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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 31-FEB. 2, 2019) — It didn’t take long before reports trickled out of the Berkshire County District Attorney’s office, led by newbie Andrea Harrington. Our new Hamilton Burger assumed office with the startling agenda of going after “crime” on the basis of politics, race, and gender as opposed to the tenets of honest justice. Justice? Or “just us?” And what is it that they say about “assumptions?”

In fairness, only time can arbitrate her “new approach.” Perhaps she’s so far ahead of the curve she appears behind. That’s how it is when you lap everyone. If that’s the case, Berkshire County can expect a dramatic improvement in public safety. On the other hand, as Tevye says, perhaps she’s actually a plodder bringing up the rear. In that instance, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski had better invest in security systems and tae kwon do lessons.

Harrington rode to victory over Judith Knight and Paul Caccaviello. While campaigning, Harrington painted a dire picture of crime under David Capeless-Caccaviello. Now, according to the fluff coming out of her office, things have become, instantly, much better. However, until proven otherwise, the jury is out on the D.A.’s “cultural change,” which seems to be code for giving certain minority groups preferential treatment and “Get Out of Jail” cards. If that’s the case, the new D.A. stands as racist, sexist, and every-“ist” as she thinks the rest of the world is.

In this report, THE PLANET has drawn from sources within the D.A.’s office, the courthouse, and others outside the office but with inside knowledge. Multiple times we sought comment from Harrington so we could get her version of events. She ignored the requests.

———- ooo ———-

One of the first things Harrington did, according to sources, was impose a draconian press policy. As one source put it — we shall call him “Paul Drake” —  “She thinks a crime not caught or publicized is a crime that statistically didn’t occur.” Crime in Berkshire County is now the tree falling in the forest with no one to hear.

To borrow from Sir Winston O’Boogie, an Iron Curtain has descended over the D.A.’s office.

This policy betrays an incredible naivete about how the media works. During the campaign, when she had use for THE PLANET Andrea couldn’t be more accommodating. After, she turned off the spigot.

So she thought.

When the top dog stops talking to you, a good investigative reporter goes to alternative sources. Competent newshounds will have cultivated those sources, as  THE PLANET has done. Truth is, Harrington’s office has more leaks than a rum runner’s skiff, and the harder she clamps down, the more leaks spring up.

———- 000 ———-

There appear to be three levels of office turmoil:

  1. Old v. New:  Andrea cleaned house, but she couldn’t toss everyone. She needed continuity and institutional knowledge. Some veterans HAD to say. The irony is that as much as the retained employees had loyalty to their old boss[es], they “are more loyal to the job and to those that they serve.” Nonetheless, Harrington, sources say, doesn’t believe that and has instilled a “great deal of suspicion of the old employees by the new. She’s become paranoid, but it’s so misplaced.”
  2. New v. New: There is infighting among new staffers, since many have no idea what they are doing. They are “jockeying for position and favoritism.” Sources report issues with [Deputy D.A. Rich] Dahoney and [1st Ass.t D.A. Karen] Bell. Dahoney, sources say, “is virtually clueless when it comes to office procedure and operations … but he’s more of a municipal lawyer so it makes sense.” Bell, sources say, is “abrasive, needlessly aggressive, and not particularly bright. When anyone questions her, she gets loud.”  Sources say [Chief of Appeals Legal Counsel Jeanne] Kempthorne, the most talented newcomer, is frustrated by the lack of professionalism and “extremely frustrated and discontented” over the office chaos. There’s also anger over the hiring of Helen Moon. The ex-nurse knows little about law and makes $70,000-a-year-plus bennies as “director of special projects,” whatever that is.
  3. Communications: Press relations are a mess. Sources say the most recent conflict was Dohoney “reading the riot act to staff about communications outside the office, leaks, and complaints by local news organizations about lack of access and information. It forced them to do a dump of press releases related to cases. Andrea has been using her staff as sort of a PR firm and has focused on Facebook and Twitter, releasing positive press and news snipits and not meeting the needs of the local press for information.” Sources say the atmosphere in the office is one of mistrust and suspicion that has “the most talented person in the office [Kempthorne] on the verge of quitting.” Sources say Kempthorne has shared her frustrations with ex-colleagues in Boston. The now-infamous photo-op with state auditor Suzanne Bump, where Harrington wore a shirt top that appeared to show the outline of her nipples also caused “a great deal of embarrassment, especially among [the women] in the office, who found it degrading,” Street says.

———- 000 ———-

So there you have it. Five days prior to publication, THE PLANET invited Harrington to comment, set the record straight on anything she disputes, and to present her side. She ignored the request. We interpret her silence as an endorsement of the report’s accuracy. Should she wish to comment after the fact, we remain open to her contributions.

Have a great weekend, everybody. Keep the comments semi-intelligent. Our bouncers are getting testy.


Anger will not help us now, Mr. Ambassador” — From Stanley Kubrick‘s screenplay of “Dr. Strangelove.”



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pittsfield is #5, and North Adams is #1, in Massachusetts for violent crime in 2017, according to the FBI. Pittsfield and N.A. also has high rates of poverty, welfare caseloads, and social services recipients.

It is all the lovely Linda Tyer and Andrea Harrington’s fault! Instead of the old “Blame GE” slogan, it is now “Blame Linda” or “Blame Andrea”.

I would poop my pants if I had to walk down North Street after hours.

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Johnathon, whose fault is it that all these streets are unsafe?

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago


That’s a damn good guestion for every mayor from Ed Reilly to tonDoyle to Hideaway “North St crime is an aberration”, to Renaissance Ruberto, to Bianchi, to Taxes Tyer. Perhaps Dan will feature a special column on their answers.

And how much was pissed away over the years, cumulatively, on North Street tax breaks, free bees, parking meters, cops on da beat, meter maids (is that sexist????) etc????

And to paraphrase Billiary “what difference did it make????”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Mayor Tyer is responsible for safety in Pittsfield.Mayor please light up 1st street.We are begging you to turn up the lights and cut tree limbs.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

TSC She has a tough time turning on a light bulb. Try something easier!!!!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Mr. Melle,

As I have posted before, your street list is outta date by a couple of homicides, at least. Your outta touch my man. Why just last month there was another shooting on Spring Street, a homicided before that, and wasn’t there just a homicide down off Elm Street, which by the way, is going the way of Tyler Street.

6 years ago

You’ll never hit your stride on North at night, that’s for sure. But you could run for your life.

Reply to  U
6 years ago


That’s a good one right there!

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Nod to you Johnny.I was just showing off.

6 years ago

Hiring friends and acquaintances that have no experience is a poison pill that will backfire. If Moon is truly clueless she will pull the whole office down and make the DA job much more stressful.

I find it hard to believe in this day and age that any adult would make a big deal about a well clothed nipple. That is kind of fourth grade though even most fourth graders these days would not think it noteworthy.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Wang like high beams.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago


As a woman, I can tell you there are bras made with padding to prevent a “nip-slip.”

Why is it a big deal to women? A few reasons that I can think of off hand. (1) DAAH makes very, very, good money as the DA. She can afford padded/modesty bras, (2) As a ‘Progressive woman,” that DAAH claims to be, she would take steps to eliminate a potential “nip-slip,” (see #1), and, (3) how would a man be treated if he had an “official,” photo taken with a state official and the male was hard?

It’s not a good look as the agency head, IMO. You don’t see Chief Wynn doing Coffee and Cops, with a large mustard stain on his uniform. It’s a pride thing.

Mr. G
Mr. G
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

I don’t see it. what am I missing? or am I seeing the wrong pix

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago


He ain’t exactly Colonel Mustard either!!!

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

But you no see lead pipe or candle stick holder.

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

I think in the grand scale of things making a big deal out of a nipple impression in 2019 is petty as hell and undermines the seriousness of her detractors. Makes them look like school yard bullies.

Come back when you have a real issue worth debating.

Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago


A “nip slip” is when a nipple is accidentally exposed. You have no idea what you are talking about. And your comparison to a man walking around with an erection is ridiculous.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

I did not vote Harrington but the people who kept talking about her tee shirt photo should be fired for being unable to handle that photo Op.Why would anyone stay if something so casual as that bothered their work for the taxpayers.That is so crazy.
Trumps behavior on the other hand should concern people.

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Absolutely! That just defines what hipocracy is.

Reply to  Spagirl
6 years ago

The far left defines what hypocrisy is.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

and far right radio has made you paranoid…very paranoid….scary paranoid

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

It’s called clintonitus. Def£ clinonitus, an anti liberal effect on lying liberals that affects the cheating right republican, mostly found in male voters who tend to vote for Presidential Candidates that grab pussy, and say it’s ok because a former Democratic President did the same but was more relevant than the current situation.


Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Who wouldn’t be paranoid when the far left media and far left philosophy has made their followers very delusional. Abortion right before the baby is due to be delivered is OK? Turn us into Venezuela when we have a booming economy? No border wall to protect our southern border because it’s racist? Too much craziness and in the case of third trimester abortions, that is infanticide.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

What is Moons job ?

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Distraction artist.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Moon orbit Earth.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Helen Moon is a racist and sexist.

And that’s the bottom-line.

P.S. Left-handed Harrington might become victim to G. L. c. 211, sec. 4, sooner rather than later?

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

How’s law school coming? Need to borrow any of my hornbooks?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Gotta love those hornbooks.They cram a semester’s worth of jurisprudence studies into one volume.

Actually, I learn more from case law than all those treatises and text – combined!

Thanks for enquiring, Shakes!!

And that’s the bottom-line!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

At least the Berkshires is rid of Paul the protector of rapists, pedophiles and his political contributors!
Be nice to have a conservative district attorney candidate for 2020, riding trumps coattails into office.
How much worse can ms Harrington make it before she is recalled? She is proving to be an opportunistic politician, too busy grooming herself for next higher office to manage her elected duties.

Ms Harrington is very Naïve, believing members of the corrupt Former regime are going to expose their own criminal behavior. Prison is very inhospitable to former law enforcement and two faced attorneys fear their disgruntled former clients.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Magoo
6 years ago

So, when is left-handed Harrington gonna expose all those nasty coverups? Exactly!

Can it get any worse? Stay tuned!!

P.S. Harrington’s on with Sturgeon this upcoming Monday morning. Perhaps she’ll announce her resignation? Yeah, right.

Andrea Harrington is a walking disaster and an incurable jackass.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

There needs to be a complete expose of salaries and retirement pay of teachers in the state college system from Flagship To community college staff salaries.The state is unimpressed with the one program that did well and that program for future nurses is being overseen by the state..There are alot of adult night feel good classes but nursing was the showpiece for BCC.Check out BCC president pay and all other benefits.The state college system is the Royalty of labor positions.People will be in shock with pay and healthcare on the taxpayers

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

School Committee – I saw that they wanted to remove accreditation from the nurses program as the student results were so bad they couldn’t have demonstrated to have taught the pupils anything. More dumbies released into the post education world. The standards have to be so low at this point.
Regarding hiring Moon – that was a scandalous bit of patronage. The other hires have some connection to their field. It’s disgraceful, really. Is she a graduate from BCC, maybe it’s a good deed to keep her from being a practicing nurse then.
Re the DA treatment of the press – Democrats got so piasy about Trump manipulating the press but we see it in Blue MA every day.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

She have band aid ready if ADA get paper cut.

6 years ago

This is what many feared that the District Attorney’s office would become all about a political agenda.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

Just like what has happened to the FBI. These agencies are supposed to be impartial. If they have a political agenda, it becomes dangerous for the country.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

more scary paranoia from Pat. Is she posting from under her bed? so sad what Trump and his cult leaders are doing to good peoples minds.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny. We must all be vigalant regarding people who have been scump indoctrinated by fox and nut case right wing media. We have already let these lies get well out of hand and we who value the truth must come out of the woodwork and confront every lie the instant they are told. I agree that pat is a good person but if we allow her to be any further indoctrinated we stand a good chance of losing her forever. Some of the others who are too far right to ever be brought back to their senses are the real danger to our country. When an individual can’t tell right from wrong or truth from lies they become everyone’s problem I hope that we all can agree to stick with the truth and confront the lies. This is the only path to sanity.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, leave the cult while you still can.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art before you leave the cult make sure you down your cup of limited special addition Jim Jones Kool Aid. That will wet your whistle.

6 years ago

Pelosi is not going to back off, this should be interesting. Pelosi cant back off,dems are majority and certainly not now. Outcome…Court Fight.

Reply to  H
6 years ago

Finish the wall. We already have hundreds of miles of wall on the border that Democrats love…..finish the job.

Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

H is right. Money for border security and no money for Trump’s vanity wall. Let him go to Mexico like he promised. Let the MF declare a crisis. Maybe the next president will assume a new crisis.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

Harrison Good for you. The truth always wins out. We of like mind have to kill a lie right in its track. 85 million souls have been poisoned by scump and we need to get them an anecdote as fast as possible and that anecdote is the Truth. They must be given mega doses of it daily and when they slip up we need to pour it down their throats. This is the only way to save these poor souls.

6 years ago

Nipple gate:

Yes it’s stupid but it is symptomatic of something more systemic in the office. A lack of attention to detail.
This was a planned and orchestrated visit, sources say Bump wanted to travel on the taxpayers dime to her second home in the Berkshires. She scheduled the meeting for a Friday to get the travel allowance and to use state resources to get her here for a party.
DAAH, on the other hand, who is all about optics spent hours with a staff member planning the visit, talking about what she would wear “wear a solid bright color, it will make you stand out (no pun intended) in the photos”. So they worked that all out but could not pay attention to ALL the details. I am guessing this will be par for the course, heavy on optics, weak on content and always missing the mark in any event.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Last year she flat like pancake. Now she like Jayne Mansfield. Maybe she finally hit puberty.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Looks like Bump should audit Bump.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Hit the nail right on the thumb!!

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

Pretty soon Harrington wonder who eat strawberries.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
6 years ago

The Ozonator could have been the beginning of the Renaissance, instead, this Mayor is more interested in building to keep contract$ for special interests consultants and raise water rates to zenith proportions. It’s called ren-no-sense.

Reply to  Miss Vito
6 years ago

I agree. It is all about taxing high in order to create funding for projects that will reward special interests. She is not the first one to do it but sure is turning it into an art form.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

Doomie Most crooks are smart but this crook is stupid. Hers is a default position. Thoroughly lost but money falling from heaven or so she thinks. Things for her will get worse and worse the closer we get to election day. Big money candidate who knows how to save money could be staking out city hall. He will ride into town on a mule and will clean up the mess and leave town on two mules and head off into the sunset leaving all citizens very very happy. Say your prayers that this individual decides to help us as help is what we are in dire need of. All trained need no on the job training and first order business chop chop Gobsig. Good fer tax and rate payer Very Good

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Miss Vito
6 years ago

Get over it. You missed the bid deadline. And your lack of human relations skills pretty much sank your boat.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritzy You missed the deadline a long long long time ago. Hardly any brain left. Listen listen and shut shut. Just saeeing

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Miss Vito
6 years ago

Mayor and DA need Ozonator in both office. Maybe clean up all bullshit.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Dr.Wang: ozonator can kleen up mutsh but mayer and dee A too mutsh bull chit. Break ozonator.

Shelly Liver
Shelly Liver
6 years ago

If you’re a retiree from special interest, making a fifty G and up pension, who are you beholden to in any office? Look at the State,troopers making 200 g a year, half of it overtime to sit ina car.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Shelly Liver
6 years ago

Blatant income envy.

Trump Train
Trump Train
6 years ago

New Berkshire County DA motto…
it isn’t a crime if we decide not to prosecute it

This will reduce the crime statistics in the Berkshires dramatically.
I feel safer already. Way to go AH.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

The mayor wants less crime reported so this DA will make her very happy.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny tyer is the crime. A criminal to all taxpayers and Rate payers. She belongs in jail. I know many who feel this way!!!!

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The mayor has been given a gift of 4 million so cutting another 4 million is 8 million.My taxes have gone up 2,000 in Tyer in 2 years.Her personal checkbook is a mess.The school department head Jake wont call off school so caos to cover kids is the order from Behnke.The mayor wont or cant get anyone on highway to work without overtime.Those guys are making 100k

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Adjunct teachers at BCC want full healthcare from the state of massachusetts.20k bene.All around the state people want to be on state health insurance.This of course explains why the country as a whole wants medicare.It is fair and rich republicans dont want you to get it.What average fool would be against what normal people logically want

6 years ago


I gots to say, this kinds seems like a nothing burger. I don’t see a whole lotta there there, as they say. I fear some holdover staff will be beheaded over this column, and it seems to be normal infighting, and jockeying for position, common in any new regime. As for the DA’s attire, while I appreciate a nice pair of high beams, or as Bob Segar sings “points all her own sittin’ way up high”, she was dressed professionally, and unless her attire was very unprofessional, should not be called out. I wonder if this isn’t all part of your plan – shake the DA’s office tree, with this column, and see what apples fall off??? Perhaps it is time for Krol to ride in on his pretty white hourse and take the reigns of the communications branch. You wrote in a recent column that “Time, as always, becomes the most reliable messenger”. It was a great and so true line. She deserves more time, and I hope and pray she grows into the job. I’m not sure I would have responded either if I were her. As you say also Dan, don’t chase critisicm.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

I would disagree on a few points.

The level of chaos and infighting even amongst trusted staff is high, as I have heard.

The fact that seasoned prosecutors (she hired a couple and there are a few left) are being second guessed by someone who has zero criminal trial experience (yes her 8 cases really count for zero) is dangeous. Applying a political agenda to crime to satisfy a progressive agenda, utterly dangerous.
Trying to let a serial stick up person out because “he’s the main provider for his family” absolutely ridiculous. If that’s the case, most criminals should be out on bail to ply their trade. Thank god the judge stopped that.
Planning to hold a victim over for a dangerousness hearing? Absurd. She went from being held over for dangerousness to $100 bail.
If she has time enough for photo-ops and speeches that have little or nothing to do with actually prosecuting time, she’s fair game for criticism.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Looks like she’s screwing up all facets of the job in general.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Maybe that will be Trumps new defense in his Russian collusion trial. He is the main provider for his family. So is Manafort and Cohen and Flynn and most child molesters.

Just skip the trials and save the city a small fortune.

If You Will
If You Will
6 years ago

The now-infamous photo-op with state auditor Suzanne Bump, where Harrington wore a shirt top that appeared to show the outline of her nipples also caused “a great deal of embarrassment, especially among [the women] in the office, who found it degrading,” Street says.

a great deal of embarrassment, especially among [the women] in the office….Not us horny wise asses who post on the planet!!!!

Reply to  If You Will
6 years ago

Fritz wants to do a photo op.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

Cicero have big mouth except lately. What goin on?

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Cicero’s a coward.

Hey, Cicero, I’m still waiting on all those Williams College sexual assault cases to be prosecuted; ya know the ones you and reckless henchmen accused Capeless and Caccaviello of covering up.

Harrington and Hooters go together like a horse and carriage.

And that’s the bottom-line!!

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Hooters Harrington, Wang love dat.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Even if you no like Capeless have to admit he never show nipple.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

AH just finished her first month and you’re wondering why no Williams-related prosecutions yet? You, sir, are an idiot.

It’s interesting that just a few posts after calling Helen Moon a racist, you respond to a moron who gets his rocks off by posting in a mock-asian voice. The saddest part is that a number of people here find it amusing. If I was an 8 year old raised in ignorance I wouldn’t find it amusing. Not because I think it’s offensive – though it is – but because it’s so un-clever. Then again, look at the nipple obsession around here. So bizarre and childish. People really need to grow up.

And that includes you, Brian. First and foremost. Stop behaving like a reckless buffoon. You were played by some evil people and made a complete ass out of yourself in the process. And now you’re probably being manipulated again in some way. I guess the “fool me once…” aphorism doesn’t apply in your case.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Cicero
6 years ago

You’re so articulate with your insults, Cicero. And to think that’s all you have to offer is stupid, idioms designed to make a ridiculous point that’s sits aimlessly on top of your head.

And think idiots like yourself help put left-handed Harrington into office. She lied about the Williams sexual assault cases and so did you!

She’s an idiot Cicero; you’re either too stupid to realize it or too far in bed with “crazy lady” to understand what’s right in front of you. Either way, your prize possession is going down when Boston begins filings under G. L. c. 211, 4.

Yes, I was played like an outta tuned fiddle. But at least I didn’t help propel a complete buffoon into office.

And how can you be sure I was played? Could it all had been scripted beforehand?

And that’s the bottom-line!!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

The short and logical explanation:

I know from experience, I asked ms Harrington to look at my family’s victimization under capeless/Caccaviello regime.
Promptly received a call from lt culver threatening myself, for asking ms Harrington to honor her campaign promise.
I will email message he left if you’d like!

Lt Edward culver MSP is very busy intimidating and vilifying the victims of the former regime he was part of,
Ms Harrington should of completely cleaned house,
Thinking criminals will expose themselves is naïve, and will hasten her exit from office if not rectified promptly.
She needs to prosecute the former prosecutor and his henchmen , which will hasten her rise to attorney general.
Imagine Maura will be attacking Faker soon, softening him up for her run at governor.

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
6 years ago

Cicero is Rinaldo late at night when he’s nursing old wounds and a bottle.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

little Emperor tell sissy ro to tone it down? Go casual…

Long Wang
Long Wang
6 years ago

Just don’t forget that you can thank the Democratic Party for all things Andrea Harrington. As far as nipple gate goes, shouldn’t the DA be wearing a business suit or other appropriate attire that would make her look like an attorney, rather than someone who rushed to Walmart and picked up the cheapest, tightest sweater dress she could find? The bows on the sleeves make her look like a high school student.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

It all depend what business you in.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

Maybe all DA office hires should be selected from a convent.
If that was Tricia’s nip nobody would be talking about it so the girl should be flattered that all adult men are so horny they can’t stop talking about it.

Grow the hell up already.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

If Hooters Harrington go in court room maybe get many dolla tip.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

That casual dress conversation is plain ignorance.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You come to my restaraunt. I make special Won Ton soup for you.

6 years ago

Harrington – an aggressive politician, mentored by Pittsfield’s favorite temporary employee and former NA mayor, JB3. She has no experience and was never qualified for the job. She rarely is in the office, and when she does show up, she causes chaos. She has told the staff she’s there to make progressive change on the outside by being the face of the DA’s office, and not to prosecute cases. She is a politician working to get a higher political position. Her personal qualifications are (in her opinion) based chromosomal structure. #MeTooOnlyMe Mean, vindictive, common Napoleonic issues due to her diminutive physical stature. Treats everyone the same way her political mentor does: Trumpian hate for any critic or person who discovers the truth. Thank you Progressive women for doing the same thing to the DA’s office that has been done to the Presidency.

Dahoney – a political ally with no prosecutorial experience, hired as political payback for supporting Harrington. He should have refused the job if he had a modicum of honor.

Bell – Poorly viewed by her past boss. Abrasive. Abusive Knows far less than she thinks she knows. Her old boss couldn’t believe Harrington hired her without calling him first for a fair evaluation. Qualification? Shared chromosomal structures with Harrington. Give him a call.

Kempthorne – a true professional. As a former federal prosecutor, she had to be. However, federal prosecutorial experience does not translate well to state courts. The actual rules are different. Sadly, she didn’t know what she was being dragged into, and anyone who has lived her orderly career is going out of her mind in this chaos. I would hope that she preserves her own sanity and reputation by looking elsewhere for a position that suits her considerable talent.

Moon? A big political payola. She simply doesn’t belong there no matter how much sparkling water she puts on the wellness table in the wellness room.

It’s long overdue that we cut out the far left, Progressive and far right Conservative BS and get to work fixing things.

This DA is turning her office into a racist, sexist, foolish sham where justice is no longer being applied equally. If you’re a Caucasian male and commit any crime in this county, you’re screwed. But, if you’re a woman with a gun and want to blow away your boyfriend and make a false claim of self-defense from abuse, Harrington is your DA for sure!

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

BTW, Nipplegate?

I don’t give a damn if the Pointer Sisters were out that day. I do care about the shambles the DA’s Office has become.

Hopefully, this woman child will learn. If not, let’s go for a recall vote.

Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

The truthsayer is telling the truth.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Truthsayer
6 years ago

Truth:: Kin Jung moon relative of Kim Jung un grangaughter of Kim Jung ill and great grand daughter of Kim jong nut. All very mean and stooge. All laugh too much even when not funny. Very mean look and stupid and love Gobsig.

Harlan RinkleNutts
Harlan RinkleNutts
6 years ago

The heat is on, it’s on the streets. Just sayin…

6 years ago

Probably about time to move on. This is all sounding bitter and pathetic. Harrington won big. Not even close.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Harrison
6 years ago

She win big and screw up bigger.

6 years ago

Harrington fired a bunch more highly respected members of staff this week so she can pass more work over to her campaign committee. A highlight you missed was when she met during her first week with members of the professional community who have been fighting hard against the opioid epidemic. And threw out this insult: “I have no problem prosecuting doctors who are overprescribing meds.” The air literally sucked out of the room. We do not have that problem in Berkshire County. We’ve only ever had one doc who was routed for it. But this tone deaf politician is unable to read the room, never mind take the time to educate herself as to what is going on here.

6 years ago

Andrea hasn’t hit stride yet.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  u
6 years ago

She’s going to bring in Ruth Buzzie Ginsburgh.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Buzzie’s still breathing?

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Buzzie is in a secret location. (Art’s basement) He’s nursing her back to health in his sand float.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  u
6 years ago

tyer Harrington Bouvier. Yon kennedy moon rivers Edgerton benke dews and wynn all have something in common. I forgot what it was. Can anyone help????

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Gman, they all democrat gobsig.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Dr. Wang Yes but what else???????

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

G man never show nipple. Thank you G man.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Fat chick like that Wang no play that.

6 years ago

This just in! AH has fired the entire Community Outreach and Education Program–with the exception of Como’s wife. What about education? Community programming? Prevention? COE has a stellar reputation among school officials, students, and parents. These dedicated professionals will be out at the end of the school year.

This office gave 6 months to a heroin dealer whose girlfriend OD’d and died. Taking the opioid crisis head-on, right?
Asking a judge to release a guy accused of four armed robberies? Way to protect victims, DA.

And the latest horror? A woman who left two dogs in her car overnight until the next afternoon when the temperature was 87 was charged with two counts of animal cruelty because both died. She was given non-jail sentence of probation and no conviction.

Bell is having a fire sale, dumping superior court cases, saying that the previous administration indicted too many cases.

What about the promised transparency? Guess her media policy is being transparent when there is an opportunity for her to get “good press”. The whole debacle with the auditor was a big, phony photo op. Who calls the media for an audit?

The voters were duped.

AH made promises no DA could keep and used race and gender to attack Caccaviello. She is modeling her office after the NOHO DA. What’s the difference? Well, a median income 15K higher than Pittsfield. Lots of colleges, hospitals, and a vibrant downtown. The DA cannot cure the systemic structural problems of the county. But, give her some time. She’ll find the next office she wants to run for and the county can get back to having a prosecutor as the DA.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AHDA
6 years ago

After Watergate it took the American public 10 years to have faith in their government. Scump is far worse a president than Nixon. It could take decades for the American people to have faith in our government after scump and the first steps we must take is having public hearings of the wrong doings of scump and his administration. This is the worst president and administration and republican members of congress in the history of the US. Truth must be the first order of the day to start the healing process and any and all lies stamped out. Truth is all that is necessary to put on on the road to recovery after scump is impeached. The sooner the better

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

It’ll be tough but pull your head from your backside!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Ño dummy it’s time you learn the truth. We will not allow your types to poison our minds any longer. No more lies. Only truth. Pull your head from your backside and try sounding intelligent for a change. Your bating average is “0”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

No Art, your batting average is zero. You haven’t been right on anything regarding Kavanaugh and Trump. Stop making a fool of yourself with all the garbage you post on this site. The truth will set you free.

Reply to  AHDA
6 years ago

I thought the “firing” happened a while ago, they have until May.

Reply to  AHDA
6 years ago

This just in!

Andrea Harrington has been in office for exactly one month. The rantings of JK and BC are absurd. Go away you hate-consumed, awful women.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  AHDA
6 years ago

Not surprised fat Como’s wife remains on the DA’s payroll. Beth’s oversized hubby reached out to Harrington’s campaign hours after Cacc lost his primary campaign, offering to head up her transition team.

Steve, Beth’s beast, was eventually banned from the write-in effort after we learned about his traitorous behaviour. If anyone was directly affected by fatman’s underhanded ploy it was Cacc; he produced a few tears after being told.

Steve and Beth Como are not to be trusted, under any cirsumstance!!

6 years ago

Pee Whi head stuck in oznater

6 years ago

Who cares who wants the wall. Build the damn thing already and be done with it. There really is no down side. Let’s face it, we paid untold millions to build a wall for Jordan. We built it in 3 phases. Then there is the road we built in Afghanistan that cost us 10 million dollars. The same ass hats that are pissing and moaning now we’re all in favor of these projects. Enough money has been wasted on this foolishness. With the money piss away already the wall could have been paid for twice. Good grief.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

The following is True insanity. Tickets for the big game on stub hub website for a luxury box are 315 thousand dollars. On Ace ticket website the box will cost you 341,250. What a buy. The Gman is going to purchase two boxes. One for all his friends and one for all of his enemies, The enemies get the 315 thousand dollar box. What a generous man the gman is. He however will watch the game at home. He doesnt want to be seen with the insane,

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Fake news, the waterboy has no friends.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art thank you for he offer,I’ll take the cash.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

Paul What cave have you been holding up in?? Your only off by about 48 bllion dollars. I’ll bet you are a pittsfield school graduate. Only question is which grade did you graduate from?? First or second grade. Tell us you made a mistake. You do realize you did. Dont you??????

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, instead of spending (kind for wasting) your time posting your nonsense (i.e.-GMan is smartest person on earth, scump this/that, etc), you should take my suggestion and contact Big Y or Wal Mart, and peddle “G-Man water products.”

You and the G-Man could stand outside, dressing and acting like the “Two wild and crazy guys” (Steve Martin/Dan Aykroyd, SNL skit). All while peddling water/water products.

Art, may I suggest you two take a manners class, public speaking course, a few etiquette seminars, for starters.

Somebody refusing to buy a G-Man water product, doesn’t warrant chasing a family down to their car, while waving a golf club in an aggressive manner, and screaming profanities at the top of ones lungs. Doesn’t tend to sell products or ensure a products longevity.

It’ll be a sorta-PAC for you Art. Achieve this level of competency and who knows, maybe Mayor….it worked for Goldie Wilson.

Fugimoto Hockalugi
Fugimoto Hockalugi
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Gman, next time you do show take your hat and jacket off.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Fugimoto Hockalugi
6 years ago

Fugi. Gman show last live show of day. Cold cold cold. Summertime take off jacket and hat if not too cold from air kondisshñeng

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Katedummy:: The water they sell at Walmart is the Gman water. Read the lable. It has been mentioned on this site many times. See how misinformed you are. The Gman is in my opinion the smartest man in the city. Saved more money for the taxpayers in the city than all others combined and largest benefactor of all time and these are just a few of his accomplishments. I’m going to write a book about him and become a multi millionaire also. Have you shaved of that moustache yet?????? You are way way way way out of your league but so are many on this site also. I won’t name them but they are all people who see things as you do. Do you have any accomplishments we should know about to compare the the Gman?????

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Paul
6 years ago

I’m with you, Paul.
Build the damn wall!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritzy. Paul made a fool of himself in his post and you condoned it.. Pitiful pitiful pitiful. You get more and more ridiculous by the minute. Sad.

6 years ago

Damn right Pauly,

Build a big wall, put razor wire on top, electrified, and put armed guards on the border and change the catch and release laws. This country’s going to hell in a hand basket lately. In this case, if you don’t build it, they will come. I hope Trump puts a million soldiers on the border and has them build the wall and institute a draft if necessary – its a got damn emergency for Pete sakes.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

I’m dumb Paul, but believe you’re only off about a few more billion,you dope.

6 years ago

This area will soon be ladened with more dope addicts and thieves,criminals,bad drivers,disrespect,than you can shake a stick at. Someone told me there was a fender bender on Hancock Rd. This week. Now that’s a surprise.

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
6 years ago

Looks like the driver the cop shot has a ups driver as witness,not good for the cop.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Miss Vito
6 years ago

Yeah two upstanding cops. Streit and Hallas With body cams suggested by the Gman for past three years we Could see the Real story. Look for them to get out Scott free even though they are lying threw their teeth. Streit never even filed a report which is mandatory when deadlybforce is used but dont think that will matter much either. Just another cover up by corrupt cops.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Not surprised that Andrea refused to comment and present her version of events and ignored multiple requests. We knew lady Justice was blind but not deaf, dumb and blind. She is a Berkshire version of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
6 years ago

Here is some more true insanity. The average state trooper salary is 114 764 dollars. 10% or 212 troopers made over 200 000 take home pay. One made 311040 dollars in 2017 and the same trooper made 315 992 dollars in 2018. Hell why bother going to college but of course you have to be a good gobsigbto get the gravy train. Can you imagine what we will be paying them in pensions??? This is INSANIzTzy. Jeestvsseeing

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

$200,000 and they were stealing from the overtime account. Of course to them 10 grand is pocket change, it’s like grabbing some extra pens from the office

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Wilson
6 years ago


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago


Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

What are you yupping about? You & The G Man are the male versions of AOC. You can give it out but cannot take any criticism of the constructive type.

6 years ago

Will the Hinds story be swept under the rug and made to disappear? Where can this info be found?

Madame Du Barry
Madame Du Barry
6 years ago

The sad part is when overtime is more than the salary itself.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

See sad ass lothro got an upgrade

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
6 years ago

Unless you live in the SouthWest. you can’t appreciate the violence here. Illegals infiltrating the border, breaking and entering our homes, raping our females, killing and assaulting the Border Patrol agents and local PO’s and Sheriffs!!!
Of course not reported on the MSM!
I have a weapon on me and in every room in my house, They show up, DEMANDING food and have their tactics to surround your house. The only defense they understand is is gunfire!!!!
Even having a Police Vehicle parked in the driveway!!!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Ghost Rider
6 years ago

Holy cow!!! How many of them have you shot so far for breaking into your home demanding food?

Lokel Yokel
Lokel Yokel
6 years ago

Very fake news.

6 years ago

DAAH she’s been in office a month, zero court appearances, 8 photo-ops.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

As they say, elections have consequences. The majority voted in the progressive agenda, which I totally disagree with. The uninformed have elected an inexperienced, naive woman and the price to be paid will be a soaring crime rate. Fasten your seat belts!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Agent Smith – Do you happen to know if DAAH or anyone from her office showed up at the recent homicide on Edward Avenue?

Silent Cal
Silent Cal
Reply to  Merry & Bright
6 years ago

Harrington couldn’t make it because she was at yoga class.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
6 years ago

No she did not. She was at a different photo-op

Reply to  Merry & Bright
6 years ago

I’m pretty sure she has the chalk outline sent to her, so there’s no need to go to the crime location.

Frozen Grapes
Frozen Grapes
6 years ago

Very signicant the UPS witness for the clown in the local police shooting on Springside Ave. This guy could get millions in a Civil Suit.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

How many workers in the Berkshire hills who have health insurance pay 100% and how many get their health insurance subsidized in a group by the Feberal Goverment,State of Massachusetts or the city or town they live in.I will guess 90% who have it get a 80 % Subsidy ….Has anyone on this site bought Trumps promised cheaper and better Health insurance

Miss Vito
Miss Vito
6 years ago

Without socialism you have no Jobs here. Way-fair not what I need.

6 years ago

With all the thousands of illegals that are forming at our borders, something bad is about to happen.

If our troops are unable to stop them, will the Dems finally admit there is a “crisis”? Answer: NO

Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

I agree with your post, Spider.
The ironic part of it is…..the Democrats voted to fund a border wall in past administrations. Part of the wall is already built. But their hate for Trump and desire to derail his agenda has changed their support for border walls to open borders. Pelosi wouldn’t even meet with the angel moms to discuss the issue of illegal immigration. Shameful.
Hopefully Trump will exercise his authority under the constitution and get the wall built!
The radical Democrat party has become the party of racism, socialism, anti-Semitism, infanticide and open borders.

Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

I couldn’t have said it better, Gigi!

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

Yeah something very had is going to happen. The poor souls are going to be locked up in scumps root cellar.

6 years ago

Global warming – biggest hoax ever. This is posted for Art and all the other suckers who believe in this garbage.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Gigi You have to be intelligent to understand global warming and because your not You will never believe in global warming. Because of your condition I am certain that you believe the earth is flat and that the sun revolves around the earth. How far did you get in grade school????? Where do some of you people. One from?????

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You have to be intelligent to argue the case for global warming, and you are obviously not up to the challenge. I notice you have adopted the typical Democrat response to issues – don’t answer the question but deflect and call the opponent a name such as idiot, buffoon, etc.
You are correct – I do not believe in global warming because I am not a sucker who wants to have an additional meaningless tax levied by the government to “fight” an issue which does not exist.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

The day the Earth was formed the climate began changing. It will continue to change as long as it exists. Current climate change data is all the result of computer data. Fake data in fake data out. Follow the gobsig money. It’s a scam to impose marxism in some form on unsuspecting people. Those who promote it are in Stalin’s words—Useful Idiots.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

. Incredibly ignorant!!!!! A fools fool!!!!

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Only special people like Art can see the emperor’s new clothes.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Like I said Gigi. You have to be intelligent to understand climate change and your not. There is no sense trying to talk to a person who can’t comprehend what you are saying. The world is made up of a few geniuses who make life better for everyone and those who survive because of their efforts. What group do you belong to?????

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Don’t you buffoon’s get it? Art is a genius who is trying to creat heaven on earth.

Bill DeWahl
Bill DeWahl
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The top person in an organization does not do the hiring. BUILD THE WALL.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Where is Ruth Bader Ginsburg – dead or alive?
Maybe the libtards are busy searching for a body double.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

More illegals identified at at least three scump properties. This clown on top of all the negative adjectives that describe him is a hypocrite. Trying to build a wall to keep them out while he keeps them in working for peanuts. This Sob has to go. This is factual info but watch who comes back and calls this fake news. Please do so we can get you help. Pitiful

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

All illegal aliens please report to Art’s house, The Gman’s house or TFB. They will all give you a place to stay and all the food you can eat. They will also teach you how to leach off the system and collect EBT.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounge. The illegals are at scumps properties eating garbage and sleeping in the root cellar

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

There showing the triplets on cnn, no no Ginsburg commercial or Gilda Radner .anyone see that B T K last night?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

She is the mayor of pittsfield now. Didn’t you see her at the last CC meeting???????. Your slipping terribly fritz and making a fool of yourself on this board. I told you to listen more but you didn’t take my advise. You do know that I give very good advise. Now. Try to stay quiet and listen. You will appear more intelligent if you do. Jest saaeeing

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

She’s in Art’s basement. He converted his hot tub into a hot sand float. She should be back in action by the middle of the month.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

A weekend at Bernie’s is happening with her.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Fritz ate too many animal crackers as a kid.jus uh sayin…

6 years ago

Gigi every time you post you cut and paste just saying. Geeej, don’t you know going up against the Master (G) is like throwing popcorn against a Battleship. Just sayn

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  U
6 years ago

You should see him when he’s fishing on his boat. He’s a real master baiter.

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
6 years ago

Can we sorta stay on topic today?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
6 years ago

Art woke up and saw his shadow. So at least six more weeks of bull shit.

Reply to  Hell Toupee
6 years ago

Get ready for the venom to come HT. That was funny!