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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION JAN. 3-5, 2020) — We open this New Year and New Decade with 20-20 vision, a fearless look ahead with THE PLANET‘s Nostra and Damus being once again in celestial alignment. Our predictions have the historical record of being so accurate that they’ve been mistaken for history.

In 2020

  • City “leaders” will collectively suffer the delusion that the $600 Tyler Street garbage cans are actually Dayleks from Dr. Who. In reality, they turn out to be salt-and-pepper shakers stolen from long-defunct Spice Restaurant.
  • Hotel On North will offer triage in the lobby for gunshot wounds.
  • Mayor Linda Tyer will purchase vacation homes in Carmel, Calif., the Riviera, and a suite in NYC’s Dakota Building to go with her Pittsfield and Vail, Colo., holdings. She cites her saving Top Value stamps, collaborative coupon clipping, and skipping lunch. Meanwhile, the city’s snow-and-salt budget will show a deficit of $15,341,236.12. Appraised market value for the mayor’s new properties: $20,563,212.78. Assessed value for tax purposes: $3.15. … and the dish ran away with the spoon.
  • In her “State of the City” address, Tyer will announce a new program giving Pittsfield homeowners and small businesses free jars of Vaseline Petroleum Jelly. A new position will be created in the mayor’s office, DOGIBSII — Director of Greasing It Before Sticking It In. A Ms. Shaki-qwa D’neiltifah will he hired as DOGIBSII at a salary of $95,000 after a nationwide search. “She is a woman of color,” Tyer proclaims. At this, a Latina and a Scottsman come back from the dead. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will wonder, “Where did it all go?”
  • City finance director Matt Kerwood will beat up an elderly couple for non-payment of taxes. He posts bail of three cigarette butts, two discarded lottery tickets, and a bow tie. All charges are dismissed after he awards an $85,000 consultancy contract to a local contractor for … the purpose is not revealed. The request will pass the new council, 9-2 (Connell, Morandi).
  • Ward 1 councilor Helen Moon will not miss a single city council meeting, having mistaken them for Australian beach fires. “I am a nurse,” she explains. In her position at the district attorney’s office, Moon will be regularly not seen preparing campaign materials for Andrea Harrington’s next term.
  • Ward 2 councilor Kevin Morandi will be cast as barber Floyd Lawson in a Colonial Theater stage production of Mayberry: It Ain’t Pittsfield. Rest of the cast: John Barrett III (Andy Taylor), Kerwood (Barney Fife), Carmen Massimiano (Gomer Pyle), Deanna Ruffer (Aunt Bee), Gerry Doyle (Otis Campbell), Adam Hinds (Opie Taylor), and Tricia Farley-Bouvier (Goober). BTG Artistic Director Kate McGuire, realizing she has a smash hit on her hands, can be heard rejoicing in Stockbridge, where James Taylor writes her a lullaby titled: “Medea, We Hardly Knew Ye.'” Demon director and hubby Eric Hill is seen with Kate spelling out “Suzuki” in smoke rings. Julie Boyd will see this and join the Visitation Sisters in Tyringham, leaving the Barrington Stage board of directors hovering over a Ouija board. The film House of Wax will mysteriously project into the sky, 24/7/365, puzzling everyone.
  • Ward 3 councilor Nick Caccamo will get lost driving around Ward 3, an area he hasn’t toured in nearly 10 years.  Nick the Quick will later insist he is Bigfoot of mountain lore.
  • Ward 4 councilor Chris Connell has a psychic reading in the house on North and Tyler streets, even though the psychic has moved out. He will learn that in a previous life, he was George Reeves, TV’s Superman. It explains his incessant desire for truth, justice, and the American Way.
  • Ward 5 councilor, newbie Patrick Kavey, denies he is a millennial, bought and paid for by the Tyer for Mayor Committee. A court is convened in Methuselah Lounge. Kavey is found guilty as charged. He is promptly rewarded with a job at Hotel on North. A turkey baster will be found in his desk drawer.
  • Ward 6 councilor Dina Guiel Lampiasi will fulfill her campaign promise to “see more ‘kid-friendly.'” She will sponsor a bill to provide free hypodermic needles, airplane glue, and handguns to every Pittsfield student. From her position in the district attorney’s office, she will not be seen working full-time on campaign materials for Andrea Harrington’s re-election.
  • Ward 7 councilor Tony Maffuccio will prove the phenomenon of deja vu. Everyone will have the feeling he has “been there” before. Asked for a statement Tony utters one word: “Barbalunga.”
  • At-large councilor Peter Marchetti will go on the raw juice diet at Kripalu. His husband, however, will sneak him eclairs, fried butter, and beer. Marchetti gets so large he wins two votes on every council issue. He will go through the rest of the year thinking its the Fourth of July. He will find a marching band at the bottom of every can of Bud.
  • At-large councilor Pete White will be found to be the inspiration of the movie character Forrest Gump. “Life is like eating at a restaurant posting pictures of your meal on Facebook,” he says. He will spend the next two years staring vacantly at nothing on Allen Street.
  • At-large councilor Earl Persip will buy the film rights to The Dumpster Behind Paul Rich. It’s about a toady politician who plays the race card to get elected, rubber stamps everything the administration wants, and turns into a copy machine.
  • JIV and Kathy Yon will ax-murder an unknown number of middle school pupils. The school committee will award JIV another retroactive pay raise and tell Yon that she “is the fairest of them all.” A mirror will shatter. Clothes will wrinkle.
  • Deanna Ruffer will mistake her department’s budget for her personal checkbook. The error is discovered but overlooked. “It IS her personal checkbook,” says the city’s finance director. An envelope stuffed with unmarked $100 bills starts speaking in tongues.
  • Police Chief Mike Wynn will leave for Hollywood to appear in a series of karate films.
  • PEDA chief Corydon Thurston will skinny dip in Silver Lake, for which he will receive $80,000.
  • The PEDA board will make a major announcement. At the press conference, the board will declare, “Pickles are not made from cucumbers.” Men dance and get drunk. Women weep.
  • Developer David Carver will purchase every property on Tyler Street and Dalton Avenue for “low-income housing.” Mayor Tyer reimburses Carver for all expenses. The city council approves, 9-2 (Connell, Morandi).
  • Th city will redesign the municipal flag. It will depict an envelope stuffed with unmarked $100 bills on a checkerboard field of black and white.
  • Chuck Garivaltis will lead the league in hitting at .406.
  • Larry Bossidy will win 21 games.
  • Carl Boteze will win 18.
  • David Scribner will run into Alan Chartock in Great Barrington. No charges will be filed.
  • Terry Cowgill, managing editor of The Edge, will win a Pulitzer.
  • Howard Herman of the Berkshire Eagle will find work in the movies as Dan Valenti’s stunt double. It will lead to rumors of bilocation, which both men will deny.
  • At the same paper, it will be revealed that Amanda Drane and Heather Bellow are not, in fact, the same person. They will be unmasked as The Doublemint Twins.
  • Andy McKeever, late of iBerkshires and now with the D.A.’s office, will report being “tickled” in his new post. “I always wanted to write fiction,” he says.
  • Barry Clairmont will open a lemonade stand in front of Cumby’s on First Street. Store Hours: 3:30 a.m. to 3:45 a.m. He makes another fortune.
  • Melissa Mazzeo will contest the 2019 mayoral election in court, win, become mayor, and hire Linda Tyer as her administrative assistant. Swords will be beaten into plowshares.
  • Warren Dews will write his memoir titled, A Woman Is Only a Woman, but a Good Cigar is a Smoke. The estate of Rudyard Kipling sues. He changes the title to Got to Pay Dews If You Want to Sing the Blue. Ringo Starr sues. Dew changes the title to, Some of My Best Friends Are Colored People.
  • Tricia Farley-Bouvier will become a float in the Fourth of July parade.

These happenings and much more await us all. THE PLANET will bring you the coverage you won’t get anywhere else, because no other media has our contacts and sources. Happie Knoo Yeer, everybody.


“The long river of history runs on, sometimes calm and sometimes rough”Chinese President Xi Jinping.



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Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I love reading blogger Dan Valenti’s commentary on Pittsfield politics!

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Won’t you open up your eyes?

Look around round
Look around round round
Look around”

“It won’t be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won’t be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won’t be long yeah, till I belong to you

Since you left me, I’m so alone
Now you’re coming, You’re coming on home
I’ll be good like I know I should
You’re coming home, YOU’RE COMING HOME!

Every night the tears come down from my eyes
Every day I’ve done nothing but cry

It won’t be long yeah, yeah, yeah
It won’t be long yeah, yeah, yeah”

“Little darling, I feel that ice is slowly melting
Little darling, it seems like years since it’s been clear”

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Long as I remember The rain been comin’ down.
Clouds of myst’ry pourin’ Confusion on the ground.
Good men through the ages, Tryin’ to find The SUN
And I wonder, Still I wonder, Who’ll stop the rain?”

“I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
I wanna know, have you ever seen the rain?
Comin’ down … a Sunny Day”


CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

”I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me Blind
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) Sunshiny day
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) Sunshiny day

Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Here is that rainbow I’ve been praying for
It’s gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) Sunshiny day“

– Johnny Nash

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn’t mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying’s not for me, ’cause
I’m never gonna stop the rain by complaining

Because I’m free
Nothing’s worrying me”
– David Hal

“Everybody’s talking at me
I don’t hear a word they’re saying
Only the echoes of my mind

I’m going where The Sun keeps shining
Through the pouring rain
Going where the weather suits my clothes

Banking off of the northeast winds
Sailing on a summer breeze
And skipping over the ocean like a stone“
– Harry Nilsson

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“If the rain comes they run and hide their heads
They might as well be dead

Can you hear me, that when it rains and shines
(when it rains and shines)
It’s just a State of Mind?
(when it rains and shines)
Can you hear me, Can you hear me?

Sdaeh rieht edih dna nur yeht semoc niar eht fI“

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
5 years ago

Dan Valenti perfects the ephus pitch at the common and gets in trouble for breaking church windows . He goes on to the Colonial staring in a one man show paying tribute to Rip Sewell and Moe Howard.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Milt Plum
5 years ago

Did Chuck Garavaltis hit the pitch?

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Smashed it across the street and over The Rainbow. Landed in a box car on its way to Boston.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Johnny, You know the old Common Park, for sure.

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

No one ever hit one that far. I hit a roller into the front playing field and saw Chotsy Beuth poke one into the driveway of First St.. Church. Love Chuck and know about his greatness,but over the rainbow? Hell No

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Thanks guys, and I thought I was forgotten. Dan, you are correct. A major league batting coach could not have phrased it better.I always thought great wrist action is the #1 asset at the plate. With pitchers throwing the ball 90 to 100 miles per hour the batter better have good wrist action or he’s a sure strikeout. Not many Eddie Lopat’s or Bobby Schantz’s around today. These two were control artists with a great curve and a mediocre fastball.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Your mention of Touchdown Tony Ferdyn, Joe Zavaterro and Jim Bouton opened a flood of memories for me.Tony and Zavvy were first string members of the great 1948 football team that lost only to Drury costing them the West. Mass. championship. They beat Cathedral Greenfield, Tech, Holyoke, and Agawam among others. Playing for PHS were great ones. As mentioned Tony and Zavvy, John Perrone was recruited by Kentucky, Dick Ross played for Colgate, Whitey Hart for Amherst, Don Morehead matriculated to an Ohio school where he played basketball only. Jim Mazzer at center was a great one.Dick Contoys went to Cornell. The Drury defeat was a classic. Friday night at Wahconah Park. Crowd about 3500. Second half kickoff caught be Perrone who broke loose about the 5o yard line and switched football from left to right arm. The ball dropped and Drury recovered. PHS never recovered from this and lost their only game that season 13 to 0. But there’s more. Time outs for water breaks required water boys to bring bucket to team in the field. Drury’s water boys were football savy middle aged men. It was thought they brought out instructions and plays. A rule no-no at time. Day before Eagle Sports Editor Roger O’Gara, writes a column saying these guys are fake water boys and should be banned. They weren’t banned and during the game they came over to the writer’s booth and challenged Roger to a fight. Roger wisely refused to come out of booth to fight, but challenged men to a debate. They knew they were out of their league and refused debate challenge. They retreated to their so called water boy duties at the Drury 50 yard line. No police required.
Jim Bouton came along years later with a baseball plan that in its first game attracted 6000 fans at Wahconah Park. The team was called the Pittsfield Hillies. Jim was a former Major league pitcher who won 2 world series games for the NY Yankees. Two of Jim’s coaches on this team were Tony Ferdyn and Joe Zavaterro. Talk about coming full circle. All at Waconah Park.

Mann from Last Muncha
Mann from Last Muncha
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

My favorite stance was from m my favorite two players. Yaz and Clemente. Clemente was a joy to watch. Others stances,Rod Carew,Wille Mays and another that comes to mind we’re the infamous Boog Powell and Rusty Staub, who choked up on the handle. Chuck ever have a pension for managing? Pro….

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

And if Ruberto can annoint PIttsfield as the home of baseball, who is to dispute that Mr. G hit Dan the Man’s pitch Over The Rainbow. Speaking of which, any truth to the scuttlebutt that Ruberto has bought himself a nice condo in Lenox, as opposed to in the greatest small city in New England???

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Can u blame him?

Hoyt Clagwell
Hoyt Clagwell
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

More to come… cover.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Milt Plum
5 years ago


5 years ago

Wow, such a rich column Dan. The DOGBSII takes the cake though with The Farley 4th Balloon the runner up. I say we throw some PCBs in the petroleum jelly for a little stimulant effect and extra staying power, re- brand it PPJ – Pittsfield Petroleum Jelly, give a cool mill and a free PEDA space to the GOBSIG developer of the PPJ . That’s a collaborative, dynamic, economic engine right there, that will create hundreds more jobs on top of the hundreds heir Tyer already created!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Great post! 2020 is sure to be a wild time. Happy New Year Dan and Planeteers!

5 years ago

Great job Dan, loved it.

5 years ago

More overcrowding is predicted for local shopping centers for 2020 in Pittsfield. People have few options for grocery and retail shopping so dangerous overcrowding is the result especially during the holidays, but even on weekends. This holiday shopping season was no exception. Walmart and Price Chopper were standing room only on New Years Eve Day. I really wished we had the Super Walmart at that time. Bigger shopping spaces are needed. Walmart is doing its best with its limited space and I’m glad they are getting the business since they are a great store, but the overcrowding conditions are the result of poor planning by city leaders who discourage the expansion of retail in this area. We have a large population of not only Pittsfield, but other towns shopping in our local stores which creates a mob scene more often than not. Parking spaces for just Price Chopper and Walmart are jam packed on most weekends and it is really difficult to navigate through the chaos. Honking horns, smashed bumpers, and dangerous conditions for people on foot is the result.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

A true case study on how not to design a parking lot.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

If only there were a shopping mall to accommodate the swarming mass of consumers.

Still wondering
Still wondering
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Craziest parking lot I ever saw. My wife got t-boned while turning left to get to Staples.

Reply to  Still wondering
5 years ago

I agree. The whole parking lot needs a do over. It is a nightmare to find a space and backing out is a big problem with such heavy vehicle and foot traffic. The Staples area is especially crazy.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Councilors Moon and White are surprised at how much they dont care about Pittsfield students breathing in PCBs at Allendale Toxic dump.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

They are apparently too busy inhaling each others musk these days behind closed doors

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

The thing is SC — being what Berkshire Co calls ‘Progressive’ is a mask. It’s just a way to identify a loyalty tribe. And they are not better people. Generations of Democrats who care about the EPA leave Allendale to rot because when it comes down to it fighting it costs more political debt than they want to pay – and they are all dependent on the government dole of jobs and contracts. I know this may annoy you but if Pat were a City Council member they would do more for those kids than anyone there now. As those elected folks – all kit and caboodle — are dependent on the democratic is a status quo. And Pat, don’t freak but that their a a gender neutral pro noun.

5 years ago

Prediction; President Trump will deal swiftly with our enemies….and that’s no joke.

a fan
a fan
Reply to  Gigi
5 years ago

It is indeed no joke. Trump’s assassination of the Iranian military leader – however well-justified – was done in consultation with Senate Republicans, but not Democrats. This makes it the move of a ruling junta.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  a fan
5 years ago

That is irrational thinking, “a fan.”
Congress is on recess, and the Democrats are orchestrating a coup against President Trump – therefore no congressional approval was necessary. AND that was the reason the strike against Soleimani was successful.
He was a terrorist general responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans. Soleimani planned the attack on the American embassy. Thankfully we have a President who knows who the enemies of America are, and takes the necessary action to put a stop to it.
And yet Democrats like John Kerry continue to undermine the efforts of the Trump administration by conducting unofficial talks with Iran in violation of the Logan Act.

a fan
a fan
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I did not say congressional approval. And I did not say the strike was unjustified. I said the consultation was with the president’s political party and excluded the loyal opposition. That is junta-like behavior.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  a fan
5 years ago

The “loyal opposition?” And who might that be???
Again, that is irrational thinking.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Hrrmmm, ‘A fan’ — Maybe call Schumer’s office? Dollars for donuts his office isn’t complaining about the drone. He is one quiet Democrat on Trump and you can be certain any pro Israel democrat says good riddance. They are probably glad they don’t have to go on the record being pro Trump.

Reply to  a fan
5 years ago
Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Gigi
5 years ago

The new Trump Kitchen Magician!
It slices. It Dices.
From Soleimani to Salami in seconds!
Mounds and mounds of Julienne Jihadi!
Order now, and you’ll receive President Trumps secret recipe for Roast Tyrant!
Operators are standing by…

But wait, there’s more. Act now and you’ll get a free exploding prayer rug! Prophets have been going through the roof, folks!!!

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Love this! Thanks for the laughs!

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Err. Prophet jokes and insulting religions not my thing. But hey – anyone see the pope hitting the women who grabbed onto him? It was very spiritual. It probably brings back some good memories for the altar boys.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Well good liberal you are, I see you have no problem insulting Christians; the same “rules” don’t apply if you are a liberal. Liberals are constantly expanding their double standards to every facet of life: norms, values and culture they do agree with. Then the insults fly with words like bigot, intolerant, racist, uncle Tom, …….etc

Muslims stated goal is to convert or subjugate any non-muslim. If they will not convert they can be a 2nd class citizen known as a Dhimmi, with restricted rights and must pay tribute. You must be a good Dhimmi.

There are concentrations of Muslims within this country, trying to institute Sharia law. They have done so in sections of cities throughout Europe already. Walk through one of those neighborhoods wearing kippah or a crucifix, see how your liberal delusions fail you.

Those who fail to either convert or subjugate are facing Jihad. Particularly those who still practice their own religions, Christians and Jews, along with Hindus and Buddists.

So I have no problem making jokes about a pedophile Prophet from Mecca.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Good grief, that is nonsense. I am a Catholic though and have earned my ‘I survived catholic school’ mug.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Some pretty funny stuff there Dan. And we may need it.

Dole Drumms
Dole Drumms
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Dan shines when it comes to local politics. Because we know he knows, they know,he knows. I’d like to thank fritz for his advice on stooges morning show. Don’t listen anymore. But it wasn’t fritz. One morning awhile ago Stooge had Lady Boots on. I cannot understand what she is saying,she gave me a headache that day with her humming nasal sound. That’s what did it.

5 years ago

excellent – bravo bravo

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Fritz’s prediction –
The Pittsfield Public Schools forced to close due to massive exodus of students & uncertified teachers over discipline & performance issues. JIV & Curtis now cartboys at Market 32.

Dnoclueless Galladuh
Dnoclueless Galladuh
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Classic Valenti! And true.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Is the following prediction true? U.S. President Donald Trump will soon start a war with Iran in order to guarantee him re-election in 2020.

5 years ago

My tax bill has arrived. A 7.25 percent increase.

vary dansuh
vary dansuh
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

The water bill will only add more pain Sally. Numnutz politicians.

Reply to  vary dansuh
5 years ago

I already cut down my showers. Is the sewer bill based on how many flushes if you’re metered? Or is it the same whether you are metered or not?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

If you have a water meter the sewer is metered based on water usage. Water in/water out.
If you do not have a meter the water is based on the average of a 4 person household.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Okay. Thanks PR

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

They saw you and many other Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski residential homeowners coming!

5 years ago

I see Red Apple Butchers closed again on North St after a few short weeks. Is there a limit for how many times a red carpet can get rolled out?

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Great comment Hen. It starts out as well meant,then the outoftownerss sick heir paws into the deal and it becomes a sham.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Not surprised they closed again. More and more businesses are closing on North Street but our elected politicians don’t seem to see it happening! Actually who in their right mind would attempt to open a business on North Street. Between the drug deals, prostitutes, homeless sleeping on benches, drunks, the filthy street, the bad sidewalks, Deanna’s overgrown vegetation islands, and her hitching posts and also having to pay for parking, why bother. Don’t worry though, Lovely Linda has secretly approved a cigar bar so her assistant’s husband can have a job. Meanwhile, got my tax bill today and almost choked. I had taken a look online and the strange thing was when I entered my City of Pittsfield Bill Number and hit enter, 16 other taxpayers came up along with mine. Doesn’t seem right, but then again what is correct about this administration. One of the other bills was from Salisbury Estates, their tax bill went down by thousands, yet my little small house went up over 7%. Nothing makes sense in this City.

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Perhaps the owner is not the sharpest tool in the shed. Who wants to shop for food downtown, on North St. where parking is a challenge? He failed at that location once – why would he try again? Glutton for punishment?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

I don’t think a $15 pastrami sandwich is realistic in Pittsfield, regardless of the location.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Go to Maria’s on the corner of North and Fenn.

$6.50 for a Polish keilbasa grinder stuffed with all the fixings…kraut mustard horseraddish…huuummmm good!

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

For that kind of cash you can have a full spaghetti and meatball dinner at the highland with a glass of wine- best restaurant in town.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

The Highland is great.

I miss Jimmy’s

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Jimmys is missed by me too! Had good food, good people – cooks and waitresses and bartenders and of course Joe and his partner Rocky. And the best nachos this side of the Mississippi.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Comes with salad and all the bread you can eat too. And the pie and coffee is great.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I read that Pittsfield politics will hold the inauguration of the lovely Linda Tyer and other elected municipal officials on Monday morning at 10 a.m. on January 6th, 2020. I am happy for Mayor Linda Tyer. I believe that she is the best Mayor of Pittsfield (Massachusetts) EVER!

Village Knight
Village Knight
5 years ago

I just love those two lines below:)) Bravo!
“Barry Clairmont will open a lemonade stand in front of Cumby’s on First Street. Store Hours: 3:30 a.m. to 3:45 a.m. He makes another fortune.
Melissa Mazzeo will contest the 2019 mayoral election in court, win, become mayor, and hire Linda Tyer as her administrative assistant. Swords will be beaten into plowshares.”

Mann from Last Muncha
Mann from Last Muncha
Reply to  Village Knight
5 years ago

Knight,where is he?

Play me Miserable
Play me Miserable
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Good Knight,I guess

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Iran Militia Leader Leading Iraq U.S. Embassy Raid Listed as Obama White House Guest

…..In 2011, both Fox News and the Washington Times noted that then-Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki brought his transportation minister, al-Amiri, to a meeting at the White House. The Times noted that the White House did not confirm his attendance, but the official was on Iraq’s listed members of its delegation.

The al-Amiri accompanying al-Maliki, besides also being transportation minister, was identified at the time as a commander of the Badr organization, further indicating it was the same person. At the time, the outlets expressed concern that al-Amiri had ties to the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), which the FBI has stated played a role in a 1996 terrorist attack that killed 19 U.S. servicemen. President Donald Trump designated the IRGC a foreign terrorist organization, the first time an official arm of a foreign state received the designation………..

……..In 2016, Obama secured a deal with Iran which included a payment of $1.7 billion in cash. Breitbart News reporter John Hayward reported in September of 2016:

On Tuesday, the Obama administration finally admitted something its critics had long suspected: The entire $1.7 billion tribute paid to Iran was tendered in cash — not just the initial $400 million infamously shipped to the Iranians in a cargo plane — at the same moment four American hostages were released……………

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

what’s your point?

Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Gee, More, I know it’s hard for you to believe that your hero Barry Sotero was hanging with the bad guys, but the facts prove otherwise. The Obama admin. not only handed over bags of cash to the mullahs, but are primarily responsible for the rapid growth of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

There was good reason not to let the D-Rat traitors in on the upcoming strikes. They would have informed their Jihadi Vermin friends/counterparts to crawl back in their holes and hide.

….Susan Rice is a liar, and not in a squishy way but in a very specific way. Because her boss wasn’t simply content to look the other way as Soleimani defied travel bans and met with Putin in Russia while Obama pushed for support of his Iran Deal, for example; but because the previous administration actively, as part of the annex to the Iran Deal, granted Soleimani amnesty by removing him from the Treasury Department designated terrorist list he had been on since 2007………

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

“Sen. Cruz had been warning about the Iranian general’s activities since 2015. He argued against former President Barack Obama’s nuclear deal with Tehran, which lifted sanctions on Soleimani after eight years. He told the Senate Armed Services Committee that the general “had more blood of American service members on his hands than any living terrorist.”

……The number of American soldiers killed by groups under Soleimani’s control is about 600. He was also behind a recent attack that claimed the life of an American defense contractor and was apparently planning more assaults. It’s no surprise that the general would have been on borrowed time. Despite the fact that both the Obama and Bush administrations failed to eliminate the general, President Trump managed to finish the job…….

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

“(REUTERS) In mid-October, Iranian Major-General Qassem Soleimani met with his Iraqi Shi’ite militia allies at a villa on the banks of the Tigris River, looking across at the U.S. embassy complex in Baghdad.

The Revolutionary Guards commander instructed his top ally in Iraq, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, and other powerful militia leaders to step up attacks on U.S. targets in the country using sophisticated new weapons provided by Iran, two militia commanders and two security sources briefed on the gathering told Reuters. “

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Soleimani: Are you going to send a planeload of cash like Obama?

Trump: Yes, wait at the airport.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Pittsfield has a management of money problem. Pittsfield has a huge poverty and drug problem in the hood area of Tyler street.Pittsfield has a great entrance to the City going north up South street to North street.The city is vibrant and energetic .Pittsfield has great youth sports.In spite of everything and in driving around the berkshires we are still the center of the area.Lenox definitely caters to the wealthy elites of Trump New Yorkers but Pittsfield still rocks having everything that those 1%ers south of us cant tolerate.Thank God the Fitzpatrick’s saved the Red Lion Inn or that block would now be gone. Pittsfield political leadership is non existant.Tyer Marchetti Yon Mccandless Curtis and Money manager Behnke are Pittsfields problem…….If you cant do anything about 325 kids being educated on top of a toxic swamp how can these leaders change anything in Pittsfield. Its groundhog day again 2020.These people are stealing money from us because they just watch it happen and do nothing…….Why in gods name does Behnke make 125k a year.Could somebody stop this nonsense

Greg Harris
Greg Harris
5 years ago

This one is an alltime classic DV!! Funny as all get out but making a lot of serious points. Love how you are absolute master of humor and satire.

5 years ago

Agree Dan, yu’ve written a masterpiece. My favorite is the one about the assessments of the mayor’s property. I am dreading new water-sewer tax and new assessments. Dreading. We have decent jobs and income, but with a kid in college and one soon, we are now near $0.00 at end of the month. I don’t think the mayor, council or school admins realize that or if they do donm’t care.

Blending Slivers
Blending Slivers
Reply to  Barbados
5 years ago

I don’t think anyone one here wouldn’t pay to subscribe to the Planet. It’s THAT GOOD. Kevin Moran not even close.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Barbados
5 years ago

Moon started day 1 at a new position at 75k and she has plenty at the end of the month.They believe everyone makes 6500 a month.

Bea Leevinhyorpower
Bea Leevinhyorpower
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

If Dan says Chuck had an eight hundred foot on the fly homer,then I’ll be damned. Frankly the home run I witness as being the longest was at a Babe Ruth game at one of North Junior High-Reid. The ball was a straight shot to center and rolled into the brook in back. The player who hit it was on the bench getting high fives before it was retrieved to the infield. It was six hundred seventy five feet.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Barbados
5 years ago

Tyer and Kuffliinks will sneer in unison when they read your post Bar. The immediate goal is to get every fixed income senior out of their own homes and into senior subsidized housing and then finish off cutting the legs out from under the middle class. And they do this while themselves feeding heartily from the public trough, wiping their snouts and grunting.

5 years ago

Dan, with all the history being discussed by Mr. G and others here, about Pittsfield glory days, I think somebody like you should conduct an oral history of those glory days – starting with Mr. G.

Panta Vesdelabalu
Panta Vesdelabalu
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

I believe Mr. G’s great grand pappy,Happy G,was one of the original pocket pool participants at Park Square.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, if you were a GOBSIG Ruffer would give you some Kapanski cash to fund it.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Howard Eberwien is being recycled as the head of a think tank planning group to put together money saving ideas as shared service planning in the county.This is an insult to all educators and taxpayers of Pittsfield where he absolutely wasted multi millions in Pittsfield……What is his pay?He can not be taken seriously. This is a perfect example of crappy leaders of education getting recycled over and over again for big paychecks….This man has no idea how to save Pittsfield any money.This is a failed idea from its birth.What a joke……Keep a close eye on this group because this guy is the King of Data and will sell anything with a magnified graph of success.We keep getting day old bread around here.(The Berkshire County Education Task Force)Joe Curtis has a site up and running waiting on new DATA…..Eberwien is really the King of Bull Shit….Nice Start picking this failed EX-Superintendent.Now it’s time to watch who is put on this task force.He just left the part time Superintendent position that paid him 105 k.These are the people who are killing education in the name of children.He will be putting ideas on how to save money…you can not make this BS up.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Bravo TSC! I agree totally! Your analysis is spot on!
Yes, what is Eberwein being paid? The group has secured $350,000 in grants. He was forced out of the PPSD.
A county-wide unified school district would result in lack of local input on curriculum & personnel issues, excessive budgets not easily monitored, leveling of the playing field for all students, and greater opportunity for corruption. A bad idea which needs to go away.
The Pittsfield School Committee should study the Springfield schools which have instituted an honors academy for high achievers – the complete opposite of the Pittsfield approach of catering to the lowest denominator of students.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Hopefully not too many innocents will suffer a morons totally asinine decisions. If you are a believe this is the time to pray.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Robem
5 years ago

Wow, that’s interesting! Thanks for posting!
We’d need a few more exits off the turnpike for that pipe dream!!

Who Datt
Who Datt
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Who dat, saaay dat,gonna beat them Saints!

Minnie Soda
Minnie Soda
Reply to  Who Datt
5 years ago

I think this Marchand Lynch for the Seahawks is more dangerous in the streets than the football field.

Wes C Addle
Wes C Addle
5 years ago

Awesome- Still laughing! Great Job Dan!