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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 6, 2020) — Once the new council swears the typically meaningless oath, THE PLANET wonders who will assume the presidency?

Actually, we don’t wonder at all.

C’mon down, Pee Pee Marchetti!

We’ve been polling both the outgoing and incoming numbers of Our Right Honorable Good Friends plus a good number of “interested observers,” and we can report the deal’s in the sack. It’s in the bag in a way similar to the dog droppings you once stuffed in a bag at Halloween to light on fire and place on someone’s doorstep. The redolence is similar, and, like pooch turds gather flies, Pee Pee will get the votes. It’s not Treat. For citizens, it’s once again Trick.

Pee Pee’s the perfect president because he doesn’t understand parliamentary procedure or constitutional process, meaning that he will act as the mayor’s bobo instead of leading the loyal opposition, which is what the legislative should be to the executive. It’s been sad to see what this once-promising lad has become: A shell of his former shell.

How badly does Pee Pee cling to the presidency to preserve a shred of self-respect? When it looked like Melissa Mazzeo might become the next mayor, he tried to make a deal with her. He would stay neutral in the mayor race in exchange for the votes for president. When Melissa said no dice, Pee Pee found himself in a bind about which candidate to publicly back: Mazzeo or Tyer. The same as he did on the Civic Authority issue, the same as he has done on virtually every controversial and hotly contested issue, he did what he’s always done. He waffled more than Eggos. When the heat’s on, he never tales a definable stand. Only when the results came in on Election Night did Pee Pee haul his bubble-gum butt to Tyer’s celebration party to kiss some behind. Said one Important Person there: “The way Pete came crawling back has us all laughing [at him] after he left.”

“Actually, staying neutral is always Marchetti’s goal,” said one council insider. “Earning number-one vote getter is far, far more important to him than helping any other candidate in any other race.”

THE PLANET gets it. Pee Pee has the backbone of a dish of rancid Jell-O and the self-assurance and decisiveness of Hamlet. For those who don’t know this masterwork of The Bard, that’s not a compliment.

Don’t tell anyone you heard it here, but Marchetti has promised Peter “Forest Gump” White the vice presidency. That’s got to make everyone sleep better at night, knowing Gump is “a heartbeat away.” By the way, to hear one pro-Tyer councilor [PTC] brag to us, “[Marchetti] polled all of us except Connell and Morandi to make sure he and [White] have the votes. We’re not sure about [Ward 7  ‘s Tony] Maffuccio. We think we got him, but with Tony, you never know.” When we said that such a pre-vote confab was illegal, our source laughed. “Think that ever stopped [Marchetti]? THE PLANET thanks and respects PTC’s honesty. It’s rare that one of the Administration’s “people” is that frank, but we do have intimate correspondence with a “cuppla-three.”

An interesting aside is one of the rumors floated at the time regarding Chris Connell’s delay in taking out papers in Ward 4. As we all know, Connell did take out papers and he won re-election, both to the relief of Ward 4 residents and The Kapanskis. Connell is the council’s reigning MVP. Anyway, the rumor, still offered by Chris’s enemies, is that he held out until pulling papers because those foes the believe ward councilors should not be council President [ED. NOTE: THE PLANET does not think being a ward rep eliminates a councilor from the presidency]. Without the deal with Marchetti, Connell would have run at-large and Mayor Melissa would then have ensured Connell had the votes for president — so the fiction goes.

Not true, says THE PLANET.

“There was no deal that I’m aware of,” Connell said. ” I held off pulling papers for Ward 4 because I was waiting for Melissa to announce for Mayor. Had she not made the commitment, I would have considered running for Mayor. A long shot at best. I never had any intention of running at large. The other factor in holding off pulling papers was I had to make sure I could deal with my mother’s health issues. If I couldn’t deal effectively with her condition, I would not have considered running for any office. Thank God for Elder Services coming into the picture. It has helped out considerably.”

———- ooo ———-

Once situated, how will the council newcomers — Yuki Cohen, at large; Patrick Kavey, Ward 5; Dina Guiel Lampiasi, Ward 6; returning Tony Maffuccio, Ward 7 — behave with respect to the Administration? Will they be rubber-stampers for the Tyer agenda or will they take on issues independenly based on the merits and the impact on Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. THE PLANET polled a representative cross-section of councilors (ex- and current), press, and other wise-guys on the inside.

The outlook? Grim for the Kapanskis, terrific for the mayor.

Folks, prepare for another four years of caning.

Here’s a compendium of the “expert” — not THE PLANET‘s — views.

  • Cohen will definitely vote with the mayor. That’s why others were supporting Jay Hamling for that spot. “Hamling would have been very open minded,” said one. THE PLANET will hold a wait-and-see position.
  • Maffuccio is unpredictable at this point, the council’s wild card.
  • Lampiasi, as does Ward 1’s Helen Moon, has a full-time position with the district attorney’s office. Given the salt-in-the-wound relationship between the Tyer-Mazzeo camps, a former mayor says “Dina will be all for Dina and anything that supports the mayor and [the D.A.]. ” Again, we will hold off judgment.
  • Kavey just got a job at Hotel on North. “Need I say more?” asked one source. “They have bought his vote.” Another source, this a city hall employee, said “Kavey getting the [HON] job? It’s another of those ‘Pittsfield coincidences’ you like to write about, Dan. They were bragging [in City Hall] about it during the election.”
  • Connell and Morandi will hold down the job of loyal opposition.
  • The ‘Special Interest” constituency — particularly the School Department and the Big Three unions (Teachers/Schools, Police, Fire in that order) — will maintain viselike grip on elections.
  • The city’s financial picture will continue to deteriorate.

Another inside view: “Even off the record I will reserve judgment going in with the three new councilors and Councilor Maffucio, who has served in the past. I just hope they will put the residents first and foremost be it in the ward and the city that they represent everyday. All of our decisions that we make in the next two years will affect our constituents and the city going forward. I will continue to do what I feel is right not popular. The decisions we as councilors make on issues through our votes and actions will set the tone on how adversely affected our constituents, neighborhoods, businesses and city will be. They should not be influenced by any political groups or aspirations. We were all elected to be leaders not followers, and I will continue to not be afraid to make that tough decision or vote when warranted as I represent not only my constituents in [my] ward but also all the people in Pittsfield. I will never forget that I don’t answer to anyone else. I will continue to be a strong voice for my constituents and the city.”

If the “experts” are right, there portends a lot of 9-2, 8-3 votes in Tyer’s favor. This would give the mayor a supermajority, meaning the Administration will be able to do whatever it wishes, citizen proof.  If that’s the case, THE PLANET wonders what these two years of blank checks will mean for the Kapanskis? Thoughts, anyone?
“They don’t want them good. They want them Tuesday”Ronald Reagan, on the attitude of Hollywood producers to B movies.
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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“But nobody wants to know him
They can see that he’s just a fool
And he never gives an answer

But the fool on the hill
Sees the Sun going down
And the eyes in his head
See the world spinning ’round“

“I tole you bout the fool on the hill
I tell you man he livin there still
Well here’s another place you can be
Listen to me
Fixing a hole in the ocean
Tryin to make a dovetail joint”

5 years ago


My two cents worth is that all these positions are thankless jobs and hardly worth the money and we shouldn’t pre-judge, and keep open minds, but it ain’t lookin good. Personally, although you’re right about Marchetti, I think you’re a tad hard on him.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

And I, I took the road less travelled on, and that made all the difference. – Paraphrasing Robert Frost.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

You’re being hard on him by body shaming and talking about his family?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I have followed Pittsfield politics for many decades, and it is a sad picture of population and job loss, a shrinking tax base with annual tax increases of 5% per fiscal year and hundreds of millions of dollars in municipal debts, a nearly 22 year old empty and polluted PEDA so-called business park, a dangerous downtown full of many empty storefronts that is called “Social Services Alley”, a corrupt and insider group of state and local politicians called the “Good Old Boys”, and overpriced and under-performing public school system where over 650 students per academic year choice out to neighboring public school districts. Pittsfield, Massachusetts is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation because there are no living wage jobs in the community for the average working class family. In Pittsfield, you are either on welfare, disability,and/ or working 3 $12.75/hour part-time jobs, or you are already wealthy. There is no in between or middle class for a majority of the population in Pittsfield. I know because I grew up in Pittsfield and lived in the Pittsfield area for the first 28.5-years of my nearly 44.5-year-old life.

While I enjoy reading blogger Dan Valenti’s commentary on Pittsfield politics, I believe he is unfair to blame the lovely Linda Tyer and Peter Marchetti for Pittsfield’s sad picture. However, I agree with blogger Dan Valenti that Mayor Linda Tyer and City Council Prez Peter Marchetti should not have a blank check on power over the next 2 years. For those of us who love Pittsfield, we should give the lovely Linda Tyer a chance to produce positive results for a change. Hopefully, Mayor Linda Tyer will turn the tide in Pittsfield’s favor during her second term. She has my support!

Henry Hankhenrisonofbich
Henry Hankhenrisonofbich
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I’m going outside the box on his Council Presidency. Marchetti clearly has a bias before he takes a seat as President. He’ll be able to wield his power and lure any proposed votes needed to push the Mayors agenda forward. Not that she’ll need it.

He should recuse himself from running as it will not be beneficial to the citizens as far as having a voice because of his partisanship. The Council Presidency should have fair and impartial leaders,not something that will look like a Kangatoo Court, like the one on the school Committee.

Dale Johnson
Dale Johnson
Reply to  Henry Hankhenrisonofbich
5 years ago

I’ve known Peter Marchetti for more than 3 decades. He is not the type of person to tell anyone how they should vote on anything. Maybe you should sit down and meet with Mr Marchetti and you will see for yourself having him as council President is beneficial for the citizens.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Change starts at the top buddy. Had Tyer been a people’s mayor, 4 years couldn’t made a big difference and 4 more could’ve been transformative. Now we will have had 8 years of rearranging deck chairs on the Titantic!

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

And had Mazzeo been a people’s mayor candidate instead of another progressive democrat feminist whenner perhaps she would’ve won. Dan, whats is with her taking her case to court?

5 years ago

How much is mayor paid? What about councilors? Is it true they get health insurance? How about school committee? How many elected people are we paying and how much in total salary and benefit and what is our return?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Not one of the councilors want to talk about the compensation, especially the health care. Is the health care full coverage? Does it cover their whole family? And how much are they paid now? How much of a stipend for “supplies or travel?” Maybe Police Report has a clue. Don’t ask the mayo cuz she has everything in a lock box.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

The salaries are available in the city budget. The mayor makes appx $93,000 per year if I recall.

The stipend for the councilors is in the ballpark of $8000-9000 per year. I think they receive the same health insurance benefits as full time city employees.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Why do we have the same amount of councilors for 43,000 people as we had for 60,000?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, Phil, thanks for the reply.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Is it true that Barry is a partner in a pot shop with the people who own the tractor and lawn mower place on outer west housy?

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Agitation in government is so critical to honest governing.We have the same problem nationally.Marchetti is Pittsfields Mitch McConnell and White is the Mike Pence.Not one of the Councilors beyond Connell and Morandi have a understanding of the poverty in home owners who are broke trying to pay Mrs Behnkes 125,000 salary as she makes 10,100.00 dollars a month along with her husbands 6,500.00 for a total of16,700.00 a month….yup Mccandless and Yon will say we dont pay them enough.These people dont care if taxes go up 200.00 per year…….Every person on the council can say yes to spending poor peoples money…..Will Moon finally consolidate schools.Can one person on that council put together a 5 year plan to save our Company or do we stay ignorant as Yon Mccandless Tyer and Marchetti stay ignorant to their fellow citizens trying to struggle to buy shoes for their children….These leaders are spoiled by their paychecks.

The Dream Team
The Dream Team
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Connell rents to those poor people and can’t even take care of his properties. He has to have Cavalier Management do it for him. Most of his slums are in Morandi’s ward.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Landloards owning multiple rundown properties is one of the biggest problems in Pittsfield over in the Tyler street area.Those rentals are junk homes for enormous profits.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The other side is often one floor above you school committee,

5 years ago

I have to go off subject to remind everyone to watch the opening monologue of Ricky Gervais at the 2020 Golden Globe Awards. He was making fun of all the Hollywood stars and executives. It was a riot. Many uncomfortable Hollywood stars, but there was laughter too. How could anyone not laugh unless they were so self-important. Many jokes made about their daring to lecture us about politics and climate change when many of them are just in no position to be giving us morality lessons about anything including putting us all on public transport when they are going around in their private jets. Ricky Gervais was needed because Hollywood award show ratings have nosedived since the stars decided to lecture us on politics. He had jokes throughout the Award show, but sitting through the entire show is difficult. A couple stars did try to get in comments about fighting climate change. They truly believe they can control the weather.

5 years ago

I’m not sure about Kavey. Remember, if his voters wanted a rubber stamp, they would have voted for what’s-his-name. I think he will be true to his constituents.

Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago

I thought k also, or he won’t be around in two years either, Let’s give him his due,only for the fact he smoldered phony-Lo by five hundred votes.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Wunhunglo
5 years ago

Heard that Lo was only in there to discourage others from running. And that he himself voted for Kavey

Reply to  Harrison
5 years ago

Harrison. Sure hope you’re right

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
5 years ago


I don’t know who your sources are concerning Marchetti, but they are wrong. Pete was with Linda from day one. He donated to her campaign, went door to door with her, and told anyone who would listen why Linda should be re-elected. Pete was and still is one of Linda’s biggest supporters.


Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Biggest supporter… pun intended?

Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Thank you Mr. Clairmont for this. I thought he was in the famous Tyler Street Church photo with all the other GOBSIGs.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

BS Barry is back.

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

[FIRST PART OF THIS HAS BEEN REDACTED BY THE WEBMASTER]. She had to read everything THEY told her today at her inauguration. PALOOKAVILLE. The “bottom of the barrel rose to the top”.

Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

Below the belt juicy

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Johnny, The TRUTH hurts.

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Thanks be to God

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Nobody supports her more than the guys at highway who got a piece of the 3.3 million of OT for snow removal in 15 months.How did we pay for that Barry because councilor White said he did not know.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

Barry are you in favor of a forensic audit of Pittsfield finances and if not why not?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Would love to hear Clairmont’s answer to Johnny Absurds question

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

Everyone knows the D.A’s office owns the council. Pretty sure Caccamo is dating a ADA too. Supermajority is an understatement. It’s going to be run as transparently as China

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

Caccamo represents children being educated on a toxic swamp.Moon also want her ward to be educated on a toxic swamp.Both are Fake Green supporters.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Caccamo wanted to be an educator and failed, so he’s going back to school for political science to assault the taxpayers full time and get his just desserts while at it.

Those who can’t, teach
Those who can’t teach run for political office

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Some people are in politics for the wrong reasons. Some got involved for the wrong reasons in the beginning and some went astray by getting n with the imbedded special interests. I believe Marchetti and Linda are two of these types. Either way it really sucks for people who trusted their words. I know I personally feel a fool for voting for Linda in her first run.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

What is this relationship with JudgeSimon and the Mayor?

5 years ago

Whether it’s Pittsfield or any other berg in this state, city councilors, selectmen, whatever, all have a responsibility. That is to analyze what is put before them, understand the ramifications of implementing or denying any item and that’s analyzing both the short and long-term aspects, considering input from their constituents, and then voting THEIR MIND. That’s not being a lemming. Too many mayors and town managers want a board of lemmings. That happens way too often. It’s easy to go with the flow. It’s hard to consistently do what’s right.

If everybody did what’s right, we’d be discussing ballgames, movies, cars, and other stuff herein. WHICH would be nice to do because it would mean the city is moving in the right direction. Sadly, it hasn’t been, but we can all hope for a change.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

When Ruberto became mayor taxes started to skyrocket. By the time he left, the city budget had more than quadrupled. It had become a tax and spend mentality. They kept increasing taxes and then going out and finding projects to spend the windfalls on. And the special interests were there to help with ideas most of which benefitted themselves and friendly contractors.
Is it possible that the whole Tyler street reinvention was concocted as a means of transferring taxpayer money into special interest hands?? Or have I just been in PIttsfield too long? How about the Clapp Park renaissance? How about the Colonial or the North street makeover? I could get back in mayor Tyers corner if she ordered a forensic audit by an independent outside firm.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Jimmy, in October bought a condo at Coldbrooke in Lenox for $490,000.with no mortgage His letter to the editor on December 31 is James M. Ruberto Naples Florida. Jimmy’s Renaissance of Pittsfield. Follow the MONEY.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

Lenox – 5 Coldbrooke S Unit B: Richard Sussman RET and Steven Sussman of Lenox to James M. Ruberto, $490,000 on 10/23/2019

Source: The Berkshire Edge, Real Estate, October 20, 2019 – October 26, 2019, By Edge Staff, November 8, 2019

Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

Juicy, thanks much. So much for staying in the best small city in New England. Guess he didn’t want to get shot.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I watched the lovely Linda Tyer’s inauguration speech on the Eagle online today. She is a good and caring leader. Pittsfield politics is fortunated to have Mayor Linda Tyer leading the community into the 2020’s!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

You just dont know and that because your not here Jonathan. Tyer thought a new Walmart building on a Biotech PEDA site was the answer.All of PEDAwere just companies or businesses that moved from some other spot in town.Not 1 new job.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

I support the lovely Linda Tyer in Pittsfield politics. I do not agree with all her decisions, but I believe her heart is in the right place for all of the people who live and do business in Pittsfield. I like the lovely Linda Tyer because she is a good person and leader who cares!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Yes she cares. Yes her heart is in the right place. Yes she is a good person. Yes she is a leader via her elected position. As Dan would say, their all good guys/gals. It’s a question of priorities. If you were a taxpayer here, how would you like your taxes going up 7.5 percent in one year. How would you like years upon years of GOBSIG mayors giving away your money for movie theaters and other private business? The taxpayer should be number one and clearly is not loverboy!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Well said.

Palug Awhey
Palug Awhey
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Dan,Jonathan needs a couple of days to-cool off. No sense is nonsense….see pctv in the morning one time and you will agree with the nonsense.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Sarcasm: You are right! It is all Linda’s fault! Blame Linda!

Grant Pelithquinami
Grant Pelithquinami
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Sally,you can’t fix ……

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Since when did anybody in modern Pittsfield politics produce “Priorities and Accomplishments”?

What do you think of Jimmy Ruberto buying a nearly 1/2-million condo in Lenox last fall?

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Can you blame him? You got out.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Cheshire Cat
5 years ago

I can’t blame him. I guess the former 8 year Mayor of Pittsfield named Jimmy Ruberto chose Lenox to spend $490,000 on a condo residence.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

And pay taxes to Lenox. A Pittsfield Benedict Arnold if ever there was one.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Do you remember then Mayor Jimmy Ruberto saying that Pittsfield taxpayers needed to “SACRIFICE” to revitalize the city’s distressed economy? “Sacrifice” meant raising municipal taxes on Pittsfield’s residents’ hard-earned money. Now, Jimmy Ruberto pays municipal taxes in neighboring Lenox and also in Naples, Florida. It is the ultimate “do as I say, not as I do”!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Does Linda pay taxes in Colorado? Will she retire in Pittsfield or elsewhere? Where do you think her good heart will take her?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, Mr. Melle is spot on, on this one. Yes he has the right to live where he wants, etc, but for guy who championed Pittsfield, promoted it as becoming the best small city in New England, ad nauseum, it’s pretty darm unsemmly for him to buy a condo in lenox, which abutts Pittsfield. Why didn’t he get a nice condo on North Street in the heart of The Renassance? Because he’s a fraud, and a phony, and he knows damn well it’s all a mirage, thats why. Plus the taxes are through the roof here.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

My sentiments exactly. He played the city like a fiddle and then taught Linda how to play it even better.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dobelle eventually came back to Pittsfield. Hathaway went to Richmond and Ruberto to Fla and Lenox. Other than those three I think mayors pretty much retired and lived in Pittsfield. People are free to go where they want but it’s nice when a mayor spends their money in the place they improved or screwed up. How much more money would Kerwood have to play with if city and school employees all payed property tax in Pittsfield? When did it become a trend to work for the city/schools but live in another town?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I dont think anything of it.Jimmy gave 500 k to Shake village…500k to the Museum 400k to spice 400k to the movie place……Lenox has built a tourist industry where thousands of people work.Stockbridge and Great Barrington build walls to business…..They are all nice people who cant handle money.They need to get our financial health in order before Trumps war

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I actually do not agree that they are ALL good people. Or that they care. Or that they have good hearts. I believe that many if not most politicians main focus is on how their position can benefit themselves rather that the general population But that’s just me.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Jonathon, wake up and smell the coffee or roses! She cares about herself and her special interests

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago


Democrat hypocrite.

“As a tough-talking U.S. senator from Delaware, Joe Biden said there should be no restraints on the U.S. taking action against Iran if it were proved to be complicit in the 1996 bombing of a barracks used by U.S. forces in Saudi Arabia at the time.”

“The Democrat called it an “act of war” that handed America carte blanche to do what needed to be done.”

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

And now he’s mixing up Iran and Iraq. He’s a couple beers short of a six pack.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

How is it permissible for employees of the DA’s administration be elected to council? Is there no law against that? No conflict of interest rule that prevents putting such a potential bias on the council?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Nope. Freedom.

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

The voters of ward 6 are plain stupid.

Reply to  Hoyt Clagwell
5 years ago

Joe didn’t exactly campaign too hard and as an older white male, going against a female, he was up against it.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

I had to look it up, I’m so baffled. Municipal employees cannot hold two paid municipal jobs. But, apparently they can hold one state job and one city job. Hmm.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Unethical is not always against the law. I think if you have a good heart you can work two or more conflicting positions. I think it even says that in the city charter.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

The Stockbridge fire chief was a selectman

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

What is unethical is that these two DA office employees have purely political appointments to salaried positions which they are unqualified for. This deprives the public of work by committed and truly qualified public servants. i.e. all the people Harrington jettisoned when she took office.
Further, do we really believe Giuel and Moon are full-time doing their public jobs at the DA’s office when they also have positions on the council? It’s different when it is a public job. You are by law required to devote your entire time to doing it. It’s a promise made to the community that elected them and they are just saying, you are too dumb and lazy to notice this, so screw you. Political maneuverings abound here, yet the Eagle silence continues…

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

You have absolutely not a clue what you are talking about. Devote your entire time to that position? really for what the big big paycheck. If MM was the new mayor you don’t think for a minute she wouldn’t clean house and start by giving the Police Chief job to 1980’s” Make the kids mow lawns” ex beat cop.

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

We are talking about people who should be devoting their time to their fulltime positions in the DA’s office, not the council, Anderson. Try to keep up.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

I’m confused, doesn’t a nursing degree qualify you for a job in a court or lawyers office?

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Ha! we need more dedicated people around here that can multitask be it in the DA’s office or anywhere else. We can’t get people to the polls/ city council meetings/ town meetings etc..what we are left with are the constant arm chair quarterback complainers. Always presenting the problems but never the solutions boo hoo I have a pot hole on my street my driveway hasn’t been plowed, my kids teacher. Really look in the mirror

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Sir, you’re nuts if you think Mazzeo would have fired the chief. It is a civil service postion and she couldn’t fire him without cause, and she would never have hired a former beat cop from the 80’s if the chief left.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

It is a bit of a minefield but one neither employee or DA Andrea Harrington really cares about.
I’d be more concerned with the fact that neither are qualified for their positions and were hired as a form of payola or quid pro quo. Same could be said for the former newsboy Andy McKeever. If there was any wonder why he was soft peddling DA Andrea Harrington’s lack of qualifications or “pumping” up her accomplishments, it was pretty clear, what was going on…well for the most part.

There are three tests in MA, and there are plenty of loopholes, to any municipal employment issue.
Is it legal
Is it ethical
Can I work around it

The law is as clear as mud and left up to interpretation.
The ethics is equally as clear plus you can really only get a determination for yourself and if you get a determination, it sometimes changes.
There are plenty of loopholes, being declared a special employee, not voting on your own salary. Never calling the ethics line to ask.

Why would the least qualified DA in the history of MA ever care about ethics or legality? She’s never cared before, why start now?

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

PR..Still in the breadline I see. “Jealousy is a disease, love is a healthy condition. The immature mind often mistakes one for the other, or assumes that the greater the love, the greater the jealousy – in fact, they are almost incompatible; one emotion hardly leaves room for the other.” “Resentment is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Ruberto made Pittsfield a Utopia. How could he leave it?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Pat is right on the golden Globe awards even better was the response from Ricky Gervais“@rickygervais How the fuck can teasing huge corporations, and the richest, most privileged people in the world be considered right wing? #GoldenGlobes”

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

How much is Jake Eberwien being paid ?

5 years ago

Mayor Tyer has made an incredible discovery! She isn’t going to be raising taxes anymore. She’s going to bring businesses and jobs and clean up crime in Pittsfield by writing and winning federal grants to pay for it all. She will be doing it all with the help of Corydon Thurston and Dave Carver.

Now, I have to go off and put fresh color in the rainbow generating water troughs on my unicorn farm as well as clip the wings on my flying pigs to keep them grounded for the season.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

I think she may have even more money (not including the CPA fund or pot money) to do road improvements. And none too soon because her roads are already crumbling. And yes they are HER roads. Already saw 3 holes a foot deep. Also, under Hubbard avenue bridge road is going to open up before too long. Hope we don’t have to mount another march on city hall to get her to take care of basic infrastructure this spring. I know road money cannot be spun off to special friends but roads are important.

I think ALL CPA money and ALL pot money should go to fixing Pittsfield roads until they are up to speed. Stop building new stuff until you can keep up with the old stuff. duhhh

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Barker Road is a mine field

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

To address a couple topics:
No not all politicians are good people or go into the job with the best intentions.
DA Andrea Harrington lied her way into office, has no clue what she is doing, and is an embarrassment. She cares so little about her job and the people she’s supposed to serve she’s put Hellen Moonbeam in charge of an advocacy position.
comment image

Peter Marchetti Is absolutely a person who will try and influence a vote and trade favors for votes. I’ve seen him and Kerwood plot and scheme with Peter doing so to curry favor with the mayor. He’s absolutely laid back when you get a few beers in him but he’s calculated in almost everything he does.

Melle is completely wrong about Roberto living in Lenox.
How about this, if you don’t live in Pittsfield, you don’t get to comment on Pittsfield politics? Mr Melle cut and ran to NH. There’s nothing wrong with Roberto living in Lenox, but again new rule for Mr Melle’s unhinged rants on Roberto require that Mr. Melle actually live in Pittsfield to comment.
It does not follow that Roberto is being a traitor by not living in Pittsfield. He was more of a “traitor” when he did live in Pittsfield and had such a horrible administration.
The absolute last thing ANYONE wants is career politicians in Pittsfield we’ve had a number of them, They are horrible.
I have no problem with any politician in Pittsfield, except the mayor, having a full time job. Can you imagine the incompetence of they were all full time?
We need a professional city manager and a weak city council.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

DA Harrington lied her way into office BOO Hoo! 31,165 people didn’t think so. let that sink in as you continue to think you are the smartest person in the room. Peter Marchetti the mayor and Helen Moon Blah Blah blah

“Beware of those who criticize you when you deserve some praise for an achievement, for it is they who secretly desire to be worshiped.”

Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Anderson appears to have a problem with critical thinking and logic. Harrington lied her way into office to get elected because she is a politician and most politicians lie. We are in the midst of seeing what happens when a prosecutor prioritizes public opinion and personal gain over justice.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Well, I guess if you have to live in Pittsfield to comment, Dan should have to take his blog down. Or, is there an exception for those posters you agree with?


Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

No, Dan, no frost. If you took that as an attack on you, you misread my point. Since I don’t know who lives in Pittsfield and who doesn’t, other than you, I choose you as the example. It was hypocritical of Police Report to say you have to live in Pittsfield to post, yet has no problem with you living outside of Pittsfield.

If I insulted you, you have my apology.


Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

My family moved to New Hampshire, and I followed them to live with my family in NH. I did not run away from Pittsfield! I still care about Pittsfield. The Constitution entitles me to Free Speech. I enjoy following and commenting on Dan Valenti’s awesome blog about Pittsfield politics and beyond. On Jimmy Ruberto, I believe he was yet another failed Mayor of Pittsfield during his 8 years in the corner office of Pittsfield City Hall. Thousands of people moved out of Pittsfield and hundreds of living wage jobs were lost during the 8 years of the Ruberto regime. Jimmy Ruberto was the King of the Good Old Boys club that has ran Pittsfield politics into the proverbial ditch of high taxes, huge municipal debts, and a shrinking tax base. Jimmy Ruberto and Gerry Doyle were the political faces of the Berkshire Museum “shakedown”. I think it is interesting that he chose to buy a near half a million dollar condo in Lenox last fall over living in Pittsfield. He told Pittsfield taxpayers to “sacrifice” their hard earned money to revitalize Pittsfield’s distressed economy. It was all a fraudulent sales pitch and a shakedown.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

If you criticize those who have moved, and you are one who did then the comment of traitor follows you.
You are not entitled to free speech here, you are afforded the privilege of speech, as are we all by one person, Dan.
This is not the government there is not 1st Amendment protection.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The difference I would suggest is that Ruberto was the mayor touting the renaissance and now he cut and run, whereas Mr. Melle has always been down on Pittsfield. Personally, I think Melle is right on and that this is a big story and worthy of a column unto itself.

The Dream Team
The Dream Team
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Where in New Hampshire do you live? I loved vacationing there in the summer. I love South Carolina as well.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

You don’t want a mis-manger, look at Lenox.

The first stooge was an abject failure, the 2nd is trying to outdo the first

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Why do we continue to recycle Jake Eberwien?Tell me there is not one other person who can do this.He cost Pittsfield tens of millions.They never go away.Is it not possible to pretend he moved to Texas and is unavailable.Can we get somd real info of salary and staffing this new Eberwien adventure is blowing money.Cant wait to see his hires.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Also almost no one in their right mind would want that job. If you care about kids getting an education your heart breaks because you just can’t do that in Pittsfield. So they have to keep hiring people who pretend they give a shit while feathering their own bed.

June was hair
June was hair
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

There is one difference.Managers are hired by private enterprises. Not taxpayers. I was watching Yukie dancing around and handing off her name tag for her boy to do the placing. She also sighed when opening envelopes for seating arrangement. She should be an actress. Believe me Dan, this ones gonna be a doozy of a politician.

Geo bee Netwerc
Geo bee Netwerc
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Keep the gravy boat going. At all costs.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Still recovering from watching the big inauguration yesterday, it really made me feel sick and also in fear of the next four years. From Michele’s bumbling, to Yuki having a giggling attack because she doesn’t know how to open envelopes, to Pee Pee Petie’s monotone – like he is bored voice, to Moonbat and Yuki getting the giggles again since they get to sit together (can’t wait for the Tuesday night tea parties), and then Lovely Linda’s Vibrant Dynamic speech. So she has a close circuit television of the council chambers. Is that so she can hide in her office from the taxpayers? Yikes are we as taxpayers ever in trouble and there is not a darn thing we can do about it. I can’t help but wonder if Lovely Linda had not married into money and still lived in her little house in the Lakewood area if she would be spending the taxpayers monies the way she is doing. It seems to be that she has forgotten where she came from.