(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, WEDNESDAY MARCH 25, 2020) — COVID-19. Would we have been better off doing nothing except let the virus run its course? THE PLANET offers you this scenario for consideration. Before that, we share one of the best informational round-ups we’ve seen, this from USA Today:
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As the coronavirus pandemic continues to shut down daily life across the globe, thousands of our readers across the nation have asked us questions about COVID-19.
And we’re answering them.
For basic facts about the virus – what it is, how it spreads and where it’s located – you can get caught up by reading our in-depth explainer here. We’ve also debunked some viral coronavirus myths.
But you’re curious and continue to ask important questions via our newsletter, Coronavirus Watch. (Not a newsletter subscriber? Sign up for it here!)
So below, you can find answers to questions such as: Is it OK to be outside? How old are people who are dying in the U.S.? Is it safe to get carry-out food?
If you don’t see an answer you’re looking for, check out our first batch of answers, addressing things like: Can testing show if someone has had coronavirus and then recovered? Can someone get the coronavirus more than once?
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It’s too late for a “let it runs its course” strategy. The time to do it would have been in January, following the “South Korean Model.” Nonetheless, the object lesson holds great value for the next pandemic. You can be sure more will follow — it’s just a question of when and where.
The COVID-19 virus is unique, but it is not unprecedented. The world and the nation have been through viral crises before. America, however, has never shut down its entire economy to combat a disease. It went on working, even during the Spanish Flu in 1918.
Perhaps we can put this another way: Is America consciously, willingly committing suicide?
Isn’t keep small businesses open, corporations going, and allowing millions of workers to work their jobs better than destroying the economy?
- Few people will GET the virus in the first place.
- Those who DO get it will likely not get seriously ill. 80% of those infected will experience only mild symptoms and recover. The virus isn’t dangerous for most of the people who get infected. We have lost sight of this.
- Of the small number for whom it will be serious, 90 percent of this subset will recover without incident.
How do these numbers work? Let’s take a city of 40,000, such as Pittsfield, and run worst case percentages. Of those 40,000, with a 10% infection rate, 4,ooo will get COVID-19. Of the 4,000, 80% will experience mild-to-no-symptoms. That leaves 800 people. Of the 800, 10% will become sick, serious too critical — 80. Of those, 10% will die, almost all of them people with serious underlying health issues, notably those that compromise the immune system. That’s 8 people who were sick to begin with — from an original population of 40,000.
Aren’t those numbers better than destroying the economy? The medical crisis will pass — in months, a year? Shutting down all “non-essential” stores, shops, manufacturers? Forcing people to spend their life savings? Driving the stock market into free fall? If you employ a hydrogen bomb to kill a house fly, it will work, but was it worth the resulting damage?
Take the flu. Please. The CDC says 38 million Americans got it this year, with 390,000 hospitalized. More than 25,000 have died, and yet we didn’t hear nothing but the usual reminders to get a flu shot and other common-sense advice. The counter is that the COVID-19 virus is novel. Because it’s new, our we haven’t developed antibodies. IT’s a spurious argument. Again, back the the flu. Each year, experts guess what mutation the flu virus will form and develop a flu vaccine to take care of that particular strain. If they guess right, the strain produces the correct antibodies so that when and if you DO get exposed, your body will fight and beat it. If they guess wrong, you get sick. Why? Because each year there’s a new strain. Just like COVID-19, the strains are new. You don’t have antibodies. Same difference, no distinction.
MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) and SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) were and are far more serious and deadly than COVID-19. The world experienced outbreaks and fought them aggressively yet sensibly. Entire economies weren’t taken down.
People have the rapid ascent of COVID-19:
- It took weeks for the virus to hit 100,000 people, mostly during November in China.
- The next 100,000 cases took 12 days.
- The 100,000 after that? Three days.
The virus went from
- first detected in December
- a “global health emergency” in January
- an epidemic in February
- to a pandemic in March.
This is the behavior of COVID type viruses, including the multitude of flues and colds.
In South Korea, they quickly quarantined those who were sick, but they kept the economy working. Same with China. The Pacific Rim has handed the virus intelligently. Western Europe and America pressed the panic button. Why? Is it a cultural thing, Asians being far more deferential to and trusting of authority? Is it political, proving authoritarian-type government the best able to deal with situations requiring imposition on individual freedom?
Next time in America, let the virus take its course. Sequester the sick and let the rest keep working.
For COVID-19, that nag has long left the barn, but THE PLANET asks: Where will America be economically when the medical problem is behind us? How long will it be before recovery? In that time, will we lose our place at the world’s greatest power? Is this the beginning of Chinese dominance? Have the Chinese now supplanted us as the World’s No. 1 superpower? Can we afford so-called “freedom” any longer in this country?
Provocative questions, indeed.
“Essere humano” (Be human) — Ghiberti.
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I’ll wait till Jon comes In on this doozy.
The flu analogy makes no sense. Just look at Italy and the dead bodies piling up. I don’t recall the flu causing that, unless you go back to the Spanish flu, and I don’t think we want to hold that up as a shining example of anything. This whole, just let it ride and take your chances argument is stupid. When the thing spreads like crazy and the hospitals are overloaded and no one can get treatment for things that normally wouldn’t be life threatening but suddenly are because you can’t get treated, people will sing a different tune. Also, when someone you love dies from it you might change your mind. And as for the somewhat callous “underlying conditions” description, that includes diabetes and numerous other conditions, and represents a much greater percentage of the population than the so called sick or elderly that you are ready to write off. America is strong. Properly handled we will beat this and America will come roaring back at a pace not seen in decades.
Thanks, JON. Well expressed. I would only add that you yourself refute saying “the flu analogy makes no sense” when you say “unless you go back to the Spanish flu.” Every viral infection comes from a new strain. That’s why people die from it. Fact is, we have not seen anywhere near the infection and mortality rates seen during 1918. That could be for a million reasons, and the jury is still out. But the relatively rapid containment in the Pacific Rim, once they grasped what was happening and pounced, suggests COVID-19 isn’t in the same league. “We will beat this and American will come roaring back,” you write. I agree, with that little (big) proviso: “Properly handled.” Did we properly handle it? I don’t think so. America, starting with the President and all those running for Prez on the Dem side, completely downplayed the situation. They saw it politically, not medically or scientifically. That is still the case to a disturbingly great degree. As my columns puts out there for thought: America could have contained this months ago without shutting down the economy. China just swept a doubleheader and took first place. We’re not out of it, but we can’t afford to get many more games out of first. At this point, we are better off listening to the scientists and the medical people, not the politicians — if only they are being honest and not political themselves. Thanks for the response.
We can’t trust China to tell the truth about what is happening in their country. Just like they muzzled the doctors who attempted to warn them of this virus, their government and their media work together to cover up and make the government look good. Spies in China are saying there may be another large outbreak in that country soon.
Pat, you might recall that Trump did, and continues to do the same thing; muzzling g doctors and epidemiologists who question the narrative he’s established in his head and continuing to minimize the seriousness of the situation. Does a million people dead from this sound good to you? How about 2.3 million?!? The real experts peg the latter number as worst case, but still a possibility. Even if every single one of them was “Infirm” to begin with that is WAY too many bodies, way too many lives to lose because of something g that could’ve been prevented by far better planning and then execution of that plan. The ideas you suggest are ludicrous on their face and fly in the face of every epidemiologist out there. But I forget…you are also a climate change denier too despite overwhelming evidence, no?
Mr. Fauci agrees with President Trump’s ideas. He has said so repeatedly. As have the other CDC officials. President Trump said he will see what the country is like around Easter. He has made no final plans yet except that we stay home except for shopping for basics.
Climate change took up so much time and money that we could have spent preparing for a virus like this. Many have warned over the years of this type of Black Swan event. We should have stockpiled ventilators , masks, gloves, and gowns instead of banning plastic bags so people reuse bags now (not healthy) and billions of money spent on preparing for climate change. As I have said many times, mother nature is in charge of climate change. Nothing humans can do about that fact. Preparing for a virus pandemic would make sense and save lives. This should have been done 50 years ago.
The Dr. In no way agrees with Trump
You’ve spoken to the doctor?
No,I have listened to the Dr.
My point was people reference the flu in 2020 terms where we have vaccines and x amount of people die and we have come to accept it, and they use it as an argument for letting the corona virus run its course like the flu. But of course this in not like the flu, there are no vaccines, it is much deadlier, and spreads at such an alarming rate, that unchecked it can completely overwhelm our healthcare system to the detriment of all, not just those with Covid 19. My allusion to the Spanish Flu was that it was not like the current flu-it spread rapidly, killed aggressively, and if you extrapolated the deaths to today’s population numbers, would kill between 80 and 240 million depending upon whose research you read, compared to today’s flu that kills around 500,000 worldwide.
Donald Trump can go a vacation to Italy and eat out, go shopping, and walk the beautiful beaches there. If he survives Italy, he can come back home and lift the lockdown here. I would rather we self isolate than make “Sophie’s choice”. I wonder if Donald Trump would give his ventilator to an innocent child? I doubt it because he has no empathy!
I think Andy was onto something.
You can only smoke his medical marijuana during Gov. Baker’s lockdown. I wonder what you are smoking when you always use that stupid tagline?
8 out of 40,000 is about 600,000 dead in USA – (pop rounded down to 330,000,000, not counting the 20 million or so illegals.)
But mortality rate is actually 1.4 percent now, so if 4000 pittsfielders got it, 56 would statistically die, so you are talking 7 times that = 4,200,000 dead Americans.
Please, there are people that are scared to death of this.
Correction – make that 462,000 dead Americans if 10 percent of population infected and 1.4 percent mortality rate. Too much NyQuil to fight off my Covid.
You treat this like a killing machine. Nothing like the flu. And that’s the bottom line.
The. Sky is falling.
One thing South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore did NOT do was call the virus a hoax for the first month while it was spreading amongst us. But that was Donald Trump and his Fox news sycophants first line of attack.
It might be interesting to revisit this days topic two weeks from now when I guarantee you the picture will look much different.
You lie
Old joke: Operation successful, but patient die.
Reopen all the restaurants, coffee shops, and movie theaters; Reopen all the outdoor venues.
Social distancing and all that.
Bigger problem is: Who’s gonna board a crowded plane knowing there’s heightened risk of getting sick, like really, really ‘broken glass in the lungs’ sick?
Simple; don’t fly.
An interesting and perhaps useful speculation, Dan. But the Trumpster beat you do it. Trump’s analogy with auto accident deaths is fatuous, of course, but he’s right to raise the question, especially concerning the 55K dead this season from the “regular” flu, which doesn’t shut anything down.
Of course, the disingenuous, self-righteous critics twist it and pose it as a lives vs. economy question.
But not sure you can say that people will be jumping out of windows either, especially when you come up with a cool $2 tril as if dipping into petty cash from the office safe.
And, hey, Coomo, get your own damn ventilators–and keep your Typhoid Irvs, Babs, and Bayards in your own state, so we don’t need more ventilators than you do.
Also President Trump isn’t saying to choose economy over health. Everyday for the last 4 days he has said we can do BOTH….get this economy going (because he knows we can’t have a Great Depression) and we can protect the vulnerable at the same time. Maybe just younger people going back to work for the first few weeks. Hard hit New York could come back later because of their high numbers of infected. In a few month we will have effective therapies to use against this virus.
You cant do both without testing.End of story Pat and Don
Our Federal Government has failed us…
The President denied that the virus would be a public health issue.
The CDC failed to procure WHO test kits deciding to make their own that were faulty.
This led to inaction and very little testing while the virus spread through New York, Washington state and then elsewhere.
While the virus was taking hold, several members of Congress with inside information began selling their stock holdings before the markets tumbled. One Senator, Burr, at a private function, told donors how bad it would be, while publicly stating the opposite.
If all the Federal Government’s poor decisions, incorrect public announcements and inactions were summarized, a conspiracy theorist could reason that the Federal Government wanted the Coronavirus to hit Americans hard.
Could it be that the Federal Government wanted to reduce the costs of Social Security and healthcare for the elderly?
Or has this crisis simply revealed that our elected Federal officials are self-serving and corrupt on both sides of the aisle?
Yesterday’s press conference by Governor Cuomo detailed the gravity of NY’s situation. The Javitz center is being converted to a 1000 bed ICU. NY estimates that they will need 140,000 beds (currently only have 53,000) and 37,000 ICU beds (currently only 3000). Cuomo said NY will need 40,000 ventilators and they have less than 10,000. The apex of the hospitalizations is expected in 2 to 3 weeks. If NY doesn’t get everything in place quickly, the death rate will be much higher.
These events are unfolding now and critical life decisions may have to be made. In Italy, should resources be stretched so thin as to require prioritizing care they have the following protocol.
“The criteria for access to intensive therapy in cases of emergency must include age of less than 80 or a score on the Charlson comorbidity Index (which indicates how many other medical conditions the patient has) of less than 5,”
If NY is overrun with patients requiring ICU beds, wouldn’t a prioritization protocol be implemented also?
If anyone thinks that we should NOT lockdown society for 2 weeks in order flatten the curve and NOT overrun our healthcare system, find out first what your comorbidity index is.
I agree with all your points. Lifting the quarantine anytime soon is nutso. The light in the tunnel they see is the train that is coming at them.
Your point about Social Security and Medicare may actually be correct. It is how the current Washington think tank works. Apparently it does not occur to them that that pool includes themselves and much of their families.
Governor Cuomo could have done a far better job of preparing his state for something like this. Having more ventilators available was his responsibility not the Federal government. Same with California more worried about climate change than anything else.
President Trump has been great in this pandemic. The only thing I would have done differently is to close not only China, but also European travel from coming into this country. I don’t care if I was called racist just like President Trump was for closing down travel from China because I would be saving Americans of all races if I did that. New York is overrun with the virus because of infected travelers from Europe and that could have been slowed down by shutting down travel from Europe on the same day as we stopped travel from China.
Trump acted bigly at about 40 US deaths. Obama acted at about 1,000 US deaths, which eventually became 17,000 US deaths from the swine flu.
Let’s see how the Trumpster does.
I just know that I have nightmares about having to watch Hillary at a daily presser (could she actually stand up for that long of a time every day?), or Joe Buffoon?????
“Look Easter is a very special day for me and I see it’s sort of in that timeline that I’m thinking about and I say wouldn’t be great to have all of the churches full? You know the churches aren’t allowed essentially to have much of a congregation there and most of them I watched most of them Sunday online, and he was terrific by the way, but online is never going to be like being there. So I think Easter Sunday and you’ll have packed churches all over our country. I think would be a beautiful time and it’s just about the timeline that I think is right.” An inspirational message from President Donald J. Trump, 3/24/2020
I do hope the religious right will pack their churches full on Easter Sunday. And give lots of hugs and kisses to their friends and fellow worshipers. And as God has spoken, so shall it be.
Pat dont be mad at Cuomo for leading.Be mad at Trump for not leading.Thank God you have a press that is aggitating the response.
I don’t have a press. I have a press that wants to make China look good and our own country look bad.
What channel is that?
Yes True Trumper blame the one man who knows what hes doing.
Feds, feds, feds–mommy, save me.
Which is exactly what the Dem lib Wall Street swine are saying right now.
Correct. The crooks line BOTH SIDES of the aisle, three or four deep. In Pittsfield, the crooks only line one side, because there’s only one-party rule.
Planet where would drug addicts and shoot each other gandsters go under Republican or independent rule
This might be the worst idea yet. Let’s look at the counter.
What if we quarantined much sooner, that is the appropriate thing to do. The only reasons you have a lower mortality rate that you are betting on, is because of isolation and quarantine protocols.
If we isolated and quarantined sooner we could have cut this thing down in a month. Each day we waited added two or more days to how long we must stay home.
This virus is like a wildfire and we don’t have any water to put it out. How do you stop a fire like that? You build fire brake, you remove fuel that the fire uses.
In this case the fuel is human bodies, the break is social distancing.
You can’t rely on numbers that were improved by quarantine and social distancing to prove why you shouldn’t have used social distancing. It doesn’t work that way. If we don’t social distance and quarantine we will have morgues in the streets and funerals for hundreds at a time.
No the biggest mistake we made was waiting too long. The lesson for the next one is take more decisive action sooner, the sooner you start, the quicker it ends.
Cutting off travel from both Europe and China on the same day would have been most effective. Ignore the calls of racist from the far left media and Democrats and literally shut down all our borders from all travel would have lessened the problem, but just like the political correctness of Italy doomed them, even President Trump stopped at closing off travel from Europe after his travel ban from China was met with cries of racism from the far left media and Democrats. Isolating and quarantining with infected people still pouring into the country would not have been effective.
Trumps daughter fly back as nd forth to China doing business
So you know his how?
This has been my position for most of the outbreak. Understandably, it is a risky position to have because there are many unknowns. But the way we are heading, it’s not good. I do agree that we cannot let the cure be worse than the virus.
If Italy never happened, we wouldn’t be in this situation. No one was worried when it was China. But beautiful, esteemed, gracious Italy suddenly set the panic bar and set it high. It has been a clear statement on who the world thinks is worthless and expendable (China) and who is renowned and mourned.
But we are not Italy. And we are not China. These are countries have a very simplified and homogeneous DNA pool. I believe will find eventually that that played a part in infections. Italy also has the oldest population of any country on the Earth besides Japan. It also has an incredible number of smokers. So you have a highly contagious lung virus that severely affects older people, and unleash it on a population of old people with bad lungs, this is the result.
The US approach was flawed from the start. First, it was the top-down denial of its importance. Then it was the lack of preparation. We had two months to watch what was happening in China, and yet here we are hand-sewing face masks. Epic failure on that end. Finally, there was no system in place to ensure sick people stayed home. No system to mandate employers allow their employees the time off as to not infect others at an exponential rate.
The way we are heading if definitely not good. The way I am reading the graphs, charts and time lines suggests to me that when all is said and done there will have been more deaths in the United States than the whole rest of the world combined. Trump closed the borders to China a while back but everything else he and our CDC has done has been ass backwards and mind boggling.
Joe Biden has said he would not have closed off any travel or borders. That is your candidate running against President Trump.
Uh, but Biden is not in charge is he? He is not the one making decisions, is he? Try to focus on the here and now. Obama is not making our decisions. Hillary is not making the decisions. China is not making our decisions. Stop worshipping false idols and you will be better able to follow the bouncing ball.
No false idols. Your own candidate would have made this situation far worse. Every state would have had these massive numbers of infected. Your own far left politicians have held up this aid bill to unemployed and suffering Americans to get pet projects like green energy put into the deal.
Trump wants everyone back to work by Easter.Trump and brokers need to mingle on the floor of the exchange.Republican Senators need to be seen working out in the gym and swimming in the pool together then eating a buffet lunch for 1 week.Then 14 days later people will go back
I think he is talking about targeted openings. It won’t happen. Seems like he is doing a decent job.
Biden is not President
Thank god.
And Johnny, I am so glad that you aren’t my doctor!
Your assertions are bogus and not based on facts.
How are his assertions not based on fact. He said that Biden, Obama, Hillary and China are not making the decisions. Is that not fact. Why don’t you just tend to Westfield? They seem to be having some problems also.
Hey Doofus Moore – I’m referring to Johnny Absurds Doctor.
Excellent Phil. I am in agreement with your comments.
Auto Phil, great comment. When this pandemic is over, and it will be, the one thing I am upset with is how we are stuck with some of the politicians. Whether they are Republican or Democrat, us Americans are stuck with many of these unqualified performers for years. Instead of fighting among each other they should come together to help our country. If they performed this way in the private sector they all would have been fired weeks ago. From the top to right here in Pittsfield the American citizens are not receiving honest and clear information. Our Country was not prepared and we seem to be peddling backwards. It is wrong that elected officials that are suppose to be representing us taxpayers are in hiding instead of working as a TEAM.
Together Everyone Achieves More.
I see more team work at my grandchildren’s sporting events than grown ass politicians trying to work together in a bipartisan way for the good of this country.
Thanks, PHIL. Good stuff here.
We know Trump was informed about China but did not want to deal with a lower stock market and he absolutely screwed the stock market by ignoring the coming pandemic.
Seems like you are connected to the president because you seem to know what he does, what his family does and what they are thinking any time of the day. Amazing.
Bottom line you hate the president and every post you put out there confirms it. None of us are perfect.
Best defense is a good offense. Start now by working on improving your immune system.
Step away from that donut – sugar depresses the immune system. If you live in New England, you should talk to your doctor about supplementing your diet with D3 & C. Eat a dark green leafy salad every day. Exercise regularly and practice good hygiene.
My family suffered thru months of a respiratory bug last year. Businesses were not closed, residents were not confined to their homes. This year’s Chinese flu is not posting alarming mortality rates – see yesterday’s post by PR.
I am happy to report that our family has not been impacted by any cold or flu so far this season. Wishing you all good health!
Excellent column Dan – I hope you will forward a copy to Gov. Baker & VP Pence.
Thanks, LENNY. We are all in good health. I would reinforce your points about building up one’s immune system. VITAL. That’s one action people can do but so few do it. Speaking of dark greens, the dandelions are returning. There’s free superfood, just for the picking.
And here’s a bit of good news – In Snohomish County, WA where the first US Covid19 test was confirmed, more than half of the people infected have recovered.
Current positive tests: 614
Deaths: 16
Recovered: 316
So this poses another question: What happens as eventually tens of thousands of people recover and are no longer at risk or infectious?
55,000 people have tested positive as of today. Let’s say for easy numbers, 54,000 of them recover. What happens then? Should they remain quarantined, out of work, house-bound and confined to only close family contact?
“Medical leaders in Washington State, which has the highest number of coronavirus deaths in the country, have quietly begun preparing a bleak triage strategy to determine which patients may have to be denied complete medical care in the event that the health system becomes overwhelmed by the coronavirus in the coming weeks.”
And if they mirror that policy in Pittsfield you better have strong connections to the hospital if you need a ventilator. And thems the facts.
You are so right, Dan. The Covid model of forecasting is way off….numbers are wrong.
There is no model until Trump provides test.We are stuck with isolation
One we have a flu shot and we can test for the flu.Two we cant test in numbers that would allow business to stay open.There are no treatments.There are no supplies to even walk over to a patient.
We won’t have a vaccine for another year. Effective therapies should be available in a few months. Many patients are now recovering from these new medicines that have been introduced in the last few days. All over the news I have seen stories of remarkable recoveries from people taking these medications first promoted by Laura Ingraham of Fox News. Not sure if all patients are having the same results, but we should know within the next week or so.
Fox is awesome.
But, how about this?
Draft Coomo for the nomination at the Dim convention in Swillwaukee.
Dims’ problem with Trump is that there is no one who can go toe to toe with him.
Bernie, keep running and get as many delegates as you can. When Joe has that last cerebral infarction, say you’ll give all your delegates to Coomo if enough of Joe’s get a clue too.
Daily Caller, but I called it first:
Hey, they’re stealing my stuff:
“He’s even successfully gone toe to toe with Trump, something most of the president’s allies haven’t figured out how to do. After criticizing the president’s “initial response” to the pandemic, Cuomo held a series of one-on-one conversations with POTUS in addition to the group teleconferences with the nation’s other governors. The result? Nothing short of presidential praise in front of a primetime national audience. He demanded additional ventilators on Tuesday, and FEMA shipped an additional 4,000.”
And, Joe Buffoon:
“Biden delivered a roughly 15 minute national address on Monday, during which he forgot the governor of Massachusetts’ name and nearly imploded when his teleprompter committed suicide.”
Joe in the video from the Daily Caller article: “Gov. Charlie Parker of Massachusetts.”
Baker just got a new nickname: “Bird”
Biden should check into the nearest nursing home.
Not worth the risk of “destroying” the economy of Pittsfield…is this a joke?
Pittsfield will emerge far better off because there IS no economy to destroy. The “status quo” politicians, including The Lovely Linda, have seen to that these past 30 years.
First, I know that there are many here, including Dan, who think Trump is the best. Well, intelligence reports in late December and January warned of an approaching pandemic. Trump pushed it aside refusing to believe these reports. Meanwhile, members of the Senate Intelligence Committee sold off stocks further enriching themselves, warning their big donors privately, but otherwise backed Trump’s line. So, here we are today.
To suggest that it would have been best to let the virus run its course is foolish. It displays that asinine worship of the almighty dollar over the value of a human life. Well, that almighty dollar has been laid low by a microscopic virus. To have let it run its course would have destroyed our healthcare system, overrun mortuaries, devastated families, and wrecked the economy far more than what we are now doing.
Isn’t it amazing that a handful of Republican senators were forced to quarantine themselves, thus eliminating the Republican majority, and forcing Republicans to work with Democrats. The result is a bill with checks and balances that benefits everyone from the top to the bottom.
While some herein are not religious – but if you’re a MAGA person being a Christian is mandatory for membership – I personally think God looked us and finally said, “You think you’re so smart? You think it’s okay to treat each other so poorly? You think the dollar is a god? Here. Try this little virus on for size. Now, smarten up and realize that the most important thing is each other! Not money. Not things. Not politics.”
Many of you won’t agree with what I’ve posted, but you know what? I don’t give a damn.
President Trump never said to let this virus run its course, which is why we are all (most of us) at home right now. President Trump stopped all travel from China at the end of January (January 31st) so he was worried about this virus. He was the first to stop travel. I don’t believe that God (I do believe) would devastate one of the most religious and very poor countries (Italy) to make a point. This pandemic has human error written all over it. China having made the most errors by not containing this virus from the rest of the world. Now in almost 200 countries.
The advice on the intelligence reports was followed. Let’s see the dates of these report. They were reported in late December. Several weeks later, President Trump shut down travel from China. Democrats must have also known of these reports, so why did they harshly criticize President Trump for shutting down travel from China?!?
I don’t think Trump is the best. Didn’t vote for him in the primary.
But the question has always been, WHO ELSE YOU GOT?
Hillary? Nope. Joe Buffoon? Nope. Bernie? Possibly, but ultimately nope.
But then again, maybe he is the best given the extremely weak, weak, weak opposition.
Nothing but hate.
What about Sarah Palin? Wouldn’t you love to see her and Donald in a spelling Bee? But you would have to limit it to only 6 attempts per word or the thing would go on for eternity.
Dimentia leads to irrelevance. Irrelevance? I know them, they live in the jungle.
Anyone means no one, and thus you don’t have dick.
Not sure what happened to my message, but President Trump stopped travel from China on January 31st within weeks of these so-called intelligence reports. He was the first to do so. God wouldn’t punish people in this way especially a very religious and poor country like Italy. This is all about human error…China’s human error. President NEVER said we should let the virus run its course. Most of us are home. 3 more weeks of home stay for most of us.
Plus Trump has a cure for the virus that God gave to him and he might even share it with his base. (after the election)
It’s a simple fact that the economy will recover, the dead will not.
Until the number of recovered exceeded the number of infected, you need s stay safe order.
Sure, it may recover for some, but MANY of those jobs are never coming back. 50% of restaurants don’t make it when things are good. This will be the final nail in the coffin for a ton of restaurants, bars, coffee shops, etc. Again, I understand the “lock down everything” approach is easy when your sitting at home collecting a check at the taxpayers expense, but when your a business owner, your business is what keeps a roof over your family’s head and food on the table. There is no safety net, paid for health insurance, sick days, etc.
The safety net of sorts is coming, but ultimately it’s risk millions of lives and draw this thing out even longer by half-measures (which we have done) or take the hit now and dig out sooner.
the same no safety net that they provide to employees, so I don’t see how they are going to be destroyed by being closed, sounds like 50% will come out ahead by not operating at a loss
Don’t listen to some stranger on the internet… here it from the horses mouth from the Eagle article below. The only people coming out ahead on this deal are people in the public sector sitting at home collecting a paycheck. The only good thing about the stim package is the ridiculously overpaid city government officials won’t see a dime of it.,600767
And prices are rising now due to the panic buying and hoarding. Does anyone believe they will come back down when it is over? Let me answer that for you. They won’t.
If 51 PARK & TAVERN RESTAURANT don’t make it do they still get to keep the 150,000 dollars that the Pittsfield tax payers handed them?
Just dawned on me where a lot of folks in here get their well-considered political ideas and talking points: those really disgusting political cartoons on the Eagle’s Op-Ed pages.
Facile at best, evil at worst, but always intellectually weak and cliched, and, of course, full of blind venom for Trump and anything or anyone to the right of Chairman Mao.
I stopped even looking at those pages a long time ago–something about a racist cartoon on Herman Cain in 2012, I think, did it. No diversity of opinion whatsoever. Bunch of tokers from the SDI days, I guess.
But I had some time on the crapper this morning (the only appropriate place to read the rag), and the saw the one about Trump’s daily pressers being propaganda.
Yup, and if if he didn’t give them, then they’d be bitching about that.
Corrigendum: SDS
So true. The far left is in bed with the media and their goal is power over the people of this country. They will manipulate and take advantage of any crisis to do that.
U r all nuts. They all are in it together. Wake Up.
They sure are .
Pat are you related to Stooge. The biggest boot kicker this side of Boss Tweed?
Stooge was correct today. Tired is useless.
Excuse me but isn’t Fox news part of the media? And haven’t they been in bed with Trump since before the election?
(watch how Pat changes the subject to Benghazi)
I’ll keep the subject on China and their mysterious errors in allowing this virus to spread worldwide. How they will not allow anyone to get to the bottom of how this happened in the first place.
Also lots of money in the aid bill going to Pelosi’s rich friends for her pet projects while Anthony Cuomo is complaining there isn’t enough money for New York. Does anybody see a problem here?
I think Fox News does a much better job than other networks. Most of the time when they have guest panels they include someone that does not favor the Trump/GOP view. Other channels are mostly in line with the Democratic view only. There are rare exceptions, on both sides, of course. I particularly like Chris Wallace.
Chuck’s right here. I flip back and forth, and will actually check MSNBC for a bit. CNN sometimes does a decent job–what’s Erin wearing tonight?
Wolf can be acceptable if he sticks to “news.”
But mostly just whining, bitching, moaning about Trump, on and on and on and on . . . That’s pretty much ALL MSNBC is. But good that the arrogant SOB Matthews finally got his.
I don’t ever bother with Richard Madcow.
For the most part Fox is the best of the three.
Bret Baer has the best “news” show on cable. Martha Mc can be annoying. Tucker is obviously not doing “news” and doesn’t pretend to be, but one of the more informative presentations out there.
The Five I can only handle a bit of. Dana Perino is super cute, and Gutfeld good for an insightful laugh. But there’s animals!
Hannity I don’t need, but many do.
C-SPAN should be a good part of your viewing regimen in any event.
Indispensable, of course, is Limbaugh, even with guest hosts.
When did conservatives throw caution away as a tool to move forward.Right now you are the liberals and liberals are conservative and definitely using caution.For the love of Trump.
Face Toucher Fauci
Trump looks insane. Ala Stooge.
So what he is not touching the T zone – get with it.
Dr. Birx has confirmed that the WHO mortality figures were way off – not 3.4% as stated earlier. It will likely drop that number to under 1%.
Dan, what happened to my earlier post? My posts seem to get held up by your ‘bot for half a day.
and she has a source more reliable than WHO? Would that be Hannity?
If enough elderly people die, then they wont have to cut social security and Medicaid. Private section pensions are also unburdened. just go ahead and give all the saved money out as tax cuts.
Will the Park Square peace hippies be out in force this Thursday?
Lovely Linda’s latest asinine accomplishment. Instead of communicating and updating the taxpayers of Pittsfield, she evidently spent her time and our monies creating “15 Minute Parking Signs” and wood painted sign holders for food pick-up on North Street. Priorities, priorities, priorities. Really Linda! How much did this cost us taxpayers? Wouldn’t it have been cheaper to follow along with the North Adams Mayor and just announce free parking? Totally unbelievable and pathetic. Hope you are proud of yourself Linda. Sorry I can no longer address you as our Mayor.
Were they for her supporters restaurants only?
Are Pittsfield figures holding steady due to no testing? I heard they have no tests but I know someone who has been waiting for 6 days for the results. So if all the results are held up for almost a week our numbers are WAAAYYYY off.
They don’t list Pittsfield numbers, only Berkshire county. You can bet the numbers are going to double in two days. We will have easily over 120 cases very soon. Which equates to more that 300-500 cases in reality.
At a minimum bare minimum
So the real question is Pat would you have acted on the Pentagon warning about the pandemic or would you let yourson in law study it
Scrod,egg plant, chicken farm, feed four, at Mazzeos forty dollars,call first, pick it up.Givers! Not like Stooge and pols…..takers
And Shells and Meatballs, and all meals come with bread and salad. Not a bad deal, can actually feed 6 with it. Wish they had good rolls instead of the bread, but it’s great they are doing this and the food is delicious.
Schools closed until at least May. Schools will eventually be closed for the year.
Businesses will see relief in 30 days. Easter is a fallacy. It will be a minimum of mid to late April.
We waited too long if we had initiated this in January or February, we would be halfway done. It’s a 60 day process at a minimum.
New Yorkers are fleeing and going everywhere. How many more cases will show up locally? One has to wonder.
I agree PR, it will be May before we see a semi-relaxation of restrictions. I don’t see the start of a full recovery until June though.
Here’s what worries me. Elected officials are making economic decisions that couldn’t give a meaning to Economics 101, or as we used to call it, Eco 101. I don’t dare mention 102. Do they know what economics is? I know if one is an elected official one hungers for publicity. I have no problem with this. I was there and understand it. We are 22 trillion dollars in debt. Trump is going to add another 2 trillion to combat this virus thing. It will probably be more. Now our debt will come to 24,000, 000, 000. or more. I added all the zeros so you may understand this mess. This is an insane amount of money to owe. I hope you understand this has to be repaid. Hopefully, not by a war. Please understand this has happened in the past. How do you think we got rid of our depression bills? Payments of this amount means your money pays payments to workers, retired workers, disabled, handicapped, widows, etc., etc., all this means, to you, and me – you pay forever and ever. Don’t be misled, this is how it works. This is Economics 101. I was waiting to see if someone would tackle this problem. Didn’t happen, so I mention it. Hold on folks, this financial mess could be just beginning. Take a look at the Dow Jones (stock average) average past 3 days. Makes one wonder if we should run for cover?
I couldn’t agree more. This is a huge mistake to pass this “aid” bill which contains money for the NEA, NPR, Kennedy Performing Arts Center, Smithsonian, etc etc etc!!
What is all this crap doing in a Corona Relief Bill??
This fiscal irresponsibility will bring down the country.
This more than anything else in my memory shows the scum of politics. If ever we needed a “clean” bill, it was this one. But no — they had to load it up with the bullshit of pork. Time for Revolution.
What’s that? You say you want a revolution?
Agree,we almost gave 500 billion to have Trump is sole control of this money.It took weeks to have a team of overseers put in the bill.If conservatives want a dictator just say so.
This is laden with pork and welfare rats and other such layabouts should not get a nickel.
Perhaps for a column some day soon, enough will be known about The USA Great Givewaway, including more Obama phones, $1,200 checks for people that don’t work and $500 for each kid, and the same amount for lots of others who never suffered because of Corona, such as teachers, and billions more wasted, for you to give us your take. Would love to hear your take on it, when the details are disclosed.
Trump-McConnell debt freeze. Joust sayon…
Imagine the sellout Dan would have to do to be the big interviewer today in city media. Tje clown on pctv is really an embarrassment to not only himself, but the military,and especially his family. Wonder what Dan Valenti would become if he kissed the mayor and schittu’s arse for an interview. What a sellout this Stooge guy is. He has zero balls.
You’ll recall she refused to debate Mazzeo when she learned I would be the moderator. Now she’s disappeared and won’t dare face me. Wonder why?
You don’t fit her culture? Sad. Haven’t you done interviews with a Ted Williams. War hero and you don’t get any classier. Tyer not even close to being in his league..pun intended
I did indeed not only interview Ted, but I came into a friendship with him. I’ve been in the Bog Leagues. Tyer? Minuscule as tone invisible. She better hope I don’t decide to take over the government.
Yes. The “one size fits all” nature of the aid will reward mostly those who don’t need it and the scum/deadbeats who drain the public treasury.
We’re all gonna die
There is no refutation of that. Just a matter of when.
James Taylor and wife donated a million to Ma. General. And her brothers still behind bars?
Some cause happiness where ever they go and some cause happiness when they go.
Gov. Charlie Baker on Wednesday announced a new public health order related to grocery stores and pharmacies in Massachusetts, which includes a temporary ban on reusable bags.
“From now on, reusable bags are prohibited and all regulations on plastic bag bans are lifted,” he said.
The order also prohibits stores from charging for paper and plastic bags while the order is in place.
Boston Mayor Marty Walsh had previously announced the same measures in the city.
Boy that lasted long!!!
Thank you Guv! Again, a wrong call by our City Council. I hope single-use bags are here to stay.
This should be permanent. Reusable bags are a health hazard!!
What is the difference between me brining in a reusable bag or wearing the same clothes’ I had on yesterday?
Coronavirus: a good reason for strong borders. NY, sanctuary state, now has a huge problem on its hands. American taxpayers expected to bail out the state’s bazillion dollar debt. Cuomo expects federal bailouts to continue….
And the new yokas have converged on da Berkshires.
Another PR trick by Gov. Cuomo….
At least he aint a one trick pony.
Why has the Guv closed schools for another 5 weeks? Why not wait, consider the actual mortality numbers in two weeks, THEN make a decision?
This is madness.
The writing is on the wall. Unlikely school will reopen this semester at all. If you have kids and need child care, it helps to know in advance so arrangements can be made. All essential workers suddenly needing child care really puts them in a bind.
Schoools out for Winter. No more pencils,no more books, nomore teachers dirty looks.
J d are private care still in business?
No. They were ordered closed. But even if they were open, good luck trying to get a slot. And if you do, it’s about $350 a week per child.
This link has a real time counter for deaths. It updates totals at midnight MST but if you refresh it updates the red actual ones.
The red ones are the new ones since midnight MST. The ones that do not have new deaths have just not updated yet. Just went up 4 American deaths in 5 minutes. Scary stuff. Put this in your favorite places and check it every few hours.
Why social distancing and quarantine still matter
It still helps A LOT,
In this case I hope it actually IS Trump’s fault:
This “relief bill” is a travesty! It also includes $350 million for migrants & refugees, $0 for ICE & border patrol. Americans should be outraged. Mr. Soros has just won the battle. Venezuela, here we come. The debt load on this country is beyond staggering.
A sickening waste of
Money for the most part with some help for the workers and businesses but set up to encourage layoffs because you make more unemployed in many cases with the 600 add on. And more free cash for the welfare rats
Right you are, Joe.
And this legislation came out of the Senate! No wonder they are keeping the bill under wraps – it sucks big time!
I hope McConnell retires – he’s got dual loyalties to China (wife Elaine Chao, Sec of Transp., family ties to biz in China) and the globalists. Traitors, all of them. Trump has been boxed into a corner.
Yeah, man, the Senate can pass the thing all by itself, yo. All McConnell’s fault, obviously.
When did they stop teaching civics in this town?
Seems like these politicians are practicing “common sense distancing “. Another taxpayers giveaway.
Why should people that don’t work get a check for $1,200 plus $500 for each minor child? I am all for helping those laid off, and for the businesses, but not more free cash for those that don’t deserve it. But millions wasted on Kennedy Center and many other things. This will go down in history as a bigger boondoggle than Obamas wasteful economic rescue plan, that was a collossal waste.
Talk about extortion! How dare Pelosi demand money for the Kennedy Center and other non-virus issues. Hope all you Dems are proud of her!
Have to keep the big donors who attend the Kennedy Center happy. Un F’N real . After all, they are the politicians and family’s life line while in office and afterwards.
And she wants to increase free groceries 15 percent in phase 4
Up over 70 cases now Berkshires – just in case Tyer won’t tell you.
and that is with minimal testing. We don’t even want to know the real numbers. But reality will be more obvious in a few short days good luck
But what’s the mortality rate?? CDC data shows under 1.4%! Of course, in New York, which is now only testing hospital staff & emergency providers – that rate will probably skyrocket due to fewer tested. Madness, I tell you!
1.5%. So far 1031 deaths in US, 68,572 cases. About 35,000 dead from flu last season, about 60,000 season before
They are lining up refrigerator trucks at NYC hospital to use as temporary morgues. But if Hannity and Beck say it is a hoax then I have to believe them. Why would they lie? HUH??
Ain’t nutting on her useless corona web site bout dis
Good ole vitamin C to the rescue….
Chinese flu, downgraded in UK….
“The amount of the damage the Chinese dictatorship has done to its own people and by letting the epidemic get out of control and turn into a pandemic – and the amount of damage it has done to people around the world – is stunning.
One courageous (and maybe foolish) Chinese businessman, Ren Zhiqiang, wrote a direct critique of the Communist dictatorship, saying: “Those who live in a democratic country with freedom of speech perhaps don’t know the pain of the lack of a free press and free expression. But Chinese people know that this epidemic and all the unnecessary suffering it brought came directly from a system that strictly prohibits the freedom of press and speech.”
The New York Times reported on March 14 that Ren Zhiqiang is missing. ”
By Newt Gingrich
There is going to be a profound reckoning for all the stupidity around how this was handled and that will be thousands and thousands of deaths. Anyone reading CNN could have seen this coming two months out. Most of Europe is under total lockdown – the U.K. reports it may last 6 months ( Other societies are much more unified. It seems like the US will rip itself itself apart from selfishness and ignorance.
Are you kidding about CNN? The only thing that was on CNN two months out was the impeachment of the President 24/7.
Took from Friday to Thursday to hear, but I’ll take it.
Good to hear. So you must have had pretty bad symptoms to get the test though? Cuz I know someone who felt he had strong symptoms and was told not only no test but “go back to work and stay away from people”.
Yes, and the whole issue with the lack of tests. Not enough of them. Not enough people tested. People can be infected with no symptoms, the majority, in fact, and then infect others.
Actually, I pushed this because pulm was only interested in COVID-19. OK, if that’s all you care about, then I’d better be tested.
WHO (World Health Organization) just gave President Trump huge praise for his handling of the China virus.
they also said America may become the epic center of the Corona virus
Meaning that first it was China with the most deaths and then Italy. France and Spain have many more deaths from the virus than we do, but that makes sense because Europe is 3-4 weeks ahead of our country in being infected. It was people coming back from Germany, France, Spain, and England who spread it here. People from China spread it to Europe.
Did I hear this correctly on the news – that MA casinos are reopening on April 7th?
If that is correct……why are schools closed until May 4th?
Cuz there not-gambling.
If the Guv is so concerned about the elderly and the Chinese Flu – why will the casinos be allowed to reopen? Casinos are magnets for the retired. I assume the casino restaurants will also be opening? Will our area restaurants be allowed to open? Then why not SCHOOLS?
YA! What about the SCHOOLS?! Mr. FRITZ wants to know about the SCHOOLS. explain it to him gov. he can’t figure it out.
You heard it wrong
They originally shut down for two weeks, with a re-evaluation at that time. They can extend it anytime before that or on that day. I would suspect it too will be extended to May.
Warning for those with HIV/AIDS although some treatments for COVID-19 include HIV/AIDS drug cocktails you are in an EXTREMELY high risk group for death.
Be extremely careful, the death rate among those with HIV/AIDS is fast approaching 80%.
Please be careful.
And the idiots at Bard College at Simon’s Rock want to let kids back into school
GREAT BARRINGTON — Bard College at Simon’s Rock officials publicly announced on Monday that an employee has tested positive for the coronavirus, the school’s first confirmed case.
“In line with guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the employee has been self-isolating at home for two weeks and reports they are feeling much better. We wish them all the best as they continue to recover,” officials wrote in a memo shared with its campus community and on its website.
Love the plural pronouns “they” and “them” to refer to a singular employee. Politically correct dunces.
I guess the Eagle Op-Ed page is right. After watching yesterday’s propaganda session, I did some research.
I found that Trump is actually the child of Adolf and Eva; Dr. Mengele brought the zygote to Argentina with him. So Donnie actually “born” in Uruguay and adopted by Trump Sr.
I also found that Dr. Birx was the real-life inspiration for Regen in “The Exorcist,” and Dr. Fauci the devil that possessed her. Now I see the satanic messaging coming from Fauci’s eyes. How did I ever miss it?
Regen also presaged a demon named Reagan coming to power in the the evil 1980s.
Pence actually the descendant of the intermarriage between Mussolini relations and those of Franco. Not clear how Pence has no Spanish or Italian features whatsoever, but it is speculated that there was some genetic fiddling to control for those traits, you know, to throw us off the trail from hell.
Is any clear on this stimulus thingy? If you collected Social Security and paid taxes on it do you or do you not get a bag of free money from the Feds?
You get it-whether you paid or not. What’s with side by side fishing on the causeway today? Where’s the harbor Master-bait. Every idiot in the county was running loose today.poor cops…?
City ain’t enforceing diddly squat except parking
Thank You Socialist Republic Don and Nancy. How did we not know this virus would not hit us the Mr. President. YOU DID TELL TWO hundred plus million people it would blow over in two weeks?Take a long walk.
After stealing the art from the public and selling it, the last museum that should furlough anyone is the Berkshire Museum. That vision, gone. They could pay their employees for decades off of just the earned income from their $55 million theft.
I’m sure she’d Rodgers is getting paid.
Berkshire Museum
Jeff Rodgers, executive director, said the Pittsfield museum furloughed five or six employees whose jobs could not be done remotely, after it closed to visitors earlier this month. Like others, he is trying to prepare for a closing that lasts for three to six months, or even a year.
Meantime, Rodgers said staff members are creating video content for its website in an effort to remain connected with patrons, particularly families with children out of school. One such piece features the museum’s 70-year-old tortoise. Staff have been equipped with video gear at home.
“I think we’re starting to get the hang of it,” Rodgers said. “We see this as a support to the community. None of us knows how long this is going to last. In my mind, we’re all in this together, we don’t know for how long, and the museum has to be part of the solution.”
Love the reference to the art theft, because that’s what it was.
The museum will probably get a bailout from the mayor.
And she’ll make it a twofer and give Hancock Shaker village another mill
Maybe the Eagle could use its site and social networks to warn NYers not to go shopping and infect us? Nah.