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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JULY 29, 2019) — THE PLANET steps aside today for this guest column from John McWhorter. We occasionally publish guest columns not because we agree or disagree with the content but because they are reasonably well written and contain arguments pertaining to relevant social issues. Up or down, left or right, if you have something to say, we invite you to put it into words. We will publish submissions that meet those simple criteria. We do it as yet another way to make this site responsive to the need for open exchanges in the free marketplace of ideas. As the local mainstream media restricts opportunities for free speech, THE PLANET seeks to expand those opps.

With that, we present a column dealing with the problem of black-on-black violence. It seems fitting we should publish it now, with  presidential politics on the Democrat side having been reduced to one issue: race. That issue will dominate the upcoming Dem debates, we predict. Frontrunner Joe Biden will be standing between Kamala Harris and Corey Booker, the marshmallow in the ‘smores. By the time the two have done with Biden over “white privilege” and shrieking “racist,” Biden will emerge the stronger. The polls won’t show it, but Dems will secretly realize that Biden is their only chance to avoid getting overwhelmed by the President in 2020 — secretly, because not one in their number has the pragmatism let alone guts to reign in then eliminate race-themed politics. Trump presides over a strong economy and record-low unemployment, with the Fed about to lower interest rates.

Dems until recently had one other issue beside race: impeachment. Then they had the brilliant ides to call Robert Mueller to testify on the Hill. End of discussion. They thought Mueller would come in with enough loaded ammo to sink Trump. Instead, a tired, old, feeble looking Mueller took the hot seat with a cap gun with no caps. James Freeman of the Wall Street Journal put it most cleverly when he asked, “Did Robert Mueller Read The Mueller Report?” Kyle Smith of the New York Post called Mueller’s appearance “the Al Capone’s Vault of political news.”

The Dems blew it big time, and now they are left with a party hijacked by the a contingent so far left it can’t be found on the wing. They’re trying to push Biden, their only real chance, out of the way with by playing the race card. All that brand of totalitarianism will achieve is self-immolation.

Now to the guest piece.

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Special to THE PLANET

By John McWhorter

The reason Black Lives Matter has a lot of eyes rolling is not because people don’t care about black people and don’t understand the problem with police. The problem is that the typical black man in a particular kind of community is at much, much more risk of being killed by another black man. And you can’t argue it away. There are all these sophisticated feints such as saying that there’s a difference between the state murdering and citizens murdering. But none of it goes through.

Hundreds of black men are killing each other every summer. And so I think, in short, Black Lives Matter is important. It could make an important difference in modern black history. But for it to be a movement that resonates historically, it has to add a new wing where it firmly says and stands behind the idea that black lives matter when black people take them too.

There has to be a second wing that goes into black communities and works in a real way on the black-on-black murders. That would make Black Lives Matter complete. As it is now, it’s incomplete, and it looks shrill. The idea that Black Lives Matter only when white people try to take take them looks childish,  peevish, wrong, and incomplete.

I am never more struck than I am lately about how certain sentences that you hear often enough are accepted as truth until they become almost a kind of music. You take a group of people who are all the same color and you put them together in neighborhoods where job opportunities are not great. And the inevitable result is that the men are going to start killing each other over trivia?

That is an equation that I don’t think any historian or any anthropologist would think of as applicable to homo sapiens that we know.

A group of people who are poor, all put together in one place, without a whole lot of opportunity will start killing one another. No. If you think about it, it would be considered racist if a white person said that 75 years ago.

But today we’re somehow encouraged to think about that as an “enlightened” or “humane” take on what goes on in black America. And as far as changing the subject, all you have to do is think about the mother who just lost her second son. Now go up to her with a pad and tell her, “Well, this is really sad, but we’re really more interested in things that the state does. We’re really more interested in things that people who are responsible for the public order do. Now the fact that this was done by somebody who was from three blocks over, well, we’re sorry, that’s regrettable, but we’re not concerned with that. We’re doing this now.” It seems almost inhumane yet we’re supposed to accept that as wisdom.

And it’s not that the black men shooting each other are evil. I understand their humanity too.

But the idea that democracy is threatened by the white cop whereas if the kid from three blocks over does it, well he’s just an ordinary person? No!

The situation that we’re in now is as if—think about Selma. Think about watching people coming over that bridge with the terrible things that happened, and meanwhile over on the other side of the bridge, black teenagers were killing each other by the dozens every summer. And the idea was, “No, we’re not really going to think about that, because they kinda can’t help it, and that’s not important.” Imagine what Selma would’ve looked like if that’s what the situation was. That’s where we are now. And no amount of fancy Latinate words can disguise that simple fact from me or most of America watching.

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks our guest writer. We invite anyone to submit columns to this website. We will publish irrespective of political leaning, as long as they are well written and argued.


“Television has changed the irresistible force to an immoveable object”Laurence J. Peter.



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4 years ago

For the most part I agree with your guest columnist.

But your piece Dan sounds to me, a bit Fox newsy.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  doomiedodger
4 years ago

19 million black babies have been aborted since 1973
36%of abortion’s are for black mothers ,
Which make up 13% of the population

Democratic thought Self genocide
– it only follows that the males would
Eliminate their competition.

With the growing economy, hopefully we provide better education which leads to better opportunities for the human race.
Slowing the 50 year trends in minority poverty and crime

Fax news yes
Dan seems to be firmly center left -not hard right
Cheap shot someone else.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

The President of the United States of America plays the inherent racism in everyone.I agree that some people cant recognize it.He should stop it and he won’t because it works.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

All Trump did was state the TRUTH. Something liberals cannot handle if it does not fit their agendas.

Baltimore IS A CESSPOOL. But Trump never made any comments concerning “race”, just that it is a rat infested crime ridden enclave run by democRATS.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

And the Kushner Companies own over 9,000 rental apartments there, many cited for health and safety problems.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

PBS and the Baltimore Sun are……….RACISTS!!!!

2018 PBS documentary

“RAT FILM” describing the rat infestation and urban decay of liberal enclave, the city of Baltimore.

The Baltimore Sun , Nov 9 ,2016 ran an op-ed about the decay and mismanaement of democrat controlled urban cities.

The Baltimore Sun published an op-ed on Nov. 9, 2016 — the day Donald Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 presidential election — in which the author called for Baltimore to be declared a disaster, and rebuilt.”

OR………maybe Trump is just being HONEST, not RACIST, and liberals can’t handle the truth!!!!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Trump’s honestly racist, as are you.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Shakes, I see you equate being honest and truthful with being racist.

I’m sorry the truth hurts you so much, snowflake.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Shakes, the word racist is so overused it has become meaningless. It has become the word poster child for “I have no intelligent argument”. Much like the word communist during the McCarthy era.

Reply to  Paul
4 years ago

If you have to explain why you think you’re intelligent, then you ain’t…..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

You calling people “racist”, because that’s all you can come back with, is getting old.

Much like a petulant 4 year old who pouts and whines.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Hey, don’t like the description, stop acting racist. Its pretty easy.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Shaky ,

I see you are nothing more than a name calling liberal shill. If peoples opinions do not match yours, they are labeled “racist”.

If you are so poorly equipped to respond in a meaningful contingent manner, keep playing the race card, over and over, and over and over………..just make sure you are playing with a full deck.

Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

And calling me names seems hypocritical, but I bet you have a hard time looking in the mirror.

4 years ago

Clearly the Democrats have become pros at this, they easily and quickly co-opt movements like #blm and #metoo for political gains

In reality, they do it just to move polling numbers.
Apply the #metoo movement to Bill Clinton’s entire political and sexual assault career.
Apply the #BLM movement to Obama ignoring the plight of blacks in the USA for the entirety of his political career.
Look at Hillary who blamed every victim of her husbands propensity to whip out his crooked little Clinton (sources say it hooks to the right) and how that goes against the tenets of the #metoo #believewomen movement.

Here’s another perfect example
A sell-important and entitled African-American “lawmaker” claims a life long democrat, who legally immigrated to this country told her to “go back where she came from”
She was in the wrong at the get go then just escalated the whole thing for political gain
Seems she didn’t take into account she was lying about a fellow democrat, a naturalized Mexican-American (because ya know, he sort of looks white) and a guy that won’t back down.

It’s the politics of victimization to the point that democrats are eating their own.

4 years ago

Trump has gone TOO FAR this time! Some of the things he’s said about Baltimore are just uncalled for. It’s clear this type of rhetoric comes from a old racist white man who’s part of the 1%. A man not fit to be President!

“Anyone who took the walk that we took around this neighborhood would not think you’re in a wealthy nation.” “You would think that you were in a Third World country.”

“Today what we’re talking about is a community in which half of the people don’t have jobs.” “We’re talking about a community in which there are hundreds of buildings that are uninhabitable.”

“Residents of Baltimore’s poorest boroughs have lifespans shorter than people living under dictatorship in North Korea. That is a disgrace!”

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

Most of that was said by crazy uncle Bernie 2015
It’s true and the truth

Reply to  Tom Betit
4 years ago

Say it isn’t so!!!!! Another old time h white man said the same things and the MSM didn’t call him out on it?!?
It’s almost like the media are anti-trump

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I assume this includes the Washington Post?

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Or the Planet?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The Berkshires, very own, Left Winged Parrot/Boring Broadsheet/Berkshire Bird!!!!

It has gotten so far left it makes Stalin and Mao look like Sen Mcarthy

Tequila Mockingbird
Tequila Mockingbird
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

McCarthy’s only mistake was to underestimate .

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Like “The fake news” this is just another Trumpian truthism, which started a much-needed conversation.

He trolls the democrats who take the bait every time
His favorability rating with minorities is going up a point or two a month.

“What do Youhave to lose “ another tweet

Nobody was up in arms, when he said New Hampshire was drug infested, and is fed from Lawrence mass. After which the hub of drug activity started to see large busts, of illegal immigrant criminal organizations. Winning!

Trump targeted The squad, in retaliation for Presley’s
Attack on “distraction Becki”
Which is also paying major dividends.

Cummings was abusing homeland security Secretary Kevin McAleenan, earning himself a tongue lashing he deserved. Cummings Has used fake out rage, to make himself wealthy at the expense of his constituents. He got called out plain and simple.
Can’t take the heat, keep your mouth shut.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

It’s the same propaganda strategy that Hitler used!
i, control of the media, followed by limiting information. Censorship of Google and Facebook is no different than burning box, that have an opposing opinion. Typical socialist tyrant tactics.
Those that don’t know history are bound to allow it to repeat.
With brexit and the unifying of allies against Iran
My bet is George Soros time is up.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
4 years ago

“Two, one two three four
Ev’rybody’s talking about
Bagism, Shagism, Dragism, Madism, Ragism, Tagism
This-ism, that-ism, is-m, is-m, is-m.”


“Ev’rybody’s talking about
Revolution, evolution, masturbation,
Flagellation, regulation, integrations,
Meditations, United Nations,

4 years ago

America is a lot of things, but democracy and capitalism does offer some truths. Hard work = success. Many other people of color and ethnicities have fought their way out of the bottom of America’s barrel. Only blacks can lead blacks from poverty and self-destruction. Unfortunately, there are no leaders right now….until hard work is valued more than urban swag then not much can change –

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Trump is a racist and of course if you support him you must,must,must deny it . Sounds like most supporters of this discusting human are going down with his racist hate .Sure,your convinced hes just talking rodents.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Calm down TSC.

We understand you can’t handle the truth and must cry out racist.

Maybe it will comfort you that Biden , Willy Clinton, and Sotero were at Grand Wizzad Robert Byrds funeral

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Explain why Trump’s white casino managers had to have all black employees off the floor when Trump came in. Or why Dad and Don were sued by the U.S. for housing discrimination settling out of court.

Racism is learned. Children aren’t racists. They become their parents. Donald learned from his father, and many who know Don personally have said he is especially afraid of black men.

Sad that any of us even have to discuss racism in the 21st century, but Trump displays racist characteristics. He is who he is. Period.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Truthsayer
4 years ago

Explain why Willie Clinton, Barry Sotero, and Foul mouth Joe Biden were at Robert Byrd’s, of the KKK, funeral?

Explain why the H-Beast was friends with the same KKK Wizzard, giving him a big smooch too!

I bet little Cheesy Clinton is a racist too, after all “it’s learned”! That little apprentice witch already has dirty dealings with the Russian Uranium deal. Facilitated by mentor/mother Sec of State the HildeBeast.

4 years ago

The guy who started black lives matter is the same person who started the PAC to elect prosecutors like Andrea Harrington and Rachael Rollins in Boston. These prosecutors have a goal to attack “mass incarceration.” They are on the record as planning to release people jailed or imprisoned for crimes they are no longer going to prosecute and they have said they will expunge records of criminals. Harrington is starting right here in the Berkshire asking for 21 year olds to be treated as juveniles. It would be interesting to look at the crimes committed by people in this age group and what the penalties might be under her reforms.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Wow, just wow.

And a new series of guest articles from the Planet will begin with such hits to look forward to as:
‘Irish Americans; why are they all such a bunch of drunks?’
‘Jews or Scotsman – a quiz to tell who is more likely to chest you out of a dime!’
And everyone’s favorite – ‘Coked up Italian Americans on the Jersey Shore – is it a good look?’

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Welfare whitey in the Berkshires. When grandpa’s GE pension dies and you have to return cans for your heroin….

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

sometimes in life the truth just hurts…can’t change it by yelling racism, because when your done yelling there you are and nothing has changed…

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  UAlbany
4 years ago

Very true! But if we get down to brass tacks it’s going to get ugly.

Another headline : Cops and teachers: in it for the pension, who cares if we bankrupt our towns.

Agree Obama was no better for stopping police brutality.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago


Dan, like Trump never mentioned a race.

Dan brought to light the fact that democRATS, call you a racist ,if you don’t agree with their socialist/left winged policies.

You must be a good democrat! As You have chosen to denigrate several races in your bigoted post.

I’m for prosecuting/deporting criminal aliens, no matter their race – that makes me, looking through left winged parrot glasses, a RACIST!!!

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago


Huh? Direct quote from above — ‘Hundreds of black men are killing each other summer’

My comments are satire. Look that word up, it’s not libelous.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

So the hate filled rants, raves, and name calling by liberals is all just “satire”?

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

It seems to work for POTUS

c. Trzcinka
c. Trzcinka
4 years ago

I think John McWhorter has some interesting points. The African American community needs a hard look at itself like the J.D. Vance’s look at the Hillbilly community in his book “Hillbilly Elegy”. Culture clearly plays a role in a community’s self-destruction. If Black Lives Matter added this to its list of outrages they would have far more credibility than just attacking police..

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  c. Trzcinka
4 years ago

This is an intelligent article. The above – not so much.

Reply to  c. Trzcinka
4 years ago

Maybe if whites gave blacks the money back they stole from them to build the US’s wealth they wouldn’t be poor?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

Start with Kamala Harris, her ancestors were slave holders.

Mine came from Poland, never owned a slave, and immigrated LEGALLY!!!!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

mine also came from Poland. I have their camp paperwork. However, these United States collectively prospered by stealing from indigenous people and slaves.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  shakes
4 years ago

So blame the people who didn’t do it. How liberal of you.

Sort of like liberal “gun control”, punish law abiding gun owners.

Voytek Gobsigski
Voytek Gobsigski
Reply to  shakes
4 years ago

You sound like cracker jackubowixz

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Many irish in Dalton are descendants of indentured servant‘s,
the potatoe famine was another crisis caused to instill panic, for the profit of the elitists
Like welfare, and now the opiate epidemic , which is it’s own form of slavery.
Now the elitists are profiting off of treatment centers, transportation and housing of addicts, and the ever expanding criminal justice system.
Think Clinton’s anti crime Initiative and Bushes war on drugs, wmd hoax which evolved into invading Afghanistan. When all intelligence said bin Laden was in Pakistan! Afghanistan or the military and intelligence services helped propagate the poppy plantations !
Typical Tyrannical behavior,, create a problem, allow it to fester and pretend to fix the problem for profit.
The border crisis, is being cut short, which obviously is upsetting the elitists.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I don’t believe in the idea of assimilation – there is no correct way to be American.

That said Italians were maligned, Irish compared to dogs etc.

I hate this insulting talk. We are all Americans.

And by the way Chinese, Koreans and Jews do not assimilate and that helps them be successful.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

I’m pretty sure I read somewhere that a significant number of undocumented residents were Asians that overstayed their legal welcomes. So much for assimilating. It’s perception that Latinx immigrants are the problem. Factually they are not all of it. But why let facts ruin a good story?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Yes, we all need raise ourselves up. That I agree with.

I don’t think there is a correct way to be an American. I think we have too much individualism that pulls us apart at the seams – and that is not collectivism. People run rough shod over each and there is no common civility. It’s I don’t want a piece of the pie – I want the whole pie. Trump represents that to me. I have said this before too but I am not a democrat.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

The 4 women congresspersons have assimilated to the highest of the peoples house. The Senate is the house of the elite.

C. Trzcinka
C. Trzcinka
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

The economy is not a fixed “pie” where somebody can only get better off if somebody is worse off. Whites (and Blacks, and Latinos and Asians and..) achieved the wealth they have by their energy and imagination. The fact that some had more obstacles because of their membership in a group doesn’t mean other groups took their wealth. It means they had more obstacles to overcome. In short, whites did not steal anything from blacks.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

I thought scarcity was the premise of economic theory. I think there are absolutely Winners and Losers with the worlds resources. The Ascent of Money is an interesting book which I recommend.

Reply to  C. Trzcinka
4 years ago

lol, education and enterprise would be great if it was a true story. Unfortunately our tale is one of evil.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Shakes
4 years ago

So sorry You are an evil liberal/socialist.

You can still try to get an education and work hard.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Indeed, Donald Trump is a RACIST!

It is true: Trump = Hitler!

Impeach Trump! Down with Trump! Vote out Trump in 2020!

Also, there are more white people who live their distressed and financially constrained lives in poverty than minorities.

There are no groups of people who are more violent than other groups of people.

Racism is STUPID! Violence is WRONG! Trump is dividing people by race for his political gain. Stop being manipulated by evil!!!!

– Jonathan Melle

Ben Dover
Ben Dover
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Melle = Emmet Kelly.

4 years ago

Since Barry Clairmont has taken to leveling threats against the good members of this forum, I am compiling a dossier on him and his wife to be release in the fashion of the Steele document funded by the Democrats and used by Obama.
I am looking for pictures, stories, texts, emails, and voicemails that will further illuminate the dirty politics that Bad News Barry, loser Linda, and their crony’s perpetrate against the people of Pittsfield and the Berkshires.
As Barry and I travel in many of the same social circles and go to many of the same events I already have a number of first hand accounts of Barry and Linda behaving badly, in video and pictures, and I am sure there are many more.
Any information will be held in the strictest journalistic confidence
The information will be offered to all local media outlets as well as published online on a website to be determined.

Emails can be sent to

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

I am sure Barry would love to pull that statement back through the internet and destroy it. But I do believe him when he says he knows who we are because he has close ties to the law enforcement people who can get that info. And so one does wonder if their is a Trump -like enemies list near the corner office.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Who cares if he actually knows who we are (which he doesn’t) But again the challenge is to Barry, name names Barry. You know who we are put actual names to accounts and see how far that gets you.

What the real problem is, he made the threat, he leveled the specter of fear and retribution against those who disagree with his wife’s politics and who continue to point out she’s done nothing to improve the city, and in fact has made it worse.

So just because Barry goes drinking with a few cops doesn’t mean he has any access to law enforcement data. In fact it would require quite a bit of effort to get an IP address from here, then link it to an address through Comcast or Verizon.
No Barry’s just guessing at accounts but he wants you to think he knows all, it’s a common tactic of a bully and that’s all Barry is, a bully trying to intimidate voters and silence constituents because his wife has no measurable success for the years she’s been in office.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Outside of the website owner who thankfully has integrity, that information can’t be obtained without a warrant. Our state police are not stupid enough to do that.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Charlie
4 years ago

Wanna bet?
Berkshire detectives are dumber than the average chocolate lab

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

Sorry, couldn’t stop myself. I’m on the shit list now too.

Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

U can bet that Barry and Dr. Sucksausage sit around pondering who are their enemies –
But I digress, start the inquiry with how Barry and Linda met and then inquire as to the ensuing carnage…

Method Actor
Method Actor
Reply to  UAlbany
4 years ago

What’s the story? How’d they meet? Let me guess they cheated on spouses.

As the Krol Flies
As the Krol Flies
Reply to  UAlbany
4 years ago

Kind of like Ruberto and Angelo?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
4 years ago

Interesting new post on Facebook from the mayor and BE article describing a proposed relocation of the Carousel to Wahconah Park.

The mayor is now asking for public support (money, I assume) in a proposed idea to move the privately owned carousel to a privately owned plot of land adjacent to the city-owned ballpark. I sincerely hope no one falls for the “let’s spend city money” effort on another privately profiting entity. We’ve seen enough of that.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

Isn’t it amazing that the Mayor would do nothing to help with the carousel in the past, but now that it is election time she is boasting about her great idea. Sickening!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Yeah it’s almost like things only get “done” on election years.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Much of Trumps base supporters know hes a racist and that is the very reason they vote for him.You just can’t deny it.You can try.So keep trying,you may continue

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

“Racism!” and “Racist” the feeble cry of the weak minded.
They’ve abused it so much, it’s meaningless.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

You got it all wrong TSC!

I voted for Trump, as the corrupt DNC anointed (fixed primary) candidate was, the she witch H-Beast Clinton.

I’d have voted for Moe, Larry or Curly before that hideous lying wench. She’s as racist as they come. Here’s her kissing KKK member Robert Byrd.

Did You vote for her? Does that make YOU a racist?

The DNC has ~20 running for top stooge this election cycle. I can say that, from watching the first DNC fixed debates, they are all qualified stooges, and none will get my vote!

They hate America/Americans as much as they love criminal aliens.

4 years ago

Tyer cronyism at it again,580724

Word is she plans to use either GE money or city funds to “help” move the carousel to her friends property and already has discussed a TIF or guaranteed abatement.

“If you form a not for profit you won’t pay any taxes”

Tyer always looking for a way to give her friends a tax break at taxpayers expense.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

I think this should be looked into for sure. If any project ever deserved a TIF it is this one. Or those damn community funds tax thingy they foisted upon us. Use them instead of first grabbing more taxpayer money.

And put moving the carousel out to bid so that it does not turn into another gravy bowl for a special interest friend of city hall. I mean like a real bid not a “Pittsfield” bid where the deal is done before the process begins.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
4 years ago

By the way the author of the guest piece is a black American. Dan have you actually met Mr. Mc Whorter?

Reply to  Dick Flimsy
4 years ago

So this renown linguist wrote a special guest column recently just for the planet, after never meeting Dan? I’m curious how this went down.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I disagree with Barry Clairmont’s intimidating language, but I understand that he loves his wife, who is the lovely Linda Tyer.

I disagree with the “Blame Linda” sentiments. The lovely Linda Tyer inherited a mess. Every problem her detractors bitch about was there prior to her being Mayor of Pittsfield.

If the lovely Linda Tyer is ousted, I don’t see Pittsfield politics getting any better, but it could get even worse!

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

One thing that could Trump is what I call the “annoyance factor.”

His win was great in 2016 because it meant that we don’t have to look at or listen to Hillary (and Bill) every single day–which would have been superannoying.

But now Donny can’t resist kicking the hornet’s nest. Why?

He stirs it up, and then you’re bombarded with all the crap from the Left and the media.

Just let them sleep!!!

I mean, if he keeps doing this, and the Dems nominate someone with a lower annoyance factor, he could be in trouble.

People will be thinking, if Trump wins again, then it’ll be four more years of waking up the sleeping Rotweiler in the neighbor’s back yard while I’m trying to enjoy a beverage and a book under my tree.

It would be so easy to say what’s he’s saying without causing such a stir.

To wit:

“Now, we all here love America and think it is the best country ever in the world. I’m not going to mention it, but there are four Congresswomen who don’t think so. They’ve said things like X and like Y and like Z. Again, not to mention it, but they’re wrong. And here’s why . . . ”

Donald, you’re really starting to annoy me.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

. . . that could hurt Trump . . .

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

As I was saying: “Suburban women recoil as Trump dives into racial politics”

And as I said, there’s a more intelligent, not to say more effective, way to say the things he’s saying. Draw attention to their idiocy, not your own.

Kellyann needs to grab him by the nuts (again) and straighten him out–quick.

Maybe he doesn’t want another term?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

For those of you who seek out news beyond Fox and breitbart, you might have noticed that some countries (including our allies mind you) are beginning to collaborate amongst themselves and are thinking perhaps they don’t need to take Donald Trump shit anymore.

Look for new trade pacts and defense treaties that avoid having to do business with America. Trump has shit in his bed, which is OUR bed and we may find ourselves isolated and despised before too long. MAGA my ass!

4 years ago

So disgusting to say that Trump supporters are racist. There are plenty of racists on the left and they are racist against white people.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

An Army of brown people will march against 60 year old, 4’11” white men in Stockbridge. Dan, Watch out for the brown racists, they are coming for you!!!!

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Trump is our President and leader if that makes a difference that he is a racist.Keep trying remember there is a reason you voted for him.You must deny or

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Top RAT infested cities in USA

Rated by ORKIN.

Chicago #1

Boston misses top ten, but is up to # 13 from #15.

Baltimore just makes top 10 (#9)

NY tops all states in top 50 with 6 cities, California second with 4 cities.

In New England, Hartford ( #18) and Portland Me (#34 ) also make the top 50 list.

How many of these cities are run by democRATS?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

How many have properties owned by Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump with hundreds of health code violations? These slum lords are the ones providing the breeding grounds for your rat infestations. Tell the whole story Mr Trapper.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

That would start with leftist “community organizers” like Barry Sotero. How is Chicago looking? Baltimore got 1.8 billion $$$ in Sotero stimulus money, how was that spent/pilfered?

Also, the democrats , on federal state and city level, who run these cities, get rich on government money and do next to nothing to fix a very bad situation.

Rabble rousers like “Rev” Al Sharpton, a tax fraud, liar, and to take one from the liberals, racist. Remembet the Tywana Brawley fiasco he promoted on racial hate?

Maybe this Baltimore Mayor, Catherine Pugh, who squandered part of the 1.8 billion $$$$ US taxpayers doled out to help the floundering city:

“What the hell? We should just take all this shit down,” she said as she viewed the run-down buildings.”

“Whoa, you can smell the rats,” she continued, adding “Whew, Jesus” and “Oh, my God, you can smell the dead animals.”

And where did all that grant money for Baltimore go, liberals?

“Auditor: Baltimore hasn’t kept track of millions in grant money. (Again)”

And they are not MY rat infestations. They are ALL liberal democRAT infestations.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Prove it, Mr. Absurd. List the properties they own & alleged health code violations.

It’s easy to post crap like this without having facts to back up your allegations.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Kinda surprised to see
very few southern cities made the list
Seems strange.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Magoo
4 years ago

18 out of 50, 36%

4 years ago

Well all that BS about US men’s and women’s soccer team pay disparity.

More garbage by a bunch of selfish “woe is me” sjw types
The women, who are part of a collective bargaining contract. That means they have lawyers and a UNION negotiate for them get paid more than the men.
The have better benefits and are guaranteed pay, more pay in fact, than the men.
The men get paid less per game, have a more rigorous schedule, more required public appearances, less health benefits. The two places they earn more.
The men have the potential to individually more based on performance. They actually earn the club money.
The women‘s team, they lose money… to the tune of $27+ million.

The President of the U.S. Soccer Federation is responding to the pay gap lawsuit filed by the U.S. Women’s National Team … saying he has proof the women actually make MORE than the men despite bringing in WAYYY less money.

Remember, the USWNT sued the Federation back in March for gender discrimination — claiming, “The female players have been consistently paid less money than their male counterparts.”

Now, U.S. Soccer Federation president Carlos Cordeiro is responding in an open letter … essentially saying he hears what the women are saying — but the numbers don’t back up their claim.

“U.S. Soccer has, over the past decade, paid our Women’s National Team more than our Men’s National Team in salaries and game bonuses, and we continue to make unprecedented investments in our women’s program,” Cordeiro wrote.

Cordeiro included a “fact sheet” that spells out his case and explains …

“From 2010 through 2018, U.S. Soccer paid our women $34.1 million in salaries and game bonuses and we paid our men $26.4 million — not counting the significant additional value of various benefits that our women’s players receive but which our men do not.”

Cordeiro says the Men and Women have different pay structures based on how they negotiated their Collective Bargaining Agreements … including more guaranteed pay salary for the women and different (“more robust”) benefits packages.

The men CAN earn larger bonuses … but they’re guaranteed nothing, according to Cordeiro.

Corderio also says when you break down the revenue generated by each team, the men come out on top … by far.

“From 2009 through 2019 — a timeframe that includes two Women’s World Cup championships — the Women’s National Team has earned gross revenue of $101.3 million over 238 games, for an average of $425,446 per game, and the Men’s National Team has earned gross revenue of $185.7 million over 191 games, for an average of $972,147 per game.”

“More specifically, WNT games have generated a net profit (ticket revenues minus event expenses) in only two years (2016 and 2017). Across the entire 11-year period, WNT games generated a net loss of $27.5 million.”

Still, Cordeiro says, “U.S. Soccer does not view these as losses, but rather as an important investment in our Women’s National Team and in the long-term growth of women’s soccer.”

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

We are about a month away from the NFL season. SCREW soccer.

Reply to  Milt Plum
4 years ago

Sounds like the women are in a better negotiation position and would like the bonus monies to get pooled. The men failed to make the last World Cup, which is why they picked an odd 11 year comparison.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
4 years ago

Dan Valenti
Seems almost all my posts go to
Dreaded “Al gore Rhythm “
Penalty box
Makes no sense if content is
positive, negative or humorous
Only some reappear after the conversations over
Is there subjects or words that trigger censoring?

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Does Trump even know any honest people?

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Trump is president and the racist are very happy about it.

Thomas More
Thomas More
4 years ago

Kudos to Pete White being voted the best town official in Berkshire County for the third straight year. Pittsfield is a very lucky city.
also to BCC for beating out Williams College as the best college in the county. As a former adjunct at BCC (like someone else we all know and admire) I’m very proud.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

Is that a joke?

Cleveland Fan
Cleveland Fan
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Has to be he said it with a straight face.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

Which town voted him the best? Where is he from?

Reply to  Thomas More
4 years ago

well there ya go… BCC better than Williams? joke

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

ex Mayor Tyer to even have a chance get in early and makes statement after statement about future budgets to hour Senior population.Talk about how you will lead in the budget process by accounting for every nickle spent in the future and if you don’t its your own fault because you had a fair shot at the job.Please don’t blame anyone but yourself.Its up to you.You have to earn it everyday.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Republican party has Russia running Amer ica…this was predicted to happen and now the Oligarchs of Russia have a safe place to live….Thanks Graham,Mcconnell….The South has risen……The mentally ill Trump has corrupted all republican as we are now a country of right wing crime

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Trump just said no China deal for at least another year,The Trump crime family will be in jail if he leaves office so they can never leave office…..Trump is well on his way to this new goverment.Trump is never going to give up his power.

Drew Z
Drew Z
4 years ago

Don’t send Trump a campaign donation to either Putin or Kim or Trump. They have enough in the coffers from the mega gillians in tax cuts. Speaking of tax cuts , I thought all these trillions he let loose were supposed to reduce the debt?

Reply to  Drew Z
4 years ago

said the Barnum and Trump circus duo

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Some dirt on the H-Beast email scandal, and the dirty shenanigans of FBI/Comey and Sotero’s AG/DOJ:

The FBI/Comey and AG/DOJ under Sotero need to have their feet over the fire on this. Maybe Barry’s feet too, he’s not under executive privilege any more.

The people in the DOJ should be disbarred at a minimum. In reality they deserve time in the crowbar hotel for destroying evidence.

Drew Z
Drew Z
4 years ago

On the political campaign trail comments, Mele suggests it could be worse if Tyer isn’t elected again?This is why I was touting the water guy last year. He was the only one who said he would reduce department. Budgets by seven percent. Now after he said that the people on here and everywhere else laughed and marginalized the man,because he’s a outspoken individual and can’t be elected. Well if that’s the case then vote for the current Mayor or maybe give Karen a .. I don’t hear anyone trying to reduce the budget or tax increase on homes, another phony assessment..

B. Clairmont
B. Clairmont
4 years ago

Let me clear something up. I know I’m going to take heat for this, so this will be my only post on the subject. When I said “we know who you are”, it was meant as we do not know who you are as individuals. What I was trying to imply was that the readers of this blog are smart enough to figure out that the new posters bashing my wife are most likely from the other mayoral camps. This is my opinion and not the opinion of my wife, who does not read this blog. Nor do I tell her what is being said.

I can see how some would think what I said as a threat. I was not meant that way whether you believe me or not.

I don’t go around threatening anyone. I’ve been threatened by one of the candidates spouses in the past, but I do not make threats.


Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

Barry,I understood that perfectly.With that being said,what if someone does get in you or your campaign staffs face,will you continue to turn the other cheek?If the answer is yes, then you are admirable.Right now I’m having problems with the schools increase and my home assessment and water rates, it increases every year,it isn’t fair. I know the Mayor needs money to run the City, but the current revenue streams aren’t cutting it with my income. I am a lifelong resident. Over 50 years.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

That would make sense. So what does that mean! Exactly? The older posters aren’t from mayoral Camps and think your spouse ain’t getting the job done? There’s a couple of old sayings Barry, don’t get in a situation if you don’t want to be in one, and two, the cover-up explanation is always worse than your original statement. Either way you own it. What voters really want is tax relief and not two cents worth.

Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

This is complete BS.
“We know who you are.”
That’s a direct threat against the free expression of ideas and intended to act as a chilling effect against criticisms of your wife’s abysmal performance as mayor.
You stated as fact, not as a guess or as an expression of “most likely” who posters are and you did it purposefully.

No one asked you to “speak for us” you speak for no one here and your attempt at a backtrack is transparent attempt to minimize the negative impact you’ve already had on your wife’s campaign.
The damage is done and there’s plenty more to come. The number of people that have already contacted me with verifiable stories of you and your wife’s boorish behavior is pretty astounding. A former political ally has provided dozens of emails showing the incompetence of you’re wife’s mayoral management. Current employees have sent copies of emails, both public and private showing her manipulation of both her office and the media for direct political gain.
Just an FYI screenshots of text messages with screen grabs of emails are pretty powerful tools to expose her corruption and incompetence.
You are a bully and a coward and you and your wife’s transgressions will be exposed, that’s not a threat, it’s a promise.
Worse still you are a liar and have so little respect for others you can’t form a decent apology.

Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

Perhaps if you worried less about spreading laughable innuendo, reported less about he failings of the “politico class” whom you believe have destroyed your life and city, and worried more about your own behavior and your own life, just maybe you would be better off. And less bitter. Just a thought.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

Barry. I’m a long time Berkshire county resident who has watched the economic and moral decay of Pittsfield. I thank God I don’t have property in Pittsfield.

The Pittsfield mayors the last 30 years have done nothing positive to stem the decline. In fact instead of turning away from the road to Hell, they have been intent on paving a highway.

Your wife has paved that Highway, and neglected city roads while doing so.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

It seems to me that the last several mayors have aided and abetted the parasitic special interests that feed from the bounty of exorbitantly high taxes. Bottom line is greedy special interests funding and promoting candidates for office and then when they get in they want their due payback. And it must be working for them though unfortunately the city seems to be in deep spiraling decline. And that trajectory increased greatly the last four years.

The people of Pittsfield did not deserve this.

Come On Man
Come On Man
Reply to  Mad Trapper
4 years ago

Tyer is more concerned with being a good little liberal than helping the Pittsfield taxpayer.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

Not buying what you’re selling Mr. Clairmont. Feel free to try again.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

An example of access over integrity

Herb Pease
Herb Pease
Reply to  B. Clairmont
4 years ago

Is the story about a dentist and an accountant attempting to intimidate someone who supporting Bianchi true? I think it took place at a radio station on Jason St. I guess it could have been any dentist and any accountant.

Reply to  Herb Pease
4 years ago

In what way could any politician, ever, threaten anyone, anywhere in our third-rate city? You people act like this is NYC, where a politician might feasibly threaten the multi-million dollar business interests of a plutocrat.

No such worries in our little cesspool. Get over yourselves.


Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Thanks I’ll be more frugal !
Ever think of likes and dislikes register on posts?
Figured swears , plainly offensive or untrue
Words get circular file.

I think your mistaken,
Just last year wifegate ,
a money manager who sponsored John Krol’s Show
a restaurant owner were threatened after exposing
Now disgraced former da’s underhanded dealings
To win election. Which failed fortunately

I myself was arrested for exposing criminal activity covered up by previous district attorneys office

Using courts to harass and attempt to silence myself
While the vilification continues, my lawsuit just keeps getting bigger with more area victims coming forward.

“ we are a big Italian family “
Pretty obvious connotation

Reply to  Tom Betit
4 years ago

You make a good point. I consider a threat connected to a DA or law enforcement to be a different animal, but I suppose that’s naive since DA’s are elected positions.

Regardless, threats connected to anyone who has the capacity to take away your freedom are about as serious and awful as it gets. I wish you luck in your lawsuit. David Capeless was (and is) a morally repugnant man and the fact that he held sway over the application of criminal justice in our county for so long is a stain on all of us that will take a long, long time to erase.


Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Tom Betit
4 years ago

That the new da is failing to pursue prosecutions , will hopefully result in her being the second shortest serving district attorney in Berkshire County.

She is most definitely a turtle on top of fence post

Few know how she got there,
but most know she didn’t do it herself.

Krol's Trolls
Krol's Trolls
4 years ago

rumor has it that John Krol will be dropping a bombshell on Tyer before the election…..

jjohnny Absurd
jjohnny Absurd
Reply to  Krol's Trolls
4 years ago

Some local gun toting hot head has been released from jail on personal recognizance. This is going to be a test case for local mamby pamby justice. Get out the Kevlar.

Reply to  Krol's Trolls
4 years ago

I will say this Kroll knows where the skeletons are hidden, he’s got tons of emails. His expose will bode VERY poorly for both Tyer and Kerwood.

Agitate Thor
Agitate Thor
4 years ago

Who gives a crap. Krol and his Yankee fan f I l are outta here.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Hey leftists in the Planet audience, i.e. Melle, Absurd, More, etc. – enjoy the Senior Socialists debate between Liawatha and Crazy Bernie tonight! Losers, the whole bunch of them.

Me, I have better things to do! Trump 2020!

4 years ago

I think you’re going to watch it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Ted
4 years ago

He will be spread out on his couch with a six pack and wearing one of his Trump hats. . Calling everybody on the TV names, like the rest of us did in the fourth grade. Probably been to every Trump rally west of the Mississippi.

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

Barry,Mayor Tyer would do well to understand the sentiment on this unfiltered blog.The understanding is the 4 year term would allow the Mayor not to be scared to pull the trigger on schools.She did not do it.Mazzeo will not get her 4 years and that’s all she will receive to cut the schools

Drew Z
Drew Z
4 years ago

Massachusetts has a billion dollar budget surplus.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
4 years ago

So the mayor neither reads this blog nor does Barry share with his wife any of the information posted here. THAT, Mr. Clairmont, is highly unbelievable. The mayor’s aide or chief of staff or whatever Roberta Dews is constantly monitors and responds to 411 Facebook posts from an audience of people who can barely tap out a coherent thought. And yet you mean to tell us that her office has no interest in this generally well-informed blog?

Your attempt at clarification was admirable. Lying about your wife’s awareness of things posted here was lame.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
4 years ago

Damn Yankees, the planet has gone Bill Sturgeon. Oh the humanity.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
4 years ago

A true Baltimore democRAT makes a cameo appearance at a Fox WFFB 45 Baltimore live shot. He didn’t stay long or comment. I think they disturbed him having lunch???

The leftist liberal shows up at ~1:20-1:25 of the video clip!!!!


“Maxine Streicher was in west Baltimore’s Sandtown-Winchester neighborhood today to report on conditions.

The neighborhood is part of U.S. Rep. Elijah Cummings’ Congressional District 7.”

4 years ago

Tyer fails again,580847

“We put together a rapid response to something that was a hazard in our city park,” Tyer said in a phone interview Tuesday afternoon. “We’re going to take care of this problem once and for all.”

The city had installed a chain-link cage to encircle the two holes, which were discovered nearly two years ago, Turocy said.

But that barrier wasn’t in place on Monday.

Ummmm that barrier hadn’t been in place for over a year and a half.

Tyer putting people at risk because she can’t run a city

Remember Anyone But Tyer*
Threats by her husband will end with the end of her administration.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

Totally agree with your comment. Once again the City of Pittsfield taxpayers are being buffaloed by Tyer and her Department Heads. Sounds to me like they are trying to destroy “the evidence” before the family of that young boy could possible sue the City! She can manage to get this torn down immediately but meanwhile there are several fire destroyed buildings in the City that have been that way for a couple of years and are safety hazards. I also feel that it is a shame that Bare Bare doesn’t share comments from this blog with his bride. Many of us have asked very powerful legitimate questions of his wife’s Administration and he does not feel it necessary to relay that information yet he can try to intimidate us because we ask questions, sorry not buying his earlier explanation. And by the way Bare Bare I am not working for another camp and I also did vote for your wife the first time…will not make that same mistake again. Sorry.

Agent 86
Agent 86
4 years ago

What’s going on with that reservoir? Why didn’t GE do something with it when they stopped using it? When did they stop using it? How did Pittsfield get stuck with t?

Agent 86
Agent 86
4 years ago

Is the implication that someone stole the fencing? Is there a market for stolen fencing? Must have been a noisy operation taking that fencing away. Probably would require tools that most citizens don’t have.

Reply to  Agent 86
4 years ago

I had heard they put it up, it got quickly compromised and the city took it down 6 months later and hasn’t addressed it since.

Come On Man
Come On Man
4 years ago

She worries more about making the PC crowd happy than actually running the city.

4 years ago

Good money after bad. TFB thinks this is a win for Pittsfield.

Five million more spent on a failing school system.
And it’s just a “downpayment” on future operations.

“This $5 million over last year is part of a much bigger, multiyear debate and effort to fund out underfunded schools,” Farley-Bouvier said. “This is a, I consider, a down payment on probably the seven-year process of significantly increasing Chapter 70.”

I’ll hazard a guess that you could dump $50 million into the Pittsfield school system and it won’t make a difference.
Money will not solve poor performing administration or teachers nor will it solve absent parents.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

Spot on, Proxy. When I read that article it made me angry that more taxpayer dollars are being hurled at the failing PPSD which has not been a good steward of the funds it has been given. Enrollment keeps dropping yet there is no serious talk of school consolidation. Focus is on special ed and slower learners. If your child loves learning – get them out of the Pittsfield school system!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  ProxyDate
4 years ago

In higher education I’ve tried to educate youths from bad schools.

They cannot read, spell or , do basic math. That should be Junior/High School.

Then they “graduate” and want to go to a college. You can’t make up YEARS of neglect in one, or two, semesters of college. They flounder.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Dan I agree with all of your comments, and would just add one more;
6. Replace the current Taconic principal

I always wondered why you were not supportive of McCandless when he was first appointed as Supt. of PPSD.
Now we all know!

4 years ago,580878

Loser Linda running the city into the dirt.

On July 15, Pittsfield Police Chief Michael Wynn said the department received a photo of the boy with the BB gun. Two days later, he said officers located him, seized the BB gun and told him to tell his parents that if they wanted the weapon back to come to the station.

For Nicole Cowlin, whose teenage daughter works for the program, the incidents spurred a request for help from Tyer and several city councilors. Cowlin told officials that it feels as if the program is being targeted.

“There is a demand for police presence within our parks,” she wrote in an email to city officials. “There is a demand for ensuring the safety of the workers and children that attend these programs.”

In her letter to city officials, Cowlin called attention to larger issues she said are playing out in Pittsfield. She grew up here, she said, and “my family loves this city.”

“Sadly, we have seen the city decline and are beginning to question our future here if positive change is not made,” she said.

You would THINK that the mayor, the chief of police, and the person in charge of parks could figure this out after the problems last month and last year.

Loser Tyer strikes again.