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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 29-MARCH 1, 2020) — As political correctness grips social conduct, self-righteous arbiters have withdrawn an increasing number of words from circulation. We’ll be lucky to end up with any language at all.

There’s the “n” word (“nigger”), the “r” word (“retarded”), the “c” word (“cunt”), the “s” word (“stupid”). We agree these words are offensive and inappropriate, but to ban them has the opposite effect of what the holier-than-thous intend. Banned words assume an explosive power, making them perfect for so-called “hate speech.”

Where is THE PLANET going with this?

In the 2020 presidential election season, particularly the current cannibalization among Democrat candidates, the terms “communist,” “fascist,” “socialist,” or “capitalist” has lost rational meaning. Instead, they invoke bile and venom. What passes for political debate suggests that people are ignorant linguistically, misinformed economically, and unable to use language intelligently. Maybe we should ban the “c”-words communism and capitalism as well as the “s”-word “socialism” and the “f”-word “fascism.”

But if we step back from the snake pit and see these terms objectively, each simply refers to an economic system. Nothing less, nothing more.

The Democrat establishment, thrown into panic by Bernie Sanders’ ascension, can’t repeat enough that he’s a “socialist.” They use the word as if Sanders beats his wife, murders children, and steps on ants. They hurl the label the way Van Helsing greeted Dracula with garlic and mirror. Socialism, though, is just another way to organize capital and production, the same as the other three systems. Actually, compared to European socialism, Bernie is a moderate. He believes in government regulation of capital’s movement (“flow”) but not the means of production. Communism, on the other hand, regulates the means of production, the goods produced, and the people who produce them. Both seek a systematic redistribution of wealth to achieve a more just society. What’s to fear? Why the pejoratives?

The anti-socialists cite historic examples of socialism and communism gone bad. They point out the economic and moral failures, for instance, of Stalin, Castro, the Kims of North Korea (not be be confused with the Kardashians). They can’t separate theoretical socialism from its disastrous historical applications. In fact, the United States is no more “capitalist” than China is “communist” or Sweden “socialist.” Each mixes systems almost interchangeably. America employs all of the other three — or haven’t you heard of Social Security? Welfare? the Post Office? The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?

Unsuccessful economies have been systems applied with rigid fundamentalism. Whether it’s economics, morality, religion, of any other philosophy, if you see a fundamentalist, run for your lives. Ideological purity is the most contaminated essence of all.

When the anti-Trump crowd wants to throw their worst insult, they call the President a “fascist.”

It makes us laugh.

Fascism is a conservative economic system that seeks to foster social unity and stability through order. Fascism’s theorists thought this to be the best way to create a society where individuals could achieve prosperity through self-determination. Fascism consolidates power in the hands of a ruling elite led by a single person and believes in a “plural economy,” roughly a mix of capitalism and socialism — free markets and marketers with the government allowed a heavier hand. One only has to look at the remarkable economic achievements of Germany and Italy post- WWI and up to the Second World War. For that matter, how could “communist” China have gone from peasantry to the second largest economy in the world in one generation without mixing with the other three systems?

And yes, THE PLANET knows how it turned out in Europe in the early- to mid-20th century. Trump haters compare him to Hitler and Mussolini, again revealing their ignorance by misapplying the historical past as a necessary condition when forecasting the future. Calling someone a “fascist” has nothing to do with the neutral understanding of that philosophy; rather, it mistakenly applies the past as predicate of the future to indict the present.

If we step back, there is no more reason to believe fascism would lead to a Hitlerian nightmare than to believe that capitalism invariably ends up oppressive and oligarchical. Why couldn’t a fascist system or communist, socialist, or capitalist lead to prosperity?

Each in theory could produce Utopia.

Democracy flowered Ancient Greece. Fascism powered the Roman Empire. Capitalism built the United States of America. None of these systems, though, will ever lead to Utopia because they all run up against and lose to human fear, insecurity, covetousness, and greed.

It’s not the system that screws us up. We screw up the system.

Think about that whenever you put down Bernie as a “socialist,” Trump as a “fascist,” or Putin as a “communist” or  Bloomberg as a “capitalist.”

You’re fingering yourself.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“The one good thing about national anthems is that we’re already on our feet and therefore ready to run”Ocean Vuong.



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CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“He’s as blind as he can be
Just sees what he wants to see
Nowhere Man can you see me at all?

Nowhere Man, don’t worry
Take your time, don’t hurry
Leave it all till somebody else lends you a hand”

“You don’t sound different, I’ve learned THE GAME
I’m looking through you, you’re not the same

You were above me, but not today
The only difference is you’re down there
I’m looking through you, and you’re NOWHERE”

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Dear Dan,

Proud “deplorable” here

“America employs all of the other three — or haven’t you heard of Social Security? Welfare? the Post Office? The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?”

Except for the post office the rest are FDR/LBJ. Post Office has been run under by politicians………good idea back then, we needed mail.

SS has been bankrupted by the corrupt federal politicians, thank FDR. I’m SCREWED!!! They took my retirement, then used it like a credit card. Voted themselves, raises/pensions, insurances.

Welfare? That is letting good people rot in poverty because they don’t need to work. Sure, maybe some need help. Many are better off on the dole than getting work. Look at Pittsfield.

Problem is, living wage jobs left America with the upper management and CEOS, circa 1965-1985. Remember “neutron Jack?” GM, Chrylser, ………….

Jack and GE left a barren polluted landscape in Pittsfield. Jerry Doyle, with the berkshire bird media, state and federal governments, EPA (under slick willie) sealed the fate.

FDIC? just wait. We are so far in debt, what can they promise besides paper worth as much as Sunday’s discarded Left Winged Parrot? “It’s “insured”. Yep…….

Our political system and politicians need a flushing. Long overdue.

Tar, feathers? or maybe refreshing the tree of liberty……..

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

How can anyone other than a fascist or Hitler himself defend Donald Trump? He had neo-Nazis and other haters work for his presidential campaign and administration. He makes broad claims of executive power. He called neo-Nazis and other hater at the Charlottesville, Virginia hate march “very fine people”. He wants to amend the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by executive order to deny citizenship based on birth in the U.S. This is similar to what Hitler did to deny citizenship to Jewish people born in Germany. He used to have a book of Hitler’s speeches on his bed stand. He calls the press or news media “fake news”, which was a tactic used by Adolf Hitler. He is against left-leaning Jewish people’s viewpoint on Israel. There have been rising incidences of white nationalist domestic terrorism against the Jewish people and Muslim people since Trump assumed the U.S. Presidency in 2017. He withdrew our nation from the UN Human Rights Council on June 19th, 2018. He admires authoritarian dictators in Russia and China, among other regimes.

He wanted a racist citizenship question on the 2020 U.S. Census. He implemented racist immigration policies that saw babies taken from their mothers’ respective arms and put in cages, which critics compared to concentration camps. He banned travel from 7 Muslim countries. He that there should be “a religious test” imposed on entering the U.S. He said that there should be “state-sponsored torture” or that ”families of suspected terrorists should all be killed”.

He told congresswomen of color to “go back where they came from”. He called African nations: “Shithole countries”. He targeted Mexicans with hate-speech and a multi-billion dollar border wall.

The Trump administration urged schools and colleges to ignore race in admissions, reversing an Obama-era guideline meant to bolster diversity. The Trump administration rescinded protections for transgender students that allowed them to use bathrooms of their choice. He banned transgender people from military. He allows American Soldiers with neo-Nazi group membership serve in the military, officials testified before U.S. Congress on 12-February-2020.

He wants to cut social services and social insurance programs that help poor people, especially minorities. He mocked the disabled.

In closing, Donald Trump is a racist fascist demagogue who is similar to Adolf Hitler!

– Jonathan Melle

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


He is the POTUS.

Get over it.

Best regards


Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

And Melle, right on cue, has provided Exhibit A!

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

More very fake information from Melle.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Fake News
5 years ago

At least he uses his name. Those who attack him hide behind Fake Names.

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

How did I attack him by calling false information false?

Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Please Scott?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

12 thumbs down. I love it, you spineless bastards,

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Reply to Jonathan Melle:
Dear Jonathan. Neo-Nazis and other haters worked (Really?) for presidential campaign because of Dem/Liberal Progressive diversity and inclusion:))

5 years ago

In the meanwhile, High Wire Tyer prepares to re-enter stage left, at the PEDA building scam unveiling.

Candice Phlatform
Candice Phlatform
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Maybe the Governor will take the Hess Forest route and see this Mayor doesn’t keep her word when it comes to blight. Gong on five years now.

Billion Dollar Charlee
Billion Dollar Charlee
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

We have a billion dollar surplus and the state continues to add fees to gasoline tax for global warming? Fix the infrastructure and let those m b t a trains die on the tracks and start anew.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Was Tyer present at BIC’s grand opening?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

It is Friday

Cheshire Cat
Cheshire Cat
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Because what the Planet needed was less decorum.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

This comment is totally crude and should be deleted. This is ridiculous.

Village Knight
Village Knight
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

Linda Tyer is a sadistic, heartless Dem/Progressive machine of corruption.

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago

She had her BIC pen with her.

5 years ago

I agree Dan that we will never have a utopia.. a perfect system… due to the fact that we are human and subject to human vices such as greed, envy, fear, insecurity and many others. Any group who claims they have the “answer” or the “solution” to all of our problems should be viewed very suspiciously because there is no perfect system of government on earth that will solve all of our problems. The search for perfection and utopia through a system of government will only lead to misery for all.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

You are one step closer to figuring this all out my friend.

CC The Maze Sun
CC The Maze Sun
Reply to  CC The Maze Sun
5 years ago

“Who knows what tomorrow brings
In a world, few hearts survive
All I know is the way I feel
When it’s real, I keep it alive

The road is long, there are mountains in our way
But we climb a step every day

LOVE lift us UP Where We Belong
Where the eagles cry on a mountain high
LOVE lift us UP Where We Belong
Far from the world we know, where the clear winds blow

Some hang on to “used to be”
Live their lives, looking behind
All we have is here and now
All our life, OUT THERE TO FIND“ – Joe Cocker

“Get Back, Get Back, Get Back to where you once belonged”

Charles Trzcinka
Charles Trzcinka
5 years ago

It is useful to define the jargon “common resource” which is a resource where you can’t write down the property rights. This means if you charge for it others can n use it without paying the charge. Examples are police and fire protection. All systems of government understand that government needs to allocate common resources. What the systems disagree about is how to allocate resources that have property rights. Capitalism says use the market, socialism says use the government and communism says use the government and change (re-educate) the people. Our biggest disagreements are about resources that have some property rights and some common components. Education has both since students are the primary beneficiary of a good education, so Capitalism says they should pay for it, but there is a benefit for having an educated public, so Socialists say taxpayers should pay. (Communists say control what the educators say..). Medical resources have both common and property rights components. Capitalists say we need to pay something for our medical services otherwise we will demand too much and lose control to bureaucrats. Socialists say medical care is a “right” that everyone should have regardless of pay.

The evidence is overwhelming that Capitalism is the better system in producing more resources, allocating them efficiently and giving people the ability to use their talents the best they can. But Capitalism produces large, unequal outcomes which is offensive to many people. So we get Bernie, Pochantas, and Pete with Joe, Amy and Mike working to keep up.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

I like the wine glass global theory of Capitalism. The richest 20% get 82.7% of the wealth. The second richest 20% get 11.7% of the wealth. The middle 20% get 2.3% of the wealth. The second poorest 20% get 1.9% of the wealth. The bottom poorest 20% get 1.4% of the wealth. The distribution of wealth is shaped like a wine glass. That is how prosperity trickles down. In order to have an equitable economic system, there needs to be redistributions of wealth from the Haves to the Have Nots. But, the opposite is happening. The Have Nots are redistributing their wealth to the Haves under the global Capitalist system. There is also record amount of debt in global Capitalism in 2020. Many people believe the Capitalist system is rigged for predetermined outcomes that favor the corporate and ruling elites. In closing, Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski always gets screwed over by Wall Street.

Charles Trzcinka
Charles Trzcinka
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Suppose you are right (and your numbers are wrong for most of US history), why is this a bad thing? If the lowest 20% gets 1.9% of wealth that is 1,000 times larger because of the highest 20% how is this “getting screwed”? Why is the relative distribution of wealth of any interest at all? Who cares? I only care that the poorest are doing better and that everyone has a chance at the 20%.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Charles Trzcinka
5 years ago

The working class is not getting ahead anymore (since the mid-1970’s). When I took Economics courses, I learned that business and government should be both efficient and equitable. I believe our country’s financial system, including Reaganomics supply side economic policies, have put workers at a huge disadvantage to their employers. I also believe globalization and technology have put workers at a disadvantage. I hope working families have social mobility to live in the middle class. I don’t think they will make it to the top 20 percent of high wage earners, but I think being able to own a home, having healthcare insurance, and children going to good public schools is a good start. I support social reforms to Capitalism to shrink the underclass and help the working class get ahead again. If I were Prez, I would ensure every working class family had access to affordable housing, healthcare insurance, and financial security with savings and retirement accounts. Also, if I were Prez, I would not run yearly $1 trillion federal budget deficits with recurring growth in federal government spending. The trend of cutting taxes and growing government is the definition of economic insanity!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Charles Trzcinka
5 years ago

The greatest generation built a quality of life.That generation supported schools and parks.That would be socialism.The children of the greatest generation promotes privare education and private paid for clubs and pools.That is capitalism.It worked best under the greatest generation.The baby boomers got theirs and fd it up.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Melle, you need a whine glass. That will work for you.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Its an economic pyramid scheme.

Reply to  Charles Trzcinka
5 years ago

People want a president like Oprah Winfrey so all they have to do is look under their chairs and find free stuff.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

You get a car !!!

Jonny Absurd
Jonny Absurd
5 years ago

I would like to weigh in on PRs post of late yesterday. “Do you feel confident that this city of Pittsfield, Ma. is in any way going to be prepared for any Corona virus outbreak?”
Well, as I have witnessed the roads go almost completely to hell, and the streets covered in garbage and the parents freaking out trying to get their children out of Pittsfield schools and the city budget totally run amok, I have to say NO. And then HELL NO. I have zero faith that this administration, that cannot do basic city functions, can deal with a contagious disease on any level. And anyone who depends on them is a fool.
My advice is to become informed and have your own personal plan in place. Because this is not a parade, or a ribbon cutting or a tax give away. It is going to take a serious effort by serious educated people to even be of help.
That is my personal opinion base on long term observations of our local govt. functionality.

J.P. Morgan
J.P. Morgan
Reply to  Jonny Absurd
5 years ago

Perfectly stated, and accurate.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonny Absurd
5 years ago

Our President is totally unprepared for the virus.

Eric Blair
Eric Blair
5 years ago

“The word Fascism has now no meaning except in so far as it signifies “something not desirable”…In the case of a word like democracy, not only is there no agreed definition, but the attempt to make one is resisted from all sides. It is almost universally felt that when we call a country democratic we are praising it: consequently the defenders of every kind of regime claim that it is a democracy, and fear that they might have to stop using the word if it were tied down to any one meaning.”

― George Orwell

Thomas More
Thomas More
5 years ago

There are 200 plus cars in the parking lot at BIC right now. Every butt worth kissing will will be smacked today.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

Did they all get taxpayer funded swag bags and a catered lunch fit for a king? A month from now that building will be being used as a quarantine center for Corona virus victims.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

smoking pcb laced pot.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

The photo looked very sad – a bunch of local politicians with the Gov – no one who could innovate themselves out of a paper bag. Median age looked to be about 55 too – probably 2-3 people at most in the photo have any association past or present with technology. They could have just burnt the money spent for the effect it will have on the local economy.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Tried to watch the great BIC Grand Opening on Public TV this morning. Evidently they must have forgotten to add the proper cables to this new building because my screen just went completely black. Wouldn’t you think this would have been checked out before the opening? But then again, why should us hardworking Pittsfield taxpayer be able to watch, only certain people matter in this Administration.

Anderson williams
Anderson williams
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Oh so sorry we are going to miss your Red carpet report on what the women are wearing or your expert critique on the new building and its electrical features.. Darn!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Anderson williams
5 years ago

Lovely Linda looked very nice today, does that make you feel better? Since You are so smart, do you know why this event was not televised? TyerTroll!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Your screen went black but they want you to believe they are prepared for a contagious disease? Too funny.

5 years ago

A picture is worth a thousand words folks, and High Wire Tyer returns.,598575

Absolutely sickening how politicians take our Kapanski Cash and piss it away on useless stuff, and then hold a dog and pony show to brag about it. This is a real big piss a way folks.

Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

Anyone else notice how white and woke the crowd at BIC opening was?the only honorary woman of color was TFB

5 years ago

Another “extraordinary milestone” says Tyer. You got be effing kidding me. What other extraordinary milestones did I miss? And how is this great waste of space going to be extraordinary besides the amount of fraud waste and abuse involved?

Inspected Sexpott
Inspected Sexpott
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Rumor has it the accountant was busy with her highNAsty way before they was hitched. Bad table manners.Fo Sure.

Soderhome Cjunctshun
Soderhome Cjunctshun
Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Do the math. Stanley received millions more than the bic.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

I read the article and the one from the eagle. Both Tikal I. Forked and twisted tongues about magical labs and special equipment and other crap the average Joe can’t understand but neither explains how the building is going to actually incubate anything. And why is an investment firm in there? Dan can you or another Planeteers point out what I’m missing? In other words, where’s the beef?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  AverageJoe
5 years ago

Keep in mind that where there is beef, there is most often bullshit.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Coming to think of it, wasn’t there a place that sold a famous “beefie” on North St years ago? Back in 70s when north at was a real economic engine. Perhaps this BIC can churn out a bull shit sandwhich called the PCBeefie made with Kapanski cash and secret and magical equipment.

Reply to  Tax&Spend
5 years ago

The place was called, Sub n Beef. Excellent roast beef grinders.

Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
5 years ago

The secret was the beef was shaved immediately off the roast before making sandwhich, and topped off with a secret sauce squirted out of a bottle. Place was near the alley to the rear of Boys Club.

Reply to  TellitLikeitIs
5 years ago

Perhaps you missed The Beacon Bomb extraordinary milestone, which was a real Kapanski screwin, and perhaps you missed The Miraca Mirage, The Spice Scam, or The Morning Star MIracle, where High Wire act turned condmened buidling into apartments with Kapanski cash, but no worries TellIt. Standby for the big $150,000 beer making machine screwing, coming near a theater near you.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
5 years ago

Boycott parasitic gosib embedded money grabbing business s. It is our only tool in fighting the collusion between city hall and their business collaborators. Send the message that if you grab for senior citizen money through elevated taxes we will not do business with you.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
5 years ago

People forget there was the Brew Pub at 34 Depot street that got $200k then promptly closed, laid of 17 people and shifted the resources to another location without the overhead of the restaurant and staff.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Yes, and who were the owners of that again?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago,576668

PITTSFIELD — Pittsfield Brew Works is tapping out of the restaurant business.

Though the rumors and whispers have been flying around for nearly two months, Brew Works’ owners/master brewers Bill and Christine Heaton officially announced Tuesday that the restaurant will close on Saturday, May 15.

Their business of brewing, however, will still be here in the Berkshires.

What they failed to mention, Bump took the money, bought the equipment, left Pittsfield and moved it all to Sheffield.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

The mayor is out of control giving my money away

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Pretty sure Haddad got his share as well as Mountain One. Hotel on North? and the mayor would like the list kept quiet please.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

General Dynamics – 500 jobs that turned into 75. This was the beginning of the Ruberto/Tyer triple count. Count transferred employees who don’t pay taxes in MA, count temporary employees, count laid off and rehired employees.

Interprint – free sewer line and no jobs, that was a rural development grant. I think due to automation and market the ended up with less staff.

There was the lifeline (Linx) style company above Spice. The Lawrence M. Rosenthal and Joyce S. Bernstein sextuple dipped on that, Spice, Jae’s Spice, PressBox, Shabu 297, LifeStation, and the building itself.
Let’s not forget Glad Ads and Emanon Corp in Pittsfield via Florida. Lawrence M. Rosenthal and Joyce S. Bernstein did a number on those.

The bottled water company that got money from the city, installed the equipment improperly then got more money to do it right.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

So much corporate welfare in Pittsfield. In effect what happens is that the mayors take money from the hardworking people, including many elderly on fixed incomes, and give it to their wealthy friends to prop up their business ventures. And that just seems kind of immoral to me and one more reason I advocate for a forensic audit of the city finances as soon as possible and I encourage the city councilors to get behind this effort now.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Dan you missed nuclea bio systems

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

February 28, 2020

Re: The Berkshire Eagle Editors are wrong on PCBs capped landfills and GE

I read the Berkshire Eagle’s editorial “Moving on with a restored Housatonic”, and I am totally disgusted with the Eagle’s Editors for defending GE because it supposedly “compromised” with Pittsfield and 5 nearby towns along the polluted Housatonic River. I would like to know why the Eagle Editors did not mention the many thousands of local residents who suffered and/or died of cancer in Pittsfield, Massachusets? I would like to know why the Eagle Editors did not mention that GE has made no financial commitment to their settlement with the EPA? Until GE puts at least $1 billion in an escrow account that it cannot access until the decades long cleanup of the Housatonic River is completed, then GE and the EPA have made an empty promise! GE is in serious financial trouble. For 2½ decades, GE has committed major accounting fraud, which is being investigated by the SEC. GE has tens of billions of dollars in toxic debts it cannot sell off or possibly pay for. GE has used unrealistic financial growth forecasts to say they will be solvent in the next decade. In the first quarter of 2020, GE is expected to lose up to $2 billion alone. This past week, the stock market tanked by 15%. If we enter a recession in this decade, then I believe GE will file for bankruptcy protection and/or go bankrupt. Who will pay for the cleanup project if GE goes bankrupt? As for the PCBs capped landfills, it is common knowledge that caps do not last beyond two to three decades. Once the caps expire, the PCBs continue to pollute the land, water, and air. The capped “leaky” landfills need to be monitored from day one, and everyday until the caps become defective from wear and tear over time. It is unconscionable that the Hill 78 PCBs capped landfill abuts Allendale Elementary School. It is unfair that Lee, Massachusetts, will have a toxic waste dump in their town, which will greatly lower the property values there. In closing, the Eagle Editors are wrong to commit the sin of omission on all of these important issues facing Berkshire County. Lastly, I now know why people dislike their sell-out politicians and The Berkshire Eagle is called “The Dirty Bird”!

– Jonathan Melle

Head Strong
Head Strong
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Did Pete White take the short bus as a kid?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Head Strong
5 years ago

Pete had no idea how Pittsfield came up with the 2.3 overrun on snow removal last year.How could you Not know that

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

If you really knew but were told to say you did not know that qualifies in Pittsfield as not knowing. Pete knows what he is told to know and if he was not told to know it then he does not know. It is pretty basic if you are a Pittsfield councilor. You just ask the mayor if you know something or not.

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Was mud packin’ Pete Pee there?

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Dentinaframe
5 years ago


The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Just ask yourself how the owners of the Berkshire Eagle feel about Pittsfield educating students under 12 on top of a chemical swamp next to a mountain of PCBs.The Eagle leadership is on team Trump when it comes to cleaning up your toxic mess.GE wont survive.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

I can assure you they do not care.

5 years ago

Dow is down Ten Percent this week. Lost all my profits in four days. M A G A

Reply to  Wndayse
5 years ago

Rodrigo of pubic works does not like Connell. It’s evident. Morandi and Connell will be dumbfounded as they get voted against at nausium without debate. This Yuki is a beauty. Could be the dumbest, silent, Council in a History.

Medderger Evers
Medderger Evers
Reply to  Wndayse
5 years ago

Forty faces at the BIC photo in iberkshires and not one face of color.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Medderger Evers
5 years ago

Wow. There should have been protocol to include a token minority. I wonder if any minority groups will question this non inclusive power structure.

Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Jumpin Joe Curtis.
Reply to  Medderger Evers
5 years ago

TFB is an honorary woman of color. White and woke

5 years ago

Liawatha in big heep ‘o trouble….. about to lose Taxachusetts to Crazy Bernie!

5 years ago

C-virus weakening the Communist Party? Chinese academics demanding Xi resign.

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
5 years ago

Chatter of a homicide on Crane Ave tonight?

Reply to  Auto Phil
5 years ago


Village Knight
Village Knight
5 years ago

Bravo! Nicely done article! Every word is truth.

Reply to  Village Knight
5 years ago

When The bic fails,and it will, the building could be used as the first ever multi – apartments trailer home. Because it looks like one big trailer. Who designed that?

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
Reply to  Carvingitup
5 years ago

Frank Lloyd Caccamo

Foo Sukimuoto
Foo Sukimuoto
Reply to  Hell Toupee
5 years ago


Mr. X
Mr. X
5 years ago

Shots fired on Crane Ave. near North St. last night nobody hit

Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago


Reply to  Mr. X
5 years ago

Aw shucks

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
5 years ago

Hey Linda, a zaftig woman shouldn’t wear polka dots.

Reply to  Benigno Numine
5 years ago

Why don’t you just say brick shithouse!

Reply to  Carvingitup
5 years ago

There’s so much worth criticizing. Please don’t pick appearances, it just gives them fodder to discredit this site.

Milt Plum
Milt Plum
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Brady should have retired after the last Super Bowl win.

Anyone but Trump
Anyone but Trump
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Sure Dan I’m sure you got to hang with Brady. You sound like your buddy Trump. I’m sure your Planuts will believe anything you say

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

just good advice

The school committee
The school committee
5 years ago

Trump has made bad behavior acceptable as his hate speech is now popular with his followerss

Fake News
Fake News
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Very fake information

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Local woman pleads guilty to embezzlement from Berkshire Works and Austin Riggs. How many times has this happened locally in just the last five years? I am going to join the advocates for a forensic audit of the city of Pittsfield finances just to put everyone at ease. They might find mistakes that could be fixed and save a bunch of money for the taxpayers.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Start at the school department and go back to the day the Sherrif Masimiano got 10 million dollar grant.Eberwien junior was hired and he closed the Alternative School so they could open a new school at the old jail on 2nd street.Eberwien junior hired Eberwien Sr to run it.This will keep an auditor busy for awhile.Remember the thousands spent on billboards all over for years.Do this and you have not scratched the surface.Where is last years extra 7 million spent.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

I would think our local newspaper would think an audit might be a great idea if for no other reason than to shut up the thousands of doubters like myself. One good forensic audit of the city of PIttsfield finances could shut my big mouth for a long time I bet. When can we start Matt?

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Bingo! Follow the MONEY.

Reply to  The school committee
5 years ago

Laptops and IPads. How much, how many?

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Driving by the BIC today on East Street and was dodging potholes. Of course I have yet to drive a decent street in Pittsfield for many years. Is there some reason that all the manholes are caving in? Got my Excise Tax bill in the mail today. I always thought these monies were utilized for road repairs. Wondering if Lovely Linda, Bowtie Kerwood or even Bare Bare Clairmont could tell us taxpayers where this money is going, it is most certainly not going towards road repair. Definitely need a forensic audit to find out where this money has gone.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Mayor probably has a city vehicle and gets all her repairs done free. That assumes she is not chauffeured around on the taxpayer dime.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
5 years ago

Historically nobody screws Americans like Americans!

Ucntsplvalntinewithout spell
Ucntsplvalntinewithout spell
Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

And Pittsfielders follow suit….23 million dropped to Stanley,neatly stacked bills,no accountability?

Surge Jory
Surge Jory
Reply to  Tom Betit
5 years ago

Does anyone know what CIL Realty does,they’re located on Cascade Street but that comes out to be a half million dollar single family? C I L does business with Mass Developement,millions. Police Report???? Dan?

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

March 1, 2020

Re: Open letter to Patrick Fennell

Hello Pat,

Massachusetts has a multi-billion dollar rainy day fund, and the state government is running a $1 billion budget surplus. With all of their excess taxpayer dollars, why is the state Legislature planning on raising the gas tax by 5 cents per gallon? Why are they targeting working people who commute to work?

Pittsfield (Mass.) has a $10.1 slush fund, plus they are planning on receiving $8 million from GE when the horrible settlement with the EPA is approved. With all of their excess taxpayer dollars, why is the Mayor and City Council always raising municipal taxes and fees?

Whose financial interests do Massachusetts Democrats represent in City Hall and the State House? Is government nothing more than a shakedown operation on hard hit working class taxpayers?

Best wishes,


P.S. (Sarcasm): I think it is time for Smitty Pignatelli, Adam Hinds, and the rest of the big wheel Dems to vote themselves another pay raise. They work so hard at raising our taxes and building their slush funds!

Clare Izdulloon
Clare Izdulloon
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Remember when gas price were higher because we had it pumped by the service attendant? The money collected by the state is a fraud with what they do with it. Lottery,excise tax, to name a couple. The C P A tax is. also against taxation without representation.

Barbie Stablare
Barbie Stablare
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The more important question isn’t about where Brady will play,but who will step in as the Pats go forward.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago


Not often at all, but a VERY deserved thumbs up.

Best regards,


Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

And D-rat legislators, who $$$ for travel, NEVER but get to Basstuun.

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Dan want a story ?

Look up travel , votes, compensasion for travel.

D-rats Berkshire

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Is the republican governor trying to do something about this?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

What is FarleyBouviers per diet and travel expense?

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

It’s compensation dumbo.

Sergio Tommoreosonbich
Sergio Tommoreosonbich
Reply to  Thomas More
5 years ago

It’s back pay also.

Reply to  Mad Trapper
5 years ago

Many get upwards to 20,000 for travel and back pay per diem.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

Off topic
Jack Welch, longtime General Electric chief, dead at 84

Mad Trapper
Mad Trapper
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

He is with Satan, unless he repented/confessed.

Bury his putrid remains in Silver Lake

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

End of a Legacy. The auspices of a Dysfunctional City of Pittsfield government and more Dysfunctional. Tyer administration. The Bottom of the Barrel is at the top. PALOOKAVILLE.

5 years ago

It looks like our pinnacle of local journalism has been duped again. The homeless man in this story has used his brother’s name and failed to mention he has many family in the area who have tried to help him and been burned. FB has over 300 comments including from livid family asking to have the story taken down.,598743

Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Who buys, or gets , an online to RUTBERG parrot? NOT ME!!!

Sergio Tommoreosonbich
Sergio Tommoreosonbich
Reply to  EWendt
5 years ago

Would we expect anything less.