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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY JAN. 20, 2020) — Happy MLK Day, another free day for all public sector workers courtesy of those all-day suckers, the hard-pressed and bedraggled Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski.

As you know if you’ve been following THE PLANET recently, we presented pieces on the 2019 mayoral election as well as council president Peter Marchetti’s controversial and political committee appointments. They must have hit a nerve, because the “other side” got to us with their take on both. In the interest of a full-throated discussion and to share info you won’t get anywhere else, THE PLANET gives you these two “guesters.” They are presented as written, edited only for style and mechanics.

The first is by a member(s) of the mayor’s re-election campaign, a person or persons we call Top Insider (“Top” for short). The second is from a source called Eliminator.


“What’s the old adage in elections?  If you’re winning an election don’t blow it in the last two weeks.  This is what I will never understand about the Mazzeo campaign.  If they were winning by “10 points” as they believed, then why did they take such aggressive tactics in the last few weeks?

“Melissa’s last debate performance was unhinged.  She was disheveled, her glasses were crooked on her face, she was hostile and attacking her opponent with snide remarks, and she was incessantly flipping her papers. I heard from spies on her team that she was wearing a bluetooth device and that Pam Malumphy was telling her what to say.  It actually explains the oddly messy hair (hide the bluetooth), the strange pauses and flipping papers (time to listen for a few seconds), and the crooked glasses (bluetooth was looped over her ear).  Pam was seen leaning forward with her hands over her mouth during the entire debate. It made sense after I heard this because up until then Melissa had mostly kept her cool.  Who do we all know that acts like such a complete, vicious pit bull? Pam Malumphy.  Melissa proudly claims Pam to be her friend and political mentor.  That’s too bad.  Pam literally killed Melissa’s campaign.

“The final nail in the coffin was Melissa’s last mailing that had the photo of a police SWAT team bashing in a door. While they wanted it to depict an unfolding scene in Pittsfield, it was quickly debunked as a ten-year-old photo from Kansas City.  It offended a lot of people right at the very end of the campaign.  So dumb.  But here’s what’s really shocking about that lit piece.  John Krol designed it.  After years of spiteful hate between Melissa and John (she’s been heard multiple times calling him an asshole in the middle of city council meetings) they teamed up and caused the final unforced error.  It’s either a strange bedfellows story or he finally paid her back for all those years of hatred.  You decide.

“Campaign 101 – when you’re winning, stay cool and don’t make any mistakes.  When you’re losing, attack your opponent relentlessly.  To my eyes it looked like the Mazzeo campaign thought they were losing.  And they did.”


“O, my God! I can not believe someone seriously wrote that,” Mazzeo said. “I don’t even know where to begin, and I find it odd that this farce of a story is coming out at this time. Can it be someone is trying to distract your readers from talking about the DA issue? Now that’s a story. Anyway, the notion that I had an earpiece in for my debate is so ridiculous. If I needed someone to tell me how to answer the questions being asked, then I would have needed that for all of my council meetings, since the questions were based on issues that happened over the last 4 years. As for my last mailing, the only people who seemed upset by it were Mayor Tyer supporters. People who were supporting me agreed 100% with the message,” Mazzeo said.

“We chose to not use a picture of the Pittsfield swat team, though we had a lot of pictures we could have used. Would all the ‘appalled’ voters have been less ‘appalled’ if I used a picture of our own swat team in action? And finally for the most bizarre accusation. John Krol was not the designer of this mailing or any mailing or material I used. I thought the earpeice idea was ludicrous, but this is even more so. Again, I can’t help wonder why all this is coming out now, and I can only think that THEY are trying to control the narrative [with the heat being directed at the district attorney]. Is it the DA ethics situation or maybe another violation of some sort they seem worried about?. I guess we will all just have to wait and see.”

THE PLANET thanks Mazzeo for the response.

———- ooo ———-


“I disagree that Finance is the most powerful committee.  I believe that is Ordinance and rules.  They meet monthly, finance meets 1/4ly.  Way more business is done at O & R than Finance.  I have closely observed Chris Connell for a few years. Chris has a limited understanding of municipal finance, which is very different than corporate finance.  He acts like he knows everything, but is largely clueless.

“In fact, Chris acts like he knows everything no matter what the topic is.  He is the finance director, a lawyer, can fill potholes, engineer a water plant, stop crime, and put out fires.  Chris is VERY aggressive not only at council meetings but also at committee meetings.  He is disrespectful to department heads, tells them how to do their jobs, and demeans them.  He says either “okay” or “right” after everything he says, like by saying those words it makes him correct.  Department heads hate him not because he calls them out, but because he is a know-it-all.  I believe this is why Marchetti didn’t give him a chair and took him off finance.

“Morandi isn’t as aggressive as Connell.

“Now, let’s assume politics played a role in this, and I’m not saying it did.

“In 2012 – 2013, Clairmont and Lothrop were on Finance, with Lothrop as the Chair. Clairmont and Lothrop were on O & R, along with Krol. Krol was on Community and Economic Development. These three committees are the most powerful on the Council.

“When Mazzeo became the President of the Council in 2014 and Connell was the Vice-President, Lothrop stayed on Ordinance & Rules but was removed from Finance.  Clairmont stayed on Finance but didn’t get the Chair or Vice-Chair despite being the only numbers guy on the committee.  Clairmont was removed from O & R and relegated to Public Buildings.  Krol took the brunt losing O & R and Community & Economic development for Public Health and Public Works.

“Mazzeo made herself either Chair or vice-chair of O & R, Finance, and Community and Economic Development.  Connell was appointed either Chair or Vice-chair of O & R and Finance, plus picked up Public Buildings.

“Both Melissa and Chris were okay with taking political vengeance on who they perceived were their enemies, even though that year there was no Mayor’s race. Where was Chris and Kevin’s outrage in 2014?  For them to bitch about it now is hypocritical and disingenuous at best. People pick sides in politics, that is just a fact.  To the victors go the spoils.  If you don’t like how this works, either align yourself with the winning side, or get the hell out of the kitchen.”

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET thanks Top and Eliminator for their views. We have a call into Chris Connell. If he responds, we share share it with you. We are open the all sides of any issue. Keep that in mind if you have something to say either with a comment or perhaps something longer in a guest essay. As we like to say, “THE PLANET is open for business.”


“Rome wasn’t built in a day, but Caesar was killed in a minute”Dialogue from the TV series The Invaders.



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5 years ago

It’s obvious that Barry is the author Stick with you pot shop Barry.

Reply to  Gobsig
5 years ago

Why do you declaring he has a pot shop?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
5 years ago

If Mazzeo called Krol an asshole it proves she’s perceptive and honest.

Tyer kept looking at her phone during the debates. Most likely getting instructions from Claremont.

Richard Arnold
Richard Arnold
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago

If Claire Matt wants for his input and politics and he should run for office

Reply to  Richard Arnold
5 years ago

Clairmont was the only one that even tried to cut the budget when he was in the council. And it was a small amount and the GOBSIGs went ballistic.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

January 19, 2020

Re: Trump & U.S. Congress must denounce neo-nazi march in Richmond, Virginia on Monday, January 20, 2020!

Dear U.S. President Donald Trump, Congresswoman Annie Kuster, & U.S. Senators Jeanne Shaheen and Maggie Hassan,

Monday, January 20, 2020, is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, which celebrates Human Rights and Civil Rights. BUT, on Monday, January 20, 2020, there will be a neo-nazi march in Richmond, Virginia in the names of gun rights. I request that President Trump and the entire U.S. Congress please denounce the neo-nazi march in Richmond, Virginia on Monday, January 20, 2020.

Nazis are evil! They perpetrated the Holocaust, which persecuted and killed over 6 million Jewish People during World War II. I believe this is a moment to stand up for the values and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., and stand against the horror and evil of Adolf Hitler. Our country was founded on Human Rights, which is enshrined in the Bill of Rights. Please stand up for Human Rights, and please stand up against Hate!

Thank you,

Jonathan A. Melle

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Who are the Nazis that will be there?

Nugget Leader
Nugget Leader
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

It’s a gun rights rally

Gun rights, something the Jews in Germany could have used back in the 1930’s and 40’s

Gun rights are closer to civil rights than anything you pretend to care about.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Nugget Leader
5 years ago

January 20, 2020

Re: Ultra right wing gun rights rally supported by Trump and neo nazis!

On Dan Valenti’s awesome blog today (January 20, 2020), “Nugget Leader” wrote in response to my post the following: “Gun rights, something the Jews in Germany could have used back in the 1930’s and 40’s. Gun rights are closer to civil rights than anything you pretend to care about.”

I believe that is a terrible statement to say the Jews in Nazi Germany could have used “gun rights” to fight off Hitler’s evil government’s military persecutors and mass murderers. In fact, armed Jews in occupied Nazi Germany may have made matters even worse, as Hitler’s evil government had bigger and more lethal weaponry, such as tanks, planes, and bombs!

I am disappointed in U.S. President Donald Trump for not condemning hate and violence in the ultra right wing so-called guns right rally in Richmond, Virginia today, Monday, January 20, 2020. Below my name are some facts about the hate march that caused the Commonwealth of Virginia to declare a state of emergency.

– Jonathan Melle


Monday’s [January 20, 2020] rally in Richmond, Virginia is called by “the Virginia Citizens Defense League”, a gun-rights organization that is well to the right of the National Rifle Association. The NRA has declined to join the planned demonstration, urging its supporters to take part in a separate effort to lobby the state legislature against prospective gun regulations that have passed the Virginia state Senate and are now before the General Assembly.

Hundreds of neo-Nazis and white supremacists wrote on social media that they are traveling to the Richmond, Virginia “guns right rally”. The Commonwealth of Virginia has declared a state of emergency that doesn’t end until Tuesday, January 21, 2020 at 17:00 or 5 p.m. The Virginia State Capitol was turned into a security fortress. Firearms, torches, bats, laser pointers and scissors are banned from the capitol grounds. The Federal Aviation Administration has imposed temporary flight restrictions for Richmond’s airspace, making it illegal to fly drones or small planes anywhere near the state capitol.

The actual gun regulations being enacted by the Virginia state legislature are quite modest. There are several separate bills limiting handgun purchases to one per month, banning military-style weapons and silencers, allowing local governments to ban guns in certain public spaces, and expanding background checks. Virginia Governor Northam, a Democrat, has said he will sign the gun restrictions into law. None of the measures violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution. The Coalition to Stop Gun Violence supports the gun restrictions.

Note: I used Patrick Martin’s January 20, 2020 news article “As neo-Nazis head to Richmond, Trump boosts gun-rights rally” from “the World Socialist Web Site”.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

“ The World Socialist Web Site “ says it all. Why don’t you become pro-American?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Facts are facts!

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

You are delusional.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Fake News
5 years ago

Its so easy to identify thoughts delivered to a otherwise normal person by …..Beck 3 hours…limbaughs 3 hours…Hannity for 3 more hours…Tucker Hannity Ingraham for 3 more….12 hours a day the billionaires pay these millionaires to brainwash your thinking….3000 hours a year and you think you have a handle on Americas problems.You think its socialism……America is extremely conservative and some small sexual identity issues occupy way too much of your thinking energy as those rich folks take all your cash.You pay 500 bucks a year to insure a driver that has not had an accident in 40 years.You pay 1000 to insure a house that has not burned down in 100 years.You have never used less electricity but pay 1500 a year to watch Tv and have a porch light on…….Keep worrying about some sex id issue and send the corporations all your money that you are brainwashed to do.Fox News got you covered

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

I see nothing anti American in Mr Melles thoughts.I also thought that Trumps inability to condemn the Nazi party as anti American.Trump pushes his white nationalism into a dangerous area to be watched every day.Who the hell wants to empower Nazis.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Stop watching fake news J boy.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I do not understand why there would be so many ‘thumbs down’ responses on this post!

5 years ago

Really, Dan?
So the Planet is evolving into a gossip mongering site? Sad, very sad.

The Dream Team
The Dream Team
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago


It’s been that way since this site started.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The three comments from “Top”, “MelMaz”, & “Eliminator” all demonstrate that Pittsfield politics is still divided by the two useless factions that both serve the same Democratic Party bosses in Boston.

I believe all voices should be heard in City Hall. Tyer/Marchetti are wrong to practice the old art of retribution against their political opponents.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Jon, citizens need to show up at council meetings with figurative pitch forks and hold city hall responsible. The price of good government is eternal vigilance.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Agree Jonathan. It is a pathetic dog eat dog behavior. No class – no professionalism. Pittsfield has been led down the road to what it is by these two camps for decades.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“She rings like a bell through the night
And wouldn’t you love to love her?
She rules her life like a bird in flight
And who will be her lover?
All your life you’ve never seen a woman taken by the wind
Would you stay if she promised you heaven?
Will you ever win?
Will you ever win?”
– Fleetwood Mac

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
5 years ago

Didn’t Tyre duck a debate that you were trying to put together Dan? What the hell is her camp crabbing about?

Gullen Cambuul
Gullen Cambuul
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
5 years ago

There’s gotta be a song somewhere in there. A Bluetooth in her Ear.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
5 years ago

Hotel on North has a DUCK dish inspired by the mayor.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Dick Flimsy
5 years ago

It was inspired by their lavish tax breaks which the rest of us have to compensate for It is called, k “taxpayer supplemented duck foot up your ass soup”

5 years ago

Kriol sold his house for 375,000 according to Eagle and I don’t believe it was ever listed for sale and even with the assessment scam it only appraised at 307,000. Is this free enterprise at work or is something else afoot? His house was an ugly duckling on a corner lot on a hill. Little curb appeal. Most expensive sale ever in what Chuck G says was once The Pines. I smell a rat.

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

So what’s the big deal?

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
5 years ago

I’ll tell you what the big deal is, it’s crazy sales like this that are driving prices up. Higher prices hurt us Kapanskis in the form of higher assessments. It’s a vicious circle. They only benefit us if we can afford to move elsewhere.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Exactly. There would be an absolute stampede of elderly home owners heading elsewhere if the financial and logistical hurdles were not so challenging. Pittsfield new motto should be “Leave while you can. We will backfill with refugees.”

Reply to  SallySays
5 years ago

Perhaps the buyer paid a premium since a future governor lived there. We already have a former governors’ house not far from there – corner of Euclid and West.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Perhaps buyer figures Krol will be POTUS someday, so paid the premium. somebody bought Trumps’ former abode and made a fortune off of it.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Yea, and it looks like a dump.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Perhaps Connell or any other councilor might need to be aggressive in trying to get information from department heads if they are intentionally being elusive with information. Lord knows the mayor keeps a tight lid on what should be basic public information such as who is getting special treatment with their taxes and has probably told her people to do the same.
And did any of these opposition viewers comment on when the taxpayers will get their forensic audit? I hope we do not lose focus on the important things and a forensic audit is probably the deciding factor whether Pittsfield gets a second chance or dies on the vine.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Never have witnessed Connell being rude, he is just trying to get answers to questions asked by taxpayers. Lovely Linda’s department heads are never prepared, and just bumble around when trying to answer a question, especially Bowtie Kerwood and Ridiculous Ruffer. If you want to see RUDE, watch PeePee Petie and how he treats both councilors he does not like and he is especially very RUDE to private citizens that are not use to speaking in front of the public. He is the one that needs to be spoken to, but then again he is protecting his Mama Linda!

5 years ago

I believe the nonsense being tossed about regarding Mazzeo is a calculated attempt at distraction. Things are not looking good for the Harrington/Moon/Tyer/Bouvier camp. I believe that if the feds are actually going to step in over Bards scenario and start probing, a whistleblower complaint from within Harrington’s office by a former federal prosecutor and member of the MA ethics commission is going to send them digging into areas that Squeaky isn’t going to like and no strings she pulls will stop it. Anything that’s been discussed using public or private emails will come out including discussions with Tyer.

It was obvious from the start that Harrington’s political desires were always Job 1 for her, the residents of this county be damned. Her only qualification for all the Progressive jackasses in this county was a lone chromosome. That lack of Y has pretty much everyone with a brain asking WHY did she get elected and WHY is she still there?

If even one scintilla of what’s come out in the past few days is true, she should resign. If she fails to do so and this goes on, she needs to be removed and disbarred, and every domino linked to her scheming needs to fall as well.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

No mention in iberkshires or in Great Barrington news media about the Harrington whistleblower. The highbrow intellectuals in Williamstown are also major supporters of Harrington and turned out in large numbers to vote for her. So far, amazingly, only the Berkshire Eagle has come forward, most likely because they had to since they were involved in the story.

The Progressives are doing the same thing with Liz Warren. Despite her terrible far left ideas, she is a woman and that’s all it takes for them to give her their support.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Im a liberal Pat and I believe that this fake accuser of the rape needs to be vigorously prosecuted and punished. If there is a mental issue involved then ok.Third the exact accounting of the investigation should be reported by the Berkshire Eagle.If you want to build readership then report the news.This is news.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

I think you need to lower your expectations. The feds may have been notified over the Bard situation, but once it was clear there was no hate crime (at the very outset of the investigation) they did nothing and will do nothing. And let’s not forget, DA Harrington allowed the idea of hate crime violence to fester over weeks when it was clear the whole thing was a hoax. If you’re looking to the Eagle for any support for what is right or wrong here you need only remember they did not inform the public that their records request was being stonewalled until Kempthorne blew the whistle on the DA. She blew the whistle on the Eagle, too. Amanda Drane’s post says it all: “Controversy brews around the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office’s handling of public information, which crept into the spotlight last week after one of the office’s senior attorneys resigned. Whether you call this a whistleblower scandal or you think it’s no big deal, defining the latest departure remains an ongoing struggle.” The eagle may posture itself about transparent government and guardian of the truth for the community. But these public records requests are nothing more than a cheap way to gain hopefully juicy information that their underpaid, inexperienced and often lazy reporters can’t dig up themselves.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

Elected officials and appointed ones violate the public records law all the ti,e. Nothing happens. DA can dump any charge she wants even murder. And cops never even charged in hate crime hoax – Harrington skates free.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I think what Police Report put out over the previous days sums up the need by someone linked to the DA’s office to be a Ringmaster and send us looking in the other direction. PR is pretty accurate and clearly has some sort of an inside edge.

5 years ago

The public schools just had 2 weeks off for Christmas and New Years. Now just a few weeks later they have MLK day and in February and April they have a week off. Is it any wonder the kids are not getting an education? Between the far left indoctrination and all the days off, the quality of education is very poor in the public school system. The only silver lining is that it’s less time that the kids are subjected to far left indoctrination.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Where did you go to school Pat?Its no wonder why so many people watch Fox news to be educated.The public schools do more time now than when you went.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

There is more time spent on math and english.Poverty as you know Dan generally does not lend itself to a at home learning environment.The problem in Pittsfield is keeping kids in a school building or lose points towards your ratings.Transient schools are also tough to rate.My personal opinion is that the majority of the kids are smarter than our generation.Many kids are bilingual making them more intelligent but less savy in mastering school work as their road is more difficult to succeed in testing.Much less time on electives.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

There is poverty, more than ever in this city, because Progressives put no importance on job creation. They would rather have everybody living off of big government because this dependence on big government means more power for the far left. Democrats do not encourage self-sufficiency or independence. If families are poorer, we have only our local government to blame.

I disagree that kids are more intelligent. You only have to listen to their conversations to know that just isn’t true. They know less about history because the schools teach selective history and many do not spell properly or have any idea how to think critically since they are spoon fed what to believe when it comes to climate change, politics, and gender.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Progressives rebuilt the Bush 1 economy and rebuilt the bush 2 economy for Trump and hopefully we will have a 3rd chance to rebuild the Trump redistribution of the wealth to the wealthy economy.

Rocks 4 Jocks
Rocks 4 Jocks
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

My personal experience regarding these gifted bilingual students… they can speak their native language, but many foreign language teachers have told me they cannot necessarily read and write their own language correctly.

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Best part time job around, comes with a pension too.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Lenox is at 90k with a 20 year masters.Pittsfield is 75 with the same.These teachers test are difficult to pass and be licensed. Your generation of teachers were grandfathered and many could not pass these requirements today.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Teachers of past generations taught kids how to think not what to think. Teachers of the past were much better at getting kids excited about learning. Teaching was a calling and not just a job. Now colleges mass produce very far left teachers who then feel it is their duty to pass on their far left political beliefs to their students. That is NOT teaching kids how to think. Modern Teachers may have more degrees, but that doesn’t mean they are better teachers.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Your right.Fox news uses the old repeat after me method of repetitious statements.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Very fake statement

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Throw in some sick days and you’re working less than half the year – and look at the school calendar – the only full month is March, which happens to be the snowiest, but there’s always sick days if you don’t get a snow day. Almost as good a gig as being a tenured professor at U Mass eh Dan?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

They also have a 1/2 day of school this Friday!

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

The Mazzeo debate “issues” are a two fold distraction.
They distract from the news about DA Andrea Harrington engaging in alleged criminal behavior.
DA Andrea Harrington trying to suppress a news story and hence first amendment freedoms. Yes when the chief law enforcement officer of a county calls the newspaper to try and suppress an unfavorable story, it’s definitely a First Amendment issue. Government interfering in speech. DA Andrea Harrington also seems to have slandered Jeanne by calling her “disgruntled” to the newspaper editors running the story. An act that was clearly meant to discredit the reputation of Jeanne to the paper. It’s also a violation of MA and Federal employment law to disclose more than employment duration and salary to a third party who is not seeking references for employment purposes.
For a lawyer DA Andrea Harrington sure doesn’t know much about the law.

These debate leaks are also a distraction from the Mazzeo legal action. The party making the claim that Mazzeo just needs to move on must also know of the two new witnesses in City government that will support Mazzeo’s claims of tampering or at least undue influence in some of the election. I understand one has a lawyer and may also claim whistleblower protection as a city employee. This would relate to staff and city resources being used as campaign staff. An homage to Ruberto and the chairs.

The fact there is even questions as to “ear pieces” and the use by Mayor Linda Tyer of a cell phone to be coached is a failure of the debate system and moderator. One must also wonder which is more likely, using an ear piece or using a cellphone and getting texts.
The simple fix is all future debates participants are allowed only one sheet of paper for notes. Those notes are to be submitted to the moderator post debate for archival purposes. Further no electronic devices should be allowed at a debate. If you are found with an electronic device, you are immediately disqualified, you will be removed from the debate and questions will be asked of the remaining opponents with no chance for rebuttals by the removed candidate.

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

So is Mazzeo taking further legal action or not? If so, when?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Please clarify how the commonwealth influences civil proceedings.

5 years ago

I was a Mazzeo supporter, but it is clear Tyer worked smarter to drive people out. Anybody working in the private sector that isn’t benefiting from the administrations hand outs could clearly look at public safety, education, North St and come to the conclusion what were doing isn’t working except for the addicts and gang bangers using it. Unfortunately, Pittsfield has transitioned to an economy built on agencies and heavily subsidized businesses receiving tax dollars to prop up this industry.

If your a middle class family or even borderline in poverty, there is nothing for you. If your an addict you can receive free housing, food, treatment, and other social support services all available to you on North St.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

A note on “journalistic integrity” in the Berkshires.
The Eagle really has none. They have been party to “favorable press” and quid pro quo long before the DA Andrea Harrington story, they are guilt of it today.
The problem with a paper being locally owned is thy it has local bias and affiliation and also controlling an entire regional market from Vermont on down.
You will not get dispassionate and unbiassed coverage of the Berkshires from a newspaper unless the coverage is out of the reach of the Eagle.
This goes back to favorable coverage by the Eagle and Ruberto, their lead photographer covering Ruberto and embracing him during events at the ITAM, to coverage of Deval Patrick, and even the Berkshire Museum. Didn’t the Eagle support the selling of the art? The Eagle knew months ahead of the sale announcement that it was happening but didn’t publish what it knew at the request of a couple board members.
We now know all those rumors of Andy McKeever giving favorable coverage to DA Andrea Harrington for intimate access to insider information were true. The allegations that he was at political strategy meetings not as a reporter but as a participant were also true. How do we know this? He now works for DA Andrea Harrington as the press officer. It’s not even subtle the quid pro quo on that one.
Back to the Eagle, there are a number of reasons the Eagle is pursuing the whistleblower story and none Of them have anything to do with journalistic integrity.
They want the scoop to sell papers. It’s the Berkshire Museum all over again- fall in line until you are on the outside and then attack.
They want to embarrass iBerkshires and in specific Andy McKeever and expose his relationship to DA Andrea Harrington and the prostituting of reporting for access and for employment. I think they smell a larger story there and we will have to wait and see what comes of it.
The Eagle was lambasted by the “woke” but yet racially motivated Black Union students from Bard. Granted the most racially offended and some of those cried the loudest were as privileged white as you could get, but why let that spoil the narrative. But rich white men who believe they are the voice of the most liberal factions of the Democratic Party don’t like being told their white savior paper and “white-splaining” isn’t welcome by “woke” rich white kids and racist students of color.
So these old white guys are going to peruse the story in the name of “journalism” but it’s really just to show those young college whipper snappers what their place is.its a variation on Pelosi v AOC.
It’s two factions of the same side trying to put liberal each other.
The worst problem with this, the lack of journalistic integrity rarely comes to light, even if it does it can often be explained away as editorial choices or lack of resources. The Berkshire Eagle has often weaponized it’s reporting either in its expose or in its lack of reporting the DA Andrea Harrington story is not really any different, it’s just now she is their focus whereas she want much of a focus before as they too soft peddled her press releases as news articles.
Ask yourself, has the Eagle done ANY follow up on the Sheffield murders? Have they followed up on Pucci and ANY of the backlog of now hundreds of rape and sexual assault cases at William’s College? Have they done a deep dive on complaints by the public of other ethics violations, the quid pro quo hiring of completely incompetent staff, the shuttering of educational programs and diversion of budgets to cover the costs excess hiring of friends and family? Complaints about the failure of the victims advocate office? What about the campaign finance issues? Creating a PAC to support your own campaign and those of your staff?
The Eagle isn’t doing its job, the are just going after low hanging fruit so they can again claim the high ground when it comes to liberal white men being the most woke.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Do Dan, what is the scoop with Mazzeo and her election interference case? Deader than a duck in a Silver Lake? or is she taking it to court?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, thanks, it’s been too quiet on the western front. I would understand if she just threw in the towel but I think her supporters deserve to be kept in the loop.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Hope Mazzeo’s case confirm what we have suspected and known for the last 3 elections. I don’t have much faith in Boston but sure hoping for an end to this corruption. Best of luck to Mazzeo

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I still think that the Berkshire Eagle was forced to report the story since they were directly mentioned in the whistleblower’s account of what happened. Otherwise it would have been much too obvious that they were burying the story. I would like to give credit to the Berkshire Eagle, but their track record is so poor.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

I see the Eagle as an arm of city hall. Many of their “Opinion” pieces seem like they might have been written or at the very least edited in the corner office. The Eagle supports almost everything city hall does and quite often discredits it critics. If they are trying to appear fair and balanced they do a really crappy job of it. They do not seem to understand that you cannot shit all over your customer base and expect them to buy your products of believe your stories.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Craig Swinson said the same thing strange

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
5 years ago

What is up with the DA office? It is is a big story that has gone quiet. Kemplethorne was meant to be a professional.

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

People in the know Heather Bellow is an absolute hack of epic proportions. She has never seen a minute in a journalism class ever, total lap dog to the Berkshire Inquire. So called investigative reporters who are trying to serve their own agenda and that of the editor are just underpaid lackeys. The story is going know where because the Eagle has egg all over it’s face

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

She knows too much, they had to get her out.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Be The Change CDC
5 years ago

Kemplethorne was brought it from advice by the pro Harrington legal community who were worried about Harrington’s court room credentials. I can not imagine their bust up looking at all well on Harrington. I also thought there was a legal requirement to answer to FOIL requests so don’t understand why Harrington would mess about and then put Kemplethorne on the hook for that and NOT expect her to act as she did. Dahomey Is moved up now. He was city council before, not a legal eagle but not a bad guy. I am sure as city attorney he has loads experience in being awkward with responses to FOIL requests. It’s sad and disappointing tho’, it’s a public office.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Sorry, I spelt her name wrong about six times! Kempthorne.
Sad about House of India too. On a Roll Location not ideal. It’s a bit like Madeleines again.

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
5 years ago

In what world is it considered an advantage to have Pam Malumphy in your earpiece?

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Cheshire Cat
5 years ago

Number one there is nothing wrong with Pam and number two this is fake Tyer news.

12 Gauge
12 Gauge
5 years ago

There is no evidence of the nonsense being alleged by the Tyer camp.
Here is the forum. Judge for yourself.

Reply to  12 Gauge
5 years ago

Was there any evidence of Ward Five five hundred vote humiliation for a recount. Yep,five hundred.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Mayor Linda Tyer at work again, always looking out for the little guy.
It’s going to cost him $50,000 to move plus all the delays and license changes.
I wonder if he will get some of that Beacon money.
Funny the city spent $60,000 in “repairs” to the line at the Beacon in 2019 (FY 2020),594952

PITTSFIELD — Downtown fixture House of India restaurant is on the move to its third North Street location in 25 years. It’s not going far, just down the road to the former On A Roll Cafe space in Central Block, 75 North St., beside the Beacon Cinema.

But chef/owner Jaswant Singh Banga would rather it wasn’t.

His building’s new owner is turning upper floors into condo units, Banga explained in a recent interview, so the restaurant must leave by month’s end.

“We have to move, but we don’t want to,” he said. “It’s a lot of work.”

And expense. Banga estimates it will cost upward of $50,000 to relocate, including a new walk-in cooler, new tandoor clay oven and new gas line to fire it

Be The Change CDC
Be The Change CDC
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Who owns it

Reply to  Be The Change CDC
5 years ago

Not sure who owns it. My guesses would be either Carver or Allegrone. Because the article says they are putting “condo units” on the upper floors my further guess would be Allegrone. Allegrone builds condos (Onota building and The Howard building) and Carver builds “affordable housing units” (Holy Familly and St. Mary’s)

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  acheshirecat
5 years ago

Allegrone owns the wright building. Melville block sold Friday.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago


Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Oh wow big surprise there…tax breaks in the wings mayor?

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

More condos? Perhaps Ruberto will want to buy one and move back to the heart of the renaissance in the best small city in New England?????

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Definitely sounds like he needs tax breaks from the mayor. Does she and her friends eat there often?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

In response to PR above and the House of India – completely unfortunate. This restaurant will sit by idly in the On The Roll, 75 North St. space. That space is too far off the beaten path for a restaurant of such specific cuisine.

The entire building will smell of Indian food (an aroma I thoroughly enjoy) and complaints will start rolling in. In addition, part of the charm of the old location is the retro vibe of its restaurant. The On The Roll location is too bright, too open, too hard to get to (in theory) and there is no direct parking like in the old spot. This is sad for them.

And whoever has decided that North Street is better served as a residential lane instead of a commercial strip is out of their minds. I always say, Pittsfield deserves what Pittsfield gets, because no one in charge has a freaking clue and its continued demise is their own fault.

In related news(?) – I wonder if the $800,000 assessment DECREASE for Cavalier’s 75 North Street building that resulted in $32,000 less in commercial taxes for FY19 has anything to do with this relocation?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

SSSSHHHHHHH. It’s a secret.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Dan nailed it you should not be on the debate stage with anything more than a piece of blank paper and a pen

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Why even have that. Just clothes and footwear baby.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
5 years ago

Why did the mayor keep nodding every time Barry banged on a garbage can?

Free Bird
Free Bird
5 years ago

I wonder why there is no Resource Officer at Reid this year. Has it become such a safe haven that they feel it isn’t necessary, or has the restorative justice program reduced that person’s authority to that of a mall cop ?

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
5 years ago

Sounds like total fake news to me. Of course if the two posters put their name to their words it might lend some credibility to their postings. Maybe they should write a book but not identify themselves as the writers.There is some precedent for such a book!!!!!! Lol

Amen Dent
Amen Dent
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
5 years ago

Although you never bring it,you do use your name,Chuck.

5 years ago

Clairmont and Sucksausage have created so many Trolls that they control the FB narrative and this page…it’s like 2 band class nerds running the school by trickery. wake up I bet they account for 50% of the posters here, maybe more. Mazzeo was playing checkers in a game of chess….

Jungul Valuvenaship
Jungul Valuvenaship
Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

That didn’t seem to help Lo much?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

an them there trolls be automatically dumping buckets of negs on any and every post critical of the mayor or city hall skewing actual public opinion..

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

If anyone can help in future elections of J Lo drubbing in Ward five, please come forward, because a five hundred vote drubbing by an ice cream scooper is very unusual, especially when the losing candidate said his phone was burning off the hook to run for Council.

Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

The truth is, if these guys are trolling this site en masse, they are not too effective, because not even close to 50 percent of the posters are praising the mayor on a regular basis, if ever. I highly doubt there are more than a couple perhaps. As Barry himself declared, posters would appear out of the woodwork around election time, then fade away. I would have to agree that that’s pretty much what happened, but some stuck around, like me.

5 years ago

Planet,where are the numbers concerning the druggies getting anti -substance help. Has deaths (overdoses) gone up or down from last year. Very easy data.

Oh a Peeodie
Oh a Peeodie
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, in 2017 there were 27 deaths in Berkshire County opioid. In 2018 there were 40 deaths opioid. 2019 ? I’d say more.

Koo Ohmoeh
Koo Ohmoeh
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

It will always go up. Never feather the bed of a junky”

Abdullah S Condidier
Abdullah S Condidier
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

The thing is Dan,the state made us do this. There was great public resistance here. Thanks to state pols here,no thanks.

Reply to  Strangerinmyownlife
5 years ago

Good luck with your public records request, you’re gonna need it.

Barry Clairmont
Barry Clairmont
5 years ago

When the phone doesn’t ring, Dan knows it’s Connell not getting back to the Planet!

Karack Pot
Karack Pot
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Get back for what? Peter told us his reasons. Marchetti will look like a fool if he backtracked . Simple philosophy on assignments people’s, it’s called the Spoils of War. Kuffkinks needs the back up and not from Connell.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

How easy is it to park in downtown Pittsfield? It was a lot easier 60 years ago before Pittsfield city leaders destroyed it.
The demise of downtown, or up street, or North street, as our shopping district was known, began when our marble laden West Street train station was demolished to make way for a super market. Urban Renewal came along with its promise of federal dollars to modernize our shopping districts. We jumped at this with bated breath and lots of federal dollars to pass around. Disaster was here, but we taxpayers did not see it.This was soon followed by eliminating crowd pleasing restaurants named Robin Hood, Johnny’s, Busy Bee, Berkshire, and Hollywood Grill. Benny’s diner was in the loop, as were the Hotel Pickwick and 2 boarding structures, along with a Chinese laundry. Throw in Gaetani’s and Dom’s barber shop , along with the Salvation Army and you had a dynamic, thriving, business district. It drew thousands on a daily basis.This was West Street between what is now a super market at low end and corner of West and North Streets at the high end. Look at this area now and you see a big nothing. Then, for who knows what reason, city leaders supported the building of a multiple unit movie house at the West Housatonic Street Big N department store. It didn’t last long and it is now gone. But at the time it was new and thrived for a short period. What it did do was kill North Street movie houses, Palace, Capital, Union Sq., State and Strand. It was at this time city leaders asked question, “Why doesn’t anyone come to North Street anymore”. I really don’t think they knew the answer to this question was they killed it.

Now we’re asking what can we do about parking? My guess is we are asking this question because North Street remains zombied and we are attempting to revive it. Walk North Street at anytime time and it is quiet as a cemetery. Why wouldn’t it be? For the past 2 years effort, energy, headlines, and dollars are being put into Tyler Street. Now we’re worried about North Street, as well we should be. Non-profits are a big help but how far can they go to help us?

Now groups are meeting to, as they say, “With the issues identified, we will work to make any changes, any corrections, any further implementations”.

Good-luck to all.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Christmas tree shop…Old Navy….Dicks downtown

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Well said. And they are going to need good luck to do it. And either juvenile court moved or they are afraid to put the sign back up