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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 9, 2020) — All coronavirus, all the time.

That’s the new motto of every media outlet looking to score quick-hit circulation. They raised the panic level to a slow boil, and THE PLANET hopes it stays there. As New Orleans proved after Katrina, the nation isn’t equipped to handle disaster in the manner of past past generations. It took Jambalaya three days to fall into utter chaos.

Pittsfield hasn’t been that bad and likely won’t be, but this weekend, Berkshire Crossings parking lot was packed with panic buying at WalMart and Price Chopper. One woman bought 40 24-packs of toilet paper and 40 24-packs of water. Markets reported unusually heavy business with staples such as Cheetos, Twinkies, and diet soda. God help us if those supplies run short. Corona beer sales have tumbled.

Meanwhile, THE PLANET shares this latest from Mayor Linda Tyer, sent just before 1 p.m. Saturday. She sent this not to the press or public but to her kitchen cabinet: Roberta McCulloch-Dews and Cathy Van Bramer in her office, Gina Armstrong, Kayla Donnelly-Winters, Tom Sammons, police chief Mike Wynn, city finance director Matt Kerwood, and DPW chief Ricardo Morales. It’s essentially a gag order from the mayor to her insiders not to share what they know with the public.

Does that make you more or less confident Pittsfield can handle this issue?

———- ooo ———-

Here’s the memo:

Good Afternoon Everyone:
I have just been notified by BMC that there is a positive case of COVID-19 at BMC.  They are implementing all the established protocols issued by the CDC and MDPH including conducting the tracing of any people, including hospital personnel, who have been in contact with this patient. If any of those people are showing symptoms they will be tested. However, all of them will be placed in self quarantine in a similar manner as our Pittsfield family and the single women.
The patient is a North County resident.  It is likely, however, that there will be some Pittsfielders who have been in contact with this patient.  I will certainly keep you updated as the situation evolves.
At this time, if I receive any media inquiries I am going to direct all of those inquiries to Berkshire Medical Center. I encourage you to do the same.
Please let me know if you have any questions.

———- ooo ———-

“Encourage” in cityhalltalk means do it or else.

How bad can the coronavirus (COVID-19) get? Business Insider obtained leaked documents from a closed meeting of the American Hospital Association. The AHA’s best guess at a worst-case scenario is 96 million in U.S. infected with 500,000 deaths. Most vulnerable would be those 80 and older, with a 14% mortality rate. The 70-79 age range has a death rate of 8%, with 60-69  at 3% — again, that’s IF they contract the virus. The odds of that are still extremely small. In short, for all age groups that take reasonable precautions, there’s nothing to fear.

It will be interesting to see how Europe’s democracies handle COVID. They, like us, pay a “freedom penalty.” Our open borders permit free travel. How unlike the authoritarian regimes of China and North Korea, for example, or peninsular South Korea. In the first two, orders from the top  stop people’s movements. In South Korea, water on three sides secures the land border. The confusion in Italy gives a clue. Italian prime minister Guiseppe Conte (relation to Silvio?) ordered travel restrictions in 14 northern provinces, including Lombardy.  Sixteen million people there are on lockdown, but that didn’t stop a rush south.

In America, Washington state governor Jay Inslee says “We may have to go to the next step” in restricting freedoms. He did not define “the next step.” Would you be OK with cancellation of your civil liberties?

In Pittsfield, you face a far greater chance of being murdered, stabbed, or beaten. On Wednesday a man was stabbed near Brown Street and Franco Terrace in what the police called “a fight involving a knife.” Police said the victim, an adult male, was rushed the BMC. He is “expected to survive.” That last phrase indicates the severity of the wounds. Sunday evening, THE PLANET has learned, a man and girlfriend were walking their dog at Onota Lake. The man was savagely beaten with a stick. He was taken by ambulance to BMC, where he received 24 head stitches and 8 stitches inside his mouth. When police first arrived, they thought the man was dead. His assailant was a man walking a black Labrador pooch. That’s all we were able to find out.
Anyone who may have witnessed or who may have information about this incident should contact the Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau at 413-448-9705.  Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).
“Without free speech, there’s no point in speaking at all”Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.



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This Just In
This Just In
5 years ago

The Covid 19 can be traced back to the Common in 1791.

Reply to  This Just In
5 years ago

Then vaccine will be invented in the BIC with 8 million in Kapanski cash.

Stooge Dasnsmore
Stooge Dasnsmore
Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

And will will be invented by mistake.

McDonald Trump
McDonald Trump
Reply to  This Just In
5 years ago

PCBs kill Corona.

Reply to  McDonald Trump
5 years ago

Anyone drinking Mexican urine deserves the virus.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

I’m pretty sure they were Russian hookers. 45 is safe.

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
5 years ago

If you have children this virus is of little threat to them. But the little children can carry the virus wide and far so keep them away from Grandma and Grandpa. If little Missy gives Grandpa a happy birthday hug and kiss on the cheek he may not be around to help fund the mayors next giveaway.

5 years ago

Or shot!

5 years ago

Something fishy somewhere Dan. On the one hand we are told flu kills many more Americans, thousands more, and just to wash our hands and don’t touch our faces and go about our business, yet on the other hand, the powers that be are quarinteening people left and right and closing schools and town offices in Clarksburg. Seems like this is way more contagious, and government is downplaying it, henceforth the run on the stores.

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Bernie Sanders on the coronavirus is all you need to know, “ And once a vaccine is developed, it should be free. “

Johnny Absurds Accountant
Johnny Absurds Accountant
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

As opposed to Donald making everyone pay through the nose for it

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

I agree with Bernie

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

I am not mocking the rapes or the victims I am questioning DA Andrea Harrington’s dismal response.
The numbers were taken directly from the Clery Act reports as clarified by Pucci and Candidate Andrea Harrington.

The question is where is all the action on those cases, it’s been 5 years since the earliest year Pucci is discussing. There’s be action on how many cases?
Also why hasn’t Pucci’s client been heard? Supposedly it involved a staff member, would the women and public be served if a rape case that allegedly included a person imbedded in the culture of Williams?

“On October 1, Williams released new data for an additional year 2017,” said Pucci. “When you add ’14, ’15, ’16, to ’17, the total number of sexual assaults reported publically by Williams College is 73, those four years, including something like 55 rapes.”

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Ask Mikey. the Williams Alumnus who if memory serves me is the recipient of the Bicentennial Medal from Williams in 2018 and his cover up for the “most problematic officer” in his department, that abused a 88 year old women when he responded to the wrong address and finally got caught Was it because he recruited him to our police force and looked the other way? Can you say corruption!

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

To be fair to Chief Winn, he inherited the problematic Eason from Chief Riello.

Reply to  Ghost Rider
5 years ago

He recruited Eason. He was a civilian member of the Pittsfield Police Department working to recruit to the force members of underrepresented groups. He was appointed acting chief by Ruberto so that he did not need to be confirmed.

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  juicylucy
5 years ago

Eason was a Detective in 2007. You generally have to be on the job for a few years or have a “Rabii” to get a Det’s promo.

Riello ‘retired’ from PPD (aka sent packing) in 2007 and went on to greater greater things.

Ergo, Riello OK’ed Eason to be appointed to the job, despite a hue and cry from the boots on the ground AND OK’ed his Detective position later on.

One of MANY faux pas Riello made.

Can you do the math or do you need a calculator????

Ghost Rider
Ghost Rider
Reply to  Ghost Rider
5 years ago

Just to be crystal clear JL; Riello approved Eason for the position of Police Officer; the Mayor appointed him.
………………………and, Rabbi is cop speak, not a Cleric.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

If Harrington is a hack – and many people believe that to be true – then why doesn’t someone run a credible candidate? It happened with the Mayor’s race too. We seem to have an embedded bunch of incompetent or corrupt people in office in Berkshire Co. Are the same hands all pulling the strings? Where did Melissa go? Capeless had so many dirty deeds under his belt or in his name that his emissary is not really going to win hearts and minds. Is it just a perpetual turf war?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

I’m tired of asking where Mazzeo went. We deserved an explanation about her looking into irregularities with election and if there was nothing to it we deserve to be told so.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
5 years ago

Ejaculation Or election?
She is wishing people would forget she ever was involved with Caccaviello and Bowler.
I agree she should make a statement.

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

It’s been my experience with Pittsfield politics is that anyone with the integrity and intelligence to pull the city out of the mire has too much integrity and intelligence to ever want the job.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Unless you are living under a rock you now know if you voted for Harrington you were duped. She won’t run again and answer to any of her lies, then again she has such an inflated view of her abilities anything is possible.

Reply to  Aerin
5 years ago

Is anyone receiving invites to her fund raising St. Paddy’s day bash at Bousquet? She is continually filling her war chest. She is grossly incompetent but I agree with Mr. K. Frog that so far no qualified person has demonstrated a willingness to run for the position-although it’s still early.

Maggie May
Maggie May
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

” I am not mocking the rapes” (yeah right!) Shh you have absolutely not a clue what you are talking about. Stick to babbling about pot holes and the like.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Maggie May
5 years ago

So explain it, where’s the justice for Pucci’s client under DA Andrea Harrington? There were roughly 80 sexual assaults and 55 rapes that were “not investigated” according to Pucci and Harrington.
What’s being done? Nothing.
Pucci had a client that paid money to a lawyer to get her justice. Where’s the investigation?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

PR I think you answered your own question — It was always manufactured indignation.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

KF, while I don’t always agree with you, I would not put you in the same reprehensible bucket as PR. Please think before you belittle an issue as serious as this. PR’s attitude of “where are the victims? Why aren’t we hearing from them?” is truly disgusting. Everything about rape and sexual assault is fraught with judgements, humiliation, embarrassment, etc. The decision to go forward, especially if we’re talking about incidents that took place years ago, is surely life-changing and terrifying for any victim. And yet it’s a simple parlor game to pigs like PR: “Well if they were raped, why aren’t we hearing from them? Where are they?” A gross sentiment from a disturbed mind.

As I posted earlier, colleges are required by law to report data about rape and SA. That “55 rapes” figure mocked by PR is from only four years. The numbers are really easy to find. Looking back earlier in Capeless’s tenure to 2012, since then there were 90 reported rapes at Williams. When did he take office again, 2004? Lots more on top of those for sure.

For a whole lot of reasons, it’s fair to expect that a relatively small % of these cases would lead to criminal prosecution. These are complicated crimes and that’s the way the world works. But when the number of prosecutions is zero, when a zero such cases were ever investigated and put before a grand jury during a DA’s entire 14 year tenure, well, you don’t have to be a genius to figure out what was going on.

One of the prime reasons why Capeless and Cacaviello are gone. They were a disgrace. Good riddance and then some.

But now we’re left with their minions like PR who try to explain away this sad history by saying “well where are they, then? Where are the prosecutions?” as if DA Harrington should maintain a blog explaining her dealings with these victims. Again, truly disgusting.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Hi Blare – I don’t demean the victims at all. If what you say re volume of assaults is remotely accurate then law enforcement or DA should investigate it. I don’t know who takes the lead. Has the office done an investigation? I don’t know, do you? What is the statute of limitations? Maybe for privacy reasons we don’t know but if I think something is important I follow up. 10 rapes a year out of 2k students is pretty high. Would that be 20 new rapes since DA took office? That is horrific. Or did they stop? College assault is not a joke. I don’t really like how Harrington does a dog and pony show of women’s misfortune. Sorry if it’s biased It could be men being raped too.
This issue was dragged out during election and now it’s deplorable to ask what happened? It sounds like nothing has happened and maybe there is a systemic problem.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

I just looked something up – the statistical rate of assault on college campuses is pretty high. Your number does not sound out of the ordinary. What is alarming is that if this is a statistical norm and I don’t know if that is true – then we have a society problem like opioids. The whole topic has seem trivialized here.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Maybe you should tell Yoonsang Bae that Harrington hasn’t prosecuted a singe Williams case. He would probably argue otherwise. A few months after Capeless resigned, Caccaviello attempted to window dress the issue by indicting Bae over an incident that had taken place 3 years earlier. But true to form, he offered the rapist a plea deal of simple assault, not a sex crime. Fortunately the rapist was stupid enough to reject the deal. DA Harrington got into office, took all deals off the table, won the trial and now Bae is doing 3-6 in the big house. Let’s see if the Williams stats go up or down next year. Any guesses?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

You don’t demean the victims? Two posts above you say that the Williams rape issue “was always manufactured indignation.” Well over one hundred rapes under Capeless’s tenure without even one case making it before a grand jury. And you call that “manufactured” indignation?

Regardless, you appear to be close to getting it. Consider your statement: “If what you say re volume of assaults is remotely accurate then law enforcement or DA should investigate it.” That is PRECISELY the point. Nobody ever cared, until the issue was raised during the election.

The stats I presented are not “remotely” accurate, they are 100% accurate. Please do some research on your own. Williams was even highlighted in a Washington Post article a few years back, when it had the 5th highest per capita rape rate of all colleges and universities in the country. I believe it had the 17th highest absolute number of rapes. Out of 1000s of schools in the country. A school of 2,200 students.

All of this happened, the numbers spiraled out of control, because “law enforcement or the DA” did NOT investigate or care one iota. It’s funny. The many criminologists on this board love to point out that if you fail to prosecute even petty crimes, you get more of them. Well how about rape? Think there’s any chance that the failure to prosecute a single rape among 100+ accusations over more than a decade sent any sort of message?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

Check yourself dude. Yes – because looking at the statistics shows you are making a campaign issue out of something that is a nationwide problem Trying to attribute it to your appointment. Based on the numbers it looks like Williams has less of an issue than many other schools. If 8% average were correct then they should be getting 160 rapes in 4 years. There is so much going on with these numbers. Forbes disparages the Washington Post article. I suspend underage drinking off campus or in frats has a huge impact on assaults. Maybe lower the drinking age.
You get in the board and you post and make a big stink about how corrupt Capelss is because of Williams rapes and then your DA hires him for some case. And you are the women’s savior. Only you can speak for them.
Every single act of DA Harrington has been pandering to the social indication in an attempt to get votes. And then she fucks off and is just as useless. Where is her campaign on this? Where is her public pronouncement. She has a bunch of social justice wannabes running her campaign that can’t make A consistent plan or tie any campaign promises to action. In two years there has not been a single prosecution from Harrington at Williams but for you it’s complex now – for the other guys it’s willful.
It’s like Healy who talks a big talk and does fuck all all well except admire herself in the mirror.
And PR is correct – what happened to that guys client?

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

Ha, so you also think you should be provided updates on what rape victims are doing with respect to their cases? I take it back – you do belong in the same reprehensible bucket as PR.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

It’s a complement from you. If I were a woman coming to DA Harrington for help I would be incredibly depressed. Why did she ask the a eagle to put the MCLA case in the news. Your high and mighty doesn’t sell me.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

There was another long post before that last one, explaining why you have no idea what you are talking about. There was nothing in there that needed to be censored. But you see, Dan does not allow a majority of my posts to make it onto the board because he is a very big fan of PR and info proving PR is full of crap is verboten on this here board.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
5 years ago

As for DA Harrington reopening old cases, I’m sure that is a very delicate issue on all fronts. It’s absurd to expect “updates” on things like that. I would agree with even PR that attorney Pucci’s talk about subpoenaing victims is crazy, but that doesn’t justify doing nothing. It became evident during the campaign that Capeless and Caccaviello never even KNEW, or cared enough to know, about what was going on in Williamstown. Subpoenaing victims is ridiculous, yes. But how about working with the college to reach out to victims, reassure them regarding issues of confidentiality and anonymity, let them know that if they ultimately decide they don’t want to go forward the case will not be brought…all with an eye toward convincing at least some of these victims to hold their perps accountable. These are tactics that might have been used by a DA who gave a crap. 

Whatever research you are trying to do, you still have no idea why you are talking about, so maybe it’s best to hold off on conclusions. Yes, campus assaults are an issue in general. But Williams numbers have been outliers for years. That’s simply a fact. Why do you try to minimize it?

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Blare
5 years ago

The difference in how we think is that I believe caring and wanting something to be different doesn’t make it so. But if things need to change then we need a systemic approach from years before students get to this point. That is not a DA job really but they can comment on it for sure.
I think a DA job is to enforce the laws consistently and fairly so everyone has their rights respected. Sexual assault can be a psychological life ender – but there is so much broken in this college system. It simply isn’t just a prosecution issue.
Harrington has grand standed too much. Healy the same. Healy doesn’t enforce many laws which makes it a tossup of who is going to get their rights enforced. Harrington would do well to be more disciplined and effective, but she wants to campaign. Usually being a good prosecutor means being quiet and tenacious. Harrington likes to walk around with a parade. Both have been absent over the GE settlement. I voted for Harrington. I wouldn’t again.

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Two names Jeanne kompthorne 🙂

5 years ago

“Anyone who may have witnessed or who may have information about this incident should contact the Pittsfield Police Department Detective Bureau at 413-448-9705. Information can also be provided anonymously via the Detective Bureau Tip Line at 413-448-9706, or by texting PITTIP and your message to TIP411 (847411).”

Wouldn’t this takeaway from the incredible work being done catching the real Pittsfield criminals? You know… the people going 40MPH by the BIC or on Williams/Holmes?

Ron Kitterman
Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

The first case of the Spanish flu was reported in Boston on September 18, 1818. Spreading with almost incredible speed, it was in Pittsfield 2 days later. Within a week 45 in the city had died of the disease. With more than 600 cases reported and at least three times that many unreported. The local schools were quickly closed, as were all closed, as were the theaters, churches, the clubs, the courts and all places of public congregated; People were urged and almost commanded to remain home unless they had an imperative reason to go out. Even so, scarcely a household escaped the virulent contagion. Whole families perished. Doctors, nurses, health officials worked heroically to meet the emergency taxing their strength and the facilities to the utmost. But there were just enough of them to tend the sick and their needs. To help out, hundreds performed volunteer services, knowing full well they were risking their lives, and a number died in aiding their friends and neighbors
By early November, six weeks after the outbreak of the epidemic, the influenza appeared to have run its course in Pittsfield, and the city appeared to have won its grievous loses. Almost 400 had died, and health official estimated that one out of four of the city of 10,000 had been sick with the flu more or less seriously.

History of Pittsfield Wilison page 110;view=1up;seq=246

Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

If the 400 who died were democrats they voted for several more years.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Ron Kitterman
5 years ago

Was there another one in 1918?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Any truth to the rumor one of our schools now has 12 teachers out sick with flu like symptoms?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Well let’s just say it might be a great week to take some down time. Nice weather and all ya know?

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Probably got the flu!
So you working for cnn fake news or Berkshire Eagle now?

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Now it’s 6 hours later. I’m still waiting for someone from City Hall to tell me my information is not accurate. I’ll repeat, over a dozen teachers are out sick with a virus. I hope this is erroneous information..

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

WHEN your phone does not ring you know it is Linda.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago

Come on now Chuck, by now you should realize that under Lovely Linda’s Administration everything is vibrant, dynamic, collaborative and innovative, in other words no one from City Hall is going to answer your question. I totally agree that you deserve an answer, but answers are not given by this Administration. I was hoping that the election might have opened Lovely Linda’s eyes to concerns of the taxpayers, but I believe it worked in the opposite direction, she has closed her eyes to the City and is just going to gather her paychecks for the next 3 1/2 years.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

You got that right. She is more entitled and enabled now than ever. Stock up on KY

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
5 years ago

So “Nurse Moonbeam” has filed a Petition at the CC for an overview of the City’s Emergency Response plan for the coronavirus to quote the BB “some answers may come up at the CC meeting” tomorrow night. What the hell? Isn’t it Lovely Linda’s job to be advising the City? Why does a Petition need to be filed? Mayors all over the country are speaking to their constituents, not our Mayor, she only chooses a certain few. But then again you really can’t believe a word out of her mouth. Tells you a lot about her integrity. Between “Moonbeams stupid questions to Chief Winn the last meeting, and filing this Petition, thank goodness she is no longer employed as a nurse! She fits right in with the ill run DA’s office. Speaking of the DA, why was she at the General Dynamics roll out meeting last week. Guess she was campaigning. Of course she wouldn’t be working. Our taxpayer monies hard at work in both instances!

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

If the city has a real “emergency response” policy it might be time to drag it out and dust it off. But after seeing the condition the city has gotten to people better have their own plan. Sometimes I joke. Right now I am NOT JOKING.

Cash Anmeraboukay
Cash Anmeraboukay
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Moonbeam and dumpster all no with the two mummies Yukie and scoodoo make a fine C C

Stooge Dasnsmore
Stooge Dasnsmore
Reply to  Merry & Bright
5 years ago

Daniel and Friends….. Do you guys smell a rat when a Pittsfield School Administrator suddenly bows out for the position in Lenox?.. was Ms. Rush told she wasn’t getting the position or did she use this as leverage for a promotion here down the road. Was JIV really committed to taking the job at the Southeast Corridor, or get a re-up here? Send this Whole School Committee packing or redact them. It’s a scam.

Start with hag Lady Boots and anything he former old wart Cindee is doing and rehash that old bag.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Stooge Dasnsmore
5 years ago

Cameron knows better.Elias should.Fifteen out is a good sign to close schools for a month.The ststes are on their own and leading the way.Trump is not help as he is at least 2 weeks behind.Nobody thought he was this bad.Thanks to Baker Cuomo as they are leading.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The stock market is tanking, the federal government is running trillion dollar deficits with the false promise of GDP growth, Bernie is promising a revolution, like Bernie, Joe Biden would be the 1st Prez in his 80’s (with dementia), and billionaire Trump wants to cut the social safety net. Where is all of this bad and weird news taking us as a country?

The lovely Linda will begin her FY2021 municipal budget this Thursday. Be ready to “assume the position” so City Hall can re-open your wallets to legally steal your hard-earned money. Pittsfield politics will add to Matt Kerwood’s $10.1 million slush fund, while Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski will sign their financial souls over to Kufflink’s creative accounting spreadsheets.

Lastly, if someone offered me $1 million to walk up and own North Street during after hours, I would ask for armed body guards to accompany me. Otherwise, I wouldn’t make it in one piece. They don’t call it “dangerous downtown Pittsfield” for nothing!

– Jonathan Melle

Stooge Dasnsmore
Stooge Dasnsmore
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Stop it j Mel right now its only down 1800 points.

Canny Framinghamm
Canny Framinghamm
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The Dow……is DOWN ……Again. Trumps delusional economy is now a nightmare come true… his own people. Keep
SSI solvent, invest in that. Get rid of SSDI for non payers in,,food stamp,free house is o k free medical for outsiders is not.

Reply to  Canny Framinghamm
5 years ago

I’m wondering who’s economy it really belongs to. Some say Trumps and just a week ago Obama said this was his economy. Biden while campaigning claimed also that he and Obama owned it.Some on here were also claiming Trump was taking credit for Obama’s economy. Someone needs to stand up and take the credit now.

Sam Canstahuan
Sam Canstahuan
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Beer equipment 150 g. How do we know they don’t already have equipment from the 1.7 million invested.Oh, could it be intellectual property being transferred. Or is it pocket money. What a scam.

Kellie G Rockyfellars
Kellie G Rockyfellars
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

Largest point drop ever.Believe in Trump. It’s crude oil dude!

Kellie G Rockyfellars
Kellie G Rockyfellars
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
5 years ago

The talking heads are sick.They put on this Good Thing front? I disagree,this is serious,just in numbers. Correction my ass. Believe in Trump. Where Mad Trap and Fritz today….and of course Pat.

Stooge Dasnsmore
Stooge Dasnsmore
5 years ago

Trumps demise is today. He’s a phony,a fraud and The Planet should come to terms today. He’s GONE. Vote Biden. A Syracuse favorite. The Street is Down today. What do you say Correction? F Tyered F Fed Rates and F Anyone who thinks things are better here.

Sam Canstahuan
Sam Canstahuan
5 years ago

This is Pats economy. Smoke and Mirrors.

Reply to  Sam Canstahuan
5 years ago

Do they not want us to see that we’re still up 6000 points since 2016 .Still up 30% since Nov. 4th 2016? Even with Coronavirus panic and the Saudi’s looking to Freeze out Russia in the Oil game. Plus Saudi’s looking to hit Iran’s poor economy even more. The market hiccups and the media runs with the end of the world narrative.

Stooge Dasnsmore
Stooge Dasnsmore
5 years ago

Ruffer should be held accountable instead of dictating where taxpayer g e money is distributed to a lame minded City Council. Ho ever heard of a tif recipient selling seats to himself, or should we say a bankrupt business

Kellie G Rockyfellars
Kellie G Rockyfellars
5 years ago

Buy gold NOW

Reply to  Kellie G Rockyfellars
5 years ago

Ok William Dubane, and maybe I’ll,listen to Tom Selleck

and get a reverse mortgage too.

Reply to  Johnny99
5 years ago

This ain’t my first Rodeo says Selleck, and buy gold from Roslin Capital says Dubane

5 years ago

A lot of people died from the Swine Flu in this country when President Obama was in office. The media didn’t go whacky, the stock market wasn’t effected and it was all nothing to worry about. Just a swine flu. We will survive was the attitude then. In 2009 22 million people were infected and 4,000 died just in the United States. That was just up to that point. Many infections and deaths occurred afterwards. The far left media (in bed with the far left Democrats) wants to whip this into a frenzy so as to never let a virus infection go to waste. The far left is touting this as more effective than impeachment and the Mueller investigation in trying to defeat this president in our next election. These people are mentally ill or evil or both.

Ceragally Hezebac
Ceragally Hezebac
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

The Trump strategy is to say the Crock Market will collapse if he isnt re-elected?. The current virus will last a couple weeks. The market is doing well. The current Mayor of Pittsfield has no plan. For anything. Please Planites,tune in Tuesday Night City Council. 7 pm…Its-time to take Our Mayor to task. Or at least know how taxpayers feel about her.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

You are really grasping now Pat.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

I agree with Dan V. that all corona virus all the time is the new gimmick to try and get a quick hit circulation. The latest is putting down President Trump for holding rallies while not saying anything about large crowds for Bernie or Biden even though both Bernie and Biden have elderly people in their crowds.

China let this virus spread out of control, but you will never hear the far left complaining about China waiting so long before letting the world know about this virus before it spread to many other countries.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Pat if Trump says this virus is all a “new gimmick” that must be great relief to you and your family. You can all go out in public and shake hands and touch door knobs while us fools get panicky. Make sure you take the older folk with you when you go to the next rally.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

President Trump never said the virus was a gimmick. That’s just another far left lie. The gimmick is the media trying to use the virus to win the presidency for one of their far left candidates.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
5 years ago


Good source. The number of teachers ill from this one school is 15. As usual, you are right on target. We await a response from elected officials.

5 years ago
Dic Thriller
Dic Thriller
Reply to  Gobsig
5 years ago

Two people watched it.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Tyer wouldn’t say shit if she had a mouthful. Since her re-election she is more unresponsive to us Kapanskis than ever, and in fact tucks it to us every chance she gets. Stock up on KY before the shelves are bare of that too.

Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

A Corona virus survivor in his late 60’s was interviewed today on FOX. He is in his late 60s and was on the Princess Cruise. He said it started out with a 103 degree fever, but except for a dry cough, he was fine after about 10 hours. He is now cracking jokes and feeling fine. He is in that danger age too.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

So Trump was right. The leftwing liberal demorat media has fabricated the whole thing and there is no such place as Wuhan, China either. And all those people on the big boats are actors from Hollywood. Just an early April fools thingy I guess.

5 years ago

From the New York Times, “If you’re not Feeling Well, You know who to blame”. Since we know the New York Times is so far left and in the bag for Bernie Sanders, or failing him, they will settle for Biden, it’s not shocking that Marxists at the New York Times would protect a communist country like China from taking the blame for the virus that is in many countries across the world. China, in true communist style, hid the news of the spread of the virus in their country because communist countries allow only one voice in their country which is the voice of total control over their citizens. Sound familiar to what the media is doing in this country by promoting socialism and communism to our citizens.

5 years ago

So what’s the truth of this situation? Is this some super bug that is way easier to catch than the flu, or not? Why the run on stores? Why the face masks, why are hospital people wearing special gowns and eye protection? Either there is a gross over reaction or we are being lied to. We deserve the truth and now. Oh where have you gone Linda Tyer, our city turns its desperate eyes to you!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  JohnnyComeLately
5 years ago

Whats wrong with a overreaction

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

So this is how it feels to be rounding second base in Pittsfield? But seriously, I am not surprised that neither the city or hospital was not prepared nor am I surprised that no one wants to come forward and try to explain it. Anyone who was following the bouncing ball saw this coming

5 years ago

During the swine flu outbreak, right wing media outlets and Republican “leaders” pooh-poohed it. As a result, residents of red states didn’t get vaccinated against the flu and were hit hard. Nearly 13,000 Americans died of the flu.

Currently, the flu typically claims 2.4% of its victims, most of whom have underlying medical conditions, which is the case for most of us old farts. Novel Corona is pushing 5%. I think that pulling another “it’s no big deal and just being used to peddle newspapers” attitude is in a word, foolish.

So, you’ve got a choice. Take wise precautions or take Dan’s “you probably won’t get it” attitude. It’s up to you whether or not you you become a statistic.

It’s okay to lean right. Just don’t lean so far that you end up on the floor in a heap.

Reply to  Truthsayer
5 years ago

NOBODY is saying not to wash your hands and take other precautions, that is outrageous!!! Myself and everyone I know are taking extreme precautions. I have been on this site for weeks saying I am fearful for my older relatives. The media and far left trying to start a panic in the country so that people think this is the Black Plague is what is the problem. Dr. Oz was on television yesterday advising everyone on the proper precautions and you can look them up on line. Hand washing for 2 minutes, avoiding crowded gatherings and coughing people as well as hands away from your face. EVERYONE needs to follow these precautions.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Just saw on the news interviews with a bunch of Trump supporters in retirement communities in Florida. They pretty much are believing Rush and Hannity that the whole virus thing was a media creation and are not taking it seriously. Will Rush and Hannity ironically wind up helping to kill off their own supporters?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Please. The lies need to stop. Nancy Pelosi wants to stop President Trump from banning flights from certain countries? Who are the ones who are trying to stop the spread of this virus? It sure isn’t Nancy and crew who called Trump a racist for doing his first ban on China flights. These people are trying to hurt our country by not trying to stop the spread of the virus.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

I heard Nancy was at LAX putting cement chock blocks under the wheels of all the 737s. That woman will stop at nothing!

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Where did you here that?

Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

Might as well ban all domestic flights too. Wonder how much worse the Trump Slump will be then?

Reply to  Shakes
5 years ago

Don’t get too excited. It’s not the Black Plague and will only be short term for the United States just like in China where they are back to work after 50 days of shutting things down. You’ll have to find another way to stop President Trump. Running candidates who aren’t for big government and government takeover of the people would be a great start.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
5 years ago

About time and now uou can get Trump on board

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

All the five cases of COVID-19 that are of unknown origin are in Berkshire County.

Don Cle
Don Cle
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Dan I have an appointment at bic in August,they called to see if I was interested in coming as they had an opening? W T….Call the Mayor she can have it.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Stay away from fruit markets with large NYC shoppers?

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

MA State of Emergency coming soon

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Time to shut the borders to all non-Americans and put all returning Americans in quarantine.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

NY deploying troops to New Rochelle under a limited form of martial law as a “containment measure”

Taffie Muhldahee
Taffie Muhldahee
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Dan, Maffuccio has a petition that night-to ban Activity,yes Activity, from North Street to Tyler Street and Park Sq. (home of the original pocket pool site) to Hubbard Ave. I kid you not,activity.

Reply to  Taffie Muhldahee
5 years ago

As long as you can get to Cumbys for your tobacco, card board crack, and bj’s

Connovera Virareious
Connovera Virareious
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

We should be worrying about Berkshire County the heck with stories elsewhere. Where’s the Mayor. Man looks sickly

Stemperaneous Hooked
Stemperaneous Hooked
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

She wasn’t a city clowncil trump night. Look for an appearance on the Stooge Show. She’s a regular there.

Gurdie Howe
Gurdie Howe
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Severe penalties if convicted in my-opinion for almost blowing the head off of a good kid. 20 years for the shooter and seven to ten for his accomplices. That should be the sentence.

Strata Gea
Strata Gea
5 years ago

Mayor is terribly failing on Cor V Many do not feel safe.

Gurdie Howe
Gurdie Howe
5 years ago

The R P I Hockey Team will not allow fans in its upcoming game. That’s Men’s. The woman’s team currently with a 0- 33-1 record will not have that problem. The Woman should get a trophy,just for playing 34 games.

Police Report
Police Report
5 years ago

As the number of Corona Virus cases grow, all attributed to some form of community spread at BMC and BHS facilities, why haven’t they updated their health security protocols?
Why haven’t they canceled all non-essential elective treatments?
Why do they still have incorrect information at the entrances to the facilities?
Why haven’t they told us how many new cases there are? They were saying 7 total, but it’s higher than that.
Why is it that all the cases that are of unknown origin happened here in Berkshire county?

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Info lockdown…truthful info might show ineptitude?

Lee O Hanx
Lee O Hanx
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Bring back Green Mountan. Dumb ass Vermont.

Stan Tiskalakly
Stan Tiskalakly
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
5 years ago

Statically you have a better chance of being killed by O J than Corona.

Hot Cheeksnpmehn
Hot Cheeksnpmehn
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

What are the percentages of catching it at the Hospital? I’ve cancelled my two appointments. Do you really want to rely on Councilor Moon. No Thanks.

Uncle Fester
Uncle Fester
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Thanks for the great work Dan. We need honest reporting. Your efforts are appreciated.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
5 years ago

I just received a 2 week quarantine from work, thanks to the Boston Globe article. Fortunately, I do my best work remotely.

5 years ago
Auto Phil
Auto Phil
Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

I’m guessing, “to secure funding” plays a huge part in it.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  JoeKapanski
5 years ago

Because this virus is much more communicable, there is no treatment/cure, it’s 10-20x more lethal than the flu.

Imagine the flu without any form of prior immunity to various strains and no history of vaccine.
Think pandemic of 1918 but with the advantage of plane flights, high speed trains. In 1918 isochronic maps measured travel in days and weeks and months. Those same trips today, mere hours.

Mannup Manson
Mannup Manson
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Moon and Very Tyred are absent from tonight’s Council Meeting. Redact and/ or resign. Morales had no clue.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

PR – on what data do you base your assertion that the cvirus is “10-20x more lethal than the flu?” Just wondering because cvirus test kits are in very limited supply at present, so confirming the number of actual cvirus cases appears difficult, therefore a mortality rate would be a guess at best.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
Reply to  danvalenti
5 years ago

Thank you.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Mr. Fritz
5 years ago

All mortality rates at this juncture are a bit of a guess as there are probably more who have been infected but will never be tested as well as many who may have died due to respiratory distress but not identified as having COVID-19.

I am using WHO numbers that seem to range from 2.2-3.4% mortality (adjusted) and 3-4% (raw).

“Mortality for COVID-19 appears higher than for influenza, especially seasonal influenza. While the true mortality of COVID-19 will take some time to fully understand, the data we have so far indicate that the crude mortality ratio (the number of reported deaths divided by the reported cases) is between 3-4%, the infection mortality rate (the number of reported deaths divided by the number of infections) will be lower. For seasonal influenza, mortality is usually well below 0.1%.”

Reply to  Police Report
5 years ago

Makes sense thank you. Why isn’t local, state and fed government saying this loud and clear?

Tom Betit
Tom Betit
5 years ago

Wohan coronavirus has been a known health problem since January, how could the nurses be left exposed due to lack of eye protection ? The problem is the plantation president Phelps complete miss management of the hospital putting profits ahead of healthcare. Perhaps if nurses weren’t so understaffed, and Phelps would listen to their requests this problem would’ve been avoided.

China took a lesson from the democrats , create a crisis and then profit from it.
China invents nothing they just steal American ideas and use slave labor to profit.