(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 16, 2020) — First THE PLANET has information from a reliable source that Fairview Hospital has its first case of COVID-19. We have contacted BHS for confirmation. As of press time, we did not hear back. We hope the hospital doesn’t try to keep this information hidden. Following a Linda Tyer model of inability and obfuscation won’t help anyone.
Second, seems that Tyer is doing the backstroke, now trying to substitute overreaction for her previous inaction. She ordered a “free” vacation for all municipal employees — full pay for no work. You know who’s going to pay for it in the end. Personnel director Michael Taylor told department heads yesterday [Sunday] that “no … staff are to report to work. More details to come as we develop actions plans and policies tomorrow ([Monday]. Please notify your staff ASAP.” The exceptions: The police, fire, health department, and the COVID response team.
In The Weekend Editionthat featured Mark Tully’s trenchant analysis of the screwing Tyer and her finance director are giving homeowners via the water “upgrades,” we alluded to Gov. Charlie Baker’s “surprise” visit to Pittsfield. Over the weekend, THE PLANET got more of the story.
City and state sources privy to the backstage dealings say that sometime after we published our Wednesday column detailing the situation at BHS and BMC with respect to the COVID-19 virus, the governor’s office contacted The Lovely Linda. They were “hot.” Massachusetts ranks nationally #4 in the nation in the number of COVID cases. Baker isn’t happy being guv of a “cluster” state, with the Berkshires as ground zero. Someone sent the governor the THE PLANET‘s account of doings at the hospital and how the multiplier seems to have been an untreated Clarksburg man in his 60s. They say Baker got on the blower and told Tyer that she had “damn well better address this” and that he would be coming to town. It was the governor’s office, not city hall, who altered the TV people. That’s why cameras were set up and waiting in chambers. Embarrassment: That’s why the mayor did not announce the governor’s visit. You can’t fix incompetent.
They agreed to present a unified front for the cameras, but behind the scenes, sources say Baker put the mayor in her place. That would account for the pouty look that darkened The Lovely Linda’s face in press appearances.
Our humble little site won’t change the flow of history, but in this case we did manage to inform Gov. Baker and his people of how dire the situation was and still is in Pittsfield. Charlie Baker played the leader and made it rain, sending needed supplies to BMC, but it was THE PLANET that seeded the clouds. All the while, the rest of the local media, especially The Boring Broadsheet, lurid their heads. We won’t say where, although we alone have proven how an aggressive media can make a difference.
The biggest louse, however, is city government. All of the inquiries we’ve made in the past weeks to city hall — including the mayor’s office, finance director, director of public works, and the schools — have been ignored. It’s funny that in the age of the internet, email, and social media, they think that can contain a story as big as COVID-19. So what happens? We get the information unfiltered from our sources and our Z Agents, not with the administrative spin but in the form of raw intelligence.
The only person connected to the Administration that commented was Brian Andrews of County Ambulance. He’s the closest thing to a “doctor” that the mayor put on her COVID response team. Brian reacted to this column via Facebook, saying “you have the facts very wrong on this one Dan. Not sure what delusional person(s) are feeding you this dung but it is totally off track.”
We replied: “As you can guess, this information was given to me by insiders (known to you) but who insist that’s what came down. Of course, their talking was conditional on not being named. “Thanks for your input. If you like, I invite you to write a guest editorial for my site giving us your version. If it’s more factual, I want it out there. I’m open to both sides. The mayor seems to have lost sight of this. She’s welcome too to tell me how wrong the information is … if that’s the case. I commend you for being about the only one on the city team that’s been accessible and transparent about the situation.”
With her performance on the COVID situation, compound with her press silence with us, the mayor has finally settled the question of whether she’s fit for office. She’s not. Think “elevator.” Tyer has stepped into an empty shaft. It’s a long way down, free falling.
As long as the poor people of Pittsfield are stuck with a fourth-rate government, we will keep digging. That is our pledge — until it becomes too much. Then we will walk away and let the dead bury the dead.
“It’s hard to beat a person who never gives up” — Babe Ruth.
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If employees are out of work then you file for unemployment. Like every other company or business. Or take accrued vacation or sick time if possible. Good piece again Dan. Stay well.
Yes. It’s not the responsibility of the government to make up lost wages for millions of people.
I think the Governor understands the five letter word for Valenti respect. C L A S S.
The case count for Berkshire County appears to be holding steady at 9, so the Fairview patient has to have already been counted.
Here’s a neat website. Although I haven’t dug very deep to authenticate the data, I’ve assumed it’s pretty much on track considering the Massachusetts numbers continuously jive.
It’s a wealth of aggregated data you aren’t getting elsewhere. Age and locations of the now 69 people who have died. Clicking through the site you will learn that the deceased are mostly very old people, including 27 residents of one single nursing home in Washington State.
It puts things into perspective to realize that of the current infected count (appx 3770 as of 11pm on 3/15), only 69 people have died, with nearly half of them attributed to that one nursing home disaster. The number of confirmed cases increases daily by the hundreds, but the death rate has only increased very slowly over the last two weeks.
Thanks for sharing, PHIL.
Holding steady? Are we testing anyone? Quarantining anyone? Hard to believe time is standing still in Pittsfield.
That is the problem. There is no real testing and with such a prolonged incubation period, we probably haven’t come anywhere close to hitting the peak.
Kind of my point, Hendrix. Thousands of people are already sick or were sick in the last two months and don’t have a positive test to confirm it.
Over the next year, millions of people will get this illness. They will have a fever and cough and feel like crap for a week, maybe two. Some of them may need hospital care. Most of them will not. And then they will get better and life will go on.
The most vulnerable population remains most vulnerable. They are at the end of their lives or suffering from other health conditions. They are vulnerable to all illnesses and their health is in a precarious state daily, not just during the Covid19 outbreak.
I agree, we are nowhere near the peak of infections.
I am one of those most vulnerable.
Be careful and stay safe Chuck. Best wishes.
You’re to smart to get it Chuck.
If only Trump would bring some energy to this pandemic.He does the dog and pony show for his admirers but he needs to Make America Great right now.But he cant.You are seeing the man behind the curtain .Governor Baker and Cuomo are great.
March 15, 2020
While blogger Dan Valenti did a good deed and public service for Pittsfield/Berkshire County concerning alerting Governor Charlie Baker to the Corona Virus (Covid 19) crisis, I disagree with his sentiments against the Lovely Linda Tyer that she is a failed Mayor of Pittsfield. She is no worse than the Gerry Doyle debacle, the Sara Hathaway hack, the Jimmy Ruberto regime, and the Dan Bianchi bust! Pittsfield is an economically distressed and hard hit post industrial northeast municipality. What do you expect from Mayor Linda Tyer? Is she supposed to be a miracle worker who will change Pittsfield politics from a group of vindictive, provincial, insider, incestuous (interrelated) one (Democratic) party political hacks into a model grassroots and honest system of state and local government? This is Pittsfield! It will always be Pittsfield no matter who is the city government’s Mayor! I was born and raised in Pittsfield (Mass.). Do you not think I don’t get frustrated by all of the bad news and the ongoing corruption in Pittsfield politics? It is heartbreaking, but totally predictable. Pittsfield has a self-defeating attitude that is ingrained in its residents, including me. Instead of believing in and investing it its people, Pittsfield wrings its hands in schadenfreude when you lose. I believe Pittsfield uses “perverse incentives” to profit off of the misery of the poor, near poor, and working poor, who are collectively a majority of Pittsfield’s declining population. I understand that many people with good intentions tried to help Pittsfield over the past decades, only to be shot down over and over again. I learned in graduate school at U Mass Amherst that gateway communities like Pittsfield don’t want to change or reform for the better of society. Rather, the state and local ruling elites, along with the vested and special interests want Pittsfield to have severe socioeconomic struggles so they can maintain the iron grip on political power over the disadvantaged citizenry. I lived with my grandparents in North Adams from July 1, 1997 – August 31, 1998, and I heard the people say that the high school students were told not to go to college. I was surprised, but then again, North Adams is the poorest and most violent community in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. My native hometown of Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation because there are no living wage jobs available to the average worker. Most of Berkshire County’s youth have to leave the region out of economic necessity if the want to earn a middle class living. For decades now, Berkshire County has led the entire state in population and job loss. In closing, blogger Dan Valenti, it is clear that Pittsfield’s economic demise is not the sole fault of Mayor Linda Tyer.
– Jonathan Melle
Give it a rest Melle! You’re like a broken record.
So your idea of pointing out how great the Mayor is is to compare her to other failed Mayor’s. Good grief.
Stick by you guns Jonathan. You bring out the best (or worst) in all of your hecklers, but not one of them, not the Johnnies or any other will look you in the eye and post it.
I’d love to have cup of coffee with Mr. Melle if he ever comes to town, and he and me and my two best friends, Smirh and Wesson, can take a stroll down North St after and he will be well protected.
How could he identify you?
Dan has my info. If Johnathan comes to town and wants to get together I will ask Dan to give Mr. Melle my points of contact. If fact I will invite Dan along for the North Street stroll in his Generalismo Uniform. Would you like to come too Mr. More? The more the merrier as they say, and I will pack two pieces if I am protecting all four of us.
I should drive from Detroit.
Go paint a ceiling.
Cheers to that!
Can you spell EMPTYSHAFT
Caput in recto
Perhaps city’s useless corona website will be updated with yesterday’s news about schools restaurants and bars, tomorrow.
Do not hold your breath. My guess is that the mayor has barricaded herself at the bottom of the mountain. Perhaps sitting in a recliner munching popcorn and watching Netflix. Maybe there was not so much that could be done but keeping people in the dark as she has always done is despicable. She will save herself. This captain will abandon the ship.
NETFLIX & chill Corona Virus is the New Black
Yup. As of 11 am, Monday, still no update on Baker’s order shutting schools for 3 weeks, or closing restaurants and bars. Tyer’s out to lunch in more ways than one.
She is clueless and so incompetent. No leadership skills what so ever. It is really frightening in a city with an elderly population. But what does she care? She’s in her and Barry’s MicMansion at the outskirts “of our fair city”. A carpetbagger who bought her first home for $72,000 in 2001 in Ward 3 and two years later defeated the incumbent , a man in the most ” political” ward in the city. She then was appointed city clerk an elected position by Ruberto and a special election had to be held to fill her council vacancy, costing the everyday taxpayer. She was a WHEN girl. She gives all women a bad name. She is incompetent and unqualified to be mayor of our city especially in the time of an economic and now health crisis.
Bingo Juicy! She ran against Mark Brennan who was an excellent councilor. Intelligent and fearless. She was the WHEN candidate, Helping to empower neighborhoods. Who did the phonies empower? TFB, Linda whatever her last name is now, its changed 4 times since she got here from Oklahoma. Then there’s the proprietor of Hotel on North, a former WHEN president, how’d she do? Three might be the most political ward, think of the geniuses they’ve sent to the council over the years.
Bingo! That’s Joe Biden’s line.
By the end of this week the crest of the wave will be very near. Best advice I have heard is stay home. STAY HOME !
Speaking of staying home…..why are there so many “out-of-staters” in the ‘shires right now?
It is now proven that media no matter how you see them are in fact constitutionally protected for reasons like Mayor Tyer and President Trump.Those leaders only want to control media for positive public relations.They are both slow to show reality of what is going on…..keep agitating the president and keep agitating the mayor.They at some point will see the truth is inevitably going to come out.Time for Trump to understand we are not a China based informed country.Trump would do well in China.Tyer would do well in China so lets move on from the Tyer brand and the Trump brand of failure.GO MEDIA
Does the Guv have the constitutional authority to close restaurants & churches? Why is cvirus now being referred to as a “disease?”
Is Overthe Rate bow still closed?
So Stooge and the D A said we need to correct addiction in correctional facilities because they need help,and families need them at home? That what I heard? But says nothing about helping in the first place…at home. Drug addiction rehab takes a long time. You det high you get arrested and sent home to help the family. That is so stupid. And just as costly than incarceration giving criminals what they deserve. Rember Cold Turkey? It’s very cruel, but it worked or you died.
and in many cases the family does not want the druggie anywhere near the home.
IS the PCTV serious. The D A announced a campaign fundraiser on The Sturgeon Show. Is that even legal?
The disease is what’s caused by the virus. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Italy added 3500 new cases in one day. And THEY are testing. America is going to get sticker shock like they have never seen. Trump says we are doing tremendous though so why are we shutting every thing down? We should be having parades for doing so well.
Thank you first responders, We ARE going to have a parade for all of you when it is over.
Go to BHS site. Says go to state site. Says to call 211.
The 211 number completely useless. I was trying to find out about testing, when? where? if?
Takes them about 1.5 to 2 hours to get back to you.
The upshot? Ask your primary care doctor.
OK, someone did answer immediately at the BHS 855 number. You have to have a temp of 101-ish or higher for two or more days in order to qualify for testing, plus coughing and significant shortness of breath, to the point where you can barely move.
She could not commit to saying that no temperature means no coronavirus.
Or a known exposure . . .
Can you get a test if one of your lungs is hanging out of your mouth from coughing too much? Or does it need to be both lungs and the wind pipe?
The Sheriff’s department has set up a tent in the BMC parking lot near the Crane Center, most likely for screening. This is a smart move. I think the hospital may use the Crane Center to house COVID-19 patients with elective surgeries being postponed by the State starting Wednesday. That would be a very smart move to keep these patients separated.
Did the Sheriff run this by Tyer’s Unified Corona Command?
Thank you Dr Tully. is this from your command center where you are in isolation? (Not) or in the Man cave Election bunker where you play the Greatest arm chair quarterback ever. Please if there was ever two people that should not be giving advice during this time it’s you and the Mrs.
Not sure why you say that. You get a thumbs down for hurting my feelings. 🙁
Might the former St. Joe High School building be of use?
Excellent idea. Unless some enterprising gosib is about to turn the place into fair rent apartments and does not want it crammed with dying people. The mayor should be coming up with ideas like that herself. How about PHS? It is not worth pouring money into for a school anymore and won’t be used till the fall anyway.
Use the Berkshire Mall. Plenty of room
People are getting more accurate news from Bazooka Gum and political insights from Mr. Zig-Zag concerning this outbreak,than from the elected officials at every level.
Does anyone know how much Pittsfield taxpayer monies were utilized to purchase the Code Red calling system? Do we no longer have it? Is it broken? Why is this system not being used? A message could be sent out on a daily basis updating residents. Where is our Mayor? Where is our elected City Councilors? The residents of Pittsfield should be emailing or calling the Governor’s office and letting him know of the lack of updates in the City. Evidently Lovely Linda is clueless what her role is suppose to be in a situation like this! Didn’t she yell and scream during recent debates about a new emergency system she had created during her campaign? It amazes me that the whole country is seeing increases in cases yet Pittsfield is the same, yet I heard from a reliable source that the number of Berkshire Health System employees out of work is now up to 154 as of yesterday. I also had to visit 6 different ATM’s in Pittsfield this morning, all empty. Why? Shameful and pathetic that locally we are still being lied to!
Aw shush up Merry, and go to the the cities useless but vibrant and dynamic Corona website. Don’t have a computer and internet like many seniors? Tough Luck buddy. You actually expect leadership????
JK – LOL, your funny. Thought would get a kick out if this. I just left the Spectrum TV office after paying my bill. The line is much worse than normal. Spoke to a few folks in line and the reason it is so crowded is that all the workers that have been told they need to work from home, they now need to buy a fax machine, and they need a landline to hook up the fax, so they are there are at Spectrum to sign up for a landline. Guess us seniors that have held onto our landlines are so stupid after all. LOL
Aren’t so stupid after all, typing too fast.
There isn’t a reason in the world to get a landline and a fax machine if you have internet service.
There are dozens of services like efax that give you a phone number and can send and receive faxes.
Also there’s a thing called email.
Just telling you what I heard, their employers were telling them that they had to buy a fax and get a landline. They were only being doing what they were told so that they would receive a paycheck.
I can use my old phone without cell service, without electricity, and without internet.
154 and now closer to 190 today
Mike Daly from It’s Pittsfield Tonight had a great suggestion. With all the small businesses facing shutdown for an unknown period of time, the Mayor should be a leader and assure these businesses that she use the GE Economic funds to ensure that they can re-open after the crisis. There may be State of Federal funds later to reimburse, but bills need to be paid now.
Agree Mark. After all, small business should be first in line.
Watching a show where a person came up with a great suggestion. Buy gift certificates/cards from your favorite places. Money up front which will help and to make sure to include tips. Businesses could keep and use staff for a takeout/ delivery service. It would take a tiny sting off the income issues.
not if they go out ob business
Great idea! Roll out that RED CARPET for these people who pay taxes and employ people who need help also. Otherwise the vibrant downtown will have more empty space.
Do you think all her friends would be at the top of that list? Yuki and Flavors and other buddies?
Now all the chosen ones that were on life support, like Hotel on North, that will have an excuse for going under.
I’ll betcha Friendly’s in Coltsville along with many other restaurants in this dying town will be shitting for good.
Most disrespected pols and actors in Pittsfield.jIV Tyers,Kuffkinks,Bare Bare,J Low,Amusedso,Ruffus,Stooge,( the biggest boob) zero class, non factor and ready to keel over anyway…small potatoes. Curtis,not Matt Dillons,the two Pete’s and Yukie,dull drums, D Awhats er name? One and done. Many more. D o w may correct but it’s down almost three thousand. Trump says it will rebound? So? It’s now!
Should have made a list from least connected to the most connected and had those who aren’t in the the GOB network at the bottom getting the red carpet treatment.
Does the 150k to the brewery seem like a better or worse idea today? They should be ashamed of themselves but they won’t – they have no shame.
Here’s the link to It’s Pittsfield Tonight
I went through the drive thru and they gave me tar tar sauce. Achew.
March 16, 2020
Re: Scary Pittsfield has burned me too many times for me to go back there
I enjoyed growing up in Pittsfield until I was 20-years-old in the Spring of 1996 when my dad began his political campaign for Berkshire County Commissioner. Ever since then, scary Pittsfield has burned me over and over again. Yet, posters on Dan Valenti’s awesome blog sarcastically write that I should go back there.
After my dad entered Pittsfield politics, I have been a target of conspiratorial bullying, threats, an attempt to have me jailed, blacklisted from employment, vicious rumors, and watching my dad get mistreated and have state “ethics” complaints filed against him as a vindictive act of political retribution. I have real enemies in Pittsfield who want to ruin my life beyond the trauma and damage they already inflicted on me and my dad.
Since I left Pittsfield in the late-winter/early-spring of 2004 to live with my family in southern New Hampshire, I have read online news articles showing Pittsfield going from really bad to even worse than ever! Thousands of people and many hundreds of living wage jobs have been lost in Pittsfield, while municipal taxes, fees, and debts have shot up to unsustainable levels. I read that Pittsfield is one of the most economically unequal communities in the state and nation because so many local residents are unable to find work in living wage jobs because there are no living wage jobs left in Pittsfield. Mark Tully wrote an essay explaining that Pittsfield’s long shrinking tax base has the second highest commercial or business municipal tax rates in the entire state (of Massachusetts).
Downtown Pittsfield is called “Social Services Alley” by day, and “dangerous downtown Pittsfield” by night. There are two dozen empty storefronts on North Street. The tens of millions of taxpayer dollars that paid for Pittsfield’s so-called “Ruberto renaissance” spent on downtown Pittsfield’s cultural and arts venues did not produce favorable economic results for the city. Pittsfield is still on Mayor Jimmy Ruberto’s high spending binge today, which is 16 years later. Matt Kerwood’s creative accounting and $10.1 million slush fund is questioned by Pittsfield’s hard hit taxpayers. Mayor Linda Tyer has not changed Pittsfield politics, or its troubled municipal finances with hundreds of millions of dollars in public debts and other liabilities.
Pittsfield once again signed onto the horrible settlement between GE and the EPA like it did 20 years ago. Mayor Gerry Doyle was wrong then, and Mayor Linda Tyer is wrong again now. Most of GE’s industrial cancer causing chemicals (PCBs) were capped in leaky landfills. It is common knowledge that caps are not effective after a period of time ranging from 20 to 30 years. Caps must be monitored from day 1. Once caps become defective, the PCBs continue to spread in the land, water and air. Lee (Mass.) doesn’t want to have a toxic waste dump that will only be effective for a finite period of time. It is unconscionable that Hill 78 abuts Allendale Elementary School.
In closing, Pittsfield is like a dystopian novel where the nightmare gets worse and worse by the minute. Pittsfield politics will never change for the better, and I believe they either don’t want reforms, or they simply don’t care. As long as the ruling elite who serves vested and special interests instead of the people and hard hit municipal taxpayers, a person like me will get burned over and over again whether it means I am jobless, homeless, conspiratorially bullied, threatened, jailed, a target of vicious rumors, being exposed to Pittsfield’s toxic politics and PCBs chemicals, and/or watching one of my family members get mistreated for participating in Pittsfield politics, then Pittsfield will always go on with its inequitable shakedown operation.
– Jonathan Melle
Dan! This just in. Schools might be shut down until August. Teachers and students might not be able to vacation more than the usual two plus months. School would re-open in mid August. This is a theory being discussed.
This is a very serious pandemic situation. On another noteI see that the diminutive D A was touting a campaign benefit at a local Ski resort this morning, she is kidding right? What kind of example does that set for the current pandemic? She and the Mayors terms should be redacted, they are careless,ruthless spending machines to begin with.
Easy to be a critic during these times. Please before you spew your bable get your facts correct. You should run for office and make that change however I am convinced yelling from the sidelines is more your game.
Johnathan, I enjoy your posts and actually agree with much of what you post, absent your love fest with the mayor. I was sincere about having that coffee with you, but I understand your reluctance to return. If I am ever up your way, I will reach out for a get together, if Cornona is in the rear view mirror by then. The GOBSIG thing is alive and well here, as you well know, and your Lovely Linda is part and parcel to it.
Is this karm?
Who dat?
You aren’t the first and certainly not the last to have issues in Pittsfield. Like the saying goes,,
If you want to play with the devil, don’t complain when the devil beats you in his playground.
Don’t be surprised p,if school is OUT.
Massachusetts updates this list daily by 4pm. 197 so far and 11 in Berkshire County
The Stooge show was obnoxious and incredible today. I wanted to see what the D A would say about he situation with the Carona Virus,anything? What I was able to hear was Stooge saying to her don’t listen to the naysayers?…. And her last statement was some kind of St. Patrick’s Day Campaign Fundraiser at a ski lodge? That is incredible. Does anyone realize what she is doing for the citizens that pay her salary? Who the hell voted for that idiot? How is it that a formerly known student programming hour has turned into Berkshire zcounty’s biggest Political ass kids getting radio program?
It amuses me how DA’s social justice warriors don’t mind her kissing Kennedy ass – Edward being the picture of misogyny so much that he let a woman drown in a creek. Kennedy’s gift to Pittsfield has somehow overseen 200 nurses getting quarantined. The newest one is a generic environmental warrior absent about GE. Come on people.
Dan, I stand corrected. We’ve bumped up the count by 2. The Eagle reports that BMC is the common denominator in all cases.,600096
So how was BHS and BMC working on this for “months” if they are the epicenter of the infections in Berkshire County? If they were so “prepared” they didn’t have protocols in place to protect the 200+ employees out due to quarantine? (200 is the more correct number, not 160).
How were they so prepared that they didn’t cancel electives sooner to protect the public and conserve the inadequate supplies?
Barry, next night check would you find out if the Cumbies hookers are still working?
You can get a hooker easy on the bench near the dollar store on north near the drug store.
How much for a happy ending?
Corona fatality rates hyped up by the media. They are creating panic. Many restaurants closing for good because of Gov. Baker’s directives. Hurting our small businesses and our economy!
School is out. Grade em……Just a feeling.
Spot on! Point I was trying to make before! You can’t have an accurate fatality statistic without knowing how many people have been confirmed, through proper testing, to have or have had the virus. No test kits – no accurate number! Look at the corona map – highest number of cases (again, no test kits – no accurate number) are in sanctuary states (Illinois, MA, CA, CT, NY, Ohio, CO) with anti-Trump governors who are busy putting small business owners OUT of business over a flu virus, in order to tank the economy.
Scumbag Cuomo, whose state has opened its arms to illegals in violation of federal laws, a state heavily in debt due to goodybag handouts to illegals, high taxes and flight of the rich OUT of the state – he’s whining and wanting the feds to provide $$$ relief. He’s closed up NYC which is now a ghost town. He’s an idiot!
Use your heads, people, this is a hyped-up illness!
The worldwide rate is what matters as it is a pandemic. Our numbers wouldn’t be statistically significant but more to the point.
It’s highly contagious an no immunity. It can be transmitted without showing signs of infection.
Anyone that thinks this is a joke or not serious has not looked hard at Italy. This is deadly serious and worse for all because a small group are so selfish as to be willing to risk others lives due to their own stupidity.
Maybe the brain trust that runs BHS listens to posts like the one above. The ignorance is astounding. 200 nurses or staff quarantined so quickly is an abject failure. The leadership of BHS should be removed by the governor in an executive order. It’s a reminder about how people making decision in this part of the world are so very incompetent if not also very stupid.
If you are using WHO data (a globalist organization) to justify a high fatality rate, keep in mind that the majority of their data is coming from China, which cannot be depended on for accurate information. Data from the US is skewed due to lack of test kits. Mortality rates in South Korea stand at .06% (cnn data) with a high testing rate. Italy’s mortality rate is 10x higher due to fact that way fewer people have been tested. The worldwide rate is a combination of inaccurate data.
I do not think the pandemic is a joke and I urge people to be cautious, but the response to this is out of control with the crisis being used by some in authority to justify destroying businesses, implementing gun control, creating panic and distraction.
Korea was also very fast to implement a complete lockdown and has societal norms that keep people complacent and subservient to the govt.
I’ll take The WHO numbers as they are the largest group with the most accurate of a number that will never be accurate. Who actually thinks Chine reported the number of deaths and infected correctly? They are now trying to say that the outbreak didn’t originate in China but the US.
So True. We can’t trust China. Our own media has been disgraceful in a lot of their coverage especially the usual troublemakers of CNN and MSNBC.
How bad is it the BHS is right at 200 employees out and all of NY and CT have about the same amount of medical staff out because of exposure?
It says a lot for BHS’s “months” of preparation.
How much do you want to bet they will get an “award” from their paid industry group when this is all done.
And are the staff still there getting any protection or specific training? Do they have proper equipment? If not, no point going there for help next week when numbers escalate. How many available ventilators? And specialists to monitor the patients?
Bless them all for their efforts.
Yes, I am floored. It’s a real brain trust over there. I wouldn’t let my cat get spayed at BHS before this but holy cow.
and now the govt says there is very little of the protective medical gear that is needed. I am afraid the reality will be to stay home if you get the virus and hope your number does not come up. We are dealing with the proverbial Perfect Storm.
New number for outage at BMC: 211.
It would be a true service if Planeteers would list what’s open/what’s not, especially as relates to food.
Dan, start a post/thread dedicated to this alone?
If anyone has a campaign fundraiser ie the D A contact Stooge on political CT’s and I’m sure he’lol announce it for free.
To air that show in the middle of this pandemic was both irresponsible and ill-considered.
This link might help.,599503
Great idea. PLANETEERS, if you know of closings, feel free to share in our comments section. Pranksters and trolls, stay away. Good information only. This is no time to mess with the health of others.
I’m looking for what’s open, not what’s closed.
For example, Stop n Drop open with its usual attempt to prevent people from leaving the store with merchandise–only one and then two (wow, so many?) (wo)manned registers open.
Democrat mayors & governors now using pandemic to ban guns. Sick!
Jailbirds will be the only ones getting fed.
Public employees,mothers with boyfriends and kids,jail inmates,ssdi recipients benefit the most during the C virus. Working kapanskis,up the creek.
Hurry up and get your guns and ammo. When the stores are out of groceries, or people have no money to buy them, the stealing and breaking and entering will start in earnest and since it’s a non violent crime Harrington won’t prosecute.
These people are acting like the governments would in Russia and Germany, communist countries. People are sick and dying and these Democrats and the media are trying to increase their power over us? So disgusting.
Yah Pat, uh, I will have to double check but I am pretty sure Germany is not communist and might even be an allie of ours. Well, at least until Trump came along.
I realize that in this era of soundbites, 144 character tweets, fake news and uninformative memes, it is difficult to…
1) stay focused while searching for information on the internet
2) deterimine whether the information that you have found is slanted, biased or outright false
3) read through the entire document or article once you found something pertinent
After having successfully accomplished the above 3 tasks, I think I have found the definitive study on where we are vis a vis resources to handle this pandemic. I will not summarize it. It’s up to you to read and judge for yourself.
Thanks, MT!
“A lot of empty shelves“
The Berkshire Eagle loves creating a panic.
LENOX — Pat McGinnis was on a mission Monday, canvassing the Berkshires for an everyday household item that is suddenly extremely hard to find
They see it as a circulation booster. Cynical but smart.
If TP remains scarce the Eagle will gain subscriptions
There is news worse than the virus. Brady’s gone
I disagree. It’s just a game. The virus potentially can kill thousands.
Dan’s right, you are more likely to get beat or stabbed in Pittsfield, than get virus. Only 1 out of 200 people exposed are infected, and only 1 out of 100 people infected don’t recover.
It works out to a rate of 1 5-hundred-thousandths-of-1%.
Tom Brady and wife are on a beach relaxing and having fun in Costa Rica. Good for them. They do not seem too sad about his retiring from the sport.
Tom and Gisele seem very happy about Tom’s retirement.
It seems silly to comment on football in the middle of this viral crisis, but allow a few words, please … In Bill We Trust. Tom will go down as the GOAT — 32 championships in his 18 years as the starter (discounting 2000 [rookie] and 2008 [injury], when he didn’t play). This includes 17 division titles, 9 conference championships, and 6 world championships. Then there are the MVP awards, Pro Bowl and All Pro selections, and countless other markers. However … He will be 43. He probably has one more good year, two tops. Belichick understand value, and his history is to release a player just before he flames out. He’s done it to many big names: McGinest, Seymour, Milloy, and so on. This time it’s the GOAT. We’ll always be grateful for what Robert, Bill, and Tom did to make the PATRIOTS the premier NFL franchise, but that run is over — never to be repeated again, by anyone. It was a good move for everyone: Tom, the team, and the fans. Onward and upward, as we all must do.
It would have been ideal for everybody, fans, owner, coaches, and Brady himself, to finish strong in New England, one or two more seasons, or whatever, then retire, but for whatever reason, he’s moving on. He will need a lot of luck, a coach like Belichick, and great health, and another great team, to win another super bowl. I hope he does but his odds are long and deep.
From the Boston Herald:
Tom Brady’s gone, but Bill Belichick’s back, so keep the lights on and the tap flowing. This party’s far from over.
Belichick won his sixth Super Bowl by a 13-3 score with a pedestrian performance from his quarterback so don’t waste any pity points on the grouchy coach and the organization he controls by not wasting energy on courting popularity, playing politics or pussyfooting around anything that gets in the way of winning.
Brady’s gone, but the championship culture he helped Belichick to establish isn’t going anywhere. That stays as long as the coach does. It’s too cemented for it to crumble simply because a quarterback entering his age 43 season will play elsewhere. And don’t underestimate the value of retaining culture cornerstones Devin McCourty, the veteran safety, young guard Joe Thuney, and longtime special teams standout Matthew Slater.
Belichick no doubt didn’t greet the news of Brady’s departure by crying into his Stone Age stew. Instead, it’s next man up for the coach who consistently finds a way to replace players who price themselves out of Foxboro, where the wealth tends to be spread around more than in most places.
If the next man up is Jarrett Stidham, take that as a great sign. It would mean Belichick believes the accurate thrower has gained enough command of the offense that he can manage games well enough to give the Patriots their 12th consecutive AFC East title. (The Chiefs rank second with four consecutive division titles, the Saints third with three in a row.)
Retire already. Unless he goes to a team with a perfect offense except a QB he probably will go out looking bad.
I agree. I expect Tom to retire into his TB12 business and his new Hollywood production venture. A run for politics, even? I can’t find a team that would have the type of “O” you talk about. Montana and Namath both advised him not to string out the career. They both did in strange uniforms and regretted it. Unitas, too. Milt, you are the exception to that type of greatness. How’s the museum on Fourth Street coming along?
We are still selling the custom bricks
good deal. $50 apiece, right?
They have been disappearing. We think around 3 am.
3 a.m. at Cumbies on Sunday night. That’s where the Milt Plum Society meets.
AFTER a cold windy winter the mayor is turning the St Joe school into a shelter for the homeless. The timing is curious. And ironically will some of them now be better off than fixed income taxpayers who do not qualify for tax incentive breaks or forgiveness?
Maybe she can round up the panhandlers and stuff em in the ole school too. Had one and West and Center yesterday. Make me sick. If nobody gave em a nickel, they wouldn’t last a week out there.
He’s there today too. Sooner or later one of them is going to slip and get hit by a car and it will be the driver’s fault.
We will all be panhandling pretty soon.The Tyered Curse.
Does Bosquets limit the 10 people tonight for the d a campaign for Harrington?
She’s as tone deaf as the stupid celebrities I’ve never heard of and wouldn’t know if I bumped into them in sthe supermarket, posting on social media about how great they are.
The whole thing is going to be held on the chair lifts. Everyone will be following fifty feet behind the other going up and down and around in an oblong circle. They will be communicating with Skype on laptops while gumming down Brie and horsedervers . Suppose to end with more fireworks and the posthumous pardoning of Charlie Manson.
Is that the guy they call Loose Change? Not quite centered?
Maybe round up all the deadbeats, loafers, gang-bangers, drug dealers, welfare cheats, and similar creatures, places them in the old Second Street jail, and burn the place down. Free cremation. That’s one bill The Kapanski’s would gladly pay. And maybe, if they don’t reform, we throw some politicians in too. We’ll need another building to waste. The old Hibbard?
And now Dan, Uncle Sam is talking cash handouts for every American, whether affected by the virus or not, and a chicken in every pot. The stooge Romney, along with plenty of whacky libs, want to send everbody $1,000. I say start a CCC type program or use some money to keep people in the jobs they have now, or use money to help them get another job, but no free cash. There is already unemployment insurance we pay for.
Ill take a grand.
So when you say Uncle Sam, you are talking about Mr Trump right?
I am against that plan. Totally. Such altruism brings everyone down to the status of beggar. If I get such money, I will burn it.
JA, will this cause more homeless to migrate to Pittsfield?
Only in Pittsfield would ticketing parked cars be a critical function. Watched one of the meter maids issue a ticket today. Why doesn’t Pittsfield give the citizens some relief and suspend paid parking until April 7?
Seriously? Why didn’t the mayor giver her permission to tow the sonofabitches car away? This parking over the time limit during a 100 year pandemic is out of control. If this violator does it again they should pull his Goddamn license and make him mow the mayors lawn.
Love that suggestion. Mow it with a pair of hand clippers.
As many have suggested and as Chinese researchers confirmed, prior to their research being removed, COVID-19 is an airborne transmittable and can exist in the air in an aerosolized form for up to three hours.
This makes the standard 6 feet safe distance completely false. It means there is no safe distance, only isolation.
Yes, it CAN exist in the air. But it rarely does. Stop trying to scare people with ignorance.
It has been determined by three studies that is also airborne transmittable. That’s not fear that’s public information. It impacts healthcare workers and any public gathering. Six feet is not enough distancing.
Just received a lovely message from Mayor Tyer, 2pm Tuesday, 17 March, that makes me sick, telling me to stay well, and telling me Sunday’s news about Corona, on Wednesday. 4 days later. Lovely.
Jolting Joe Kennedy theeighthwantstogiveevery adult American making 100gor under 4g I’m in!
More spacing and punctuation needed here, ASAP. Make it intelligible, if it can’t be intelligent.
Dan,you the MAN. Always fair. We love you man. But can you stop cow towing to certain people on here? Tully for instance.
4g to 200 million is only about 800 billion. Can be done. Fructose Romneyand his measly 1000
She’s dreadful. Worse than Doyle.
It wasn’t long enough~
This is a pat on the back administration,period. Sickening. If the schools suck,police department can’t stop crime,production period in all aspects is down, and when your administrative team along with School Committee and city clowncil all suck,how can you have faith in it? I’m currently watching this new show 413,it’s not bad but is just a pat on the back endorsement for the internal failings of resource officer failures in our schools, and this dumb Mayor sugar coating the cause and ineffectiveness of her agenda. Although she won’t admit it.
It’s official every American to get a grand.
Thank you Mr. President for the Grand within two weeks. Every American!
I’m buying some weed with my thousand and Valenti’s last two Books.
Thanks, we can use the sales.
Rumor has it the man from Clarkesburg wasn’t patient zero, it was actually one of the nurses in Oncology who had “the flu” when she came back to work From a cruise. Would love if someone this could be confirmed. Everyone is baffled how this man caught COVID-19 out of thin air.
Yes. You don’t want the 1000 Trump is proposing, it would come out of the payroll tax not the general fund, which we all know P T subsidizes S S …is Valenti going to fundraiser at Bousquets?Was he invited? Or, more importantly, is it still on?
Of course he wasn’t patient zero. I suspect it was in Berkshire in Jan and I caught it on Presidents’ Day.. Helluva 4 weeks but I’m on the mend.
To mimic Lovely Linda – Hey Pittsfielders! Yesterday when I mentioned the Pittsfield Code Red phone system and suggested a daily update from Lovely Linda, I figured that it would be daily up to date informative message not two or three day old information. I listened to her message twice, all old information and she basically said nothing. She only seems to care that she closed City Hall. Seriously, she should be ashamed of herself. Just when I think it can’t get worse with her, it does. Beginning to think since she only seems to care about adding more pot shops and growing facilities that possibly she is stoned out of her mind and just thinks that the City is peachy keen. I am a bit anxious about the virus, but I am very angry and very anxious about Lovely Linda running – or I should say the lack of running – the City during an emergency situation.
Like i said:
Just received a lovely message from Mayor Tyer, 2pm Tuesday, 17 March, that makes me sick, telling me to stay well, and telling me Sunday’s news about Corona, on Wednesday. 4 days later. Lovely.
So Brady’s gone. Pats will be sorry. He’s not done yet. Only sports story that compares with this was about 100 years ago. Red Sox sold Babe Ruth to the Yankees and you know the rest of the story. Babe became a daily player instead of a once a week pitcher and a legend followed. Brady does not have as many years left as the Babe did, I know this, but last year he led Pats to 9 straight wins and a playoff spot. From what I saw his team was responsible for losses near end and playoff. He’s still great. This will be a story for the ages. Boston sold two all-time greats and New England fans will never forgive owners for doing so.
Big question is who will be the Pats QB?
I’m going with Stidham — Stidham the Kid, Stidham the Stud. On a three-year rookie contract, tons of upside with a staff that can coach him up.
Maybe Brady will pull a Josh McDaniels `and stay
George Blanda played 26 football seasons as a place kicker and QB. Loved watching him when he was a Raider . Brady 199 in the draft turned out to be something special.
The Arts will save us
As long it isn’t the Art of Bill Sh!t that our fearless leaders are promoting.
Thanks, Dan, for keeping us informed.
Thanks, VICKIE!