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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY OCT. 16, 2019) — The more things remain the same, the more they will eventually change. And so it is with THE PLANET. Next week we will unveil our new and improved site. It will load faster, feature a more refreshed look, and incorporate new features designed for the reader, including the long-asked-for “thumbs up/thumbs down” feature. We’ll share more Friday.

Now, let’s do some housekeeping.

STRAW POLL: Who “won” last night’s “debate” between Melissa Mazzeo and Linda Tyer? We want to hear from you. Unlike on Nov. 5, your vote on THE PLANET counts!

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CITY OF SECRETS — On Sept 30, 2019, councilor-at-large candidate Alex Blumin filed a Freedom of Information (FOI) request asking for “any and all communications” the city had with Electro Magnetic Associates, the space angels looking to set up a radioactive “empire” at the BIC — courtesy of funding by Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. On Oct. 11, Michele Benjamin, city clerk and record access officer, got back to him. She included information from the city council packet. In other words, public information that had been readily available.

As to Blumin’s request for the private stuff, the city responded twice with a straight face: “The city has no documents meeting this request.” It’s clear city “leaders” interpreted Blumin’s request technically to not include relevant documents, including e-mails and texts. The city wants you to believe that in all the dealings with Spacely Space Sprockets, not one e-mail or text was sent that has not been made public. That’s what The Tyer Administration thinks of you. And you wonder why the no-shows will be the majority on Election Day.

———- ooo ———-

FIGHTING FIRE WITH FIRETHE PLANET received this “take” on the campaign from a Veddy Qualified Source. Our Insider writes:

“The firefighters may have endorsed Linda Tyer, but that doesn’t mean they’ll fall in-line for Tyer’s rubber stamper Helen Moon. Moon officially represents ward 1, but in reality, she represents any interest that she believes will further her political career. The rank and file fire fighters are particularly pissed about a recent call to Moon’s neighborhood. The fire trucks were attending to a call from across the street, presumably doing what firefighters do: like say, saving a life, putting out a fire, doing a well-being check…the kinds of things we expect them to do.

“But on this occasion, whatever our good fire fighters were doing was clearly not as important as the beauty sleep being enjoyed by Moon’s live-in boyfriend. Let’s call him, Moon-Boy, to protect his identity and that of his family. Anyway, Moon-Boy strolled out in his pajamas, complaining that the lights and noise was just too much. After all, he must have had a very busy day planned out, and it must be quite stressful being the male counterpart of a woman who is so knee deep in #MeToo-ism that she hasn’t met a man who she can’t label a misogynist. Either way, the fire fighters’ endorsement for Tyer (if that’s even relevant) certainly doesn’t apply to her rubber stamp Moon.”

Fire Department sources tell THE PLANET that the rank-n-file are indeed pissed about Moon Boy’s diva act. They say this will drive votes to MelMaz and away from the mayor. And remember this: Fire fighters vote.

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DUMPSTER EARL AT IT AGAIN? — We close with this tidbit from one of THE PLANET‘s Z-Agents:

“Attention Mazzeo supporters, keep an eye on dumpsters around town. ‘Mazzeo for Mayor’ signs may be at-risk! Earl Persip may be at it again. Last council meeting, Persip’s forced back-and-forth with Mazzeo was clearly a contrived effort by the ever-more-desperate Tyer enclave to drag MelMaz into an embarrassing confrontation at a council meeting. The effort sputtered out with Earl’s uncreative ‘maybe you can Google it’ quip –a knock on Mazzeo’s own description of how she often researches issues (‘I googled it’). Long story short, Persip seems to have a special axe to grind with Mazzeo, so again, keep an eye on those dumpsters.”

You will recall during the last campaign, the evidence fingered Dumpster Earl disposing rival campaign signs in the now infamous Dumpster Behind Paul Rich (DBPR). Dumpster Earl will have to look for a new repository, however, since the DBPR has been turned into a wildly popular tourist spot, yet another “economic engine” for “collaborative, vibrant, dynamic” dying downtown Pittsfield, where J. Allen’s at 41 North Street has just closed.


You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t peel a carrot with a butter knife” — Sally Rogers’ Aunt Agnes.



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5 years ago

” The effort sputtered out with Earl’s uncreative ‘maybe you can Google it’ quip –a knock on Mazzeo’s own description of how she often researches issues (‘I googled it’). ”

I believe that is reversed.

Earl Parsnip
Earl Parsnip
Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

Tyer should google the want ads.

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
5 years ago

Tyer was wicked nervous. Even patted herself on the back for not using the vibrant and dynamic line during the debate. Mazzeo was the clear winner. Cool calm and collected the whole time. Couldn’t get over Tyer’s Captain Kangaroo jacket.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
5 years ago

Moon’s boyfriend is a fine example of a liberal pajama boy.

One Shut
One Shut
5 years ago

Well, if your talking about D D, his initial reason for his initial Council run is that he D D said Pittsfield has a problem with the way they,(The City) Rolls Things Out. So transfer that statement on a couple of things mayor has rolled out. Kiosks,Summer St Trash,line painting, many business unable to move forward? The blight program with Hess Forest its biggest problem child and didn’t hit the carpet let alone rolled out,private discussions with estate concerning Sewer Water,So…….D D although part of a Council that has voted yeah on everything the mayor has proposed, doesn’t seemed to have followed the beat of his own drum. Dump DD and Pete

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Pittsfield politics is always very interesting. I support the lovely Linda Tyer for Mayor of Pittsfield, Massachusetts. I believe she is the best Mayor of Pittsfield, EVER! Please vote for the lovely Linda Tyer!!!!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Give me a minute to get my toolbox! I will tighten that screw you have loose.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

The following are all of the reasons why I support the lovely Linda Tyer for re-election:

* Mayor Linda Tyer inherited a mess from the “Doyle debacle”, the “Hathaway hack”, the “Ruberto regime”, and the “Bianchi bust”. Not one problem happened after she became the best Mayor of Pittsfield, EVER!

* Pittsfield politics had the worst public finances of any municipality in the history of the World prior to January of 2016. The lovely Linda Tyer stabilized Pittsfield politics’ public finances!

* Pittsfield has been losing population and jobs for decades. The lovely Linda Tyer has brought back jobs to Pittsfield and broadened the tax base.

* The lovely Linda Tyer stands for everything I believe in when it comes government and politics. She speaks out for Human Rights, helps the poor neighborhoods, and believes in her struggling community.

– Jonathan Melle

X-Lachs Lounge
X-Lachs Lounge
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Mr. Melle, you’re delusional.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago


That is next to obscene. How dare you perform surgery in public.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I would like to give an early “thumbs down” to Tyers refusal to release pertinent information regarding EMA. Her whole 4 year term has been largely a behind closed doors operation and should be a red flag for all voters in the upcoming election. Secrecy at the top suggests that things are going on that they don’t want you to know about. And that is never good for taxpayers.

Hopefully the firefighters, police, school teachers and everyone else will vote their conscious and not in puppet fashion by someone telling them who to vote for.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Has anyone considered the idea that Barry Clairmont is actually the mayor?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  James
5 years ago

Mayor McCheese at McDonald’s.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer lost the debate.Tyer said schools will get every dollar she can suck out of poor homeowners. Mazzeo wants to ask for results.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer proved she is clueless when she basically said she felt throwing more money at the school system was the answer. This is what a lazy spendthrift would say. I knew I could not vote for her before this but this myopic thought process proves just how clueless she is. Is she really married to a money manager? He must freak out when he see the monthly bills from this party girl.

And I hope Mazzeo goes over the school budget and chops the hell out of it. Take 20 million right off the top. Please Melissa, come down hard on these school money grabbers.

5 years ago

Mazzeo won the debate. Whether you agree with Melissa Mazzeo or not she came off authentic and passionate. Tyer on the other hand came off like an animated figurine in a department store window, empty, fake and phony.

5 years ago

The choices are poor in both camps. Unprofessional low balls. Pittsfield is dysfunctional and lacking for bright intellect with a vision.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
5 years ago

I agree Spagirl.

Bianchi lost because he stood up to the greedy unions. We get fleeced by the police (who apparently sleep on the job), the teachers (who can’t teach), the firemen (who god bless ‘em need boats and bbq grills and all enticements to get their vote on Election Day.)
I wonder if we fired half the teachers would the schools get worse? I suspect they would not!
If we fired half the police would crime get worse? I suspect not, and they don’t enforce traffic violations anyway.
Cut the municipal unions by half. Stop giving out money to every failed business concept to one of your goombas (brother in laws cousins special vinegar project will save Pittsfield BS.)
We need a hatchet man.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

I agree on the hatchet man as well as that if the budgets were halved but used more efficiently the results would be the same or maybe even better. Too much fat, fluff and kickback money in the budget. The parasites are devouring the city from within.

5 years ago

The only vision both Tyer and Mazzeo have for Pittsfield is a Progressive vision which means high taxes, climate change hysteria, and social engineering. That is the political agenda that has destroyed this area. Now there are so few employment opportunities that people are stuck in the same jobs for 20 to 30 years or longer with little chance of improving their situation. We have lots of homelessness, drug abuse, and crime.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

I always thought the Tea Party had a reasonable idea (smaller gov’t, less wasteful spending) and then took a left turn and drove off a cliff with it.

I don’t want any of the city clouncils. They are an embarrassing bunch of useless. For mayor – you either get Mazzeo beholden to x bunch of crooks or Tyer beholden to the same of different bunch of crooks. Whoever gets elected will lick boots and it will all stay the absolute same. (See DA election.)

Kapinskis are getting the shiv either way the ballot goes, that you can be certain of.

Lastly – WAMC is bought and paid off by south county second home buyer donors. You will not get ANY decent reporting from them. The Berkshire Eagle is bought sold and paid for by the murky interests in Pittsfield that we won’t name. Ditto.

Dan – feel the burden to us and keep going.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago


If you look into the future, whatever you see there is a product of your concentration, and chances are good you’ll see come to light.

It’s like driving a motorcycle. If you stare at that thing up ahead, you will likely hit it.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Levitan
5 years ago

Thanks? Your comment sounds very zen anyway. I’m hoping all the motorcyclists don’t all hit what they are staring at.
Perhaps, you mean I am too negative, that is probably fair. Sorry for the downer.
We do live in a beautiful area with hardworking and often likable people.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Regressives want public education to go away and I would like good responsible spending.Our school buildings cost to much.Consolidate and put more resourses under one roof.I will take a 5 year plan from Mazzeo.If she cant then next mayor might.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Tyer is definitely more radicalized, the unions probably tell her not to give them more money so that gravy train can stay on the tracks

Walter Webster
Walter Webster
5 years ago

Here is the Mazzeo cabinet as i’m hearing it.

Director of Community Development – Scott Graves
Business Development Manager -Pummeling Pam Mulumphy
City Solicitor – Kathy Degnan will be back, ugh.
Chris Connell will step down as a City Councilor to take over Department of Public Works
Donna Todd Rivers will become Director of Personnel, a position she previously held. Rumor is she stole all the law library books when she left and Gerry Lee, then police chief had to retrieve them
and the doozy of them all – Dan Bianchi as Treasurer

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

Fake News. BS. Desperate Rumors by Desperate people.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

and I hear Tyer will be turning over her legal team to Rudy Giuliana so that they can catch up on all the city lawsuits. He should fit right in and may work for free like he is for Trump.

The Squidd
The Squidd
5 years ago

Vote the Lovely Yukie Cohen, she will be a Great City Councilor and she is very smart. Also vote Jay Hamling and Pat Kavey in Ward Five,two more smart guys.

Wow Who
Wow Who
5 years ago

Vote Pittsfields Girl. Yukie Cohen! Lots of energy,loves Pittsfield,hard worker but also smart. Yukie has a business,and an M B A to boot and has two children,so he’s invested. If dum dum Stooge would stop talking about his boring past, we could learn a little about her.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Wow Who
5 years ago

Isn’t she an “insider”? Gonna be a rubber stamper?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Yes Yuki Cohen is a member of Berkshire Business and Professional Women which also includes Andrea Harrington.
Yuki, Andrea, and Moon three peas in a pod

comment image

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Yes, JA 100% rubber stamp or worse. Adam Honda clone with aspirations.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Reply to  Wow Who
5 years ago

The sturgeon should take out papers. He has all the answers. The guests just listen to his stories and wait for their turn. Then he says you have two minutes left why should I vote for you.

Tiger Shlitz
Tiger Shlitz
Reply to  Cheshire Cat
5 years ago

that is funny

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer cant acknowledge crime and school intimidation of teachers.Tyer is on the School Committee

Low Top
Low Top
5 years ago

Tuned in to tbr hear Yukie Cohen and all I got was an ear full of the host,is he running for City Council. Sorry Yukie I have no idea of whether to Vote for you, partly because I don’t know what you stand for. With that being said I’m considering you anyway along with Jay Hamling. The host Bill Sturgeous,is talking about zulus and gnats again?

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Low Top
5 years ago

I wanna hear the candidates, not what Nelson Mandela thinks about crime in Pittsfield.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

J Allens is not the anchor for what is a very energetic North/South Street.Downtown is thriving.

Queen Bee
Queen Bee
5 years ago

Mazzeo the winner hands down.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

North Street just can’t win.

JAllens closed.

Amart went up in flames.

Big Daddy’s closed, replaced by an already once-failed butcher/deli that now charges $15 for a pastrami sandwich.

Panchos is for sale.

Brooklyn’s Best wants to relocate.

A sign on the front of the House of India says moving to 75 North Street…is that the central block? Maybe into the old On a Roll location? Whatever it is, it surely will be the demise of that unique restaurant.

It’s gonna be a tough winter for “Upstreet”. I predict the next to fall will be the Berkshire General Store at that end of the street.

Heading north, what’s the deal with Carr Hardware? They are spending boku bucks to renovate the old Price Chopper in Lenox. Who else sees that as a precursor to abandoning the North Street location…?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

maybe the mayor can slip them a little taxpayer money if they pretend they will hire a person or two.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Hope your wrong about Carr Hardware

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

My guess is that there is a lot of shoplifting at the North Street store. Too bad.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Is Carr’s leaving because of no parking? They are a great business – really sad to see them go. I always had courteous and nice treatment there and they had a great variety.

Re economic development – space is too complicated for Pittsfield clowns.

How hard is to make the economic development non-fungible? If every cash handout can be walked off with – or it goes on the balance sheet as income that never was legitimately earned how does this benefit any growth. It’s just buying votes.

Use the money to pay off the parking debt and make parking free – good for economic development for both employees and consumers.

Improve internet – it’s shit in Pittsfield.

Make cheap office space that is habitable – sooo many slum lords in this space.

Stop huge grants to specific individuals who them take to their personal accounts.

If you look at the books at these hand out places you would be sad for us Kapinskis.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

As well, I’m having a hard time deciding whether Mazzeo’s very apparent lack of politician-ness is endearing or scary to voters…

She is not an excellent public speaker. She is obviously passionate, but has a hard time articulating that to a crowd.

Refreshing or worrisome?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Well Phil, Obama was a very good speaker as was Debal Patrick and so was Hitler by the way, and slick Willy –
Doesn’t correlate to good governing

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Honesty and good judgement are far more important than speaking skills, although I think Mazzeo is quite good since she exudes these characteristics. What this city needs most of all are firm rules and structure, not unlike a child. Tyer’s support for Harrington is a offense that should be punished.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Voters are looking for someone with integrity and budget common sense. Given the dire situation I think voters will give a pass on the lack of charm.

Red Azuplese
Red Azuplese
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

What debate did you watch? With all the gyrations and loud noise I couldn’t tell Tyer from Beto O’Rourke.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Mazzeo always seems like she is in complete control and Tyer seems like shes trying to hard to cheerlead.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I certainly appreciate her lack of polish. I think she is genuine and has integrity.

I hope the majority of voters see it that way as well.

5 years ago

The mayor suggested advertising to bring back students back to Pittsfield’s school district. Doesn’t she realize that word of mouth is and has always been the best advertisement you can have. And the word of mouth from those students and parents who left is, run and don’t look back at Pittsfield’s schools. Kids are in control and the teachers hands are tied to bring order to their classrooms because of those who put the few before the many who want to learn.

5 years ago

Mazzeo won. I don’t care whether or not she Googles anything because just doing it makes pages upon pages of information available. It demonstrates an important aspect about Mazzeo. She is willing to research an issue, not just listen to the hacks around her.

Tyer’s response about pumping every dime into the schools is telling. Typical politician. Instead of identifying problem areas and working to address them, we’ll just throw more money at the problem and it will work itself out.

There’s an issue of a lack of respect for authority by the students in Pittsfield schools. Tyer’s girlfriend, Squeaky Harrington, is just making it worse because there’s absolutely zero threat of punishment. “Sorry I stabbed my teacher, but she gave me a ‘D’ on my report and it pissed me off. I’m only 17 you know, and my parents refused to buy me a new car last year when I got my license, so I’m definitely abused.”

There has to be fundamental changes and it starts by a top to bottom analysis of the schools, identifying where the problems are, and getting an administration that’s responsible enough to implement the changes.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Oh, stop it. The “fantasy anecdotes” you put together are embarrassing. Similar to the crap you spew about shoplifting, vandalism, petty larceny, etc. no longer being “policed” and reported, as a means of keeping crime stats down. Actual stats blow that ridiculous argument out of the water.

Last 2.5 months of this year 2019 vs. same period 2018 tells the opposite story. 25 shoplifting reports in 2019 vs. 4 in 2018. Vandalism and petty larceny reports are almost exactly the same.

If anything it looks like shoplifters were ignored by the last DA’s office. Oops. Looks like your theory is only 180 degrees off.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

That map isn’t official reporting and is prone to errors, it doesn’t come close to matching up to DOJ data. They scrape that data from available reporting, sometimes it is right, sometimes it is wrong based on the import of data.

The problem isn’t the amount of crime reported, the problem is the amount of crime investigated and the closure rates for those crimes based on prosecution.

The police no longer come out for car break-ins unless there is a direct confrontation with the owner of the vehicle. They do not respond to minor shoplifting, they may take a report over the phone and now, make people go to the police station to file a report.

The entire purpose of a diversion program is to keep people from being arraigned and out of the courts. No arraignment, no crime.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Garbage! blah blah blah..that is so far from the truth. Please show us where you are getting the BS from? right you can’t.

Reply to  PoliceReport
5 years ago

Oh, I see.

From August 1, 2018 through October 16, 2018, back when (according to you) the police still responded to shoplifting calls, there were a grand total of 4 cases of shoplifting reported.

From August 1, 2019 through October 16, 2016, after police were instructed (again, according to you) to no longer respond to shoplifting calls, make people come to the station to file reports, etc. there were 25 cases of shoplifting reported.

Read that a few times if you’re having trouble understanding why you have zero credibility.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

From reading your posts I’m mightily impressed at how far up Harrington’s and Tyer’s fanny you clearly are. By not investigating or prosecuting, figures are skewed in favor of Harrington & Tyer and their mutual objectives.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

It’s clear you didn’t comprehend my point. Try reading again.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Vote MelMazz if only for rotation in office.

Broolyn’s Best also charges $15 for a simple sausage sam’ich.

Bianchi was sunk by the start-of-February-vacation-snow-storm-no- plow fiasco. That and the tremendous arrogance of people in his admin–and his own arrogance, of course. Calling up Councillors JLo and others to scream at them not good either.

Walter Webster
Walter Webster
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Wasn’t Mazzeo the President of the City Council when the decision not to plow was made?

I think I heard her ask Tourusy why the City plowed with less than 3″ of snow, because they don’t do that in business.

It’s going to be a slippery slope, all winter long.

If she wins I think her nickname should be no plow Mazzeo.

Clarry Bairmount
Clarry Bairmount
Reply to  Walter Webster
5 years ago

You can tell the Barry Clairmount shills by their IP addresses.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago


5 years ago

Classic case of trying to hard e r.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

In watching the debate I felt that Melissa definitely responded better to all the questions that were asked. Tyer kept going off subject and once again she was wiggling around in her seat and moving her hands like she was in a punching match and screaming her answers. She also seemed to sneer at Melissa after every answer. I also could not help notice that Barry was texting through the debate, was he telling her what to say? Lovely Linda does not seem to accept the fact that our City is full of crime. I was hoping that Melissa would come out with the facts on how many police officers have retired and left the police department. This would have shut down the bragging comment of Tyers that she has added police officers. Also, it is shameful that with all the money the taxpayers have given to the school department there was not a microphone available for the audience to asked their questions.

Cammy Ron
Cammy Ron
5 years ago

On school choice Tyer should ask Bouvier why her kid went out of town for schooling,you’re a state Rep and key founder proponent for taconic high and you sent the children outside the city you live in?………..Crazy. Is she special?

North Street
North Street
5 years ago

Carr Hardware is moving retail operations and will leave commercial operations for a short period of time in Pittsfield.
They will create more jobs and revenue in Lenox than EMA Will is 50 years. Pittsfield will lose the jobs and the sales tax revenue.

O’Reilly Auto Parts will create more jobs and revenue for Pittsfield than EMA.

A-Mart, arson, angry customer, or bad luck?

J Allens closed

Brooklyn’s Best is ready to go back to Brooklyn.

Sen Sushi, not long for North Street.

General Dynamics was scheduled to do C5I Systems maintenance for the next two years those plans are changing.

Beacon Cinema has fired staff

Wayfair can’t find employees to fill its positions.

Pete Macnay
Pete Macnay
5 years ago

Parsnip will be “rolling it out” from his Lenox job.or should it be dd

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Did the Beatles predict a Melissa Mazzeo win way back in 1969?

Take a look at the letters their legs form:

comment image


Tim Rykshaw
Tim Rykshaw
5 years ago

Again,has Linda done the job. If yes vote her, if no Vote Melissa. I’ve talked to many residents and of the 37 it was 23- 14 Mazzeo. Many in Ward Four are not in favor of the Mayor. Straw poll question Mazzeo by four to seven hundred votes.

Mr Jermm
Mr Jermm
5 years ago

Where’s Brian been? Either the Planet kicked him out or he finally seen the light.

Reply to  Mr Jermm
5 years ago

Don’t know if this is true and maybe if Brian is out there,he can respond to what is being said in some grapevine talk. Was Brian really asked to pipe down acting as a spokesperson for the Tyer campaign?

Dutch Twitwell
Dutch Twitwell
5 years ago

Trump is imploding? Meltdown? He’s Our President.

Reply to  Dutch Twitwell
5 years ago

Pelosi had a meltdown at the White House & stormed out of a meeting with President Trump.
You are obviously watching the fake news channels.

5 years ago

In today’s “We don’t know what the hell we’re doing” the DA’s office has put out an incredible amount of detail on the Simon’s Rock situation. Who does that? Someone who never intends to prosecute. Clearly, this student has created significant damage and broken multiple laws. Harrington was elected to enforce the law and prosecute crimes, not make the laws. This is bizarre.

DA releases inconsistencies in student report of campus attack at Simon’s Rock
Posted Wednesday, October 16, 2019 5:33 pm
By Heather BellowThe Berkshire Eagle
This story has been updated with responses from Great Barrington’s police chief and from an official at Bard College at Simon’s Rock.

GREAT BARRINGTON — The Berkshire District Attorney Office’s released preliminary findings Wednesday that show inconsistencies in a student’s report that she was attacked last month on the campus of Bard College at Simon’s Rock.Nevertheless, investigators continue to look into the Sept. 27 incident, citing “the unease that the complaint has caused for the community, particularly for Simon’s Rock students and faculty.”District Attorney Andrea Harrington’s office said in a statement that its investigation ranges “from the nature of the original complaint to potential motivations behind the alleged assault.”Forensic tests are incomplete, according to the office.According to investigators, the student reported being knocked unconscious and dragged about 75 yards into woods, where she woke up with cuts to her torso and clothing.The student said she was dragged over ground, according to the district attorney’s statement. But no dirt or debris was found on the student’s “clothing, shoes, hair and body,” the office said.Also, the findings raise questions about the nature of the student’s injuries.”The superficial wounds on the student’s torso did not align with the cuts on the student’s clothing,” the office said. Further, the student had no defensive wounds. And no evidence of a medical reason for the reported unconsciousness could be found, the district attorney’s statement said. No evidence was found of a potential attacker being present in the area.”None of the witnesses in the area at the time reported seeing any other potentially involved parties in the vicinity,” the statement said.An assailant has not been identified, nor are there any leads. The incident paralyzed the small college community, which already was responding to the discovery of racist graffiti found scrawled on a student union chalkboard. Also, a swastika was discovered etched in a bathroom stall. The 18-year-old student of color reported the attack just after 2 p.m. Sept. 27 and was taken to Berkshire Medical Center, then released.School administrators and police, lacking surveillance cameras on campus, have had to piece together the sequence of events, while also trying to calm students and families. The report raised concerns that an assailant with racist motives was on the loose on or near campus, where people of color make up 40 percent of the student population. Classes were canceled the next week, amid what some students and faculty say are underlying racial tensions at the school.The reported attack prompted a number of students to return home that week.The school has since hired an independent private investigator.A week after the incident, reaction intensified after local police said the evidence collected so far did not indicate that the reported attack was racially motivated. One faculty member resigned over what she said was the administration’s bungling of its response to the crisis, given escalating concerns of racism on campus. Campus security and town police said they had stepped up patrols, after initially saying the community was not in danger from an assailant. On Wednesday, Great Barrington Police Chief William Walsh said his department is keeping that same level of alert by continuing the increase in patrols both on campus and in the surrounding neighborhood. Susan Lyon, the college’s vice provost, said in an email that the college is continuing its own investigation, “independently of any law enforcement findings or updates.” She declined to answer questions about the investigation, or to say when surveillance cameras will be installed on campus after school officials agreed to it as one of a list of demands from the Black Student Union.The investigation led by the district attorney’s staff has required a “significant amount of resources,” the statement from Harrington’s office said. That work includes efforts by state police detectives, Great Barrington Police, forensics testing at the State Police Crime Lab and a search of electronic devices, according to the DA’s office.Also, the possibility of a racial motive in the reported attack triggered notification of the U.S. Attorney’s Office.Heather Bellow can be reached at or on Twitter @BE_hbellow and 413-329-6871.

Juicy Smollett The French Actor
Juicy Smollett The French Actor
Reply to  Charlie
5 years ago

Bard College at Simon’s Rock just got Juicy Smollett’d

Julia Kirst don’t let the door hit you in the ass.

5 years ago

Don’t know who won debate, didn’t watch it, don’t plan to, and don’t care. What matters is who wins the election, maybe.

Received the 3rd Tyer campaign cardboard today, as predicted. I’m too tired and apathetic to bother slicing and dicing this one for ya all. Suffice it to say, it’s more smoke and mirrors, more mistruths, halftruths, and outright lies. Or all show, and no dough, as they say.

Mazzeo better light it up in a hurry or she’s toast. I’m not fooled, but others may be by Tyer’s phony accomplishments on 8.5 x 11 glossy cardboard with phony photo.

Tyer has the advantage of incumbency, and we’ve already seen her use it by having that photos staged with the cop car by Park Square, and she is outcampaigning Mazzeo, and has a bigger, better organization, plus she’s backed by the GOBSIGs.

I wonder if Mazzeo really wants the job????

Nat Shunnels
Nat Shunnels
5 years ago

How about those Nats.

Officer Joe Bolton
Officer Joe Bolton
5 years ago

Mazzeo won on points. In other North St news The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich is closed due to repairs. Seems Earl left a mess there.

5 years ago

I commend DA Andrea Harrington for issuing a statement about Bard College however her motivations were very clear by releasing that level of data. She has now polluted the jury pool forever, making prosecution of the complainant nearly impossible.

I completely understand that she needs to get the information out there to quell the “woke” students and community that jumped to conclusions and squarely put the blame on a phantom white racist male or males but her blind ambition ruined a future case.
Was that purposeful or due to her inexperience? I’d say both. Talking with an employee in her office they had a big meeting on how to release the information. This woman should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
She was actually the person on tape, along with at least two other “students of color” who carved the swastika in the partitions and who scribbled the N-Word all over campus bulletin boards.

This “woman of color” and her “friends of color” should be prosecuted.

Reply to  policeReport
5 years ago

PR, if what you say is true will this DA not prosecute people who stage a racist attack when there is video evidence? Also, wouldn’t this information about the victim’s state just released have been available very early on? Why was it sat on to allow things to snowball?

5 years ago

Mazzeo has gone door to door all over the place,Mazzeo not campaigning? She has more lawn signs,and no lawn signs always means the incumbents don’t get those votes. Tyer hasn’t helped the taxpayer but has dismantled them. It’s one thing to create taxes for revenue and how it is collected, it’s what you do with it that counts. Grade F

Reply to  flewent
5 years ago

Will someone help Kelly. And where the hell did Sharee end up. Let’s hope the Dumpster isn’t locked because of Big D couple of those guys used he one behind A Mart.

Ban Anna
Ban Anna
5 years ago

How hard would it be to make any and all city workers to both live here and send their kids to school here. One stroke of a pen. We are talking millions on the school end. The country is using body cams everywhere,no? Not possible? Another idea,cameras in strategic locations throughout the city,just nighttime to begin with. Why not?

Reply to  Ban Anna
5 years ago

If Chief Wynn and Mayor Linda Tyer has a clue about community policing they would take down the shot spotter mics and replace them with cameras.

You could force employees to live in the city but that would dramatically limit the pool of potential employees. Especially for appointed positions that may only last four years.

Making students stay in district, that’s not really possible. The school committee could opt out of school choice but that means they would only not receive in school choice students, it wouldn’t stop students from leaving the district.

5 years ago

There is no doubt that Moon is a rubber stamper for Tyer. Her hubby, Moonboy aka Brian Huebner, receives a tax incentive from Pittsfield thanks to Tyler. Moon was not on the council then, but of course she keeps it quiet, now.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

So exactly what are the written reasons Moons boyfriend gets a nice tax break while senior citizens clip coupons to survive? Has he agreed to hire X amount of employees and if so has he done it?

How about Haddad? What wonderful contribution has he given to the mayor and city for his tax breaks?

The whole GE tax breaks thing has turned into a special interest piñata and that is why neither these business s or the mayor wants to discuss it. If you think this guy is the only one cozy with the political hierarchy you are mistaken.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Jim
5 years ago

Shire City Herbals – are they the ones that sued old ladies across the country in Federal Court for 100 grand and by the way lost!!

Did the COP fund this harassment of the public? One would think a reputable firm/law firm etc would do due diligence on their trademark before harassing people with legal letters.

Shit merchants, Shire Herbals. Kick Moon out she’s a full time fraud.

5 years ago

R u kidding?

5 years ago

It’s too bad that the PFD couldn’t have maneuvered “Moon Boy” towards a gravity dump or jet pump and opened it up……..would’ve been better than a line thru a Mercedes!!!!

5 years ago

Mazzeo won

Power is out

5 years ago

I agree with Mazzeo that teachers are not leaving the Pittsfield schools because of a lack of money. They receive very high salaries in the Pittsfield schools. They are afraid of the students and the lack of discipline in the schools. Also agree with her idea of bringing back a truancy officer to the schools. Parents without jobs and drug abuse in the home is causing lots of turmoil for young children, but that doesn’t mean schools should not demand discipline from the students. They need an environment that is not chaotic since their home life may very well be just that. They need a place of calm to escape from the pressures at home.

5 years ago

PITTSFIELD, MA (WGGB/WSHM) – A Pittsfield man was arrested on Wednesday in connection to a deliberately set fire.

According to Pittsfield Police Capt. Mark Trapani, a fire broke out Tuesday night at an Amart convenience store.

We’re told that one firefighter was injured while working to douse the flames.

Once the fire was put out, investigators were able to determine that the fire was “suspicious”.

Less than twenty-four hours after the incident occurred, the Pittsfield Police Department’s Anti-Crime Unit arrested 51-year-old Pittsfield resident Thomas Roberts at a Pittsfield motel in connection to the fire.
Roberts is being charged with arson and injuring a firefighter.
Capt. Trapani adds that the building is most likely a total loss.

Justice For Juicy
Justice For Juicy
5 years ago

GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass (WWLP) – Police have released new details following the reported assault at Bard College at Simon’s Rock.

On Friday, September 27, Campus Safety received a call before 2:00 p.m. for a report that a student was assaulted in a wooded area on campus. The student was taken to Berkshire Medical Center, treated for minor injuries and has been released.

Great Barrington PD investigating alleged assault on college campus

According to the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office spokesperson Andy McKeever, this incident has caused the community to feel unease especially for Simon’s Rock students and faculty.

Given the circumstances, the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office and Great Barrington Police department have released the following details on the ongoing case:

The student informed investigators that the student was rendered unconscious and dragged approximately 75 yards into the woods. The student reported later waking with cuts through the student’s clothing, resulting in cuts to the student’s torso.
The ground in the area of which the student was reportedly dragged consisted of a wooden path, dirt, and mud.
The student’s clothing, shoes, hair, and body did not have any dirt or debris on them.
The superficial wounds on the student’s torso did not align with the cuts on the student’s clothing.
There were no defensive wounds on the complainant.
Records provided thus far do not provide a medical reason for unconsciousness.
Investigators conducted three interviews with the student.
No description of the alleged assailant was provided to investigators during any of the interviews.
No surveillance footage of the area is available.
None of the witnesses in the area at the time reported seeing any other potentially involved parties in the vicinity.
Officers are looking into all factors in this case from the original complaint to potential motivations behind the alleged assault. Forensic testing has yet to be finalized.

Anyone with information is asked to contact Great Barrington Police at 413-528-0306.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer and her support team have already spent state tax relief money for schools and the pot money.Both are windfalls of income to help taxpayers be relieved of budgets we can’t afford. TAXES TYER will spend.Did anyone else notice the joy in her face from the Grant Money collected.Grant money in Pittsfield only leads to heavier tax burden for the hard working poor.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Imagine how high your taxes will be in 4 years if Taxes Tyer is elected. The Superintendent will leave Pittsfield with higher budgets and nothing solved.Mazzeo needs to stir it up by consolidating schools. Crosby is a dump.Every dollar spent on keeping Crosby open is wasted

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Keep your eye on the Trump/Syria mess. We are in dangerous territory right now…trump has gone totally rogue and may be too late to put up guard rails