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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 25, 2019) — With the mayoral recount going into the books, THE PLANET has picked up interesting developments. These wrinkles in the re-tally may escape other local media, but because of our presence in the offices of Berkshire County, through our Secret Squadron THE PLANET collects intelligence easy as picking August blueberries at Berry Pond.

Here’s what we’ve learned (ED NOTE: When we refer to Melissa Mazzeo or Linda Tyer, take it to mean Team Mazzeo and Team Tyer):

  • DELAY OR NOT DELY? — Mazzeo requested the City Attorney to delay the recount until after Thanksgiving week ( Monday Nov. 25). Tyer initially agreed, reasonable since many began their holiday on Friday, taking off from work. Our Z Agents said for that reason it’s been difficult to find people to help today with the all-day process. On Thursday afternoon, we learned, Mazzeo received an e-mail from Steve Pagnotta, who said Tyer agreed to postpone until Dec 13. Mazzeo was “shocked but happy they agreed.” A Tyer spokesperson told THE PLANET the mayor “welcomed [the delay]” End of story? No. Friday morning, Mazzeo received an email from Pagnotta saying he “spoke too soon.” The recount will now take place on the original date  — 8 a.m. today. THE PLANET isn’t sure what to make of the flip-flop. Our contacts within Camp Tyer didn’t want to speculate.
  • RECUSAL REFUSAL? — Mazzeo sent a request to have Jennifer Kerwood recuse herself from being a registrar at the recount for obvious reasons. Kerwood serves on the Registrar of Voters board along with city clerk Michele Benjamin, Tom Hamel, chair, and former Ward 1 councilor Bill Barry. Jennifer is the wife of city finance director and die-hard Tyerite Matt Kerwood. If Tyer were to lose, Kufflinks would be out of a job. This present a dangerous conflict of interest for Jennifer. As of yesterday, Kerwood had not responded to the request. In a related development, council president Pete Marchetti, another zealous Tyer promoter, appointed two alternate registrars. Great, except Marchetti put it on the council agenda for Tuesday night, a day AFTER the recount! Strange doings, since the recount will have already begun. Idle thought: Since Benjamin and Barry are known to favor Tyer, how neutral can they be?
  • DRUM BEAT — Team Tyer has drum-beat a consistent message since Mazzeo issue a formal challenge of the vote, saying publicly and telling THE PLANET privately the mayor won “fair and square” and that “Mazzeo will never make up that many votes.” They also have conveyed a dismissive tone about the challenge, saying they aren’t worried. That’s not been reflected in Tyer’s Facebook supporters, however, who have savaged folks supportive of the recount. THE PLANET has been personally attacked, even though we aren’t “supporting” anyone but simply reporting the developments mainstream local media have ignored or tried to bury. The attacks  provide interesting-though-bizarre reading. Team Tyer did tell them to cool it, an order at least one, to their embarrassment, continues to violate. He’s for “free speech,” you know — except if you don’t agree with him. It’s interesting to note that the “unconcerned” mayor hired pricey, well-known elections attorney Dennis Newman from Boston. “If she has nothing to worry about, why pay for an expensive attorney?” a Mazzeo spokesperson asked.
  • CAN YOU FIND LINDA? — As for Linda Tyer herself, a city hall spy says she was “missing-in-action” all week. Rumor has it that she barred any items from the city council agenda for Tuesday save for only the tax rate issue, even though she or any mayor should have a say in anything on a council agenda. This illustrates what everyone knows, that the rotund council president has no control, except perhaps to guzzle beer and gobble bon-tons. He’s a Tyer boot licker, loving the sole of discretion.

The odds against a significant flip in votes resulting from a recount are steep. Mazzeo knows this. She’s going through this process so that she can take the next step — a lawsuit filed in Superior Court. That’s where the fireworks will be launched.


“They can’t hurt you unless you let them”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
5 years ago

Bill Barry is an arrogant GOBSIG buffoon if ever there was one. The only court he should be allowed in is a pickle ball court as a ball boy. The man is ignorant bad news.

Cordless Collaborator
Cordless Collaborator
5 years ago

Bill Barry is an uncouth oaf. He’s an embarrassment to the process.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Why is the lovely Linda Tyer raising municipal taxes 3 weeks after the allegedly fraudulent election when Pittsfield is receiving millions of new dollars in state education aid? Also, what is the deal with the city government’s “free cash” slush fund? Are the local residents and businesses being overtaxed by millions of dollars in Pittsfield? If Melissa Mazzeo takes her alleged “vote tampering” case to Superior Court next month, how much will it cost Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski? What will Pittsfield politics look like if the election was, indeed, fraudulent? Can things get any worse for Pittsfield?

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Can things get any worse for Pittsfield? Yes, Melissa can continue to embarrass herself, her more passive supporters, and continue her work at keeping the city divided by no doubt instilling in her hardcore followers a sense that Linda is illegitimate, local government is not to be trusted, and probably just further depressing genuine constructive engagement by its citizens… this no matter the certainty of this fiasco of hers–to whatever height it reaches in the courts–will not be in her favor. Her self-described political mentor, Pam Malumphy, operated the same way until she was not only rendered totally unelectable (after 4 huge loses), but showed her as having zero credibility or valuable insight.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Tim could you name Mazzeos embarresments one by one please.How would you characterize Tyer allowing the highway department to plow clear asphat on doubletime when we know they are already 2.3 million under budget.That’s embarrassing Tim.Tyer could not manage a lemmonaide stant with no sales.Yes plowing yesterday in the rain.Its sad .

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

@the school committee – i made you an extensive list but valenti deleted it

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Seems Dan is entrenched with mazzeo/Caccaviello campaign.
Any complimentary comments to Harrington or Tyer get censored.
Beginning to seem like more fake news.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

Mazzo, Bianchi, Bowler. Dinosaurs in their own rite.

Bowler’s next to go down; retire with dignity, please.

People should know when they’re conquered!!!

Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

If you have links in the post, it takes longer for it to go live. Not uncommon for public sites.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

You can lose the election and still be correct that Tyer is not qualified to manage departments.Plowing water on doubletime Tim…3.3 under budgeted….This is why Mazzeo ran.Unless our council continues to act like Trump Republicans they must address Tyers inefficiency handling taxpayer money.Somebody on your Trump like execution needs to explain the lack of management …I call it lazy.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Pittsfield politics has had some whoppers over the years. Remember Mayor Gerry Doyle’s missing millions that have never been accounted for? Doyle’s city treasurer Kiley got a severance package to stay silent about that scandal. Remember the Consent Decree with GE? Pittsfield was sold out down the old Housatonic River! Remember Mayor Jimmy Ruberto’s ethics violations? Remember the lovely Linda Tyer forgiving so-called loans to out-of-town millionaire Richard Stanley? In closing, things have not always been on the up and up in good old Pittsfield politics! They don’t call them the Good Old Boys for nothing!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I forgot to mention the recent shakedown by the Berkshire Museum where they sold valuable and historic pieces of art for tens of millions of dollars. The political backers of this horrible deal were led by Good Old Boys Jimmy Ruberto and Gerry Doyle.

Pittsfield politics always sells out the common people, most notably Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

At least Pittsfield “stole” the art legally….

A historic museum in Germany has been looted of potentially millions of dollars worth of valuables in a brazen overnight heist in the city of Dresden.

While there is no figure for the value of the items taken yet, German news media speculate the stolen hoard of historic jewelry and museum valuables could be worth many millions of dollars.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Ruberto Gave the Museum 500 k to add air conditioning. Tyer and Farley Bouvier helped get this check written.Then we helped Hancock Shaker village install a solar farm for 450k.They paraded every politician in western ma to get the CC to give them money.Those 2 should pay us back all the money.The stealing of GE cash could be a book.Every giveaway a chapter.Tyer Marchetti spending is historic.Their budget in 2017 and 2018 were not enough.Those two needed 3.3 million extra to close the books .

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

I imagine Linda and Barry wake up every morning and thank God Tim Kushi is their front man. Kind of like Trump having Guiliani. You just know you are in good hands.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Kushi, is their doughnut boy.

Brian C. Marquis
Brian C. Marquis
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago


Go, Tim!!

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Go eat a doughnut.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Benigno Numine
5 years ago

I wonder if the Moscow Ballet still employs Mr. Kushi. He has quite a vulgar online persona, I wonder how the ballet tolerates such inappropriate social media usage.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

What is the Moscow Ballet? In Pittsfield? Arts and Culture in The City. The Renaissance under Jimmy Ruberto. My last count of empty Storefronts on “Vibrant and dynamic” North Street was 23 and now probably 24 since the Tyer Headquarters is empty again and maybe 25 since the SHUTTERING of Jim’s House of Shoes a taxpayer for 78 years in Our City. Maybe Tyer’s vote for WorkShop Live. who THE G.E. Economic Development monies subsidized can help We The People. HE WALKED AWAY. BEACON CINEMA , SPICE forgiveness. Renaissance. David Smolover lived in TONY Stockbridge and had Connecticut license plates on his car. Amen.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

Berkshire County
Local Art Scene Insider

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Ham Anex
5 years ago

Ham Anex.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

It’s a ballet company (uh, from where I’ll let you guess) owned by private production company that few know are here and that produces the largest national tour of the Nutcracker in America annually.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Wait, you wouldn’t want to hire someone who sits on Facebook all day and posts about the riveting Pittsfield political scene?

If you look at the employers of the loudest & most outspoken Tyer supporters you can see a connection. Taxpayer subsidized jobs or places like the Moscow Ballet.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Hendrix – lol – we’ve never been subsidized by the city… nor any state or federal agency either, and have been operating in since 1993.

Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Tim, noticed I said “or”

How many year round FT employees do they have in Pittsfield? Do they lease space or pay property tax?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, thanks for the rundown. I suppose I got a little off topic when it was centered around the social media use and employers. The point I guess I was trying to make is no legitimate business in Pittsfield would be foolish enough to employ people as outwardly spoken as some of the Tyer supporters. In fact, many employers institute social media policies to protect themselves against it. The fact that Mazzeo mulled over the decision to run because of the potential impact to the business says as much. I was surprised to see a number of businesses on North St with Tyer signs in the window.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Keep in mind that the best way to get yourself on the list of Tyer tax breaks is to promote her agenda and donate to her longevity. It is called kissing the hand that feeds you.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Go fetch me my vulgarity… And yes, I’m still employed and have been for 15 years–I’m actually the longest serving employee here. One of the three owners of the company engages with my thoughtful post quite frequently, typically to express agreement.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Tim Kushi
5 years ago

Kentucky has Moscow Mitch and Pittsfield (maybe Pittsfield if it actually exists somewhere ???) has The Moscow Ballet. Furtive artistry and nebulous credibility. Is it a publicly funded grant recipient ? That would explain the nascent political zealot.

Tim Kushi
Tim Kushi
Reply to  Sojourner Truth
5 years ago

@Sojourner Truth – People don’t read, do they, on Planet Valenti comment boards – just wait for their turn to say something insulting? As I said, we operated by a private production company.

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
5 years ago

“For an occurrence to become an adventure, it is necessary and sufficient for one to recount it.” Jean-Paul Sartre

Here is to the recount and the pending fireworks…Got any Popcorn?

Behind the Counter
Behind the Counter
5 years ago

election fraud is always created by opportunity.

5 years ago

Who is on Team Mazzeo for the recount? Who is her attorney? Who are her observers? What role does Jimmy Ruberto have in all this?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Were any of team Tyer members in the Ukraine in the weeks leading up to the election and if so did they find any evidence of wrong doing by the Bidens?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Does anyone on the Planet know Russia hacked the 2016 elections other than I ?

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Unless they hacked into the voting machines and changed ballots for Trump, they didn’t hack spit or diddly squat.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Tyer is missing for sure.The highway department which in 16 months added 3.3 million in OT removing snow started yesterday plowing asphalt with rainwater on it on doubletime .Tyer is starting where she left off .She needs to get to work and she needs to report publicly what the hell is going on in the offices of City Hall. You get what you vote for.Out of control spending from a l department that is clearly Under budgeted on purpose to fool the CC and Marchetti…..Moon White Caccamo have no financial expertise or interest in this Highway budget being used for politics.Im begging the council mostly the Banker Marchetti to show taxpayer you guys can add.Tyer and Barry are making you look stupid playing this budget game 3 years in a row.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

So glad you brought this up. People are reporting that plows were all over the city plowing water puddles around and coming back, as astoundingly, they kept filling back up during a rain storm. Will any of the city councilors dare to discuss this? Because if they don’t they will prove their worthlessness as watchdogs and that we cannot expect anything of value from them. I want to hear from Moon, if she shows up, as she is always acting like she cares but has been much more talk than action. Double time on Sunday for plowing the puddles seems like a discussion worth having.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Meeting is tomorrow 7pm. There is a chair for you and a podium to address the Coucil. Go for it!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

Marchetti would probably gavel me down telling me that senior citizens on fixed incomes have no right to speak on budget matters.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Put your big boy pants on and go speak your mind at the meeting.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Not to mention the mass amounts of salt used to melt all that water.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

This must be one of the accomplishments Tim Kushi talks about. High fives in City Hall today. We took care of that snowstorm.

5 years ago

In a recount, I would think that it would make sense that both camps have observers, the Registrar simply be present, but that the actual counting be performed by people totally independent. Having loyalists of either camp, especially Tyer who stands to lose the most, is sort of like post election gerrymandering. From national to local, our politics are disgustingly polarized. What a greedy pathetic lot our politicians have become.

Behind the Counter
Behind the Counter
Reply to  truthsayer
5 years ago

The bigger problem is explaining why Barry was allegedly in the Registrars office all election long and even four days before the election? What business does a C P A do in the Registrars office?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Behind the Counter
5 years ago

There is no explanation that is excusable.

The Lvernocker
The Lvernocker
Reply to  Behind the Counter
5 years ago

Good one Counter.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  truthsayer
5 years ago

and film the whole thing so the taxpayers can play it back in slow motion.

Still wondering
Still wondering
5 years ago

This is really all about the law suit. Stay tuned

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Still wondering
5 years ago

By the time the lawsuit is over, the lovely Linda Tyer will be planning her retirement.

Lo Herthaboom
Lo Herthaboom
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

It’s all about Chad J Mel.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


Ana Cahmerah
Ana Cahmerah
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

She’s going to court along with Michelle.

The Ovull
The Ovull
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Tens of millions and loan forgives to Stanley. Pittsfield taxpayers are stupid.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

With comments all over social media it seems that one of the main reason for the recount is the fact that Mayor Barry was in an area that he should not have been in City Hall. Wondering if he is still one of the observers for the Tyer camp? He should not be allowed to be in the room. I also am very tired of the Tyer camp asking that Melissa pay for the recount. If it is true the recount is because of Barry, the Tyer camp should pay for it. Both he and his wife the Lovely Linda should have known better. They should be ashamed and embarrassed that they have caused this. Also, since the plows were pushing the rain around yesterday it proves that Lovely Linda did not listen to anything the taxpayers were telling her during the campaign. She has absolutely no control over her department heads and she really could care less. As far as the City Council is concerned, they do nothing for this city but stare into space like frightened deer. Although lets go ahead and approve the building of a three story pot farm on Dalton Avenue to add to the already skunk stench from the current Berkshire Roots. So Tyred of Pittsfield. What has happened to the beautiful City I grew up in. I know, dumba** ego full, arrogant politicians.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

The answer is it’s gone down the shifter.

5 years ago

When you endorse candidates and they get humiliated, not much cred left to attack. This is a safe space, where comments are deleted or edited to suit the blogger. Facebook is a little tougher on right wing nut-jobs. Welcome to the internet!

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

You got off easy last time, Shakes. But, you still came up short.

Dinky Schill
Dinky Schill
Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

Shakes is to be ignored. Sec Galvin is doing what The Mayor has done. Use media like the Eagle,Stooge Show at the expense of taxpayers through Spectrum ( which no one watches I’ve heard, but him and his wife) iberkshires,and of course pctv which the fcc will soon dethrone for their practice of promoting certain policies of the School Department and Mayor. Sean Serre should be ashamed of himself to let the once prestigious pctv public programming turn into a media sideshow for local political gain and partisanship. Hopefully subscribers to Spectrum let them know what’s going on over at pctv.

Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

Oh please, you have to take your little blue pills before you can man up enough to talk smack on here, old fella.

Golf Tadbourte
Golf Tadbourte
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

The a
Art Museum sale of Rockwell’s killed any cultural class in the county going forward. Pcb’s consent-decree and Art Sale,two of the most damaging in the history of the City.

Reply to  Golf Tadbourte
5 years ago

To call Rockwell’s illustrations art is an insult to cartoons.

Golf Tadbourte
Golf Tadbourte
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

This isn’t the blob on pct is it?

Cade Last Fabeull
Cade Last Fabeull
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

I stated on here a Tyer would actually gain two votes. Now to Court.

Ann Obbzervour
Ann Obbzervour
5 years ago

If anyone sees Lo,let him know that they sell hot gloves,in case his phone gets overheated from the volumes of calls he received while running for City Council.These glives also make a great oven mitt for those hot dishes that come out of the oven on Thanksgiving.One thing the gloves do not do is locates 500 votes he got beat by.

Cade Last Fabeull
Cade Last Fabeull
5 years ago

Stooge get on a treadmill.

5 years ago

Recount done, Tyer still won. From reading the BEagle there were even irregularities in the handling of the recount, hundreds of ballots set aside, improperly sealed ballot boxes. This all sound like an election from an old Soviet satellite where the dear leader won every time. Now, off to the courts, and I don’t blame Mazzeo one bit. When even Rutberg’s Rag make things sound strange, it’s time to dig in.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Tyer lost it and started yelling at people. # a little unstable.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

The secret to making money at our local newspaper is to report a lot of local news and do it as a observer of what is happening.The people of Pittsfield have begged the Berkshire Eagle to do local reporting and they will buy because they trust it. Stop filtering Pittsfield news and stop being a day late to the story.The Eagle knows where the stories are.The CC creates budgets and there is a story in every department in that budget…….The Berkshire Eagle has choses not to make money. For god sakes just report what you see.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The Eagle has become Tyers Fox news. Despite her incredibly rocky first term it is difficult to find anything critical having been said about her. And that says it all.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

I speculate that the recount date was moved to Monday so as to be finished and Tyer votes confirmed by this evening’s council meeting.

It was completely a political move to give Tyer a (false) appearance of authority.

I hope they shoot her down again.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Again with this Morrison joker in the Berkshire Eagle today. Trumpsteria follows his ilk all over the world, apparently.

Morrison, an Eagle board member (that should tell you all you need to know right there), seems to be currently gallivanting around Europe and finding parallels to the evil Trump everywhere he turns.

I had tried to post a while ago on his totally gratuitous Trumpsteria in his piece on the mafia in Sicily. Hysterical, I tell ya.

Now Morrison in his Trumpsteria finds all kinds of parallels between the US and Belle Epoque France with the Dreyfus affair, and the new movie out by the pedophile Roman Polanski.

Too bad about Polanski and this movie because I’d really like to see it if not for him.

And not uncharacteristically for the elite Left, Morrison seems to downplay Polanski’s penchant for activities with underage girls.

Same old very, very weak logic and weaker thought exhibited by Timothy Snyder in his fatuous “On Tyranny.”

Goes like this: I hate Trump. Others around the world in other eras have committed injustice and atrocities. Ergo, Trump is likewise guilty. Quod erat NON demonstrandum.

This time extolling Vindman, no less.

Right now impeachment vote is no better than 50/50. Where is that House Judiciary Committee?

During a trial, the Senate will have to meet six days a week. And there will be no political campaigning allowed.

Do the Dems really, really want to go there?

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

“During a trial, the Senate will have to meet six days a week. And there will be no political campaigning allowed”

And what will the legislators have to campaign on anyway? They might as well stay in DC and hope to get something accomplished before the end of the year. They have 13 months to get immigration reform, health care, (even more) jobs, (even stronger) economic policy, and (even stronger) trade policy, and foreign policy, inner city violence – oops I mean mall violence.

The congress-critters will be much too busy to be making public appearances.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  levitan
5 years ago

You’ve heard of senators Sanders, Warren, Booker, and Harris?

The first two especially will be put out a bit.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
5 years ago

Wha???? You mean Warren is actually a Senator? Which State does she represent?

(Satire, for those who may be wondering.)

Jonny Absurd
Jonny Absurd
5 years ago

So did Helen Moon question why the plows were sent out to burn up 500 gallons of gas while scraping the roads and pushing water around? Did anyone ask who gave the order to send the plows out and if that person is qualified to make such decisions? And I ask because it may rain again on Thanksgiving day and I am sure the plow drivers would welcome the bountiful Holiday pay. Does the mayor or anyone on the council even give a shit about such things? Serious question. I really want to know.

5 years ago

while I recognize he irony of this comment, are there hoards of fake FB profiles that troll for Tyer or is it just me ?

Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

There are fake accounts that troll for both sides.

5 years ago

Can you guys just give it a rest and accept she lost? Tighten your tin foil hats and look at the fact that more people voted for Tyer over someone with nothing but obstructionist tendencies on the council and no policy plans. Count the votes as many ways as you want.

The whole absentee thing is funny. Could it be that many people who typically don’t vote were told that it was going to be a tight race and submitted ballots?

“Any answer that isn’t the one you want is wrong” – Mazzeo supporters

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

But wait! I thought that you wanted a conversation!

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Is that the sound of crickets I hear? What’s next a write in? oh wait my bad .

Jug Ears Macdonall
Jug Ears Macdonall
Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

That could be J Low phone muttering from the heated phone calls he said received to run in six. Maybe they had to the wrong number,cuz J Low got walloped. Anyway this years biggest Turkey leg award goes to JLow after losing by five hundred votes.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Does anyone know how many votes Joko in Ward six was pummeled by? The message should be very clear,he’s not wanted any longer.

Golf Orientitled
Golf Orientitled
Reply to  DennyC
5 years ago

I believe it was 650

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Barry’s state of panic was on display with the Cumberland Farms Video.I believe Kushi and Barrys felt Linda was losing and they did some stupid stuff in the days leading up to election day.Tyer needs to pay for the recount.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Be thankful it is just a recount and not a forensic audit. There is a 6 million dollar surplus lying around and I am pretty sure you could get a citizen vote to use some of that to pay for an audit that would do a deep dig into what has been happening with the city budget for the last ten years.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Smoke and mirrors,gimmicks,tomfoolaree, projects payed for and never going forward,paying high interest instead of paying down, appropriating with delayed delivery. Bad practice,yet this scum ball accountants tells us we are great and free cash reserves are a good thing. Year after year. Get the two million Stanley owes,don’t give cops anymore money,get rid of shot spotter, lower assessment values,not raise them,regressive tax to begin with.

Do a forensic audit on all tifs and the salt account. But this Beacon Deal shows private’s public does not always work and is certainly not in the taxpayers best interest to forgive loans to millionaires. Especially s pchills like Joyce and Stanley who get their money upfront

Buff Deniller
Buff Deniller
Reply to  TaySupremer
5 years ago

You called it Tay

Do Tunduh
Do Tunduh
Reply to  TaySupremer
5 years ago

Marchetti is an idiot. And Tyer along with Marchetti think we pay n y style taxes.

Papa Klinc
Papa Klinc
Reply to  TaySupremer
5 years ago

First we have salt and now aspestos. Unknown costs.

Papa Klinc
Papa Klinc
Reply to  TaySupremer
5 years ago

Number number who’s got the number. One million add on tonight to the stabilization fund.Persip and White are going to be our new finance appropriators. Dan…save us.

Tummy Bare
Tummy Bare
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Mazzeo should be Mayor. And send Marchetti and his two clowns to the showers.

Tummy Bare
Tummy Bare
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

And who said Amanda is a great reporter or Marn over at the Eagle a great editor. Marchetti is now the gotcha guy.

Do Tunduh
Do Tunduh
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Listen to the stupid questions Persip was asking,certainly not original. Going to be a long two years for Connell and Morandi. Let alone Mazzeo gone. Gawd.

Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Blare, As a Mazzeo supporter, I agree with you. Tyer campaigned a lot smarter and piled on the absentee ballots of people who would otherwise not vote on election day or are out of the area. From the majority of what I am seeing, the absentee results put Tyer over top. I think any neutral party would agree that Tyer not withstanding the few looney’s that post everyday about her on FB, had a much better team behind her.

Also, I wouldn’t lump all Mazzeo supporters in that bucket. If she has legitimate issues with people in locations where they were not supposed to be then she has every right to pursue that issue.

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Tyer oh for two. December third.

Pete Klerio
Pete Klerio
5 years ago

Kuffkinks made a million dollar misquote last Council meeting. Now we have an extra million. Hey,mistakes happen……Gawd help us.

Sadie Mulepig
Sadie Mulepig
5 years ago

3.9 -4.7 from to….Confusion….. Kufflinks drinking during the meetings?

5 years ago

Poor Simonell. You know he wants to say something but doesn’t. He’s smart. Just get the hell out of there Tony. Smart move.

Reply to  Clearedfoaseven
5 years ago

Simonelli and Connell share the enviable skill of saying much with just a stare.