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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 7, 2019) — If the Democrats hope to pry the White House from the clutching, begrudging hands of President Donald Trump in 2020, party leaders better hope that newbies such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez do not gain traction that makes them the “face of the party.” That face will only look bright to the radical left extreme of the donkey’s hind quarters. To the rest of America, Cortez will come off as attractive as the witch in Snow White and as sharp as Dopey.

Cortez — who has become famous for her dancing as a partier in college — has been in Congress a matter of days, but it’s been enough to reveal her profound naïvete of the political process. By “political process,” THE PLANET does not mean the usual slime we’ve come to expect from our alleged “representatives.” Instead, we refer to the legitimate means of power that people employ to govern themselves. It’s obvious Cortez knows little or nothing about these means.

———- ooo ———-

The latest showcase for her ignorance came when Cortez advocated a 70% tax rate on the wealthy. She would use the money to fund the Green New Deal. Let THE PLANET tell you, if there’s a new New Deal and it’s green, it won’t be verdant from health but from nausea. Picture a Grinch-like, dysentery shade. The Green New Deal is the progressives’ version of economic heaven, which bases an economy on ecology and climate change. That’s like basing a cup of coffee on turpentine.

History shows that the best way to stimulate an economy is through tax cuts.

Tax cuts put more money in people’s pockets. It’s not a gift. It’s not the government being generous, because that money is The People’s in the first place. Taxation is the government’s method of taking YOUR money, the money YOU earned. While most agree that a portion of those funds should go to the common good — Libertarians have a plan that would fund good government with zero taxes — we condemn the rapacity of today’s high taxes. If you are Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the government (all levels) steals nearly half your pay before you can sniff the leftovers for yourself.

Tax hikes remove money from circulation. When people have more money, the rich included, they spend more, or haven’t you been paying attention to savings rates? More buying of goods and services ups demand, an increase that employers fulfill by expanding — they hire more people, make capital investments. Call this “demand-side” economics. Take money away from people, and what happens? They don’t spend. Demand for goods and services drops. Businesses lay off workers, do not invest, and in some cases shut down.

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How vital is consumer spending to our economy? The numbers show that Mary Jane and Joe’s spending accounts for more than two-thirds of the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP). With Dr. Charles Trazcinka’s indulgence, THE PLANET presents the following equation:

GDP = C + I + Gs + Nx

C represents consumer spending, I the investment by businesses in things like payroll and capital expenses, Gs is spending by the government, and Nx refers to net exports. Obviously, when you take away from the biggest chunk, the sum suffers. Even small reductions in spending can have deep affects on economic activity.

Cortez and the radical left of the Democratic Party love “vertical equity.” In this system, the more money you make, the higher your taxes. Essentially, you are punished for hard work, initiative, and enterprise. The truly fair way to tax, if there can be such a thing, is “horizontal equity,” which taxes everyone proportionately at the same rate.

The economic proposals of the Green New Dealers would ruin an economy that seems to be navigating the speed bumps and delivering the goods:

  • The December jobs report shows that the economy added 312,000 jobs.
  • Since Trump has been president, the country had added 473,000 manufacturing jobs.
  • Wages are outpacing inflation.
  • The Fed recently indicated a pause in interest rate hikes.

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Cortez and her followers showed their class over the weekend. She and House Minority Whip Steve Scalise were engaged in an e-debate on Twitter when it had to be halted after Cortez’s troops began trolling Scalise. They tastelessly referred to the 2017 violence when Scalise was among those shot by gunman James Hodgkinson while the congressman playing in a charity softball game.

“She’s got better aim that [sic] James Hodgkinson, that’s for sure,” one troll wrote. Another wrote “Snipe his ass.” Cortez made the situation worse by not apologizing or reprimanding the comments.

If the Democrats are serious about a White House bid in 2020, party leaders better deliver the message and quickly to its newbies. Foresight, in this case, is 20/20 — same as the year.


“My happiest moment of childhood was when a blue butterfly landed on my fingertip” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Cortez graduated Cum Laude with a major in international affairs and a minor in economics from Boston University. She was dancing in a video very artistically tame by anyone’s standard including the Pope.She is being maligned by right wingers of Fox news and Rush Limbaugh because they fear her.
She is famous for beating rep Crowley of New York a 20 year Democratic powerhouse.Her story journalisticlly is fasinating.The powerful corporations and the wealthy are truly afraid of her.So are the lower middle class angry Trump followers and they have no clue except what Trump says.She is them.Shes fantastic brilliant and very able to respond to those who have targeted her. Pinocchio Trump is building the Wall to limit this philosophy

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Another prime reason not to spend $40k per year to send your children to these anti-America indoctrination centers.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Females on the march in France to take back their country from the big government elites and their obsession with climate change, no borders, and high taxation.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

She’s dumber than a bag of hammers. Given good grades because of political correctness.

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

She also recently said that it doesn’t matter that she has no grasp of the facts. She probably said that to her B.U. professors too.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Still wondering
6 years ago

She did grasp the fact that Trump is a racist homophobic imbecile.

By the way what is the date that Trump said he might let the kids out of their cages?

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

If you want to see her stupidity watch her interview on 60 minutes. She is unable to answer simple questions.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Nobody on the right fears Octavio-Cortez. They welcome her because she potentially represents the implosion of the democratic party. It is the moderate left that fears her.

I like your dance video reference. I assume you have bought into the “controversy”? Maybe you should peel back a few more layers of the onion and look closer. ONE PERSON posted the video on Twitter and mocked her and was joined by a handful of anonymous Twitter trolls. Nobody else cared or cares. The narrative that Cortez was attacked by “the right” or the GOP over the video is pure fiction, fiction latched onto and embraced by the media and Octavio-Cortez herself.

It’s actually a fascinating thing to watch, seeing so many people (funniest are the Hollywood types) ratcheting up the level of outrage over something that never happened. Trivial issues like this get blown up (on both sides) all the time now – thanks, Twitter – but rarely is the narrative so ridiculously false. Even the Harrington pink hair story is more rational.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

My comment was directed at TSC, who had mentioned the dance vid issue. You and I are in agreement about Cortez.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

Well said Cicero!

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Joe Blow
6 years ago

Hey Cicero, Your penultimate sentence there is interesting too in that just about everything Donald Trump says is just as patently, ridiculously false. I’d toss out an example, but it really is everything. As far as Democrats fearing Ocasio-Cortez and her ilk, I think the Dem establishment likely is crapping their pants, but I am ready to push hard left, just as the Republicans have pushed hard right. I think the difference here is that the Republicans brought in Trump to do that; a man who does not really believe anything he says anymore than I do. Everything he does he does after analyzing how it is good for him personally. Ocasio-Cortez believes what she says and speaks from her heart, not her wallet.

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

Mr. G,
Are you under the impression that only Trump supporters are critical of Octavio-Cortez? A majority of people from all (or most) camps scoff at her because her ideas are vapid and foolish. Almost like they came from a naive 29 year-old totally lacking in wisdom. The far left is promoting the idea that this woman might potentially become the architect who remakes our economic/political system. Good luck with that.

As for my point about the dancing video, you missed it entirely. Yes, Trump goes on Twitter and lies. And then gets roasted and called out by a loud chorus of critics which include virtually the entire media. The same media that not only covered the dance video controversy uncritically, but amplified by way of cheerleading for Octavio-Cortez.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Can you say Cody Parkey? Da Bears…

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Al Michaels looks like Chuck Schumer.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Compared to scump she looks more like Einstein.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

And just as annoying

6 years ago

I totally agree with your remarks, Dan.
The other ignorant newly elected congresswoman is Muslim Rashida Tlaib, D-MI. She stated that Trump is “violating our Constitution, and our Constitution demands impeachment.” Her other famous quote, “We’re going to go in and impeach the motherf-er.”
Impeach him for what??
Clearly these two clueless Democrats have little knowledge of U.S. government and the Constitution.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Impeach him for what???? Where have you been the past two years Gigi??

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Another clueless Dem who wants to run for mayor.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Would be candidate Gaetani is unfit to be Mayor of Pittsfield. He is very negative, and he would cause the municipality’s credit rating to tank with his impractical proposed 7% per fiscal year tax cuts.

I believe the lovely Linda Tyer is the best Mayor of Pittsfield EVER! She is giving her last 1st-term “State of the City” speech on Monday, 1/7 at 5:30 pm at the new Taconic High School.

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

And you won’t be there because you live 2 states away and can’t operate a motor vehicle.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Melle. You better pray that gaetani doesnt run for mayor. Have you ever seen his show? Tyer having to debate gaetani one on one would be like an infant debating Einstein. He would dismantle her in a matter of moments. The Gman is no one to toy with. He fights for every taxpayer in the city. Tyer fights to rob every taxpayer in the city. You must be a very weak minded individual to have to hook you chain to that buffoon. Remember the Gman is a retired very successful corporate executive and a decorated Viet nam vet. You evidently dont know the Gman but you will . I assure you that you will.

Trump Train
Trump Train
6 years ago

Yes, impeach him for trying to bring America back from the brink of destruction by globalists and anti-America forces.

Art, you are so clueless it’s amazing.

These fools are flailing in a last ditch effort to derail an elected President. They know the military tribunals have begun at Guantanamo and there time is short.

Thank you President Trump!

6 years ago

Way to go Eagles! Great game tonight!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Donald Trump is taxing everyone via historic budget deficits and a huge national debt!

Donald Trump’s re-election message is bankrupt the federal government with “borrow and spend” Republican economics for billionaires and billion dollar corporations.

Donald Trump is stiffing hundreds of thousands of federal workers and federal contractors by his temper tantrum government shutdown!

When Donald Trump was a businessman, he declared business bankruptcy 4 times and he stiffed thousands of workers and contractors. Do you see the pattern?

Donald Trump still has not released his federal tax returns!

Blogger Dan Valenti criticizes one new Democrat Member of Congress named Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who wants to raise the top marginal tax rate on the wealthy to 70%, while Donald Trump is increasing borrowing, deficits, debt, bankrupting the government, shutting down the government, and stiffing federal workers and contractors like he did when he was a businessman!

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

To call attention to the fact that American needs border security Jonathan. People are violently rioting in France and one of the reasons is that their politicians refuse to turn anyone away from their country and because of this France has become a VERY dangerous place to live.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Mr melle all the negatives you mentioned regarding scump are 100% accurate. Add to your list shameless, heartless, draft dodger.liar, fraud traitor and of course buffoon and employer of illegals. I could go on forever but I have to retire now.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

For sake of argument let’s say your allegations are accurate. Well guess what moron? None of them are grounds for impeachment.

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

Not a single one. Even Pelosi has said that you need solid grounds to impeach and they don’t exist.

6 years ago

Your 473k plus new manufacturing jobs needs a citation. Also, the republican ‘tea party’ passed a tax cut that added over $2 trillion dollars to the national deficit in 2 years.

Your editorial is the pinnacle of hypocrisy if claiming to defend the Kapinskis, all that happened is the government gave $2 trillion to the 1% that Mary and Joe will have to pay off.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Shakes. I normally disagree with everything you say but this time you are spot on.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I found the data, its payroll survey data collected by BLS.

Its a continuation of an upward trend that began in July 2013. BLS data has its issues, as would any data collected on a national scale. However, the addition of manufacturing jobs has nothing to do with any economic policy of this administration.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Its a shame with this economy that the Trump administration insists on the spending habits of a drunk sailor in port for the weekend.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Shakes with good posts by you today I need not mention anything additional you’ve got the bases covered

6 years ago

This younger breed of politicians and their followers sound like a bunch of mean bully kids. God help us all if they get into full power.

If people are afraid to buy because government takes all their money then more and more businesses close and we will have fewer choices in all kinds of goods and services. Having government take care of you has a seductive appeal until you realize it will only lead to tyranny and misery.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Donald Trump is the BULLY! Trump rips babies, toddlers, children from their parents’ respective arms and puts innocent youth into cages you wouldn’t put your family dog in.
Trump refused to condemn neo-nazi’s and the like hate groups after the Charlottesville, Virgina tragedy that took the life of a good woman protestor.
Trump had neo-nazi’s and the like haters work for his campaign and administration.
Trump = Hitler!
Trump = Hate!
Impeach and convict Trump in 2019!
Down with Trump!

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I hope Dan gives you a vacation. You’ve missed your meds again.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I just love when the 99% defend the 1%,brainwashing works.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Your congressmen are being bribed by corporations to nullify your vote….the wealthy and powerful know what they are doing.There is no way to explain why 60%of the 99% love to advocate for the 1%.They study the manipulation of how to make otherwise normal people fear what is good for them.Pat fears any democrat.Pat fears the commies are going to get her.Because the Republicans took 2 trillion out of this economy adding that our deficit the wealthy are after SS and Medicare and that bothers no right winger.

6 years ago

What is undeniable is that our federal government is a shambles. And it looks like it is going to get much worse. Buckle up. The problems as a result of this shutdown are going to multiply and hit everyone like a flu virus. No one will be spared rich or poor, politically connected or not.

6 years ago

Well either Newly elected district attorney Harrington either lied during your campaign making promises she had no intention of keeping or carryovers from old capeless/Caccaviello regime are attempting to undermine her.

Contacted Andrea about spousal abuse former administration failed to prosecute, do to being connected to the accused.

Received a call supposedly from Massachusetts state police Lieutenant Edward Culver from a blocked line, stating I was to have no more contact with Mrs. Harrington. Culver is a carryover from capeless/Caccaviello regime. Why use a blocked line?

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

WHAT !!!!! Who and what is Massachusetts State Police lieutenant, Edward Culver????? And by what legal authority did he make such demands ? Why a blocked line ? Maybe he was turning this call in as overtime. Does MSP have an honest, objective internal affairs division ? Contact Republican Governor Baker’s office, if Culver continues threats without cause. Is he a political puppet ? or is there more to this story.

6 years ago

Ocasio-Cortez; Democratic Socialist promotes government power grab and redistribution of wealth!

6 years ago

Completely easy questions and no challenging of Ocasio-Cortez’s 70% to now even 90% taxation on the rich in her 60 minutes interview. They might as well have asked her “If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?”

Lots of questions about President Trump, however, which is no shocker. Keep the attention on Trump and away from her policies that would be the downfall of the economy of this country. Of course President Trump is a racist she says since wanting to protect our country means he is a racist. This is how the border argument is being framed by the left. If you want border protection such as a barrier, you are a racist. This worked how really well for France, hasn’t it, by allowing everyone into that Progressive country which is now a very dangerous place to live.

Let’s not even talk about the drugs coming across the border that so many American are dying from everyday in unprecedented numbers since that would make you a racist. The media doesn’t want the country to have any kind of intelligent conversation on any of these issues!!

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

I what you say is true Pat, why not a border wall on Canadian border? I know the answer, but wondering what you think.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

If cartels and others redirect illegal crossings via Canada, that might be phase 2.

First they have to figure out how to get people from south and Central America to Canada. They are acclimatized better to dealywith desert crossings, they may not fare as well in the cold climate, especially during late fall to early spring.

Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

And all the terrorists that Trump and Sarah say are in line from the south, I suppose that can’t happen from the north.

Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Looks like they only stopped 6 suspected terrorists, not 4,000 oops, and 7 times more were stopped at our border with Canada.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Pat If you read reputable media you would know that southern drugs are making there way here thru legal channels. Do you know what that means???

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I think it means you are back on your medication. You won’t need to drive to Northampton to get the alternative herbal medication.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The war on drugs began during the Republican Bush 1 administration 30 years ago.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Actually started even earlier. Remember Nancy Reagan’s “just say no?”

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

The drug cartels take in billions and are willing to pay huge sums to drug enforcement agencies to look the other way. These payoffs are the main reason no real progress has been made and will never be made. It is all set up to fail but sadly huge costs in money and human tragedy.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

I disagree. There was the covert war on drugs that started under Nixon and then the more modern war on drugs that started under Regan. Once Regan lost control of the cartels, US forces were used to shut down the cartels. The School of the Americans at Ft. Benning, now called the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation, was used to train interdiction forces. When the national forces proved too corrupt to be reliable, the US sent covert teams into Colombia to “fix” the problem. This plan came to fruition with the death of Escobar at the hands of the CIA (centra spike) and national militia Los Pepes.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Oh, my mistake.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Having read the Planet for years,there has only been one or two people on here that tell it like it is. Valenti himself, Chuck Garivaltis, and CosbiesLadies,everyone else is just mocking, period.Mele. Elongated in a nut house.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

I wonder if Elizabeth Warren will oust Donald Trump, and she would be the first woman Prez!
Donald Trump wrongly believes his harsh and racist immigration propaganda will win him a 2nd term.
The Democrat Party majority in the U.S. House of Representatives will stop Trump’s right wing agenda!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pocahontas doesn’t have a chance. She made a fool out of herself over her self-made “woman of color” fraudulent scheme to take advantage of job & schooling opportunities reserved for minorities. Trump helped expose her – the plastic banana that she is. She’s a fraud, a liar, and a dummy. And you can’t fix stupid!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Please tell me we will not have to wait till an election. There may not even be an America by then.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Pocohantis is squaring off against Pinocio

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago


6 years ago

The dance video “controversy” was manufactured by her PR group. There was no controversy, no one cares that she danced. If you actually look at the entire twitter stream on it, one person said something, then a bunch of accounts that were clearly bots started reposting.

All this “controversy” does is three things.

It distracts from her abject lack of understanding of minimum basic government.

Gets her name out there more to be seen as the far left darling.

Tries to make it seem like the GOP is attacking her.

She’s trying to cultivate and enhance the “outsider” and “radical” image. We already have a “radical” outsider as president and he’s a buffoon. She’s just more of the same on the other end of the spectrum.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

So the AOC media machine actually controls all those GOP twitter accounts? Scandalous!

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

No but the media outlets like HuffPo and BuzzFeed and Yahoo “news” and CNN that made it seem like it’s a real controversy and tried to turn it into a hatefest manipulated the story.
They made it seem much worse than it was, which in turn, churns the bottom and creates the story.
It’s classic media manipulation, all for the sake of eyeballs and ad revenue.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Where may I buy a tin foil hat like yours?

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Nice one shakes. You have Orbit potential,what gives?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

The immigrant issue is way overblown by scump. HS says no terrorists detained in present group seeking asylum. HS also says no drugs entering US by asylum seekers. They say drugs are entering thru legal channels. Scumps wall will do nothing to prevent drugs and we dont have an emergency situation with immigrants seeking asylum. The house will not appropriate a penny for scumps man wall as it is a fifth generation solution for a 21st century problem. The truth of the matter is we have no problem with illegal immigration. The only person that wants the wall is scump. The majority of Americans dont want it. Scump wants a wall so he can put his name on it every twenty feet so that everyone will know it is his man wall. Buffoon. Buffoon. Buffoon

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You are wrong – 93% of Americans want illegal immigration fixed; 88% of Democrats agree. There you go, pulling fake info out of your butt again Art.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Yes Einstein but not by wall. They want 21st century technology which does exist and is working well. In the past 8 years the immigrant numbers seeking asylum is way down. The problem is the hysteria scump is creating. Its false like every other word he says is. There is no immigrant crisis. Say it over and over again and soon you will realize there is no immigrant crisis. Need I say it again????

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What alternate universe are you living in?

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Government estimates state illegally entering immigrants cost taxpayers $150 billion per year in various benefits. $5-10 billion will be paid back quickly if influx is slowed down even more.

These asylum requests are 99% bogus. These invaders are coached what to say. Most are refused after costly processing.

The wall is a cheap first step. I would combine this with motion sensors and the ultrasonic crowd control weapons that disorient the invaders. Low tech / high tech combination.

Hither and Yon
Hither and Yon
6 years ago

Mr Valenti I heard from what you would call a “reliable’ source that you once again wrote for Mitt romney during his recent senate bid (successful). Same source who has access to things like this also says you ghosted mitt’s now infamous ny times piece on Trump. True? Does that make you a 1 percenter?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

No one tops Sarah Sanders for integrity and duty to country. Scuttlebutt is that she will be running as Trumps vice president in 2020 because in tandem with Trump they will spin the GOP base in circles once again only double.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Rumor has it that Linda Tyer will be offering Melle a job within he adminstration. Barry can you confirm?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

I am unable to work due to my disability. I am a disabled Veteran. I support the lovely Linda Tyer from my heart. She stands for everything I believe in when it comes to politics. She speaks out for Human Rights, economic opportunities for workers, and she believes in her community. I proudly support the lovely Linda Tyer for re-election for Mayor of Pittsfield in 2019!
– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan, Thanks for your service to our country. I’m sorry to hear your a disabled veteran. How far into your stint did you make it before you were disabled? Many disabilities occur after serving and getting home.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Disabilities are no problem in the Tyer administration. Especially if they have anything to do with math, budgeting, keeping promises or the ability to turn a blind eye. If you can spin a tall tale you move to the front of the line.

Your loyalty is all that is required and you seem to have that base covered.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny you covered all the bases. Tyer is a fraud and a failed mayor in everyone’s eyes except the special interest groups who elected her. Can you picture her going against the Gman one on one?? I would even pay her to debate the Gman. Like I stated to her groupie Jon melle that he better pray gaetani doesnt run for mayor because if he does he plans on taking no prisoners. I hope he does run as the debates with the secretary will be the best show in town. If he runs there will be real debates not the shams normally seen around here moderated by past has beens. With the Gman in the race the debates will be more like the shoot outs at the OK corall. The Gman will establish he is the new sheriff in town and will whip this city into shape in record time. Yep next fall could be a very good time to be an overburdened taxpayer as at least there may be a light at the end of the tunnel that hasn’t been seen around here for a very long time.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Tyer would win a debate with you, hands down. You don’t know how to debate – Joe Pinhead asked you many questions and you responded with silence. He asked you to defend your comments and again – silence. Tyer has nothing to fear in a debate with you.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

President Trump could not get a wall or steel slats with 100% republican power and now it’s a emergency even though we have never been safer at our southern border.Trump lies to his supporters all day and they are blind to it.Who would forgive him if he committed murder in times square?Most here would.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
6 years ago

In a press conference announcing her plans for the 2020 election, Hillary Clinton told reporters she is launching a campaign Tuesday that will raise $100 million by the end of the year or else she will run for president. “I’m very excited to roll out my initiative to secure this full amount within seven weeks, and if it is not successful—let me be very clear on this—I will once more fill out the paperwork to run for president and submit it to the Federal Election Commission,” said Clinton, who stressed that she was “absolutely serious” about her new A Hundred Million Or Me campaign, describing the town halls and candidate meet-and-greets she would soon begin holding in Iowa and New Hampshire if donors came up even a penny short. “What I’m asking you to do is picture—and picture very vividly—the following things: Lawns plastered with ‘I’m With Her In 2020’ signs, continuous television ads showcasing my strenuous attempts to appear enthusiastic, entire news cycles once more given over to my use of a private email server as secretary of state. That’s one possibility. The other is you give me $100 million. Up to you.” At press time, sources confirmed Clinton had raised $17.6 billion in the first 45 seconds of the campaign.

6 years ago

And you and fritz are starring in the next episode of a Twilight Zone.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
6 years ago

As the new 116th Congress is sworn in today, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) — who likely will be elected Speaker of the House by her colleagues — is viewed favorably by 38% of Americans and unfavorably by 48% of Americans, according to a recent Gallup survey.

For comparison, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is viewed favorably by 30% of Americans and unfavorably by 48% of Americans.

Congress overall — House and Senate — has an approval rating of 18% and a disapproval rating of 75%, according to Gallup.

In the survey, Gallup asked Americans’ views of U.S. congressional leaders. While Pelosi was 38% favorable and 48% unfavorable, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) garnered a favorablity of 32% and unfavorability of 40%.

“Pelosi’s latest favorability rating of 38% has risen nine percentage points since the previous measurement last June and is currently higher than the historical average of 33%,” said Gallup. However, Pelosi “is the most polarizing leader, receiving both the highest favorable reviews from members of her own party as well as the highest unfavorable reviews from members of the opposing party,” said the polling firm.

As for retiring House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wisc.), his “latest 34% favorable rating is the lowest of his speakership and below his overall historical average of 39%,” reported Gallup. “It has fallen six percentage points since June 2018, including a 12-point drop among Republicans.”

“The trajectory of Ryan’s favorable ratings is similar to other recent past speakers who left the speakership viewed more negatively than positively by Americans, much worse off than when they started,” said Gallup. “For his part, Ryan started his speakership with a net +13 favorable rating and leaves with a net -16 image rating.”

Looking forward, Gallup projected that with “Democrats controlling the House and Republicans leading the Senate, the extreme partisan polarization of the last few years shows no signs of relenting.”

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Whoopi Goldberg to OAC: “ Sit still for a minute and learn the job “

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Gerald Nadler: I expect scump to lie. Why??? Because he lies about everything. From here on he will be held accountable for every lie. This will create a full time job for congress, He is the most unfit human being to ever hold the office of the president. His remaining in office is far worse than impeachment. If a real crisis occurs this buffoon will not have the support of command generals and admirals. This being said we must rid ourselves of this pathological liar before he destroys what’s left of our three branches of government which have been severely degraded by this hideous miscreant.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Hee, hee, hee. Bye bye Ruth Buzzie Ginsburg. Enjoy your retirement. Donald has your replacement ready to go.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Ain’t it grand? A conservative will replace the flaming left- winger!

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Justice Ginsburg will miss oral arguements on new session of SCOTUS for first time since 1993 due to illness. This is it people. This is her exit strategy now set in motion during the week of the release of a movie about her this coming Friday timed to distract her fans as she exits.
Being unable to be present for oral arguments makes her unable to carry out her duties with only 2 remedies:
1. Retirement
2. Impeachment

Our source inside the Beltway says she will not be impeached but will opt for retirement later this week.

Art Lover
Art Lover
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

This is an outrage. It can’t be true.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

WAPO: Donald Trump the most ignorant individual ever elected president of the united states and the most dangerous person to ever lead the US in modern times.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

He that as it may he’ll be picking Ruth Buzzie Ginsburg’s replacement very soon.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
6 years ago

Oh no,

Just when the case… city of Pittsfield vs the people of Pittsfield is coming before the Supreme Court. Who will take the oral arguments on the pickleball?

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Ryan no wall,McConnell no wall and he thinks he’s going to get a wall from Pelosi,now that is funny.Pelosi will never be associated with a Trump wall,never.Trump has already lost and he knows it so tomorrow he declares a state of emergency.Desperate man.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC The state of emergency only exists in scumps tiny brain. The real emergency is this asshole being president of the US. He must be aware that his demise is at hand as he is starting to see his base and senate support starting to splinter. This will be the first time that he will have to be accountable for his actions and the dem house will make certain that he is. The emperors clothes are starting to be shed.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
6 years ago

If Trump is impeached by the house what happens next Art?

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Herb Pease
6 years ago

Art can’t answer any questions because CNN has melted his gray matter. All he can do is spew his hate. He is unable to think things through.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Nutcase I dont spew hate I identify it. It is spelled SCUMP. Tell me how you justify supporting an idiot who has told the american people over 7000 confirmed lies. Your answer could win a Pulitzer. Go for it!!!

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Confirmed by the fake news.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Republican wealthy spokes person for Fox Information indoctrination and propaganda campaign fear campaign have Did congresswoman Cortez as a representative of the people of MY that needs to be squashed.Hannity said she was scary.He is paid 22 million a year to frame out the New Hillary as evil.Cortez is a fantastic person who should be feared as she wants you to have healthcare for the people,scary stuff Sean.They fear educated Americans who put a twist their use of wealth in capitalism.You can not run this as a pryrmid scheme and scary people think is unfair at it massive bottom.Its the bottom that supports the philosophy of Capitalism.

6 years ago

Mayor Tyer was doing her own little dance at her State of the State. Says Pittsfield has “hit it’s stride”. Maybe if you have a cushy job and cushy perks and all kinds of people employed to do your bidding, and you live far, far away from the crime you might feel like that.

Or you could be manufacturing a heavy load of bullshit and spreading it as thick as you can on the confused population. I am insulted that she would think people would buy this pie in the sky political stool matter. But like Trump maybe her target audience is her base. And that would be the people connected to large money that make her own world go round and round.

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Right on Doomie, the speech was sickening. 3 years in she has no solution to the crime problem other than we all have to work together and not let the criminals rob us of joy and confidence in each other and a stupid substation. What gibberish. And we should be so thankful she saved us over 13 million with a 50 some million water project we don’t need. Let’s hope Danno disects it for what it’s worth, or should I say isn’t worth, in a column soon. And don’t even get me going on the Beacon BS. She should be ashamed.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I want to see Trumps birth certificate. I read on one site that he was born in Moscow and he’s closely associated with a Russian leader worth 400 billion dollars.He should provide his secret source of income to Congress and his birth certifacate.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You must be living in that alternate universe with Art.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Was he born or hatched?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Acute Angina
6 years ago

A wide-reaching new poll conducted by Harvard University reveals that majorities of U.S. voters — including Democrats — appear to agree with many of President Trump’s most basic beliefs about immigration.

The findings reveal, for example, that eight out of 10 of all U.S. voters — 79 percent — say the U.S. needs secure borders; 93 percent of Republicans, 80 percent of independents and 68 percent of Democrats agree with that.

Another 79 percent of voters overall say immigration priorities should be granted on a person’s “ability to contribute to America”; 87 percent of Republicans, 79 percent of independents and 72 percent of Democrats agree.

Meanwhile, 68 percent overall oppose a lottery-based immigration system which is meant to ensure “greater diversity: in the U.S.; 78 percent of Republicans, 65 percent of independents and 62 percent of Democrats agree.

In addition, 61 percent overall say U.S. border security is inadequate; 84 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of independents and 40 percent of Democrats agree.

Another 54 percent overall support building a combination physical and electronic barrier between the U.S. and Mexico; 85 percent of Republicans, 54 percent of independents and 30 percent of Democrats agree.

Art Lover
Art Lover
6 years ago

Thank Gaetani for the price break. He scared the crap out of the consultants. We still should go with his proposal.

That was the underlying theme of Mayor Linda Tyer’s annual State of the City address, which will be the last of her term.

Wayfair is bringing jobs to Pittsfield, property taxes are decreasing rather than increasing, and the city is launching a new initiative to combat neighborhood blight.

A $74 million wastewater project has come in far below estimates, she told the crowd, announcing a new final construction cost of $51.4 million. And a community police center is coming to the city’s West Side.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Lover
6 years ago

I absolutely think Mr. Gaetani influenced the reduction in price. The good news is that 51 million still provides plenty of kickback funding and so the special interests are still happy with the deal.

For Artsake
For Artsake
6 years ago

I agree with Jon. Tyer is the best Mayor ever.

6 years ago

Oh, yeah they’ll find Some kinda crack.

6 years ago

Even a million or two could be easily be had here. If you had Gaetani in the Plant, we could make sure everything was on the up and up.instead you have three consultants. Winking blinking and nod,reassuring the Mayor what needs to happen for that. Assholes.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Art lover, H, cos and johnny. Tyer would like you to think that the sewer project is 51.4 million but we all know she is a liar. She conveniently left out the 9.7 million the consultants have already robed the rate payer of. The new figure is just shy of 62 million. This new figure is still 18 million dollars more expensive than Mr Gaetanis proposal. He will be at the CC meeting tonight and have further information for the council and why they should scrap this project completely. He was at the secretary’s pep talk last night and he will give a full critique as to the sham it was on his TV program tomorrow night. In a word he identified it as LIES. Lies and more lies. He said she is in the same league as scump and everyone knows he is the king of lies and that would make her the queen of lies. Tonight and tomorrow night the Gman will provide the truth that the taxpayer can’t get from any other source. And by the way the eagle reporter and author of the lick lick article on the secretary was that ass licker Amanda dunce cap drano. The mayor and the bulk of the council and the administration and the eagle have everything all sewed up but they have not been able to contain Gaetani and for that we all need to be very thankful. Its a new year and everyone can be confident that the Gman will continue to represent you every step of the way. It starts tonight at the CC meeting

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, this is particularly hostile.

While the city staff that worked on this project may have agreed with the recommendation traditional technology, I assume they’ve followed proper procurement laws. The waterboy doesn’t have standing to challenge the procurement if they followed the laws and he did not participate.

The waterboy is just mad because the Eagle truthfully reported that he was drunk in public. He admitted he was wrong when the court threw out his defamation lawsuit.

Art Lover
Art Lover
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

What was the evidence he was drunk? I saw an Eagle reporter performing sex acts in public for money.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Lover
6 years ago

I can’t even count the number of times I have been drunk in public. And there are barroom tales that we have had mayors who can’t count the number of times they have been drunk in public. Is this an issue?

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


The g-man has been on this water treatment plant issue for years. Why didn’t he put together a proposal and design a plant and bid on it.

Who in the heck is he to demand the engineering drawings so he can modify them. If he was a viable firm and could provide a bond, maybe he could bid the project.

It seems like Justin Lis should be marketing the technology to be incorporated into a real engineering firms designs.

The g-man is a day late and a dollar short.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Terrible situation you have in Pittsfield that buffoon as mayor.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Scump is talking about a crisis at the southern border. Earlier Shakes made clear that only 6 suspected terrorists were detained not the 4000 scump claims. Where is the crisis??? There is no crisis scumpsters. Its just lie number 7051. When are you scumpers going to realize you have been had??? If you dont jump ship soon you are going to go down with it. Your. Choice.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

30% of those in federal prison are illegal alien criminals. That should tell you all you need to know.

6 years ago

The cost of illegal immigration costs federal, state, and local taxpayers at least 140 billion dollars a year. That is factual.
So for all the Lefty Loonies who think there is no immigration problem may you go broke as your taxes and insurance premiums rise to unsustainable levels. 5 billion seems fair enough to try and bring down this costly number. With medicare(2026) and social security(2034) scheduled to go broke 100 billion a year would be better spent funding these programs. It is my belief that tax paying Americans should receive benefits before undocumented illegal aliens. This country is closed to terrorists anyone else can go thru the process to enter here legally. Laws prevent this country from becoming a jungle and if you don’t believe that your kidding yourself.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

We need a wall on the Mexican border while our roads and bridges are falling apart.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Did you forget about President Obama’s massive infrastructure funding bill to fix all those roads and bridges. He late admitted their were no shovel ready projects.

Where did all that money go?

At least President Trump will spend it legitimately.
I hope he declares a state of emergency and declares martial law. Troops are already on active alert.

Also, perhaps Hillary Clinton will actually pay for her treasonous handling and government documents and other crimes.

The real hammer is coming down, Guantanamo has been expanded. Military tribunals are coming, remember Lindsay Graham’s unusual line of questions on military tribunals. There was a purpose to that.

President Trump is a genius. The deep state is imploding.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Tyer looks like an old hag…stress.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

When she spoke at Taconic it was all schools and employees in the audience.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Trump Fellas
6 years ago

and were they all given free movie passes for after the spinfest?

Walden Ln Golden Gals
Walden Ln Golden Gals
6 years ago

The Gals of Walden Lane would love a Strobe Iight up off North Street.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Gaetani got shutdown at the Council Meeting tonight. Peter White gave a quick i’ll Second it concerning President Marchetti adjourning..

Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Not surprising, considering how rude & obnoxious he was during the public input session!

Trump U
Trump U
6 years ago

The water wiz is just a fizz to this Mayor as well as most Council members.. The water assistant looked defeated.

6 years ago

Do not count the Wizard out. That would be a grave mistake.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

I wish that pctv kept the cameras rolling a little longer. The Gman took marshitti to the wood shed after the cameras were turned off. No one compares to the wizard. He told marshitti that civil disobedience is what creates good government. Four councilors agreed with him. Mazzeo Connell Morandi and rivers. You all know the morons who disagreed. The Gman is the only person who makes CC meetings interesting. Without him it would be a bore show. The Gman was at the top of his game tonight even though he was quite I’ll with the flu. He and Mr. Lis were both ill Li’s more so than the Gman so he asked if he could speak for Li’s and marshitti being the little tyrant that he is wouldn’t allow it. When the Gman got the opportunity latter in the night he tore marshitti a new asshole. The Gman should write a book about his life. He is the most interesting person in pittsfield and the taxpaers best friend ever.

Trump Train
Trump Train
6 years ago

I think it is time for a restraining order against the g-man at city council meetings.

He brings nothing, keeps bringing his same old obnoxious self. It was amazing how phony and nice he was when he was granted a presentation. But true colors kept creeping out.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

He brings nothing???? Do you have a brain lick lick??? He acts accordingly. Nice when others are nice and deadly when they aren’t you will find out soon what it will cost you. You must be brainless ass hole he is trying to help you. Throwing stones at him is the same as throwing stones at yourself. Where the hell do your types come from????