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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY FEB. 26, 2020) — Move over Houdini. Step aside David Blaine. Retire, David Copperfield.

There’s a new magic act taking Pittsfield by storm: The Amazing Tyer-o: Then you saw her, now you don’t.

Tyer-o has lately been astounding man, woman, and child with her amazing disappearing act, a production that may be more serious now that the coronavirus has his the city.

How does she do it, the crowds wonder? How does she manage to vanish at the sight of any truth about the sinking state of the once-gemlike burg in the heart of the beautiful Berkshires? One moment, she’s giving away more Kapanski Kash to supposedly private sector businesses. The next, she’s in Vail, Colorado. Then, she’s at Fenway Park, Boston or tucked in a McMansion in Pittsfield’s only gated community, lights years from downtown and turmoil.

Once The Amazing Tyer-o prestidigitated another four years by winning a disputed and non-representative election, she gave up both the Caspar as well as any interest in actual care for the city she nominally “leads.” She’s like the ballplayer who, after signing the whopping contract for guaranteed money, quits on his new team. How else, for example, could you explain the litter everywhere except as another of The Amazing Tyer-o’s fantastic tricks: Making Pittsfield unrecognizable, looking not like a city at all but more like a dump.

Her disappearing act has reached the point of jaded desperation. THE PLANET has seen it before many times, in many administrations. Play hide and seek — hide from the tough questions, and seek the kiss-ups in the press, politics, and public. With the city’s only local daily on life support and unwilling to rile City Hall … with the radio stations robotized by satellites … with no TV stations … with no other local media allowing citizens to have their say, it leaves on THE PLANET for Tyer-o the Great to shun. It’s never been easier for a so-called “leader” to disappear. Frankly, my dear, we don’t give a rickshaw’s arse. This tired act no longer interests us.

We take it as a badge of honor, to have worn her down to the point where she must mask her fear of us with a BIC, and a bang, and a boom on a $600 garbage can.

Simply put, we got to her.

THE PLANET predicted as much when she won for the first time, that as soon as we began with the high heat, she’s wilt into a puddle.

“Oh, no,” she protested. “Never. I want you to get tough on me. That will make me a better mayor.”

Turned out that was one trick she couldn’t master.

The Amazing One has also perfected another magic act, namely, the flip-flop. Taxes? She’s absolutely crushed what’s left of the middle class. Leadership? Tyer-o has kicked ordinary citizens to the curb. Equanimity? She caters exclusively to The Suits and Special Interests. Stewardship? With the trash? The cratered roads? The irresponsible spending? The mysterious deficits in the snow account? Are you kidding?

Here are some more of The Amazing Tyer-o’s greatest illusions:

  • Three Card Monty: The three cards are DPW chief “Ricky” Ricardo Morales, finance director “Kufflinks Kerwood,” and school board chair “Lady Boots” Yon. The “monty” is that turkey baster you see suspiciously in the corner office kitchen.
  • The Shell Game: The Kapanskis have to shell out every cent they own.
  • The Vanishing Coin: Again the foils are The Kapanskis. They become residents of Pittsfield. They have to surrender their coin to Allen Street.
  • Levitation: Watch as taxes rise and keep rising as services goes down.
  • The Ventriliquist: Gasp in wonder as The Amazing Tyer-o says nothing while her beautiful assistant and lap dog Pete Marchetti mouths the words.
  • The Escape: Wonder in awe as The Amazing Tyer-o ditches Pittsfield for ski resorts, luxury spas, and gated communities.
  • The Water Coffin (non)Escape: The Amazing Tyer-o places Accountability and Honesty in a sealed water chamber and watches them drown.
  • The Elephant in the Room: A 3-ton elephant called “Reckless Spending” roams City Hall, but Tyer-o pretends not to see it.

These and other astounding illusions have been booked in Pittsfield for the next three years and 10 months.

Get your tickets now.


As nightfall does not come at once, neither does oppression. In both instances, there is a twilight when everything remains seemingly unchanged” — William O. Douglas.



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Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
5 years ago

I was hoping the voters would make her disappear

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Mazzeos disappeared and owed her supporters a final update. As to Tyer I doubt she could ski the bunny slope.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

At this point she would probably roll down like a panda

Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

Yes Mazzeo does

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Didn’t get the job done though. She’s still here and Melissa Mazzeo is no where to be found!

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“There’s a place
Where I can go
When I feel low
When I feel blue

“In my mind there’s no sorrow
Don’t you know that it’s so?
There’ll be no sad tomorrow
Don’t you know that it’s so?”

5 years ago

We can only blame those who voted her in for this last election. Voters show themselves time and again to make very poor decisions for Pittsfield. We have the local government we deserve if people can’t bother to show up to vote for good leadership and run good candidates.

Just look at how many Americans favor a Marxist like Bernie Sanders who wants to destroy capitalism and replace it with communism in this country. His ideas are truly crazy, but he has a large following. It’s unbelievable that such a candidate even has a chance of being president of the United States, but he is beating everyone so far.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Hello Pat, Donald Trump is running annual federal budget deficits of over $1 trillion. He is like Napoleon when the dictator ran France’s printing presses centuries ago. The stock market is tanking so far this week. I believe Bernie Sanders should be telling the masses that capitalism is not working out for them. Something has to give! Best wishes, Jonathan

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Capitalism is working Jonathan. You will find out just how good it is, or was, if you try to replace it with communism, but by then we will have gone the way of other failed countries. Not only will our financial situation deteriorate, but we will have an authoritarian government which is the equivalent of really having Napoleon in charge of our country, except it will be the system itself that rules us and it won’t matter who is in charge because we will all be slaves to this type of government. If we keep flirting with and eventually choose communism, our freedoms and way of life will be gone.

Bernie Sanders is telling people that capitalism is bad and he wants to replace it with communism (it’s well beyond socialism) and gullible, low information people believe him. A virus can effect the market, but that doesn’t mean we panic and choose to be communists. There have been viruses in the past that spread around the entire world and we didn’t go communist then and we shouldn’t do so now even as the far left will be pressuring us to do just that.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Capitalism has winners and losers, but the problem is that the same people or interests always win, while most of the people, such as the huge underclass, always lose. If your family lives in a wealthy zip code, then your children will receive a great education, but if you live on the wrong side of the train tracks, your kids don’t have much of a chance to get out of a lifetime of poverty. In graduate school, I learned that the financial interests on Wall Street run the government, especially Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. The real theory of government is not Jeffersonian Democracy, but rather the Iron Rule of Oligarchy, which means that in any political system there are few wolves (the Haves or ruling class) and sheep (the Have Nots or masses). Some governments in history have used military force, while others used economic systems. In the Communist system of government, it has always been an authoritarian regime that uses the force of the police state to tell people how to live together in a collective economy. But that is not how Communism started with Karl Marx. When the Industrial Revolution began, poor children as young as toddlers were forced to work in factories and never went to school. The underclass was brutally exploited by the capitalist system. Working children were only given one meal a day along with beer for carbs, and they worked 16 hour workdays. They were no safety standards, and the working children were even sexually exploited. Meanwhile, the rich children went to private schools, never worked, and assumed positions of privilege in business and government. Many people believed capitalism was evil at the time of Karl Marx. Named after the famous author Charles Dickens, the plight of the poor is still called “Dickensian”. The original theory of Communism was that if people lived in communities where the workers owned the system of production, then the evils of capitalism would come to an end. However, it did not work out that way. But, one thing Communism did do is bring needed social reforms to the Capitalist system. We now have labor unions, workplace safety laws, public schools, welfare assistance programs, Veterans programs, and the like. Capitalism means the system of production in ran by private industry by rich owners and working class workers. The problems of modern capitalism are two major issues that negatively impact government and society. The economic and financial problematic issue is the excess of capitalism. Most of the wealth is our country’s economic system goes to the very wealthy, while the working class gets the crumbs. In Economics 101, students are taught that the financial system should be both efficient and equitable. The latter part of our economy is no longer true. The working class is either staying the same or falling behind over the past couple of decades, while the ruling class is exponentially growing their wealth. If this trend continues over the next couple of decades, then there we will no longer have a strong middle class or “the American Dream” of socioeconomic mobility for the working class. That is an inequitable economic system that in antithetical to capitalism! The capitalist system needs new social reforms, such as better public schools, living wage jobs, affordable housing, universal healthcare insurance, and savings and retirement accounts for the “Have Nots”. The problematic social issue is our nation’s huge underclass. If you are a child born in a poor zip code, you don’t have a fair shot at a middle class life. What is worse is that the cycle of poverty goes on for generations. The billionaire class knows full well that they need the underclass to be desperate enough to work for low wages and lousy benefits, which is why they resist new social reforms to capitalism. To me, that is the new evil of capitalism, which is setting up an inequitable capitalist economic system that by design keeps innocent children in the underclass so the billionaires can profit off of them. What is really frustrating to me is that having an equitable capitalist economic system is well understood by business and government. All we have to do is put families in affordable housing units, have safe street where children can go to good public schools, have solvent hospitals and universal healthcare insurance coverage programs, provide workers with living wage jobs with union membership, and ensure working people have savings and retirement accounts for their financial security. In closing, Communism is a failed economic system, but it did bring needed social reforms to Capitalism. The capitalist economic system works, but it needs new social reforms for it to work for the “Have Nots”.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

I don’t understand why JM’s comments are so upsetting. Capitalism does have winners and losers. I am also not sure why people speak of Russia as a communist country. Russia is base lawlessness with capitalism and totalitarianism as its religion. Capitalism requires fairness of markets – we have not really got that. Why in the sweet potato a successful bar owner Is being given 150k to open another bar is beyond all comprehension – was there a bidding on this bequest? We don’t have capitalism in Pittsfield – maybe totalitarianism. Definitely not socialism either – and I would vote for seniors to get heating and other services a million times over before I would vote for this new bar deal. I should add – it’s a tough job to run a successful restaurant – there is a lot of work and long hours – but the cash rewards are very good. There is great respect from me to small business owners – but this is not fair or decent – and is absolutely not capitalism. When I look at all politicians locally they are very negligent in taking care of the people – only seem to care about donors. So for the critics of the Bern – his position on campaign finance reform – that may be his greatest contribution to democracy. I am a small government person – I don’t think the government needs the pot money or the ge bribe money or most of the tax money – because most of what they are doing with the money they should not because it’s not a job for government.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Don’t leave out neo-liberalism Dan!!!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

America thank God is still in favor of Social programs funded by a bit of cash from capitalism. WE have all 100 % participated in socialism to be where you are.The only complaint from Social Security is the return on investment should be much higher.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Who is the communist candidate?Pat you think jeb bush is a commie

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Maybe with a little gene splicing Trump s people can make a virus that only goes after democrats. And then only good people would be left in the country. Right Pat?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Oh my. What is the record for tyer negs?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


Prior to 2016, Pittsfield was a utopia of good governance with all honest state and local politicians, safe streets, grassroots democracy, thousands of living wage jobs for the average working stiff, low municipal taxes, fees, and debts, a bustling PEDA business park full of Fortune 500 corporations, safe PCBs industrial toxic waste dumps thanks to GE’s Jack Welch and Mayor Gerry Doyle, first-rate public schools, and a community that cared about Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. Then the lovely Linda Tyer assumed the role of Mayor of Pittsfield, and everything in Pittsfield went sour. Mayor Linda Tyer moved from a working class home to a mansion in a gated community. She married Barry Clairmont and vacations in ski resorts in Vail, Colorado. She makes Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski give an excessive amount of their tax dollars to the vested (big 3 unions) and special (out-of-town millionaires) interests, along with Matt Kerwood’s +$10.1 million slush fund. She has Peter Marchetti do her do dirty work by practicing retribution against the 2 City Councilors who supported Melissa Mazzeo for Mayor in 2019. After over 4 years of Mayor Linda Tyer, Pittsfield has went from great to awful. It is all her fault. If only Pittsfield politics didn’t have to deal with the elusive Linda Tyer, then Pittsfield would be a utopia once again. And “Pigs have wings and fly”!!!!

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Like the honest politicians part! If only politicians were made to take , Truth Serum and Lie Detector tests while running and in office. Kinda like being drug tested .

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Tyer will probably bail on PIttsfield once she has finished her term and built up her bankroll. Nothing we can do about that. But if any of these city councilors (including Marchetti unless he is planning on bailing as well) need to take charge and get the city under control. If these councilors are planning on raising their families here or leaving family behind when they leave, they need to do their jobs and their jobs are to be independent of the mayor. They need to get in her face and stop the bullshit, the giveaways and the pandering to special interests. Elsewise, they are shitting in their own beds and that shit will pour over onto people they care about who stay in Pittsfield.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Other than Morandi how many councilors have children or families to support. The four year term for mayor is a horrible idea. Tyer is just the first. Think of what might be down the road.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Maybe they have friends or grand children. There must be somebody they care about besides themselves? maybe

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Earl Jr. coming soon!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Jumpin Joe Curtis
5 years ago

He will be Earl IV

D Lantyoonre
D Lantyoonre
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Let’s hope for her sake the baby is Caesarian with his melon head.

Reply to  D Lantyoonre
5 years ago

Another Shrek! Oh noooooo!

Reply to  Fran
5 years ago

Wonder if the mayor approved him becoming a daddy? She tells him how to do and say everything else! Maybe she even directed that episode

Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

He will not be…the Duke of Earl…..Dow down thousands last few days, by the way.

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  froughtwithforitz
5 years ago

I will not insult a child on here, unless it’s School Committee ranting about Trump. I wish Earl IV and his parents nothing but good health and happiness

Dumpster Dave
Dumpster Dave
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Morandi complains about spending but he is part of the problem by sending his son to Lee schools. He owns a barber shop in Lee and pays rent to the landlord. He claims to be for the people, then he should put his son in Pittsfield schools and lead by example. He was against the toters but part of his ward includes morningside area where his buddy Chris Connell owns multiple buildings. Recycling in that area alone is under 10%. They are only in support of things when they propose something. I’ve lived in this city for 35 years and worked at my job for 23. If we ever had a manager that was as bad as Connell or Morandi the big bosses would have thrown them out with yesterday’s trash!

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Dumpster Dave
5 years ago

Tyer troll^

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Good for Morandi – if I had kids in the PPSD I’d be pulling them out of the district as well. Connell & Morandi have been the voices of reason & common sense on the CC. They are the only two councilors not in the mayor’s back pocket.

Dumpster Dave
Dumpster Dave
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

Mr Fritz, first of all I’m definitely not a Tyer troll. I’ve never even met her. I did not meet Melissa Mazzeo either. In fact I did not vote for either. I left that blank. I wouldn’t have an issue with Mr Morandi sending his kid out of district if he wasn’t complaining about the spending. Hello the tax payers pay for his kid to go to another district. But that’s ok with you folks who want higher taxes but won’t support things that will reduce costs like trash reform. This city has been spoiled for years. I know I’ve worked in the trash business for over 20 years. People just pile everything under the sun out at the curb and expect it not to cost money. Something has got to give. But I suppose you probably support Bernie Sanders for president seeing how he wants to make everything free as well! The freeloading needs to stop yesterday!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Dumpster Dave
5 years ago

Perhaps you would like to list all other city employees who send their children out of the Pittsfield school system. There are hundreds and include many teachers and school system employees who know better than anyone how bad the system is. They love their children and do not want to handicap them by sending them to Pittsfield schools. Kudos to all of them.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

She is acting like she is Semi – Retired . When her term is toward the end is when the councilors will finally start saying things that should be brought up now.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

When will CC tell her she needs to be in the city.This is how Roberto operated.Linda is living the dream with 10k a month and balls to match.Where are her election defenders from facebook demanding she do the job like they said she would.In Pittsfield the best candidate never wins….its time to see if the new CC puts up with this.The only councilor who asks question is Persip.Maybe he can cut the budget .Sell PHS as it will make for a nice college or a nice condo retail place.Pittsfield cant afford to fix it.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Mr Persip only asks questions to support Tyer. Look at his voting record. He’s pathetic and can’t be trusted as far as he can be thrown!! Wake up

Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

What’s the problem, I think Doyle, Ruberto and Barry Tyer are doing a great job running things!

Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

That’s the problem in a nutshell – years of Doyle, Ruberto, Tyer.

Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth
Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

We want our due too !! Maxy and his Adam Hinds in- law, Dobelle,, and TFBers. And the local mystical political Cult.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

This corona virus may absolutely kill tourism in the lovely cultural Berkshires this summer. So without that influx of bucks what till places like Hotel on North do for revenue? Thank god for Tyer sanctioned bailouts on the taxes huh?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

2100 people in the U.S. have died from the flu this season. Coronavirus has a 3% death rate – it is not a death sentence. If people don’t panic, based on media hype, we’ll survive just fine.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Lenny
5 years ago

To your point, the flu kills less than one percent which is one third of Corona virus. And for 2500 people in China (so far) it WAS a death sentence. But I hope you are right that we have nothing to be concerned about.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

There is much more to a pandemic than the body count. The disruption to travel, socializing and the economy can be devastating. Schools may have to close. Factories could be shuttered. Baseball games, camps and concerts may be impacted. While these things may be temporary they can bring great hurting to business income. I assure you that any organization that is involved in tourism is on pins and needles right now.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Go belly up.

Then Pittsfield will convert it to low income housing with taxpayer funds, using GOB connected contractors hired in backdoor seances.

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Trump said the virus will be gone in the spring…3 weeks.The CDC told all cities to be prepared for a disruption of their life due to outbreaks…..Thank God for Science.Trump is fn clueless even if you guys think hes a genius.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Donald is the ONLY ONE who knows how to handle this. He and Pence will probably get the Nobel prize for saving the whole effing world.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Very fake news

5 years ago

Kerwood says he is auctioning off homes below their assessed value because “we don’t want to set that price too high to set a barrier for someone who wants to put the money in necessary to live in it”…then once people take the bait he hits them with huge tax bills based on a phony assessment to bankrupt them so he can run the same scam again and again

J.P. Morgan
J.P. Morgan
5 years ago

Well said. This mayor has been all but invisible. Note that all of the tough issues discussed just prior to the election are no longer discussed (crime, etc,). There seems to be no earnest desire to lead. No real desire to help the citizens of the City. There is no connection between the Mayor and the people. Every mayor of Pittsfield has a unique opportunity – the City is small enough that a mayor can really connect with the people, find out what they need and care about and help with getting it done. Once in the office, there is a moral imperative to work as hard for the people as he or she did to get elected/re-elected. To do anything less, it simply wrong.

5 years ago

On my daily morning trip down North St today I observed 2 parking enforcement cars tailing each other just looking for cars on an empty st to ticket. If that isn’t representative of a vibrant city, I don’t know what is.

Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

You must be talking about Harry and Tonto. They should ticket the Health Department for zero action at the P H S Boiler Systems.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Isn’t that a riot? Why don’t those two pick up some of the street garbage they are tripping over while writing tickets? Or is the street garbage Tyers version of artistic graffiti?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

One should be used to site trash, sidewalks not shoveled, brush, and all other things that will improve the upkeep of this city. The Money used from fines would fund the position with money to use for other things like recreational opportunities for our teens. Maybe even purchase some shade at the forgotten skate board park!!!

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Why did Patrick Kavey and Yuki Cohen abstain from the city council vote requesting $150K from the GE fund for the North Street Brewery?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

And aren’t both those places getting their own public money? And did ANY of the councilors vote against this?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Why would they vote against it? Look at the opportunity! We are now invested in the movies, marijuana, a space chamber, and now beer production! Pittsfield is just diversifying its stellar portfolio.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Hendrix
5 years ago

Go all in on the marijuana businesses. It will be bigger than the alcohol business.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

What is HON?

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Hotel on North

So, does this mean they will recuse themselves from every vote concerning downtown entertainment? Just merely those involving alcohol?

Dan, what is the conflict?

Danville Stanton
Danville Stanton
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Is that vote super majority?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

‘cept Kavey ran in Ward 5 ‘gainst JLO.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Have either of the 2 made any contributions anyway? Has Yuki even spoke yet?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan, I think you meant to say run in 5 (for Kavey). Also don’t the owners of HON live in 6? I have yet to see Kavey or Yuki speak at a meeting. Also why didn’t Lampiasi have to recuse her self seeing how she sits on the licensing board? If you have to abstain from votes shouldn’t Chris Connell have to abstain from the tax hearing as he owns property? What about other councilors who work for banks, or private sector companies? Kavey simply works at a downtown businesss. He doesn’t own it so I don’t see the need to abstain. I’m curious too do you know how many violations or how many times the cops have responded to Methuselah since it’s opened?

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I don’t care if a toilet won in six, as long as They’ beat LOW

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Yuki is awful. Things will circle the drain more than they have with this crew.

Those Explanatshuns
Those Explanatshuns
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Guiel? Did she not vote also?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Because they got money too?

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

James OKeefe/Project Veritas strikes again!

Exposes biased MSM hacks (ABC news).

“…O’Keefe Strikes Again! ‘Socialist’ ABC Reporter Admits Bosses Spike News Important to Voters, ‘Don’t Give Trump Credit’ (VIDEO)

Project Veritas released a new undercover video on Wednesday of ‘Socialist’ ABC reporter David Wright admitting his bosses spike stories important to voters.

David Wright is on camera admitting he is an overt Socialist who thinks there’s “too many billionaires.”

Wright was suspended on Tuesday night before Project Veritas dropped the video of him admitting his network doesn’t cover President Trump fairly…..”

Seth Enuff
Seth Enuff
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

People here are starting to get pissed off with this administration, instead of parking tickets by the golden boys maybe ppd should start fining crazy drivers. It’s the latest joke. And they could save a ton of time not going to Onota as and Cmbies twenty times a week for the same thing.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Dan,sure meone above asked why Yuki and Pat didn’t vote on the Brewery money? Your answer was correct,however it was still an illegal vote,Lampiasi voted,she’s on the License Board. Wake up Councilors.

Sundown Kid
Sundown Kid
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Not worth the time I agree but Joe Nic had to hear her say different during the debates. Anything to do with the sales of alcohol,I’m sure is a conflict of interest as a member of the License Board. Don’t forget there is a link between receiving the T I F and her appointment by the Mayor. Thus the illegal vote.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Bring in the Clowns…

“9:52 PM: Debate still in commercial after awkwardly cutting away as Gayle King was in the middle of asking a question,
[Just a terrible debate in which the questions are being directed at the wrong candidates. Moderators not even listening to the answers and not even asking sharp follow-ups because they are so intent on moving on to their next question… directed at the wrong candidate.]”

“Looks like the debate is over after King and O’Donnell come back to tell the viewers the debate is over. What a genius idea to put two people who had chemistry issues on the morning show to moderate one of the most important debates of the cycle.
No idea if the debate is over or if there is one more segment. Moderators don’t seem to know either.”

“The chaos played out in the worst ways, and it led to an often-confusing orchestra of yelling children hoping to get their next jab in or defend themselves from someone else’s jab. As much as the moderators only existed to remind us of rules that didn’t matter and were arbitrarily enforced.”


Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Clearly only white men have worthy input.

Ham Anex
Ham Anex
Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

You disprove that every time you post.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Dan, great article. Not only is Lovely Linda missing in action, so is the whole City Council. I was sickened watching them last evening. First of all, with Lovely Linda’s very large salary why can’t she get her hair done and buy some decent clothes? She looked terrible last night. Was she trying out for cheer leading at one of the high schools. Lately she seems to be taking no pride in herself, so why bother cleaning up the City. It has also always amazed me during the Open Mic when taxpayers come to the podium to voice a legitimate issue, Pee Pee Petie shuts them down in no time flat and the rest of the CC stares at their laps. It is an insult to the taxpayer. I worked in the corporate world for over 40 years and when an issue was brought up, someone would get the person’s information and assure them that the proper department would follow up with them. Does this happen after the meetings? Kind of doubt it. The whole CC looks miserable, no one speaks and if someone does bring up a question they get pounced on. Why did these people run if they are not going to speak up? I noticed last night every time Connell spoke, Pee Pee Petie started wiping his forehead in disgust. Not the best behavior for the head of the CC, especially when being televised. We have so many major issues in the City such as heat at PHS, but there is not one comment about this problem. I almost fell of my chair last night when Morandi asked McGrath how long it was going to take Maxy to fix up/build the dugouts. Does he not know Maxy is use to building bridges….come on Kevin! Then when Moonbeam comes out with the stupidest questions for Chief Wynn wondering if he has added any more officers since the meeting last week. Wow, talk about looking stupid. I loved the look on Wynn’s face. Dan, maybe you should start a City Politician Stupid Remark of the Week to your column. Between Lovely Linda’s stupid comments a few weeks back and then last night, it could make for some entertaining reading. Boy are we in trouble!!!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Did not see the meeting but if Moon asked the chief any question I would think that would be a good thing. I hope her next question is to the mayor regarding all the disgusting and embarrassing garbage on the streets especially in her ward.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Your weird obsession with the Mayors clothing choice is bordering on really sketchy if she was a man you wouldn’t even think of that, Instead of always being a Monday morning QB you should run for office besides a expert in women’s clothing you seem to have all the answers to the ills of the city

5 years ago

the fact that local government has not even mentioned he C-virus is disgusting. We rely on the gov’t to manage these threats in exchange for the appalling tax rates. Tyer ran for Mayor for the pension, it is a well known fact. These next 3 years will be do nothing years and with a stacked CC, there will be no accountability. Any miss Melissa yet ? I do…..

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  UAlbany
5 years ago

Every government worker is in it for their taxpayer pension (and other benefits). The lovely Linda Tyer is no different than any other government employee. Also, every Pittsfield problem that the Mayor’s critics bitch about was there prior to 2016. In fact, Pittsfield politics has been driven into the proverbial ditch over and over again for decades now. The lovely Linda Tyer is digging Pittsfield into a bigger hole with high taxes,fees, and debts with a shrinking tax base compounded by population and job loss. All that matters in the Tyer administration is Matt Kerwood’s $10.1 million slush fund and his creative accounting. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski get to pound sand, while Pittsfield politics gets more and more of their hard-earned tax dollars.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

“Court rules President Donald Trump administration can withhold millions in grants to Massachusetts and other states in in ‘sanctuary cities’ fight”

“…..The decision by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Manhattan overturned a lower court’s decision ordering the administration to release funding to New York City and seven states — New York, Connecticut, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Virginia and Rhode Island………”

“…….The 2nd Circuit said the plain language of relevant laws make clear that the U.S. attorney general can impose conditions on states and municipalities receiving money.

And it noted that the U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly observed that the federal government maintains broad power over states when it comes to immigration policies……”

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Another win for Trump! Those states care more about illegals than their own citizens. Great decision by the 2nd Circuit!

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

I can’t recall if our lovely city voted with their hearts and declared us a sanctuary city. I hope so, watch it all burn. Can’t run a city on public money if the federal funds start drying up.

Dick Flimsy
Dick Flimsy
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

And that’s just our past and current elected officials.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Who’s responsible for the mess at Pittsfield High School? Prior administers let things fester to the point we have a school that may have to be closed for repairs. Or closed for safety reasons. Gas heats the building. Time to fix the building. It’s beyond stupid we let it go this long. I won’t even ask why. How about taking a million of money from the GE settlement and spend it for a damn good reason – for a change. By that I mean safety of our students. During repairs we could be a good neighbor by buying or renting the former St. Joseph High School to educate our kids. Think about it. PHS is an overlooked and buried from the public major problem. Time to address it.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Great idea. Cancel the $150,000 giveaway to the brewery and invest GE monies in repairing PHS. Chuck you are the voice of reason!

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Where’s the Health Department?Kids got sick and animals died I was told.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Didn’t the state give a truckload of money to the School Department which was promptly squandered on Mercer raises?

Jumpin Joe Curtis
Jumpin Joe Curtis
Reply to  Acute Angina
5 years ago

millions from the various state/federal agencies or whatever… on top of the millions they screwed the tax payers out of. PHS has been that bad for YEARS… McCandless knew this.

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

excellent idea

5 years ago

So we have no mayor and no DA, what else is new?

Reply to  James
5 years ago

Even JIV said the other day if he left the distric no one would know he’s gone.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  bobbuffonkovochicsonbich
5 years ago

I mentioned JIVs squanderings, to someone inside the Pittsfield re-education camps/child baby sitting/thuggery training, money sucking mess.

She was clueless? Looked like a Ewe!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  bobbuffonkovochicsonbich
5 years ago

but maybe the constant drumbeat for more and more money would abate

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Does anybody know what the situation/problem is with the bridge over the railroad on Holmes rd?

It’s been one-way for about a year now. No work is being done on the closed lane for many months.

80 years ago we could build a highway, through the wilderness to Alaska, in 6 months.

Now the city of Pissfield/mASS DOT can’t fix a 100ft bridge span in a whole year!

I thought the engineers at mASS DOT were supposed to come up with a plan?

No mention/listing on mASS DOT projects website:

The whole bridge was redone not many years ago. Who were the mASShole DOT engineers on that one?

Maybe Ricky Ricardo has an explanation?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

The Seabees could replace that bridge in an hour. But the state paperwork just to decide who gets kickbacks will take a year and a half.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Check out the mASShole DOT link above.

The bridge repair is not yet, even in the “design” phase.

They can’t have a private seance, to award the crooked contracts, until they have a blueprint for the fleecing!

Where is all that gas tax money going? To a black bottomless sewer hole called Beacon Hill.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

There should be a boilerplate design. Just figure out how wide and how long you want it and get started. I will go down and measure the goddamn thing for them if they like. It’s not the Roman Colosseum for Christ sake.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

It’s cute how you put the lower case m as the first letter in MASS. You sure are a clever writer.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

It comes with being a lifelong resident, trained in what to expect from the corrupted, inbred, graft ridden liberal political systems.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan ,
Right now your our Leonidas-Sparta, the leader of the 300 who held their own against great odds. You have easily 300 who back you.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

Hey, Johnny2 Shoes, my folks are from the Leonidas-Sparta area so I relate and enjoy your comment.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

It makes Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall look like SAINTS.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
5 years ago

No federal reimbursements for law enforcement or medicare.
State now has 13.7 billion $ budget shortfall.
Isn’t being a sanctuary city and state terrific?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

To Mad Trapper and Johnny:
Year 1931 in New York City the Empire State Building was built and open for business in 13 months. That’s 102 stories on 34th street.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Imagine the Contigency Fees?

Be The Change
Be The Change
5 years ago

Berkshire County Boards of Health Association…. write that down. Get resumé’s & check for casual connections. The Directors are in Vail too, so to speak. The Board [of HEALTH inspectors] behold a lot of control & power. And, per Legislation they can not/will not be held accountable for their actions/inactions. If Mary-Jane or Joe harmed a reptile/animal via negligence what would happen ? Save the rare turtles in Egremont, unfortunate & sadly the ones in Pittsfield though are ‘well done’ ….. what the Hell.

Be The Change
Be The Change
5 years ago

& also a Magician at the BCSO, To ensure Proper Service.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

So is everyone ready for the Grand Opening of BIC tomorrow? Wondering if us hard working taxpayers are going to have to pay for front end alignments and new tires for the attending hot shots vehicles? Of course if one of us taxpayers ruins our cars, the automatic response from City Hall for reimbursement is denied! Wouldn’t you think that Lovely Linda would at least TRY to fill some of the potholes on East Street? I did see a huge contingent of DPW City Workers sweeping only the sidewalk in front of BIC the other day. The area in front of Mountain One is still filled with broken road and garbage.
Does Lovely Linda not realize that the rest of the City is a filthy disgrace? She is evidently suffering from a severe case of tunnel vision. She only sees what SHE wants to see and only acknowledges certain butt kissers. Sarcasm – Thank you to all that voted her in again, thanks for aiding in the continued spiral downward of the City.

Stokayed Nayborhuud Rd
Stokayed Nayborhuud Rd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

She should resign.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

The emperor wears no clothes!

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Democrats, your votes in the primary count for nothing, nothing at all…… Want to talk about FIXED “elections”?

It’s the DNC and party elites that pull the strings. The voting and voters mean NOTHING to them!!!

How is that for, COLLUSION!!! Do you remember 2016 and crooked Hillary? Deja Vu, 2020!!!!

Former Obama Adviser Admits Live on MSNBC: The Elites in the Party Pick the Nominee – Not the People (Video)

Superdelegates Signal They Won’t Back Bernie Sanders in a Contested Convention: ‘Overwhelming Opposition’

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Here’s another illusion from the city of Pittsfield.
I can assure you that the City of Pittsfield, BHS, and the City’s health department weren’t planning for this outbreak several weeks ago or in December.
They city can’t even get the snow removed, do you think they are competent enough to protect you from an outbreak of a disease? They aren’t.
They are tracking the dozens of others that have come back from China, just one family of 4.,598404

“ Leaders at Berkshire Health Systems began tracking the disease back in December, when a pneumonia-like illness of unknown origin crept onto their radar. In January, medical professionals identified the disease spreading across China as a type of coronavirus.

At that point, said James Lederer, chief medical officer and chief quality officer for BHS, the hospital system started stocking up on personal protective gear — masks, gloves, gowns, and protective eyewear — and making sure the staff was familiar and comfortable with using them.

Armstrong, too, said the city’s planning began several weeks ago.

“We knew exactly what to do when we were notified,” Winters said of the quarantine. “We had it all in place.”

Communication between the city’s Health Department and that of the state remains constant, Armstrong said. The city is also ready to work with other county officials to roll out a set of emergency dispensing sites in the event of an outbreak.”