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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 6, 2019) — On Feb. 1, President Donald Trump pulled America out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF), a deal that has been in place since 1987. In June, Trump announced the creation of a U.S. Space Force. Both have had serious repercussions, which is like saying that sunlight gives off heat and light. We too take that for granted.

We have grown immune to the horrific presence of nuclear weapons. It’s been 74 years since the United States dropped Little Boy and Fat Man on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. We can debate forever whether President Truman made the right call, particularly with respect to the detonation over Nagasaki. The damned weapons haven’t been used in anger since. One thing stands out, though. Since that time, we have lived under an authentic and legitimate threat of total annihilation as the nuclear djinn escaped its bottle. The bombs proliferated and got smaller. The technology has kept pace. Moreover, humanity has never made a weapon it did not use or use again.

THE PLANET recalls as a lad being fascinated as Khrushchev and Kennedy signed the nuclear test-ban treaty in ’63. The sweet air of hope tasted particularly good coming as it did so soon after the October Missile Crisis, the closest we’ve come to the unthinkable. In 1987, President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev shook hands on the INF. Two years later, the Berlin Wall came down with Soviet Russia following not long after. Again, one could taste the hope.

Now it seems belligerence is back. Seems. We can’t be sure if this new Trump-Putin pas de deux of “Can You Top This” can be taken at face value. Are the two men genuine warmongers, or are they engaged in an act? We can’t say. What we can conclude is that we have a new arms race on our hands. Trump pulled out of the INF on Feb. 1. Putin followed a month and change later. The most troubling aspect relates to the missiles themselves. The INF was meant to control “intermediate” missiles, those with a range of 310 miles to 3,417 miles. War gamers and strategists say these are the ones most likely to be used first.

“All the actions may lead to an escalation of the military-political situation and the emergence of new threats which [sic] Russian will have to respond [to] with reciprocal and asymmetric measures,” said Valery Gerasimov, Russia’s First Deputy Defense Minister. As THE PLANET reads it, the key word is “asymmetric.” The word means that Russia reserves the right to respond disproportionately, as in, “You build one? We’ll build two. You build two? We’ll build three or four.” And the race is on.

Putin, a student of history, has to realize such a response would guarantee another loss. Keeping up with the Joneses the first time around put so much strain on the Soviet economy that the center could not hold. It’s hard to imagine a sharpie like Putin making that mistake. If so, then what’s truly going on with this dangerous game? Could it be nothing more than a napalm mix of ego and politics? This new build-up strokes the “strongman” in each man’s makeup. At the same time, it allows him to play to a respective base that cherishes “peace through strength,” a spotty strategy that, while it has kept the Big One from going off, has nonetheless not prevented continuous and continual war.

To be safe from of this type of dangerous build-up is one of the “forgotten freedoms” everyone on earth should possess.

Ah, but that it were so.


“The best things in life are free — or available on easy terms” Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.


Love to All.

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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

What is the USA’s #1 non-farm export? Answer: Military weapons! That’s right. We arm the World with weapons! So does Russia, China, France, and Great Britain.

The Founding Fathers were farmers whose militias overthrew the British Monarchy in the name of Liberty, but with Slavery. Fast forward to World War 2, and the nuclear age had begun. The USA invented the atomic and then the nuclear bomb. We used to atomic bombs to defeat Japan. Then, Russia got nuclear bombs after World War 2. Now, nuclear proliferation has reached many countries, along with many countries trying to get their hands on nuclear bombs.

War is big business for the USA and all of the other nuclear weapons countries. We compete with other countries to sell our military weapons and related technologies to the World.

To be clear, the USA is militarizing the World with the sales of our military weapons and related technologies.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Mr. Melle, do you get your history from Sherman and Peabody?

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
6 years ago

This is a bit of a change for the Planet. Perhaps the local news is too depressing. But let me add my two cents:

Humanity, namely Americans, Russians, French, British, Isreali, and Chinese, have made weapons for 74 years that have never been used. All recognize they cannot win a nuclear war. However, this may change if/when North Korea and Iran get these weapons.

The creation of a Space Force is a publicity stunt and nothing really will change for each of the real armed services.

6 years ago

Dan, what were the two biggest political bombs of Pittsfield’s past – our Fat Man and Little Boy as it were?

I would say the GE Consent Decree was our Little Boy and our Fat Man was urban renewal.

Our military is on the wane and the Chinese in particular but also the Russkies are closing the gap. Many youth now a days can’t qualify so standards are continually being watered down, and even then there is trouble meeting the numbers.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

2017 military spending was 1.7 Trillion world wide.Trump has raised it to 850 billion in America alone as we are 40% of all money spent.Taxpayers flip the bill for an extra 220 billion this year.We will soon approach 1 Trillion on this goverment budget item.To continue at this pace the military industrial complex will need your SS fund to be cut.Trump is a deep state power behind goverment guy.He grabbed 2 trillion for permanent tax cuts for the corporations He closed the window of tax cuts to the middle class and he took away deductions.He has been the greatest president in history for the 1%.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

The CC Community & Economic Dev. Committee has approved the Mayor’s plan to drain the GE Fund with handouts for home improvement. Total misuse of these funds which were earmarked for ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT!
Anyone else provoked by this plan?

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Especially since only 3 or 4 people will benefit from the program for outside home improvement. We can only imagine how these people will be chosen.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Pat
6 years ago

The $250,000 is expected to be given away in the FIRST year. I suspect the second year and on into eternity – it will continue to chew up the funds, as Ruffer stated that they may forgive some of the “loans.”
If you object to this blatant misuse of the GE funds – contact your councilors!

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

I am as well, Fritz. That is not what these GE funds were intended for.

I can well imagine just how they will be dispersed. To a very select few.

I am against!

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Spider
6 years ago

DAN: Can you advise the remaining balance of the GE funds ? Isn’t there separate funds for city job development and PEDA and isn’t part of the PEDA funds set aside for a shared use with GE real estate for landscaping on GE retained property ?
Barry C., please advise.

6 years ago

What you got a problem paying for my new siding?

Between this big pissaway, the ge fund pissaway i n general, and the berkshire flyer fiasco Dan has a plethora or material.

Reply to  Johnny99
6 years ago

Your home improvement loan probably won’t be forgiven so you’ll pay us taxpayers back. But the connected and certain demographics will be getting a free ride.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  LW
6 years ago

And is that what this whole thing is about? Hunh? Certain demographics… ride? And did they hatch this whole wonderful idea in the first place? Will there be a list of the lucky winners available to the public?

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

I always assumed Reagan was gonna get us all incinerated. I remember like it was yesterday the duck and cover and Body Pile drills we all endured in the 60s. I recall the sheer terror of hearing the air raid siren; racing home in advance of the rain of fire. I dont want any of that for my grandchildren. We must do anything we can to avoid another arms race and the concept of MAD; Mutually Assured Destruction, which was the doctrine on which our military and foreign policy operated for decades. The ego driven instability of these two sub humans, Trump and Putin, is the most frightening thing I have ever seen.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

The mayor wants to get rid of the GE fund ,Bouvier wants to get rid of football,Pignatelli?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

I am auctioning off Bouvier’s old thigh master. Call me T 555-1212 if interested.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
6 years ago

With the way this nation has went to, I’d prefer a quick death than life under socialism/communists.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
6 years ago

What is SS Medicare Military Education Roads,Parks Tax Breaks for Rich,on and on if its not socialism.Do you work for a state agency, city

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

You earn another eye roll (e_e) please look up the definition of socialism.

Mr. G
Mr. G
6 years ago

Did my submit button not work? I was posting with a new phone and I KNOW I hit the button!

Reply to  Mr. G
6 years ago

I’ve experienced the same thing. Just keep reposting and it will eventually work.

Reply to  danvalenti
6 years ago

Dan, I think the Russians have hacked your site and are hijacking the more interesting posts. That’s my story and I’m sticking with it.

6 years ago

The Russians were cheating on the INF, so pulling out of it simply means we are on even ground again. It was a good idea when Gorbachev was in power, not so much with Putin.

Reply to  LW
6 years ago

I agree. Putin was totally ignoring the INF Treaty and President Trump knows it. Russia is also furthering their military might in space. We can ignore it or try to keep up with them so we are not shocked someday with just how much Russia has achieved in that area.

Two Cents
Two Cents
6 years ago

This blog has so much more readable and enjoyable over the last couple of weeks, since the conspicuous absence of a particular mad scientist with multiple personalities. Rational thought reigns again…And I give thanks for that!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I am rooting for the lovely Linda Tyer for re-election for Mayor of Pittsfield in 2019! Go Linda! She is the best Mayor of Pittsfield EVER!

Trump Train
Trump Train
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

I would root for her too if I lived in New Hampshire.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
6 years ago

Maybe you could help her put up lawn signs. You might be invited to a victory party when it is over and who knows? You might be offered a position on her staff. Does she have a chauffeur?

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Maybe you could manage her stable and take care of her polo ponies.

Agent 86
Agent 86
Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

Melle, do you have a mayor in your town? We’ll trade Tyer and 8 city councilors plus a 3rd round draft choice for your mayor.

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

And throw in a Barry to be named later!

6 years ago

Speaking of the mayor, has anyone heard any chatter of any possible challengers? The contest isn’t to far off.

Agent 86
Agent 86
6 years ago

She’s not perfect. No one is but my support goes to Mazzeo.

Reply to  Agent 86
6 years ago

I guess it’s her turn eh?

Agent 86
Agent 86
6 years ago

Drew Herzig please investigate

6 years ago

Has anyone even said they ae running against Tyer? Is she getting a free ride this time?

Reply to  doomiedodger
6 years ago

If anyone runs against her they absolutely need one thing. A ton of money. That’s what decides elections, whether mayoral or the DA race.
That’s how racist, anti-semites get elected to congress. They are hand picked and vast amounts of money is thrown behind them.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
6 years ago

Did anyone see the headline the other day? DA office hires special prosecutor to help with “backlog of murder cases”.

I am guessing this story was not proof read by our tourist bureau because it has a slightly negative vibe to it.

Should this be Pittsfield’s new slogan? Will this help bring new business to Pittsfield other than coroners and funeral homes?

Will there be a new TV show? CSI Pittsfield (A Backlog of Murders) Sunday nights at 8pm on FOX.

The school committee
The school committee
6 years ago

Mazzeo will win if she runs.If she consolidates and cuts taxes she will be a hero to all low income retirees,veterans and the working poor.Look people are leaving Dalton because of taxes.How will Dalton survive as a town?We are right behind them.Our business tax rate is the highest in the state.The residential rate pushing people out of their homes

Reply to  The school committee
6 years ago

Mazzeo won’t do any of those things. She’s a tax and spend left winger just like Tyer, Bianchi, Ruberto. She’s just not in the Ruberto camp, that’s all.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  LW
6 years ago

I would vote for Connell.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
6 years ago

Mazzeo is a phony.

You people are always wishing of a white Christmas, greener grass, and yet it, like Mazzeo, is a fantasy – an illusion designed to mislead the inextricable.

She’s no different than any other pol in Pittsfield.

Incidentally, that controversial phone call between Missy and AH -during last year’s DA’s contest – NEVER OCCURRED. Y’all been had; suckers!!!

And that’s the bottom-line!!!!!!!

6 years ago

So the Dems in Congress can’t agree on an antisemitism resolution, which should have been totally cut and dried albeit a total waste of time. Many in the party are backing Omar.
And this is the party who claims they are anti-racist and anti-discrimination. Turns out they’re the party filled with hatred.
If someone calls you a racist, you can be pretty sure they are the guilty party.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  LW
6 years ago

Well said LW!

6 years ago

Couple points DV. I agreed wit those who have pointed out the much improved tone of the comments, no more insults and pointless put downs. As to your topic I think the biggest risk comes from suiotcase nukes.

The technology is getting better and smaller and also less expensive. Only a matter of time I fear. I work in high tech in an area that borders this type of tech. Anyway we at the office enjoy your work.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
6 years ago