(ADD 1 WEDNESDAY MARCH 4, 2020) — While THE PLANET traverses the country — the East Coast, anyhow — we shall keep this brief.
One word. SuperTuesday.
One more word: Biden.
Uncle Joe completed his climb up off the mat, showing impressive staying power in a Tuesday revival meeting. Buttigieg, Klubochar, and Bloomberg dropped out, solving the Dems’ greatest problem by uniting around the perceived centrist candidate. It makes sense, because that’s where the race will be won, in the middle. With Bernie’s win in California, it comes down to those two: Syracuse Joe or Battling Bernie.
The Democrats united around Joe with alacrity. One might even say alarming rapidity. Hmmm … was this the plan all along?
They did it to Bernie in 2006. Are they doing it again?
Let us know what you think.
———- ooo ———-
(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 2, 2020) — If Charles Martel doesn’t defeat the Moors in France, 732 A.D., we wouldn’t have had Charlemagne and today we’ll all be worshipping Allah, shouting “alahu Abkar.” Instead, we got Western Civilization, which spawned the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the Kardashians., of the just-dedicated BIC.
Seen in that perspective, perhaps Martel’s victory was pyrrhic.
If you go the the PEDA website, it lists the cost of the Berkshire Innovation Center as $9.4 million. The only problem is the final cost of $13.8 million. Right off the bat, you’re looking at a $4.1 million difference. You’d at least think that Corydon Thurston would take five minutes and update the figure. The 9.7 comes from a 2014 grant made by the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center. Officials justified the expenditure by saying if Pittsfield didn’t lap up the “free” cash, some other forlorn city in the Commonwealth would snatch it. Didn’t matter that these braintrust types didn’t have a clue what they would do with the 20,000 square foot building. For that matter, they still don’t.
When asked what actually will happen there, the politicians and Suits haven’t a clue. They talk in circles about “enabling and accelerating growth” in the life sciences industry, how it will be “self-sustaining,” and the vast amount of “private-sector support.” They throw around vague phrases like “workforce training” and “equipment center.” At the ribbon-cutting, BIC executive director Ben Sosne, working overtime as happens with just about all city functions, talked about “the evolutionary pace of technology” and mumbled something about “future generations.”
The event was, if anything, “vibrant, dynamic,” and “collaborative.”
It was so inspiring Adam Hinds waxed his dome and Tricia Farley County-Buffet went just down the street to Kentucky Fried Chicken, only to find it’s not there. Torn down but not cleaned up and as much of an eyesore. As for the mayor, The Lovely Linda rocked a white jackets and a black-and-white polka dot dress. There’s the title of a song in there somewhere.
Hearing The Suits speechifying at an event like this reminds THE PLANET of the time we heard Prof. Irwin Corey explain how derivatives work. Speaking of all that “private sector support,” you’ll recall the Colonial renovation ballooned from $3 million (same as BIC!) to $30 million, almost all of it Kapanski Kash, when the promised “private-sector donors and art lovers” bail out after hearing “mayday! mayday!”
From where and whose pockets, you may ask THE PLANET, did the extra $4.1 million come to finish the BIC and give the La-De-Dahs a chance to put on their Sunday best, back-slap in some of the most boring speeches we’ve heard west of a typical Lady Boots-led School Committee meeting, and wolf down a free meal?
Gotta mirror?
Godspeed BIC.
“I can figure out the movement of planets but not the madness of men” — Issac Newton.
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Tyer akbar
I am going to go out on a very short limb here and state that it is unlikely that there were any kickbacks, palm washing or oral thank you s involved in this endeavor.
Full disclosure: I am in no position to make such a statement as I do not know any of these people personally but if I did I probably would not make any statements using those words.
I see Jack Welch died yesterday. This is sort of the kids fighting over Pop’s inheritance before reading of the will goes through probate.
As a taxpayer, I have seen money doled out for some pretty stupid stuff, but with this I have never been so confused as to what the hell The BIC is supposed to be. Can anyone verify it only has 2 tenants? A capital investment firm, and another private company that took significant taxpayer dollars and tax breaks. I wonder how the employees are able to make it to work without destroying their suspension.
Hello Dan Valenti, Please list all of the failed business ventures over the years/decades in Pittsfield (Mass,) that took Mary Jane & Joe Kapanski’s cash. (Sarcasm): Also, please let me know how I can apply for some “free” cash from Matt Kerwood’s $10.1 slush fund, but please do not tell the Kapanski family that I am on the take. Thank you, Jonathan Melle
The Former BeaCon fleecer actually used a facade to claim millions from a T I F given by Ruffer with forgiveness at the end? And there wasn’t a problem in buying those luxurious seats from his own company? Let alone the work on the building which supposedly came out of his pocket? Where is the Attorney General on this? It just seemed to slip by the City Council and previous Mayors
This BIC will go down as one of the most foolish expenditures of Kapanski cash ever, and is a shining example of what’s wrong with government. A shameful waste of tax dollars, ranking right near the top of the long and growing list.
Rumor has it the pctv cooking shows will be done over there.
they cook a lot of baloney at pctv
Jack Welch died yesterday, Sunday [01-March-2020], of kidney failure, at the age of 84. When Gerry Doyle passes away someday, maybe their damned spirits will share an apartment with each other in Hell. They should liquidate Jack Welch’s estate and give it all to helping the many thousands of people/families who have suffered, are suffering, and will suffer from cancer caused by GE’s PCBs toxic waste pollution in Pittsfield and all of the other impacted areas where GE left behind cancer causing industrial toxic waste chemicals called PCBs. Jack Welch may have been a great businessman, but he had no regard and compassion for the health and welfare of the public. Rather, Jack Welch was all about the big bucks. What a waste of a life! What a sorry excuse for a human being!
Gerry Doyle’s Hell has been on Earth. Straight to a Heaven.
Why, because Trump liked him? Again,right on cue.
Jack Welch was a chemical engineer, he knew.
“I can figure out the movement of planets but not the madness of men” — Issac Newton.
It’s a little late for Issac, but madness/insanity/lunatic/lunacy of men is literally being “out of one’s mind”.
Here’s another Clue for you all: The Moon = lunar/lune/lunatic
“The lunatic is on the grass
The lunatic is on the grass
Got to keep the lunies on the path”
– Pink Floyd (Dark Side of The Moon)
“It’s the terror of knowing what this world is about
Watching some good friend Scream,
‘Let Me Out!”
– David Bowie/Queen
“And if the cloud bursts
Thunder in your ear
You shout but no one seems to hear”
– Pink Floyd (Dark Side of The Moon)
How did you do that ?
It’s Magic. It’s all Magic.
You just have to drill into a site until the URL address gets to the actual .jpg or .jpeg
And post it. Apparently Dan’s new format displays the image.
Does not work with YouTube videos though.
Everybody wants the freebies that’s the problem, even the suits. Bernie Sanders followers want the freebies. Meanwhile, Pittsfield goes downhill on a daily basis. Kentucky Fried Chicken site looks terrible. Roads are a disgrace. Jobs are few. The local politicians want us to believe that everything is vibrant so we need to close our eyes to the condition of the city and pretend that everything is just great.
Hello Pat, I agree with you, but Trump’s tax cuts were written by Wall Street’s lobbyists. The big freebies goes to the corporate elite, while the working class gets low pay and lousy benefits. The days when the middle class was strong are all but over. You are either born with a rich dad named Fred Trump, or you are screwed. Bernie Sanders is a millionaire who owns 3 homes. He is selling a pipe dream to the underclass and working class. At the end of the day, all people like us can do is complain about it all. Best wishes, Jonathan
Poor Jack always said Pcb’s weren’t harmful.
Most important thing we can do is never vote for those selling the pipe dreams like Bernie Sanders. I was actually so happy when Biden beat Sanders in South Carolina because Bernie’s ideas are too extreme and dangerous. I know that California is a lost cause and will probably go to Bernie, but not sure about the others states for Super Tuesday. Even though I believe that President Trump would easily beat Bernie Sanders, it would be too frightening to have Sanders that close to the presidency.
Seventeen a Million a year to announce Football games for Tony Romo. Can you say….. over paid.
The military wants cash at an insatiable levels.The wealthy want cash at the same level.The broke lemmings vote to give it to them because social programs might want more cash for SS.The wealthy and the military are starving you to death taking your SS cash
I found it quite interesting yesterday to see a Sponsored Ad show up in my newsfeed on Facebook for Methuselah Bar.
The interesting part was that it was paid for by Downtown Pittsfield, Inc (DPI), a municipally funded quasi-public agency, promoting the for-profit business enterprise owned by a city council person.
Illegal use of municipal funds or just bad judgement?
They’ve been featuring different downtown restaurants for some sort of event or promo that’s taking place. It’s not just Methuselah’s.
Hey you,
Hey you, can you help me.
No seriously
I need a lawyer.
Really every lawyer has a conflict of interest, they pay rent to the receiver of the whistle blow….. https://images.app.goo.gl/1xtpzz2WZmUUBUek7
Flick my BIC just don’t put it in your pocket.
Your Front-runner Dementia Joe, wants you you to show up
I’m voting Moe Howard.
He’s got integrity, unlike Liawatha Warren.
Hey Mad, where’s old Donnie Trump sit on your integrity scale? Seems like his lies are MUCH more prolific and prodigious than Lizzie’s.
No one beats Liawatha. She is the record holder for outrageous fibs.
The face of senility…
March 2, 2020
Re: Jack Welch and Pittsfield’s economic demise is “The Perfect Storm” of bad news
I read the Berkshire Eagle’s editorial about the late-Jack Welch’s complex legacy in Pittsfield, Massachusetts. There is no doubt that Jack Welch was a great businessman. His management methods mirrored “Social Darwinism”, and it worked for GE in the 1980’s – 1990’s. The downside of “sink or swim” is that there was no regard and compassion for the workers, community, and the public health and welfare of the many cancer-stricken residents who lived in or close to Pittsfield.
Jack Welch killed Pittsfield’s “one horse GE economy”. But, Pittsfield’s economic demise was caused by other factors, too. For decades, Pittsfield politics, which is a one political (Democratic) party top down system of government, always said “no” to progress. There were proposals for a bypass for a better regional transportation system, a downtown mall, children’s museum, and a ballpark stadium, among other ideas that were all shot down. North Street went from a bustling shopping district in the 1950’s to “Social Services Alley” today.
The Berkshire Eagle Editors always praise Jimmy Ruberto’s so-called “transformative leadership”, but it came at the cost of tens of millions of dollars of taxpayers’ dollars being spent on cultural and arts venues that did not produce any economic gains for the working class. In fact, during the 8 years of Mayor Ruberto’s leadership, Pittsfield lost thousands of residents to population loss, and many hundreds of living wage jobs to job loss.
Mayor Linda Tyer has continued to raise taxes to the point that Pittsfield politics is at the extreme end of its financial constraint point. According the Mark Tully, Pittsfield has the second highest business tax rate in the entire state of Massachusetts. I read that Pittsfield has one of the highest rates of economic inequality in the state and nation. There are no living wage jobs for the average worker in Pittsfield, which means that you are either poor or near-poor, or you are a high wage earner in Pittsfield.
It is like a “Perfect Storm” where everything went wrong for Pittsfield! Jack Welch died yesterday (01-March-2020), but his toxic waste industrial chemicals called PCBs live on in Pittsfield. GE and the EPA settled on “an empty promise” to cleanup the Housatonic River (and put a toxic waste dump in Lee), but there is no financial commitment by GE, which lost around $7 billion in the last 14 months. Without a guaranteed payment of at least $1 billion in an escrow fund that GE cannot touch until the decades long cleanup is completed, the settlement is nothing more than “an empty promise”.
The “Perfect Storm” of Pittsfield’s distressed economy also includes a one party (Democratic) political system that rivals Communist China. The two faction local groups of Democrats have driven Pittsfield into the proverbial ditch over and over again with high taxes, corrupt leadership, insider politics, and always saying “no” to progress for the working class. The Berkshire Eagle won’t publish letters from outside viewpoints, nor will it retain news reporters who dig into the ugly truths about Pittsfield politics.
In closing, Pittsfield is a “toxic town” from Jack Welch’s PCBs and downsizing, to Pittsfield politics, where you get figuratively-burned and banned for speaking out, to a distressed local economy with severe economic inequality due to scarce living wage jobs for the average worker.
– Jonathan Melle
Democrat leadership has destroyed this town!
Vote Trump. And MAGA. Send Lizzy to retirement. Bernie to the nut house. And Bloomberg to his 470 million dollar home in east Harlem.
And Biden to the nearest nursing home.
The people propping up Joe
are the same people who ignore their own Grandparents when they lose a step or two.
You mean,I will will not forgot? Joe D
Creepy Uncle Joe, he’s moving kinda slow. At the junction—Dementia Junction!
The people are choosing someone with possible dementia or just old age related memory problems over someone who loves communist countries.
Old Joe can’t remember who his wife and sister is!
Yeah I saw that. I’m not making fun of Biden because he’s old and has a clear problem
Trump can never recall a friend.Never knew him…Never knew him…Never knew him……What a nasty confused not ready for the presidency fool of a failed boy
Trump weighs 335.He is 6ft tall with 3 inch high heels.
Hey Joe Taxpayer – kiss my ass!
Hey Joe Kapanski. Kiss my ass again.
The taxpayers of Pittsfield, Ma do not stand a chance against the machine running the city government. Just get out. Leave and take your children. Do not put the ball and chain that is Pittsfield around your families neck. You and your loved ones deserve better.
There will be a revolution,beware. The water man was right. Water bill up forty percent already.
The Bic was all Tyer’s doing…oh wait it’s a failure, damn Bianchi…oh wait you like the BIC ?, then it’s all Tyer…even though it was mostly state money – it’s simply a playground for plastic nerds to use for free until the technology is out of date, which will be by next Spring…then it will be the PEDA HQ, as PEDA has used all it’s funds for rent and employee costs while they assess new opportunities for growth at the Stanley business park, which to date include the BIC and a bank that’s want out of here and hates western MA and all the dopes that live there…..
The BIC building reminds me of the Ford Edsel, luxurious on the inside but what were they thinking when they designed the outside ?
I was outside that building when the dignitaries were filing in. I heard one of them say, “what was that guy on when he designed this effing monstrosity?” And to a man (and woman) they all became hysterical pointing up at the roofline and shaking their collective gosib heads. And I think I did hear one of them say something about an Edsel and his gosib politician friend spit out his latte laughing. Got it on my cell.
Turns out that was just something one of my alter personalities dreamt about but I suppose it could have happened when you really think about it.
It’s the ugliest building in the city.
Why cant we just build a nice New England simple brick 2 story modern building.He must have been inspired by mountain ones ugly building.
We had a 59 Ford Edsel (Green), family got it for nothing on the side of road.we tinkered with and got it going as young kids 1968 .We beat that thing on the farm to a pulp.
My dad had a Hudson. Looked like Noah’s Ark on wheels.
We can always blame Jack Welch but now we need to look at ourseves and there are only a few to blame and Mccandless Yon Elias Moon Caccamo White Cameron Tyer and Marchetti all know there are 300 student now breathing in a chemical dump next to a mountain of PCBs….Thats not Welches fault.Its Pittsfield leaders fault.They all remain silent
FUB.AR Mayor Gerry Doyle
Chris Matthew was let go from MSNBC (Chris said he retired, but we know otherwise) because he called out Bernie for being in love with Communist countries. Another blow for free speech from the far leftists.
Hey Kapanski,
Screw you.
Mayor Tyer and City Council
Democrats do not have a candidate that will reach the 1991 delegates. So,at some point Sanders will have to take the high road against for or aganst Obama somewhere, or he will most likely lose to him.
Senior Joe. Quote..I’ll will never forgot.
Biden’s gaining big mo. Maybe Krazy is in nowadays.
The Comeback Kid. Joe Biden.
More like the kickback kid
Dan Valenti
No scoop on missing dalton police chief Jeffery Coe , resource officer John Marley and one female officer who it seems resigned.
Coe may return July 22 2020 – per email provided myself.
Crystal ball says Jeanne Kempthorne be busy as special prosecutor and new attorney general or federal prosecutor.
Capeless & Caccaviello racketeering enterprise has made it to the federal level. Caccaviello seems to be moving abruptly.
Give Dalton police a call- 413-684-0300
Ask when chief and Marleys surprise vacations will be over.
Selectmans office has no commitment
After four calls.
You should look into your crystal ball and ask it why no one ever believes you.
Call the station- ask when they will be back! Bet there are several less lawyers in Berkshire County before Halloween too 🙂
Two words – personnel matter
One word – Rico
Imagine he’s in adseg at bchc Epsteining. Young gaurd they are burying today , didn’t like idea of other side of bars.
Dan Valenti could of saved young mans life ,if he hadn’t buried the story for two years.
Where’s the capeless/Caccaviello fan club now? It’s only just begun, 🙂
The only thing THE PLANET buried is the lockbox o the lower 40.
Turns out there may be a non partisan virus coming to town. And all the political connections and ill got gains will not keep it from the doorstep. A great equalizer, as they say in Karmatown.
Or, What Hath God Wrought?
Many are fleeing the socialist disaster that is California and moving to Texas. They don’t learn from their mistakes though and take their socialist values to Texas thinking they will get socialism right in Texas. Sadly, Texas may soon have all of the same problems as California.
We may all have the same problems as Seattle Pat. Lay off with the hatred for a while huh? Jesus!
I’m just as afraid of the virus as everyone else. I have older relatives in their 80’s with lung problems in local nursing homes so I am VERY worried. People in that age range and with those health issues are very vulnerable to this virus. Not sure what else we can do at this point though. President Trump is doing all he can. He shut off travel from China very early so that has slowed the virus down for this country. He has doctors working on possible medications until we get a vaccine.
Good grief. So if Trump has it all covered what in the hell are you worried about? Go back to the Hannity reruns and doze off.
President Trump is not a miracle worker, but then neither are the Democrats. Perhaps if the far left Democrats had spent less time worrying about climate change every waking minute they could have planned for a situation like we now have with the corona virus and offered some intelligent advice.
Your president thinks its a hoax
Another far left lie. He never said that.
There are many supplements available which can increase immune function. Vitamin protocols to fight viruses are available on many websites including http://www.naturalhealth365.com. There is an interesting study coming out of Shanghai which shows high IV doses of vitamin C suppress the effects of coronavirus. My spouse & I have had much success taking D3 & vitamin C, since Sept., and we haven’t contracted a cold or flu. Do your research and check with your physicians – hope this info is of some help.
Thank you Lenny! Myself and my relatives in nursing home are taking vitamin C, but I need to increase my vitamin D3 and will check on my nursing home relatives to see if they are getting enough D3. Imagine something as readily available as vitamin C possibly being able to fight the corona virus especially in high dosages. You often find many nursing home patients are deficient in vitamins especially if a relative or friend is not checking in on them to make sure they are receiving the proper supplements. The very elderly often do not eat well so they are missing key vitamins in their diets which seriously lowers their immunity.
California is the 3rd largest economy in the world.It is the number 1economy in America.
Hollywood Harvey for president
Dan Valenti
What’s scoop on Dalton police?
Chief and officers on indefinite leave
It’s a personnel matter line of shit
Th excuse “It’s a personnel matter” is the local equivalent of “It falls under national security.” Funny, The Kapanskis pay for the whole shooting match, including employee pay and bennies, but when it comes to finding out what OUR employees are doing, it’s a “personnel matter.” That’s essentially a license to kill for local officials.
Jeanne Kompethorn didn’t bale out over a,personell matter or foia,request. It’s Rico at governor faker level
How many attorney generals that got under trumps skin didn’t go to jail? Only one left is moron Healy. Odds she and Berkshire district attorneys past and present get indicted for child trafficking and racketeering?
Brings tears to my eyes
Joe Biden, the “hope” of the Democrat Party!
The good news is that Lyin’ Lizzie is done!
How much money did Lee Ma. give to open the brewery restuarant there.Pittsfield Ma.had to come up with 150,000 for these people to screw around with.Pittsfield Ma. Is the losing people and is shrinking at a rate that is number 1 in Massachusetts. We have kids being educated on a swamp of cancer and Moon White Caccamo Marchetti Tyer and Barry Clairmont give 150 k to a brewer of beer…..we are so ignorant.Smart people do not want to be associated with pittsfield. This city has to buy their friends…..Tyer/ Ruberto gave 500k to Hancock Shaker Village to paint their administrative offices
It’s pretty simple, support the businesses that don’t mooch off the taxpayers. There are plenty of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and other places that have been long time businesses in the area that were never given a handout and don’t take the tax breaks and close after a short period of time.
Absolutely! If a business has to reach into your wallet through the devious means of politics, why in the hell would you do business with them? WHY? Would you have any reason to believe they won’t be screwing you in other ways? Do you really think you got a good deal on that car or did you get screwed on the trade in? Yah, you did.
I could support funds going places like day cares such as KidZone to help offset costs for parents or in general help supplement equipment, tuition, etc.
For a brewery, not a chance. Any counselor who voted in support of such nonsense does t deserve to be on the council. Too bad most of Ward 3 prefers to have friends at their funeral, otherwise someone who run against Caccamo. He’s as useless as Tits on a bull. He gets by in his hipster glasses and janitor keys
So Lovely Linda and her “butt kissing Council” is going to give away $150,000 to someone that has 1.7 million to invest in a brewery. Wish I had 1.7 million to play around with. Lovely Linda gave money to EMA, when their Corporate headquarters in Colorado is worth millions. I periodically check to see if EMA is posting for positions, they are , but they are all in Colorado. Lovely Linda gave money to Wayfair, they are tanking and laying off. Lost count of how much monies have been given to the Colonial Theater. Yet there is only two plays scheduled this summer. One is only for two days and the other just short of a month. Thought the summer was tourist season! If the City has invested that much money into the Colonial, why is it not being utilized? How come theaters like MacHayden can perform 7 to 8 plays a season and their tickets are half the price of the Colonial. Meanwhile I just spent an hour driving around Pittsfield dodging potholes, counting the orange barrels and cones and down signs, dodging garbage blowing around. When going by Pittsfield High School noticed that there are now box fans in the windows trying to prevent the students and teachers from passing out. On another sight there is over 100 complaints of people afraid of North Street because they are being harassed for money and there is no police in site. The best of the day is McCanass wanting 25 more people to assist students. Are there any students in Pittsfield Public Schools that are not special needs in his eyes? Lovely Linda, her Administration and the CC are have ruined this City and there is not a damn thing we can do about it. The taxpayers are completely ignored and Lovely Linda and her “butt kissers” are laughing all the way to the bank. Shame on all of you.
Also, Patrick’s pub is a nice place. Did they get 150k too? If not, why? Wasn’t there a place in town called Wandering Star brewery? They had good beer but they might have gone belly up. I can’t figure this money exchange out at all. 150k for a children’s bookstore and cafe might be cause for charity money but a brewery? Is this something under the table from the pcb deal. It’s all so random.
Wandering Star appears not to have closed. They look like they don’t have a lot of employees. I had some good beer from there btw, I recommend taking some to the comfort of your own back yard. There is another ‘Craft’ brewery in Dalton too. Why did this new brewery place get this money? We are not apparently deprived of beer. It stinks of something.
If you are the type of business that has to take money from seniors on fixed incomes via tax giveaways instead of getting legitimate investors I will not support you or recommend you. Business s like this should have a measurable level of embarrassment as should politicians who enable them.
Maybe Dews should brew beer at the cigarbershop and hit a Tyer payday.
Wonder since the City took ownership of SIMS barbershop, did they give Warren Dews all the barber chairs and equipment for his Cigar Country Club and Barbershop? With this Administration, nothing would surprise me! There are so many lies and secrets!
In that same location there was J Allen’s, how much did they get? There was Brulees, how much did they get?
bobby hudpuckers before that, how much did they get?
Tito’s how much did they get. House of India spent $40k to move and was delayed from opening by two extra weeks because city inspectors were not available to do inspections (due to training and vacation) how much money did they get for relocation?
Why is is Pittsfield Brew Works got their money, then closed and moved all the equipment and business to Sheffield?
Clearly Mayor Linda Tyer should learn a lesson on breweries.
It seems the only thing Mayor Tyer can do is through tax payer money at friends.
Two words – Eff You Kapanskis
Dementia Joe can’t even get through his speech…..
How many times is the mayor going to applaud the DPW head,what has he done. Look at the streets,can you say Mess.
Really. Can you imagine if the front people for some large business came to Pittsfield to discuss setting up shop here? They would probably insist on getting their airfare back because of their wasted time after seeing the abysmal roads and the trash all over them. It is hilarious to think how the mayor would speak of having the entry to the city look appealing when the inside of it looks like a windblown landfill. It is impossible for me to take anything she says seriously. (and that little toy soldier outfit of a council as well)
Lovely Linda always speaks of the gateways into the City. Travelers come in from New York State and are welcomed by the trashed ridden old Arace site, which the City just forgave over $500,000 in back taxes. Nice. You come in from Lenox only to be welcomed by a closed Porn Store, soon to become another Pot Shop. Nice! Yet the Mazzeos wanted to build a small diner/ restaurant on South Street and were turned down. Once you arrive into Pittsfield you can’t walk anywhere without being approached and harassed by drug addicts wanting money. But everything is dynamic and vibrant.
And did the mayor explain to the senior population of her city why this more than wealthy individual had his taxes forgiven while they have to pass on Applebees with friends? I missed the justification on that but maybe her or Pete or Kerwood can pass that info along.
Not only “dynamic and vibrant” but also “collaborative.” Oh yeah, and also “inclusive and diverse.”
Have you ever heard stupid don speak.
News Flash!!!!! The Blues Brothers endorse Biden for President!
“Joe’s on a MISSION from, by the – go, you know, you know THE THING.” ROFL!!!!
“Oh boy. Joe Biden’s gaffes are becoming more frequent now. And it’s pretty bad timing considering the Democratic Party is now putting all their chips into his campaign………..Most egregiously, however, he forgot the words to our great Declaration of Independence. ……………”
“We owe these truths to be self-evident,” he said. “All men and women created, by the – go, you know, you know the thing.” – Joe Biden 3/3/2020
Trump has already been rated the dumbest public speaker in history.His followers are responsive to his sexy up /down voice where he will sniff and whisper then go higher into his near man voice but he never lets the male voice takeover.He has the maga men drooling and imagining what it might be like.Then he Don Rickles the opposition sending the crowds into hysterics.Could the board describe his speech at the rally?
Fake news
Mini-Mike drops out! All that money wasted!
I wonder who will be Prez first: A Jewish person or a Woman?
A Republican Jewish woman if you please
Do you think we’ll have a president with a blow up spouse?
So glad I went out in the rain to vote.
Our ethically challenged DA Andrea Harrington has AGAIN violated state ethics laws by using the state email system to invite her staff to a St. Patrick’s Day FUNDRAISER.
In more serious matters her office lost another rape case. What is her record, anyone know?
Deliberating; were you raped in a “shed” or a “garage”…. & what’s the f* difference !!!
Packing her parachute, she won’t be running for district Attorney again.
Office is in complete turmoil, in damage control mode.
Will anyone with the available facts please post them here so that we can know if our DA is once again violating the law. The ethics commission should be made aware of this immediately. It’s a serious violation.
What ethics committee?
You can’t violate ethics if you don’t have any
Apparently the office of campaign and political finance is where to report. Kempthorne already said on the record the office is being run like a campaign. This is just further evidence a politician is engaging in improper activity. Where is the outrage?
All Liz Warren is interested in is campaigning. She has forgotten what it means to do her actual job for the people of Massachusetts.
How many times has she played golf in the last three years?
Stooge had the Mayor in this morning. He is the most abject,obtrusive, obtuse man I’ve ever heard on the radio. His show is laughable to the point that it has no meaning.To students especially. The show has repetitive guests on like Carolyn Valli,the Mayor,Jim Clark?
Why would students want to listen to him? Which T B R was intended for. I would like to thank fritz for the advice of not listening to him,I’ve listened for a couple minutes, maybe twice, only because t b r is on my radio in my truck. But this clown must be the biggest propaganda artist on the radio. With maybe Five listeners.
Why do PCT cavemen Sean Serre and Matt Tucker prod this clown? Because of his fund raising ability? He certantly has no talent. Dan,it’s time for the students to take back their’ Radio Program,full time.
Campaigning is where the real money is.
Simply making a run at office and failing will reap enough money to buy numerous houses and a private jet. Doesn’t matter if you were not viable financially prior, or your net worth was in the negative numbers
Just ask Bernie!
So true. It’s all about money for many of these candidates and Liz has definitely made a profession out of being a candidate.
Right you are, PR. It’s worked well for Bernie. Sounds like Liawatha is waiting for a cash payout to endorse one of the remaining loser candidates.
As a matter of fact, I’ll go out on a limb here and say that Bernie doesn’t really want the job of president. He’s old, has a heart condition, and has no idea how to pay for all the freebies he wants to give away. I think he just loves the attention, the lifestyle of a big-time candidate, and the funds the campaign generates for him. I think he also expects to be bought out, again. Mark Steyn calls him a “squish.”
Interesting take, FRITZ.
Biden dropped out and is now supporting Biden.
Chuck Schumer threatened 2 Supreme Court Justices today and was rebuked by Chief Justice John Roberts for his dangerous and threatening language. Schumer said, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch. I want to tell you, Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price!” Schumer warned. “You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” That is definitely threatening Gorsuch and Kavanaugh.
We need to focus on the corruption in our local government. Our DA has repeatedly violated state ethics laws. She must resign.
When Chuck Schumer was giving his rant about the two justices, people behind him were holding professional signs that said “Protecting Abortion Access is a Catholic Value”. WHAT?
Is this what the Democratic party has come to? Sickening!.
Protecting accès to abortion i a lot of things, but one thing it is NOT is a Catholic value.
I wonder if any of our priests will condemn this act at our weekend masses. They should!
Schumer should be thrown out of office for his threatening remarks. Not just censured, THROWN OUT!
New show on PCTV to promote the GOBSIG perspective hosted by Sean Sayers.
Yeah the Stooge Show,biggest bootlicker in Pittsfield History. And homeliest guests.
Can you spell “s y c o p h a n t”?
Keep watching pctv you’ll be brainwashed in no time.
I was drunk the day my Mom got outta Prison, And I went to pick her up, in the rain…. but before I could get to the station in my pick-up truck…… she got run over by a damned old train….. !!! And I never minded standing in the rain. Couldn’t Momma hear that ol whistleblowing?
March 4, 2020
Re: Open letter to Patrick Fennell
Hello Pat,
When I was a Soldier in the U.S. Army, we were taught that true leaders lead from the front lines. Transferring that logic to Beacon Hill State House politicians who voted to raise working class and business taxes tonight (Wednesday, March 4th, 2020; see the 3 news articles below), I believe the State Legislators who voted for all of these tax and fee hikes should lead from the front lines by donating all of their pay and benefits to the general fund to help pay for Massachusetts crumbling infrastructure. After these tax and fee raising politicians forsake their (not so) hard-earned money and benefits, then they would have legitimacy to stick their tax and fee hikes on the public.
What do you think of my proposal? Do you think the taxpaying public should support the Massachusetts House’s vote tonight to raise our taxes and fees when the State Legislature is well taken care of financially? The news media stated tonight that Massachusetts State Government has had 2 years of budget surpluses. I also previously read that Massachusetts State Government has a multi-billion dollar rainy day (or slush) fund. I guess when you are politically-connected, you get to have your cake and eat it too, while the tax and fee paying public always gets the proverbial shaft!
Best wishes,
Jonathan [Melle]
At what point does McCandless and Tyer’s mismanagement reach criminal levels? Hiring 5 “accountability coordinators” for $80k each (and 19 other high-paid fake positions), sending a school trip to Italy during an epidemic
and if someone were to trace the family history of these lucky five what would that tree look like?
Dark… maybe a little tan. But I assure you they will be minority hires
They need a SPED accountability coordinator because most of the SPED teachers are over worked, and IEP’s are out of date/compliance
I know for a fact there are 2 specific disability areas that are NOT being serviced. IF the parents had an advocate or a clue, the district would be sued by now
If you know it for a fact, that there are 2 specific disability areas that are NOT being serviced why don’t you post what they are?
My remarks would simply fall on deaf ears and you’d probably go blind from the bad grammar. Maybe understaffed and under serviced is a better description. I will admit that much.
Yup…they are pressuring parents to back off on services.
JIV’s has already passed that level. We must remember that “criminality” has other definitions beside technical law breaking.
It’s a simple fund a mental process. Get us the election votes and in return get anything you want.
Actually, technical law breaking is literally the definition of criminality.
Well he must spend that latest state supplement. He did say he would fill those positions to spend the new found limp of cash. What a laugh.
The department spends millions covering up administrations mistakes.It will never change.If you are having financial trouble this school department will take you down
Is Tyers health department ready to go on the virus.Should the mayor and health department with BHS be having a emergency meeting with the public before there is a crisis?We could have used the 150k that Moon Caccamo White Marchetti gifted for alcohol brewing on the fight against and preperation for a virus.
What happened to emergency calls to households. Haven’t heard one damn word from the health department. To husy giving out Peking tickets
The mayor has proven over and over that she lacks credibility. I would not trust any information she puts forward about epidemics, pandemics for academics. She prefers to deal with no facts but if she has to she has been widely know to use alternative facts, which is another term for bullshit.
Even our own CDC is using alternative facts right now. Best source is WHO (World Health Organization) which has no political ties.
How do I post pictures ?
Trump going to fix Massachusetts deficit and crime rate with one rock.
No more pensions.
Can’t wait for father son purp walks about Halloween , just before nov 3 elections.
2020 going to be best year ever!
Barry was driving around at 3 am and he stopped at Cumbies. He wants us to know that he couldn’t find any corona virus. All is well. Barry on.
But you might find another kind of virus over there at 3 AM and it will make it burn when you pee.
Safet spot in Western Mass. — Pittsfield Cubbies, First Street, at 3 a.m. It’s proven.
When someone violates ethics protocol, SEC investigates then someone else resigns from a different department & they call it a day. Ethics violation on the Board of Health, she resigns from Town but remains Chair on the Regional….. makes no CHANGE essentially. ETHICS ? C’mon now ! All the Selectmen are the farmers (agriculture land owners) & they say YES on 4. Sold for 6 million dollars – State gets the right to farm & tax …. no one drinks cow’s milk anymore. But everyone wanna get lit. GTFOH. I’m not sure if dropping names is an ethics violation, lemme contact Sandra Martin & inquire….
Elizabeth Banks, former PHS theater star, now an abortion rights activist. Shameful!
Hope she rots in hell
nothing like free speech
Free speech doesn’t mean smart speech.
Interesting that she is unable to carry a child and used a surrogate, probably feeling guilty about the dozens of embryos destroyed in the process and for forcing a poor woman to give birth when she should have just adopted, but instead of repenting…she goes the other way
It’s one thing to have an abortion. Quite another to gloat or brag about it and proudly say how many abortions you have had. That is just sick and proves that abortion has been abused. Getting pregnant the first time might have happened at a bad time in your life, but getting pregnant over and over again and turning to abortion each time shows a person who takes no responsibility for their actions.
Hi Dan
Check your email. I sent you another commentary
Will do. Many thanks.And again a reminder to all: THE PLANET is aways open to writers for guest columns.
Yes,I’m all in favor of putting cb dump in ward four.
So I’m looking for the meeting on pctv PCB dumping meeting in the south east. Where did this stupid show with this clown come from. He was talking about ancient history concerning the city today. I thought that hour was student programming with a music slant? For the kids? No one I would think,wants to hear this bullshitter,let alone view him.
Bernie Sanders has a brick wall he keeps bumping up against.Even Bernie supporters know hes unlikable.He has one issue and I agree with a national health 1 payer plan but I would not want Bernie running my government anymore that the current block head that sits there now.
Yes,it will be ok by me if Syracuse Joe wins.
Anyone hear about two students that retuned from Asia at monument middle school and are now in quarantine?
They were in school for a few days and pulled out on Wednesday? Was it just a precautionary quarantine?
Bueller? Bueller? Anyone?
Barry drives a Toyota Corona for his 3 am patrols.
Saw a picture of Andrea Harrington our glorious DA at the General Dynamics celebration yesterday. Her main agenda seems to be constantly campaigning for herself. I see no reason for her to be at this celebration. Evidently there must not be any cases to work on at her office. The sad thing is, between her and Lovely Linda there is not a thing any of us taxpayers can do to report their unethical behaviors. Think of the combined salaries we are footing for getting absolutely nothing in return.