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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 28, 2019) — One subject that needs to be added to the public school curriculum is money. THE PLANET first learned about money and how it works in grammar school. We had our first bank book in first grade.

Today, it’s not just kids who have an appalling lack of knowledge of money, finance, and economics.

THE PLANET shares 25 economic principles as food for thought. They form the basis of a rational approach to that greatest abstraction: coin of the realm.

1. The federal government is ignorant of the nation’s economy.

2. To present capitalism and communism as white versus black is a false dichotomy. There is a third way that takes advantage of capitalism’s free markets and the theoretical security blanket offered by communism. That being said, capitalism stands undefeated against all challengers as the most viable economic system, since it is the only one that takes into account human greed.

3. Money is not a commodity. It is an abstract unit of value that measures work. Nothing more.

4. Incentive is the engine of social and personal progress.

5. Data and information can take the emotion and “hunch managing” out of economics, particularly investment.

6. Usury is exploitive and non-productive.

7. Every war in history has had economic causes.

8. Money should be distributive in character.

9. Good economic policy is the basis of good government.

10. Economics should be separate from politics.

11. When politics infect economic policy, monopoly often results. Monopoly as a force quickly overtakes democratic imperatives. This may be good. This may be bad.

12. The production and regulation of money is the central issue for any society.

13. Crashes occur in only four areas: stock markets, banking, commodity markets, or foreign exchanges.

14. Currencies at the bedrock of reality are essentially worthless. Lacking insufficient hard backing (i.e., precious metals), currencies operate solely on trust.

15. War as an economic stimulus is invariably a losing proposition except when war can be made continuous. That’s why the Cold War (1945-1990, including Korea and Vietnam) gave way to the current adventurism in the Middle East. That has gone unstopped since 1991, Sept. 11, 2001 giving it momentum for a lifetime.

16. America should return to a right-sized, peacetime economy.

17. Sound money (low taxes, high interest rates) encourage growth.

18. “Progressive” taxes punish the wealthy and middle class, stifling growth and development.

19. Excessive taxation removes productive money from the market.

20. Tax cuts are the best way to stimulate an economy.

21. Debt only increases the pressures to produce more “worthless” paper.

22. Easy credit encourages reckless spending.

23. Unsustainable borrowing leads to speculative bubbles that ultimately damage economies.

24. As a curb on easy credit, an economy does best to return to the backing of currency with precious metals.

25. We must drop the prevailing illusions that the federal government is the answer to every social problem. It’s not.

———- 000 ———-

THE PLANET realizes we are treading into the realm where the knowers don’t know. That’s when the guessers guess (Dr. Charles Trzcinka, excepted, of course).

Kick a buck.

Meanwhile, in a peak ahead, THE PLANET has heard from multiple sources both within and without the D.A.’s office. There are rumblings. We have contacted the D.A. herself, shared a summary of what we’re hearing, and asked for her comments, if she has any. Stay tuned.

Au Revoir.


Est deus nobis agitante callesimus illo (A god is within us, and with his stirring we take fire)” — Ovid.



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6 years ago

Kampala Harris for president. Free pre-school, free health insurance, free college, and tear down those walls. What could possibly go wrong? She even resembles Mayor Tyer

6 years ago

Does number 23 effect Pittsfield? I am sure the lid is on tight but I wonder what the debt load is for the city of Pittsfield. Could either the mayor or Barry tell us and also what is the annual interest the taxpayers are digging deep for?

Who holds the debt?

Is this a subject, like crime, that the mayor and Kerwood would rather not discuss in public?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  dusty
6 years ago

Dusty I dont know the current debt load but I know that if the Gman doesnt get these water and sewer projects nixed or reduced there will be 160 million dollars added to the present load. That spells DISASTER. Might you agree????

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

People paid minimum wage recirculate every penny back into the economy creating more wealth.Its the perfect part of Capitalism and the easiest to measure.The more you raise min wage the more wealth you create. Billions of wealth pulled out of the economy because individuals cant spend it to recirculate creates no wealth.

Tequila Mockingbird
Tequila Mockingbird
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

The more you raise min wage the more McDonald’s and other people go to self service kiosks.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Could the Beacon install outside lighting and make for a more attractive night walk.Could the Mayor cut limbs on 1st street to expose more light to this unsafe street.Lets light up the hood.The street lights in Pittsfield are so low you might as well turn them off.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC Agree with both of your posts.

Roman Nose
Roman Nose
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Condider switching to LEDs, More light @ a lower energy cost $ Savings

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Roman Nose
6 years ago

City already converting to LED…..brighter, Me and G man see fat chick better now.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Love #25!
The #1 job of the government is to protect its citizens. Build the damn wall!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

A wall or fence protecting our country is a “medieval vanity project” according to presidential hopeful Kamala Harris. The message being that only people who have big egos want to protect their country. That idea is right up there with “it’s racist and/or immoral to want to protect our country with a wall or fence” which the far left has also put forth as another reason to NOT build a barrier on our southern border. We already have built hundreds of miles of fencing on some of the border and it wasn’t called racist, egotistical or immoral then.

The #1 job of the government has always been to protect the country. That idea has been demolished by the far left. They want government to allow open borders and they want social engineering to be the number one concern of government.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Again Pat, as usual, none of what you say here is true. Liberals, progressives Democrats and just about everyone else care just as much about appropriate immigration and border security as you and your regressive whacko friends. To say otherwise, and especially to spout flat out lies like that we want open borders, makes you look foolish. The question is how to do it. An ego driven wall is not the answer. $5 billion could be used much more productively and effectively

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G

Agree, and it should done by legislation in Congress, not by this dictator, who is dreanged and chaotic.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

I agree with both Mr. G and Spa girl. Good common sense.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

Congress hasn’t done anything to fix illegal immigration. I put ZERO hope into them fixing any problem Besides, the way the far left wants to fix the problem is NO BORDERS.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

The Government should never be shut down and used as a pawn. He lives a pipe dream headed to nowhere.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

If you don’t have a fence Mr. G, you have open borders. No drone or Ice Agent can take care of an entire border. Besides, ICE Agents are like Nazi’s in the opinion of the far left so they certainly want to get rid of them if they were in charge. What could a drone do to stop people crossing the border?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Ironically some of these illegal immigrants that Pat dislikes so much were good enough to work at Trumps resorts. And they were hired because they would work cheaper than the Americans he said.

So I guess Trump loves money more than he hates immigrants. go figger.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Oh boy, here we go, I’m racist and hate illegal immigrants because I want a secure border. No, I want legal immigrants to come into the country as has always been done in the past.

This is the same nonsense the Progressives pulled on the people in France. You’re a racist and hate people if you want to protect your borders. Now France is overrun with terrorists and the people are fed up!!!

Ozias Vincelette
Ozias Vincelette
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

If walls are nor effective, why did President Obama, President Clinton, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer all support them at one time or another?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
6 years ago

OV They all supported them because they werent thinking at the time. A wall is not the answer and the majority of Americans also dont agree with the building of the wall. Soon technology will produce Drone transport technology which will transport immigrants anywhere they so chose. How will a wall deter that??? We need smart technology not a ,5th century solution. Are you the man from Mensa???

Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
6 years ago

Illegal immigrants will be able to afford drone technology?!? We need all 3 for border protection, drones, ice agents and a physical barrier. Also any latest technology too. We live in dangerous times Mr. Art Seller. This isn’t like the early years of the country when it was first being settled. We live in the Age of Terrorism, dangerous gangs, and disease. Your attitude of “They will just get in anyway” is NOT acceptable!!!

I just heard that flesh eating bacteria in a new strain could enter the county if we do NOT protect our borders. People need to be quarantined before entering this country. This is protect your family as well as the families and friends of everyone in this country!!!

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
6 years ago

G man wheel older than wall and still worky pretty good.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
6 years ago

Unless G man invent star trek force field wall needed .

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Ozias Vincelette
6 years ago

G man no want wall. He think fat chick no can climb over. He disapointed.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

When you so rich you run out of things to buy and then your money cant participate in capitalism so it just these are very lazy dollars.America needs high energy dollars.The higher min wage goes the more we have a energetic economy.Letting wealth sleep is bad for the economy.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Letting “Big Government” take everybody’s money (socialism) is bad for the citizens of a country. It leads to corruption, violence and the bankrupting of a country. We see examples all over the world right now of socialist countries that are imploding.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat, where did Trump get the trillion dollars he gave in tax breaks to the already super rich? Just curious.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

The same place that Obama got it when the rich were doing very well during his presidency and it was all beautiful according to the liberal media.

Why don’t the very wealthy like Soros, the Obamas, and the Clintons start giving 70% or more of their wealth to big government? They could start right now and set an example of just how this would work. They might have to downsize their mansion and sell some of their properties and own only one very expensive vehicle and stop all the endless traveling and eating out, but it could be done.

Supernatet Harenae
Supernatet Harenae
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Tax cuts stimulate the economy and cause more tax revenue to be generated. Ask JFK.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny. Pat isn’t aware that the 1.5 trillion scump gave to the rich came from her pocket. After all why should she not believe him. After all he has only told over 8500 confirmed lies. Maybe if he tells one more whopper she will realize she has been duped but I doubt she will.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The liberal media tells so many lies everyday and you praise them to the heavens!!!!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat,we are very very conservative country.Where are people in America working under socialism?Do you work for city,state,or fed and is that your healthcare provider?Talk whats real in America not what you are afraid of.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Notice #20 – tax cuts stimulate the economy. Democrats want to raise your taxes.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Middle class consumer protector of deregulated bank and financial services want to tax the wealthy at 2%…not one person in Pittsfield would be taxed.Why do the poor defend the wealthy.Amazing to think how the Republicans converted the poor to defend them

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Hillary is in your basement right now packing up your Rembrandts. OMG

Can you people spell P A R A N O I D???

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Yes johnny. Its spelled SCUMP.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Mr. Valenti you were asked by me to remove shakes from this board because he is a coward and outright liar. He is unjustly denigrating a decorated Vietnam veteran. He has further added other false information regarding Mr. Gaetani’s rank. I have seen from you stating you knew who shakes was. If you are truly interested in stopping a liar in their tracks you can call Mr. Gaetani and he will provide all the information necessary to Prove that this miscreant shakes is a bald face liar. I and everyone else on this board who value the truth are awaiting your reply to this very serious matter. You have redacted several of my posts which were mild in comparison to the lies this individual is telling. We are talking about an individual who is a decorated Vietnam veteran and one of the most important people to ever live in pittsfield who has also been recognized by a former mayor a and city council for bringing his technology to the attention of the city of pittsfield and seeing the project thru to completion. impugning the record of a decorated. Veteran is a very serious matter to all veterans. Again in the interest of all veterans. Ban this individual shakes for life from this board. He or she is a danger to all veterans who have put their life on the line for our country. Everyone on this board who believes in the truth is awaiting your response. If you need to contact Mr. Gaetani. His telephone number is 413 442 5466. Thank you from all veterans who have bravely served their country.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

It’s one thing to name call and although I don agree with art all the time, you cannot disparage vets like.Shakes,does,he should be banned. He-she does both,and insults many on here,sick off it myself. Think shakes is also fritz pat sc many more.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What were his decorations for?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

They were for his Xmas tree. Where do you people come from????

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Shakes has a right to ask questions regarding Art’s outrageous claims. If anyone should be banned from the blog – it is you, Art, for your insults & derogatory comments about anyone who disagrees with your opinions.

Quite frankly, the period of time over the weekend without Art’s posts turned out to be a welcome relief from his usual egocentric obnoxious epistles.

Art – why don’t you start your own blog, instead of bloghogging this site?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz The Mental Midget Strikes Again. Not capable of even stringing together a single coherent sentence. Sad so very Sad. Just saeing.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Art’s outrageous claims!!!! State just one.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I saw Gaetani and Shakes at the pet store.Both were byuing Piranha.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz tax cuts to the rich Dont stimulate the economy. Tax cuts for the bottom end stimulate the economy. Where do you think the 1.5 million scump gave to the rich came from??? Take a wild guess. As usual your posts are worthless for accurate content.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Wrong again. Very fake information.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

OK Einstein let’s hear your understanding of what stimulates the economy. Are you capable of putting together a couple coherent sentences??? Here is your chance.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Einstien no economist but he make big bomb. I guess genius like to blow up stuff.

6 years ago

These are all opinions, not facts.

Ask Kansas about Taxcuts.

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Agree with shakes-on the taxes. Agree with info mercials in the morning on morning drivel,bring back t b r just music instead of kowtowing to the gobsigs.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Your squirming now shakes and you weren’t posting opinions. You were posting outright lies. Mr. Valenti Must in the interest of fairness remove you from this board. There should not be any other alternative. There should be no room for such a dangerous person as you who have disparaged veterans who have so bravely served their country. You must go.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Excuse me? What were outright lies?

YOU must go.

What false information about his rank? You said he was a specialist 5. That is a Second Class Specialist in the Vietnam War era of army rankings.

Are you now saying he was something different? On and on with the “decorated” service, and zero evidence to back it up. No mention of exemplary citations in military database searches.

If proven wrong I’ll be the first to admit fault and I will heap praise on the waterboy, but the thing is, I don’t think I’m wrong.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Shakes Mr. Valenti has the Gman Tel number. He is I am told an investigative self identified reporter and he will be able to find out all about your lies regarding the Gman with one telephone call. I am as persistent as the Gman and that means you are in my cross hairs and are in deep do. If you are not banished from this site it will shed serious light as to whether truth is the order of the day on this site. I am waiting to see confirmation of your banishment from this site and the Gman is waiting for a call from Mr. Valenti so he can expose you for the coward and liar that you definitely are. Now its Mr. Valenti’s time to check in so we can clean up your lies!!!!!!!! Have you delivered your 50 thousand or 10o thousand dollars I bet you that the Gman is a decorated Viet vet to Mr. Valenti yet??? Once you do Mr. Gaetani will deliver my money to Mr. Valenti and I guarantee you will loose the bet. The clock is ticking.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I will only donate $200 to the PAC that is set up or St. Mark’s. And I will do either of those when the waterboy wins an election.

If you would like to put up a billion gazillion dollars to a charitable cause, then go ahead, but I made an offer that you haven’t answered, and I refuse your counter proposal.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

No, my offer was conditioned on only home winning a city wide election. If there is no PAC and that happens I desire my contribution to go to the food bank.

If he cannot mount an effective campaign and I am the winner, I desire his contribution to go to the food bank.

I’m more than happy to move on once he abandons his foolish self indulgent hagiography.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Mr. Valenti. I have always adhered to your requests on this board and will after I say this: Shakes is nothing but a sniveling coward who has disparaged the decorated Gman. He and I would never knowingly lie about anything. That’s the kind of people we are and that is why we despise scump. And of course you can count on the Gman 200 dollars. Have you noticed Mr. Valenti you are not getting a confirmation from shakes for his two hundred dollars??? I will adhere to your request. Notice shakemoron has declined to engage in my bet with him for100 thousand dollars in which I say the Gman is a decorated Viet vet and he says he isn’t. I will watch carefully what this miscreant has to say on this board. One of the reasons why people can not find info regarding parts of his military service is because he holds a top secret Crypto clearance level four which is one of the highest clearances in both the military and civilian positions. His mos is 31s30 Electoral mechanical cryptographic repair specialist and worked for the assistant chiefs of staff of intelligence and reported to the president of the United States and the joint chiefs only. This is the person that jerk Shakes is disparaging. The Gman was well known to the president and the joint chiefs and traveled to Vietnam with General Creighton Abraham’s and would later meet up with then major Colin Powell in Chu Lai where they worked together for 13 months. The Gman sends his regards and thanks you for saying his TV program is the best show on pctv. He is very appreciative of your support.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Correction Top secret Crypto level 14. Not 4. If a 4 no problem getting any info.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Then-Major Powell allegedly whitewashed the civilian massacre in My Lai, and contradicted his accounts later in interviews and his autobiography. Hardly heroic.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

People are smartening up,don’t be a guest on the propaganda artists show in the morning. A student was asked what was the most important experience of her Taconic education was?Her reply,I don’t know. Stooge must have been bewildered.

6 years ago

Interesting comment made by Rep. Richard Neal at Four Freedoms Coalition mtg.

“There is no invasion of America at the southern border”

If the thousands that are now forming at the border suddenly swarm at one time into our country (and can’t be stopped), will this constitute an invasion. If not, what does?

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Democrats care more about illegals than citizens.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Agreed, Spider. Notice all the speakers at the socialist gathering misnamed “Four Freedoms” were Democrats. A caravan of 12,000 Central Americans are moving thru Mexico. But, “ nothing to see here, folks” according to the Dems!

Build the damn wall!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz. We all know you aren’t very knowledgeable with your posts. Are you aware that mexico is welcoming these migrants to their country and might these immigrants be looking for asylum legally at legal border crossings??? What became of the last so called dangerous migrant caravan. Your nose is as long as scumps.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You see what Trump tells you to see.Our southern boarder is secure.In spite of Trump there is information out there.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Definition of invasion, “an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity”
So calling it an invasion is entirely accurate. Dems are making up their own definitions and trying to rewrite the dictionary, which is a tactic that fascists use.

6 years ago

The Egremont police department could fend off this invading army of women and children and y’all want to build a $5.7B wall.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Looking forward to your comment, Shakes, if and when this should occur.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

To all that want to see a brave man in action you can tune in at 11:30 on CH. 1301. What you won’t see is a coward like shakes. What you will see is an individual who is trying to save your ass and identifying the problems facing all of us here in pittsfield. Go Wizard.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I will tune into the G Mans show and watch to see if the brave man looks into the camera and holds up his design drawings and his water and sewerage plans showing his registered engineer stamp on the actual work he did for the city of Pittsfield and other systems he has done elsewhere in this country and abroad. I think that would put to rest just how involved and how much credit the G Man should get for at least the Pittsfield project where he saved millions for taxpayers. Krofta would still have all of the information along with the city of Pittsfield.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

I’ll take that as a no for the G man not having what I believe was a fair request by me to present his work as he has stated he has done. Art you or the G man aren’t helping the G Man out with people who might have been supporters or potential supporters of his with such rebuttals.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

Johnny2 You want to see the Gman work??? Go visit the water plants. You being a supporter of the Gman. give me a break. With supporters like you he wouldn’t need any distractors. Look what the Gman is trying to do for the city. In case you or anyone else doesnt know. He is trying to save your asses for Christ sakes. Do you find something wrong with that?? He could be living it up on the French Riviara or on the Amalfi coast in Italy but no. He is here trying to prevent the taxpayer from being butchered. I just dont get some of you who post on this board. Would you be happy if he works against your interests?? Please get with the program.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

What a foolish comment, the last caravan took care of several Mexican police units.

These people are being misled and used by cartels and gangs. Wake up, maybe when they storm your home and throw you outside, you will finally call it what it is…an invasion.

Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

“took care of several Mexican police units” ?….

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Are these not, by your own explanation above, theories and not facts?

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Politicians and their delusion, dishonest followers never let facts stand in the way of their rantings.
But who needs a wall when we’ll all be dead in 12 years anyways?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

1- The US has borders FACT
2- There is no definition I can find of nationhood, statehood, sovereignty, etc. that mentions a secure border. this I’m afraid is OPINION.
3- The US has long welcomed immigrants. You know this isn’t so cut and dry. I suspect that some posters on this blog would argue that chattel slavery welcomed immigrants. Our immigration laws over the years waiver between racist and draconian. In 1986 the republicans granted amnesty to almost 3 million immigrants, a position they would not claim today and would be untenable in the GOP’s narrow mind. This statement I’m afraid is OPINON. If you wanted to say that the US generally has processes for people to legally immigrate, then I could call that a FACT.
4- If thousands rush a country’s borders demanding illegal entry, they must be seen as a threat. I suppose if the contrived situation were to happen it would be threatening to the operations at that point of entry, but I do not think it rises high on a scale of civil unrest. That is my OPINION, and its really all that one can have about this imaginary event. don’t forget, we are a country of 300 million people. A couple of thousand people that are about as threatening as the innocent civilians at the My Lai massacre could be dealt with fairly easily today, and wouldn’t even have to be murdered.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

You will not find Czechoslovakia, Prussia, Yugoslavia, the USSR, and dozens and dozens of other past nations, but lacking a wall is not why they no longer exist.

Last I checked the Caravaners intended on applying for legal asylum en masse, which whether you like it or not, is a procedure established by Congressional legislation. It is the law of our land.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Except I find no sources to support your fantastic claim. There was no charge of the migrant brigade.


Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

The liberal news media must have purged history to cover it up.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Wait, I did find some photos of the November incident where a Mexican police officer got his lip split and US CBP fired tear gas OVER/THROUGH THE PHYSICAL BORDER WALL, to deter families from rushing the entrance.

Like I said, the Egermont police department could handle the situation. Although they may need Barney Fife’s bullet.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

As much as it is killing me. I have to agree with shakes.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Cans make Dufresne of Shawshank look like an amateur making tunnels

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Our southern border is secure for all the factual reasons the planet has stated.That is why we secure it.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Trump states lm against that.100% for it.Just not lock step on the Mexico Wall falling through and the burden falling on the majority who believe we should leave it to DHS

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

You regulars know no boundaries.

It’s become clearer to me every time I read a post on this site why some are hiding behind pseudonyms.

You are cowards!! Every one of y’all.

Reveal your true identities. Be accountable.

And that’s the bottom-line!!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Brian There is some truth in what you say today. We all stretch the fabric sometime but blatant lies are something else. I’m sure you agree.

Non Essere Uno Stronzo
Non Essere Uno Stronzo
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

BM….Non Essere Uno Stronzo.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

You are back, Mr. crybaby didn’t study hard enough to get the grade I wanted and it impacted my B- GPA at mid level public college?
How’s studying for the bar exam going?

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

My identity is Long Wang, in case you hadn’t noticed. And it’s an apt description.

Will Hun
Will Hun
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

That ain’t what your wife is telling everyone. Your real nickname is peeper.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Maybe your new to Pittsfield Brian

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Bri. Who In Peticular? Today?

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

PLease fix the pot hole
And rubber ripper going off wahconah to st charles Church, manhole is exposed.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Just did my taxes. I LOVE TRUMP.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

I would like to suggest that all these bitching senior citizens get off their sorry geriatric asses and start filling in some of these potholes. Park that goddamn walker and climb up on the back of a hot asphalt truck and make yourselves useful for Christ sake.

sick of it

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Train them to operate THE BIG RED POTHOLE MACHINE. What did the city pay for it and where is it now ?

Reply to  Sojourner Truth
6 years ago

Remember the most arrogant hire in the History of the State by skinny legs, for Barrett. Did the gig help his pension in any way? and if it did needs a close examination because of it. Tens of thousands who would actually know public works would have loved that gig.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Think it’s in use, the no doubt carcinogenic vapors stink up a several block radius around the Highway Department.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Why should seniors fix a pot hole? Johnny….just sayin? Churchill. Where I. Am sucks.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

“During the meeting 7 p.m. Wednesday [1/30] in Council Chambers, Finance Director Matt Kerwood will present the city’s financial outlook to members of the City Council and School Committee.”

I can tell you the state of Pittsfield politics’ public finances!
* A 2-cents per day property tax cut
* Interest only debt payments on the new Taconic High School
* Municipal budget near the property tax ceiling
* Hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts or liabilities
* A shrinking tax base because of population and job loss
* Thousands of people at or near poverty with high per capita welfare caseloads
* The vested interests (big 3 unions) getting their cut of the money
* A city government headed towards financial insolvency over the next 5 years
* PEDA turning 21 this upcoming Summer 2019 and headed towards insolvency with 0 private investors
* The Good Old Boys still run the show because of political hacks, citizen apathy, intimidation, and suppression, and low voter turnout
* Blogger Dan Valenti having no influence fighting for Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski

– Jonathan Melle

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Melle The city is in the worst shape ever. THS and updates at the water and sewer plants are going to sink the tax and rate payers. These ill conceived projects are the brain child of your idle the incompetent secretary tired. We have had some bad mayors here but she takes the cake. She better pray that the Gman is in India at election time because if he isn’t election time is going to be known as demolition derby time. The Gman and many residents here are fed up with her bullshit and she definitely is not in the Gman’,s league by any stretch of the imagination. If he runs I am all ready feeling sorry for her. You can’t beat a Porsche with a Chevy. Just saeing.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Sounds like you grew a brain. Keep up the good work.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Go to India. Please.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritzy. I would but i have to take care the Gman dog bucky and his six cats,four birds, two opposums, several squirls and a pet fox. The Gman has allergies. When he opens up the door to the glass room where they all live all hell breaks loose. Fur and feathers flying all over the place to get close to the Gman. His pet pheasant was eaten by another fox he use to have.He also has a pet skunk but he is in hibernation now. The Gman raised all these animals from infancy and they are a sight to behold in the summertime. He is looking to thin out the menagerie. Anyone interested??? Good Homes only.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I’m sure the waterboy has the approved permits for any non-domesticated animals that aren’t on the exempt list? Sounds like a regular freaking snow whit,

The waterboy, never met a law he won’t break.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Calling PETA now.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I hope you have the proper permits for those animals, Gaetani.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, sounds like you might want to run an intervention for the GMan. It usually starts with a dog, six cats, four birds, two opossums, etc, and ends up with the GMan on an episode of “Hoarders.”

Art, you realize that’s over 15 pets? That’s strange..

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Specially with that chasy….just sayin.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Shakes fritz Gigi Kate. All loco speak no make no sense. All wanna be the great one but will never happen. Losers all. Do you morons know the great one is trying to help you?? Please add to the conversation or stay in your caves. Where do you halfwits come from. Just saeeing

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Is breaking another law going to invoke the waterboy’s suspended sentence?

I’d love to see him do 3 months at BHC. I bet the Donovan’s would too.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Shakes Gigi Fritz and Kate: now you have done it. You have the poor Gman so fearful that he is heading to the French Riviara till things blow over here. He has about 30 pets there. Later he will head to thevAmalifi coast where he has some 50 pets there. Gman pets live like royalty all over the world. He’ll get some pets in India when he gets there also.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Maybe g-man can do a remake of Dr Doolittle right here in Pittsfield. He talks to his animals. Heaven help us.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Gman need pet pussy.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

I’m still waiting to find out what Gaetani’s military decorations were for. Art, can you find out?

Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

He carried around the equipment. Was he in combat?. He probably makes a mean cup of coffee. I am confident he completed his service orders with distinction. I bet his uniform was always creased impeccably. Thank you for your service.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

I told you earlier they are for his Xmas tree.

6 years ago

Being drafted. For one.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

H Nope. The Gman enlisted. He states that all the people he served with in Vietnam whether drafted or enlisted were all heroes to him. The Viet Cong’s and the north Vietnamese regular soldiers bullets didn’t know one from the other. The Gman lost many good friends in Viet nam and he only came out of there alive because of good luck. Every one in the military has a service number. Soldiers who were drafted have the letters US in front of their number. Those who enlisted like the Gman have the letters RA in front of their service number.

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
6 years ago

No amount of crime by those who enter this country unlawfully should be acceptable, because it is ‘extra’ crime that wouldn’t occur if our border security were effective.

6 years ago

Congrats to D A Harrington for appearing the the Coalition-with Mrs. Edgerton.p and Congress,an Neal

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  u
6 years ago

What did Nips the democrat hack have to say?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounger nothing of any importance of course. Just a photo op for Edgerton and Harrington. I dont know how we could possibly get by without Edgerton’s priceless advise. Soon they will be comparing her to Einstein. Just another member of the ship of fools led by the secretary

Reply to  u
6 years ago

Congrats for what? Trying to promote open borders? Neal lecturing us that we need diversity in the country. These far left people are telling so many lies to gullible Americans.

Hello, Mr. Neal, this day and age isn’t like the earliest days of the country being settled. We live in a dangerous age of terrorism and gangs and lethal drugs. Also, we have plenty of diversity in this country now. We want immigrants to come to this country. We INSIST that they do it legally so they can be screened for disease and whether they pose a danger to this country and will contribute to the country. Mr. Neal knows this, but is playing on the stupidity of many people in the general public.

6 years ago

Unemployment is DOWN.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
6 years ago

That should be great Adam hinds. It was a great event.

6 years ago

Why ICE agents are worth their weight in gold: Illegal immigrant with flesh eating bacteria helped by border patrol agents. He will need intensive treatment to save his life. These ICE agents are doing their job. Other diseases can be highly contagious and ICE agents at our border are helping to stop diseases from spreading into the country, but they can’t be everywhere at once which is why a barrier is needed. This way illegal immigrants would go to ports of entry to come into the country which is where they are supposed to be going to be properly screened.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Flesh eating bacteria are dreamers too. They should be let into the country unfettered.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Or Germ-ist, not to be confused with German or germane.
Germs are people too!

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago


Stay away from flesh eating bacteria, or you will have to change your name to Short Wang.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Let’s hope they are well compensated Pat. Dangerous stuff. I was watching where measles can be inhaled up to two hours in public.

Sgt. Bazooka
Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

The G man earned military decorations. Were they good conduct and a Viet Nam recognition? Just about everyone there got these.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Sgt. Bazooka
6 years ago

He put the conduct one and the recognition one at the middle of his Xmas tree. They looked nice.

6 years ago

Rumor has it the agent Amanda couldnt put any more medals on the tree, couldn’t hold them all.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  @
6 years ago

@ Now that you mention it. Your correct. The tree nearly fell over Had to take a few decoratioñs off to lighten the load.

6 years ago

Blind item:

What lawmaker from MA who touts “foreign service” on his or her resume was kicked out of a country and out of a job for being caught with underage boys?

It’s all very hush hush but a read of a service report from local authorities to the US Govt and a diplomatic service report is very very telling.
I guess when you are connected you can bury reports but only for do long. I wonder how this report will impact his or her future in politics?

Corrective Invective
Corrective Invective
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Do the initials AH resonate?

Reply to  Corrective Invective
6 years ago

No, granted she’d love to be a law maker, and often thinks she is, it is not her. Close but no cigar.

Corrective Invective
Corrective Invective
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

She isn’t the only AH around.

Reply to  Corrective Invective
6 years ago

That’s true!

Malcom Butler
Malcom Butler
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Is it Anthony Swinson?

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

John Kerry?

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Deval Patrick?

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago


Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Hinds or Ben Downing?
The choices are endless!
Please tell!

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

Gman love Shirley. Was Gman there?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Dr. Wang. Gman no like cherly edge of town she spake wit fork tuñgg. Too meññy lye no like peeepl with dicktaret degwee. Get loco wit DAT degwee. Jost seeinj.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

We no ever see Shirley at Lach’s. We disappointed. Shirley only have honorary docterate. Honorary degree bull shit.

6 years ago

I’m just glad the Dr. has the D A ‘s ear.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

NPR reporting scump shut down took 3 billion out of the economy. I though it was more than that. Also 63% of Americans saying the country is heading in the wrong direction under scump and only 34% of Americans approve of scumps presidency. If he isn’t impeached he could never get re elected with these numbers. Even Colter Limbaugh Hanity and other right wing nut jobs are jumping scumps ship. Can’t say that I dont blame them.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Very fake information.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

Trump 2020 This time you are absolutely correct The figure lost to the economy was 11 billion not the 3 billion I erroneously mentioned. Thanks for pointing it out. For once you are correct. Try to keep it up.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

More very fake information. No impact .

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Complain to Chuck & Nancy.

6 years ago

Please Dan V. give us your take on the Four Freedoms Coalition event hosted by Neal and Harrington. Harrington says she will not treat all defendants the same. Neal says we have no crisis on the border; going against what even Obama said during his presidency.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Why was a public building used for a democrat rally?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Marxacusetts
6 years ago

Good question Carl Marx. Why dont you call cherly edge of town and ask her to explain???

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Why you no like Shurly? She one fine big chick.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Dr. Wang Gman not like cherly edge of town. Too stupid loco,spate wit fowl tunnggee and big big gobsig. Gee men not found of boooty likeers or haff twitts. May b invite lawn edger to tee vee shoo and take to whood shad and make sáwh dust for tee p . Gee Mon hate gobsigy say no good

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

I likey idea of gobsig people go on you show.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Marxacusetts
6 years ago

Neo-Marxists democrats believe they own public buildings.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

“Harrington says she will not treat all defendants the same”
Isn’t that racism, sexism and bigotry?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

Long. I’ll bet she treats gobsigs very differently than others. Now the jail will be empty. Just saeeing

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I don’t know who Brian Marquis is

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Neither does he.

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

Excellent question Max,

Trumped Up
Trumped Up
6 years ago

Where is former Orbit Winner sic Pete White. Doesn’t he ever post on here. Inquiry, how the hell did ne win the Orbit anyway?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan That last sentence is the sentence of the decade. Peter White a city leader??? That has to be the second sentence of the decade. Boot licker is spelled PETER WHITE.. God help the Kapanski’s. There is seven others right behind him. Ñovember can’t come soon enough. We all must be ready for November to clean out the fowl stench emanating from city hall. We all need to bring pest spray to finish the vermin creating the stench. Wipe them out. Amen.

6 years ago

Crazy road rage on the Mass Pike the other day, Happens all the time around here. And those bike paths in the roads,are an accident waiting to happen, wait until on.e of those idiots get killed by a car, it is going to happen,almost hit a turd on a bike the other day, he was taking a right and lost control and almost crashed into a pole.Quite frankly, bicycles and motor bikes should be outlawed certain times of the years,especially bikes and those mini scooters.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Herberg School is a mess with stressed educators who need to find other employment.But first we need to hear from Department Head Mccandless and how much time he and Curtis spent in that building enforcing their discipline rules.The sped adjustment councilor head down there cant do her job so the school suffers from out of controll behavior sped students.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Stooge, do we have to hear about your fifty years in criminal justice system,and your kid is an investment banker day after day. My kid commands a nuclear submarine and plans on being President someday, and nobody cares, difference is you can’t stop…..just sayin.. And stop kowtowing to the arts and school administrators-former council members and current,please let the kids take over the radio station (tbr) retire to Florida or something.

Reply to  Trump Fellas
6 years ago

I guess TF didn’t get the memo about WTBR moving to PCTV.

6 years ago

You and five other people are probably listening to it t f, get a life

6 years ago

Name that quote and consider it in the context of a wall:

“Based on the findings of the report, my conclusion was that this idea was not a practical deterrent for reasons which at this moment must be all too obvious”

G. Berish
G. Berish
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago


6 years ago

Berkshire Eagle: Hemorrhaging money, subscriptions way down and the situation does not look good for its future.

Recent self-aggrandizing press about the Berkshire Eagle being the best paper in the world or US, the recent PR stunt by Rutberg telling us how good the Eagle is for us and it will help lower our taxes if we get a subscription, to the now planned media blitz of buying ads on radio and tv to help sell papers.
The Eagle is is financial trouble, dire financial trouble, and it’s not getting any better. Depending on which numbers you use, circulation for the Eagle has dropped more than the national average and more than population decline.

Expect to hear radio ads on local radio stations and see television ads on local cable channels. It says a lot when a newspaper has to take out ads on radio to get subscribers.

thomas more
thomas more
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I fail to see how selling ads would affect this blog.If you accepted the offers you claim to have would you change the mission of the Planet? If you are as fearless as you claim to be I would think you would just tell the advertiser to shove it if they didn’t like what was posted. Businesses buy advertising to promote their products. Anyone who bought space here would know what they are getting going in. A journalist is beholden to no one unless he or she wants to be.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  thomas more
6 years ago


You may be needed to provide a public service by hiring the future Berkshire Eagle unemployed. Maybe your business could pick up a handful of the good ones there.

6 years ago

Dont worry they have a plan d. I’m sure.

Trump 2020
Trump 2020
6 years ago

Almost 5,000 Pittsfield voters voted for Trump. Why would any of them pay for a paper that constantly prints fake news and opinion about Trump?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Trump 2020
6 years ago

I checked into that and 4889 of them were Russian bot votes. Pat and her family voted as well as yourself and they were the only legitimate votes. Stupid, but legitimate.

The Eagle is not really that bad of a newspaper…. certainly much better than what existed when they took over. The real problem is that younger folk do not or cannot read and generally do not care about anything more than 4 feet outside their own personal universe.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

The above post contains a modicum of balderdash and should not necessarily be taken seriously though some of it is accurate or near accurate except where it fails to run parallel to the truth.

and why is that guy posting under my moniker?


6 years ago

I don’t know, Maybe to get their old hearts pumping? I imagine at least one regular editorial contributor has a subscription.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

They saved the Eagle and are printing a much better paper as its now readable.The sports section is better but could be the the savior of the Eagle.People here gave the high school team and others have babe Ruth and others little league and all want to see old fashion Box Score football Hockey, Softball,Baseball Basketball Bowling.
Sports is a goldmine of great news that so many kids play.My god double the sports and double circulation…..Planet also knows the Eagle does not ask question about budgets anymore,my god ask questions and find out where the money goes not feel good money but back money.How about gangster inside story of what the drug business is like here.Take an interest.Why did Country Curtains close and not sell to employees.How will the new Biotech building work what will it do ….takes us inside this building and the plan for business.There is a ton of stuff to write about.What did Hancock Shaker Village do with Pittsfields 450k take pictures talk to those that spent the money and talk to councilors ask them if they know….put them on notice that people are watching now….school department,dig dig dig there.
Go back in time The Eberwien years with Bouvier……do a story on state reps not the one today a puff piece for our 2 do nothing reps….on and on and on. Produce and be a protector of our city…..Do a story on how dark our streets are….this city has stories,Lenox has stories, Adams Housatonic history….

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I would love to see the Eagle do an inside story on the city budget. What are the actual numbers? Make it a seven episode serial. Where does the money come from? Where and to who does the money go? How much does it cost to run the parks dept and how is it divided up? How many school principals are there and how many assistants and how much do they get paid?

List ALL business s getting tax relief including the Haddads and other city hall connected pals. (holding my breath on this one)

What is the city debt, interest on the debt and why so much debt? Why are we borrowing so much? Detailed interview with Kerwood and others if you can find one not prone to spin or dodging questions? (good luck)

Do not waste time interviewing the mayor as she has hit her stride and cannot see that she has left most others in her dust trail. Seems unaware that everyone else, especially seniors, are not rolling in as much dough as she is.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Newspapers controlled by politicians don’t do inside stories. Like Dan stated above, if they would become a real, actual newspaper, and stop being a propaganda arm of the local Democratic party their readership would increase greatly.

Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

I guess you are right in the first line. In the budget review they should reveal how much money is funneled from the city to the paper. Might be surprising to us all.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

It public record.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

The King of Pctv will be educating at 5:30 CH 1301. Local news you can trust.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

There is no hope for the eagle. It died a long time ago. With second rate ownership and third rate non reporting and no investigative reporting what so ever and tied to the hip with the administration and Gobsigs it is no wonder that the demise is on the horizon. Take away the city gravy train the eagle survives on and their toast. We should all pray that they plow under as soon as possible so that someone else may be able to buy it at a fire sale and start all over again. There is no place for this terrible news paper in pittsfield. Between the terrible people in city hall and the school department coupled with this terrible news paper, everyone’s health is at stake. We are in trouble but it need not be this way. Part two. Coming someday.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Thanx again Art! Love the show.

6 years ago

It is a great show, Informative and no bootlicking, count on that.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Art, Shelly, H – all the same person.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Watch the Lou Dobbs Show – you’ll learn more.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You mean crazy Lou Dobbs who tried to sneak a gun on a plane after 9/11…Him and Glenn Beck are too crazy for Fake Fox News

6 years ago

Report from the DAAH office.

Helen Moon is clueless, she is so out of her ability people are now trying to marginalize her so she stays out of the way. She’s AH’s darling who actually did very little. The real brains behind the campaign, a white guy from the east, doesn’t play well with their narrative so Helen is the golden child and the affirmative action hire of the moment.
There does seem to be a real schism forming in the office as the daily needs of the office aren’t being met and there’s a LOT of new dead weight that can’t get the job done.

Bell is looking at this as a payday, four more years at this at an increased rate of pay and her 5 year average will go up. She plans to retire in 2023. She’s very content in her position because “the DA will never dare question her”. Bell runs her own show and doesn’t report to anyone, it’s seen that DAAH aka “Nips” reports to her. Bell is ambivalent about the work as this is “not her community”
Harrington is now fetting desperate for things to do, she’s coming up with make work programs and trying to come up with ideas that make her look “important”. “I have to be seen as a leader”.
In other new Paul Cac has will take over Bell’s job in her old office.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent: Both Harrington and tyer are low intelligeñçe, Gobsig elected, boot licking morons who can only cop an appearance on the bootlicking sturgeon show at Pctv. The real danger for the city is that these two think they are the top of the barrel when in reality they are the bottom of the barrel. You could scout the Berkshires and not find anyone dumber than them. In the private sector they wouldn’t get an interview to be wash room matrons. Tyer has proven herself to be a failure without a single accomplishment to show for in three years in the mayors office. Harrington has barely got into the starting gate and is faltering very badly already. Failures burn out quite quickly and let’s hope we have seen the end of them after their terms. Fool me once but never fool me twice.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, are you ok? You’re making sense for once. Did you bump your head?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Acute Yeah. I’m hitting my Stride. I’m sick and tired of these nobodies.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


No accomplishments! Did you forget about the Tyler Street trash cans, and that big revenue from downtown parking meters.

Don’t let her forget about these!!!

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

So sad for this county. Paul Cacc did so much work everyday and now his job is being farmed out so the District Attorney can stand around and “look important.”?? If true, this is Unbelievable!!

Is it true that Paul Cacc will still work in the DA’s office?

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Paul will be working as an ADA in Hamden county I believe.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Nips Harrington is a nit wit. Moon is dumber than a bag of hammers. Have you ever watched her at a city council meeting? Nips is the dog that caught the car and has no idea what to do next. Many of us saw this comming. Thanks for the progress report.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounger you have hit you stride. Right on point!!!!

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Excellent! Hopefully your report will be able to confitm
What I’ve been hearing. DAAH seems to think it’s the old holdover employees ratting her out, my sources say it’s her own team who are baffled by her pettiness and stupidity. Seems strange to me.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I expect subpoenas will be issued for everyone ‘s personal cell phones and computers. The leaks will be found. Heads will roll.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan Valenti’s office will be stormed by armed SWAT team, computers confiscated, records removed. The truth must be found!