(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 30, 2020) — THE PLANET begins today with two charts with the kind of information the mayor of Pittsfield refuses to share with citizens and local media don’t care to publish. They are self-explanatory and give you some idea of the progression of COVID-19 in the city (first chart) and age group (second):
———- ooo ———-
ABORT THE MISSION — As the good doctor said, the virus — not politicians, scientists, or medical people — will determine the COVID-19 end game. Best guess at the moment is that the apex of the virus in the U.S. will occur in about three weeks. Hatch down the battens and all hands on deck.
One of the largest concerns of doctors, nurses, and technicians on the front lines has been supplies of personal protection equipment. Masks, gowns, gloves, and similar medical items have a high “burn rate.” They are meant to be disposable. The virus, however, has stretched supplies to the limit. You’ve heard the same stories as THE PLANET. Construction companies, building superintendents, dentists, home hobbyists — almost anyone who uses filtering masks — have voluntarily offered some of their wares. Still, it’s nowhere near enough. The world’s epicenter, New York City, is days away from running out of vital items. The virus has overrun the system.
Give all that, should abortion clinics be required to turn over their personal protective gear? Is abortion a “necessary” procedure or a “non-essential surgery?” The new rules have put all non-essential surgeries on hold. This should apply immediately to abortion. Some states, Ohio and Texas for example, have already prohibited abortion on demand. This should be done everywhere, across the board by federal order.
In his daily updates, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the stands for the “protection of all life.” Shutting down the abortion mills will help do that by bringing more medical supplies into the COVID pipeline and saving the lives of babies who would otherwise be killed in the womb.
———- ooo ———-
NEW PITTSFIELD VIRUS: “TYER-19” — Someone remarked that North Street during COVID-19 looks deserted, dusty, and garbage strewn. Funny thing is that it looks that way almost all year round, without a pandemic.
The “pandemic” that wiped out North Street occurred long ago. Downtown was done in by a man-made virus caused by bad leadership. The latest version, TYER-19, has hit Pittsfield hard, especially the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and what’s left of the dying middle class.
Pittsfield was warned many times to take the TYER-19 infestation seriously, but The Suits and special interests hijacked the only realistic remedy by two times stealing elections. COVID-19 flourishes in those with suppressed immune systems. TYER-19 thrives in cities with suppressed civic participation, especially at election time. Symptoms of Tyer-19 include:
- Lack of money at the end of the month to pay bills.
- Unjustified and ruinous tax and fee hikes.
- Price gouging and other forms of theft, legal and otherwise. (See sign at left, filed under “Y” for “You know you’re in Pittsfield when … “).
- Routine maintenance ignored.
- A “vibrant and dynamic” influx of scums and bums, creeps and cheats, druggies and muggies.
- Fleeing of the young, the educated, and those with the means to leave.
- A school department controlled by incompetents and governed by the iron hand of an ignorant and entitled union.
There is yet no vaccine on the market for TYER-19.
Work is ongoing to find the cure, but it is not expected to be ready until the first Tuesday in November 2023.
The best advice from experts is to self-isolate, hydrate, exercise, and rest.
And at all costs avoid Tyler Street and North Street, especially after dark.
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WHERE’S LINDA? — If one ever needed proof that Linda Tyer is in way over her head, COVID-19 furnishes it. County executives, mayors, city and town managers, governors, and councils across the nation hold daily briefings.
They share the latest information, keeping their citizens up-to-date and reinforcing proper protocols. Pittsfield, however, has The Invisible Mayor who’s hiding scared. She’s in hibernation.
Where is she?
THE PLANET has a loved one who works as a home-care aid. This lovely young woman takes care of a number of elderly clients in their homes. It’s beautiful work, selflessly done and gratefully received. She told us yesterday morning that every one of her clients commented on the mayor’s absence. Where’s Linda? Is she at her la-de-da hideaway in Vail, Colorado? As THE PLANET‘s redoubtable Z-Agent Police Report notes, Tyer’s is not sharing the information her office receives from the various agencies that collect data for cities and towns.

Clueless young people are pictured Saturday at the skateboard park. Where are the parents? Where are the cops? Where’s the mayor?
It’s time for the mayor to get in front of the cameras and ink-stained wretches and level with Pittsfield about the situation.
What’s she hiding?
Why is she hiding?
Where is she hiding?
The photo of the young meatheads in the skateboard park (taken Saturday afternoon) perfectly illustrates the mayor’s indifference. In a city with effective leadership, that gathering would never be allowed. If it persisted, as it does daily at the skateboard park, skulls would get cracked. In Pittsfield, however, leadership doesn’t care about citizens. All they care about is themselves and their fat salaries and bennies. Ah, but you know that.
Each one of these hoodlums is defying rules on staying inside and social distancing. They will return to their homes, potentially loaded with the virus, ready, willing, and able to spread it to their families, friends, and loved ones. They can potentially infect large numbers of people given the exponential manner in which the virus spreads.
A shocking number of people in Pittsfield are defying the common-sense orders. The fact that Onota Lake is closed hasn’t stopped the loud, late-night partying. These beautiful spaces are being turned into trash dumps. Crowded causeways for dunderheads with fishing poles? Bust ’em. Send them home. Start getting serious.
Lives are at stake, Madame Mayor. Or don’t you care?
“Hypocrisy is the compliment vice plays to virtue” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
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Tyer-19 better know as the Crony virus.
That’s a good one right there!
Good one, BN!
As luck would have it the water treatment system being hyped by Guytani and Bliss would have treated and killed covid 19. Three councilors wanted to explore the system, Connell, Morandi and Mazzeo thought the system was worth a look but the mayor and the rest of the council led by Tony the sand wedge Simmonelli wouldn’t hear of it. So now Pittsfield’s effluent containing Covid 19 flows south. Who cares about PCB’s when Tyer and the council gives you covid 19 water?
Maybe you can find Linda by donating a grand to her campaign account.
Dan, great column, and thanks for pointing out the irony and hypocrisy with the baby killers. Now that Joe Biden has officially gone senile Cuomo is going to ride to the rescue with a despicable gender based identity based baby killing veep, and by the way the MSN don’t report the sex assault against Creepy Joe.
Cuomo has ordered the release of 1,100 inmates; 50 released over weekend. 8 of those released are sex offenders; 3 convicted of raping children. Local authorities were never notified of their release. How is this “protecting the public?”
Democrats, if this is your hope for president – God help us all!
How many is Tyers red carpet team welcoming to the Pitts?
You need to get off Breitbar and The Federalist and Fox as your exclusive news sources. Add the other side to the mix and make up your own mind. Don’t let anyone else do it for you. Good luck.
Hey Fakesayer,
You need to get off NBC, CNN & CBS as your exclusive news sources. You’re only getting the fake news side of the story.
Use your brain. Do you support Dementia Joe? I bet you do!
Fox news has done a quick 360 one they found out Trump was in denial.Then they are now reporting like they never said it was fake
You talkin to me Truthy? Cuz I’ve never been in Bretbar or Federalist but I love those Fox babes especially Doctor Nicole Saphier, Abby Hornecek, Dana, Kristen, Alex, and a few others. Still miss Megan Kelly. Oh and Tuck Carlson is da man!
Fox women are how they keep fox male viewers believing their stupid statements.You guys understands this right?….no you dont.
While I sincerely do appreciate the Covid chart and graph I would also appreciate the source of the data, which is standard protocol for published work. Your esteemed Z Agent Police Report, who appears to be or have been a police leader, a lawyer, a medical doctor, or all of the above, and in general an expert on everything, wrote in the weekend edition that Tyer in fact was in possession of this very information and hid it from us Kapanskis, which is a whole level more agregious than plain ole Covid Incompetence
He in fact claims that Tyer paid someone to produce the chart and graph.
The source of the chart is data pulled from DPH reports that the city gets, its sorted and aggregated to display the raw data (some of it the average joe doesn’t get) in a way for city executive level briefings.
The canal of the incompetent, Hinds, TFB, Tyer, Smitty, all are working hard behind the scenes not to give you the information you need. They are parsing the data to provide updates to the State, using the data the state provides them.
Thank you sir.
THE PLANET’s “esteemed Z-Agent” is “a leader” and could very well be from one of more of the occupations you mention. We can say no more.
The multi- tasking has me guess PR is a Ma’am not a Sir. But maybe most of us can’t chew gum and walk.
The great one, Mark Levin, reported on Fox tonight that the 2 Trillion Dollar Great Pissaway would have been enough to waive federal tax for every American worker and business for a year. Well, that gives me an idear- before Tyer pisses away, in the name of woke stupidity, or Covid 19, Kerwoods’10 mill in “Free Cash”, 8 mill in new GE bribe money, and the 2 mil or so left so left in the so called GE economic development fund, the entire 20 million should be rebated to all Pittsfield Homeowners who were penetrated long and deep this fiscal year. It can be done in the name of The Tyer Virus!
Where’s the beef?
Multiple Pittsfield cops have Corona according to Tyer19 and she is on the case, working with chief on staffing and shoring up mutual aid agreements, according To Eagle. Wow. How could the police department possibly function without her?
You guys are right, she is working hard to hide everything from the public. Just look at this as proof.
Basketball games, and tennis have been flourishing in the Newell St. Park across from Hibbard School. Stay Home!!
Then go say something..
Nice. So where has this info been hiding? 55 cases in Pittsfield as of now? Why are we just now finding that out Barry?
The info has been on the website for weeks. It’s updated daily around 1:00 pm. There have been press releases about it. There are videos on PCTV by the Mayor talking extensively about it. It’s not where has the Mayor been, it where have you been looking.
Respectfully Mr. Clairmont, communication, or shall I say good communication, is one of the hallmarks of good leadership, especially in a time of crisis. This smorgashboard of information was not well marketed, at all, and the mayor should be holding in person, in the flesh briefings, and touting this, not hiding behind PCTV which only gadflys watch.
When the state starts allowing early release from the prisons, how many prisoners (sex offenders, drug dealers, etc) will Linda “welcome with open arms?” She was willing to take on unvetted Syrian refugees. The state will pony up a little chump change for Pittsfield, promises of more affordable housing, and a photo-op with (insert useless pol), and Linda will then be on TV talking about the vibrant return to Pittsfield….
Thank you very much Mr. Clairmont. How long has this dashboard been in existence? This is precisely the kind of information us Kapanski’s should be made aware of in a timely manner, like daily. Why were we not told of this?
Again, I thank you. You would have been a great mayor!
Perhaps he’ll run next time around
I’m with BARRY, vote Clairmont.
BARRY – why no data on the number of hospitalizations? This is a crucial piece of information.
I don’t believe the City receives that info. They only know what comes through MDPH. The hospital reports to them, not the City. The hospital serves more than Pittsfield.
In regards to the number hospitalized, Farley-Bouvier has been sharing a spreadsheet daily for a week on Facebook from Rep Josh Cutler (6th District). It lists the number hospitalized, not hospitalized, and under investigation. It does not drill down to county. I am curious too as to how many in Berkshire are needing hospitalization.
Not sure what Cutler’s sources are but here’s a link to that spreadsheet…
Barry, why is it that when ever someone speaks the truth about the Mayor you immediately defend her. Dan must have hit a nerve. Is Linda incapable of defending herself? Why is this information not given to the Berkshire Eagle on a daily basis? Or, did you folks just create it last night? Why can’t Linda utilize Code Red each day at a certain hour to update the City? After all our monies paid for this system. She certainly reached out to people when she was campaigning. Why do people have to “subscribe” to the City website to get information? Believe it or not, there are many residents of Pittsfield that are elderly and don’t utilize social media or don’t have anyone close to them to teach them how or many can’t afford a computer or cellphone. Why is Tricia Farley Bouvier constantly giving updates from the Governor but Linda give almost none? Where are her department heads? Where is Chief Wynn in all this, why are the police not clearing parks? Where is the Health Department, people are complaining of some filthy dirty laundromats, why is the Health Department not checking on these? Where is the President of the City Council, why isn’t he and the rest of the Council updating their Wards? All I listed above does not seem that difficult to do or ask for. The City is a 24/7 business and should have an Emergency Plan in place, this Administration did not and still does not have one. Bottom line, don’t care what you say, Dan is correct, our Mayor is hiding.
Well stated Merry.
Tyer can’t even tie her own shoes let alone lead a city at anytime never mind in a time of crisis. Shots fired on Fenn St. and where is mikey? Reading books to kids on line. The Greek God would say ” Fakers”.
Agree it’s not a good look for the mayor when her husband, and not the mayor herself, has to respond.
Her third husband.
Dan, the Mayor doesn’t read your blog. And, I don’t tell her the sick stuff that is said here. I do it for entertainment, from time to time.
She doesn’t read THE PLANET? If this is true, then it only confirms how woefully out of the loop she is. No, she only occasionally appears on media sites and stations that toss her softballs, say she is great, and appreciates how everything is so “vibrant, collaborative, dynamic, and inclusive.”
That’s it in a nutshell.
Mr Clairmont thanks for the info, but with all due respect, it should come from Her Honer The Mayor not the first husband. She should be using every forum to get her messages out, including ones she doesn’t agree with.
Not quite. Forgot the word “diverse”
Excellent post! No wonder Pittsfield is Sinking faster than Ted Kennedy’s Oldsmobile!
Actually, car floated at an angle, somewhat, and Mary Joe clawed in rear corner of back seat trying to escape, and then drowned/suffocated.
The Eagle gets the same information EVERY DAY. And what you call the truth is sometimes made up opinions. I’m not defending as much as GETTING THE TRUTH out. But you don’t want to believe the truth. You just want to accept what ever narrative fits what you want to believe.
very well said
The “dashboard” remains buried under links and not a front page item. You have to go through more that two menus to get to it, and that’s if you even realize that there are menus.
The “dashboard” that is barely readable should be front page, we shouldn’t have to go though a splash screen to sign up, then click a link then hope the second link works to pull up the dashboard without crashing.
When isn’t she publishing these links and all the other reports to the website?
The dashboard lacks critical information and is whitewashed. No hospitalization count, in case you were at cumbies at 3am when they mentioned it, we are flattening the curve so we can reduce the impact on hospitals. Hospitalizations is a critical number.
Only the failure of a mayor Linda Tyer would have her husband skulk in and act like she’s doing her job.
Your wife is getting people killed
Look Melissa, Anyone who knows me, including yourself knows I don’t take orders from anyone. I’m my own person and do what I want when I want. My wife doesn’t give me orders. The fact is, I just showed you up by showing the fact that the information is out there and easily obtained. So you have to come back with I don’t like how you get to it, information I want is missing, the Mayor is dumb and sucks, her husband is a puppet. Hurts when you are proven wrong, doesn’t it.
The information isn’t readily available and presented in a way that’s easy to read it it were, your wife and TFB wouldn’t have to pay people to organize it then present it in an easily readable way.
So she’s been on cable TV, what percentage of homes have cable? yes many did see her antisocial distancing dog and pony show. If that’s her A-Team, now we know why Pittsfield is a hotspot for COVID-19 and stupidity in the administration.
She should be doing at least two updates a week, posting all the data we taxpayers are paying for online and not keeping it to herself.
She does get the number of hospitalized, she just doesn’t share it.
You’re wife’s inaction is getting people killed.
Barry it’s Dr. Melissa these days, Sometimes it’s counselor, commissioner,Plow truck driver, Pot hole expert . Jack of all trades Master of none. Starting Arm chair QB though
Wow, take a chill pill Barry. So you think PR is Melissa, no ones knows but Dan. Not sure if PR is Melissa, but if it is or is not, I want to thank PR for all their great truthful information during this pandemic. You most certainly have been more helpful than the Mayor, and if you are Melissa, that is why I voted for you.
Interesting that BC think PR is Melissa. PR is not Melissa, and only PR and THE PLANET know the identity.
I have known you for years. The BC I know is just who you say he is: His own person, one aI respect a great deal. But, the question becomes: Are you giving your wife, as the mayor, orders? A fair question, when the mayor herself never defends her record here or provides information, which, as you know, THE PLANET would welcome. It’s not a good look that you have to come to her defense while she chooses not to do it herself in this forum.
He’s just cranky from those 3 a.m. Cumbies checks. He’ll be back to normal when he catches up on his sleep.
A pleasure seeing you back 86. What took you so long? Your words of wisdom have been sorely missed. He’s cranky from those Cumbies checks, I mean chicks.
Problem with Barry is that no one knows where his hair comes from.
Don’t Ask Lo. He wouldn’t know.
Barry Clairol?
Dan, you know I don’t give her orders. I make suggestions when she asks for my opinion. The order you gave her the other day I thought was a bit rude.
So if you think I should stay away and not get the facts out there, such as the link to the information people were bitching wasn’t available, then I’ll say goodbye to all and stay away.
Have fun guys.
Who said you should stay away? Not now. This applies to you and to the mayor: Pittsfield needs information, hard facts, now more than ever. For example, Joe Pinhead mentioned a point I had been thinking about: Where are the reports from each city department on the effects of the virus. There has been an appalling lack of reliable, coherent information regarding Berkshire County but ESPECIALLY Pittsield. And did I get this correctly? The mayor’s latest pronouncement is to have people color pictures and send them to her???!! Can this be serious. If true, it’s an embarrassment. And where is Linda? If she doesn’t like what I’m doing here, then tell me. You know I have ALWAYS been open to you guys. ALWAYS. That has not change. That will not change.
The Mayor asked kids to download a page from a website and color it in thanking people working the front lines for what they are doing. It was reaching out to kids, not adults. She is a member of the school committee. Many people here don’t want to tell the whole story, they just want to make her look bad, knowing most people won’t go check and get the facts.
To many people just accept lies as gospel.
Thanks, BC.
She thinks it’s the Crayola virus.
The.only one who can make her look bad is her.
Well you said that before? Make up your mind. And stop lying,she reads the Planet?
Thank you BC .Would you be willing to update in a comment section of the planet everyday?Thank if you do and thanks if you dont.
These are fair criticisms of the dashboard. THE PLANET has heard from multiple people with similar complaints. The biggest one has to do with the dashboard’s compatibility with mobile devices. More than half the users (54% at latest count) access (or try to access) this information using mobile devices (higher % for younger people). One called trying to navigate the dashboard this way “a technical nightmare.”
Dashboard Lyrics:
Well, it would’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know.
Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.
Oh, it should’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know.
Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I’d like to go.
Oh, it could’ve been, should’ve been worse than you would ever know.
Well, the windshield was broken but I love the fresh air you know.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh, it would’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know, oh!
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh, we talked about nothing which was more than I wanted you to know-oh-oh-oh-oh.
Now here we go!
Oh! It would’ve been, could’ve been worse than it had even gone
Well, the car was on blocks, but I was already where I want.
(It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good)
Why should we ever even ever really even get to know?
(It was impossible, we ran it good, we ran it good)
Oh if the world don’t like us it’ll shake us just like we were a co-oh-oh-oh-old.
Now here we go!
Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it
We’ve yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it
Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon,
Every dawn you’re surprising,
and in the evening one’s consoling
Saying “See it wasn’t quite as bad as”
Well, it would’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know.
I was patiently erasing and recording the wrong episodes
After you had proved my point wrong,
It wasn’t like I’d let it go, oh-oh-oh. Oh-oh-oh.
I just wanted to catch the last laugh of this show.
Yeah, it would’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know.
Oh, the dashboard melted, but we still have the radio.
(The dashboard melted, but we ran it good, we ran it good)
Hard-wired to conceive, so much we’d have to stow it
Even needs have needs, tiny giants made of tinier giants.
Don’t wear eyelids so I don’t miss the last laugh of this show.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Oh, we could’ve been, should’ve been worse than you would ever know.
(The dashboard melted but we still have the radio)
Well, you told me about nowhere well it sounds like someplace I’d like to go-oh-oh-oh-oh.
Now here we go!
Well we scheme and we scheme but we always blow it
We’ve yet to crash, but we still might as well tow it
Standing at a light switch to each east and west horizon,
Every dawn you’re surprising,
and in the evening one’s consoling
Saying “See it wasn’t quite as bad as”
Oh it would’ve been, could’ve been worse than you would ever know.
I like this idea: Dashboard lyrics. Here’s mine: “On with the Show” by the Rolling Stones:
Good evening one and all, we’re all so glad to see you here
We’ll play your favourite songs while you all soak up the atmosphere
We’ll start with ‘Old Man River’, then maybe ‘Stormy Weather’, too
I’m sure you know just what to do
On with the show, good health to you
Please pour another glass, it’s time to watch the cabaret
Your wife will never know that you’re not really working late
Your hostess here is Wendy, you’ll find her very friendly, too
And we don’t care just what you do
On with the show, good health to you
Petina starts the show at 2 o’clock
Oh, if by chance you find that you can’t make it anymore
We’ll put you in a cab and get you safely to the door
But we’ve got all the answers and we’ve got lovely dancers, too
There’s nothing else you have to do
On with the show, good health to you
You’re all such lovely people dancing, eating ’round the floor
But if you have to fight, please take your trouble out the door
For now I say with sorrow until this time tomorrow
We’ll bid you all a fond adieu
On with the show, good health to you
Hope CC Maze is still kicking. We need them back.
Barry, close the skate board park.
Yes, yes, and a million times more, yes. Close it and police it. Not a time to be messing around with this.
All elective surgeries are suspended right now. Abortion is an elective procedure.
Partying in groups, kids going to skateboard parks or playgrounds, parents allowing it. The social distancing guidelines in Massachusetts are recommended not required. Kids don’t take this seriously because their parents don’t. If parents were smarter, you wouldn’t have half the problems Pittsifeld has because these people wouldn’t vote like the idiots that they are.
According to Beagle, city is dismantling playground equipment.
They will still climb the Monkey Bars.
The one thing we must do is be kind to one another, especially on the roads. Whether you like the mayor or not we need to band together and respect one another rich,poor,fat ugly,cute,stupid,smart,religion,…political affiliation. Most of all our first responders and especially in the medical field. I can’t imagine-why this city has repeatedly not enforced traffic and arrests for multiple offenders like trespassers, and disturbing the peace.Thats the one that gets me.
Because the cops know Harrington won’t prosecute, so why risk Corona for a catch and release DA?
The Police in every city and towns are not stopping people period. Why? the Police are fearful like everyone else it’s not about letting them go as mentioned from clueless below once this gets into the Jail which it will all bets are off. It’s easy to be a critic during these times
Yup take every thing down because of a few imbeciles. How about for once enforcing the rules that are set. If a passing police officer sees a basketball games or groups playing sports or whatever they are doing, break it up. . One ride through the city in late afternoon, instead of 3:00am, the mayors would have seen what Truthsayer states.
They wilL probably ask for overtime
Well you cops should know about overtime eh PR?
Never received overtime in my life. I’ve received hazard pay, pay allowance for foreign service, never received overtime.
I am sure they will lose the parts along the way and us taxpayers will have to purchase new equipment. Wouldn’t it be cheaper to have a police cruiser patrol the area and ask the folks to move on?
They need to take basketball hoops down too.
Do that, and the woke progressives and NAACP will be all over you.
In NYC they have or they’ve zip tied them.
I agree 100% with Truthsayer and Dan about skateboarding parks. Teens are vectors of infectious disease not the least is Covid 19. Teens and wet markets are out of control.
The Stay At Home order for our state allows for going outside, getting fresh air and participating in physical activity while asking that people stay six feet away from one another.
I have yet to see a picture of two kids riding the same bike at the skate park. Cut them some slack. Teenagers indoors for days at a time create the Dylan Klebolds and Eric Harris’ of the world. They pose very little risk to themselves or others whipping over jumps on their bikes and skate boards.
Bravo Phill, I agree. Kids & adults need fresh air. Dismantling playground equipment is ridiculous.
Good news? The last comment buried on the previous post points out that yesterday the number of new infections dropped – in the US overall and in the top five states with the highest number of cases.
In fact, the US overall new cases number is lower for the March 29th than the previous TWO days’ counts.
Also to be noted, the number of deaths on the 29th dropped from the numbers on the two previous days as well. Perhaps an anomaly but perhaps a swing in the right direction as well…let’s hope we have some good data trickle in this week!
3/26 16801
3/27 18953
3/28 19767
3/29 18362
3/26 258
3/27 405
3/28 485
3/29 368
Many places have stopped or slowed testing to focus care. You can’t test if you don’t have the staff and there are people that need care. They’ve gone to testing to assuming anyone coming in presenting symptoms has it.
The voters,who are the sigs get what they deserve. You posers are in charge and being very well paid to lead. Pittsfield is now officially a shit show. Dan talks about a revolution,here’s one, everyone stop paying water bills.
Where are you getting this? Can you tell us or post link so we can track this? Thanks
Chinese propaganda site.
WOW. Definitely a coverup. But why? Fear of lawsuits? Embarrassment by officials in charge? Either way by making this information so hard to find it has endangered people who felt there was so little danger out there. Just when you think people can not go any lower they do.
And certainly the newspaper had this info but was it on their site? I was not seeing it. Seems to have been a concerted effort by several entities to kept the data out of the public forum. Shameful.
“Coverup” is one word you could use. If one uses the word, then, as you indicate JAD, questions pop up: Why? What? When? Where? Who? How?
Main page of the city
Click on the COVID-19 “button”
The updates maintain no similar format or information.
Each time the fo an “update” they create a new page.
Since each page doesn’t have header or footer or common information, and is laid out each time like a blind person wrote it with bad spacing and different fonts, it’s impossible to keep track of pertinent information.
Since all the people getting paid to do this can’t figure it out and people are dying while we wait.
Break the updates into sections
Daily numbers at the top, use the graphs we are paying for.
Put important phone numbers next
BMC helpline
Spanish help
(Everyday) same spot
Put the mayors briefing next about city functions
School information and grab and go sites and times.
The link to the dashboard that is abysmal.
It crashes on mobile, is not mobile friendly at all.
(Most people are t sitting at computers)
By randomizing the data and changing the format every day you are hurting those you are supposed to protect.
You could get a high school student to build a better, more cohesive, and comprehensive website.
Your wife is doing a horrible job and people are dying because of it. She’s been slow to react (and all she does is react) she’s not been proactive at all. When Deval Patrick has to have a conference call with Baker because your wife is MIA, that’s a real problem.
Do us all a favor, ask her to resign so someone that knows what they are doing can take over.
Yea, Pete Marchetti? Not sure that’s much of an improvement.
The Dashboard while interesting is cursory at best. If you follow the link it is to the template that the city utilized. No real IT wizardry here but something is better than nothing. I would like to see articles from different departments. Example: Residents as you can well imagine with a limited staff street sweeping is being curtailed. Or the School department; numbers of families have been taking advantage of the lunch program. So far we have handed out 3 zillion sandwiches but not to worry we have more. Maybe a picture of the staff to show compassion and concern along with a smile. Or we will be taking advantage of the school closing to perform some spring cleaning we are getting a jump on it now as we have limited staff and have to maintain social distancing. You know reinforcement in a positive manner.
The Mayor should follow up with we are currently wading through the paperwork to see where we can leverage Federal and State disaster relief funds for both the municipality and for our business partners throughout the City. Our Economic development staff will be ready to assist you in XX days. What we know so far is you will need the following forms XX.
Yes the Cities website has links to press releases from all sorts of places. Lets get the jump on things by breaking them down into bits and pieces that people can use. Ask for content not press releases content from different various places within the community. We need to work together if we want to succeed.
Give us some leadership some hope a direction in which we can all pull towards.
Great comment, JP. Each department has been affected by this situation. Each department should be preparing and issuing daily or at least frequent reports. The examples you gave apply to ever city department. And yet, nothing. No leadership is going to kill the city.
Tell me Dan, how long exactly has the city been on life supprt? I would suggest since Doyle was mayor.
Good question. The phase was when GE left. Second Phase was from the early 90s to 2000, when the city, instead of aggressively marketing itself to new business and blowing business that wanted to some here (Spalding gold ball manufacturing facility, all but a done deal, until a small number of key people screwed it up for entirely selfish reasons), went into a fiefdom dome, a collection of small turf wars that set back the city for years. Phase Three came in the wake of the defeat of the Civic Authority. One of the factions became dominant and drove the city into ruin with overspending on special interests and overtaxing citizens, relentlessly, year after year. The current regime will likely spell the official death bell.
I think the first phase was urban renewal. This alone put a nail in Pittsfield’s coffin.
I agree – that was the biginnin of the end
My thought is this would be a two way street. The Mayor and the department heads need to become familiar with the issues that are happening to the residents as well as to the business’s within the city and the greater area. If they “the leadership team” is not out Daily via the internet etc. soliciting information and delivering information how can they or will they ever be able to quantify and qualify the damages? How can they mitigate for those damages? People’s lives will be forever changed. Some will be here some will not? Fact you have been to a restaurant for the last time. I am not certain what restaurant that is but some will be unable to reopen ever. How will they know what Federal and State programs they can or should pursue? The City will reopen at some point they may want to know what revenues to expect and from where they will flow.
It’s not hard to believe that they don’t know what to do, but it is so hard and bitter a pill to swallow to watch them demonstrate how little they care.
Great analogy. This isn’t Melville Street, which has for my lifetime and before a one-way road. This is East Street, with two-way, 24/7 … or should be. Instead, if you want two way, one has to go … where? Nowhere, that’s where. At least we have the Comment Line open and available. Want to communicate via The Boring Broadsheet? You have to download a form, fill out the form, and submit it to the editor. The mayor know she has an open invitation to share information at this address.
The two graphs seem to indicate that there are significantly fewer cases in Berkshire Co. than the rest of the state and that the highest concentration in the county is in Pittsfield. No surprises there considering population density.
The Berkshire Seagull says “Smitty” is looking to the Governor re: AirB&B oversight & temporary shut down / sighting; there is no ‘town’ government – uhhhhhhh, is not the Boards of Health / in conjunction with Select Board/ Building Inspectors/Police inclined/empowered to enforce health & safety protocol on behalf of the Commonwealth ? Is it not criminal to subject the public to biohazzard, I think it is ?
I suppose I do not know things that I thought I knew.
& what happened to Maze – the PLANET’S OG, LG ?
….There’s No Place Like Home ♡
Local Boards Of Health can shutdown any rental there is.
It is absolutely within their power especially during a health emergency. It’s been that was since Smitty was little and Polio was a thing.
It’s not criminal but they can incur fines as it’s a civil penalty, non criminal disposition. There may be criminal penalties but the fines of hundreds a day will do wonders.
I think Mayor Tyer is too busy looking for parking ticket revenue.
When Smitty is looking to the Governor, that means he’s looking for a cash handout to help with enforcement.
Step one would be post & publish an order.
Step two is peruse the market & get the addresses of the local listings. Three make a visit.
Re: the image in this edition about tenants & timely rent payments…. Printing on brightly colored paper don’t mean s@×% if there are spelling errors, like check twice & print once, otherwise hazzard yellow stock, might as well be white.
It is Richard Stanley. The Beacon Cinema Shyster.
Well he owns the company, I think Ms. Funk is his enforcer.
Awwwwwwwww…….. WHAT ! Vinegar
O, my Ggggh
It is a person named “Richard Stanley.” Can anyone confirm, as a fact, that it’s Richard “Mr. Beacon” Stanley?
Definitely the same guy.
So us Kapanskis paid for his flyers then.
On yellow stock too ! WTF! That’s critical yeller
Can’t help but wonder if the blonde meter maid gets off driving her little volt car with the lights flashing? Why was she way out on outer William Street this morning with her lights flashing. Maybe Lovely Linda has her checking dog licenses at Kirvin Park!
Tell me it’s Pixley
Miss the Maze, hope all is well for the Maze.
Driving on North Street this morning, you would think that there were hundreds of parked cars with dozens of scoff laws taking up spots for handicapped and blocking fire lanes.
Both meter maids were driving on the same side of the street both ticketing people in what is now a 5 free park grab and go. They weren’t more than four car lengths away and the two meter maids ticketed a car each.
They have a little routine, they see a car park, and just drive up or down north street, take linden, turn back around, then drive up the street again. It takes them five minutes and if the car is still there, it gets a ticket.
Instead of suspending all paid parking Mayor Linda Tyer has made it easier to catch parking scofflaws because they only get 5 minutes of parking.
It’s like shooting fish in the barrel.
Birx is predicting 100,000 to 200,000 deaths nationally if we do everything perfectly. Tyer needs to get her fanny in gear.
Pittsfield is now officially a shit show. Keep showing up N Y
It’s official folks, …… SHIT a, SHOW !!!
Tell her to do some more announcent over at pay. And bring your disinfectant. 3 27th wasn’t exactly a satanized version. Word has it certain personnel in the city is sick of certain elements. P R can you confirm sometime?
Some planes are larger and take more time to get airborne than others.
These mental health workers that work per diem need to get out and help our cops in the streets. My woman needs smokes and my man Trump ain’t deliverin the cash for a couple weeks
I have trouble believing Birx’s prediction, since after a full month of dealing with corona there have been approx. 2900 deaths in the U.S. If Fauci is predicting the peak in two weeks, the 100,000 deaths seems way overblown to me. I believe the death toll will be more like 50,000 at most. But by throwing a high number out there like 100,000 – and if the U.S. toll comes in substantially less, then it makes the government’s efforts look wildly successful.
I think Trump & his corona team are doing an outstanding job. Utilizing the hospital ships is brilliant. Hopefully businesses will reopen soon.
The cost of China
Photo in Italy 2014

For several years, Italians have received a steady diet of scare stories about everything made in China. Signs in the market halls, editorials in the papers, and word of mouth have delivered a clear message: do not buy “Made in China” items. For a country that prides itself on the quality of its local products, cheap imports from China are often demonized as inferior knock-offs—some 90% of fake ”Made in Italy” merchandise allegedly comes from China, and even staples like tomato sauce and olive oil are not immune. Beyond appealing to their national pride, consumers are warned that jobs—a rather scarce commodity in Italy—are also at stake.
But while Italian shoppers may be urged to shun Made-in-China products, many cash-strapped Italian entrepreneurs can’t afford to be as picky when they choose business partners. Ahead of Chinese prime minister Li Keqiang’s upcoming visit to Italy, local businesses are looking to strengthen ties with their Chinese counterparts. To encourage Chinese investment in Italian companies, publisher ClassEditori set up an online portal—, which means “sell to the Chinese”—that features all sorts of classified ads directed at Chinese investors. Advertisers list everything from real estate to consumer products to entire companies.
If anyone sees fritz or Pat I’d like to thank them for their knowledge of the current Presidents success. Like jobs and the stock market. Winning! I he big winner though are That’s SSDI and welfare rats.
What ? You doity rat ? WTF you tryinda say ?
Not sure what is going on but Hertz Car Rental on Dalton Avenue has a huge overabundance of rental returns. They have taken over the Elbow Room parking lot and it is packed full. Mass majority of vehicles have New York plates. Wonder if these are all New Yorkers that normally do not own a car because of living in New York and have driven to the Berkshires to take cover. Rather strange and a bit scary if that is what is going on.
This should be helpful for you to understand why. Nothing nefarious going on.
It’s because of the extreme number of cancelled reservations and travel plans, and consolidation of locations in response to the Covid19 crisis.
Auto Phil, thanks.
What,my parents rent a home here,what. It was your mayor who stated,’just come here,not for a job but he to live. Am I lying? Read it in the Sea Gull a few years ago.
Seagull baby…. bam ! McDonald’s French; fries it don’t gotta be the bay
James Taylor and wife just donated $350,000 to BMC to fight the virus. In other news, on a percentage of population infected basis Pittsfield (which really means Berkshire County) is #9 on the planet for COVID-19 infected.
That’s about what they gave the city for shot spotter.
That was very generous of them. I wish them well on the road they travel.
I agree with Barry Clairmont! This long-standing and trite “Blame Linda” meme is getting old faster than the spread of COVID19. Pittsfield was a sinking ship prior to 2016! Coronavirus is a global pandemic. Get real!
Speaking of getting old, get real !
Maybe Andy. Was, on to something?
Dan,I need your help,or Planites. I would like to know the name of the man who spoke at open mike at City Clowncil a few years or more ago. He stated this kind of pandemic was imminent.I believe it was around the time of the avian flu? Of course it probably fell on deaf ears, but the man said to stock up on supplies,like water,can goods and alike. I just want to personally thank him. Good day,peeps,and be safe.
Don’t know the name. Actually, with SARS, MERS, Ebola, bird and swine flues, plus other ones, a pandemic was a ticking time bomb. We narrowly avoided pandemics in the previous situations. You can bet that once COVID-19 is done, there will be another. Just a question of when.
Prior to the lovely Linda, it was 2015 in Pittsfield politics. There wasn’t much “(Be The) Change” over the past 5 years in Pittsfield! It is so utterly insane to “Blame Linda” when Pittsfield is still down on its luck.
Say Lovely Linda one more f* time…. I’ll show ya change Jonathan
Your bullying threats are part of the problems that plague Pittsfield! I support the lovely Linda because she is the opposite of bullies like you. She cares about people and Pittsfield!
Read my statement 2 more time….. no threat. You are living inside your head kid. I saw that pic of you w/ the 2 blondes…. keep dreamin
Do you have a head injury ?
I do.
For you and Linda Jon.
There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesale returns of conjecture out of a trifling investment of fact.
—Mark Twain
It’s freaks like Twain that give science a bad name. He’s not half the writer The Planet is.
Sheniah Twain, you got that right. Twaiiin. Sound off
I’m thinking of something like this: some finches in East BFE grow tougher beaks, ERGO, humans are descended from slime. QED.
Trump: “lamestream media”
I’m stealing that.
Who would not want to vote for Trump again, if only for the coinages?
It is the “Wuhan Virus” the jargon “Covid-19” was invented by the WHO to protect the Chinese who turned a local, tragic, epidemic into a world wide pandemic. Chinese students I know all refer to this as the “Wuhan Virus” since Wuhan is known for its open-air, meat markets that sell wild animals for consumption. The virus started there and ripped through the population killing thousands before the government acknowledged there was a problem. Trumps stupid statements were not close to as destructive as the policies of the communist party in December and most of January. There are now estimates by locals that the number of deaths were ten to twenty times the 2500 the Government claims.
Stay home and healthy everyone — and remember where this came from Wuhan, China.
Whu who? Who cares where it came from. China is involved for sure. Trump pissed em off and Change an is way ahead in the autopsy for the cure.
Unreal, the Wet Markets have reopened in China according to an article I read today.
Here ye, here ye! Lovely Linda recently posted on her Facebook asking a “special favor” of us residents. She wants us to download a picture from crayola, color it and send it to her. Priorities, priorities,priorities, now she can say she spoke to the City. Get coloring folks. How about having JIV get some schoolwork out to the children of Pittsfield. Personally, I would rather she keep her mouth shut from now on. How about working Mayor to get our first responders the protective equipment they are lacking. How about working to get more tests kits. How about calling off you meter maids, how about having the health department do their job. Wow, started the day with wacky comments from Bare Bare and ending with a request to color from our Mayor. We all wonder why Pittsfield is a mess. Have a good night folks, hope tomorrow is a better day. Stay healthy and safe.
Double puke
So if a 100g die in a he first wave,let’s do the math? 300 mil divided by 100gequals uh .003 percent. How many compared to a bad flu epidemic. What are ages,medical preexisting-conditions ETC. Locally,we have zero leadership. Failure from the top down. Feel bad for the first responders dealing with the tired and Buffett idiots roaming the streets.
You are joshing, right???!!!???
Dan, wish I could say I was joshing, but I am not. She is standing in her office, which by the way looks like a major cluster mess, (wonder what her two assistants do all day), she also states that adults that color are welcome. I somewhat agree with Be the Change, but I say triple puke. You couldn’t make it up if you tried. It has been a very trying day from the Clairmont/Tyer camp.
Try me, I’ll Try anything …. said the court appointed attorney….
As i said she can’t tell Corona from Crayola.
You’re hot today, G. What’d you do, watch the 2 hours of The Threee Stooges MeTV showed every Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.?
I will color & send !
A vomitatious request. Almost as bad as Jive wanting to buy thousands of computer for kids to learn at home.
Dan,I had to go to the expert from everything to water to the stock market, and concerning Corona. Very simple,distance,wash hands and even was cordial enough to hear some of my questions concerning many issues .
Who is the real advocate for Ward Six or the City,Moon,Tyer,Guiel…Persip? Yukie?We should have listened to him.
He stated to me we need to find out what Trumps hair is being held together by. That could be a possible cure. If you think about it, Trump and Tyre have the same Philosophy…. throw money at it. Just throw it! God Bless the Planet!
Here is another awesome tactic of Lovely Linda’s Administration. On a nice street off of Dalton Avenue with very little traffic, a father backed his car out of his driveway and placed it so his little kids could ride their bikes and play and not go in the road. Within a few minutes, City of Pits Blondie the meter maid showed up and gave him a parking ticket for parking in the wrong direction. Really? Is there some reason Lovely Linda will not call of the meter maids during this pandemic since North Street is basically empty why all of a sudden are these meter maids branching out? Saw her driving down my street the other day. Is the City hurting that much for money? Has Bowtie Kerwood been lying to us all about the excess monies he has accumulated? When this is over, and hopefully soon, the Mayor will probably be asking for new vehicles for the meter maids. Seriously, coloring and wandering meter maids, where are her priorities. Maybe she should concentrate on getting our police department protective equipment so more don’t get sick.
We need to find a vaccine for this Corona? Where’s Nuclea when you really need them.
Let’s spring Mr. Miaca out of the slammer and put his “genius” to work creating vaccines and tests … that don’t work.
Is that money going straight into someone’s pocket?
Our police are pretty good but man, you have to have special equipment in place nowadays to ensure their safety. Why would you put a trained experienced officer into something he-she has no control over,and in harms way? For one thing, we have to much invested and to few cops to begin with. Spend the money Linda, the police station can wait.
Disgusting. Enlightened cities are letting citizens park for free under the notion that, while there is encouragement for saying at home, those who do have to go into the city and park can do it at their convenience and not have to worry about bring gnawed to death by “Barney Fife” meter maids.
Good old Dagwood Kerwood.
Most likely an asshold neighbor called the cops and the dispatcher send the meter maid. A cop would have just asked the man to park in the right way, and played with the kids..
So McCandless wants to purchase 1,500 – 3,000 laptops for remote learning. Who’s paying for those? Will that expense come out of his budget? Aren’t the kids returning to class beginning of May?
How many elementary schools is he planning to close?
How about a little funny today? How do you make a napkin dance? …..put a little boogie in it.
Bogies wings, b o m b –
Yeah, and remember the several round of laptops The Kapanskis have purchased for The Children, going back many years. What’s happened to them? Some stolen and sold, some wrecked by rough handling, many just missing.
Was that the one someone was behind and her kids was involed
Vinegars don’t know the proper way to take care of things.
Maybe the people in charge of schools should have their brains quarantined for a couple of months. Why is spending huge amounts of money always the answer for these people? It never ends. It is the solution to every effing problem with these guys.
Let’s graciously assume that one third of the kids are actually in school to learn but that all of them get computers. What do you think will happen to the other two thirds of the computers?
Also, since the school system was feeding most of the kids lunch so they would not starve to death in the classroom, and now the parents need to pick yup the lunches, how many are bothering to do so? And how many kids are all skin and bones now because Mom did not go pick u the free school lunch?
Here is Pittsfield’s school budget from last year. Scroll down to page 64. There you will find how all the technology (pc’s, ipads, cromebooks, laptops) is allocated to the schools.
The computers is just the start. What will be put on them for software? Will it be purchased or licensed?
Who holds the franchise and or licensing fees? Will it be a Monthly fee? Yearly or an as launched fee? Who will determine the effectiveness of the application? Administration or the Teacher for that class? A curriculum director? Will the PC’s be able to reach anywhere on the web? Or will we need to buy a license for some sort of nanny program for each PC? Will each one have a web cam?
Just curious
Guv Baker – reopen the schools April 27th.
Schools use chromebooks, they have the license for the OS built in. Schools also use google classroom (again no license issues). All the application software, word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, again part of the google ecosystem and free.
The biggest problem is connectivity and data caps, the chromebook is mostly useless without internet access as is any form of distance learning.
Spectrum is offering free internet and install for students who don’t have internet but they are weeks out from doing installs.
Police Report,
Thanks I am not up on the schools computer infrastructure. is the software purchased as a one time purchase with connections to as many end users as needed? Is it incorporated or linked into the chromebook itself? Are the programs dynamic? to say do they have an AI component to them and “learn” the user and as the user becomes more knowledgeable/fluent the program becomes more challenging to keep the student fully engaged until they master the content?
Thanks also to the Cheshire cat it appears that the district has a large number of these laptops already.
Thanks for the info
I scream sandwiches for everyone,601157
It wasn’t me. Trauma of my long road to Peace….. babies don’t wanna be here !!!
Toast……… Burned !
My bad for my insecent presence, I quit tv 17 years ago
March 30, 2020
Hello Pat[rick Fennell],
If you are a big corporate PAC with a nice suite on K Street in Washington, D.C., then Richie Neal will respond to your concerns. Richie Neal writes our nation’s tax laws in the U.S. House of Representatives, and look at the following web-site to draw the obvious conclusions on what future generations will have to pay for after 3-plus decades of PAC-man Richie Neal on Capitol Hill.
Please keep up your good work fighting all of the state and federal politicians who tax, borrow, and spend our hard-earned money without conscience. Massachusetts is the #1 per capita debtor state government in the country. The tens of billions of dollars spent on Boston’s “Big Dig” will be for naught when its underground tunnels eventually submerge in to the ocean in the future. The “Big Dig” only leaks millions of gallons of dirty water everyday. Like Massachusetts’ high debt load, the “Big Dig” is a figurative ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
In closing, people like you and me are merely pawns. We can only sit there and watch the Richie Neal’s of the political world shakedown corporate PAC’s and continue to get re-elected while our national debt grows, and grows, and grows, and grows….
– Jonathan Melle
When the Big Dig was in its interminable stage, whenever we would visit Boston, we’d walk to our favorite restaurant in the North End. Crossing the dig, I would take a wad of cash and throw it in the big hole. That way I would eliminate the middle man. Project was estimated at $3 billion. Came in at almost $15 billion. Ah, what’s a few billion to the thieving magpies?
Hello Dan, (I am being sarcastic): The “Big Dig” project was government at its finest! Best wishes, Jon
Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other.
Oscar Ameringeri
Pittsfield made the New York Times list for metro areas with the highest rate of deaths related to coronavirus, but the Berkshire Eagle thinks the paper gots its numbers wrong.
The Berkshire Eagle says it is even worse!,601038
Saying Lovely Linda is redundant- & I don’t want to cause harm to you…. just meant it’s a high pitch noise “lovely” means something different to me. Peace
The Big Dig project…. the job was subbed out to some knuckle head – soil was excavated, hauled away by the ton, different soil was brought in, new trees were planted & then…. the new trees were watered with contaminated river water – that is a fact. Everyone still got paid & that is a cat in a bag.
30 days & a wake up.
4 boiled egg Monday’s & a wake up….
It’s like a death row pardon, 2 minutes too late….
10,000 spoons when all you need is a knife….
Man of my dreams & his beautiful wife….
A Pandemic quarantine when all you need is …. the right to travel freely in your country.
Mom, what’s it like to be free ?
The child may never know
Roll Change,
Change for Good,
Keep the Change.
Zucchini’s, Hot Dog Ranch and Roasted Garlic have all been caught serving people inside their establishments. I hope that they get severely punished. I love it when people think that the rules don’t apply to them. Then again welcome to America. Hooray for me and f**k you. This is why the COVID-19 crisis will go on for longer than the experts predict because too many people are still doing what’s best for them with complete ignorance to the greater good.
When the social distancing rules are relaxed, they should pull their liquor license for a duration equal to the stay home/stay safe order.
Last week I saw a group eating right in the middle of the restaurant at Hotel North after the ban. The very next night there were curtains up so no one can see in.
I’ve mentioned before the danger posed by our local troglodytes. And the stupidennials.
These are the ones we know about. But I bet if you knew the right people you could get a mulligan for such activity in Pittsfield, Ma.
Oh, how about GOBSIGigan, since golf courses are closed
Today’s MA Chinese Flu numbers, as reported in today’s Beagle;
Cases: 5,752
Deaths: 56
Mortality rate: .0097
Note: mortality rate may be lower due to fact that not everyone showing symptoms is being tested
Why would anyone go on the t v show where the host is blowing,picking the nose, and throwing it in a receptical near all the equipment. This is going on at a non essential facility while our Doctors are dying now all over the world.
You mean say Chinese Fru.
Trump so mishandled this China flu pretending it was not a threat after being told by media and the military it was a threat.All threats to the United States are reported in detail to the President with daily updated.He fd up and we can try to get to the bottom of this later.
How am I supposed to pick my nose if i can’t touch my face?
And is there such a human being who doesn’t touch his or her face?
There was. The headless horseman. The point was, don’t show up at a non-essential facility if you’ve got something. That clown is always coughing. He smoked for thirty years.
Does anyone know if Moon is back for the crisis as an RN.
She needs to be filling the pot holes on Oak Hill Rd.
Yeah a Real Nincompoop.
She might be an unrestricted free agent.
Read that she is sitting home trying to decide which sweatpants to wear and bragging on how many days she has not bothered to brush her hair. Would you really want her working on you if you were sick?
You really need to grow up. Please get out of Ma’s basement and do something productive. seriously you are complaining about Moon being a nurse?? you sit on here all day and whine like a little child now you are going after the people who are putting there lives on the line? Please tell me what you are doing to help? no don’t I know the answer
Excuse me, I need to grow up? I was just stating what Moon was saying on her own Facebook. Seems to me you are the one with a hair across your butt!
Anderson, not that I need to tell you but I will. I do not live in the basement with my Ma. But I do work for over 30 plus years for a Fortune 500 company that operates 24/7. Did you ever think that possibly the reason I comment is that the company I work for has always had an emergency plan in place and knows how to work through an emergency? Also, if you kept up with local news, Helen Moon no longer works as a nurse, she works at the DA’s office. So what have you done productive today? I have never seen you add anything important to this blog.
Ha. No, no I would not. It’s just deadly funny. Can we ask for her savior badge back?
Pulled the blinds up this new day only to see the blondie meter maid going slowly down my street. It was around 8:15a.m.. Live on a quiet street in the Cheshire Road area, just wondering what directive the Mayor has given her? Why is she canvassing neighborhoods, Don’t see any meters, but I do see yards and yards of torn up curbing and lawns. Mayor, how about sending out some DPW crews to repair the mess they made. Now, Chief Wynn states that he is going stir crazy, so he is reading a book to children online. If what the Mayor states is true and we have many officers testing positive with the virus, maybe the Chief could get in his City paid vehicle and help out a little. Maybe patrol the parks. Pee Pee Petie is trying to figure out how to have virtual meetings with the City Council. Why bother, none of the Councillors speak anyway during a meeting and Pee Pee Petie can’t say his famous words, “your three minutes are up”. JIV wants to purchase 3,000 laptops/tablets. You can go to any dollar store and purchase booklets on all subjects for all grade levels. I trust the city has copy machines, make up packets and send them home with the paid for lunches. Probably not the best but a heck of a lot cheaper than purchasing all this equipment for one months use. Or, have the teachers who are still getting paid make up work and hand it out. They could be picked up at the individual schools. Of course we also have the coloring project from the Mayor, hopefully we don’t have to purchase crayons now. Trust me , I am not against the coloring project or reading to the children. I think it is nice and is entertaining and should go on, but our so called “leaders” need to realize what their priorities are, get those straightened out and trust me there will still be time to entertain the children. As I said yesterday the City of Pittsfield is a 24/7 business. They should have had all these kinks in place, not be back peddling now. It is a bit late now but hopefully an Emergency Plan will be put in place for future situations like the one occurring right now.
so as to give the benefit of the doubt I checked out the “Dashboard” for Pittsfield that is the Mayor’s platform for information. Didn’t need to go far into to see that the number of “Recovered” is ZERO. The sight tracks cases since March 9 – no one has recovered ? No one ? That should tell all of us what we need to know about how far under water the Mayor is with this crisis. It’s easy to lead in good times, she has failed us…and each and every City Council member should resign in embarrassment – Do we really rely on Marchetti, White and Persip ? When his all started Marchetti jetted to FL – he is our number 2 in the City and bailed –
If they insist on handing out parking tickets then the meter maids should be sanitizing the parking kiosks frequently. Those things are a source of germs along with other touch screens. Gas pumps, the check outs at Target, etc. should be reprogrammed to stop requiring the user to answer dumb questions that aren’t necessary to make the purchase.
G E to lay-off workers in aviation sector for 90 days. Union fighting it with protests. Currently stock price sits at eight.Stay tuned.
You know…With absolutely no lack of parking spaces downtown…And like FB said the kiosks being one of the most touched things in the city…Wouldn’t suspending parking regulations and putting bags over those things be the most prudent thing to do for public safety. The city is admitting that a few quarters is worth more than the life of its citizens. The optics alone show what utter incompetency is in charge.
Adams put the holiday bags over meters, free parking every spot.
North Hampton, free parking in the decks and free parking on the street.
North Adams, no parking enforcement
Williamstown, no parking enforcement
Lenox, free parking, no limits or enforcement.
Pittsfield, still screwing over the citizens.
The vast majority of cities that I’ve canvassed or researched have offered FREE PARKING to citizens. Pittsfield is one of the few that wants to exploit its citizens. Think about it: If you own a car, you at least have SOME means. You are paying for it (or paid for it) and have to come up with all the costs — gas, inspection, license fees, insurance, repairs. This means that charging for parking — which, in a pandemic is the same as gouging for parking — disproportionately discriminates against those with means, however meager. Once again, the “leaders” only take care of the 1% at the tops and the horde of bums at the bottom.
Where is the rest of Berkshire city and town leaders…where are they?Lenox ?Stockbridge?Great Barrington? Lee?Sheffield?
Sheltering in place
Why aren’t the meter maids in the parks enforcing the “stay off the playground equipment” rules?
At Springside Park a parent and her kids ripped down the yellow tape and started using the equipment.
At Clapp Park they’ve torn down or trampled parks of the snow fence and kids and parents are routinely playing on the equipment.
Tell me why don’t you do it????? you complain constantly go and do something about it. Tell me how it goes. Make a citizen’s arrest. And please spare me the cleaver babble of an answer.
What did she know and when did she ignore it?
Are they still congregating at the lakes, Causeway and running track on Lake Way? Where is the health department?
Mayor Tyer – release the hospitalization data. How many Chinese Flu cases hospitalized currently and how many hospitalized to date.
Apparently some hospitalized are being sent to Hillcrest Commons. Include those numbers as well.
Hope someone can get some footage of the homeless folk at St Joes high school when they get there. That film will be worth a bundle at some point. I can see the headline. (not in the Eagle of course)
Please Mayor,please.Go to P CT V morning show,we’ll watch it for one day.
Hey Planet,do you still have your crayon box? I want to send a crayon photo to officer Coco
My wife has lots of Crayolas, so I’m well equipped to color a picture for the mayor!
There are very elderly people in Hillcrest Commons. How can they send ill virus patients there? Even if separated in a different wing of the building, that is NOT GOOD.
In America people are now calling it the Trump flu.
Only really stupid people are calling it that.
If your IQ hits 70 sell.
First responders being run hard. You guys are awesome. Thank you so much for all you do!!
Today Berkshire County has exceeded its ICU and CC units, all beds are full of COVID-19 patients and they have tried creating more beds but are not doing proper isolation.
They are moving patients but if there’s an accident or a gsw or anything else that patient is in trouble.
Thanks, RN. We are hearing disturbing anecdotal tales of the dire situation at BMC.
You know what just occurred to me …. perhaps Tyer has been tested ? … … … …
If it’s true, and she has the virus, she must immediately inform the public. Actually, she should issue a statement on her health, either way.
We see how ‘they’ shoulda, woulda, coulda – ‘they’ make the rules & they break the rules.
and Biden too