(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, MONDAY MARCH 30, 2020) — THE PLANET begins today with two charts with the kind of information the mayor of Pittsfield refuses to share with citizens and local media don’t care to publish. They are self-explanatory and give you some idea of the progression of COVID-19 in the city (first chart) and age group (second):
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ABORT THE MISSION — As the good doctor said, the virus — not politicians, scientists, or medical people — will determine the COVID-19 end game. Best guess at the moment is that the apex of the virus in the U.S. will occur in about three weeks. Hatch down the battens and all hands on deck.
One of the largest concerns of doctors, nurses, and technicians on the front lines has been supplies of personal protection equipment. Masks, gowns, gloves, and similar medical items have a high “burn rate.” They are meant to be disposable. The virus, however, has stretched supplies to the limit. You’ve heard the same stories as THE PLANET. Construction companies, building superintendents, dentists, home hobbyists — almost anyone who uses filtering masks — have voluntarily offered some of their wares. Still, it’s nowhere near enough. The world’s epicenter, New York City, is days away from running out of vital items. The virus has overrun the system.
Give all that, should abortion clinics be required to turn over their personal protective gear? Is abortion a “necessary” procedure or a “non-essential surgery?” The new rules have put all non-essential surgeries on hold. This should apply immediately to abortion. Some states, Ohio and Texas for example, have already prohibited abortion on demand. This should be done everywhere, across the board by federal order.
In his daily updates, NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo says the stands for the “protection of all life.” Shutting down the abortion mills will help do that by bringing more medical supplies into the COVID pipeline and saving the lives of babies who would otherwise be killed in the womb.
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NEW PITTSFIELD VIRUS: “TYER-19” — Someone remarked that North Street during COVID-19 looks deserted, dusty, and garbage strewn. Funny thing is that it looks that way almost all year round, without a pandemic.
The “pandemic” that wiped out North Street occurred long ago. Downtown was done in by a man-made virus caused by bad leadership. The latest version, TYER-19, has hit Pittsfield hard, especially the elderly, those on fixed incomes, and what’s left of the dying middle class.
Pittsfield was warned many times to take the TYER-19 infestation seriously, but The Suits and special interests hijacked the only realistic remedy by two times stealing elections. COVID-19 flourishes in those with suppressed immune systems. TYER-19 thrives in cities with suppressed civic participation, especially at election time. Symptoms of Tyer-19 include:
- Lack of money at the end of the month to pay bills.
- Unjustified and ruinous tax and fee hikes.
- Price gouging and other forms of theft, legal and otherwise. (See sign at left, filed under “Y” for “You know you’re in Pittsfield when … “).
- Routine maintenance ignored.
- A “vibrant and dynamic” influx of scums and bums, creeps and cheats, druggies and muggies.
- Fleeing of the young, the educated, and those with the means to leave.
- A school department controlled by incompetents and governed by the iron hand of an ignorant and entitled union.
There is yet no vaccine on the market for TYER-19.
Work is ongoing to find the cure, but it is not expected to be ready until the first Tuesday in November 2023.
The best advice from experts is to self-isolate, hydrate, exercise, and rest.
And at all costs avoid Tyler Street and North Street, especially after dark.
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WHERE’S LINDA? — If one ever needed proof that Linda Tyer is in way over her head, COVID-19 furnishes it. County executives, mayors, city and town managers, governors, and councils across the nation hold daily briefings.
They share the latest information, keeping their citizens up-to-date and reinforcing proper protocols. Pittsfield, however, has The Invisible Mayor who’s hiding scared. She’s in hibernation.
Where is she?
THE PLANET has a loved one who works as a home-care aid. This lovely young woman takes care of a number of elderly clients in their homes. It’s beautiful work, selflessly done and gratefully received. She told us yesterday morning that every one of her clients commented on the mayor’s absence. Where’s Linda? Is she at her la-de-da hideaway in Vail, Colorado? As THE PLANET‘s redoubtable Z-Agent Police Report notes, Tyer’s is not sharing the information her office receives from the various agencies that collect data for cities and towns.

Clueless young people are pictured Saturday at the skateboard park. Where are the parents? Where are the cops? Where’s the mayor?
It’s time for the mayor to get in front of the cameras and ink-stained wretches and level with Pittsfield about the situation.
What’s she hiding?
Why is she hiding?
Where is she hiding?
The photo of the young meatheads in the skateboard park (taken Saturday afternoon) perfectly illustrates the mayor’s indifference. In a city with effective leadership, that gathering would never be allowed. If it persisted, as it does daily at the skateboard park, skulls would get cracked. In Pittsfield, however, leadership doesn’t care about citizens. All they care about is themselves and their fat salaries and bennies. Ah, but you know that.
Each one of these hoodlums is defying rules on staying inside and social distancing. They will return to their homes, potentially loaded with the virus, ready, willing, and able to spread it to their families, friends, and loved ones. They can potentially infect large numbers of people given the exponential manner in which the virus spreads.
A shocking number of people in Pittsfield are defying the common-sense orders. The fact that Onota Lake is closed hasn’t stopped the loud, late-night partying. These beautiful spaces are being turned into trash dumps. Crowded causeways for dunderheads with fishing poles? Bust ’em. Send them home. Start getting serious.
Lives are at stake, Madame Mayor. Or don’t you care?
“Hypocrisy is the compliment vice plays to virtue” — Sir Tiberius Fruitjuice.
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You forgot one? Twenty Three Trillion…Locally 400 mil plus OPEB
Planet. In your heart of hearts!, you knew something bad was going to happen in this Country with this Presidents’ day to day nonsense,you knew it!
Brace yourselves….stimulus package number #4 is already being worked on, and the ink hasn’t dried on #3!
Now Pelosi wants to rollback the cap on SALT deductions retroactive to 2018 – benefitting millionaires like herself!
Is the Mayor lawfully required to tell the public of a Corona infection? Is Dews being paid? What exactly does she do?
Nada Mucho