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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION, JAN. 24-27, 2019) — Too bad the light from the Beacon Cinema can’t serve as a lighthouse for itself, because the Good Ship Movie House on North Street is heading for the rocky shoals.

Here is an edited post from AgentSmith, shared here in case you missed it the first time around:

Beacon is floundering. Good thing that they got the building on the cheap, because their revenue is way down.

Old Beacon pricing was $1 more on seats and 30% less on concessions (based on size and cost). They grossed about $12 a patron.
New Beacon, $5 seats but increased hours and concessions and they are pulling in about $9 a patron.
A staff member noted seat sales are actually down; the running theory is that people liked the reserved seating system and are staying away in part because of it.

Also the extended hours are pushing costs up, the new Dolby 7.1 system is getting complaints for being too loud, and sound from one theater is bleeding over into the next.

The CEO is doing radio spots (should be out soon) begging people to come to the movies.
The management team at Phoenix/insight are shocked at how poorly the theater is doing.

———- ooo ———-

We thank the Agent for the report. The information aligns with THE PLANET‘s intelligence concerning the Beacon, derived from our Z-Agents and from people working  inside of the listing shipwreck.

That business is off between 25-35% would be a cause for alarm in most businesses, but we suspect the insiders laughing all the way to the bank. To use a term from the stock market that has been the subject of some discussion lately on THE PLANET, the Beacon sale, which we have intricately explored in previous posts, stank to high heaven and low heck. It did, however, provide Pittsfield with another signature scam moment. What Rockwell is to Stockbridge, shady politics are to the city.

The dire prophecies for cinemas as an industry have largely come true, especially the smaller chains such as Phoenix. The profitable houses and chains feature good management and excellent customer service. In its 10 years, the Beacon has been managed into the ground and treated customers like galley slaves.

Generally, movie theaters as we know them are going the way of Vaudeville. Some of the factors:

  • The ubiquitous talking, texting, and smart phone use, which can make a darkened cinema seem like a gibbering madhouse
  • Inexensive, more convenient streaming services such as Hulu Plus, Amazon Instant Video, and Netflix, which provide better viewing options for moviegoers
  • Dull, predictive “mainstream” programming catering to mostly teens and young people (i.e., video games masquerading as movies)
  • The switchover from the warmth of real film to the cold, antiseptic quality of digital
  • The failure of expensive enhancements such as dining, alcohol, lounge seats, and sound systems to lure enough new business to justify the cost.

Add to that the Beacon’s added burden of no parking and safety concerns about being on crime-plagued North Street, especially after dark, and you’re looking at a perfect storm.

The waters are choppy. The wind is howling. The shore is rocky. The ship is taking on water.

Enjoy the show.

Have a great weekend, everybody. Keep your comments civil and to the point. Our bouncers will be on the lookout.


“You know, for an imbecile, you’re a genius” Moe Howard.



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6 years ago

Every movie theater on North Street went belly up and so the city gives millions to a private business to open another one. Simply stupid. That one goes belly up so they give the new owner more money. Simply stupider.

Trmp Fellas
Trmp Fellas
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

When they find that movie theatres are obsolete,then you have to start worrying.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Now showing! In Theatre 1 – Pittsfield sells pot to NY’s capital region. In Theatre 2 – Jimmy Ruberto’s infamous rolodex set at PEDA studios. In Theatre 3 – The lovely Linda Tyer’s 2-cents per day tax savings ratio. In Theatre 4 – The marriage of Carmen Massimiano and Angelo Stracuzzi. In Theatre 5 – North Street’s renaissance and empty storefronts. In Theater 6 – City Council Prez Peter Marchetti models his cheap suit for the cheap suits.

6 years ago

Aww shucks. Now the guy has to reluctantly retrofit the place for high end condos. I am sure the mayor will give him a hand up with the taxes to ease the pain.

Nobody saw this coming.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Never been afraid of North Streent as the planet has been over many years.Remember as kids Melville street punk might take your money in front of the boys club or the common park.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Ask the chief if he has a record of all the muggings on North St for the last 5 years.

Nope, ya ain’t gonna see that info buddy. There weren’t any muggings and in fact gang members have been handing out gift cards to the elderly.

It is all good…nothing to see…smiling faces all up and down the avenue


Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

When did everyone become so afraid? I too have never felt threatened on North St. The chances of getting killed while driving there, well that’s a different story.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

and there was not the volume of drug dependent zombies who needed your money for a fix back then, But they are there now and denying it is to lie openly.

Would one of these drug dependent zombies attack you? You bet your ass and you may or may not walk away under your own power.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The mayor along with Marchetti must lower taxes.Our budget must take from schools and go to fighting gangster drug business in town which is huge.Its time the Mayor and council president devote their political career to attack the berkshires drug business.This is number 1.A weekend blitz of overtime police does not work.This will take years but doubling police is number 1.Start today ,the bottom 90% of Pittsfield on the streets are begging you.Schools are not stopping drugs.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Take from the schools? McCandless is going to fall out of his recliner laughing when he reads that.

6 years ago

My wife and I have a gift certificate to the Beacon. For us, it’s honestly a matter of having no faith that we can go to see a movie, and not be assaulted or have our car vandalized.

Pittsfield is really going downhill when it comes to violence. What’s really being done about it? Last week, a story in the local rag (can’t call it the Beagle as that insults a sweet breed of dog) highlighted the city’s concern about controlling dogs in one of the parks.

Shootings. Stabbings. Beatings. Hard drugs. But concern about unleashed dogs and controlling their poop is a huge worry for the city. This is the biggest worry?!

The Beacon is struggling for two reasons. Bad taste over the city’s debt forgiveness and public safety.

6 years ago

My wife and I have a gift certificate to the Beacon. For us, it’s honestly a matter of having no faith that we can go to see a movie, and not be assaulted or have our car vandalized.

Pittsfield is really going downhill when it comes to violence. What’s really being done about it? Last week, a story in the local rag (can’t call it the Beagle as that insults a sweet breed of dog) highlighted the city’s concern about controlling dogs in one of the parks.

Shootings. Stabbings. Beatings. Hard drugs. But concern about unleashed dogs and controlling their poop is a huge worry for the city. This is the biggest worry?!

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

I go to 6 or 8 movies a year at the mall. Say what you want about the mall but for movies it is great. Nobody going through your personal belongings. If you happen to find a reasonably priced box of cookies at Target nobody is going to take them away from you as you enter the theater. I give the place an
A plus.

And I just love it that I did not have my taxes increased to cover what the owners did not have to pay due to political collusion.

6 years ago

I agree with Truthsayer’s comments. Crime, parking issues, and disgust with the Beacon fiasco prevent me from attending that theater.

And, while on the subject of crime, some food for thought; agree with

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

The Pitts is going to pot for sure, but rather than use a portion of the revenue stream to fill the pot holes as Melissa and Chris are suggesting. The response seems to be let’s continue to borrow as we’ve always done because we can’t count on this new source of revenue.

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Yah, what’s up with that? Read in the paper that the mayor borrows a couple of million bucks a year for road repair? HUH?

Does anyone, Barry?, have any idea just how much interest on loans the city, oops, the taxpayers fork out every year? Recipe for budget busting.

And how does this compare with the national debt that is choking America? Proportionally of course.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Not necessarily. I can’t see why the city would not explain the mechanics of their road repair and maintenance budget and finance.

It isn’t very complicated.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Pot money for roads doesn’t sound crazy. Neither does pot money to put against a defecit for other things that cause tax increases. Let’s live within our means!! I think all the budgets should be public, I suspect they are if you know where to look or file a request to see them.
Consolidating schools would save money. Maybe close both middle schools and make Pittsfield High a new middle school. And send Pittsfield kids to Taconic. Pittsfield High is a beautiful building. I prefer the old fashioned buildings.
I have gone to the Beacon and the Mall to see a movie. I prefer the Beacon as the mall desolation creeps me out. It doesn’t sound like the theater ‘experts’ picked are more expert than the last Beacon guy. Maybe the City should have made the Beacon a 501(c) since the public already paid for it.

Still wondering
Still wondering
6 years ago

Anyone care to comment on the Muslim Mosque coming to Notre Dame Church? Are you ready for listening to the call to prayer 5 times a day? Do you think the Muslims will tolerate a Catholic Church across the parking lot?
I’m so glad I got out of Pittsfield.

Reply to  Still wondering
6 years ago

Muslims and Christians and Jews and all the other religions will peacefully coexist.

Akbar Fukwad
Akbar Fukwad
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

It works well in the Mid East.

Akbar Fukwad
Akbar Fukwad
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state. Benito Mussolini……

Islamofacism works the same way.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
6 years ago

Personally I think the automatic bells at St. Joseph’s are annoying AF and sound trashy, but I respect it is part of their overarching call to service. I will respect any Muslim call to prayer the same way, whether I like it or not.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

How close do you live to either?

Reply to  Tyertanic
6 years ago

I did.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

What is most annoying is any post from Shakes.

6 years ago

While you may think that post holidays is a down time for movie theaters, in my area they have been packed. Bohemian Rhapsody was sold out the first two times I tried to see it. Finally I bought the tickets ahead of time and enjoyed the show.

Maybe Pittsfield just has a terrible economy and was never meant to have two modern movie houses?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Another factor in the film industry is the fact that most of Hollywood are Moon Bats who hate middle America. The ratings for the Oscars have been sinking for years. Why would Americans go see movies made by people who detest them?

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

And that king of programming caters more to tourists then local folks. As it is on the national level, politicos here care more about people who don’t live here than those that do.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

So the two key factors are poor customer service and too much movie theater capacity for the demand in Pittsfield. I’m willing to bet the poster who thinks moon bats are the worst isn’t the target audience for most disposable entertainment dollars.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Moonbats are free to be as batty as they choose to be. People who are turned off by Moonbatery are free to not attend movies made by people who have contempt for them.

Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Stanley walked away a winner so perhaps he is a genius after all. (helps to have friends in power if you want to be a winner)

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Trumps bosom buddy, Roger Stone, has been invited, along with Trumps other bosom buddy, Paul Manafort, to scope out the inside of a jail. Hope they pick one out big enough for three in case they have company.

The School committee
The School committee
6 years ago

Roger Stone has been arrested.We all must know what this means by now.I love the fact that Air controllers in New York are about to shut down America for non payment of wages.

6 years ago

Far left crazies in the media wouldn’t even let Roger Stone speak. It’s mob justice. Just like they did with that poor 16 year old boy just because he wore a MAGA hat. Mob justice is how these far left so -called journalists operate in the media. How ironic that CNN just happened to be at Stone’s house when the arrest was made. No, they didn’t get a leak from the Mueller team. Do you really believe that?!?

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Drain the swamp.

Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

The swamp is deeper than ever.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, the closer they get to your idol the kookier your posts get. Try picturing Hillary right now as she is watching her big screen TV and eating popcorn with her feet up on the coffee table. I wonder what she thinks of the whole thing? Probably not as upset as you are.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

If I was Hillary, I wouldn’t get too comfy. Just because she has friends in the FBI and Washington who continually cover up her crimes, there is such a thing as karmic justice.

The School committee
The School committee
6 years ago

Stone has been talking to every media outlet in the country telling all Media that the Mueller investigation had nothing on him.Well the indictment says what they have.If he goes to trial he can be cleared.
I did not see a defenceless 16 year old boy.We all saw a posture of a gangster in his attempt to make a vet back away.Watch his grin.Mom and Dad must be very disappointed in his tactics.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

The MAGA HAT KID may be working in the white house by Monday. Trump loves bullies even if they are going after senior citizens.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

Chief Spreading Bull served stateside in the reserves and was a frequent AWOL case.

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

“We have his DD-214. here is the truth…

Nathan Phillips aka Nathan Stanard was a refrigerator mechanic in the Marine Corps Reserves who went AWOL twice, and was confined to the brig and kicked out of the Marines as an E1 – Private in El Toro, CA after spending most of his USMC Reserve service in Lincoln, NE, and never left the States.

He was NOT a Recon Ranger (whatever the f*ck that is) which he is directly quoted as claiming. He also never went to Vietnam, even though he never corrected multiple major news outlets when they inferred that from his statements, and subsequently reported that he fought in Vietnam.

Senior Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Don Shipley already has records.”

Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

Was the kid trying to arrest Philips for going AWOL? If not why was he getting in his face? Just what was the kid trying to prove?

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Chief drumming buffoon got in the kids face. The kid jusr stood thete.

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Doomiedodger, the kid did not get in anyones face. The phone drum banger approached the kid.

The School committee
The School committee
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

The gentleman expressed that he never served in Viet Nam and never left the country.Service does not matter I guess if you are stationed in America.

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

He mislead everyone until the truth came out.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

He worked on refrigerator s maybe he meant to say freon ranger.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  Sum Ting Wong
6 years ago

In the military this type of individual is referred to as a jackwagon.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Funny how none of y’all seem to care if the waterboy embellishes his service record…….

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Looks like Westmorland didn’t require a dental plan for soldiers.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

and thank you for elevating it…

Long Wang
Long Wang
6 years ago

This just in. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is encouraging Americans to boycott Gatorade. She was quoted as saying “We cannot allow alligators to be slaughtered just to make a sports drink.”

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

Some alligator slaughter houses are getting around that by making wallets out of the hides, making cat food out of the meat and using the dripping for the Gatorade. FDA said that was OK.

Trump Derangement Syndrome
Trump Derangement Syndrome
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

Live it up we only have twelve years.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Not g man and not a fan of g Man.

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

Make Pitisfield Safe Again, build a barrier keep drugs and gangs out of Pittsfield and the rest of the U.S. Until this is done you can have all sorts of silly money wasting programs and nothing will change for the better.

Reply to  Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

So true. Build that wall or steel fence!!! We already have fencing along hundred of miles on the border that the Dems haven’t torn down. Let’s finish the job.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

In my country of Uruguay we built a 725 miles fence (or barrier as you Americans like to call it) by growing Saguaros cacti close

The School committee
The School committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Yes Pat,we now agree.Trump has stated many times that Democrats Obama,Pelosi,Biden,Shumer and many others have supported Walls.They do not support a Wall Trump used as campaign speak that Mexico would pay for,you know the Mexico promise wall

Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

So your hatred of President Trump will not allow you to do what is best for the country? Your fellow Americans are dying every week from drugs crossing over an unprotected border, from gang members and from dangerous illegal immigrants.

Let’s make them work at it if they want to cross our borders with dangerous drugs. Digging a hole or thinking up some other way to get over a fence takes time. By then they could be stopped by drones or ICE agents. We need all 3 for complete border protection…fencing along the entire border, ICE agents, and drones.

So what if President Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall? That didn’t work so we do it ourselves. Mexico doesn’t care about the welfare of our country and I always thought it was unlikely they would pay for our border protection.

The School committee
The School committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Why Pat if it is needed did Trump want Mexico to secure our borders,nonsense

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Suck it up. Pay your taxes so the beacon Covanta s and the Stanley’s and Mayer can live off the city tit.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Edger10needs agog.

Frank Pentangeli
Frank Pentangeli
6 years ago

Ahh,I don’t know nuthin about no Godfather.

6 years ago

President Obama said there is a humanitarian crisis at the border. If you bring children here, says Obama, they will not be allowed to stay. The media couldn’t stop agreeing with Obama that something needed to be done. It was a HUGE humanitarian crisis and they didn’t even have 300 Americans dying every week from illegal drugs like we do now. Nothing, however, was done.

The School committee
The School committee
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

So according to the iberkshires article, the Gov has proposed a $3.7 million increase in chapter 70 aid for schools, which will benefit economically disadvantaged students, English Language Learners & special ed students.
Does this mean the city will cut $3.7 million from the school budget, if this increase is approved by the state legislature? Will PPSD close any elementary schools to accommodate the continued decline in enrollment? Will the school district continue to focus on the large percentage of economically disadvantaged students or will there be any incentives for academically gifted students to remain in the district? I understand that the high absentee rates will “be addressed” with a new program, but what about the discipline issues that continue to plague the middle & high schools?
Inquiring minds want to know.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

We must also continue to fund the Beacon,millions to for nd the Museum through Art sales was a great move on their behalf. The Covanta business getting a half million was also needed, as well as the funds that went to the Hancock Shaker years ago, all good investments. And last but not lease he continuation of funding to the PEDA Board the last few years have producing amazing results. We must also thank this Mayor for th tax break she has given us, first in decades, I believe.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

We need to fund our schools,excess funding or not. No give backs when the schools get xtra. It is in good hands.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Great idea to have employees take the cultural training course, although I am surprised there was no push back, especially because it was a private petition that initiated the program. Let’s hope City Councilors are made to do this also, believe Donna Rivers has said it has helped her become more aware.

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

Flesh-eating bacteria found on Central America migrant in Border Patrol custody
by JAMEL VALENCIA, KDBCFriday, January 25th 2019

Group of more than 300 are apprehended in the Bootheel Area (Courtesy: Border Patrol)

3 photos
LORDSBURG, N.M. (KDBC) – A man who was in Border Patrol custody had to be treated for a flesh-eating bacteria.

The migrant who was already in custody at the Lordsburg, N.M. Border Patrol station told an agent Thursday about a growing rash he had.

He was taken to a medical facility for evaluation. Officials said hospital staff diagnosed him with a flesh-eating bacteria. They said he needed more extensive treatment.

“We’re seeing for example, chicken pox, different strands of influenza, syphilis, scabies. This is something that we see with the illegal aliens and we have to provide treatment for them,” said Carlos Antúnez with U.S. Customs and Border Protections.

On the same day, a large group crossed illegally at the southern New Mexico border, said a Border Patrol official.

Group of more than 300 are apprehended in the Bootheel Area (Photo courtesy: U.S. Border Control)

A group of 306 migrants crossing illegally were taken into custody by border patrol agents working at Camp Bounds Forward Operating Base at the Antelope Wells Port of Entry.

This group consisted mostly of Central American families and unaccompanied juveniles, they said.

Some of the juveniles were in need of immediate medical assistance and were taken to local hospitals for treatment of various illnesses and injuries.

The majority of the group was taken to the Lordsburg Station for continued processing.

It was then that agents learned about the man with the growing rash on his leg.

Officials said this is the 26th group consisting of more than 100 people since the beginning of the fiscal year in this area alone.

Criminal organizations smuggling these groups of people continue to take advantage of them in order to enhance their illicit activities without due regard to the risks to human life. According to BP, in most cases, these smugglers never cross the border themselves and risk apprehension.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

Thanks a lot Chuck & Nancy for NOT protecting American citizens.
Build the damn wall!

Larson E. Hall
Larson E. Hall
6 years ago

The story of Kamala and Willie:

California Senator Kamala Harris is running for President.

Harris got her start by having an affair with Willie Brown who was serving as the California Assembly Speaker and then became the mayor of San Francisco. Brown was 60 years old and Harris was 29 when their affair began. Harris was so brazen that she came out publicly as his date at his 60th birthday party, despite his wife of 36 years being in attendance.
Harris slept with Brown for one reason; she used the corrupt San Francisco mayor to launch her rise to power.
Willie appointed Harris to the state Unemployment Insurance Appeals Board, which paid $97,088 a year. She served six months and Brown then appointed her to the California Medical Assistance Commission, which met only once a month but paid Harris $72,000. Call it “poontronage,” a politician’s appointment of his steady girlfriend, frequent companion, and main squeeze to a lucrative government position requiring little work.

Brown also raised money for Harris in her run for San Francisco district attorney in 2003. She defeated her former boss Terence Hallinan but promised never to seek the death penalty. She kept that promise the next year when gang member David Hill used an AK-47 to gun down San Francisco police officer Isaac Espinoza. Even Dianne Feinstein took Harris to task, as she alienated police across the state.
But Harris stayed quiet in 2014 when racist Mexican national Luis Bracamontes gunned down police officers Danny Oliver and Michael Davis. In 2015, repeatedly deported felon Jose Inez Garcia Zarate, another Mexican national, shot and killed Kate Steinle on a San Francisco pier. Attorney General Harris defended the city’s sanctuary policy and failed even to decry “gun violence” in the case.

Despite all this baggage, Harris could win the Democratic nomination for President. Imagine the damage she could do to America

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, I believe Harris is part of the #MeToo movement. If she can get on bent knees and promote, Harris is a firm believer in her too, hence #MeToo

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Larson E. Hall
6 years ago

Great posts Bill & Larson.
The public needs to hear the truth!

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

wow, a lot of white men in here throwing rocks in their own glass houses.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

The rocks I throw don’t discriminate.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

If there are legit problems related to performance in an elected office, have at it.

However, this president shows that the US electorate doesn’t care how much of a scumbag someone is when it comes to their personal life.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Shakes, if you think I’m a white male, you might want to take a biology refresher…

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Apologies, I didn’t look past your mustache.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

NP Shakes. If you really think I have a mustache, maybe you should purchase larger fitting thongs there, baby boy. Your ultra tight thong is cutting the circulation off at your a**….or brain, same thing.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

I would like thank KatherineYon and Supt. MCcandless for recoupeingb new funds for our. Students and schools.

6 years ago

Shakes,unfortunately, you are an insignificant piece of crap.just sayin

Reply to  U
6 years ago

Someone that lies about their service record is a piece of crap.

And if he has millions, why wont he contribute the personal max to the PAC? $500 should be chump change. Never heard about my wager for him. I tell you what. He wins a city wide public office, I’ll match his $200 to the PAC. If he doesn’t win a city-wide public office, then he donates $200 to St. Mark’s food pantry.

If you knuckleheads cannot get a PAC together by election night, and the waterboy wins a city-wide election, my $200 will go to St. Mark’s food pantry.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

I started to search for some information on the claims made in posts on here that Art has made on behalf of the G Man and I’m having trouble finding information pertaining to them. The things that come up are his announcement of running for mayor, council meetings and court proceedings and workmen compensation case seeking a COLA.The information I was looking for was his designs, registered and stamped engineering work on water and sewer with his stamp. I looked up some Krota work and found something things, but no mention of the G Man. I may not be finding the information or missed it. Not saying it isn’t out there though.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

The word “fraud” comes to mind. A while back, his former boss wrote a letter to the editor stating that the waterboy was embellishing his background and that he was a salesman for Krofta.
If he truly runs for mayor, he should be extensively grilled on the details of his background, and, as someone else has mentioned – let him reveal his tax returns.
I would like to know more about the workmens compensation case – what did you find out?

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Thanks for posting the link. I was not able to dig that one up – so good investigative research!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Johnny 2 and Gigi. Anything you see me post on this board or anything you have ever heard the Gman say you can bet your lives on it. We are not liars. And have you seen what the Gman is trying to do for you???? And what he has done for you in the 80s???? There are many people in city hall that deserve your vitriol but certainly not the Gman. He is trying to save your butts. Think a little longer before you post. If the Gman decides to throw in the towel it will be you and all like you who are going to suffer. I would start suggesting that you pray that the Gman is successful. Look for his commentary in the Eagle as to what he plans to do next for the city residents. There are some things the public should do to prevent them from being butchered by this sewer project. And dont forget he saved 116 million dollars for the taxpayer in the 80s What do you think about that?????

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Send it the the Linden st. Church,st marks is to upscale area for vagrants.

Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago


Very easy to snap a few pictures of the Designs and registered plans with the G Mans name and stamp on them and post them here.You’ve stated for the G Man he has done the work in this country and abroad. The G Mans real estate portfolio? let’s people search public records.

6 years ago

Filed under DAAH can’t do a darn thing right.

First she wanted to release an alleged serial stickup man who held up 4 stores, with a gun, out with conditions with minimal or no bail. Thankfully the judge saw through that disaster and held the perp for a dangerousness hearing. You know because a guy that sticks up four stores is not a danger to the community.

Fast forward to a woman running down the street, trying to wave down police, being chased by a man. He sees the cops and runs, she runs to the cops admits she stabbed the guy, with the knife he pulled on her after he beat her. Both parties are know to police,he’s known to have a violent past and record. What does DAAH do? She locks up the victim! And hold her over for a dangerousness hearing!!!

All the information was available prior to her arraignment where the DA’s office asked she be remanded until a dangerousness hearing. No new evidence came to light, the police had done the interviews with witnesses well prior to her arraignment.

It’s time to face facts, DAAH is completely incompetent. The staff she has assembled is bush league and useless, except for the lawyer from Boston. Bell, completely clueless and unprepared for the job. Dohoney, knows less about the law than most first year law graduates. He should stick with low risk municipal do nothing jobs.

So much for the progressive agenda… unless progressive means letting real criminals off and punishing victims of domestic abuse.

“At Peltier-Tarrance’s arraignment Tuesday in Central Berkshire District Court, prosecutors had asked to have her held without bail pending a dangerousness hearing scheduled for Friday.

Circumstances apparently changed, and the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office withdrew that hearing request based on new information regarding the case”

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Locks up a “victim” for drug possession? She shoulda gotten rid of that bag. Also the DA depends on the information obtained by the police investigators from the criminals and affected persons.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

She was arrested for the assault and was being held over for a dangerousness hearing based on her stabbing a man.
Witnesses were interviewed prior to arraignment, the only police report filed was not changed after arraignment.

A dangerousness hearing should be a fairly rare thing, and should be based on a persons likelyhood to be a danger to the community.
You know, like a guy who robs four stores at gun point. That might be a good one for a dangerousness hearing.

A woman who actively ran TOWARDS police looking for help as she was being chased by a man who assaulted her and she was able to defend herself and escape, not a candidate for a dangerousness hearing.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

When you have a corrupt police department you have serious trouble.

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

Hey Juicy,

Got any evidence to back up your allegations against Pittsfields Finest?

And what exactly are you alleging?

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

It’s a new day and a new d a.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

As a point af fact Agent, the DA doesn’t make arrests, the cops do and it sure sounds like they did the right thing in this case. Generally speaking, people that stab someone multiple times get locked up, and things get sorted out later. It’s called probable cause so i’m told.

The dangerousness hearing was never held by the way.

Furthermore, the DA doesn’t need to prosecute a case and most former DAs only prosecuted homicides, if that.

We all all better off is she stays outta the courtroom.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Based on the initial report, and only report, anyone with at least half a brain would understand this was not a case to be held over for a dangerousness hearing. The woman was held over, thereby limiting her freedom. The police made the arrest but the DA went to court to request remand without bail until the hearing.

Probable cause is more about a two pronged test for police to obtain search warrants and detain suspects. That said I will give you that probable cause plays into bail in the broad sense that bail in the US is based on the likelyhood of a person showing up for trial.

Most DA’s spend time in court on any number of things. Dangerousness hearings, higher profile rapes, murders, thefts, organized crimes, calling of cases.
Most DAs when not in court lead the office and lead the strategy and case meetings, insiders in her office now say she’s barely present, when she is or offers her “expertise” it is so far of base that it’s confounding and useless. One of her trusted staff joked that they try and keep her out of any important decisions, that if the could give her a bright and shiny object to stay occupied they would. The one bonus, she’s so politically motivated that all she does is try and figure out who to ask to visit the office, what PR things they should do.

I agree the less she is in court the better but maybe we can save money by only paying her for days she actually works.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Also she might want to wear clothing that doesn’t allow her nipples to poke through.

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Just another distraction to obfuscate the incompetence.

She couldn’t get out press releases or respond to newspapers requests for information but she can post every photo-op to the DA’s website.

24 Days and counting, the DA has not been in court

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Is there such a thing as a “recall” of an elected DA? Sounds like even the judges are questioning her judgement!

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

I don’t recall Capeless in court all that often.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Our Mayor has been in for almost three years, give her a break. Remember bernie? That trumps anything Andrea does.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

You got a problem with nipples? Are you worried about somebody getting poked the eye?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Her nickname in the office is nip.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

maybe she likes brandy

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Maybe she was just happy to see Suzanne Bump.

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Poking fun (pun intended) at the DA’s attire is a low blow in my opinion. It is not like she is wearing jeans and a t shirt, or a mini skirt. And besides, maybe she has the heat turned down to save us Kapanski’s a few bucks.

However, assuming she was quoted correctly in the I Berkshires puff piece, she can hardly string a couple of coherent sentences together.

The biggest joke is that this visit is nothing more than a political back slapping love fest and photo op, and both Bump and Harrington should be ashamed to have marketed this visit in this way. Highly political. Paul would have never done such a shameful thing, neither would have David.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  JoePesci
6 years ago

I love nipples but should a woman in an office setting have them poking through? I thought that’s why they had lined bras. If I get jury duty and she’s in the court room I’ll be checking out her high beams. There’s no law against having them show.

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

The bigger issue, no pun intended, is that her office had a photographer present to document this orchestrated visit, which is nothing more than a poitically orchestrated photo op. Bump would never have particiapted is such a thing if a republican had won the seat.

And don’t get your hopes up Agent. You won’t be seeing her inside a courtroom, and we both know it.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Looks like the D A’s approach towards crimes which involves drugs is that, the approach. Whether you agree with Agent-Smith who has good points or the approach of the new D A we’ll see.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Also looks like the new D A is a business woman and conservative. She looks to be saving money at every turn, and not delving into expensive non
-critical expense litigations like drug related crime.

6 years ago

Shame on New York Governor Andrew Cuomo for signing this horrendous piece of legislation into law;

Mr. Big
Mr. Big
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Abortion has eliminated millions of future democrats:)

6 years ago

Hey Trump Fellas,

Welcome to The Planet, where Dan allows us to express our first amendedment right to be an idiot. At first I though you were posting in jest, and being sarcastic, but now it sounds like you are a seriously brainwashed progressive who actually supports The Beacon Bomb and The School Sham and The DA Debacle.

Prepare for rhetorical battle!!!!!!!

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

Is it me or do I sense a bit of hostility especially driving, I
Hav e seen at least twenty or so incidents with excessive aggressive drivers and gestures, mostly white males, many driving junks or pick ups,no kidding.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

I’m white and drive an older pick up,never had one ticket,twenty two years and pushing.

Reply to  Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

Local Yokel
I have seen so many incidents too. Real aggressiveness out in Coltsville, cutting people off heading toward Walmart on Dalton Avenue. Recklessness.

Kitties Joy
Kitties Joy
6 years ago

Looks like it has been pretty civil this weekend on here. Seems as though the new D A and the upcoming local elections should be the topic of the day in 2019. On the Beacon, mayge the new partnership should appear at a City Council Meeting to quell any rumors that the theatre is already tanking. The last thing citizens should have to do is endure a give away to a private consortium down the road, after all the money that was thrown at it.

Reply to  Kitties Joy
6 years ago

Miss Kitty,

It’s been civil because Arite’s been absent, plain and simple.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

I was hoping Art had a brain transplant but judging by his asinine post today that didn’t happen.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounger dont expect you will ever comprehend any of my posts. Different league. Understand???

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Oh joy, he’s back. Toss civility out the window.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Kitties Joy
6 years ago

Kittie. Yes the 2019 elections should be the topic of the day in 2019. The Gman has been making them the topic of his TV show for the past two years. Have you seen any of the king of pvtv’s shows? The best show on pctv and thankfully seconded by Dan Valenti. Local news you can trust. Indeed

6 years ago

The sad part of Pittsfield giving money to projects like the Beacon and others is that this is happening all over the United States.

Is the DA’s office making the same decisions and gaffes in Northern and Southern Berkshire courtrooms? You can tell what type of boss Harrington will be by the employee turnover. See how many stay or leave.

6 years ago

The Flower Girl. So it has been said and shall be written.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

What exactly was the relationship berweeen Stanley and Jacobson?

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Exactly. Answer, contact Jimmy the Gent. He has his fingers in All the locks and bagels.

6 years ago

Now we have Bump the Dog, the new DA’s effort to spin doctor local media into believing she is doing something.Facts: The audits happen automatically. No one orders them. They used to happen every 5 years but Bump bumped them up to 2 because she hates all the DAs. That because she is a self-described “long time democratic activist and progressive.” Auditors used to hang around the office for weeks at a time doing and finding nothing. Now they have this minor discrepancy crap plus a COO who has almost no real job experience of any kind.Get popcorn.

Reply to  James
6 years ago

A small correction of sorts. When Paul was appointed the DA he immediately requested the audit. It’s a sound practice to have an audit when leadership changes. So this is doubly disingenuous and just more political fluff as it was requested by Paul, released about a month ago so there’s nothing to report.

“The audit, which was requested by former Berkshire DA Paul Caccaviello shortly after his appointment to that position in March and covered a period from July 1, 2016, to March 31, 2018, noted that some money that had been forfeited from convicted defendants to the DA’s office had not been turned over by law enforcement in a timely fashion.”

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

The republicans are holding up hauling republican scum balls before the intelligent committee by not appointing other republican scum balls to the intelligence committee.This is a delaying tactic by the republican party and scump. Anyone who thinks otherwise are just plain ignorant.One third of the US population have been turned into pathetic sheep. They started out with very little common sense and are now totally lost. Iro ically they are more responsible for the chaos the country is experiencing because it is them who are feeding scumps ego. Scumps time in office is coming to an end. He will be impeached or demolished by Kamala Harris.The major question is. What are we going to do with the enablers of scump?? They are the real danger to our society. Remember they to this date they have stuck with a moron who has told over 8500 confirmed lies. What kind of people support an individual who is a confirmed pathological liar. If I had a friend who told me just one lie I would have a tough time believing anything else he or she may say. Give me the truth Every time. I hate liars and those that condone them. Jest saeing.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Harris is an anti Catholic bigot as are most D.C. Democrats.

6 years ago

Wow those associated with Caccaviello’s loss must really move on. This appears pathetic.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Say what you will about Caccaviello but he never had his nipples sticking out.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

I was thinking the same thing. Trump is President and Harrington (FlowerGirl) is D A get over it.

Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Got that right. Til the next election.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

What I want to know is when did Roger get the Nixon tattoo on his back? Also, do people on here prefer fillings with or without white epoxy covering the teeth.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Honduran I’d prefer white if I had some teeth!!!!!!

Chris P. Bacon
Chris P. Bacon
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Fifty bucks says Harrington has tattoos.

Colin O'Scopy
Colin O'Scopy
Reply to  Chris P. Bacon
6 years ago

Piercings too?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

I am not sure that theater would fill half the seats if they showed a good movie and let everyone in free. The taxpayers that had to subsidize Stanley for 10 years have a bad taste in their mouths and the mayor made sure it carried over to the new owner.

They have the stink of political malfeasance on them and it won’t come off easy.

They are toast.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

If I weren’t just a stupid taxpayer I’d think the takeover of the Con’ is another deal down the road, until the heat is off..if you know what I’m just sayin….

6 years ago

Waiting for the waterboy to put his money where is mouth is. Just sayin.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Yes let’s put your money where your mouth is. I say the Gman is a decorated Vietnam veteran and you have ignorantly disparaged his military service. Let’s make things interesting. Shall we bet 50 thousand dollars or 100 thousand dollars cash?? I bet he is and you will bet he isn’t. Mr. Valenti knows both you and the Gman. When you have delivered either sum to Mr. Valenti he will call the Gman and he will give Mr Valenti my cash. So yes as you say let’s put your money where your mouth. This same bet goes out to all others who have disparaged the Gman very brave military service in vietnam

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Private Gaetani was a fine soldier.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

Sarge. We have enough crackpots spewing falsehoods. The Gman was a Specialist 5th class. That’s an E5 grade and indeed he was a fine soldier. A decorated soldier at that.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What were the decorations for?

Ralph Guglielmi
Ralph Guglielmi
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What I find troubling on this board is the number of people posting here who do not seem to understand the type of blood bath that is coming with these water and sewer projects. Is it apathy or is there no concern with what is coming. We on this board are up to date because of what we learn from the Gman but does anyone believe that the typical citizen who gets their information from the eagle. Is aware of what is coming. Is the whole city apathetic???? I am beginning to think so. I have told the Gman to pull the plug because if you look at this board alone there are more than a few crack pots who are hoping the Gman fails to get the project costs down. There probably is a great number of city residents who feel the same way also. I wonder honestly how many people in this city are so out of it that they have no idea what is coming. If this is so what can we who post on this board and take the time to keep abreast conclude about our city. Is it hopeless to try to do anything that will benefit the city???? Someone on today’s board stated we should look daily at the upcoming city election in November but what for??? Do we truly believe we can change anything??? I am beginning to become very cynical. Does anyone else feel this way????

Rudy Baker
Rudy Baker
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Tell the Gman to concentrate on Pittsfield and stop his anti Trump Gihad/

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Rudy Baker
6 years ago

Rudi. The Gman always tells the truth. He hates liars and that’s why he hates trump.He also hates a lot of liars in city government and you have seen him chastise them to their faces. He had to call the secretary out for a big lie several city council meetings back so you see he doesnt discriminate. To him a liar is a liar and he calls them liars to their faces. This is what makes him so different than others. Tell a lie and the Gman will expose you. Anything wrong with that Rudy???

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

People don’t understand, and won’t until it’s too late.
When they are paying $1,200 a year for water and $2,000 a year for sewer then they’ll get it.
Or if they massage the numbers and keep the rates lower but add in a $2,000 a year “betterment”.

That said, having watched some of this on TV the “G-man” May be his own worst enemy when it comes to “trying to help”. Granted there is PLENTY of ignorance on the part of the city council.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent. Good for you watching the Gman show. I’m sure you concluded that he licks no ones boots. Your remark about being his own worst enemy in trying to help is very condescending. He isn’t trying to help anything he is trying to take over the entire project like he did in the 80’s where he saved 116 million dollars. He could solve the problems at the sewer plant for between 18 ton21 million dollars Your post is helpful as you are aware of the blood bath that is coming but please dont asIk the Gman to lick any ones boots because that will never happen. If the Gman doesnt take over the sewer project its lights out for many people. That’s what you should be posting about. The Gman has given the prediction already.

6 years ago

God help us all if Kamala Harris won the presidency. She calls walls to protect the country a “medieval vanity project.” Gee, Ms. Harris why do we have hundreds of miles of fencing already in place? Is that because we all have big egos? Do she and her far left followers intend to tear those down because they are so medieval and we should just allow people to walk into the country?

No mention of drugs, gangs or dangerous people coming over the border by Ms. Harris. Unbelievable since Obama had no problem calling the situation on the border a “humanitarian crisis” and the far left agreed with him.

The School committee
The School committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,she was referring not to the Wall and fences in place.She was referring to the Wall Mexico was responsible to build.Democrat like Republicans want a secure boarder.You can’t possibly sleep at night.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  The School committee
6 years ago

Very lame statement TSC.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat when Kamala runs against pence. She will completely destroy him. We are in the waning days of scump. The worst president of the United States of all time. He owns the shutdown and if he somehow escapes impeachment Kamala will burry him. There is no worst person than a liar. He has told overv8500 confirmed lies and you still support him. What does that say about you or anyone who supports him. I won’t answer that question.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Very fake info.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fake News
6 years ago

Faker Not fake news by any stretch of the imagination

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
6 years ago

Regarding the water and sewer. Our water and sewer rates aren’t the only things that will go up in cost. All businesses in town use water and sewer and they’ll be passing the cost on to us. So it’s worse than you think.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

12. Now your hitting your stride. The butchering of the rate payer will occur before they are aware of it but it will be too late. I think we should give the secretary another term so she van butcher us on the proposed 86 million dollar updates at the water plants. Let’s see. Between these two projects the rate payers are going to be butchered for 160 million dollars. Let’s get rid of the Gman all he is trying to do is save the taxpayer. Let’s re elect the secretary we all could use a good butchering..,… How pathetic are we. Have we lost our minds. The secretary and 8 of the councilors should be run out of town on a rail. How much longer are we going to tolerate this insanity??¿???????????

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Where is that coward shakes reply to my challenge????? He is the biggest coward on this board. You dont get any lower than trying to state a decorated Vietnam veteran isn’t a decorated Vietnam veteran. Mr. Valenti should bannish him from this site for ever. This is such a low blow to the distinguished military career of the Gman and it should not be overlooked lightly by Mr. Valenti. I hope Mr. Valenti that you do not tolerate this kind of behavior and promptly bannish him from this board. The Gman is a co founder of vietvets chapter 65 of America and a life member of the national vietvets of America. If this individual shakes name were known to members of the Gman CH. 65 vietvets he would be singled out for a very harsh tongue lashing. We can not overlook this cowardly act by shakes. Please Mr. Valenti take him off the planet. His actions are totally unacceptable and dispicable.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What were the decorations for? Was he awarded a Bronze Star or Purple Heart?

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Stealing the valor from service members that had actual distinguished records is cowardly. Did he get the Vietnam service medal? Where is his Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty? You could make it a gazillion bazillion dollars, but you are the one claiming to be something you aren’t.

He allegedly did not earn a Purple Heart. He was a specialist, second class. A rank above the majority of army specialists at the time. He was not a master specialist or specialist first class.

GTFOH with your false indignation. Waterboy

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  12 Gauge
6 years ago

Don’t forget the Taconic and o p e b.