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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY JAN. 22, 2020) — One might see it as useless bickering, but the recent back-and-forth regarding Peter Marchetti’s city council appointments can be better understood as current flowing in the swollen stream of Pittsfield politics. It’s not partisan bickering, since nearly everyone involved is a Democrat. Rather, it’s Machine bickering between the city’s two dominant political structures, the Del Gallo-Ruberto mechanism (DGRM) and the Wojtkowski-Bianchi device (WBD). These two camps have been in control of the city for more than a generation now.

When THE PLANET posted our views on Marchetti’s choices, we labeled them petty and spineless. We saw and still see Marchetti’s selections as self serving and an explicit effort at cementing the near-absolute control the DGRM has over city (mayor, council, school committee, state rep) and county (district attorney, state reps) public affairs. THE PLANET‘s piece coincided with the expose on odd happenings in the office of D.A. Andrea Harrington, the most notable of which was Jeanne Kempthorne’s startling resignation from her senior position on Harrington’s staff. The temblors are still rattling, and another quake may be coming. Kempthorne accused Harrington of ignoring rule of law regarding the press’s free access to public records. Now we are hearing strong allegations from various sources — including but not limited to THE PLANET’s “Police Report.” These allegations include:

  • The D.A. running her office as a political campaign, including hiring two unqualified city councilors (Moon, Guiel-Lampiasi) to work not for justice but her re-election.
  • The D.A. pressured Bard’s College to drop the matter after the school’s investigation turned up overwhelming evidence in the faked “Smollett-type” racial incident, one the D.A. refused to prosecute.
  • Spending funds for personal use without keeping adequate or honest records.
  • Promising members of the press “favorable access” if they gave Harrington glowing coverage.
  • Promising (and giving) former 1Berkshires reporter Andy McKeever a job while McKeever was covering her campaign against Paul Caccaviello.
  • Local politicians and city employees using Harrington’s office for political strategizing and activities (making copies, creating political literature, building websites).

THE PLANET has experienced the other end of what Harrington gave McKeever. After our coverage of the Harrington-Cacc campaign got critical, she refused us access, a policy we believe is still in place. THE PLANET receives none of the D.A.’s press releases, and when we have contacted the office, we get a Beatles song, “No Reply.” We have tried numerous times to reach out to the D.A., on or off the record, for an air-clearing and to hit the reset button, but she has thus far refused. We have not contacted McKeever yet, but we will. Of course, none of this prevents us from getting information via our contacts in the courthouse, police department, and D.A.’s office itself. Why, though, is it necessary to resort to Deep Throat Parking Garage methods?

One interesting wrinkle with the coincidence of our coverage of Marchetti’s appointments and events in the DA’s was the information release from intimates in Camp Tyer. Monday THE PLANET published the Tyer accusations against Melissa Mazzeo for her debate conduct and their defense of Marchetti’s appointments. A theory has been advanced that it is an attempt by the DGRM to take the attention (and heat) away from Harrington and her office. This theory holds that our coverage and that of the Eagle hit a nerve at 7 North Street and caused a panic. The DGRM, according to this view, then ordered material sent to THE PLANET by Tyer operatives as part of a plan to perform the magician’s trick of misdirection — getting you to look “here” while he performs the trick “there.”

THE PLANET asks: Do you subscribe to this explanation? Is is legit or just another of those “Pittsfield Coincidences?”

On The Weekend Edition upcoming, we will present for puskback’s pushback. We will hear from Chris Connell (and perhaps others) on Appointmentgate. Connell has a lot to say. You won’t want to miss it.


“Our time on earth is precious, valuable, and filled with meaning because, like gold, it is so rare”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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Acute Angina
Acute Angina
5 years ago

Andrea’s ship is sinking. She’s done in politics.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

You are correct. Only desperate fools work there. Who in their right mind will take a job with her at the helm. It’s sad, very sad.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Ham Anex
5 years ago

Former federal prosecutor and first Hampden ADA Karen Bell is desperate ?and a fool?
Williams college sexual assault from 2014 successfully prosecuted by Meghan Tesanaro, due to proper rape kit being done at Albany Med, unlike lost or otherwise compromised rape kits from local hospitals, which previous administration is credibly accused of tampering and destroying!

With a case that strong why was perpetrator allowed to retain his passport and escape the country ?

Hefty campaign donation to Caccaviello?
Is this the long-standing policy practice or culture of Berkshire County District Attorney’s Office being alluded to ?

Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

Sure hope so. She should have never been elected. In fact she should have never run

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“For well you know that its a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little, colder”

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

City Council Prez Peter Marchetti is a top down “leader” who only wants his cronies in positions of political power. He is NOT representing the voices of all Pittsfield taxpayers and citizens. I believe he is wrong.

The two political factions have both failed in Pittsfield politics. Pittsfield has lost thousands of residents to population loss, and many hundreds of living wage jobs to job loss. The tax base is always shrinking, while municipal taxes, fees, and debts are always increasing. PEDA is a +2 decades long failure. The public school system is ran for the teacher’s union instead of the students. Downtown Pittsfield is downright scary after hours, and it is known as “Social Services Alley” during business hours.

Mayor Linda Tyer should be independent of Jimmy Ruberto and Gerry Doyle’s Good Old Boys club that has run Pittsfield’s distressed local economy into the proverbial ditch.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Many very good points. Special interests are dividing up the city spoils. The people we “elected” are helping them and taking their cut. Pittsfield is an increasingly emaciated body and the vultures are circling ever lower in the sky.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

The best was to see if the Berkshire Eagle is playing “payback muckraker” or acting as an actual news organization who’s serving the public will be

Does the Eagle follow-up and report fully on the original story of the racist student of color fake assault Bard College incident. Remember this student, along with two others actually put hate speech and scared an entire campus to the point it was shut down. Lack of cooperation? Most DA’s would call that obstruction of justice and file charges, if for no other reason to recoup the tens of thousands of dollars it took to investigate the fake allegations.

Do they file a complaint with the State over the public records denial and the ethics violations. Remember they have what amounts to two smoking machine guns, Jeanne’s information to the Eagle and the actual emails from a number and back and forth s between DA Andrea Harrington and Jeanne telling Jeanne to violate the law.

Do they actually assign a real reporter to the story and commit real resources? Neither Heather Bellow or Haven Orecchio-Egresitz are up to the challenge of real reporting. We’ve seen it a dozen times before, give either of them a story and its reported incorrectly or it dies on the vine due to lack of follow-up.
The chief law enforcement officer of Berkshire County is on record violating the law. The former head of the ethics commission and head of a federal unit charged with fighting public official corruption has resigned because she felt DA Andrea Harrington lacked ethics, couldn’t follow the law, and ran the DA’s office as a campaign office. My money is on the Berkshire Eagle doing very little more, they’ve made their point to DA Andrea Harrington. The Berkshire Eagle will get the access it wants and will get the favorable treatment it’s looking for and they will move on. They sent Larry Parnass on an all expenses paid tour of failed malls to come up with a story about the Berkshire Mall that was less informative than a google search, and what are they commuting here? Two junior reporters who’s biggest claim to fame is poorly rewriting press releases? Speaks volumes toward the Berkshire Eagle’s commitment to real news.
Any journalists out there, go back to DA Andrea Harrington’s campaign finances. Maybe start there, or maybe work towards the middle with this latest law violation and the campaign finance problems.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Yea, but their the right gender. Bring back Connor Barry. He can break this case open “real quick”, as they say.

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The Eagle will never follow up because this is a non story the Secretary of state quickly dismissed these accusations as total BS. Heather Bellow is a total hack! the Eagle has total egg on its face over this story. A news organization with a agenda is a scary thing for all of us. So called investigative journalists should have correct facts agreed? also wasn’t KempThorne legal counsel for AH? WHOA? is that like a Doctor/Patient thing? I think that is what KT meant when she said ramifications would be coming because of this. Ya mean like being disbarred.

Reply to  Maggie May
5 years ago

The Berkshire Eagle does have an agenda…it’s a far left agenda and it is very scary and dangerous.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Left Winged Parrot, Rutberg is the cracker.

5 years ago

Is it Mount St Andrea that’s getting ready to blow her top, or is it St Andreas fault getting ready to crack?

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Nothing to see here. Move a long now. There will be no federal investigation. Harrinton sent the request to Galvins’ office for an advisory opinion. He may direct his staff to slow walk it into the summer. Even if there were an ethics violation, there would have to be a complaint, and there would be nothing more than a verbal admonishment. It’s all going to amount to a bunch of nuttin. DA’s have tremendous power, to enforce the law, or not. And government officials stonewall and obsfucte on the public records law all the time. There are more exemptions than holes in swiss cheese. Read it and weep folks. Despite the laws changes in 2017, the changes did nothing to increase access to records.

5 years ago

Why but of course it’s just another Pittsfield coincidence!

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

But of course. And just like it was a coincidence that the Google Whistleblowers’ wife was killed in a car crash after he went public.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Personally I think what terrifies city hall, the people who control its inner workings, and the special interest pulling strings on the outside, is the shadow of a forensic audit. That subject has been popping up more and more. Non existent sources inside city hall are reporting an increase in cases of tremors, hives, tics, high blood pressure and clinical depression. There has even been talk of bringing in counselors to help reduce the anxiety. One visibly shaken clerk reported that the word FORENSIC had been banned at city hall and all city functions.
As in past flares ups city officials, knowing voters and taxpayers have short staying power, are planning to wait out the forensic audit chatter and then get back to the priority job of reaming the public anus. The juking, deking, and bobbing and weaving distractions are surely part of the game plan. We the people need to keep the subject at the forefront until someone with some clout picks up the ball and runs with it. And when they do we need to get 100 percent behind them.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

The fleecing will continue,
On school budget- Pittsfield public schools pay significantly less than central Berkshire regional school district.
And transportation seems cheaper also.

I agree with ms mazzeo on department waste, seems to be a lot of preventable waste. Perhaps ask the rank and file for suggestions on saving resources.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

you forgot nucleya biosystems owner Pat muraca

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Off topic but here’s some more of Bernies crazy campaign workers…..

“Project Veritas dropped a troubling video last week of a field organizer for the presidential campaign of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
The video showed Kyle Jurek making inflammatory statements about gulags, re-education and violence.
But now they just released a new video and this proves that the prior video was not just a one-off.
Because now there’s a second staffer, Martin Weissgarber, a South Carolina field organizer saying pretty similar things, even worse.

Here’s a clip of the highlights: …..”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Bernie Sanders, limousine liberal, Democrat Socialist……honeymooned in Russia, owns 3 homes, government hack, husband of Jane whose financial shenanigans led to the downfall of Burlington College…..and most recently panned by Peter Schweitzer in his newly released book “Profiles in Corruption” for funneling $83 million of taxpayer dollars thru Old Town Media to family & friends. Hurrah for Project Veritas for continuing to expose this fraud!

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I wonder who is more of a fraud: Bernie or Donald?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Jeremiah 5:21

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Donald Trump isn’t a fraud, but Liz Warren is tied with Bernie for being the two biggest frauds.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Commie Bernie…hands down.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

The far left Dems in Virginia are also trying to do a gun grab. They didn’t waste any time trying to do it after the election. Bernie Sanders campaign workers are saying that if Bernie isn’t elected they will burn down cities and guillotine the rich because they have to start the revolution. Yet the far left lying media is saying that the danger of violence is coming from the right. The far left media is burying this story. You will only hear it from non far left news sites.

5 years ago

Thanks again Dan for a great column. You are certainly a dieing breed. The age of the investigative reporter seems to be coming to an end unfortunately. Never stop digging Dan!

Plead the Fifth
Plead the Fifth
5 years ago

I am changing my screen name to avoid retribution. When it comes to Harrington’s sliminess, let’s just look at who her primary mentor was – the former mayor of North Adams, now our state rep because we can’t find anyone more politically connected to take the job. In NA, he had a city car, overcharged teachers for health insurance and used it like free cash, and feathered his own state pension nest. When he lost, he got a free ride courtesy of Pittsfield taxpayers as a consultant. There were plenty of allegations of his underhandedness including that he was awarding no-bid contracts in exchange for consultant payments under the table from the winning bidders paid to his bogus consulting business run out of his own house. Then, he took a job at the NA Public Schools only working long enough to make another state pension available. There is also this little tidbit: when Harrington was paying $5 a signature for her petition to even get on the ballot, people were asked to sign two petitions. The blank one went to Barrett in an envelope far too thick just to hold ballot$ and a city councilor was duped into carrying from Harrington’s hot little hands directly to Barrett’s just before the election – and yes, her opponent was informed of this but wanted to stick to the issues and not the cheating and backroom deals going on. His decision to stay honest cost him the election.

Now, our illustrious DA won’t prosecute crimes, loses cases, won’t obey the public records laws by openly instructing her staff to not comply while communicating through the use of private email accounts to circumvent the laws. The office is not a DA’s office but a “Elect Harrington for Anything With a Higher State Salary” campaign office. Instead of spending the office’s budget on Berkshire County crime fighting, she flies off to Portugal and Atlanta.

Naturally, the county Progressives either remain silent or pander rumors like the ringmaster of a circus trying to distract us.

All I can say is if Harrington gets away with any of this, boy are we stupid.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Plead the Fifth
5 years ago

Sarcasm: Breaking NEWS!!!! Politics is a dirty, filthy, corrupt, etc., business full of political hacks and insiders! Money talks in City Hall and the Boston State House. Former North Adams Mayor and current State Rep. John Barrett III has received and is still receiving a lot of taxpayer-funded salaries, including from Pittsfield taxpayers via former Mayor Jimmy Ruberto, and public pensions. (More sarcasm): It never occurred to me it is because he is politically-connected and a wheeler dealer. One word: #$hakedown!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Yes, Jonathan, politics is very dirty corrupt business which is why growing it even bigger as the far left is hell bent on doing is a really horrible idea and dangerous idea. Vote out the far left!!!

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Vote them ALL out!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Getting ready to send the city census back and see that the city wants you to provide a stamp on the envelope. OK, but my guess is that at least ten percent of people or more, will not be able to find a stamp or just say to hell with it. I had a boss once who told me that if you really wanted someone to do something you don’t make it harder for them. I thought that was excellent advice. So the city saves a few hundred dollars and gets an unreliable census. But then again this administration probably just adds in however many bodies they need to get free state aid and the census is just a legal formality.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

If there is any doubt that Chief Wynn is completely ineffective and a leader of the Pittsfield Police Department the lack of Reid resource officer and the circumstances that led to that situation are proof positive he should resign.
The PPD is at dangerously low strength, officers are leaving in droves and Chief Wynn is handing out basketball hoops and staffing ice cream trucks.
Almost every middle and high school in Pittsfield is ripe for violence, sexual assault, drug dealing, and assaults on staff. It’s not getting better, it’s getting worse, all while Chief Wynn pontificates on books, martial arts, and dithers his education and lines his pockets with paid time off speaking engagements.
Due to the level of violent crime in Pittsfield the DOJ and FBI recommend a staff of 138 (all divisions) with a focus on Patrol and detective divisions. The Berkshire Eagle claims a staff of 120, which is based solely on population but CompStat puts it at 138. What is today’s staffing levels? 81 oddly Chief Wynn counts trainees and will say 85 but trainees don’t count.
What’s the city budgeted for? 99. Why are officers leaving? They have zero faith in the leadership of the department and DA’s Office. They can find better jobs elsewhere in departments and localities that are actually concerned about public safety. When DA Andrea Harrington has a press conference and bad mouths law enforcement and Chief Wynn and Mayor Tyer are standing there smiling, most officers know to get out.
So all that campaign talk about safety and security, Mayor Linda Tyer, Chief Wynn, and DA Andrea Harrington clearly don’t care about our safety based solely on their performance.
DA Andrea Harrington would rather protect criminals and obstruct justice than act in the best interest of the citizens of Pittsfield and Berkshire County.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Can you provide some links for your assertions that in Podunk Pittsfield, we need 138 cops? I’m not even buying the 120 cops line of bs from the city either. I bet 100 is plenty. And I don’t think 120 cops is going to solve the problem, at this point, even if they magically appeared tomorrow morning, ready to take names and kick but.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

The state standards for department certification for a city the size of Pittsfield dictate 120 officers
The DOJ Uniform Crime Stats and best practices guidelines dictate for embedded and rising crime you add more offices. In the last review for the PPD it was strongly suggest that they move to 138 officers to help “saturate” problem neighborhoods with patrols.
It was also suggested that they are going to have a massive attrition problem in the next 5 years (2017 report) and they have to overcome that as well as overtime spending and burn out.
The concern is, new officers not getting the support they need and senior officers getting burnt out will lead to a cycle of attrition that will bring the force below 85 officers, a bare minimum for certification and certainly not optimal for policing.
This reduction in force will also lead to an increase of quality of life crimes as well as violent crimes.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

So you would raise taxes for more police based on bogus MPAC and police union ‘standards’

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

When you have a corrupt police department then a city has serious problems.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Through the recent campaign Lovely Linda kept pounding her fist and stating she had added more police officers to the force. Another campaign lie. Even though Melissa explained many times that she had not added to the force due to retirements, officers dropping out of the academy or leaving to go to another force. Unfortunately half the voters fell for Lovely Linda’s lie. Does anyone in this City Administration ever perform an exit interview with the police officers that leave? Does the Administration know how many police officers are out on leave? How many have law suits filed against the City? Lovely Linda had stated that we have a Traffic Bureau, unfortunately those officers can’t perform traffic duties because of the lack of officers, this is going on 5 years since her promise. How many officers sit inside during the shifts? Can they not do something constructive. If they just sit in the station, why can’t they just sit at Reid for the day? When the last time Wynn drove around the City? I would think he should be capable of writing a few traffic citations. Maybe Police Report can answer this – does the Police Department still have the analyst they had hired a few years back? Has the police department ever tracked the number of calls they get from the Brien Center for “well being checks”, have they tracked how many calls they get to Taconic, Herberg, PHS, Reid, etc., what about Walmart or Cumbies on First Street – even though Bare Bare said there is no problem there. The City of Chicopee recently confronted their Walmart about the amount of calls they receive and asked Walmart to look into a security solution. Does the Brien Center reimburse the City for these “well being checks”? Why are their counselors not performing these? Once again possibly Police Report can update us on this – a few weeks ago he mentioned there were issues with the Police Details, has he heard anymore on this?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Listening to the scanner it would seem that most police calls are for car accidents and domestic violence.. If the city had not done away with traffic laws there would be less police needed for that. Now domestic violence is an entirely different matter. Booze, drugs and a total breakdown of human decency are contributing factors. I got no answers. Probably going to get worse. Too bad we can’t all live in gated community’s and feel safe as we pay such high taxes.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Thank you. If you have any specific links to state certification standards or best practice guidelines I would be interested, and I would be particualrly interested in reading details of this 2017 review. I suggest a formal police management study, shared with the public, so this issue can be fleshed out for all us Kapanskis. I don’t believe the police department has had a management study since the 70’s.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

If the city is so understaffed, why don’t they allow retired cops that work all those road jobs, work part time on patrol? Other departments let retirees stay on part time.

flogging molly
flogging molly
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
5 years ago

Because beat cops need to be certified and those retired guys are nothing but high priced cell phone reading traffic cones

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

How many of that police staff never leave the building during the day? Office vs beat cops?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago


Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

And I only had 2 beers officer!

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Staff? Probably 12 officers, 4 or 5.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Wynn is a faker.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Rarely do I agree
Police report hit nail perfectly on the thumb.
Wynn only qualification is its close proximity the former Governor Deval Patrick. Area police Chiefs are now nothing more than political hacks

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
5 years ago

As Jeanne Kempthorne stated longstanding political nature of the office, perhaps it predates ms Harrington’s administration.

The Dream Team
The Dream Team
5 years ago

Chris Connell is a phony!

A very good friend of mine lives in Ward 4 and when Chris came to their door asking for their support they declined as he had ignored an issue on their street for years. My friend sent emails and even called Chris to have the issue resolved. Nothing ever happened. Chris’s opponent came to the door and my friend and his wife talked to him about the same issue and within 2 days it was fixed. Chris spends more time worrying about getting his name in the paper then getting issues resolved. It’s too bad Chris was re-elected. My friend and I agree that it was a loss for the residents of Ward 4.

Yukille S Guilamp
Yukille S Guilamp
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Tit for tat. I was thinking about stinking Lo,same deal. Thank heavens that loser wasnt elected. And the people of Ward Five sent a big five hundred vote message. No Mo Lo! Even Saisausage can’t bring him back from the garbage heap. After all Saki knows all about cavities.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

I met his opponents family and thought the Beverly Hill Billies were in town.

Reply to  Ham Anex
5 years ago

To tell you the truth Dan, has anyone ever been pummeled by 500 votes in an alleged close Ward Council race.Poor Lolo

Reply to  scrappinmyknee
5 years ago

The best thing about Lo was his made up words….he liked to use the nonword conversate……and how can we forget when he was on the PCTV show with no klew Lew?

Reply to  scrappinmyknee
5 years ago

Did the Water Boy ever run for ward? When he runs city-wide he doesn’t get 500 votes…

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

It’s good to know who Barry and Linda fear. Connell lives in their heads rent free.

lifewelllived maybe
lifewelllived maybe
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

yes or mighty hair peace. Connell living in the minds of Tyer and her Dream Team. Change the World.

lifewelllived maybe
lifewelllived maybe
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

What a waste of time is the Senate Fiasco. The Democrats do not have the votes in the Senate. President Trump has played this perfectly. It is one big drawn out Vince McMahon WWF reality T V production, Trump saved his fortune as well as his life following the Mc Mahon model, on a politically and economic Iarger scale. Trump and enemies play to the ones who hold the real power and that is the electorate. Trump economy is his greatest asset ,he delivered. He will be the next President as well.

Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

People just didn’t want to take a chance on Doug Heffernan dream team

Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

DT – you must be a Tyer troll.
Connell is my ward 4 councilor and i couldn’t be more pleased. He always responds to my inquiries and requests for info. He is one of a very few on the city council who ask questions, has business acumen and common sense. He is not living in the mayor’s back pocket. I notice your comment about what he does in his free time has been redacted, thankfully, as it is none of your business.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Dream Team, very fake news.

Reply to  The Dream Team
5 years ago

Chris has always been responsive and continues tone responsive to the needs of this ward. Your good friend isn’t being truthful or maybe it’s you making u another far fetched story. Merriam list fare and square please go back to your baseball field or basement. Either one is best suited for you.

Two Cents
Two Cents
5 years ago

Another Pittsfield “Coincidence”:: So as we know, former city councilor, John Kroll has settled in to his new life and career in the eastern part of the state and has recently sold his home, ending his financial ties with the city. His 180 Media business has been defunct for 2 years now and most of its web presence has been deleted. He previously leased space for the media company at the notorious 100 North Street owned by the pocket warmer of city officials, David Carver. Tenants tell me that Kroll has not stepped foot in the building in almost 2 years and his office has been long cleaned out and recently leased to another entity. But the new digital office listing in the lobby, updated this week, and easily changed, still lists 180 media as a tenant.
Could a multi-million dollar real estate/development firm not notice that one of its office spaces has been empty for almost 2 years?
Could there be a financial benefit in being able to claim high end lease payments in a building you haven’t stepped foot in in 2 years?
I’m sure there’s nothing to see here, just another Pittsfield coincidence.

Reply to  Two Cents
5 years ago

Just like his house selling for 375,000 with no realtor when it was just assessed for 307,000. Doesn’t pass the smell test.

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Sally. It looks like his assessment went up 5% which was pretty typical. Maybe there’s a realtor in the family. Not everyone needs a realtor to sell their house. Good for him if he got that much. If you are not happy with your assessment, put in for an abatement.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

B. Krol Realty Street LLC

Tim"Doughnut Boy" for Tyer
Tim"Doughnut Boy" for Tyer
5 years ago

Well, the McKeever thing explains why Krol wasn’t at the inauguration!

Beer Briantzbamee
Beer Briantzbamee
Reply to  Tim"Doughnut Boy" for Tyer
5 years ago

Why do you need 180 media when pctv will let you advertise your agenda daily free of charge and give you buoncy whether your successful or not.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

And this is for you fellow Americans, from Adam the Schiff-head:

In his opening statement Wednesday in the impeachment trial of President Trump, Schiff charged that the results of elections cannot be trusted and Americans who vote are too stupid to make such decisions.

“He actually said it. The son of a … actually said it,” Limbaugh told his listeners.

Schiff said the Senate needs to stop an “attempt to use the powers of the presidency to cheat in an election for precisely this reason, the president’s misconduct cannot be decided at the ballot box.”

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

You had me at limbaugh,what did Hannity say?

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Letter: Kempthorne put ethics before career
Posted Wednesday, January 22, 2020 4:03 pm,595313

“ ….we must acknowledge that she (Kempthorne) is swimming against the stream of self-promoting, morally bankrupt politicians who forfeit the truth and the law in benefit only to themselves.”
A very good description of DA Andrea Harrington- ”a morally bankrupt politician who forfeits the truth and the law in benefit only to herself” this written by a group of female lawyers who actually try cases.

To the editor:

We need more Jeanne Kempthornes in the world. We need more people who adhere with faithfulness and bravery to a strict moral compass (“DA’s office whistleblower resigns over public records issues, ‘campaign culture”, Jan. 17).

We know from the simple black and white reporting over the last week that she is such a person because her ethics came at a personal cost to her: her livelihood. When we put her actions in a national context, we must acknowledge that she is swimming against the stream of self-promoting, morally bankrupt politicians who forfeit the truth and the law in benefit only to themselves.

As public defenders, we hope to come across people like Jeanne Kempthorne who do simple things like: promptly reply to requests, openly state reasons for opposition and adhere to legal guidelines. We need people like Jeanne Kempthorne in order to make this judicial system function. The fact that she had to choose between her values and her career is a sad testament to the failures of this system.

Holly Armitage,

Madeline Weaver Blanchette,

Sarah Dolven,

Elaine Fronhofer,

Xiomara M. Hernndez,

Jessica LaClair,

Barb Munro,

Molly Ryan Strehorn

The letter was sent from the law office of Molly Ryan Strehorn in Amherst. All who have signed the letter are attorneys who practice law in the Commonwealth and have taken cases assigned out of Berkshire County.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

I’d suggest anyone with some time either google or use PACER to look at the legal expertise and cases these women have tried. In one month everyone of these lawyers have had more trial experience that DA Andrea Harrington has in her entire legal career.
Anyone of these women could have walked into the DA’s office an done an infinitely better job than DA Andrea Harrington.
I would also suggest that any defense attorney having any interaction with DA Andrea Harrington’s office request a special prosecutor for your client. You may have been denied exculpatory evidence and DA Andrea Harrington can not be trusted to follow the law. If a “win at any cost” DA is going to deny simple emails with no legal basis, imagine how she will instruct those that work for her to hide evidence.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Police report, what options do the voters of this a county have as far as pursuing this injustice? I agree with you that the Eagle will let this die on the vine, and I think it should be brought to a higher level.

Johnny Absurdo
Johnny Absurdo
Reply to  shaun
5 years ago

I think the eagle wanted to do a follow up story yesterday but it got bumped off by a one and a half paragraph story about a guy who was helped off Monument Mountain. A headline and a story that had the inside hollowed out and said almost nothing at all. Not sure why it was rushed to press but some big shot deemed it hot enough to take up advertising space.

Reply to  shaun
5 years ago

Its called an election.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Police report
Denial of exculpatory evidence has been the policy of that office since Downing was there
That is why capeless is floundering and triple homicide appeal.
Zero credibility
anyone using a public defender should use them only as assistant Counsel.

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The problem here that what people like PR won’t tell you is this is a nothing story totally and absolutely debunked by the secretary of state and the legal community(*not ones who were fired) much like the BC nonsense story messing around with the ballots( say whatever you can and see what sticks to discredit the accomplishments of another) Many like people including PR will also dribble out that they have inside information on the workings of city government the DA’s office hell even why you did not get the correct burger at Wendy’s. Playing investigative reporter tossing out random bullet points without one shred of fact is just is the norm today but hey you get some thumbs up that’s is the easy part but actually giving any real facts concrete about anything is the real truth. Gone are the days of real reporters. As much as I hate to say it Trump has made a great point about the fake news that is prevalent today. I’m sure Harrington will have letters to the editor and blah blah back and forth we go. As Colnonel Jessup said “you can’t handle the truth” “Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another’s prosperity, like the scorpion confined within a circle of fire, will sting itself to death.”-

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Maggie May
5 years ago

Mostly very fake news.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I guess I’m not the only one who’s tired of the Schiff-show D-Circus…..

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) said on Wednesday that 45 GOP senators are prepared to dismiss the charges against President Trump and effectively end the Senate impeachment trial.

The Kentucky senator told the Washington Post on day two of the Senate impeachment trial that 45 Republicans are ready to dismiss the charges against Trump. (Republicans hold a 53-47 majority in the upper chamber.) He estimated that “five to eight” want to “hear a little more.”

“There are 45, with about five to eight wanting to hear a little more,” Paul told the Post. “I still would like to dismiss it, but there aren’t the votes to do it just yet.”

However, Paul said he is not pushing the point just yet.

“I will push it at some point,” he told the paper, adding, “The more Adam Schiff speaks, the more we become unified.”

Paul has openly rejected the Democrats’ calls for additional witnesses and has issued a political threat to his GOP colleagues, in the event they side with Democrats.

“If you vote against Hunter Biden, you’re voting to lose your election, basically. Seriously. That’s what it is,” Paul said, according to Politico. He continued:”

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Did you guess before that you were the only one?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

More on the circus…

Dems: We have an airtight case against the President

Reps: Ok, go ahead

Dems: Trump and his staff came up with a plot to withhold funding to Ukraine contingent on the announcement of investigations into Joe Biden’s son. AN ABUSE OF POWER, then he obstructed out investigation!

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

Dems: We have an airtight case against the President

Reps: Ok, go ahead

Dems: Trump and his staff came up with a plot to withhold funding to Ukraine contingent on the announcement of investigations into Joe Biden’s son. AN ABUSE OF POWER, then he obstructed out investigation!

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

Reps: and you found proof of this?

Dems: Absolutely, one guy overheard someone else on the phone talking to Trump about the whole scheme.

Reps: Like on speaker phone?

Dems: Not exactly, more like across the table in a crowded restaurant, not on speakerphone.

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

Reps: Didn’t you take him to court to get the records?

Dems: There was no time, we can’t have a president extorting foreign countries. LOL MAN, are you crazy?

Reps: Just a second, let me catch my breath.

Dems: Shocking isn’t it.

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

Dems: Well… when you say it like that it makes us sound silly. But you’ll see when we call new witnesses during the Senate phase.


Dems: Well, no but we did interview a few low level staffers.

— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

Reps: *looks around*

Dems: *grins confidently*

Reps: You are XXXXing crazy.


— Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) January 23, 2020

5 years ago

Who on this list feels stupid now?

5 years ago

Like i said, it’s bs that Pittsfield needs 120 cops, or 138. And like I said, the city should have a management study done to come up with an accurate ideal staffing level. And the average is 1.8 to 2.5 cops, per 1,000 people, according to a 2003 study from the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, as mentioned in this white paper, linked below.

City populaton is 42,533. Therefore, city’s ideal police staffing level is probably somewhere between 77 and 106 cops. The middle number is 91. According to the Eagle, city is already budgeted for 99, and as PR reported, city can’t keep cops for some reason. The city shouldn’t even consider increasing the staffing beyond 99 unless and until A. The department can successfully handle 99, and B. A true management study supports it.

Why is the city afraid of a management study????

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Why? Same reason they are afraid of a forensic audit. It will show the ineptitude and mismanagement of taxpayer trust and money. Money that was thrown around and wasted like it grew on trees. The only studies this administration wants are the ones that will provide kickbacks and graft.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Why isn’t the corridor of ice removed in front South Street just off West? And they want you to break your leg getting to a kiosk?

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  DeePeewbu
5 years ago

Because department heads know more than any city councilor.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

The 2003 study does not take into account the rise in crime nor a “rapid rise in crime” it does not take into account “rolling staffing” based on retirement date.
The best practice minimum number for Pittsfield based solely on population would be 120. The best practice number for Pittsfield based on a rapid increase in crime, projected retirements, attrition based on lateral moves by personnel to other departments is 138-140.
The simple rule of staffing. When your overtime exceeds $1,000 per total staff, you should add an officer for $1000 over. So if you have 80 officers and you spend $100,000 on overtime, that’s $20,000 so that would be 20 officers
Yes that’s a LOT more in budget monies than $20k but the it’s a staffing reality. It becomes a cycle of not enough police to patrol, an increase in quality of life crimes, a decrease in taxable base, a decrease in budget, a decrease in staffing, a decrease in police on patrol, an increase in quality of life crimes. That coupled with an increase in crime, specifically homicides, would put staffing even higher. Best practice, for every homicide you should add one officer.

What people don’t understand about policing is it’s an investment in the future of your community. It’s a necessary expenditure, proactively done to help keep property values up by making a community more desirable to live in due to safety.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

are you factoring benifeits in?

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

I appreciate you posting these links. I will be reading them over next few days, thanks.

5 years ago

Dan, How is it that a high ranking, highly-regarded prosecutor blows the whistle on the DA over a fake hate crime in their town, yet it’s crickets at the Berkshire Edge you think is so much improved?

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

What highly-regarded prosecutor would resign over a Freedom of Information Act request, which could be handled by saying the matter is still under investigation?

Reply to  Magoo
5 years ago

Probably the straw that broke the camel’s back. She took as much as she could.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Magoo
5 years ago

That’s exactly DA Andrea Harrington thinking.
To keep something under “active investigation” to shield the information from public disclosure is a violation of the law.
To say it’s under active investigation when it’s not (lie) to keep information from being disclosed is a violation of the law.
For DA Andrea Harrington to tell Jeanne “we are not responding to this” is a violation of the law. All requests must be responded to, and legal reasons given as to why the requested information isn’t being disclosed. The party requesting the information can then seek a remedy in court.
By DA Andrea Harrington subverting the law she is supposed to uphold, she is denying a legal remedy to the requesting party.
You can be sure a lawyer very well versed in ethics and in prosecuting public corruption knows very well what an unethical and corrupt politician looks like, it’s the foundation of why Jeanne left the office it’s putting the Berkshires on notice that DA Andre Harrington is unethical and is willing to corrupt the system she is supposed to uphold.

5 years ago

Why would anyone expect anything to change in Pittsfield and Berkshire County when all there is is one-party rule? Crooked Democrats protecting crooked Democrats. So what else is new?
Oh, and check out the Boston City Hall aide who just got sentenced to 40 months and fines for taking bribes. SEE: