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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION DEC. 20-22, 2019) — Watching Pittsfield city council president Peter Marchetti preside over the group’s most recent hit-job (Tuesday 12/10), THE PLANET thought of a beached whale. Moby Dick? Well, half right. The disoriented gasping indicated a creature out of its element.

Pee Pete seemed alternately times lost, bored, frustrated, confused, and forlorn. Lach’s Lounge remains dark but, more likely, he realizes his youthful day of political triumph are over and his relevance lies only slightly above an umlaut but well beneath an asterisk. Truth is, he hasn’t been the same since he royally blew a winning position in his bid to become mayor. Cue to band, doctor: Patti Page, “Is That All There Is?”


The 12/10 meeting focused on setting water and sewer rates for FY19 and ’20. Result: Taxpayers face gigantic rate hikes. Rates will go through the canopy but service will remain the same, which amounts to declining value or, less politely phrased, a screwing. Re-elected Mayor Linda Tyer ordered the blows in abstentia, leaving chief bobo Matt “Kufflinks” Kerwood to deliver the message. The council then raised your water rates 10% for the rest of FY19, with another 10% for 2020.

Without the work of Ward 4’s Chris Connell with Kevin Morandi (Ward 5), Donna Todd Rivers (5), and Melissa Mazzeo (at-large), water rates would have been doubled to 20% each in the two fiscal years. Tyer and Kerwood wanted the 40% (actually, more, since the FY20 rate will be compounded on the FY19 rate), but Connell persuaded enough colleagues to say “Madame Mayor, you can’t have that.”

Kerwood heard that, spun his bow tie, and said “Fine. Then we’ll raise the sewer fees 50% for the upcoming FY.”

Fifty percent!


Connell’s been operating at a high level, and it brings the thought that he would make a great council president. THE PLANET can’t believe Marchetti wants to continue in the job, but he may be that insecure.

“I along with councilors Mazzeo and Morandi submitted the petition to have the sewer rates recalculated for the next 6 years,” Connell told THE PLANET. “I did this because during the election, Mayor Tyer had repeatedly stated that the cost of the waste water upgrades had been reduced from 74 million down to 51 million. Last December, Russell Consultants had calculated the rates going forward on the 74 million for the upgrades for 7 years. According to the mayor, that amount has been reduced. Therefore the rate increases need to be reduced accordingly.”
Connell’s statement points out the fake nature of the Administration’s much-ballyhooed claim that sewer upgrades would cost $74 million. Somehow, $23 million disappeared from the cost, which leads Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to wonder why on earth should they trust the $51 million figure? Is that one, too, pulled out of muddy water to satisfy a more nefarious purpose? Or are you happy with the possibility that many extra millions might be doing the dead-man’s bob in the sewage, floating with the turds?
“There certainly is NO NEED to have an extra 20 plus million dollars in the sewer enterprise fund at the expense of the rate payers,” Connell said. “Therefore the increases should be reduced.
Also, I will note that this is the first time that I am aware of that a consultant has been hired and paid for by the tax payers to set the rates.” [ED NOTE: Kevin Morandi also responded to our question in a timely way, but the communication was only discovered after the first version of this column was posted. THE PLANET apologizes to Morandi for the oversight. As a correction, we share the full text of his comments here.]
Hi Dan,
Councilors Connell, Mazzeo and I put this petition in to get a recalculation of the 7 year rate plan for the Sewer Enterprise Fund.
It is important to adjust the sewer rates because the original price tag for this project was estimated to cost 74 million dollars by the consultant’s hired by the city. Once the bids came in and one was awarded the cost happened to come in several million dollars cheaper.
1) What I would want of the mayor is to look at this difference of millions in the actual cost of the project and to do the right thing by adjusting and lowering the rates that are being paid now by the ratepayers
2) This is important because It is essential for the ratepayers especially  for the seniors who happen to be on fixed incomes. All ratepayers deserve a break since the cost of the project has been lowered by a significant amount. This is a good opportunity to lower their rates.
3) I would hope that the administration would look at this request seriously and understand that this is a opportunity to give the ratepayers a reduction in their rates since the residential and commercial real estate taxes increased for FY 2020. 
4) The vote taken by the City Council was unanimous in requesting that the Finance Director in conjunction with the Department of Public Utilities present to the council a recalculation of the 7 year rate plan for the Sewer Enterprise Fund. 
5) No I don’t think the city properly dealt with the EPA mandate. This mandate dates back to over 10 years ago.The city was denied on an appeal back then because they did not properly fill out their response correctly which lacked crucial information on their appeal. That’s why it was denied because of lack of information nothing else.  The three of us felt that the city should try to reopen the conversation with the EPA and explain to them what has changed and the undue hardship this will cause to the city and its residents and businesses. All we were asking for was for the city to have another chance to present their case to the EPA. Unfortunately we will never know because we weren’t afforded that opportunity and hopefully after spending this enormous amount of money on these federal mandates that the rules won’t change again and cost the ratepayers even more money going forward. 
I also would like to mention that our city consultant’s have told us that another 60 million dollars on the water side could possibly be coming forward down the road. Where is it going to end as how will our residents and businesses afford to live and do business in the city? I feel this really needs to be looked at and addressed by this administration. Thank You.
Great point. Why was Russell Consultants allowed to determine the rates? Kufflinks didn’t say.
The background for this ungodly rate hike is the Administration’s refusal to fight the EPA mandate that Pittsfield upgrade its water treatment systems. This federal order is now 10 years old. When the city first went to court to contest the hike, it went in with paperwork so sloppy that the court threw it out sight unseen. There was and still is every reason to launch a proper plea, for a number of reasons:
* There’s a good chance of winning
* There’s a better chance of having the order amended.
* At minimum, the action would delay the need any any expenses pending outcome of litigation.
THE PLANET, ever the realist, knows a court challenge will never happen, not with “four more years.”
We thank Connell, Mazzeo, Morandi, and Rivers for providing a little balm to the open wound Tyer and Kerwood inflicied on the Kapanskis. Moreover, we would assert there’s reason to doubt the $51 million upgrade cost. If it’s too high, which we think it is, it will mean millions of dollars floating around doing … what, exactly?
“May a near-sighted sand flea suck syrup off your short stack”Carnac The Magnificent.
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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

The Moon: 2020 (perfect vision) Remix, Mash up:

“And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me… And in my hour of darkness (Mother Mary) is standing right in front of me

There she stood in the doorway, I heard the Mission Bell, and I was thinking to myself, “This could be Heaven or this could be Hell”, then she lit up a candle and she showed me the way

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul. There walks a Lady we all know, who shines white light and wants to show …

Sexy Sadie, what have you done?
You made a fool of everyone
You made a fool of everyone
Sexy Sadie ooh what have you done?
One Sunny day the world was waiting for a lover
She came along to turn on everyone…We gave her everything we owned just to sit at her table

A goddess on a mountain top
Was burning like a silver flame
The summit of beauty and love
And Venus was her name
She’s got it
Yeah baby, she’s got it…
At Your Desire

And the wind cries “Mary”

Easy lover
She’ll get a hold on you believe it
Like no other
Before you know it you’ll be on your knees
She’s an easy lover
She’ll take your Heart but you won’t feel it
She’s like no other
And I’m just trying to make you See

She’s the kind of girl you dream of
Dream of keeping hold of
You’d better forget it
You’ll never get it
She will play around and leave you
Leave you and deceive you
Better forget it
Oh you’ll regret it

Lady Madonna, baby at your breast
Wonders how you manage to feed the rest?
Moonday’s child has learned to tie his boot lace
See how they Run

Of course Momma’s gonna help build the Wall

And tell me, did Venus blow your mind?
Was it everything you wanted to find?
While you were looking for yourself out there?

Well, did she make you cry,
Make you break down,
Shatter your illusions of love?
And now tell me is it over now?
Do you know how?
Pick up the pieces and Go Home
Go Home
Go Home”

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

Credits; In particular order:

McCartney – Let it Be
The Eagles – Hotel California
Led Zeppelin – Stairway to Heaven
Lennon – Sexy Sadie
Shocking Blue – Venus
Jimi Hendrix – The Wind Cries Mary
Phil Collins – Easy Lover
Lennon & McCartney – Lady Madonna
Pink Floyd – Mother
Train – Drops of Jupiter
Fleetwood Mac – Gold Dust Woman

“Though they may be parted
There is still a chance that they will See
There will be an answer
Let it Be”

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Don’t you draw the queen of diamonds, boy
She’ll beat you if she’s able
You know the queen of hearts is always your best bet

Now it seems to me, some fine things
Have been laid upon your table
But you only want the ones that you can’t get

why don’t you come to your senses?
You been out ridin’ fences for so long now

Your pain and your hunger, they’re drivin’ you Home
And freedom, oh freedom well, that’s just some people talkin’
Your prison is walking through this world all alone”

– The Eagles

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I feel it is of the utmost importance to the Pittsfield taxpayers that all eyes are kept on this Tyler street reinvention. It really does look and smell a great deal like the publicly funded rebuild and continued support of the Stanley empire on North street where the taxpayers took it up the ass without benefit of any lubricant whatsoever.
Which city councilors are going to do a deep dive on what has the potential to be another long term parasitic leech attached to the Pittsfield taxpayers? Can we count of Connell who may have friends in the business? How about Morandi? Moon so far has been a great pretender but always sides with her friends at the expense of the people who elected her. Forget Marchetti as he is merely a prop; taking care of Pete. He does not believe he has any duty to the taxpayers. Never did trust Kerwood after his deep involvement with the Civic Authority. Would the mayor consider a public question and answer session before the city council promising to be fully open and honest and not dodge questions? Would she bring with her the involved parties/contractors/investors?

This DV venue may be our only hope to provide any oversight as the councilors who have chosen to be the mayors toadys, instead of representing the taxpayers that elected them, may be of little or more likely no help. Thank you so much to Police Report and others for all of his or her insight. I would imagine the mayor and involved benefactors of this project would like the dirty details kept on the down low until it is too late so it would be great if we could detail as much as possible here.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

True Dan, about the local daily. They did a highly admirable job on the museum disembowelment and they could probably find gold in this public/private whateverthefitis venture. The shoots of the story are already above ground so there must be some paperwork to follow up on. The end goal of the research could be to find out how much it will cost the taxpayers both upfront and for the next ten years. And how much of this project has been shared openly and honestly with the people as opposed to how much they will be blindsided by down the road. They could do this story, if they wanted to. And there is the rub.

5 years ago

I’m showing my age, but Peggy Lee sang “Is That All There Is?”. Second only to “Fever”.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Great column Dan with many important questions raised.
A few points;
1. Marchetti needs to retire from the CC – he seems to have lost the drive.
2. $23 million less to build the plant – are these bid quotes just numbers pulled out of the air? Quite a decrease but I’m not complaining!
3. Mazzeo was the councilor originally pushing for resubmitting a proposal against the EPA mandate, supported by Connell & Morandi.
4. Hats off to Connell for pushing for decrease in the “consultants’ proposed water rates.”
5. Would love to see Connell run for mayor at some point.

Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Can PETE get a pension and lifetime health ins on a part time gig?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Could Connell be council president? Is Marchetti locked back in with the toady vote?

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Close Allendale school as Pittsfield is the only city in the country that wants children educated on a chemical Swamp.This is a story for the ages.Those responsible for this are.Tyer Marchetti Yon Moon Caccamo White Mccandless Curtis Behnke.If only Mccandless were to come forward and speak to this irresponsible demand of powerless children educate in a chemical swamp.Moon is the most important Green elected official who should come forward.Once you know about Allendale school even if you pretend the problem does not exist it never leaves your moral consciousness.I do not believe Pittsfield has leaders…..There were PCBs found in the filters of Allendale school.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

and subpoena Doyle and Hickey to tell what they know.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The Housatonic River is already very polluted with industrial chemicals and other shit. The taxpayers should not be subject to any further shakedowns over the impractical cleanup of the dirty water that already flows from Pittsfield down through Connecticut into the Long Island Sound.

Pittsfield’s City Hall should post ads on billboards around the community telling Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski to “Assume the position!” Pittsfield politics will find ways to screw the Kapanski family out of their hard earned money.

Ed Check
Ed Check
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

From the guy who loves Mayor Tyer. What a tool .

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Ed Check
5 years ago

I am proud to support the lovely Linda Tyer in Pittsfield politics. I supported her in politics since 2003. I believe she is a good person who stands for progressive causes. What I like most about the lovely Linda Tyer is that everybody matters to her because she cares about people and her community.

Contingsea Rash
Contingsea Rash
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Jon,thanks for the tip. I ordered a jar of Vaseline for all my neighbors for a Christmas Gifts.

Reply to  Contingsea Rash
5 years ago

I use the one wi5 the cocoa butter

5 years ago

The public water/sewer rate issues aren’t some huge issue from the EPA. Regular capital investment is necessary in any public infrastructure system. The problem was the generational system mismanagement leading up to the current tipping point. Investing in substandard technology in water filtration and spending down capital fund balances are the illness. Political shenanigans are the symptoms. JBIII pulled the same nonsense in North Adams.

The city I most recently worked for, population 85k, had nearly a $50 million fund balance in their water and sewer enterprise funds. Those funds are required for emergencies and to keep the bonding position solid because the enterprise funds are evaluated separately than the overall City’s finances. And yes, water and sewer emergencies happen. Fatbergs and sinkholes are very expensive problems to fix.

The Plflugg
The Plflugg
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Yeah, good points,thirteen so far.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

If any fatbergs materialize they would most likely show up in a main right outside of city hall. Best practice would be to ream out the pipes on a weekly basis, preferably right after a council meeting.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Netflix about Flint Michigan….A city with bigger problems that Pittsfield.Once had the 3rd highest per cap income in the country.Ford motor left town.Crime rate off the charts.There are 100 thousand people being policed by 98 cops which is the same number as Pittsfield.The most on duty at anytime is 9 on patrol.Priority calls only.A stabbing assault took 24 hours to respond……They also have a huge water problem as it is undrinkable.The difference is most politicians there are vocal as to what they think should happen.Pittsfield has lazy leaders who want a cocktail party and health insurance. Not one Councilor got up to voice opposition to the school raises.Not one.Not one councilor got up to talk about 2.3 million bailout of Tyer budget…..we are failing and our useless CC says nothing.Is Tyer in the city?Roberto ran Pittsfield from Florida.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

This project is still to much. This is what you get when closed to bidding and controlled by politicians and favors. You know damn (well), this project will go up if someone isn’t overseeing it hour by hour. Like a private citizen against this unneeded state required monstrosity. This Plant Mr. White, will be good for another hundred years with better technology that’s not going to cost tens of millions and much more with contingingecy.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Pittsfield politics is a textbook case of failed municipal management. Every year, City Hall raises taxes by 5%, hikes various fees, and increases its debt load by tens of millions of dollars. Pittsfield has lost thousands of people to population loss. Pittsfield has lost thousands of living wage jobs, which are not coming back in our lifetimes. Pittsfield politics is still ran by the Good Old Boys such as Jimmy Ruberto, who led the Berkshire Museum’s terrible shakedown of sales of historic pieces of donated art for tens of millions of dollars. The Good Old Boys sold Pittsfield down the river when Gerry Doyle signed the fraudulent Consent Decree with GE’s Jack Welch. Allendale Elementary School abuts Hill 78 and exposes children to toxic waste chemicals called PCBs. Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation. Welfare caseloads and teen pregnancies double the statewide average in Pittsfield. The one political party Democrats are useless and only serve themselves at the expense of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s hard hit family.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

It would be very telling if they investigated where all this money is going. Dick Stanley didn’t get that loan forgiveness “just because”. That overspending in the DPW is just a shell game to move money around for other projects.
Kerwood knows exactly how to hide money and to move it around. Spend the DPW money on pet projects, then claim overruns on winter roads to cover the deficits.
Clapp Park is a perfect example: there was no money in the DPW budget for Clapp Park materials in the 2019/2020 budgets. Yet they’ve spent over $200k out of that budget for materials because all the bids came in high. NOT ONE city councilor asked how they plan on making up that deficit. The answer is winter roads. When the DPW budget is in a deficit, everything is because of winter roads. The reality is, the money was spent on unbudgeted items prior to winter roads.

Here’s another question, how much money do you think Barry and Linda make? Does their lifestyle seem appropriate for that level of income?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Kerwood has used Scanlon in every town and city he’s worked in. What’s concerning is best practices would dictate that cities and towns use different auditors ever three or four years, so that one person or group of people can’t compromise the audits.
Know that these are just yearly audits, not deep look forensic audits.
The other problem is that the treasurer is the primary contact for the audit. I would suggest that the city council immediately request a forensic audit of Kerwood office, the DPW, and PEDA along with any contracts issued to not for profits.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Keeping in mind that Pittsfield had a past treasurer leave under questionable circumstances. This individual was given a golden handshake and disappeared into the shadows. Who besides the treasurer, mayor and perhaps her husband get to review the city finances? Could the city council authorize an audit of a specific account? Would not a mayor welcome such an audit to put citizens at ease that things are all on the up and up?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The snow account legally is the only account you are allowed not to have balanced until after July 1st.Councilor White commented he did not know how the 2.3 million was paid to balance it out.We all know it came from free cash and that account alone was 3.4 million under funded in 2 budgets .They can under budget and not raise taxes for election year PR knowing that its free cash after the election that will be used.That is why she does not like using the free cash.Imagine any councilor not knowing where 2.3 million came from…..White knows what she is doing

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Whoa……..great info PR. Explains a lot. Bring on the forensic audit.
Is Mazzeo proceeding to file against the irregularites in the election?

5 years ago
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Probably already here in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Robem
5 years ago

If so ThE Pittsfield cops will get him but Harrington will be more concerned with being trauma informed and learning what happened to the young person of color that caused him to repeatedly stab to death another human, rather than facilitating a quick return to the Big Apple, because little Jeromes a victim too don’t cha know.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

You’re welcome Danno. Thanks for being the voice for us Kapanskis’

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Councilor Moon want her wards children to learn living 8 hours a day on top of a GE chemical dump.

Picker Nandelabullo
Picker Nandelabullo
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Evidentially.s c.

5 years ago

Why is Nancy Pelosi holding back the articles of impeachment from the Senate? The reason is very sinister. She is withholding them until the Democrats take control of the Senate and then they can finish the impeachment process at that time. This is another “insurance policy” by the far left in case President Trump wins in 2020. They are being advised by all these far left lawyers who know who to play the legal system. Pelosi is able to get away with this because supposedly it’s not clear in the constitution about the timeline after the impeachment vote. There has to be a way to stop this next “insurance policy” from happening. Republicans need to find a way to destroy this plan by Pelosi and the far left. Maybe just having the trial without the articles of impeachment in their hands. The far left needs to be stopped for the good of the country.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Yes, and Pelosi renders this whole thing a joke, a game. But I’m not sure these articles as passed would be valid past this Congress–a new one will be seated in January 2021, of course.

Take back control of the Senate? Hell, this baloney will lose them the House, as the Kavanaugh charade lost the Dims the Senate in 2018.

The Left is so weak intellectually as to render itself a joke too.

The basic argument: “You see, my children, we have three coequal branches of government–the executive, the legislative, and the judicial. Ergo, Trump and the Republicans are evil.”

Oh, and, “No one is above the law–except us Dims, of course. How dare you question us?! You unwashed mouth-breathers and breeders.”

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Another Pittsfield controversy?

Looks like Warren Dews’ staunch support for the mayor is paying off. Tell me, how does someone open up a Cigar Lounge in a city that has banned all forms of smoking in all enclosed spaces other than homes.

In Pittsfield, Smoking is prohibited:

“…in private clubs, public places, outdoor seating, workplaces, enclosed spaces, retail tobacco stores, smoking bars and bars, and all City-owned and operated parks, playgrounds and conservation areas.”

(BOH 2014 Amended Regulations)

Yes, No-Plastic-Bags Pittsfield prohibits smoking in smoking bars, as defined in the regulations to include cigar lounges.

Who is providing the legal guidance on this venture? Not only is smoking allowed, but membership includes free cigars. Surely an establishment without a state issued tobacco sales permit cannot sell cigars, albeit indirectly.

The best part of this venture though is the fact that Dews and crew are looking to crowdfund the startup costs. Yes, they have started a campaign to raise funds asking people to donate to get it off the ground.

A crowd-funded campaign to start an illegal business in Pittsfield. What a surprise!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Can’t say I see this project really getting off the ground. First, it’s obviously prohibited. But more importantly, a crowdfunded for-profit venture for a very limited consumer market seems doomed to fail. This is not a case of “build it and they will come.”

$45 a month gets you a premium membership, plus $99 joining fee and annual fee (not stated)

$25 a month gets you a lower level membership (plus $99, plus annual fee)

$20 get you a day pass

Haircuts not included. The fees are to sit around with the “movers and shakers” of Pittsfield and smoke cigars.

I have to say it’s fascinating.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Where can i find this info?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Perhaps a disguise would be in order for you Dan. You don’t want a GOBSIG accidentally sticking you in the eye with one of those Menduro’s

Dewars and Whoers
Dewars and Whoers
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Haven’t you ever head of fatties?

5 years ago

Can someone please tell me how much the mayors’ house went up in value, now that the FY 2020 assessments are finally posted, halfway through the fiscal year? My ward councilors house went up 2.8 percent in value. My house went up 6.3 percent and I did absolutely nothing to improve it, because I can’t afford to. All I did is refuse entry to Tyer’s Gestapo door knockers, and throw away the letter from city trying to manipulate me into letting them into my home. My neighbor did everything under the sun and hers went down in value 15 percent. Something smells here. And that’s why I can’t post under my real name. If the GOBSIGs knew who I was, they’d really screw me.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

The guidance from the state is to increase the value of any home who’s homeowner refuses entry by at least 5% or the average home value increase, whichever is greater.

If you file an appeal one of the requirements of said appeal is to allow a full and complete inspection, the exact thing you didn’t allow in the first place.
The best you could do is look at your property record card and hope there are errors. Like square footage or bathroom count.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Well that’s the thing,they get big bucks for new bathrooms. Many homeowners cut off the second bathroom and some added,they need to know both, why can’t the wicked witch come right out and say it? Where was witch Lynda at the tree lighting,all the work the city workers put into it. Also, another tidbit, did I hear Riccardo the Magnico at DPW say there was 1100 hours in overtime and the clown parks plow instructor say black ice is costly? And how are we to know the value of spreading liquid on black ice. You could say you dropped tons of it? Who would know?

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Thank you. Can I access the property cards anonomously? In other works, do I have to tell them who I am, or can I show up at assessors office and pull the records for my whole street for example, without identifying myself? Some of my neighbors who refused entry got an average 5.6 percent increase.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Just google Pittsfield GIS. The assessors cards and maps are online, accessible by all.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Thank you Phil. Unfortunately it is dated December 2018, and shows my valuation for fiscal 2019. And Phil, I think you posted here that the door to door home visits were for a 10 year reevalauation and those assessments were for next fiscal year – fiscal year 2021. PR posted that those folks raise everybody’s 5 percent if refused entry into home, and mine went up 6.3.:

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Sally, if I recall from the tax rate council meeting, the assessor claimed that assessments were due to rise this year (in Dec 2019 for FY20) because of the rise of values in the housing market. I think the term used was “slightly” increased.

Next year’s tax bills (released Dec 2020 for FY21) will reflect the big reassessment project done every ten years.

The whole thing seems quite arbitrary. This year it’s worth XYZ based on the market (according to what qualifiers?). Next year it’s based on an assessment (a formula? in a market that may have changed in a years time?)

Like PR mentioned, your best bet may be to file for an abatement and see where the chips fall.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

So what is this list? Cannot find my own or brothers or cousins name on this list. All home owners in Pittsfield.

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

So are the FY2020 valuations I posted link to based on this door to door 10 year re-evaluation, or is that coming next December?

And where does mayor live,I’ll run the percentage for us, once I get address?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Definitely get your property report card. Everyone should do this. Do NOT trust the city to have it truly representative of what amenities you may or may not have. Just do it and report back here if you find irregularities.

5 years ago

In other news, overdose deaths are up in Portugal. Whaddya know.

Deaths from overdose in Portugal increased by almost 30 percent in 2018 and reached their highest figure in the last five years, with most cases involving more than one substance, according to the SICAD reports.
Data from the Intervention Service in Addictive Behaviours and Dependencies (SICAD) presented in parliament showed that, in the records of the National Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences, of the 307 deaths with the presence of illicit substances and information on the cause of death, 49 were considered overdose.
The SICAD reports highlighted in these overdoses the presence of opiates (65 percent), cocaine (51 percent) and methadone (31 percent), highlighting the increase in cases with both opiates and cocaine.

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

If enough people suffer fatal OD’s, eventually the stats should drop.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago


Dewars and Whoers
Dewars and Whoers
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

They’re (pats) On 310 here.

Goldone Kapitain
Goldone Kapitain
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I can’t find them? Neither could the Bulls.

Sun Frun twonite
Sun Frun twonite
5 years ago

A F C C H A M P S ..eleven years in a Row, When they came out of the tunnel you knew they were going to win.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Moon and Mccandless speak about educating 6 to 12 year olds on top of GEs chemical on site dump.GE used this site and then when it was full they donated the land to Pittsfield and of course we built Allendale school on it.They were ignorant to the dangers but White Caccamo Yon Elias Cameron Joe Curtis are not. Tyer Marchetti play dumb.Moon and Mccandless are smart and both ignore the facts.

5 years ago


A tad early yet, but will your Nostril Damus be making New Years predictions for our once fair city, by New Years Day? I’m gagging on my oatmeal just thinking about Tyers’ next phone state of the union address. I predict a 10 percent aggregate increase in property taxes, water and sewer fees, for this fiscal year and next, and I predict Tyer will give away millions more to the GOBSIGS

Gang Agreene
Gang Agreene
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Going out on the limb usually gets you the ORBIT Johnny. Don’t fret. Lol She probably has been in Yalta practicing her speech.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

She is a HO.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Moon Caccamo Tyer want us to stop using plastic bags and we will.Its odd they wont stop using a former chemical dump to educate children.I guess they are OK with benzene fumes and PCB dust…..Marchetti said one year ago he was updating everyone on the PCBs at Allendale School

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Judicial Watch Sues Adam Schiff for Phone Snooping Records…oping-records/…rgeting-trump/

“Adam Schiff abused his power to secretly subpoena and then publish the private phone records, in potential violation of law, of innocent Americans. What else is Mr. Schiff hiding?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Schiff and his Committee ran roughshod over the rule of law in pursuit of the abusive impeachment of President Trump. This lawsuit serves as a reminder that Congressman Schiff and Congress are not above the law.”

Judicial Watch accused Schiff of abusing his power. Schiff allegedly used a subpoena to AT&T for the records of several unidentified phone numbers in an apparent attempt to conceal the fact that he was trying to reconstruct the phone conversations of his intended targets, which he then published in the Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report. Schiff did not cite any legal authority for his actions, which arguably violated the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution..

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

So that means Trump did not do the crime

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Damm straight!!!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Try Again to fix the links……. The robot censor/moderator, seems to garble things, if it holds up the postings…

“Adam Schiff abused his power to secretly subpoena and then publish the private phone records, in potential violation of law, of innocent Americans. What else is Mr. Schiff hiding?” asked Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “Schiff and his Committee ran roughshod over the rule of law in pursuit of the abusive impeachment of President Trump. This lawsuit serves as a reminder that Congressman Schiff and Congress are not above the law.”

Judicial Watch accused Schiff of abusing his power. Schiff allegedly used a subpoena to AT&T for the records of several unidentified phone numbers in an apparent attempt to conceal the fact that he was trying to reconstruct the phone conversations of his intended targets, which he then published in the Intelligence Committee’s impeachment report. Schiff did not cite any legal authority for his actions, which arguably violated the First, Fourth, and Sixth Amendments to the Constitution..

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

The last time the National Guard was used to seize weapons, 72 were killed and more than 200 injured…….

A good read, the traitorous Governor and legislature of Virginia, should be required to study.…n-200-injured/

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Since reading comments pertaining to the 2020 City of Pits Assessments, decided to take a look at mine. Wow, what a great Christmas gift from Vibrant Dynamic Linda! No wonder she has not shown her face in public since the election. Also explains PeePee Petie’s down in the dumps attitude. Since I bought my little house around 7 years ago my house assessment has gone up $21,000, with no upgrades but paint. The letter I had received from the City of Pits stated no one had been in my home for over 25 years. When I bought my home the City of Pits put me through he** with permits, fire department gave me a complete run around, wire, building and plumbing inspectors tromped through my house several times. Guess all these folks were aliens from Mars. Yet when checking the assessments of my neighbors who have more bedrooms and new additions and larger square footage their assessments are lower than mine. Can’t help but wonder how this Tyler Company came up with the assessment value. Mine is more than the 5%. Believe it or not many residents work full time and could not take time off to let this Company in. My little house would probably fit in Lovely Linda’s living room yet her assessment went down. I think what angers me the most is how Vibrant Dynamic Linda paved her whole campaign on the lie that she lowered taxes last year. There should be someway to file a complaint against Lyer Tyer. I am also angered at all the taxpayers that fell for her bluff. Hope none of them complain to me! This raise would not bother me so much if the City was in better shape. Crime is up, streetlights are broken, poles that have been knocked down months ago are still lying in the streets, street signage has been knocked down for years. Street signs are faded, sidewalks broken, snowplowing has been terrible – my street is still ice covered and I live up the street from an elementary school. Speeders and red light blowers are everywhere, yet you don’t see any police cruisers as they are all parked on School Street. Just a suggestion when your riding around the Pits looking at Christmas lights take note of all the for sale signs, especially in nice neighborhoods. I would like to nominate Linda Tyer for being the worse Mayor we have ever had and that is sad when you have the terrible messes made by Doyle and Ruberto.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

3 peas in a pod, and try looking up your property card with the link Auto Phil posted for us. You will find the data for your house is from 2 fiscal years ago. So you can’t compare apples to apples. You can view your current assessment, but you can’t view the current property card. I supposed if you report to the assessors office in person, and give your name, rank, and serial number, you could, and then you’ll be put in a special kind of data base, if you know what I mean, and you’ll be going through lots of cocca butter vaseline my friend.

5 years ago

Thanks to Dan’s prior column on the mayor’s abode at 3 Pheasant Way, dropping in value from fy 18 t fy 19, coupled with the fy 2020 assessments, here’s how it shakes out.

FY 2018 595,700
FY 2019 586,700
FY 2020 601,700

So this year my valuation goes up 6.3 percent, and over 8 percent in 2 years, while Tyer-Clairmonts goes up 1 percent over two years.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago
Pappie Warning
Pappie Warning
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Think about this? Would the Mayors election result have anything to do with that assessment. If she had lost would the assessment have gone up. Hell no !

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Boomer tries to make a meme.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

For Christmas Yon Tyer Moon Mccandless Marchetti White along with Caccamo are getting energy.These are the laziest people in goverment history.They want more children to benefit from GE chemical dump pilot program…..What does Teacher Union Sheran think about this form of educating kids…….I want to throw up every time I hear these people say its for the kids.BS