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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 11-13, 2019) — Before we open up to open comments, allow THE PLANET to share a few random observations.

It’s Not My Fault, Mommy! — To say that Mayor Tyer came to office inheriting the problems of her predecessor — to say that about any leader, actually — provides nothing more than an excuse for poor performance, under performance, or outright failure. When a newbie runs for office, he or she does so with this understanding. Tyer’s no different from Bianchi, Ruberto, Hathaway, Doyle … go back as far as you want. The job of the successor is to move the city forward. Has Tyer done this? Is it a flower or a weed? That’s always a judgment call.

Houston, We Have a ‘No Problem’ — Have you noticed how young people never say “You’re welcome?” after receiving your thanks. Invariably, they answer “No problem.” The subtle difference speaks much, as any linguist, philologist, or lover of language can confirm. “You’re welcome” conveys the warmth of appreciation and “a human touch.” Contrarily, “no problem” conveys selfishness and solipsism. It says, “Hey, this could have been a problem, but I’m so great that I have decided not to make it a problem.” Reminds me of Orwell’s dire warning about the decline of the English language from the late 1940s. Also of the quote by T.S. Eliot in the coda that concludes each of our columns.

Robbin’ Roberts — Did council president Peter Marchetti violate Roberts’ Rules of Order when he quashed a councilor’s question? At the most recent council meeting, Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell asked a question of Craig Gaetani, who was sitting in the pews. As Gaetani came to the mic to respond, Marchetti made a motion to close the meeting, seconded by at-large’s Peter White — Pete and repeat, in the immortal phrase of one of THE PLANET‘s wags. Roberts allows members of the dais to pose queries of anyone in the room and permits the person to answer. The wishy-washy Marchetti showed his weakness in the ruling, also a disdain for his own rules to say nothing of free speech. This is the type of limp “leadership” that has held the city back for far too long.

Long Division — This weekend is the favorite of many NFL fans. The divisional matchups offer two games Saturday and two on Sunday. Winners advance to the conference finals. Losers go home. The only Northeast team left? The dynastic New England Patriots, whose unparalleled run of success has installed an impossibly high standard: Super Bowl or bust. How many other teams in the league would love to have won their 10th straight divisional title, appeared in the past eight conference championships, and played in three out of the past four Super Bowls winning two of them? Some “bad” year! Of course, the Red Sox winning the World Series gives Boston the most recently contested world title of the four majors. With all the winning, Boston fans are forever playing with house money!

Drinks on Us — People hear what they want to hear and do the same with their understandings. When we offer intelligent critiques of social, political, and cultural conditions, some like to blast us for finding fault. However, in our previous column, we offered seven qualities shared by healthy cities — seven specific solutions for moving forward. Few, if any, commented on the positivity. They rarely do when we offers solutions. The glass is never half empty or half full as long as someone is drinking.

With that, let us open the comment lines.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


Last year’s words belong to last year’s language. Next years words await another voice” — T. S. Eliot.



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6 years ago

Beneke says school lunches in Pittsfield cost $400,00 per month according to an article in iBerkshires. Back when I was in school the whole school system was run on that much.
Perhaps an audit of this account would be a fun project for an independent overseer.

It may not be city money but still seems like a lot of cash. If a parent cannot afford to make his or her kid a lunch for school there must a be a lot more wrong in that family that needs looking into.

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

They all have the disease and the man has gotten them down. Therefore, they (un)knowingly share these wonderful traits with their brood through inferential means. Not saying they are shooting their kids up, but they pick up on the general lack of class and resilience and see it as normal

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  LoneGunMan
6 years ago

Resilience of kids? If the school administrations had faith in the ‘resilience’ of their staff then they would consolidate schools and lay off 1/2 the teachers/paras. But we can’t because the unions would boo ducking hoo and not get employed again. And why would they not get other jobs? Because go in a school and see these the old crones – they only have their jobs in a school because of a connection or gobsig. The results show how incompetent the Pittsfield and Berkshire schools largely are. Many of these old and young crones should be put out to pasture but the administration doesn’t – because THOSE people have no resilience to manage in life without patronage opportunities. Sack the lot of them and let them fuck off to Boca still boo hoping.,

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

400 g you dummy.

Reply to  h
6 years ago

Yeah, that is a huge amount of money. But, as every kid in Pittsfield is allocated Free Lunch I’m guessing that sum of money is the entire food service budget, including staff, not just the food, for 6 or so schools. Imagine if that money was given to the families of each kid? They would be eating prime rib. The math doesn’t add up, it has to be going to staff salaries.

Reply to  Kermit
6 years ago

Actually, I am wrong. If we are budgeting for 5000 kids a month, that is $80 a month per kid (for 20 lunches – for 4 weeks). That doesn’t seem crazy. But I’m guessing that 1/2 the kids still prefer a home lunch. It does add up.

6 years ago

Pittsfield is a small city in a small state of around 351 cities and towns, and there are 50 states. If Pittsfield gets 400,000 per month for kids that can’t afford lunch because of failed parents, despite all the other government handouts, such as free groceries, free or subsidized apartment, subsidized heat, Obama phones, etc, just do the math, across this once great country, and therein lies the answer to The question What’s wrong with America? Over 3 million per year for free lunch in Pittsfield???? Houston, we have a problem.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

We forget,the federal money poured into Pittsfield during the 60s because we built arms for the American military.Many subsidiaries for us here 50 years ago.Our claim to being a vibrant city was our Congressman Conte and that was our good fortune.We died alot the day he died.All of our contracts went away.We were tied at the hip with him being the head of Ways and Means…..formula for success just changed to another town in some other district

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Another good article from Planet Valenti, on Robbin’ Roberts not to throw the Petes a life raft or anything but why is it that the esteemed Council follows Demeter Manual of Parliamentary Law’s and the less esteemed School Committee follows Robbin Roberts rules ?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Any public body has the right to adopt its own rules and procedures. No st of them do not adopt anything.

6 years ago

When President Trump visited the border yesterday, 500 lbs of drugs (Fentanyl and Heroin) has just been confiscated by ICE agents. These 500 lbs of drugs would have killed or addicted many people in this country and that was just one batch of many drugs that are stopped by ICE agents at the border. This is a manufactured crisis according to the far left. Although it wasn’t a manufactured crisis over the summer when the far left was screaming “humanitarian crisis” at the border over the treatment of illegal immigrants.

When 300 people are dying per week of drug addictions, we do have a crisis in this country when dangerous drugs are coming in from an unprotected border. When MS-13 gangs are coming in and other people from dangerous parts of the world. Some drugs do come in from ports of entry, but with thousands of miles of unprotected border, we know these drugs are coming into the country other ways as well.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, at least Trump has shut much of the government down so that should be helpful. MAGA In fact, why do we even need these people in the first place?

And taking money normally used for natural disasters is just plain genius.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

They say walls are medieval. So is the wheel. And the wheel came before walls. Wheels still work. We know this because Trump said it yesterday. In fact, he went out and looked at the Secret Service’s cars, the expensive cars, and all the cars in the parking lot. They all had wheels. The wheels still work.

Trump said all of the above during his visit to Texas.

There has never been a wall built that hasn’t been breached and that includes the Great Wall of China. The U.S. Border Patrol took a saw and in minutes cut a hole in Trump’s latest proposed steel slat wall. They also showed his royal hindass Trump tunnels under the existing stretches of wall.

Anyone who thinks we need a wall and that it’s going to work has been at the Trump Kool-Aid Bar one sip too long. As for the war on drugs, the United Nations admitted last year that said war was a lost cause. We have more Trump supporters addicted to prescription opiate painkillers from his rich friends at the drug companies. Legal drugs do more damage than illegal ones.

All arguments for the wall from the orange idiot in the White House are just more Trumpian BS, and in that regard, he is the Grand Master.

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Ladders are medieval too.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

The experts did not believe in the 25 billion dollar concrete wall when Mexico was paying for it.It won’t stop drugs coming into America

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

It was found in the Port of Philadelphia Pat.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

No, School Committee, I watched the ICE agents on television seize the drugs at the unprotected border.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Fake news Pat,you’re getting good at that.

6 years ago

Liberal reporter Jim Acosta visited a steel fenced area of the border yesterday and said that it was unbelievably quiet and peaceful here. No crisis according to him. Jim didn’t realize that the whole reason it was so quiet and peaceful was because of the giant steel fencing. Really Jim? This is why fencing is needed on the other thousands of miles of the border. You have proved President Trump’s point.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat didja see the steel slat bars somebody cut right through with a torch? Who would have ever guessed that could happen?

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Wheels. We still have wheels. Cars have wheels. They still work.

Trump says technology won’t work. He KNOWS! He’s a genius at technology. He said so. He also said he doesn’t have a computer at either his office or home and doesn’t do the email thing. Twitter doesn’t count. Twitter is for the mindless tweens whining about their latest zit before tonight’s date.

Trump supporters believe he’s in touch with them. RIGHT! How many of you own a gold trimmed apartment and sit on a golden toilet to drop your morning load? That’s the man you think gives a rat’s ass about you.

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Disgusting reply Truthsayer. If you have to resort to bathroom humor to make your point, I’m thinking you don’t have a point. So much for those on the far left wanting to have an intelligent conversation about the issues facing this country. They just want to mock and change the subject because they KNOW their arguments against border security are weak!!

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I think Dan is losing control of this site. If these disgusting posts are allowed to stay up on this site it’s bye-bye for me.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Does Trump have a gold trimmed apartment in New York? Yes.
Does Trump in fact have a gold toilet? Yes.
Does Trump care about you? Perhaps as much as any man crushing a bug can care about anyone.

Factually – and this is from Trump’s own State Department – illegal crossings from Mexico are at the lowest point in history. No terrorist has ever – repeat EVER – come across the border from Mexico.

If you’re buying into Trump’s nonsense, you are most definitely likely to fall for an email scan from a Nigerian prince who wants to send you $20 million provided you just send your bank info.

Trump is allegedly a billionaire. If border security and our safety is so important, why doesn’t he offer the first billion dollars of the $5.7 billion he’s asking for? Why doesn’t he produce the check from Mexico for his wall? Oh! That’s right! The money from the new trade agreement which doesn’t even go into effect until 2021 will pay for it, despite the fact there is no legal provision for it.

How foolish are you that you buy Trump’s nonsensical rants?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Gross comments are usually a way to avoid discussing the topic, but I understand what you are saying Dan V.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

It’s really about mouthing Trump statements as the 1 and only truth.

Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

But they had to work at it didn’t they Dusty (if what you say is true and not coming from CNN) and maybe by the time they reached their goal, those heroic ICE agents would stop them. ICE agents are saving lives in this country. Americans of all races are dying on a daily basis from drugs. That’s a crisis. We need to protect our citizens!!!!

We need to start caring about Americans as much as those in the media worry about illegal immigrants.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, you criticize Dusty for possibly getting his information from CNN, yet you supply us all with a link to Fox news? That’s really funny.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Hello Harrison. The news about Jim Acosta is all over the internet. I just happened to use the FOX link so the joke is on you.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat yeah. We should start Caringg about all Americans. Scump only cares about you and the rest of the morons who call him president. I call him a buffoon and you also for following this dictator. You will get burnt. That is a certainty sooner of later.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, there are nine members of congress whose districts lie along the border. All oppose the wall. Although eight of those are Democrats, congressman Will Hurd who has the largest stretch (820 miles in Texas) is Republican.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

No doubt they have large fences around their property.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Jim did not say that,he reported that people who live there said it was a vert peaceful no crime nice town….again Pat that was what the people who live there said to him

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Yes, very peaceful thanks to the steel fence.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, if Trump is looking for the medieval look he might consider a moat. A moat loaded with alligators and piranhas. And FOX news could film the immigrants being chewed to pieces and play it Trump while he was having his evening cheeseburger

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Bill Clinton was the cheeseburger lover Johnny Absurd. Bill finally needed a triple bypass thanks to his love of fast food. President Trump looks very healthy and young for his age in my opinion.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Harrison I’m afraid pat is too far gone for repatriation. I think any of our attempts to help her fall on deaf ears. How sad!!!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

The lovely Linda Tyer inherited all of the problems people criticize her for as Mayor of Pittsfield! Instead of “blame GE”, it is now “blame Linda”.
I am not using her lousy predecessors as an excuse for her performance. However, she came to the plate with two strikes against her.
Gaetani is very negative, and his toady “art seller” uses disparaging put downs when anyone criticizes him. Gaetani is a fringe political gadfly, and he comes across as another false savior like the late Peter Arlos. Gaetani is basing his would be political career on opposing Mayor Linda Tyer, who I believe is the best Mayor of Pittsfield EVER!
That being said, a healthy election means a competitive campaign where people and voters get involved in their community. I hope Pittsfield politics has a positive campaign season.
– Jonathan Melle

6 years ago

First it was Einstein and then Tesla and Maybe Marconi as the greatest,but it was really trump all along.

Let’s all celebrate today lets get high,it’s now legal.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Pot is still a federal crime and alcohol isn’t.

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

California is collecting millions of dollars less in taxes than they thought. Because their taxes on pot are so high many peeps are buying their product from their local dealer because it is cheaper. Look for the same thing to happen in Mass. as the greedy Midas government shoots itself in the foot once again.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Gaetani should be in jail. It still boggles my mind how someone who impersonates a sitting district court judge, breaks into motor vehicles, harasses and intimidates city officials and employees, and engages in other less desirable criminal behaviours is still a free man.

He’s a nutcase who belongs in Bridgewater or on Cheshire Road.

Re-election Pittsfield Mayor Linda M. Tyer.

Bill Q
Bill Q
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Fake news to advance the failed policies of the current regime. Gaetani for Mayo.

Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Is Gaetani running for mayor? I haven’t seen any press release. I imagine Tyer will be unopposed. The aggravation is not worth the money.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Bill Q
6 years ago

Gaetani for BLT

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Good one, X. Most definitely a product of Pittsfield public schools.

Already Tyered
Already Tyered
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

What’s the big deal? Harrington is impersonating a DA.

Reply to  Already Tyered
6 years ago

And the mayor is impersonating someone who gives a shit about the burden she places on the taxpayers. She is not even looking for waste or inefficient spending.

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

Can you drive while high? Can’t see the youngsters going to the lake and not smoking dope this summer.

Reply to  Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

Like liquor, you have to be 21 to indulge. Using marijuana in any form is illegal on public or federal land and driving while high is a dwi. My question is would the new D.A. prosecute any of those youngsters?

6 years ago

Demeter’s Manual of Parliamentary Law and Procedure is the authority adopted by the Council on all points, questions of debate, and parliamentary practice, when the same does not conflict with the rules and orders of the Council. (Rule 36). I do not have a copy of this laying around. Even if I did, it is moot because—

Rule 7- The motion to adjourn, a motion to lay on or take from the table, previous question shall be decided without debate.

Looks like Council President Marchetti followed the rules.

Go back to sucking eggs, WATERBOY.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

A motion to table or adjourn that receives support must be acted upon without further debate, at any point in the meeting or item. The ‘question’ is not a random query from a member to a non member, but rather the item on the agenda. Nuanced, yes, but I maintain Marchetti was correct. If the waterboy wants an unlimited soapbox, he should get elected.

6 years ago

Should we care about the 30 people that died yesterday from gun violence brought upon them by American citizens? How about the 30 that die today? Tomorrow?

Nothing to see here Pat, move along.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Yes. It is tragic. Many preventable deaths are a terrible burden to our country, particularly as we struggle to maintain our population.

There are more significant problems that require legislation and solutions that our government should be working on.

Traffic crashes , healthcare, poverty, education, the drug epidemic.

Open the government, forget the wall, and get to work, Congress and Mr. Trump!!!

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

The drug epidemic is being caused by open borders. Just yesterday 500 lbs of Fentanyl and Heroin seized at the border, but ICE agents can’t be everywhere on the border which is why we need a steel barrier. Between the barrier and the ICE agents all along the border we can save American lives from these horrific drugs.

Sum Ting Wong
Sum Ting Wong
Reply to  shakes
6 years ago

Shakes, thank the Andrea Harringtons that run the cities.

6 years ago

If someone gets pulled over for booze and pot what do they get charged with? How about just pot? Don’t forget patients use medical marijuana and drive also.

Reply to  U
6 years ago
The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump supporters use the drug alcohol.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

So only Trump supporters keep Pittsfield’s liquor stores going? How did a fool like you get to be so old Mario?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

If anyone thinks their immune from being hit with trumped up charges here in pittsfield you need only stream the Gman show of this past wednesday. He identifies what happened to to him and what he is doing about it In any event it doesnt phase him and he hasn’t missed a step in trying to help the taxpayers. Funny how some of these stone throwers dont mention his saving this city 116 million dollars in the 80’s and another 50 million in reduced water and sewer rates the past 34 years. I guess throwing stones is more important than that. As I’ve stated many times gaetani is the most important person who has ever lived in this city and is the city’s greatest benefactor of all time. Its amazing that the Gman seldom posts but he is the center of attention on this board every day. I guess people love him or hate him that’s star power.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

OK enough of the ruse Gaetani. “Art seller” is you Gaetani. You are art Seller.
The only star power you have is in the label of the 3 yr old can of tunafish in your kitchen cupboard.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Barbados
6 years ago

Bimbados. I am art seller today yesterday and will be tomorrow. Please try to sound intelligent. You offer nothing to the conversation. You share the same characteristics as most in city hall. Humans without a brain. Your just jealous you dont have the superstar status the Gman has. Your small potatoes

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Barbados
6 years ago

Yeah, Art is a big tater.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Barbados
6 years ago

Most of us do not count Subpoena’s and restraining orders as fan mail there superstar

Just sayin

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Sorry School Committee. Wrong again. I am a Trump supporter who never uses alcohol or any drugs including pot or any illegal substances and I don’t abuse prescription drugs. I don’t smoke either.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Trump supporters love Cheese also.

6 years ago

What is this Rachael Ray food guru talking about diet, she’s gained 50 lbs. it’s like that loser Jim Wilusz telling everyone a couple years ago not to eat at the all you can eat, and he looked like an overweight slob when he said that.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Marquisnut case Harasses and intimidates city officials!!!!! He should be given an award for doing that. Many woud say that’s a noble thing to do. Tell us about yourself. Do you have any accomplishments to measure against the Gmans???? Dont try to say your alive. I would think posting under your own name that you would be more careful not to libel yourself. An individual of your dubious past should be more careful. I was told that your a wanna be who never was successful. Your out of you league bub but everyone on this board knows this already. Jest saaeng.

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

Mario, does democrat Ed Buck prefer drugs or alcohol?

6 years ago

I can attest, those who badger Art or the G Man are simply not in their league. Gaetani has several accomplishments,Frits pat x Lacy’s, marquis and all th rest, give up,you could never match strides with G, even some employees that work with in his he City
Are so envious they hate him, because they could never be him. Suck it up and start throwing stones at sometching else,niches……just sayin..?

Reply to  H
6 years ago

I would never want to be like the G Man. So, no, I’m not envious at all. He is obsessed with President Trump and many of his ideas are just not well thought out in my opinion.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  H
6 years ago

no one badgers Art or the Gman. He incessantly puts forth comments of little or no value then haring’s anyone who doesn’t agree with him. He has no self confidence as demonstrated in his continual over inflation of his worth to the city. Yet he is a narcissist who also has both maturity and social adjustment issues with an inability to act within societal norms. I mean whats not to love right?

Just sayin

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Please read the link and tell me who comes to mind

just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Jimmy Norberto?

Reply to  mi
6 years ago

Barely Clearmount. DOW DOWn today.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Dr. Fritz wholeheartedly agrees with Joe’s diagnosis of Art.
Spot on!

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Pat,let me ask you a question you probably know, how much does a joint cost at the new pot stores?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Dan I didn’t read your entire blog before I posted today but I agree fully with what you say about successors to predesessors using the excuses that they inherited a mess. During the mayoral campaign those runing for the office should clearly have a road map as to what they will do to clear up the messes created by their predecessors. Secretary tyer by any stretch of the imagination is nothing short of a total failure without a single accomplishment to point to for her three years in office. If one takes the time to study her state of the city speech one would find it was one lie after another. She is as you stated in the same league as the former failures before her. If you ask anyone other than the special interest groups if they are better off today than they were three years ago before she was elected you would get a resounding no. She like her predessors was a special interest candidate and these types of electees all turn out to be failures who have the Gaul to run for subsequent additional terms having no shame. Until a candidate comes forward who can pretend to be a panderer until elected and after election move his or her agenda not being fearful of the special interest groups can real change occur in this city. This is the recipe to save our city. Short of this dont look for any change because special interest candidates can’t foster real change.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

NYT FBI opened inquiry into whether trump was secretly working on behalf of Russia. This is incredible. We all need to follow this development whether we are republicans or democrats. We are all Americans. This is very serious.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

About as serious as your run for mayor.

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Shelly you would know better than me about the cost of pot since I don’t use it. According to School Committee Dems are big pot users.

6 years ago

Once a cobra bit the Waterboy’s’ leg. After five days of excruciating pain, the cobra died

6 years ago

Brett Favre can throw a football over 50 yards. The waterboy can throw Brett Favre even further.

6 years ago

Just to be clear, I’m mocking you.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Shakes the Gman use to be a quarterback in the NFL. Turns out his arm was as powerful as his brain. Every time he threw a pass the ball flew out of the stadium. He was cut from the team and had to settle for being a world class scientist. Poor Gman.

6 years ago

Doug Fluie would be more believable.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Why in the world would any common sense person support a political dopey statement about a wall.Nancy Pelosi brilliantly warned Trump supporters that it’s not about the wall,it’s about your retirement and your healthcare and if you don’t wake up you will still be talking about the wall.

6 years ago

Trump will cave in, he is a rotten sob but he wants gratification now rather than glory after life.

6 years ago

Art, have you seen the latest with investigation?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

H Are you talking about what I just posted a few minutes ago about the FBI investigating trump???? I just came home .What have you heard????

6 years ago

Art: can you please direct me to any of the g-man’s scholarly research articles? I assume there are many published in double-blind peer reviewed journals.

They are probably hidden under his secret, invisible war medals.

Art seller
Art seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Yup That’s where he keeps them. Some day they will be worth millions.

Reply to  Art seller
6 years ago

You do realize he’s a fraud, right?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The number 1 most important story in the last 50 years has just broke about Trump and I hope it can be addressed in a realistic manor by this blog or people who have been in denial will stand up and admit that this man needs to go .We appear to be in great danger with this kook as our leader

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC This would cause any sane minded individual to jump scumps ship but the key word is Sane. This is unchartered territory and scump appears to be a traitor. The greatest disgrace who has ever held the office of the president. I’m wondering if this will move pat in any way?? Poor pat. I feel sorry for her. She appears to be a lost soul. In a sense she is responsible for the trumps of the world because she doesnt accept proven factual data. They have a word for people like pat but she probably feels bad already knowing scump is going bye bye soon. Jest saaaen.

6 years ago

You are waaaaaay too dramatic

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Yes, the latest has him boxed into a corner like one of those fritz rats,on our gang comedy late night on dtyv. It’s going to be a great weekend, Dow is down,pats play,trump has long weekend ahead of him,and Cohen next, all the while fed workers are getting pissed at he and now Mc Connell.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump Fellas
6 years ago

TF The real super bowl will be televised world wide on Feb 7th. The shows title is Cohen sing scump melodies. I’m having a party that day. Do you know where I can get a scump pinata doll?? Or scumpie bears? After the show everyone gets to beat the crap out of these effigies until there is nothing left of them. After that everyone can wipe there feet on them before they come back in the house so they dont soil my rugs. Do you want to attend the scump butchering party???

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Yes,I’ll bring some cheese.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, give us your predictions for the playoffs. I want to bet the the other way and make a fortune.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lachs: I like the chargers but do the opposite that way I win either way. Capiech?????. Your not very bright. I thought you were smarter than that.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

I wish I could be in Arts League league. Looks like I’ll try for a wayfair position in the dumpster.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump actions are so anti American that his behavior set off a series of inquires to see if Puttin has taken control of America.There is a reason Trumpht does not speak ill of Puttin.The story and the truth of Don Trumpht in unfolding….Rudi Julliani shame on you,Sean Hannity shame on you…..all this for money

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

We know who was really colluding with Russia and it wasn’t President Trump. All of this increase in Russian power and daring to attempt to influence our elections happened during the Obama administration. Putin saw Obama as weak and wimpy and felt he could get away with whatever he wanted and he did. Obama was helping him by doing absolutely nothing to stop Putin.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

When it all over we will read and investigate what happened to our journalist of the history of these events.You are watching events in real time right now.You have got to ask yourself what are you seeing unfold.Anyone wonder how the German story of the 20 century began ,this is how it started and where will it go and who wont stand up against the lies.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Mario, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Trump ,because of his behavior had to be investigated to see if he was working on behalf of Russia.Trump always plays dumb to his actions.Our goverment believes he is could be compromised.Amazing story about why his action were and are still flaging investigators all brought on by this very dangerous man.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

More fake news School Committee. I know you and your side got really excited about it, but if you read further in the article in the New York Times you will read that there is “no evidence” that this was happening. The so-called “bombshell” by the New York Times was just “a bomb” that fizzled. They are just trying to sell newspapers to gullible people on the left who are obsessed with Trump impeachment.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

More twilight Zone pablum puking frm Pat. Pat the pablum puker, do you realize in you the significance of this story? Do you understand what it means?

Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Do you know what it means Shelly? Please enlighten us when the New York Times admits there is NO EVIDENCE just more of a fishing expedition. We have been hearing NO EVIDENCE for the past 3 years. There was more evidence in REAL TIME, as School Committee calls it, about Hillary with Uranium One, her email fiasco, and Benghazi and we know that Hillary has so far walked away from all of it thanks to a media that protects anyone on the left from punishment for any wrongdoing by not doing any actual investigative work. The media and Mueller have been intensively investigating President Trump for 3 years and have NOTHING.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The uranium must stay on our soil per Federal law. You realize they, right Pattycakes?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

You’re right Pat. Everyone associated with him are getting indicted, but I will wait until the final Mueller report to make my call. I do know that Trump is a con and am amazed that the salt-of-the-earth Trump supporters that pride themselves on being able to smell BS five miles away can’t see that.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Shakes, not true what you say about uranium. We are the worlds 3rd largest exporter.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

“According to the report released in June by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz on the FBI’s handling of the Clinton email investigation, federal prosecutors and FBI agents told the independent watchdog that witnesses in the probe lied during interviews, but that agents and prosecutors did not pursue false statements charges.”

We know why. Too many in the FBI were chummy with Hillary. We have seen all of them….Comey and family (big Hillary supporters), Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Rosenstein….all of them not doing their jobs, but instead being very political….something the FBI is NOT supposed to be doing. The media of course in collusion with the far left so they weren’t doing their job. Only when it comes to Trump does the media care to sniff around to find wrongdoing and they really don’t care if they have to make it up as they go along.

Boris Badenov
Boris Badenov
6 years ago

Could Trump have been a spy.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Boris Badenov
6 years ago

Acheshirecat shakes is a very well known liar in this city. It has been a liar it’s entire life. It has no acvomplishments. And is very jealous of those who do. It was barred from posting on topic many times and is back on this board spinning yarns. In a word a Buffoon. Never any friends in his employment and a butt of many jokes. It is a known quantity and one needs to get factual corroboration of anything it says. A very dangerous buffoon.

6 years ago

Trump is the narcissist. He belies him and his family are above the law. His is an incredible story and is probably true. I think Cohen will tell us a lot more at Congressional al Meeting-inquiry. Seems like the whole family including the President had a quid pro quo deal with Russia,probably for his greed.

This is High Treason at its worst. Hanging is the penalty in many countries.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

It’s not just impeachment, but now it’s a public hanging. Wow!!!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

He could easily be convicted of treason but his Russian backed Senators would block that just like they have been roadblocking the whole congressional investigation. And one wonders why someone like Mitch McConnel, the horney old fart, would hamper an investigation. Was he in Russia with Trump when the pee tape was made??/ How about Lindsey Grahmn? Devein Nunez definitely had to be.

But Trump does not care about anyone or anything and that is what makes him so dangerous to every American. By now he has probably looted the treasury and given all military secrets to Putin. I did not even read this anywhere. I just believe Trump would do such things. I really do.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Are a lot of people on this site drinking heavily and/or taking illegal substances?!? Waiting for some clear thinking to happen here.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat there is plenty of clear thinking going on in the dem controlled congress. They will correct all of scumps mis steps. When are you going to be able to accept factual data. Those who deny factual data pose a big problem for the rest of us. Do you believe the earth is round?? If yes how would you deal with those who say it is flat. You probably say this is ridiculous and yes just as ridiculous as those who believe scumps nonsense. If you think that scump is going to get better and win the Hearst’s of the majority. You are kidding yourself. You are watching the beginning of the end of scump. And as I told someone else on this board today. If you want the truth you have to look for it and know where to look.You won’t find a whale in the desert and you won’t find the truth on fox or at breitbart. It simply isn’t there.

6 years ago

Trump will prevail.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Scump: ” I fired Comey for this Russia thing” This my friends and enemies is obstruction of justice. All the Scumpsters please respond using whatever intelligence you have left. I especially would like to hear from the empty minded sycophants who dont know right from wrong. Pat,fritz,shakes,acute pinhead,lachs marquis,Barbados,gigi. Have I missed any idiots?? Oh yes and lost soul melle. Please give it your best as to why you still support scump. Fire away.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Very fake news.

6 years ago

Happy retirement Ruth Buzzie Ginsburg.

6 years ago

Trump has purchased two new homes. One is Siberia,lakefront ….and one about a half mile out of Leavenworth Kansas.

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

What’s in Kansas?

6 years ago

The Wizard….just sayin….

Agent 86
Agent 86
6 years ago

The City of Pittsfield is seeking a qualified and distinguished individual to fill the position of City Solicitor, who shall bring a healthy diversity of legal expertise, perspective, and opinion as the City’s legal counsel. In accordance with the provisions outlined in City Code, Chapter 2, Article III, and under the general direction of the Mayor, the Solicitor prosecutes and defends all actions involving the City’s interests and shall advise the Mayor, public officials, public school system, boards, departments, and agencies. The incumbent shall draft and/or approve legal documents, and represent the City before legislature. The Solicitor aids in the development and implementation of City policies, programs, plans, and procedures, and performs other duties as required by the Mayor or as dictated by job responsibilities.

The successful candidate will have outstanding interpersonal skills, be confident in their decision-making abilities, and overall demonstrate a solid command for the practice of municipal law.

• Responsible for all legal affairs involving the City of Pittsfield; responsible for the administration of the City’s law department functions as dictated by City Code, Massachusetts General Law, and Federal law.
• Makes frequent contact with other City departments, City Councilors, public officials, other attorneys and their clients, and has occasional contact with the general public; furnishes legal advice to the Mayor, City Council, City Departments, School Department, boards, committees, etc.
• Represents the City, its boards, agencies, departments, and officials in the prosecution of all actions and other legal proceedings and suits on its or their behalf.
• Represents the City’s interests in any matter before the Federal, Superior, Appeals, and Supreme Judicial courts, all administrative agencies of the Commonwealth and the District Court in which the interest and welfare of the City and it’s officials and employees may be directly or indirectly affected.
• Attends and provides legal advice at all meetings of the City Council and meetings of other City boards and commissions as required/requested.
• Communicates with attorneys representing private and public interest, judges, court personnel, etc.
• Researches and renders opinions as to various legal issues which impact the City and its various boards, commissions and agencies; responsible for the preparation, filing, and provision of pleadings, discovery documents, briefs, etc. for court and administrative proceedings, as well as contracts, leases, conveyances, ordinances, deeds, and other legal documents/instruments as needed and/or requested.
• Performs administrative tasks related to preparation of annual department budget and report; participates in department/staff meetings.
• Prepares and approves proposed ordinances for final adoption.
• Performs other related duties as necessary to accomplish job objective in an effective manner.

• Education: must have graduated with a 4-year degree and Juris Doctor from an accredited institution
• Experience: must possess 5 years or more of experience in the practice of law, with previous experience in municipal law preferred.
• Special requirements: licensed attorney admitted to practice in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, as well as in Federal Courts.
• Must possess extensive knowledge of municipal law, previous professional experience in the following areas: Civil Trial and Appellate practice, administrative, environmental, zoning and land use, public sector, worker’s compensation, civil service law areas.
• Ability to organize, interpret and apply legal principles, knowledge, and judgment to complex legal problems.

• Ability to meet and effectively deal with persons interested or involved in suits against the City; ability to deal effectively and in a collaborative manner with elected officials and other City employees.
• Ability to plan and supervise the work of other professional staff in Law Department.
• Excellent interpersonal skills; must be able to readily comprehend business objectives; clearly and concisely articulate legal implications, alternatives, and ramifications.
• Must be a strong advocate on behalf of City objectives and positions; highly skilled negotiator; discerns and clarifies essential issues.

Monday – Friday, 8:30AM – 4:00PM
(Some evening hours may periodically be required to attend various City meetings.)

Salary: $78,629.01-$88,962.72

Deadline to apply: Friday, January 18, 2019 @ 4:00PM

For full job description and/or to apply, please visit our careers page,

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Agent 86. This set of qualifications seems a perfect fit for Jonathan melle. Hey if tyer can be mayor and Bouvier state rep and Harrington DA im sure there is room for one more nut case like melle. I hope Jonathan sees this set of qualifications you posted. Here is your chance melle to zero in on nuciforo.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

My legal advice is as good as Gaetani’s fringe political reputation.
Good Old Boys Nuciforo, Jimmy Ruberto, Carmen Massimiano, Angelo Stracuzzi, et al, have served Pittsfield badly! They set up a big mess for the lovely Linda Tyer to deal with.
Nuciforo wants you to smoke pot!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Do they need to take a loyalty pledge? I ask because Tyer does so many things like Trump.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

How many more illegal immigrants will die trying to get to this country and encouraged by promises of free this and free that from Dems in California and New York? They have NO interest in the 300 Americans dying per week from illegal drugs coming over the border, but they are actively worried about making sure illegal immigrants make it into the country.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Ha ha, both your comments are hysterrical!!

6 years ago

Seeing all of these accolades for the Great One, I had to chime in. Gaetani is waaaay under the radar as far as importance, to not only the taxpayer but the County as well. Don’t forget, he also has saved countless millions for the other towns in the community.

Such a selfless gentleman deserves a congrats,as well as some kind of award as one of our greatest benefactors. Ask yourself, how much would these rates have been without the G Man?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  h
6 years ago

Delusions of grandeur.

6 years ago

Tens of millions?

6 years ago

I’m not sure but translated delusions of grandeur means 150 m plus.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Delusions of grandeur means you and all your aliases are completely nuts!

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

Yes, I remember the Bossidy million dollar to improve playing fields,it ended up like a slush fund. Now, pickleball enthusiasts want to use C P A funds for courts.gasssssssssp.

6 years ago

Delusions of grandeur is currently occupying the White House.

6 years ago

Obama had no problem saying we had a humanitarian crisis on the border in 2014 and the media was falling over itself agreeing with him. Now we have the media in collusion with the far left putting down President Trump for saying the exact same thing since he is facing similar circumstances of human trafficking, dangerous drugs coming into the country, and the potential spread of diseases like swine flu if we allow people to just walk in without being properly checked for disease. The only difference is that President Trump is trying to do something about it while President Obama said something needed to be done, but didn’t do anything about the problem. There is so much phoniness by the media on this issue.