(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION FEB. 7-9, 2020) — In our previous column, THE PLANET eluded to whispers of concern over the financial integrity in two city accounts: municipal trash and snow removal. As to trash, we hope to present what we have learned next week. It will open some eyes, close others, and leave some with Eyes Wide Shut. As for snow this mild winter, we have heard from sources both within and without the DPW, but we won’t publish until we get more of a grip on what’s happening. Last year’s $2.5 million “deficit” don’t appear to be a fluke. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, THE PLANET cannot let the Senate’s action Wednesday to go untouched. The President’s acquittal surprised no one, delivered along party lines except for Mitt Romney’s “guilty” vote on one of the two charges. For those keeping score at home, Democrats voted as a block with 94 “guilty” votes out of 94 on the two counts. Republicans, sans Mitt, did the same: 105 for acquittal out of 106.
THE PLANET respects Mitt’s lone vote. We have had the privilege to know Romney, having done broadcasts with him since his days as Massachusetts governor. We can vouch for his principled decency. We believe Mitt when he says he voted with his conscience and heart. He eschewed the easy and did the hard. For anyone to get their hair mussed that the GOP tally wasn’t a perfect 106-for-106 is like the died-hard football fan whose team is leading 42-10, 31 seconds left, with the ball on the opponent’s 12-yard line, and stews when his team doesn’t pile on by taking a shot at the end zone ofradding three points with a field goal.
Meanwhile, President Trump bolstered his re-election bid incalculably. THE PLANET reads the Democrat-driven impeachment effort as the party’s lack of confidence in their presidential nominees. It’s as if the Dems know that, barring an act of God, they will lose in November and thought impeachment as the only way to regain the White House. Yes, partisan politics have descended to that nadir, exemplified by the Trump-Pelosi State handshake/torn-pages drama. Add to that the Dem embarrassment in Iowa. Nearly a week later, and no one knows the outcome. When they do report, we won’t be able to trust the numbers. The paper record used to recreate the vote has been “riddled with inconsistencies and other flaws. According to a New York Times analysis, more than 100 precincts reported results that were internally inconsistent, that were missing data or that were not possible under the complex rules of the Iowa caucuses” (source: AP).
With that, THE PLANET gives you more Acquittal Acquiescence.

Source: (Leah Millis/Pool via AP) (Source
Today, the sham impeachment attempt concocted by Democrats ended in the full vindication and exoneration of President Donald J. Trump. As we have said all along, he is not guilty. The Senate voted to reject the baseless articles of impeachment, and only the President’s political opponents – all Democrats, and one failed Republican presidential candidate – voted for the manufactured impeachment articles.
In what has now become a consistent tradition for Democrats, this was yet another witch-hunt that deprived the President of his due process rights and was based on a series of lies. Rep. Adam Schiff lied to Congress and the American people with a totally made up statement about the President’s phone call. Will there be no retribution? Speaker Nancy Pelosi also lied to the American people about the need to swiftly pass impeachment articles they dreamt up, only to sit on them for a month before sending over to the Senate. In the Senate, the Democrats continued to make their political motivations clear – Rep. Schiff proclaimed the issues “cannot be decided at the ballot box” – proving once again they think they know better than the voters of this country. This entire effort by the Democrats was aimed at overturning the results of the 2016 election and interfering with the 2020 election.
Throughout this wholly corrupt process, President Trump successfully advanced the interests of the United States and remained focused on the issues that matter to Americans. He spent his time achieving real victories for the people of this country, and the Democrats – once again – have nothing to show for their fraudulent schemes. The President is pleased to put this latest chapter of shameful behavior by the Democrats in the past, and looks forward to continuing his work on behalf of the American people in 2020 and beyond.
Chief Justice John Roberts intoned the following:
“Two-thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is not guilty as charged in the first article of impeachment.Two-thirds of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the Senate adjudges that the respondent Donald John Trump, President of the United States, is not guilty as charged in the second article of impeachment. It is therefore ordered and adjudged that the said Donald John Trump be, and he is hereby, acquitted of the charges in said articles.” That ended the trial.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell: “I know my colleagues join me in thanking Chief Justice Roberts for presiding over the Senate trial with a clear head, steady hand and the forbearance that this rare occasion demands.”
This leaves America more divided between red and blue, a second civil war. Democrats will now have their shot to remove Trump they way it should have been all along: at the ballot box.
Have a great weekend, everybody.
“And Harry doesn’t mind. He’s got a daytime job. He’s doing all right” — Sultans of Swing.
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Mitt Romney cares only about Mitt Romney.
Mitt Romney, alias Pierre Defecto, backstabbing traitor!
Pierre Defecto, failed presidential candidate who now uses religion as a crutch….
I am not a fan of Donald Trump but none of what has happened really needed to happen or was necessary.
First it was Russia, then it was WikiLeaks and Russia, then it was Russia hacking the Dems, then it was the Ukraine and the Biden’s.
The evidence was so thin and contrived, it wouldn’t have past muster in a simple civil case, and all for what? To give Trump a boost like no other.
If the Dems were smart, they would have left Trump alone and let him really mess things up. Given enough time and lack of scrutiny I’m sure they could have made a much more legitimate case. Note to Schiff when you promise a smoking gun from one crime, you better deliver that smoking gun and some bullets. Not show up late to the party with a cap gun.
For those that expect the government to fix all your woes, remember the Obamacare portal, utter failure. The Dems on the heels of a stunning loss on impeachment couldn’t even caucus properly in Iowa. Something they’ve done since the 1800’s or at least since 1917 in the “modern era” of the Iowa caucus.
So for 102 years everything has worked, the Dems start improving things this year and look what happens…it speaks volumes towards their incompetence.
These are not the people or party you want in charge of anything. Everything they touch ends in failure.
Trump hatred is on display after his acquittal. The list of whos at fault is near 35 people.Trump blames Romney .Trump is a very powerful bully.The Republicans are chicken shit of a very sick man.The party of cowards.
If there’s a wrong you fight it,otherwise you become part of it. Charles Manson,1964?
What? You got a problem PR with the Democrats giving a free pass to illegals and buying them plane tickets back to the land of the free bees and home of the racist white folk? Tyer and Farley are of this ilk.
We have enough of our own criminals, we don’t need more.
I was wunnering what the mayors coming refugees are going to think when they drive by park square and see all the beggars and pan handlers. And I wunner what the beggars and panhandlers are going to think when they see the refugees getting set up in their homes with a new start on life. Not sure which group will be more confused. Is that the right word? confused?
Damn Straight PR. I hope the feds hammer these liberal states that are coddling illegals.
IF the legislation passes where you can sue a sanctuary city if you were a victim of a crime committed by an illegal, Pittsfield should be shaking in it’s boots. I can’t tell you how many people are going to be filing from everything from simple assults to car accident involving no license or insurance.
Glen Beck’s investigative report explains everything including the phone call between President Trump and Ukraine that the Democrats used for their impeachment excuse. Glen Beck does actual digging for information which is something that the media no longer does especially when it involves the Democrats. The truth is shocking. President Trump was absolutely doing his job to expose the corruption. The American people need to know the truth.
Glen Beck actual digging?? Too funny Pat.
It’s true. Glen is so thorough that he would dig in actual dirt to get to the truth if it was hidden in the ground. I meant that Glen doesn’t do a superficial job like most of the media, but it did come out funny.
Glenn Beck is a hateful man of God.Hate can make you worth 150 million.The real conservatives are leaving the republican party.The hateful talk radio crowd are worth hundreds of millions.The followers of hate do their work for nothing.
The problem for Dems is that except for his Twitter account, Trump is NOT messing up. He is amassing a huge record of getting things done for the betterment of the USA.
Read about this dangerous new bill concocted by House Democrats, to override the U.S. immigration policy;
Would especially love to hear your opinion on this, Police Report.
The impeachment “trial” was a farce, and everyone knows it, especially the Republican Party! Even Republican U.S. Senator Mitt Romney said it was not a fair trial because there was no new witnesses and no evidence for the “impartial” jurors to use as a trier of fact. What kind of “trial” doesn’t have new witnesses and evidence? What has the U.S.A. become when “the rule of law” has been made into a mockery of justice?
Donald Trump is a racist fascist demagogue who is similar to Adolf Hitler. He had neo-Nazis work in his presidential campaign and administration. He called the hate marchers in Charlottesville, Virginia very fine people. His racist immigration policy and brutal detention centers where babies were separated from their parents’ respective arms have been compared to Nazi Germany’s concentration camps. He has disparaged women, the disabled, Mexicans, immigrants, African countries, Muslim immigrants, American cities like Baltimore, and American states like New Hampshire, among “others”.
Donald Trump is an abomination. He is EVIL! I hope he is voted out of the Oval Office in early-November of 2020!!!!
Damn straight Melle, a farce in The House that shouldn’t a happened. MAGA.
Every citizen should ignore Trump behavior.He want great power to help the little guy.Hard to believe the power that creates a man crush for Trump male voters.
Sounds like it was all “a manufactured crisis” by the despicable and desperate dems. My dad was a democrat back in the day when they stood for hard working people, and unions, and believed in a hand up, and not a hand out. Now they only care about coddling the criminals, illegals, layabouts, fem dykes, transgenders, diversity, and the me too mantra. And my fathers dead and rolling over in his grave over this. And the once great democrat party is dead too. Is it any wonder why a bloviating and pompous ass got elected? At least his heart is in the right place when it comes to protecting unborn children that the dems are okay with killing. Trump is by far, the best of the flawed bunch running, and he has proven he can run the country well, even if he can’t act presidential.
Most Blue Dogs aren’t hunting anymore. The few that are in the middle are being forced to just go along or risk losing the seat they currently hold.
I would like a breakdown from Kerwood on how much of my taxes goes toward garbage removal today. I am sure for the whole city taxes are in the millions for this line item. So if they decide to go to some version of “pay as you throw” deal we can better tell if they are hitting us twice for the same thing. Only a corrupt process would continue taxing us for trash removal and then make us pay as you throw. I wonder how councilor Moon feels about this? Is she educated or paying attention to such things? How about Mr. White? Does he think that would be fair?
Some bozo thinks that is not a fair question. Must be one of the mayors lickers.
Off topic
DA Andrea Harrington embarrasses the Berkshires yet again.
“During a press conference, which was posted by local outlet WWLP-TV, Berkshire District Attorney Andrea Harrington said the neighbor was licensed to own the crossbow.”
There is no license to own a crossbow in MA. You can walk into any store that sells them or order them online. They are not firearms, no licenses is required.
If she means he was licensed to hunt with a crossbow, how is that even applicable? Is he licensed to hunt dogs? Humans?
Do you expect her to know the law?
Does seem to be portrayed as a hunting accident, if he had used a handgun to shoot at some dogs waiting by their front door or some thug released with no bail trying to break in then the Democrat committee would have told her bring charges
Nothing like a good press conference to wag the dog. What about failure to fulfill public duties, running a campaign atmosphere, fake transparency, etc. etc.?
Harrington has no idea what is appropriate for a DA to have a press conference about. On the other hand, she is desperate to move on from Kempthorne’s big reveal. Looks like it is working with the Berkshires brainless media. Let the campaign continue!
She got the headline so I guess that’s mission accomplished. The only thing missing was the usual “MYYYYYY office takes (insert topic) seriously – like all the other DAs don’t. I hear she doesn’t say a word at the DA’s meetings whic will surprise no one.
Well, she went national
Yes! Stop tallking about crossbows!!!! What about the DA running the worst public office in the state and the people responsible for putting her there?!!???
crossbows are illegal to hunt with/use as personal protection (i.e. concealed carry type protection). However, if you are disabled and cannot use a firearm, you can get a special hunting permit to use a crossbow. The process is rigorous and they rarely give them out. So unless he’s a disabled person, he shot that crossbow illegally unless he was aiming at a target.
With that said, police officers and ex police officers can own bazookas and apparently commit involuntary manslaughter and reckless endangerment to their hearts content. THATS WHY HE WASN’T CHARGED. Any other civilian would have charges against them, guaranteed
A minority felon was killed. Nothing to see here folks.
Not hard to get crossbow permit to hunt. Note from a doctor you can’t draw a 40lb bow
Not as easy as you think.
BS I have several friends that have the permit. The hunt but have arm/shoulder injuries.
If their injuries are permanent they will probably qualify
Don’t need to be permanent. Having a shoulder surgery will qualify for exemption for hunting permit.
It don’t really matter to the story, no permit needed to posses a crossbow.
P r what is the difference between a license and permit concerning the crossbow?
PR correct me if I’m wrong. You only need a license if you want to hunt with it. Otherwise, it’s for target practice only.
pretty sure you are NOT allowed to use it as a first line of self defense, nor should it be shot indoors.
Did my own research:
Crossbow Hunting Regulations in Massachusetts
As of July 2013, a crossbow can only be used for hunting in Massachusetts by a permanently disabled person, who’s disability makes it impossible for him to use a regular vertical bow. A certification from a qualified physician will be required; once that is submitted to Mass. Wildlife, a crossbow hunting permit will be issued. To find out more, you can contact 508-389-6300.
The following should be kept in mind:
When hunting with a crossbow in Massachusetts, you should take care never to fire an arrow if located closer than 150 feet from a surfaced highway, nor if located closer than 500 feet from a house or dwelling (unless authorization from the dwelling owner was acquired beforehand).
There is no minimum or maximum draw weight required for your crossbow, nor are there any size limitations for either the crossbow itself or the arrow shafts.
The use of expandable arrow broad-heads is legal.
Any broad-head used, including expandables, shall have a cutting diameter of no less than 7/8 inches.
Please keep in mind that crossbow hunting laws in the entire United States are slowly becoming more lenient; where they were illegal before, they are often now legal in the entire archery season. So keep your head up and watch out for some updates – you might be just going out for a hunting trip with your crossbow soon enough.
As for personal defense, I’m pretty sure you can use it , can you carry it around for personal defense, no.
Crossbows are excellent indoors at an appropriate range but evidently not excellent for killing dogs.
You to have some basic marksmanship skills. And hit the dog in the vitals.
They can be quite powerful, more so than a hand bow. Think of how large of game is taken with a hand bow.
Anyone can purchase or possess a crossbow in MA if over 18, in fact the law seems neutral on age. They are treated like bows as far as purchase and possess.
Only those that have a disability can hunt with them.
To hunt with a crossbow you need a permit in addition to your hunting license.
Chapter 131: Section 69. Bows and arrows for hunting.
Section 69. A person shall not carry or use a bow and arrow while hunting unless said bow and arrow meet such requirements as may be set by rules and regulations which the director is hereby authorized to promulgate. Such rules and regulations shall prescribe general design, weight of pull, and type of bows and arrows, and shall conform to standards generally accepted for bows and arrows used for hunting purposes. Nothing in this paragraph shall permit the use of crossbows by any person other than a person who is permanently disabled such that the person cannot operate a conventional bow and arrow, as certified by a licensed physician. Any costs associated with obtaining the medical documentation, re-evaluation of the information or a second medical opinion are the responsibility of the applicant claiming a permanent disability. The issuance of a crossbow permit under this section shall be subject to rules and regulations promulgated by the director.
You’re not allowed to fire it within 500 yards of a dwelling, just like a firearm. Probably because you’ll kill someone. Either way, the man with the bow escalated the dangers with his recklessness. He absolutely broke laws
So here’s the thing. I’ve never seen someone get jammed up for using a bow or a crossbow in their backyard for target practice. Guns, absolutely, bows never.
MGL 131 section 58 only reads
A person shall not discharge any firearm or release any arrow upon or across any state or hard surfaced highway, or within one hundred and fifty feet, of any such highway.
Then it says:
or possess a loaded firearm or hunt by any means on the land of another within five hundred feet of any dwelling in use, except as authorized by the owner or occupant thereof.
So it’s the land of another, without permission puts you at the 500 foot discharge distance.
If you are not hunting and you are on your own property you are not breaking the law.
The question then becomes are you far enough away from the road.
What game in MA can be hunted with a crossbow?
Anything you can hunt with a bow. The crossbow replaces the bow for people with certain disabilities.
Correct, was this individual disabled or did he have a crossbow because he couldn’t own a gun?
You only need the permit hunt, not to posses.
You are a real piece of work
And be seen karp hunting,bloody mess.
I’d be interested to know the previous involvement with the law with the archer and his unintended target.
If democrats dont go Trump on Trump we will lose.If Democrats start tearing into the unsuccessful Russian backed personal Trump wealth a 4 time bankrupt Casino developer with lawsuits dripping from every aspect of his so selfish life.A golden spooned spoiled little man with 3 inch lifts to give the appearance of hieght as fake as his concern for America.The cheating husband of 3 wives with contracts in marriage written to protect his unfaithful loyalty to anyone or any country.The thieving man of his own cancer charity fund that reeks of a little life defined by his mirror worship.The most dangerous man in our country,Why ?because of his power given to him by the blind .
It’s long overdue that both sides present truthful arguments to Americans. If I want BS, I’ll take a walk through the field over at the dairy farm.
The question is,would you pick Romney to be your father or would you pick Trump?Would you pick Romney to marry your mother or would you pick Trump to marry your mom.Would you pick Romney to drive your 16 year old 500 miles or would you pick Trump to drive your 16 year old.
Not exactly. The question was Hillary or Trump. Now it’s Trump or a Democrat moonbat liberal commie progressive baby killing, job killing, free ride, student loan forgiving, tax and spending woke progressive who has a problem with white people.
Trump loves Russias Putin. American men love Trump and Putin.You are making Russia great again
I would not trust anyone in the Trump family to unclog my toilet. Even if it was overflowing and heading down the stairs where my favorite Persian rug is.
You and your toilet are full of crap
Obama eats dog. Romney puts his dog in a crate on top oh his car. Two idiots.
“LIFE, so they say, IS BUT A GAME
And they let it slip away
Love, like the autumn SUN
Should be dyin’, but it’s only just begun
Like the twilight in the road up ahead
They don’t see just where we’re goin’
And all the secrets in the universe
Whisper in our ears
And all the years
Will come and go
We may never pass this way again
And they let ’em drift away
Peace, like the silent dove
Should be flyin’, but it’s only just begun
Like Columbus in the olden days
Sail our ships out on the open sea
And all the years will come and go
We may never pass this way again
So, I wanna laugh while the laughin’ is easy
I wanna cry if it makes it worthwhile
I may never pass this way again
That’s why I want it with you
‘Cause you make me feel
Like I’m more than a friend
Like I’m the journey
And you’re the journey’s end
I may never pass this way again
That’s why I want it with you”
– Seals and Croft
The Devil bowed her head
Because she knew that she’d been beat
And laid that golden pen on the ground at Donald’s feet
Donald said, “Nancy just come on back if you ever want try again!”
“I’ve done told once you drunk old bat, I’m still Your President!”
Kool,Trap,viva la Trump
Hey, Hey Miss DA How many felons did you free today?
your administration is as crooked as your smile.
More winning! Appeals Court threw out the Dems’ emoluments lawsuit against Trump. It’s been a WHOLE WEEK of winning!
Isn’t it ironic that the Dems keep insisting the 2016 election was tampered with, yet the Dems can’t run a state caucus without screwing it up??
Excellent fritz. This is what is stupido. They do everything to dump this President yet they’re not even prepared as how to defeat Trump, let alone process who they want to run. And ask yourself? Do you really want to look at Butte-gig Bernie the slurp, and coffin Joe. Let alone Dancing Liz,and the next drinks her last, Amy?
The Iowa DNC Dumbocrats could have hired a bunch of 6th graders, using paper note pads and pencils, and the count would have been finished in day.
Instead they got an “app”, from 2 people who were in crooked H-beasts failed 2016 campaign.
Any wonder the “app” doesn’t work and there are “inconsistencies” in the “app” and real tallies?
The DNC fix is in again for the D-rat primaries. Think about that registered D-s, YOUR vote don’t count!
The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.
-Joseph Stalin
You are talking about sixth graders while using words like Dumbocrats? Looks like they might be a couple of grades ahead of ya dude.
Hi, “ya dude”. I see you have a fine command of the English language.
Would Imbeciles or Morons have been better than my pun, directed at the incompetent and/or corrupted, Leftist Iowa DNC?
Any comments on the farcical and bumbling handling of the Iowa caucus, by the DNC?
Do votes matter to the DNC? Maybe ask, Bernie about that.
Why do D-s bother voting? The DNC will decide who wins anyway!
Vindmann fired! The day just keeps gettin’ better!
Just looking at the two men objectively, how does any reasonable person side with the president?
You can be judged by the company one keeps on here. Vindman is theWhistleblower. Even Eric knows that.
Many people do. Many people don’t. That’s why we have elections.
Much of this idiocy would stop if we had term limits for Senators and Representatives. Maybe Supreme Court justices as well!
How does any reasonable person NOT side with the president?? The economy is booming, stock market hitting all-time highs, unemployment is low, the swamp is being drained, wars are being avoided, corporate tax rate was reduced, etc etc ETC?? Look at the fools running for the Dem nomination – they are all low-intelligent buffoons, many are corrupt, many are socialists, – so Cat, what is your problem?!
Vindmann thinks he should run foreign relations. He was a leaker and a globalist, puffed up and full of himself! Vindictive because the President didn’t take his advice!
Sec 94 and 88 for Vinderman. Court martial.
Stripped of ranks and pension, dishonorable discharge.
Sedition is a capital offense.
He’ll write book,make a movie and become a millionaire. The Movie will be called The Orange Kuckoo.
Trump keep riding Obama’s economy.I just hope he has not fd it up
Good riddance to Vindman!
Sondland , ambassador to EU, got the Trump boot too!
Yup, just shows you the old saying still holds water, if your going to kill the king you better not miss.
So true. And he is going to send a message that he IS king and answers to no one. Putin is his mentor and back channel advisor. Do not doubt that for a minute.
President Trump had every right to give those people the boot. He should have gotten rid of all of the Obama holdovers and Democrat loyalists too when he was first elected because they have done nothing but plot against him. Most presidents do that. They clear the deck. It was a big mistake that President Trump didn’t, but he has learned and I’m sure in his second term especially, he will get rid of these people who do not want to help the country, they just want to leak against this administration.
The people that really want to have government lord it over us are the Democrats. They want government involved in every aspect of our lives from healthcare to taking our vehicles, taking our guns, killing our cows, and even Bernie yesterday saying that fighting climate change is more important than saving jobs. These socialist policies will be the “KING” and will make our lives a nightmare. We will be RULED by this type of government. President Trump wants to give Americans freedom. Freedom from government tyranny!!!
We are the most conservative country in the world.The swamp has Trump sharing power with the corporations and the wealthy.The rest of you guys are sheep following Don Trump fake President
I like the one: if you’re going to pull a tiger’s tail, you better have a plan for dealing with the teeth!
And courts have just ruled the spying on Carter Page was illegal.
Time for Bill Barr to do his job, and see who is the top branch, on the Lefts big tree of corruption.
I totally agree with Andrew Yang saying last night at the Democrat debate that “We need to stop focusing on President Trump. We are making a mistake”. Great comment Mr. Yang. It’s the socialism that Americans are rejecting and the lack of any kind of vision for America that gives us freedom from government tyranny and prosperity. When the candidates were asked if far left socialism was the problem for these candidates because most Americans were rejecting it, you could hear crickets until Amy Klobuchar timidly raised her hand at the very end. Most Americans reject far left Progressive socialism! That would be true even if President Trump was not president.
The Speaker of the House said the President appeared sedated at the State of the Union and then gave a crazy speech at the annual prayer breakfast that morning and you all saw his bizzar rambling news conference about how he got screwed.
It wasn’t a formal speech. No way this man takes drugs just as he doesn’t drink or smoke….Nancy Pelosi , on the other hand, is questionable about what she may be taking. President Trump was just being very relaxed knowing he was among supporters. He even said this isn’t a formal speech. I don’t know what it is he said. So true that these far leftists are trying to take down this president by manufacturing one hoax after another. Just wait for the next one in a few weeks. The far left wants power more than is healthy and should not be allowed anywhere near power because of their extremism.
The far right wing is running America.You must lie for Don Trump or just enjoy your odd attraction to his image.So bizzar the man crush.
Pelosi is a lush.
That drunken old bat , Pelousey, is a poster girl for: Botox, polygrip, and depends
And Geritol as well as Doan’s Pills.
Coming from the crazed speaker, her comment was hysterically funny.
And I know you would not give Trump a loan without Pelosi cosigning it.That is the true measure of who do you trust.
Mitt Romney will soon come knocking on the door of the democrat party, boo hooing about how awful he is being treated by the GOP. The democrats will excitedly lay out the welcome mat for Mitt to become one of them which Mitt will happily agree to. This will allow him to remain in politics, get elected to some office and become the new Benedict Arnold of political frowardness
So they had this big event at the Colonial about domestic violence. A book written by the speaker got a lot of free publicity. I wonder how local sales have been going?
Also there was Isabella Deluca who is also know as Bella Vendetta. She is a self described sex worker:
(From today’s Eagle:)
handing out information about Team Clear Heels413, a collective of exotic dancers working to connect for support and networking. Sex workers are particularly at risk, she said, given their marginalization.
You might remember her as the ex of Caius Veiovis.
What exactly is Andrea Harrington’s connection to this event?
Her office is behind the whole thing, and sponsored it, as explained in the article. So that begs the question, how much of our Kapanski Cash paid the Colonial and the esteemed author with purple hair to tell lies, such as stating that domestic violence is the leading cause of homelessness.,596756
The far left is trying to legalize prostitution which will not make our communities family friendly. The woman from this article says it will increase sex trafficking.
But Donald likes porn stars which are a much classier type of girl. And he will even give them money to be quiet about any shenanigans so that his pregnant wife does not find out. Classy Donald, every girls dream man.
And Harrington is qouted in the Eagle story on the Colonial Event saying “We are not looking to try to prosecute people who are sex workers” , so hookers get a free ride along with the drug dealers.
Yes,and we must now support contraception, free legal advice,,shelter food, medicine, methadone, for the hookers,which might include free education and more ssdi money to them
That SSDI one is the one that gets me to no end. I’m all for those who truly need it. There are way to many on it who are scamming the system receiving $$ and if they have kids they get extra $ for their kids automatically .Yet many work and collect or are out doing things that even hard working people do. Then you have some parents who claim a made up disability about their kids to collect also. There is a GD diagnosis for everything and a medication for it. I would like to see an overhaul of that part of the SSDI.
They aren’t hookers. They are undocumented intimacy therapists.
Bella Vendetta was the girlfriend of Roy Gutfinski Jr aka Caius Veiovis. Most of the sex videos they made together included torture, cannibalism, simulated rape, and murder. How strange is it that DA Andrea Harrington would work with the woman who was dating one of Berkshire County’s triple murders? While someone else does all the work to try and keep Veiovis in jail.
DA Andrea Harrington seems to enjoy hanging out with these people and promoting this:
“Do you have a necrophilia, fire, asphyxiation, bathroom or medical fetish? Do corsets turn you on? Feet? BDSM? How about menstruation? Uniforms? Clowns? Allow me to introduce, a place where you can find all of these things and much more. It’s the place for fetishes that no one wants to admit they have.”
“He was 19 and still known as Gutfinski when he sliced open the back of a 16-year-old girl, then licked the blood with another girl while they kissed.
The cutting was done by Gutfinski’s girlfriend, also 16, police said. The razor cut along the victim’s back required 32 stitches to close, according to court documents.”
Harrington looks dumber by the day. Maybe Dina or Helen should have done a little checking. It makes me wonder what connection author Rachel Louise Snyder has with Deluca.
Harrington is incompetent and needs to be kept far away from any legal work. Thankfully Capeless is doing the case pro bono. It’s despicable if the DA parades around with one of the murderer’s girlfriends. And, who the hell elected her not to enforce prostitution laws? It looks like she’s abdicated her responsibilities. Enough is enough! This lady needs to step down now!
Harrington is the local Kamala Harris, who as a CA D.A. chose to ignore prostitution cases as well as sexual abuse cases against priests, for political purposes.
Read “Profiles in Corruption” by Peter Schweitzer.
Please donate so The Eagle can fund a reporter. Facebook and Google stole, as in “hijacked”, their business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,596774
If they changed their coverage of the news from far left liberal news reporting, I really think that more people would want to subscribe. As it is it’s just liberal propaganda. They blame their problems on everything, but their unfair news coverage.
News? ROFL!!!!
Where is the “news” in that rag? Most “news” is taken from far left sources.
Local news is just what the puppeteers pulling the strings, want you to see. Take Pittsfield for example……
If they really wanted to expand their customer base they could start with supporting a forensic audit of the city of Pittsfield finances. No one has to be accused of anything but do it as really good business practice. My god how much has the city paid out for “consultants” in the last 5-10 years to tell us how to better spend our money? So I cannot think of a more important “consultation” than having a forensic audit of the city finances. I also cannot imagine why any city leader would be against one unless something about it made them nervous. And if they have nothing to hide they should not be nervous,
So here Is hoping the Berkshire Eagle will get behind something that can really put the city on a more productive path and possibly create more stories than they could ever cover. Do it Eagle and your subscriptions will rise dramatically.
Consultant…..Consolidate by making a 5 year plan.Stop spending money on the school department.Hire bosses to cut their budgets by 1% then the following year by 2% then 3% 4% the 5 % in year 5 we will be back on track.Demand school choice be outlawed because its racist.
That’s a real big Chuckely. Send Fred money for a statehouse reporter. I’ll send the Planet money if he wants it,but that’s pretty sad asking for one dime.
On that note, I’m cancelling my subscription.
What took you so long? I did before the Sotero was selected.
So if I am reading that correctly a for profit paper is asking you to donate to a not for profit so that your donations will be tax deductible. In turn that not for profit will the “wash” the money and redirect it to benefit the for profit Berkshire Eagle by helping them pay to employ someone.
That’s a bold request to violate Tax Law.
We knew it was bad at The Boring Broadsheet, but THIS bad?? A new low. Sad.
So Rutberg states the leftist rag is profitable but they need your donations to help pay for another reporter? What a scam! They’ve been advertising for a CFO for months…..did they ever hire one? They’ve been in financial trouble for some time now – perhaps a few more subscription cancellations will put that rag out of their misery. We can hope!
The Left Winged Parrot!!! Polly want a cracker? Won’t get a dime EDIT! PENNY!,from me!!!
Journalism, left Pittsfield with the Millers.
Rutberg is left of: Mao, Stalin, Lenin, and Marx.
What was terrible, got even worse, under current owner/management.
My cat won’t use her box lined with that offal/foul spoor!!
Remember you can donate to PCTV also. Money goes to partisan morning program promoting all city, school,special interest groups and salaries that go along with the kunbaya rah rah nobody listening anyway Stooge show.
It’s a disgrace. Can’t they have other programs with different opinions?
Andrea Harrington needs a lot of press to mess with google and other search engines. The more her name shows up for new stuff the less chance you’ll see her past.
hey Mrs DA what was that sex cult thing?
Listen Tim, your lack of knowledge about SEO is bad and you need to take off that tinfoil hat on those 411 pages a few weeks back. Harrington sucks but going all flat-earth and chemtrails about it wont help the cause.
Biden campaign imploding.
Are there any streets ouere that are a sheet of ice in spots? Or is mine the only street.
Interesting choice of words. Sheet of ice ….in spots.
Planet,basketball trivia question. This year what college basketball team lost it’s first two college hoop games and is now going for a school record nineteen in a row? Clue…..In another sport it’s other team has been a perennial division one powerhouse for years.
Bloomberg /Senator Klobuchar Smart moderate and normal.The will beat the orange criminal liar.
Off Topic – Heard that Lovely Linda served as a convention panelist at Hynes Convention Center in Boston in late January. Her subject “Strengthening Vulnerable Neighborhoods”. With Pittsfield currently such a mess with a screwed up Police Dept., trouble running a proper election, DPW Dept., Finance Dept., Economic Dev., Dept. etc., can’t help but wonder how she became a specialist in vulnerable neighborhoods. All neighborhoods are vulnerable in Pittsfield (except gated communities) because of crime not being addressed, street signs that have been down for over a year, garbage all over the streets, drug dealers, ladies of the night (which her pal DA Andrea promotes evidently) burned down building that are just ruble not cleaned up (how long has the White Terrace building been allowed to be such as mess?), streetlights not working which includes her ShotSpotters), knocked down streetlights that have been lying by the side of the road for months, constantly having to rely on Lanesboro, Lenox & Dalton for ambulance service. Meanwhile us hardworking taxpayers watch as our City spirals downward on a daily basis yet our taxes keep going up. By the way she also had all her “butt kissers” (evidently Morandi & Connell weren’t invited, not surprised) along for the trip to Boston. Wonder if us taxpayers paid for the trip?
Money is of no concern.
Is it me or does this Mayor and D A do other duties other than work for taxpayers than the required job, and let’s subordinates do the actual work.
Sounds like they are grooming her for Tricias job. You can have the mental capacity of a Kansas scarecrow to do her job if you are loyal. And that is because you will be programmed on what to say, how to say it, when to say it as well as when to smile or furrow your brow. And the mayor already knows some big words like “collaborative” and “consultant” so she is shovel ready for the position. She may have already done some proclamations to boost her resume.
WHEN or when? Speaking of which, whatever happened to Mazzeos legal efforts re: election irregularities? Is it over? Us Kapanskis that voted for her deserve to know.
Our reps are lazy and allow school choice and high electric rates.Tyer will look energetic next to them.School choice is racist.It also is for varsity sports shopping.Go find yourself a starting position as now public schools recruit athletes.Pittsfield would be a state powerhouse in every sport with one 1500 student school.Pittsfield High was the 2nd biggest school in ma. Before Taconic.Get rid of school choice.
Every person in the City Council With kids is taking advantage of school choice, no?
Get rid of the school committee, get rid of city council. Keep school choice.
How’s it raciss?
My god that is so depressing. These people are the rock bottom worst.
Who pays for any of those trips?
The view from Southern Indiana: It looks like Trump will return like Bobby Knight did last night. The D’s should have just voted a “censure” which would have been bi-partisan but there is so much pressure to be pure that they cannot link their party to anyone off the coast. Bloomberg might save the day but he has yet to appear on a debate stage.
I don’t know what it means to people to be a republican anymore based on the comments about the impeachment – does to mean liking small government, focus on constitutional freedoms and support of democracy abroad. If so it doesn’t look like it.
The Democrats have lost the plot and are guaranteeing a Trump win. I wonder if MA will see a Trump vindictive streak to such a blue state.