(FORTRESS OF SOLITUDE, THE WEEKEND EDITION NOV. 6-8, 2020) — One things is clear: Nothing is clear.
We still don’t know and may not for some time.
The worst of all possible outcomes occurred on Election Day, which, regardless of who comes out ahead (no one will finish “on top”), has served but one purpose only: A poorly designed field experiment to prove and measure the incredible, perhaps unbendable chasms that have fractured and broken the Divided States of America. This was an election that gave birth to this new country, the DSA. For most of the years prior to the creation of the DSA, Election Day was definitive. Americans went to the poll and that same night knew its new leader and, if a supporter, welcomed him, and if in opposition, accepted him as president for all Americans.
Veni. Voti. Vici. You came, you voted, you conquered.
That type of Election Day is history.
We had previews of the present chaos in 2000 and 2004 when George W. Bush and his team stole elections from Al Gore and John Kerry in Florida and Ohio, respectively. Bush-Gore went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court, which decided along party lines 5-4 in favor of “W.” That’s another good one of this politically disconsolate era: The Supremes, who are supposed to be judicially neutral, now judged along ideological lines. The Bush debacles seemed to be “one-offs” after Barack Obama obliterated John McCain and Mitt Romney, and Donald Trump trumped Hillary Clinton. The electoral outcomes weren’t close.
And that’s what THE PLANET was hoping for this time, a definitive result, one way of the other. It truly didn’t matter to us which side won, which is why we voted for neither of the two major political parties. Had Biden won in a laugher, we would be with our Syracuse bud laughing with him. If the President cleaned Joe’s Timex, we would have been there like John Cameron Swayze, counting the seconds.
Hoping, though we never expected it.
Trump v. Joe Biden is so close the results have enough room on Gillette’s edge to go camping, and that’s what it will be doing. Biden inches closer to the magic 270-count but does Trump. Truth is, both sides still have paths to victories, with Biden’s more apparent. It may come down to who has the better lawyers and enough money to keep this monster alive in the courtroom, Donald Trump’s second home. If it goes that far, Biden is playing on the road.
Because of the close vote totals in a “cupola-three” states that Biden “won” with a last-minute surge from “found” mail-in ballots, that “life” will be hard to abort.
Everyone, including Amelia Earhart and Judge Crater, knew the moment mail-in ballots were broadcast in blanket fashion to millions who had not requested them there would be this trouble. The ballots were centrally authorized by the USA federal election commission but subject to fill-out and return according to various state rules. In Pennsylvania, for example, the rules were changed after the fact in a case that went all the way to the Supreme Court.
The Supremes split 4-4 on that case, which allowed Pennsylvania to add another three days, three days in which nearly all the new votes went to Biden.
The Pennsylvania ruling will almost certainly reach the Supremes again. The difference is that this time, the court back at its full complement of nine members with new justice Amy Coney Barrett. A tie will not happen again. Similar mail-in discrepancies in Georgia and Nevada, all favoring Biden, have raised serious legal questions, the Trump’s lawyers have pounced.
When the radioactive dust settles, a change of one of these states will flip the results and determine the presidency. It could again, as it did in 2000, go to the Supremes, and we know how that will turn out. Even if Biden gets to 270 electoral votes, keep in mind the electors do not meet to cast votes until next month, and after that, it goes to Congress for certification, where VP Mike Pence hold the tiebreaker. The avenues of appeal to Trump’s legal team seem endless.
As we said, it was the last thing THE PLANET was hoping for … but the very thing for which we prepared.
The birth of a new nation: The DSA.
No matter how you play it, the “winner” of this election will have a rough ride, with half the country against him and determined to harass him every step of the way. You think gridlock and partisan petulance has been bad up to now? Baby, we’re digging’ Bachman-Turner Overdrive: You ain’t seen nuttin’ yet.
In other random post-Election Day affairs:
- China had the coolest foreign reaction to the chaos. It said an election is strictly an internal matter. Its foreign ministry said: “[China] does not have a position on this issue.” Talk about playing poker.
- Turnout was the highest in 120 years, with 67%. (1900, 73.7%). Still one in every three Americans didn’t bother. They are the ones who will decid this outcome.
- The GOP confounded the “experts” and the polls, holding the Senate and gaining in the House. The Washington Post: “Congressional Democrats awoke to a political debacle.”
- Democrats did best with blacks, Republicans with Latinos. Alexandria Ocascio Cortez: “The Biden camp doesn’t consider Latinos part of their road to victory.” Uh-oh: AOC’s already firing live ammo at Syracuse Joe, portending the role she, the Squad, and presumptive VP Kamala Harris will play should Joe win the big enchilada. They will be to Biden what Dick Cheney and Co. were to “W.”
- If Syracuse Joe does win, with Harris and the Squad steering the ship radically left and with a Senate majority loaded for bear, he will learn the meaning of the warning: “Be careful what you wish for.”
- With the outcome now in thanks of the lawyers, the “winner” will be the one who can cheat the best. Stealing and theft may not pay elsewhere, but for the presidency, the returns are amazing.
In the DSA, it’s becoming more difficult to “root” for anyone. Mary Jane and Joe Kapanski realize that they’re in it alone, and it’s every person for themselves — the opposite of what Jerry Packard and THE PLANET were hoping.
Nonetheless, hope is still a miraculous word.
Have a great weekend everybody.
“Even Beethoven’s explorations couldn’t wring out all the possibilities if C minor, or haven’t you listened to “Pathetique?” — Sir Donald Turpentine.
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Secret service agents recently assigned to Biden have filed 6 reports indicating that Biden became “highly agitated, hostile, and physically combative” with two members of his secret service detail.
Biden reportedly pushed an agent with his hand, poked another agent in the chest with his finger numerous times and screamed at him. It seemed that Biden didn’t know or forgot that the agents were part of his security detail.
On three occasions in the last month Biden was reported to have inappropriately “caressed” one his female secret service agents, touching her face, rubbing her arm and lower back, and calling her “sweet cakes”.
I pledge allegiance to the banana of the Sundered States of America,
and to whatever it stands for,
a divided oligarchy under money, irredeemable,
with Twitter and Fakebook for all.
Romney just stated nothing will change in the Senate. S S needs an overhaul and Corporations need tax incentives. Better get the Senate Joe. Otherwise Omar and A O C won’t have as much leverage.
For the people who voted for Biden just to get Trump out of office.
The clown in the White House just brokered two Middle East Peace Accords, something that 71 years of political intervention and endless war failed to produce.
The buffoon in the White House is the first president that has not engaged us in a foreign war since Eisenhower.
The clown in the White House has had the greatest impact on the economy, bringing jobs, and lowering unemployment to the Black and Latino population of ANY other president. Ever.
The buffoon in the White House has exposed the deep, widespread, and long-standing corruption in the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, and the Republican and Democratic parties.
The buffoon in the White House turned NATO around and had them start paying their dues.
The clown in the White House neutralized the North Koreans, stopped them from developing a further nuclear capability, sending missiles toward Japan, and threatening the West Coast of the US.
The clown in the White House turned our relationship with the Chinese around, brought hundreds of business back to the US, and revived the economy. Hello!!!!!!!
The clown in the White House has accomplished the appointing of three Supreme Court Justices and close to 300 Federal Judges.
This same clown in the White House lowered your taxes, increased the standard deduction on your IRS return from $12,500 for Married Filing Joint to $24,400 and caused your stock market to move to record levels over 100 times, positively impacting the retirements of tens of millions of citizens.
The clown in the White House fast-tracked the development of a COVID Vaccine – it will be available within weeks – we still don’t have a vaccine for SARS, Bird Flu, Ebola, or a host of diseases that arose during previous administrations.
The clown in the White House rebuilt our military which the Obama administration had crippled and had fired 214 key generals and admirals in his first year of office.
This clown in the White House uncovered widespread pedophilia in the government and in Hollywood, and is exposing world wide sex trafficking of minors and bringing children home to their families.
The clown in the White House works for free and has lost well over 2 billion dollars of his own money in serving – and done all of this and much more in the face of relentless undermining and opposition from people who are threatened because they know they are going to be exposed as the criminals that they are if he is re-elected.
I got it, you don’t like him. Many of you utterly hate and despise him. How special of you. He is serving you and ALL the American people. What are you doing besides calling him names and laughing about him catching the China virus ?????
And please educate me again as to what Biden has accomplished for America in his 47 years in office?
I’ll take a ‘clown’ any day versus a fork tongued, smooth talking hypocritical corrupt liar. Please let it be known, I am not sure I would want to have a beer with him (if he drank, which he doesn’t) or even be his friend. I don’t care if I even like him. I want a strong leader who isn’t afraid to kick some ass when needed. I don’t need a fatherly figure – I already have one. I don’t need a liar – that’s what Hollywood and CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS and the New York Times are for.
I don’t need someone to help me, but I also don’t want an obstacle or a demented, senile washed-up Swamp Monster.
God bless Donald Trump – the most unappreciated President in history.
Rudy is on Fox. Much voter fraud he states.
Dead people voting.
Nancy Pelosi has an interest in the company that owns the software that was systematically flipping Trump votes to Biden votes – 6,000 have been proven already to have been flipped in these already tight races No only where they messing with President Trump’s votes, but several Republicans and also Democrats they didn’t want to get elected.
If all these dad people voted, and there are all these fake ballots and software programs designed to cheat, why did the Democrats do so poorly in the House and Senate races. Oh, let me guess, it was part of the strategy to make it look good. It’s over, Biden is President, time to move on. Trump can cry and whine all he wants, but in the end it won’t matter.
Oh you mean like the Dems cried and whined for the last 4 years, but that wasn’t enough, they also schemed and plotted to take him down.
Many people coming forward saying they were told to backdate mail-in ballots by their supervisors in the post office since the post office became the new election center with these mail-in ballots. So many dead people voted and even registered to vote after they had died. The vote counting machines went silent on election night, something that has never happened while the Democrats created mail-in ballots to make up the difference using algorithms. At the same time they began removing vote count watchers.
Which is why Trump is challenging the results. I am all for counting every LEGAL vote but no illegal ones.
Biden is going to get us into one foreign policy mess after another. The far left hates Israel and they will undo all the good President Trump has done with these Peace Agreements. This guy isn’t even elected yet and he is heading the world toward chaos with bringing back the Iran Agreement.
One of the biggest load of crap I ever read. About the only accurate things are the Judges he appointed and the taxes he lowered. I wonder if he’s in the White House now writing a love letter to Kim Jong Un telling him how much he’s going to miss him. What an embarrassment to the country.
No, you’re getting that mixed up. Joe is writing a letter to the Chinese leader telling him how much Joe and his family miss all that Chinese money and can they strike a deal?
Bravo, Angina!
I completely agree!
So true. God bless President Trump in this difficult time. He has been so unappreciated and has always only wanted the best for the people of this country.
Dan’s blog continues to perform the critical function of expressing the voice of all points of view. Without this expression of free speech we are truly in trouble. The results of an election show us on which side the chips fly most at this critical juncture.
Four years from now the results may well reveal that most voters don’t agree with the agenda of the party in power. But for now we can see that most voters want Trump’s style and agenda to be gone. Four years from now it may well shift back. Trump backers don’t want to accept the legitimacy of this election, and Biden backers are not happy about accepting the results of the 2016 election, and may be unhappy with the results of the 2024 election.
But we must recognize that these election tugs-of-war reveal to us how the US polity feels at any given point, and we must accept and support the legitimacy of our political process.
It is not the end of the world — we will all do just fine. The reason we are a successful republic, and not a failed republic, is that we accept the outcome of our political process. We are in real trouble is when we do not respect the outcome of our election process. If we do not accept the results of our process, we become one of the banana republics that we are so quick to denounce.
Thanks, JERRY. I created THE PLANET first as a writing experiment. It caught on and has become what you say and what I intended from the outset — to provide a forum that allows ALL points of view. Free speech is one of the safeguards of truly representative government. The press should fill that vital function by serving as a channel, literally a medium, through which We The People can be heard. Lately locally the press has walked away from that responsibility, shutting down avenues of expression and reducing political discussion to only one side. This site is strategically contrarian to offer some balance. Other outlets (the Eagle, iBerkshires, Mass Live, the radio stations) have curtailed live, real-time comment and feedback, claiming they are too hard to monitor. THE PLANET can tell you that it does require time and resources to police a site to keep it full-throated while keeping out maliciousness and the “mayhemic” cases. But it can be done.
When I first began this 10 years ago, I decided then and there to allow comments. In my due diligence on how to run, operate, and maintain a successful blog, I had experts on both sides — yes, allow. That’s one of the advantages of going online … no, don’t allow. It will turn into a nightmare. I chose to allow and have kept that decision. I have had to invest in many technical safeguards and upgrades to maintain comments and still be able to to a reasonably good job with monitoring them. If this one-man band can do it, there’s NO EXCUSE for local media not to do it, except if it’s actually part of their strategic plans to limit, discourage, and even shut-down free speech. I am still optimist enough to believe in the watchdog function of a free press, the Fourth Estate that keeps tabs on what the other three are doing. THE PLANET stands pretty much alone in that regard, as well, locally. We leave the local mainstream press to whitewashes bad doings, print the press releases and puffery. We prefer to question, probe, dig, ala Ambrose Bierce and H.L. Mencken. We do it as our form of public service, my contribution as a citizen. Citizen is a role I take seriously, and, as Pericles said long ago, “citizen” is the highest “office” holder in any democracy (as I said, I’m an optimist).
Your comment gets to the heart of America’s greatest strength and its most open weakness: reaction to electoral outcomes. We accept those outcomes, but when there are major concerns about the integrity and honesty of the electoral process, acceptance becomes a different question, as it did in 2000, 2004, 2016, and 2020. Elections take the temperature of the country. Right now, we are running a fever.
The behavior from the Democrats from the election of Donald Trump and even before his election is not normal. You don’t need to explain the psychology of how these elections work. We know that and I myself have lived through numerous election cycles so have much more experience than younger people as to how this works. The coordinated attempts to remove President Trump from office and destroy his character as well as the character of all Trump voters has been terrible for our country and dangerous. Banana Republics are brought about by elections being meaningless due to corruption and fraud and a media that is in bed with one political party and believes that they should use their power to choose political candidates and not the people.
Your about 4 years too late sir.
November 8, 2020
Hello Patrick Fennell,
In response to your letter, below, I believe Donald Trump should concede to the election results. The will of the voting public has spoken in favor of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. In every election, there are always cases of voter fraud.
The Biden Crime Family also bothers me to no end. Biden spent nearly 5 decades as a career politician in Washington, D.C.’s Capitol Hill and Obama White House. Biden and his family members are all worth tens of millions of dollars each. The math does not add up! Where did all of the Biden Crime Family’s tens of millions of dollars come from? What deals were made? How will it impact our country’s government and policies?
Hunter Biden is a horrible man. He is a crack cocaine addict. He spent a lot of money on drugs and sex workers over the years. He lied to a Judge about a young college woman, who worked as a stripper, who he impregnated. After a court-ordered paternity test, Hunter Biden (who is now 50-years-old) was the father of the young woman’s baby. Hunter Biden made tens of millions of dollars overseas by using his father, Joe Biden’s, name and political connections. Hunter Biden reportedly slept with Russian prostitutes who may have been sex trafficked. Hunter Biden’s first wife wrote in her divorce papers that Hunter Biden did not leave her with sufficient funds to care for her and their 3 children because Hunter Biden was a crack cocaine addict who spent his money on drugs, sex workers, and the like. Hunter Biden has at least 5 children from at least 3 women.
Joe Biden should not be defending his last surviving son, Robert Hunter Biden. Instead, Joe Biden should explain his connections with his son’s overseas business dealings and serious and problematic behavioral issues. Last night, when Joe Biden spoke to the country as President-elect, Hunter Biden was standing on stage with him. I watched Joe Biden give his son Hunter Biden a hug.
What kind of example does the Biden Crime Family set for American politics? They are worth tens of millions of dollars without any reasonable explanation for their wealth, and Hunter Biden is a total scumbag who helped enrich his father, who will soon be the 46th U.S. President.
Best wishes,
Jonathan Melle
If Joe Biden really wants to unite the United States of America he needs to make all fifty states open and update the voting lists, make sure all ballots turned in are legal and arrest anyone who violated election laws. He can make this happen if he really wants to unify this broken country. Remember the democrats have allowed encouraged this Great Country to be divided. The DNC have encouraged looting, assaults, vandalism and censorship, (The Berkshire County MSM blocks conservative views and goes as far as banning letters and comments). Antifa and BLM are well funded and violent and allowed to destroy cities.
So Joe if you want to unify the US, start cleaning up the DNC and their terrorists friends first. Joe prove this 2020 election was 100% honest and all ballots are legitimist, and why Joe Frazier voted (He died in 2011).
So Joe if you want us to believe you and follow you lead by example, (our mansions make many of us suspicious) five decades in ‘Public Service’ make us wonder where your millions come from. Explain your family’s millions, we all know books can be cooked and bag men and women are in play.
After fifty years of being a corrupt politician why should we believe or follow you now?
Patrick Fennell
Planet Bulletin…….. …….. What is deceased? Alex Trebek. Loved Alex. Amanda….
Thumbs up for Patrick’s letter, thumbs down for Marxist Melle’s response.
Melle, when you vote for a corrupt lifetime politician like Biden – then you’re part of the problem!!
I d K maybe I’m stupid but did Biden say he was for every American? Then retorted Teachers and Blacks are his priority?
The Senate will go to the Democrats I’m sad to say. Mitch will be stripped of his power and Lindsey Graham is screwed also. Schumer did say after the S C Nomination Republicans will-pay for that. This is why they’re ( lefties) are) glamorizing Abrams,she did get a ton of support for Biden. Georgia will be very interesting.its a Big Deal.
So John why do you continue to be and vote as a Democrat
I guess I’m the only one mentioning this but right when the fireworks show was starting,Biden was startled and flinched as though he was under attack? Haven’t seen anything on this incident.
At least George Soros is saving money. He doesn’t have to pay for all the riots that would have resulted if Trump had won.
Oh no our vibrant and dynamic community is in a little bit of trouble.
First off our little Covid problem is getting bigger faster than we can handle. It’s ok because BHS is on the case, and by that they are so slow on processing tests most will be dead or on the mend before they know if they had Covid.
Silver linings people silver linings.
We’ve got trouble in Pittsfield city and it starts with P as in Payroll Protection Program.
That whole payroll protection program and free money for struggling businesses is sort of hurting us now. The Federal Govt is investigating some fraud in out little hamlet and they are bypassing the local DA. I guess if you received money from multiple sources and didn’t declare it on the forms when you applied, that’s fraud.
You know if you have a one person entertainment business and you got over $35k in money and your next receipts for the prior year were inflated that could be a Problem. If you’re a small coffee shop and used PPP money but didn’t say you had go fund me fund raiser going and then you laid off employees and didn’t pay them, you know, payroll. That’s a problem.
Don’t worry though, we are going to run a new scam, I mean program, to give money to slumlords, I mean developers, so they can buy boats, I mean renovate, their commercial, I mean residential properties.
Hey the password this week for the Methuselah speak easy is SKANK.
Toodles for now.
This should be fun. The virus was Trump’s fault. He blew it. Yea, yea. Now Scranton, Pa. Joe will solve all our problems. Former Colgate baseball coach, Red O’Hara came from Scranton, Pa. Yes, Joe’s home town. My coach, Red O’Hora, good guy, lousy coach. In 1955 we did go to the Omaha, Nebraska College World Series. To get there Colgate beat eastern powers Ithaca and Penn State. At the nationals the winner was Wake Forest University, and our first game they beat us 1 – 0. Larry Bossidy pitched for Colgate in this game. Yes, that is Pittsfield’s Larry Bossidy. Next game we beat So. California with the great relief pitching pitching of Pittsfield’s Larry. Colgate then lost to Oklahoma A & M University. With 2 tournament losses we were sent home This was okay. At that time Colgate with 1300 students had a great run. So.Cal had 35.000 students and Oklahoma A&M had 25, 000 students. Wake Forest University enrolled 7,000 students. We, that is, Colgate, had 1300 students. Thanks to the great pitching of Pittsfield’s Larry Bossidy we had a great tournament. Making it there for the first and only time in Colgate’s history was remarkable. Hard to believe a couple of PHS graduates were important players on Colgate’s one and only championship baseball team. Coaches Fox and Hickey were very proud.
The Larry Bossidy pitching chronicles.
Great story, CHUCK. Did Larry hurt his arm? He had big league stuff.
Info wars eh? Nothing like credible journalism from the guy that said Sandy Hook was a hoax.
Sidney Powell: “We’ve Identified At Least 450,000 Ballots In The Key States That Miraculously Only Have A Mark For Joe Biden On Them & No Other Candidate”
While young people were destroying Trump dolls during their Biden election celebrations yesterday, their fearless leader Biden is going to be implementing mandatory mask wearing as soon as you step out your door and you will be fined if you do not wear one. More rules to be coming comrades. All that lack of social distancing yesterday with the youth of the country, well you may not be doing it again anytime soon once Biden is elected. We are headed for a seriously authoritarian country. Lots of freedoms will be lost from this Biden presidency.
Can we talk about the Pittsfield Democrats stealing the Kapinski’s cash with this $500,000.00 “home improvement economic development” plan the mayor and council are illegally pushing through! If giving cash back to residents is an economic engine why not lower everyone’s taxes
Because Democrats never lower taxes. They only raise them.