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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY SEPT. 4, 2019) — “And the beat goes on.”

Yesterday, at 3:29 a.m., gunshots were heard at Daniels Avenue and Union Street. Police “recovered evidence of a shooting” there, according to Pittsfield police Lt. John Soules. Officer Lupisella spotted a Jeep Cherokee driven by Domingo Sobers, 28, driving away. Police say Sobers ran multiple stops signs, drove the wrong way on one-way Bradford Street, failed to stop for pursuing police, crossed all the lanes of North Street, hit a curb in the east side of North, crashed through the iron fence in front of St. Joseph’s Church, and came to a stop by plowing into a tree on St. Joe’s lawn. The vehicle was demolished.

Police say Sobers showed signs of being not sober, reporting him drunk. Looking inside the Jeep, they say they saw a 9mm handgun in plain view. Cops charged Sobers with eight violations, including illegal possession and discharge of a firearm.

Does this latest incident trouble you? Does it make you feel safe, as D.A. Andrea Harrington, police chief Mike Wynn, and mayor Linda Tyer say you should feel?

There’s only a million questions.

  • Is this related to the Olivieri murder? Authorities say she was not the intended victim.
  • The Sobers incident occurred in the same general area and roughly the same time of night/early morning.
  • Does the evidence removed by police match the shell casings found on Columbus Avenue in the Olivieri case?
  • Was a similar vehicle (Jeep Cherokee) seen on Columbus Avenue around or near the time of murder?

THE PLANET, without drawing conclusions, says there is too much coincidence.

———- 000 ———-

Meanwhile, mayoral candidate Melissa Mazzeo released the following statement regarding the lack of response to recent violence on the West Side of Pittsfield.

“Having gone door-to-door throughout the city, it’s not only the West Side that is questioning the lack of responsiveness to recent violence….it is every resident of the city, “ the candidate stated.

“I spent this past week on the West Side and one resident relayed – ‘I have lived here my whole life and have never seen it so bad’ – No one in this city should feel that way…no one. Why is the mayor not holding large community meetings? Why is the police chief not responding as to what his strategies are to combat this level of unacceptable crime? Why is the DA so incredibly slow in providing information about the recent incidents to the public? It leaves me wondering if the right-hand knows what the left hand is doing.”

Mazzeo’s comments come by way of multiple violent incidents on the West Side of Pittsfield where one resident recently commented to the mayoral candidate, ‘It’s just crazy….crazy.’

“I have looked at other communities who have successfully reduced their crime and it’s never about how many police officers a city has. It’s about how they’re used. There are models such as the Patrol Allocation Plan which was used by New York City decades ago which took their existing police and deployed them in massive numbers to neighborhoods seeing spikes in crime,” Mazzeo said. “Why is Pittsfield not doing this? In New York, the mayor and chief of police were working hand-in-hand to get crime under control. While we are certainly not NYC, it is time we start looking to other communities that have seen a reduction in crime. Rather than trial and error, we need to identify policing strategies that will keep our community safe.

“As Mayor, I will work day in and day out with our department heads to find solutions to this frightening problem. Inaction will not stand. We have too many dedicated and talented police who can and should be deployed effectively.”

Mazzeo is one of four candidates, including incumbent Linda Tyer, running for mayor. The primary is set for Tuesday, September 17th with polls open from 8a.m. to 8p.m.

———- ooo ———-

Meanwhile again, the Columbus Avenue killer or killers remain on the loose in Pittsfield, and Berkshire County residents grope in the dark. Going by the statements of the mayor, district attorney, and police chief, Stephanie Olivieri was an “innocent victim” of the 3:22 a.m. shooting. Taking their word, it means the killers didn’t get their intended target and they’re still looking. Someone’s going to be next. Don’t worry, though: The public is in no danger.

Eleven shell casings were found at the Columbus Avenue scene. THE PLANET received through sources two conflicting statements. The first said they were all from the same weapon. The second insisted this was incorrect, that the shells came from “at least” two different weapons. More ominously, were the casings from hollow-point bullets? This would bear out testimony from descriptions of the fatal head wound as “massive.”

A regular full metal jacket bullet enters the body leaving a small diameter hole, moves along an intertial path, and if it exits, leave a hole only slightly larger than the entrance wound. If the bullet doesn’t exit, it lodges deformed but relatively intact in the body. Hollow points enter the body then explode into fragments, causing horrific damage. Fragments would show up on X-rays. Did the killers use hollow points. Hollows mean business. What did the autopsy reveal? What did the X-rays show?

———- ooo ———-

The entire West Side and all of Berkshire County remains on edge. One area police source (command staff), speaking on condition of anonymity, criticized Harrington and Wynn, saying their handing has been “defensive.” He also shared the following “scuttlebutt and shop talk” (none of this has been officially confirmed, THE PLANET stresses):

  • There were three people involved in the shootings.
  • One of the weapons was a 9mm, thought to be a Glock handgun.
  • One of the three is from Pittsfield, one is from Springfield, and the third from NY State.
  • There was one gunman, one get-away driver (Jeep Cherokee?), one lookout.
  • Shootings are gang- and drug-related.
  • Reason to believe the non-Pittsfield two fled to Springfield.
  • Pittsfield dude is believed still in town.

Harrington and Wynn have all-but disappeared. Both have a reputation in the courthouse and police station for being out of office for long stretches.

Tyer appointed Wynn ostensibly to remove him from politics, but he’s at heart a political animal. Here’s an interesting exchange from two of THE PLANET‘s commentators, Soujourner Truth and Police Report.

———- ooo ———-

SOUJOURNER TRUTHMany Pittsfield citizens are still confused about the internal mechanism Mayor Tyer implemented to get Chief Wynn anointed as “Permanent Chief.”

There was no cohesive information disseminated about this selection process, except that it was not part of the usual MA civil service as an applicant list had expired for the position, and that Tyer opted out of MA civil service and had her politically appointed personnel department design and administer her own version of a so called merit based testing ( civil service)and chief’s selection.
Who were the other applicants and was there a test ? Who created and graded the test, etc. ?

We’re cognizant that Chief Wynn’s politically active wife was one of Tyer’s campaign managers and that there are strong political ties between the Chief and the mayor’s political cult. His coronation ball at the museum was also a media circus and a first.
Please, if possible clarify this selection process.


POLICE REPORT: In reply to Sojourner Truth. Originally Wynn was an interim/acting captain then they renamed him acting chief. It’s an end run around the civil service process. If interim/acting you don’t have to pick from the list, it’s not based on a score.

One of Mayor Linda Tyer’s first moves was trying to get Chief Wynn in under his old 2009 score. She actually spent taxpayer money on the appeal which is unheard of. No Mayor files a civil service appeal, the Chief does, at most an ethical Mayor would file a letter in support. The appeal denial was carefully worded to admonish her and at least reminder her to at least keep the appearance of no conflict of interest.

Since Mayor Linda Tyer’s request was denied, she then rigged the system further by adopting the “verbal” test over the written test. There were three candidates applying for the job, the written test is considered more objective and the verbal test is more subjective. It is well known that if you have a candidate in mind, do the verbal test.
That’s what was done.

Mayor Linda Tyer made some incredible statements in her letter, about the hearing, and to the news.
She called it an “injustice” and wanted them to retroactively accept a score over 7 years out of date.
She didn’t consider that it would be an “injustice” to other candidates to use a test score so out of date.
She didn’t consider it an injustice that she changed the test to favor a candidate.
She didn’t consider it an injustice to only ask for Chief Mike Wynn to get this kind of waiver, the fire department continued with an acting Chief.

Granted his wife/fiancée was not part of Mayor Linda Tyer’s inn we circle for her campaign.
Her excuse, “Law enforcement is still my priority,” because it’s not like you can ask for waivers for more than one person at a time.
This was a political appointment of a Chief who has led Pittsfield to being one of the most violent cities in MA.

Matt Hill is a great person to talk to about all of this.

Matt Hill, as the Union Rep for [police union] 447S, has gone on record, to civil service board, to the union, to the rank and file, and to the news EVERY time it’s come up. He has the unique perspective of a union delegate, trying to protect the rights of supervisors against unfair practices by Mayor Linda Tyer.  Members of the police union, who had opposed Tyer’s request, applauded the commission’s ruling.

“All we asked for was a fair process,” said Pittsfield Police Sgt. Matthew Hill, who represents Local 447S, the union for department supervisors. “We really wanted to see the Civil Service process followed.

Matt is protecting others against the “injustice” that was Mayor Linda Tyer trying to give political payola to her then campaign member’s fiancée.

———- ooo ———-

The Olivieri murder will not “just go away;” it continues to hang around and fester. The, Harrington, Wynn, and the mainstream media can pretend the story doesn’t have legs, but the public’s tangible fear says otherwise.


“There is no ‘there’ there”Dorothy Parker.



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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“He say, 1 and 1 and 1 is 3
Got to be good lookin cuz he’s so hard to see”

5 years ago

To many idiots in the City.Two hundred Cops wouldn’t handle it. You now have overwhelming breeding grounds Schools,Brien Center, B H S Children and Familes, Juvenile Courts,Druggie Clinics, Bars,Burlesque type theatres,like old a London weird….Lots of cash and votes in these industries.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
5 years ago

Be Tyer and Wynn as they may it’s the DA who decides what charges to bring. How often do we see firearms charges dismissed at the request of the commonwealth. It’s time to end the Capless/Harrington refusal to prosecute gun charges because the offenders didn’t get blueberry muffins when they were kids.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Collusion, collusion. Changes must be made to the existing city leadership if the crime rate is to decrease. I agree with Mazzeo’s statement above, and I also agree with Kalinowski’s comments that lawbreakers need to be held accountable ( did you hear that, Andrea?). Vote Tyer out of office!

And more trouble at the statehouse, as the House & Senate are holding hearings tomorrow to discuss sanctuary status for Massachusetts. Our own low-intelligence TFB has filed a bill to grant standard drivers licenses to illegal immigrants. TFB’s bill will also be discussed at tomorrow’s hearing. What part of ILLEGAL don’t they understand?!

Goodbye Krol World
Goodbye Krol World
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Wouldn’t it be nice if TFB cared as much about the citizens of Pittsfield as she does illegal aliens?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I had to produce a birth certificate or passport to renew my license. What do the illegals have to produce? A picture of TFB?

Markus Aurelius
Markus Aurelius
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
5 years ago

No, just other people’s stolen social security numbers. But hey, Tricia-Country Buffet-FB thinks these illegals aliens will purchase insurance for their vehicles. Absolutely TFB, I mean they’ve done everything else illegally to tn does seem to do a lot of traveling and training other his point, so I’m sure a DL will help them see their ways.

From reading the posts over the last couple of days, one thing that really struck me was, Mike Wynn sure does an awful lot of traveling and ‘training” other out of town departments. What does he train other police officers to do? Dodge and avoid the media, build a huge paper resume (a paper dragon) with very little police experience and tell others about his “vast experience?”

I would like to see PPD come up with a strategic plan to combat gun violence. A few ideas: end Cops and Cones, all training officers-and move them to the streets on the Westside. Allendale doesn’t need another patrol officer out there. Maybe shift the street crimes unit hours until 4AM Thursday-Sunday, maybe even ask help from the Western MA Gang Task Force, and federal agencies.

Pittsfield has slowly replaced Holyoke as the shooting gallery of Western MA.

Oh, and expired Country Buffet Gift Cert’s can be used in place of stolen SS #’s.

Sally Says
Sally Says
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

And Wynn Harrington and Tyer support licenses for illegals

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Sally Says
5 years ago

TFB needs to focus on the most important issue to the American people, or at least to the Democratic Party–transgender bathrooms.

5 years ago

Can someone (maybe, ‘Police Report)’ confirm or deny the tale that is told that when the ultra conservative and diverse (cough-cough) Chief of Police Riello (Goombah) was told to “pack sand,” did he or did he not give Wynn a gold Chief’s badge and say “you’ll need this someday”?
(((“The word goombah is an Anglicized version of the Italian phrase cumpà or compare, which means “friend” or “godfather.” )))
So NO disrespect intended..
IF this it so, it shows how far back and deep the GOB syndrome goes!!!!!!!!!!!

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
5 years ago

I can live with Wynn. He’ll probably be a much better cop under Mazzeo. But Tyer and Harrington are complete buffoons and they have to go.

Reply to  Benigno Numine
5 years ago

He’s been a horrible cop and Chief, acting, faking, or otherwise under all prior administrations

5 years ago

One step forward, two steps back.,583777

Pittsfield church’s nearly restored fence damaged during police chase
PITTSFIELD — When, police say, a suspect fleeing from them crashed outside St. Joseph’s Church on North Street early Tuesday, he damaged a nearly 150-year-old wrought-iron fence that was being restored with the help of community donations.

The driver, who was arrested on numerous charges in the crash and a shooting incident that preceded the chase, allegedly plowed through a section of fence that already had been restored as part of a larger church restoration project that’s nearing completion, according to Monsignor Michael Shershanovich.

“I was sick to my stomach when I saw the damage,” the church’s pastor told The Eagle on Tuesday afternoon. “The last section of fence is being worked on now.”

The restoration began in 2017, Shershanovich said, thanks to a gift of $150,000 from an anonymous benefactor “who loves Pittsfield.”

In February, The Feigenbaum Foundation kicked in a $10,000 grant to help pay for the restoration. The foundation perpetuates the charitable legacy of the late Dr. Armand and Donald Feigenbaum, known for their philanthropic efforts throughout the Berkshires.

Shershanovich is unsure what it will cost to repair the damaged section of fence, which was erected in 1873, according to the church website.

John Graney, a Sheffield craftsman, is behind the fence rejuvenation that has “exceeded our expectations,” Shershanovich said.

“The workmanship is beautiful,” he said. “The restoration makes a real statement for the church as a welcoming place.”

The Wizord
The Wizord
5 years ago

Reverend Mac paid me Five bucks an hour to paint that fence back in the day. Symbolic fence. Hope they can repair it.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Domingo Sobers is not a gang banger. He is a full time bus driver for the BRTA.

It’s annoying for police to say there is “evidence of a shooting.” A SHOOTING implies that some thing or some one was shot. Do they have evidence of a shooting or evidence that a gun was fired? There IS a difference.

Maybe he was trying to off himself? Maybe someone tried to shoot him? Lots of conclusions being drawn here in a city wrought with gun violence… He may be another black guy without a gun permit but let’s not convict people of crimes without due process…

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

There is evidence that he was DUI. There is evidence that he violated any number of traffic laws, including speeding, driving the wrong way down the a one way street, blowing through stop signs, and reckless driving buy jumping a curb, destroying part of a fence, and then wrecking his Jeep. There is evidence that when the police tried to stop him he “took off” and purposefully tried to evade the police. There’s evidence of a gun just sitting out in the open in his car. There is evidence, via eye witnesses, that the vehicle described in the shooting was a black Jeep Grand Cherokee. Oddly enough Sobor was driving the same type of car.
If found guilty of just the driving infractions, he will not be a driver for BRTA any longer.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

I totally understand. And I think it’s safe to say he may be guilty of the drunk driving charges. And it would appear he was unlawfully in possession of a gun, although that is not certain.

What I’m suggesting is that we cannot speculate as to who was actually shooting and what transpired when gunshots were heard. Because again, nothing and no one was hit. That we know of.

Tests can/will determine if the gun was recently fired as well as if Sobers has evidence of firing a weapon on his hands. Unfortunately we may know the results of though tests…

We may just have to agree to disagree on automatically assuming Sobers committed an act of violence….well…except for that fence…

It’s scary to know how many guns are actually out on the streets. I imagine all of these murders and shootings etc., have documented ballistic data…yet all of the new shootings are never tied back to older crimes…And if Sobers’ gun matches any other shootings, I’ll stand corrected.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I think you’ll find he had a gun in his car and has no license. Eyewitness statements will put his car at the shooting, alleging him being the shooter.

It begs the question, what is a BRTA bus driver doing out on a Tuesday at 3am, driving drunk, in a bad neighborhood, with a gun and no license.

Was there another person in the car with him, who was being shot at? Did Mr. Sobor have work the next day?
Might this be drug related?

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Being released Ror seems to indicate no gunshot residue on his hands, most likely intended to be next victim, and was fleeing for his life.

Brta has background checks & drug testing not an addict or criminal. mr sober most likely the rat who gave up shipment in prior murder.

If Police are smart they are using him as bait,
Hope he fares better than David Glaser, god rest his soul.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Brief update:
He wasn’t charged with illegal possession of ammunition because there was none left.

It was obvious to police on scene that he fired the gun as it smelled like gunpowder and cordite.

One person mentioned this may have been a dispute over a sexual encounter.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

It does not matter what the issue is. The Pittsfield police under the control of Mikey is a disgrace to our city. While I give credit to our honest and earnest police officers trying doing their job, to protect the public , and there are so many dedicated good officers it only takes one “rotten apple” to spoil the bunch. That apple seems to be at the top. Mikey and Tyer skirting the rules and regulations of Massachusetts Civil Service is unacceptable. maybe We the People need the Feds in here cleaning up the corruption.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Ror seems to indicate Mr. sober had not shot a gun ,
Makes sense to plant an empty weapon on him
Driving style seems likely he was fleeing the gunfire.

Sally Says
Sally Says
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Sorry Phil but Sally Says a shooting implies someone or something was shot at. Lots of time they miss. Still a shooting still a crime. Race has nothing to do with it.

Reply to  Sally Says
5 years ago

I think Phil is saying, what if Mr. Sobor was a lawful gun owner who didn’t shoot, but was shot at?

What if he was the victim of a car jacking and someone shot at him and he didn’t return fire but pulled out a gun then took off?
Or what if he was the victim of an attempted robbery and did shoot at someone? That wouldn’t be illegal.

Granted if he was under the influence and used his firearm, that could be problematic.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

possession of a weapon, legal even, is illegal under the influence of drugs and alcohol. You are not supposed to have it in your possession unless you are anything but stone cold sober. They tell you that during the safety course.

Not to mention, if there was that many shell casings and it was a single gun, he must have had an illegal high capacity magazine.

According to mandatory sentences, lock his ass up

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

He had a gun.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

All the negative news about violent crime won’t help Pittsfield attract middle class families and/or small businesses.

Blaming Linda and her progressive women friends is a false correlation to Pittsfield’s decades of social problems!

There is an old saying: “This is Pittsfield!”

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Jonathan, reread Dan’s column, the answer to why she gets blamed is there and is crystal clear.

5 years ago

Does anyone find it strange that no picture has ever been shown of the murder victim on Columbus Avenue? There is no picture anywhere that I have been able to find. How can anyone in the public provide information if they have no idea who they are supposed to be providing information about? Maybe someone had seen her earlier that night and could provide more information about why she was sitting in a car at 3 AM in the morning. Who she was with, where they went, etc. They are asking for help from the public on this case, but are not offering any information that might jog the memory of anyone who might have seen her earlier that night.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Kinda creepy to think of a woman with half her skull missing. Not sure that’s a photo I d want to see.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago


Very observant
Glad someone else is paying attention!

Much like the license plate being blurred out of pictures, on pick up truck owned by carridi auto sales used in Alan Keefe hit-and-run murder.

5 years ago

Sobor’s charges don’t far (I wonder where the ammunition charges are?)

When asked why he took off, “because I’m drunk.”
They tried to get a dangerousness hold on him, he was ROR’D
Interesting that they misapplied the dangerousness again.
Cash bail $10k would have held him.

Marked Lanes Violation
Failure to Stop at a Red Light
Improper Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Operation Under the Influence of Liquor
Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Failure to Stop for Police
Possession of a Firearm Without a License
Discharge of a Firearm Within 500 Feet of a Building

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

There is also no charge of a stolen or unregistered handgun, which you often find with gang bangers. Possession without a license could be as simple as an expired LTC.

I think he has a drinking problem. In my opinion, being drunk explains why he took off, why he crashed, why he did not make the right choices.

I just have a hard time believing this was an incident of gang violence.

Where was Spot Shotter on this one?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

SpotShotter put the gunfire one block over from where they found him. Shell casings were on the ground. Police raced to the scene, got eyewitness statements. All said Jeep Cherokee, some said dark color some said silver gray.
They found him and the car one street over.
So the bigger questions, if there were shell casings, do they match the gun. If they don’t match the gun, who do they belong to? If Mr. Sobor did the shooting, who was he shooting at and why? If he didn’t, who was the shooter?
Also it seems 3am seems to be a pretty popular time of day for these activities. Why aren’t cops in that area every day at 3am.
Chief Wynn still hasn’t heard of PAP yet after all those trips to conferences.
Crime has increased every year under his tenure, with notable increases under Mayor Tyer, even with the reduction in reporting of certain crimes.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Some “anonymous donor” paid for St Joe church fence repairs. Who will pay for it this time? Did he have insurance? Was it the cops fault for chasing him? Did they give him a teddy bear when he was released?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I’m not thinking gang violence but robbery in concert with the sale of illegal drugs.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

ROR’D. What is the meaning of ROR’D?

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
5 years ago

Released on recognizance. Unbelievable. Harrington’s refusal to seek bail and instead stupidly go for a dangerousness hearing has once again resulted in someone being out on the street who is potentially dangerous. Pittsfield’s already out of control crime is compounded by the DA’s office repeatedly attempting to use dangerousness in cases where it just is not appropriate. Criteria is very specific, so it’s not the judges fault. Never asking for bail and asking for dangerousness inappropriately is doubly stupid and bad for public safety. Unbelievable.

Reply to  Juicy Lucy
5 years ago

Recognizances are most often encountered regarding bail in criminal cases. In the United States, by filing a bail bond with the court, the defendant will usually be released from imprisonment pending a trial or appeal. If the defendant is released without bail having been set, the defendants are released “on their own recognizance”. Release on recognizance is sometimes abbreviated as RoR, OR (Own Recognizance, particularly in the United States), or PR (Personal Recognizance).

This just goes to show how far off DA Andrea Harrington’s office is with the rest of the criminal justice system.

They wanted him held on a dangerousness hold, which means held with no bail. The judge let him out ROR meaning no bail, just promise to show up.

Now here’s the kicker Dangerousness is a really high threshold, typically reserved for repeat offenders, homicide cases, habitual offenders, crimes of special circumstance, very bad stuff. In a prior case DA Andrea Harrington’s office did not ask for a dangerousness hearing for a suspect in multiple armed robberies, the judge actually was the one that suggested it, causing her office to waste time and money by having to refile.
Since that time they now ask for a dangerousness hold for almost anything gun related, without a thought for if it’s actually relevant or needed.

A smarter DA than DA Andrea Harrington would know that to meet the burden of a 58-A hearing she would need to prove that this event would be likely to happen again.
A smarter DA would have just asked for bail, say $10-15k which would have had virtually the same effect.
Then again Andrea Harrington hasn’t actually been in court except to watch, she hasn’t argued a case yet as DA.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

How ironic is it that Mazzeo is using the Planet to release campaign press statements. Bianchi did so and lost; Cacc did so and lost. On balance though, Harrington did and won (not once but twice).

My guess is some people unknowingly fall victim to their past mistakes (over and over and again and again); for repeating failed methods of the past, expecting different results, is insanity!

I’m still kind of wondering where Mazzeo and Bianchi were when the City’s crime rate was on the uptick; you remember Mazzeo, as your City Council president, and Bianchi, your part-time (in and out) mayor? Yeah, me too!

Anyone else curious why Mazzeo hasn’t found a niche to market her campaign message? She can’t wail against a system she’s been a significant player in for years past; she can’t wail against high taxes she’s voted to enable since she’s been sitting on the City Council; she can’t wail against the City’s high crime rate since she’s been a backseat driver since becoming an at-large councilor.

What’s left? Do what Harrington did: spew a few chapters of those ridiculously false narratives until one or two of them catch on with voters outside your base. Even if it’s one false narrative, tell it over and over again until you (and others) believe it to be true.

If Melissa Mazzeo lied about the contents of her phone call with Andrea Harrington last year or fostered puffery of her business partnerships with hubby and Michael Mazzeo, why should we believe any of these carefully crafted press statements? We shouldn’t, that’s the point.

My advice to Melissa Mazzeo, Dan Bianchi, Tom Bowler, and Joan Kelly DeMartino: People should know when they’re conquered!

The Mazzeo campaign: proud defenders of “Lying, pomposity, smugness, and groupthink”.

And that’s the bottom-line!

Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

This City is in a state of cannibalism. The same players in City Government that have had no bright ideas or actions in the past now think they can run the Government. We are in a piss poor state of mind and action. There is no end in sight.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Spagirl
5 years ago

You hit the nail right on the thumb,
Democratic policy is inherently cannibalistic. It hinders job growth, encourages welfare and favors those who don’t produce. Taking from those who do.

What the Berkshires needs is jobs!
Fighting trump is Massachusetts biggest mistake,
His new policy of shipping 500” refuges “ a month to sanctuary city’s is starting to take its toll. Wait until the buses arrive in western Massachusetts. Just in time for winter.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Mazzeo released that statement to All media outlets

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Two Cents
5 years ago

She really gained miles of traction with that statement. The Lovely Planet’s the only one to publish it. Go figure!!

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Brian Marquis: Does any of this and your pontifications influence your vote in Lanesbourgh , any more than Jonathan Melle in New Hampshire ? Your own political scene must be boring.
Is this the bottom line ???

Reply to  Sojourner Truth
5 years ago

Are you saying Melle and Marquis are not registered voters in Pittsfield?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

They both have blow up Linda love dolls.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
5 years ago

And that’s the bottom-line!

5 years ago

City officials seem to be back on their heels and appear to not know what to do about any of the city problems. Let’s face it, if you cannot even get the trash off the streets, solve years long parking issues, and the roadways have become bumper car venues, you may not be the people we need to run a city.

The city has become a worse place to live on so many levels in the last four years, and the reason is clear. The current mayor was not and is not qualified to run a city. And I do not know what the answer is because the failure extends beyond the corner office to many department heads. I would hope any new face in the mayors position would clean house and start over.

5 years ago

Strange that there has been no photo released of the Columbus Avenue murder victim. The police have asked for public help on this case, but without a photo of the victim, how can anyone say if they saw her, who she was with, and how that explains why she was sitting in her car at 3 AM in the morning.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

That is some curious stuff right there huh? There seems to be a black hole over there on Allen street.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

“Black Hole.” Hahahahaha! U been watchin; ‘Blazing Saddles’ again, ain’t cha?

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Mayor Tyer had the 1st 4 year term or look at it this way she had 2 terms ( old charter) Most voters are not giving her 4 terms (old charter).Pittsfield is lazy and Mazzeo is not lazy.You will get her energy for 4 years.
Mazzeo will bring it and she will lead not just settle in get comfortable and say yes to everything Schools want.Pittsfield is in a emergency and you don’t wear a dress to emergencies.Mccandless never bought his sneakers and the schools are in a complete state of verbal violence and intimidation.Mccandless needs to get his principles into a constant state of movement on every floor under every stairwell every period of everyday….Mazzeo will make department heads excel at their positions.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Mazzeo and Bianchi had their chance at the helm, years ago. Mazzeo as your City Council president and Bianchi as your mayor. For years now both Mazzeo and Bianchi have been (and still are) enabling the very system they now claim to detest.

That was then; this is now. There’s no rhyme or reason to believe Mazzeo’s the solution (or even cognizant) to Pittsfield’s social ills.

Cut Mazzeo loose in September. Let’s give Graves a shot at being demolished by our incumbent mayor in the November general election.

People should know when they’re conquered!!

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Chauvinist much ?
Is it all female candidates you bash?
Being mayor and city council President are two different
Jobs, mayors inact policy , councils recommend.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Is this how you do it in your hometown of LANESBOROUGH ??

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Brian C. Marquis
5 years ago

Mazzeo has never been the Mayor.I want her to start tomorrow

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Great leaders makes those around them want to excel and if I’m a principle or department head I want Mazzeos energy in the ditch helping Pittsfield become a well run no nonsense great small city.When companies are failing they need to consolidate get control and make a plan.

5 years ago,583787

Democrat Logic

Not “let’s make sure they aren’t here” “let’s make sure they aren’t here illegally.” “Let’s help LE work with CBP and ICE and Homeland Security”

It’s “Let’s make it easier for them to be here illegally”

What’s to say someone here illegally follow other laws?
What’s to say that after ignoring that pesky law about entering the country illegally, they will all of a sudden have a crisis of consciousness and decide to get a drivers license (which means register their home address with the govt), register their vehicle, spend money on insurance, and get their car inspected.

Why not require a drivers license to buy a car? Sort of like buying a gun in MA. No drivers license, no car. Lend your car to an unlicensed driver, you go to jail.
That would do a number of things, it would force people to use public transportation, make it more difficult to work and be in MA if illegal (which isn’t a bad thing).

The democrat logic, if they are going to do illegal things anyway, let’s make it easier for them to do so.

This is DA Andrea Harrington’s approach to illegal drugs. She doesn’t believe in rehab or getting people off of drugs, she beloved in facilitating their use of illegal drugs.
Sort of strange when you think how she endorsed suing legal drug manufacturers for the opioid epidemic. Should we sue her and prosecute her for facilitation?

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Can be hard for citizens to prove identity to the RMV, only way I can see how it works for “undocumented” foreigners is if the Democrats let them use a fake name and fake address, in which case they don’t have to worry about insurance or registration because no one can find them, though they would never be prosecuted anyway.
That is a funny article pretending that Bouvier is some kind of leader who persuaded the teacher union to support the bill, when they wrote the bill and told her to sign it, and also the one in her drawer to allow foreigners to vote in state and local elections.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

This should be an election issue. Does our mayor support this non-sense, does our police chief? What are the other mayoral candidates position on this? What about sanctuary cities? These are important issues. Pittsfield’s been going to hell in handbasket for 30 years, but all the politicians are singing Kumbaya and act like Pittsfield’s part of a great technological and cultural renaissance, and they go out of their way to hide the crime problem, once campaign season is over, all the while encouraging more public housing, more riff and more raff. Has there ever been a mayor in your lifetime who was not a disappointment? Hideaway Hathaway, who said the shootings were “an aberration”, Renaissance Ruberto, Bianchi, a great ward councilor and fiscal conservative, but didn’t exactly set the world on fire as mayor, and 4 year Taxes Tyer, a progressive who supports free home improvements with our taxes, a high school for losers, a spend thrift school superintendent, pickleball with our taxes, drivers’ licenses for illegals, and a DA who plays catch and release.

Madt Tapper
Madt Tapper
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

That is 100% of democRATS running for office today.

They think our Constitution don’t mean a thing.

Eyesola Ted
Eyesola Ted
5 years ago

Don’t forget b r t a is federally funded. Sobers should plead his priblem as alchohol, get sober through treatment,maybe mayor will hire you down the road.

French Conextion
French Conextion
5 years ago

Voters need to not vote Lothrop either. He has stated he’s in favor of Council pay raises. He stated at last Meeting that if the money recently received from the governor if approved for spending, “should continue regardless if we get any funding next year” sounds like panders no for school votes.

Methinks this phony is running for mayor himself down the road.
The deck is stacked in Ward 5 and his phone wires have been burning up for him to run is his Montre? Lothrop stated our O p e B situation is in good shape. At a meeting a few years ago this is the City Councilor that was two million dollars off of a line item funding he was reading and had to be corrected,a mistake maybe? but when you read from a piece of paper that’s in front of you and don’t comprehend the figure? Then go figure. We keeping voting for these progressives then expect the city budget to jump another five million next tax season.

5 years ago

X-Lachs Lounge, you are so right! We see it constantly, firearms charges dropped. In the mean time all the honest and decent gun owners have to jump thru endless hoops, pay fees and on and on. Why, when the scum of the earth comply with nothing and always have the charges dropped.

5 years ago

M A G A While Trump tries to keep out illegals,Rep. Boviate tries to give them more and more. While watching a young Lady make a speech at the Mass Hire political awards ceremony, the first words out of her mouth were I miss Columbia.

Tino Bizzy
Tino Bizzy
5 years ago

On the city hall steps funding with Mel Maz asking legit questions. the project. Supposedly the steps will cost more and that’s why there has been no work on the crummy steps. It’s almost as though the city is waiting until they get their favorite contractor and pay for play,if you know what I mean.

This garbage haul sale almost seems like something out of goodfellas.

Flogging Molly
Flogging Molly
5 years ago

Hollow point bullets do not explode in impact. They expand and are designed to prevent them from leaving the body and hitting an unintended target.

Sobers not sober. From Bed Stuy , you can take the boy from the hood but you can’t take the hood from the boy. Take a gander at his FB page if you want to see what an upstanding citizen he is nope he ain’t Ralph Cramden.
While he is obviously a nitwit he is not a gangbanger. A wanna be maybe but not bona fide gangster, yet.

And PoliceReport he drives a green Jeep not a black one which can be easily found on his Facebook page sitting at Dairy Cone.

The real injustice to Wynn was the fact that Ruberto played the acting Chief game with PD and FD so he could control them. Wanted to make sure he could get his buddy Pickled Gerry Doyle out of another DUI if need be.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
5 years ago

All hero’s are black or gray at 3am in the hood.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Flogging Molly
5 years ago

Molly, I agree with your assessment. I think Zayire Davis or whatever his name is falls under the same category. Probably a nitwit with gangster influences…but by no means a gang banger.

Reply to  Flogging Molly
5 years ago

Or was the real injustice the other cops and firemen Roberto and Bianchi and Tyer effed over in favor of keeping the acting chiefs acting?

Fug Sue
Fug Sue
5 years ago

Was Donna Taking illegal votes on the city council with her now (former job). She was awfully quiet at last council meetings.

5 years ago

I agree Tyer-Claremont has had her chance. Two terms 2@ let’s not get stagnant. The Mayor controls l the C C President,the president controls the C C,the Superintendent Council controls everybody,and the school committee control the money

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
5 years ago

What happened at Walmart yesterday?

Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
5 years ago

Sounds like some kind of out of control melee. Was allover the 411 but cannot find it now. Why is the Eagle not all over this juicy story? Are we under some kind of information restriction in Pittsfield?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  doomiedodger
5 years ago

Actually there is a short story in the paper now. Pretty much blows it off as a family picnic. Contrary to what some eye witness accounts suggest.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

From Marianne Faithful Williamson:

“I know this sounds naïve,” she complains, but “I didn’t think the left was so mean. I didn’t think the left lied like this.”

Welcome to our world, won’t you come on in. Miracles, I guess, happen now and then.

Darrel Dooks
Darrel Dooks
5 years ago

Garbage all over the roads p,come on BFI.

Dirty Insider
Dirty Insider
5 years ago

Smell a rat on the bfi contract,just a feeling.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I remember Thursday nights on North Street, the young ladies dressed up. The guys cruised in cars made in Michigan.

Nobody needed to carry a gun. All the stores were open until 9 P.M, and the whole street was open. You could walk any place .

The “Common” was not a thug/drug infested crap hole.

What a sad POS it is now. West side had it’s problems, now most of the city is a place you need to carry a gun, but you can’t in mASSachusetts.

Thanks democRATs that have paved the way, to what we have now.

Pittsfield used to be a nice place to live.

5 years ago,583741

420-friendly’ studio in Pittsfield
Posted Tuesday, September 3, 2019 11:24 am
By The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — Sharon’s Place 5 off Dewey Avenue in downtown Pittsfield might not seem too out of the ordinary at first glance — it’s a standard, small studio apartment. What makes Sharon’s Place 5 special is that it’s one of the few rentals in Berkshire County advertising as being “420-friendly.”

There’s nothing posh here: wires extend from the small flat-screen TV to the floor, the kitchen table is about the same size as a high school student’s desk and the owner describes the neighborhood as “not the greatest.” But guests have left host “David” more than 50 mostly positive reviews. The rental also offers a “420 Treasure Hunt” for people who are interested in some marijuana-themed fun.

For more information, search for “Sharon’s Place 5” at

This might be a good template for DA Andrea Harrington to consider – Heroin Tourism

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Re: U.S. Senate should pass gun safety legislation!

I received a letter from “Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund” in the U.S. Mail today, September 4, 2019. It says: “U.S. Senators: We Demand Action Now”. It says that it is past time for the U.S. Senate to take action to end gun violence. It says that the U.S. Senate has had over 200 days to pass common-sense gun safety legislation, but the U.S. Senate has failed to do so. It says that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the U.S. Senate should pass life-saving gun violence prevention bills. It says that the U.S. Senate should pass background checks on all gun sales, and a strong Red Flag law that will prevent gun violence tragedies. It says that we must stop people who are motivated by hate and/or (domestic) terrorism to get a gun.

– Jonathan Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


Get a Constitutional Convention together.

I have rights, you can’t take.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

How about we enforce the thousands of laws already on the books?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

If you are against terrorism and hate, then why do you support antifa?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Billionaire Micheal Bloomberg sends you some junk mail telling you what to think and you come here to brag about how it worked. Last I heard he spends more money annually than you will earn in a lifetime for a team of armed bodyguards

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Walmart news will be reported at a later date

5 years ago

Here’s what you do. Download the Broadcastify app. It takes a couple of clicks to find Berkshire County. Click central northern feed to really find out what a shithole Pittsfield is. If you listen for a couple of days you will hear same names frequently.

Reply to  RobEM
5 years ago

Here is a direct link RobEM

Reply to  acheshirecat
5 years ago

Thank you. Easier than my way.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

How can a judge convict a man whose name is Sober of drunk driving?

Won’t the judges brain short circuit? Smoke from the black robe?

This is Pittsfield after all.

Karl Krasher
Karl Krasher
5 years ago

Sober wasn’t driving-drunk was. This will be a classic Brien Center-Harrington’, he couldn’t help himself.He should be working as a city employee within a year.

Fran Keystine
Fran Keystine
5 years ago

Fred Gwynn where are you?

5 years ago

Where have you gone Carm DiMaggio?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Who is getting all the contracts to fix up Pittsfield parks? Must be millions of dollars every year. Peel that onion and find yourself a cracker jack prize.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

I don’t know who is advising Mayor Tyer but I would film her getting into police cars at night and Herberg school during the day and talking with Wynn and Mccandless in Park Square,Columbus ave and Tyler street.I get the impression Tyer wants out.

5 years ago

PITTSFIELD — Walmart shoppers flooded city police with 911 calls on Tuesday evening describing a large disturbance of people, several wielding baseball bats outside the store, police said on Wednesday.

But by the time local and state police responded to the parking lot at Berkshire Crossing, the unruly crowd had dispersed, according to Pittsfield Police Lt. Jeffrey Bradford.

Bradford said the calls starting coming in around 6:30 p.m. about a disturbance just outside the main entrance to Walmart at the Berkshire Crossing retail complex. The callers told police dispatch that some of the people were armed with bats. The police response was swift as up to 10 police cruisers from the Pittsfield and Dalton police departments and the state police Community Action Team descended on the shopping complex, only to find some of the individuals were fleeing the scene.

Police did recover a hatchet in the area of the fracas, but there was no other evidence of weapons or that anyone was injured, according to Bradford.

He noted the investigation officers were able to identify several of the people involved, but no arrests have been made.

Investigating officers are seeking to locate and review any video surveillance from the area of the disturbance to identify other suspects and possibly bring charges.

Anyone who witnessed or has information about this incident is asked to contact Pittsfield Officer Matthew Killeen at 413-448-9700, ext. 565.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Just think how safe Pittsfield is. Police take 11 minutes to respond to a family shopping area.
Pittsfield, just know that when crime happens Chief Wynn can’t figure out how to protect the city.

The rank and file had a no confidence vote on his ability as a leader, so should the citizens of Pittsfield, no confidence in Chief Wynn, no confidence in Mayor Zlinda Tyer for her attempt at an end run around civil service and for her making his appointment political.

Crime, it’s the new tourism in Pittsfield. Soon DA Andrea Harrington will be inviting junkies to Sunday Brunch and TFB will be giving out free drivers licenses to illegals.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Police “recovered a hatchet”? What the hell was that all about?

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

If you believe the Eagle it was just a family disturbance.
If you believe the 911 calls it was a melee, a brawl, a near riot.
Two factions with baseball bats, hammers, a hatchet, a couple pipes, nothing really to see just a family day at Walmart.

Economic Injun
Economic Injun
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

The better to split skills open

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
5 years ago

Tyer , Harrington and Bouvier should walk through the west side a 2 in the morning.

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Make it between 3am and 4 am, that’s when the real action happens.

5 years ago

Letter: City on the eve of destruction
Posted Wednesday, September 4, 2019 4:39 pm
To the editor:

Pittsfield is a city in dire straits and on the eve of destruction. We from the ’60s generation could never imagine that this city with a profound influence on world history would be on a life line. A city with laissez-faire leadership where the bottom of the barrel is at the top. A city where the last of “the G.E.” pensions belonging to our very senior citizens are still driving the economics of this once great city. Palookaville, a downtrodden industrial city where those at the top are living a lavish lifestyle on the backs of the everyday citizen. They forgot where they came from.

So tell me over and over again my friend that we don’t believe we’re on the eve of destruction.

Donna Walto,


Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Didn’t Eason arrest her too?

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

I think you are right.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

wasn’t she drunk and disorderly?

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

We are. With not one candidate to vote for for Mayor! Dire straights.

5 years ago

The very disturbing scene at Walmart In Pittsfield on Tuesday night really needs to be investigated further. A large group of people wielding baseball bats and a hatchet were creating a problem at the entrance to the store? Was it gang related? Drug related? Terrorist related?

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Wal Mart should. Stop selling bats

Sally Says
Sally Says
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Sally Says Walmart should stop selling kiddy pools too cuz kids drown in them.

Reply to  Sally Says
5 years ago

After this Walmart episode, a police officer should be on patrol there indefinitely.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

you ready to pay another $150k as a taxpayer to protect Walmart’s Chinese made garbage?

5 years ago

All this far left insanity that we are now seeing in California is heading across the country if one of these far left Democratic candidates is elected in 2020. Now California doesn’t want the public to help the cops catch criminals. The young people in California call each other “Comrade”. These are people supposedly so afraid of Trump and Russia collusion and yet they act like Russians themselves.

We already have a District Attorney with a far left political agenda here in Pittsfield. This problem will only get worse if this entire country turns into very far left California.

5 years ago

The obvious solution to Tyer is this election cycle if enough voters are unhappy with her.

But what’s the solution to Harrington? You don’t gain trial experience tooling around Portugal. It’s clear the DA’s office is floundering.

Again, what’s the solution? I have asked if a citizen petition to force a recall vote is doable. I would really like to hear some concrete suggestions other than our posted complaints.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

DAs in Mass can’t be recalled. We are stuck with her until the end of her term but her office can be picketed

Reply to  12 Gauge
5 years ago

You can file a BAR complaint against Harrington for the exact same reasons as the following against Rachael Rollins.

Bare Lizard
Bare Lizard
5 years ago

Kratka stated he was also a Ham Radio operator. That’s believable. One thing about Kratka, he was certainly the best parade commentator.

5 years ago

Governor Newson in extremely far left California just passed a law that the public doesn’t have to help the cops catch criminals. No penalty then for lying to the police? This craziness will continue to spread across the country if a far left president is elected in 2020 or at any time.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Trumps idea of putting children in cages before they can grow up and be criminals is futuristic. How come Obama did not think of that. Lock em up and let them suffer so that they don’t grow up and use up all our health care and take our jobs in the slaughter houses.


Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Why do you never stay on topic?

Tad Tax
Tad Tax
5 years ago

I was listening to Radio show for a few minutes while channel surfing this morning, didn’t know w t b r had this boob on? Anyway, he had a woman on the school committee and I couldn’t understand a word she said…..she has a bad nasal sound like humming. The boob host was all over her as doing a great job.

Oh, Dan, the boob host thinks Pittsfield school system is fantastic and the Superintendent is the best ever.

Juicy Lucy
Juicy Lucy
Reply to  Tad Tax
5 years ago

His wife has a Pittsfiel teacher pension. She was a teacher for many years so I am sure it is hefty. I believe he also has a city pension. He was a Lanesborough cop for some years and then Pittsfield. He says often that he is living on a fixed income as a senior citizen. I wish I had his fixed income.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Juicy Lucy
5 years ago

He has a police pension and she a teacher retirement.