ADD 1, THURSDAY NOV. 21 — Not even the dead are safe in Pittsfield. Last night, a thief or thieves broke into Devaney-Condron Funeral Home on 40 Maplewood Ave., stealing jewelry from the upstairs rooms. Police were called, and they began immediately interviewing the cadavers. The dead men told no tales, we heard. But all seriousness aside, as Steve Allen used to say, this is what “vibrant, dynamic, and collaborative” Pittsfield has come to: Not even the dead are safe.
Amanda Drane of The Boring Broadsheet yesterday interviewed THE PLANET at length for the history of The Great Divide as expressed in the two long-standing and warring political factions that have been jockeying for position for a generation. We gave a lengthy history, going back to the first seeds planted during the disastrous “Urban Renewal” program and up to today’s most recent, and disputed, mayoral election. We shall hold our breath to see what the scribe does to our syllables.
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY NOV. 20, 2019) — As always THE PLANET has lots to deal with, and in cruel-to-be-kind manner, let’s get at some. First, “the kind.”
THE BEATLES ARE COMING — Next best thing, actually. One of the nation’s top Beatles tribute bands, Berkshire’s own BEATLESQUE, performs in concert Friday Nov. 22 at the First Methodist Church on Fenn Street in Pittsfield, 8 to 10:30 p.m. Opening for BEATLESQUE is FOREVER MAN, an Eric Clapton tribute band. Tickets are available at Wood Brothers and online at helpingfriends.brownpapertickets.com.
Many remember first seeing The Fab Four on The Ed Sullivan Show, Feb. 9, 1964. The band’s two sets instantly transformed a generation and a nation, and the music still attracts old and young alike. BEATLESQUE captures The Beatles’ studio albums note for note with an accuracy and musicianship that will have you closing your eyes and thinking you’re at the real thing.
Check out the band’s Facebook page for more details. Beatlesque is led by Mick Valenti of QUARRY and QUICK FOX fame, ably backed by a Fab ensemble including Mike Sacco, Jay Fruet, Cliff Ducharme, and a cast of the tightest studio musicians this side of Bear Creek. Mick is an old hand at “Beatling.” In the 1980s, he starred in the role of John Lennon in the nationally touring act “Starting Over.”
Part of the proceeds for the “Helping Friends” show will go to local food pantries.
Now for “the cruel.”
ELEVATOR QUESTIONS — THS special ed teacher Kevin Harrington, 38, died after collapsing in a classroom Nov. 13. Buried in news accounts of the incident is when first responders moved Harrington to a THS elevator, they got stuck for about 10 minutes, an eternity when trying to revive someone who has collapsed. A first responder told THE PLANET the delay was “definitely a factor” in emergency personnel’s inability to get Harrington to the hospital more quickly. It may have cost the man his life.
iBerkshires ignored this aspect of the story. The Boring Broadsheet mentioned the stuck elevator — inadvertently, according to THE PLANET‘s newsroom sources, who said the story was edited “to downplay the elevator incident. [Editors] couldn’t take out the elevator reference altogether, so they did the next best thing.” That was to quote an assistant chief of the Pittsfield Fire Department saying the jammed elevator wasn’t a factor in Harrington’s death. That chief’s statement defies common sense.
Why would the stuck elevator be left out of the story or downplayed?
More ominous stories floating around the THS halls allude to the elevator having “problems” prior to Harrington’s death. A THS teacher, we were told, said that in the weeks before the incident, the elevator “appeared jerky.” Some wouldn’t get on it and took the stairs. Teacher said the problem was reported to the administration. She/he didn’t know by whom but said it was relayed to the THS principal and the superintendent of schools. Is this information correct? Who will investigate? Who will come forward?
JIV issued this statement:
“Our students lost a teacher with an infectious optimism, a ready smile, and a constant willingness to help his colleagues and students alike. He was a true champion for all students. … To know Mr. Harrington was to love and respect him. He taught in the school he graduated from and loved, and he will be deeply missed by his family, his many, many friends, his colleagues, and by the entire Pittsfield community.”
“Mr. Harrington?” Not “Kevin?”
Last name? In formal usage? Nice personal touch, JIV.
Here are the questions that have scared off The BB and iBerkshires:
- Why did the elevator get stuck?
- Were there previous problems with the elevator?
- Is the certificate of occupancy issued for the building valid?
- Was the certificate issued prematurely to avoid the embarrassment of the $121 million school not opening on time?
- Who inspected the elevator? When?
Is the elevator now in operation?
- What first-aid did staff and responders perform?
- Did they use a defibrillator? If not, why not?
- For how many minutes was the elevator stuck, exactly?
- Did the delay cost Harrington his life?
- What was the cause of death?
- Was there an autopsy?
- What if any is the liability of the city, the school department, the school committee, Kathy Yon, the THS administration, and the superintendent?
- Does the family intend legal action?
Perhaps it’s just the smell of Housy swamp gas, but there’s an odor about this story that won’t go away. If anyone out there has more information, THE PLANET is ready to hear it.
“Is a man’s life worth the issuance of a hasty certificate of occupancy?” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
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Jim stated there was a snag getting Mr. Harrington to the hospital? A snag? Yeh yeh yeh..
Dan,I did a double take the picture of Dr. Natasha, great Dentist by the way,looks like a familiar local politician.
This week in Pittsfield politics. Melissa Mazzeo alleges ballots were tampered with in an alleged fraudulent election. A beloved teacher dies after getting stuck in the THS elevator in an unpaid for new school building. Drug dealers arrested in heroin bust on Brown Street. A tax hike proposal in the works for next week’s City Council meeting. I wonder what next week will bring? Probably more bad news!!!!
State police are arresting people. City police cant enforce trespassing.
Its hard to believe anyone would put themselves in a area where someone could even ask what the heck is anyone doing in this secure area of votes.It means those votes are considered contaminated even if Nothing is wrong with the vote count.If true what the heck was going on?
How do you know so many thousands voted? Easiest way to rig an election is to take a bunch of votes and pull them out of the stack and manipulate the tally.
Just one more apparent collaborative coverup in Pittsfield politics. And it is this kind of continual shady behavior that adds to the mayoral election result doubts. Pittsfield has created an undeniable atmosphere of mistrust and so residents are suspicious of everything. And perhaps rightly so as the powers that be are not doing anything to appear more trustworthy.
The new high school was shoved down our throats and sold as a need too good to pass up and the GOBSIGs learned from the civic center flameout not to let the Kapanskis have a say. There is no way in hell they will admit to any problems, and will cover up the truth at all costs, even if the truth is that the man was DOA of the EMS, and a stuck elevator wouldn’t have mattered. They won’t accept responsibility. Personally, I think the new school looks awful and have heard of numerous problems within. And we all know the cafeteria is too small and the auditorium will hold Tyers minions for her state of the city screed, but won’t hold a graduation.
To your last sentence. Is it possible that when they built the auditorium they were just expecting low graduation rates and so a small auditorium would be just fine? They probably used existing Pittsfield statistics and figured half size would do?
J-99 brings up a key point. Throughout the entire process of building the $121 million School Where Nothing Works Right was to shut out the Kapanskis. That’s why the Hon. Chuck Vincelette resigned from the School Building Needs Commission. He asked too many tough questions, and they made life miserable for him. No one from the mayor’s office, the school committee, or the city council advocated for citizens. No way in heck voters would have approved so much spending and borrowing for so little in return — that is, in a fair vote. That’s why The Suits didn’t dare give people input.
Poorly written stories such as The BIrd Cages story on this never actually said anyone was stuck in the elevator – just says the elevator was stuck. Most likely the decedent died in classroom. Very common to transport dead people and let medical doctor make the call. Defib probably used in classroom. Elevator may have had nothing to do with man dying. Autopsies rarely performed now – system backlogs. In this case one probably was, or will be.
Elevators are required to be inspected annually but there’s a backlog there too.
So was the elevator inspected this year? My sources indicate there is a parent/teacher conference tonight at the school. Who will sneak into the elevator and snap a photo of the inspection certificate and send it to The Planet for posting? Or when word hits the higher ups that The Planet has sent out his Z Agents to investigate, will the elevator be shutdown?
A stuck elevator with no people would have been irrelevant to the story. They could have taken the stairs, and that would have been mentioned if that was the case.
Precisely Watson, unless the person was actually stuck in the elevator, yet why wasn’t that clearly stated in the article?
May have been in the original draft but scrubbed when city hall did their mandatory review of all copy before it hits the presses.
I think trying to get a 300 pound man down the stairs on a gurneys is…impractical at best, and certainly a highly unlikely first choice.
U R right Mr. G. In (antique) EMS parlance it’s called a “tea cup” maneuver. Very dangerous to the patient and extremely dangerous to the EMS crew involved.
It would not be irrelevant sir, if they were waiting for the elevator for a period of time before the light bulb went on. Every second counts.
They built Taconic small on purpose so we would never consider consolidation .There are only 1600 high school students 9 to 12.We are paying a ridiculous amount of money to just maintain these 2 structures that could go to taxpayer relief.A five year school building consolidation plan is already 10 years behind.Time to act on the consolidation.
The elevator malfunctioned and that should be investigated. We don’t know if the delay contributed to Mr. Harrington’s death. I think it petty to criticize JIV for referring to Kevin Harrington as Mr. Harrington. From what I have read he was a terrific human being and deserves the respect of the honorific Mister from his students, his colleagues and his bosses. Call me old-fashioned.
Too many conspiracy theorists on this page.
Lt Colonel Vindman is the ‘whistleblower’. Prove me wrong!
Trump finished in about twenty minutes.
Nikki Haley is the whistleblower. Nikki Haley will run for President one day.
You are error relevant. No way. Whisltleblower name all over the web. Taint Nickie
Colonel Mustard he is not. The whistleblower said he did not listen in. Vindman did. The whistleblower name was disclosed days ago and a link was provided here. Read the archives.
Wrong on all accounts!
You do realize the whistleblower complaint is a composite of many participants’ recollections? And you do not know the whistleblower’s true identity.
Is Vindman lying? One can craft a compliant omitting one’s role while casting aspersions through others.
If you believe everything you read online, you’re less than I thought you to be.
Of course I don’t believe everything I read on line, including everything you post, although I give you credit for being first to post here that Mazzeo hired an attorney for possible election issues.
The republicans are floating everything to allow this crime
Mr. Vindman does indeed blow.
Lt. Colonel Vindman does not “blow.” He is a recipient of the Purple Heart and deserves respect.
He deserves a court martial for insubordination, leaking & lying.
You support the Trump Bribe
He got the money released to the Eukraine
His purple heart has nothing to do with this sham inquiry and gives him no credibility. He had the misfortune to be injured in a war zone. Nothing more nothing less.
What war zone were you in?
Vindman is a disgrace!
How did you know ?
Wake up Brian – as others have said, the whistleblowers name has already been revealed. Vindman leaked to the whistleblower and that’s why Nunes’ questioning was shut down yesterday.
I don’t think he is the whistle blower, however his testimony has been debunked. He admitted there was no quid pro quo. He also had no knowledge of Burisma payments to Bidens.
He should be charged with treason and leaking confidential material. I am not sure what the globalists promised him, but his military career is over.
He might take that defense minister position in Ukraine. Apparently he was offered it several times.
Public lynchng led by Schiff for the President. What’s the difference between Trump asking a favor or city official giving a millionaire carte blanch check for a theatre? And forgiveness
There’s a mechanism to remove a crooked POTUS. There is no mechanism to remove a crooked mayor.
#fakenews The Legislature can allow any Massachusetts local government to recall officials.
I believe Amanda Drane’s piece on Monday the 18th(?) was pretty clear that the patient was stuck in the elevator. And it seems that it took some courage on her part to make sure that stayed in the article.
It was either courage or not realizing what she was doing. As we reported, we heard that Drane’s raw copy was edited to downplay the role of the elevator. Writing in the passive voice (“the elevator was stuck”) avoids having to write “Harrington and the response team entered the elevator, which got stuck for 10 minutes.” We heard Drane wasn’t happy with what the editors did to her story. We shall try to learn more.
It’s clear as mud. She never once wrote the patient was in the elevator.
It’s pretty muddy. She never wrote that the patient was stuck in the elevator.
And I was the first to mention the elevator in here.
THE PLANET thanks you, Icky.
Will this death make the THS haunted? Dead teacher sightings by students?
Something overlooked in one of appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show is the stage was the Sun with arrows pointing into it from all around the Stage. The Exit, Hidden in plain sight:
Good Day, Sunshine
I’ll Follow the Sun
Here Comes the Sun King
Here Comes the Sun
“So we sailed into the Sun, til we found a sea of Green”
“Look for girl with the Sun in her eyes and she’s gone”
“If the Sun has faded away, I’ll try to make it shine…. There is nothing I won’t do”
“The Sun is up, the sky is blue, its beautiful and so are you”
“Sitting in an English garden, waiting for the Sun”
“Everybody had a wet dream, everybody saw the Sun shine… Oh yeah (1), Oh yeah (2), Ohooh Yeah (3)”
“When the Sun shines, they slip into the shade, and sip their lemonade, when the Sun shines, when the Sun shines”
“Swaying daisies, sing a lazy song beneath the Sun, mother nature’s Sun”
“Her hair of floating sky is shimmering, glimmering, in the Sun, Julia, Julia, ocean child”
“One Sunny day the world was waiting for a lover, she came along to turn on everyone, Sexy Sadie”
“Its so fine, its Sunshine, say the word, Love”
“Two of us standing solo, in the Sun”
“The deeper you go, the higher you fly, the higher you fly, the deeper you go so come on…..its such a joy!”
“Golden Slumbers fill your eyes, smiles await you when you Rise”
Dio, he comes from the west.
Dan, since us Kapanskis paid for the Colonial, why can’t the Berkshire Beatles play there?
Maintenance and inspections of public buildings in Pittsfield has always been questionable. Anyone who has ever been to the basement of Mercer has to wonder how it is deemed suitable for human habitat.
The old moldy shop area at Crosby is a pre school and site for the autistic children with carpets a known health hazzard
TSC, is this the same pre-school that had a Democrat parking only sign on its fence a few years back?
Interesting. Would it be worth it for THE PLANET to have our embedded sources there to travel to the basement and file a report?
Yes, please do so, there is no ventilation, no elevator, when the sewer backs up it comes up through the drains in the restrooms.
Good luck getting into Mercer. But if you do try not to wake anybody up.
Yet if you are a private business owner and have ever gone through the yearly fire inspection, they will find the dumbest nonsensical reasons to make you fix or change something.
I thought they would have a gym in the basement just like city hall.
Mazzeo situation. If the precinct totals show a Mazzeo win, but the absentee ballots triggered a Tyer win but there is evidence of tampering with these ballots, what happens? Logically, it would throw all absentee ballots into question and a court could likely throw them all out.
I respect that a lot of this was rumor a week or so ago, but so far, the rumors are turning into facts. Since our inglorious DA Harrington is best buds with Tyer, who would prosecute? A very interesting situation overall.
The compliance officer who is the Secretary of State and Gerrys boss oversees any monkey busi ness. We are in good hands. Why would a Tyer considerGerry as one of her Mayors? Unless she knew something we didn’t.
Harrington doesn’t jail for non violent crimes
After the recount, we don’t think Team Mazzeo will take this to the D.A., for reasons you mention. Best option would be to avoid D.A. and Bill Galvin’s office (for same reason) and file in Superior Court. The “prosecutor” would be Mazzeo’s attorneys.
Dan,what would you say if I told you Mazzeo won by five hundred votes?
I would quote Gomer Pyle.
After the recount that group will be 0-4 just can’t take No for an answer. However you will find some way to spin it ” all the Republicans didn’t vote” ” we need a write in” ” We need a recount ” After this charade is over come back here for another crow sandwich.
We could have an illegitimate mayor. But that assumes she was legitimate before and that might be tough to prove.
More great reporting from DV and Planet . Friends daughter works at THS and says Mr Harrington and EM team were definitely in elevator and it ws stuck. Confirms around 10 minutes. At the school lots of talk of a coverup.
A great man lost his life. A family and friends lost a loved one. There shouldn’t be ANY cover ups period. If there was a problem and it cost Mr. Harrington’s life…..own up to it! Either way, clearly there are many issues in this city as we all know. It’s not about politics..it’s the life that is no longer with us. DO THE RIGHT THING. No politics, no cover ups, just make sure that Mr Harrington’s family and friends get the truth. We owe it to Mr Harrington and his family!
Nothing more potent than a body of students protesting for the truth. Probably have a lot more power than a bunch of stupit taxpaying voters
Thank you, officer.
The THS has been a boondoggle from start. All sorts of problems. That elevator was not working right for at least a couple weeks.
And another School Bus in an accident today.
Trump is finally finished,stupid Giuliani.
Yup, yup, yup. Donnie all done. What’s this, the fiftieth time?
Dan,who has the security codes to the voting machines!
Do ballots have barcodes?This would be meaningful going forward with an investigation. The barcode is what gets tallied,not the paper. Hackers can infiltrate a ballot or marking-device could modify the barcode so it’s data differs from what’s in the printed text. A voter would have no way of spotting it.
Don’t know. Good question. They must have some kind of code for the scanner to read. Your comment outlines one of the many ways someone with the knowledge of the e-systems could mess around with the results.
I use an app called ZipGrade to grade bubble sheets. No bar codes necessary. Scanners could be set up to just read filled in bubbles. If bar codes on ballots it could be for ward identification.
This is just food for thought, I have no firsthand knowledge.
Yeah, they have bar codes for Del Gallo’s and Lach’s
Dan and Planites and Mazzeo.You will not find a discrepancy in the election ballot count. Look elsewhere.
Speaking for THE PLANET, I would say I am surprised not to find “a single” discrepancy. In recounts there’s nearly always a small margin of difference. I would add that THE PLANET isn’t looking for a thing. We are merely reporting on the post-election actions of the two candidates. Team Mazzeo has told us they aren’t looking for anything in a recount except that (a) they would be interested in “auditing” if you will the results and (b) satisfying the next available option when disputing elections results. That would be a recount. Once that is done, having exhausted their options, they can proceed to court.
Just curiosity, and I don’t know.I’m not a computer expert. But is there anyway that a voting machine could switch the name of the candidate when registering the paper vote?
Dan, do you think J Lo should do a recount? The rumor was his phone was burning off the hook for him to run,only to get pummeled by 500 votes? It just doesn’t JIV? Anyway, Lo is relegated to Class
Conservation Commision
If absentee ballots were opened before election day, Mazzeo votes replaced with Tyer votes, placed in new envelopes to be counted on election day, this would have zero impact on ballot count. It would impact the final result. Respectfully, I doubt Mazzeo would pursue this if there wasn’t something already in hand that indicates tampering may have occurred. As indicated by Dan in his response to a prior comment of mine, this is almost certainly headed to Superior Court.
BTW, if absentee ballots were altered in favor of Tyer, nothing prevented the individual(s) making the changes from also altering votes for other candidates to create a Tyer-friendly council, school committee, etc.
Everyone knows that’s what happened. The election winners always just order an extra sleeve of ballots and bundles of extra absentee ballot envelopes from the printing company and fill them out at campaign HQ. easy-peasey Cant believe its taken all you this long to figure this scam out.
How could seasoned veteran people on election night be found in a restricted area? Why would they not say to each other we cant be here.This must be just rumor. What the hell is wrong here.Boston..New York Albany this news would be everywhere on TV and a reporter doing stories everyday. ….You go from this to the Trump plot against Biden
My condolences to Kevin and his family. JIV is a toad and probably never even met Kevin.
If Harrington’s wife is smart, she will launch a lawsuit against the city and the school department. That 10 minutes absolutely was the difference between life and death. Yon and the rest of the School Committee/administration have blood on their hands.
Not like they would care, they are all corrupt, some of them felons too
JJC Brilliant.
Your first comment is cruel and uncalled for. Although Dr. McCandless agonized far too long on difficult business decisions (in my opinion), in my years in the Pittsfield Public Schools, I found him to be an excellent people person.
In his many visits to PHS, he knew everyone there, always making time to say hello or see how you were doing.
I am sure he did know Kevin Harrington. This comment is just unfounded.
I object, Your Honor, calls for speculation!
Too bad we all can’t fight the good fight… I mean, whine when we aren’t given praise for mediocre work. I wonder if Brian has to inform all the parents in the neighborhood that he’s within 200 ft of their kids. Intellectual’s don’t pull C-‘s in their bachelor studies. Paralegals don’t usually pass off as legal experts. Then you have “Brain” as he likes to refer to himself…
He is cuckoo.
Deval Patrick cancelled a campaign event Wed. at Morehouse College, as only two students showed up. He’s off to a roaring start!
Just one more Dem nutjob who doesn’t have a chance at beating Trump.
It is a very Bainful start for Deval, Wonder how Joe feels about Obama now that he wanted Deval to run?
UPdate…Herberg School and the new fake behavior policy have created an atmosphere of change.Every kid wants to change their school so they can feel safe.
can you post link to restorative justice policy?
Another store closing on Lovely Linda’s vibrant and dynamic North Street. Jim’s House of Shoes closing after 73 years in business. Can’t help but wonder if Lovely Linda’s parking meter debacle is the cause of the closing? The new beautiful Columbus Avenue parking lot is usually empty. Once again this administration could care less about the businesses that have been around Pittsfield for years. Guess her great Red Carpet Committee can only be given to her rich friends. If you are ever bored, take a drive on North Street and the new up and coming vibrant Tyler Street and count the empty store fronts! On a positive note maybe the new NASA Space Capsule will have stores and restaurants in it?
Yeah,the capsule. One big microwave. Radiant!
Can that Spacely Sprockets device cook thanksgiving turkey for the double dipping, EBT crowd? If so, it will all be worth the $150+K the Kapanski’s are kicking in for “economic development “.
Brace for impact!!!
I’m sure the general lack of commercial success of North Street plays its part. But from what I remember it’s been a family store for a very long time, and I think the remaining family is getting older or already moved away.
The amount of empty store front space on North Street is disgraceful. Blocks of completely empty stores, dirty windows, old signage. It’s pathetic. I don’t think it’s ever coming back.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Panchos was next on that end of “Upstreet.”
Further down, the Indian Restaurant is moving to the Cavalier building at 75 North, so that will be vacant. On that particular block I think the only other places left are AdLib and the nail salon/tailor shop. At least three empty storefronts plus the soon to be vacant Indian space.
We’ll always have K’s Merchandise though! At least that has survived all these years!
I believe they are rehabbing and moving tennants out.Big money coming for high end rentals.Not all 2nd homeowners want fo live in Stockbridge.They want to live by theaters. Tbe Barrington is a 1st class venue with a wide NY audience
School Committee is right. The owners are rehabbing and moving out tenants. As to fantasy about NYC people wanting a condo or apartment on North Street? Uhm. Spend some time on the corner of Columbus and North – not uplifting.
Pittsfield’s a dying city and has been for 30 plus years. City needs to accept that it aint what it once was, and act accordingly – we’re a poor city, not like Lenox or Stockbridge, or Great Barrington, and we should forget about pissing the rest of the so called economic development GE cash, which really means Give it to the Elite (GE), on the GOBSIGs like movie theaters, Hancock Shaker Village, Berkshire Musueum, who went on to sell the Rockwells, etc. We need a people’s mayor, not a GOBSIG one.
If you are on a fixed income or even middle class with one income you are screwed in Pittsfield. The whole tax burden is on your back unless you have the proper city hall connection. Let us call this city what it is. An emerging collaborative ghetto.
Re: Open letter to blogger Dan Valenti 21.Nov.2019
I enjoy reading your blog about Pittsfield politics. I have followed Pittsfield politics for decades, as well as listened to and read your words for a long time. Your commentary is valuable because you tell it like it is instead of the fluff propaganda by the Berkshire Eagle and political insiders.
I believe you should write your own essay about the two warring political factions that goes back generations in Pittsfield politics. The Berkshire Eagle’s Amanda Drane is a great journalist in her own right, but I would like to read about it from your own viewpoint.
From what I understand, in the 1960’s, Remo Del Gallo started a political machine that has lived on through Gerry Doyle, Jimmy Ruberto, and now the lovely Linda Tyer. But, in the 1980’s, Anne Everest Wojtkowski started her own political machine when she became Pittsfield’s first woman mayor. “Queen Anne’s” political machine lives on through Sara Hathaway (and her corrupt nephew who I am not allowed to name on your awesome blog), Dan Bianchi, and Melissa Mazzeo.
The irony of the two warring factions in Pittsfield politics is that they both answer to the same “big wheels” or Democrat bosses in Boston. To be clear, they are all Democrats! The other irony is that the two warring political factions have both driven Pittsfield’s distressed economy into the proverbial ditch.
– Jonathan Melle
Dan I don’t think you are a big hockey fan,so, last night I’m watching a game where the referee got hit in the face by a hockey puck. Why aren’t referees required to wear a face mask? The Ref was cut but ok.
Jon,you’ve stated this over and over about the political machines and about the classier than you, Valenti. Don’t you think the reason we read and like Valenti is the same reasons you give? It’s comes over as all about you.
Drane interviewed THE PLANET today for 40 minutes about the two factions and the consequences of the split, which I dubbed The Great Divide. Your suggestion is a good one. We hope to provide our own view soon. Appreciate your contributions here, my good friend.
Drane couldn’t interview a pie.
She doesn’t have the crust.
The police let it slip that the dead people all voted for Tyer.
Biden, in Democratic debate, says you have to ‘keep punching’ to address domestic violence
What a fool. Add that to his long list of gaffes. Dementia has set in.
The whistleblower is a Stormy Daniels.
Pittsfields a zoo.
Syracuse hate crimes hoax or real?