(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY OCT. 7, 2019) — Myor Linda Tyer’s Ode to Pittsfield, in the form of a political announcement disguised as an “economic engine,” has more odor than ode to it.
A closer examination of the packet presented by the city (mayor Tyer, community development director Deanna Ruffer, director of business development Michael Coakley) on behalf of space research company Electro Magnetic Associates reveals two revealing yet overlooked facts, plus one large, unanswered question.
The packet is not comfortably numb — more like uncomfortably dumb.
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As you are probably aware, Tyer is asking the city council to approve a $140,000 gift from the PEDA-GE settlement account to EMA. The request has been plagued by controversy, especially since THE PLANET broke the news that EMA budgeted radioactive Strontium-90 in its testing. The financials reveal a line item, in tiny type, of $50,000 for the dangerous isotope, a byproduct from fallout after a nuclear explosion. It is extremely hazardous to human health.
The $50,000 for Sr-90 represents more than a third of the requested gift from Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski, the bedraggled Pittsfield taxpayers — 35.71428% to be exact, but who’s counting? Despite the proven hazards of Sr-90, neither EMA nor the city has articulated safety or containment plans. It leaves both scientist and laymen dumbfounded and worried. The proposed use of Sr-90 is the first and most important uncovered fact in this problematic request, one the principals tried to hide judging by their actions in the EMA rollout.
Neither Tyer nor EMA spokesman Justin McKlennon mentioned Sr-90 in their press conference. When the fact slipped out in a meeting of the council’s Economic Development Committee, EMA implausibly said it might not use the $50G purchase after all. Right. The $50G line item was just for fun. That set off alarms to everyone but Tyer and the vested interests.
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The potential danger of Sr-90 is well explained by a most qualified commentator, MHD, a radiologist.
MHD wrote to THE PLANET:
“I have an undergrad in Physics (BS), a Masters in Nuclear & Particle Physics, and an MD (radiologist) with a Ph.D. in Radiobiologic Modeling. I’ve spent 12 years working for NASA examining the impacts of cosmic radiation on astronauts, equivalent analogs, and equipment.
“I’ve worked at facilities that have dozens of these types of test chambers, at NASA, at universities, and at my present employer, a defense contractor.
“Not once have I seen one of these just placed in an office building. They are placed in either specially built mobile containment buildings or in specifically designed permanent facilities. These facilities are designed to contain errant particles and, in the case of a fire, contain all radioactive fallout and effluence. If that is what the BIC is, then I don’t have a problem. I will say that the equipment listed and the prices make no sense. I understand ”budget numbers” but these are so far off, they are either lying or don’t know what they are buying. Since the city is expecting to secure payment against these items in the event of a failure of the business, they can’t because the numbers are so wrong.”
One of the workers who helped design and build the BIC tells THE PLANET the BIC is not designed for radioactive containment. Does EMA raise a radioactive risk to the entire city? Is that worth four measly jobs?
This danger, apparently, doesn’t bother Tyer, Ruffer, Coakley, or councilors Helen Moon, John Krol, Earl Persip, and Nick Caccamo of the economic development committee. In spite of their self-admitted ignorance on the technical aspects of the EMA request, they voted to send a positive recommendation to the council as a whole. THE PLANET considers this foolish in the extreme.
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The second notable fact to emerge from a study of the packet centers on location. Namely, it appears the main reason the Lakewood, Colorado-based EMA wants to establish a satellite operation in Pittsfield isn’t for business reasons but because two of its most recent hires live there.
One of them is the “empire building” McKennon.
In a letter McKennon sent to Ruffer, he writes: “EMA is considering Pittsfield for its permanent secondary location due to the current location of its two new[est] employees.” He’s speaking of himself.
Within the packet, every time anyone explains Pittsfield for the location, they first cite the residencies. This hardly inspires confidence that business factors figured in the move. It makes one wonder: What’s REALLY behind this?
By the way, a quick usage lesson for young McKennon — A “principal” in a company is spelled that way, not “principle.” McKennon incorrectly uses the word several times. “Principal” is a leading person in an operation or enterprise. “Principle” refers to a law, doctrine, or philosophical assumption expressed in a generality.
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“We share EMA’s belief that the presence in Pittsfield opens up a virtually unlimited number of opportunities to attract other related companies and innovation to the city,” Tyer writes in the packet.
That’s a “belief,” Madame Mayor, not a reason. A belief doesn’t cut it for releasing $140,000 of taxpayers funds, especially not given your secrecy in the matter.
Ruffer writes, “A Pittsfield location is desirable to the company [because] of the desire of the two staff members to be located in the Berkshires.”
A taxpayer outlay of $140,000 where private capital fears to tread for four new jobs in five years and a radioactive risk for good measure? With tax forgiveness of $65,774?
It doesn’t add up.
There’s only one proper vote: No!
“One if by land. Two if by sea. Three if the EMA request goes through” — Paul Severe.
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If your facts are correct, EMA needs a serious examination regardless of the City money. No company should have the ability to threaten a community with their production. This is called an “externality” in economics which occurs when a producer uses a resource that they are not paying for– in this case public safety. Governments (local, state and federal) need to regulate externalities and eliminate or mitigate the risks. It is really stupid to subsidize an externality.
@C.Trzcinka – Pittsfield is the poster child for externalities! GE left behind a polluted PEDA, Hill 78, industrial toxic waste cancer causing chemicals called PCBs.
Pittsfield politics public finances makes no economic sense! High taxes, huge public debts, political corruption,a shrinking tax base, population and job loss, an overpriced public school system with declining enrollment, high welfare caseloads with high rate of teen pregnancies and severe economic inequality, and violent crimes, shootings, and a dangerous downtown.
What middle class family or small business would want to invest their hard-earned money into a toxic community?
Jeepers Johnathan, you’re Lovely Linda says we’re “vibrant and dynamic”, and claims she’s a “strong leader with “real results”, so how can your statement possibly be accurate???
Great reporting DV. The callousness of Tyer and Company makes me ill. Mazzeo for Mayor!!!
The EPA only sets acceptable levels of radiation for humans and the environment. They have zero licensing responsibility. You might as well have DoD or HUD weigh in.
For the record, I don’t know Blumin, I just know sometimes posters and bloggers on this page don’t follow through on research. Once again, prime example why Pittsfield needs an accredited economic development professional and not a bunch of local chumps pretending to be ambassadors when they only look out for themselves. Typical hypocrisy.
Blumin did his research, and followed up by presenting a well-thought out petition to the CC. But no, you called him an idiot.
It appears that you are on the side of taxpayer handouts to private companies. It appears that you don’t bother to get facts before name-calling and mocking a well- meaning citizen doing his best to uncover the truth.
Vote Blumin for at-large councilor. Persip needs to be voted out.
White needs to go.If White had 25 million in tax dollars to give away he would give it a yes vote.White would never ask questions.Now if Mazzeo gets in White will start asking questions saying hes trying to save taxpayer dollars….dont vote in White or the ex councilor as those 2 together will spend every dollar a poor Senior citizen taxpayer can afford….White Marchetti Caccamo cant handle their own checking accounts as they run up credit card debt because they cant say no.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions.
I’m not on the side of taxpayer handouts. I am anti-grant for private business.
It takes relatively little research to understand how radioactive device licensing works. Baseless claims like this clown’s and the whole fighting the EPA on the NPDES permit requirements waste public resources. If the City had worked it out when they were supposed to have it would have saved millions of dollars.
Remember, Pittsfield screwed up the EPA water treatment issue because of bungled, incompetent administration.
NRC is under DoE. You know, the one all the right wing nutjobs want to get rid of.
I have a BS in Bullshit Detection, a MS in Manipulation, and a Ph.d in Gettin Dicked Around, all earned over 40 years of gettin effed by the GOBSIGs. This outfit should not be allowed within 100 yards of the Pathetic Economic Development Authority (PEDA), and certainly shouldn’t be given a nickel, nor a dime, of taxpayer money. Make PEDA land a cemetery and give us Kapanskis’ a free plot to help atone for gettin screwed all these years by Tyer and her photo flop fools that sold the city down the PCB laden Housy.
14,000,000 would’ve paid for a nice police station instead of a useless “life-science” building.
NASA in Pittsfield my ass. Dummy up Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Stop voting for stooges.
Made me laugh out loud MT. A cemetery would make more money too!
While I do see the downsides of bringing in another company that appears to be poorly vetted and possibly connected to special interests it might be a great learning tool for new residents who are not familiar with how Pittsfield government works.
But to cover the taxpayers investment could there be a rider in the contract stating that this company must leave behind any reclining seats when they inevitably bail out leaving the taxpayers feeling used and abused once again?
It has never ceased to amaze me how politicians so easily hand out or spend money that isn’t theirs. When they get burned, they are like deer in headlights, mystified that it happened. However, this time around is the first time that they could be radiation burns.
There was an odd story of a man who had a test wherein he had to drink a radioactive isotope. At home, he couldn’t get into the bathroom, so he peed in his backyard and his urine which contained the isotopes created a radioactive site in his backyard thereby endangering his family. Looks like Tyer is asking the city council to hose residents as well.
If there ever is a emergency the public will never hear about it.A coverup will be the 1st response in the city of immature leadership.How does the Superintendent feel about having this less than 1 mile from Allendale School and what is Mccandless plan on a leak to these already exposed neighborhood students of Allendale. I would like Tyer Marchetti Yon Mccandless and the FireChief to respond today.Is Lenox Dalto safe.Where are the exposed areas if thereis a problem.Today mayor Tyer need to tell her city residents what the worst problem might mean at the site…..very immature green leadership in Pittsfield.
Tyer did not ask questions. Marchetti did not ask questions Mccandless did not ask questions about just how dangerous this could be…..Asking questions is important for leaders.Why wont mayor Tyer and Marchetti ask questions……I guarentee Mayor Mazzeo would ask question and now you all know why its important.
OFF TOPIC: Major Tyer campaign, promotion, uplift, desperate reach tour scheduled for the Wayfair site on Thursday. Apparently this is private by invitation only, and taxpayers may or may not be thanked for their tax contributions that will be probably extend into the life of the company.
“What have you done
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Oooh what have you done
You broke the rules
You layed it down for all to see
You layed it down for all to see
Oooh you broke the rules
You’ll get yours yet
However big you think you are
However big you think you are
Oooh you’ll get yours yet“
“Although your mind’s opaque, try thinking more if just for your own sake.”
“Last night the wife said
“Oh boy, when you’re dead
you don’t take nothing with you
but your soul.” THINK!”
“Christ you know it ain’t easy”
When I posted this along with the deep dive into Justin McKennon and his life here in Pittsfield, a few tried to paint this as personal. It’s not it’s background information that sets the tone for “why Pittsfield?”
Pittsfield isn’t known in the space industry
Pittsfield isn’t even near most of the contractors in the space industry.
Pittsfield has some lone holdouts of defense contractor facilities that can move at anytime.
So why Pittsfield. The simple answer is it let’s Justin stay here.
He’s lived here six years, his wife has a job with eversource, they have a house, mortgage, a life here.
As LTI’s contract wound down he jumped to EMA, as EMAs contract ends he can either leave his job and find one here, go back out on the road as a consultant and be tasked to wherever or create a space empire here. A space empire that makes no sense from a technical standpoint, a client standpoint, a money standpoint but sure looks good for Justin.
It takes five seconds of reading MHD’s breakdown to see how outclassed EMA is in this project. It takes five seconds of listening to Moon admit she has no clue to know this will pass and Mayor Linda Tyer will claim this as a victory.
Our newest focus, Justin McKennon is a prime example. His desire to build a space empire is not about a sound business plan, about creating jobs, about being “for Pittsfield” it’s about creating a job for himself and his friend so they don’t have to relocate.
Michael Coakley might be the worst of the lot. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He’s so out of touch he thinks he came up with Wayfair and it was “hard work”.
Where are you getting the contract BS from? LTI and EMA are not at all like General Dynamics. They are consulting companies and perform work for other large businesses. There isn’t one large contract and as it winds down you either find something new or jump ship like they do at GD. EMA has their own contract work and this essentially sounds like a new line of business. If it doesn’t go through it’s not like they lose their jobs. This just won’t happen in Pittsfield and they’d explore other areas if they chose to or they would keep doing the primary business EMA does already. They don’t “lose their jobs” if this doesn’t go through. I listened to the whole meeting and thought the responses to the SBIR info and Strontium-90 were well thought out.
This whole article is blowing it out of proportion in my thoughts. Everyone is grabbing a pitchfork and overblowing it because it is an election year. If anyone here was so concerned then why weren’t they at the meeting?
I spoke with two managers who work at GD. LTI had a contract and that ended, EMA had a contract that included software and testing support and configuration.
LTI was and sometimes is contractor for GD as well EMA was a contractor.
The ONLY reason this space chamber is here and EMA wants to start a new facility here is as stated, they have two new employees who want to stay in the area. So those two new employees can either make up a new portion of the business, something neither are that versed in, or they can try and find work with another contractor working for GD, or they can stay with EMA and get sent to the next location.
It’s not a mystery and it was spelled out quite clearly as to why they are even considering Pittsfield. Their two newest employees have lived her while on contract.
I don’t see how this business has anything to do with GD. You are talking to people working at GD – not LTI or EMA. LTI has many many other contracts with other facilities and not just GD. They have businesses from around the world come and test at their facilities. It could not be making $8M+ in revenues if it just had GD as a contract. Right from their website it states that they “ranks as an international leader in the development of sophisticated lightning protection systems for customers in the aerospace industry as well as for industrial complexes, golf courses, wind turbine farms, theme parks and other high-risk locations. ” GD Pittsfield is mostly naval and they don’t even have that industry listed.
Both employees are not contract employees of EMA, they are employees. I don’t see it being a bad thing for them to stay in the area. Why wouldn’t they try to get money for it? They lived here and saw the BIC as an opportunity. It’s a shame to see two people trying to bring something successful to Pittsfield and to have people shit on them immediately. They do need to be vetted as they have been and I think it’s great that people are asking questions as we all should be but everyone has been so negative on this. I understand people are hesitant to give $140k especially with the track record the city has seen but there are a lot of safeguards in place with repayment if it goes wayward. We invested a lot of money into the BIC – is there any other tenants going in? It is a real shame to see it empty. We should be asking question but there’s no need to attack them. From the meeting it sounds like the BIC has been working to ensure the space would be right for them. Just hearing from some random worker that it’s not the right space isn’t enough – that isn’t a great source.
According to their website, EMA does EM and RF consulting and it seems like a large majority of their work is in software and modeling. I’m sure they must travel a lot to meet with clients but a lot of work they are able to do anywhere if its mostly computer. They don’t need to visit sites to do modeling work. They aren’t doing any “testing” like they do at NTS. If this new portion of business doesn’t come to fruition they likely have other contracts they can work on as they probably are doing now.
Does Justin McKennon reside in Pittsfield?
Pittsfield is the blackest hole in the space continuum.
Can I also remind readers that this city council voted to ban plastic shopping bags because of concern over the environment.
Nuclear fallout? That’s okay. Plastic shopping bags, pure destruction!
The irony is unmatched.
EMA – possible radioactive contamination, six measly jobs. That’s cool.
Plastic shopping bags – banned. Willy nilly. Businesses now forced to absorb higher operational costs, which get passed on to the consumer in higher prices overall. Oh, and since we still need plastic bags for trash liners and kitty litter and wet bathings suits, etc – we now have to spend money to buy plastic bags that used to be free.
But oh, we are saving the environment…
Blackest hole. Ever.
It’s not even six jobs, it’s four. Two of the people actually have jobs here so they are just sliding over after a contract ends.
This is driven only by the desire of a new employee who’s never run a business or a testing facility to not have to find a new job.
Prior to being co-owner of EMA, Matt Miller owned a brewery so if the test chamber thing doesn’t work out, they can use it to make beer.
Actually, Matt Miller was the president of Delcross technologies which was purchased by Ansys in 2015. Where on earth do you get your junk source information from PR?
What was his last job prior to being co-owner of EMA?
If you notice he’s only been a principal in the company for just over a year, doesn’t have a Masters or a PhD.
In looking at the corporations book for IL Delecross was an LLC of which there were three partners, they had 6 employees, that included the three partners. The sale included goodwill and if the IL partnership information is correct is was a $300k sale of goodwill, code, and fully depreciated assets. So that makes his take $100k before taxes.
EMA Owner & Principal Scientist II
Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc.
Dec 2017 – Present1 yr 11 mos
Monticello, IL
Monarch Brewing Company
Jan 2016 – Dec 20183 yrs
Monticello, IL
Lead Product Manager, RF Systems
Sep 2015 – Dec 20154 mos
Delcross Technologies, LLC
Jul 2006 – Sep 20159 yrs 3 mos
I serve as the President of Delcross Technologies. I am responsible for a variety of responsibilities including the day-to-day management of the company, business development, and marketing & sales.
Monarch Brewing Company came to life over a couple of pints of homebrew in a kitchen here in Monticello. Our plans for a brewpub were underway but we needed a name. We agreed to call it “Monarch” in honor of the official butterfly of Illinois and also for the Monarch’s distinguishable colors that are resemblant in our beers.
EMA’s space test chamber came to life over a few grams of Strontium-90 in our kitchen here in Pittsfield.
What should we do with the Strontium-90? I asked.
Let’s get the gang together and put on a show to save the orphanage! No wait let’s ask Pittsfield for VC funding for a project that we’ve never done before and let’s put it in a strip mall.
So we are clear Joe, prior to means before.
On Jan 2016 he lists himself as Co-Owner of Monarch brewing company.
It’s in the right town, I’m not guessing he’d lie about being a partner in a brewpub and brewery.
Here’s their kickstarter campaign. They raised $27,700.
If we believe Matt’s linked in page was a co-owner of the brewery for a year and a month longer than he’s been
a co-owner of EMA.
3 years as co-owner of a brewery, 1 year 11months at EMA.
It’s sort of like your problem trying to discern the difference between average salary and minimum starting salary.
It was always average salary, nothing else.
If they need a beer tester call Doyle or Lee.
The next generation of space industry will require boots on the ground in space. Where man goes, man needs beer, and transporting beer up into the upper atmosphere and beyond is beyond earthly means. We will need to make it there – in the vacuum of space. Yeast, malt, and water, and stainless steel boiling chambers.
I think you see where I’m going.
And Levitan, perhaps the experiment is to try to develop a process for making beer in zero gravity. Or is Strontium-90 the new hops? A revolutionary new brew; beyond IPA, its APA…anti-gravity pale ale.
Good one MR G. Maybe they can market EMA — Electro Magnetic Ale.
How in the hell do you “put your boots on the ground in space?”
Please think before you speak sir.
Sure, and why not grow whacky weed in the incubator building too.??? An economic engine if there ever was one with all the dopers and drinkers around here.
Another photo op, another well intented program, another totally inappropirate use of our tax dollars. If the bank wants to have a community empowerment center, they should pay for it, not the taxpayers.
Back at the turn of the century before this one, electricity was invented in Pittsfield by some guy named Stanley. (no, not the one from GT. Barrington that is still laughing at us) And from that General Electric evolved and Pittsfield became the economic power of the whole state. (almost) providing jobs for tens of thousands of peoples, some indigenous and some not.
So now along comes a couple of guys who want to do basically the same thing, and probably saving the city from self destruction, and people go all negative on them. While it is true that almost every business that came in with special interest ties to the city failed miserably and cost the taxpayers millions, that is no reason to go dampening the enthusiasm of these young entrepreneurs.
In other words, it’s Pittsfield and who really gives a shit anymore?
I Do.
Me too!
I do
They are not young entrepreneurs. They made it very clear their company has been around for 40 years and is successful if three million in gross revenue is successful for a 40 year old company.
Their nearest competitor, LTI of Pittsfield does more than that in a quarter and sold to NTS for $7 million.
You are either a start up or you are not, you either know what you are doing or not. If they have the entrepreneurial spirit, let them fund via VCs and if Pittsfield wants to give them rent concessions, so be it Unless the use isn’t compatible with the space, which it seems it really isn’t so they should stop this whole space empire.
I watched the PHS band “march” in the Fall Foliage Parade. A sad representation of the city…the brand new high school doesn’t even have a band, just a drum corps that stayed home.
Yes it’s pathetic what has happened to the local high school bands.
I care!
I not only care I vote. Theres no way I can vote again for Tyer. One burned a twice no way! My vote and support go to Melissa Mazzeo
You would think the CC would bring a person like MHD to explain the good, the bad, and the ugly, about EMA and the potential hazards of a worse case scenario? I guess the Pittsfield CC adheres to “Sleepy Joe’s,” statement of, “we care about truth, not facts.” The “truth” can be shaped any way the presenter wants it to, as we see before us w/EMA.
Now, one question I have, why would Helen Moon go through the school/training to become an RN, only to work a job w/the DA’s office, that a college kid interning for credit hours, could handle? It either speaks of her laziness, being completely inept as an RN. From her lack of preparation about EMA, I think that speaks volume.
As far as Sweet Pete White, does that man have a thought of his own or is he just a loyal lap-dog? Take notice of Sweet Pete, he and Tricia Country-Buffet (D), are the two local leaders who have never met a photo-op that didn’t attend.
I think I’ve solved the “Why Pittsfield, Why PEDA Funds” mystery.
The Beginning:
April 2019 – New EMA employee, Justin McKennon, writes an article about a satellite destroyed during a space storm. He references the fact that EMA is in the process of developing a space effects testing chamber.
The NSF SBIR Grant Pitch:
The packet given to the City Council contains a narrative excerpt, describing the project. The excerpt is from an NSF SBIR proposal for a grant submitted by EMA to NASA. The packet also contains a letter of support that is dated June 3, 2019. The letter of support was written to support the SBIR grant proposal (NSF 19-544), technically not in support of the PEDA project as it’s presented.
SBIR Grant:
From regarding the SBIR Grant process –
“Proposals were selected according to their technical merit and feasibility, as well as the experience, qualifications and facilities of the submitting organization. Additional criteria included effectiveness of the work plan and commercial potential.
NASA’s SBIR and STTR programs encourage small businesses and research institutions to develop innovative ideas that meet the specific research and development needs of the federal government. The programs are intended to stimulate technological innovation in the private sector, increase the commercial application of research results, and encourage participation of socially and economically disadvantaged persons and women-owned small businesses.“
June 18, 2019:
The list of selected SBIR proposals is released by NASA. The EMA proposal does not appear on the list.
Sometime over the summer:
Talks began regarding using the BIC for the testing chamber and getting city money to do so. I’m still trying to locate info on when exactly those conversations began but I’d guess it was after the SBIR released its list of selected proposals.
This is rudimentary research. A more thorough look at the project overall would certainly locate and verify more specific data. But if you ask me, I’m guessing that EMA was not awarded the SBIR Grant, which means it did not meet the threshold for groundbreaking, space empire building criteria needed to be awarded.
Next best idea, turn to the suckers in Pittsfield and see if they will cough up the cash to fund the project.
Justin McKennon probably wasn’t kidding when he said they would go elsewhere if they don’t get the incentive package. Because basically EMA can’t/won’t fund it independently and it doesn’t pass the bar to be eligible for federal grant funding.
Again, quick internet research. It would be a very valuable piece of info to have if someone asked EMA what the status of their SBIR Grant is/was…
Excellent research. So what this means is that NASA didn’t think this was innovative enough to make the list of grants AND there’s no contract coming if they do build it. This is a “spec chamber” being built in hopes of landing some work.
So I don’t know a lot about space testing but wouldn’t be important to build chambers near where the spaceships and space companies are? Or do space exploration companies just ship parts worth tens of thousands to millions of dollars around via USPS?
No, terrible research. This wasn’t a NASA SBIR, if you read it correctly. It’s actually an NSF grant, and those haven’t been announced yet. I hate that I am basically defending these guys. I don’t know them, but how on earth do you just spit stuff out and smile thinking it’s true, when it’s not!
Average or minimum. Did Matt own a brewery?
Watching the video he states to Councilor Krol the real deal with the job salaries. “They weren’t tied to any incentives” – so rather than over promise salaries, it was something they could beat.
PR, your context again made it appear as if the guy went from his couch to a brewery to owning EMA and again had no qualifications. Seems like he sold his company, pursued beer, and came back to EMA. If you’re gonna beat these guys up, just do it for the right stuff is all I’m saying!! I have the same information you guys do and all I don’t want the city to do is IF this is a good company, I don’t want misinformation pushing them away.
Say they come out and say they aren’t using Strontium-90, is this a non issue then? Not looking to bicker (I actually like that people care, glad I found this blog), just saying
You have difficulty reading and comprehending simple statements. You call it semantics, so let’s stick with that.
Just prior to being an investor/co-owner in EMA (a company he’s been involved in for 1 year and 12 months, Matt was an owner in a brewery for 3 years.
He’s owned a brewery for 33% longer than he’s owned a part of EMA.
Is that “junk research” no it’s actually very precise research.
Further the research on his software company is sound, you can check the IL Corp office for copies of the dissolution documents and LLC filings.
They, in their documents, say, as does the mayor specifically that salaries and hires are tied to incentives.
Here’s a quality company, LTI. Quietly did it’s thing, didn’t ask for money. Less time in the industry than EMA and way more productive.
If you’re a quality company that believes in a project, you don’t base your business plan on two new hires who want to stay in an area. Or if that’s the kind of entrepreneurial / intrapenurial company you are you grind it out, take the TIF, take the soft dollars.
I’m going to go with MHD on what he said because I’ll except him as the expert, there are a lot of holes in their plan, power, building, containment, clean rooms.
I agree that the parts list might be incomplete and maybe that’s not a big deal, I just don’t know enough.
I do know if you pitch a business plan to ask for money then hedge and say a percentage of your parts list might not be needed, that’s not a legitimate way to do things.
I’d feel much more comfortable if the actual owners were doing the pitch, that Matt lived and worked in CO and wasn’t in IL. I’d feel better if these weren’t two new hires of convenience doing the pitch and waffling on $50k of equipment. I’d feel better if they didn’t instantly threaten to leave Pittsfield if they didn’t get the money. Immediately that means there is no commitment to Pittsfield, it’s their admitted location because of convenience.
I’ve got to also side with MHD saying this isn’t unique and is diminished by them not doing what they say.
It just doesn’t pass the smell test.
I too want Pittsfield to grow but this just seems like an extremely grandiose pitch by two non-vested employees who keep saying things to get what they want. This is all made much worse by Mayor Linda Tyer using this as some sort of PR move.
My last complaint, it’s 4 jobs. The two guys already live here and have jobs. Maybe those jobs are going away but I’m not seeing the big upside.
The city could easily waive all rent, and a 40 year old company could easily secure financing for equipment. It’s $600k, that shouldn’t be a lot for a company.
Joe, if the grant money for which they applied has not in fact been allocated, you win. There goes my theory. But I DID say it was preliminary research…
Either way, thank you for pointing out the difference. Do you know when they applied for NFS 19-554 and when the grants are awarded?
The most interesting thing about the NFS 19-554 grant is that appears to be “seed” money designed to help start-ups and small businesses.
Persip did ask in the meeting why they couldn’t get a grant for the $140k and it was stated that you cannot purchase capital equipment with the SBIR grant funding
It still leaves the question of why no private equity, for a 40-year-old company, that bills itself as an international leader? It would seem as if this is why there are venture capitalists, for investments such as this one.
Because VC and private investments want equity, and they don’t want to share would make the most sense. Doesn’t mean there isn’t interest.
Understood. Private capital requires equity, but the company is 40 years old. Surely it has equity worth $140K.
Probably because they’d have to give up equity in the project or the company.
Good investigative work Dan, PoliceReport & Auto Phil!
Contact your councilors and let them know you don’t support giving GE Fund money to EMA!
I’m calling he Smith Brothers and coffee jar Helen and tell her to do more research before she sings off on this.
Do nothing Melissa as the Tyer campaign is imploding.I have never seen anything like this.Tyer with the Crazy PR is making the case for why we need Mazzeo. Mazzeo asks questions.Tyer does not.
Is it true that EMA is purchasing the mall and will be testing rocket sleds in the corridors? Or that they will be using prisoners from the jail as crash dummies?
Lotta rumors going around now but I can’t get any concrete answers.
Moon, Persip, White and Caccomo would be perfect crash test dummies so long as they don’t have to pass an IQ test.
Include Tyer.
We know how this is going to go, pro Tyer lapdogs will vote yes, just like Princess Moonbeam and Spaceman Ed.
Others will vote no, and it will pass.
EMA won’t be held to any of the requirements, just like all of the others that came before. Did Interprint create the jobs required for the $1.2 million sewer line extension? Did General Dynamice create 500 jobs? Did the Beacon do anything but soak the taxpayers for money?
Then after EMA has failed, Pittsfield will realize the BIC property isn’t zoned for nuclear testing facilities and the transfer agreement prohibits testing of that sort as well. Gotta bust OPEB the convent decree to amend it. Look it up.
Pittsfield will end up owning GE a few million when this is all done.
1) Would you go out there barefoot?
2) Mars, moons, planets all have ground.
I don’t think this really about beer. Can’t drink the stuff responsibly up there. I refer you to Tintin Goes To The Moon and Captain Haddock’s discovery of zero gravity’s impact on whiskey.
Levitan, the only time I was up was in the sixties when we were testing Saturn V rocketry. (which also was invented in Pittsfield by the way) And I wore clogs during a short space walk. Of course one fell off and God only knows where it went off to but the people in Houston were like soooo pissed off about it. You would have thought I lost it on purpose . Today people make fun of you if you wear clogs. Go figure.
But there is no hard evidence that Mars has “ground” as you call it because the people on Mars probably don’t have that word in their vocabulary. I hope this clear things up for you, somewhat.
I saw with my own eyes that Mars is a land of sand and stone. The Moon (ours) is quite hard – could be frozen gel like material or mercury. That is unclear from photos. As for your clogs, you got further with yours than I did. Mine went into a closet and decomposed.
Yours likely took the nose of some sculpture in Egypt.
Also, in case you do not recall the early explorers misadventures in interplanetary spirit consumption, I refer you to this source. It should be accepted in terms of the technology available back then, but I admire the artist’s steady hand and eye for detail and design.
Saturn V rocket was invented on the Common in 1791.
Rockets were outlawed when one went through a church window.
Indeed. Before the launching the Cerebus, the Atlantic Plow with Adms Clinton, Bourgogne and Howe, etc…., a drunken rebel launched the infernal device through teh church window. He was aiming for the belfry, but it shot out the tavern window smashing the works.
It startled a nervous Brit who misfired his musket, and the rest is history. Research the events at Concord and Lexington. Never mix revolutions, perturbations, and beer with Saturns.
Also, the device smoked out the tavern forcing the rebels into the yard thus igniting the transatlantic brawl.
Yes, and Strontium-90 was first discovered in Park Square, also in 1791. Also vulcanized rubber and The Wheel, first in at the square in 1791. We could say “It was a very good year.”
A very good year indeed as when Joseph Vulcan accidently set his alfalfa crop on fire and from which the first genetically modified byproduct emerged. This being the vulcanized rubber you allude to which in turn resulted in Pittsfield having the first rubber tires on its farm equipment. Eventually John Deere bought out the patent and then had to invent all kinds of machinery to put the tires on. There is still a museum in west Pittsfield today where residents can go and purchase farm equipment with the vulcanized rubber tires.
Yes. I think the city should put a monument to Mr. Vulcan. Maybe put it in front of the BIC building. Also, did you know that penicillin was discovered in Pittsfield in 1791?
Tyer goose is cooked.
This fluffy media with the Mayor ( photo ops) in iberkshires, beagle, pct, is way to obvious…. Media. Pittsfielders aren’t naive and aren’t stupid. The current Mayor hasn’t done the job. Would love to see the proposal that was sent from EMA.
The city should pick up those Tyler streets trash cans put them in the next garbage pick-up and take them to the dump?
Is this legal?
On the election front, a union endorsement event is planned for Tyer on Monday at Pittsfield Fire Department headquarters.
Are you allowed to have uniformed employees at a city facility endorse a political candidate? We know DA Andrea Harrington is using her office for a headquarters but Mayor Linda Tyer having a press conference at the fire department headquarters is pretty brazen.
The union or association endorsed her despite the fact she bypassed the top two scorers for chief. How much of a percentage raise cumulatively has she given them during her tenure? And she’s praising the male and female firefighters. How many females in the job?
Legal or not it’s just weird to ask your employees if they support you. Who’s going to say no to that?
It’s legal until a court says it ain’t.
The Union Rep said the last Mayor they supported was Gerry Doyle.
I do not see Any Fire Fighters in Uniform. I see Off Duty Fire Fighters wearing Union Sweatshirts and hats. They are standing in front of the Fire Station which is no different then standing on the street.
They are standing on city property in the driveway with the doors open. They opened the doors just prior to the photo-op.
One of the union members, not in uniform went in and opened the doors.
What about setting up a canopy in front of an active fire station. Only Tyer supporters are stupid enough to do that.
What is the deal with GE changing its pensions for workers? Will it impact Pittsfield former GE workers? Will GE go bankrupt because of its huge debt load?
Corporate GE is going to cut pensions to 20 thousand of it retire worker and then offer others a buyout to save money.The corporate President wans to cut SS and add years to qualify. Keep voting Republican and you will always lose .
Not much info but looks like a invitation for construction bids.
Logged in nothing in the packet created yesterday.
A company looking for $140,000 on a $600,000 investment to create six jobs forget to mention they are going to spend $1-3 million on build out? That’s $3.6 million for six jobs that’s a $600k per job investment.
Seems like they created that just to preemptively address concerns from the meeting coming up.
Also if the build out is that much, why did they never bring it up until today. The building they are in now isn’t worth three million, all this for two new employees. WOW!
The EMA building is valued at $1.6 million
They have under $100,000 in taxable assets in that building
EMA rents out the majority of the building to the Colorado School of Healing Arts houses that teaches massage therapy. They have over 25 employees.
Thanks BOB. From this, it doesn’t look like EMA has much there … but enough to secure private funding via collateral. If, that is, private capital sees the investment as a good one. One thing common with these Pittsfield miracles (EVA, WorkShopLive, Spice, Nuclea ad infinitum, ad nauseum) is that private money won’t go near them.
Do you have access to the bid request/RFP?
It does seem strange that Mayor Linda Tyer and Justin McKennon didn’t lead with the bigger news that EMA was going to invest $3 mil in designing a facility for the test chamber.
It’s not in any of the documentation provided at the meeting, not in any press releases.
Who’s listed as the requesting agency? Is it EMA or PEDA or BIC.
My concern right now is that if EMA didn’t mention this it’s going to be funded by taxpayers.
Blue States are the leading economies in the United States.4 out ofthe top 5 are socialist states lead on how to do capitalism.Go figure.I guess that socialist crap is just Trump talk.I know this and that would be that Trump does not know how to do capitalism.Trump does know how to lie and how to borrow money. Warren knows how to be a great capitilist in a society that helps people.Hows Alabama and Louisiana doing because Senator Warren can help states that reject change and embrace regressive backwards ideas to go back in time.
Liz Warren can’t stop telling lies. First it was pretending to be Native American. Now she says she was fired for being pregnant, but the tape of her from years ago proves otherwise. The tape says that she resigned from her position. This woman is truth challenged.
Right again Pat. And this is sooo much more important than what Trump is doing and not doing. You have learned the art of deflection and obfuscation very well. Hold your head high.
Not deflecting…telling the truth. The far left wrote the book on deflecting and obfuscation by blaming everything they are doing and have done on President Trump.
When did you start caring that the President lies?
“Joel, go fitch the jug”
There’s no jug in the proposal, and that’s a problem because the mayor and the principle’s/principals are going to need them.
It’s a fine museum too. Have you seen the gift shop? A man’s toyshop, but kinda pricey.
The proposal is missing a lot more too except clauses to cover everyone’s asses.
Liz’ fake indignation is as offensive as Trump’s fake pedigree and business acumen.
Sure Shakes, because Lie-awatha has done wonders to the MA economy, as Trump has done to the US.
Between you, TSC, all I read about are “Trump lies, etc.” Besides that, tell me how Lie-awatha, Sleepy Joe, or Bernie, are going to create job growth, keep the economy booming, etc.
A: Trump does lie
B: Warren does lie
C. Reelect Trump and you will see he’s out of economic gimmicks.
D. At this point I believe Trump wins reelection.
Bernie might have an insane life insurance policy and when he croaks he will donate that and his 3 houses, private jet, etc to the American people who donated to support his presidential run.
The economy stopped booming after Trump took 1.8 trillion out.Republicans always ruin the economy.Average Joe will be better served by the liberals who run great economies in the states of Ma. and Calf. which are communist state according to the back to the future republicans.
Very fake news.
Just received Tyer’s latest cardboard accomplishments, in 8.5 x11 full color form, with doctored photo of her, and using police car to sell herself to The Kapanski’s on public safet, after selling them short by backing Harrington. She doesn’t claim 30 new cops on this one, because she was called out on the lie on the last one. Just wait till I slice and dice the latest one, and post the Truth.
FYI 99 the flags in Park Square are for Veteran’s Day and are put there by the Berkshire Republicans. THE GREEK GOD would say “She’s a FAKER sweetheart, she’s a FAKER”.
Car 54 where are you?
Very lame flyer……not much to show for four years in the corner office.
Trying to figure out why the mayor was being up front about this EMA company getting tax breaks from the city yet at the same time withholding the names of all the other companies that have long been getting the same tax breaks subsidized by the taxpayers.
She may have the endorsement of the FF union so maybe she told them who these people are. Everybody I talk to is wondering why she will not be open and honest about it like she said she would. One more mayoral mystery and reason I cannot vote for her.
Trump is doing nothing less than the current Mayor here. He asked for a favor using his power to get info for the next election. Isn’t the mayor doing the same, she’s on the board at pct she has an assistant who works at the Eagle,she has been getting favorable photo ops at both the Eagle and iberkshires and it looks like photo shop pics along with her new teeth,(which are beautiful) L L.
When do you have time to run the city?
Trump does not like people investigating him.He should have thought of that 3 years ago.
Ukraine: The Democrats’ Russia.
The Pittsfield FD Union endorsement of Mrs. Clairmont was done for 1 reason only, a kick in the crotch to outgoing Chiefski. He and his wife are big supporters of Mrs. Mazzeo, and it’s no secret that some of the Union members were not big fans of Chiefski, especially the Union board members. There are still lots of firefighters who do support Mrs. Mazzeo.
Wondering how this works. Does the Fire Department vote to endorse a candidate or is it just decided by a few Union members? I know many firefighters that are for Melissa, but then again Lovely Linda has her little Dumpster Diver Persip telling all the Pittsfield Firefighters not to vote for Melissa because HE claims she will be cutting their budget. Yet Persip could careless about the Strontium 90, if he is such pals with the firefighters you would think he would be concerned for their welfare if the Strontium 90 ever leaks. He and the other buffoons on the Economic Development board couldn’t even make a decision on ordering lunch. Also, if the last Mayor that the Fire Department Union endorsed was Doyle, that is nothing to brag about. Doyle was absolutely one of the worst Mayors in Pittsfield’s history and just look at the mess(Mount Doyle) he left around Allendale School. Also received Lovely Linda’s latest bunch of lies in the mail today. Don’t know how she can sleep at night or show her face in public.
White and Persip don’t have a clue. White says he dipoesnt see any issues parking on the area near Wayfair,like s church street.Good luck with that one? Another city resident expense for Wayfair to be there. Call the people near the old Itam
ask if they are good since Proprietors moved in,.wayfair should have looked into parking before coming here.
Parking parking who’s got the parking,what a city. Wayfair not what I need.
I’ll bet Pat Kavey Ward Five candidate would have asked questions concerning employee parking. Riversthat’s your Ward!
Here’s the truth on Tyer’s latest phony and pitiful cardboard accomplishments round 2, received today:
It claims “Strong Leader. Real Results.” and has a nicely doctored photo of her on the front, along with photo of a Pittsfield Police car us Kapanski’s’ paid for, that says Pittsfield POLICE on it, with flags in the background, parked in a no parking zone, on Bank Row, with Park Square in the background. The messaging is clear, and smacks of staging, desperation, and despicableness. Let’s hope the cop car wasn’t put there to stage this campaign add, because then it may indeed be an ethical violation, because not only did someone like a cop drive it there, us Kapanskis paid for it. I strongly suspect this is a staged photo and if so she is using government resources to promote her candidacy.
On the back, it reads “Under Mayor Tyer’s strong leadership, protecting people and neighborhoods has, and continues to be, the top priority in the City of Pittsfield.” Really?????????Seriously??????????????? Top Priority? Why was it hardly mentioned during her second inaugural farce?
Her “leadership” in not strong, and she has utterly failed to protect neighborhoods or people, and not just the ones shot and killed, but the hard working taxpayers too, with all her tax breaks and giveaways to the connected class. Here is what she is claiming:
“Hired more police officers”. Yea, every mayor hires more, as cops quit, eff up and get fired, and need replacing. How many new positions and how many of those are now filled, and where are they – how many chiefs and how many Indians? How about some truth in numbers? Note how she is no longer claiming 30 new cop positions. And what difference did it make? Is she suggesting there would have been even more murders and shootings if she didn’t hire more cops? If so, how so? And how much did it cost? How is she holding the police accountable for reducing and preventing crime?
“Brought SpotShotter technology to the city – a critical resource for gathering 270 pieces of evidence directly leading to multiple arrests and gun seizures.” How many arrests? How many gun seizures? What types of evidence and how exactly did these 270 pieces lead to multiple arrests and gun seizures? And how many of these are directly attributable to the shot spotter? And how many of these only came in because of shot spotter? How many false calls? How many other city’s dumped it because of unreliability? And how many cases led to convictions that her fem friend Harrington didn’t dump? And how much did all this cost? How about some real numbers around this ridiculous purchase?
“Expanded community policing and created a new Citizens Review and Advisory Board.” The board is a complete and total waste of police time so far, that would be better spend reducing and preventing crime. And how did she expand community policing?
“Partnered with Habitat for Humanity and resident volunteers to open a new Westside Community Outreach Post.” Another waste of tax dollars. How many? She’s not telling you. Oh and didn’t she say these weren’t the answer?
“Collaboration with Pittsfield Community Connection to provide vital mentoring/job training for struggling teens and young adults.” So she kept a program in place that was already there, but again, and what cost to the taxpayer? And how did this reduce or prevent crime exactly?
“A Brien Center counselor provides on-scene support enhancing police response to domestic violence and mental health incidents”. This is basic, and something the mayor shouldn’t boast about because not only does it not reduce or prevent crime, it’s got nothing to do with her.
The second half of her phony accomplishments speaks of basic equipment for the fire department, and talks about what she is going to do, during her second 4 years, assuming you’re stupid enough to vote for round 2, including “Expansion of crime prevention strategies” and a “violence prevention grant”, that will “bolster school safety measures”, which tells you we have a serious violence problem in the schools. Tell ya all ya need to know about her school department. Then she caps it of writing about “Demolishing of vacant properties, investing in home improvements, sprucing up outdoors spaces, and medically treating substance abuse disorders” and saying they “all contribute to a safer Pittsfield.”
So the truth is, after campaigning on crime first time around, and crucifying Bianchi over his failure to fix it, she had the same amount of time he did, and she threw millions more at the problem (how many more, she won’t tell you), and crime is worse now than when she took over, with more shootings, murders, overdoses, and this is what she has to show it??? A Shitspotter that’s the laughingstock of the police department, an outpost she criticized Bianchi for, a toothless and useless board wasting the cops time, and if re-elected, she will make a renewed push for free home improvements, restorative justice, and a free pass for the druggies. C for Crime, O for Outtacontrol, A for effort, F for performance. M for Mazzeo. N for Next.
Dude, have a Snickers Bar. Come up out of the Basement and Get some Air…..
You forgot millions for a soft winter and the reason? Aggressive Snow Removal.