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(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION MARCH 13-5, 2020) — Who does Kufflinks Kerwood think he is?

Before we answer, a quick note on the mayor’s press conference yesterday. The Lovely Linda was especially incoherent in getting out late word about COVID-19. You may have heard about the virus.

Consider this gem, so gummy that iBerkshires featured it in its coverage:

It [Pittsfield’s COVID masterplan] allows us to be nimble and responsive as circumstances require this declaration also triggers the establishment of a unified command that will be comprised of senior level city officials, for the purposes of tracking monitoring planning and executing.” She’s clearly in over her head, and it appears it took a “what-the-hell-of-a-shit-shaking-outfit-you-running-out there?” phone call from the governor’s office to get the mayor out of the bunker to face citizens. Seems the guv’s people read Wednesday’s PLANET or something such radical action. The Staties weren’t too happy with The Beautiful Berkshires being the Comonwealth’s corona hot spot and the mayor acting like it’s groundhog day, not seeing her shadow. THAT’s why the mayor didn’t announce the governor’s visit. The woodshed might be a useful place, but it doesn’t clean up too good. So you can thank this humble web site for forcing at least a semblance of action out of Her Honor.
At the shaky press conference, the mayor announced the city’s “preparedness planning team” — Director of Administrative Services Roberta McCulloch-Dews,  Fire Chief Thomas Sammons, Police Chief Michael Wynn, Director of Finance Matthew Kerwood, Superintendent of School Jason “JIV” McCandless, Health Director Gina Armstrong, Commissioner of Public Services Ricardo Morales, and Brian Andrews, president of County Ambulance.” You’ll notice that there’s not one doctor — not Jim Kildare, Marcus Welby, or Josef Mengele — in this lively bunch. Makes you feel a whole lot better about the city’s response to the situation, doesn’t it? After the press conference, the mayor returned to the bunker for a screening of “The Story of Oil Lubrication.”

Now back to the matter at hand.

The question THE PLANET asks in the first line applies to The Lovely Linda as well, because they don’t think robbing Pittsfield taxpayers of $10 million to $14 million is a big deal — a total Kerwood said “is not a lot of money.” Can you believe he said that?

Yes, we know. You can.

That total represents the difference between the initial estimate of upgrades to waste water treatment plant and the actual amount — another rape of Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski. That $10- to $14 million comes from taxpayers. Keeping that amount in a slush fund is the same as a merchant keeping the change when you overpay.

With that said, the following guest column by Mary Tully gives us the play by play.

———- ooo ———-



There was some big news in Pittsfield last week.  Governor Charlie Baker visited to celebrate the opening of the Berkshire Innovation Center and announced a grant to Pittsfield of $275,000 in Gateways Housing Rehabilitation funds to address aging housing stock.

While the news media was distracted by these events, residents and taxpayers were being ignored by City Hall.  

City Finance Director, Matt Kerwood, responded to a petition requesting a water rate reduction, during last Tuesday’s City Council meeting.  The end result was… Pittsfield residents will continue to be over charged for the waste water treatment plant upgrades.  

Back in April of 2018, the Pittsfield City Council approved $74 million in capital spending for upgrades to the waste water treatment plant.  Later that year, in November, the City set the water rates based on the calculations of Russell Consulting.  Per the Berkshire Eagle article of 11/20/18:  “Finance Director Matt Kerwood said a rate study conducted by Russell Consulting found the increases would bring in enough to cover operations of the city’s wastewater treatment plant, costs associated with the upgrade, regular maintenance and would build reserves for future wastewater expenses.”  

That statement is very important because this is the first time in history that Pittsfield paid a consultant, an expert in municipal waste water treatment plants, to calculate all the revenue needed to 1) operate the waste water treatment plant, 2) pay for the debt service on the plant upgrade 3) include costs associated with on-going maintenance and 4) build reserves for future expenses, i.e. build retained earnings.  The consultant calculated the expenses and requirements for the next 7 years and came up with the following increase structure BASED ON A $74 MILLION UPGRADE PROJECT COST:

FY 2019 increase of 50%

FY 2020 no increase

FY 2021 increase of 15%

FY 2022 no increase

FY 2023 increase of 12%

FY 2024 & 25 no increase

The Eagle article went on to quote the mayor “By the end, the total bill for a household with two toilets — which makes up the majority of the unmetered households — the bill will go from $247.69 annually to $466.69 annually.”

After the rates were set and imposed in January 2019, a couple weeks later, iBerkshires reported that the upgrades to the waste water treatment plan will cost $13 million less than expected.  A $61 million contract was awarded to Methuen Construction.  The iBerkshires article stated “Now that the bids came in less than anticipated, Tyer said the administration is going to revisit that rate study and adjust its plan accordingly. The contract was awarded on Thursday and Tyer said it will take some time for the administration to determine exactly where rates will have to be to cover the cost.”

Throughout 2019 and the FY 2020 budget session, the administration never recalculated the water rates, based on a 17% lower project cost.  Instead, the water bills continued to be issued with the frontloaded 50% increase and we the rate payers continued to pay rates based on $74 million project cost.

In December 2019, the City Council submitted a petition to the Mayor requesting that the water rates be adjusted based on the lower project cost.  Responding to the petition in front of the City Council last Tuesday, Finance Director Matt Kerwood was reluctant to offer any adjustment to the rate even after admitting that the debt service is $60 million and not the $74 million as originally estimated.  Director Kerwood stated “We are not talking about $20 to $30 million, we’re really only talking about $10 to $14 million which really isn’t a lot of money.  So we stand by the recommendation in the rate study”.  Contrary to Director Kerwood’s opinion of what is a lot of money, I think $10 to $14 million IS A LOT OF MONEY.

Imagine if you contracted a project to replace your roof and financed it based on a $20,000 quote.  You begin your payments and after a few days the contractor tells you; “Hey great news!”  The wood is in good shape and doesn’t need to be replaced so the job will only cost $17,000”.  Can you imagine the contractor refusing to adjust your payments and telling you “It really isn’t a lot of money.”

So, the Tyer administration publicizes the reduction in the project cost and states that the rates would be revisited and adjusted accordingly during an election year.  Then after the election, they refuse to adjust the rates while admitting there is a significant savings in the project cost.  

The water and sewer is an enterprise fund, it is not necessary to build up huge reserves.  If the operating costs and other expenses are more than anticipated, the city can raise the rates to cover the added expenses. Plus, let’s not forget that the Consultant, the EXPERT already included a sufficient buildup of reserves based on $74 million.

I would like to thank Councilors Connell, Morandi, Persip and Maffuccio for advocating for the rate payers during the meeting.  

———- ooo ———-

THE PLANET agrees with the kudos for Connell, Morandi, Persip, and Maffuccio. They stood for the people, not against them the way the Administration did. We also thank Mark Tully for this analysis. THE PLANET is open to everyone for comment and for full-length guest essays.

Have a great weekend, everybody.


“We don’t have political parties in the United States. We have factions”Gore Vidal.



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5 years ago

Dr. Vinny Boom Botz was there but he was a little late.

Acute Angina
Acute Angina
5 years ago

We all know who was was warning us about water and sewer rates.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
5 years ago

As I sit in front of my computer, not allowed to go to work because I associated with a person who is now in voluntary quarantine, I can’t help but think of the failures of our government on all levels. I associated with a hospital health care worker who came in contact with a patient who eventually tested positive for COVID-19. My friend was exposed because we triage patients based on apparent symptoms. We have to triage because we do not have enough testing capability. The US, the richest country on the planet, with the best health care money can buy, does not have enough capacity or is unwilling to subcontract corona virus testing. South Korea is testing more people per day, than the US can test in a week. So, our answer is to quarantine these healthcare workers for 2 weeks and if there are no symptoms they can come back to work to aid more people in need of care. If anyone is watching Italy, the US is following down the same path.

With that said, Dan, thank you for publishing my commentary. The topic seems to pale against the current crisis at hand, but you knitted it masterfully within the fabric of the corona emergency. Let us not forget, that the “team” leading this “Pittsfield State of Emergency” is the same team that will take as much as they can from the taxpayer on water and sewer rates.

We are in trouble…

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Mark Tully
5 years ago

Matt Kerwood likes to build up reserve accounts, which are really his slush funds to give away Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski’s hard-earned money to the Lovely Linda’s out-of-town millionaire friends and special interests. I want to be Matt Kerwood’s “friend”! I will donate to the Lovely Linda’s campaign and then pitch a (silly) “economic development” project in Pittsfield, then I will take Matt Kerwood out to lunch and buy him a few drinks, then I will hold my hand out for some slush fund money. (sarcasm): I want to make food packages for our nation’s new Space Force on PEDA property because (more sarcasm): PCBs don’t cause cancer in outer space. I will flatter Matt Kerwood’s by telling him that his creative accounting methods are the stuff of financial genius.

Pittsfield politics is a shakedown operation! But, so is every other layer of government. Massachusetts state government has 3 fiscal years of billion dollar surpluses, but last week the State House still voted to raise taxes and fees. Capitol Hill is running trillion dollar federal budget deficits for at least the next decade, while the stock market has been tanking instead of President Trump’s (false) promise of GDP growth to sell his tax cut policies.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

How much did Matt say we saved on snow plowing and sanding this year? Was this the lowest snowfall ever recorded in Pittsfield? Or did we still manage to blow out the budget somehow?

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Go Johnny! Excellent post. A little green palm grease works well if you want in.

4 years ago

Shameful and despicable – both the loathsome mayor’s press conference after she crawled out from under her rock, and the water and sewer screwing. And how much did we pay the consultant and why were the increases chosen for certain years and not others? Does Tyer inspire confidence in you? Nimble? Unified Command? Puke, double puke. If I survive, I’m selling my overtaxed abode and heading south. The shelves in Pittsfield will be empty of lube soon because us Kapanskis keep getting screwed.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

So far the only things our local government administration has done is Jack and Schidt…and Jack has left the building.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

I just read that testing for the virus in Mass. (as most of the country) is scarce and hard to come by. So the reality is that we could be swimming in infected people and not even know it. Apparently no one from the hospital or mayors office thinks we deserve to know that.
So once again, despite the mayors attempt as reassurance, you need to know that except for first responders your fate is pretty much in your own hands. The less contact you have with people and contamination hotspots like door handles and super market shopping cart the better chance you have.

Mr. Fritz
Mr. Fritz
4 years ago

Poor choice of words by the mayor – “tracking monitoring planning and EXECUTING” – just like North Korea, where the infected are lined up and shot? Words matter!
The lesson in all of this is – don’t depend on the government!
Great column Mark Tully. Pittsfield citizens need to keep the issue front & center until recalculations are done!

The school committee
The school committee
4 years ago

A failed President.When you surround yourself with morons so you are the smartest moron in the room.I remember a solid cautious thoughtful Republican party.Now we have a party of ignorance.Why are thoughtful smart people caught up in this fools ideas.Many of you need to admit a mistake and move on.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Trump and Pence are still saying that test kits are widely available while doctors, hospitals and governors can’t find them. Some obtained in California were incomplete and useless, Which of these people is lying?

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Obviously a rhetorical question.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Our president would certainly never lie.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

They continue to lie to the American people and the very people who put him in charge.And those who continue to believe him allow the lies to continue.If only Trump could just come out and say he fd up there would be 330 million people on his side.He cant do it.And it needs to be done.

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Still waiting for all of the bright ideas from the Democrats who opposed Trump’s early ban on travel from China because it was racist and are doing the same on his now banning travel from Europe because “the virus is already here”. Both criticisms are stupid and dangerous. Even Democrat DeBlasio of New York supports the Presidents ban on travel from infected Europe. Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer want to fight President Trump’s ban on European travel while Pelosi loads the corona virus bill with endless far left ideas like taxpayer funded abortion. The Democrats have put so much time and effort into climate change saying this is the big danger facing the world and what will kill the most people, but as we are seeing the real enemy is these types of viruses. Neither party has been worried about the fact that we get so much of our medicine from China which is another really stupid idea. Preparing for these types of events is the responsibility of both parties. The endless partisan fighting and investigations represents time that would have been better spent preparing for these types of events.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Nobody believe anything you or Trump says anymore but the cult.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

Ha, ha.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

So I just read on some BHS site that if you live in Berkshire County you cannot visit patients in the hospitals? Did I get that wrong? If true what is the hidden message in that?

Police Report
Police Report
4 years ago

Mark, as always an excellent article. I am thankful there are people like you keeping your eye on the ball.
It’s almost a full time job and only made harder when other more pressing events obscure the mundane realities of tax and fiscal policy.
We will recover from the Coronavirus, we might not be so lucky recovering from Mayor Linda Tyer.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

Thank you PR – I’ll try. I like your informative posts. Keep them up!

4 years ago

Charlie Baker taking over the corona virus in this area is great news. We can’t let a large virus cluster form in this area. Also interesting that Baker’s office reads this site. Good to know for the many times when our local government here makes us all cry out “HELP US”.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

And Charlie Baker is wondering where in the hell the test kits promised by Trump and Pence are. The best way to keep the numbers low are to not test. And Trump wants to keep the numbers low. Read between the lines.

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

This is just as much the fault of the Democrats as President Trump. The Democrats have been preparing for climate change killing us all for years, but no prep for anything like this? Unbelievable. That said, President Trump has kept the numbers down with his keeping China travel and now European travel out of this country, but the Dems will focus on the kits to try and win 2020. President Trump has done the right thing with the travel bans all the while being called a racist. Unbelievable!!!

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat, why hasn’t Trump been tested? Does he not realize that he could be spreading the corona virus regardless of whether or not he is showing symptoms?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Harrison
4 years ago

He has been tested as have his entire cabinet and security detail.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

But not for sanity.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Fair rebuttal

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Test Biden

Reply to  Dementia Joe
4 years ago

I’ve fallen and can’t rebut

Reply to  Harrison
4 years ago

The truth is that if everyone demanded a test, the medical system would be overwhelmed. People need to get permission from their doctor first and describe their symptoms before getting a test. He probably has had a test many times since he is the president.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

We are not talking about venereal disease pat.

Dementia Joe
Dementia Joe
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Are we testing Clinton?

Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The Democrats were the ones that slashed the CDC budget and let infectious diseases experts go!

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

The govenors took charge with Trump missing from reality.So freaking bizzar

Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

very fake news

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

How many times have you heard “Honesty is the best medicine”? All these highly paid politicians, who us taxpayers pay their salaries can seldom speak the truth. Why are they not telling us the truth about the coronavirus in the City? They are not even in tuned to the fact that they are all giving us different information. WE deserve to have honesty from all them. Still wondering why Lovely Linda did not mention in her press conference that Baker was coming to town. Why? If it was a surprise visit, why was all the media cameras set up much earlier than his speech? Strange that they all knew, but us residents did not. Lovely Linda was white as a sheet and looked totally uncomfortable during his speech. Why? Was she embarrassed, I doubt it, was she angry, probably! She fed us lies during her campaigning, so I guess honesty is not part of her agenda. Now, this is quite upsetting, according to local sites, Shitsfield is completely out of toilet paper! They are now suggesting baby wipes. Wait until people start flushing all those down the toilet, there goes our sewer system. Noticing that other cities are setting up drive thru testing sites. Maybe Bare Bare can set one up at Cumbies on First Street!

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Excellent post. The clueless leaders leaving the taxpayers clueless is the goal.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Whaddaya mean Merry? We have unified command and we’re nimble, vibrant, dynamic, and collaborative. You are just being negative. And city has a website and you can sign up for Corona updates.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

You can be either part of the solution or part of the problem. And if you are part of the problem you need to get the hell out of the way and let the professionals handle it. Unfortunately, professionals are in short supply in Pittsfield as the last several years attests to. Nimble is not going to cut it this time.

4 years ago

What a breath of fresh air Governor Baker was. His speech was clear, concise, coherent, and demonstrated a calming demeanor that sadly has been missing on those steps for awhile. Of course, Tyer came across as angry and many people I spoke with seemed confused about her “not leaving the Berkshires” comment. Perhaps with the state stepping in some of our local leaders will be more apt to step up and keep the public informed, although I won’t hold my breath.

Reply to  Hendrix
4 years ago

Does that mean Tyer won’t be leaving the Berkhires for a change??????

4 years ago

“Don’t Panic.”- Douglas Adams

Benigno Numine
Benigno Numine
Reply to  Info
4 years ago
Reply to  Info
4 years ago
Iso Man
Iso Man
4 years ago

The incompetence of BMC/BHS may end up killing people with this thing. Can’t even access the BHS patient portal. Gotta re-sign up. Email comes back as undeliverable. Left voice message yesterday, but no call back as of late this morning.

Call my doctor–please hold . . .

Baker/Tyer did what exactly?

What to do? Whom to call? Can’t get tested anyway, I’d imagine.

Went to BHS pulmonology office and told them of my travel to France and symptoms of coughing, coughing, coughing, chest congestion, etc.–wouldn’t even order a chest X-ray. I did not have a fever.

“Take the prednisone the doctor gave you before.”

On my own, I guess.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Heard from a friend today that a Pittsfield citizen had to have emergency stomach surgery a couple of days ago and is currently recovering in ICU. He also has coronavirus patients near him in ICU. Scary, I just hope he does not catch the virus on top of his current serious medical issue. I just hope no one has to go to BMC for anything. The State needs to take over the running of this hospital. Scary and uncalled for.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

BMC Bekshire Murder Center

Reply to  Iso Man
4 years ago

Here’s the reality – test or not test, there is really no treatment for Infuenza, or Corona. There is no vaccine for Corona. Rest, stay home, drink, take Nyquil/Dayquill, etc. If you get pneumonia, go to hospital.
Not much treatment for that either. Antibiotics don’t work and the Chinese are threating to cut USA off of all medical supplies and drugs, including antibiotics. and USA has had it’s head up it’s butt so long we are screwed if China does so.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Iso Man
4 years ago

BHS is not well run to begin with. Most other orgs have sent out texts or emails to registered patients months ago saying that if you had symptoms call first and they would triage. Many places had PODs outside the main hospital for screening to prevent the hospital getting contaminated. I think Linda got a dressing down from the Gov over the lack of planning. I also think the BHS administration has a lot to answer for. The lack of access to health care on a good day is a huge problem (Re PR comments) and that is related to the State’s demographics and the Berkshires being poor. Maybe Baker owns that along with the local leaders.

4 years ago

As Rush is reminding his audience today, Barack Hussein Obama was in office during the H1N1 epidemic in 2009-10. After 60 million in the U.S. were infected, 1,000 citizens died, and 300,000 were hospitalized – only then did Obama declare a national emergency. Schools did not close, major sporting events were not cancelled, the world continued to turn.
Stay calm & carry on.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Limbaugh, as always, offering some much needed perspective and corrective to the media crapola.

Swine flu? 2009/2010? 60 million infected, 300,000 hospitalized, 17,000-18,000 dead.

Don’t remember it? Why?

Barack Hussein Obama.

Obama did declare a state of emergency–after 1,000 deaths in the US!!!!!

But he was great, competent, presidential, science-based, nice-looking guy, “he’s clean, articulate.”

Trump? not.

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Did not see other post before I posted. But can’t say it enough for some people.

“Facts are stubborn things.”

–Josef Stalin

40 total deaths in the US as of this morning, 26(?) in one nursing home in Seattle.

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

I believe it was John Q Adams that said that

Edward R. Murrow
Edward R. Murrow
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

CNN and other media buried the swine flu thing to protect Obama.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

In 1918 while the Spanish flu was ravaging the world CNN never mentioned it once. Why?

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

Hmm, CNN and others will be all over this today. Almost governor of Florida.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
4 years ago

This current COVID-19 crisis is exactly why not having Boston TV stations available to us in Berkshire County is unfair to the residents. Did you know that Governor Baker announced at noon that the State received much needed personal protective equipment yesterday and trucked it overnight to Berkshire Medical Center? Governor Baker also stated the State can only test up to 200 people per day, but it will increase by next week. Massachusetts DPH will also post online starting Wednesday how many people are tested, confirmed or tested negative daily. Here is the link

Also you can stream some Boston TV stations now

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Mark Tully
4 years ago

Thank you Mark. Very helpful.

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Did the mayor close the schools? Rumor or fact. Inside info only?

Two Cents
Two Cents
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Pittsfield schools closed until March 30th….Following a gathering ban by the governor

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Mayor doesn’t close the schools, the superintendent does.
Pittsfield schools are closed until March 30th with a re-evaluation to see if the closing needs to be extended

Reply to  Johnny Dimentia
4 years ago

Schools shut down all over county for next two weeks minimum

4 years ago

Does the mayor inspire confidence in you that city has a handle on Corona?

Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
4 years ago

I got a handle on a Bud. Anybody that drinks Corona is nuts.

Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
4 years ago

She used to use a Smith Corona typewriter!

Hell Toupee
Hell Toupee
4 years ago

Did Baker have to stop in Westfield and hold the republican mayor s hand?

4 years ago
Reply to  Blare
4 years ago

Planites…Today is Friday….the 13th….

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
4 years ago

Catholic Churches are closed in the diocese of Springfield.

Ussume the posish
Ussume the posish
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
4 years ago

are these broadway shows closed around here.

Matt Changmaker
Matt Changmaker
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
4 years ago

Close all grocery stores. And watch Gunsmoke,the Virginian and Mountain Men bedpfore night night.

Matt Changmaker
Matt Changmaker
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
4 years ago

I was watching the news and Worcester ma had a 2.5 million dollar snow emergency give back. This has been a really mild winter here in Pissfield. What are the numbers?

Johnny Dimentia
Johnny Dimentia
Reply to  Matt Changmaker
4 years ago

Pittsfield went over budget because it had to hire a consultant to help decide which streets to plow and at what depth to set the plow blade. There were also concerns about what radio station should be playing on the big trucks during the heavier snowstorms. And lots of overtime was paid to employees to separate the salt out of the sand. And then some money had to be diverted to the brewery account to buy exotic malt mixtures. Matt says it was a typical budget (for Pittsfield)

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Matt Changmaker
4 years ago

The difference is Worcester actually budgets snow removal and does not use it as a Kufflinks slush fund.
Communities can go two ways on this, build up the snow removal budget over time to approach actual costs or know that you can over spend it, and ignore the costs thereby hitting taxpayers with a huge bill.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Chuck Vincelette
4 years ago

This current COVID-19 crisis is exactly why not having Boston TV stations available to us in Berkshire County is unfair to the residents. Did you know that Governor Baker announced at noon that the State received much needed personal protective equipment yesterday and trucked overnight to Berkshire Medical Center? Governor Baker also stated the State can only test up to 200 people per day, but it will increase by next week. Massachusetts DPH will also post online starting Wednesday how many people are tested, confirmed or tested negative daily. Here is the link
Also you can stream some Boston TV stations now

4 years ago

Can anyone confirm that one (or two) of the people that recently tested and are presumed positive are substitute teachers that travel to various schools? The other is supposedly a shared psychologist for some of the schools

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

I question if the Taconic High School state championship game cancellation was necessary. The game was to be played in Worcester. Other than family and a few friends not many Pittsfield people would be in attendance. I’ve seen this before. I have attended championship games in Worcester in the past. Taconic players and coaches have played for 1, 2, and 3 years for the honor and pleasure of playing in a game like this.. It would have been a lifetime memory for these young athletes. Win or lose a championship game is never forgotten by those who participate in it. They talk about it for 50, 60, and 70 years. A game like this has college scouts watching. It means scholarships. I doubt if an additional 2 days would have amounted to anything if game was allowed. Walking down North Street, up street, downtown, or whatever you want to call it is probably more hazardous. Now these kids, our kids, have to be satisfied with the nonsense of a non-played co-championship.

Thomas More
Thomas More
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

I agree Chuck. If necessary all three Berkshire teams could have played without any fans of any kind. Players two refs and a couple of scorekeepers. Maybe they could let the cheerleaders in too. Wherever those kids go tonight will be more risky than playing a basketball game.

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Let them play, let them play. let them play! Chuck, once again you put life in perspective.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

Thanks, Johnny, If the people who make these decisions think kids this age are going to sit home and watch television until this blows over then we need new decision makers. As Thomas said game could have been played without fans. Isn’t it better for youngsters to run, jump, and exercise than to cancel all their activities? A state championship game has been cancelled two days before the game.. Who would have thought?

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Tom was right about the kids possibly finding themselves in a situation in the downtime since they are going to be out and about anyway. Now they have to play the game in their minds of what could have been.

Joe Blow
Joe Blow
4 years ago

“The country is fighting through a crisis, and we have to sit here and watch some lib journos ask snide, BS gotcha questions during an otherwise essential press conference
These journos are a disgrace, they are not trying to help the country, and are worthy of contempt”—@BuckSexton

Reply to  Joe Blow
4 years ago

I agree. These reporters are just nasty. They claim to care so much about the American people, but they care more about their political ideology.

Reply to  Joe Blow
4 years ago

The media steering the narrative in such a manner of hate to score political points is so sad and a detriment to social civility during this crisis.There is enough blame to go around to each and every political leader at every level.

Police Report
Police Report
4 years ago

DA Andrea Harrington wasting no time in giving immunity to women in the Carnevale shooting case. These are both women that helped orchestrate the shooting by getting Carnevale to go.

“ Tatro, who asserted her Fifth Amendment rights during a pretrial hearing last week, was granted immunity from the Berkshire District Attorney’s Office in exchange for her testimony.”
She lured Carnevale there to make her on again off again boyfriend jealous.

Amy Gates, who was with one of the defendants at the scene, appeared in Berkshire Superior Court on Friday and invoked her Fifth Amendment privilege against testifying in the trial of Kevin Nieves and Daquan Douglas.

Prosecutors are seeking to provide another witness with immunity in exchange for their testimony at the trial two of the four men charged in the August 2018 shooting of Nick Carnevale.

The DA has a victim and other corroborating witnesses but she’s handing out immunity to two women who were part of the crime.

Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago


4 years ago

Senate Democrats obstructed passage of bipartisan legislation which would address the shortage of respirators. Dirtbags!

4 years ago

Outstanding press conference today by Trump and those working on defeating the virus. Stock market rallied.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

It would have been genius if he held it 2 weeks ago.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  The school committee
4 years ago

2 months. America had the chance to get a huge leg up on the testing as the virus started on the other side of the world and took 6 weeks to get a foothold here. If we had started testing in the very beginning we might have corralled it. But here we are, as other countries are peaking, still hoping to begin serious testing. A monumental failure on so many levels.
I did watch another Trump press conference where Trumps wimpy lapdogs heaped false praise on him in an effort to prop up the paper presidency. If you lose a family member or two you can thank Donald Trump and his wimpy nutless sycophants as you kneel by the grave.
I expect to get forty negs on this post but sadly, two weeks from now, those people will feel differently.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Did Trump overrule the Democrat leadership or the Deep State that call the shots for everything else? Did every liberal outlet run stories for months saying “the flu is the real danger” as a favor to Trump? The government came up with its pandemic plan at least 20 years ago and Trump followed the experts’ advice: 1) avoid panic as long as possible 2) dispose of the corpses

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

The far left just wants to win the 2020 election giving them total government control over the people with their socialist/communist policies that they and the media are in on. Playing politics with a deadly virus is totally normal for them, but disgusting to the rest of us.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Withholding testing during a pandemic should be disgusting to you. That was our first line of defense. Too late now for that. The rest of the world wishes they had the warning America had and cannot believe we blew it so badly.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Nobody is withholding testing. The system in place was not effective for a large pandemic like this. President Trump has created a new, faster, and better system.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Too funny

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Pat it is a must you turn the Fox station off.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

So stupid

Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

What was the Swines fatality rate and why didn’t the demoncrats crucify Obama over his failure to wait almost a year before declaring a public health emergency? And why is there such a panic and run on stores now, not just for hand sanitizer and the like but water, toilet paper etc, and why is it the governments job to feed little Johnny breakfast and lunch when school is out? And Barrett and Smitty want to give free cash to people affected and the idiot Tulsi want everybody to have $1,000. Vote crazy Bernie or Crazy Joe and you’ll be as foolish as a fool can be. Vote Trump and you might get WWIII or bankruptcy.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Edward R. Murrow
4 years ago

COVID-19 is more like H1N1 of 1918 when there was no built up immunity, no vaccine.
So if you want to offer a comparison between mortality rates, please use similar situations.

“It is estimated that 0.001 percent to 0.007 percent of the world’s population died of respiratory complications associated with (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first 12 months the virus circulated.“

Whereas we are looking at 2.4-4% mortality with COVID-19.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

but considerably higher for older compromised people 15-18%

4 years ago
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Or just watch Tyers’ briefing on Corona where she introduces her A team.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

Kerwood was standing right behind her with a WTF look on his face. And I agree, why was she dragging the treasurer in on it? Or the police chief? All one more big typical Tyer dog and pony show to blow toxic smoke up the peons arses.

4 years ago

The President has declared Sunday March 15th a national day of prayer for our country.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

will he be praying to the money Gods?

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

In all fairness, Show me a politician who doesn’t put money and power first. The politicians are One party,Two brands and have Several marketing schemes to gain, retain and keep the power and money, that means more to them. Both sides play the game.

4 years ago

Dementia Joe is the Democratic frontrunner? You’ve got to be kidding! He hasn’t a clue……

Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

Joe’s an idiiot, and always has been, even before he lost his mind. Bernie’s effin nuts and always has been. Trump’s a fraud and a phoney and always has been, but he’s doing a good job and has a good veep. Joe will be sure to pick someone based soley on gender or race. Trump’s your only choice unless you want American to be pushed over the cliff.

Reply to  JohnnyTwoCents
4 years ago

Damn straight Johnny. His virtual town hall lasted 5 minutes until he walked out of camera view and it was shut down. Will be do better against Bernie tonight.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

Thomas More and I had an exchange a few posts back. Right on target, Thomas. College kids are free from classes and many of them are heading for Florida for their annual spring break celebration. This is a gathering of thousands in different southern locations. Anyplace the sun shines. The idea is boy meets girl and girl meets boy. Why else would they go? I wonder if they won’t hug and kiss because of coronavirus. I think I know the answer to that one – who doesn’t ?. I know bureaucrats want to appear to be on top of this but it is possible they are making things worse with a national shutdown, or locally a phony co-championship like what just happened to Taconic basketball players.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

You control what you can and I’d bet spring break will be pretty tame this year.

Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

There’s no stopping these kids who want to have these gatherings to party. They will also share drinks, bongs etc..along with themselves. The will is to strong.

Life itself is Risky. Plenty of time to be safe in the grave. We are Alive Now!!! Carpe diem.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny2Shoes
4 years ago

Patricks was very crowded saturday night.Stay home and be an adult.Save your life and turn that fn Fox brainwash off.Pick any station and you will get real news.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Well let’s see there’s gonorea, clymidia, hpv, hiv, and pregnancy, but less than 1/10th of 1 percentage of Americans have Corona. They have a higher chance dying in a car crash on the way than dying of Corona.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

When did the Corona pandemic end.Just the beginning.Hold on you Trumpers.Hes never been straight with you guys so wake up and smell the coffee as he is not mentally qualified to handle this.

4 years ago

As a letter to the editor asked in today’s birdcage liner – why haven’t local officials considered using the mothballed North Adams hospital as a coronavirus command center for those suffering from the illness? Would the state provide emergency funds to prep & prepare the place to handle the coming surge? Emergency funds to recruit interns, travelling nurses, young doctors? Will drive-through testing soon be available?

I’ve been told by nurses that Pittsfield has a tough time recruiting doctors due to the change in demographics – large percentage of medicare, mass health & uninsured patients which makes it difficult to earn a living. This pandemic is a strong case for secure borders & abolishment of sanctuary city status. And hopefully Mayor Tyer will abandon her desire to recruit refugees to our city.

Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Has the old jail been considered?

Reply to  dontfencemeein
4 years ago

The old jail is a shithouse and should be demolished and the land sold to highest bidder.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Lenny
4 years ago

Many of the doctors at BHS don’t even live here. Go to the Marriott behind guidos, it’s full of doctors, PAs, and nurses that work at BMC Monday-Thursday but don’t live locally. It’s also filled with GD employees who don’t live here.

The only thing that BHS does is pay its per diem and contract doctors and staff well. They pay them so well in fact they end up shortchanging local union nurses.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
4 years ago

God bless the nurses and the medical staff. My thoughts are with all of them. And with the frightened people too. Stay healthy friends.

Reply to  Kermit Frog
4 years ago

Yes god bless all the medical community and first responders. Also bless all the people who disinfect and clean all the businesses and stores daily. They are doing the jobs no one wants to do and at the bottom of the pay scale.

Kermit Frog
Kermit Frog
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

I don’t know. Maybe. The healthy people need to get immunity but the risk to others is the problem. Time will tell I guess.

Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

This is so sad what is happening in Italy. Their medical system is overwhelmed and they are now saying people over 80 will not be treated.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago

No, we are not over-reacting. We have to stay away from people. It is all about healthcare capacity and the lack of testing in the US.
This is a very informative interview. Listen or read the whole article.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Gigi
4 years ago


Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Just got home from doing my “normal” weekly shopping. It is beyond amazing in the stores. People are acting like crazed nuts. Fighting over toilet paper, yelling at other shoppers for buying too many items, shelves are completely depleted of can goods, pasta, rice, meat, etc.. Stopped and watched for a few minutes and couldn’t help but wonder how much food will be tossed away within the next few weeks. I left the final store humming the song “It’s the End of the World as we Know it”, don’t even remember who sang it, but it is stuck in my head. I do want to thank Dan Valenti for creating this blog and also want to give a thumbs up to Mark Tully and Police Report for providing so much pertinent information about the virus. Would either of you ever consider running for Mayor of Pittsfield? You both are doing a much better job than Lovely Linda!! What a waste of our taxpayer monies, she is totally unresponsive to the City. I would suggest if any Pittsfield resident has any type of issue that is not being addressed by her Administration that you call the Governor’s office. Maybe if he gets enough complaints about her lack of running the City, she will either straighten out or maybe “in my dreams” step down. It is not right that she is ignoring the City in more ways than one.

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Aw come,on Merry, she’s organizing free lunch for all the kiddies even though we already give free groceries to the layabouts and free cash. If ya can’t afford to feed your kid don’t get knocked up!!!!

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

Totally agree with you. Wondering why if these parents get an EBT card/Food Stamps and can’t seem to feed their children, how many will find the time to go pick up the free breakfast and lunch for their children? How many of these meals will be sold on the street for drug money? I am not saying all parents do, but I think many have their priorities messed up. Many of them use their EBT to buy one little item, take more cash and go buy drugs. My heart breaks for the little children, but I could boot the parents in the a**. Was really shocked to see the number of children having to be fed in Pittsfield. Something very wrong with the welfare system. These parents need to be held accountable. Very sad situation. Just another broken political program.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Most elected officials in Pittsfield are in office to manage the decline of the city.

Reply to  Gobsig
4 years ago

And getting a pretty good paycheck doing it.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Hi Dan
I am wondering why my reply to Jonathan was not published. Nothing bad was said.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

How many kids get/take the lunches cuz it is just easier for the parents to let the school feed them? Why should mom Susie make lunch if the school will do it for her? Plus, we can use that money for cigs.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Damn straight Johnny!

Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

Free grab an go lunches and breakfasts for all the kiddies. Who decides who qualifies? This will be rife with fraud waste and abuse, just like the school budget.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Johnny99
4 years ago

It the best thing Pittsfield does as the Fed bails out farms they also provide free lunches and cereals with toast to every family in Pittsfield with those products.Farming is socialism in America. We do socialism all the time.How many families on this board work for city state or Fed.Where have you guys been.

Chuck Garivaltis
Chuck Garivaltis
Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

If anyone dared tell me not to communicate with you I would tell them “Go straight to hell”. This is freedom of speech. Remains one of our constitutional freedoms. Keep up good news and honesty of reporting. We depend on you for on the spot honest reporting.

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  Chuck Garivaltis
4 years ago

From one Chuck to another Chuck: I totally agree with this post.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

And we thank you for digging and reporting the behind the scenes going’s on. We appreciate the substance and not the fluff the others offer. I’m sure Pittsfield’s politicians and connected want you in quarantine .

Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago


Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

In Pittsfield all the elementary and middle school students get free lunch. High school you still have to apply.

Johnny Absurd
Johnny Absurd
Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

Uh oh. Any idea who the vendors are? That info might go a long way to explaining the policy. I have a large hunch that political connections drive much of Pittsfields social programs and that administrative costs suck up a big chunk of the dollars. Would stuff like that show up in a forensic audit?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

It is actually part of the FNS NLSP (national School lunch program)
School districts with enough qualifying students are encourage or directed to provide free Breakfast and lunch to all students. It’s the Community Eligibility Provisioning program. No cost breakfast and lunch to communities with 40% or more of students who would qualify for free and reduced.

Reply to  Johnny Absurd
4 years ago

Follow the money! JA, you have once again hit the nail on the head. Only the connected will be getting the dough.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
Reply to  Merry & Bright
4 years ago

Thank you Merry. As for your comments about a mayoral run… 60% of the registered voters in this city do not vote. I believe, that the only way real change and reform can happen is to find a candidate that engages the 60%. Since local elections are decided by less than 25% of the voters, a candidate who could tap 30% of the non-voting 60% would win easily. A few concerned friends and I are in the process of a social experiment to see what it takes to engage a non-voter in Pittsfield. It’s on hold for now, because the Corona Virus is front and center.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Mark Tully
4 years ago

May i suggest, Make a YouTube video demonstrating exactly how the vote takes place, the actual procedure. They’re probably the same 60% who have agoraphobia. Inform them re: absentee ballots.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

I disagree that the Lovely Linda Tyer is a failed Mayor of Pittsfield. She cares about poor neighborhoods. She speaks for Human Rights. She is very intelligent. She was elected to a 2nd term. I admire her progressive views.

Pittsfield politics is toxic. Everyone is out to get everyone else. When you stand up against the big wheels, you always lose. My experiences of retribution since my dad was a Pittsfield area politician included being bullied, threatened, my dad getting mistreated and having multiple “ethics” complaints filed against him, false reports against me to the police and trying to have me jailed, being blacklisted from employment, and having vicious rumors spread against me. The thing I don’t understand is that with all of the problems Pittsfield faces, why did Pittsfield politics persecute me and my dad over the years?

I have a Master of Public Administration degree from U Mass Amherst. A community is supposed to invest in their people because the people are the community’s most valuable resource. The reason for that is that the people who live in a community pay municipal taxes, invest in their property, shop at local businesses, and communicate with their elected officials to have safe streets, good public schools, and a nice quality of life.

However, Pittsfield politics does the opposite. The people who live in Pittsfield live in fear of their politicians. If they speak out about the issues and problems facing Pittsfield, then they will face retribution like me and my dad did. They will lose their job, they will be blacklisted, they will face “ethics” complaints and/or false reports to the police, and they will have vicious rumors spread against them.

In closing, Pittsfield politics is toxic. The Lovely Linda Tyer is a good Mayor of Pittsfield who cares about all of the people and her economically distressed and hard hit community.

– Jonathan Melle

Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You’re as crazy as Bernie and as nuts as biden

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Just curious JM, when was the last time you paid a visit to Pittsfield. You seem to be so well educated on the conditions of Pittsfield, just wondering if you have been to Pittsfield lately?

Chuck Vincelette
Chuck Vincelette
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

You outline all the reasons politics in Pittsfield has gone wrong but then you seem to support the person who sits at the top of the corrupt pyramid. Seems a bit illogical.
I enjoy your posts immensely. You obviously put a great deal of thought into them and, for the most part, seem sensible.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

It does not matter how educated you are. It matters how popular you are & who you smoke cigars with. If you’re not well liked, than you’re not well liked – FULL STOP.

It is the price you pay for bein a big shot. Let it go. It’s all in the past, you’ve got today, do what pleases you, I am. You think you & your Dad are the only victims & I’m here to tell you – it’s not uncommon to get bowled over & your life ruined despite all the good that you are – they don’t give a f*@# and no matter how loud you are, they will never give a f*@# …… they don’t pay the price, they don’t care like you do & they are not capable of caring & there’s no retribution – try not to waste your entire life hurting. Now I’m going to take my own advice & try to collect some tiny bits of Joy in this Sunday & I hope at the end of the day I’ve got something substantial to rest my hopes & dreams upon. Corruption is not an Urban Myth – its real & it disables individuals. The Gov is here now, things will get ironed out.

4 years ago

Nike shutting as US stores and many others outside USA. Hopefully they will never reopen.

Reply to  JoeKapanski
4 years ago

They deserve to go bankrupt after hiring that cop hating racist Koperniak

Auto Phil
Auto Phil
4 years ago

The free lunches for elementary and middle school children are part of a USDA grant program that Pittsfield receives because our high level of families living in poverty. It has nothing to do with local contracts.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Auto Phil
4 years ago

It is one of the Freedoms.

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

Sure, free lunch, free breakfast, free cell phone, free heat, free apartment, free groceries, free cash, free car, free dental for kids, and free medical for all too. All paid for by us working stifts.

Be The Change
Be The Change
Reply to  Johnny99
4 years ago

There’s a price to pay. Perhaps not cash.

4 years ago

Well Dan it will be a week tonight since you posted the column titled “CORONAVIRUS JITTERS, BUT IN PITTSFIELD YOU HAVE A MUCH GREATER CHANCE OF BEING STABBED OR BEATEN”. I am wondering how many Pittsfielders’ have picked up the virus in that timeframe, and how many have been assaulted. Neither stat is available on city’s website, or citys’ new and practically useless Coronoa website. On a side note, that idiot Clarence Fanto has an opinion piece saying among other things, that Tyer stepped up to fill the Corona info void the feds didn’t fill. Fanto must be stoned out of his mind!!!!!

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago

Yes. Fanto makes his occasional “contributions” and did you notice how Tyer never mentioned the governor coming to town? And the city Corona web site is a joke. Doesn’t say how many Pittsfield cases, which should be the number one thing it does. Between her and Harrington, tis a toss up on the incompetence award.

Reply to  danvalenti
4 years ago


Be The Change
Be The Change
4 years ago

I touched my face
I touched my face
Aghhhhhhhh !!!

Reply to  Be The Change
4 years ago

You can actually touch your face all you want – what you are not supposed to do is touch the T Zone of your face – your eyes, nose, or mouth – picture the top of the T going across the eyes and the stem going down through the nose and mouth – even if you get the virus on your finger tips, it has to enter your body through the T Zone to infect you.

Mark Tully
Mark Tully
4 years ago

Don’t worry Berkshire County! Single handedly, our crime fighting, social engineering, life saving, super hero DA issued a press release stating that during this pandemic, she recommits to contributing to a culture of civility. She will continue to protect the community from dangerous individuals and she is mindful of vulnerable citizens.

Oh and by the way, the DA’s office is closed to all non DA personnel.

You can’t make this stuff up.

Reply to  Mark Tully
4 years ago

Wow. What a joke. And what a despicable phoney with a photoshopped picture that doesn’t show what she looks like in reality. Kinda like Tyers’ phoney campaign photo.

Reply to  TellItLikeItIs
4 years ago

Please don’t focus your outrage on appearances. She lied about her record, she lacks any experience to qualify her for the job, and since she’s had it what has she done?

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  Mark Tully
4 years ago

This woman has no shame and no concept of reality.

Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

You can say that again PR. Enough of the gobbly gook, criminal coddling, happy talk about respecting due process rights, and providing avenues to meaningful support for those who are struggling. Just do you got damn job and prosecute the criminals, whether they commit a violent crime, or just rip some body off, whether they are struggling and grew up with trauma or not. Then maybe, just maybe Andrea, we will believe your line that “Public safety is, as always, our priority” Your priortity is criminal coddling, and Smolleting cases because you’re a prgressive liberal, misinformed progressive DA who thinks it your job to change the law. Well it’s not, it’s your job to enforce it. Go back to running for state rep if you want make the law. Just do your job and enforce the laws, or hire sombody who can. You make me sick enough to need a Corona test. And ironically, your husband is a great guy.

Reply to  Johnny99
4 years ago

That is total BS. He bullied locals into taking down signs for her opponent. Now the public has been cheated out of a qualified DA and ruined a decent civil servant office by turning into a campaign for her.

Reply to  James
4 years ago

Well, he’s nice guy at his store and he has great coffee.

Merry & Bright
Merry & Bright
Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

PR, totally agree with you. Wondering when the last time she stepped foot in the court room? In reading the updates on the October Mt. shooting, I have a very uneasy feeling about this trial. How many party attendees that were aware and involved is her office going to allow to walk away with no charges. She and Lovely Linda are doing absolutely nothing to fight crime. The crime is getting worse by the day. A few months back I was nervous going out alone to shop in the evening, now it is all the time. Recently some derelict started screaming at me for money in front of T. J. Maxx, I told him I did not have any to give, he started chasing after me. I admit I was scared. I ran into Petco. The clerks there said they had called the PPD about an hour before that about him, PPD was yet to show up. This was at 1p.m. in the afternoon. Scary out there, but Andrea and Lovely Linda feel all is fine. I have said this many times before, neither one of them would survive in the private sector.

Reply to  Mark Tully
4 years ago

Her safety and putting up her picture is her priority.

4 years ago

If things did get bad in this area for corona virus patients, and hopefully this will not happen, couldn’t the North Adams hospital be opened up, or at least parts of it, or has that whole building been taken over for other offices? Just a thought, but in future we need to stock up on tons of respirators, test kits, and build special facilities for scenarios where a virus creates a lot of patients all at once. This has to be done. It’s a lot more important than climate change preparation.

The school committee
The school committee
Reply to  Pat
4 years ago

Thank God the Govenors saw what was happening with this virus.This guy is so out to lunch.Give Trump his party and plane and send him to Mara largo and get him the hell out of the way.He is 3 sheets to the wind.His press conference was 2 mins on the fed and he held up a peace of paper threw it and he left the room.

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

March 15, 2020

Re: Open letter to Patrick Fennell

Massachusetts State government has had the last two fiscal years produce billion dollars surpluses. This current fiscal year, which ends on June 30, 2020, will once again produce a third consecutive billion dollar surplus. Beacon Hill’s State House also has a multi-billion dollar rainy day (or slush) fund.

I had Sunday brunch with my family earlier today. I apprised my brother about the above good financial news for Beacon Hill. Then, I explained that earlier in this month of March, the State House voted for $600 million dollars in tax and fee hikes that mostly hurt working people who commute to their jobs. I asked him what he thought about it all. My brother responded that it made no sense to him.

I was wondering what you think of Beacon Hill’s good financial fortunes, but the State House’s 11-day-old vote to raise working people’s taxes and fees by $600 million?

Massachusetts’ tax policy seems to target the working poor with high regressive taxes and fees on casinos (and the state lottery), cigarettes/tobacco, marijuana, alcohol, tolls, gas and diesel taxes, ride sharing fees, and other forms of regressive taxation. If you are poor, you get a free ride. If you are wealthy, you are all set, too. But God forbid you actually work for a living to support yourself and/or you family – then you get screwed!

In closing, do you notice how the politically connected are so well taken care of? State Reps. Smitty Pignatelli and John Barrett III are not offering to cut their own legislative pay and other taxpayer-funded Cadillac benefits, but they recently voted to raise your taxes.

Best wishes,

Jonathan Melle


Highlights (or low-lights):

A major bill passed by the House on March 4 (2020) would raise about $600 million by increasing taxes on gasoline, corporations and rental companies and raising fees on ride-hailing services.

Governor Baker wanted to direct 70 percent of the revenue from new fees on ride-hailing services toward the MBTA’s budget. The State House proposal would direct 25 percent (50 percent from luxury rides).

The State House bill will be altered by the State Senate in May (2020).

Jonathan Melle
Jonathan Melle
Reply to  Jonathan Melle
4 years ago

Hello Pat,

How do we vote out someone like State Rep. Smitty Pignatelli, who has been in the State House since 2003, or for nearly 18 years and counting? Smitty Pignatelli is politically connected and has a campaign war chest that the average citizen cannot come close to matching. He has the endorsement of the big wheel Dems and the fourth-rate rag named The Berkshire Eagle.

If someone like you or me argued until we were “blue in the face” about Smitty Pignatelli’s horrible public record of voting for legislative pay raises and tax hikes while Beacon Hill has billions of dollars in annual budget surpluses, he would “bring down Hell on us” for taking him to task for it all. To illustrate, someone like you and me would be “driven out of town”!

Smitty Pignatelli is a career politician for life. He can do whatever the Hell he wants without consequences to his job security. He can support putting a toxic waste dump in his legislative district town of Lee, and the people who live there will still be stuck with him.

In closing, I admire your fighting spirit over the years, Pat, but in the end, we are powerless against the rigged political system that Smitty Pignatelli takes advantage of at the expense of public financial fairness, the property values that will plummet in Lee and Lenoxdale, and the health of the public who will be exposed to PCBs who will live near yet another leaky landfill in Berkshire County, The sad reality is that average people fear top-down and banal politicians like Smitty Pignatelli and the rigged political system that keeps him in power for decades.

Best regards,


4 years ago

Baker just ordered all schools shut down for 3 weeks from Tuesday, and all restaurants and bars take out only. Of course city’s useless website on Corona doesn’t have it, but they have a notice not to go to city hall.

Reply to  JohnnyComeLately
4 years ago

No, restaurants are asked to cut to 50% capacity for social distancing.

Police Report
Police Report
Reply to  James
4 years ago

No all restaurants and bars to close. Serve take out only.

Reply to  Police Report
4 years ago

You’re right! Looks like the mayor and gov got their wires crossed and announced two diff things within hours. How happy would you be if you were told to move 50% of your furniture out and go half staff to meet one rule and then setup a take out instead? WTF?

Reply to  JohnnyComeLately
4 years ago

Tyer and crew don’t want us Kapanskis bothering them, or anyone else that works for city. Next thing you know, Tyer will let everybody stay home and get paid for weeks on end.