford knowingly framed Bernard Baran via hiding exculpatory evidence for decades and using homophobia against a man they knew was innocent. Daniel Ford is still a Massachusetts Superior Court Judge! To say Baran was railroaded is not enough. The innocent man was framed! It is a matter of historical fact!

6 years ago

Will there be artifacts? Just sayin.. will Gerry D make an appearance. Creepy

6 years ago

Stormy Daniels forced to pay massive amount of money to President Trump for defamation of character. Hooray for President Trump!!!!!!

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Hooray for Trump for cheating on his wife!! Yaaayyyyy

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Your hero Bill Clinton was cheating throughout his marriage, but was elected for President twice. President Trump cheated one time with this Stormy woman and I am sure he regrets it to this day. Bill, on the other hand, carried on for 12 years with just one woman a Miss Jennifer Flowers while married to Hillary.

Yes, hooray for President Trump. She was accusing him of so much more than just having sex with her.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I don’t think she has any money, and her creepy porn lawyer has been arrested for beating his girlfriend.

I think I read a few months ago she is was back performing in strip clubs. You bad mouth President Trump and the curse comes back on you.

So sad really…

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

I hope the City Councilors really consider Gaetani’s project were talking 20 mil up savings.Xlean water rule suspended,no excuses.

6 years ago

This is to clean up sewage, it’s not some biological o r nuclear rocket science. It’s a small project to the G Man pure and simple. Businesses should be at this meeting,they’ll take the biggest hit, and for what? To bulk up the consultants wallets? Moon gave false info last night, only saying the wetlands were under suspension of the Clean Water Rule,not true.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

I think this Pittsdield Kid can deliver o. This water deal, really do. He’s a water professional and graduated from R P I, they don’t graduate stooges. Give him the chance. I could even look at Tyer again as my vote for Mayor.

6 years ago

Anyone know how long until the state realizes how out of compliance the SPED dept is in Pittsfield for certain services and IEPs

I vote by tax season

6 years ago

Someone should have asked why the Bankers weren’t at the Beaon Debt forgiveness at City Hall last week. So what the engineers aren’t at the presentation, they have an engineer there and the builder of the water plant. . Down Down today,AGAIN. Mexico wont pay for Trump Wall..more fake news from Trump,AGAIN.