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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 21, 2019) — On Oct. 17, 2017, the New York Times ran a prophetic piece on an online furniture and home-goods company. The article questioned how it would be possible for the firm, Wayfair, to compete given its razor-thin profit margins in an uber-competitive market. The piece concluded with an implied prediction that sustainable profitability would be unlikely. It said Wayfair’s niche business model of delivering bulky items from manufacture-to-warehouse-to-customer would not generate sufficient profits and noted that customers, before they buy big-ticket items such as a sofa or bed, like to physically examine and test the product.

The Times also said Wall Street loved to sell Wayfair stock short. In selling short, the buyer bets shares will drop in value by a specified date. Stocks that draw short sellers raise red flags for traditional investors, since they indicate companies losing money and not a good risk.

The article says if the business model can’t produce sufficient profits for the company, the owners will look to the stock for their gains. You don’t need Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Charles Trzcinka to point out the ensuing dilemma for Wayfair: One the one hand, your business model loses money ($151.7 million losses in 3rd Q 2018). On the other hand, you need to make your killing with share price. But how can stock prices show the requisite gains if the company keeps losing money?

Enter temptation.

One way around the pickle is to illegally inflate the stock price. That’s what the lawsuit alleges filed against Wayfair last week in federal court in Boston. It asserts the company lied to analysts and investors to drive up the price. It does seem odd in the extreme that Wayfair stock, which on Aug. 1, 2018 stood at $107 a share, should by mid-September magically rise to $150, a 71.3% gain — while the company was losing more than $10.6 million a day. The suit alleges that when Wayfair peaked at $150, the company’s insiders cashed out, criminally pocketing $87.75 million and burning honest investors.

This is the company mayor Linda Tyer bragged about when she announced Wayfair would build a satellite operation in Pittsfield employing 300. The move, now in serious jeopardy, would be an expansion of the Boston-based business throughout the Commonwealth boosted by public money. Stop us if you’ve heard this one before.

Reminds THE PLANET of the Beacon Cinema fiasco:

  • From 2008 to 2018, pump in $30 million of mostly public money
  • Run it unprofitably for 10 years
  • Let the building deteriorate
  • Sell it to “friendly interests” for two cents on the dollar
  • Walk away from almost $3 million owed to taxpayers, with Tyer’s blessing
  • Book town with no accounting of where the $30 million went.

Repeat after me: There were no kickbacks. There were no kickbacks. There were no kickbacks.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET was amused by the reaction to our weekend piece on Wayfair. We reprinted the mayor’s now-immortal quote that federal lawsuits happen all the time as a routine cost of doing business. Most people couldn’t believe she actually said that.

Yeah, she did.

The mayor’s defenders, including her inner circle, blasted us, doubling down on the preposterous claim that major lawsuits happen every day to companies all over America.

Honey, if that were the case, there would BE no America.

One mayoral defender scolded us that 412 lawsuits were filed against companies in 2018. We inconveniently pointed out that America has roughly 6 million companies, public and private, producing a litigation rate of 0.000068%, meaning that 99.99932% of the firms did not face federal, class-action litigation — hardly the “it happens all the time” that Tyer and the band proclaim.

Like the loser in a chess match stubbornly insisting on playing a lost position, the Kool-Aid drinkers said the 412 were from the universe of only publicly traded companies, citing the figure of 5,000 such firms in the nation. That would still yield a 92% safety factor for these companies. However, the drinkers conveniently left out all the companies that are publicly traded — not just those on the major exchanges. There are 15,000 such organizations. In other words, using this metric, nearly 98% of companies were NOT sued, again, hardly a routine event.

———- 000 ———-

When you get this kind of push back, you see smoke. And where there’s smoke, there’s usually flames from the ninth circle.

Here’s a question given the dates of the alleged stock fraud.

Did anyone from the city, either in government or elsewhere, receive inside information? Did anyone purchase stock on or before Aug. 1 last year and sell on or near mid-September? THE PLANET doesn’t make that claim, but given that Pittsfield and Wayfair were in negotiations during or near that time frame, it’s a fair question.  Will key city officials answer on the record: Did any official or anyone else with inside information profit from the alleged hoax?

The court proceedings will play out. Wayfair might win acquittal, be found guilty, or the case will be dismissed. Time, as always, becomes the most reliable messenger.

“Pull down thy vanity”Ezra Pound.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Pittsfield, Massachusetts is on the map!

It is known as the “$hakedown” capital of the World!

Everyone gets $hakendown who does business with or in Pittsfield!

– Jonathan Melle

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Dan let me expound a little bit on selling a stock short. Say a stock is selling for 100 dollars per share. You feel the stock is going to tank badly soon. You borrow the stock from a brokerage house and you immeadiately sell it in the market for the 100 dollar price. When you borrowed the stock you had to promise to return the stock by a set date called the expiration date. Let’s say ten days after you borrowed the stock the price of the stock drops to 50 per share. You are happy to make 50 per share so you buy the share back for 50 dollars in the market and you return it to the brokerage house where you borrowed it. Net result. You made 50 bucks. Betting a stock to drop is called buying a Put position. Conversely betting a stock will rise is called a Call position. So you see big players in the stock market are called institutional investors and they make Monet in up and down markets and the only ones who get hurt are the little guys. Sound familiar???

May Hemm
May Hemm
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Pats look awsome Dan.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

An even more nefarious version of this is manipulation by high volume “micro” transactions.
This has become even more common in the age of computers and ultra highspeed internet connections.
It’s a volume manipulation, lots of single stock buys to inflate the volume of Wayfair being traded.
A good way to chart this, compare volume of trades to stock price.

Another good article that highlights the nature of the Ponzi scheme that is wayfair

Lastly, the products are awful. I’ve purchased things from them. They are cheaply made (I got basically what I paid for), will not last, and their customer service is horrible. It’s extremely inconsistent

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

“An even more nefarious version of this is manipulation by high volume “micro” transactions….It’s a volume manipulation, lots of single stock buys to inflate the volume of Wayfair being traded.”

Oh God. Lot’s of “single stock buys” to inflate volume? Do you even know what volume measures??? It ain’t the number of trades, genius.

I assume you are trying to describe wash trading to inflate volume, which is absolutely nothing like the incoherent mess you presented above. Please stop.

Also, your “good article” is nearly two years old. Two years before that, he wrote almost the exact same article claiming Wayfair was worth no more than $10/share.

The guy’s name is Andrew Left and hat’s how he got rich. He shorts companies, slams them, the stock falls briefly and then he covers. Anyone who sticks to his guidance long-term has their ass handed to them 9 out of 10 times.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art just copied this out of his Funk & Wagnalls.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

No one seconded shakes for PAC leader. Can’t say that I blame you. Let’s try another idiot. Lenny. Anyone care to second this idiot???? Jeest saeing . If we dont get a second for Lenny that will number three idiots who cant garner a single vote. Were getting short of buffoons to nominate.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Nice try at pivoting, Art. Your description of short stock is right out of a textbook info, you fraud!

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


You clearly are way ahead in the race for buffoon. It is not even a contest. All of us other “idiots”, as you call us, clearly recognize your victory in this area.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art is # 1 delusional buffoon!

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I did not know I was nominated, however I decline the post. If Art is back to spewing insults from his convicted criminal friend the G-Man, I can take the gloves back off.

If you want help, I’d me more than happy to take a paid position as a campaign manager. One condition, you will follow what I say and NOT act out. Now that is a position you will not find tenable.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I looked at your website today and see you are anti-Israel. Are you part of the BDS movement? How about posting your DD-214 on your page.

6 years ago

I call it junk. Not what I need…..just sayin…..

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Lenny trump train and delfoon. Lump your brains together and perhaps you will create a half wit. Absolutely love your posts. Indicative of two or three year old mentality. Where do you people come from. More importantly where are you trying to go???

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Lenny you tenth wit. Of course it is out of a textbook info. Where do you get your info? Oh yeah rush Limbaugh. Please at least try to sound intelligent. You sound ignorant on the radio also.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

The Gman wouldn’t know the first thing about forming a PAC.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

Lounge. What do you think the Gman show is????? Come on lounger I have been thinking you have been getting smarter reading my posts. Dont backslide on me.!!!!!!!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, what’s amusing to many of us on this blog, is that now you want us to believe you are an expert on short stock. Your paragraph on short stock was obviously plagiarized off a stock website. Try being real for once, instead of a fraud. Get some help.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritzy I am not an expert on short sales but the Gman is. Four months ago we shorted Netflix and GE. I made more money on that trade than I ever did ever in the stock market. I made about 14000 dollars. The Gman made so much money that he bought a black BMW that’s about ,20 feet long. The most beautiful car I have ever seen. When he wins he buys things that are high quality so that if he needs to raise big money he can sell them. He has two beautiful yachts that the stock market bought also. One here in pittsfield and one in osweego NY where he runs a charter boat service on Lake Ontario in the summer. The Gman is an expert on the market and only invests when others are selling. Although he has made a fortune of late he has also experienced some big hits that have cost him in the six figure range. He doesnt recommend any one get into the market with money they cant afford to lose. Those that dont follow this rule will soon be broke.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Sure Art, I’ll play along with your delusion. And I bet you have a chalet in the Alps, too.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  H
6 years ago

Shakemoron I nominated you to be the PAC leader. No one seconded your nomination. I guess they all know you are not the thing for the position. As far as your being the Gman campaign manager and a paid one at that why dont you interview for the job on the Gman show wednesday. He will let the audience decide if you get the job. And oh yes wear some diapers you will need them. One more thing. The Gman will be at the CC meeting tomorrow. Why dont you identify yourself there and tell us what you can do for the taxpayer. So far all we know about you is that you are a lying coward. You know the Gman hates cowards. My bet is that we won’t be seeing you. The G man knows you and has for a long time Says you were the town gossip and hated by your co workers. I also have the same opinion of you even though I dont know you well nor do I care to. Buffoon. I dont know two much but I know this: The Gman is a man and you are a coward. Every one knows this

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I’ll only come on your show, Art. Let me know when you get one.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Shakemoron. I have no TV show but I wish I was like the Gman. He has the best show on pctv. No other show even comes close. Concise to the point and very interesting. He is beyond doubt the king of pctv. If you think there is a better show. Tell us!!!!!!!

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I think the g-man’s Pittsfield comedy hour cements his reign as the king of fools.

You’re his court jester.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Nope The king of PCTV. The best show of all time yup.

6 years ago

Everyone has it wrong, they, th 3c’s are being charged with stock manipulation,that it. It’s a federal charge that has landed many an insider considerable fines an imprisonment. Shah, the Pittsfield Native,has sold stock many times, which isn’t illegal. That’s not the charge here.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

That is why mi,the ecomment by the mayor is so mischievous. She should retract it.

6 years ago

One way or the other Edelmans finger prints are all over the K C Pats game+…..”.just sayin Go Chiefs!

6 years ago

Look a likes Bob Kraft – Dub Taylor.

Dilly Dally
Dilly Dally
6 years ago

Nick S that game was for you buddy. Gronk was awesome.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Gotta love that roughing call. I think it was because the KC guy farted near Brady.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Perhaps Tricia Bouvier could introduce a bill that would require all Massachusetts’s legislators, including at the city level, to produce their tax returns every year. Might be very interesting to see how fast a connected persons wealth increases by being involved in government. i.e. is there anyone who has been in congress more than four years who is not a millionaire?

I do realize places like the Cayman Islands an throw off a true read.

I know she cares deeply about open and honest government so I look forward to her comments as to why this is not a good idea.

THE school committee
THE school committee
6 years ago

.Wayfair hopefully gets their call center here and it nullifies the complete destructive closing of Country Curtains in stockbridge.Wayfair will pay more as a starting wage than that low wage high profit curtain company paid.They would not sell it to the employees that gave their life to the company

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
6 years ago


On the record, neither myself, or the Mayor has ever owned or traded Wayfair stock.

Where are you hearing the deal is in serious jeopardy? I heard the Company said the lawsuit will have NO effect on coming to Pittsfield? Is it just a hunch of yours?


Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

“The lady doth protest too much methinks”

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

But will you buy any of their crappy made in China junk?

William Munny
William Munny
Reply to  B. Clairmont
6 years ago

I was talking with the G man. He says his house is full of Waifair stuff. He loves imported goods from China. Dr. Wong has relatives who work in a sweatshop so he knows that the quality will be top shelf.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

How do you know that Barry is telling the truth? Just because he says on the record doesn’t mean a thing. Talk is cheap. Maybe she owned some of Wayfair stock with her first two husbands. She has a Wayfair blue bench in her new home in the Gated Community she now lives in with her third husband, Barry in their three quarter of a million dollar house.

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

I hate retreads.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

A blue bench has been found in the closet with the Eagle article on how class action lawsuits are part of doing business.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Seems like a contrived ‘scandal’ to me. I doubt the players in Pittsfield are sitting on tens of thousands of shares in any one stock.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Since we are all about the numbers, 412 class action lawsuits by shareholders annually is an imaginary number. There is no comprehensive listing of civil lawsuits or types.

Who ever is throwing those numbers around should learn about the magical internet search engines.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Really!!!l!!!!!!!!! I know someone!!!!!

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Did anyone see the City Council agenda. They want to use the pot tax for roads. Any guess on what first road (Tyler St?) will get the treatment?
Three cheers for the guy (Morandi) looking into toxic waste at the toxic waste hill.
Moon and Rivers – cultural competency? Maybe they could start with competency for themselves?

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
6 years ago

Why do you throw this Beacon Cinema on Mayor Tyer’s back?? This whole deal was a Jimmy Ruberto shakedown constructed 10 years ago and left for someone else to pick up the pieces. Ruberto had his hand out for everything, he learned it from Gerry Doyle.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

They/she had the power if not the authority to demand an audit. BC was on this board every day saying what a good deal it would be, and sometimes even being almost shall we say disingenuous until he got caught out. That smells of being complicit to me. When I hear of 30 million going missing O don’t just say business as usual let’s approve this quickly without an investigation – that is exactly why it’s a black mark for her and BC.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

That’s being kind Dan, you must be having Patriots Jubilee. hangover. Tyer is the Mayor, Tyer is responsible for all decisions concerning Beacon. Let’s stop being so nice this ayor is robbing us blind.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  H
6 years ago

She held his hand from the second wave of tax breaks to the new seats to the sale with huge benefits. She owns this turkey and should be ashamed.

And yes, I do know most politicians had that emotion surgically removed before running for office.

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

Molly. Who brought ruffler back and at who’s direction. And appointments, didn’t she put Carm back on the L .Amd those are just a couple of flu s.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I understand that the lovely Linda Tyer is part of Jimmy Ruberto’s incestuous Good Old Boys club of political hacks and wanna be’s. She did re-appoint Carmen Massimiano as Chair of the Licensing Board, as well as bring back Deanna Ruffer. It is all very disappointing to me, too!

I also understand that each and every problem or issue that her critics bitch about was inherited. What is the current Mayor, Linda Tyer, supposed to do?

I strongly and truly believe that the lovely Linda Tyer is the best Mayor of Pittsfield EVER! I hope she is re-elected in 2019!

– Jonathan Melle

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Did she inherit the parking meter fiasco?

Is there ten times more garbage on the streets now than when the ill fated Ruberto demolition team was in charge?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Isn’t it funny when a politician inherits something good happening they claim it as their own and when there are things not so good happening,it belongs to someone else? Show me a politician who hasn’t said while running they will fix everything wrong they mentioned in their campaign. I believe after a period of time in their term they own some of those inherited problems. After all they ran knowing damn well what they were getting into.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

Johnny 2 I mentioned your point on owning the good and bad on the last board. Tyer is a total failure without a single accomplishment. She doesnt have to have any accomplishments and can still be elected because she will have the support of the gobsigs. It is as simple as that. There is only one way to change this and I gave some ideas as to how I think the gobsigs can be beat on past blogs. In the last mayoral election my good friend Mr. Gaetani was beyond any doubt the best candidate for mayor. Not because he is my friend but because he said the things that everyone knows need to be done and came a cross as a very sincere candidate. He told me that he didn’t exspect to get 50 votes and was surprised to get triple that. He spent no money on the campaign because he knew it was a losing situation. What he did prove however was that you could be the best candidate but if you dont have the support of the gobsigs you have no chance. He also has made clear that the number of gobsigs you need to overcome is 7000 of them. They are the only ones who show up for the local elections. All kidding aside tyer is not even close to being in the Gman league and he could match Witt’s with anyone on the council and do it with his hands tied behind his back. There is no one like the Gman in this city. He is at city hall representing the taxpayers more so than the mayor and council. He is the strongest citizen activist I have ever seen and to boot he enjoys what he does. He’s smart alright it is plainly evident and he fears no political buffoons. Just watch his show. He is a master at it. How many people could come on the TV every week and speak for an hour and not miss a beat. If you dont think that’s a gift go start a show on pctv. Secretary tyer should try to do the same type show but she can’t because she doesnt have the savy the Gman does. The Gman knows this political game very well. Actually the public knows the Gman better than they do the mayor or the council and they do because they hate him because they know that if he ever got elected it would be the end of the gravy train for all of them. So dont think that the Gman is naive he knows the game and he is having fun but I bet you people out there are not having fun with these high taxes and soon to come murderous water rates. Whether you like or hate the Gman remember he has consistently time after time tried to help you. If he de ides to drop the ball can you think of anyone who can take his place???? Without the Gman to beat up on things around here will get very boring. He makes politics fun for all of us. He tells the mayor and councilors where to go and I am certain many of you would like to tell them where to go also. We think it the Gman does it. The Gman may not be so readily available to fight our battles as he has some very promising projects throughout the world and let’s pray that he doesnt tell us to kiss his ass. He might you know. Look how costly it has been for the Gman to support us with trumped up charges and being arrested at city hall and false charges of drinking etc etc. After all of this he is still out there representing uc That is his strength to collar political buffoons

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Your approach to politics doesn’t work. Telling the mayor & councillors “where to go” accomplishes nothing. Getting arrested for disobeying laws only gets you a rap sheet.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You may as well be yelling in the wind. He doesn’t get it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

You are right Shakes. Why should I waste my time. He doesn’t have any listening skills, and that enlarged ego of his controls all his actions.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago


It sounds as though you have declared the G Man as the “GOAT” of Pittsfield ? I have to ask, would the G Man be who he is without Dr.Wong or would Dr.Wong be who he is without the G Man? The G Man’s accomplishments are amazing from what I’ve read from your posts and read about in the papers.Why does the G Man do it? He has wealth,yachts,a large real estate portfolio,fame and it hasn’t seemed to changed him. Why ?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

Johnny2 The Gman would be a nobody without Dr. Wang and Dr.Krofta. They also would not have been successful without the Gman. The amazing thing about these three was the fact that they didn’t have a common language between them. It was a drawback but look how successful they were. The Gman did all the technical marketing including negotiating with all the regulatory agencies and built the worlds first sandfloats on the lenox mountain in lenox mass. He wore many hats at KEC and negotiated and built 5 municipal facilities in the US And 3 each in South America and Asia. You ask johnny why he puts up with the crap he is putting up with from the mayor and council. He knows conclusively that the public is taking a blood bath with this sewer project. Because he loves pittsfield his hometown he can’t stand by and let the taxpayer get slaughtered. In every project he ever built he has come up against unscrupulous consultants whom he either got rid of outright or got them to go back to the drawing board. In this current sewer project he has already forced the consultants to reduce the cost of the sewer project by 13.7 million dollars. 8f he weren’t out their criticising this project there would not have been this reduction. He states that even with the project down to 61.4 million dollars, it is still 40 million dollars more than the project should be. The Gman will discuss this at tonights CC meeting Finally johnny yes the Gman has wealth cars yachts real estate but he really doesnt give a crap about any of that. He is a master negotiator and goes to very big end auctions and buts top quality merchandise for pennies on the dollar. He has three brothers and a sister and he takes care of all of them. He has a nice house on west street that he bought for his mother and father but they loved living on Robbins ave and wouldn’t move to west street. So you see the Gman hasn’t changed a bit from the time he was broke He learned how to be frugal with himself but not with his family. No money hasn’t changed him. What does he like to do best. Pointing out assholes who think there somebody. And I think you all know who he is talking about. He will be talking to some of them at 7 pm CCMeeting.jeestbsaeing

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

I think Mr G-spot and fellow G-spotters should start their own blog. Sick of hearing the same rants over and over.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

I second the motion, Joe.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Jonathan Your brainwashed. I bet that in the military you reported to a corporal. The Gman reported to Generals and a president here in the United States and in Viet Nam. Maybe that is the reason why you are so different in your opinions. The Gman recognizes your military service and thanks you for your service. He says Good Job.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Stolen valor is a federal crime, Art. Tread lightly.

Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Great line shakes.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Barbados
6 years ago

Barbidiot yeah great line. To hook your chain to shakemoron you must be desperate. Shakemoron couldn’t get one vote to be PACLeader. This is who you throw your lot with. Sad very sad.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Can’t fix stupid
or unfunny.

Bill Q
Bill Q
6 years ago

Goofy is responding about wayfair stock he and the gold digger don’t have, what substance. All the while another murder on Edward Avenue and no nothing from either? You don’t put lipstick on a pig and you can’t buy class numbers guy.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

“Victim rushed to hospital after Pittsfield stabbing”
By Bob Dunn, The Berkshire Eagle, January 21, 2019

Pittsfield — A person was rushed to Berkshire Medical Center on Monday with apparent stab wounds, according to police.

The victim was found on Madison Avenue just west of North Street about 10:45 a.m. It was unclear how serious their injuries were.

The area was cordoned off with police tape, and the state police Crime Scene Services unit was en route.

Stay off of:
North st.
Tyler st.
Lincoln st.
First st.
Second st.
Linden st.
Dewey ave
Cherry st.
Burbank st.
Kent ave
Madison ave
And Seymour st.
And you might survive.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

curious Mr. Melle are you as involved with your local police and politics as you are for a place you left years ago

Reply to  magic
6 years ago

I would like to see Jonathan let go of what supposedly happened years ago to him here. I think it is hurting him more than helping him. He has some good points on issues but many are in anger.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago

Everybody is talking about Pittsfield and how bad crime is here. People in Springfield know how bad it is as do people in the Boston area. Unfortunately we now have a very bad reputation. Jonathan probably is hearing the reports of this area just like everyone else is hearing them.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
6 years ago


Joe Blow
Joe Blow
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Police are minutes away when seconds matter. Get your CC permit and protect yourself!

6 years ago

Your d a campaign statement, make streets safer? Uh huh.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Cos
6 years ago

We are all living in Tiredville. soon we will be in guiness book of records. Violent crime ebery day. Very dangerous city, mayor,city council school committee,and police chief especially to the health of the tax and ratepayers of the city. Another stabbing today you say!!!!! No big deal just wait. Maybe a murder tomorrow. Look forward were hitting our stride. I guess so. Big time.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Seriously now. Did anyone see Fred futbergs article in his paper calling it the best small newspaper in the country. The greatest joke is when he states his paper is holding politicians accountable. There hasn’t been an investigative reporter at the eagle in 20 years. Believe it or not he credits Amanda crane for doing superb work at CC meetings. It seems the whole city is going to POT and you cant get a straight answer from anyone holding public office. But wait the Eagle will set you free. This city Really has gone to pot.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

He really said his paper is holding politicians accountable? Did he give examples cuz I must have missed that issue.

certainly he is not talking about local politicians that help him write his editorials

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Johnny..You must read the article. Maybe thus. Or Fri. Front page. Berkshire section. I threw up after I read it. He sounds just like the secretary. Lying with a straight face. Like I always said the mayor bulk of council, school committee and eagle all sleeping in the same bed. You are aware of this johnny aren’t you??

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Rutberg full of mung beans

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Tom Brady is no Giovanni Carmazzi.

Reply to  Milt Plum
6 years ago

Have you gone plum loco?

Reply to  Milt Plum
6 years ago

That’s why Mooch ain’t coaching anymore,clueless. We kicked his carcass out of SF. Chiefs got robbed last night.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  Milt Plum
6 years ago

Both games were poorly officiated.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I agree Art. What a joke. Like taking a billboard out telling everyone how great you are, no one believes it . Only true investigative reportr in this town Dan Valenti.

6 years ago

It’s not like the true article the Eagle ran about and allegedly drunk candidate at a public forum, or that he he is twice convicted. Of serious crimes. That’s not alleged though, tha’s Fact.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

Allegations are facts only in your world.

6 years ago

I’m pretty sure criminal convictions and probation sentences are factual.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

I refer only to your allegations.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
Reply to  Shakes
6 years ago

That’s the price the G Man paid, for our monkey business… couldn’t open the lid to the trash bin last, night frozen shut..just sayin…

G. Berish
G. Berish
6 years ago

—As the government shutdown battle rages on, President Donald Trump is upping the ante by threatening to cancel Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi’s Netflix subscription.

Trump cited the “Constitution thing” as justification for the power play as he made a move to cut off her access from 24/7 streaming entertainment. “You mess with the bull, well, guess what? You get the horns,” Trump said. “No more The Office, no more Parks & Rec for MS-13 Lover Nancy Pelosi. You’ll see how quick she comes around on my wall.”

Pelosi quickly held a press conference in which she stated the Netflix subscription was “absolutely necessary” for her government work.

“How can I be expected to do my job if I can’t binge-watch The Andy Griffith Show?” Pelosi said. “This is a matter of national security.”

The President has already cut off her Hulu subscription, but she could never figure out the interface anyway, according to sources.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  G. Berish
6 years ago

I nominated my 3 favorite buffoons fritz shakemoron and Lenny to be our PACLeaders. None of them got a single vote on this board. I dont consider most others on this board to be buffoons but I dont know of another buffoon to nominate. Am I missing someone??? How about I nominate the secretary. Is there a second?????

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

This just in from Washington post fact checker. Scump now has 8516 big confirmed lies. How can anyone with a brain support this moron?? I’m serious what kind of people can support this mercurial liar. I could never be friendly with someone who supports this moron. Those who support this moron should keep it to themselves as they will face ridicule from decent honest people. All my friends would never condone befriending a serial liar. I would be afraid to tell a lie as I would be afraid of being found out and exposed as a liar. All my friends feel as I do about lying. Once a liar always a liar

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

If they develop financial resources, then any PAC can impact local elections.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Great idea on the PAC. The sooner the better.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I also support the idea of a PAC. My involvement would depend on the leader and the platform.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Gigi I forgot about you. I nominate you to be the PAC leader.Three of your friends couldn’t get one vote. Maybe you will do better. Its between you and another buffoon lachs lounge. All five of you have something in common. Your all scump deciples. No wonder none of you can garner a single vote. Let’s hope this is a precursor of scumps falling numbers of supporters. In case you forgot the names of those who couldn’t get a single vote. They were Fri z shakemoron and Lenny.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

How do we fund this? Maybe we need to ask C. Jeffrey Cook who was behind WHEN.

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
6 years ago

Behind every good woman’s movement is a guy pulling the strings

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

A local PAC?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Mr Valenti. I think that no matter what you or anybody tries to do in putting together A PAC it won’t fly. I say this because I ran a little experiment on this board by nominating 5 individuals to be a PAC leader. They couldn’t get even one vote. I probably chose ,5 of the weakest links on this board. Do we need a PAC committee??? Absolutely. Mr. Gaetani called me after seeing your post. He thinks you should try to solicit 100 dollars from each person who posts or reads the blog. This won’t work because people would have to use their names and you know when people have to use their names they are suddenly no where to be found. Never the less the Gman says you should try to get this PAC going. As soon as you have collected 200 dollars for this PAC the Gman would be glad to match this amount.You know how much he hates Gobsigs.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Pelosi has scump cornered. Giuliano now a confirmed circus clown and Pence now known as scump 2. It is possible both scump1 and 2 will both be impeached and pelosi becomes president. I certainly hope so. It will mean back to normal. Down with scump 1 and 2.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
6 years ago

G man, he no drink. When Lach’s open he take me there. We cruz for fat chicks. G man he love fat chick. He say fat chick have good pushin cushin. He say if you no believe you ask Berrie Claremont. I no ask him but I know what G man mean. G man drink only water at Lach’s. He buy Chickalob light for fat chick. G man very kind to fat chick. When fat chick drink Chickalob light they no feel fat and G man very kind to fat chick and like to make them feel good. G man and me looking for new fat chick bar.

Kate Dempsey
Kate Dempsey
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

That’s very nice of you Hung to take care of the G Man. Maybe in the summer, you two swinging bachelor’s could have another good time together and enjoy some:

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Gman # 1

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Kate Dempsey
6 years ago

Kate That e vent for fat squaw lyke u. Fowl squaws e vent.

Long Wang
Long Wang
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Your dream has come true. Every single bar in Pittsfield is a fat chick bar.

Hung Wang
Hung Wang
Reply to  Long Wang
6 years ago

I call G man and we go on prowl. Huba. Huba.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Hung Wang
6 years ago

Mr Huang. Gee mahn say Kant weight 2 get hands on fatt duck in witty hawl next electrokution novambur. He chop chop. No mowr fat duck. Go by by. Gman move into tepeeeeeeeee. White woman fork tung. Vary bad person.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

I bet the waterboy $100 he wont be elected to any office next November.

Thomas More
Thomas More
6 years ago

very classy hung

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

We need a PAC more than ever. Just read on iberkshires that Hinds will be pushing a bill for same-day voter registration, election day holiday and ranked choice voting – all three very bad ideas.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Fritz your credibility is “0” on this board. You couldn’t get one vote for PACLeader. Loser definitely.

6 years ago

Mayor Tyer is not a man of the people.

With near record low temps, she with the “assistance” of Chief Wynn decided NOT to open warming centers in Pittsfield or to help get out the message about local agencies who have.

Linda “Let them eat cake” Tyer has also refused to promote programs that would help seniors get low cost water meters, continues to interfere in COA business by ignoring requests for the city to promote assistance programs and now has twice refused to initiate an arrearage program for seniors. The only program they seem to have is one that carries heavy penalties.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

When she stands in front of a mirror does she see Donald Trump? I gotta think so.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

She fowl squaw. Tell Mani lying. Buffoon

6 years ago

Actually, Wayfair drop ships about 95% of the product they list, so the model is far more sustainable than your allude.

Reply to  Spectator
6 years ago

Yes you are right, losing hundreds of millions of dollars a quarter is very sustainable.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Drop/ship? I’m not sure what that means. Wayfair’s policy of making the customer discard of stuff shipped damaged (or damaged by shipper) is a UCC violation. Imagine Home Depot expecting you to discard of the broken or dented washing machine the delivery person sent? This is the entire country wide policy – maybe there will be a class action about that too?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
6 years ago

Dropship means that they (wayfair) doesn’t ever actually possess the item.

They sort of act like a broker for items in China and India.
They advertise them for a price, you order it, they then place the order with their vendor and their vendor ships directly to you.

They ask you to discard the items because their vendor agreement gives them a full refund if the item is delivered damaged.

Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

Sure, but most people have to pay to throw out big stuff. Apart from the fact it’s bad for the landfills it’s annoying.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

X-Lachs Lounge January 21, 2019 at 3:13 pm #
The Gman wouldn’t know the first thing about forming a PAC.


Art Seller January 21, 2019 at 4:28 pm #
Lounge. What do you think the Gman show is????? Come on lounger I have been thinking you have been getting smarter reading my posts. Dont backslide on me.!!!!!!!


Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

You on the other hand, may be well suited to lead the ladies Sunday afternoon bitchfest.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  X-Lachs Lounge
6 years ago

That’s what I said loser. I nominate you to be the PAC leader. Your other handles fritz shakemoron and Lenny didn’t get one vote. Maybe this handle will garner some votes. I doubt you will get even a single vote but maybe I will be surprised.

6 years ago

Well hung, just sayin, where you go no mo lock?

Two Cents
Two Cents
6 years ago

Don’t be surprised if you hear no new information about the latest murder in Pittsfield. The long standing policy is that the Pittsfield police department must defer to the DA’s office in releasing public information about murders or other violent crimes. For instance, how many Eagle stories have you read that began with according to the DA’s office…. Well, there has not been an iota of information or even a single press release issued since Andrea Harrington took office. Despite someone being paid 6 figures as “Communication Director” This has resulted in anger and frustration from media outlets from Pittsfield and Albany to Springfield and Boston, who now are being totally denied any information related to serious crime in Berkshire County. I work in marketing and have heard this from several of my firm’s media partners. Look what happened to that office when Capeless pissed off the media with his misleading retirement announcement.

Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

That’s not entirely true. Anytime DAAH has a photo op with politicians or some activist or is at a community function, she has her people update Facebook and the govt website.

In fact since so many people have complained just today they posted almost a months worth of updates on major crimes.

She’s completely incompetent.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  AgentSmith
6 years ago

She needs to improve to advance to incompetant .

Reply to  Two Cents
6 years ago

And the powers to be always give the line in the little information released to any of the media outlets is,the public isn’t in any danger.

6 years ago

Continuing the theme of class action lawsuits, wouldn’t it be nice if all (or at least most) of humanity was able to bring suit against Twitter for bringing about the end of the world as we knew it. The fallout from that incident in D.C. is surreal. The devil has won.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

I agree Dan and Cicero. The media reported this story without doing any investigation at all. The social media crazies ran with the story and are trying to destroy the lives of these young students. The students are getting death threats and threats of their school being attacked. These are the same people demanding guns be taken from law abiding citizens when school shootings happen.

Sadly, these people have no problem with attacking children who wear MAGA hats and are Christian and white. These same people were outraged about anything having to do with illegal immigrant children at the border, but they can attack American kids. There is so much hypocrisy and evil in the world.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago
6 years ago

Dan can we get a DAAH counter.

Like “a days since last accident on site” but counts the days since DAAH has been in court?
Maybe we can have a pool that bets on how many days she’ll go without being lead procecutor on a case.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

At least she is smart enough to know that she is not qualified to prosecute a case. Just hope she has enough people who know how to do the real job of prosecuting crime.

Otherwise criminals will be flocking to Berkshire county.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Can’t hear the speakers at the Council Meeting.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

I have no clue what Mr. Herzig was talking about.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

After open mic,it kicked back on (the Mic) weird. And the camera was returned also. Just sayin. So, Mr. Bluimin, Gaetani,and Herzig,spoke for nothing.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

The most important people speaking at any city meeting are the taxpayers. Perhaps these three should get 6 minutes each at the next CC meeting. Mr. Gaetani I believe will start his show with what he said at the CC meeting tonight. He normally does this every week. I didn’t see the CC meeting so I dont know what he said. The real losers over this snafu are the city residents who aren’t media savy. They depend on getting their info by watching the CC meeting. They evidently lost tonight.

Reply to  Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

I heard Terry & Mr. Blumin just fine. They both had good points. Gman & Herzig I tune out.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

They actually look like twins.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Those Catholic children wearing MAGA were being used by some MAGA Christian adult.I beg one MAGA follower to describe what that means.Nobody will do that.Pat ,planet your up.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

My hat, which I purchased from the campaign says “Make America Great Again”. MAGA is just the abbreviation. Thought that would be obvious.

Politically, it is a strategy to reverse decades of globalization and policies that hurt the economy of the USA. The globalist strategy was to lower the economic standard of the USA to other poorer nations, thereby creating a global equality, however be it at lower economic standard for the USA.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

Art, tell the Gman to take his hat and jacket off.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago


Have you tried Dr. D. J. Trumps BUTT-HURT salve?

“soothes the sting of massive butt-hurt from unexpected defeat and exposure to raw truth”


comment image

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Here is a little contest. Who on the council is the laughing moron?? Who is the Biggest buffoon on the council?? Who on the council hasn’t a job?? Who on the council just recently got a job??? What idiot on the council name rhymes with tight??? What thing is nicknamed secretary. One last challenge where do council meetings take place. This last challenge is for fritz so that he doesnt get an F on the quiz. Winners announced someday.

Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

And here’s the biggest question of the night……will Art ever grow up?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Lenny
6 years ago

Lenny moron. Your grade is F. Just saying.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

You forgot another question…most obnoxious speaker at the open mic.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Trump Train
6 years ago

That’s easy. Drew Herzog!!!! A city jewel.

6 years ago

Here’s AOC again, making a fool of herself over global warming;

It’s hard to believe this woman has a college degree.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Gigi Do you think you are in her league????? I think not. Jeest daring.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

When AOC was asked what she thought about Roe vs Wade……

She replied “that’s the only ways to cross the Rio Grande!”

Trump Fellas
Trump Fellas
6 years ago

I didnot see their faces or hear hem speak either. When the three were first finished some lady came to the mic, you could hear her perfect and the camera was back on.

6 years ago

I don’t think a councilman specifically should work for the state and city,double dip. Art?

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  u
6 years ago

U I assume you are talking about white. As far as I know there doesnt seem to be reason why he couldn’t double dip. But is he a dip?? Absolutely.

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

Well I just heard the President speak and he sounded garbled? Or had something in his throat.

Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

You may want to replace the batteries in your hearing aid.

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  May Hemm
6 years ago

May Nancy has him on the run. He’s speechless. Thank God.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Trump found a way to keep The Wicked Witch of the West off all military fights; No more open bar!

May Hemm
May Hemm
6 years ago

You missed the gist Lenny,get with the program.

6 years ago

Does anyone want Council Grades tonight?

Reply to  amandaWell
6 years ago


Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  amandaWell
6 years ago

Fire away Amanda!!!!

Reply to  amandaWell
6 years ago

Never ask for permission Amanda.

6 years ago

Connell A
Caccamo A
Mazzeo A
Moon D+
Rivers D –
White C +
Krol A
Morandi A
Simonelli A
Persip A
Marchetti A

Reply to  amandaWell
6 years ago

The meeting isn’t over yet. What are you basing this on?

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

A local Political action committee is a fascinating idea for sure. However its effectiveness in the current climate and environment is highly questionable. I fear it would turn into a Circus at best. Look at the blog here what has it turned into? Is it a place to exchange ideas on City policy and situations?
Sadly it has spiraled downwards into a place where one person with a handful of aliases has berated besmirched and effectively stifled all discussion on any and every subject. That person is single handily handing the election and the issues that will be discussed and debated to the control of the establishment. The Blog here should be about shaping the issues, boiling up policy that fits and is effective for our community and building consensus for new approaches. Instead we get nothing but an imbecilic juvenile rant. Look back through the posts and you will see any post of substance is met with either you’re an idiot, or a buffoon if the post has substance the same poster immediately changes the discussion in an attempt to stifle the discussion so as to not let it develop into something meaningful.
The same poster identifies a TV program as a PAC. I am afraid any kind of rational discussion as a group would turn into restraining orders court cases and the opportunity to contrast the current elected officials against the circus that would be created. It is evident the single poster knows almost nothing about policy except for the ever meaningful you’re a buffoon or an idiot. Has not one ounce of decorum or political skill coupled with a deep desire to hand the election to those he refers to as the gobsigs. Take a look at his posts and ask yourself if he will not tolerate or allow the advancement of discussion here if he were to become part of a group what would he do? Look how he represents himself at Council meetings do you classify that as normal mature behavior? If you say yes then what would you bring to the PAC? Trust me the WWE is well represented in the political arena we do not need it here in the City. There are real and dire issues facing us just this weekend we had violent crime and a man lost his life. Down on Elm street an area some grew up on and rode bikes and played at Deming field until the street lights came on. Who of that crowd ever thought a man would be gunned down in his driveway? I am not saying this was a random shooting I am pretty sure there is a drug connection or something of the like. But here on the Planet we heard one person call anyone who didn’t utter the words XXX is my lord and savior in each and every post then they are denounced and pronounced a buffoon.
I have plenty of ideas on what I would like to see a PAC look like but am not the least bit interested in expending any effort to have one individual tear it all down. The PAC would need to be a brand like any other product it is in fact a product that represents the ideals in which we want our community shaped and the ideals our community is to be based upon not a shouting match.
There should be people who are respected by the group to research current policy and guide change where it is needed strengthen the areas that show promise and work to identify and engage those who currently are not engaged. There are a ton of stakeholders out there who can be reached. I ask does it matter if these stake holders are intimidated by the Governmental apparatus or by a single poster or person should they ask a question that someone may not have the ability or the patience to answer so they are shouted down? I have not posted for a reason over the past week. I have asked 50 different people from 10 geographical areas with varying educations from Neuro-surgeons to engineers to what I consider the smartest group stay at home parents to read the blog over the past week and to give me there thoughts. 41 wanted to know how a thought provoking column could degenerate into such unrelated bullying. They did learn that two or three posters had multiple aliases and some detected some interesting patterns unfortunately they all came away with the feeling that while entertaining at times they felt getting involved in the local politics if this is what it is was not for them.
A Political Action Committee is not a TV show now I have to ponder the question of: how does one put a value on the contribution that one poster has given to the incumbents to keep their seats?

just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

The Gman has served the citizens magnificently for the past three years. Always supporting the taxpayer, bringing forward excellent ideas showing the public a way to save 40 million dollars with this sewer project . savedbthe taxpayers 116 million in the 80,’s, another 50 million. In reduced w/s rates the past 34 years and some idiots on this board are throwing stones at him including the idiot I am responding to I noticed that just before the CC meeting ended just now the Gman petition asking for costs at the sewer plant for cost of phosphorous only will be taken up at the next CC meeting. G says Forestell calculates a cost of 21 million for phosphorous only and G calculates 18 million. Wow. Like I always said never count the Gman out. Things are getting very interesting and the one always making them interesting is the Gman. He deserves another award for his magnificent support of the ratepayer like he got in the 80’s by the city. The Gman is has and always be the most important person to ever have lived in pittsfield. Thank the lord he is on our side. Long live the Gman. No one compares to him And I mean no one

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Thanks for proving my point.
Discussing any of it with you is really pointless now you can have all your aliases post on your behalf with nothing to advance the discussion.
Be well

Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Do you work for wayfair? Just sayin

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Art, in short no I do not work for Wayfair. Please be advised they have not yet established a location yet. How does this advance the discussion? Why is it significant to you where I or anyone else works? What are you trying to suggest with that question to everyone? Is it significant to you? Is it relevant to the PACS discussion? If so how?

Advance the discussion

Just sayin

Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

Thank you Joe P. for your excellent post. I 100% agree with your comments. It truly is sad to see this blog be turned into a free-for-all, name-calling, bullying site by primarily one deranged individual.
I would like to see a PAC come into being, but the governing body would have to be limited to a small group of dedicated citizens committed to a clear vision of political goals to be achieved.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Gigi
6 years ago

Thanks I know there are people on this board that understand and get it. You and others are restoring my faith in this board and I agree with your premise on the PAC

Just sayin

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

So Catholic high school kids at the private school were there for glove economic change.MAGA is economics pre 1990s.

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

No, they were there for the right to life march, another key plank in the Trump administration, protection of life of the unborn in the womb.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Audience grades. Gaetani,Blumin, Herzig incomplete…Cagey A+…as we speak, something going down again out off Pecks somewhere. Someone is on a roof hanging on a wire. P P D doesn’t get paid enough.

Hondurans for Trump
Hondurans for Trump
6 years ago

Grabbing the wire.P P D saves the day.

6 years ago

Pinhead is a dope. This blogs creator,who would be the only person on here that matters when it comes to discussion,can’t get an interview with any of these so called City policy makers. And please J P, stop singling out one blogger with several identities, there are others just as bad,shakes,fritz, and these are topic clowns,you should know better J P. Have you ever heard the vile on topix, so bad it disbanded.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

And as if on cue my point is proved. You have contributed nothing to the discussion

I would love to have a meaningful discussion about this please point out where I am wrong

Just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Joe Pinhead
6 years ago

There are many people who dont contribute to the discussion but the biggest buffoon is pinhead and several of his aliases. He takes the cake for verbosity but for content there is nothing. Please buffoon dont try to chastise the Gman. You are not in his league by any stretch of the imagination. Watch the Gman at all his appearances and learn from the best in the business. Watch the next CC meeting. He is going to try to save the city 50 million dollars. You see that’s what he is about little head. Tell us what you are going to try to save the city???? You couldn’t even write the number of dollars the Gman deals with
on a daily basisd.Go back to topic or where ever you came from. Your posts just aren’t that interesting and exciting in fact there down right boring. And again dont try to put yourself in the Gman league. Your way way way out of your league. I only replied to you because no one else would. Have you noticed this?? I have.This will be my last reply to you because I generally dont respond to people like you. Loser

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Really now is that advancing the discussion? Thank god I’m not in arts league if I sank that low I would be ashamed to go out in public.

Please learn a few new words buffoon and loser are getting old. To bad you can’t go back to topics sad day there isn’t it little man?
And I hope this is the last time a have to respond to you

Just sayin

6 years ago

Joe,the horse has left the barn. The damage has been done. Look around, we are a poor community with much crime, the only ones who benefit here are the…….say it Joe…….say it? …….GOBSIGS and with that you have to be rough and opposing to these clowns at City Hall. Why, because you can’t live without them and you can’t join them. Try to read into that.

Do me a favor, don’t ever speak how bad we have it here on this blog,and you don’t post anymore. We should be thankful we have the Planet,and I enjoy reading him despite all the bullshit also.

My other point is, these political types GOBSIGS never gave the Planet the time of day,never see him complaining,he kicks their ass.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Art, you are correct the horse has left the barn you have done the damage. You have set back citizen initiative by years.
I will post on this blog when and how I desire. Art do us all a favor act like a mature adult. You see Art you want an echo chamber we want the exchange of ideas think about that one

Just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Halo
6 years ago

Halo Anyone who would question and try to put someone down for having the crust to put Gobsigs against the wall can only be a Gobsig themself. This makes this not wit pinhead a gobsig. I always thought he may have been a Gobsig but I wasn’t positive. Now that I know he or it is for sure. It will never get a reply from me ever again. I hate Gobsigs. Case closed.

Joe Pinhead
Joe Pinhead
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

Art, you are the GOBSIG and don’t you find it strange that you answer your own post for support? You have effectively built a case for supporting the establishment.
Either advance the discussion there little man or go back to topics.

Just sayin

Art Seller
Art Seller
Reply to  Art Seller
6 years ago

To all planet posters. I post under one name Art Seller. I wouldn’t know how to post under any other name. I see that some people say that I post under different names. I DO Not. I was told that the planet Valenti blog has some way of identifying where posts are coming from. If you are capable Mr Valenti to see the address of my posts I would assume you can tell if all of my posts come from the same access. Would you please look into this and report to the board to put an end to this nonsense. I post as Art Seller and only Art Seller. Awaiting your reply. Thank you.

Unwanted Carl
Unwanted Carl
6 years ago

Now they want to borrow long term financing for the shitty roads. Bad practice, the shelf life rots before the loan is paid. Remember the School Bus Fleet? Get new buses and the other junk buses aren’t paid for on the first contract? Haven’t we learned our lesson.

There have been many stupid investments,but the one which bit my craw was the Covanta half million. And those trash cans on Tyler,come on man?