(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY NOV. 4, 2019) — Tomorrow, voters go to the polls to elected a school committee (same old same old), a council (some changes), and a mayor (sea change). The key race is for mayor, the city’s chief executive. The mayor determines the pulse for the next four years, incumbent Linda Tyer versus Melissa Mazzeo, 10-year councilor-at-large and former council president.
THE PLANET entered the race with a natural stance. We gave fairly to each candidate, letting the campaign unfold and “name” itself, as it always will. Mazzeo ran better — more open, accessible, confident, assertive, and mindful of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Tyer wore down as we got into mid- to late October, evidenced by a certain hopelessness among supporters, a futility identified as desperation. This tone indicated that the mayor lost control of her re-election bid, relying too much on bad advice that removed the mayor from the Kapanskis and the ordinary people.
THE PLANET has become aware of a new incident that took place on Oct. 28, the night of a Tyer-Mazzeo debate. It involved Mia Mazzeo, Melissa’s daughter, and a Tyer supporter [ED. NOTE: In an earlier version of this post, THE PLANET identified the woman who attacked Mazzeo. Later, we received a claim that if was a different woman. That’s why we have removed the name here]. Seems that Mia reposted our Oct. 27 story on assessments on a Facebook site called Pittsfield 411. In that article, THE PLANET‘s investigative work dug out the fact, theretofore hidden, that while nearly 99% of all home assessments in Pittsfield went up (plus 100% of our sample population), Mayor Tyer’s went DOWN.
According to eyewitnesses, after the debate, an irate Davidson approached Mazzeo and said, “You should be ashamed of your daughter for posting personal information about Linda. This could cause someone to get a gun and try to do harm to people who don’t support you!” Eyewitnesses said Mazzeo told the Tyer supporter she was way out of line. Sources say the supporter and the mayor’s administrative assistant, Robert Dews, “blew up” the 411 site, calling Mia’s actions “dirty politics.” Witnesses say the Tyer supporter told Melissa that Mia would be held liable if anything happened to the mayor. That’s the level to which Team Tyer sank, attacking the daughter of their opponent for exercising her constitutional right to free speech.
THE PLANET checked with candidate Mazzeo about the veracity of this story. She confirmed all of it, saying all Mia did was share THE PLANET‘s article and noting that ALL of the information is public knowledge. She said the accusations greatly upset her 21 year old daughter. “As a mother,” Mazzeo said, “I am livid, and I will get my chance soon to say what I have wanted to for a long time.”
An inside Team Tyer source also confirmed the incident.
THE PLANET regrets that incident. It happened. We can’t change that. All we can do is remind voters to keep in it in mind tomorrow.
In this campaign, Mazzeo largely kept to the issues, repeatedly stressing the importance of We The People over the Special Interests. Tyer, blindly following poor advice from her “Team” even when she herself knew better, grew more defensive as Campaign ’19 hit its late stages. She pulled out of a promised column. She refused to debate. She lost control of her Team. More importantly, she acted in a manner exhibiting a stunning tone deafness to the pain of the electorate. That is why Mazzeo will win tomorrow.
THE PLANET endorses Melissa Mazzeo for mayor.
“Players win games. Coaches lose them” — Bill Belichick.
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Was there Friday night for Mazzeo event. Large turnout and a ton of energy. Compare both campaign events along with the Tyer “rallies” (Does a few union members holding signs for an endorsement count as a rally?” The energy and enthusiasm is all on the side of Mazzeo.
Mr. Valenti,Any thoughts on the barn burner in Ward Seven?
Oh mama Mia mama Mia mama Mia let me go.
Tyer seems to attract the crazies. Pittsfield will be better off without Linda and her lunatics.
The city will be better off without Tyer and her lunatic supporters.
What did 16 years of GOBSIG giveaways, mismanagement, malfeasance, misfeasance, and malarkey get you besides a tremendous screwing and a precipitous decliner in a once fine city? City’s on the move alright- one way – down. Thought Tyer would be different than Doyle and ruberto. Thought wrong.
We got a an outta control crime rate, outta control schools, millions peed away in the GE fund, a Rockwellian sellout, millions to a private movie theater that should have failed like all others on “Up
Street”, and a Tyer photo op and ribbion cutting ceromony for Trash Cans. What a wonderful set of accomplishments for the vested interests.
Pittsfield has a budget over 175 million dollars and it grows every year. Tyers people, both friends and political allies have had control over how it gets spent for the last four years, And they appear to desperately want control over how that money is dispersed for the next four years. This election is not about shepparding Pittsfield and its citizens into better times but rather who controls the huge pot of discretionary monies. I believe a forensic audit would show that the city could get by with at least 30 million less and that much of it is now spent on unnecessary make work projects that benefit politically connected friends.
This 2020 budget has increased by 4 percent despite what the mayor may be saying. Please consider all the alternative facts this mayor has dangled in front of you during this election runup. She really does think you are stupid. Show her you are not and do get out to vote as this may be a close election and the consequences are high.
Melissa Mazzeo for Mayor. And bullet-vote Alex Blumin for City Council!
Taxis, Johnny, you all seem to be saying we can’t afford to back. Funny thing is that’s what Tyer is saying – we can’t afford to go back. She’s right for once, we can’t. She has been an abject failure as mayor, as was Ruberto and Doyle. Who wants to give the GOBSIGs 4 more years, to make it an even 20? Not me. I’d vote for anyone this time around that ain’t Tyer and if Mazzeo wins and becomes another in a long string of failure on schools and crime, I’ll vote to replace her too, if 4 years from now, I am still stuck inThe Pitts, Come to think of it, perhaps we should have term limits on mayors serving one term only.
Even if you vote for The Lovely Linda, who I predicted will win by a whisker, get off your ample ass and vote if you are going to be bitchin. After getting Mazzeos last two campaign cardboards where she is telling it like is on crime, I’m starting to think she may win.
Dan, I agree with your campaign assessment and analysis. And yes it is unfortunate this Facebook 411 “incident” happened, and it certainly isn’t The Lovely Lindas’ fault, nor is the fact that her home’s assessment went down a smidge, while 18,000 plus other homeowners got their dose upped as usual, and if The Lovely Linda had a hand in assessments I’m sure she would not have let hers go down when almost all others went up, especially at a meager savings of what, less than 200 per year on a tax bill??. Now, if she were an average Mary Jane or Joe Kapanski, it would matter, but living in a 600,000 thousand dollar house far far away from the shootings and stabbings and cuttings and killing, it just isn’t that big a deal.
She is responsible for giving herself a $1500 cost-of-living increase, because otherwise she would leave for the private sector where she is in high demand!
Add another 0.
I agree with you that the attack on Mazzeo by a Tyer supporter isn’t directly Linda’s fault. Same with the assessment. The perceptions, however, are what they are and delivered Team Tyer “opticals” (pol lingo) that have been damaging.
Linda Tyer could have condemned the attack on a family member. But she did not so was apparently ok with it. Just like she was OK with giving Stanley a huge boost to his pocket book while senior citizens and others had to make up the difference for him. Neither one was a very nice thing to do.
Just saw a video on 411 of Pittsfield of Bare Bare walking North Street at 3:45a.m,. this morning stating the street of Pittsfield are safe?! Supposedly he was to meet Mark Tully to prove the streets are safe, who Bare Bare claims is a no show. Says to me that Mark has common sense where Bare Bare has completely cracked up. In his video he looks the part of the North Street stragglers. He states in the video that he spoke to people along his travels and they feel safe including the clerk at Cumbies on First street. Sure Bare Bare, that is why the PPD is constantly called there. Real Safe. Linda & Bare Bare, people of Pittsfield do not feel safe during the day. Most citizens are in bed at the time Bare Bare pulled this little stunt to get you re-elected. Pathetic!! Goes to show how out of touch you are with the City. As far as the attack on Mia. I felt so bad for Mia, she did nothing wrong and I am just grateful that she has solid parents to be there for her. I hope the Mazzeos reported this threat to the State Police, not the PPD. Feel bad for the Mazzeo family. Many of the Tyer Trolls have been terrible towards Melissa to the point they twist every word out of her mouth. I also have to say in watching Bare Bare on the video this morning besides wanting to barf my morning coffee, I couldn’t help but think of the times he has bullied my comments on this site and accused me of being a liar. Vote for integrity – Vote Melissa!!
That video says it all. How out of touch can you be, Barry? It’s the height of elitism to think that because you are safe everyone is safe. You literally live in a separate, walled off world. Presumably – and it’s a big presumption in Pittsfield – no one next door is selling drugs, no one is beating you up at home or taking your belongings. You’re educated, you don’t have to take public transportation, battle addiction, join a gang to feel connected or borrow money to make do.This is nothing but a stunt. Go back to your gated community.
Tyer lives in a gated community without a rise in tax assessment to help pay for programs to support Pittsfield people who aren’t elites. Stunt is right.
If it’s so safe here why do we need shot spotter?
I haven’t seen the video, but from the reaction and the fact that it was pulled, it tells me Team Tyer made another blunder. That’s been the theme these past two weeks. When crunch time hit, Team Mazzeo has answered the bell. Team Tyer folded.
A very desperate blunder by Barry.I hope she does not lose because of this.Single dumbest political stunt in pittsfield s history.I took a survey very small and Tyer lost 7 to 1.Barry our very safe city has gun shot spotter installed by your wife.She must be fuming with you.I would not want to be Barry tomorrow.
City Safe ? Why pick a Sunday night, when it is normally very quiet ( ask any police officer) especially when the outside temperature is in the 30’s. Do it on a Friday or Saturday night in the summer. I guess the Dancing Bear was trying to pull a fast one. Was his security unit operating the video camera?
Bare Bare made a real big boo boo by doing this last minute desperate stunt. Pathetically immature on his part.
This Pittsfield 411 is a private site. Will the video link be posted here courtesy of Camp Tyer so all is Kapanskis can watch it?
Sadly he deleted it. I don’t he could handle the backlash… poor little bare bare. He posted it everywhere. Not a good look for LT letting her husband run around Pittsfield at 3am.
Surely someone re-recorded it before then no?
I didn’t show up because he never responded back when I said I would stop by. Instead I woke up a little late this morning to find his video and text message. I’m sorry I missed him and unfortunately never got the chance to see the video because I was running late.
Law of the City Street:
Stay inside after 10pm. Anyone you meet out there after hours are those whom you want to avoid.
I am completely agnostic in this mayoral discussion since I do not have a vote. But isnt Mazzeo ultimately just another side of the same coin as Tyer; a GOBSIG candidate from the other machine e in the same party. This reminds ds me of Hudson County NJ politics in the 80s but not nearly as rough. Good luck Pittsfield. Enjoy Dan Bianchi’s return. I hole, for the city’s sake, Mazzeo is somehow different.
People want a goverment and school system to be financially well run. Mazzeo will get 4 years to get it done and if she fails we will remove her.This will go on until a person comes along that can consolidate schools and tightly run budgets.Police come 1st and then everybody else.Sweeping streets and painting line putting in sidewalks in the hood with good lighting sets the tone for good schools.Good luck Melissa and you got 4 years.
THE PLANET has stated all along, since the beginning of the campaign, this is another round in the Civil War between the two political machines: Del Gallo-Ruberto v. Wojtkowski-Bianchi. After Mazzeo wins tomorrow, the rest of the city, minus Tyer supporters, will join you in your hope. Change is no guarantee the mistakes of the past won’t be committed, but voting for failure is a guarantee the mistakes will continue.
I agree. With Mazzeo at least there is hope. But Tyer was and is a miserable failure and there is NO reason to believe she would do things differently because she does not even admit she came up short at all. She is telling us to look at something and see something that is obviously not there.
Dan, totally flabbergasted that citizens (taxpayers) allow this continual bias of political hacks,non profits and administrators on all levels bartering for their own political agenda and propaganda. I could have said a million to one that this Stooge would have had The Superintendent on this morning. Same old discussion.
I have shunned the banal acronym GOBSIG, however a close examination of Linda Tyer’s endorsements inevitably leads one to conclude that it is acutely germane. Most, if not all of the mayor’s endorsements have a resolute trail to the public taxpayer funded feeding trough. Whether it’s a union representing taxpayer paid employees, ie: firefighters, DPW teamsters, educators, or a political action group, the common thread is public money, hence “SIG”, Special Interest Groups.
Tyer has also received endorsements from several political hacks and retreads like Gerry Doyle and Jimmy Ruberto, all of whom have a financial position with taxpayer funded pensions and/or paid positions. Same with active politicians, such as Pete White, Adam Hinds, Peter Marchetti, Deanna Ruffer, etc.,etc. (City Councilors are paid with benefits), hence,” GOB”, Good Old Boys. Even the Eagle has deep ties to the public feeding trough.Its ownerr and publisher, Fred Rutberg is a retired judge. Follow the money.
Of course, there are also the out of town, not vote eligible crackpots that are adamantly vociferous on this post.
Dont forget their own taxpayer funded political and host grab bag show on pctv.
What’s so “funny” and ludicrously hypocritical of PCTV is that they refused a proposal for a new show, to be titled “GOP 413.” It would feature a “Republican and Libertarian slant.” The PCTV board turned it down because of the show’s “intended intent for the program’s [political] content.” Can you believe it? Nearly all the programming is heavily ideological in favor of Democrat and liberal politics. The matter of “GOP 413” isn’t over, our spies tell us. Stay tuned.
Call it what it is Dan,Dana,,WAMC east. I would think local licensed tax paying stations like bark bec and alike would be furious over pct taking commercial monies. Underwriting? my ass.
McCandless today and Harrington tomorrow. Taxpayer funded pctv show.
Guess the idea is to beep your horn in support of Pat Kavey as you go by the Athenaeum Tuesday,
Should be fun! Good luck Patrick!
I wish I could vote for him but wish him good luck and all the other young candidates that want to stay and invest in Pittsfield.
Dan just wanted to point out it was Karen Herbert that confronted Melissa at the debate.
Karen Herbert: Melissa Mason Mazzeo It was not Kathy Davidson Austin that spoke to you it I Karen Herbert. You cannit even get that much right. Save yourself some embarassment and concede now.
Above is a copy and paste from her on the 411 page.
Deb S,where’s the Salt? Concede?The Mayor and J Lo of raise the Council pay fame will be called conceding tomorrow.
Concede? The statement in my comment was from Karen Herbert that she posted on the 411, I just copied and pasted it. Dan has the wrong person that confronted Melissa after the debate, that’s what I pointed out. I like Melissa, sorry if you didn’t understand my post. .
“Where’s the Salt?” That makes a great campaign slogan.
Yeah,it melted away. Or pee peed away.
Dan,the community that I came from there was no double dipping. If you worked for the state and or city,you couldn’t do both,,to many interchangeable It’s called political bias when voting on issues.
Barry please lock the gate when you get home.You left it open and a Dominos pizza car went flying down the street.
Thanks. We heard it was Davidson. How do you know it was Herbert?
Dan, I read it on the 411 when it first came out Melissa made a comment that she had talked to Kathy after the debate and Kathy replied it was not her that is when Karen said it was her that approached Melissa. What I posted was was the comment made to Melissa by Karen, I just copied and pasted it here just like Mia did the same on your column last week. I never said anything negative about Melissa or Linda, I stay out of it.
On a added note Kathy was the one that did post on the 411 what Mia had posted and then the bashing started. So in a way she did start the show.
Kathy Davidson was indeed the one who went bat shit crazy on social media because the Mayor’s address has been posted. She was completely clueless to the fact that as a public servant, Linda Tyer’s address is posted publicly in many places. Apparently she also didn’t realize that in 2019, basically anyone’s address is accessible and public. These are the type of people Tyer has hoodwinked into believing her “alternative facts.”
HI danvalenti,
Let me clear a few things up for you! #1 After the debate i was talking with the mayor not mazzeo so my name was used and attacked and it was the wrong person #2 Attacking Mazzeo’s daughter there was no atack she posted as the social media person for the mazzeo campaign in giving out the mayors address in the preface of her post where she shared your article, its one thing to post your article it is another to put the opponent’s address for what reason and I asked this question and was never answered! So when you want to use my name which is Kathy Davidson Austin to be correct please check your facts as usual the facts you used were not truthful and misleading to gain empathy for Mia Mazzeo she needed to be checked and got checked with her behaviors on this campaign. Another truth we worked hard to reach voters that had not voted especially the millennials and our voters turned out at the polls and voted fair and square!! If you have questions that you want the truth for on my part contact me but please stop slandering my name on mistruths!!!
Kathy Davidson Austin
Thanks for the feedback, KATHY DAVIDSON AUSTIN.
Mazzeo is correct with ease handouts to Covanta for instance. No transparency,they weren’t going anywhere, so we give them a half million for a boiler? A successful company,and they will end up selling the business. Crazy.
I am always surprised that local leaders that voted for this add it to their list of accomplishments. It was extortion. The city should have called their bluff.
Hat Full you’re absolutely right. The business was sold a few months ago with no record at the registry of deed. They stepped into Covanta’s position so there was no trace of a sale. The company is checkmate capital. My understanding is they paid millions of dollars.. probably how she afforded her Denver house
Our local reps need to get rid of school choice and lower electric rates.This political group must understand GE left 30 years ago.Now lower those electric rates and stop ruining our public school system with your Elite school choice system for the wealthy.
Mazzeo wants to stop these needless giveaways. Stanley is a private investor who did business was given millions and to give him a forgiveness is incredible. The other one mentioned was the Covanta giveaway. Covanta used workers as bounty to et over five hundred grand,another private enterprise (successful I might add) stating they weren’t making the numbers needed to succeed and now they sell. So they upgraded at our expense and sold? Who’s fault they weren’t making money. This to me is incredible? Wake up Pittsfield!
Tyer supporters are as logical and in tune to reality as most ANTIFA members. Many Tyer admin workers have time for FB all day. Hi Michael Joseph!
they all probably wear helmets daily too
I truly hope that tomorrow, the voters take Pittsfield away from the Tyer/Harrington/Bouvier/Rutberg/Hinds/Pigs at the Trough and put it in the hands of a Mazzeo administration.
During the debate I was very smart impressed with Mazzeo’s philosophy as it related to the half million the mayor gave to Covanta. Fear was the Mayors reason,fear that jobs would be lost because Covanta sucked needless capital for themselves from the city. They are a private successful company,that’s what they do, eventually that’s what they did, leave,sold,gone,caput. They,Covanta, are laughing all the way to Wall Street. Mazzeo as Mayor will not tolerate a business coming here and using job extraction as the reason to pad a successful companies war chest, on money obtained from polluted taxpayer land.
There will be a better business plan that will take workers job security in mind as well as needless giveaways before the contract is signed,thus eliminating workers being pawned for votes.And that includes T I F S to millionaires who take two million forgiveness lottery checks from the taxpayers.
Mazzeo isn’t against any city worker? I think it will be better for most. You will know where you stand, not be held hostage because the private company doing business here doesn’t give a damn what happens when they pull out.
One more time: vote MelMazz, if nothing else than for rotation in office–or call it rotation of the factions, if you will.
Melissa seems to have done everything that someone who wants to win does.
Tyer has no character. 3 marriages. Husband who runs around at 3AM to make some kind of point. BTW the cops were with him. BC’s past is checkered as well. If it’s a push on agenda, then let’s at least put someone in office that won’t be a pathological lunatic – Mazzeo wins by 200 votes. Tyer demands recount.
I heard a few homeless people were afraid of him?
I don’t think numer of marriages or what her husband does should be a determining factor in who you vote for, especially since she didn’t include husband photo on billboards, etc. This bit about advertising spouse and kids and dogs on campaign adds with little red wagon to boot makes me sick. She didn’t do that, and if you are alluding to a checkered past you should not without facts.
Play fair.
The only past I’m concerned with is the past four years with Tyertanic at mayor.
I agree completely. Thanks for saying it.
Yes SS, well said. Also, how many marriages has our president had. No one cares about it.
to me character matters – look at the jackass in the White House – don’t bother asking me my past, I’m not running for Mayor – if character doesn’t matter to you that’s fine but that’s about the only thing separating these two candidates IMO
Was sucksausage the camera man?
Good question. Who did the filming?
It wasn’t Lo his app caught heat from calls asking him to run for c c. Go Patrick !
Can someone confirm if Barry in the Bubble was actually accompanied by police? If so, that’s an abuse of the office! BTW go out at 10 to see the action.
”Again the morning’s come,
Again he’s on the run,
Sunbeams shining through his hair,
Appearing not to have a care.
Well, pick up your gear and Gypsy roll on, roll on.
Crossroads, will you ever let him go?
Will you hide the dead man’s ghost,
Or will he lie, beneath the clay,
or will his spirit float away?
But I know that he won’t stay without Melissa.
Yes I know that he won’t stay without Melissa.“
– Allman Bros
Unfortunately, posting on line, on websites, or saying anything anywhere is not a constitutional right.
If Mazzeo wins, which is likely, the Planet will Claim to be the rainmaker on “Western Massachusetts most widely read blog”
Barry Clairmont took down his Facebook video. First a stunter and then a coward. You can’t make this stuff up!
For anyone who missed it, Barry shot a video of himself in front of Cumberland Farms on First St this morning at 3:30, saying he was supposed to walk around the neighborhood with Mark Tully, who didn’t show. He posted it to the Facebook group called “411 of the Pittsfield Streets” (which is a public group, BTW).
He proceeded to point out how safe he was and the fact that there were no people out except a few at 3:30 in the morning at Cumberland Farms. The people he did run into apparently told him how safe they felt.
Immediately comments started on his post. I hope someone has screen shots of the people calling him out and posts them…He should be ashamed for deleting the post, being it was posted as campaign material.
Clairmont must think he’s Barreta. Was there a parrot on his shoulder?
We see him more as Napoleon Dynamite
I find it funny how he trashes Mazzeo for being on the council for 10 years an accomplishing nothing.
What’s that pot? The kettle is black?
Tyer still has my vote, but by a slim… slim margin
Nah, he’s just a buffoon.
Suppose he did the full Monty and slept in the dumpster ?
How could Tyer possibly green light that? “I ventured outside my gated community one time at 3:30AM and wasn’t attacked or threatened, see the city is safe!” What a joke. Tell that to the businesses that have been held up over the years.
Being that cynical 5th Dentist, you know the one who didn’t recommend the gum. I just couldn’t believe the streets in the fair city are safe. But as has been reported but I haven’t seen Mr. Barry Clairmont paraded down the City Streets at 330 this morning declaring the streets are safe for one and all.
I being the cynical type asked myself why would one pick that day that time. So I went to input the address of 154 First street ( Cumberland farms) did a spread of 1 mile and looked at the overall crime in the area. Then putting my full cynical Dental skills to use I selected the various tabs and paid particular attention to the Analytics tab. Please do so for yourself you will see that is in fact about the safest time in the City to walk that area. Did Mr. Clairmont know this? For example would the Police Department and other governmental agencies use this data? Perhaps to ensure the proper staffing levels and locations? Or are we to believe that time was picked at random and coincidently is just about the safest time in the City?
The last little bit of Irony is who run the Lexis Nexis crime map? None other than BAIR Analytic.
The 5th Dentist
Ain’t that something.
I bet you won’t find him strolling the private trees in Bubank Park 3am any day of the week.
Imagine this if you can: Mark Tully, with a couple of Mazzeo signs appearing on his front lawn, dating Barry Clairmont. Tully’s nothing shy of a fence-straddler. Get this: Lisa Tully cut a deal to bow out of the Ward 1 contest two years ago making room for Moon[shie] to replace her on the Council. Two years today, Tullys are now displaying Moon[shine]’s opponent, Kenn “check-kiting” Warren’s sign on their front lawn. Dual loyalties will bring down any candidate. With either Tully on your side, your destined to lose.
Barry, I’m surprised you didn’t listen to me earlier this year about the Tullys! Gool luck tomorrow.
And that’s the bottom-line!!
Will you be frolicking with Barry in Silver Lake tonight? Saksausage will be holding the camera.
Just a little over the top there.
Why do the lunatics seem drawn to Tyer. I’ve spoken with several Tyer supporters and they are a strange bunch.
They’re the same folks that worked for DA Harrington. How’s that working out for all of us?
I voted for Harrington for much the same reasons I am voting for Mazzeo, so thanks for that broad brush.
The city is much less safe than you can even begin to imagine.
Daily patrol strength is in the single digits. Even with augmentation from the MSP and detectives it’s not above 12 at any given time.
Chief Wynn and Mayor Tyer forgot to fill out a grant application and the city will now lose over $85k in funding which they’ve relied on for programs. They actually just forgot, didn’t take the time to do it.
DA Andrea Harrington is neck deep in a budget crisis in her office. Even with cutting back on prosecutions and seeking to defer or divert prior to court she’s spent 7 months of budget in just 4 months.
She’s also cut back on using her investigators to help solve crimes. Her sworn staff has been significantly curtailed in hours, and she’s cut 5 education staffers.
She is also still facing a campaign finance complaint.
The biggest problem, the Berkshire Drug Task Force, DEA, MSP, and NYSP are being hamstrung by ineptness in her office when it comes to a multi jurisdictional drug trafficking investigation. There’s little confidence in her office to keep information confidential.
A number of her staff think it’s “cool” to talk about operational information.
Lastly in the last three or so months, Pittsfield, especially along the South Street corridor has gotten substantially worse. A new group of dealers have moved into town and are moving substantial amounts of heroin through the area via the 87 pipeline to Albany then via 20 into Pittsfield.
Dr. Paul Kersey are you out there?
What does Helen Moon do besides write letters to the editor for herself?
I will tell you what she and Gueil do- they make a shitload of money throwing tea parties for all the criminals that won’t get prosecuted! In waaaaaaayyyy over their heads!
Truth. I know of a serious drug dealing house on Elizabeth Street where traffic in and out all hours of the day. As I have said before, the affluent white folks of GB, Lenox, Williamstown don’t care -they just want to be on the “progressive” choo choo train.
Have you reported the address to the police?
“Anybody can become angry – that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way – that is not within everybody’s power and is not easy. “ Aristotle
Why is it, whenever people speak of the corrupt school administration, they never bring up the fact that the head of HR is a felon who was disbarred for numerous incidents of fraud. Even after numerous disciplinary measures.
Then he comes to our state and makes a big fat paycheck helping run the school district. I didn’t realize felons were part of the diversity hires.
Restorative justice?
You are so right, Joe.
For the same reason the DA has hired multpile people with restraining orders against them!
I endorse the lovely Linda Tyer for re-election to Mayor of Pittsfield in 2019! Mayor Linda Tyer is by far the best Mayor of Pittsfield, EVER! She stands for everything I believe in when it comes to politics and government. She is fair, and she cares about the neediest residents of Pittsfield. My heart warms that there are good people like the lovely Linda Tyer in our World.
Every outsider, including you J is for the lovely one. By the way, that’s why she will lose tomorrow amongst other things. Doyle and Mele for Tyer?I’m voting for Melissa not because I dislike Ruberto which I do,or like Bianchi,which I don’t. I like Melissa. She’s ready and will do well.
It’s probably just gas Jon.
John you probably should not watch the returns all alone. Make sure someone is there with you.
Next week you will love another Jon…it’ okay, find a nice warm place and climb under a blanket tomorrow
I can see the rationale in voting for Mazzeo as “giving someone new a chance” but she has been on the council for 10 years now and none of the stuff she is pushing as a part of her campaign was of importance to her before the race. Try to cut through the “act” and really see who she is and will be. Changing things just to “change” them is very scary, and that’s really what most of her platform has truly been. Throw in the fact that she’s taken to mailing out post cards that tell how horrible and awful the city is for her own personal gain is a very poor tactic. There’s so many people in the Berkshires that love the city and are passionate about helping it, and Mazzeo has continually bashed the progress that has been being made to serve her own campaign. Does much more harm than good to the outside world. Can’t vote for someone like that.
Let me spell it out for you Joe – it’s about what Tyer did, not what Mazzeo did not do. And her cardbors scares you? Why? You can’t handle the truth?
The original intent of the T I F (now stiff) isn’t to bring jobs here but to lure jobs here,otherwise going to another City who will help. Or if we don’t someone else will,like they said about the High School funding,thanks Trish. But why do we always get the Stiffs?
Don know if these are any good but here is hat I’m going with tomorrow. Ward 1 Moon 2 Morandi 3 Caccamo 4 Connell 5 Kavey 6 Nichols 7 PopePope… Council at Large- Marchetti,Blumin,Peter White, Cohen.
We heard lot of emphasis on crime from both mayoral candidates, and probably warranted. What we did not hear from either candidate is traffic public safety. I would love to know how many have died on Pittsfield roads this year, including pedestrian fatalities, versus those who have died from weapons. Obviously the difference is intent, but does Mayor Tyer believe this is a public safety issue? It does not appear that way. How would Mazzeo approach this? I am much more afraid of being killed on the roads in Pittsfield any time of the day than by an early morning shooter at Cumbies.
The cops weren’t with Barry,they were probably already down there?
Excellent point. Perhaps if there were more traffic enforcement there would be less police tied up at automobile accidents. I do think a smart lawyer could win a case against the city for negligence should his client become injured because some asshat ran a traffic light.
That’s quite possibly the most stupid legal hypothesis I’ve ever heard.
Tyer stated that she created a Traffic Bureau. When you go onto the City of Pittsfield web page the Traffic Bureau is listed. One problem though, it lists CoCo who has been arrested, charged, found guilty, fired, served time in jail and has been out of jail for at least a year. Another officer listed is retired. One more Tyer lie. So much for her so called Traffic Bureau. If we had a Traffic Bureau maybe the parked Pittsfield Airport truck would not have been totaled on Dalton Avenue Saturday afternoon by a vehicle traveling at a high rate of speed. Lately the speed limit on Dalton Avenue has been at least 65 miles per hour and that includes blowing red lights. The PPD could have a new police station if they just started ticketing speeders.
Amen to that hat Harrison. And a lot of these citation free are over and overs again. But like ny you get a traffic violator from there here,bookem dano because they would not give a Mass.Driver a break. Think it’s a Patriot thing?
Francis and Madison big fight,weapons drawn, heard on scanner. Bare stay away not safe. I didn’t know Francis intersected with Madison? Learned something new.
Was Barry there?
Did we not usually get some voting information from city hall telling us who the candidates in each ward as well as where each ward voted and what time? Did anyone else get any of this info in the mail or did Tyer just decide to save money by not doing this anymore? And so what time can I vote at Reid if that is still a polling place.
Don’t know d d. Do know you can vote For Pat Kavey in Ward Five all day. Go Pat,good luck my friend. Thanks to Gene Masselli for endorsing Patrick. I’ll never forget Pat and his amazing Charitable contribution as manager to my family.It’s your taxes me Pat!
8 – 8pm
What makes that video Mr.Clairmont made at Cumbies eerie ? So he goes there and no problems at all,very safe. Then why cant someone ask the Crime Analyst to get the real facts. The facts are that particular location is a hot spot since it’s been open. More crap has happened at that site than any other. So, if Barry didn’t know this,then why even have this Crime Analyst, if the Mayors own husband wouldn’t use it?
Mark Tully, I hope this is enough notice. Barry is going skinny dipping at midnight in Silver Lake so he can prove the water is safe. Please be there for Bare Barry.
I must at least wear my speedo!
Many years back mayoral candidate Randy Rocca took a drink from silver lake as a campaign pledge to make it safe to drink again. Nice guy. Left the Pitts and became an actor in Hollywood before dying in a motorcycle crash out there.
Randy was my teammate in Little League. M-A-C Finance. When I pitched, he caught. Great lad. Coached by Jim Bridges.
the crime issue is not evidenced by the likelihood of getting dropped while strolling early mornings downtown. Those odds are unknown, and the place not to be was somewhere else. I would guess if one did that daily, one would attract attention, which violates the First Law of the Street:’Don’t attract attention. There is no good attention’
How about the odds if you ask a dealer or importer to leave? That would certainly get someone’s attention. That is where discussion of crime and safety becomes useful. The Mayor’s Facebook experiment sounds kind of demented.
“I go out walkin’ after midnight
Out in the moonlight, just like we used to do
I’m always walkin’ after midnight
Searchin’ for you“
-Patsy Cline Clairmont
I got may daily dose of nausea coming home today, listening to AM radio.
Tyer ad came on. She was touting what she has done to/for Pittsfield. Schools, crime, jobs, even fixing the roads……….How are those roads Linda?…Schools?……then what Mazzeo has NOT done for PITTSfield for 10 years running………….. Tyer took NO RESPONSIBILTY for her 4 years of do nothing, except making the city, already a BAD PLACE to live, worse.
What a crock of feces she is!!!!
Mazzeo ad was next. It was short, but did no make me want to vomit.
Glad I made it home safe, after driving through PITTSfield………
God help Pittsfield residents, those Democrats running for office sure won’t!!!
Not for nothing – the little Mazzeo certainly runs her mouth on FB enough – guess she can dish it out, well you know the saying…in fact, she posted that her Mother “DESERVES” to be mayor because she was on the city council for ten years. Guess entitlement is a subject best served at Miss Halls. If any of you think Mazzeo can do any better than Tyer or anyone else at this stage of the game you’re all sadly mistaken. Mazzeo is the protege of Dan “whistle britches” Bianchi. Last time I checked he got tossed hard after 1 term because he was a crooked as it gets. How much taxpayer time did he spend in his office at 100 North? I will say with Tyer at least there is a modicum of a plan. Mazzeo plan was to rip apart Tyer and then what….figure it out later? Good old fashion catfight right there! Until the courts decide to actually hold the criminals accountable- it will be catch and release in the city of Pitts. As for the schools- its time for a serious reckoning there! Gonna be a good one tomorrow! I personally think Tyer is going to take it but maybe “housewives of Pittsfield” is what the people want! Most importantly, VOTE!!
Attacking the candidates’ children?!?
I’m not attacking anyone- I’m stating facts and my own opinion. Whomever it is that approached her daughter is brave, and is likely to get a slap from her father from what I hear. For the record, her daughter is 21 so I would call that a woman. If she wants to play in an adult arena she should be prepared to deal with anything. I personally think that anyone that gets that wrapped up in this needs their head examined. It’s DRAMA 101!
“Stating the facts and my own opinion’
High school students are off limits would be opinion, and you bring them in. Maybe it’s just one sentence.
Oh I see what you’re trying to do here- lol nope nice try.
Here in lies the problem with much of the Tyer camp In my humble Dental position. This is an election for Mayor not a popularity contest at the local school. While I do not know what the younger Mazzeo may have posted or not this election needed to be about either charting a new path or explaining and demonstrating how the path we are currently on is the correct one. Any mature adult pays little attention in an election to what a youth may post on facebook. I contend that most are concerned about building a City and an economy that can sustain, support, nourish, enrich and fufill the hopes and dreams of the youths and their families. Mayor Tyer and her political camp has had ample time to demonstrate that they have a command of and a vision for this fine City but have failed to clearly articulate that vision. Maybe because they don’t have one I am not certain they did have the time and resources to send out glossy mailers asking for votes and in my opinion doing very little to listen to the voters and understanding their needs. I think Mrs. Mazzeo has done a better job of that. To the political insiders this is a battle of popularity and control of the factions. To the citizens this is about our children their safety their hopes and dreams and the value of our investment in both dollars and dreams to the place we call home.
The 5th Dentist
@5th Dentist- I agree with most of what you said- two exceptions: You responding/ reading to a Dan Valenti blog is no different than any other adult responding/ reading a FB post, one way or another, its all social media. The fact that it’s a candidate’s 21-year-old child is no different. As far as sending out colorful mailers of police kicking in doors is a message I didn’t need to explain to my minor children either. Your closing statement was a clincher though…we absolutely agree on this.
Dentist, Thanks for being an adult. Well said.
Nice try Wes. Tyer is a the crime problem becuase it wAs her signature issue and now that it’s worse she gets a free pass because of the system? Bullshit. She failed time for someone else to try.
Try nothing! You are just mad because I said I thought Tyer will probably win. Win, lose or draw it will not affect me. I never said Tyer was successful with the crime. Just because you don’t agree with my opinion does not make me wrong.- I merely stated Tyer has a plan. I didn’t rate the plan or vet it. While it is a fact that crime was her mandate, it does not mean she was not successful at other things. Let’s all face the facts- unless you are ready to have a man like Bufford T Justice walk tall for Pittsfield, and be willing to violate some rights, kick in the doors and drag the trash to the border with a firm warning, this shit will not stop. AND the system IS part of the blame, ask any cop on the beat today- I know a bunch of them very well and they tell me the same sad story all the time- its whack a mole! Let me guess, you actually think that ANY mayor is going to be able to walk into the courthouse, the DA’s office or other law enforcement agency and tell them how to do their job? LOL, Good luck.
No I do not expect any Mayor to walk into the DA’s office and tell them how to do the job. I do however expect them to vet those that they support in elections and support those that will help in furthering the agenda that I sold during the first campaign Mayor Tyer openly supported the DA which to many of us demonstrated a lack of true belief in her own agenda in the words of former President Obama elections have consequences Wes
The 5th Dentist
For what it’s worth – in order to understand what you wrote I need a little more punctuation. But I think I get what you’re saying- I too think Tyer supporting Harrington was a massive misteak! Furthermore, I think that anyone crazy enough to elect two of the DA’s key people into the City council needs their heads examined as well. Harrington is not a prosecutor that is for goddam sure. She is a politician and an awful one at that! So once again we agree on something. See we are not so different. 🙂
@5th I actually agree with you on this one- Supporting the DA was not a good move. Harrington is not a Prosecutor. How could we ever expect Harrington to understand the problems Pittsfield has when she lives in West Stockbridge? Their biggest crime probably involves a traffic ticket or a farm animal. I will do you one better, electing two of her senior staff to the city council is a mistake as well! It’s just too much concentration of power for so many neophytes.
Wes I could not agree with you more. Tyer seems to desire to build a political machine not a community. Adding the two from the DA’s office is not a wise move in my opinion. It carries very little if any value to the local voter and actually further isolates them from their own local government.
Kindest regards enjoyed the exchange civil and enlightening
THE PLANET agrees, fellas, on the nature of your exchange. A good one that moves the discussion forward. Thanks.
Yes indeed- Me too! Cheers!..
Not exactly Wes. Not mad at all and In fact I did think Tyer would win, until October. You bash Mazzeo for basing Tyer but twas ok for Tyer to bash Bianchi??? As to catch and release damns straight Tyer is responsible because she supported a DA who supports catch and release and made it her offices default position. If you knew half as much about lawyering as me you know judges make their decision after DA makes bail recommendation. Harrington plays catch and release you play fast and loose with the facts. And yes Pittsfield needs a Buford T Pusser and Tyer should have never claimed she made city safer when in fact she made it worse.
Did you actually read my statement? I agreed about Harrington! I don’t recall bashing Mazzeo? Ok, in all honesty, I did bash Bianchi a little. I just merely disagreed that Mazzeo or ANY mayor could make the change everyone is bitching about without using great or possibly illegal force. That is an opinion not a maligning of anyone “counselor”. So am I to guess if I don’t agree with your candidate then I’m bashing them? For the record, I never claimed to know anything about the law. What I do know is that if you travel back in time before Harrington it was not much better. Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Sorry I have to go to work no time right now to digress further. Cheers
We appreciate and welcome your views, and we especially endorse your final sentence. No one “deserves” a higher office because of sheer time in a lower one.
@Dan- I try to give facts instead of supposition…Thank you for the platform. Cheers.
These poor kids, they don’t know what they are doing. I sure hope when they turn twenty-five and their brains are fully developed they get their collective lives together.
Just a quick FYI: seven officer responding means the ENTIRE rest of the city is unprotected except for a couple detectives.
Juvenile arrested after disturbance on Francis Avenue in Pittsfield
Posted Monday, November 4, 2019 5:45 pm
By Amanda Drane, The Berkshire Eagle
PITTSFIELD — A male juvenile was arrested Monday after a disturbance in a house at the corner of Francis and Madison avenues.
Officers from at least seven cruisers with the Pittsfield Police Department descended onto the property after reports of a disturbance involving a firearm came in. It was around 4:15 p.m.
No one was seriously injured in the incident, officers said, and they did not recover any firearms.
The teen who was arrested was charged with disturbing the peace.
“At this time there’s really no one cooperating,” Sgt. Jacob Barbour said at the scene, where a small crowd of teenagers gathered.
Apart from terrible reporting the BB could really work on teaching their reporters how to actually write.
Another fish too small for DA Harrington to bother with; let the poor misguided youth go.
I bet he is already back in the hood.
Delicious tone in your first two sentences. THE PLANET got wind of this and broke it last night — huge row with huge response at Francis and Madison. Sgt. Barbour’s comment about “no one cooperating” strongly suggests this was much more than a simple “disturbing the peace” incident involving a poor, misunderstood kid with an under-25 undeveloped brain. If you hear what it is, let us know. We heard a couple of sketchy rumors, not enough to go with, but the indications are something way more.
I notice that the Berkshire Eagle only posts pro Tyer info on their reports from the polls. They aren’t even trying to report things even handedly and without bias.
5:11 p.m.: Staffing a Ward 5 table at the Berkshire Athenaeum, Fran Lysonski has worked the polls for more than 30 years and said Tuesday’s turnout stands out.
“This is one of the best turnouts ever,” she said.
She said the day also brought in more new and inactive voters than usual. It was clear, because many weren’t sure where to vote, she said.
Kevin Farrington, a Ward 5 resident, said he voted for incumbent Mayor Linda Tyer. He and his wife moved here about five years ago under former Mayor Dan Bianchi, he said, and they had concerns about the city.
Since then, Farrington said, he’s noticed modest improvements.
“We’re fairly happy with the direction of the city,” he said.
4:24 p.m.: Pittsfield poll workers reported higher than average turnout in the late afternoon hours, and said they expected to see a surge in the after-work hours.
Voters cast their ballots on Tuesday afternoon for Wards 5A and 5B in the auditorium of the Berkshire Athenaeum.
Given tension surrounding the mayoral race between incumbent Mayor Linda Tyer and her challenger, longtime Councilor at Large Melissa Mazzeo, many voters told The Eagle that they weren’t comfortable talking about how they voted in the race.
One Ward 4 resident, Denise Billow, said as she left her polling location at Herberg Middle School that “I wanted to vote for Melissa,” but in the end she voted for Tyer.
Billow said she works as a paraprofessional and was tempted to vote for Mazzeo because she felt she would have helped the paraprofessionals get a needed boost in pay and support. But she said “you can’t vote for someone just because it’s going to make your life better.”
“I believe that Melissa’s really passionate,” she said. “But Tyer has built some bridges and she’s done mostly good.”
Jonathan Melle, Thank you for believing. Linda is the best Mayor this City has ever had, that I can remember at least.
As I said during the preliminary, certain posters on the blog we working for the other camp. One day after I called Proxydate out as being one of those, they disappeared. Over the next week you will see many other “posters” disappear as well. It was an all out smear campaign, as I suspected.
To the regulars, you can continue to complain. If and its a big if, I follow this blog, I will relay your message to the Mayor, in a civil tone. She has all your best interests at heart, whether you believe it or not.
Now you can attack me, but rest assured, I won’t see it.
Congratulations to Team Tyer, BC! If you stop reading THE PLANET, you will join a large population of other Vested Interests who don’t follow us — but who read every word! You will always be welcome.